#Best Sales Cadence Software
hithingarajiya · 2 years
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Outreach : Best Sales Cadence Software & Tools in 2023
Outreach is a powerful sales engagement platform that helps you ensure you never miss an opportunity to close a deal.
It offers features such as automated outreach sequences, real-time notifications, and in-depth reporting so that you can track your progress.
FOR MORE : 11 Best Sales Cadence Software & Tools in 2023 (minterapp.com)
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johnmya · 6 months
b2b lead generation and appointment setting services
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an established concept that has gained significant traction in various areas of business management, marketing, and sales. One particular area where AI has made notable advancements is lead generation for B2B marketing. Many online lead-generation software options leverage AI technology to enhance and streamline the lead-generation process.
Artificial intelligence, in combination with lead generation software, harnesses the power of advanced platforms and algorithms. This powerful combination enables businesses to gather and analyze relevant data, leveraging past sales, marketing strategies, and market conditions. By doing so, it enhances customer relationship management, provides valuable insights for decision-making, and helps identify profitable investments, ultimately maximizing return on investment 
Best Practices For B2B Appointment Setting List
Generating leads is imperative for a B2B company’s growth. One of the most effective ways to convert them is through appointment setting services. But just because it’s practical doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Creating and booking an appointment is a struggle in itself. Therefore, we will discuss the best practices for B2B appointment setting to be more productive, efficient, and thriving. So stay tuned and start reading!
Getting the data
Getting the data means prospecting. First, gather information about your prospects. Then, the salesperson will procure the prospect’s background information, industry sector, departments & personnel information, and contact information. Getting the information is directly linked to verifying the data.
Verifying the data
After gathering the data, you should verify the information. You can ascertain whether the prospect is qualified based on the collected information. This verification helps you prioritize and categorize the prospects.
Nowadays, various information about a person, like bio-data, social media accounts, and other account details, are collected online. This information can be natural or fake. Hence, verification of information is crucial. This verification process is done using prospecting and sales intelligence tools. Also, the gathering of prospects’ information is done using CRM tools and lead generation tools.
Research your prospect
You can schedule an appointment in advance. However, you need to understand your prospect before making an appointment. Prospects tend to ignore or hang up sale calls, and salespeople are least pleasant with cold calling. The salesperson communicates with different types of prospects and has to face objections and rejections.
Also Read: Proven Tips for Your Prospects Research 
So, the salesperson must do homework about the prospect’s business and background. First, you must find their problem and whether your product/service solves it. Then, based on your imagined scenarios, the question-and-answer session assists the salesperson during appointments.
Understanding the pain points
Knowing your prospects’ pain points is essential for a successful sales meeting. Understanding what’s frustrating and keeping them up at night can tailor your pitch to address their needs. To determine your prospect’s pain points, you must research beforehand. 
Talk to your customer service team, read reviews online, and ask your current customers about their experience with your product or service. Armed with this information, you’ll be ready to have a meaningful conversation with your prospects and show them that you’re invested in helping them solve their problem.
Do an outreach
In this step, you will try connecting with your prospect via different channels. These channels include mobile, email, and social media, also known as communication platforms. They are crucial for B2B appointment settings. You can use cadence or sequence to reach your prospect. Don’t try to follow templates or copy-paste the content for cadence or sequence. 
You can develop innovative and engaging content to grab the attention of prospects. Two-way communication is vital because you can listen attentively, engage actively, and identify your prospect’s concern. Finally, create a lasting impression that makes your prospect look forward to the next appointment. 
Make an online presence
Developing an impactful online presence is more critical than the prospecting process and creating network strategies. Salespersons can engage with prospects by following, commenting on, and liking their social media and other online accounts. This strategy helps them build a presence before their prospects and create a relationship with them.
The online presence helps you smooth out your work more than the first time you connect with them as a stranger. It is like a small but powerful action that allows you to lay the groundwork for booking an appointment with them. 
