#Best Design African Clothes
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"South Carolina is preparing to put up its first individual statue for an African American on its Statehouse lawn, honoring a man who put on Confederate clothes in order to steal a slaveholder’s ship and sail his family and a dozen others to freedom during the Civil War.
But Robert Smalls isn’t just being honored for his audacious escape. He spent a decade in the US House, helped rewrite South Carolina’s constitution to allow Black men equality after the Civil War and then put up a valiant but doomed fight when racists returned to power and eliminated nearly all of the gains Smalls fought for.
State Rep. Jermaine Johnson can’t wait to bring his children to the Statehouse to finally see someone who is Black like them being honored.
“The man has done so many great things, it’s just a travesty he has not been honored until now. Heck, it’s also a travesty there isn’t some big Hollywood movie out there about his life,” said Johnson, a Democrat from a district just a few miles from the Statehouse.
The idea for a statue to Smalls has been percolating for years. But there was always quiet opposition preventing a bill from getting a hearing. That changed in 2024 as the proposal made it unanimously through the state House and Senate on the back of Republican Rep. Brandon Cox of Goose Creek.
“South Carolina is a great state. We’ve got a lot of history, good and bad. This is our good history,” Cox said.
What will the Robert Smalls memorial look like?
The bill created a special committee that has until January 15 to come up with a design, a location on the Statehouse lawn and the money to pay for whatever memorial they choose.
But supporters face a challenging question: What best honors Smalls?
If it’s just one statue, is it best to honor the steel-nerved ship pilot who waited for all the white crew to leave, then mimicked hand signals and whistle toots to get through Confederate checkpoints, while hoping Confederate soldiers didn’t notice a Black man under the hat in the pale moonlight in May 1862?
Or would a more fitting tribute to Smalls be to recognize the statesman who served in the South Carolina House and Senate and the US House after the Civil War? Smalls bought his master’s house in Beaufort in part with money made for turning the Confederate ship over to Union forces, then allowed the man’s penniless wife to live there when she was widowed.
Or is the elder Smalls who fought for education for all and to keep the gains African Americans made during the Civil War the man most worth publicly memorializing? Smalls would see a new constitution in 1895 wipe out African Americans’ right to vote. He was fired from his federal customs collector job in 1913 when then President Woodrow Wilson purged a large number of Black men out of government jobs.
Or would it be best to combine them all in some way? That’s how Republican Rep. Chip Campsen, an occasional ship pilot himself, sees honoring one of his favorite South Carolinians.
“The best way to sum up Robert Smalls’ life is it was a fight for freedom as a slave, as a pilot and as a statesman,” Campsen said."
-via AP, Octtober 23, 2024
#south carolina#united states#us politics#robert smalls#black history#black excellence#civil war#us history#memorial#african american history#good news#hope
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FE3H Faction Fashion Aesthetics
Making a personal resource for myself and others to use. Hoping to make it easier for myself when designing ocs for the universe going forward. It's a lot more obvious in Three Hopes than in Three Houses, but the same thing applies.
Adrestian Empire

Exemplifying the supposed opulence of Adrestia, there are a lot of curves and flares in Adrestian armor and clothing. While the armor is built with a heavy emphasis on form, it does not sacrifice function. They favour the warmer colour spectrum, with some exception.
Tassles, fringe, balloon hems, and large capes are used en masse, creating a larger, tapered frame that can also be interpreted as imposing or meant to attract attention. Like the large plumage of a peacock or, well, an eagle.
They style themselves like birds, a regal distraction from their strength. (How appropriate.)
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus/Faeghus Dukedom

Layers, layers, Layers.
The clothing in Faeghus is entirely meant to keep you warm, and the armor is layered, sturdy, and functional. Even the mages and speed focused warriors wear layers to protect themselves from the elements, usually following the cooler colour spectrum.
Accessories and jewelry are typically simple - likely a nod to the poverty of the country itself and a focus on knightly culture - and most of the catching details come in the form of colour and the way the layers are implemented.
Also, very important, furs!! Like the manes of lions, nearly all of the noble characters hailing from Faerghus in Three Hopes wear some form of fur. (Sylvain is the only exception to this rule, as he wears a scarf instead.)
Leicester Alliance/Federation

Leicester has very little in the way of cohesive clothing design. That is, however, because there is a heavy emphasis on form and ease of movement.
The armor is typically light, if available at all, and is comfortably located primarily around the chest. Clothing is loose and airy, a physical representation of the city-state's very fluid nature.
As for the colours, they are vibrant and colour a wide range of the spectrum, not totally centered around one particular side - another nod to their unorthodox standard of living. Spots, eye-catching patterns, and long fluid lines -- that's the Golden Deer for you.
Duscur, Brigid, and Almyra

