#Best Hair Dressing Course in Delhi
oraneinternationals · 2 years
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The Beauty Therapy Diploma Course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the beauty therapy industry. Students will learn the fundamental skills and techniques required for a successful career in the field. They will learn about the various treatments and products available, the importance of health and safety regulations, and the principles of customer service. The course will also cover the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the skin, as well as the techniques used to apply makeup.
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livelaughlovechai · 2 years
Things to keep in mind while writing a south asian character-
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(Since I'm a mixed south-north indian and a hindu-sikh I've mainly included details about indian-hindu characters(ill try to include more abt sikh characters aswell)tho ive tried to include as much info as I can abt other south asian countries aswell !also ,if you want,feel free to add more details in :)
And please forgive my grammar in some of these places XD
1.The most common one,of course being that south asia is not all india.countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri lanka,Bhutan etc exist to.
2.Religion tends to be a big part of many south asian people’s lives , and If not a big part of their life,than most south asians are atleast religious in one way or the other.Different religions are in majority in different regions of south asia.For example,Sri lanka is majority buddhist, mainly in the sinhalese majority while the tamil minority there is majority hindu. But it's more than valid if ur character is atheist to tho!
3.For indian characters specifically ,it's is important to know what state they are from and that state’s culture . For example,most (or almost all)tamil characters won't wear a salwar kameez.(if they do then mostly muslim tamils)(reminder;I'm talking about traditional wear. Yes a lot of Tamil's could wear a salwar kameez if they want but it is not the traditional dress of tamil nadu)
4.India itself is very diverse,so don't make every character hindu.in some regions one religion is more in the majority than the others.If you decide to make a christian-indian character ,than they usually are from south-west india and north-east india.
5.If you decide to make a hindu-indian character as maybe a marvel/dc oc or something , its best to do some research on hindu stories and history.trust me,it helps alot. If not a hindu character than do research on the folk tales of that characters region,as that can help to.
6.NOT EVERY INDIAN SPEAKS HINDI.INDIAN/HINDU ARE NOT LANGUAGES.istg please . All it takes is one search of your characters state and the states description almost always mentions the state’s official language.while some character from non Hindi speaking areas of the country, for example a malyalee person could know how to speak hindi (most probably by living somewhere like delhi),they would still talk in malayalam with family and stuff . Also a pakistani character and Hindi speaking indian can almost always communicate easily since since the most spoken language in Pakistan,Urdu is very similar to Hindi in sound(also a lot of indians,specifically muslim indian’s have urdu as their first language.)Also punjabi Pakistani's and Indian's don't have any problem in communication(the script they write punjabi in is different tho)Also since a lot of people from the north had their ancestors migrate from pakistan to india during partition regional languages of Pakistan such as sindhi,multani,balochi etc can be understood by some people of such descent living in India.And a bengali speaking indian and a Bangladeshi can communicate just as well.Nepali speaking indians and Nepali people can also communicate with each other.But when it comes to Sri Lankan tamil people their dialect is different than the one of indian tamilians,so their tamil is better understood by malyalees,but they can still communicate well enough with each other.afghan people speak pashto and dari.pashto is also understood by a small amount of ethnic pashtuns who live throughout the sub continent.People from the Maldives speak the language of dhivehi.
7.Indians overall have many festivals that all people of usually a certain community celebrate regardless of religion,caste,etc.For example ,the people in kerela celebrate onam.Infact in alot of the state’s people from a specific region have their on festivities.
8.Physical features vary from area to area of South Asia.So there is no definite“south asian“look.
9.Sikh’s don’t cut their hair , that’s why most Sikh women have long hair and most Sikh men wear turbans. Although some do, like my uncle from my mom’s side and my mom herself and etc. Though socially it's more acceptable for a sikh woman to cut her hair then a sikh man. But a load of times sikh immigrants do have to sadly cut their hair and take off their turbans in order to get jobs and all.
10.-And Hindu’s don’t eat beef.Most Sikh’s and overall all Indians tend to avoid beef to.a lot of Hindus are vegetarians due to religious beliefs. Tho mallus and some people from the north east for example usualy do eat beef(mainly the non hindus)
11.-For characters specially from south india(that to mainly kerala and tamil Nadu) the naming tradition that is used most commonly is that the child and wife use the father’s name as their last name. Though I've noticed that outside of their states atleast they tend to use their family names, but very rarely caste names.
12.- Believe it or not, in a show( I'm not sure about the name) a pakistani character had the name“shiv reddy“.pissed me of sm.yes pakistani hindus exist but if I havent already mentioned before,CERTAIN LAST NAMES BELONG TO CERTAIN AREAS. Reddy is an indian telugu hindu last name.please do your research.
13.-This applies to a good amount of north indians and just overall non south indians.south india is not one state.madras was the OLD name for Chennai, which is just one CITY in one state of south india.There are 5 states,6(and more) languages spoken. Please do not confuse those cultures.
14.-As for a good amount of non punjabis...please.punjabis are not all “balle-balle“ sikh people.please. And they're not all angry people looking for a fight either.
15.-Talking abt north india,I need to mention bollywood and how they stereotype.bombay aka the film city is in Maharashtra.yet they still stereotype Maharashtrians as poor people.gujjus are always the rich snobbish ppl.bengali ppl are sweet shy people and nepali people are Chinese. Goans are always english speaking drunkards or high attitude aunties.rajasthanis all have a heavy accent and are royalty and Uttar pradeshis-biharis are poor illiterate people. PLEASE STOP WITH THIS STEREOTYPICAL BULLSHIT ISTG. See,stereotypes exist because they are true, but only a part of the truth and over exaggerated asf.
16.-India does have a poverty issue but we are far from a third world country.most indians are middle class,that to is split in between lower middle class,middle middle class and upper middle class.and until or unless you live in a rural area casteism really isn't a problem.but remember,while casteism is illegal in indian law,it still affects people.it’s just a little less prevelant in big cities. While india is the farthest ahead in south asia atleast the rest of the countries are doing well for themselves as well.
17.-hindu culture specifically has so much lgbtqia+ stuff in it.but the fucking brit’s and Mughals ruined it. The only transgender festival of Asia is held in tamil nadu.seriously, I advise you do research of your own on it and you'll love it to!♥️
18.-Btw, hindi is a language,hindu religion. (had to add this again)Your character prolly from some place like madhya pradesh,bihar,Uttar pradesh,Delhi,uttarakhand or himachal pradesh if they are hindi speaking. Some people have the same confusion with malayalam. Malayalam is a language, malyalee’s are the people who speak it or at from kerala.
19.-talking about food.curry is a wide ass term.wdym by curry?fish curry,mutton curry or is it paneer curry?is it more creamy or not?do you eat it by itself,with rice,a paratha/parotta or all?like seriously stop with “curry“ ITS ANNOYINGGG.again food varries alot area by area.even in a specific area food varries. For example,Kerala-Tamil nadu sambar is damn spicy but sambar from karnataka and telugu states tends to be sweeter.also food from Karnataka is much milder in spice then food from Andhra,but still capable of burning the mouths of most non south asians 😍😘🥰.also,we tend to eat most of our food with hands(THE best way.)famous delicacies vary from country to country in south asia and area to area of india btw. And our food is not ’smelly’, it's FRAGRANT.
20.ok so ive in total had 2 specific segments dedicated to language and this is the third one.India,while having only 22 offical languages(again;i remind you,we do not have a national language)actually has like thousands of languages. Native people from even just one state can have different mother tongues(for example-three people who were born and raised in karnataka and have families that are native to the state could have the languages of kannada,tulu and kodava as their mother tongues).And again,dialects also differ.For example,Bombay hindi and the hindi of a person from Uttarakhand would be different, and so would Bangalore tamil and a Madurai native’s tamil.Also,let’s say a telugu person has been living in mumbai for a while,very rarely will they ever have an ’accent’ while speaking hindi or english.
21.so above i mentioned that alot of people from the north have had ancestors move in from pakistan during the partition(and vice versa for some Pakistani's).Similarly,a good amount of people from west bengal had their ancestors move in from bangladesh(and vice versa again,but unlike the north india-pakistan thing indian bong’s and bangladeshi people don’t exactly have that ’divide’).Adding this in specifically not only because of how important this is but it can give more depth to your characters if they are from any of these areas.
