#Best Liquor Store in MD
worldofwinetowson · 4 months
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Ciroc – Vodka all flavors at sale. Search our inventory to find the best Ciroc at the best prices in Maryland. Make your moments special enjoy the taste of flavor in every sip. Visit us at www.worldofwinetowson.com 537 YORK RD, TOWSON, MD 21204 liquor store for more information call us at +1 (667) 276-9463.
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postroadmd · 1 year
Are you a beer enthusiast with a taste for local flavours? Look no further than Post Road Liquors the best beer store in Havre de Grace, MD, where the craft beer scene is bubbling with excitement.  We have variety of local beers, each crafting unique beer that capture the essence of taste.
Visit us at Post Road Liquors to discover a wine, beer and liquor selection of Havre de Grace MD. Cheers to good times and great beer!
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poplarinn-blog · 5 years
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Our aim is to provide the best selection of beer, wine and liquor of your choices So that you can make a Product Inquiry. Our professional team is ready to help, come see us today! Or give us call on (410) 342-2374
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saitecpos-blog · 4 years
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Saitec offers ultimate liquor POS software that gives your business all of the tools and unique capabilities you need to thrive in the market. For more information call now on 800-221-8396 or visit us at https://qoo.ly/33frun
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liquorlockermd · 5 years
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Cigar store best place to visit buy wine and other liquor products come to us at Liquor Locker or browse online. https://bit.ly/2R6gmaK
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caseysbar-blog · 5 years
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Get the top collection of wine and food at Casey’s Bar and Restaurant near Parkville MD at reliable price Shop wine today. https://bit.ly/2NrceUm
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oldorchardliquors · 5 years
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Get best offers and deals on Bourbon Visit @ 17619 Virginia Ave, Hagerstown, MD (301) 739-0757 for more details. https://bit.ly/2NXkffW
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peachyteabuck · 5 years
old school (make me drool)
summary: bunny is sweet, well-behaved. something about princess, though, makes her want to act out for the first time in her life. 
pairing: natasha romanoff x ofc
words: 2,663
trigger warnings: heavy md/lg, spanking, forced age regression, manipulation, there’s a vague allusion to starker, breaking of rules, 
notes/other: ANYONE WHO USES THIS AS AN EXCUSE TO BRING RAPE FANTASIES INTO MY INBOX WILL BE BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY. this was inspired by @orphiclittleone & i highly reccomend you check out their blog!
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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It started when Princess had to go with Steve to a meeting with Natasha. For whatever reason Steve decided she couldn’t be alone, and Natasha said it would be fine. Princess wasn’t too mad, unhappy she could only bring one of her prizes stuffed animals, but nearly-willingly went with her Daddy to Aunty Nat’s. Still, it wasn’t until she met Bunny that the pointed frown left her face.
Steve put her down onto the thick comforter next to Bunny, whose lips were wrapped tightly around a paci, hands clutched around a large stuffed animal of her namesake, eyes trained on the TV in front of her. Her long, thick hair was tied from her face with a pink scrunchie with a bow on it, her knit sweater a matching shade of pink. Her socks were stark white, ankle devoid of the tracker Princess had to wear.
Bunny said nothing at her guest, head only turning when Natasha caressed her face.
“Uncle Steve and I are going to do some work in my office, okay Bunny?” She placed a kiss to the girl’s head where her hair parted, careful not to remove any from her perfect ponytail. “I’ll be down soon to give you your bottle. Until then, play nice with Princess, alright?”
Bunny, still not dislodging the paci, nods and leans into her Mommy.
“Good girl,” Natasha praises, leaving one final kiss to her girl’s forehead before leading Steve into her office, a room adjacent to the playroom the girls resided in. In a moment of good faith, she had her coworker close the door behind them.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Steve chuckled as he sat in the fine leather chair near the fireplace. “I put that track on Princess for a reason, you know.”
Natasha sighed, grabbing the file from her desk. “If we weren’t discussing how someone was disemboweled by a small terrorist organization outside Orlando, I’d keep it open.”
Steve, already worried about what Bucky had exposed Princess to in order to watch her squirm, acquiesced.
Back in the playroom, Bunny made a disgruntled noise as Princess poked her chubby cheek.
“Do you ever speak?” Princess asked, nose wrinkled at her supposed playmate’s poor playful reciprocation. “Daddy said you were quiet, really quiet. He said you almost never talk. I’m not quiet.”
Bunny, much to Princess’ dismay, remains mute. Not a squeak, not a huff, not an eyeroll. Even Bucky’s Doll was better than this, and she was often too exhausted to give Princess enough attention for the girl’s liking.
Princess, though, is anything but a quitter. She pulls back for a few minutes, allowing her counterpart to relax. Just as Bunny seemed the happiest, Princess yanked the paci out of her mouth and pinned her to the floor.
Bunny tried to yell, but Princess placed her hand over the girl’s mouth before she could do anything. As Princess leans close to her ear, she whispers low, giggling as Bunny clutches her stuffed animal’s ears in her tiny hand. “Daddy says we can be playmates, do you want that, Bunny?”
