#Best Moot Squad
vs-redemption · 1 year
I head canon these boys are totally help you make brownies for at 2am. I mean you get up because you’re craving brownies… but since they can’t stay asleep without you they eventually get up to see what you’re up to.
Osamu, Atsumu, Mattsun(these 3 will be sleepy flirty get you all flustered and rile up)
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Soft Sunday Headcanons: Night Time Snack Gang
with: Osaumu, Atsumu, Mattsun
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I feel like Osamu would be the first one getting up to go after you. He already knows what you're up to and he happily offers to take over. He'll make the brownies for you and you can watch. He'd be extra too, making you some hot tea or something to go with the brownies.
Atsumu might be the one to suggest getting up to make some brownies first. It's like you two read each other's minds. Every time it's just a coin toss to see which of you suggests sneaking down into the kitchen first. There's lots of giggling and smiles while you two cater to your sweet tooth.
Mattsun is pulled out of a dead sleep by the sweet smell of chocolate. At first he thinks you're crazy and teases you a bit. But when you offer him one of the hot gooey brownies right out of the oven, suddenly he's a lot more supportive.
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
Jang Yunho and his beautiful love relationship with fluffy hair: an (not so serious) essay~
Author's note: this post is biased. Very biased. Don't except some objective opinion here. I'll mention some other idols as examples here and there but ONLY as examples, please don't be mad if I'll mention them. Some of the analysis are inspired by Michaela Diana, a wonderful artist on Instagram who makes stylisation studies. Without her works probably the post would have never come out. Oh, uhm, I decided to not use fantaken photos for this analysis, only photos taken from Kingdom's official accounts or the concept photos. I don't know you but I would've feel like a thief if I used them.
This post is dedicated to @seohotonin and her love for Arthur
Hi everyone, today I'm finally talking about one of my favourite haircut/looks ever made: the perm hair, also known as "The Floof" from me. And we're not talking about The Floof in general, no, no, today I'll try to demonstrate how this kind of haircut has a beautiful love relationship with Jang Yunho aka Arthur from Kingdom.
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Look at him. He's cute right? And you want to touch his hair so badly, right? Good, because that's how The Floof is supposed to work (for me). You really want to rub those hair and making even more curls by doing it.
You get it, I love this haircut sooo much. BUT, even if I have a bias towards this haircut, it doesn't mean that it's suitable to everyone. I think everyone agree on this, the perfect haircut is the haircut which fits our face shape perfectly.
And Arthur has what it's the perfect face shape for The Floof and the curls and I'll explain you why.
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Another random pic because you need to admire him with the curls, I know you want to love his pretty face with this haircut in particular, I know it.
Now, I could easily use as an argument the fact that he resembles a squirrel and end the post. Because, well, according to my bias list, every time one of my biases has the squirrel or the hamster as his animal, there's an high percentage that they'll look cool or beautiful with the curls or the fluffy hair.
But no, that would be too much simple, we need to go more deeper than this.
What if I tell you that Arthur has what I call The Floof face? :3
According to my own personal theory, The Floof works perfectly if you have some features that shines the most thanks to this haircut in particular. I'll show you a couple of examples by showing you two other artists who shine a lot when they have curly hair/perm hair/The Floof.
My dear readers, I present to you...
* drums roll *
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Every time I need to push my The Floof agenda Han Jisung from Stray Kids and CyA from Onewe are the first ones who comes into my mind. I mean look at them, they're perfect.
And you wonder why? Well, if you zoom on these photo in particular you'll notice how both Han and CyA have a soft face shape in general (no sharp jawline as you can see). They have full cheeks, which become even more full when they stuff their mouth with food (Han in particular when he eats a lot becomes an adorable squirrel with his full cheeks). Their face shape is oval/heart shaped, which is the best shape for The Floof, even tho I must say that there are some exceptions (Taehyun from TxT has a rectangular shape foremost but he looks beautiful with curly hair for example). The eyes' shape also play a major role for The Floof. If you noticed, CyA has round eyes while Han has monolid eyes which are the best shape for this kind of haircut (the upturned eyes work too).
Ok, enough with the explanation LET'S CHECK ARTHUR NOW.
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Mmmh, let's see...
Soft face shape? Yup, the jawline isn't so sharp.
Full cheeks? Yes, there are.
Oval/Heart shaped shape? Idk you, but I can see an oval shape here.
Monolid/Round eyes? Yup, the eyes are monolid for sure.
Conclusion: Arthur has the perfect face shape for The Floof, let's celebrate everyone!
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But wait, do you think I'll end everything like this? Oh no, no, we can't end the post like this, we need to see which kind of colour and haircut is suitable for Arthur :D
Let's start with the era where he shines the most and he had the first Floof: the Excalibur Era.
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Ok so, even tho I love him with this kind of long hair in my opinion the hairstyler should have cut the bangs a little. Not too much, just a little. I know that this haircut suited him, especially if we talk about the MV's storyline but...well, maybe with shorter bangs he would have look beautiful. I don't like seeing his eyes covered by the bangs but it's my pet peeve, probably other people likes it regardless.
BUUUT when he has short hair...oh boy, I get blessing everytime when he has curls and his hair are short like, just see him here 🥴
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Sorry for the Ivan here but it's my post and I need to put some other biases (also Ivan he's pretty here...bby) 🥴
He with short curly hair is perfect, believe me when I say this. I'll give you some other pics of him to prove my point.
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Now probably you're asking which kind of colour is perfect for him (except well the normal ones such as blonde, brown etc.). Well, let's say that, for what I saw, bright colours such as blue electric work perfectly for him BUT, there's only one colour that should be erased.
Like no.
Especially if it's bright.
Remember when "The History of Kingdom Part V. Louis" concept photos came out? Especially the Portrait version? Ok, remember which kind of colours Arthur had there?
Believe me when I say that when I saw the picture I was just repeating into my mind: "Look how they massacred my boy."
Like no, please, he looked like an highlighter 😭
But the double colour works perfectly for him. If one day he'll go full Oreo I'll be very happy.
And that's it, this is the end. I don't know if you'll agree with me or not but probably you finally know that I love Arthur with The Floof. And the The Floof has a beautiful love relationship with him.
Should he stay with perm hair for like forever?
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fatecantstopme · 1 year
The Connection
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Pairing: Elliot Stabler x reader
Summary: Elliot Stabler is your best friend and has been for years. When he and Kathy get divorced, you let yourself wonder what it would be like to be with him...despite your current relationship status. Elliot's jealously will either bring you together or tear you apart.
Warnings: Divorce. Panic Attack. Gun shot wounds. Mentions of death. Hospital. Cursing. Use of pet names. SMUT, oral (M & F receiving), face sitting, unprotected sex (P in V)
It had been eight months since Elliot and Kathy had divorced. Eight months Elliot had spent alone, trying to figure out what the hell to do next. Eight months of trying to find the words to say and eight months of failing to.
The first couple months after Elliot's divorce, you thought about telling him how you felt--how you'd felt for years. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about it every single day since the moment he told you they were getting divorced.
Your fear of losing your best friend was what stopped you from ever admitting your feelings. You couldn't bear to face that possibility. You’d rather have him as just your friend than nothing at all.
But everything changed for you when you met a handsome stranger just outside your favorite coffee shop on your way to work. Tony, as you would later learn, was an emergency room doctor at Mercy Hospital. He had just recently moved to the city after finishing his residency at a hospital in Chicago.
Before long, you and Tony were inseparable. He was kind, charming, and funny--and he treated you better than any man ever had. You were content, happy even, despite the little voice in the back of your mind. The voice that reminded you of how much you loved Elliot--how much you needed him.
That voice was always strongest when you were together, which meant you started to pull away from him--spending more time with Tony and less with Elliot. Even though the two of you worked together and saw each other nearly every day, you tended to stay in your office and avoid too much actual contact with him if you could.
You felt badly about the distance you'd created, but you didn't know what else to do. If Elliot felt the same way, he'd never even hinted at it, let alone expressed it, so you felt the point was moot. Why put yourself through the pain of rejection if you didn't have to? Plus, you had Tony now. Focusing on your relationship with him had to be your priority.
Elliot was no fool. He watched you pull away from him after you met Tony—and he thought he knew why. He couldn’t stand to hear you talk about him—didn’t want to imagine you with someone else. Someone other than him. He had no right to feel that way and he knew it, but there are just some things you can’t control.
You’d been with Tony for 6 months when Elliot finally reached his breaking point. The two of you, along with Olivia, Munch, and Fin, were in the squad room after a particularly stressful case. You were chatting with Olivia about her latest beau and she inquired about Tony. You told her you had been canceling dinner plans with him for the last week due to your case load, but you were planning on seeing him tonight.
“He’s perfect for you, (Y/N),” Olivia said with a smile. “You always light up when you talk about him.”
You offered her a small smile in return. “He really is amazing.” You leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially. “I think he’s been shopping for rings.”
Olivia’s eyes widened. “How long’s it been?”
“6 months,” you answered.
“Damn. That’s fast.” She shrugged, “but if you know, then you know.”
You opened your mouth to tell her that you didn’t know, but Elliot beat you to it. “Jesus, (Y/L/N), I didn’t expect you to just marry the first guy who jumped in your bed. When did you turn into such a needy slut?”
Your face paled and you stepped back as if he’d slapped you. He knew you well enough to know exactly what to say to hurt you and he didn’t pull his punches.
“What the hell, Elliot?” Olivia snapped.
Elliot avoided making eye contact with you—immediately regretting his outburst. He wasn’t one to apologize, and to be honest, he wasn’t very good at it, but he felt the strong urge to beg for your forgiveness.
“I shouldn’t've—“ he started.
“Leave it,” you cut in. “Whatever it is you were about to say, just don’t.” You grabbed your coat and your bag before turning back in his direction. “I’m going to dinner with a man who treats me with respect and genuinely cares about me. I would think you of all people would be happy for me.” You paused. “I know you're tired and stressed, but you don't have the right to take it out on me. I'm your friend, Elliot, although given what you just said to me, I'm not even sure about that."
With that, you walked out the door, never slowing or sparing a glance behind you.
Elliot felt terrible in more ways than one as he watched you leave. He could feel the gazes of his friends, but he couldn’t bear to look at them. “I’m going home,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, maybe you should get some sleep before you insult anyone else,” Fin said none too gently.
In any other situation, Elliot would have clapped back, but the fact that he'd just hurt you like that made him keep his mouth shut. He threw on his coat and stormed out of the precinct before anyone else could speak.
The entire way home, Elliot was fuming. He was mad at himself, mad at Tony, but most of all he was mad at you. Mad that you found someone who fit you so perfectly. Mad that you wanted someone else. Mad that you were happy. God help him--he felt terrible for it--hated himself, even. What kind of person felt this way about their best friend? Wasn't he supposed to be your number one supporter? Your biggest champion?
He was filled with regret as he entered his small apartment. It was mostly empty and completely devoid of personality. He had pictures of his kids, but not much else.
There was, however, one particularly special picture in the living room. He walked over to it and picked up the frame, his heart clenching as he stared at it. It was a picture of you and him on a random Saturday. He'd dragged you to the park for an early morning run, which he knew you hated. You'd gotten your revenge by pushing him into a pond beside the running path.
After you'd stopped laughing, you tried to help him out of the water, but he pulled you in with him, leaving you both soaking wet and laughing hysterically. When you made it back to dry land, you'd dragged him close and snapped a picture of the two of you--muddy, wet, and laughing.
The picture really showcased your personality--light, bubbly, happy, and just a bit goofy. It was his favorite picture and one of his favorite moments with you...it was the moment he realized he loved you. A feeling he'd never expressed, even though he'd felt it long before he and Kathy solidified their divorce.
It was almost two years later and he still hadn't told you how he felt. And now that he was a free man--and had been for a while--you'd found the man of your dreams. He'd managed to blow his chance to be with you and now it was too late.
The picture suddenly became blurry and he sat it back down on the table before wiping his eyes. He wasn't good with emotions and he was thankful no one was there to witness this particular display.
He tried to push all thoughts of you from his mind as he wandered around his kitchen, scrounging up something to eat. He tried not to picture you at dinner with Tony. He tried not to imagine what you would do after dinner. He tried not to think about anything at all...but no matter what he did, you plagued his mind from the moment you'd walked out the door. He decided to go out to a bar and get himself a drink or two. It was Friday after all and he'd had a long week. Why not blow off some steam?
You weren't in the best of moods when you met Tony for dinner that night. Elliot's words echoed in your ears and the feeling of hurt had yet to dissipate. He'd never lashed out at you like that before. Not once. You'd heard him do it to other people, especially when he was angry or frustrated--but he'd never done it to you. You weren't sure what it meant now that he had, but you were certain it wasn't good.
Tony picked up on your mood immediately and he was obviously concerned. He'd asked if you were alright, if you wanted to reschedule...but you'd told him it had just been a long week and not to worry.
"You seem distracted, (Y/N)," Tony commented gently. "Are you sure you're okay?"
You looked up from the food you'd been playing with on your plate and sighed. "Sorry, Tony. I've got a lot on my mind."
He nodded. You could tell he wanted to probe deeper, but he wisely opted to back off. He started to chatter about some new resident at the hospital, complaining about how green the kid was, and your mind began to drift.
You knew you should have been paying attention, but you really couldn't find the energy to--or perhaps desire was the better word. All you could think about was Elliot. When had everything gone so wrong? How did it all become so fucked up? Why did you care so much? He clearly didn't.
A single tear slid down your cheek and dropped onto your plate, surprising you out of your thoughts. You hadn't realized you'd been crying until that moment. You quickly wiped your eyes, hoping Tony wouldn't notice. When you glanced up at him, you knew he'd seen and you could tell he wanted to know what the hell was going on.
The problem was, you weren't even sure what was happening. Why did you feel so damn sad? As you stared at Tony, you realized there was only one person you wanted to talk to about it...and it wasn't the man in front of you. You were hurting and you only wanted the man who'd hurt you. How fucked up was that?
"Seriously, babe, what's going on?" Tony asked gently, concern lacing his voice.
You shook your head. "I don't really wanna talk about it."
"Okay...I wouldn't normally push, but you were literally just crying into your pasta."
"I'm aware, Anthony," you said rather harshly.
He winced slightly and you sighed sadly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap," you said softly.
"It's okay."
There was something about the placating tone of his voice that just set you off. "No it's not! None of this is okay! I'm not okay!"
He was clearly taken aback by the intensity of your outburst and you found yourself feeling incredibly embarrassed...and perhaps a bit annoyed.
"I just--I just wanna go home," you mumbled.
"Okay," he said gently. "Why don't you go wait in the car. I'll pay the bill."
He handed you the keys and you practically ran out of the restaurant. You couldn't explain what you were feeling--it was like you were suffocating, like the very air you were breathing was toxic. Your heart was pounding out of your chest and everything just felt wrong. Your vision started to darken and you felt like you were being crushed...you fell to your knees on the sidewalk, body shaking as you started to hyperventilate.
