#Best House Cleaning Services in New York
sophieslaundary · 6 months
Top-Rated House Cleaning Services in New York
Sophie's Laundry is your top-rated choice for house cleaning services in New York. Experience the difference of top-rated house cleaning services with Sophie's Laundry. Call us at 212-795-6170 to schedule a cleaning appointment and enjoy a clean and healthy home today!
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book-cleany-01 · 5 months
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
LSL Week Day 3: Alternate Universe
Sanji has had complaints from his staff on all fronts about this guy who would come in and place giant orders and back everything up. He always paid and tipped well but according to them he wasn’t worth what he was doing to the rest of the dining room. Sanji decided he would personally take care of the guy from now on, he was already working seven days a week as the owner of All Blue, he’s done waiting, he done all the stations, dishwashing, he’s done it all; hell his old man ran Baratie so he knew how to handle problematic customers.
So when Perona comes out screaming that he is back and she’s threatening to quit, does Sanji remind her that he promised he would handle everything for the problem customer. Perona gives him the table number and Sanji shucks off his apron to head to the dining room to take the order. It’s some guy with black hair, an orange haired woman, and a guy with a long nose that looks vaguely familiar from his time at Baratie. There’s also Zoro who he doesn’t think remembers him from the one time he let Perona have a family dinner here on the house.
“Hello, I’m Sanji I’ll be taking care of you this evening, can I start you off with any drinks?” Sanji asks in his best waiter voice.
“You’re new, we haven’t had you before.” The woman grins at him.
“Usually we just come here to bother Perona and eat,” Black hair nods, “the food is really good though so I guess it’s okay.” Sanji smiles politely and makes a mental note that this is their last time in his restaurant and they will be banned after tonight. God willing he is not losing Perona even if her dad is richer than the heaven’s and the earth combined, she was much too good of a waitress to let go.
“Ah, yes. Perona is awfully busy tonight so I offered to take the table off her hands.” Sanji answers. Zoro huffs but orders a beer and the woman orders a wine as the other two just get water. As he’s getting the drinks and Perona passes by does he grab her lightly. “You didn’t mention your brother is here.”
“It’s his crew, I don’t know why they keep coming here, but Luffy, the problem customer, is a bottomless pit. Zoro doesn’t even remember you despite you talking to Mihawk for like two hours about wine.” Perona huffs. Names start clicking together in his memory of their conversations, Nami, Usopp, Luffy, and Zoro. The brother and friends that Perona wanted to strangle constantly.
“It’s their last night here.” Sanji grumbles as he puts his customer service facade back on heads back to the table. Placing the drinks on the table he looks at them all, “And to eat tonight?”
“I’ll have the seafood pasta.”  Nami smiles at him as she sips her wine.
“New York, rare.” Zoro says. 
“Pea risotto, please?” Usopp asks nervously, Sanji doesn’t get why. He’s not that threatening.
Then Luffy lists off like ten dishes for himself. Sanji nods and takes it all in stride as he thanks them for their order, rings it and goes to the kitchen. He’s had worse, he can do this. He’s had to do full lunch and dinner rushes basically by himself in the kitchen before he’s got this. He mutters to himself as he grabs a bottle of wine and drinks straight from the bottle as he starts cooking. He’s got this.
He’s got this.
Pudding comes to check on him as Perona thanks him and apologises but he waves them both off as Perona lines up trays so they can start taking it out. Sanji gets it now, he does. He’s smoking at least five full cigarettes after this. He deserves it and the bottle of wine he grabbed. He owns the damn place anyway.
They take the food out and Sanji asks if they can get them anything else but are waved off with thanks so Sanji goes to smoke as Perona hugs him once they’re safely behind the kitchen doors. When he gets through three cigarettes and a third of the bottle, or what was left of it, does he go check on the table again. Most of the plates are cleaned to his surprise. When he sets the bill down he smiles at them politely.
“I do have to ask you four to never return to All Blue. If you do you will be kicked out and possibly trespassed.” Sanji says with an even tone.
“What? Why?” Nami asks with wide eyes and Luffy looks like he’s about to cry. He does actually cry because the food is so good apparently. Usopp starts slinking into his chair as Zoro looks offended. 
“If my staff keeps having to feed you I will have no staff.” Sanji explains. “Thank you for your patronage, truly, it does mean a lot, however I do have to take care of my staff. Have a good night, the host will take care of you.” Sanji says with a wave as he heads back to the kitchen.
When they finish shutting down in record time after they close, Perona and Sanji are out back sharing a different bottle of wine while Sanji smokes. There’s shadows at the end of the alley and cheers of ‘we found them’ which makes Perona groan. Sanji looks and sees the problem table approaching them.
“Are we really banned?” Luffy whines at him, pleading almost as the four of them approach.
“Unfortunately.” Sanji nods.
“But the food!” Luffy whines again which makes Sanji chuckle and dig the breast pocket of his chef jacket and give Luffy a card.
“Here, that’s my business card but it does have my personal cell number on there. I’m usually free in the mornings.” Sanji offers with a smile.
“Wow, this place is super snazzy to have a cook with business cards.” Zoro laughs with a roll of his eyes.
“Zoro, this is Sanji, ya know, the owner.” Perona growls as she drinks from the bottle and Zoro’s one eye widens. “I’m so telling Mihawk.” She mutters at him.
“So does this mean I can ask you on a date?” Luffy asks Sanji as he studies the card.
“Sure.” Sanji laughs. “Still banned though.”
“That’s okay!” Luffy smiles brightly at him, Perona finishes off the bottle as she leaves with a wave to him, taking the group with her. Sanji gets a text only a few minutes later that is just emojis of bacon and eggs.