Suddenly, in the span of less than a second, Princess hears her Daddy’s footsteps, hears the knob turning, and jumps off Bunny to the other side of the blanket. Bunny laid, there, stunned, as Nat and Steve picked up their respective littles.
As Steve bid his goodbye, and Nat turned around to close the door, Bunny perched her chin on her Mommy’s shoulder and locked eyes with Princess, who wears a smile fit for the evil penguins from the movie Bunny was watching before Princess showed up.
Somehow, Bunny knew their game wasn’t over.
The next time they met, Bunny is playing on a blanket in Natasha’s expansive backyard, dressed in a plain-pink one-piece bathing suit with her hair in two braids down her back and the bracelet Doll made her on her left wrist. Peter’s in the pool, sunbathing on a unicorn floatie. Doll’s curled into Bucky’s side, shoulders covered with one of her Daddy’s worn t-shirts – one large enough to cover her sensitive, bruised thighs. Natasha, Stark, Strange, and Rogers are all inside, making drinks for themselves as the sun swelters high in the sky.
Princess is the only other conscious person who remains outside, an easily forgettable body as Bunny colors under the sweet shade of the big tree in the back of the expansive yard, quiet enough that the occasional squirrel or bird will hop across her blanket and sniff at her forgotten snack.
She’s unable to ignore her counterpart, though, when Princess plops herself down onto the thick, cotton blanket specifically designated for outdoor use.
Bunny, despite her annoyance, says nothing.
Princess says nothing in turn, watching the girl in front of her meticulously color in the lines of a complicated flower.
“Daddy never lets me color anything like that,” she finally says, staring at the set of sixty-four crayons Princess had wanted for two Christmases and three birthdays but still never received. “Daddy says they’re too complicated for me.”
Bunny stops coloring for a moment, whole body stilling. Princess thinks she’ll say something, thinks she’ll show a break in her shell that’ll give her some in. But no, the sound of crayon gliding against thick paper fills whatever silence Bunny intended to proliferate with words.
It’s then that Princess takes out one of the most-loved crayons – a soft blue that’s had the wrapped long since pulled off.
“Do you like this crayon?” she asks Bunny.
Bunny stops coloring – bright orange crayon inert as she tries to swallow the dryness in her mouth. Fear paints her face as she gazes upon her favorite coloring tool. Out of all her markers, her colored pencils, her watercolor paints. None of those hold a candle to that one crayon. It’s the only crayon she doesn’t like Natasha using, the only one she saves for the special coloring book pages – the ones she gifts her Mommy for Christmas and for her birthday and when Natasha picks her up from spending time at Uncle Bucky’s place because she’s been on a business trip.
Which is why Bunny nearly cries when Princess snaps it in half, then crushes the pieces into something resembling dust. She does whimper, though, does drop the crayon she’s holding and curl her legs up to her chest and stares at Princess with these wide eyes that beg for her to stop whatever it is she thinks she’s doing.
“What’d’ya gonna do about it?” Princess questions. When Bunny doesn’t answer, Princess quirks her eyebrow then moves to grab another one.
Bunny gasps, tears beginning to well up in the corner of her eyes. “Please don’t,” she whispers.
Princess pretends not to hear her, and selects another well-used crayon. “Really, you’re just gonna be a baby and let me do this?”
Bunny looks around the lawn, begging Natasha to come outside or Peter to feel how frightened she is or even Bucky, a man who rarely pays attention to her but seems to like her more than Princess, to look over and wonder why there’s such tension between his best friends’ best little girls. Unfortunately (for you, at least), none of them pay you any mind. Somehow this is worse than when Natasha has to leave you alone for work or whatever it is she does when she’s away. At least then you don’t have to do deal with Princess.
“Please, Princess,” Bunny says a little louder. “Please don’t break my crayons.”
Princess smiles wide and sinister, like that Cheshire Cat from that movie you don’t like very much. “Alright then,” is all she says before standing up and skipping off to lay on the Aurora towel that was in the shade of a different tree. Even though she’s alone, Bunny remains upright, curling around her precious box of crayons.
The third time they meet is Bunny’s birthday party about a month later. The main festivities are over, all the adults drinking from Natasha’s expensive liquor cabinet. Doll’s curled up on Bucky’s lap, playing with a My Little Pony toy (Applejack, of course) and occasionally being fed bits of cake from Bucky’s fork; Peter’s enthralled with the latest installment of their classic movie marathon that’s playing just too loud for Bunny’s liking.
On any other day, Bunny would be elated to watch her favorite movies with her favorite friend. She’s allowed to eat ice cream cake (vanilla, from her favorite pastry shop down the street) and wear her favorite pink dress.
Her hair is in two low buns with a pretty pink bow. Natasha spent the whole morning with Bunny in her lap, telling her how cute she is and how much she loves her. Everything was great, perfect.
That was, until Steve and Princess showed up. Natasha was preoccupied with catching up in her friend to notice Bunny clutching her favorite stuffie or Princess’ sly smile.
Like the first time they met, she and Princess are placed on the blanket that sits in the middle of the playroom. This time it’s fleece, thick, one Bunny made with Doll one of the rare times they’ve had playdates together. It’s full of mint green and soft pink flowers around a bunch of sea animals. Bucky said he found the blanket kit at a craft store and thought the two of them could make it when he and Natasha were working in his office.