Moments later, Tony came rushing out and dropped to his knees beside you. You could hear him asking you what was wrong, but you couldn't answer him. You hadn't recognized the signs at first, but somewhere inside you, you knew you were having a panic attack. You couldn't explain why and you certainly couldn't tell him what was happening.
You heard Tony say something about an ambulance, but your brain was too foggy to comprehend what was happening. You'd had panic attacks all your life, but this one felt different--it came on even more suddenly and it was more intense than any attack you'd ever had before. Something about it felt final...deadly.
You heard the sounds of sirens in the distance, and at first you thought they were headed for you, but they never seemed to move any closer. Your vision was almost black, your head was pounding, and you felt as if your body was full of lead--you knew you were moments away from passing out. The last thing you heard was the ringing of a cellphone in close proximity to you. Just as you realized the phone was yours, you succumbed to the blackness of unconsciousness.
A couple blocks away, an ambulance and several police officers were responding to a call for shots fired at a local bar. According to the call, one man was dead, one was critically injured, and four more were wounded.
Witnesses said a man had opened fire inside the bar after an argument had escalated. After the first few shots rang out, another man had gotten up from his seat, pulled out his gun, and identified himself as police. The first gunman pulled the trigger twice, shooting the police officer twice in the chest. As he was falling to the ground, he pulled his own trigger, killing the gunman almost instantly with a shot directly to the heart.
The officer laid on the ground, blood seeping from his wounds, terror gripping his body. His only thought was of his family, and how he would never get to see them again.
He could hear voices all around him, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. His eyes were glazed and unfocused, and he was beginning to feel cold. He knew what that meant, even if he didn't want to admit it.
He heard the scream of sirens followed by the sound of footsteps near him. He heard a man's voice ask a question, but he didn't hear the response.
He heard snippets of what was said, "Gun," "argument," "scared,"...but the one that caught his attention was "Benson." He didn't understand why someone had said his partner's name and he tried to ask, but his voice came out as nothing but incoherent sounds.
The sound of more sirens neared and he began to drift towards sleep or death...he wasn't sure which one. His eyes had closed and his body felt heavy as he took what he feared would be his last few breaths.
"Detective Benson," Olivia answered on the second ring.
"Hi, Detective. This is Officer Bailey."
"Hey, Bailey. You got a case for me?"
"Not exactly, ma'am..." he paused. "It's your partner. Detective Stabler?"
Olivia felt her blood go cold. "What about him?"
"He was involved in an incident at O'Malley's Bar on 5th," Bailey said slowly. "Bar fight turned deadly. Apparently, Detective Stabler shot the gunman."
She inhaled sharply. "Is he alright?"
There was a pause on the other end of the line that told Olivia everything she needed to know. "How bad is it?" she asked softly.
"It's bad, detective. They're taking him to Mercy Hospital. You should probably go there."
Olivia's first thought was of Elliot's kids--she needed to call them when she had more information. She didn't want to scare them if she didn't need to. "Thanks for the call. I'm heading over there now."
She hung up, grabbed her keys and her coat, then ran out the door. She intended to drive with lights and sirens to get there--policy be damned.
When she got to the first floor of her apartment building, it suddenly hit her that she should call you. Even after his comments earlier that day, Elliot was still your best friend. You'd want to know if something happened to him and you'd be beyond pissed if Olivia didn't tell you right away.
She called your phone several times as she drove to the hospital, each time leaving a voicemail begging you to call her back.
She was thankful she lived so close to the hospital and she made it there in record time. She pulled up to the emergency room entrance just as an ambulance pulled up to the front doors.
Olivia quickly got out of her car and jogged towards the entrance, but she stepped aside as EMS rushed someone through the doors. Olivia's face paled as she got a good look at the person on the gurney--you.
She ran in after them, practically running right into Tony as he came in. Olivia recognized him immediately. "What the hell happened?" she asked in a rush.
Tony looked over at her in surprise, as if he was just realizing she was there. A look of recognition crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced with confusion. "She, uh--I don't know. She collapsed outside the restaurant." He eyed her carefully. "What are you doing here?"
"Elliot was involved in some sort of altercation at a bar. They brought him here, so I came down to figure out what the hell happened."
Tony looked shocked. "When?"
"About 15 minutes ago."
Tony's face paled. "That's right about when (Y/N) collapsed..."
Olivia's eyes widened. "What are the odds of that?"
He shook his head. "I'm gonna say extremely unlikely."
She sighed and shook her head too. "I need to check in with the front desk and see what they know."
The ladies at the front desk informed Olivia that Elliot had received two GSWs to the chest and was currently in surgery. They promised to keep her updated and let her know if anything changed. She also asked them to keep her updated on your status as well. It didn't seem likely that the two incidents were connected, but she had to admit it was really damn weird.
Olivia joined Tony in the waiting room and made several phone calls to Elliot's kids and the rest of her team. She wanted to make sure they all knew what was going on. The kids were out of town with Kathy, but Fin, Munch, and Cragen all promised to come down to the hospital immediately.
When they arrived, the five of them sat in the waiting room in silence. None of them knew what to say.
About an hour after the others had arrived, a nurse came into the waiting room. "(Y/L/N)?" she called.
Tony looked up at the sound of your name. He jumped out of his seat and walked towards the nurse. "Is she okay?" he asked urgently.
The nurse nodded. "She's awake and asking for someone named Elliot."
Olivia made eye contact with Fin, who was sitting across from her. He shared her knowing glance before they both looked in Tony's direction.
"Oh, um...I'm her boyfriend. Would I be able to see her?"
The nurse nodded again. "Sure, Dr. Cooper. She's in 103."
Tony immediately headed towards your room without waiting for the nurse to follow. Olivia got up and walked over to the nurse before she could walk away. "Excuse me," she called.
The nurse turned back to her. "Yes?"
"You said (Y/N) was asking for Elliot?"
She nodded. "You know him?"
Olivia nodded her affirmation. "He's my partner. He was brought in about 2 hours ago for GSWs to the chest. I believe he's in surgery right now."
The nurse paled. "Dr. (Y/L/N) didn't have any noticeable injuries. Was she there when he was shot?"
Olivia shook her head. "She was a couple blocks away. We're not sure what happened to her."
"The doctor said it was probably an intense panic attack, based on the symptoms Dr. (Y/L/N) described."
Olivia was a little surprised, but she didn't say it. "Thank you."
The nurse nodded and headed back into the patient area. Olivia returned to her coworkers and shared the information she'd just received.
"A panic attack?" Fin asked in surprise.
Olivia nodded. "That's what the nurse said."
"At the same time Elliot got shot?" Munch asked.
"Roughly, yeah." Olivia confirmed.
"What the hell are the odds of that?" Cragen asked.
"I'd say a million to one," Munch answered.
"At least she's gonna be okay," Fin said softly.
They all nodded their agreement. No one wanted to mention their fears about Elliot's survival...they just had to hope he would pull through.
You'd been surprised to find yourself in the hospital when you awoke, but you quickly realized the intensity of your panic attack must have literally knocked you out. Tony wouldn't have known what was happening, so of course he called 911.
You checked your phone as soon as you woke up and discovered you had several missed calls and messages from Olivia. You listened to the most recent one and felt the blood drain from your face.
"(Y/N), please answer your phone! I'm getting worried. Elliot's been in some sort of altercation and it's bad. I don't know what's going on, but I'm on my way to the hospital. Please call me." Olivia's voice sounded panicked, so you knew it must be really bad.
You pressed your call button and the moment a nurse walked into the room you asked for Elliot. The nurse told you she didn't know who that was, but she said she'd go out to the waiting room to see.
Much to your dismay, the person who walked into your room 5 minutes later, was Tony. You felt terrible for feeling that way, but not seeing Elliot standing in your doorway confirmed your worst fears.
"Elliot?" you whispered, the meaning of your question very clear.
Tony sighed as he came to the side of your bed. "He's in surgery," he said gently.
Your skin was already pale, but you turned white as a sheet upon hearing those words. "What happened?"
"He was shot twice in the chest. Some guy shot several people during a bar fight and Elliot stopped him."
"How bad is it?" You didn't really wanna ask, but Tony was an ER doctor after all...he would know and he wouldn't lie to you.
His expression was sad. "It's bad, (Y/N/N)," he said honestly. "It's really bad."
You couldn't stop the tears from sliding down your cheeks. You didn't want to ask more questions--didn't really wanna know--but you needed to. "What are the odds?"
Tony shook his head, not wanting to upset you further.
"Anthony, please," you begged.
He sighed. "He might not make it through surgery, but even if he does, the chances of survival are slim. He lost a lot of blood and there was internal damage from the bullets."
You closed your eyes and took a shuddering breath. "Where's Olivia?" you whispered.
"She's out in the waiting room. Want me to get her?"
"Please," you said so softly he barely heard you.
A few minutes later, Tony reappeared in the doorway with a distraught Olivia. She pushed past him and into your room, quickly crossing the short distance to your bedside. Tony backed out of the room and out of sight.
"How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly.
"I'm fine," you answered. "I don't understand how this could happen."
Olivia knew what you meant, but she didn't have a good answer for you. Elliot didn't frequent bars alone, nor was he the type to get into any kind of bar fight. But honestly, what really bothered her was the timing of your panic attack. "Why did you have a panic attack?"
You looked at her in surprise. "I--I don't really know. It just came on suddenly."
"Right when Elliot was in trouble? That just seems...odd."
"I can't explain it. I was outside waiting for Tony to pay the bill and it hit me. I was on my knees, unable to breathe, in mere seconds."
"You know I'm not a superstitious person and I don't really believe in any of that mystical stuff, but if I did...I'd say you felt something happen to him and that's why you had the attack."
You wouldn't classify yourself as some kind of mystic either, but you were a psychologist. You'd spent years studying the human mind, and nothing about it made complete sense. The brain is the most complex part of human anatomy...so complex, in fact, that we may never fully understand it.
"I suppose it's possible," you began slowly. "We know there are examples of minds being connected in inexplicable ways, the best example being that of twins. Twins claim to be able to sense each other and understand each other in ways the rest of us could never really understand. Twins a 1,000 miles away from each other claim to know the exact moment their twin died. Some people claim to have similar bonds with siblings and significant others. So while it seems unlikely, it is entirely plausible that such a connection could be formed between two people."
"If anyone was to have a connection like that, it would be you and Elliot."
"What makes you say that?"
Olivia gave you a knowing look, one you'd seen on her face countless times before...just never directed at you. "I might not be a profiler, (Y/N), but I'm not an idiot. It doesn't take a good detective to know that the bond between you and Elliot is different--special."
"He's my best friend," you conceded, although you knew that was not what she meant.
"This goes way beyond friendship," she said simply.
She didn't elaborate and you didn't need her to. Some part of you knew she was right, or at least suspected it. But if her idea of this connection was accurate--and your interpretation of the meaning was accurate--then didn't that imply your feelings were not one-sided?
You weren't sure if you were ready to admit it, but this revelation changed everything for you. In that moment, you decided if Elliot survived this, you would tell him how you feel...consequences be damned.
Two weeks went by without much change or improvement in Elliot's status. He'd made it through surgery, but he'd been in a coma ever since. The doctors weren't quite sure why...there didn't appear to be a medical cause.
You visited Elliot every single day, sometimes spending hours at his bedside talking to him. If there was even the slightest chance he could hear you, it was worth it.
That first night in the hospital had changed a lot of things for you, and it made you realize you couldn't keep pretending anymore. You broke things off with Tony, unable to lead him on any longer. He was surprisingly understanding about it, despite the obvious hurt.
The rest of the squad would stop by periodically to check in on Elliot and to see how you were holding up. You'd come back to work right away, but you'd made yourself as scarce as possible. You weren't ready to face the possibility that Elliot may never wake up, even if your coworkers were.
It was week three of Elliot's coma when you were called to testify in court for an SVU case. It wasn't a case you wanted to relive, but you'd played a vital roll in identifying the offender and your testimony was crucial.
You'd testified for a day and a half before you were finally released from court. Having done your duty, you pulled out your phone to check your messages. You were surprised to see several missed calls--all from Olivia.
Your heart clenched in your chest and terror froze your body in place. You weren't sure you wanted to listen to the message she'd left...you wanted to live in this moment just a while longer. In this moment, in this world, Elliot was still alive, but if you listened to that voicemail, that world might shatter.
You forced your body to move, making your way to a more secluded part of the courthouse before taking a deep breath and pressing 'play' on the voicemail.
"I know you're in court, but I wanted to make sure you heard this as soon as you finished up. We're all at the hospital--Elliot's awake!"
You didn't listen to the rest of the message--nothing else mattered. All you heard was "Elliot's awake!" and you were already running towards the exit. You ran at top speed all the way out of the building and to your car, pushing past anyone who got in the way.
When you reached your car, you jumped in the driver's seat and took off, ignoring almost every single traffic law in existence. All that mattered was getting to the hospital--all that mattered was Elliot.
After parking your car, you raced into the hospital and into the elevator, angrily pressing the button for the 3rd floor repeatedly. When the doors finally opened to the ICU, you sprinted from the elevator and down the hall towards Elliot's room.
You were breathless when you reached the doorway of his room, but you didn't care. Olivia, Munch, Fin, and Cragen all stood around the bed and they turned towards the door when they heard you.
You barely noticed any of them. Your focus was entirely on the man sitting up in bed, his bright blue eyes locked on yours. "Elliot," you breathed softly.
Every single person in that room felt the air shift when you entered. It didn't take a trained investigator to recognize the tension in the air. You didn't move from the doorway and your gaze didn't leave Elliot's face.
"Why don't we give you guys a moment alone?" Cragen suggested as he started to back out towards the door.
The other three followed their captain, Olivia shutting the door as she exited the room.
"Hey," Elliot murmured once the two of you were alone.
"Hi," you said softly, voice catching slightly as your emotions washed over you.
"Come here," he coaxed.
You crossed the room, stopping when you reached the side of his bed.
The two of you stared at each other in silence, emotions threatening to overwhelm both of you. It felt like everything inside you bubbled up all at once and you gasped, "I'm sorry."
Elliot spoke his apology at the exact same time. "I'm sorry."
You both let out a breathy laugh, some of the tension easing from your bodies.
"What do you have to be sorry for?" Elliot asked.
"I shouldn't have ever questioned our friendship. It was cruel."
He shook his head. "If anyone was cruel, it was me. Frankly, I deserved way worse than what you said. I didn't mean a word of it, (Y/N), not a single word."
"I know--" you began.
"Let me finish," he cut in insistently. You fell silent, allowing him to continue. "I shouldn't have called you a slut. I shouldn't have judged your relationship--it wasn't my place. I was upset and I took it out on you...it wasn't fair and I'm sorry. You deserve better."
