#Best Tarpaulin Sheets
besttarpaulins · 2 years
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buytarpaulinuk · 2 years
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hongjoongscafe · 9 months
Bloody Love...
Chapter: VII-Betrayal-
♠︎Pairing: yandere!king.jungkookxoc(coronis)
♠︎Genre: angst, smut, yandere, gore, dark romance, horror, creepy (dark fantasy).
♠︎Summary: "you happen to be in a world where wrong is right and right is wrong."
♠︎Word count: 3.6k+
♠︎Warning: murder, creepy, blow job, suffocation.
♠︎Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist!
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Questions. They were running in Coronis's head. Was it her fate? Or was it the people who made her life harder every day? The spiralling cycle of life was getting into her head. She felt a cyclone inside her nerves. The thunder in her chest.
They say that after a bad thing, something good happens. However, in her life, there was no word called good ever written even with mistakes, just never. Something in her life was twisted more than what she had realized. She had underestimated everything to the point where thinking for even a breath was heavier than a mountain.
Monsoon arrived. The days looked gloomier and nights looked creepier. Every gust of wind sent tremors down her spine. It felt like those winds were the whisperers who whispered tragedy winding its way to her footsteps.
The roads were muddy and reeked of old blood. The trees were hunched over, looking like ghouls that fed on dead bodies. Everything was covered with a stiff horror of the unspoken stories that were buried deep down in this realm of dead and gone.
All of this horror was doubled when the men who came to see Coronis for tying the knot started to get slaughtered day by day. They were not being hung on the pole but rather left rotting in the meadows and not as intense as the punishments were.
Nori has been acting weirdly. Especially after she visited her home. It was a couple of days later when she caught Edwin at her shack.
Coronis was walking back to her shack as the rain was pouring. It was getting stronger as she took each step. Her black straight gown was wet and the skirt was covered in mud halfway. Her pretty belly shoes were squeaking and were unrecognizable. Her kohl was running down her cheeks and her hair was sticking to her face. She tried her best to not let the stuff in her hands get dirty as she struggled to walk through the puddles.
As she reached back to her shack, she saw Nori standing outside, about to leave with a tarpaulin sheet above her head to at least keep her head covered from the unforgiving showers.
As Nori's eyes fell on Coronis, her expression changed and looked panicked. Coronis wanted to stop her and talk to her, however, the girl quickly bid goodbyes to her mother and stumbled away as quickly as she could.
Later that day when Coronis was sitting by the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate in her hands with her mother who was knitting a sweater for Coronis, the girl asked her mother, “What was Nori doing here?”
Martha looked up with a tiny smile. “She said she was in the market and stopped by. We drank tea and talked a bit and then she left. I asked her to wait longer and meet you but she said she had things to take care of and then left.”
She nodded slowly and took a sip out of her warm drink. “What did you talk about?”
Martha stopped knitting, placed the material in the basket and faced Coronis. She took a second to formulate her words. “Honestly, Coro, she was not alright in my opinion. I have never seen her like the way she was acting today. She was… jittery and uncomfortable if I'm not wrong. But she was polite as ever. Greeted me with warmth and held a decent conversation. Though she kept looking at the door as if waiting for someone,” She said. “And we talked about things and she asked about you!”
Coronis's mind was boggling. “What did she say?”
“She asked about the people in our shack the other day,” she informed.
“And then what did you say?” she pressed further.
“I told her about us wanting to marry you somewhere better. She asked about Edwin and the other boys as well. She seemed to be quite interested in the chat. She wanted to know every single detail and joked about how she could keep one for herself as well. But I don't know, Coronis… I don't feel like she was fine. I think someday, you should go meet her. I don't see her with you as often either. Maybe she just needs a friend to talk to. And I am nowhere near that friend,” Martha shook her head as she thought other things to herself but did not voice them. “Anyway, Edwin will visit tomorrow. So, look prettier.”
She had seen Nori around. All the time she looked guilty of something. She would look but never make a move to talk to Coronis and when Coronis would try, she would run away as soon as possible. The situation between them was too intense.
Coronis felt guilty for doing whatever she did. Instead of running away, she could have talked and told Nori what her life had become, or better, shouldn't have tried to get into it. Her selfish motives were the reason why the poor girl was now looking like a long aching soul, running away from what she once found solace in.
She couldn't imagine what Nori was feeling. One day they both were lying in bed, kissing and hugging, and the other day, there was nothing left. The person Nori loved so dearly was not supposed to prepare for marriage and it wasn't even theirs.
It was Coronis and a third person.
How could Coronis even expect her to talk to her when she crushed the blooming flower of love under her feet?
