#Best astrologer in Logan City
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jadevassr · 5 years ago
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Full Name: Jade Elena Vasser
Meaning of Name: Stone of the side
Nickname: n/a, Jadie but she doesn’t love it
Birth Date: September 27, 1998
Astrological Sign and Details: Libra sun Aries Moon
Birth Place: Ashfield, Massachusetts
Age: 21
Nationality: American
Race: White
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Wavy
Distinct Features of Face: Big eyes, small nose, American Girl doll teeth (lol)
Glasses or Contacts: No
Eye Color: Blue
Scars or Distinguishing Marks: n/a
Build or Body Type: slender
Height: 5′8
Weight: 120 lbs.
Speech Patterns: Stutters when she gets excited, sounds like Violet from the Incredibles
Tag Words: Any expletive
Gestures: Blinks a lot, talks with her hands, touchy
Weakness: Anything addictive
Mother: Martha Vasser
Father: David Vasser
Mother’s Occupation: Nurse
Father’s Occupation: Carpenter
Family Finances: Lower-class for most of her adolescence, doing just okay as of now
Birth Order: Youngest
Brothers: One - Logan Vasser
Other Close Family: Probably cousins!
Best Friend: UhhhHHHH
Other Friends: Winthrop and Kincaid students
Enemies: Everyone else
Pets: A stray cat named Marvin
Home Life During Childhood: She was a wild child! Oopsie! She constantly got into trouble and her parents never knew what the fuck to do. This is partly because of her mental illnesses. She had only gotten treated for ADHD as a child because of her hyperactivity, though her experience with medication fluctuates constantly. She very much didn’t care about school and was an Amma Preaker/tomboy type as a child and a wildcard as a teen.
Town or City Name(s) Where They’ve Live: Ashfield, MA
What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: Covered in posters and pictures and drawings. Trinkets everywhere.
Any Sports or Clubs: Yearbook, soccer for a year before she injured another girl on purpose.
Favorite Toy or Game: Furbies
Schooling: Ashfield High, currently at Yates
Favorite Subject: English, Art
Popular or Loner: Loner
Important Experiences or Events: Got sexual assaulted in the woods when she was 14 by a few boys, had a couple similar experiences while casually dating in high school. Accidentally burning a man alive when she burnt down an abandoned church house while she was having a bad acid trip.
Health Problems: Untreated mental illnesses. Most likely BPD.
Religion and beliefs: Agnostic
Bad Habits: Drinking, drugs, cigarettes, irregular sleep patterns
Good Habits: Creates often
Best Characteristic: Passionate
Worst Characteristic: Obsessive, off-putting
Worst Memory: See above
Best Memory: Being seven years old. Her childhood when her brother was her best friend.
Proud of: her art
Embarrassed by: her entire personality. She does not admit this.
Driving Style: Reckless but has a good record after mildly blackmailing the local cops via connections.
Attitude: Volatile. Often too eccentric. Generally energetic.
Fears: Losing control
Phobias: n/a
Secrets: See above
Regrets: See above
Feels Vulnerable When: she has to express her feelings with someone
Pet Peeves: Republicans, neoliberals, styrofoam, bad interior design, emails.
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Surviving
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Surviving
Sexuality: Bisexual
Exercise Routine: Skateboarding and eating shit
Day or Night Person: Both
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Music: Experimental/electronic, 90s indie rock, pop music, etc.
Foods: Pasta!
Drinks: Cherry coke, coffee
Animals: Tigers, red pandas
Color: Red
Clothing: Lots of colors, big t-shirts, switches between 70s to 90s to Y2K
Jewelry: Weird earrings, lots of rings
TV Shows: Lots of anime, Twin Peaks, The X Files, Love Island
Movies: Daisies, House, Carrie, American Honey
Greatest Want: To be understood
Greatest Need: A reality check and therapy <3
Favorite Possession: Her guitar
Significant Other Before: Fitz Montgomery (lol)
Relationship with Family: Civil... perhaps
Dream Career: Photographer/Artist
Dream Life: Travel around the world
Love Life: Confusing
Hobbies: Photography, drawing, making music, playing bass
Guilty Pleasure: Slim jims and gross energy drinks
Talents or Skills: This is random but she’s like very good at coding. She’s no programmer but this is something she picked up one time when she was bored. She’s also very good at (See Hobbies) and lying <3
Intelligence Level: Very smart! Surprisingly passionate but thinks academia is a scam
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Hells Cross Academy: Sanders sides AU
Hells Cross Academy is a school for the supernatural to go, whether it be demons, demigods, wolves, woodnyphs, elf's, or the undead, if your supernatural that's your one stop shop for education.
The giant castle is on the end of Hells Cross Valley, Connected to Cross Counter City. The school receives a significant amount of funding every year, and will continue to get more with the increasing halfling population.
In Hells Cross we have many classes such as potion making, magic, dark arts, science, arts, theater, computing, game design, English, Japanese, draconic, demonic, elvish, lycancy study, and may other wonderful programs.
Students from all around the globe and in the globe travel to the school for top notch education.
Our dorms are always in pristine conditions for both teachers and students to use! Dorms can hold up to 9 in a small community housing like room, as each room is about the size of a 4 bedroom apartment, and sharing is recommended by staff so the children may make friends with each other.
The communal dorm housing room has 2 bathrooms, 1 open space kitchen, 1 living area, 4 bedrooms with 2 inbuilt study areas and large walk in robes, and a storage room for those who may need it, such as witches and sorcerers.
Hells Cross Academy has a relaxed uniform policy while on school grounds, but the uniform is recommend for those who may be taking the built in train system to Cross Counter City or Hells Cross Valley.