So, it took some digging, but I believe a lot of the basis for these three specific places is heavily borrowed from African, Celtic/Hawaiian, and Persian cultures respectively.
Using Dedue as the basis, Duscur style appears to be very much inspired by a mix of the ancient Nubians - particularly the Kushites - and the ancient Egyptians. Focusing mainly on the golden or potentially copper adornments and textiles he wears, I imagine their style was heavily focused on mixing patterns with a wide array of colour. (Dedue mixes that alongside Faerghus-style armor and layering, a very good example of character-driven character design.)
At first, I had assumed Brigid had more of a Hawaiian leaning due to a number of factors concerning Petra specifically, how the location is a tropical archipelago historically sought after for resources/colonization by foreign armies, and a lot of... other less than savoury historical tidbits. But, after some research, I discovered a lot of Celtic inspirations as well! Flowing clothing with form fitted areas only where necessary, tattoos around the arm and upper back, golden neck rings and bangles, and elaborate hair braiding styles are the name of the game on Brigid.
Almyra is, almost incredibly so, inspired by the ancient Persian (Achaemenid) Empire -- an empire known for its warriors and its lustre. So, you know what that means. Gold. Gold everywhere. But only elite warriors (or royalty, in the case of Shahid and Claude) use gold in their armor, so for a lower soldier, iron and bronze work best. Natural colors like yellow, orange, and green are commonly used for their loose and flowy clothing, normally accented by deep browns, black, and white linens. Like the Duscur people, they too use complex patterns and dyes. Boots and shoes are sometimes curved at the tips, but greaves are not. Head accessories range from headwraps to turbans to tiaras and diadems.
#fe3h#few3h#midday thoughts#fire emblem#adrestian empire#holy kingdom of faerghus#leicester alliance#duscur#brigid#almyra#character design#art analysis
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I know you probably don't want to talk about this anymore, but I'm still really curious. Genshin Natlan characters have been revealed, and I want to know your opinion
Taking a long sigh. The fact that you seem hesitant to ask this means you probably have an idea of what my response would be like. Just so I don't have to end up making multiple posts about this topic, I'm gonna try to include everything here. If I forget something and someone asks later, I might be willing to address it.
So, heads up. This is a long rant. Shiny rants. Disclaimer, I am Mexican-American, so I believe I have some say on some of the cultures involved in this fiasco. Some of them, not all. That being said, I'll try to handle the others with as much respect as possible, but forgive me if I make a mistake somewhere.
I stopped playing genshin when Sumeru was announced. Despite me not having any affiliation with the cultures represented by Sumeru, I remember being livid as some of y'all might recall. So, let's start off with:
THE AMALGAMATION OF CULTURES. This meaning how very weird it is that somehow the european/east asian cultures get their own distinct nation dedicated to one sole peoples while brown/black cultures get meshed into one unrecognizable figure. Mondstadt is based off Germany, Liyue is based off China, Inazuma is based off Japan, Fontaine is based off France. On the other hand, Sumeru is a mix of south asia, the middle east, and north africa while Natlan takes that a step further by involving Incan, Mayan, Maori, Yoruban, and Hopi cultures (of what we know so far).
Why are all these other nations so carefully crafted and picked, but it feels as if for Natlan and Sumeru, the developers put up a map and grabbed some darts, then decided to use whatever culture wherever a handful of darts landed on the board? In the way they're handling it, it feels like these cultures are nothing but an accessory to them. An excuse to make these "exotic" looking characters, but not even make them properly due to the horrible designs and lack of melanin (these are two topics I will come back to).
It feels like they got lazy, and/or they clearly don't care enough to do in depth research properly as they might've done with past nations. The best example I've seen of this is Yunjin and Ororon. Yunjin is a beautiful example of a character done right and respectfully, as she is meant to be a Chinese opera singer. They even went so far as to hire an actual Chinese opera singer for a song she performs in-game. However, Ororon takes the name of "Olorun" which is a Yoruban deity, but when you look at this character's design, there is nothing that would even hint towards the fact that he's meant to be African.
This brings me to the second part, CULTURE AS COSTUMES. As mentioned previously, nothing about this Ororon character portrays the fact that he's meant to be African. NOTHING. If you do not know what he looks like, the character named after a Yoruban god is quite literally just a pale anime boy in edgy clothing and has some type of dog/cat/animal ears. I am not joking. That is what he looks like. If you don't believe me, look it up.
Do you know what the saddest part about all this is? It's the fact that I guarantee you, sometime in the future when Ororon appears in-game, gets his own quest, then his own banner, all that jazz, the chances of images of him appearing when you look up Olorun are high. In fact, when Sumeru was announced, I vividly remember doing research on the characters there were announced, such as Al-Haitham. When you looked up the name Al-Haitham then, google showed an Islamic astronomer. However, if you look up the name now, you immediately get builds and character guides and art of genshin's Al-Haitham, which is horrible when you really think about it. Because the same thing happened to Dehya (a Berber warrior queen), and it's about to happen to Kachina (Hopi spirits), Kinich (Mayan Sun God), Mualani (a princess of Hawaii), etc.
When you look at these characters, Natlan and Sumeru included, most of their designs don't even look as if they're portraying a culture. For now, I'll focus on Natlan.
Kinich is supposed to be Mayan, however, nothing about his design is giving Latino or indigenous Mayan. As a Mexican, I should be able to look at him and say, 'hey, he looks kinda like me or my cousins! Oh, I recognize those patterns, or that type of footwear/shirt/pants/headwear.' SOMETHING to that degree, but if you had shown me him and I didn't know, I would have never guessed.
Another infuriating design is Murata, the pyro archon. Tell me why does she look like a futuristic biker girl instead of a Maori/Polynesian warrior? The level of disrespect, ESPECIALLY because according to what I've gathered, her name is based off an actual entity/deity.
Time to point out the obvious, and I'm gonna say it but WHY ARE THEY WHITE? Yes, I know the argument about how not everyone from latino/arab cultures is brown, I know. But not everyone is white either, so please, get over it. If the entirety of Fontaine can be white because they're French, by that same logic, wouldn't it makes sense to make the entirety of Natlan brown/black because they're indigenous/african?
It lies well within hoyo's abilities to include colored characters. They have millions of dollars and they say they want a global audience, they just don't do it because there is major colorism there. Saying "but they're a Chinese company!" is no excuse either, because then that would be automatically classifying them as ignorant of anything outside of China when they clearly are not if they utilize strong elements of hip-hop and jazz (both with origins in African American communities) in their other games, want to pick these cultures like accessories on a shelf, and make brown/black npc enemies with locs and other poc features. I won't immediately jump to blaming the designers either, because it's probably that they have tried presenting ideas that do actually cater to the wider audience and poc people, but they were most likely turned down by higher-ups.
Anyways, I've been typing this for a while now and my mind is blanking. I'm sure I had more to say but I currently cannot remember it. I'm glad people are FINALLY speaking out against this, it's about time and actually late because the outrage around this should've happened back in Sumeru but better late than never.
If you don't agree with me or my takes on this, don't even bother trying to look for a response because I'm not gonna argue about this. That's about it for now though.
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Soul Eater has always been a bizarre case. on one end of the spectrum there's characters like Kilik Rung, Mira Nygus, and even major manga antagonist Noah. on the other end there's the infamous bg jazz band that are straight up minstrels (they look identical in the manga. this was not studio bones' artistic liberty) and the death scythe repping Africa named Dengu Dinga who wears a mashup of "african flavoured" clothing. and then there's Sid, obviously i can't pass judgement on what's good or bad design rep but there certainly was a scene where Maka literally calls him a "mean blue gorilla"..
sorry for rambling, but Ohkubo absolutely takes inspiration from graffiti art and hip hop aesthetics in his work which makes the antiblackness even more disrespectful
Feel free to ignore that ask if the topic is bogging you down btw, I didn't see your last post if you're done engaging with the topic for now feel free to delete it. Looking forward to what you do with strawberry moon <3
Oh dude you're good. I just needed a nap before I answered more lol. I'll try and answer as many of these as I can because I'm honestly enjoying the discussion even though I have to step away from it for a bit. It's triggering to me but not in a way that I can't talk about it, just bogs down my mind ya know?
Anyway, I've never watched Soul Eater so I had no idea of the Black characters in the show! I had to look them up and I see what you're saying. Mira is a stereotype because I'd consider her a sexualized Black woman in this context. Kilik is like 100% fine to me at a glance, like he just looks like a Black guy though there may be some writing I'm missing that still makes him a stereotype.
I had no idea that he was influenced by graffiti art but I TOTALLY see it now in his shape language. Sid is by far the worst since he still has the big white teeth and a more 'gangster' aesthetic. Especially considering the time period Soul Eater was released, it's in poor taste at best and still perpetuating Black stereotypes at worse.
Anime is it's own sub-genre of racism in animation. White people LOOOOOVE to say "oh it's a different culture and they don't know" LMAO YES THEY DO DON'T PLAY stop infantilizing Asians you fucking sickos.
Colorism alone is such an issue in Asian countries. I've lived with people from China, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines. I've heard first hand accounts of people from the Philippines being treated like lesser human beings just for having a slightly darker skin-tone and don't get me started on how Chinese imperialism has impacted Taiwanese people. I'm not going to speak for disenfranchised Asian people but it's easy to find if you look it up. But my point is if colorism is that prevalent, imagine how much worse it is when your entire culture has a history of being exploited to the point that blackface is a worldwide issue.
Also the Boondocks exists and though not a perfect example, it still has some of the best depictions of Black people in an anime style. There's no excuse to draw racist stereotypes when there's literally 5 seasons worth of overall solid Black character designs that can be referenced for other series.
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If anyone is interested in seeing someone else's message to HYV customer service in order to use or inspire your own, here is mine:
I used parts of Anilyan's template and personalized it to me!
Upon further advice, it would be best to make messages more succinct and to the point!
Dear Genshin Impact Team,
Regarding the skin color discussion started by the reveal of Natlan characters:
We fans understand that the world of Teyvat is fictional, and that the Nations and characters are informed by different real cultures that end up being mixed to create a fictional setting. But it’s also undeniable that some Nations in the world of Genshin are primarily inspired by some cultures more than others, and that character traits tend to reflect the main countries the Nation they inhabit is based on. Nothing in this world is truly without reference and disconnected from some culture, even if it is conglomerated into a fictional setting.
We see and appreciate all the hard work that has gone into creating and bringing to life such a robust and beautiful game. Thus, it’s a shame that all that effort is being drowned by the obvious racism and colorism reflected in the Sumeru and Natlan designs. It would make sense to have characters with significantly darker skin tones in Natlan and Sumeru, and many fans hoped for that with the new upcoming region.
It is blatant disrespect to ignore the African, SWANA, Rroma, and Indigenous cultures by stealing many aspects of these cultures, such as landscapes, names, music, clothing and fashion styles, without properly representing the skin color and ethnicities of these peoples.
Please, significantly darken their skin tones. And please properly correct and respect the words and names of these cultures’ deities.
I have played Genshin Impact every single day since I started in version 1.1, and spent roughly thousands of dollars on characters I love and cherish, all in support of your game which brings many people happiness. Unfortunately, me and countless others are no longer willing to monetarily support and play Genshin Impact and other Hoyoverse games because of the clear lack of respect for proper representation of skin color diversity.
Hoyoverse has proven capable of changing and adjusting their values over time - we still believe you can recognize your mistake and fix it. You are a company that heavily supports fan and fan works, and who constantly invests in things that have a positive impact in society, which is why many people like to support you, and why this is so disappointing to see.