Her teary eyes were looking for answers, silently. Waiting for Coronis to tell her story. But her mind was not ready. Nori knew they were not possible even if Coronis was not getting married because the two girls could never make it together.
Maybe another story was going to be left untold.
As Coronis was stepping closer to her shack, everything started to get quieter and quieter. The day was still young and paths were busy. No way it could be that silent the only thing she could hear was silence and the rain hitting the ground.
The closer she got, she saw people surrounding her shack. The crease between her eyebrows grew deeper as fast as her heart started to beat. She carefully squeezed her way in to see why people were standing there so quietly. Did something happen to her family? No, she pleaded silently as tears brimmed her eyes.
Her feet were met with dirty muddy water mixed with blood. She looked up and saw Draco, Onyx, and Martha standing there now looking at Coronis. A sigh of relief left her trembling lips. But it didn't stay for longer.
Because the moment her eyes fell down, in front of her shack, her heart dropped in her stomach. She couldn't see the face but the Golden curly hair was enough for her to know everything that was needed to know.
The tears in her eyes were pooling to the brim but not a single tear dared to roll down her cheeks. They were stuck there, just like Coronis, in shock. Her pupils shivered as the tremor of horror passed through her body.
The regret was seeping into her soul making her her own villain. Her heart refused to believe otherwise. The selfish mistake was now weighing her down as she fell to her knees. Her breath got stuck in her chest as she saw the lifeless body lying down there with deep slashes out in the open for everyone to see it like a drama.
The blood was still dripping out into the muddy water as the rain mercilessly poured onto his abused body. His skin from where the clothes were torn apart was pale and blue, drained of any blood in his veins.
Coronis crawled towards him. Holding his shoulders, she turned him around and that's when a piercing scream was heard in the crowd. Coronis had no conscience for her actions. She had no idea that the loud, heart-wrenching screams were leaving her mouth.
Her head was empty of any sane thought. The only thing that mattered at the moment was for Edwin to open his pretty gazy eyes and look into her dark orbs and tell her in his own words that it is going to be alright and that he is going to be alright. They will be alright. She wanted him to tell her that all the little dreams they dreamt would come true under the same roof where they were going to begin their new life.
“Why?!” she screamed again. “Why? What did he do?!” she kept repeating. “Please give me back my Edwin! I'll do anything for him. Please give him his life back!” she begged. She cried and cried.
She didn't care about the mud or the rain soaking her. The only thing she kept hearing was her inner voice asking her how much she could be thoughtless and selfish.
How many more dying souls did she need to see before knowing that her single action could lead to some genuine man’s life? Her previous proposals were murdered but they were not morally sane men at all. They deserved worse than what they got.
However, Edwin was a man of words and class. He was a gentleman every woman desired in their life. The way he talked was out of this world. His poetic essence was never enough and the bubble of safe emotion was his walking definition. No one was like him.
Edwin was the shade of the tree on the hottest summer afternoon. His voice was a mellow music in the midst of spring. His eyes were a warm blanket on the coldest winter night. His smile was the twinge of spice in the autumn evening. He was perfect as is. His way of living life was simple and eventful. He craved to make a difference in the world with his kindness. He found the luxuries in the smallest things and cherished them till he could remember them.
He was once a man full of life and now a lifeless Angel. Some evil spirit took his golden wings away and left him dead in the footsteps of his future.
Nobody said a thing. They stayed and listened. Nobody tried to console the hurting being on the ground holding her soon-to-be husband tightly as she held him and cried on his slashed chest.
Coronis looked up as she felt a burning glare piercing her skull. There stood Nori. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were red. No emotions of love, grief, shock, or any feelings were on her face. She stood there numb and blank looking at Coronis, thinking Lord knows what. She had an almost grim face and her skirt had red splotchy patches as if it was blood. Again, who knows what she has been up to?
Coronis was about to say something to her but stopped when she saw Nori slowly backing out. She took steps backwards and slowly turned around all while looking deep into Coronis's eyes. It felt like hours before she got lost in the crowd.
That was the moment when she knew she messed up.
She was left on the ground, bawling her eyes out, with a man with whom she saw herself smiling and laughing through thick and thin. With the man made out of jewels, his heart now felt like a cold diamond.
And there she realized… she lost…
The rivers of tears stopped and whimpers quietened down. Her face depressed down in misery as the reality of her fate washed over her.
It was she who created these fates of chaos, Coronis was. Her actions became the numbness of one and the death of another.
She looked down at the man and slowly laid her head on his cold, still heart as the acceptance shook her body, trying to not accept but her brain knew better than that.
Love, lust, hate, infatuation… feelings. These are trouble to get into. It felt like all of these emotions burned Coronis like a fire in the forest or perhaps killed her like an overdose of drugs.