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Artificial intelligence has already started to reshape the future. It has begun impacting the work culture in many industries. Ingenious technology is assisting humans in accomplishing great feats effortlessly. And besides the professionals using this technology, another faction feels elated about this technology. Investors are glad about the way companies dealing with AI are performing in markets. That’s right, as the technology progresses, the companies working in the background are upscaling their profit margins. The rising demand for AI has pushed the manufacturing of graphic cards, processors and other paraphernalia. It has also widened the prospects for software companies at every level. Plenty of these companies are listed and the impact of AI is visible in their stock prices. So experts are helping investors choose the best stocks with limitless chances of profit-making. AI Stocks Every Investor Should Be Excited About These companies have emerged as frontrunners in the AI marathon. They are active on either the hardware or the software front.  1. Nvidia Corporation (NVDA: NASDAQ)  Nvidia is a leading graphic card and microchip manufacturer. The company provides these high-end components to AI companies and automatic car manufacturers too. Maintaining its dominance in the AI space, it has also remained a profitable stock. It has received positive financial ratings and its growth expectations are impressive. 2. C3.ai, Inc. (AI: NYSE) C3.ai develops software applications that facilitate the launch of AI programs. With a unique product, the company has gained a distinct place in this industry. In the last few years, its stock has performed well. Furthermore, analysts are expecting it to grow with a better yearly EPS.   3. KLA Corporation (KLAC: NASDAQ) KLA is a prominent player in the semiconductor industry, which is instrumental in running AI solutions. For obvious reasons, the company has reported an uptick in its earnings and sales. It has emerged as a major supplier for many AI companies across the globe. Moreover, profits and dividend yields are great.  4. Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (CDNS: NASDAQ) Cadence Design Systems is a supplier for microchip manufacturers. It develops automation software for companies operating in AI, machine learning, and 3D technology. In addition, it has gained an ‘A’ rating from Morningstar due to its earnings and growth prospects. With all its striking attributes, it becomes a valuable investment. 5. Synopsys, Inc. (SNPS: NASDAQ) Synopsys is a competitor of Cadence, as they both provide the same product. That’s correct; the former also develops automation software for microchip manufacturers. The company has gained good profits and an ‘A’ rating from Morningstar. It also deals smartly with its stock distribution and is a smart investment option.  By investing in these AI stocks, one can ensure great profits in the future, especially in the next few months, as per the analysis. All these companies are doing a fantastic job in their domains. In all likelihood, their dominance is only going to get greater in the AI industry. Therefore, investing in them is a brilliant idea that every investor should mull over. Still, investors should do their own evaluation of stocks before putting money into them. 
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sdrfuel · 1 year
Cold emails
Creating An Effective Sales Cadence: Tips And Best Practices For SDR Success
A well-planned sales strategy is really important for people trying to find potential customers. It's a strategic and systematic approach for a Sales development representative (SDR) to engaging with potential customers, using various communication channels like email, phone calls, social media, and even direct mail.
In this article, we'll understand the key elements of creating an effective sales cadence to drive your SDR team toward success.
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Understanding Your Audience:
The first step in building a successful sales cadence is understanding your ideal customer profile (ICP).
Who are your potential customers, and what are their needs? Knowing your audience is crucial because it allows you to tailor your communication strategy to their preferences and pain points.
Timing Is Everything:
Timing plays a critical role in sales cadence. You must consider the best times and days to reach out to your prospects. Different industries and individuals may respond better at specific times. For instance, reaching out to a B2B prospect during their lunch break might be more effective than during peak work hours.
Effective Channels And Personalization:
Once you've identified your target audience and the right timing, it's time to choose the most effective communication channels. While cold emails, phone calls, LinkedIn, and direct mail are popular choices, you should select the ones that resonate most with your audience.
Personalization is key; prospects are more likely to engage when they feel you've tailored your message to their needs.
Mapping Out Your Cadence:
Now, let's map out the steps in your sales cadence. It involves defining the sequence of interactions with your prospects. For example:
• Email: Send an introductory email on Day 1. • Phone Call: Follow up with a phone call on Day 3. • LinkedIn: Connect on LinkedIn and send a personalized message on Day 5. • Direct Mail: Consider sending a direct mail piece on Day 7 to make a memorable impression.
Utilizing Technology And Tools:
Sales technology and tools can significantly enhance your sales cadence. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help track and automate the cadence, ensuring consistent follow-ups. Sales engagement software provides SDRs valuable content and resources to share with prospects, adding value to their interactions.
Measuring Success:
To gauge the effectiveness of your sales cadence, you need to track key performance indicators (KPIs). Metrics like open, response, and conversion rates provide valuable insights into what's working and needs improvement. Regularly analyze these metrics to refine your strategy.
Adaptability And Continuous Improvement:
Remember, a successful sales cadence isn't static; it's dynamic and adaptable. The market and prospect behavior change, and so should your approach.
Encourage feedback from your SDR team and be open to making adjustments based on their experiences and insights.
Nowadays, creating an effective sales cadence is like crafting a symphony. It requires careful planning, the right instruments (channels), and a commitment to continuous improvement.