I know myself and many others are eager to see positive changes, because the Natlan characters designs have so much potential.
Do not let this taint your legacy. Tech otakus were supposed to change the world, remember? And perpetuating colorism is not how you should do it.
I would be immensely grateful if my feedback were forwarded to the appropriate departments- I appreciate all of the customer service workers' hard and dedicated work.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
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BHM 2025 - Black Fashion Figures: Patrick Kelly, Part 2
Kelly was, and still is, met with criticism in large part due to his willingness to lean into stereotypes and to incorporate racist iconography in his designs. Obvious examples include the Golliwog logo he sewed or screen printed all over garments, and his gifting of piccaninny dolls at fashion shows. Artists like Sequoia Barnes argue that Kelly was using fashion and engaging with the politically subversive nature of camp. To her, "the clothes were so over the top that it was obvious that it was a farce." She explains that artists in other mediums were met with less criticism, and questions whether the resistance Kelly's work is due to fashion still being seen as a consumerist artistic medium.
As mentioned previously, Kelly's designs were praised for their broad appeal and marketability to various audiences. Regardless of their chosen medium, for many black artists, this often results in attracting non-black audiences. In Kelly's case, his use of historically charged imagery adds another layer to the debate. In a 2022 panel, his long-term partner, explained that the imagery was not always obvious to non-Americans. In fact, he only began to engage with the political nature of the designs years later, coming up with the interpretation that Patrick was pulling these objects out of obscurity to recontextualize them.
Never having been one to talk much about the meaning behind his choice, we will never know the original intent behind his work. Patrick Kelly's run as a designer was interrupted in August 1989 as Kelly was diagnosed with AIDS, and he passed away from complications on January 1st 1990.
Thanks to all the CC creators: @serenity-cc, @madlensims, @gorillax3-cc and @helgatisha for the sick pose.
A short personal take, sources and more under the cut.
Must read and/or watch:
Trigger Figure: Patrick Kelly’s Reclamation of Racist Iconography
Patrick Kelly: Reclaiming Racist Memorabilia
"So We Don’t Forget Each Other”: Patrick Kelly and the Politics of Gifting
Patrick Kelly: Reclaiming Racist Memorabilia
Patrick Kelly: Fashion, Life, and Legacy
From the Archives: Patrick Kelly – An American in Paris
Reference photo:
Word vomit:
I feel like that meme about not reading all of this but researching Patrick Kelly made me think a lot. It's a tricky discussion, and while I am a black African who grew up in North America, I am not African-American. All this to say, this is just my interpretation.
It's very difficult to reconcile with the use of blackface or any similar symbolism, whether that be in the past, present, or future. I disagree with the idea that fashion is a lesser form of art because it is so intrinsically linked to consumerism, the fact remains that many people still consume it without limited thoughts on what designers are trying to say. This idea was proved by my research and the anecdote shared by his long-term partner. Also, Kelly presented his work as fun and playful which differentiated him from the "cerebral" Japanese designers. I'm not saying he is to blame, but I do think he might have appealed to an audience that was looking for edgy and fun clothes and not one that would've immediately made the connections with the imagery.
Black artists and designers, especially the ones who try to be subversive because of their art are in a tough position because it can land in the hands of an audience that does not have the cultural background or media literacy to fully dissect it. I mean, we've seen it play out all of last year and even this week-end. Best-case scenario, the audience understands part of the message but extends the artist's position to that of the entire black community. I think in the case of Kelly had the right to let his art speak for itself, but I can't help but feel that it was detrimental to his legacy. In one of the panels I listened to, the speaker explained that even art students, who had the cultural baggage to analyze his art, struggled to engage with it.
So all in all, I don't have a conclusion other than, personally? Not for me. I guess I can kind of see what he was trying to do?
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Iris Apfel was finally recognised as a great, original fashion stylist in her 80s, when the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum in New York had a sudden gap in its 2005 exhibition schedule. Many curators knew Apfel, who has died aged 102, as a collector stashing away clothes, especially costume jewellery, both couture-high and street-market-low, so the institute asked to borrow some of her thousands of pieces.
When Apfel wore them herself, dozens at a time in ensembles collaged fresh daily, they had zingy pzazz, so she was invited to set up the displays. There was no publicity budget, and her name was modestly known only in the interior decor trade, yet the show, Rara Avis: Selections from the Iris Apfel Collection, became a huge success after visitors promoted it online. It toured other American museums, changing exhibits en route because Apfel wanted her stuff back so she could wear it.
Apfel’s grandfather had been a master tailor in Russia; her father, Samuel Barrel, supplied mirrors to smart decorators; her chic mother, Sadye (nee Asofsky), had a fashion shop. They lived out in rural Astoria, in the Queens borough of New York, where Iris was born.
As a child, her treat was a weekly subway trip to Manhattan to explore its shops, her favourites the junk emporia of Greenwich Village. She was short, plain and, until her teen years, plump, but she had style; and the owner of a Brooklyn department store picked her out of a crowd to tell her so. During the Depression all her family could sew, drape, glue, paint and otherwise create the look of a room, or a person, on a budget of cents – the best of educations.
She studied art history at New York University, then qualified to teach and did so briefly in Wisconsin before fleeing back to New York to work on Women’s Wear Daily. Furniture and fabrics were in short supply during and after the second world war, and Iris began to earn by sourcing antiques and textiles; if she could not find it, she could make or fake it cheaply.
In 1948 she married Carl Apfel, and they became a decorating team: he had the head for business and she the eye. Unable to find cloth appropriate to a period decor, Iris adapted a design from an old piece and had it woven in a friend’s family mill; she and Carl then set up Old World Weavers in 1952, commissioning traditional makers around the globe.
Photographs and home-movie footage from the next four decades showed Apfel, adorned with elan, haggling for one-off items in souks, flea markets and bric-a-brac shops. She is the most decorative sight in each shot, her ensembles put together with complex cadenzas atop an underlying, tailored, structure– they are like jazz – not a statement, but a conversation.
Apfel was the last of those 20th-century fashion exotics who presented themselves as installations. Although she wore a priest’s warm tunic to the White House (President Richard Nixon underheated the place), plus armfuls of cheap African bracelets and thigh-high boots, she was not an exhibitionist like the Marchesa Casati, and, with her vaudevillian comic timing, was far funnier than the imperious Vogue editor Diana Vreeland.
Also, she never ever bought full-price: her many rails and under-the-bed suitcases of couture were sale-price samples, chosen for their cut, fabric, skilled craftwork and colour dazzle (“Colour can raise the dead”). She might wear them over thrift shop pyjamas, or under a Peking Opera costume, with hawsers of necklaces atop. Money could not buy personal style, she said, prettiness withered, beauty could corrode the soul. All that really mattered was “attitude, attitude, attitude”.
Old World Weavers discreetly refurbished the White House under nine presidents, as well as grand hotels and private houses, before the Apfels sold the company in 1992. They retired to a quiet life in their apartment on Park Avenue, New York, its decor an extension of Apfel’s outfits (bad garment choices were cut up for cushions), and in a Palm Beach holiday home where the Christmas decoration collection stayed up all year round, along with cuddly toys and museum-class folk art. Clothes shopping, and the improvisation of an outfit, became Apfel’s daily ritual, as cooking might be to a gourmet.
But after the Met show, and a book, Rare Bird of Fashion (2007), Apfel was back in as much full-time employment as she could manage in her 80s and 90s (she had a hip replacement because she fell after stepping on an Oscar de la Renta gown). She was cover girl of Dazed and Confused, among many other publications, window display artist at Bergdorf Goodman, designer and design consultant – superb on eye-glasses; she wore large, owl-like, frames to stylise her aged face into a witty, unchanging, cartoon.
She took seriously her responsibilities to fashion students on her course at the University of Texas, teaching them about imagination, craft and tangible pleasures in a world of images.
Her career lasted – nothing was ever too late: in 2018, Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon, a book of memoir and sound style advice; in 2019, a contract with the model agency IMG; and last year, a beauty campaign for makeup with Ciaté London. The documentarian Albert Maysles trailed her for Iris (2014), filming this “geriatric starlet” – her term – as she dealt drolly with new high-fashion friends, or laughed at an “Iris” Halloween costume (glasses, a ton of bangles).
She watched as a storage loft of her antique treasures was listed in lots for sale, and as white-gloved assistants from museums that had begged a bequest boxed up her garments; she still had, and wore, the shoes from her wedding. All things, she said, were only on loan in this world, even to collectors. The point was to enjoy them to the full before bidding them good-bye.
Carl died in 2015.
🔔 Iris Barrel Apfel, decorator and fashion stylist, born 29 August 1921; died 1 March 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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Hello, I just read your theories about Wesker and Chris in RE9, very interesting! I'd love to see more interactions between them and exploring how obsessed they are with eachother.
I wanted to ask if you have any wishes regarding the probably soon coming RE5 Remake? I'd love if they put more homoerotic tension between them, I am just fascinated by their relationship XD from subordinate who trusted his captain and looked up to him and captain who called him his best man and saying that he's proud of him to archnemesis
Hello, thank you for the question and for taking the time for my theories!
I expect the re5 remake to have reimagined locations, normal lvl design. I like the levels in re5, but often they are not very convenient or aesthetic, I'm sure that in the remake it will be fixed and make a good map of the area, as they did in re4r, where they fixed all the shortcomings of the locations. And...
From my personal wishes for the remake of re5 I would emphasize Wesker's emotions. The thing is that in re5 he has a very large set of various funny emotions, which are very cool. But in re4r he doesn't look like an emotional person, his face doesn't look like something that can compete with the original. I'd really like to see Wesker's new face adapted to emote. I don't like the idea of a complete reimagining of the character where he loses all the silly and fun things that make him himself.
I'd also like to see the volcano battle completely changed, or removed altogether. I never liked it, even though that battle is a lot of fun. But the undressed Wesker is too much, that scene made me question more than laugh. For example, why did he take his clothes off? Did he do it during the fall? It's a silly moment.
I also wish they had conveyed the atmosphere of the grueling African heat, showed that the enemy is not the only thing that threatens the lives of the heroes. I also miss the puzzles in this part, maybe adding more puzzles would be cool. After all the remakes, the developers have gained enough experience to make a decent reimagining of this game. Taking all the good things that were in re5 and multiplying it, as well as getting rid of the controversial moments and faulty decisions.
I know the game has issues with racism, there have been a lot of scandals with that. I'm sure they'll get rid of that too by fixing the controversial stuff. For example, in re4r they took away Luis' lewd joke, deepening his character and making his personality much more interesting.
I appreciate the modes in re5, Mercenaries is my love. I would love to see the updated characters in this mode. Speaking of which, I'd like to see the ability to fight in close quarters added to the game like in re6, getting rid of the annoying qte. That way we'd get Chris, who does a lot of damage up close, and Wesker, who is able to quickly shorten his distance and move around the entire location in a few seconds. Oh yeah, I already want to play as them.
About the relationship… I really wish they paid attention to the relationship between Chrisker, because they have a whole 10 years of history, betrayals and thwarted plans behind them. In re5 their relationship doesn't get the attention it deserves, so I hope for a remake. We as players have to believe in Wesker's hatred if it's present. Or is it now a deep interest in Chris as the perfect person? Lots of options. I'm not sure if the developers will make their relationship more homoerotic, since RE has almost no focus on romantic relationships…
Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Honestly, no matter how the re5 remake comes out, I'll love it any way I can, as it's my all time favorite RE game. We'll definitely get something high level, as Capcom will never make the mistake of re3r again.