Her body trembled like an addict wanting that dose of drug. As if she was possessed by a demon. The catch was that she was indeed an addict and was possessed by a demon of her own. Of the people she killed without knowing.
She was indeed lost…
The hands of the maids trembled as if they saw a ghost. Their heads lowered painfully to the point their chins were stuck on their chests as they slowly removed every single piece of clothing from His Highness's body.
The scent of roses and vanilla fogged around them as the water in a gigantic floor bathtub filled with water and milk. The petals of the black rose looked pretty on the milky water.
The last piece of his clothes was gone. There he stood. All naked in his glory. His broad shoulders, tight muscles, hard chest, perfectly carved abs, his biceps looked ripped, and his thick thighs highlighted every hard part.
Along with that, his long, fat cock stood proudly, hard and filled with pride. His thick vein on the underside throbbed harder than a racing heart. His veins were thick and poking out, and his pretty mushroom head looked angry and red in need of it to be touched and abused.
However, his jaw was clenching and a frown was settled between his eyebrows and on the chin. And his brain was going back to the picture of Coronis standing in her shack.
“Jimin-ah,” his hoarse voice echoed in the bath.
Jimin’s eyes met with the back of his Lord. “Yes, my lord?”
“My little birdy was a bad girl,” His Highness shook his head and stepped in front of a kneeling woman. “She was not wearing the necklace I gave her. I asked her to always wear it. How could she not listen to me?” He fisted that woman’s hair and shoved his hard cock down her throat with a hum.
The boy looked at the scene and hesitated before saying something. “Perhaps it was hidden under her dress,” he stuttered.
A scoff left the lord’s mouth. “Hidden under her dress, you say?” He bobbed the head of the woman as if she was a toy. Well, for him she was indeed just a filthy toy. “I could see her fucking breast crease through her black gown and you say ‘Perhaps it was hidden under her dress’” he snapped.
The anger boiled inside his chest. And he let it out on the poor woman who had no choice but to take his cock, trying not to gag at the taste of alcohol that lingered in his precum. He had started to drink more alcohol than before. His sweet taste now turned bitter. Her nails dug into her thighs to keep her going. She felt lightheaded.
Jimin gulped and cleared his throat, “My apologies, my lord… I didn't see her Highness. I was merely guarding you just how you prefer.”
Hearing this, a side smile stretched on The Lord's lips. “No wonder why you are my favourite, Jimin-ah,” he rasped. “You always keep things in your mind and act like a loyal bitch,” he sighed, “if I had an eye for a man, I would fuck your holes and fill them up. But alas! It's not for this life.” He grunted as he fucked her mouth harder and faster. The woman could not breathe properly but she did not say a word knowing well enough what he could do if she did not do what he wanted. She just kept on digging her nails into her thighs. Her eyes started to roll back and black spots blurred her vision. The rest of the women kept their heads hung low. “It's about time I punish her.”
With that, he came down her throat with a grunt and pushed her back. She lay down there unconscious, cum staining her mouth. No one dared to treat the woman but scurried into the bath as he stepped into it.
His Highness rested his back against the warm dark marble and spread his arms. His body relaxed and his muscles loosened. He sighed as the hands of his maids started to clean him. “Do me a favour, Jimin-ah. Call the ministers and the headguards in the court. Tell them I called an emergency court.”
He cracked his neck and relaxed, feeling the hands washing him. And thinking about how he only wanted one pair of hands on him sooner.
“Wait for me, little birdy. Wait for the punishment that is going to come your way…”
“Coronis, my love,” Martha called her daughter as she looked outside from her window with a black face but a thousand emotions in those dull eyes.
It had been days since Edwin passed away. Coronis stopped speaking and rarely came out of her slot. She wouldn't eat more than two bites of rice. Her cheeks hollowed out and became paler.
Her long black locks were tangled just like her fate. Her inner turmoil disrupted her sanity. There was none to begin with… one of the things that came with living in this realm— no sanity.
“Can you go out, honey? We are short on some stuff. Can you get it for me?” Martha just wanted her daughter back. She thought maybe if she went outside, she would feel different and at least come out of her slot.
Coronis slowly turned her face towards her mother and looked at her old wrinkly face. Her mother's eyes had a subtle shiver in them. It wouldn't be wise to let her go outside at this age and the muddy roads might make her fall.
She nodded slowly and stood up, brushing her hair a bit back. “What do you want?” she asked.
Martha sighed and let her know the necessities.
Heading out, Coronis walked straight to the shop. Her body swung with each step. Everything was rotten around her. The people, the animals, the village, the houses, herself… everything. Everything was rotten just how she felt inside.