There were a few moments of silence as Steve pet Princess’ hair and explained how much Princess had been looking forward to today. Princess just smiles big and wide and teasing, waiting for the adults to leave before she finally speaks.
“Ya know, Daddy and I love teasing each other…” Princess says as if she’s the most innocent conversation maker to ever fail to meet her counterpart’s eyes. “You and your Mommy should try it sometime.”
Bunny gulps, fidgeting with her hands. “Mommy doesn’t…Mommy doesn’t let me do that without her permission.”
Princess scoffs. “Oh, you ask your Mommy for everything. Daddy hasn’t made me do that in forever.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “Daddy likes it when I act out.”
“Mommy doesn’t,” Bunny doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to stave off what she now understands is inevitable. “Mommy doesn’t like it when I act out. She likes it when I’m good. I get candy, cuddles, stuffies when I’m good.”
Princess almost rolls her eyes, frustrated. “Maybe you should just try it sometime, just to see what happens.”
Bunny doesn’t say anything back, too scared of what would happen. Natasha always told her curiosity killed the cat, but could curiosity kill her as well?
Hours pass without incident, without Princess nagging Bunny or Bunny snapping at Princess or, really, anything happening. Princess merely leaves her to brew for hours, eating cake with her fingers and eyeing Bunny to see how she’s doing. Bunny’s lost in her own thoughts, the only indication of time passing being Steve coming in take Princess home.
As Steve picks her up once more, a smirk spreads across her frosting-stained face. Her eyes are knowing, full of mischief. In the background, the forest fire scene from Bambi plays on the large TV. Bunny wishes she could be one of the forest creatures running for their life, able to get away from the natural disaster that had descended upon her home.
Despite her fear of Princess, her words stick in Bunny’s brain like gum in her hair. It’s all Bunny can think about for days, maybe even weeks after her birthday party.  It gets worse when she’s alone, when all she has are her thoughts and her hands and…and…
Bunny decides to do something, do the unimaginable the day Natasha says she’s going to have lunch with Stark and Strange. That she’ll be back in a few hours.
Just enough time, Bunny thinks as she hears the front door shut and the deadbolt lock. Just enough time for her to do the unthinkable.
◦ ◦ ◦
“Bunny!” Natasha calls into the house. There’s the usual pause, one where she’s used to allowing Bunny to find her voice. But for whatever reason, she doesn’t hear the usual yes, mommy? followed by the pit-pat of her feet across the house. “Bunny?” she calls again, but the only thing she can hear is resounding silence.
Natasha’s heartrate picks up tenfold, not even throwing her shoes off as she runs to the room she kept Bunny in when she had a long work day. As she types in the code to open the door, Natasha is met with a sight she’d never thought she’d see:
Bunny, with one hand down her pullup, and the other clutched over her mouth. Her pale yellow pajama shirt is hiked up to her ribs, threatening to fall over where her hand meets her center.
For a moment Natasha does not know what to do, body frozen and chest heaving and heart racing. Bunny hadn’t so much as blinked without permission, let alone touched herself sans asking Natasha beforehand.
Squeaky, breathy moans slip past her fingers, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her body shakes with the desperation that comes just before an orgasm.
That’s what snaps Natasha out of her trance, what makes her fly across the room and grab Bunny’s face with her perfectly manicured hand.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Natasha hisses through her teeth.
Bunny bites her lips, eyes wide with fear. “P-princ-“
Natasha almost growls. “What, Steve’s little?”
Bunny nods slowly, meekly, lip quivering in fear as Natasha hand remains firmly grasped over her jaw. “P-princess s-said that it woul-d be f-un to-“ Natasha, a woman who has not had a hair out of place since the Reagon administration, nearly knocks over Bunny’s designated stuffed animal bookshelf. Wordlessly, she places Bunny over her knee and exposes the soft skin of her ass.
Bunny hadn’t been spanked in years. Ever since Natasha had gotten her, broken her, she’d been the perfect little – so obedient and eager to please, smart and quiet, happy to play by herself while Natasha worked with the others. She was everything Natasha could’ve asked for and somehow more…
But this? This was inexcusable. She was a big believer in second chances, but those must always come after an appropriate punishment.
“You think just because Steve’s Princess can whine and act however she wants, that means you can, too?” she hisses, hitting each cheek twice. “You think that girl’s behavior excuses your own?”
Bunny yelps, trying to find the strength to speak without sobbing. “N…no…” she mumbles, digging her face into her and trying to curl against the woman whose lap she has found herself in.
“What was that?” Natasha snaps, hitting the backs of her thighs this time. The slaps of skin on skin echos throughout the room and stabs at Bunny’s ears.
“No, Mommy, I am not allowed to misbehave! I am not allowed to break the rules”
“Good,” Natasha says through grit teeth. She takes a moment to grope her heated ass cheeks, and you savor the sweet moments away from the sharp pain. “If you didn’t know your place, I would’ve had to call Steve up to see how he keeps Princess in line. Maybe Bucky, too. He once kept Doll in a basement for two weeks because she wouldn’t eat her vegetables. Do you want that?”