Potion material collection is between 5-9 pm, those who wish to go at a custom time or early morning please speak with madam dragon witch, as she will accompany a small group out. Those who sneak out past curfew (half an hour past midnight) will be punished and put under house arrest.
The cafeteria is open from 4 am till 10 minutes before curfew, and custom orders are open. Please use your student allowance to buy food, and if you are having trouble please speak to some of our staff.
Your student allowance is 2000 a month, which is used for everything, from food to clothes to travel to replacing broken supplies. Students in the technology, fashion, theater, arts, music, and outer knowledge language departments shall be granted and extra 1000 if needed. Please use your allowance wisely.
If you run out of money there are many jobs you can get at Cross Counter City and you will be granted extra help for being a student at Hells Cross Academy.
If you have any remaining questions about your time here at our school please contact principal Thomas J. Sanders or Madam Draconia Wither (Dragon Witch). Thank you for your time and enjoy your education at Hells Cross Academy.
Orientation is mandatory and in 5 days (Monday).
- Principal Thomas J. Sanders & Vice principal Tallen Kat
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Virgil Blackwitch
She is the so called "Princess of Hells Cross High", a genderfluid shape shifter who loves causing mischief and slacking off. She changes his gender whenever they feel like it. Child of the queen of Hell, Lucifer. There father is a shape shifter so he is a half shape shifter. He always wears his crown due to missing home, but plays it off as showing off his power. After an encounter with Roman prince (see below) Virgil tends to stay far away from him. (I'll be drawing him when he feels like a boy as well don't worry)
Age: 16
Gender: genderfluid
Sexually: questioning
Team: Aspect
Likes: friends, spiders, mischief, hot coco.
Dislikes: Prince Pain! Studying, getting in trouble or caught causing trouble.
Proficiencies: most magic (black specifically), potion making, shape shifting, witch craft.
Familiar: spider named Charles.
Weapon: grim reaper scythe (a gift from his mother).
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Patton heart
Patton heart is the son of the grim reaper and is half human half reaper. He is best friends with Virgil and Logan. He puts on a nonthreatening appearance so people won't be so afraid of him. He is next in line in his family to be the grim reaper even though he doesn't want to, and is trying to make friends and enjoy life while he's here. He and Virgil have known each other since they where kids and there family is very close, they are best friends and Patton has a crush on Virgil. (normally wears a white hooded cape with a heart on the back, also he's covered in freckles but the app doesn't have a freckle option)
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexually: panromantic ace
Team: Aspect
Likes: helping people, colorful band aids, Virgil, friends
Dislikes: mean people, accidentally hurting people, spiders
Proficiencies: hand to hand combat, black, magic, social skills, most languages, animal communication
Familiar: a cat named purrline, a little ghost who's watching over Patton (sent by his father)
Weapon: family scythe, has a needle in his backpack he also uses.
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Roman prince
Roman is a celestial demi-god, his father is a half human half witch, while his mother is a celestial goddess. He came to the school on his parents request, and wants to marry Virgil, whom he believes is the person he's destined to marry from a prophecy he was told as a child. The prophecy in question was one where a heroic demi god born from the celestial goddess would join the sky's above and the depths below by defeating the evil prince born from the queen of hell with love, joining the two kingdoms in a peace treaty. He's very certain that Virgil is the one from the prophecy (and totally not because Virgil is super cute or anything nahhh). Hes very heroic and strong headed so he tends to act before thinking (ie. Proposing to Virgil in the middle of the hallway). He and the dragon witch do not get along to a point where its almost comical to watch them argue. His halo is actually a color humans and non celestial beings can't comprehend, thus it looks blue in the day and yellow at night, and it always glows. He wears his hair in a high bun (his hair goes a little past his shoulders when down).
Age: 17
Gender: bigender (agender and male)
Sexually: questioning
Team: Aspect
Likes: Virgil ♡, astrology, acting, singing, friends
Dislikes: being ignored, violence, spiders, the Dragon Witch!
Proficiencies: hand to hand combat, mele and sword fighting, white and light magic, astrology, all languages, most creative classes and skills.
Familiar: poko the pup (he changes from household pet to ferocious monster when need be)
Weapon: hero's sword (it's a regular sword he's had since he was a kid)
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Logan Crofter
Logan Crofter is half woodnymph half wearwolf (part witch). his mother is a woodnymph and his father is a half-witch infected with lycanthropy. nobody knew logans father had lycanthropy, not even Logan's father, and they didn't find out until Logan's mother was already pregnant. Logan didnt show signs of lycanthropy until age 12, when he grew ears and a tail over the course of a week. he has a crush on patton. Flowers grow from his hair and tail when he's emotional. He covers the scratch marks on his cheeks with bandaids Patton gives him. He hates most magic and supernatural courses. He sticks around his roommates because there the only people he really knows. He's anti social and has autism (aspergers).
Age: 15 (3 months off becoming 16)
Gender: questioning (thinking demi boy or trigender)
Sexually: homoromantic demisexual
Team: Aspect
likes: science, astronomy, plants, reading, Patton, some potion making.
Dislikes: loud noise, weed killer, cages, full moons, magic class
Proficiencies: english, maths, computing, literacy, gardening, animal communication, animal handling, beast training, witch craft.