22.Every state has different art forms.be it dance,music or just art,every state has it different.India has 8 classical dances(bharatanatyam,kuchipudi, mohiniyattam,kathakali,oddisi,kathak, manipuri and sattriya) and has countless many more.Music also varies and so does art as i said above.
23.our culture is super feminist but fucked by the brits and mughals again. We had so many queens and princesses that fought wars and also many female warriors.In the ancient times women only wore single drape saris and didn’t cover their breasts because they were not seen as sexual,but infact as a sign of motherhood(and there forth strength).If they were covered,it was for support.
24.Most people know atleast 3+ languages and almost everyone knows 2 at the very least. Sometimes they can even understand(which can range from basic to great) some other languages. For eg.- my dad can speak english,hindi,telugu,konkani,tulu,punjabi,urdu and multani+ he can understand malayalam,kannada,sindhi and tamil well enough.
That's it(for now):) hope this can help.feel free to ask questions!+random songs from my playlist✨✨✨
(ps,check this post of mine out cause y not lol)
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sunnyhairportdelhi · 1 year
Best hair academy in Delhi - Sunnyhairport offer quality training and education in the field of hairstyling and hairdressing in Delhi and nearby includes all procedures for skin and hair
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ftvsalon-academy · 1 year
Best Ftv Hair Academy in Delhi. The hair stylist courses, advanced hair cutting, and dressing salon, and hair cutting courses. Get trained by the top hair stylist with makeup at Ftv Salon Academy.
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Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty in Delhi By The Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
 Abdominoplasty in Delhi
It is one of the most common aesthetic procedures in which we deal with both aesthetic and structural reshaping of abdominal wall. This surgery is done to get rid of unwanted excess skin and fat from your abdomen along with tightening of your abdominal muscles. Post-surgery one can expect a firmer and more toned abdomen.
Candidates for Abdominoplasty
Men and women with healthy body conditions.
After weight loss procedures leading to loss of fat and loosely hanging skin
Post multiple pregnancies leading to flabby abdominal skin
Who should not undergo Abdominoplasty?
Individuals with chronic medical conditions like chronic heart disease, uncontrolled DM, HTN
Individuals with unrealistic expectations
Chronic smokers as it may impair healing and compromised results
Women who have still not completed her family and plans to become pregnant.
Types of Abdominoplasty
Each patient has specific indication for type of procedure for which it is necessary to consult your plastic surgeon for proper assessment and examination so as to formulate the best plan for you. For knowledge purpose :
Standard Abdominoplasty : When there is excess of skin and loose musculature in middle and lower abdomen like after massive weight loss or multiple pregnancies.
Mini Abdominoplasty : when loose skin is localized over lower abdomen only. It is done with smaller incision as compared with the standard one and may or may not require muscle tightening.
Lipoabdominoplasty : This is a modern abdominoplasty which is more popular these days and is safe and there are less chances of skin necrosis. It consists of combination of liposuction and surgery. It gives more definition to abdomen post-surgery.
High tension lateral abdominoplasty (HLT) : This combines additional contouring of lateral thighs and hips along with abdomen shaping
Post-operative recovery
We prefer early ambulation of patient post-surgery
Immediately after surgery patient will be given a firm dressing over abdomen and which is to be changed to compression garment in 3 to 4 days. Compression will help in controlling the swelling and seroma collection and also in redraping of skin
Lifting of heavy things of any kind to be avoided for about 6-8 weeks
Patients are advised to refrain from smoking in post op period to prevent delayed healing
Final results may take up to 6 months to show final results. This is the time body requires to get rid of swelling and skin redrapping
Residual minor contour irregularities can be present which can be taken care of with minor procedure if patient wishes to.
Risks of procedure
Seroma: Fluid collection underneath the skin flap is the most common complication after the procedure. Though it does not require and special treatment but regular evacuation by your surgeon and gradually it should settle
Scarring of suture site
Altered sensation in operated area of abdomen which is usually temporary and should recover mostly in due course of time. 
Tag : Plastic surgeon in delhi, Cosmetic surgeon in delhi,  Abdominoplasty in Delhi
Click here to know more about "Abdominoplasty in Delhi" 
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drethanramslay · 4 years
A funny thing called Fate: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bryce X MC (Aisha Khurrana)
Word Count: 4.6 K words (yeah yeah its more than usual)
Series Masterlist
Warning: None, just some cursing
Author’s note: The next chapter is here and it is in Aisha’s POV!!
I decided to take part in @choicesseptemberchallenge20​ and the prompt is heaven which you will find in bold. 
- IIT, Delhi: It’s one of the most premier institute for engineering in India. Delhi campus is said to be the best one in the country. The majority of the Indian CEO’s like Google, at least have a degree of IIT under their belt. 
-ku'uipo: Sweetheart
-'Ae: Yes
- Beta padhai par dhyaan do, dost aate jaate hai: Child, focus on your studies, friends come and go (TBH this is the one line which maximum desi kids have heard while growing up. That's why we can be uh.. awkward in making new friends lol)
-Main kya gadhi hoon: I'm such a dumbass (side note: gadhi (female) actually means donkey in hindi)
-Duniya main maine itna bada gaandu kabhi dekha nahi hai maine: I have not seen a bigger asshole than this guy. (yes I love swearing in hindi and what about it)
Forgive me if i made any errors
My fingers ran against the spines of the book, my head tilted as I searched for a new book to dive into.
"Found anything of your liking, Aisha?" Tina, the librarian asked, her kind eyes twinkling. The old librarian loved me because I always helped around in sorting the books or with checkout. She suggested that if I were to help her, she would pay me so I decided why not?
But the lack of people coming to the library and their constant need to be fake on social media, flexing about their looks instead of textbooks often left the library empty which consequently resulted in free time.
Not that I minded.
In that free time I would either catch up on my study assignments or I would read the books recently added to the collection be it fiction, politics, history, astronomy... I wasn't picky about the genres.
But lately, my attention is being drawn to medical journals and textbooks. Yes, I'm 16 and that its definitely not people my age do but, to be the person balancing on the tightrope between life and death, the person who stands between existence and heaven... it's just a beautiful paradox that I can't help be captivated by the concept.
That and my strengths are biology and chemistry so its just an added plus. So, I definitely dream of being a world class doctor. 
Not to brag, but I know all the pulse points in the body and can name the bones of the skull in my sleep. My parents don't know that because... let's say there is a reason why I stay out of home for the majority of the day.
Are we again going to go over this? I am sick and tired of your fucking indiscipline. How I wish you could be more like Aditya... Mama's voice rung in my ears which made me close my eyes and take a shuddering breath.
Now is not the time to think about how awful you are. I repeated it in my head like a mantra, making it a point to message my brother and rant about the newest development.
Despite our parents trying to pit me against bhaiya, we were thick as thieves. We always had each other's backs and we're there to cheer each other up. Whenever our parents would scream at any of us, we would wait until they fell asleep to do something to lift the other person up. Midnight feasts, movie binge or just cuddling and imagining a future where we were away from them... That always managed to cheer me up and I knew bhaiya enjoyed it too.
I don't think we fought that much either because we were pretty close in age, with only three and a half years difference. We are pretty like-minded and scientifically inclined only he was interested in computer engineering while I was fascinated by the engineering of the human body.
It sucked that he is in IIT, Delhi while I'm so far away. We still manage to video call irrespective of the time zones but it is not the same as having the comfort of your older brother.
"I think I will take this." I handed her a battered copy of Gray's anatomy.
Tina just gave a knowing smile and I checked out. I headed to the nearby Fleming Beach Park, which is one of the most popular beaches in Maui. It was a five-minute walk from the library and the majority of the school population used to come here to hang out in the evenings.
Not that I was paying any attention to my oblivious classmates.
I headed to Kimo's Beach Shack and the owner gave me a gentle smile.
"What will it be, ku'uipo? The usual?" They asked as they wiped their hand on the dishtowel.
"'Ae." I smiled at them and they started making my favourite drink- Strawberry milkshake.
Precariously balancing my bag, the drink in one hand and my wrist-thick library book under the armpit of my other hand, I headed to the quieter side of the beach, away from the raucous.
I settle down under the shade of the palm trees and lean back against the rocks, taking in the view around me. I could see people from my school roaming around in their swimming suits either playing volleyball or surfing. As I sipped my milkshake (looking like an absolute loner, must I add) my eyes drifted to their happy faces as the joked around, laughing and having fun with their friends.