Violent shivers shoot through you. Uncle Bucky and Steve are nice enough to you, especially when Natasha’s around. But with her permission to discipline you in their preferred way? You shrink away at the thought. “N-no Mommy. No, Mommy I’ll promise I’ll be good.”
“Good girl,” Natasha coos, another few smacks landing on her bottom. “Now, for the rest of your punishment…” Bunny gulps, trying to relax her muscles so it doesn’t hurt as bad.
“Now, should I put you on meal replacement shakes or keep you in chastity?”
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
unrequited [part 2]
✿ pairing: bryce x mc
✿ word count: 3941
✿ tags: @senatorraines​ ; @nickyvalentinos​ ; @violinet​ ; @messofakind​ ; @roguemal​ ; @adrixnrxines​ ; @t-yril​ ; @bobbysmckenzie​ ; @luckyferrero​ ; @litgpop​ ; @brycelahelas​
✿ author’s note: i didn’t really think i’d be writing a part two, but from the encouragement from my friends, and the initial idea and push from @diamondsless​, i thought i’d write it and dedicate it to her as a birthday gift! happy birthday to one of the sweetest souls in this fandom who never ceases to amaze me with her writing and her acts of kindness. i hope you have an incredible day and that this fic is a pick-me-up, even though it’s angst.
also, thank you to the asexies for reading and giving me ideas and criticisms. y’all are my ride or dies! i love y’all so much. btw, this takes place a couple days after part 1, which you should probably read before this. anyways, i hope you enjoy! (let me know if i should do a part 3)
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Bryce’s words wrapped around her heart like the tendrils of a wild plant, squeezing until the pain in her chest was too much to bear. The vines of his anger and despair snaked up to her throat, clenching her windpipe, silencing her when she saw his face in the hallways of the hospital.
When she got a glimpse of his smile across the cafeteria or in passing in the hall, the ghost of Bryce’s shattered expression clouded her mind, and she flinched every single time.
She caught herself staring at the pads of her fingers too often during the passing days, the vivid memory of the way he deflected from her touch burned into her memory. 
It played on loop, torturing her from the moment she stepped onto the grounds of Edenbrook, to the moment she closed her eyes at night. But even then, she rarely found solace in her dreams, as they usually took no definable form, the indiscernible feelings of desperation and agony gripping her even in the dream realm. 
The roommate group chat exploded throughout her last morning shift of the week, last minute details of an intern-attending party filling her lock screen. Her thoughts had been focused solely on the conversation in the closet, so much so that she lost track of the days following and the party had completely slipped her mind.
The weekend had come before she realized it, a welcome distraction from the ghost of Bryce’s pained expression.
Nothing could’ve prepared her for the feeling of seeing Bryce across the room with someone else. He’d strolled into the room, smooth and relaxed as usual, with his arm around a beautiful woman.
She hadn’t expected seeing him with someone else to elicit such a visceral reaction, but it did.
She clenched the solo cup, crumpling the plastic until the sides split, and it took Sienna calling her name to bring her to. The cheap red wine dripped down her arms, staining the forearms of her henley top.
It was her favorite, because it was his favorite.
The wine dripped onto her jeans, blotches of red covering her thighs. Her friends were staring, but Sienna had already jumped into action, gently taking the cup from her hands.
The sudden change of volume had made its way to the doorway, and Bryce locked eyes with her, his dark embers burning through her own.
Sienna guided her towards the hallway to Spencer’s bedroom, the silence between them full of knowing.
Once she was in her room, Sienna hugged her softly. “I’m so sorry, Spence. I had no clue he was bringing her. If I knew, I would’ve warned you.”
“I know. You don’t have to apologize,” she smiled weakly, before hesitating. “Who is she?” Did she even want to know?
“Just some girl he met on Tinder,” she said reassuringly. “They barely know each other.”
Had he rebounded so quickly for his own gratification? Or to make her jealous?
“It’ll be okay,” Sienna smiled warmly, and Spencer mirrored it willingly. Sienna was her sunshine, a consistent ray of light through her worst days.
Sienna waited until she was out of her wine stained clothes before leaving with them, insisting that they were still salvageable.
Spencer slipped on her favorite party outfit from their first housewarming party, the one she wore before she first felt him bucking beneath her within the confines of her bedroom.
If he wanted to play a game, she could play, too.
It was childish, but she had to know if he was truly moving on, or if he had come with a date solely to torture her.
She emerged from her room, heart pounding, purse over her shoulder. They were low on alcohol anyways, and the night had barely begun. She slipped out of the front door undetected, so she’d have time to rehearse what she wanted to say to him on the way to the liquor store down the street.
What could she even say to him that would have any substance? The damage she left was irreversible in her eyes. Even if he forgave her, he’d always remember the times he was her last priority.
It should have taken her a couple of minutes to buy the cheap liquor and chasers, but as she ambled through the aisles, a memory of her and Bryce volunteering to restock the alcohol to keep the party going flitted through her mind.
Behind the rack of red wine, he stole a kiss from her lips, her tinted lip gloss glimmering on the warm bronze of his own. 