"I appreciate that," you said quietly. "But why did you say it? You're never cruel to me...ever."
The pain in your voice nearly broke his heart in two. "I was mad at you," he mumbled. "It's stupid and it doesn't matter 'cause you're with Tony anyway and you're happy and I should be happy toorightbecauseyou'remybestfriend--"
You grabbed his arm to bring his attention back to you and cut off his ramble. "You can breathe now," you teased you lightly.
He chuckled. "Sorry."
"Don't be. I think it's cute when you ramble like that."
He rolled his eyes. "Great. I'm cute."
You grinned. "Very cute," you said in a teasing tone. As you looked at him, your smile slipped and a sad expression slid into place. "I thought I was going to lose you," you whispered.
He grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'm harder to get rid of than that."
Tears filled your eyes, despite your attempt to smile. "What happened, Elliot?"
"They didn't tell you?"
"I know the official story, but I wanna hear it from you."
"I needed to blow off some steam, so I went to the bar for a couple drinks. Some guy got into an argument, pulled out a gun, and started shooting...so I shot back."
Your eyes fluttered closed. "You could have been killed."
"But I wasn't."
"But you could have been!" you said loudly. "Why the hell did you go to that bar alone? Why didn't you just stay home? You could have called someone to go with you! You could of--"
"(Y/N)," Elliot cut in gently. "I'm okay."
You realized you'd been rambling and you inhaled deeply to catch your breath. "I was so scared," you whispered. "When I woke up and Olivia told me what had happened...it felt like my world was falling apart. All I wanted was to see you, but you were still in surgery. Even when you finally made it to recovery, they wouldn't let me see you because they wanted to keep me for observation overnight."
"Wait, what? Who wanted to keep you for observation?" he asked, confused.
"The hospital," you answered. "I got here about 5 minutes after you."
"What?" His eyes scanned over your body, checking for wounds or signs of injuries. "Why? What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you assured him gently. "It was just a panic attack."
He looked even more confused. "A panic attack?"
"It was intense," you admitted. "I passed out and Tony called 911. I didn't know what happened to you until I woke up in the hospital and listened to my voicemails from Olivia."
"I thought you usually knew when a panic attack was coming on."
"This one was weird. It hit me suddenly and literally brought me to my knees." You paused. "Anyway, I'm fine. How are you feeling?"
"Sore," Elliot admitted. "My chest feels like an elephant is sitting on it."
"Do you need pain meds? I can get the nurse--" you turned to call for the nurse, but he grabbed your arm to stop you.
"No, please--don't go."
You turned back to him. "I'm not going anywhere, but if you're in pain, the nurse can help."
He shook his head. "The meds make me sleep. I don't wanna sleep."
"Alright, but if the pain becomes unbearable, please tell me."
"I will," he promised. "I just want to talk to you for a while longer."
You smiled. "I can't say no to that."
For the next several minutes, you helped Elliot get caught up on everything that had happened in the last three weeks, leaving out a few key things about changes in your life until the end.
"I, uhh--I broke up with Tony," you mumbled quickly.
Elliot's eyes widened and you swore his face lit up before he tried to hide it. "Oh? I'm sorry, (Y/N/N). I know you really liked him."
You shrugged. "He's a good man and he'll make a great husband for someone, just not me."
"So...why'd you break up with him?"
"He deserved to be with someone who loved him the way he loved me and I knew I'd never be able to."
"Why not?" Fuck subtlety, he thought to himself.
You laughed breathily. "Good lord you're full of questions."
"That's not an answer."
You shot him a look of annoyance, but he knew you weren't actually upset. You were clearly trying to decide how to answer his question...and how much information you really wanted to give him.
"You can't love more than one person at the same time. At least not fully."
He raised his eyebrows. "Who do you love?"
"Elliot," you groaned softly. "Why does it matter?"
"I want to know." I need to know.
You sighed heavily. "How long have we known each other?"
He was clearly confused by your question, but he answered it anyway. "Eight years?"
You nodded. "And you were married for most of it, right?"
"As far as I'm aware, yes," he said in boorish tone.
"Six years, Elliot. Six whole years of my life," you said softly.
"What do you mean?"
You bit your lip and stared at the blanket covering his chest, unable to look at his face as you answered his question. "That's how long I've loved you," you whispered.
He'd waited two very long years to hear you say those words, but he'd never actually imagined you would ever say them. He was so stunned by your admission that he found himself rendered mute.
The seconds ticked by and you started to feel incredibly foolish and embarrassed. "Please say something," you begged.
He realized he'd been silent for too long and he rushed to say the words that had lived in his heart for so long. "I don't really know when I fell in love with you, (Y/N), but I'll never forget the moment I realized I loved you, and I don't think I'll ever be able to stop loving you."
Your jaw nearly hit the floor as your eyes shot up to meet his. You'd never dreamed he'd feel the same...at least not until three weeks ago. Perhaps Olivia was right after all--perhaps you really were connected in a deeper way. "El..."
"You don't have to say anything," he whispered.
"I love you," you said simply.
His chest ached from more than just the gun shot wounds. "I love you too."
You let out an awkward chuckle. "So what do we do now?"
"Right now?" he asked. "Well right now, you're going to kiss me because I can't really move."
You laughed warmly before leaning in and placing a soft kiss to his warm lips. The moment your lips connected, it just felt right. Everything about him felt right.
"As much as I'd love to kiss you until one or both of us passes out from lack of oxygen, I think I might need those painkillers instead," he said softly, finally letting the pain creep into his voice.
You nearly smacked him. "How long have you been in this much pain?"
"Doesn't matter. This was more than worth it."
You glared at him, but the glare quickly softened to an affectionate expression of concern. "I'll get the nurse."
You returned moments later with the nurse in tow. She gave Elliot a shot of morphine to dull his pain. It didn't take long for him to drift back off to sleep.
You settled into a chair beside his bed, content to stay beside him for as long as the hospital staff would let you.
Four days later, Elliot was finally released from the hospital. You insisted he come to your place because there was absolutely no way you were going to let him be alone yet. Much to your surprise, he didn't argue, if anything he seemed glad for your insistence.
"At least I don't have to give you a tour," you said with a smile as you held the door open for Elliot.
"I've only been here 100 times," he teased.
You closed the door behind him and watched as he moved slowly towards the couch. You knew he was still in pain, though he likely wouldn't admit it.
"Do you need anything?" you asked tentatively as he sunk down onto the couch with a muffled groan.
"Nah, I'm fine."
You knew better than to argue with him. "How 'bout we order Chinese for an early dinner? I don't really feel like cooking."
"God, yes. That sounds amazing."
"Hospital food that bad?" you teased.
You laughed and went to the kitchen to grab the number for your favorite take out place. You ordered enough food to feed a small army before settling onto the couch beside Elliot.
"Okay, so here's the options: we can watch TV, we can sit in silence and awkwardly stare at the wall, or we can talk."
"I vote for the awkward staring."
You laughed. "TV it is."
You turned the TV on, but nothing seemed particularly interesting. Eventually you settled on some mindless drama.
You pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it across your lap. "Do you need one?"
"I'm good."
A few quiet moments went by before Elliot cleared his throat. You looked over at him, but he didn't say anything. You turned back to face the TV, but he started shifting beside you, as if he was restless.
"What's wrong? Are you in pain?"
He shook his head. "Not really. It's just--well it's just that you're kinda far away."
You raised an eyebrow as you regarded him. "I don't wanna hurt you."
"Well, I wanna hold you and I don't really give a damn if it hurts me."
You offered him a small smile. "I'll be gentle."
You moved closer to him and laid your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close, wincing slightly as he shifted. Once you'd both gotten comfortable, your focus went back to the TV.
About 20 minutes later, the buzzer for the door went off and you jumped up to answer it. You let the delivery guy in the main doors and waited for him to reach your apartment.
"Do you always let the delivery guy in?" Elliot asked.
"It's not safe, (Y/N)."
A knock at your door alerted you to the presence of your dinner. You opened the door, took the food, and paid before shutting the door behind him.
"I've never had any issues," you commented.
"We know plenty of people who have," Elliot said softly.
You glanced over at him and sighed. "El, I've been living alone for most of my adult life. I'm painfully aware of the dangers of being a single female in this city, and I'm always careful."
He nodded, but he didn't look like he really wanted to let it drop.
You walked back into the living room and started laying out the takeout boxes on the coffee table. "Dinner is served."
He inhaled deeply. "Damn that smells good."
"Thank you. I slaved away in the kitchen for hours to make it for you."
He laughed warmly. You saw the look of pain cross his face, the laughter clearly aggravating his wounds.
"At least take a couple Tylenol," you begged.
He sighed. "Will it make you feel better?"
"Fine. I'll take a couple."
The two of you had managed to eat a large portion of the food you'd ordered and you'd gotten Elliot to take some pain medication. All in all, you felt very successful.
The two of you were curled up on the couch watching a movie. Your head was in Elliot's lap, a blanket covering your body, and his arm draped across your torso.
At some point, his hand began to play with your hair and gently trace meaningless designs against your skin. The motion relaxed you and you sighed contentedly. Your eyes drifted closed and you knew you should get up go to bed, but you were simply too warm and comfortable to get up.
Next thing you knew, Elliot was gently shaking you awake. "Sweetheart? It's late. You should go to bed."
You let out a little groan. "But I'm so warm."
He chuckled. "You'll be nice and warm in your bed too. Come on," he coaxed.
You grumbled softly as you sat up. You dragged your weary body off the couch and started to walk back towards your bedroom. When you realized Elliot wasn't following you, you turned around. "Coming?"
"Oh, I--uh...I can sleep on the couch, ummm--if you want."
"We're adults, Elliot. We can share a bed."
"Thank god," he said as he slowly made his way towards you. "Your couch isn't comfortable to sleep on."
"Hey! You've never complained before."
"That's because sleeping in your bed was never an option before."
"I suppose you have a point."
He followed you into your room and chuckled softly as you crawled directly into bed, not even bothering to change into your pajamas. He walked to the other side of the bed and stood there for a moment, clearly unsure of what to do.
"You okay?" you asked.
"I, uhh, I normally wear a lot less clothing when I sleep."
"Oh," you mumbled with a blush. "Umm, you can get comfortable. I don't mind."
"I'll keep some stuff on for modesty," he teased lightly. "I just gotta lose the sweatpants or I'm gonna sweat to death in the middle of the night."
You laughed. "We wouldn't want that."
He quickly shed his pants before crawling into the bed beside you. "Shit," he said with a sigh. "You've been holding out on me."
"This bed is 1,000 times more comfortable than the couch."
You laughed and very lightly smacked his arm. "You're the worst. You're lucky I let you share in this great comfort."
He grinned. "I feel very lucky. I'd even go so far as to say I feel honored."
You blushed. "Oh hush. Go to sleep, you dork. I'll see you in the morning."
You turned off the bedside lamp and settled back into the bed.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)."
"Goodnight, Elliot."
For the next couple weeks, Elliot was on desk duty at work, which meant he had much more time to spend with you. On slow days, he would come sit in your office and chat with you for hours until someone (usually Cragen or Olivia) came looking for him.
Even though he was more than capable of living alone again, Elliot was still crashing at your house. You'd insisted at first, but it had become a comfortable routine that neither of you were quite ready to break.
The rest of the squad started to notice the change in your relationship too. Elliot was much more affectionate towards you, both physically and verbally. He'd use terms of endearment as often as possible and he was always within arms' reach of you.
The shift in dynamics really became obvious when you and Elliot continued to arrive together to work in the morning after the doctors had cleared him for duty.
"Okay, I'm tired of dancing around this shit," Fin spoke up when you and Elliot walked in the door together.
"Dancing around what?" Olivia asked.
"That," he responded, pointing at you two.
"What about us?" Elliot asked.
"Are you still living with (Y/N)?"
"Yeah," he answered with a shrug.
"So are you dating?" Fin probed.
Elliot shrugged off his jacket and plopped down in his desk chair. "Yeah."
Three surprised voices started peppering you with questions. "Since when?" "Why didn't you tell us?" "How long has this been going on?"
"Guys!" you yelled as you threw up your hands. You were surprised that Elliot had admitted to the relationship so freely. You hadn't discussed keeping it a secret or anything like that, but you also hadn't discussed if and when you were going to tell everyone. "Can you at least wait until I put my bag down before you verbally assault me?"
The questions and comments continued, but were now aimed at Elliot as you made a beeline to your office to drop off your bag and coat.
Before you could make it back to the squad room, there was a gentle knock on the doorframe. "Got a second?"
You turned around at the sound of Cragen's voice. "Sure," you answered as you leaned back against your desk. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, I may have overheard the commotion in the squad room when you and Elliot got in."
"Were you planning on telling me?"
"Honestly, sir, we hadn't discussed it. We didn't even really discuss our relationship...it just sort of happened."
"Near-death experiences will do that to you."
You nodded. "It was rather eye-opening for both of us, I think."
"Not as much for the rest of us."
"What do you mean?"
Cragen smiled. "It doesn't take a good detective to see how much the two of you care about each other, even long before Elliot got shot."
You blushed. "I tried not to be obvious."
"I make it a point to know my people, (Y/N), and I pay attention."
"I hope our relationship isn't going to be an issue, sir."
He shook his head. "I'm not worried about the two of you one bit. You've always been professional and I don't think admitting you love each other out loud will change that."
"I appreciate that, sir. I know Elliot will too."
Cragen just offered you a simple smile before making his way back towards the squad room. You followed slowly behind him, allowing yourself time to steel yourself for the onslaught of questions.
Much to your surprise, the conversation had shifted to other topics, namely Munch's permanent bachelor status and Olivia's terrible choices in men.
You leaned against Elliot's desk and he looked up to smile at you.
"I see they've moved on."
"I put them in their place," he said with a smirk.
"Do I wanna know what that means?"
"Probably not."
You laughed. "You're probably right."
Elliot's next thought was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He answered it, listened for a few moments, then said "We'll be there in 15," before hanging up. "Liv, we've got a vic over at Bellevue."
She sighed and grabbed her coat. Elliot followed suit, but he paused to kiss you softly before following her out the door. "I'll see you later. Love you."
You smiled. "Love you too. Be safe."
"Always," he said with a wink.
You watched him walk out the door and you felt a pang in your chest. You'd always worried about him--about all of them--every time they went out on a call, but it felt different now. Knowing he loved you as much as you loved him made it so much harder to watch him leave knowing he might never come back.
Thankfully, he did come back, though he was not in a pleasant mood. He was snapping at every person who crossed his path and anyone who dared look at him sideways.
"It was the dad, Olivia," he was yelling when you came into the squad room. "I'm sure of it."
"Okay, Elliot, but we don't have any proof!" she yelled back.
"Hey," you cut in. "What's going on."