By understanding your audience, perfecting your timing, personalizing your messages, and leveraging technology, you can build a sales cadence that harmonizes with your prospects and drives SDR success.
Contact Sales development representative today and let us help you using Sales engagement software that will help you better manage your SDRs and optimize their performance.
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happsalesindia · 1 year
Top Challenges in Implementing Sales CRM: Overcoming The Roadblocks by Mitigating Risks With CRM Failure
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Making a decision to implement CRM software is possibly one of the most strategic decisions an organisation can take. When implemented and managed well, a CRM initiative can add wings to help organisations soar, grow and prosper.
This decision involves a lot of time, money, and commitment from all stakeholders, particularly from the business leaders. Many analyst reports show how an unbalanced and myopic approach to this initiative can jeopardise the success rates of CRM implementations.
One of the reports from Gartner stated that almost 50% of CRM implementations fail. Similarly, as per Forrester, 49% of CRM projects fail. Some businesses have failed even two to three times after implementing a new CRM. These statistics are the cause for some much-needed risk analysis and mitigating measures.
All these may seem overwhelming. But many companies do succeed with their CRM implementation. The key here is to learn from other’s mistakes and take the right approach as you embark on this strategic journey.
11 Most-common Reasons for CRM Failure
Inadequate management commitment
Many times, business leaders feel that their responsibility ends after selecting a CRM software. The reality is that it does not end there.  On the contrary, leaders play an important role after that.
One of the main reasons for CRM failure is when leaders expect it to automatically generate revenue, and deliver results. Instead, they need to “walk-the-talk” and start using the CRM themselves. Team members need to see how their managers regularly use CRM for managing their work and business objectives. Managers should not review business performance outside the CRM in some excel or google sheets.
It is important for managers and leaders to set an example. They need to  constantly demonstrate and coach their team members on the best practices, and its benefits. Learning through active observation is much more powerful than just someone preaching!
Misplaced CRM philosophy – Micro-management v/s Empowerment
CRM initiative is a very strategic decision that has the power to help organisations grow and drive predictable business results. It is critical that your team understands the project vision and this core purpose from the leaders.
Your team members should understand that the objective of the initiative is to empower them and make them successful. They should not perceive this like yet another process for managers to monitor their activities and micro-manage them. They should get a feeling that the initiative will add value to their individual performance and productivity, and give them more time and ammunition to excel in their work.
It goes a long way to encourage and motivate your team members to use the CRM software effectively to start seeing results. Leaders need to create ample positivity around CRM usage to make it work favourably.
Measuring Wrong Metrics
Peter Drucker said, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure”. This is true in the case of a CRM initiative as well. It goes a long way when you put together a cadence mechanism to measure your team’s KPIs (key performance indicators) using the CRM.
The ideal KPIs that you may want to measure could include revenue growth, deal progress, sales velocity, pipeline and weighted pipeline, deal conversion rates, sales cycle time, etc. That way your team will be able to appreciate the business value that a CRM adds. You will have a better buy-in from them that will also help you drive CRM adoption and usage across the board.
However, if you use your CRM to only measure the number of team activities, customer visits, their attendance, working hours etc., it might dilute the very purpose of the initiative. It could even be detrimental to your team’s morale and overall productivity.
Poor Planning
According to MIT Sloan, CRM failure occurs for those businesses that don’t do prior planning before making the investment. These businesses don’t spend time trying to evaluate their own business needs and  analyse the pain points they wish to solve by using a CRM.
They experience CRM failure not because of the limitations of CRM capabilities but due to their own lack of understanding and planning.
Resistance To Use
Resistance to change is another factor for CRM implementation failure.  People are used to the traditional methods and might be quite reluctant to move to a new way of life. Forcing a new method or software may cause resistance among users to abandon their old familiar methods. Human resistance has a big impact on a system’s effectiveness.
Other reasons for resistance might be due to lack of  training and a clear understanding of the software. This might have an impact on team productivity; eventually leading to frustration among users.
Complexity in Usage
Complexity of the software is another major factor for CRM implementation failure. While your business might  need a  CRM software with a simple interface, there are chances that you might land up  choosing a complex CRM. Because of its wide functionality and features, a CRM system can sometimes be complex to use. Users who are unfamiliar with CRM systems and who prefer to use a simpler interface can get overwhelmed with this complexity. For instance navigating through many screens just for one feature can be time consuming and frustrating.
Cumbersome Data Entry
Another important reason why many CRMs fail is that the end-users find data-entry very cumbersome and laborious. Sales team members are required to update the CRM regularly, which requires them to devote their time and effort. This may not happen if they find the CRM software interface not very seamless and easy to use. Not using the system to the full potential is one of the main issues in implementing CRM.