“Your lips look like a medal,” she giggled, rubbing her thumb across his bottom lip.
“Hopefully you mean gold because you know I’m not third place material,” he grinned, leaning in to kiss her again.
His words haunted her.
It was a premonition, although she thought nothing of it at the time.
She’d done nothing but push him away, making him an afterthought that was saved for the days she was feeling particularly lonely. She couldn’t help but feel guilty for thinking it was normal to fool around with three separate men with zero repercussion.
It was only a matter of time before they became tired with the game she was playing. She never intended to toy with their emotions, but she had wounded each of them in some way.
She twisted the knife each time she shared an intimate moment, kiss, embrace, with either of them, and pretended like it hadn’t happened.
She gripped the large paper bag, and trudged back towards the apartment, the crisp Boston air chilling her exposed skin.
She rounded the corner, bumping straight into Bryce. The bag slipped from her hands, crashing onto the pavement, the bottles of wine, vodka, and tequila spilling across the concrete. It splashed onto her legs, soaking through her jeans and shoes.
“For fucks sake,” she huffed, shaking off the droplets that somehow managed to land on her arms. “I just bought those.”
If she wasn’t so frustrated, she would’ve been a stammering mess. She met his gaze, a grimace contorting his features. He shook his leg, flicking off his alcohol-soaked shoes.
“Sorry, Spence. I thought you might need some help carrying them up, but I guess I made it worse,” he chuckled. “Here, let’s go back, and you show me exactly what you got. I’ll buy.”
“Yeah, I’d hope so. I can’t go back empty handed,” she sighed, reaching down to pick up the brown bag, now dripping maroon, tossing the larger glass pieces into it.
“Hey, don’t pick up the glass. I’d hate to have to patch you up –”
“Why did you follow me out here, Bryce? Really?” She wheeled on him, practically snarling. Her own voice sounded foreign. She’d never spoken to Bryce with that tone before.
His brows furrowed, his friendliness disappearing, replaced with a cold expression that he saved for especially bad days. Bryce Lahela hated virtually no one. She might’ve been the first.
“As soon as I walked in, you bolted. I came out here to check on you.”
“You wanted to come talk to me when you can barely look at me?”
His eyes narrowed to nearly a squint. “I knew you couldn’t keep it from your roomies. Who’d you tell?”
“You’re deflecting.”
“I’ll get to the question. Who’d you tell?”
“I didn’t tell anyone –”
“That’s bullshit, Spencer.”
“They have brains, Bryce,” she said incredulously. “You’ve blatantly been acting differently towards me. You think our friends – who have MDs by the way – are dumb enough to overlook that major detail?”
He pressed a hand over his mouth and dragged down, before gesturing wildly. “I wanted some space! Is that too much to ask?”
“No. It’s not,” she said. “But you can’t expect to treat me differently and expect our friends not to put two and two together. You can’t have the best of both worlds.”
She turned away, speed walking down the empty street, goosebumps raised on her skin, the chilly wind freezing her wet pant legs.
“Whoa, hold on, time out,” he called, jogging alongside her. “You’re telling me that I can’t have the best of both worlds? You’re one to talk.”
“You haven’t even spoken to me since that day,” she said vaguely, ignoring her own hypocrisy.
“Yeah, because I wanted space. I still don’t get why that’s too much to ask of you,” he said, every word tinged with disbelief.
She had no reason to be upset with him. But the guilt and the anger and the jealousy had consumed her. She knew she wasn’t being fair, but she couldn’t help but argue with him.
“Again, It’s not a lot to ask. But why did you go out of your way to bring someone to my home?” She said, staring straight ahead, refusing to watch his face. She was instigating him, but she couldn’t stop herself. 
“I’m seeing someone, and I thought I’d introduce her to my friends. It’s not that hard to understand.”
“Bryce, it’s been four fucking days since you told me you wanted to move on,” she gestured wildly. “I didn’t think you’d move on that fast, much less try to introduce me to her!”
“I get it. You’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous, Bryce, I’m just frustrated!” she cried, stopping abruptly in front of the store.
“Oh so you’re allowed to get frustrated with me because I’m trying to move on, but I’m not allowed to be upset that you’re yelling at me for trying to move on?”
“No, because I know what you’re trying to do here Bryce. You didn’t come here to move on, you came here to try to make me jealous.”
“So you admit that you’re jealous.”
“No, I’m saying you’re trying to make me jealous.”
“Stop putting words in my mouth. That’s not what I came here for, but I’m glad it’s getting under your skin,” Bryce scoffed, rolling his eyes.
They stood in a tense silence, outside of the liquor store, nothing but the sound of the wind whooshing past the corner of the brick wall between them.
“What did you come to this party for then, huh? You wanted to get away from me. You wanted some distance. So you came to my home with… with her –” she spat, pointing a finger into his chest, “– and expected me not to be upset?”
“God, Spencer, do you really only ever think of yourself?” He stomped to the front door of the store, and opened it, angrily gesturing for her to walk in.
“Yeah, maybe bringing her here was a mistake. But I’m trying to move on. You can’t try to hold me back because you can’t decide if you want me or not.”
