#Best Diabetes Treatment Center In Vashi
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose. Hyperglycaemia, also called raised blood glucose or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body’s systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels.
More info at https://sweetclinics.com/can-type-2-diabetes-turn-into-type-1/
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asgeyehospitalsindia · 11 months
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sweetclinics · 4 years
4 Steps To manage diabetes to lead a normal & healthy diabetic life : Super Speciality Diabetes Clinic In Vashi
Living with diabetes can be challenging but this should not prevent a diabetic from leading a normal life, as long as, they can keep their blood sugar under control. Today we would like to share our 4 step approach to help diabetics lead a normal life which Dr.Vinod Methils our chief diabetologist at our Vashi center advises his patients. Patients who have followed this approach have seen significant improvement in their lifestyle and we hope it can help you to.. so here we go Learn about Diabetes: Today there is a plethora of information available on each aspect of diabetes. One of key reason people turn up in our OPD with diabetic complication as they often tend to ignore early symptoms. They only reach the diabetologist once the complication become severe. Diabetic can manage themselves better by being aware of how diabetes can affect the body and what self-precautions one needs to take. Thereby, preventing unnecessary complications. After all Diabetes is called a Silent Killer for a reason. So go ahead use that internet for acquiring more knowledge about diabetes. If any doubts always feel free to send us an email and we will help resolve your doubt. Know the ABC of Diabetes: A – A1c levels (commonly known as HbA1c): The Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) test gives the average blood sugar levels for the past 3 months. As a general rule the HbA1c levels should be near or below 7. However, if HbA1c level is higher than 8. It indicates higher blood sugar and relatively higher chances of diabetic complications. These levels also help the diabetologist set targets to bring the blood sugar levels back within normal range. B – Blood Pressure: Diabetes is known to causes atherosclerosis, which results in blocking of the arteries. This often causes high blood pressure in diabetics. Hence, a high blood pressure would indicate that diabetes has started to affect the blood vessels. If the BP has been very high for a while, it would be an early warning sign for the diabetologist to initiate further testing to understand how much damage is done in the body. The blocking generally takes place where blood vessels are thinner in organs like eyes, kidney & heart walls etc. Hence, the diabetologist may suggest test to check functioning of these organs based on his examination. Hence, diabetics should periodically keep a check on their Blood Pressure levels. With the normal range bring 120/80 mmHg. C – Cholesterol – HDL & LDL levels: Diabetics in general have a high cholesterol level. There are 2 types of cholesterol HDL (High-density-lipoprotein cholesterol) a.k.a Good Cholesterol & LDL (Low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol) also known as bad cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is know to get deposited in the blood vessel leading cardio-vascular diseases. Being Diabetic accelerates the deposition increasing the risk CVD risk. Hence, by periodic testing of Cholesterol levels helps the diabetologist assess the risk and take corrective measures. Hence, knowing the ABC of diabetes helps a diabetic and the treating doctor understand the health profile and take necessary measures to keep diabetes & its complications in check. Learn to live with diabetes: Having diabetes can make one anxious stressed and at times depressed. Nonetheless, one needs to understand that people can still live a healthy happy life even if their diabetes cannot be reversed. As stressing about the fact that one is diabetic only increase the Blood Pressure, which is not good to have as we discussed above. Hence, instead of fussing about it best for diabetics to consult their diabetologist like Dr. Vinod Methil who can suggest coping mechanism to the new way of life. Something diabetics can do are meditation, acquiring new hobbies etc. Testing & Follow-ups: Keeping up with the testing for blood sugar and the ABC levels discussed followed by timely diabetologist follow-up can help identify and mitigate any diabetic complications. Being proactive to understand and communicate to the treating doctor about any adverse symptoms is the best way move forward with diabetes treatment. At Sweet Clinics, by advising the above stated 4 step method to live a diabetic life we have helped patients reverse their pre or early diabetes. While patients for whom diabetes cannot be reverse have been able to live with a normal diabetic life. So we you have any more queries please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help. References: https://sweetclinics.com/4-steps-manage-diabetes-to-lead-a-normal-healthy-diabetic-life/
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People with diabetes report a high level of blood sugar. It’s either that or their cells do not respond to the insulin. Sometimes, your body doesn’t produce insulin at all, making it impossible for the glucose to travel to the cells. You need to see a sugar doctor in Nerul & Airoli, Vashi, to ensure that an increased glucose level doesn’t damage your kidneys, eyes, and other vital organs.
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Is Diabetes Reversal Possible? Know From Top Diabetologist In Kopar Khairne, Navi Mumbai, MH-India
Is Diabetes reversal possible? the biggest question that often concerns diabetics is if they can reverse their diabetes. Watch Dr. Vinod Methil video in which he tells us about who can actually reveres their diabetes.