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Luxury, By US: Luxury Looks Good on Us, Don’t You Think?
Luxury, By Us is a celebration of Black excellence in the luxury space. From fashion and jewelry to beauty and lifestyle, this series is dedicated to showcasing the brilliance, creativity, and opulence of Black-owned brands and designers. It’s not just about aesthetics—it’s about reclaiming luxury as something we’ve always deserved, created, and embodied.
Through this series, I’ll take you on a journey through the best of Black luxury, starting with The Style Sovereign. Whether you’re looking for bold statement pieces, timeless classics, or innovative designs, each post will spotlight brands that redefine what it means to be luxurious, by us and for us.
The Style Sovereign
In this debut edition of Luxury, By Us, we’re honoring the regal artistry of Black-owned brands that redefine luxury, one stitch at a time—starting with The Style Sovereign.
This fashion edit isn’t just about clothes; it’s about power moves, bold statements, and pieces that tell a story. These brands don’t just make fashion—they create moments. Let’s dive into the Black designers who are giving luxury the energy it’s been missing.
Black designers have long been architects of elegance, blending bold creativity with timeless sophistication. This series honors their contributions by spotlighting brands that are not only luxurious but rooted in heritage, excellence, and innovation.
Today, we begin with Fumi The Label—a brand that seamlessly merges modernity with bold, unapologetic style. Known for its impeccable tailoring, vibrant prints, and feminine power, Fumi The Label reminds us that fashion is a form of self-expression, and nothing is more luxurious than owning your narrative.