The two concepts that are so unfamiliar to me.
When I was back in India, I had a good group of friends who I would hang out with and play basketball with. It was good but shifting to a new place can strain those relationships. I do follow them on social media but seeing them enjoying and doing the things which we used to do together, it causes my heart to ache.
And I never really tried making friends here in Maui because a) The people here didn't consider me as one of them and b) My parents kept on saying it is temporary so there was no point focusing on that. Beta padhai par dhyaan do, dost aate jaate hai. My dad told me the one night I decided to express my excessive loneliness.
Thanks papa, real helpful. I shook my head, sipping my drink as I carefully opened my library book.
"You look sad." A childish voice spoke up breaking me out from my melancholy. I looked up and saw a four-year-old girl, her doe-like eyes staring down at me. She was wearing a pink summer dress and a cute bow hairband, taming her light brown hair.
"You look sad... and lonely."
"I am okay, keiki... Don't worry."
The kid's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "How did you know my name?"
My eyes widened. In the two years in Hawaii, I had learnt a little bit of Hawaiian and spoke in bits and pieces. And I'm pretty sure keiki meant 'child' in Hawaiian so you could imagine the shock I felt when her name was the literal translation of child.
Who the fuck names their child... child?
"A lucky guess. It is nice to meet you Keiki." She moved her hand forward and Keiki's hand clutched my big hand with her small ones shaking it. Her hand was as big as my palm.
"What's your name?" Keikie asked as she sat down next to me.
"I'm Aisha. And, what are you doing here all alone?"
"I came with my elder brother but he and his friends were playing and he forgot his promise to build a sandcastle with me. So I just went walking." She huffed and crossed her short arms across her chest.
"Well, your brother would be worried about you, won't he?" I asked as her eyes scan the crowd, looking for a guy who remotely looks like my little companion.
"Well, I think that's a go-good puni-shi-ment for him." She struggled with the big word.
Aisha chuckled and soon Keiki's giggles joined hers.
"You remind me of the times when I used to bother my elder brother like that. He would get so mad."
"Where is he now?" She asked as her hands fisted the sand, her eyes moving to look at the brunette.
"Well, he is in university, in a completely different country."
"Do you miss him?"
"A lot." I sighed. Her puppy eyes met mine and she reached to hold my elbow. I smiled down at her, appreciating the gesture. She opened her mouth to ask me more questions when we heard a commotion.
"KEIKI!! There you are!" A shout wafted towards us, interrupting Keiki. I saw a tall guy jogging towards us and when my eyes landed on him, I immediately recognized him.
Bryce Lahela. The golden boy of my school, with girls and guys falling for him, left, right, centre. And right now, he was approaching me completely shirtless, his abs glistening in the evening sun. He had a Polynesian tattoo wrapping around his left bicep and ending a little below his collarbone which had me feeling... uh thirsty?
Cool, cool, cool, just act like yourself.
Yeah as if that's helped you deal with your awkwardness. Her conscience snarked at her.
“Shut up.” I muttered to myself. But, I wasn’t subtle enough and Bryce turned towards me, a weird look in his eyes.
Off to a great start, Aisha. Keep up the good work. I mentally groaned as I went back to reading my library book. 
"Thank god Keiki you are okay... I was so worried." He kneeled and hugged her, immediately forgetting my weird mumblings. I could feel the body heat emanating from him and suddenly, the anatomy of the kidney seemed more interesting than the hot guy beside me.
"Its okay Bryce. I was talking to my new friend." Keiki squeaked as she pulled away from the hug, two sets of hazel eyes staring at me now.
My eyes widened and I subconsciously reached to push my glasses up my nose, feeling the back of my neck heating up.
"Well, thank you so much." His voice reverberated and I swear I felt as if I would combust at the spot.
I looked up and shot a tiny smile. "No worries. Keiki here makes a nice study buddy."
I internally smacked my head. Study buddy? Really? Who uses that term now?
"Of course. Daddy says that I'm a beauty with brains." She said with a smug smile.
"Well, that's the one thing that I agree with dad," Bryce said as he settled down on her other side. The one feet distance enabled my mind to resume working.
I smiled down at Keiki and I found that Bryce was looking at me intently.
O... okay?
"Wait... You go to my school right? Lahainaluna High School?"
I nodded my head. I was about to introduce myself when his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
He was snapping his fingers when his face lightened up with recognition. "You are Aisha, right? The newbie who joined us last year I was in your chemistry class last year."
The drink almost fell from my hand and I had to clutch it tighter to prevent myself from making a bigger mess. Clearing my throat I smiled nervously. "Yeah, that's me. You are Bryce, right? You are on the basketball team, right?"
"You know me?" He asked, shocked and I could hardly stop myself from rolling my eyes.
"Duh?! You are Mr. Popular with really good looks and either people love you or hate you." I rambled off.
A small smile played on his lips. "And which category would you belong too? The love or hate category?"
I gave a shy smile. "Let's just say I'm on neutral grounds. Give me a good reason why I should like you."
"Because of my dashing looks? My tattoo?" He stretched his hands wide, gesturing towards himself. His hair caught the evening light, making it look like a halo. His hazel eyes had flecks of gold which threatened to drown me but before I could get lost in his sheer beauty, I shook my head to snap out of the daze of his presence and gave a mocking sigh.
"Aaaannnndd, he is just like other dumb jocks who is overly obsessed with his looks. Why are they all the same?"
Keiki put her hand sympathetically on my lap. "Don't worry Ash. I don't like Bryce when he talks about his looks either."
Bryce gasped. "Keiki you are breaking my heart."
He reached for her and started tickling her which made her squeal with laughter. I had to get up so that the sand doesn't get on me, laughing at the sight. "Brryyccee!! Stopp!!"
"Not until you tell me I'm the best brother in the world."
Gasping for breath with tears in her eyes, Keiki breathed out in defeat. "Okay, okay. You are the best... brother in... the world."
Bryce pulled back a grin playing on his lips.
My phone rang and I saw Mama's name flash on the screen which made me sigh.
"Your mom?" Bryce asked.
"Yep. should reach home before she turns into momzilla." We chuckled as I put my book into my bag.
"Bye Keiki, it was nice talking to you."
"Bye Ash. I like you. Can we make sandcastles next time?" I laughed and nodded, "Sure sweetie."
"Where is my goodbye?" Bryce pouted.
I rolled her eyes. "Bye Bryce. See you around."
And with that, I turned on her heel, and walked home, feeling much better.
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Aisha felt like banging her head against the wall of the hospital out of utter embarrassment. In the span of 7 hours, she had pissed off her superior, met her ex from ten years ago, got stuck with a partner who hardly did anything and now managed to embarrass herself yet again in front of her role model.
Rookie... Are you hiding from me? The way Dr. Ramsey had an eyebrow raised, as if to question why she was hiding behind another intern and the appalled expression as she stumbled over her words were forever imprinted in her mind.
Not my brightest moment. Aisha recollected as she sighed at the way she stuttered and finally came up with an excuse.
I'm doing charts. She mocked herself as she shook her head. There was a table right next to me!! I could have come up with anything but that weak ass excuse.
And she had always dreamed that if she were to meet Bryce in real life, she would definitely insult the fuck out of him and then for the finishing stroke, she would probably punch him in his handsome face or kick him in the crown jewels.
But sadly, you seldom get the things you wish for.
I don't have time for this - Main kya gadhi hoon. She mentally groaned as she tried to shut off the part of her brain which was so hell-bent on making her feel humiliated.
She entered Annie's room to find her curled up in her bed, playing idly with her phone. She perked up a little when she saw Aisha, forcing a smile on her face.
"Oh. Hi, Dr. Khurrana."
"I just came by to see how you're feeling Annie."
Annie shrugged. "The same. The nurse came by and gave me some medication a little while ago.."
Opening Annie's chart she checked. "Yeah, antibiotics. It's too soon to see any improvement yet, but hopefully, we'll see some results soon."
Aisha was about to turn on her heel and leave when she heard Annie's small voice. "hey, could you stay awhile? It's... kinda lonely, being here all on my own."
Aisha gave an empathetic smile and reached to sit down on the chair near her bed. "Of course I can."
"Thank you once again doc."
"No, thank you. I haven't been off my feet since I got out of bed this morning. So Annie," Aisha leaned forward, "what are you studying?"