Familiar: none
Weapon: his claws, plant life, or offensive magic (witch craft)
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Dolion Viper
Dolion Viper is the son of Dolos, his mother is a naga. He likes the others a lot. He doesn't like to mention the fact he's a demigod since he doesn't want people to be scared of him. He's not very social and sticks to the others. Most people call him Deceit since nobody but the group knows his real name. He tends to let his pet python penny rest around his shoulders when he goes out and is very rarely seen without her. He has a slight lisp when pronouncing the letter S, and gets embarrassed by it. His snake tail moves to convey how he's feeling, and he can use it like an extra arm. He has pointed elf like ears but he tends to wear a cat ear shaped beanie to hide them. He has a crush on everyone in the group and struggles to hide it, half of them know already. He wears his hair in a little pony tail.
Age: 17
Gender: gender fluid
Sexually: gay
Team: Esper (later moved to Aspect)
Likes: snakes, nature, painting, acting, friends, the others ♡
Dislikes: rude people, stereotypes, maths, cold weather
Proficiencies: animal handling, animal communication, beast training, dark arts, black magic, most creative classes and skills.
Familar: fox named Vixen, a 1'5 ft python named penny.
Weapon: multiple magical scissors, his tome.
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Remy Paralax
Remy Paralax is a half alicorn sandman. He likes manipulating peoples dreams and causing mischif. he can use magic from his horn and can manipulate/sit and sleep on clouds. he doesnt like when people pull on his tail or hair (especially his ponytail) and will try to smack you. His stomach, legs (knee's down), and random patches around his body are a soft lavender. He tends to hang out in the city more then on the school grounds, and despite never going through his school allowance, works at a coffee shop called madam espresso, he gets paid in free coffee. He likes Virgil's attitude and tends to hang around him. Alot of people refer to Remy as Virgil's lacky, despite Virgil absolutely despising that term since Remy is one of his best friends. He's pretty efficient with a bat and has a nasty hit if he manages to hit you, most of the time he'll knock your head off.
Age: 17
Gender: trigender (male, female, agender)
Sexually: pan
Team: currently waiting to be assigned one
Likes: coffee, starbucks, sleeping, dreams, mischif
Dislikes: being woken up, daylight, yelling, spicy things
Proficiencies: physical combat, hand to hand combat, mele combat, baseball, white magic, weather patterns, cooking, drawing, animal handling, animal communication, beast taming.
Familiar: enchanti the giant rabbit (sent by his mother to keep him out of trouble)
Weapon: baseball bat
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Emilie Pacini
Emilie Pacini is a unrestable spirit currently possesing a life sized doll. they love femmine clothing and lean more to the femminie side of the gender spectrum. Emilie isnt much of a fighter and as such only has magic to defend herself. he can posses other people with consent. He is on a waiting list to get a human body of a recently deceased, but its difficult because he's so young. He still ages (like all permanent spirits) and constantly has to modify the doll whenever he feels like she's supposed to grow, cut hair, adjust weight ect. But because of the limitations of the doll they can't be there actual weight, which tends to depress him slightly. She's training to become a nurse and knows a phenomenal amount of healing, calming, soothing, sleeping, ect. Magic, but knows very little combat magic. Absolutely hates people making fun of his appearance.
Age: 15 (16 in 1 month)
Gender: genderfluid (feels bigender male and female most of the time)
Sexuality: demisexual
Team: Esper (later moved to Aspect)
Likes: soft toys, disney, cartoons, puppets, friends
Dislikes: fire, sharp objects, salt, holy water, yelling
Proficiencies: white magic, healing magic, calming magic, music, woodwork/doll crafting, craft in general, medicine, psychology, biology, science, potion/medicine making.
Familiar: none
Weapon: none, uses magic to defend herself
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deethra-landry · 5 years ago
Meet Deet Evelyn Landry
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NAME: deethra evelyn landry ALSO KNOWN AS: deet AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: november 29th BIRTHPLACE: new orleans, louisiana, usa LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, french, haitian creole ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: sagittarius SPECIES: muggleborn GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her ORIENTATION: bisexual
PAST/BIO: deet was born in the heart of new orleans to a muggle family that had lived in the city for a long time, though staying connected to their haitian roots. deet’s family runs a tourist trap that had belonged to the family as long as they’d been in new orleans located on the outskirts of the city. they claimed to be the oldest and most genuine voodoo shop in new orleans, and the family sold an assortment of handcrafted items as well as merchandise that tourists ate up. from a young age, deet wanted to believe the stories her grandmother told her and the tourists about new orleans voodoo, but her parents assured her it was all nonsense, and the stories they told were all to keep the business going. as deet aged, however, items began to shift around the shop in an unexplained fashion, things disappeared regularly, and voodoo dolls changed positions as people looked at them. rumors of the shop began to generate around town, though most believed it was all talk. 
the landry’s beliefs shifted, however, when deet was a witch and was officially invited to the magical school Ilvermorny in massachusetts. deet’s grandmother revealed to the family a long kept secret - her best friend, the old woman madame landry was always hanging around, had a child who had also attended a magical school. she revealed to the family that she knew deet was special when the strange occurances began happening as deet grew older. deet was over the moon, and made it her personal mission to learn about voodoo and it’s place in the actual magical world. it wasn’t long until she discovered her gift for divination and motion making. she made quick friends too with her grandmother’s friend’s granddaughter, lottie, who was attending a school in the uk called hogwarts. the name always made deet giggle. the two wrote to each other and visited one another over holidays.
when deet was done with school, she found her way back home to help her grandmother run the voodoo shop. she shared with her grandmother all the magic she learned and began to brew potions and sell them to the magical community in new orleans. it wasn’t long until she began making a name for herself around town, and she was able to help keep the shop afloat. some wizards in the community were disgusted with their services to the muggles, however, and scoffed at the handmade voodoo dolls. blood purists were also frequent harassers of the shop and warned deet that her actions were unacceptable and that her shop was a stain on the wizard community. typically, she could stand her ground, but something about these blood purists shook her. she warded the building and was not surprised to see an attempt at vandalization that same night. disgusted, she filed a complaint with the local authorities, who quickly ignored her. taking matters into her own hands, she found the men who tried to break into the shop and negotiated an offer - leave her families shop alone, let no harm come to it, and she would stop selling potions in new orleans. the men accepted, leaving deet without a job. it was then that lottie, her old school pen pal, wrote to her about needing a roommate. not one to let an opportunity pass, she accepted and established a new apothecary in europe.