She wondered if she would ever be free from this rotten fate. A scoff bubbled in her throat. She cursed inside and thought how impossible it sounded. Free. Never, that would never happen. It almost sounded humorlessly funny.
From the corner of her eye, she saw someone familiar. She looked to her side and saw Nori going somewhere. “Nori!”
Nori looked and froze for a moment and tried to walk away but Coronis was quick to catch up with her and pull her by her arm. “Nori, please talk to me.”
The girl scrunched up her nose, “what do you want from me, Coronis?”
Coronis flinched at how she spat her name. “Please, just one talk,” the dark-haired girl begged.
Nori sighed and got tugged by Coronis towards a narrow alleyway, away from the people. There she looked at Coronis and how terrible she had become. Her eyes lost hope and were dead.
“Nori, I should have told you everything before,” Coronis whispered.
Nori felt like her blood was boiling. “Tell what? That you were fucking another man while fucking me too?! Is that what you should have told me before?! Are you fucking dumb, Coronis? I loved you and you do this to me,” she raised her voice. She showed no remorse for Coronis's loss or her soundness. However, the feelings washed over her. Her eyes burned with feelings and love she hid behind them. “Why would you do me like this? Hm? How could you fuck around like this, hurting people?” she lowered her voice.
“It is not like that, Nori. I would never do this to you,” she whispered.
“But you did,” Nori said in a barely audible voice and held Coronis's arms. “You broke my heart like it was worth nothing. You- you could have just told me that you liked someone else and I would have been out of your hair,” she sniffed.
Coronis shook her head, “my hands are tied, Nori. I- I’m just a puppet. You see these?” she opened her pale hands and showed her, “These have nothing in them. These lines are handled by someone else and it's not even God.”
“You could have said something,” Nori held her tightly. “I could have loved you a little less.”
“I could have…” Coronis nodded and let her tears fall.
“But you chose to hurt me more…” Nori sadly smiled.
Before Coronis could say something. The clops of the royal horses echoed and slowly came close to the alleyway and stopped at the end.
Coronis’s breath hitched seeing those dark, sharp, and calculating eyes that pierced her soul while staring into her eyes.
The King got down from his horse and slowly stepped forward. Nori looked between the two, not knowing what was going on. But she didn't dare to open her mouth and kept her head lower.
The King stood right in front of Coronis. With the back of his hand, he wiped off the tears and ran his thumb lightly over her lower lip and pulled it down. His hand moved down to her neck and felt around… but nothing.
His sharp eyes snapped back into hers. Under his mask, a deadly smirk formed. “You broke the order, my little birdy,” his voice was deeper and viscous. “You must get punished now.”
Coronis shook her head furiously as she felt shivers of horror travelling her body head to toe. “No,” she whispered. Her body was covered in sweat in no time as she felt her heart picking up pace. It was the feeling that ran over her that this was the end. This was the end of the hope.
“No, my love. You must know what it costs for your actions. For your betrayal.”
Sanaa’s note:
The behaviour of all the characters is visualized.
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes @chimmisbae;
@darkuni63 @mageprincess7 @whipwhoops @ackercute @ane102 @kimseokjinsmirror1233 @unhingedgf @jungkooks21 @namjoonscrabjuice @yluv-damara-13 @jksgirlhere @lavenderymoons @passionandsuga @posionapple24 @blueberry711 @shawtylilsalty @gukiebaby @vantelover07 @douknowbts @andioppsworld @xicanacorpse @ttanniett @koohrs
Have a nice day/night💓
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Reader is afraid of all kind of animals and when she is on a crime scene and a dog comes to her, she is a mess and hides behind Olivia.
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Authors note: Okay, the dog scene seems like an full blown exaggeration, but those are the words of my best friend, who is terrified of dogs.
Icy wind howled around the alley´s massive stone walls while being accompanied by a fine drizzle that blackened the gray concrete floor and blended with the scenario in a cruel symphony.
According to the weather records, it promised to be a beautiful summer day, but the end of the night still reigned with it an impenetrable darkness in which only the never-fading fog stood out.
Driven by the storm that was about to end, you wafted through the waving barrier tape to the scene of crime, where your colleagues were already waiting for you. "What do we have?"
You stared sternly at the corpse of a young woman after you knelt down and stretched your cold and shivering fingers under the tarpaulin she laid beneath. She was young, no more than 25, and was apparently a victim of strangulation.
"Patricia Mills, 21 years old. According to witnesses, she was last seen with a much older man and woman in the bar a few blocks from here.
According to camera footage, the three left the said bar around 2am", Fin Tutuola quoted the information he himself had received from the lieutenant. He looked down at you and was not surprised that you still looked a little wrinkled and tired.