Annie blinked as if she was confused by the question. She took a couple of heavy breaths before attempting to answer.
"My master's is in... English... but my... my..." She swayed, her voice woozy as she tried to finish her sentence.
Aisha was on alert. "Annie, are you feeling okay?" She asked as she felt her pulse which was dropping before Annie passed out.
The heart rate monitor sounded a long, flat tone as her heart stopped.
"OH MY GOD!! Code blue, I need some help here!!" Aisha shouted, pressing the button near her bed.
"C'mon Annie stay with me." As Aisha stood on the nearby stool, performing CPR as she waited for the code team to arrive.
"Aisha?!" Jackie's shocked voice made her lookup.
"Jackie, where is the code team?"
"Room 502 called a code blue just before you. Just keep up with CPR. They'll get to you when they can!"
Aisha's eyes flashed. "That could be too late!! Help me, Jackie we are losing her fast."
"What were her symptoms?" Jackie asked as she snapped on the latex gloves and moved towards the bed.
"Symptoms were headache and nausea. Started during her vacation to Indonesia. Aurora and I did a blood workup and gave her cefpodoxime." Aisha opened the gown and Jackie's eyes narrowed in on the rash rapidly spreading on the side of the body.
"She is breaking in hives. She is in anaphylactic shock!"
"Now that I think about it, it may be because of her allergy to the antibiotics I gave... I had fucking asked her, dammit." Guilt made her chest heavy.
Jackie's face turned into a scowl as she wheeled the defibrillator cart closer. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. This girl needs you now! We have to get her heart started ourselves."
Aisha nodded as she opened Annie's gown, baring her chest. She took a steadying breath. You have done this numerous times in AIIMS, you can do this.
Taking the paddles, she placed one paddle on the right side, beneath her collarbone and the other paddle on the left side, just beneath her armpit.
A small impressive smile made its way on Jackie's lips. "Good, now set the charge."
"Charging to 300 volts... Clear!"
Annie's body spasmed as the paddles discharged. Keeping them aside, Aisha resumed her compressions on Annie's chest.
C'mon Annie... You can do this... Come back to me. Aisha prayed.
The monitor beeped twice before Annie's heartbeat returned, accelerated but constant.
She let out a sigh of breath as she bent over the bed. Jackie clapped her back. "You are soooo lucky."
"Shut up. Now just give her an epinephrine injection and intubate while I maintain compression."
Jackie nodded her head and Aisha shot a grateful smile as she continued her compressions, her hands aching.
"What the hell is going on in here, Rookie?"
Yikes. Aisha winced at the tone and looked up to find Dr. Ramsey glaring from the doorway.
Time to own up, buddy. She sighed and spoke up. "Dr. Ramsey, she was allergic to the antibiotics I prescribed.
She couldn't gauge his reaction from so far away. "Well... at least you are taking responsibility. Sometimes patients don't know about their own allergies. That's why you always have to be cautious."
Jackie injected the epinephrine pen into Annie's tight. Still unconscious, Annie took a shuddering gasp of air.
"And now we intubate."
"Excellent work, Doctor...?"
A self-satisfied smile made its way on Jackie's face. "Varma."
"You were assigned to this case?"
"No, I was passing and I hear Dr. Khurrana calling a code blue."
A smile made its way on his face which shocked Aisha. This man voluntarily uses his facial muscles to smile? I wouldn't have known. "The patient's very lucky you were here. I'm not confident Dr. Khurrana could have handled this alone."
Now, wait a damn minute... Aisha clenched her jaw. This wasn't her first time she was getting insulted and yeah it was called for but it didn't help her feel any better either.
Jackie bit her lip and glanced at Aisha, which Aisha pointedly ignored. Watch her jump at the opportunity in 3...2...1
"Thank you. Just doing my job, Dr. Ramsey."
There it is.
Gulping down her annoyance, Aisha spoke up. "Dr. Varma really bailed me out." Aisha turned towards Jackie and nodded stiffly. "Thank you, Dr. Varma."
Jackie tried to read her, guilt swimming in her eyes.
She should be guilty, she took the credit of the save when I was the one calling the shots.
Fuck you. She narrowed her eyes slightly which made Jackie wince.
Luckily, Dr. Ramsey gave Jackie an out. "Dr. Varma, you should return to your patients."
A relieved smile made its way on her face. "Yes, Doctor." Throwing a backward glance towards Aisha, she walked out.
Dr. Ramsey swivelled towards Aisha, his face drawn tight with annoyance. "And you... you need to have a long hard think about whether or not you're ready to be here. It doesn't matter that it's your first day, or that you're still learning. Whether this girl lives or dies is on you. Is that clear?"
"Crystal, Dr. Ramsey."
"You still have no idea what's wrong with her, and your first attempt nearly killed her. This is the real world. No room for mista--"
"Hi, Dr. Ramsey? Sorry to interrupt." A short Asian intern interrupted him and Aisha let out a small sigh of relief.
This guy would give my parents a run for their money. Why do I meet assholes everywhere I go?
"For the love of God, what now?"
"One of the nurses told me... that one of the other interns told them... that one of the doctors said..."
Dr. Ramsey certainly didn't enjoy beating around the bush. With a biting voice, sharp enough to make both Aisha and the intern to flinch, he commanded. "Skip to the point."
"Dr. Toussaint needs to see you urgently." She rushed.
Dr. Ramsey pinched the bridge of his nose, muttered something about 'interns' under his breath.
Straightening his coat, who gave pointedly glanced at Aisha. "Remember what I said, Rookie. Next time I see you, you'd better have solved the case." He turned on his feet and stormed out making the petite intern jump.  
Aisha stepped out into the hall with the intern, leaned against the wall and let out a sigh.
"Thank god for Dr. Toussaint. I swear if he wouldn't have called, Dr. Ramsey would have burst a vein or something."
The intern leaned against the wall adjacent to Aisha. "Yeah... Too bad he doesn't actually need to see Dr. Ramsey."
Aisha's eyes widened and she turned to stare at the other intern. "Huh?"
"I made it up! I could hear Ramsey chewing you out halfway down the hall, I figured you might need a save."
Oh my god, that is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.
Aisha smiled brightly. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. But you could get in serious trouble if he realizes it."
She shrugged with a cheeky grin. "If. Besides, I'm tougher than I look. I'm Sienna by the way. Or Dr. Trinh. Whichever floats your boat."
"I'm Aisha Khurrana. Thanks again." Aisha's pager beeped and she looked down and sighed. "As fun as our little adventure was, I need to get back to work. Nice talking to you Sienna and once again, thanks for the save."
"Bye, hope you solve the case. Also, wait! I heard all the doctors hang out at this bar called Donahue's. I think, just down the street. Apparently, it's like the place to go and decompress after a long shift. Wanna come?"
"Sure!! If only I survive my first shift."
Sienna gave a brilliant smile. "Assuming you live through the next few hours, I'll meet you in the atrium after we clock out."
And Aisha got back to work, tending to her other patients but Annie's unconscious face kept on flashing behind her eyelids and Ramsey's words echoed in her head, like a broken tape recorder.
You need to have a long hard think about whether or not you're ready to be here.
She took a shuddering breath, doubt slipping into her mind, making her question everything she did. Every patient she treated and every prescription she signed.
Am I really cut out for this?
She tried to stop the rising anxiety but it still continued to swell in her like a balloon. Her throat began to dry up and it felt as if the weight on her chest didn't allow her to breathe.
Oh god, it's happening.
Feeling like she was on the verge of a breakdown, she ducked into a dark supply closet so nobody could see her while she tried to pull herself together.
It's okay. You worked your way through med school to get here. You are worthy. She chanted, taking in gulps of air.
It had hardly been a minute when the door suddenly opened and she heard footsteps.
Aisha internally groaned in annoyance. "Get in or get out. Just quit holding the door." She turned around and saw Bryce.
Oh fuck.
He nervously cleared his throat and walked towards her, maintaining his distance. "I feel like I'm interrupting something. Are... are you okay?"
Thanks to the dark, he couldn't see her tear rimmed eyes. Sighing loudly she untied her hair and ran her fingers through it, something she often did when she felt like her life was on the verge of falling apart.
"Nothing. I'm just looking for something." She tried to speak in a sharp tone but it just sounded like her voice was cracking.