LABEL: the caretaker POSITIVE TRAITS: warm, intuitive, perceptive, friendly NEGATIVE TRAITS: hot-headed, sensitive, overbearing, nosy PERSONALITY TYPE: enfj GOALS/DESIRES: give her grandmother the best in life FEARS: demons (from childhood stories) HOBBIES: photography, baking, hiking, camping, dancing, singing HABITS: humming or singing idly
COLOR: black
LENGTH: medium
WORN: natural curls or long woven braids
SCARS: a few burn marks on skin from old potion accidents PIERCINGS: nose piercings TATTOOS: voodoo spirit tattoos on each wrist CLOTHING STYLE: loose-fitting clothing, usually flowy or layered often with ripped or harem pants
FATHER: muggle american MOTHER:  muggle american SIBLINGS: tbd RELATIVES: tbd FAMILY LINE OF WORK:  running a voodoo tourist trap BEST FRIENDS: lottie kowalski CLOSE FRIENDS: tbd LOVE INTEREST:  tbd EXES: tbd ENEMIES: tbd
SCHOOL: ilvermorny HOUSE: pukwudgie BEST CORE CLASS: divination, potions WORST CORE CLASS: care of magical creatures ELECTIVE: divination, ancient runes, herbology QUIDDITCH: na EXTRA-CURRICULAR: mostly she did her hobbies
LENGTH: 11 inches.
WOOD: cherry
CORE:  unicorn hair
PETS: ugly (toad) BOGGART: imps PATRONUS: lion AMORTENTIA: sandalwood, jasmine, cinnamon
THEME SONG: dream - fleetwood mac FOOD: veggie gumbo DRINK: coffee COLOR: red ANIMAL: alligators FLOWER: gardenia SEASON: summer
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premvivah · 6 years ago
I want my love back at any cost | Best astrologer in Australia
I want my love back at any cost | Best astrologer in Australia
I want my love back at any cost | Best astrologer in Australia, “Commonly to get our love we do such mix-ups that just away your desired person from you. Like regularly and frequently informing, showing your frantic feeling to get that love one. In any case, all these future futile when you will found that it is rising contrary emotions in your person’s life and leaving from you. So rather than…
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bisexualelephants · 6 years ago
This is Home
I was not expecting so many people to like my first part of my Sanders Sides AU! So here’s a little outline of the characters and how it might play out.
I’m new to actively writing on tumblr so I’m sorry if you asked to be tagged and you’re not. I’ll try my best though. I’ll also try my best to update consistently, but I do have school work. Thank you so much for reading!
Moving In- Part One
Moving In-Part Two
Moving In- Part Two.Five
Basic Summary: Human Sanders Sides AU where all the sides live together in a house in the city. They all have come from toxic or broken homes and they all hold and hide their scars differently. However, slowly, but surely, they all begin to heal one another, creating a better and brighter home and family together.
Patton Morris was diagnosed with depression when he was twelve years old. He was raised by a single father who worked three jobs; a cashier during the day, a waiter at night, and a school bus driver in the morning and mid afternoon. His father was extremely loving, kind, and fun, but he passed away just before Patton entered college due to overworking himself. Patton regularly attends therapy, group and private, and is on multiple different types of medications such as pills for depression, mood swings, and for sleeping. He is currently a baker at a local bakery and he is a regular volunteer at a children’s hospital where he takes care of the kiddos, bakes them cookies and makes crafts for them. He’s 31 years old. An only child. Pansexual
Logan Locke has extreme difficulty in showing his emotions due to his mother oppressing him his entire life, saying how he can’t cry and emotions are pointless. His father left when he was ten and he deduced that because of the toxic relationship, his mother is so apathetic. His mother is an intelligent woman and a top prosecutor lawyer who mental, emotional, and even physical abuses her son, believing she is doing the right thing for him. Logan is a librarian at a community college who basically runs the entire library by himself since the other workers are incapable and he’s a perfectionist, but he’s also the new Basics of Astronomy and Astrology; What’s the Difference professor at the college. He’s currently in the process of writing his own textbook for the class. He’s extremely unstable and he oppresses his emotions himself now that he’s an adult without his mother around 24/7. Whenever his emotions become too high, he either smokes or goes out to have a one night stand. He’s 29. He has a younger sister who is currently in her sophomore year of college. However, they barely keep in touch since she ran out on their mother when she was a junior in high school. Bisexual
Roman Price (Prince) has the lowest self esteem, but he hides it all behind loud singing, borderline cruel remarks, and fake arrogance. He was raised with three older brothers who were wretched to him and parents who either didn’t care at all about him or were shouting at him. He was constantly told that everything he did was wrong while growing up and due to his family being highly conservative, his lifestyle as a gay, flamboyant actor and writer was constantly criticized and torn down. He’s currently acting in community plays and musicals, barely making money off of the shows, so he has to work at a local bookstore full time as well as part time waiter at a fancy restaurant. He makes decent wages to pay for food and rent, and he uses tips to treat himself occasionally. He’s currently in the process of writing a fantasy novel as well as his own musical, but it’s taking way longer than he expected. He’s 24. Gay
Virgil Anderson has had anxiety ever since he was a little kid. He has a typical suburban family, a father, a mother, and an older sister and a younger brother. He has always been the odd one out making him feel a bit lonely and scared to reach out to him, but his family still loves him. Surprisingly, he is a pretty successful entrepreneur who owns an online business which sells clothing designs to bigger corporations. He is able to work mostly from his own house which he likes and he has broken a lot of his boundaries in pitching ideas. He draws and designs mostly darker outfits. He loves picking out materials for his clothings. His label is Verge A. He’s 21. Queer
They all live in the same house owned by the landlord Thomas Sanders who is hast to check in on them to see if they haven’t burned his house down yet.
