#Best confidence coach Jan Deelstra
jandeelstra · 5 years
Peeling Back the Masks to Reveal YOUR Beautiful Authentic Self
Peeling Back the Masks to Reveal YOUR Beautiful Authentic Self
Not only because it’s October, and that makes it pretty easy to segue into anything about masks and monsters, and even about “energies” and the “unexplained,” but also because it’s been wonderfully rewarding to connect with those of you who got in on the first round of 90 minute Monster Chasing Sessions, that I am opening space on calendar for 3 more. These Monster Chasing Sessions are usually…
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jandeelstra · 6 years
Celebrating Equinox (with a handful of hankies!)
Celebrating Equinox (with a handful of hankies!)
I am in the Northern Hemisphere, so today brings the promise of warmth and sunshine following a long cold season. It also brings itchy sneezy sinus challenges, but it’s well worth it! I much prefer the Spring season to what I perceive to be the dreaded onset of winter….
Every season has its own special magnificence. But Spring in the Northern Hemisphere brings the promise of new life, rebirth of…
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jandeelstra · 6 years
Playing Dress Ups with Albert and Oprah
Playing Dress Ups with Albert and Oprah
With a promised nod to Halloween, the blog posts in October are supposed to be connected to the masks we wear, so I think it might be a fun challenge to tie in the pre-launch of Awaken the Goddess Connection to Co-Create the Life You Desire and Deserve with a bit of masquerade play….
One of the components to the Awaken the Goddess Connection to Co-Create the Life You Desire and Deserve  is that…
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jandeelstra · 6 years
New Moon Manifesting
Farmers have known for hundreds of years, that when seed are planted under the new moon energy, they offer more bounteous crops. Businesses that start under the new moon have a 75% higher chance of success. Hair cut under the new moon grows faster than that of hair cut under a full moon phase. The evidence of luna’s effect on everything from crops to business success to hair growth are…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
If you feel scarcity in any area of your life, read this...
If you feel scarcity in any area of your life, read this…
If you feel scarcity in any area of your life, read this..because there is a cause and a solution, and both are contained in this post. Yes, there is a scarcity cure!
Curious? Read on….
There are core areas of your life that reflect your self image in the same way your vanity mirror reflects your face. Your romantic life, your bank balance, your happiness stash, your creativity pool, and your…
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jandeelstra · 7 years
In 2018 Will You Live by Chance or by Choice?
The first week of a new year is energized with the frequency of opportunity. The dust of 2017 is settling, and the pathway to new destinations is unfolding…. The question is, will that path be consciously chosen, or will it be another year of default living? As I’m writing this, it occurs to me that whatever I write to you, I also write to myself. I breathe into this truth that it’s time to sit…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
What DO You Really, Really Want?
What DO You Really, Really Want?
Since 1984, women have been showing up in my practice with a malady of discontent that swings from a consistent low-grade gnawing to a debilitating feeling of worthlessness. Regardless of the severity of the feelings of discontent, the remedy to the malady starts always with answering one question: What DO you really want?
Discontent manifests as a result of a separation of your authentic self.…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
It's time to write that life changing book....
It’s time to write that life changing book….
It’s time to write that life changing book….
My cherished colleague, Lisa Tener is generously offering a free webinar to inspire and encourage you to finally write that book that’s inside of you.