Fumi The Label
The Story Behind the Brand
Fumi The Label, founded by Toronto-based designer Fumi Egbon, was born from a vision to celebrate strength, femininity, and cultural heritage. The brand fuses modern silhouettes with traditional African textiles, creating a unique blend of contemporary elegance and vibrant storytelling. Known for bold minimalist designs and impeccable craftsmanship, Fumi’s pieces empower women to feel fierce, refined, and effortlessly chic, whether for everyday wear or special occasions.
Signature Aesthetic
Fumi The Label’s aesthetic is a perfect mix of versatility and luxury, designed to transition seamlessly from day to night while keeping comfort at the forefront. With each collection, the brand captures that “understated drama” vibe—pieces that elevate your wardrobe while celebrating your individuality.

My Top Picks!
Fumi Fringe Knit Coat
It's made of super-soft, lofty yarn in a gorgeous, rich burgundy or classic black, accentuated by full fringes down the front, which add texture and complexity.
Camille Panelled Dress
Crafted with fine knit creating the perfect blend of style and allure. Our Camille Dress highlights your soft side and promises to accentuate your natural beauty.
Ariel Maxi Dress
An ombre ruffled dress, the perfect addition to your special occasion wardrobe. This dress features cascading ruffles and a low-cowl back that beautifully accentuates your silhouette.
Why Fumi The Label Defines Luxury
What makes Fumi The Label truly luxurious is not just the aesthetics, but the deep connection between its designs and the culture it celebrates. The brand's commitment to quality fabrics, ethical production, and attention to detail makes each piece feel like a work of art.
There’s a sense of empowerment that comes with wearing Fumi The Label. It’s not just about the clothes; it’s about the woman who wears them—bold, confident, and unapologetically sovereign in her style. The beauty of Fumi The Label lies in how it allows the wearer to embrace their inner royalty, to step into a world where elegance is not earned, but owned.
Explore the Brand
If you're ready to elevate your wardrobe and step into the world of Black luxury, I highly recommend exploring Fumi The Label. Their collections embody a fusion of modernity and tradition, empowering women to express themselves with elegance, strength, and grace.
Which piece from Fumi The Label speaks to your inner sovereign? Head over to check them out here and discover more of their breathtaking designs.