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universitypenguin · 2 years
What does a regular weekend look like for princess and Lloyd? Are they the type to try out new restaurants that open up in town or are they more inclined to go to the mall and do some damage at the shops (me thinks Lloyd likes to spoil princess rotten so he doesn’t mind dropping any amount on her 🥰🥰) or maybe they’d do something romantic like get couples massages, etc 🥰🥰
On the weekend, Lloyd does like to hit the shops.
It’s obvious from the way he dresses that Lloyd Hansen is a bit of a clothes horse. Nothing pleases him more than a new shirt, pair of shoes, or piece of jewelry. He grew up in a rural area where there wasn’t much offered in the way of fashion, which is why he enjoys retail therapy so much nowadays. His favorite shops are Hart Schaffner & Marx, Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren, Balmain, Loro Piana, and Brunello Cucinelli.
What he really likes, though, is taking Princess along on his shopping excursions.
Lloyd’s initial plan was for the outing to be an indulgence for her, but he quickly realizes that’s not how she operates. Princess is the kind of person who window shops, thinks about her options, reconsiders, goes back and tries it again, and then if she still likes the item, she buys it. He thinks this is an insane way to shop. She informs him that this process ensures that she wears everything she owns, loves the clothing she actually buys, and rarely has to clean out her closet. Still horrified, Lloyd offers her the services of his professional organizer, at his expense. He has someone come in every couple of years and do a closet reset. They even handle the donations. Princess is shocked to discover that kind of service exists. Because it’s hard to persuade Princess to buy, shopping trips usually end up in the men’s stores.
Lloyd is charmed to realize that Princess has excellent taste in men’s fashion. She knows the difference between a New York and Chicago fit suit. Her eye for color helps pick the best tie and shirt combo. She also coordinates jewelry with the outfit’s color palette. Lloyd previously relied on fashion magazines to direct him on how to mix patterns and textures, but she does it naturally. He has to admit, he looks even better than when he takes her input.
Aside from clothing, the kind of shopping he loves most with Princess is jewelry shopping. Lloyd enjoys his rings, watches, tie clips, cufflinks, and even the odd necklace now and again. But the real reason jewelry shopping is his favorite is because of the store layout. You see, the men’s jewelry is located in the back, and the more popular women’s jewelry is kept at the front. Therefore it’s only natural that after walking in, you should stop by the display case at the front. Lloyd insists on it. He keeps a tally of what you’re drawn to, which cuts, color of gemstone, and metal tones. Jewelry isn’t something you buy for yourself very often. So, he makes it a point to give you these things, and he needs the data provided by these visits to choose well. He gets Princess jewelry on your anniversary, birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s day, and at least twice a year for no particular reason.
Lloyd is also a dedicated fitness junkie. Princess… isn’t. She’s willing to hit the gym on occasion, but it’s pretty much based on whether or not she feels like it. Lloyd prefers to exercise outdoors whenever possible. He usually jogs the Mount Vernon trail near his house. To accommodate their divergent interests, he rents Princess a bike. Lloyd jogs fast but with the advantage of wheels it’s easy for her to keep up.
Another thing they like to do on the weekends is go to Lloyd’s cabin. He likes having a place out of the city away from other people. It reminds him of where he lived growing up and he thrives on the peaceful isolation of the woods. Not having neighbors also gives the advantage of not needing to worry about how loud you were… Once that idea sinks in and you cut loose, Lloyd really wants to go to the cabin. Almost every weekend. Of course, you do other things at the cabin too, besides having sex marathons. You take short day hikes, go stargazing, and use the firepit to make s’mores.
Lloyd is a great cook. Princess isn’t.
To try and even up their skills they sign up for a Saturday evening cooking class. This gives Lloyd plenty of time to golf in the morning, hangout with his friends, and relax before they go. After the class, Princess can at least say she knows how to cook. When Lloyd goes on a business trip without her, she won’t be eating out every night. However, there’s clearly one person in their relationship who enjoys cooking, and whenever possible it’s him doing it. Princess happily does the dishes after Lloyd makes her dinner, because who wouldn’t be glad to be doing only half the chores they regularly had to? Plus, she’s eating better than she ever has in her life.
Cooking isn’t the only interest Lloyd brought back from Europe. He likes wine. One of his favorite spots is Tarara Vineyard in Leesburg. He likes the Jefferson Vineyard in Charlottesville and takes Princess on weekend trips to Rhode Island and upstate New York. He enjoys the wine tastings, while Princess is in it for the free gourmet lunch. Now, wine tastings are a bit rich for Princess’ blood. She mostly enjoys them because Lloyd’s commentary and reactions are so amusing. Her view on wine is less adventurous than his. She likes what she likes and that’s what she’d prefer, thank you very much.
What she does like are bookstores, record stores, and coffee shops. She has her own record player and a small but growing collection of vinyl records. Princess loves to visit art galleries and natural history museums, particularly the ones that have lots of fossils. Botanical gardens are high on her list. She goes to the D.C. gardens at least once a month to sit and relax. She’s gone to the Tudor Place gardens, which were established by Martha Washington, to the Meadowlark gardens, and visited the botanical gardens in Richmond.
For a simple low-key weekend at home, though, her perfect day would start with going to the farmer’s market with Lloyd. They buy fresh produce and have a picnic in the park, followed by a movie night. On other low-key weekends, Princess likes to be pampered. She enjoys going to the spa with Lloyd for couples massages, facials, and mani/pedis. Princess gets a body polish treatment and wax, while Lloyd has some minor laser resurfacing done.