Sign-up for our COMPLETE DIABETES CARE PROGRAM and all diabetologist consultations are on us. for more information send us your details. Sweet Clinics is the most comprehensive diabetes clinic in Navi Mumbai is offering a complete diabetes care under one roof having helped more than 3000 diabetics.
Consult At : 9167444888
Visit: https://sweetclinics.com/
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The Quickest & Easiest Way To Top Diabetes Doctors in vashi
The Quickest & Easiest Way To DIABETES CLINIC IN VASHIDiabetes is a mind boggling ailment including pretty much every critical organ of our body. As length of the illness expands ,it has additionally devastating impact on our body. Diabetes Clinic in Vashi To manage such appalling ailment, multi-pronged methodology is required. We need committed group of specialists to investigate each part of illness. Diabetologist is dependably in the driver situate in this administration. His/Her job is the most critical in this entire situation. Control of glucose is farthest essential to fend off patients from difficulties.
Convenient acquaintance of different masters with maintain a strategic distance from difficulties and possible hospitalization is the fundamental undertaking. Crisis the executives of hypoglycemia, ketosis, acidosis is likewise anticipated from Diabetologist. At Sweet Clinics, we have qualified Diabetologist and committed group of specialists to help patients all through their adventure with Diabetes .
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Diabetes care at Sweet Clinic
Consultation by Qualified Diabetologist through the day
Diabetes Prevention Program
Juvenile Diabetes Care Centre – Special counseling and treatment for Diabetic Kids
The most widely recognized glucose observing arrangements are blood glucose meters and persistent glucose checking (CGM) frameworks.
This hardware tracks body glucose levels throughout the day and night to guarantee the appropriate measure of insulin is discharged at the correct time.
Best diabetes treatment center in Vashi
To effectively oversee diabetes, an observing framework is expected to reliably check your glucose levels.
Insulin Pump
An insulin siphon can enable you to deal with your diabetes.
By utilizing an insulin siphon, you can coordinate insulin pumpyour insulin to your way of life, as opposed to getting an insulin infusion and coordinating your life to how the insulin is functioning.
When you work intimately with your diabetes care group, insulin siphon can assist you with keeping your blood glucose levels inside your objective extents.
Insulin siphon convey quick or short-acting insulin 24 hours every day through a catheter set under the skin.
Diabetes Clinic in Vashi
Your insulin portions are isolated into
Basal rates
Bolus portions to cover sugar in dinners
Revision or supplemental portions
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Life and Treatment after Diagnosis of Diabetes
Being a chronic disease in which the sugar level in the blood is elevated, the blood glucose lead to spillage of glucose into the. Resistance to insulin can also be the reason for diabetes. Typically, the blood glucose levels is regulated by insulin that lowers the blood glucose level and when there is urine an elevation in the blood glucose levels the insulin is released from the pancreas for regularizing the glucose level.
The insufficient production of insulin or absence of it causes hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes. Get an appointment with the Top Diabetologists in Vashi at Sweet Clinics in Mumbai. Diabetes is something which we all have heard about and it’s undeniably one of the common diseases in the world affecting a larger population.
 When you are diagnosed with the Diabetes?
Getting news about diabetes could be overwhelmed and confusing. Understanding diabetes is the first step towards living the best way after the diagnosis. The best diabetic centers in Navi Mumbai emphasis on managing the condition through a balanced diet, regular medications and through an active lifestyle as there is no cure for diabetes.  
The type 1 diabetes occurs due to not production of insulin which doesn’t allows glucose to reach body cells. Diabetes specialist in Navi Mumbai recommends treatments like insulin therapy to manage their condition and live a long healthy life. Patients with diabetes and hyperglycemia are more prone to increased incidence of complications, increased length of hospital stay, diabetes management care clinics in Mumbai have expertise in treating with utmost care with management systems to ensure that hyperglycemic patients achieve target below glucose levels.
 Benefits of Getting Diabetes Surgery in Vashi, Mumbai
The benefits of getting your diabetes surgery in Mumbai includes the low cost, highest quality medical services and care from the best diabetes surgeon in Navi Mumbai. Since diabetes has affected about 200 million people worldwide the death rate due to this chronic progressive disease increases by 50% in the next 10 years.
Surgery from the diabetes specialists in Mumbai should now be looked as a viable therapy for not only the morbidly obese but also for the diabetes patients who fall outside the current BMI guidelines. The potential benefits of metabolic surgery are enormous and the implementation needs rethinking the goals and strategies for diabetes treatments.
 Surgery for Diabetes: These bariatric surgeries help to reduce weight, hence leads to decrease the risks of disease at a very low level.