#style inspo#black women designers#black girl moodboard#feminine beauty#soft black girls#the style sovereign#fumi the label#luxurybyus#luxury life#luxe life#luxury#black girls in luxury
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A "DESERT LION" NAMES ANALYSIS + name meanings related hcs PT.1
And PT.2 here:
DISCLAIMER: if any of the information reported here is wrong or even just partially incorrect/imprecise, feel free to let me know; as my main sources for this analysis were Wikipedia and baby names sites (lol).

Nasser Mustafa <English Wiki> (Nasir Mustafa/Nasir Mustafà <alternative dub names>):

Nasser Mustafa
The Arabic name Nasser (and his alternative spelling Nasir), means "granter of victory".
Mustafa is one of the names of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and it means 'chosen', 'selected', 'appointed', 'preferred'. It's used both as a name and a surname.
From the moment Nasser was born, his parents, family, and tribal clan had great expectations of him. As the only male son of the chief, his name perfectly reflects the high expectations his father and everyone else has for him.
As a result, Nasser's parents' frequent verbal criticism, whenever their unrealistic expectations didn't quite meet reality, began to take a major toll on his psychological well-being from an early age. He began to link his self-worth to his efficiency and capabilities so much that soon negative self-talk, anxiety, and burnout became recurring struggles for him.
Whether it's in school, sports, personal relationships, or generally just life, failing is his worst fear.
He has a complicated relationship with Messer, but other than that he (tries and) gets along with everyone (probably due to his desperate need to be liked and fulfill the expectations his family has, or perhaps because he feels extremely lonely and vulnerable).
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Far Farouk <English Wiki> (Faraz Farooq <alternative dub names>):

Faraz Farouk
Faraz is a Persian gender neutral name that means “elevation”, and figuratively “one whose condition in life is improving”.
Farouk is an alternative spelling of the Arabic surname Farooq, which literally means "the one who distinguishes between right and wrong."
He's quite equilibrated in his way of living life.
His parents are kind and generous, as sharing what they have is their biggest joy-bringer. They're proud and supportive of their son's talent in making date cakes and encourage him to explore this culinary passion he possesses.
His father is a doctor and his mother a lawyer and both couldn't care less if their son chooses to pursue a high-status career like their own. They love him and his little sister so much that whatever brings a smile to their children's faces brings a smile to their own.
He was raised to be very objective, not easily swayable by illogical thinking and common opinions.
He's friendly with anyone, but he specifically enjoys hanging out with Musa, Djamel, Messer, and Seiyd.
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Bjorn Kyle <English Wiki> (a super random name choice imo) (Bilal Kalil/Bilial Kalil <alternative dub names>):