Lack of Customization
Few CRM systems might provide just basic functionality and may not be flexible enough to accommodate customization to meet specific client needs. In that case, businesses may not be able to align their CRM initiative with their needs and priorities. This will be a huge impediment to achieve your company goals.
Inadequate Training and Support
The efficient usage of CRM software heavily depends on the training and support provided by the CRM vendor. End users may not use it to its full potential if they lack adequate training support. Without proper ongoing training support,  users might face challenges and it can hinder end-users from effectively using all features in the CRM.
Poor  Fitment
One major cause of CRM failure is the insufficient compatibility of CRM software with the unique requirements of the enterprise. This substantial gap between the softwares capabilities and the organisation’s objectives hampers the installation of the CRM to a great extent.
Selection of Wrong Implementation Partner
There are many CRM projects that have failed not because of the software but by selecting the wrong implementation partner. It is important that the implementation partner is well equipped in terms of expertise, domain skills, experience and knowledge required for implementing this software.
Best Practices for CRM Implementation  – Steps To Mitigate Risk of CRM Failure
Now that we have discussed the various challenges in implementing CRM successfully, let us discuss what important steps will help you to mitigate all the risks.
Proper Goal-setting and Planning 
Clearly define your goals and objectives for implementing a CRM software. It is a good idea to make a note of all your pain points that you are planning to solve and the business objectives you want to achieve through this transformation initiative. It is important to have a clear vision of where your company should be after implementing the CRM software. Defining a purpose will serve as a guiding principle to help you at every step during the CRM implementation journey.
Committed Leadership
The commitment from the leadership team plays a pivotal role in making the CRM implementation successful. Shifting from old traditional systems to a modern one needs a lot of commitment and focus. Transitioning to a new CRM will be easy only when everyone in the organisation is committed to it and are encouraged to use it. The leadership team has to clearly pass on the message as to why are you implementing this new software. The Whys and Hows have to be clearly communicated to all the stakeholders across the organisation.
Buy-in From End-users
Gaining buy-in from end users is very important for successful implementation of the CRM. This means that all the stakeholders involved and directly affected by the new process comprehend the need for the change. It is necessary to make them understand the benefits and objectives of the proposed change. It is a good idea to take inputs from the end-users while evaluating the field service management software. This enables  them to feel valued and motivated; and in the process they will willingly participate and cooperate with the new change. This will ensure  increased productivity and overall success of the implementation.
Management Reviews Using CRM
It is very important for managers and leaders to lead by example. Often, they are so used to using Google sheets or excel sheets that they fail to embrace new technologies. It is important that they need to practise and demonstrate the benefits to employees.
The CRM platform should be actively used by managers and leaders for all their reviews and interactions. By doing so, they effectively communicate to their team members that the new system is worthwhile to integrate into their daily workflows.
When managers start actively using the CRM system in team meetings, the team members get inspired and follow suit. They start experiencing the effectiveness of the CRM on how it increases productivity and offers insightful data to help them with their performance.
Consistent Usage Across the Board
Consistent usage across the organisation is one of the important strategies for successful CRM implementation. A CRM can deliver significant benefits only when it is used to its full potential. Therefore it is very important that every stakeholder involved uses it consistently and effectively. It enables cross functional collaboration when individuals from different departments use the CRM to share information.
This helps to a great extent in decision making. With up-to-date information available from all stakeholders, management can use this data to identify trends, track important KPIs and make informed decisions.
Constant Feedback Mechanism
Consistent feedback from the users is one of the best practices for CRM implementation. Getting first-hand information from users in terms of systems usability, softwares ability to meet objectives and its impact on time management etc., helps the management to take proactive steps. This information enables management to make informed decisions before issues escalate.
Consistent feedback helps in improving user experience. Businesses can identify the pain points, usability issues and places where CRM falls short. With this knowledge, they are able to quickly address these issues, improve the system’s usability, and better the user experience as a whole. By addressing these challenges, management demonstrates their commitment and dedication to make the CRM implementation successful and help users have a positive CRM experience.
Progressive Adoption – Start Small and Then Expand
A proven approach for a successful CRM implementation is to start small and gradually expand. You may not want to boil the ocean with all the features in the first phase. It is a good idea to focus only on the necessary must-have features that have the highest impact on your business.
This enables businesses to efficiently manage the deployment process, reduce risks and ensure a smooth transition among users.