•           Sleeves Gastrostomy Surgery
•           Roux-en-y gastric bypass
•           Adjustable gastric band
•           Duodenal switch
 Why Sweet Clinics in Mumbai for Diabetes Treatment?
Today, many global patients book their diabetes treatments and surgery in different reputed clinics and hospitals in India, one such Super Speciality Diabetes clinic in Vashi is Sweet Clinics Navi Mumbai. It is one of the renowned clinics that facilitates diabetes surgery in a cost-effective budget. Some of the services by the clinic are as follows:
·         19 Test to track diabetes
·         Consultation by Diabetologists, Dietician, Physiotherapist & Cardiologist
·         Unlimited Telephonic/ Email-Consultations
·         10% Discount on Medicines that are delivered to your home
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Diabetologists in Mumbai for Top notch Services in India
 One of the most commonly heard condition is diabetes across the world, which is the increase of blood sugar level commonly termed as ‘blood sugar’. Our body consumes blood glucose as the dominant form of energy from the food we eat. A hormone named insulin helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough or any insulin or doesn’t use insulin glucose your blood stream lead to several health problems. Though! There is no permanent care for diabetes, it can be managed to live healthy and long.
What are the Different Types of Diabetes?
The different types of diabetes treated in India under the Top Diabetologists in Navi Mumbai are as follows.
·  Type1 and Type2 Diabetes: These are one of the most common diabetes types, in type1 your body doesn’t make insulin leading to the destruction of the cell producing insulin in your pancreas. It is mostly found in children and these children are being administered with insulin every day. Type 2 diabetes can be developed at any stage unlike Type1 and in this case body doesn’t make or use insulin well.
·  Gestational Diabetes: It is developed in women during pregnancy in almost every case it goes away after the baby is born but they still have a greater chance of developing type2 diabetes later in life.
·  Monogenic Diabetes: Certain mutation causes alteration in a single gene leading to monogenic forms of diabetes. Also known as neonatal diabetes mellitus it form 1-4 in all the diabetes forms.
Common diabetes symptoms are:
•           Unusual weight loss or gain
•           Excessive thirst and appetite
•           Blurred vision
•           Fatigue
•           Increased urination
•           Nausea and vomiting
•           Dry mouth
•           Slow healing sores or cuts
Top Diabetes Clinics in Navi Mumbai
India is known for its advances medical facilities, Top Diabetes Clinics in Navi Mumbai provides comprehensive care to the patients and is known for its international standards for years now. Some of the best diabetes care centers in Navi Mumbai are as follows:  are
1.      Sweets Clinics in Vashi, Mumbai
2.      Apollo Sugar Clinic
3.      Stemrx Bioscience Solutions
4.      Swastik Clinic
5.      Isttavic Health Care
6.      Apollo Spectra Hospital
7.      Jiwadaya Healthcare Pvt Ltd.
8.      Lifespan Diabetes Clinic
9.      Laxmi Multispeciality Hospital & Icu
10.  AyurDiet Cure.
 Best Diabetes Specialists in Navi Mumbai
Today, many global patients book their diabetes surgery and treatments at Top Diabetes Clinics in Vashi, Mumbai. We are one of the leading medical value partner having association with the best healthcare facilities and the top diabetes specialists across the country and assisting patients to get cure for diabetes.
The best diabetes surgeon in Mumbai, have been recognized internationally for their skills, expertise and care. These surgeons are committed to offer continuous quality improvement, evidence based medications, curative and preventive medicine at an ethnically based affordable state of the art environment at the top diabetes clinics in Mumbai.
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4 Drinks To Regulate Blood Sugar Levels - How To Manage Diabetes Naturally
Diabetes: Here are 4 drinks that you can include in your diet to manage blood sugar levels better:
1. Karela Juice
Karela juice is said to be great for diabetics. It helps regulate the blood sugar levels in your body. According to Nutritionist , Karela juice tends to make your insulin active; the sugar would be used adequately and not get converted into fat, which could also help in losing weight. Moreover, karela juice contains active substance known as charantin that is known as blood-glucose lowering agent. A glassful of karela juice in the morning could help regulate and manage blood sugar levels effectively.
2. Methi Water
One of the most effective natural remedies is methi dana. A study found that a daily dose of 10 grams of fenugreek seeds soaked in hot water may help control type-2 diabetes. Methi dana water has the ability to lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. It contains fibre and helps in slowing down digestion process, further regulating the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar. The fenugreek water also helps in improving the way your body uses sugar.Best diabetes treatment center in Vashi
Diabetes: It helps regulate the blood sugar levels in your body
3. Barley Water (Jau)
Barley or jau water is high in insoluble fibre, which makes it good for diabetics. It is recommended for diabetics as it helps stabilise blood glucose levels. Make sure you drink unsweetened barley water to get effective results. The antioxidant properties of barley water also helps keep many diseases at bay.