Your night tended to be a little shorter than his own, you being the last to leave the department.
You yawned in response to successfully digesting the information he had given you.
"Well, y/n? Did you have a good time last night?" Rollins could not resist asking after she had followed some leads and returned back to the crime scene with Olivia. The opportunity begged to be used for a little teasing of her partner. Just for your annoyed look and your snotty answer, it was worth carefully crossing your nerves with the front toe of her shoe.
"Sure, Mandy. I threw a huge stripper party in Olivia's office yesterday. I was surprised you two did not come back to join," you winked and quickly turned back to the corpse to avoid the glare from them. "What was the exact cause of death?" you asked, quickly tucking the sheet back over the woman's face, the reporters already lurking to snap a perfect photo to the press.
"According to the coroner, the woman was strangled with a thin rope as you have already recognized from the marks," the brunette sighed and continued. "Scratches on her forearms and face indicate that she fought back. With luck, we will have the foreign DNA under her fingernails"
You nodded vigorously and allowed the coroner to put the body in a body bag. "Same procedure as with the other four women. Our serial killer?"
Olivia Benson looked at you and shrugged. It was possible, the train of thought was quite obvious. However, it was the wrong area where the serial killer usually murdered. So it remained to be seen whether the strangulation marks on the neck matched those worn by the other victims over the past month.
"Milo, stop!" screamed a woman at the top of her lungs, bringing you and the others off the spindles of evidence. You watched as a brown Labrador puppy swooped under the crime scene tape and rushed towards you, pointy, white teeth showing and the tongue hanging out.
Man's best friend was illogical to you. Animals were more of a nightmare depending on how they were trained by humans. But most of the time, those words perfectly described these creatures in your eyes. Dangerous.
Depending on the strength of their bone-crushing teeth, they could rip off an arm or a leg. Dogs could knock you over and break bones depending on their weight. It was even worse when they barked loudly and brought you closer to a heart attack.
It was the traumatizing experience that made you think that way. Since then you were so scared that you tried to avoid the places where they hung out the most with their owners. Every time you met a dog, big or small, made your mind became a haze of fear and panic.
"Take away the dog, take him away!" you practically yelled in the ear of your best friend, Olivia, and dodged aside behind her. Your hands rested frantically on her shoulders, pulling her back toward you with every movement to shield you from the animal.
The dog, his name apparently Milo by the call, was running around sniffing the place frantically before pulling himself up on the Lieutenant's leg and hastily wagging his tail. "Y/n that is just a cute puppy, what is the matter with you?" she coaxed softly, trying to pet the young dogs head.
"Those are little demons! One wrong move and those things will maul you. They are only out for your flesh and blood!" you remarked and pulled Olivia closer to you, your back now completely pressed against the wall of the house.
You were frightened beyond reality, paralyzed in places as you stared at the pup. Olivia, being the concerned and loving type, trailed his thin body with her hands and picked him up, before he could reach you.
Despite your obvious tiredness, however, you suddenly seemed fully awake. Amanda, Olivia and Fin took that as an opportunity to grin broadly at you. "Oh Detective. Are you afraid of dogs?"
They watched as you promptly blushed. You opened and closed your mouth, but not a word came out of you. "Not afraid of dead bodies but god forbid a little puppy approaches her. We know you are a little scaredy-cat behind your badass facade"
You rolled your eyes at Fin´s comment and punched him lightly on the shoulder. No one had tried to hide the deep laugh. You folded your arms across your chest and watched as Amanda took the dog up in her arms and back from the crime scene to its owner, who was standing behind the crime scene tape, tensed and apologetic.
You shook visibly next to Olivia. Gently, she guided your hands into hers, caressing them with their thumbs to calm you down. "Y/n, sweetheart. It is okay, nothing happened to you and nothing will happen to you. We are partners and partners trust each other," she spoke softly and gently pulled you into her arms. "Why did you not ever tell us that you are afraid of dogs?" she queried, stroking your shoulders.
"I did not want you to think the wrong way about me. I am super strong at work and can handle anything but I am scared of dogs? How does that look like?"
"We will both get through this together okay? I will help you overcome the fear so that you become even stronger than you already are," she promised with all her heart, and started moving into the car with you in her arms.
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funphumph · 1 year
😊 Hello, I wanted to ask if you could design some items for Sims 2 for the basement a vise, steel wool, tarpaulin and styrofoam sheets or a styrofoam sheet for the wand and the items wear out a bit old and look dirty and the 2nd question would be works this how to convert shushilda makin magic serra glen set for sims 2? It contains 24 items but was unfortunately not made for Sims 2. I would like to send a picture of an item. Is there a way to do this? Best regards
Hello and sorry, I don't take random requests outside my area of interest. But if you're fond of Shushilda Sims 'Makin Magic' set, you should absolutely take a look at:
SurrealiSIM's Potion Seller set and Sun & Moon's Star Factory's Apothecary Todd Cart set.