"Little girl is in the ICU because she'd been beaten pratically to death. The doctor said there was also evidence of prolonged sexual abuse," Elliot answered.
"That's terrible."
"Yeah, what's worse is the father did it," he said angrily.
"What proof do you have?" you asked.
"God, not you too."
"El, we can't just assume it's the father without some sort of evidence."
"My instincts and years of experience not enough for you?"
"It might be enough for me, but it's not enough for a court of law," you countered.
You could see the rage in his eyes and you knew exactly what he was thinking. You knew the statistics as well as anyone, so you knew it was likely that the child had been raped by a close family member. As a father himself, Elliot hated when a father was the cause of such trauma to a child. That hatred fulled his anger, which led to poor decision making.
"Why don't I talk to the father?" you suggested.
"I'm bringing him in tomorrow morning. I want first dibs," Elliot insisted.
"I think it's best if I talk to him first," you said gently, but firmly.
You sighed, not really wanting to answer him. "Because I'm not sure you can be objective, Elliot."
As you suspected, that only fueled his anger more. "Of course I can be objective! I'm objective! Why do you think--"
"You're angry," you said, cutting him off.
He paused. "Of course I'm angry!"
"I may not have children, but I understand where your anger is coming from, Elliot. The difference is you let your emotions guide you--you imagine yourself in that person's shoes and it fuels your rage." You sighed deeply. "For what it's worth, I trust your judgment. If you think he's guilty, I'm inclined to agree, but I want to talk to him first."
Your words seemed to calm him down. He hated seeing a child hurt, especially one that had been hurt repeatedly. He knew you were right--he was emotional and that tended to cloud his judgment. You, on the other hand, knew how to remain calm and rational, which tended to get you better results.
"You're right. You should interview him."
At that moment, Cragen stepped out of his office. "Emily Riley just passed away. The parents are on their way down to the station now."
"What happened?" Elliot asked.
"She threw a clot to her brain. It was likely caused by the beating she took."
"Why are the parents coming down here?" you asked.
"Mrs. Riley attacked Mr. Riley. She was screaming something about him doing this to Emily. Uniformed officers are bringing them down."
You turned to look at Elliot, who had a slightly surprised look on his face. "I think that means you were right, El."
"Maybe, just once, I'd like to be wrong."
When the Rileys arrived down at the station, Fin and Munch took Mrs. Riley to an interview room, while you took Mr. Riley to another room. Olivia joined you at your request, while Elliot and Cragen watched from the other side of the glass.
It didn't take you very long to get a full confession from Mr. Riley. He admitted to sexually assaulting his daughter for several years. It took a little longer for him to admit to beating her, but eventually he did. He told you and Olivia that he had to kill Emily because she threatened to tell her mother about what he'd done to her for years.
Once he admitted that, Elliot stormed into the room and yelled at him--screaming that he was a pervert and a monster. "You'll get the needle for this...and I'll be right there watching."
Elliot put handcuffs on him and took him to booking, with Olivia trailing behind. You met Cragen outside the interrogation room and he told you you'd done a good job.
"Honestly, I'd rather never have to do an interview like that again."
"But you're good at it, (Y/N)."
"Doesn't mean I like it."
"I don't think any of us really like it."
You offered him a sad smile before walking away, heading to your office to sit down and have a nice cry.
About 30 minutes later, Elliot found you in your office, eyes red from crying.
"Doll?" he asked. "You okay?"
You nodded. "I'm fine. I just...I hate doing those."
He came around the side of your desk and pulled you into him. "I know, baby. I don't like them either."
"That poor little girl. She never had a chance."
He squeezed you tighter. "At least he's going to prison for the rest of his life...thanks to you."
You looked up at him. "I can't take all the credit. Olivia was there too."
"You're the one who won him over. You got him to admit to everything he'd ever done to his daughter."
"At least this is done. I just wanna go home."
"Me too," he said as he stood up. "Get your coat and let's get out of here."
"I want a hot bath," you grumbled.
He chuckled lightly. "Hot bath, a glass of wine, and a good night's sleep next to your very handsome boyfriend, should do the trick."
You rolled your eyes as you threw on your jacket. "I'm taking you up on that."
"It's a guarantee," he said with a wink.
It had been two months since Elliot had been shot. Two of the best months you'd had in a long time. Elliot felt the same. He loved spending time with you and just being around you made him feel so at peace. Just sitting next to you on the couch while you watched a movie made him happy. It was all the little moments that warmed his heart.
Tonight was special. It was the anniversary of the day Elliot realized he was in love with you. To you, it was an ordinary Tuesday, but to him, it was one of the most important days of his life.
He'd made dinner reservations for your favorite restaurant for that evening, but he wouldn't tell you anything else he was planning.
"Why tonight? What's the occasion?" you'd asked him that morning.
"Because I love you and I want to show you just how much," he'd answered.
You didn't believe there wasn't more to it, but you let the matter drop. By the time 5pm rolled around, you'd almost forgotten about your plans for that evening.
"Come on, babe, we gotta go," Elliot said as he popped his head into your office.
"Just let me finish this--"
"We've got reservations at 6:30, sweetheart."
You looked at your watch. "It's only 5:15."
"We have to get home and change first."
"Where are we going that I can't wear this?"
"It's a surprise! Now come on."
You laughed and gathered your belongings before following him out the door.
When you arrived home, you found that Elliot had already picked out exactly what both of you would be wearing that evening. He'd selected a beautiful dress for you and a well-tailored suit for himself.
Thirty minutes later, he was dragging you out the door, insisting he didn't want to be late.
When Elliot pulled up in front of the restaurant, your face lit up in surprise. "Elliot, you hate this place," you insisted.
He shrugged. "But it's your favorite."
"Come on, beautiful." He hopped out of the car and quickly came around to your side to help you out. He dropped his keys in the valet's outstretched hand before guiding you to the door.
"You never do valet. You always say it's a waste of money," you whispered.
"Tonight is a special occasion," he countered. "Besides, you're worth it."
You blushed heavily as he held the door open for you and followed you inside. "Is that why you took me to one of the most expensive restaurants in Manhattan?" you murmured quietly.
"Mhmm," he hummed.
"Am I missing something here? What's the special occasion?"
Before he could respond, you were met by the maitre d'. "Good evening. Do you have a reservation?"
"Yes. Two for Stabler."
The man smiled at the two of you. "Right this way sir, ma'am."
You followed him to a nice secluded table in the far corner of the restaurant. It gave Elliot an excellent view of the entrance and it suited your preference for a quiet table.
A bottle of wine was immediately brought to your table and two cups poured. It was, of course, your favorite wine.
"Seriously, El...what's with all the fanciness?"
You chuckled. "Can't I treat my girl just because I want to?"
"You can, but I know you. You don't like fancy things."
"But you do."
"Sometimes," you conceited. "Especially when it comes to food."
He grinned. "You have very high expectations as it relates to food."
"You're not wrong."
A server seemed to appear out of nowhere to take your orders. You hadn't even begun to look at the menu, but you didn't need to. You knew exactly what you wanted. After the server left, you turned your attention back to Elliot.
"Are you going to tell me what's so special about today?"
He looked you in the eyes and for some reason, his expression made you feel emotional. "Two years ago today, I realized I was in love with you. This is the first time I've actually had the opportunity to celebrate that love."
Tears welled in your eyes and you gently fanned your face with your hand. "Come on, (Y/N), don't cry in public," you said lightly to yourself.
Elliot laughed warmly and reached across the table to take your hand. The man wasn't big into romantic gestures, but he'd made an effort for you and that meant everything to you.
"This is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."
"You need to meet better people then," he said with a smile.
"It wouldn't have the same meaning coming from someone else."
It was his turn to blush. "You deserve to know how much you mean to me. I want to make sure you never forget it."
"I love you, Elliot," you said softly.
"Not as much as I love you."
The evening was extremely beautiful. Delicious food, incredible company...who could ask for a better night?
When you made it back home, you immediately slipped off your shoes and dropped onto the bed. "Who invented heels and can I kill them?" you grumbled.
Elliot laughed as he tugged off his tie. "I'm 80% certain murder is illegal. Besides, they make your ass look incredible."
You laughed. "You're not wrong, but only 80%?" You sat up and watched him as he continued to remove his shirt. Your eyes followed his hands as he unbuttoned his shirt--mouth watering slightly at the teasing bit of his form you could see.
Ordinarily you'd be embarrassed by how blatantly you were staring, but it had been a long time since you'd felt the touch of a man and your body suddenly lit up.
Elliot was still chattering on about something until he looked in your direction and fell silent. The look on your face was hungry--possessive even--and it sent a shock wave of desire through his body.
"Baby?" he asked tentatively.
"Come here," you responded, voice low and husky.
Even if he'd been blind and deaf, he still would have been able to feel the desire oozing from every pore in your body. It wrapped around him, enveloping every part of him, pulling him towards you.
He stopped at the edge of the bed, eyes slowly tracing over your body, waiting for you to give him permission to touch you.
"Help me up," you purred.
He grabbed your hands and pulled you to your feet. "Turn around," he said softly.
You did as he asked, exposing the zipper of your dress to him. You felt his fingers slide slowly up your spine before grasping the zipper and pulling it down at an agonizingly slow pace to just above the curve of your butt.
His lips brushed against the exposed skin of your shoulder as he began to remove your dress. He could feel your heart racing, the blood pumping through your arteries as he kissed your neck.
You gasped softly as his teeth grazed your pulse point, sending shivers through your body. His hands pushed your dress the rest of the way down, letting it pool at your feet.
You felt his hands caress you, sliding around your midsection and pulling you back against him. The way he touched you only made you want him more--the slow pace he'd set driving you crazy.
As if he sensed your need for more, his left hand began to slowly glide up your torso towards your breasts. He slid his hand across one breast and then the other, giving each one a gentle squeeze as he did so.
Your body was flush against his and you could feel his arousal pressing into your back. The lack of skin-to-skin contact was making you desperate. You needed to feel him--all of him.
You turned your head to look up at his face, but you were surprised by his heavy-lidded expression. You'd never seen him look like that and it did something to you.
Your lips parted slightly as you gazed at him and he found it impossible to resist. He leaned down to press his lips against yours, earning a soft sigh from you. You turned around so your chest was pressed against his, and your arms wound around his neck.
His shirt was already unbuttoned, so all you had to do was push it back off his shoulders and let him tug it the rest of the way off. You then let your hands wander under the hem of his undershirt, palms flattening against his taunt abs.
He knew what you wanted, so he pulled back just long enough to pull his shirt off over his head. He leaned back in to kiss you, but you pulled back slightly, hand pressed against his chest to keep him in place.
He would have been hurt by the motion if he'd missed the look on your face. Instead, he felt his chest swell with pride as you eyed him like he was the god, Adonis.
"See something you like?" he teased.
Your eyes flicked up to meet his. "I see a whole lot I like."
He grinned and pulled you back in for another searing kiss. You swore that every time he touched you, it was like your body was on fire--each touch increasing the intensity of the burning. But it wasn't painful...it was an incredible feeling and you wanted more.
Elliot's hands made their way to your back, and he deftly unclasped your bra with practiced hands. You let the bra slide down your arms, exposing your breasts to his hungry eyes.
He cupped them, lifting them to his mouth as he lowered his head to taste your skin. You let out a moan of pleasure as he nipped and sucked, paying each breast and each nipple its dues.
Your fingers began to claw at his belt, desperately trying to free him from the confines of his pants. Elliot chuckled softly at both your desperation and your frustration at not being able to undo his belt.
He pulled back and nodded his head towards the bed. "Lie down, baby."
You did as he asked, eyes never leaving him. He quickly undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He was slow to remove them, clearly enjoying the tortured expression on your face.
Your breathing was labored, despite the fact that you weren't doing a damn thing. You could feel your arousal pooling in your panties and you knew you were seconds away from completely losing it.
"How 'bout I just remove these too while I'm at it?" Elliot asked as he tugged his boxer shorts down his legs. When he stood up straight, you got your first view of his erection and you felt your pussy clench as a little gasp escaped your mouth.
He was thick and long--larger than you were used to, but not so big that it scared you. Your mouth watered slightly, the mere thought of feeling his weight on your tongue a massive turn on.
You quickly pulled yourself off the bed, cutting off Elliot's question before he could even speak as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
His eyes widened slightly as he gazed down at you. You looked up at him with a doe-eyed expression that nearly buckled his knees. He watched as you tentatively placed your hands on his thighs, eyes flicking up to his, checking to make sure it was okay.
He reached out and ran his fingers through your hair, letting you know he was comfortable. You licked your lips as your hands moved up his thighs, nails gently scratching the skin.
Elliot's breathing was already heavy and he knew he was going to have a hard time controlling his orgasm. It had been a long time for him too, after all.
You gripped his cock in your dominant hand, leaning towards him to take him into your mouth. You took as much of him as you could without gagging, eyes never leaving his face.
"Fuck," he whispered as he looked down at you.
The single curse word sounded like praise to you, so you ran with it. You wasted no time--you set a quick, intense pace, and he was loving it.
His fingers were tangled in your hair and a string of moans, heavy pants, and curses slipped from his mouth. He watched you as much as he could, but his head would roll back involuntarily as he reacted to the pleasure.
"You're doing so well, baby--feels amazing."
You moaned softly around his cock in response. The vibrations mixed with the warm, wet heaven of your mouth nearly made him cum. You felt the way his body tensed and knew he was close, so you sped up your movements, paying special attention to his sensitive head.
Elliot had been determined not to cum yet, but he was struggling to hold himself back. It just felt so damn good. "Baby, I--I'm close."
You were well aware and you wanted to taste him so badly--so you did the only logical thing...you looked up at him as you sucked, eyes filled with desire.
Within seconds, Elliot filled your throat with his cum--orgasm slamming into him like a freight train. As he started to come down from his high, he realized his grip on your hair was way too tight and he let go of you instantly.
"Sorry, baby. Did I hurt you?" he asked breathlessly.
You smiled up at him and licked your lips, making sure to get the last of his cum into your mouth. "Not at all, El. I loved every minute of it."
He relaxed and let out a relieved sigh. "Well so did I...you were phenomenal, (Y/N/N)."
He helped you up and pulled you against him so he could kiss you--not giving a damn that he could taste himself on your tongue.
"Can you lie down for me, baby? I'd like to repay the favor."
"You don't have to," you assured him as you settled onto the bed.
He looked at you in confusion. "You say it like it's some sort of chore."
You shrugged. "Not all men reciprocate."
"What kind of heathens have you been dating?"
You laughed. "Well...none of them were you."
"See, there's your problem," he teased.
He climbed onto the bed with you, hovering over your body, eyes scanning your face as if he was memorizing it.
"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" he murmured.
"Once or twice," you said, cheeks blushing slightly.
"Hmm," he hummed. "I've gotta tell you more often. No one compares."