He might only be forty-two, but prison ages you. Lloyd Hansen won’t be caught with premature fine lines and wrinkles, thank you very much!
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floosies · 6 months
early 2000s au
eddie munson x oc!fem
warnings: mentions of drugs, cursing, eventual smut, mentions of abuse, friends to lovers 18+
(a/n: this chapter will focus on the troubled teen industry, which I did research on during one of my law classes back in college. its a sensitive topic so you can totally skip this chapter its sort of filler of what happened during their time apart from each other '10- early 2011.)
"I'd rather go to hell than be in purgatory. Cut my hair, gag and bore me. Pull this pin, let this world explode"
Purgatory ( the months of failures and success 2010-2011)
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It all happened so quickly, which she had prepared for mentally. She didn't fight whatever was happening, she was just told that they were taking her to where she would get help. Placing her in a van with blacked out windows, she stared at her parents wondering why they ever even chose to become parents. The van drove for a whole day, no one spoke to her after the first couple of miles, they only spoke to explain what would happen when she got to the 'boot camp'.
Her belongings were taken from her and she was told that her parents placed her in the program because of her behavior. Instantly, she knew this was going to be like a prison. Every day was some sort of manual labor and any sort of attitude or supposed disobedience was met with all sorts of punishments from cleaning to being made to sleep out in the woods for as many nights as they deemed necessary. Sometimes they wouldn't get dinner, and the food wasn't even a meal just small things.
She never bothered to write to her parents or use her calls on them. Just to her best friend to ask how people were, still even that was heavily monitored. It was though, how she found out about Eddie leaving Hawkins and about the band blowing up. In her heart she was happy for him, but a part of her broke knowing she wasn't with him. Still her friend always reassured her that Eddie had loved her and even told Julie about what he did at her parent's house. It was the only small bit of hope she clung to when it came to him.
During those months in her incarceration she had made friends with a girl who was similar in age to her. Her name was Charlotte which she hated because of the book and how growing up people always asked if she was named after it. They both bonded over their style and music taste, which got them into more trouble at times. One night it even led to both of them having to sleep in the woods, which was something they tried to avoid from happening again.
Due to their closeness in age, they were both brought into some sort office in the facility, where they were told they would be getting released out of the program soon. In the state they were currently in, they could not be held after eighteen which technically meant they were free to leave. When they did get released Julie had made a decision to do like Eddie and leave Hawkins behind. There wasn't any real reason to go back to that place. Graduation and prom had already happened by the time she was out.
Charlotte had mentioned how she had planned to go to New York, in her possessions was a credit card her grandma had given her. She had mentioned to Julie that her family was wealthy and only really did this to her to get rid of her for some time. It was fucked, and Charlotte agreed but didn't really care because she was just going to start over. Julie asked if she could join her, promising that she would work for her end of whatever payments or bills that had to be paid. Her new friend shrugged saying it wasn't that big of a deal.
Inheritance had been a hell of a savior, as soon as they bought their plane tickets and landed in New York, they had a place to stay. Julie hadn't gone into the facility with much. She had brought her phone but it hadn't been paid, so no service, and her wallet only had twenty bucks and her ID's. Apart from that was a small duffel of clothes her parents had packed for her. So once they arrived and cleaned up, Charlotte let her use the card she had to buy new clothes and what not.
Within the month they had started to make do with their situation. Where Charlotte didn't really care for finding a job, Julie did and when she found one she started saving to have enough to replace her belongings and pay for rent. Eventually though Charlotte did get a job working for a friend of her family, who was close to her grandmother.
In-between all the working and saving though, they started going out to the clubs around the Manhattan area. Documenting everything through pictures and being asked back by promoters who had found both girls 'pretty' enough to help bring people in. It was how Julie ended up befriending Alexa Chung one night. She had no clue who this girl was, but everyone around them at the club did, and at the same time, Julie and Charlotte were just as popular in that spot. It led to them talking about it the whole night and soon enough Alexa's agency wanted to talk to both of the girls.
By the late summer the girls had signed onto a modeling agency and gotten approved for work visas to enter the UK. Julie wasn't as picky as her friend had been about everything, she started doing ads for shops and magazines, being a guest interviewer for music channels and online radio shows. People loved her sweet demeanor and cheeky manner. Lottie never held it against her, she knew Julie didn't grow up in the limelight like she had so she let her friend make her way on her own.
With this new freedom, it didn't take long for her to make drastic changes. She didn't want to be found and she didn't want her past to exist anymore, so with her agent and publicist she got on a flight to Indianapolis and signed all the paperwork that would change her name, she'd chosen something slightly foreign and bubbly sounding, Francesca Thompson, the name added with a nickname, Frenchie, was a hit, her team agreed the decision to make the change helped her career immensely.
Frenchie had been reborn and her popularity in the indie scene had begun to bloom. Everyone spoke about her as Alexa Chung's sister from another mister. However, where Alexa was dating someone in her scene, Frenchie had a thing for guys who reminded her of the guy who had stole her heart. Though she never wanted to forget Eddie, she knew by looking at his social media and magazine articles that he had moved on. She was happy for him though, she always look out for him and the band, but now as a fan. By the end of 2010, she had found herself with this new guy who was coming up with his band.
He was something of a mix between Julian Casablanca and Oli Sykes but he wasn't either and his band was well into the metal scene. Nothing about him was similar to Eddie though, they didn't click as quickly but his piercings and tattoos made her feel like she could make believe. Both of them were on the come up and their fans ate up their relationship.
They entered the new year with his band and her modeling gigs blowing up. Their names synonymous with each other's careers. It was beginning to get easy to forget what once had been. She was a whole new person in love with someone who was close enough to home without the pain it once carried.