The wind was knocked out of her, the familiar feeling of a restricted windpipe wrapping around her like a worn sweater. This time, she fought through it.
Bryce trudged to the back of the store, near the tall wine racks – the ones that she could never reach on the top shelf, but he’d always grab it for her and tease her for it.
“You know I’ve thought about you every second since you pulled me into that closet, right? I’ve been wracked with guilt and anger towards myself, and you’re not to blame for that at all,” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes, but she willed them away. She didn’t want his sympathy. “I’ve spent every day mulling over every interaction we’ve ever had and I’ve picked apart every single thing I can remember that I’ve said to you.”
“You don’t think I’ve done the same thing, Spencer? I wondered why nothing I’d ever said got your attention. If I made you laugh, did you think twice about it?”
“Yes, I did.” she blinked tears back. “I just didn’t think of you enough. And I’m sorry. I know nothing I can say will take away how deeply I’ve hurt you, but you can’t just try to get back at me so I can feel the same way you did.”
He was dumbfounded. He watched her face, his mouth parted. 
“I know my pain right now is nothing in comparison to what you feel, and I’d never ever try to make this about me. But I’m hurting, and I’m trying to move on, too. You bringing her here isn’t doing me any favors.”
He reached out, grazing the pads of his fingers on her jaw.
She flinched before she even realized it. “I’m sorry Bryce. I don’t think this is a good idea. Your date is waiting back at my apartment, and we need to get back. I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting,” she chuckled weakly, eyes on the ground.
“Spencer… I…”
She turned to the bottles behind her, pretending to browse while she furiously blinked the tears away. She turned back, a smile on her face. “Got the drinks! You can hold them though. I know how much your party god status means to you.”
He watched her, eyebrows knitted together, guilt laced through his features. He was visibly holding back, his inner turmoil plain to see.
They were nearly silent on the way back, the weight of their situation keeping them from their candid nature.
She was used to Bryce wearing his heart on his sleeve, his unshakeable confidence front and center. His familiar grin and spontaneity were stripped down, replaced with an expression she could only describe as uncertain.
They walked back into the packed apartment, a bass boosted song reverberating through the borrowed speakers. Her roommates, the rest of the second years, and the interns greeted them warmly, a few people swarming Bryce and her as they unloaded the bags of alcohol.
People she barely recognized asked her to take shots, and she gladly accepted. Normally, she’d pace herself, but after seeing Bryce return to the woman’s side, she wanted to forget the entire night.
A couple shots of tequila later, Spencer was seated on the couch, giggling uncontrollably at a joke she barely heard.
Sienna scooted closer to her, leaning into her ear to whisper. “Don’t react to what I’m about to say.”
She nodded, concentrating hard on keeping a straight face. “Bryce keeps looking at you from the balcony. He’s barely paid attention to his date since you got back.”
She turned, catching him just as he glanced away from her. He wrapped his arm around his date’s waist, his fingers slipping just enough under her fabric to make her bite her lip…
Spencer’s stomach lurched, and she leapt up from the couch, worsening the nausea. “I’m about to throw up, Sienna,” she slurred, grabbing Sienna’s arm.
She guided her quickly, safely to her bedroom, before holding her hair back as she emptied her stomach, the tequila burning just as bad coming up as it did going down.
She faded in and out of consciousness, barely registering Sienna helping her shower and get in bed. She willed herself to remember her kindness and vowed she’d make it up to her when she sobered up.
She laid in bed, the ceiling spinning, her body floating, as she tried desperately to sleep. But she couldn’t, because she knew that Bryce was fifty feet away. With someone else.
She cuddled up to her pillow, imagining Bryce’s warm torso between her arms instead of the cool, firm memory foam of the pillow. She’d nearly succumbed to sleep before she heard a soft knock on her door.
“Hey, Spence, you good in there?”
“Yeah,” she managed, her heart thundering in her chest, partially because she was caught off guard, and because she wasn’t ready to face him again.
“Can I come in for a sec?”
“Sure.” She blurted without a second thought. When she was drunk her heart had a mind of its own. She knew damn well she wasn’t equipped for another emotionally draining conversation, but her heart was itching to be broken again.
The door creaked open, and he stepped in timidly, looking out of place. Normally, he ambled into a new place, not caring if it was a room full of strangers or his closest friends – his aura of confidence was never shaken.
He was nervous.
She tried to sit up, but plopped back against her pillow, groaning. He crossed the room to her bed, but stopped at the foot of it. “You good?”
“Yeah, I just feel like an idiot for drinking this much,” she said slowly, concentrating on trying not to sound as plastered as she felt.
“You’ve never been able to handle your liquor,” he smiled softly, fondly even.
She shook her head, causing the room to spin a little faster than before. “I’d trade a vital organ to be able to get drunk without the hangover.”
“How vital we talking?” His smile stretched into a grin, and he sat on the bed, resting a hand on the comforter. She couldn’t tell if he purposefully touched her, but the weight of his hand on her ankle grounded her nonetheless, and her vertigo subsided.
“With how shitty I feel right now, I’d trade my heart,” she said, trying to prop herself up on her elbows. Another wave of nausea hit her as soon as it left, and her stomach churned.