She knew that Bryce had definitely heard how close she was to crying. Concern laced his voice. "Hey, I know when we met I was nothing but a dumb, self-obsessed jock but it's different now. I... I know you are not okay. Want to talk about it? Or vent?"
Goddamit Bryce. "Fine! I almost killed my first patient and I fucking swear to god I saw my career flash before my eyes. But it was lowkey my fault. I should have checked for allergies. But I tried fixing my error by calling the shots and Jackie helped me. BUT that's not it! Instead of being a humble person, Jackie swoops in and takes the credit of my save and Dr. Ramsey just goes on congratulating her as if she won some fucking AMA Award-"
"Aisha, breathe."
Taking a lungful of air she continued. "- And don't even get me started on Dr. Ethan Freaking Ramsey. Duniya main maine itna bada gaandu kabhi dekha nahi hai maine. What a dick!! He should get fucking laid to work off all his anger issues-"
Bryce snorted but didn't dare to interrupt Aisha. From the short time they dated, he knew better than to interrupt her mid-rant, it only managed to instigate her.
Another deep breathe. "- Boy does he manage to make me doubt myself in every step of the way like am I worthy of being here? I mean, I threw my heart and soul into med school because I wanted to be the best doctor out there but dammit I don't think I am ready."
When he made sure she wasn't going to launch into a new roast session, he spoke up. "Wow. You managed so many years of med school, but eight hours into the shift and you're surrendering? Didn't take you for a quitter."
Excuse me? Aisha's eyes narrowed.
"You don't know me anymore Bryce. The Aisha you dated is long gone and dead." She said in a low voice.
He shrugged. "True, but I know that you still have the fire in you to do what you love the most. C'mon, you have dealt with worse but yet you are here, standing tall. This is just temporary. I know you can pick yourself back up and break down all the obstacles in front of you."
She looked up at Bryce, only able to see the faint outline of his body. He still was the same- tall, well built and with really good hair. "No offence but... you used to be the guy who would wet himself during chemistry practicals, what happened to make you so...?" She gestured her hand at him, accidentally hitting his hand.
He hesitated. "As you said, things changed and you don't know me anymore Aisha."
"Fair enough."
The lack of space and the awkward silence just fueled the tension between them. She could feel his converse bumping into her shoes and the heated gaze on her face.
There used to be a time when Aisha and Bryce would talk for hours on end and they never ran out of topics to talk about. Be it something as lame as which is the superior flavour of ice cream or as deep as life after death.
Look at us now... Aisha thought to herself, gulping.
Her hair fell on her face as she averted her eyes, unable to come up with something to talk about. Bryce's hand involuntary reached to push back the rebel strands behind her ear, his hands caressing her cheek in the process. It felt as if electric sparks shot up her cheeks, making her blush.
Bryce opened his mouth. "Aisha-"
The door opened and she heard a feminine voice. "Bryce I saw you giving me the look so I decided to join you-"
A woman walked around the corner of the help and Aisha's jaw dropped. It was not because she was shocked that he was dating, he could screw the entire hospital for all she cared but, no... she was topless.
"Oh." The unknown woman placed her hands beside her.
"Sam-" Bryce began and Aisha spoke up at the same time. "I was just-"
The confusion was interrupted again when the closet door opened again and a senior resident stood before them, aghast. "What is going on over here?"
"Oh fuck." The expletive spilt from Aisha's lips.
The topless woman, whose name apparently was Sam, quipped in. "Yeah what she said."
Well, this is totally not awkward.
Number one, yeah I dragged PB a bit in regards to Keiki’s name.. PB do your research challenge 🙄
Number two, okay so about the tattoo part, me and @bratzlahela​ were just talking about Bryce having Polynesian tattoos based on this post and I had to integrate it in my series lol
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This is something I imagined 🤭
Number 3, Also I tried to change up the scene a bit with Jackie because tbh, Aisha is pretty fucking smart and she won’t be like “Boo-hoo. I don’t know anything” And about the part where she spoke about using the defibrillator numerous times in AIIMS, In India the medical education is a little more hands-on and focuses more on clinical practice rather than theory. Medical students from first year start doing ward duty and help around in the hospitals taking patient history, etc. Also, they have a mandatory year of internship without which you don’t get your license.  
Number 4, So about that supply closet scene, how many of y’all thought would you get a make out sesh?
If yes, here is your clown wig 🤡
This was a pretty long author’s note heheheh
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rosy-night-sky · 5 years
Of Treasure and Adventure
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Genre: Treasure hunter/Indiana Jones AU
Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Summary: Your grandmother gave you a gift that she won in a game, so naturally you are curious as to the origins of it. A decision was then made that you should seek the answers to your questions. However, you never expected your decision to lead you on a treasure hunting quest.
Tag List: @sevenincubistolemyheart
Chapter 1
The endless chatter and commotion of the marketplace echoed throughout of New Delhi. Various shopkeepers and traders yelled out their so called amazing products or the astonishing sales. Silks, spices, foods, animals, anything you could think of was there. Products were sold and coin flowed in steadily, although not as rapidly as before.
However, you weren’t here to trade or buy anything, although many things did happen to catch your eye. No, you were a reporter sent by a British newspaper company to cover the events of the growing Indian independence movement. The movement had caused quite a stir back in England, and the people there are anxious on what will become of India.
Honestly, although as a reporter you weren’t allowed to give your opinion, you were in the minority among the British, believing that India had a right to become independent from the imperializing country. The British, of course, acted cruel to the natives of the country, acting like they were no more than servants.
In addition to your assignment, you decided to take care of another issue. In your possession, handed to you from your grandmother, you had a small, ornate tapestry heavily influenced with Indian design. You were rather curious on the origins of the item and whether or not it was deemed valuable. You had already gone to many historians, but they all said that it was nothing of note.
You obviously weren’t going to take that as an answer and realized that you could only find what you were looking for by going to its home country, which was why you were currently entering a building acting like you were about to conduct some shady business. You got in contact with a historian who was willing to look at your tapestry and try to see if he could search for it origins. You were elated when he agreed to help you, and you couldn’t help the bubbly feeling of nervous excitement rush through you as you climbed the steps to the place where you both agreed to meet.
The floor you landed on looked like it was supposed to be a fancy bar, what with the fine tablecloths and baskets upon baskets of flowers littered everywhere. You saw many British military men chatting and drinking with familiar company. You ignored them and looked for the historian, who happened to be seated on the balcony looking over the city.
You strolled over to him and stuck your hand out. “Dr. Kim, I presume,” you greeted with a smile.
The man tore his gaze from the ongoings down below and turned his attention to you, a bright smile stretching from ear to ear. The first thing you noticed was how handsome and professional he appeared. His gray suit was nicely pressed without so much as a single hair or piece of lint on it. He adjusted his round glasses before returning your hand shake. “Miss. Y/l/n, so nice to finally meet you,” he replied. “As much as I’d love to stay and discuss your tapestry, I am currently overlooking a university class trip. So I’m afraid we’ll have to make this meeting quick.”
You nodded in understanding. “This won’t be an issue, doctor. I’m rather eager to hear what you have in store.” You both took a seat, and you found the pillow seats to be rather comfortable although quite worn from use.
“Now then,” Dr. Kim began, “may I?”
Once more, you nodded and grabbed the folded cloth from your leather bag. You placed it on the table before unfolding it to reveal the intricate image woven into it centuries ago. Although many colors graced it, it was beginning to fade from age. You could only imagine how vibrant it must’ve looked when it was first crafted.
Dr. Kim adjusted his glasses once more as he took in the history before him. You could practically see the wheels and gears turn in his mind. His eyes scanned it rather intensely, as if it was the last piece of Indian history on earth. Finally, he lifted his eyes up to you with a questioning look. “May I ask where you got this?” he asked, his hand cupping his chin in thought.
You smiled fondly as you recalled the memory. “My grandmother gave it to me. She told me she won it in a game of poker from an Indian lord back in the day,” you chuckled. You and your grandmother were always very close, and you were sad to remember how she passed away just a year prior to this trip. Perhaps she was the reason why you were so adamant on finding answers to the mystery of this tapestry.
The historian laughed almost breathily, and you noticed the cute dimples form as his lips formed a smile. “I should have figured, this doesn’t look like something that an Indian lord would be willing to part with.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and slight curiousity. “How so?” you prodded further.