Best wishes
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mdpthatsme · 1 year
😊 Hello, I wanted to ask if you could design some items for Sims 2 for the basement a vise, steel wool, tarpaulin and styrofoam sheets or a styrofoam sheet for the wand and the items wear out a bit old and look dirty and the 2nd question would be works this how to convert shushilda makin magic serra glen set for sims 2? It contains 24 items but was unfortunately not made for Sims 2. I would like to send a picture of an item. Is there a way to do this? Best regards
I don't take requests.
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platinumaspiration · 1 year
😊 Hello, I wanted to ask if you could design some items for Sims 2 for the basement a vise, steel wool, tarpaulin and styrofoam sheets or a styrofoam sheet for the wand and the items wear out a bit old and look dirty and the 2nd question would be works this how to convert shushilda makin magic serra glen set for sims 2? It contains 24 items but was unfortunately not made for Sims 2. I would like to send a picture of an item. Is there a way to do this? Best regards
Hi @hjjzthv I don’t have the skill set to make objects from scratch, nor the time and motivation to learn. I also am not accepting requests.
If you’d like to learn how to convert items to work in the sims 2, there are many tutorials @/sims2tutorials
If want to make items from scratch, Blender is a great tool and there are tutorials on YouTube that may help you get started.
Happy simming!
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b2bbasedblog · 3 months
Unveiling the Versatility and Quality of Customized Tarpaulins in Sharjah
Discover the unmatched versatility and exceptional quality of customized tarpaulins in Sharjah, where innovation meets durability to cater to diverse needs. Explore how tailored solutions enhance various sectors with style and reliability.
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What Makes Customized Tarpaulins Unique
Customized tarpaulin stands out for its ability to be tailored to specific requirements, offering a perfect blend of strength, durability, and adaptability. Whether you need waterproof tarpaulins in Sharjah or heavy-duty tarpaulins in Sharjah, the customization options ensure that you get the exact specifications you need for your project.
Applications of Customized Tarpaulins in Sharjah
Tarpaulins in Sharjah are used across various industries, from construction and agriculture to logistics and events. For instance, heavy-duty tarpaulins in Sharjah are ideal for construction sites to protect materials from harsh weather. Agricultural sectors use tarpaulin sheets in Sharjah to cover crops and equipment, ensuring longevity and productivity.
Benefits of Using Customized Tarpaulins
The benefits of using customized tarpaulins in Sharjah are numerous. These include:
Durability: Best quality tarpaulins in Sharjah are made to withstand extreme weather conditions.
Versatility: Whether it's for commercial, industrial, or personal use, tarpaulins can be adapted to meet any requirement.
Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in high-quality, long-lasting tarpaulin saves money in the long run.
Choosing the Right Tarpaulin Suppliers in Sharjah
Selecting the right tarpaulin manufacturers in Sharjah is crucial. Look for suppliers who offer a variety of options, including waterproof tarpaulins in Sharjah and heavy duty tarpaulins in Sharjah. Ensure they provide customization services to meet your specific needs and check reviews or request samples to guarantee you're getting the best quality tarpaulins in Sharjah.
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Customized tarpaulins in Sharjah offer unparalleled versatility and quality, making them an essential resource for various industries. From durability to adaptability, these tarpaulins provide tailored solutions that meet the unique demands of each sector. Choosing the right tarpaulin suppliers in Sharjah ensures you receive products that deliver performance and value, solidifying their importance in your projects.
For businesses looking to source customized tarpaulins in Sharjah, consider visiting specialized B2B websites that connect you with top tarpaulin manufacturers in Sharjah. These platforms offer detailed product listings, customer reviews, and direct contact options with suppliers. Websites like TradersFind can be excellent starting points to find the best quality tarpaulins in Sharjah, ensuring you partner with reliable and reputable suppliers.
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b2buaeposts · 4 months
Discover the Best Tarpaulins, Tents, and Canopies for Your Outdoor Adventures and Events
Are you searching for the perfect tarpaulins, tents, or canopies for your outdoor activities or events? Look no further! Our extensive range of products offers the best solutions for all your outdoor needs.
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Tarpaulins and Tarpaulin Sheets: 
Protect Your Valuables with Ease Our heavy-duty tarpaulins and tarpaulin sheets are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, keeping your belongings safe from rain, sun, and dust. Made from waterproof and UV-resistant materials, these versatile coverings come in various sizes and thicknesses to cater to your specific requirements.