Bilal Kalil
Bilal is both a name and a surname of Arabic/African origin. It's meaning varies from site to site, but the main are "full moon", "moist", "water" and "refreshment". Bilal is also linked to the name of a companion of the prophet Muhammad who became the first person to call Muslims to prayer.
Kalil is a less common variant of the Arabic name/surname Khalil, which means "friend", "companion".
Bilal is not the friendliest and most approachable guy per se, but once you gain his trust and friendship, you can be sure to have a loyal friend.
His parents are affluent and successful Qatari and they have high expectations for their older son (he has younger twin siblings, a sister, and a brother).
He received the best care while growing up, attended prestigious schools, ate high-quality food, and wore refined clothes. Everything was designed to be perfect, except for one crucial element absent from his flawless lifestyle: his parents' support and unconditional love.
Bjorn always feels like a burden and believes he never lives up to his parents' expectations. Their cold and distant parenting left Bjorn feeling insecure and introverted, and he craves love more than he'd care to admit. The few friends he had growing up were carefully chosen by his family to align with their ambitious and success-driven social circle. They were sons of doctors, politicians, lawyers, etc., and didn't share any of Bjorn's interests or hobbies.
To add fuel to the fire, Bjorn realized early on that he didn't quite have an eye for the opposite sex like his so-called friends had, but needless to say, his environment was far from safe and supportive.
He knows very well what his family's stance on homosexuality is and he's already given up the prospect of living a happy domestic life with someone he actually loves a long time ago. He's terrified of what kind of consequences his eventual coming out would bring and prefers to behave under what he thinks is cowardice, rather than die at his parents' hands.
If he were to choose who he's closer to he'd probably pick Nasser and Zack.
He sympathizes deeply with the first, due to how similar their parents are in terms of how fake they are in loving and caring for them.
He thinks of him and Zack as like the moon and the sun. Zack is the sun in Bjorn's eyes because he's a whirlwind of pure warm energy, easy to be around, and genuine, as opposed to the kids he was forced to befriend. Whenever the darkness threatens to eat Bjorn alive, Zack becomes a beacon of light capable of leading the way out with his uninhibited optimism.
When he's with the Moroccan, the Qatari-born has finally the fleeting sensation of being free and safe.
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Djamel Djammadu <English Wiki> (Jamila Wali/Jamel Jamald <alternative dub names>):

Djamel Jammal
Djamel is the North African variant of the Arabic given name Jamil, which means "beauty", "radiant" and "handsome".
(Jamila is the feminine form of the masculine Arabic given name Jamil, and Jamel is very likely another variation or transliteration of the latter.)
Wali is a name based on Arabic short form of Wali Allah "friend of God", "protector". However, this surname is more common in Kashmiri Pundits than in Muslims.
(The surname Djammadu doesn't even exist on the internet, and Jamald, again, is possibly just another variation of the name Jamil. The only other surname I could find something about is Jammal; from the Arabic personal name Jammāl meaning "camel driver").
Djamel, the youngest of five siblings, has been spoiled rotten by his family and neighbors. His cuteness has definitely played a part, but he is also a very social kid, as he enjoys interacting with people.
Adults around him are always surprised when he engages in conversations about their country's economy and tourist industry, with extreme ease. He dislikes it so much when people automatically assume that just because he's young, he doesn't have the ability to talk confidently about certain matters.
Camels are his favorite animals, and because of this preference, he and Zack quickly became friends. Djamel is greatly interested and fascinated by his teammate's knowledge of such creatures, even though they don't get to speak about it often as Zack usually cuts the whole conversation short, as if embarrassed to be overheard talking about such things. Weird.
The teammates he's closer to are Zack, Far, Rajab, and Majidi.
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Musa Sirer <English Wiki> (Musa Sylla/Musa Saila <alternative dub names>):

Musa Sylla
Musa is a male name of Semitic origin, it's associated with the biblical Hebrew name Moses. In Arabic it takes the meaning of "saved from drowning".
Sylla is a surname prevalently found in Guinea, from the name of the Sylla clan of the Soninke people, it can be interpreted as meaning 'horse people'.
He can't swim for shit, lol. His parents tried when he was a toddler, but he just couldn't bring himself to stay calm when surrounded by water up to his ears.
On the other hand, he loves horses and knows a scary amount of facts about them. Just make the mistake of asking him about it, it's basically a hyperfixation.
When he was little and went to visit his grandparents every few months, his grandad would happily let him ride one of the most beautiful Arabian horses on their farm, as his grandparents used to own a stable for equestrian purposes. Musa never forgot his equine best friend once he passed away and that's how his love for these animals began growing. He'd love to have a stable of his own someday.
He considers Khalfan his best friend on the team. Another good friend of his is Yusuf, along with Far, and Seiyd.
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Yusuf M'hadi <English Wiki> (Yusuf Massoud/Yusuf Mahadei <alternative dub names>):

Yusuf Massoud
Yusuf is a male name meaning "God increases". It's the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew name Yosef and the English name Joseph.
Massoud is an Arabic/Persian given name and surname meaning "happy", "fortunate", "lucky" and "prosperous".
Yusuf is a happy-go-lucky person known to have disarming luck in everything he does.
He gets homesick very easily and can get quite anxious when change is involved.
His parents rooted in him a deep connection with Qatari cultural traditions, and sometimes that can lead to high expectations he holds for those around him (especially con-nationals) that don't get met.
Such misunderstandings bring some issues as he relates to others, especially with free-spirited and more Western-oriented teammates. More than once he feels the pull to "correct" the behavior of some of them when they act in a way that by his standards (often religious driven) is wrong and borders on being immoral.
But then again, he knows better than to do that (on one occasion he said the wrong thing to the right person, at the wrong moment, and by the end of the whirlwind of carefully crafted insults and harsh accusations of hypocrisy his comment triggered, Yusuf ended up crying his eyes out in his room out of embarrassment).
He's really close to Khalfan, Seiyd, and Far. He also enjoys the company of Nasser and Musa. He doesn't enjoy the infamous teammate's company anymore, but they used to be on good terms.
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Sulai Sulaiman <English Wiki> (Sulayk Sulaiman/Sly Salomon/Sly Sulayman <alternative dub names>):