You may also consider the CRM roll-out for a specific department, and then expand to other departments. That way the early users can share their success stories, offer insightful advice, and assist in addressing any objections or worries from other users. Their positive experiences and feedback can have an impact on the larger user base and help the CRM deployment gain momentum.
Selecting The Right CRM Software
Choosing the right software will help you resolve most of the issues mentioned above and plays the most important role for succeeding in your CRM implementation journey. Following are  few important points to consider when choosing the right CRM software
● Easy to Use
The success of a CRM largely depends on how much the users adopt and use it. Users love to use the CRM only if they find it easy  and simple to use. A user friendly CRM should have a simple and an inherent interface that enables the users to navigate easily through different functions. The data entry should be seamless.  People with less technical knowledge also should find it easy to use crm. The actions they have to perform should be easy to comprehend without the need of in-depth instructions.
● Customisation
First and foremost, try to choose a software vendor who is flexible enough to align with your business objectives for installing a CRM. The vendor should be ready to offer customization so that you are able to align the CRM with your business needs and priorities. The CRM should have the features to address your pain points and meet your future business goals.
● Adequate Training Support
Make sure your CRM provider has an effective internal support and training team.   This gives your users the chance to learn the system thoroughly while also receiving excellent hands-on training. This is crucial since the success of the CRM depends on how extensively and effectively the users utilise it. They can completely lose interest in using the CRM if their questions are not promptly answered or if they are not properly trained. Their effectiveness and productivity can be greatly increased with the right training and assistance.
● Intuitive Dashboard
Having a dashboard that shows insights to real time data helps the management to have a quick view of the performance of their team members.  The management should be able to quickly and easily understand the performance of the team members.   Thanks to this real-time visibility, it helps the management team to quickly respond to urgent situations and take proactive steps whenever necessary.
● Pricing
In order to attract customers, few CRM software companies offer a very low Tier 1 pricing with very limited features. As your business grows and when you want to expand the number of users or add more records into the CRM, the pricing might be far more expensive. Choosing a CRM software vendor who offers a comprehensive framework with no hidden costs is a good solution to this.
Choosing The Right Implementation Partner
Choosing the right implementation vendor plays a very important role for a successful CRM journey.  It is advisable to select the right CRM implementation partner along with the CRM software. This will prevent any unexpected surprises and ensure a smooth implementation process. It is also important to evaluate the expertise of the implementation vendor, assess their industry experience and also see if they have a proven track record of successfully implementing CRM systems. Their technical know-how and experience plays an important role for the success of the CRM implementation.
You should also discuss the project timelines, milestones and cost of implementation to arrive at the overall TCO (total-cost–of-ownership). Knowing the overall TCO enables you to ensure that it aligns well within your budget.
Here is a detailed reference guide to help you choose the right CRM software vendor for your business.
In summary, customer relationship management software enables you to organise and manage client data in a structured way. Businesses can make wise decisions to increase revenue and boost profitability measured using a CRM.  It provides better visibility and a “single-version-of-truth” across the enterprise.
However, a CRM initiative’s success significantly depends on how the project is approached. In order to optimize the benefits of the implementation, careful planning and execution are essential. Organisations can reduce the risks associated with CRM installation by adhering to the best practices mentioned above. Organisations can realise their full potential and increase sales and profitability indicators with a properly implemented CRM system in place.
Original Source: Top Challenges in Implementing Sales CRM: Overcoming The Roadblocks by Mitigating Risks With CRM Failure
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marketing-112 · 2 years
Sales Engagement Software Integrations
Identify, nurture, and qualify leads automatically from social media using a bot crawler for enhanced prospecting. Create sequential workflows to reach out prospects via personalized research, emails and phone calls.
Gmail Integration for OutReachly
Customize and send prospect-intent messges to your prospects and convert them into promsing leads.
Easy Segmentation
Sort your contacts into groups depending on their email labels.
Storage Data
Get one storage space to add all the data and sync with google docs, photos, drives, forms etc. Additional storage space can be purchased from google.
Best Sales Engagement Software
Convert every promising prospect into leads and propel them into your sales pipeline efficiently.
Ensure every potential customer becomes a lead and enters your sales pipeline efficiently.
Focus on ensuring that every potential consumer is converted into a lead and into your sales
funnel swiftly.
Sales Cadence
Manage sales reps' interactions with customers through phone, email, social media, and direct mail using a flexible, automated system.
Reference:- Sales Engagements Software
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funnelamplified · 2 years
Social selling is a critical aspect of your sales career. This training will give you the tools and skills to become an effective, authentic social influencer. Learn about social media tools and practices like listening, engaging and building rapport. You'll take a step-by-step approach to mastering the art of building relationships with prospects and customers that leads directly to increased sales.