Eddie was touring, the band growing in success and notoriety through the approval of all the older groups who insisted that Corroded Coffin carried the spirit of metal into the present day. Ever the front man he didn't mind being on the front page if meant people were tuning into what the band was playing. Of course it wasn't what he wanted the focus to be on, but he'd grown up on Fred Durst doing outlandish shit all the time so what did it really matter?
He'd tried to look for her every once in a while, but there was nothing to be found. Julie's best friend had only mentioned once that Julie was safe, but what did that mean and why wouldn't she speak to him? He never got answers, but in his heart she was always going to be his first true love. Where ever she was he only hoped she thought of him the way he thought of her, but he moved onto someone new.
In September of 2011, there was a business party for her boyfriend's record label, of course he took her as his plus one. The night was going well til she saw them walk in, there he was with the boys. They looked so different now, well put together and groomed, something she'd never seen Eddie as before. They didn't speak, she stood beside her boyfriend the whole night.
Only for a brief moment did they pass each other as she went to grab some more drinks from the open bar. He just barely glanced at her apologizing for reaching over her to get some beers from the ice bucket beside her. Though their eyes met, its as if they were complete strangers. Her hair was platinum blonde now, his was cut short and there was a stud in his ear where there hadn't been a couple years back.
That night when she got back to her place, she lied about a migraine from the drinks to get her boyfriend to let her be for the night with the promise of brunch in the afternoon. In reality she spent the remainder of the night crying in her bed to an old picture she had of her and Eddie from their last hang out at the band's gig.
Meanwhile Eddie got drunk that night, his mind thinking back to how familiar that blonde at the bar looked. His mind couldn't piece it together, how something about her eyes reminded him of someone or something. However with the liquor in his system and a flight in the morning he started to forget about her as quickly as he thought about her in the first place.
taglist: @writinginthetwilight
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odvunir · 1 year
ways in which the world we live in is actually cool and amazing, to combat pessimism
ᴏʙᴠɪᴏᴜsʟʏ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ's ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏғ ɴᴜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪᴛ ʙᴇɪɴɢ US ᴄᴇɴᴛʀɪᴄ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇs ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴄᴄᴇssɪʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ɪs ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ's ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɢʀᴀᴛᴇғᴜʟ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ DO ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴏᴋ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ
- not just being able to get food at grocery stores, but being able to get a wide variety, even international foods. imagine if you wanted a tortilla but you had no flour, and no grains to make the flour, and no farmland to grow the grains
- it wasn’t 20 years ago to where if you wanted to see a raccoon in a funny hat, you had to just be there. i can look at 50 images of raccoons in a funny hat with just a few keystrokes
- being able to talk to people from far away, even different countries. if you wanted to know anything about japanese people, especially if you lived in a small town, you had to just wait to meet someone who was or take the word of TV/family
- bored? watch a youtube or read a book or listen to a podcast or play an internet game or play a video game or look at any one of a billion well-made tutorials for starting a new hobby. if you needed background noise for cleaning before radio was invented you had to be lucky enough to live with people that didn’t drive you insane
- you can have chronic diarrhea and, granted it won’t be great, but you can survive just fine. people used to drop dead from diarrhea all the time
- 24/7 weather monitoring. sometimes i know a week in advance that there’s gonna be tornado storms coming my way. imagine youre just chilling in your house and suddenly it’s gone. imagine every thunderstorm being life or death
- postal service holy shit. it’s far from perfect but imagine if it didn’t exist and you just had to pay a guy to take something from new york to los angeles. and what if you needed to go overseas???
- public water systems and waste management systems holy shit. can you imagine.
- if you want to know what your best friend is doing right now this instant, even if they live 8,000 miles on the other side of solid rock and the earth’s molten core, all you have to do is message them. 15 years ago i didn’t have a phone line where i lived and cellphones were JUST taking off. you used to only be able to socialize with your friend before school and if you shared classes/lunches/buses with them
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phtheyloblue · 11 months
Lady Bird (2017) is a wonderful movie. It’s sincere, and heartwarming, and resonates with me on a deep level as someone from a lower middle class family attending a Catholic school in a midsized “unremarkable” town.
If you like Barbie (2023) or honestly any other of Greta Gerwig’s movies, I highly recommend giving it a watch.
No spoilers, but I’ll put the rest of my thoughts on the movie below.
I grew up in a midsized city in Kansas. It’s not got the palm trees like Sacramento- maybe a oak or an maple instead. But it was the kind of place I felt sheepish to tell people about. I would tell people online I was from California or New York. Sometimes it just wasn’t worth hearing, “There’s no place like home!”.
I went to a Catholic school. My family wasn’t necessarily Catholic, but my parents didn’t want to have us kids go to the public schools. After all, it was the best chance for a family of our means to send the kids to a good college to get a good degree and get a good job that makes good money.
I relate to the small details of their lives. “Locking” the bathroom door with the open drawer. Shopping for clothing at thrift or bargain stores. Spending an evening looking at a bridge over the river. Hanging out in a parking lot. Having the one computer in your sibling’s room. The way the house is cleaned up before any “nice” company was over. The repetitive routine of church services (and anti-abortion speakers who all told the same story!)
My relationship with my parents was complicated, especially during childhood. They were busy working or dealing with mental health struggles. They weren’t always the most mature during arguments. Of course, they were trying the best they could with what they had. While their own childhood traumas don’t excuse some of their actions as parents, I can recognize the cycle.