Canvas Tarpaulins: 
Durability Meets Breathability For a more traditional and rugged approach, our canvas tarpaulins are the perfect choice. Crafted from high-quality cotton canvas, these tarpaulins offer excellent durability and breathability, making them ideal for outdoor applications such as camping, gardening, or covering machinery.
Sheds and Tents: 
Your Go-To Temporary Shelters Whether you need a portable tent for camping or a spacious Arabic tent for Ramadan gatherings, our selection of sheds and tents has got you covered. Designed with ease of setup and durability in mind, our tents ensure a comfortable and secure experience for you and your guests.
Camping Tents: 
Your Trusty Companion for Outdoor Adventures Attention all outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers! Our camping tents are a must-have for your next expedition. Lightweight, easy to pack, and offering reliable weather protection, these tents provide ample space and convenient features like mesh windows and storage pockets.
Event Tents and Canopy Tents: 
Creating Memorable Outdoor Experiences Hosting an outdoor event has never been easier with our event tents and canopy tents. These spacious and sturdy structures provide ample shade and shelter for your guests, ensuring a comfortable and unforgettable experience. From weddings to festivals, our event tents are designed to accommodate a wide range of setups and weather conditions.
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At our website, we pride ourselves on offering the highest quality tarpaulins, tents, and canopies for your outdoor needs. Each product is carefully curated to ensure the best craftsmanship and performance, giving you peace of mind and reliable protection.
Don't settle for less when it comes to your outdoor adventures and events. Choose from our extensive range of tarpaulins, tents, and canopies and experience the difference in quality and durability. Start exploring now and find the perfect solution for your next outdoor endeavor!
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besttarpaulins · 2 years
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Building the "War Machine"
This would become an Important part of my Final Installation. I have looked into the production of Artillery shells and they don't really come off of a conveyor belt, however i thought is would be a recognisable way of presentation of the production of these items.
Initially I had wanted to have a moving conveyor belt, but after much research and costing I became aware this was finically unavailable to me therefor I decided the final war machine would have no moving parts.
The construction and planning of the war machine took some time, size was a concern due the unknown factor at this point of what space I would have to display it along with the logistical factor of being able to move it. This was also a factor in the choice of metal sheeting used originally looking a steel but settling on aluminium sheeting as to make the fine work lighter and more moveable. The frame of the war machine was constructed of pine joists screwed together, the side panels where parts of unused laminate flooring dressed in aluminium tape and the conveyor belt was created using an off cut of a tarpaulin left from my tobacco packet from the divergent practice module.
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deesawalarubber · 6 months
The LDPE (low-density polyethylene) is an elastic, soft, and lightweight plastic. LDPE is renowned for its flexibility at low temperatures and toughness as well as resistance to corrosion. It's not the best choice for applications in which stiffness high-temperature resistance, and structural strength are needed. It is typically used for prosthetics and orthotics. LDPE is good anti-chemical and impact properties and is simple to manufacture and shape.
We have a broad selection of low-density Polyethylene Sheets (LDPE Sheets). They are utilized in many different applications across the mining, chemical, and other sectors. This is due to the combination of electrical and chemical properties. Additionally, it is non-toxic in nature, with low water permeability and outstanding chemical resistance to salt solutions, alkalis, the majority of solvents, and powerful mineral acids. 
Our entire line of products is weatherproof and has great endurance. The LDPE sheets are available in a variety of sizes, colors, and at affordable prices. With the proper infrastructural arrangement and quality inspections, we have adequate facilities in the production of tarpaulin of superior quality that is extremely durable and reliable.
How do you make LDPE made?
LDPE is produced by the use of a stirred autoclave or tubular reactor. The general process of making it involves compressed ethylene gas polymerization by using an initiator in addition to gas separation. LDPE is known for its use in bags made of plastic because its low density of it makes it lightweight and flexible, which makes it ideal for this type of usage.
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nanoland · 6 months
‘Earthquakes don’t kill people; buildings do.’
The soundbite is as inevitable as its subject matter.
Google it and results will flood in from all over the world; The Guardian, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Kashmir Walla, The Hindustan Times, ChinaDaily.com, Wired.com, the FEMA website, and miscellaneous blogs, tweets, and research reports going back at least twenty years. It’s never attributed to anyone. The best you’ll get is ‘The old saying goes’, or ‘According to experts’.
You can see why it’s so popular. It’s short and snappy. More importantly, it’s flexible. It can be deployed in a classroom in which children are being taught the basics of disaster preparedness. It can be a bullet-point in a pamphlet produced by an NGO advocating for increased regulation in the architectural sector. It’s just the right length to be an eye-catching subheading in a thoughtful editorial piece about neoliberalism and the discrepancy in resilience between a celebrity’s third mansion in Los Angeles and the average family home in Port-au-Prince.