How the plot will play out: There will be different parts, each for one subplot that make up the main plot. It will probably be mostly characterization and random daily experiences the characters have. It’ll be a very slow burn and I’m sorry. There will be ocs I created, lots of angst, eventually Deciet will be coming in (good, bad, who knows???), and pairings are up for fair game- I’m not sure what ships will be the end game yet.
Tag List: @chaosgameingkoi @jd-lightful @cefinitely-rolo @zaisling @doepuffsss @randomsandersides @musikasworld
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maamafatima · 3 years ago
Spells Caster in Logan City Australia.
Spells Caster in Logan City Australia.
Fix Your Relationship|Strong Traditional Healer Mama Fatima Call/Whatsapp +27739524422 Spiritual healer/psychic readings/love spells/AstrologerIf you are searching for the Best Available Genuine and Honest Astrologer,Spiritual Healer to solve any of your problems then you have come to the right place.Astrologer,Spiritual Healer,Psychic Doctor Mama  Fatima is the answer to all your  questions.His…
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adsthumbrealestate · 4 years ago
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Advertising is most important part for increasing your business. It helps your organization and make famous your business. Classified Ads is the best part of marketing of your company. Basically these are a brief and short advertisement of your company in newspaper, magazine and website. You can post ads regarding jobs, houses, cars, apartment and etc. These are usually in a small print and appear with other advertisement of same type and organized or grouped in different type of classes or categories. Marketing is an important and essential part for the business and important form of Ad which you can see daily in newspapers, or online website which are sold paid or unpaid. These is completely depend on the online portal or the newspaper that they provide their services free of cost or paid. This marketing tools are basically an information provider about your company to the targeted audience. Usually these information provide into classes or categories such as "Services - Astrology & Numerology", "Jobs - Education & Teaching", "Real Estate - Service Apartments" , "for Sale - Washing Machine" and others. Classifieds are basically a publication contain information about your organization and also contain group of advertisements.
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gothify1 · 5 years ago
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How do you decide what to buy? (Besides reading Who What Wear, of course.) Perhaps you purchase something out of necessity , maybe it's celebrity-inspired , or it might be because of sheer FOMO . But have you ever tried shopping based on your zodiac sign? After reaching out to a slew of fashion girls and getting their smart, stylish, and well-articulated zodiac-based fall picks from Zara, I'm fully convinced that it's a worthwhile pursuit. (In case you're curious, you're reading words written by a Libra—moi —who already got her fall wardrobe sorted by an astrologer .) I got brilliant answers from a Taurus based in Copenhagen, a Scorpio in New York City, a Sagittarius in Madrid, a Cancer in Miami, and a Gemini in Los Angeles—and that's just the tip of the iceberg. These stylish ladies might not share the same sign, but they share a knack for being well-dressed and having good eyes for style. Scroll down to see what 12 women of each sign would buy from reader-favorite Zara right now. "Aquarians are known for being 'detached' emotionally, and I can be guilty of that sometimes. Even though I have my extroverted social moments, I do enjoy my introverted, no-one-talk-to-me times, too. This cozy, oversize cashmere sweater will be able to handle both—I can wear it when I want to hibernate at home solo and when I venture out for fall outings with friends." — Sarah Yang "Maybe it's my Aquarius nature (read: a bit eccentric), but I've always been a print person: florals, animal, stripes, polka dots, I'll do it all. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited that leopard print is still all over the place. I have quite a few animal prints in my closet that I have on rotation, but to update the mix, I'm very into these slingbacks, which I can wear to just about anything (work, cocktails, brunch, whatever!)." — Sarah Yang "As a Pisces, being so go-with-the-flow means that we need to be prepared for anything. Nothing says prepared like a leopard-print dress that can take you from day to night with a switch of the shoes." — Madison Rae "As one of the most emotional signs, what's more emotional than purchasing something so timeless that you just might have it forever?" — Madison Rae "Aries are natural-born leaders, and this bright-red blazer screams girl-boss vibes. I love that it makes a statement the second you walk in a room and that it can be taken from the boardroom to happy hour to holiday party because an Aries girl wants to do it all." — Kristina Zias "'These boots are made for walking and that's just what they'll do.' Impatient, speedy, and competitive, these boots were meant for an Aries babe ready to take action!" — Kristina Zias "For Taureans like myself, autumn and the change of seasons are all about the balance between comfortable at-home entertaining without falling into a total rut in the cozies. A wool sweater is a go-to. This one is a great version in warm earth tones." — Amelia Hoy "A wrap skirt is a low-key downplayed classic that is both no-fuss and perfect with boots and heavy coats for the autumnal homebody that still likes to look expensive." — Amelia Hoy "This wrap/kimono/lounge robe is perfect for staying warm and looking luxurious. Pleasing my Taurean vibes with rich earth tones while still looking chic." — Amelia Hoy "In true Gemini fashion, I always rotate my denim selection depending on my mood. For the office, I'd style these with a fitted