Even if you already have a notebook full of ideas for your book, it’s hard to know where to start, or to feel confident that your book idea has the “right stuff” to attract readers and make a…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
Letting Go of "Can't" and Utilizing Clarity
Letting Go of “Can’t” and Utilizing Clarity
Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay
This time of year, many of us start to dream about what we want. We look around and something that we don’t like inspires us to want more of something different. That dislike is where change takes place. And this point where we notice what we don’t want is where the start of manifesting anything. We may even take the next step to determine our goals for the…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
If You Have a Money Resolution Start Here
If You Have a Money Resolution Start Here
A new year is a great time for both letting go of whatever no longer supports you and for achieving new goals. And a new decade is an even better slate for creating some lasting changes in your life. Unfortunately, although 60% of those polled admit to setting a new year resolution, only 8% actually achieve their goal. And of those who set resolutions, many admit to failing before the end of…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
2020 Vision
Image by Afishera from Pixabay
Now that the magic of the holidays is in the past, gifts are unwrapped, delivered (and some returned) and the door to 2019 has closed, have you taken a moment to determine what is your 2020 vision? As we pass thru the doorway into a new decade with one eye on the lessons and experiences brought by the last ten years and simultaneously on the potentials for the…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
MONSTER Meet and Greet
MONSTER Meet and Greet
A Heads Up, This May be Your Last Chance to get in on the MONSTER HUNT COACHING SESSIONS
Did you see the previous post about MONSTER HUNT COACHING SESSIONS? If you’ve already been lucky enough to get in on the special, congrats. The number of available sessions are almost completely filled up!
If you haven’t gotten in on the once-in-a-lifetime deal, you can click hereto go to that original page…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
On Thursdays, I like to seek out thoughtful quotes, or stories. Maybe it’s just the alliteration of, “Thoughtful Thursdays” that I like. Or maybe it’s an excuse to slow down and get grounded in a phrase or story that inspires me to stop and think.
It’s far too easy to get caught up in posting on social media, and working on up-coming courses, and coaching clients, and marketing books and services and answering emails…. So on Thursdays, I make it a point to sit down with an inspiring ‘something’ and put my feet up as I contemplate whatever is in front of me.
Today, as I was searching for some inspirational quotes, Inspiring Words for Reflection: Quotes for Empowering Women (a collection of quotes that I compiled several years ago ) came up during my Google search. I was surprised to learn that, Inspiring Words for Reflection had made its way to Barnes & Noble, and not just to Amazon. That made me smile. I like finding my books outside of Amazon’s massive warehouses.
At any rate, I thought you might like to see a couple of the quotes I took from the first page of the book, a chapter on DREAMS. I’ve created the gallery above from some of the memes that I thought you might enjoy. Let me know if you have a favorite!
By the way, if you click on the individual images, they will enlarge so you can actually read them.  🙂
Whatever you do today, give yourself some quiet time to contemplate your life, with your feet up! xoxo
And in case you want a closer look, here’s the Amazon link for Inspiring Words for Reflection and here’s the Barnes & Noble link for Inspiring Words for Reflection Choice is good. (And this lovely little gem would make a great gift.)
PS~ If you know someone who would enjoy this content, please forward this!
  Dream Quotes and Time Out… On Thursdays, I like to seek out thoughtful quotes, or stories. Maybe it's just the alliteration of, "Thoughtful Thursdays" that I like.
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jandeelstra · 5 years
Sometimes a Goddess has to be a Warrioress
Sometimes a Goddess has to be a Warrioress
With more than a few decades under my belt as a woman, and with even more experiences of “what being being a woman means” than anyone could ever keep track of, I gotta say today that Sometimes a Goddess has to be a Warrioress. We all know it. But will we admit to those times when to sit by quietly with our hands folding demurely in our lap is not going to cut it? Sometimes enough is too much and…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
Why it's TIME YOU Embrace YOUR Feminine Powers (#Free Guide)
Why it’s TIME YOU Embrace YOUR Feminine Powers (#Free Guide)
There’s something in the air: It’s a pervasive fever that’s stirring the guts and hearts of women across the globe, waking them with a cosmic nudge to own their feminine powers like at no other time in history. The pendulum is making a wide sweep from the masculine paradigm and is re-entering the feminine arena where kindness, compassion, creativity, cooperation, and collaboration rule.
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jandeelstra · 5 years
#FREE: 8 Ways to Learn to Like Yourself and Live the Life You Desire and Deserve
#FREE: 8 Ways to Learn to Like Yourself and Live the Life You Desire and Deserve
When you like the person you are, making life choices becomes easier because you trust your own judgment. You recognize that you have the power to create whatever it is that you want for yourself and your family.
Try these strategies to raise your self-esteem:
Stay in tune with your thoughts. Notice when you’re thinking negatively about yourself. When you can identify the types of situations in…
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