Now your cheeks flushed a deep crimson. "Elliot..."
He suddenly sat up. "You know what, babe? I've got a much better idea." He flopped down onto his back. "Sit on my face."
"Say what?"
He turned his head to look at you. "Sit on my face," he said again.
"I...umm. That sounds dangerous."
He cocked an eyebrow. "It's not dangerous, it's sexy as hell."
You sat up and turned to face him. "Are you sure? I mean...couldn't I smother you?"
He laughed. "Absolutely not." His expression sobered suddenly. "Are you telling me no guy has ever asked you to sit on their face?"
You shook your head, embarrassment creeping into your face.
He sat back up and reached for you. "We don't have to do anything you don't want, but I promise you it's worth it--for both of us."
"Are you sure?" you asked again.
"I'm absolutely positive, babe."
He looked and sounded so confident--and to be honest, you'd always wanted to try it--so you nodded your agreement.
You quickly pulled your panties off before climbing on top of him. You straddled his chest--a slightly worried expression on your face.
"I promise you, you're not gonna hurt me," he reassured you. "Besides, I'm strong enough to throw you off me if I had to."
His tone was light and teasing, which made you feel better. Plus, you knew it was true--he really could throw you around if he wanted to.
You took a deep breath and moved your body so your pussy was directly over his face. You lowered yourself slightly, but you didn't actually sit on him.
He sighed in annoyance. "Did I ask you to hover over my face, baby?"
"No," you mumbled.
"What did I ask?"
"You asked me to sit."
"Mhmm...so sit."
You lowered yourself a little more, but you didn't put your full weight on him. You didn't think he would notice, but you were completely wrong.
He wrapped his arms around your thighs and tugged you down so you were completely flush against him. He made the happiest noise you'd ever heard before diving into the delicious feast above him.
You nearly jumped off of him as he began to eat you out--the sensations so intense, it startled you. But holy fucking shit did it feel incredible.
The sounds coming from your mouth were loud enough to wake your neighbors. You grasped the headboard for support as you moaned and begged and chanted his name like a prayer.
All-the-while, Elliot was expertly attacking your pussy, sending wave after wave of unimaginable pleasure through your body. He groaned into you as he feasted, your cries of pleasure spurring him on.
He felt your nails rake against his scalp and your thighs began to shake. He tightened his grip on you as he continued his ministrations.
"Elliot--fuck," you gasped. "I'm so close."
"I know," he said into your pussy, knowing full well you couldn't hear him. He sped up his assault on your clit and seconds later your orgasm washed over you--screams of his name echoing in the small room.
He continued lapping up the mess you'd made, arms still wound tightly around your legs, keeping you against his mouth.
You started to squirm, but he didn't let go. "El--sensitive."
After a couple more licks, he finally released you and you practically fell off of him and onto the bed. Your legs shivered as aftershocks worked their way through your body.
Elliot was happily licking his lips as he watched you, expression smug. You looked almost delirious with pleasure and it brought him great pride.
"That...was...incredible," you said between breaths.
He grinned as he sat up. "I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did." He wiped the rest of your slick from his face with a satisfied smirk.
You looked over at him and laughed breathlessly. He just looked so pleased with himself that you couldn't help but find it funny.
"Kiss me," you pleaded softly.
He was never one to deny you, so he pulled himself up and climbed onto your body, hovering over you once again. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against yours, earning a contented sigh from your lips.
You cupped the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you as you deepened the kiss. He shifted slightly to get more comfortable and you could feel his arousal press against your thigh. You smiled against his lips, appreciating that he was willing and able to keep going.
Elliot felt your lips curve into a smile and he pulled away so he could look at you. "Something funny, doll?"
You shook your head. "Nothing's funny. I'm just...pleased."
He chuckled and kissed your neck. "Pleased, eh?" He pressed another kiss against your skin. "About what?"
"You," you said breathlessly--his kisses quite clearly having the desired effect on you.
He smiled as he nipped at your collar bone. "I'll take the compliment."
You lifted your hips, brushing against his cock in search of friction. He hissed softly, the feeling too much and not enough at the same time.
Elliot grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him so he could settle more comfortably between your legs. He went back to kissing you, his hands gently skimming over your skin, his cock pressed against your entrance.
You ran your fingers through his short hair and whined softly.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"Need you."
"I'm right here." His teasing tone annoyed you slightly--he knew exactly what you wanted.
"Elliot," you whined.
He grinned. "Come on pretty girl, just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."
"I want you."
He nipped at your jaw. "Come on...you can do better than that."
You whined again, squirming beneath him, in dire need of his touch. "I wanna feel you inside of me, Elliot--please," you begged.
He growled softly, hearing you beg for him like that made him almost feral.
To your surprise, he started to pull away from you. "El?"
"Need a damn condom."
"I'm on birth control," you said quickly.
"You sure, babe? We know this little swimmers are potent."
You laughed. "I'm sure. Come here."
He lowered himself back on top of you and lined his cock up with your entrance. His eyes locked onto yours, searching for any sign of discomfort. Seeing none, he started to push into you slowly.
The stretch was both delicious and painful at the same time. Your nails dug into his shoulders and you winced slightly when he was about halfway in.
"Shit, am I hurting you?" His worried tone matched his facial expression.
"I'm fine," you assured him. "You're just...big."
He grinned wolfishly, pride pumping through his veins. He kept pushing forward until he completely bottomed out inside you, a deep groan escaping from his lips.
He gave you a few moments to adjust before he began to move. His speed was slow and languid, and his eyes never left yours. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable and enjoying yourself as much as possible.
"More," you gasped out softly.
He sped up his movements, earning a series of moans from you. He shifted his body to get a better angle and you cried out in pleasure, nails scratching into his skin.
He knew better than to slow down or shift any farther. With each thrust, he brought you closer and closer to the edge--and the convulsing of your tight pussy mixed with the sounds coming from your mouth, pushed him towards the edge too.
"Please, please, please" you chanted.
"I've got you," he murmured.
Your nails dug even deeper into his skin, drawing blood as they raked down his back. You cried out in pleasure--a sound that closely resembled his name--as your orgasm hit you.
Elliot barely held on long enough to get in another thrust before he was filling you up with his seed, whispering your name like a prayer in your ear.
As the two of you came down from your highs, Elliot slowly pulled out of you. You shivered at the loss of contact and you could feel his cum leaking from your hole.
"I'll be right back, baby," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You could hear him in the distance, but you were a little delirious from all the pleasure he'd just given you. When he came back, he scooped you up into his arms and carried you towards the bathroom.
You let out a little yelp when he lifted you--you were unaccustomed to being carried anywhere. "What--?"
"Hot bath?"
You smiled up at him. He didn't really strike you as an aftercare kind of man, but you could tell he really cared. He wanted to take care of you.
You nodded and he very gently lowered you down into the tub, which was still filling with hot water.
"Temperature okay?"
"It's perfect," you said with a sigh as you leaned back. "Join me."
"In a minute, babe."
He left the room and came back a few moments later with a lighter and a couple candles. He quickly lit them and turned off the light, so the room was bathed in a soft glow. It was surprisingly romantic.
You leaned forward so he could slide into the tub behind you. As soon as he was comfortable, he grabbed you and pulled you back against him. He kissed the top of your head and you sighed happily.
"I love you," he whispered into your hair. "So damn much."
"I love you too, Elliot."
The two of you stayed in the bath until the water began to cool. Elliot helped you dry off and slip on your nightgown before guiding you back to the bed.
He pulled on a pair of boxers and slid beneath the covers beside you. He reached out and put his arm around you, pulling you to him so your back was flush to his chest.
"Sleep well, my love," he whispered.
You were already drifting off to sleep as he uttered those sweet words. He didn't need a reply--he knew exactly how you felt by the way you curled into him, a soft sigh escaping your lips.
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lexapro-princess · 2 months
About Me
Hi, I'm London, I'm from Argentina, and I'm a girlblogger. I'm 22. I'm a piscis, pink is my favorite color and I study psychology in college.
I've had multiple accounts so I've been a girlblogger since 2020.
Lana Del Rey is my favorite singer since I was 17.
My favorite songs from released albums are:
BTD: Summertime Sadness and Off To The Races
Paradise: Ride, Gods & Monsters
UV: Shades Of Cool, West Coast, Black Beauty
Honeymoon: Music To Watch Boys To, High By The Beach, The Blackest Day
LFL: Cherry, White Mustang, Heroin
NFR: Venice Bitch, Cinnamon Girl, Bartender
COTCC: White Dress, COTCC, Tulsa Jesus Break
BB: Black Bathing Suit, Wildflower Wildfire
DYKTTATUOBLVD: A&W, Candy Necklace, Taco Truck x VB
A.K.A: Put Me In A Movie, Yayo, Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
Sirens: Out With A Bang, A Star For Nick, Pretty Baby
Unreleased: Be My Daddy, Break My Fall, Breaking My Heart, Butterflies, Butterflies Pt. 2, Television Heaven, Prom Song (Gone Wrong), Pink Champagne, Queen Of Disaster.
My favorite movies are: Alice In Wonderland, Girl, Interrupted, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Roman Holiday, Black Swan, Priscilla, Lolita, Scarface (1983), Abzurdah (2015) and Suicide Squad (2016)
My favorite actors and actresses: Keanu Reeves, Cillian Murphy, Margot Robbie, Rachel McAdams, Emma Roberts, Leighton Meester, Angelina Jolie, Brittany Murphy, Winona Rayder, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, Lily Collins, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Benedict Cumberbatch (love of my life), Robert Downey Jr, Johnny Depp and Al Pacino.
I'm bi, and in the autism spectrum.
My favorite TV shows: The Big Bang Theory, Gossip Girl, Sherlock, Skins, Scream Queens.
I struggle with dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder) and anxiety.
My favorite Disney princess is Elsa.
Characters with whom I share personalities: Elsa, Blair Waldorf, Cher Horowitz, Chanel Oberlin, Sherlock, Sheldon Cooper.
I don't like TikTok and other many modern things.
Winter is the best season change my mind.
I'm always happy to be moots with anyone interested, if you're a girlblogger from Argentina please feel free to DM me but if you're from someplace else you're also welcome.
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seelestia · 5 months
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
OOOO FUNFUNFUN!!! thank u so much for sending this in and for essentially spreading positivity, nonnie. this is appreciated ♡ also, instead of strictly moots, i decided to extend my appreciation to everyone! moots, anons, friends and readers alike ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
some odeliaesqué sappy appreciation under the cut:
@yvnaology - one of my fav facts abt yona was that she's one of the first moots i ever had on tumblr!!! and she's a lyney kisser and a fellow aventurine kisser (#taste). also she's so silly (/aff) and easy to talk to! like u'll feel at ease around her. she deserves good great and awesome things in life, so make sure to water ur yona daily with love <3
@solarisfortuneia - mika wished me congrats when i reached 1k and i still remember it till this day <3 she's friendly in a shy/modest way and suchsuchsuch a good writer! e.g. i cry over this every day actually. mika also has her silly moments sometimes too. someone save her /j
@floraldresvi - simply the sweetest & most supportive moot EVER! vivi is full of love and she's good at giving some of that love to others <3 her selfships are like bottles of serotonin to me. 100% would drop anything and everything in my hands to support her!!! and ik she'd do the same for me <3 mwah mwah 💐💐
@monicahar - the moot who comes online once in a while and drops absolute meals when she does. ate, left no crumbs 🔥🔥 also SUPER FUNNY!!! and unhinged, i'm concerned but amused at the same time. i hope she's having a nice break!! thank u for ur past & future services ma'am. we love u 🤭🤭
@milk-violet - MIREI !!! sunshine personified but also vv precious. i'm the leader of # protecc mirei squad (real). best person to have ever appeared in my notifs and i lovelovelove when her username pops up. take care & good luck with school! IK U CAN DO IT. remember what i said: slay before ur slayed 🗣️
@xianyoon - the butterfly moot 🦋 !!! both socially and aesthetically hehe. sosooso sweet & kind. has creative projects and executes them well at that too. i personally crown her as genshinblr's best hostess™! also, send her a moodboard and she'll cherish u forever - that's one of her love languages <3 ++ her pretty & aesthetic rb's are such a good refresh for my dash. love her for it!!
@hermosacolibri - the name, 'starlight' fits them sm bcs i feel like if we were to take a peek into their mind, stars will burst out!!! /pos (<- unique complimenting skills ik pardon me). their ideas are brilliant and i can tell they put their all into pursuing their vision <3 it's truly an honor to be a witness & reader. if u want to check them out, they write over at @/starlightlacrimosazpsff !!! ★
@wolfhookk - aaaaa ri !!!! booping her x1000 rn bcs i cannot believe boop trend ended when she came online. the discrimination 😔 /j i'll always remember ri as my first ever moot on here like first, 1st, #1!!! i forever thank her for swooping into my inbox back then and she's welcome to do that even now any time she likes <3
@kaiserkisser - skylia is the true angst consumer, the realest of it!! even in different fandoms LOL. she's nice (and gremlin-ish) when u get to know her more and she reciprocates energy really well! i'll never forget the disaster of boops in my notifs /lh
@callilouv - COOL MUTUAL ALERT !!!! cool art & cool interests. truly, picasso w/ the finger and fandoms!! idk if cal still draws with his finger dhjahshsj but still vv mega cool!
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank - the grandpas & old men kisser where art thou 💔 /j loqua has that awkward & silly rizz!!! idk if she still does wax stamps but i still think it's really cool. bcs qua's just cool in general !!! hehe
@calxlu - aaaaa vi!!! the one who enables my rambles and selfships shhshsh i am so thankful <3 rambler 🤝 rambler is the best. i love talking to her and it's super reassuring to know that it's mutual! even if i take some time but i always look forward to seeing her replies in my inbox. it's like we're penpals across the screen talking abt irl stuff and our f/o's ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡
& honorable mention: @/zhongrin. rin does not interact with minors anymore (which i respect and so should everyone!), so we count as former moots. but !!! i still think she's an amazing person regardless <3 (note: her blog is equally as great but plsplspls be mindful of her rules beforehand.)
brainrot anon - A REAL ONE!!! always there when i come back from the grave each time. i get reminded of them whenever i look at my inbox, it's an instinct atp. their brainrots are so fun & random (but that's a charm in itself /pos) !!! tbh i love elaborating them all so never stop sending the brainworms in <3 feel free to treat my inbox as a drop-off for ur thoughts LMAO /gen. come by again soon!
michiki anon - MY COUSINNNMNMN!!! i still love and miss when they'd come into my inbox to chat. it was so nice getting to know someone in a casual way <3 i hope ur doing well wherever u are, michikinon! i'm doing well these days and i hope u are too 🤍
rix anon - their series still has me FLOOOORED. i still think it deserves a proper platform than just thru my lil ol inbox. it deserves more recognition :( but just the fact that i got to help share their writing alone is an honor of its own!!! i hope ur doing well too, rix anon <3
++ everyone who has left a nice feedback / said anything nice in my notifs or my inbox!! even a simple 'cute' or 'this is good' or even just leaving a note means sososo much to me. i'm just a measly guy in my own little corner on this site, really - so thank u thank u thank u all !!! 🫂
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leafofkudzu · 2 years
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Hear ye hear ye, you are cordially invited to Verdant Shield [VS]’s third monthly community art party, open to one and all across both NA and EU servers!