sleeveless turtleneck, and for a night out, I'd wear them with some sort of long-sleeve slightly cropped top." — Michelle Scanga "Being a Gemini, I like to keep my social schedule filled, which means the majority of my closet is focused on clothes I can wear to dinners and events. These heels make for the ideal fall shoe that I can wear from day to night, and I'm very much into the deep-burgundy leather." — Michelle Scanga "I'm a very shielded person; there's a reason why my zodiac sign, Cancer, is represented by a crab with a hard shell to protect and guard it from the world, which is exactly why I always gravitate towards tulle. It adds a touch of softness to my personality." — Danié G. "I like pieces that allow me to express my creative Cancerian self, like this jumpsuit. It’s a beige canvas waiting to be accessorized, layered, or even painted on." — Danié G. "I am extremely receptive of people's emotions. When I enter a room, I can tell if there's tension or not. I can read people quite easily, and it can be sometimes overwhelming, which is why I gravitate towards elements of power that make me feel safe, like my braid or this beautiful and shiny golden belt." — Danié G. "Leather Bermudas? Not really for the one who likes to stand in the corner and not be noticed. Luckily for a Leo, that is really not the case. I sometimes feel embarrassed about how peacocking my clothing is. But then I take a step back and see that I have exactly nothing to be embarrassed about and that my leather Bermudas are awesome." — Fanny Ekstrand "I have since I was a child always loved anything that sparkles. My mom used to tell me when I was younger that one can't wear exactly everything one loves at the same time. So like the true little rebel I am, I have spent my sartorial life proving her wrong. She now agrees with me. Kind of Leo." — Fanny Ekstrand "I guess these boots are the typical Leo choice? Tiger and all. We Leos like to keep company with other animals with humor, and these boots sure look like they can show you a good time, no?" — Fanny Ekstrand "Fringe is back in fashion this season! I'm in love with this coat from Zara, as it's stylish and easy to wear. Don't be afraid to go one or two sizes up to wear it as an oversize coat. I'm a Virgo, and I'll style it with jeans, a chunky sweater, and cowboy boots." — Renata Jazdzyk "I love wearing big comfy cardigans during the autumn/winter season. My wardrobe is full of them. This one from Zara is currently on my wish list because of the oversize puffy sleeves and fun animal patterns! Layer it with a turtleneck top and a white shirt, and you will be ready to brace even the coldest weather!" — Renata Jazdzyk "The Libra in me loves a well-balanced black-and-white print, and this one is perfect. It easily pairs back to a wide range of accessories, shoes, and outerwear for layering. Plus, the dress itself is fun and flirty with a flattering shape that will suit a range of body types. Libras are known for being mediators, so it makes sense that I would like something that a variety of people would enjoy." — Logan Russell "As a Libra, balance plays a big part in my style. If I want to play with something more exotic, like a sequin pant, I love pairing it back to something soft like a beautiful sweater. I want the pants to make a statement but not be overwhelming." — Logan Russell "When I think about outfits that epitomize my own personal style, I'm so honored to feel like my personal style reflects my identity as a Scorpio. One of my closest friends in the world is astrologer Colin Bedell of @queercosmos, and he's encouraged me to embrace both my power and my vulnerability as a Scorpio. I'm a better person for it, and it's given me the confidence to rock power jumpsuits and feminine dresses in equal measure." — Catherine Smith "I have and love this dress, which I feel perfectly reflects feminine confidence. I love adding a belt at the waist."  — Catherine Smith "I love the strong lines of this jumpsuit—it's my version of a power suit—and the touch of whimsy from the belt."  — Catherine Smith "Sometimes people say Sagittarius people are not very diplomatic, even a bit unreliable. Isn't that crazy? But I have the solution: Get the perfect office look and leave them speechless. Go for this pinstripe blazer and defeat clichés!" — Sofía Paramio Delgado "Blue is Sagittarius's color, so this top is clearly the perfect option. Do you want another reason to choose it? Girl, fire is our element. Flaunt your sexy shoulder while wearing it and heat your mood up!" — Sofía Paramio Delgado "Freedom is the best of privileges: It always leads to unknown and incredible roads and for us, Sagittarius, even more! We are so curious that we never stop exploring. No day ends the same! We need clothes that come along the way with us. These trousers will be your allies no matter if you are drinking coffee or your third margarita. Cheers!" — Sofía Paramio Delgado "Capricorns are known to be ambitious and strong-willed, and nothing says that more than a statement-making sleek red dress, right?" — Sara Tan Christensen "Capricorns are also super practical and hardworking, so an easy (but stylish) jumpsuit like this that I can put on without thinking too much about is perfect!" — Sara Tan Christensen Next, Anna Wintour says these are the 8 biggest trends of 2020 .
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bizzaro-stormy-blog · 7 years ago
Like, Questions and Stuff?
eeeeeee i dont think ive ever been tagged in one of these so thanks @latenightgaymer you are the bees knees!!
Where do you currently live? 
portland oregon
Where would you prefer to live if given the option, and why?
oregon is my home, i used to have a dream of moving back to seattle and buying back the house my grandfather built but the city has changed and so have i.
 the weather is usually perfect here (we have had waaaaay too much sun lately) theres green literally everywhere and it feels alive. 
i have always thought about alaska for the same reasons + snow
Shoe size?