If one were to boil it down to the plainest possible interpretation, one might simply state that stories about earthquakes are really stories about buildings.
So let’s look at our building.
17 Abigail Way; a nondescript ten-story office block in the Greater Sacramento metropolitan area, wedged between three other identical nondescript office blocks. Without protrusions or decoration, its only distinguishing feature was its comparative grubbiness. In 2012, a teenager had spray-painted a dick on the wall facing the parking lot. It was 2019 now. The dick was still there, though someone had been kind enough to add a smiley face to the scrotum.
The alley on the left of 17 Abigail Way was dark, narrow, and currently occupied by two middle-aged women, wrapped in blankets and regarding Gus with frank curiosity.
He’d woken them up.
“Hey there, ladies,” he said, aware that any protestations of innocence would be in vain. There weren’t many legitimate reasons for a man to be caught lurking beside a dumpster in the dead of night, alone and trying to open up an extension ladder that had, until his arrival, been concealed beneath a sheet of tarpaulin, several dozen garbage bags, and a fair amount of actual garbage.
Virtuous pretences being a lost cause, he threw his audience a grin and a wink, hoping to come across as the sort of cool, nonchalant gentleman thief whose daring deeds were always well within the bounds of conventional morality.
“Boy, what are you doing?” said the older one. She had wispy black hair, streaked with grey, and a thick Russian accent.
Gus continued to wrestle with the ladder, wincing at every clatter. “Nothing you need to worry about, ma’am.”
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pestcontrol045 · 7 months
Explore the Best Tarpaulins Suppliers in UAE - TradersFind
Looking for best tarpaulins suppliers in UAE? Find the best quality tarpaulin sheets on TradersFind from shortlisted companies. Our website connects you to trusted tarpaulin manufacturers, so you can easily explore a variety of tarpaulin sheets without any trouble. Whether you need canvas, fire-resistant, or waterproof tarpaulin, you can find them all in one place. Connect with reliable tarpaulin suppliers in UAE through our website. This will make your business smoother. Make sure to get top-notch tarpaulin solutions. Visit TradersFind now!
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uktarps · 9 months
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bakerjohnny1 · 11 months
Great Options Opened with electric insulation blowing machine
Fiber glass is mainly used as thermal and acoustic insulation indoors. Sloping roofs, under wooden floors and in the inner walls are the most common applications. The reason that Fiber glass is mainly used indoors is that it quickly loses its insulation value when it comes into contact with moisture.
Advantages and disadvantages of glass Fiber
Many mineral fibers are released during the processing and installation of Fiber glass insulation. These can cause irritation and inflammation of the eyes, skin and airways. It is therefore advisable to work with goggles, mask and gloves.
- Easy to place, even by do-it-yourselfers
- Fireproof material
- Perfect for closing uneven surfaces thanks to the compressibility
- Relatively cheap insulation
- Recyclable insulation that is extracted from residues
For that making use of the fiberglass insulation blowing machine is a good deal.
Choose the right material for each job
Fiber glass is available in various variations, versions and thicknesses. Always check which type you need to avoid unnecessary costs and poor insulation values. Below you will find an overview of the different options:
Available thicknesses
The thickness of Fiber glass will have a major impact on the final acoustic and thermal insulation value. The thicknesses of Fiber glass start from 60mm and run upwards per 20mm (80, 120, 140, 160, 180,). A minimum thickness of 160 mm is recommended for a pitched roof. To have no seams you can also work with two layers that are sharpened. You can also know for sure regarding how to use insulation blowing machine.
Available finishes and shapes
Fiber glass is available in the form of flexible sheets, flange blankets or bulk. Sometimes a finishing layer is already provided along the outside. This can be easier to process (paper) or to use as a vapor barrier (aluminum). The overlapping finish can be used to seal seams or to staple wood constructions.
Placing Fiber glass - always provide a vapor barrier!
To prevent the insulation from absorbing moisture from the rooms, you should always provide a vapor barrier along the inside of each room. You can use flange covers with aluminum coating for this purpose, where you then glue the seams tightly together with accompanying tape. You can also buy a plastic tarpaulin to use as a vapor barrier. The electric insulation blowing machine happens to be the best option here.
Request free quotations here for insulation works
About us:- Isolation is a smart investment that will pay you back in time and again. Via the form below, you can freely request offers from recognized contractors in insulation works. Comparing prices and methods has never been easier. This service is offered to you free of charge without a purchase obligation.
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