She threw the covers back, and tripped out of bed, face planting onto her cold floor. She heard him call out to her, but she couldn’t even decipher the words. She slapped her hand over her mouth, desperately trying to army crawl to the bathroom.
She felt his warm arms around her torso, picking her up gently and carrying her to the toilet. While she gagged uncontrollably, the disgusting sounds echoing off of the porcelain, he laced his fingers into her hair, gathering it into one hand.
“Here, give me that,” he said, pulling the hair tie off of her wrist, before using his fingers to comb through her thick locks, brushing her hair back into a loose ponytail, twisting the tie until it held firm.
After she was done, she wiped her face off, and peered up at him. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, Spence.” He searched her face like he was scrutinizing her, so she broke away first, trying to stand up.
He wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her to her feet. Familiarity washed over her, and she cackled when she put the pieces together.
“God, remember when we hooked up in the shower? You fucked me senseless and the steam made my legs so weak that you had to carry me out just like this.”
He tensed around her, but she barely noticed. “I miss that,” she breathed, leaning into his frame.
She was too far gone to think about the consequences of her words.
He tucked her into bed wordlessly, his warm expression gone, replaced with the increasingly frequent dubious one.
“You think you’ll be okay in here?”
“Do you have to get back to your date?”
He hesitated, long enough that Spencer kept talking. “She’s really pretty, you know. Maybe a little out of your league, Lahela. You look hot together, but she’s just so gorgeous –”
“She left. I paid for her cab home.”
“I wanted to check on you.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m fine.”
“The half bottle of tequila in your toilet says otherwise, Spence.”
Silence ensued again, the apartment eerily quiet. “Is everyone gone?” She whispered. She didn’t know why she whispered.
“Yeah. It’s 4 a.m.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah, you’ve been in here a while.”
“So have you.”
“What are you getting at?”
“You could’ve left with everyone else. Or with your date. Why’d you come in here?” She asked before thinking. Again.
He turned towards the door, his back to her. He stood in place for a few seconds, frozen, before walking to the door, arm outstretched to grab the knob. “I’ll see you around, Spence –”
“Please, Bryce, wait –” She shot up, reaching for him.
He glanced back at her, refusing to meet her eye.
Her throat burned, alcohol fueling her grief. “I know I’m just talking out of my ass and saying shit that I haven’t carefully thought out. And I know that I’m self aware, but it still doesn’t stop me from embarrassing myself. But I know if I don’t say this right now I’ll probably never have the courage when I’m sober.”
He swivelled around, and leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms, trying hard to look relaxed, but the tension in his body made him look rigid and uneasy.
She closed her eyes tight, balling her hands up into fists, gripping her sheets. “I know I won’t remember this tomorrow, and I’m not even sure any of this is happening or if this is a hallucination, but I’m gonna word vomit my feelings.
“I think I love you, Bryce.”
She heard his breath hitch, but she squeezed her eyes tighter. She didn’t dare look.
“I’ve spent so much time chasing after guys who pushed me away. Maybe it’s the chase that I liked so much. I don’t know. But being with you was so easy. And comforting. Like a really good book that you’ve read a thousand times. Or your mom’s chicken soup when you’re sick.
“We never talked about it because I was scared I’d have to commit. And that’s so wrong of me. Granted, I thought you were afraid of commitment, too. I put it off forever and just danced between everyone who gave me attention. I didn’t even consider anyone’s feelings but my own.
“But the moments we had together are my favorite memories of my first year in Boston. I wouldn’t trade those for the world. You went out of your way to make me feel better at my lowest points. And that’s more than I can say for who I was giving the most attention to. I was chasing after something unattainable, when you were right in front of me.”
The tears squeezed out of her firmly shut lids, and she wiped them away quickly, quietly sniffling. “I’m so fucking sorry, Bryce. I can’t say it enough. I know I blew it, but I hope you give me a second chance as friends.”
She pulled the comforter up to her face, sobbing quietly into the thick fabric. She took a shaky breath, and laid down, curling up in a ball. “You don’t have to say anything. I don’t think I’ll remember this.”
The mix of crying, vomiting, and drinking wore her out so much that she was out before Bryce could curate a response.
Throughout her whole speech, he’d leaned up against the wall, frozen as he listened to her spill her feelings and say everything he wanted to hear. But he’d blown it, too. He’d hurt her so deeply, and he had no idea how to fix it.
Her soft snoring filled the room, and he mentally kicked himself for not saying anything sooner. “I think I love you, too, Spence,” he whispered, before slipping out the door into the night.
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chadwick211 · 2 years
Get the Best Single Malt Whisky Online at Sendgifts
Single Malt Scotch Whisky is defined by law as whisky distilled from only malted barley, aged for a minimum of three years and produced by a single Scottish distillery, Single malt whisky is one of the most highly-prized and sought-after categories of alcoholic drinks in the world.
Single malt whisky has grown a reputation for being a higher quality spirit than blends. This has led to a misconception that they are also smoother and more flavorful. Yet before you dismiss Dewars as being beneath you, you should at least give blended whiskey a chance to defend itself.