An idea migrated over from Final Fantasy XIV, art parties are basically community get-togethers where artists of all kinds can hang out, chat, and create together! Digital, traditional, mixed-media, screenshots, poetry, prose - whatever your chosen medium, these sorts of events are for everyone, regardless of skill level! Dress your best, find a character that inspires you, and create! Afterwards, you can post your creations in the party’s specific tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see and spread the love around via reblogs! As I’ve said every time I’ve written one of these up - the ‘goal’ of attending an art party is not to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
After last month’s NA party spilled out of the intended locale before it even started, this month’s location will be a nice open space most should be familiar with: the Crown Pavilion in Divinity’s Reach! Host to not one, not two, but (sort of) three in-game festivals, the main grounds under those graceful eagle wings offers ample room and excellent lighting for scoping out your next victim subject with ease! The squads for each party will open approximately 15 minutes before the start time and will, as usual, not be posted in LFG in order to deter party crashers (though we’ll be way easier to spot in this location so that may be a moot point haha).
Check under the cut for extra time info, location stuff, and /squadjoin info! ♥
Ah Divinity’s Reach, land of so many excellent locations that are all very very tiny and hard to swing a camera around in. I didn’t want to accidentally steal any RPers locations and also wanted a well-lit open area after the NA Grove party’s perpetual darkness, so the Crown Pavilion it is! If you somehow haven’t been to DR yet you can backtrack into it from the auto-unlocked Shaemoor Waypoint in Queensdale or take the asura gate from the Lion’s Arch Gate Hub Plaza! The whole map is a big circle, and the Crown Pavilion takes up the Westernmost section:
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I am ecstatic to report that there’s a Jade Bot terminal located right smack in the middle of this place, so zooming around to get reference screenshots has never been easier (but when will they let us launch at will like in that one instance?)!
Now, on to the real nitty-gritty stuff:
Just as last month, this month’s party will consist of two separate art parties, each 3 hours long, with a 1 hour break in between to let people rest, grab snacks, swap accounts if they want to attend both, etc etc.
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (that’s 3pm Eastern Standard Time for NA). I’ll once again be hosting on my EU alt, so to join you’ll want to either whisper Ashelin Falstaff for an invite or type ‘/sqjoin ashelin falstaff’ in chat to auto-join.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (that’s 1am Central European Time for EU). I’ll be on my main account for this one, so to join please either whisper Naveen Sen for an invite or type ‘/sqjoin naveen sen’ in chat for that sweet auto-join action. Should there be an overflow for the NA party like last month, I’ll either rope another [VS] guildmate into hosting an overflow squad, or start shooing people who are already in the right map out of the squad to allow others to taxi in - we’ll play it by ear should the need arise!
And that’s it! Expect to see me reblogging this a few times between now and go-time, and maybe even a few times once things are rolling if any weird overflow shenanigans happen. Thanks everyone for coming out and making last month’s party such a rousing success, I can’t wait to see you all there again for yet another fun time! ♥
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zipperrants · 5 months
more of my moots as incorrect quotes since they apparently like it
Mars: I hate Zipper. Nia: Don’t say hate. That is a mean word. Mars: Fine, I LOATHE Zipper.
Daniel: Seriously, all you do is bitch. Nia: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation.
Daniel: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on earth. Zipper: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on earth.
Kitty: Hey, Zipper, where are you going? Zipper: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell. Zipper: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Nia: All the sudden I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Daniel: *makes Ness a cup of tea but puts salt in it* Ness: *sips tea* Daniel: Ness: *finishes tea* Daniel: Didn't it taste bad? Ness: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all. Daniel, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Daniel: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without? Kitty: Zipper, probably.
*The Squad is playing Minecraft together* Daniel: Ooh, a village! You know what that means! Nia: Hostile takeover? Zipper: Genocide? Ness: Steal everything! Daniel: No, I meant- Maddie: I didn’t know we would fight the ender dragon this early! A village worth of beds isn’t enough! Kitty: WHAT ARE WE EVEN DOING?!?! Daniel: …I was going to say move into the village and become the mayors… Maddie: Ohhhh! That sounds like a better idea. Kitty: Agreed
Mars: If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
STARING Me as Zipper
@realitycanbewhateveridesire as Ness
@shiftingwithmars as Mars
@shift-dreamr as Kitty
@theshifterbear as Nia
@romanoffshifting as Daniel
@maddies-chronicles as Maddie
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 8 months
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Collection of my RepComm Art! I mostly draw Ordo, occassional Kal Skirata, Fi shenanigans, and my favorite brainrot ship: OrdoMaze.
2023/2024, all the art that had been uploaded to my main blog.
「Kal Skirata and his 106 children」[ART] 
|14/09/2023| Kal Skirata | Sketchbook | Character reacts to post | 
「Dynamic of Ordo and Maze」[Snippet]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 18/09/2023| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | They are awkward af | Start of my brainrot for them | 
「 I’m fucked  」[ART] 
|19/10/2023| Ordo Skirata, Fi Skirata | Sketchbook| Character reacts to post | 
|22/10/2023| RC Scorch | KonoSuba Megumin parody | BAKURETSU BAKURETSU LALALA 
「 Ordo can be spontainous when he wants」 [COMIC] 
|23/10/2023| Ordo Skirata | Ordo spontaneously combusts. That’s it. That's what the pic is about. He is okay now. | 
「 Fi and the elemelons」 [ART] 
14/11/2023| Fi Skirata, Ordo Skirata | Silly puns | Ordo is going psycho by the silly puns | Birthday message | Thank you [Chicken] for thinking about me <3 
「But seriously I have the best moots, I'm gonna cry」 [ART]  
|16/11/2023| Ordo Skirata | Sketchbook | Character reacts to post | Mamuzzy answers to ask | We started to talk since you sent this lovely message and I just love your brain <3 Thank you for interacting with my art so enthusiastically, without it I don’t think I would have had the courage to dm you <3 
「I don’t deserve you」[COMIC]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP |28/11/2023| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Ship prompt | Prompt | Hurt & Comfort | Ordo is spiraling but Maze comforts him. In his own way. | 
「Cunty Kama」 [ART]
|18/12/2023| Fi Skirata | Character reacts to post | I never get bored of Fi making fun of Ordo’s kama
「Happy Holidays with the Omega Squad」 [ANIMATIC] -ish… it’s really simple, I hadn’t animated stuff for years. 
|19/12/2023| Fi Skirata, Darman Skirata, Atin Skirata, Niner Skirata | Fi listening to music on his inner channel | Also look at the decorations my gf made!!! [ithillia], you are the best <3 
「When your boyfriend is a bookworm」[ART] 
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 10/01/2024| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Fluff | 
「Erotic Dice Game with the Di’kutla couple」[ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 14/01/2024| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Maze wants to try an erotic game and Ordo is going psycho again | I swear they are in love, they told me!
「Maze’s fictional crush died :((((((」  [ART]
ORDO X MAZE CLONESHIP 31/01/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Sketchbook | Ordo is a jealous one, jealous even about fictional lovers |
「Ordo sketches」 [ART]
01/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata | sketchbook | Some messy Ordo sketches |
「Fuck you, Maze」 [COMIC]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 02/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Sketchbook | Ordo is a menace |
「Sketchdump」 [ART]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ECHO x TECH MAZE x BOOKS CLONESHIP 02/02/2024| ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Echo, TBB Tech, Alpha-26 Maze | sketchbook | Various sketches about cloneboys + JungleSkirmish!AU lore |
「Daddy’s little boy」 [ART] + [AO3]
03/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Ordo has an inner conversation with his demon which is more like Ordo is being numb and helpless while the demon talks shit | Word count: 480 | Mentions of sex | 
「You lied to me」 [ART]
06/02/2024 | Darman Skirata, Kal Skirata | Febuwhump 2024 Day 6 | This is the very prompt I even started this challenge and with its upload, I think I finished my goal to participate ^^ | WARNING: Graphical depiction of violence, blood | 
「Blorbo rambling about Nikkari and Ordo」 [ART]
08/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe, Ordo Skirata, guest star: me | Crossover art | Blorbo rambling | 
「The Art from Blorbo rambling, but Nikkari is a pervert」 [ART]
08/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe, Ordo Skirata | Crossover art | mentions of daddy kink |
「He asked for no onions」 [ART]
Ordo x Maze CLONESHIP 19/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | They are both awkward. Period. | 
「Tactical smooch」 [ART]
19/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing | Mentions of homophobia, mentions of clonecest phobia | This is a companion-art to He Asked for No Onions. When I started to being active, I swore that every anti-cloneship hate post/comment I get, I’ll do kissing clones and tag the haters under it. Ok, I won’t do such things because I don’t want my ship art about boys being soft be tainted with fandombullshit all the time. You don’t mess with Mamuzzy, they are going to cry!!! (and becomes a vengeful spirit, lol) |
「It’s safe under the blanket」 [ART]
Ordo x Maze CLONESHIP 20/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Wholesome fluffness I think they pretty much sleep like this~ | 
「O Ordo, Ordo wherefore art thou Ordo」[ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 20/02/2024 | Alpha-26 Maze | Maze is daydreaming in the office | Romeo and Juliet parody | 
MARCH 2024
「They are so stupidly in love I just can’t」 [ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP |01/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Received a very kind ask <3 | 
「Fic compilation for kissing prompts」 [FIC]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ORDO x ECHO CLONESHIP 04/03/2024 | ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, Ordo Skirata, ARC Trooper Echo | Kissing prompt | 
「It is not socially acceptable to throw up in the alleys of Coruscant」 [FIC] + [AO3]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 08/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing prompt | They are drunk as fuck | 
「Just let me boil in my water a little longer」 [FIC]
ORDO X MAZE CLONESHIP 14/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing prompt | It’s actually just a post with the AO3 link and I think I will keep this format when uploading fics from now on. |
「Maze, Ordo and books」 [HEADCANON]
ORDO x MAZE MAZE x BOOKS :DDD CLONESHIP 17/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Headcanon | Maze is a booklover. | 
「Mereel loves you」 [ART]
28/03/2024 | Mereel Skirata | sketchbook | he is a sweet menace | character reacts to post |
「Mereel loves you part II」 [ART]
28/03/2024 | Mereel Skirata | sketchbook | Character reacts to post |
「Why cat shaped if not a cat?」[COMIC]
29/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze, Arligan Zey, Commander Fox | Ordo is cat-coded for me. |
APRIL 2024
「BOOP!!!! Part I」 [COMIC]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 12/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Maze uses vile tactics against the Null to deescalate their usual tense encounter |
「It's not for customers, I promise!」 [COMIC]
14/04/2024 | Alpha-26 Maze, Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata | Restaurant!AU | Based on this post. | WARNING: Under the cut there is a comic with cartoon violence, blood and dead body depicted in comically goreish situation. |
「Fallout!Ordo」 [ART]
14/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Fallout crossover | Ordo with a sledgehammer in raider sadist outfit from Fallout 3 |
「Your eyes are shit」 [ART]
17/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Wanted to draw something wholesome with them, or at least, something cute-couple thing to do <3 | Also I'll never get bored of Maze having glasses |
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 21/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Ordo had a few sleepless night after that incident |
「I don't want to go to work, buir!」 [ART]
22/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata | I want to believe that sometimes this certified blanket burrito needs some encouragement to get out of bed, when working in such an overwhelming place like Coruscant |
MAY 2024
「They are cute and they know it」 [ART]
19/05/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata, Jaing Skirata, A'den Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata | Clone Cadets | They are precious. They are completely innocent. They can't do wrong. No way. Nah-uh. Nope. How can you say such thing! |
JUNE 2024
Post-Geonosis Schizoid Man [ART] 05/07/2024 | Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Prudii's Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Jaing Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata, A'den Skirata | Saints Row III x Republic Commando crossover | screenshot sketches |
Emotional Support Buir [ART]
09/06/2024 | Kal Skirata | I love him so much :< |
Header image [ART]
DARMAN X ETAIN 13/06/2024 | Darman Skirata, Etain Tur-Mukan | I use this as a header for my re-read project
He attacc he protecc but most importantly he stalks [ART]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 15/06/2024 | Captain Maze, Ordo Skirata | Ordo being an adorable little creep but Maze doesn't mind |
An interactive OrdoMaze story [Ficlet]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 15/06/2024 | Captain Maze, Ordo Skirata | I intend to continue this. | CW: stalking |
Mereel loves you but now in color [ART]
24/06/2024 | Mereel Skirata | I wanted to draw a colored picture about him ^^ |
JULY 2024
Two faces of Kal Skirata [ART]
01/07/2024 | Kal Skirata, Niner Skirata | I saw a quote in the books and got inspired by it. Also bebeNiner. |
Gold is the color of revenge [ART]
06/07/2024 | Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata, Jaing Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata, A'den Skirata | Walon Vau was disrespectful and this need counter-measures | Reaction to post |
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cloudcountry · 1 year
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♡ AUBURN'S MUTUALS !! (there's more of you than i thought HELP)
@tinyletterz / 🍙 — my friend since forever ago, genuinely one of the kindest people i have ever met. she's so cute and she writes beautifully!!!! i highly HIGHLY recommend her flower language series GFGRGRGRGRFRFR
@identity-theft-101 / 🪓 — bonded over mushroom stayed for the eels tbh!! chaos incarnate BUT he has a cute bird named asa that said she loves me so i'm winning
@names-are-dumb / 🐚 — i'm so glad i got to introduce them to twisted wonderland. i am reliving my own experience through him rn. IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE OCTAVINELLE GRAHHH!!!!! one month later and we're married he's my husband and my angelfish that i write cringe ass sonnets too and i adore him <33 muah muah
@merotwst / 🧶 — LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG. she's so warm and welcoming its no wonder people just gravitate to her :C i adore her tbh she made me feel so welcomed even though i'm still scared of most twst writers LMAO
@shkrmpp / 🦐 — one of my first moots!!! personally i really love their hair dye headcanons GRAH they're so cute BUT!! they also draw C:< AND ITS A CUTE STYLE. plus their blog always looks MUAH
@siren-serenity / 🌙 — YOU'RE EVIL I STILL THINK ABOUT "i need you" WHY DID YOU WRITE THAT /lh no but actually you're so good at writing angst that rips my heart out like. if i want to sob i'm going for your azul angst (ITS A GOOD THING PROMISE)
@siphoklansan / ☔ — BEAUTIFUL ART. STUNNING. i love love love how much detail she puts into her pieces (yes i am thinking abt the floyd piece for the lipstick challenge ITS SO CUTE) AND SHE DREW STUFF BASED ON THE SONG HEART ATTACK AND I THINK ABOUT IT EVERY DAY.