14 us its hard to find cheap and nice shoes in my size
Is there a movie/book/show/game you’re looking forward to? What about it has you most excited?
i really want to borrow the scarlet gospels from my friend i know its not a new book but i want to read it super bad, also comic books from another friend (too many to list honestly but Trees, Wytches and the wicked + the Divine are at the front) id also like to read a physical copy of kill six billion demons when i can afford it.
 im super excited for the second seasons of westworld, legion and american gods aswell as the next seasons of Killjoys, the magicians, archer, my hero acadamia, steven universe, shameless, van helsing, its always sunny, RPDR and like all of the netflix shows, im also looking forward to the rest of the seasons of the good place, the orville and the mick...i might watch too much tv. 
im super excited for the .hack gu remaster, the last of us 2, shadow of the colossus remaster, cyberpunk 2077 and bloodborne 2 as unlikely as it is (miyazaki grant us a sequel as you once did for vacuous darksouls)
Wine, or hard liquor?  What is one of your preferred drinks?
i dont drink, thats not to say i havent just that it took soo much for me to feel even a tiny bit light headed im pretty sure i cant get drunk and dont see the point. im a water man and on the occasions i have soda dr pepper and root beer are king, if not lemonade i guess
Physical touch, do you enjoy it?  What’s your favorite spot, what spot do you not want to be touched?
im a bit weird here, i tend to recoil and flinch if im touched (probably a result of growing up with an older brother who used his size to be physically controling and abusive aswell as various other people in my life who have treated me as a punching bag) especially around my chest i tend to curl up and get defensive (again probably the result of an older sister who thinks twisting my nipples so hard they bleed is an apropriate answer to a disagreement).
on the other hand i am very physically affectionate i love to hug people, touch people, hold people, bite people (not in the sexy nibble way so much as the "bro did you just fucking bite me?!" way) anything really if im around other physically affectionate people which is kinda rare as there are like 2 physically affectionate people in my life and i only see one on a regular basis
Go into your YouTube history and provide the link to the 7th video in the list.
though i had to open a video to get to my history so i guess its technically
What was the last song you listened to?
This Song By RAC ft Rostam
Do you have any thoughts on ‪Nick Jonas‬?
Water or silicone based?
well gee im a water based life form myself but id be interested in meeting a silicone based life form :p
The most illicit controlled substance you’ve partaken in?
does doctor prescribed Vicodin count?
If you could get your friends/family to watch one specific gay movie, which one would it be?
i would have to say closet monster though i think of that less as a specifically gay movie and more as a delve into the stress and pressure of someone transitioning into adulthood coming from a broken, dysfunctional and traumatic childhood, its honestly such a great movie.
 now a movie where the plot is specifically gay? the weekend, its simple sweet and is easily relatable for most people, honestly i love this movie because it doesn't over dramatize a relationship and makes the characters feel real,
orientation aside its just a good human story
Do you listen to podcasts?  If so do you listen to them while you’re doing something else?
not often its almost always a one off or the savagelovecast, i used to listen to professor blastoff regularly but stopped for some reason, usually im reading or writing and want something not as easy to zone out to as music and not as distracting as silence
What do you do on a Sunday?
not much save check for manga (i know im a neeerd) or webtoon updates which usually ends with me frustratedly remembering Tower Of God updates on Mondays
Birth sign and zodiac?  What do you like most about both, what do you like least.  If you could pick which would you prefer?
ok so in advanced astrology is not much more than a novelty for me and i generally believe signs and what not to hold no sway over real life, i do find it interesting how they can sometimes get portions of peoples personalities and lives right but i would rather attribute that to the trillions of factors that went into the conception and birth of a person before the position of far away stellar bodies (ie babies born 9 months after valentines day probably have romantic parents so they themselves are romantics? idk dude).
that said i am a Taurus and my zodiac sign is the dragon i love them and would never change them, while i dont believe they hold any greater meaning to me i do feel the bull and the dragon represent me more as symbols of myself, though strangely i cant seem to escape them (along with crows and bears...idk dude my conscious and unconscious worlds are strange).
In front of my salad?
Bitch if you would stop breaking into my house to eat your salads you wouldn't be seeing anything you dont want to.
Last book or comic you enjoyed?
uuh physical book? shiiiiit its been a minute but it was ether a david sedaris book or a reread of the water mirror series. 
comic books? old man logan was amazing and i always reread Dango Sunshine occasionally. 
if webcomics count then kill six billion demons, a better place, avas demon, paranatural, gunnerkrigg court, cassiopeia quinn, unsounded,  gloomverse, mokepon and i just reread both Vibe and JUNE (if you havent read any of these please check them out they are amazing)
A kink or fetish you have,  can you explain how it became one for you?
uhmmm i dont know dude im pretty vanilla i dont have allot (read any) experience so im pretty open to trying anything really, i dont know dude even if im outwardly an asshole sometimes when it comes down to it so long as you arent forcing yourself upon someone or something unable (unaware, underdeveloped or unable to fully understand what it means) to give consent im open to you and will atleast try to understand you and your kink and maybe participate with you if thats your goal....
....ok so i might have one fetish? tattoos are hot af that is all...
Supply the link to either an image or video you think will bring a chuckle to those following you.
imma just tag yous guys cause you are the collective best
@sbot12 @bonefireheart9 @that1cameraguy @incredible91 @dammitcat @mapcus
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thandouniverse · 5 years ago
Lost Love Spell Caster in Brisbane,Logan City,Sydney-Binding Love Spells
Lost Love Spell Caster in Brisbane,Logan City,Sydney-Binding Love Spells
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jessicakehoe · 6 years ago
A FASHION Guide to Chicago, the Second City That’s Second to None
According to a study from Booking.com, over a third of Canadian travellers (38%) plan to take more weekend trips in 2019. If you’re one of those weekend warriors looking for a trip that’s a good time but not a long time (shout out to Trooper), might we suggest…Chicago?