He spread out his arms and if to say behold. “Well, this is finely made for starters, only the best quality of thread was used to craft this, and it is nicely preserved as well. The style of design used here suggests that this was made during the classic period of India,” he explained, his eyebrows raised in astonishment.
Unfortunately, you weren’t quite informed on the history of India. So you couldn’t exactly place a year on that given information. “So when’s that?” you asked, feeling a tiny bit embarrassed on how ignorant you were.
“Well...” His voice trailed off as his mind went to work. “If I had to pick a year. I’d say this was made in the early hundreds... B.C.” He rubbed a hand on his neck, as if he couldn’t believe what he was saying.
Your jaw fell unceremoniously as you could feel the air in your lungs disappear instantly. “You’re saying I’ve been carrying an artifact... that’s thousands of years old...?”
He laughed sheepishly and nodded, which only lurched your stomach to your throat. You almost used that tapestry as a napkin on multiple occasions. Also, how on earth has this thing not unraveled or dissolved yet?! “Holy shit...” you breathed out.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Like I said, this has been preserved very well.”
“Um, yeah, I’d say so...” You ran your fingers through your hair. “How come the other historians back in England didn’t have heart attacks over this?”
Dr. Kim shrugged his shoulders, a small smile gracing his lips. “No offense, but British people aren’t interested in Indian history.” He then looked at his wrist watch abruptly. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Miss. Y/l/n, but I’m afraid I have to get going. I have to make sure my students haven’t wandered off and gotten themselves killed.”
You blinked yourself out of your bewildered daze and redirected your attention to the doctor. “Oh! Erm, of course, doctor. This has all been a very...” Your voice trailed off as you searched for the proper word to use in this situation. “... enlightening experience.” You stood up as you said this and made your way back inside.
“Namjoon, I-”
Suddenly, your body collided into another person, causing yourself to lose your balance all but for a moment. You held up your hands as if show how apologetic you were. Your eyes landed upon a much younger man than Dr. Kim. He had a youthful appearance that made it seem as if he hadn’t even graduated college quite yet. He was dressed in a nice, white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, khakis, and brown leather shoes.
You couldn’t help but admire how handsome he was as his chubby cheeks flushed a faint tinge of pink. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “Ah, sorry, ma’am,” he apologized earnestly. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
You lowered your hands and returned a warm smile of your own. “It’s no problem. The fault’s mine, my mind is a little frazzled at the moment,” you explained, chuckling at the end of your statement.
Dr. Kim then stepped into the exchange. “Jungkook, I’d like you to meet Miss. Y/l/n. She is a reporter covering the independence movement.”
Jungkook bowed his head in greeting, his dark hair brushing over his beautiful eyes. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” You couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter ever so slightly in your chest.
“Jungkook is one of my students,” Dr. Kim informed, a look of pride glimmering in his eyes. “He’s probably here to tell me about the other students, right?”
The student blinked his eyes, as if suddenly remembering why he came up there in the first place. “Oh, yes. Jaehee wanted to show you some pots she believed were made in the eighteenth century.”
The doctor arched an eyebrow in slight interest, digging his hand in his pockets. “Did she now? Well then, I better go and see for myself.” He nodded his head to you. “Miss Y/l/n.” With that, he left with the student. You were now alone with the ancient tapestry. You suddenly felt as if you were unworthy to carry around such a valuable artifact. Perhaps she could donate it to a national museum? Who was she kidding? The British might get wind of it and steal it for themselves.
You grabbed the tapestry and exited the bar, heading down the stairs, your footsteps echoing off the walls. You couldn’t believe it. Your grandmother won a two millennia tapestry in a game of cards. If you went to the right people, you could end up a millionaire. Finally, you could live an easy life without scrambling around for every odd job.
As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you were just about to put the tapestry back in your leather bag, but a cheery voice suddenly spoke up. “That’s quite a drape you have there.”
You turned your head to the source of the sound and found yourself looking at a small, make-shift shop set up in the far back area of the room. Colorful blankets and curtains hung around to give the shop a rather bohemian appearance. The shopkeeper sat on a comfy looking pillow behind his stand, looking up at you with a sweet smile.
Curiousity piqued your interest as you took a few steps at the shop. You brushed away a few giant leaves from the potted plants arranged at the sides of his stall. His whole vibrant arrangement gave off a rather magical, almost fairytale aesthetic.
“It’s not a drape,” you corrected him. “It’s a tapestry.”
He tilted his head to the side quizzically. “What is the difference between a drape and a tapestry?” he questioned, his chin resting on his folded hands.
You pondered on it for a few moments. “A tapestry has images on it, I suppose.”
“I guess you’re right there,” he replied, a rich laughter escaping his lips.
You looked at a sign standing next to him that was written in both Indian and English. “Hope’s... World...?” you read questioningly.
He smiled sweetly again. “My wish is for my products to be the solution for all your hopes and dreams.” He gestured for you to sit on the pillow laid out on the other side of where he was sitting.
You accepted his invitation and sat down, mostly because you were curious of what this shop exactly was. “So then... Mr...?”
“Hoseok,” he introduced himself, extending a hand out to you, which you shook. You then gave him your name
“Alright then, Hoseok, what is it that you do exactly?” you asked, noticing all the different spices and herbs strewn about on various shelves.
Suddenly, Hoseok got up from his seat and moved toward the back shop. “I’m what you call in your language a tea merchant,” he explained. “I simply sell teas that help ease all your troubles away.” He then returned with two cups and a steaming pot. He sat back down on his pillow and poured the warm liquid in both cups, offering you one.
You gladly accepted the drink and sipped on it, tasting the sweet spices on your tongue. “Is this chai tea?” you questioned, quirking an eyebrow.
He laughed again, setting the pot to the side. “Ah, you British, you know your teas very well.” He then whispered, “It’s a secret recipe of mine. My mother would kill me if I told you.”
You then smiled as you took another drink. “Say no more, I had a grandmother who has an amazing custard tart that she said she’d take to her grave,” you recalled, chuckling at the fond memories. Your mind began to relax and feel calm. You were unsure if it was because of the tea or the soothing atmosphere of the tea shop that calmed you.
Hoseok gave you an excited grin. “May I see your tapestry, please?” He bounced on his pillow like a child opening his presents on Christmas. You couldn’t help but comply with what he asked. After all, it was merely two thousand years old. What’s the worst that could happen?
As you unfolded the tapestry, Hoseok viewed it over intently, running his long fingers over the fabric. He seemed absolutely enthralled by the worn pictures and faded colors. His childlike eyes ran over the tapestry over and over again, taking everything in as if he would never see it ever again. He finally tore his gaze away and looked up with a knowing smile. “This tells a story, you know,” he revealed, catching you off guard.
You raised your eyebrows in astonishment. “Really?”
He nodded eagerly. “Yes, you see these people here...” He pointed to a group of people who appeared to be fleeing away from soldiers on horses, who were firing their bows upon them. You couldn’t help but feel slight pity for them, but nonetheless nodded. “These aren’t Indians at all. They are, in fact, my ancestors, Koreans, fleeing from their homeland from the Chinese in 108 B.C.” He then pointed at the soldiers. “My people fled to protect the most valuable treasure in our kingdom. The Dragon of the Stars, said to be made of every precious gemstone on earth.” He moved his finger back to animated Korean who was carrying something in his arms, but the color was too faded to really decipher what it was. On the other hand, you could barely make out the outline of what appeared to be a small dragon. However, you would have never known it was a dragon if Hoseok hadn’t pointed it out.
The tea seller continued, “My people fled to the one place the Chinese couldn’t reach, where this tapestry was made.”
“India,” you breathed out, followed by a stifled yawn. “I’m sorry, I don’t find this boring. Please continue.”
Hoseok chuckled. “I suppose it has been a very exciting day for you. It certainly has been for me now that I’ve seen this.” His eyes crawled back down to the tapestry. “You are a lucky woman to have this. I’d estimate this would cost a few million.”
You leaned against your propped up arm, finding your eyelids to grow heavier and heavier by the second. “A few million?” You drawled out, yawning once more. “That’s a lot... Say, Hoseok, how could you tell this explained that story just by looking at it?”
Hoseok smiled, finding your drowsy attitude to be rather cute. “I guess you could say I’ve always been interested in the history of my people.”