@fukashiin / 💌 — silly little goofy deuce rambles and omg the leech twins. I REREAD THE STARING THINGY SHE WROTE OVER AND OVER AZULLLL AZUL'S PART IS SO %@$!%##@%!$#$%@!$#%@$!#%!@%#$!@#$%
@ryuubff / 🪼 — omg there is literally so much i could say about them. my first obey me mutual. the first person who was alike "omg let's create solomon content together." i love talking to them sm and honestly they deserves the best because they're so kind and creative C: WAHHHH
@hisui-dreamer / 🌟 — SO SWEET. i know i'm saying a lot but i have so many mutuals that made me feel so welcomed and rinna was one of them. every single piece of work you'll find on that blog is brewing with emotions and gentle care I LOVE.,,.., I LOVE!!!!!!
@officialdaydreamer00 / 🌠 — ?!?!?!?! ALSO INCREDIBLY KIND AND SO SO CREATIVE!!!! they draw me things all the time and it literally melts my heart :((( i love lov love talking to them about octavinelle and they're super easy to connect with :(((
@the-v-lociraptor / 💙 — we literally just became moots a little bit ago BUT i find a lot of good fanart through her!! she reblogs a lot of cool stuff :D !!!!!
@ceruleancattail / 🔷 — I FORGOT TOW RITE SMTH HELP EM anyways <33 ceru writes some cute ass shit that makes me kick my feet and squeal (AND ALL THE AZUL CONTENT I HAVENT BINGED YET....UGH IM SO EXCITED)
@i-like-forgs / 💪 — appreciator of sand cats and draws a lot!! the creator of my wedding venue with azul and enabler of so many of my ramble i am clinging to his ankle as he drags me around
@valerie-leech / 💚 — we just started talking but they're part of the auburn azul wedding squad!! :D im excited to interact with them <3
@twst-beam / 🎉 — we also haven't talked a lot yet but i can't wait to get to know her better C: !!
@iseethatimicy / 💎 — a fellow azul kisser!! i finally found another one!! :D has an unholy amount of azul memes i do not know where they come from (probably pinterest) but they are Fascinating
@acornwinter / 💫 — sends random shit in my inbox because they started talking about their dreams once and i decided Yes!! and now they draw my ocs and its super cute and i love their little tiny ppl drawings C:
@totallymem3 / 🥀 — we just started talking but!! very sweet <33 her art style is just MMMMUAH CHEFS KISS!!!!!!!!! i love it. it reminds me of spring.
@z3llous / 🐸 — draws azul SOOOOO good i love lovelovlevoevloev his art!!! its so scrumptious i eat it all up for breakfast lunch dinner ON NOMNOM
@cecilebutcher / 🪩 — has a bunch of really cool ocs!!! igor my belobed /p they have such a creative mind and its a pleasure to listen to them ramble about the characters they created!!! :D
@ang33333333l / 🙏 — another azul kisser!! we haven't talked much but i can tell doll is a very sweet person <33
@soru-ya / 🍞 — THEY WROTE AROACE CONTENT FOR ME :((((( CRYING RN they're such a good writer please go check them out PLEASE im begging you
@rains-asleep / 🐝 — ANOTHE RGOOD WRITER WHAWHWAHWHAHWA <33333 we had such a deep conversation about caramel once it was enlightening.
@shinysparklesapphires / 🎀 — floods my inbox with precure stuff and now its next on my watch list. started the laura and azul siblings conspiracy :O !!!!!
@twistedchatterboxed / 🌊 — The jade kisser ever. we have a lot of mutual moots (hehe say that ten times fast) so i'm excited to get to know her better!! :D
@keii01 / 🍡 — she's so sweet i want to put her in my pocket and carry her around everywhere i go!! she draws a lot of cute stuff too (there is no such thing as too many ribbons <3)
@tsun0tar0u / 🐉 — showed me a genshin glitch once and i have never been the same. also i would die for kafka btw. normal about rollo btw. So Normal.
@non-binary-lil-shit / 🍄 — enables my marine bio and mycology rambling!! also i am very concerned for you C:
@queen-shiba / 🦁 — your profile theme is literally so pretty i am eating it right now (IDK I JUST LOVE ORANGE) also the leona blender post made me so confused but also i laughed really hard HELP
@vioisgoinginsane / 💜 — she likes some vampire game i think LMAO but the twst content? YUMMY. a writer once in a blue moon and apparently best known for the BITING ROOK HUNT post. GET IT!!!
@moonlit-midnight / 🌸 — hannah is such a good writer :(( WRITES PLATONIC FICS DID YOU HEAR THAT EVERYONE!!! PLATONIC FICS!!!!!!! they're all so adorable and make me want to curl up under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate <3
@ryker-writes / 🦚 — asked about to deep sea and LET ME TELL YOU i got so excited about it and im still writing it hehe. ryker writes a lot of familial angst so its that your thing go for it!!
@datboredpencil / 💀♦️ — GORGEUYS ART ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPTIOUS YUMY UMY UM AN ENTIRE BUFFET!!!! theres a lot of idia x cater content too if thats youre thing!!! :D
@twistwonderlanddevotee / 🪷 — we havent talked a lot but im still happy to have you here!! :D
@beeirdos-buzzing-bogaloo / 🐥 — apparently very normal about sebek. the Most normal. we havent talked a lot but hes silly :D
@dove-da-birb / 🪿 — literally so funny. putting you in my pocket right now!! ALSO I LOVE YOUR BRAINROTTING HELP
@loser-jpg / 😬 — YOUR BEWILDERMENT AT MY DASH SPAMMING WAS REALLY FUNNY i hope you get used to it </3
@ashipiko / 🌺 — THE #1 ACE KISSER EVER???? her art is so munchy and yummy i want to eat it :(( HER STYLE IS SO CUTE SRSLY IF YOU HAVENT SEEN HER ART YET PLEASE CHECK IT OUT
@shyhaya / you should pick an emoji!! — wrote the most fantastic delicious delightful heart wrenching thing for azul and tagged ME in it :(((( AAAAAA IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE IT SOONER. IF YOU EVER WRITE FOR AZUL AGAIN PLEASE TAG ME I'D LOVE TO SEE IT.
@musicalhistorical / 👹 — omg hi quotev person you've been putting up w my bullshit since forever ITS SO FUNNY TO SEE YOU HERE LMAO
magical girl anon
seahorse anon
❤️ anon
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attonposting · 2 years
So KotOR II, when you train your companions into Jedi, I think most of us immediately give our Force Friend Squad healing and lightning and whatever else is gonna make combat go quickest. But looking at them as people, what powers would they actually have an affinity for? What's natural for them to learn and use?
Atton cannot heal to save his life – and it would, given his tendency to get himself into trouble. However, what he does have a knack for is Revitalize, channeling his ability to hang in there and keep fighting no matter what. He's also got a nasty predisposition towards a couple of dark side powers, especially Force Choke. At first Atton is pretty irreverent about how he uses the Force – a blaster bolt or an exploded guy, dead is dead, so what's the difference? - but the issue is that, as before, he likes it. And he doesn't want to feel that anymore. Atton would also be quite good at mind tricks, being both a duplicitous asshole and an ex-assassin with specialized training on how mental domination works, but it's a moot point because he stubbornly refuses to learn them.
Bao-Dur's first foray into the Force involves learning to manipulate the currents in droids – they're the easiest energies for him to connect to, and disabling or overloading machinery from afar comes naturally. What also comes naturally, unfortunately, is Force Scream, especially when they land on Dxun and all his old war wounds are torn open. Canderous joining the crew was not a good time for him, and honestly, when Bao-Dur talks about how he feels calmer in the Exile's presence? I think it makes a lot of difference whether this chat happens before or after Dxun. Bao-Dur's a whirlpool beneath a calm surface, so psychic blasting people with repressed anger and pain hits pretty right from where I'm standing. He has to work a little harder to learn Force healing, but channeling his energy into reconstruction is something he eventually strikes a deep, quiet connection with.
Mira was the hardest for me to peg, at least with the game's power roster. We already know what she's best at through the Force – a strange combination of hunter's instinct and empathy, where she can find people by understanding how they think and what they need. There's no power equivalent to that, though. What I do think she'd excel at is Stun and Stasis. It's part because she always strives to disable people without killing them, and part because that's kind of her whole aesthetic (or at least that's what the design team would like us to believe, smh) – appearing nonthreatening and then taking you down before you ever realized you were in danger. A non-Dark-Side Mira would have a lot of trouble with blatantly lethal powers like Force Lightning and Force Choke, and if she doesn't, that's allll on the Exile's freaky influence warp.
Brianna is a master of combat buffs – at first mastering her own body, and then channeling that near-preternatural surefootedness to her allies. Master Speed, Force Valor, deflecting blaster bolts with her bare hands, it's all in her wheelhouse. Can totally see her in the middle of a pitched fight tossing people around with Force Wave, literally leaping across a battlefield with lightsabers flashing and landing with a shockwave that throws a dozen men back. Girl could go very anime if she wanted. Let's face it, she's earned it.
Mical is absolutely a healer. Guy already had medical training, and more importantly, he is friend-shaped. It's not something that companions can learn or use in-game, but I think that persuasion would also be in his wheelhouse – not for the sake of domination, but out of a sincere desire to seek better solutions where tempers, greed, and pride otherwise rule. Like, c'mon, he becomes a senator in some of his endings – now imagine that, but not completely disillusioned with the galaxy. He could cut you down, but he'd really rather you go home and rethink your life choices. I think there's strong grounds for him getting Force Enlightenment down the road, which is another exclusive-to-PC power that's beyond the scope of many Masters. Mical has about the most complete view of the Jedi Order anyone could aspire to, understanding without excusing its flaws and the easy pitfalls the Code can lead to while still truly believing in the good it can do for the galaxy.
Visas joins the party pre-equipped with a bunch of Dark Side powers, which makes me weep. Like, Force Horror? She's projecting the overwhelming trauma of Katarr. Choke and Lightning? You know Nihilus used them on her liberally. It's awful. But I'd like to think that on a Light Side run, as she grows into her own, she develops different affinities. I get support vibes again, but for Visas, it's about endurance, and sharing what she's gained with those who helped lift her up – Force Barrier and Energy Resistance, Force Aura, maybe Force Resistance. She can still wield her grief and her anger, but it doesn't rule her – she's not like Atton, where those powers hold a real and present danger for his psyche. She still feels that pain, and she's unafraid to use the darkness when necessity calls, but it's not the only thing that fills her heart anymore.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
Hii! Could I make a request for your soft Sunday? 🙈
Midoriya from MHA and 💖
Please and thank you! Hehe
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Soft Sunday Headcanons: Midoriya + 💖
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Midoriya is really shy and blushy when it comes to dating and romance, so it is very obvious to everyone when he catches feelings for you.
Even if he knows that you know he likes you, he still finds it difficult to actually make a move.
He's definitely the type to research how to tell someone you like them and look up tips on how to flirt.
None of that feels right to him though so his next step is to consult with his friends. Bakugo and Todoroki are really the wrong people to ask though so thank goodness when Mina overhears the conversation and steps in.
Midoriya struggles with putting things into words and tends to ramble or stutter, so the way he confesses is to give a gift (most likely flowers) with a handwritten note explaining his feelings.
Even though he knows so much about you already (you know him and his notebooks) he still needs a lot of guidance about how to be a good boyfriend to you.
He is so nervous about doing or saying the wrong thing!!
He is also SUPER bashful about affection at first. His face is bright red whenever you hug him or hold his hand or kiss his cheek.
He does eventually chill out though and become more comfortable.
One thing he absolutely loves his carrying his significant other or just having them in his arms in general, depending on what they're comfortable with.
He never really stops getting blushy over kisses, but he loves touching you. He gives REALLY good massages.
His love language is gift giving. He is always surprising you with little presents or snacks he knows you like.
Another great thing about Midoriya is that nothing you do for him goes unnoticed or unappreciated. He is very grateful to have you in his life and he makes sure you know it.
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Participate in Soft Sunday!
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lhs3020b · 9 months
Arrival - an analysis
As I was working through the DLCs for ME2 tonight, I got to thinking about the odd lack of drama that "Arrival" has.
A couple of thoughts below the cut, in no particular order...
I think the first problem with Arrival is the oddness of it. The lack of your usual squad is a bit strange - while it makes some sense in the context of infiltration, it still doesn't make very much sense. On re-playing the DLC I felt like there was a slightly not-quite-real feeling to it, like this was somehow not quite part of "Mass Effect proper", and I think the root of that was the lack of the squad.
Then there's the inconsistencies between how Aratoht is described in the Codex and what it looks like. The Codex describes an uninhabitable planet in the very early stages of terraforming; the visuals show a terrestrial world with an advanced ecology, normal atmosphere and weather. This incongruity, for me at least, added to the faint air of unreality.
The other issue with Arrival is perhaps a "structural" one. While re-playing it, I noticed that it lurches constantly between small-ish cutscenes, and these felt like they disrupted the flow of the action. Particularly later into the DLC, I actually felt a little irritated with some of them as it felt like they were obstructing doing things. The narrative felt oddly heavy-handed - there was a lot of Shepard talking to herself. Normally a lot of this would happen in more "organic" dialogue between Shepard, the squadmates and any NPCs, but aside from a few conversations with Kenson, Arrival has none of that.
Then there's the absence of any meaningful moral choice. You can't not fire up the engines on the asteroid. The closest you get to a choice is whether to warn the colony, and if you try, Kenson interrupts the broadcast, rendering it utterly moot. If you have no choice, then you have no agency, and if you have no agency, what reason do you have to care about the results?
(I am aware that very technically it is possible to run the clock down on Arrival and get a spectacularly non-standard game-over that way, so I suppose there is an element of choice there ... but how many Shepards are really going to stand there for half an hour on a random asteroid, doing nothing, while the clock ticks down to the Arrival?)
There's also the slightly-demotivating aspect of the denouement itself, which forces you to be personally-responsible for nearly a third of a million civilian deaths ... and then the game basically does nothing with it. You can express a bit of emotional frustration while talking to Hackett at the end, but that's basically it. "Hi, I'm a mass murderer and I'm supremely-unbothered by any of this." If the character is clearly feeling nothing, why should the player?
I think the last slightly-off element to Arrival is the brief conversation with Harbinger. The dark majesty that Sovereign had just isn't there. Harbinger rants at you for a bit, then pretty much throws a tantrum and rage-quits the comm-call. It's not awe-inspiring, it's not terrifying, it's not moving - rather, it's mildly-irritating. You're a giant aeons-old alien warship from outside the galaxy and the best burn you can manage is some wibbling about "dust on cosmic winds"? Really, Harbinger? Really?