Lady Bird doesn’t try to cast judgement on the mundanity of its setting or characters. It revels in it. Many coming of age movies portray teenage life through a lens of ironic humor and detachment. I don’t blame them. To paraphrase John Green, irony is often defense mechanism against the harsh reality of the world. That being said, Lady Bird is refreshing in its blunt sincerity. If we can appreciate the beauty in the character’s lives, then perhaps there’s hope we can find the beauty within our own lives.
I really love this movie.
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Name of this page is suppose to be 50 Cent executive MBA class the New York Business class it's hot and I'm feeling it so without further interruptions we proceed to give what you need and get all that nonsense out of the game my name is Allen Henry my other name is Free World it really means to free the human race from all limits , plagues , diseases and ignorance and give them a new world a much better world to live in for all races of people ethnicity cultures all across the globe you got it thank you true humanity and treating each other with love and respect for each other
The story is that 50 Cent kind of dropped a hint to me on wanting to help cure the Aids epidemic in Africa and I heard it and I proposed it to send the cure for aids in Africa to the people in Africa infected with HIV Aids and this is the news headlines in March 2023 of it going through another accomplishment on my list of accomplishment thank you so much and they should be continuing sending it to Africa daily every day week month and years for generations and generations from now on a continuous basis that would be the right thing to do true humanity .
Check the news on CNN The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa . The us is me and 50 Cent the rapper from his hit show power .
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa
Check the news on CNN on ending HIV Aids in Africa with the cure and new medicine Cabenuva HIV medicine that cures HIV Aids like the common cold and any other kind of communicable diseases
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa .
Cabenuva the new HIV Medicine is the cure for HIV Aids it knocks out HIV Aids like the common cold please send it to Africa to help heal the people .
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This is for young mothers without any help in the house feed your babies good food 🥝 so they grow up and play sports and make their mom proud 🪴. It is never too late for your education learn with your kids use free daycare services and self learn any skills you need to increase your value in the employment market .
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Celebrate Michael Jackson even now get his whole collection he still is the best to me thank you it has been a honor for me to help serve the people .
Thank you Dapper Dan for my Louis Vuitton Jacket with Junior on the back of my jacket thank you so much that is what the role consist of me playing the role of royalty in the Carter's home and palace thanks , goodbye and see everybody next season and shout out to Meaghan I love her and apologize to her for being late to the party that our fam invited me to see you soon hopefully I will make it there I made it so I just gotta clean up and show up to the party and I also see she doing her thing congratulations to her and the city of Houston . Jay Z and me is Joe Montana and Bill Walsh from the Joe Cool Joe Montana documentary on YouTube it starts until that comeback Joe Montana was just a rumor they say until I appear at work I'm just a rumor which is good for me because he gave me a year more to train to work for him and then I get to pitch and he gave me a job offering letter yep that is true I got that from Jay Z the rapper the owner of Roc Nation records and the owner of Tidal Music streaming service Brooklyn born Jay Z Shawn Carter sent me a job offering letter to work for him and that my brother and sister is a better card hand 👏 than I know a lot of people got right now but it's going to take a lot of hard work getting there let's hope I make it there remember it's get myself together and show up at the party , the game and the events , thanks so much , I love you still trying to get this curse off of me their is a curse on me and I need it off so I can go do my thing in the music scene and the business scene and that is a wrap and goodbye from me thank you see you soon . Hey ask Meaghan if she know Kedrian and Byron she way younger than us but it's Houston and she know the story last time I saw Kedrian he was working at Olive 🫒 Garden that is the savage video with her Beyonce funny story I walk into the Olive Garden and these girls black girls are just laughing at me and I'm like damn I played it off act like I didn't see them now I stay in the gym I got her on the new Elle magazine and another I gotta read she doing her thing I know the mad hatter rocking her music she hot all up here and through the south that's my sister for real see my net bag my shower bag I'm from out there shout out to Baytown Houston and of course my old home town the heart of Texas Killeen Copperas Cove and Highlands Texas I forgot my boys behind me they smoke hella weed now it's legal and I legalized it I'm the guy that legalized weed and South Houston on the map .
Yeah that's me in the video the prince getting my opportunity from the King and Queen it's 52 weeks of the year not 52 days of the year of staying on your A game and bringing your A game and brush the dirt of your shoulder and clothes from the Toure and his books the black carpet guy remember him he wrote a book and gave me my own form of music in music history and I can make that money back I did it for my city now I can do it for myself and I said no to any attachments from the media , music industry and the streets trying to sabotage me filming and recording me I will be the executive producer in anything I'm doing from now on thank you no disrespect to anyone and see you next season . No attachments to me I don't care who these counselors and social services is working for I said no and no I don't need permission from anybody to do anything with my life I go where I want to workout where I want and go anywhere in New York City where I want to go and no I don't take orders from other men or women about anything in the streets the media and the industry and other people and their entourage can stop following me everywhere I go and stop hating and heckling me ain't nothing between us no drama no friendship no disrespect we ain't playing no games together nothing like that and get out of my way in life so I can continue making history , haters thank you Jay Z and Beyonce . Where I'm at right now is that I'm totally brain dead I listen to Jim Rohn all day long but I could hear only drama death and violence in my inner ear and that is other people it's sad people could make you commit suicide or make you want to injure them they are racist very racist the people that's doing and yes they work with police I said no and I'm ignoring you and anything you got going around me and stop harassing me and building your life off of me unless it's the goodness of my page but the way they been shooting through me for the last ten years it's obvious my answer is no to them never about anything and get off of me because I said no to people controlling me anymore again sorry about all the people they disrespected through me they work with police and with police in jail get off of me with that attachment and voodoo period no get off of me with that curse I said no to the people putting curses that's from religious people , nurses , doctors , lawyers , the media , the music industry , Hollywood and women alot of them is straight evil witches and cowards and gang members no thank you nothing to do between us and never will be no disrespect to them but no thank you .