Long known as the Second City, Chicago has undergone a reputation rehab in the past few years – remember those rumours that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were moving to Chicago full-time? – the city has long been home to some of the continent’s best art, architecture and, believe it or not, shopping. Plus, it’s only an hour and a half flight from Toronto or New York, which makes it the perfect destination for anyone seeking a quick getaway without the burden of jet-lag.
Read on for some of FASHION’s must-sees in the city of Chicago.
Photography Cpurtesy of Instagram.com/azusaaz
EAT: Portillo’s
Forget Chicago-style deep-dish pizza, Chicago-style hot dogs are arguably the best regional food the city has to offer. Topped kitchen sink style with mustard, relish, onions, a hefty dill pickle spear, tomato wedges and pickled peppers – no ketchup! – the best ones can be found at Portillo’s, a fast-food institution opened in 1963 bearing testimonials from the likes of Guy Fieri on the walls. Open until 1am (at least at the River North location), Portillo’s is packed day and night but entirely worth the wait. Order a slice of the “word-famous” chocolate cake, which owes it’s gooey richness to a dollop of mayonnaise in the recipe.
Photography Courtesy of Instagram.com/nipitabread
Lula Cafe
Located in the heart of leafy Logan Square, Lula Café exudes a ‘locals only’ vibe; every customer looks like they could have played bass in a ‘90s indie rock band, and the servers are the best-dressed art school kids in the city. (I would probably have hit up my server to ask for tips on the best thrift stores in the city, had I not been too embarrassed.) Even if you come for the vibe, stay for the food. They’re one of the original restaurants leading the farm-to-table movement (they’ve been open since 1999!) and serve the best breakfast burritos I’ve ever had in my life.
Photography Courtesy of Instagram.com/asraigarden
SHOP: Asrai Garden
Part flower shop, and part witch’s apothecary, walking into Asrai Garden is like entering a nether realm where everything on offer is just a little bit mystical. Amidst the lush floral arrangements that look like something out of a Dutch still life painting, are taxidermy antelope heads and curiosity cabinets stocked with an array of fine jewellery and healing crystals. It’s the perfect place to pick up a gift for that friend who loves both antiques and astrology.
Photography courtesy of instagram.com/chinaforbes
A New York Timesarticle from 2009 once called Ikram Goldman’s inimitable boutique, “not so much a temple of high fashion as a pitching ocean liner captained by your favourite eccentric aunt.” Behind a red lacquered façade lies 16,000 square feet of some of the most incredible clothes I’ve ever seen. Since 2002, Ikram has been a pilgrimage site for fashion lovers who flock from all over the Midwest to peep the absolutely breathtaking edit of pieces by Comme des Garcons, Simone Rocha and Maison Rabi Kayrouz. If that’s not enough to convince you, take it from Michelle Obama. The former first lady showed her hometown pride by selecting an angelic white Jason Wu dress from the store to wear to her husband’s first inauguration.
Photography courtesy of instagram.com/thestclairhotel
STAY: St. Clair Hotel
Smack dab in the middle of Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district – and perilously close to a Burberry store – lies the St. Clair Hotel. The beds are uber-comfortable and it was the perfect place to crash after walking all over the city. (It’s only a 15-minute walk to the Art Institute!) Plus, if you’re too tired from all that walking to get dinner, it’s right across the street from local delicacy Garrett Popcorn. (Note: This accommodation was covered by global accommodations leader Booking.com, where you can find other boutique hotels, rental apartments, and unique property styles.)
Photography courtesy of instagram.com/hotelfelix
Hotel Felix
A towering painted metal sculpture resembling the Tin Man (perhaps a homage to L. Frank Baum, who wrote The Wizard of Oz while living in Chicago?) guards the entrance to Hotel Felix, suggesting this boutique property skews a bit more bohemian than your average hotel. Inside, the lobby boasts quirky decor such as hanging glass orbs and a wishing well, and happens to smell like recently snuffed candles. The beds are cozy, the staff is kind, and it’s less than a block away from Portillo’s, so get your appetite ready. (Note: This accommodation was covered by global accommodations leader Booking.com, where you can find other boutique hotels, rental apartments, and unique property styles.)
Photography Courtesy of Intagram.com/tom_kligerman
VISIT: Wright Around Chicago Tours
Legendary American architect Frank Lloyd Wright spent his formative years in Chicago and left a formidable impact on the city’s architectural history. This bus tour explores his regional legacy beginning at The Rookery, a luxe office building Wright renovated in 1905, then heading to Oak Park, Unity Temple, and is preserved home and studio exist. The daylong tour is perfect for Frank Lloyd Wright disciples, architecture nerds, or history buffs alike (I happen to be all three) – or anyone who just wants to get a good shot for Instagram. (Again, guilty.)
Photography Courtesy of instagram.com/quimbysbookstore
Quimby’s Bookstore
Quimby’s bookstore rests on founder Steven Svymbersky’s philosophy that, “Everything I like is generally not very popular, and I have to be interested in everything I sell.” According to a generous Google review: “Normal people will find stuff [here] but they will have to look a bit harder.” Indeed, the only words I can conjure to adequately describe Quimby’s are: “freak palace.” Founded in 1991, the bookstore is a hotbed for queer and alternative culture and sells an impressive number of zines, aka self-published pamphlets showcasing their creator’s unique creativity. The Barnes & Noble bestseller table, this is not. In fact, I’d wager there’s nowhere else like Quimby’s in the entire world.
The post A FASHION Guide to Chicago, the Second City That’s Second to None appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
A FASHION Guide to Chicago, the Second City That’s Second to None published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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