4. Green Tea
According to a study published in the journal BMC Pharmacology, green improved glucose metabolism in healthy participants. The drink also lowered blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. While the researchers claim that green tea is effective in managing diabetes, they still need to conduct more studies.
Do not forget to eat healthy food and lead a physically active life along with adding these drinks. Make sure you consult your Diabetologist in Vashi before bringing them into use.
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We Human's have an impossible to miss frame of mind with regards to our wellbeing. We frequently will in general overlook a minor torment, fever or scratches. We regularly trust that our body will recuperate itself… In many cases that exactly what our body does. Notwithstanding, the equivalent isn't the situation with regards to Diabetes. Diabetes is properly called the Silent Killer and all things considered. Diabetes does not enable body to recuperate in a typical way. Henceforth, diabetic patient can't and ought not trifle with even minor damage. For the most part, Diabetic patient just check their sugar test (fasting and post lunch sugar). On the off chance that their sugar parameters are in the typical range, they trust they are doing fine and approach their everyday practice, without a consideration on the planet. It gives them a misguided feeling that all is well and good, that their diabetes is in charge and thusly they won't experience the ill effects of some other diabetic inconvenience. Sadly, that isn't the situation and such diabetics should even now go for a total diabetes registration atleast once per year while keeping a customary catch up with their Diabetologist. Take the instance of one our normal patients, who had her glucose under wraps had quite recently done her yearly Heart Rate Variability (HRV) test at Sweet facility. The test featured that she has a coronary condition. Following which our Diabetologist further examined her for diabetes related coronary manifestations and in the end proposed to experience an angiography. Not at all like an ordinary individual who might have chest torment and unexplained perspiring, a diabetic patient with a heart condition just has some shortness of breath and a sentiment of greatness. Which is the side effects she appeared. Her angiogram demonstrated a heart square and she needed to experience an angioplasty. This present patient's adherence to her diabetologist development and yearly testing convention helped spare her life. So also, numerous diabetics can spare themselves from life-threating conditions by essentially appearing for their diabetologist conference and customary tests. One must comprehend that diabetes can influence heart, eyes, kidneys, veins, feet, mind or some other organ with no reasonable side effects. It is as yet a puzzle why in certain diabetics,diabetes specialist clinic in Vashi it influences the heart while in others influencing an alternate organ, a few examinations propose it identified with an individual's hereditary qualities. Regardless, what we can be sure of is that a diabetic patient by and large has a higher glucose level than what is perfect for the human body. This expansion in glucose first begins influencing the moment veins called vessels by making them more slender. These are available in all organs of the body by making them more slender. The principal change happens at the moment dimension of these vessels. It is through the vessels that every organ gets their oxygen and supplements and furthermore send their waste items to the blood to be discharged out of the body later. Henceforth, amid the underlying phases of any diabetic, confusions are manifestation less. For instance if kidney is getting influenced by diabetes, at the beginning, the individual will have no gripes at all. Indeed, even the blood marker test results (Kidney Function Test - Blood Urea and Creatinine) will be inside worthy breaking points. Best diabetes treatment center in Vashi This happens in light of the fact that kidney, similar to a decent fighter, will attempt it's ideal to keep up typical usefulness. Its solitary when the kidney can't support its typical working that the blood markers demonstrate a spike. This is when most diabetics will begin seeing some uneasiness or torment. In any case, these progressions happen at an exceptionally moderate rate and cautioning signs can be recognized before any real change in the organ happens. For instance, keeping a mind the pee protein test (miniaturized scale egg whites test) can enable a diabetologist to realize that the kidney is getting pushed (even before the patient encounters any indications) and find a way to spare the organ from further harm. Thus, It is essential for any diabetic to go for a total diabetes registration. Correspondingly, diabetic retinopathy which is known to make irreversible harm the eye, even visual impairment in certain patients can be forestalled by an essentially going for a yearly diabetes explicit eye test … Henceforth, a diabetic patient can never be excessively careless and should just consider typical glucose levels with a spot of salt. They should visit their diabetologists consistently and complete those particular tests to be very certain that diabetes isn't influencing any of their different organs antagonistically. In view of our experience of treating in excess of 3000 diabetes patients, we at Sweet Clinics have presented the Sweet Secure and Sweet Shield, total diabetes care programs that ensure every single early marker for diabetic intricacy is estimated.Diabetic Centre in vashi Our diabetologist and super master specialist group are constantly accessible to enable our patients to carry on with a sound and upbeat life.
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