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cityhvac · 11 days
Everything You Need to Know About HVAC repair NYC
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Your HVAC system becomes the unsung hero of your house or place of business when the summertime temperatures in New York City rise or plummet. Maintaining the proper operation of your system is crucial, which is why HVAC repair is necessary. We'll go over all you need to know in this post about HVAC repair NYC to make sure your heating and cooling systems are in good working order all year long.
Common NYC HVAC Problems
Due to their complexity, HVAC systems may experience a number of problems over time. Typical issues that NYC businesses and homeowners deal with include:
Uneven heating or cooling: Clogged filters, problems with the ductwork, or an outdated HVAC system could be the cause of inconsistent temperatures in different parts of your house.
Strange noises: Sounds out of the ordinary, such as pounding, hissing, or clicking, may indicate issues with internal parts of the system, including a broken fan blade or a malfunctioning motor.
Weak airflow: A blocked air filter or a problem with the blower fan may be the cause of your HVAC system's poor airflow.
Increased energy bills: Your system may be operating inefficiently if you notice a rise in energy expenditures without an increase in usage. This could be the result of outdated parts or a refrigerant leak.
Thermostat issues: When a thermostat malfunctions, the HVAC system may not maintain the proper temperature or may turn on and off often.
The Value of Continual Upkeep
Maintaining your HVAC system in order to avoid expensive HVAC repair NYC is essential. Frequent tune-ups and inspections can assist in spotting possible problems before they become costly repairs. The following are some advantages of routine HVAC maintenance:
Energy efficiency: Systems that are kept up to date use less energy, which lowers utility costs and lessens carbon emissions.
Long lifespan: With proper maintenance, your HVAC system can last much longer and save you money by avoiding the need for an early replacement.
Improved air quality: Dust, allergies, and pollutants are kept out of your interior air by a clean system with new filters.
Prevent breakdowns: By keeping your home well-maintained throughout the year, you can keep it comfortable regardless of the weather.
 Selecting the Best HVAC Repair NYC Service
It's crucial to locate a reliable HVAC repair NYC business to guarantee high-quality work and prevent reoccurring problems. The following advice will help you select the best HVAC repair service:
Experience: Seek out a business that has a lot of HVAC repair experience. Problems can be identified and resolved more rapidly and effectively by a skilled technician.
Certifications: Select HVAC repair technicians who hold the necessary licenses and certifications. This guarantees that they are knowledgeable about and trained to operate your system in a safe and efficient manner.
Reputation: Look up reviews and get referrals from neighbors or friends. Positive testimonials from previous clients are a solid sign of dependable service.
Response time: prompt service is essential in New York City, as temperatures can vary significantly. Select an HVAC repair company that provides emergency services when necessary and quick response times.
Warranty and guarantees: Reputable businesses frequently provide warranties on parts and repairs, providing you with peace of mind in the event that the problem recurs.
Why Choose Air Conditioning & Heating Repair City?
In NYC, we at City Air Conditioning & Heating Repair offer trustworthy, knowledgeable HVAC repair services. Our qualified specialists can identify and resolve any kind of HVAC problem, ensuring the smooth and effective operation of your system. We can help you keep your house or place of business pleasant throughout the year, whether you require routine maintenance or emergency repairs.
Gaining knowledge about the fundamentals of HVAC repair NYC and maintaining routine maintenance will help you avoid discomfort, waste money, and waste time. When repairs are necessary, it's critical to select a qualified, experienced HVAC service to ensure the work is done correctly. You can rely on City Air Conditioning & Heating Repair for professional HVAC repair to maintain the year-round efficiency of your system.
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homeimprovement06 · 11 days
Protect and Enhance Your Home: Expert Gutters and Siding Services in Ulster County
Have you ever stopped to consider how vital gutters and siding are to the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of your home? These components are crucial for protecting your property from the elements and enhancing its overall value. This article delves into the specialized roles of Gutters contractor Ulster County and Siding contractor Ulster County, highlighting their importance in home maintenance and improvement in Ulster County.
Importance of Professional Gutter Installation
Rainwater is directed away from your house by gutters, which also guard against water damage to the walls, landscaping, and foundation. A professional Gutters contractor Ulster County ensures that gutters are correctly installed, aligned, and secured to handle the area's weather conditions. Gutter installation done correctly avoids typical issues like leaks, sagging, and separation from the home, which, if not fixed right once, can result in costly repairs.
Benefits of Regular Gutter Maintenance
Maintaining your gutters is just as important as installing them. Regular cleaning and inspection by a knowledgeable Gutters contractor Ulster County, can prevent clogs from leaves, twigs, and debris that cause water to overflow and damage your home’s exterior and foundation. Scheduled maintenance ensures that gutters are functioning optimally throughout the year, particularly during the heavy rainfall seasons common in Ulster County.
Choosing the Right Siding for Your Home
Siding not only protects your home from weather and insulation but also significantly influences its curb appeal. Choosing the right siding material, colour, and style can transform your home’s appearance, making it a standout in the neighbourhood. A skilled Siding contractor Ulster County can guide homeowners through various options—vinyl, fibre cement, wood, etc.—and recommend the best solutions based on the home's architectural style and the local climate.
The Role of Siding in Energy Efficiency
Beyond aesthetics, siding plays an essential role in the energy efficiency of your home. In the winter, good siding prevents heat loss, and in the summer, it keeps your house comfortable. Consulting with a Siding contractor Ulster County can help you choose siding materials and installation techniques that improve your home's insulation, leading to lower heating and cooling costs.