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 Lagavulin Offerman Edition 11-Year-Old Single Malt Finished in Guinness Casks 750ml
This 11-year-old Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch was finished in barrels from the Guinness Open Gate Brewery in Baltimore, MD. After four months of purely platonic finishing, the golden-brown elixir of the gods has been imbued with traces of chocolate, wisps of vanilla, and a chili-pepper kick that stays in the finish until the party is over. Best enjoyed while sharing stories with your dad.
Product Details
Category: Single Malt
Region: Scotland, Single Malt
Brand: Lagavulin
Alcohol/vol: 46%
Size: 750ml
Simply serve neat or with a little water.
 Aberlour 12 Year Double Cask Matured Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
The deep, multilayered flavor of this whisky is made in homage to founder James Fleming in the heart of Speyside. It is a fine example of Aberlour's distinctive, flavorful character and double cask maturation process.
The 12-year-old expression is a fine example of how the distinctively crisp, citrus character of Aberlour's new distillate is deftly softened by double cask maturation. Traditional Oak and seasoned Sherry butts are both used to great effect, as the mellowed spirits within are combined to deliver a subtly balanced flavor.
Product Details
Brand: Aberlour
Flavor: Citrus, Apple, Vanilla, Spice, Toffee, Chocolate, Orange
Alcohol Content: 40 Percent by Volume
Alcohol Type: Single malt
Liquid Volume: 750ml
 Tasting Notes
NOSE: Buttery cinnamon toast, concentrated raisin in the background, astringent woody touches, glacé cherry, barrel char.
PALATE: Big sweet butter hit, with maple syrup, brown sugar, plump raisins, nutmeg, milk chocolate and more of the char from the nose.
FINISH: Medium length, with chocolate, raisins and more char.
 Kavalan Solist Vinho Barrique Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky 750ml
Kavalan Solist Vinho Barrique Cask Strength Single Malt is a beautifully refined whisky hued by the succulent tones of red and white wine. For this featured offering, Taiwan-based distiller Kavalan Whisky incorporates American white oak ex-wine casks that have been open-air seasoned for at least 24 months before being re-toasted, charred, and filled with prime Kavalan whiskey.
Originally launched in 2010 in highly-curated quantities, this select whiskey swirls and writhes with a complex fruitiness that will leave you reaching for another sip!
This whisky was named the World's Best Single Malt Whisky at Whisky Magazine's 2015 World Whiskies Awards. It also received the Double Gold Medal at the 2012 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
Product Details
Beverage type: Single Malt Whisky
Product Origin: Taiwan
Bottle size: 750ml
Tasting Notes
Color: Deep autumn gold. Nose: A rich fusion of vanilla and caramelized sugars with dark chocolate on top. Ripe melon and mango together with kiwi and a delicate blend of citrus fruits burst. Pepper is also present in the background waiting to be noticed. This bouquet is simply a sensational feast to your olfactory organ.
Palate: The taste ends with clean and complex flavors embodying all that is best in the finest malt whiskies and a long aftertaste.
Try the world's best whisky today!
 Oban 14-Year-Old 750ml
Launched in 1988 as part of Diageo’s Classic Malts Selection range. The only standard, aged release from this Highland distillery on the west coast. Lightly peated and matured in American white oak, ex-bourbon casks. Bottled at 43%.
Tasting Notes
Appearance: Olive Gold.
Nose: Rich Sweetness and Fruits – Oranges, Lemons and Pears, With Sea-Salt and Peaty Smokiness.
Body: Full, Rich.
Palate: Mouth-Filling Late Autumn Fruits – Dried Figs and Honey-Sweet Spices; Followed by A Smoky Malty Dryness.
Finish: Long, Smooth-Sweet Finish with Oak-Wood, Dryness and A Grain of Salt.
Overall: A true classic, Oban's 14-year-old is a great coastal dram for lovers of lightly smoked, fresh malts.
 Bimber Distillery Sherry Cask Single Malt London Whisky 750ml
Bimber Distillery Sherry Cask Single Malt London Whisky is a 58.9% Single Malt International Whiskey from Poland. It is packaged in a 750ml bottle. Another fine Single Malt International Whiskey from Bimber.
Product Details
Beverage type: Single Malt International Whiskey
Alcohol Level: 58.9%
Bottle size: 750ml
 Kavalan Classic Single Malt Whisky
Kavalan Classic Single Malt Whisky exemplifies the sheer quality of whisky coming out of Taiwan. The craftsmanship of the distillery works with the humid Taiwanese climate to create whisky that is diverse and complex. Fresh and clean, the spirit is rich with silky smoothness and hints of tropical fruits, mango in particular.
Product Details
Category: Single Malt Whiskey
Region: Taiwan
Brand: Kavalan
Alcohol/vol: 43%
 Tasting Notes
COLOUR: Lively and passionate amber.
NOSE: Clean, elegant, floral (pleasant & refreshing fragrance of the butterfly orchid), fruity and seductive. With hints of honey, tropical fruits (mango in particular), pear drop, vanilla, coconuts and suggestions of chocolate.
PALATE: A hint of sweet mango juice with that spicy complexity and gentle warmth on a medium, oily and citrus finish.
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