You mumbled in agreement. “I should be going now. I don’t know why I’m suddenly exhausted right now.” You reached out to grab the tapestry, content with the knowledge Hoseok shared with you. In fact, once you rested up, you were definitely going to find someone who would pay the right price for this.
You could see the deflated look in Hoseok’s eyes, but he reluctantly allowed you to leave. “Here, let me help you,” he offered, folding up the tapestry into a neat pile.
You were about to help him when a huge bout of exhaustion overwhelmed you. You swayed from side to side, finding the floor to sway as you wobbled. Your eyelids felt as if weights hung from them, dragging them down further by the second. You felt as if you hadn’t slept in a week.
“Hoseok...” you mumbled before suddenly collapsing to the floor.
The last thing you saw before you fell into unconsciousness was Hoseok smiling sweetly upon you with the radiance of a thousand suns. He looked absolutely heavenly, as if he was a god come down to bestow his blessings upon you. “Sweet dreams, Y/n...”
You obeyed him and fell into a deep sleep.
“Who are you?”
“You may call me Mr. Kim... Kim Seokjin...”
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educationalblogs · 5 years
Data Science is the Future
Data science and the world of AI(artificial intelligence) has caused a stir in current times. They have taken the world by a storm and all the leading giants have jumped on the bandwagon to create a future that is AI dependent and data science driven. Companies like Tesla, Volkswagen, Google and more are not working with the technology because it is cool and is trending; they see potential. They understand that it is the future of the world.
Data science and data science courses are trending and they are here to stay. Data science is not a passing trend like crimped hair from the 90s; it is timeless like the little black dress that Coco Chanel first came up with! As the LBD has been used and created in multiple different ways by multiple designers; similarly data science as a tool can be moulded according to the AI you are working with to create a technology that can better the future of the world.
Now that we have established, data science is a functionality that can be implemented across multiple disciplines; more and more industries and businesses are utilizing this tool optimally to achieve greater results. This, in turn, has given rise to data science courses and careers as a data scientist. Talking about the courses universities across the world have started offering courses in data science; these range from full-time Master’s programmes or 1-year graduate diploma programmes like ISBF in New Delhi does; some universities have even started offering short term crash courses online for students to get familiar with the subject.
Universities abroad like Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Berkley and many more offer programmes in data science. Indian universities that offer data science programmes are IIT Guwahati, IIM Lucknow, Ahmedabad University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and many more. Other leading universities have started taking initiatives to include such programmes. The universities are increasingly creating a curriculum that will help students create a career in data science.
People wonder why there is a sudden surge in the field of data science. It is because the companies have the rights to collect data from the customers, however, they do not have the right skills to compile and make meaningful inferences from it. This is where data scientists step in. Data scientists additionally help in storing data responsibly and can swiftly provide real-time analytics.
Data science is still evolving and there is major scope in this industry; this means that the career will not remain stagnant and you will have plenty of growth opportunities. Data science job titles are also likely to get more specific. With the advent of data in the world and people increasingly putting out more information, businesses have a staggering amount of data and they need data scientists to make sense of it. Data science was listed as one of the most promising careers in 2019 and this trajectory is only going up.
Data science has opened up a wide range of career opportunities for students. The best thing about studying a data science course is that it is multidisciplinary and you can venture into any business industry that suits you.
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Hope you don’t actually wear Indian/South Asian attire. This isn’t your culture, so don’t culturally appropriate.
Hey anonymous, who are you and how do you find the courage to speak like that ? Who are you to hope something like that ? Do you know who I am ? I am Turkish, pure Turkish, my great parents emigrate from Central Asia to Anatolia (Turkey). There are many people like you who say this words to no-Indians, but you can not say these to me. I will answer you with a long text. There are a lot of Turkic/Mughal cultural influence in South Asia.
The “Indian / South Asian attire” you talk about (except saree, bindi, gajra (flowes for hair, temple jewels, choli and other Hindu attire) are invented, developped and brought to South Asia by Central Asian Turks.
Dresses : Anarkali. Dupatta (large shawl) it was brought to South Asia during Delhi Sultanate and Ghaznavid or before. It is used as a veil to cover head and shoulder and not only for body like Indian queens. The name dupatta is a Sanskrit word. Indians called it same word as they called to their ancient different kind of shawls. The culture of red dupatta (shawl) or wearing in red by brides come from ancient Turkic culture. Even Shalwar Kameez was invented by Central Asian Turks and brought by Ghaznavid period to South Asia and it was popularized quickly. In Turkey, there are still people who are wearing it, but in most ancient form. Turkish women wear shalwar because it’s very confortable while working. Yalek (in Turkish yelek). Churidar,…..
Look —> Mughal clothing
What else make those dress beautiful, is decoration. Mughals have brought the  Zardozi, a hand craft culture from Persia and developped it. Over centuries, before Mughal Turks, no Indians made it.
Jewels: —> Delhi sultanate jewels, Mughal jewels, (don’t think that these jewels used by Rajpoots in Padmavaat movie belonged to Rajpoots, no that’s a big mistake made by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. He showed the jewels devellopped and influenced after Mughal Empire. It’s anachronic.Then, Jhoomar, the Mughal jewel for head is very famous. Indian jewels with precious stones and motives are from Turkish Mughal culture.
Food: —> Mughlai cuisine. Biryani, Korma, Kulfi, kebabs, offff there is too much. All these food are from Central Asian Turkic cuisine.
Music: —> during Delhi Sultanate, there is a man who named Hazrat Amir Khusrow. He is of Turkic origin and has invented Ghazal, Qawwali, Ruba'i, Tarana. He also invented the fameous “Indian instrument” tabla and sitar. There is a lot of Turkish people who invented and influenced other people in South Asia during Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire.
Dance: —> Mughal dance, Tarana Kathak. (Kathak is an Sanskrit word, but the dance have Central Asian and Mughal invention dance movements. Mughal court dances.
Architecture: —> Mughal Architecture, Taj Mahal….  It’s our architecture and our culture. It’s just not in Turkey but in South Asia. Doesn’t matter. It’s ours
Even the Mehendi designs and culture brought by Mughal Turks to India.Before us, you don’t even have had mehendi night / ceremony.
If you ask who are these Turks, go and research our empires like Hephthalite empire (in ancient India), Turk Shahi, Timurids, Ghaznavid dynasty, Delhi Sultanate, Qutb Shahi dynasty (in South India), Adil Shahi dynasty, Bidar Sultanate, Bengal Sultanate, Mughal Empire.
What you call “Indian / South Asian attire” (northern area) came mostly from different Turkish sultanates and Mughal sarai / court culture.
There is a lot of reason that I can wear “South Asian attire.
( Now, why Turkey Turks don’t wear these or similar dresses, it’s because our leader who called Mustafa Kemal Atatürk banned all traditional wear, even Muslim wear like burqa, in 1925 and forced people to wear like Europeans. These times, you can see some of our traditions rarely in villages, in marriage ceremonies, or in museums.And of course, Turks are not only in Turkey. )
Go and read books, there are some documentary too to watch about Mughal Empire, Delhi Sultanate.
I can decide what to wear, not you. Just because our culture spread fastly in South Asia and used by Indians doesn’t mean that it’s their own culture, They are just adopted to this culture and using them without thinking who has invented it.
If you ignore this history, it means that you are culturally appropriating.
I hate this kind of people who never searched, tried to understand, asked, thinked, and only trying to make belong those things to him or his/hers country.
I’m sorry for my English, I tried to answer with my best.
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oraneinternationals · 2 years
Best Beauty Therapy Diploma Course at the best price
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The Beauty Therapy Diploma Course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the beauty therapy industry. Students will learn the fundamental skills and techniques required for a successful career in the field. They will learn about the various treatments and products available, the importance of health and safety regulations, and the principles of customer service. The course will also cover the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the skin, as well as the techniques used to apply makeup.
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12 Genius Wedding Hacks Every Bride Should Know
Wedding arranging can feel like a flat out hurricane. From pre-wedding arrangements to the enormous day itself, it's anything but difficult to feel the strain of sorting out such an achievement occasion.
The uplifting news? Here and there all you require is a couple of virtuoso hacks to help streamline the procedure! From mechanizing your  and breaking in your heels to keeping your hair and cosmetics on point, continue perusing for 12 wedding hacks we think each lady of the hour has to know.