Long-Term Benefits of Professional Siding Installation
Professional siding installation by a Siding contractor Ulster County ensures that your home not only looks great but is also sealed against moisture and air leaks. Expert installation can prevent common issues such as warping, cracking, and mould growth, extending the lifespan of the siding and reducing the need for frequent repairs.
For homeowners in Ulster County, the expertise of a professional Gutters contractor Ulster County and Siding contractor Ulster County is invaluable for maintaining and enhancing the value and safety of their properties. These professionals contribute significantly to the longevity and efficiency of your home, protecting your investment against the harsh New York climate. If you are looking for reliable, high-quality home exterior services, consider visiting dmringcontracting.com, where dedication to customer satisfaction and craftsmanship excellence is just the beginning of what you can expect.
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sophieslaundary · 3 months
Top Rated Cleaning Services in New York | Sophie's Laundry
Elevate your cleaning experience with Sophie's Laundry, offering the best services in New York. Our Laundry Cleaning Service is second to none, providing meticulous care for all your garments. Trust our Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services to keep your wardrobe looking its best. Call us today at 212-795-6170 to schedule your service! Visit - https://issuu.com/sophieslaundary/docs/top_rated_cleaning_services_in_new_york_sophie_s
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book-cleany-01 · 5 months
Discover the ultimate in cleanliness with Book Cleany's Premium Organic Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service in New York City. Experience a spotless home or office, guilt-free, with our environmentally conscious approach. Book now for a healthier, happier space!
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insurgoservices · 12 days
Industrial Cleaning Services
Industrial cleaning services use commercial-grade cleaners to maintain power plants, chemical processing facilities and other areas that require specific chemicals and processes. They also provide services such as pest control and disinfection.
Proper cleaning of your facility can help ensure safety, reduce risk and improve productivity. Here are the top reasons why you should consider using an industrial cleaning service.
Increased Organization
Clean warehouses promote a professional image and boost employee morale, as well as making it easier to find and retrieve products. In addition, hygienic environments reduce cross-contamination and equipment failure, which saves money on replacement costs.
A Industrial cleaning services that specializes in industrial cleaning has the advanced equipment and tools required to thoroughly and quickly clean complex facilities and spaces. They also have a library of cleaners for specific tasks, so that you can avoid using something that will damage or corrode your facility or equipment.
In addition, industrial cleaning services can respond to emergencies — such as a hazardous material spill, leak or fire — quickly and efficiently. This ensures that you minimize risk to employees, the environment and property, and reduces any potential for regulatory non-compliance penalties. They also help you save on maintenance costs by extending equipment lifespans and increasing energy efficiency. These savings can add up over time. They can also offset the initial cost of hiring an industrial cleaning company.
Less Environmental Damage
Industrial cleaning services require specialized machinery and chemicals to get rid of ground-in contaminants. A professional company has a library of cleaners for various situations so they can complete your industrial cleaning without damaging your facility or equipment.
Industrial spaces often operate on a 24/7 schedule, which means they can accumulate a lot of dirt, grime, and debris. Regular cleaning prevents these messes from becoming permanent, which can damage your equipment or cause safety concerns.
Choosing a qualified cleaning service with workers’ compensation and general liability insurance in New York also protects your business against claims that may result from accidents during the clean up process. This type of protection gives your employees peace of mind, helps maintain employee morale, and keeps your business from paying costly legal fees. Additionally, professional cleaning companies use environmentally friendly products to further reduce their carbon footprint. This is especially important for industries that produce hazardous waste, such as pharmaceuticals or manufacturing.
Reduced Wear on Your Building
When an industrial space is dirty, it can cause health issues for employees and make products unsafe to send out to customers or the next phase of production. Cleaning services can decontaminate areas to reduce harmful bacteria and viruses.
Keeping your equipment clean can also prolong the lifespan of any machinery or machines you rely on for business. Regular maintenance can help avoid damage and reduce the need to replace or repair expensive equipment.
It’s important to find an industrial cleaner who understands the specific needs of your facility. They should be familiar with safety protocols and environmental regulations to ensure they’re following proper procedures. Choosing the right commercial cleaners will save you time, money, and potential damage to your industrial facilities. The smallest mistakes can be costly in an industry like manufacturing or distribution, so it’s best to leave these types of jobs to professionals. They have the experience, knowledge, and tools to get the job done right.
Increased Productivity
In some Window cleaning services, meeting daily requirements for cleanliness and air quality is critical to avoid fines or equipment failure. An in-house team may not be able to keep up with these demands without regular industrial cleaning services, which can save you money in the long run by preventing accidents and ensuring that all regulations are met.
In addition, research shows that employees are more productive in a clean environment and can focus better when not distracted by debris or dust. An industrial cleaning company will design custom plans to minimize disruption to production and reduce the risk of contamination.
A professional industrial cleaning service will know how to handle the specialized cleanup required in spaces that produce pharmaceuticals, building supplies, household items, chemicals and more. They can handle the deeper cleaning tasks that aren’t possible with a typical commercial or residential cleaner and ensure that your facility is fully functional and safe for your employees.
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torontohomerepairs · 19 days
From Small Repairs to Major Renovations: Toronto Home Repairs Does it All
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We want to help you in every possible way to keep your home in the best shape. To serve this purpose, Toronto Home Repairs has every kind of Home Maintenance for keeping your property in just the right condition both inside and outside. From minor repair work to major renovations, all is taken care of with due diligence and highest professionalism.