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okrseverything · 4 years
OKR is a startup lifesaver. Here is how to craft them
“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”
– John Doerr, author Measure What Matters.
If you are a founder, CXO, HR leader, or a venture partner, you are sure to have come across Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and highly unlikely that you would ignore it. You probably may be thinking about the benefits of this superbly powerful framework, that when implemented well, can supercharge your growth strategy. At the same time, you may be wondering how to get started.
The good news, OKRs can magically seep into accelerating your business growth, without having another on the ‘To Do’ list. However, what it does need is baselining understanding on OKRs, crafting it right, discipline, focus and cadence not only among leaders but also your teams.
And, a great way to move from knowing OKRs to actually doing or practicing OKRs, is through OKR pilots!
All about OKRs
OKRs is a strategy execution framework, which requires an ongoing cadence, to pick measures that matter most to propel the organisation forward. OKRs forces teams to think about how to drive change, growth or innovation. Something is a variation of what or how we are currently doing.
Objectives are qualitative statements that give clarity on ‘What would we like to achieve?’ They must have business value.
Key results define ‘how we are going to measure success?’. They’re outcome-driven, measurable and stand the ‘Stretch Test’.
Tasks are the to-do lists, priorities, and activities that will help us achieve our OKRs.
Also Read: Global pandemics, trade wars: why OKRs are more vital than ever before
OKRs shift thinking from measuring inputs or tasks to outcomes. OKRs are agile, set for 90 days, and builds a muscle of cadence around metrics that matter most.
Here’s an example of an OKR.
Objective: Implement a kick-ass sales strategy to accelerate revenues
KR 1: Increase conversion rates from 15 to 30 per cent
KR 2: Reduce lead received to call back time from one hour to 10 minutes
KR 3: Increase enterprise customer proposals from four to 10 per month
How to run craft an OKR
The Socratic question
As you mull over how to get started with OKRs, ask yourself the Socratic question ‘Is my company ready for OKRs and what outcomes would we want to drive?’ OKRs being a strategy execution framework, rest on your company’s mission, vision, and strategy.
No sailing without the captain of the ship:
OKRs start with sponsorship, and that’s best done by the CEO alongside the Strategy Office. With a strong war cry around OKRs, you need to rally your team around the North Star or the big ‘why’.
Champion the implementation, get a common understanding of what OKRs are or aren’t, and don’t shy away from calling an OKR expert to give you a 101 primer on OKRs.
It starts with company OKRs
In all OKR pilots, what emerges as a constant is to start from the top. Build the virility around the framework, by setting company OKRs anchoring them to the company’s mission, vision and strategy.
As a Founder or CEO who is driving OKRs, invite your next level leadership team to contribute to company OKR crafting. Use OKR language in every meeting – Get tired of saying so, until everyone gets activated on the driving OKRs as a muscle.
Choose your pilot team well
Organisations have different ways of choosing a pilot team. For enterprises, it could be CXOs and next-level leaders, or a group driving Innovation projects.
Also Read: We recently implemented OKRs at e27; This is why every startup should do the same
For hyper-growth startups, it could be teams that need to drive outcomes through intensive collaboration. The success of your pilot team can be a role model for other teams.
Get the right anchors
It takes two to tango. But for OKRs, it’s a whole lot more. You need the right anchors to make sure the teams are sailing through every difficult situation without crashing or just running away from the challenges. Have a well-defined checklist to make sure your key role holders can increase your chances of a successful implementation.
Consider using an OKR software
With team sizes are more than 20, an OKR Software is a must-have to keep the momentum on. An OKR Software would help teams view real-time insights, flag KRs at risk, help teams capture check-ins, collaborate on progress, and guide them on writing high-quality OKRs.
According to the experience of Fitbots OKR management, an effective Check-In meeting is a secret sauce to getting OKR implementation right.  This may seem like the same old tune, but the fact remains, no leadership enthusiasm, no OKR success. Check-In meetings happen weekly by teams and during Leadership reviews.
With a view on OKR progress dashboards against company goals, leadership teams review, reset & remove constraints to get OKRs back on track!
Gather the learnings from the pilot and reset your process. Before going company-wide, it is better to know what works well given your company culture and growth focus.  Happy OKRing!
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hithingarajiya · 2 years
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viralsoftllc · 4 years
StorieBot - My Honest Review
1 Click Integration With Your Instagram Account
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It’s an innovative, all in one solution that CRACKS Instagram wide open and allows
You can get amazing results even if you have no experience.