12-virtuoso wedding-hacks-each lady of the hour should-know Photo
Approach Your Guests for Song Requests
An unfilled move floor is a lady of the hour's most exceedingly bad dream! To urge your visitors to relax, request that they send through a melody ask for by means of your wedding photography in Delhi site before the enormous day. You'll at that point have a rundown of group satisfying tracks to pass on to your DJ for ensured great occasions for the duration of the night!
Make a Wedding Website
Talking about wedding sites, making one for your huge day is a pretty virtuoso hack all by itself. Wedding sites enable you to speak with the majority of your visitors effectively, computerize your , streamline your wedding arranging assignments and lessen the ecological effect of your wedding utilizing paperless solicitations, as well.
Break in Your Shoes
Spending such a long measure of time in a fresh out of the box new match of shoes can be genuinely excruciating without the correct prep. On the off chance that you've acquired new heels for your wedding, enjoy some an opportunity to reprieve them in before the enormous day. Wear them around the house, extend them with socks or get the hairdryer included to guarantee your feet are cozy and agreeable. Reward tip: rub some sandpaper on the base of your heels to avoid slippage, as well.Clean your Rings
Your rings will be shot actually multiple times for the duration of the day, so why not make them put their best self forward! Mastermind your rings (and some other wedding adornments) to be cleaned and cleaned a couple of days before your festival, giving you greatest shimmer for those nearby ups.
Keep Your Final Week Task-Free
Endeavor to keep the week paving the way to your wedding totally assignment free with the goal that you can really appreciate it, rather than circling feeling bothered! Make a wedding arranging course of events that enables you to spend those last days making up for lost time with friends and family who might travel, and getting prepared and spoiled for the huge day with no pressure.
Have a Nourishing Breakfast
With such a great amount of occurring on the morning of your wedding, tucking into breakfast probably won't be a best need. Ensure you make them support nourishment close by that requires negligible readiness or tidy up: think muesli bars, natural product or toast. Your big day will be long and depleting, so attempt to nibble on something feeding before popping the champagne!Hand over Your Phone
Trust us, the exact opposite thing you need to manage on your big day is a minute ago telephone calls from your setting, providers or visitors. Surrender your telephone to your main bridesmaid or another believed adored one to handle any writings or calls for the duration of the morning while you get glamm up.
Espresso may give you a burst of vitality on the morning of your wedding, yet it can likewise abandon you feeling restless and jumpy! Select some peppermint tea. Not exclusively will it help to keep you quiet, however peppermint is additionally known to decrease swelling and calm bombshell (or anxious!) stomachs.Offer Photos Easily
A cloud-based framework like Dropbox or Google Drive is the least demanding approach to share wedding photographs with visitors after the huge day. No requirement for an old-school USB or tedious Facebook collections – essentially pick a choice of your most loved snaps and utilize a shareable connect to give your visitors moment get to.
Check in with Suppliers
Getting in contact with every one of your wedding photography in Delhi providers to state a genuine thanks isn't just amenable (and frequently extremely valued!), yet can likewise prompt some great karma. You never know, they may have a referral framework set up for any drawn in companions you can send their direction.
Move Your Wedding Decor
When that love bird shine begins to wear off a little, the scratch in your wallet will start to feel genuine! Consider some ways you may have the capacity to make some cash back by moving any buys like highlights, vases or hand-made stylistic layout by means of  or eBay. In case you're not nostalgic about it, you can even rundown your wedding dress on a pre-cherished outfit site for another lady of the hour to appreciate.
So there you have it, 12 virtuoso wedding hacks to remember for your very own enormous day. Here at we're tied in with sparing time and worry all through the wedding arranging venture. Take in more about our natural advanced wedding arranging stage and wedding web designer ideal here to begin.
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fleekyou702 · 3 years
Top 10 Bridal Makeup Trends For 2021
Looking to break the cycle with a fresh new look that doesn't stray too far from traditional but is equal parts modern. Concerned about not being up to date with the new trends, Do not worry as we have curated a list of some of the freshest bridal makeup trends in 2021. We bring these tips from the Top Bridal Makeup Artists in Delhi.
Glitter those eyes: A trend followed by all bridal makeup artists as it highlights one of the most important features of a bride i.e. their eyes. The glitter adds a much-needed oomph factor to the bride's eyes making it so that not a lot of other elements are to be concentrated on. Makes the bride stand out in a simple and easy way.
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A simplistic look: A thin eyeliner, nude pink lips, one layer of mascara and subtle dewy makeup speaks simplicity the best. A very natural look making the bride look refreshed and energetic with some bold collared jeweler she would look gorgeous and simple.
Smokey eye gang: Smokey eyes are all the rage these days with the Best Bridal Makeup Artist, paired with a matte lipstick shade of your choice.
A subtle red glow: While red is the cooler on almost all weddings taking the tradition with us adding faux lashes and red lip hue with some glow base makeup. And you would be shining bright at your night-time wedding.  
Colorful eyeliner: Experiments with eye makeup have increased, using a colorful eyeliner with some faux lashes. With the same dewy base and some shiny makeup, you can be simple yet elegant.
Makeup nudity is the new cool: Soft nude makeup is what brides want, natural and simple look which is why they choose the nude lips and kohl on their lashes. Natural beauty and simplistic makeup are becoming popular these days.
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Eyes that shimmer: A simple base foundation with a little shimmer to the eyes and subtle lipstick that matches the bride's dress and jewellery. Light colours of shimmer are what brides are going for these days.  
Pink!: With a Pink blush, simple yet radiant makeup, and good blush tones which match the dress on the prewedding ceremonies might be the way to do it.
Glam up: Since subtlety is the highlight of this season some subtle glam makeup with some flushed cheeks, a rich pink lip, and some glittered eyes. With colours in accordance to the dress of course and some light-coloured jewellery.
Popping eyes: New colours on the eyes have been taken into account quite recently and have produced some stunning results. Take on some new shades and look stunning on your big day
With these tips highlighting the new trends of 2021 brides be ready to answer the people asking you for makeup tips.
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We at Fleekyou house on of the Best Bridal Makeup Artist in Delhi have a 30% discount going at the moment on all our services. Other than these we also provide hair care, hair styling as well as hair coloring services. While also making sure we take care of your skin with some tips to maintain the same.
 Source URL:- Click Here
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ftvsalon-academy · 1 year
You can find the Best Ftv Hair Academy in Delhi. The hair stylist courses, advanced hair cutting, and dressing salon, and hair cutting courses. Get trained by the top hair stylist with makeup at Ftv Salon Academy.
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Scope in Fashion industry
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The fashion industry is one of the best paying industry and fashion design is popular career choice for people with creative minds. Fashion design is a glamorous industry, but is engulfed with cut throat competition. There are wide scopes of options in fashion design. The designers after completing their professional course has wide avenue open in front of them such as:-
Fashion Designer
Fashion designers are key players in the fashion market.  A fashion designer has to think out of the box and should be hard working. It is only then that he gets rewarded with lucrative deals and gets good earnings.
Fashion illustrator
An illustrator initiates a design process. He/she is a creative lot and provides ideas to the fashion designer. Such a person makes primary sketches as and when the fashion designer desires.
Fashion Stylist
The fashion stylist is entrusted with creating hair styles, dress code and providing best look for the show. They look after the aesthetic value of the fashion shows.
Fashion coordinator
The fashion coordinator is responsible for creating marketing policies. The fashion coordinator doesn’t do the designing task. He advertises products and organises the fashion shows.
Fashion consultant
The fashion consultant takes care of the trends, what’s in vogue, and is an idea provider. He/she is an active observer and is responsible for development of the products.
Fashion merchandiser
A merchandiser bears the marketing responsibilities. Analysing previous and latest trends in sales is his/her key responsibility. The merchandiser sees through the fact that the designers/production team meets the requirements of the market.
The bottom line is fashion industry is a dynamic industry. The students who study fashion designing can find scope in number of streams. They are left with lots of choices. This is a creative and job industry. A small investment in a professional fashion course can lead to good salary and incentives and of course, a bright future.
SGT University is one of the best private university in Delhi NCR for Fashion Design. 
Fashion Design Course is also playing a very important role in giving a boost to their desires. High standard of living and comfort to families are being availed of only by the rich and upper-class people. This makes the others yearn for a bright future. Join Best college for fashion design in Delhi NCR.
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mdilip948 · 4 years
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Posted by Fiverr_brana090 on 2019-10-29 14:48:23
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