With this in mind, our experience in house maintenance sees to it that no corner of your home is left unattended. Whether it is regular upkeep or even a once-off repair, the company is equipped with the manpower and expertise to do so, be it a task of big magnitude or small. We appreciate a well-kept home no less than it is supposed to please your eyes but also to uphold its value and make you comfortable inside it.
One of our specialties is Exterior Home Repairs in East York. The first thing that people see about your house is the outside, and it is important to keep it in good condition. Our services include anything from cracking in the walls to roof, gutter, and siding repair. With high-quality materials and quality craftsmanship, we will make the exterior of your home durable and handsome.
Besides repairs, Toronto Deck And Fence Restoration will be gladly provided. A deck and a fence are not only crucial elements of your yard but are also subject to destruction after being exposed to weather conditions for a long period. We will restore them and make them as good as new. We clean, repair, and refinish decks and fences to make sure they serve for years and stay attractive.
Toronto Home Repairs prides itself on providing the highest quality service to meet the needs and specifications of clients. Our company is run by well-experienced professionals who are committed to rendering responsible, quality work that you will be well-assured of. We do value the fact that your home is your haven, and we offer it the respect and due care it deserves.
When you choose to work with Toronto Home Repairs, you are bringing aboard an entire team focused on excellence. Whether you need routine home maintenance, exterior home repairs in East York, or a deck and fence restoration, we are here for whatever your house needs to be at its best. Call today for a consultation at 416-465-1689 and let us help you keep your home in perfect condition.
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tinaservis · 22 days
2023 Best House Cleaners Rochester and Buffalo NY
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2023 Best House Cleaners Rochester and Buffalo NY 2023 Best House Cleaners in Rochester and Buffalo NY Are you in search of the best house cleaners in Rochester Attention: Need to free up some time for yourself? Maid 4 Time is the house cleaning service you’ve been looking for! We offer comprehensive home cleaning services in Rochester and Buffalo NY, designed to make your life easier. Rated as one of the top 3 in the area, we guarantee customer satisfaction every time. Don’t waste another hour scrubbing toilets or mopping floors. With our reliable staff taking on those chores, you can finally have a few hours back each day to spend with friends and family or doing something you really enjoy. Our services are customized to meet your specific needs and goals so that no matter what shape your home is in when we arrive, it will be sparkling clean by the time we leave! Give us a call today at 585-205-2446 and let us show you why Maid 4 Time is becoming known as one of New York's premier cleaning solutions! Get an Estimate Book in 60 Seconds Best House Cleaners In Rochester and Buffalo NY Why Hire a House Cleaning Service in Rochester and Buffalo NY? Hiring a house cleaning service isn't just about having a tidy house; it's about living BETTER! 😉 Think about it — living well means spending more time on things that truly matter. Things that make us feel happy, fulfilled, and accomplished. But living poorly means dragging ourselves through a never-ending to-do list that never brings any satisfaction. So ask yourself, what are you spending your time on that doesn't matter? What's holding you back from pursuing the things you love? And most importantly, how can you stop? 🤔 On the other hand, what things do you wish you had more time for? That book you've wanted to read, that hobby you've been meaning to pick up? Don't put it off any longer! Make time for the things that bring joy into your life and watch your days become brighter. ☀️
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mgppaintingservice · 26 days
Transform Your Space with Top-Rated Residential and Commercial Painting Services in Rockland County
Are you searching for reliable residential and commercial painting services in Rockland County? Look no further! MGP Painting is your go-to solution for all your painting needs, whether you're refreshing your home's interiors or revitalizing a commercial property. 
As one of the leading painters in Rockland County, NY, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional quality and customer satisfaction.
Why Choose MGP Painting?
We understand the importance of a beautifully painted space. Whether you're a homeowner seeking to enhance your living environment or a business owner looking to make a strong first impression, our team of skilled Rockland painters is here to help. Our residential painting service is designed to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that every project is completed to perfection.
Located conveniently at 40 Ramland Road So, Suite 203B, Orangeburg, NY, we serve the entire Rockland County area with unmatched professionalism. When you search for "house painters near me in Rockland," you'll find MGP Painting at the top of the list, thanks to our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.
Expert Painters in Rockland County, NY
Our team is composed of fully licensed and insured professionals who are committed to providing the best residential and commercial painting services in Rockland County. We offer a full range of services, from wallpaper installation to custom paint jobs, and even specialized Venetian plaster textures. No job is too big or too small for our expert painters Rockland County trusts.
We take pride in our work and guarantee your complete satisfaction. Our Rockland painters in New York work diligently to meet deadlines, ensuring that your project is completed on time and within budget. We also ensure that every job site is left clean and tidy, so you can enjoy your newly painted space without any hassle.
Your Satisfaction, Our Commitment
At MGP Painting, we believe that a well-painted space can truly transform your home or business. That's why we offer full guarantees on all our work. 
Whether you need residential & commercial painting services or just a quick touch-up, we're here to help. Our goal is to make sure you're completely satisfied with the results, so you can enjoy your beautifully painted space for years to come.
Contact Us Today
Ready to add a fresh coat of paint to your home or business? Don't wait—contact MGP Painting today! We're here to answer any questions you may have and provide a free, no-obligation estimate. 
Simply visit our website and click the "Contact Us" tab, and one of our friendly representatives will get in touch with you.
Explore our work and see why we're the preferred choice for residential and commercial painting services in Rockland County. From house painters near me in Rockland to commercial and residential painting services in Rockland, MGP Painting has you covered.
Other Areas We Serve
In addition to serving Rockland County, we also offer our exceptional painting services in nearby areas:
Bergen County
Orangeburg, NY
Westchester County
Spring Valley, NY
Orange County
Discover the MGP Painting difference today!
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