 About the app
StorieBot allows you to BUY BACK YOUR TIME!
This NEW software will turn every Instagram story viewer to your LEAD (even if they are not your follower)
Plus, it activates a chat-bot that auto-sell to them 24/7/365.
 With StorieBot you can:
creates professional stories without having to think of ideas or design or manual work
Every viewer who views your story gets added to your lead list
the chatbot allows you to sell and remarket and stay in touch with your subscribers
allow you to publish the stories automatically Or schedule multiple stories!
use Story Builder Editor to give you instant Instagram Recommended Story Styling with connected quote bank and stock image bank, stickers and frames to design just whatever you can imagine.
Export your story viewers along with their name, email and phone number
Create an Instant Auto DM so that immediately an Instagram user views your Story a follow-up Direct Message is sent to that person Inbox
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set the date you would want a particular story to be published
quickly check-in and know what people are already talking about that is trending
millions of Stock collections on Videos, Photo, illustrations and Vectors you can just search by your niche keyword
 Watch it in action
 Why you need this:
is it really worth it? Spending hrs on creating stories, then regularly checking who watched them manually messing up every one of them, visiting every profile manually, then copy-pasting it. 
Then repeat every story again and again.. 
This works, you saw the proof, but why would you spend hrs and hrs every day, when you can do the same thing in just 2-5 min... 
And still, build a targeted list inside your StorieBot + Email, plus make sales.
How does it work:
 If you want to leverage Instagram stories to build huge IG lists and auto-sell to them, this new revolutionary software will be a life-saver.
StorieBot is so powerful, it gets you the best kind of leads from Instagram with 100% opt-in, plus follow up with them and auto-sell to them...
 What you are getting:
Front-end gives you access to:
5,000 DM List
100 Chatbot Campaigns Per Month
Story Builder
Audience Technology
DM list
Auto DM
Send DM
Schedule Story
Latest Trendz
What are the upgrade:
OTO1: StorieBot Pro
4x Your Traffic & Income Potential With The Pro Version.
Add to email, get story viewers to your email lists
Social Sharing to 10 sites, more eyeballs, build a bigger list faster
Hashtag Spy, automatically adds trending, related hashtags to your stories
10,000 DM List + Email Exports
500 Chatbot Campaigns Per Month
Add countdown and polls to your stories. This increases your engagement resulting in more people viewing your stories, building your bigger list and revenue in the long run.
OTO3: StorieUltimate
Lift ALL Account Restrictions &
Unlock the full potential Of StorieBot For Over 100X More Leads, Campaigns & Sales.
Expand Niches, Go Unlimited, Have More Control, Power & Of Course – Without Paying Monthly Or Yearly.
Add 5 More Instagram accounts
100k DM List
100k Email Export
UNLIMITED Chatbot campaign
UNLIMITED DM campaigns
OTO4: StorieBot Agency
Local Agency, the user has access to be able to add up to 50 sub-users. It comes with a fully designed SEO ready website they can just upload to their host and start marketing as an Instagram lead generation and marketing agency. You can also resell these 50 accounts and you can choose to charge huge 1-time or recurring fee from your clients.
       ATTENTION: Get These Extra, Exclusive Bonus And 100% Free If You Take Action Today & Purchase This Product Using One Of The Buttons On This Page.
 Get StorieBot Suite Now & Secure the Following VIP Bonuses
BONUS #1: Digital Lock Down Software (Value $197)
If you are an online marketer, safeguarding your products and services is of topmost concern for you. You may have the best product, but if that’s not secure, your success chances are going down the drain.
Fortunately, to bail you out from this hazard, here’s a package that helps you to stop digital product thieves in their dirty tracks and protect your digital products from the nasty digital thieves. Now stop thinking and take its benefits with StorieBot to become successful in the long run.
 BONUS #2: Online Viral Marketing Secrets Video Upgrade (worth $97)
Viral marketing can help you promote your content, but 90% of marketers fail in viral marketing because they are not aware of the secrets and tricks of viral marketing.
With this video training, you will discover a shortcut to online viral marketing secrets. These tips and tricks have been used by top marketers to take their business to the next level. Now, stop thinking and promote your website with this software and use StorieBot to create those kickass Videos you've always wanted.
 BONUS #3: WP Video Attention ($97 Value)
With the help of this new powerful and easy to use WordPress plugin, you can add engaging video as a widget to any corner on your webpage so that you can keep your viewers engaged throughout your entire video while they are exploring the content/other parts of your page - So you will never lose the engagement & attention of your viewers.