I wasn't expecting an actual Reaper to - literally! - phone it in!
I think Arrival ends up presaging a problem that was rampant in ME3. The build-up to the conclusion was mostly-OK (with reservations) but the denouement was lacking. And that's a pattern that we saw regularly in ME3, all the way to the infamous endings.
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the-banana-0verlord · 11 months
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~Twisted Wonderland... But not as you may remember it...~
~Two new characters have joined the feast. Let's see who it is...~
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Lilian NRC's amnesic isekaied student
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Sora Vanrouge The fae wild card
I'm so happy to finally announce te lauch of this aU!
Basically, this is a twisted wonderland where me and my best friend @simping-myjob have a role in the story as Lilian and Sora Vanrouge respectively.
The AU will be seperated into three parts:
The Diasomnia chapter: Written down as a fanfic, similar to if Lilian was Diasomnia's manga Yuu. It will start getting released as soon as book seven comes on the EN server.
The Aftermath: Mainly composed of drabbles and comics, this part takes place after Malleus's overblot. During the overblot, Lilian uses her magic-nullifying ability to stop the blot, in the process erasing all the magic in the world, including the Dark Mirror. Most students are then stuck on Sage's island because they don't have the money to go back home without the mirror.(the magic comes back slowly though) Pocket dimensions disappear so students are forced to live in the main building. The Diasomnia squad moves into the Ramshackle.
This was the way I found so every character, even the third years, could stay in the AU despite having all the events of the canon game taking place. I will also introduce RSA students, other NRC students and the Island of sage will be explored more, because I really love that place.
It will have a slice of life, rom-com setting.
Events: This counts event cards and vignettes. Due to my legendary motivation(sarcasm), this will the part you'll see the most. Like in the actual game, the events are non-canon to the main timeline.
Masterlist(under construction) Click on the character'S names to get their character sheet!
Most of the content will be released on the-yellow-writing-machine(my sideblog), so consider giving it a follow if interested! A taglist can be created for moots(or others) if they want to
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fyrewalks · 4 days
05, 07, 10 & 24 !!
∗ o5﹕ what  character  have  you  never  written ,  but  have  wanted  to ?
mr. wolverine himself. he's my favorite, favorite x-men, but there's just so much lore to go over, my general meh-ness towards comic fandoms (like i love my moots and the few superhero muses i write, but i can't be in those fandom spaces all the time if that makes sense), and i don't want to do anything that ruins my love for him. like sometimes loving a character is enough, you don't have to write them too.
∗ o7﹕ what  character/s  do  you  relate  to  the  most ?
characters who have had hard childhoods/early adulthoods and try their best anyway, even if their best is a little messy.
∗ 10﹕ is  there  a  piece  of  your  character’s  canon  that  you  refuse  to  accept ?
hen cheating on her wife :'( i block it out so much that i am genuinely shocked each time i remember it
∗ 24﹕ is  there  a  specific  song  that  gets  you  in  the  mood  for  writing ?
right now, it's probably anything by boygenius or noah kahan. i still have plans to sort out all of noah's music for my twisters squad!
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wosemi-sama · 9 months
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if the post office is open, that means you can request!! if not, then requests are closed.
daily click.
ren (used to go by nene!)
main blog is @nostalgic-muffins where i dont write! (silly times with moots over there)
writings on mainly project sekai but also nijisanji en and obey me!
x reader
platonic x reader!
little fics of any ships i enjoy! (sometimes.)
writings of my blorbos shenanigans
nsfw. im a minor. self explanatory, i feel.
comfort (i am terrible at writing it, i fear)
if you request something i dont have much knowledge on, ill deny it. sorry!! (ex. a liver i dont watch much, a character who i dont know a lot about)
poly reader. im awful at writing it tbh.... you can request it, but theres no telling that ill accept it. SORRY!!!!
disclaimer: rules are subject to change!
ive only finished vivid bad squad and wandasho main stories, so im sorry if they seem ooc!!
my project sekai masterlist can be found here!
i used to have a list of livers who i wrote for, but i deleted it, but then i made a new one! it can be found right here!
my niji en masterlist can be found here!
i will only be writing for the brothers, as i havent gotten to that far in the story! (im currently on ch. 50.... solmare is out to get me i swear)
my obey me masterlist can be found here!
(note: i used to go by nene, so all my tags usually start with "nene")
nene's non-mail posts! 💌 - anything that isnt writing!
youve got mail! wanna open it? 💌 - anything that is x reader
a letter from yours truly!💌 - writing that is not x reader
nene's inbox 📬 - asks that are not reqs!
nene's pinned!📌 - any of my pinned posts!
nene's layout rbs! 🫶 - rbs of any layouts i may use!
scheduled delivery! 💌 - queued posts!
all dividers are made by @cafekitsune while any character dividers are official art i cropped myself! obm character dividers are from savemebeel !! (justice for mizore!!!!!)
if you enjoy my work, likes are appreciated, but reblogs are even better!
my current layout was made by esthereal-archived here on tumblr! (they r deactivated tho :c)
all my x reader works are made with you/your pronouns!
all of my x reader works will have a gn!reader unless specified!
for the forseen future, please do not send me criticism! my works arent the best, but i am a child and it makes me anxious ^^
ren 💌
ver 📚
sick day
kohane 💤
akito 💍
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so dont stop the camera! 🍨
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@wosemi-sama 2024. do not repost or feed my works to ai.
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mamuzzy · 1 year
ART & FIC masterlist LEGEND
🍀 - General / Safe for view 💗 - Fluff 💔 - Angst / Hurt, no comfort ❤️‍🩹 - Hurt/comfort ⚣ - Male x Male ⚤ - Male x Female 💋 - Suggestive/nude/sexual themes 🤬 - Swearing ❌ - Not safe for view 💀 - Violence 💌 - Ask/request 💐 - Gift 📝- Snippet included
「 ✦ Republic Commando ✦ 」
Kal Skirata and his 106 children [ART] | Kal Skirata | Sketchbook 🍀
Ordo and Fi [ART] | Ordo Skirata, Fi Skirata | Sketchbook| 🍀
Let's get buir a wife [Incorrect Quote] | Kal Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Other's OC: Rose | incorrect meme |🍀⚤💋 :flirting Bakuretsu Scorch [ART] | RC Scorch | KonoSuba Megumin parody | 🍀 Ordo can be spontainous if he wants [COMIC] | Ordo Skirata | 🍀 Fi and the elemelons [ART] | Fi Skirata & Ordo Skirata | 🍀💌
But seriously I have the best moots, I'm gonna cry [ART]   | Ordo Skirata | Sketchbook | 🍀💌
I don’t deserve you - Ordo x Maze [COMIC] |Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Ship prompt | Cloneship | 🍀❤️‍🩹⚣ 
Dynamic of Ordo and Maze [Snippet] | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Cloneship | 🍀📝⚣ 💋Maze miserably fails at flirting. 
Cunty Kama [ART] | Fi Skirata | Reaction to post | 🍀
Ordo x Echo [ART] 18+ |Ordo Skirata, ARC Trooper Echo | Warning: sexual content | Kink: Strangulation | Cloneship | ❌💋⚣ When you planned to sleep with your boyfriend but your favorite fic author just uploaded the latest chapter of Space Twilight - Ordo x Maze [ART] |Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Cloneship | 🍀⚣💗
Erotic Dice Game with the Di’kutla couple - Ordo x Maze [ART] | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Cloneship | 🍀⚣💋they are playing an erotic dice game but kind of cockblocked by the game itself 「 ✦ The Clone Wars ✦ 」
501 shenanigans [ART] | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Hardcase, ARC Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook | Draw the Squad | 🍀💋 Fives is nude but no butt/p visible Anakin Needs therapy [ART] | Anakin Skywalker | Sketchbook |❌💔 Amputee!Anakin POV: Fives approaches you in 79's [ART & Incorrect quote] | ARC Trooper Fives, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | 🍀💋: flirting
Dar'Ad [AO3] + [Tumblr Post] | Fanfic | 437 word | Alpha-17, Commander Fox | 🍀💔💀: mentions of execution Foxhunt [ART] | Commander Fox | ❌💀: Blood (not gore, but just to be safe) Comfort a character: Cadet!Fox [ART & Snippet] | Cadet Fox, Alpha-17, Captain Fordo | ask prompt | 🍀💗🤬📝💌
Comfort a character: Rex [ART] | Captain Rex, Commander Cody | 🍀❤️‍🩹💌 Comfort a character: Cadet!Rex [ART & Snippet] | Cadet Rex, Cadet Fox | Ask prompt | 🍀❤️‍🩹📝💌 Comfort a character: Dogma [ART & Fanfic] + [AO3] | Clone Trooper Dogma, Commander Fox | Ask prompt | 407 words | 🍀❤️‍🩹📝💌 Comfort a character: Fox [ART] | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Ask prompt | 🍀💗💌 Red is a color of... [ART] | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | 🍀 Bullet-time Fox [ART] | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire, Commander Stone, Sergeant Hound, Grizzer | 🍀 Fives [ART] | Gift for Mary | ARC Trooper Fives |🍀💐 Happy Dogma [ART] | Clone Trooper Dogma |🍀 I've received another gift <3 [Comic] | Captain Rex, Commander Fox, 501st, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | Gift from nuclearteabag 🍀 💌 💐
TCW x Lucky Star [ART] | Commander Fox | Incorrect Quote | 🍀🤬📝
Thoughts about natborn cadets [Photo] |Commander Fox, ARC Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | 🍀📝
It’s called nature, Fox! [Photo] |Commander Fox, Arc Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | 🍀🤬📝 Fox loves caf [Photo] |Commander Fox | Toy Photo | 🍀
I don’t deserve you - Thorn x Fox [ART & FIC] |Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | Art and Fanfiction | Ship prompt | 982 words | 💌📝🍀❤️‍🩹⚣ cloneship
I do deserve better - Dogma x Tup [ART & FIC] + [AO3] |Clone Trooper Dogma, Clone Trooper Tup | Art and fanfiction | Ship prompt | 560 words | 💌📝🍀💔⚣ cloneship 「 ✦ The Bad Batch ✦ 」
Hunter x Crosshair [ART] | TBB Hunter, TBB Crosshair | 🍀🤬(non-verbally) ⚣ cloneship Comfort a character: Gregor [ART] | TBB Gregor | 🍀💌💋 Gregor is nakey, but nothing visible on the other hand he has big tits. Out of Touch Batch [ART] |TBB Hunter, TBB Tech, TBB Wrecker, TBB Crosshair | Out-of-touch Meme | Lucky Star Parody | 🍀🤬(non-verbally) Hunter in lingerie - Wrecker x Hunter [ART] +18 |TBB Hunter, TBB Wrecker | Hunter in lingerie | warning: sexual content | Cloneship| ❌💋⚣
「 ✦ The Clone Wars 2003 ✦ 」
General Grievous doodle [ART] |General Grievous| 🍀💌 「 ✦ Jedi Knight ✦ 」 Master Katarn & Master Skywalker [ART]   | Kyle Katarn, Luke Skywalker | 🍀 「 ✦ MY SW OCs✦ 」
ARC Trooper Deadshot: He is my babygirl, 501st ARC trooper with amnesia, confident in his abilities but his self-esteem in casual situation is basicly non-existent. Clone Trooper Blaze: Energetic and playful trooper from the Coruscant Guard ready to cause trouble 24/6. Sometimes he sleeps. Clone Trooper Vorn: Trooper with weird humour, "orivod" of Blaze. Hard to get along with. Clone Trooper Bolt: He doesn't speak to me, but he exists. Corrie who loves high places. Clone Trooper Lily: Corriecutie always ready to have the latest gossips of the CG. Headshot: He is a shared OC, CMO of the Coruscant Guard with curiousity for the field of psychology. Clone Trooper Kissar: Proud trooper of the 104th, Fierce and very protective to his brothers. If I choose violence, he is from the first Wolfpack. Headshot [ART] |OC: Headshot, Commander Fox | Sketchbook| 🍀🤬 Deadshot gets the love he deserves [ART] | OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook | 🍀💗 Corries [ART & Lore] | OC: Vorn, OC: Blaze, OC: Bolt | Incorrect Quote | Sketchbook| 🍀 Comfort a character: Deadshot [ART] | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | 🍀💔 Shattered [ART] | OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook| 🍀💔 Fives x Shots [ART] | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | 🍀💗⚣ Cloneship Mlem. [COMIC] | OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma | 🍀🤬 Stargazing [ART] | OC: Deadshot | 🍀❤️‍🩹💌 I've got a birthday gift from Corey! [Gift from Corey + Reaction Art] <3 | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Tup | 🍀💌💐 I've known this vod’ika for a day and a half… [ART] | OC: Kissar, Corey’s OC: Cariad | 🍀
Blorbo bleebus ft. Deadshot + Aftermath [Comic]|OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex | Blorbo Meme | ⚣cloneship mentioned 💋mentions of blowjob, mentions of fucking… meh, don’t take this seriously, nothing graphical, just written shenanigans all over the page. Blorbo bleebus: The Aftermath part II. ft. Bruiser & Kissar [ART] |OC: Deadshot, OC: Kissar, Other’s OC: Bruiser | ⚣cloneship💋Everyone loves Commander Wolffe Parasite in his own body [ART] 18+ | OC: Deadshot, unknown male character | NSFW ART | Kink: Knife play, Kink: Bondage, Kink: Degrading | Kink: Dirty Talk | Warning: Blood, Warning: Knife cut, Warning: Formication | Everything is consensual | ❌💋📝⚣
Culture shock(ed)trooper [Snippet] |OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, Corrie!Fives | Warning: mentions of drugs | ❌📝
Deadshot has one of those days [ART] |OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup | Sketchbook |🍀
I don’t deserve you - Deadshot x Fives [FIC] |OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives | Fanfic | warning: splitting | No Beta |📝💌 💔⚣cloneship Skrunkly Shots [ART] <- skrunkle trooper!shots made by nuclearteabag |OC: Deadshot | Gift for me <3 | shitpost | 🍀💐
If you want to write with or draw my OC-s, credit and @ me so I can see what these menaces are up to. :))) This excludes Headshot for the request of @ithillia, thank you for understanding. 「 ✦ Other’s OCs ✦ 」 Mal [ART] | Gift for Corey | Other’s OC | 🍀💐
「 ✦ Touken Ranbu ✦ 」
Kasen is still the sword of elegance [ART]   | Kasen Kanesada | Sketchbook 🍀🤬
SLANDER!!! [ART] | Juzumaru Tsunetsugu | Sketchbook | 🍀
Slanderman [ART] | Juzumaru Tsunetsugu | Slenderman parody | 🍀
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