Moreover, you can add countdown-time, share button and animation effect that will help your page get sky-high conversions and engagement.
 BONUS #4: Influencer Marketing ($197 Value)
Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to quickly build your brand online and raise awareness among your target audience. The best thing is that you don’t need a large following or any previous experience in advertising. You can easily become a well-paid influencer with just a few thousand followers.
Keeping this in mind, here’s a helpful guide that helps to learn what top influencers are doing to secure profitable partnerships and how they set themselves up for ongoing success.
Now, use this helpful bonus along with StorieBot and take your business to the next level.
 BONUS #5: ​Text to Speech Translation Software
Your customers will be willing to pay more if you can go a bit further by adding nice voice overs to the videos created using Video App Suite. So Immediately after purchasing VideoApp Suite through my Link, you will get instant to a Text to speech software. The software understands the text and natural language to generate synthesized audio output complete with appropriate cadence and intonation. It is available in 27 voices and 7 languages.
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dennisplaisance · 2 years
Guide To Definitive Sales Automation
Sales automation is a process that uses technology to improve the efficiency of sales operations. This can include using software to manage customer data, tracking sales goals and performance.
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Sales automation is one of the greatest marketing inventions known to man. Its benefits are amazing. The software saves a tremendous amount of time and effort, and it’s a win-win experience for you and your customers. Whether you use the software to generate reports, filter your clients for the perfect fit, or generate new leads, it can handle the task.
What Is Sales Automation?
Sales automation software is a tool that allows you to carefully manage your sales pipeline by organizing the prospects you’re working with. The software can handle many of the tasks traditionally handled by a sales team member. You can use it to organize leads, track email responses, schedule follow-up emails, and more. The software also helps you see what needs to be done if you are too busy to handle it yourself.
What Does a Sales Automation Software Do?
Automated software frees you from tedious tasks, giving you more time to generate leads and close more sales. The software is designed to minimize the time and effort to contact leads.
Another benefit of a sales automation software is that it ensures you don’t forget anything when contacting leads. The potential for sales automation is nearly limitless. Anything from generating reports and contracts to locating the perfect lead in the perfect region is possible.
Some great examples of software automation are:
Email reminders
Inventory control
Regular documentation
Standard contracts
Are There Risks to Sales Automation?
Sales automation is not perfect. Your sales automation plan does not have to be overly complicated. Automation is a great thing, but it does not mean you are supposed to automate everything.
What Is Sales Process Automation?
Think of sales process automation as the best automation method for your sales team. This allows them to focus on closing deals and presenting to clients. Automation leaves the sales team to concentrate on making money and selling deals.
What Is Sales Automation Software?
Another crucial step in your sales automation software is prospect management. It gathers data about your interactions with your customers, such as their names and email addresses. You can also use a account management tool to record the progress in sales or even the questions asked by the chatbot. It’s up to you what you want to choose .
Sales Automation Software for Sales Reps
Your sales reps already have plenty to do to support your sales efforts, such as creating custom reports and filters. Using sales automation can reduce wasteful tasks to focus on what they need.
Learn About the Customers
There is no substitute for knowledge when learning about your customers. Sales automation lets you keep track of your customers and their needs by gathering the data you need to bolster your business. As AI collects more information on customer behavior, it becomes smarter and can make more accurate recommendations. Use AI to determine which customer leads are the top priority or when to approach a potential customer.
Many businesses have found a way to automate many of their daily tasks. This has saved many companies from the stress caused by repetitious manual tasks. Companies can save time and money and become more productive by automating repetitive tasks.
OutReachly sales engagement software enables you to engage and convert prospects into leads. Generate sales-qualified leads at scale, create task cadences, harvest leads in bulk, access unlimited contacts, accounts, and automated workflows, and everything else you need for your sales engagement. If you need an automated sales system, look no further than OutReachly! Access agile and sustainable apps at your fingertips today.
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slingakoncert · 2 years
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Wishing you all Happy Fourth of July!
Let's Celebrate!
Koncert - Best Sales Engagement Software
Products :
1.Koncert Dialer
2.Koncert Cadence
3.Koncert Coverage
4.Koncert AI
No 1 : B2B Sales Tools
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hithingarajiya · 2 years
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Koncert : Best Sales Cadence Software & Tools in 2023
Koncert is B2B sales cadence software designed to help you streamline your sales process. It automates tedious tasks such as building sequences, scheduling calls, and sending emails so your salespeople can focus on more important tasks.
FOR MORE : 11 Best Sales Cadence Software & Tools in 2023 (minterapp.com)
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