Sulayk Sulaiman
Sulayk is an Arabic given name that means "traveller" and "walker".
(Sulai and Sly are not even actual names according to what little information I could find about them. Other smilar Arabic names I've found are Sulay and Suli, but apparently they're both female given names.)
Sulaiman is one of the many English transliteration of the Arabic name/surname Suleiman. It means "peaceful" and "man of peace" and corresponds to the Jewish name, Shlomoh, and the English one, Solomon.
He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet, always generous and considerate. He's non-confrontational, often trying to mediate or defuse fights when they break out.
He dreams of traveling around the world and plans to go on an exchange program abroad during his last year in preparatory school (Qatari public school service from age 13 to 15) and who knows; if he really likes the place maybe even for uni.
The sea has always fascinated him since he was a toddler, and whenever he can, he likes to spend his days at Khor Al Adaid (Inland Sea), a renowned tourist attraction located in the southeast of Qatar, where the sand dunes meet the sea.
I also have a hc about his ethnicity that I developed a few years ago when I first started to get into Desert Lion.
In my setting, he is originally Palestinian, born in Nazareth, and his family is of Arab-Christian descent. However, that never stopped him from befriending Adel, whose family is devoted to Islam. Even though their families follow different beliefs, they bonded quickly.
Zack is hilarious, but annoying when he bypasses boundaries for the sake of a joke. Nasser is super nice but also too stressed out and Bjorn is a good friend, yet sometimes he turns cold and ignores you for no apparent reason. That kinda hurts, but oh well!
Sulai gets along well pretty much with everybody on the team.
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Seiyd Armand <English Wiki> (Sayid Armand/Seid Armand <alternative dub names>):

Sayid Armand
Sayid is an alternative spelling of the name Sa'id, which means "blessed", "good luck", "joy" or "happy" and "patient".
Armand (Armand is a French name/surname, the closest Arabic (Persian) name/surname is Arman, meaning “wish” and “hope.”).
He is a patient person and usually maintains a good mood that is hard to spoil, tending to see the bright side of things, and having a very positive attitude toward life.
The relationship with his family, namely with his French-born father, is strained due to how contrasting their outlooks on life are. That is, much to his dismay because Seiyd's family is well-known around their hometown for their chronic pessimism.
Seiyd spends most of his time arguing with his overly dramatic father over daily events and how much his apparent bad luck influenced them.
If there's one thing Seiyd is not neutral about is how much he dislikes fatalistic individuals. However, it's not like he can just get rid of his own family, especially because despite all that negativity they seem to possess, he loves them to the moon and back.
Seiyd and Talal are really close friends. He also has a strong bond with Far, Bjorn, and Musa.
#inazuma eleven#ffi#desert lion#bjorn kyle#ina11#long ass post#Characters:#Nasser Mustafa#Far Farouk#Djamel Djammadu#Musa Sirer#Yusuf M'hadi#Sulai Sulaiman#Seiyd Armand
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diana <3

diana ross is an american singer and actress, the former lead singer of the supremes- one of the best selling girl groups in the world. she has 6 no.1 songs, a succesful career in films, the presidential medal of freedom and the kennedy center honors.
growing up diana wanted to be a fashion designer and took courses in millinery, clothing design, pattern making and tailoring. on evenings and weekends she took courses in modeling and cosmetology. she was heavily involved in school and clubs such as the swim team.
at 15 she joined a group called the primettes, and they auditioned to be signed to motown, but were told they had to graduate high school first. the group continued to come to the studio and did what they could to help other artists. in 1960 diana was hired to be detroit's first african-american bus girl, and she began working in a hairdressing salon. she graduated from high school in 1962.
when the group was signed they were re-named and called the supremes. the supremes are stil the best charting girl group ever, with 12 no.1 hits. their song "where did our love go" was transmitted to astronauts during the 1965 Gemini 5 mission. diana made her last appearance with the group in 1970.
she had a succesful career as a solo artist and was the first african american woman to co-host the academy awards. in terms of acting diana was nominated for the saturn award and golden globe award. she's been in tv spanning from 1964 to more recently in 2018. in total she's had 18 no.1 hits- 12 from the supremes and 6 from her solo work. she's continued to inspire big artists, and the supremes were added to the rockn roll hall of fame in 1988.
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white t-shirts are strictly a no to me because all of my favourite ones have fallen victim to horrible horrible laundry crimes. My first favourite white t-shirt was one passed down from my mother, with this incredible print from this african music festival my mum went to in france. It's literally the most precious shirt I own but I had left it behind at my boyfriend at the time's house and he wanted to be sweet and washed it for me. Except men literally know nothing about laundry of course so he had thrown it in with a bunch of smelly old towels, and red and dark clothes mixed in, and it came out stained pink and sooooo threadbare it literally was falling apart. I am still to this day so fucking heartbroken about that. Because I wasn't even that into him, despite the gesture it was unforgivable.. and maybe I need to face my autism and just wear that t-shirt despite it and let it get so destroyed and worn that I will have used it to it's dying breath, instead of trying to preserve it.
this is the design btw. I can't get a more high def picture of this poster anywhere.
more recently my other most precious white t-shirt that is also one of the only graphic tees I still wear, my I Saw John Maus Live t-shirt, got a hole in it from my best friends cats claws when I was snuggling him. This one is more forgivable, and the hole is not so big that it's too noticeable, and certainly doesn't affect the structural integrity of it in any way. But it is still a hole, it's still a weakness now put into the fabric of that shirt. And that shirt also fell victim to staining, which I had been so anal about cleaning that in carefully scrubbing it away I had also lightened that area of the print.
The Hysteric Glamour shirt is fine. It's wearable, the print is intact just fine, but still it's lost... it's lustre... It's been stripped of a quality that made it soooo enjoyable for me to wear which was it's smoothness. A nice, smooth, thick, high quality, fitted cotton t-shirt. But now, it's pilled...!
My other two favourite white t-shirts are Caley Feeney t-shirts, but I PURPOSEFULLY and TACTFULLY purchased flawed editions of her t-shirts to avoid this suffering. One had a hole in it the other one was unevenly printed, so I get around my autism by having hardy and imperfect garments which already show some wear or flaws which allow any further ones to be forgiven, even ignorable.
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The DroughtofApathy Theatre Awards Nominations:

Best Ensemble Stereophonic Jaja's African Hair Braiding Merrily We Roll Along Illinoise
Best New Song "Evanesce," Days of Wine and Roses (Adam Guettel) "Masquerade," Stereophonic (Will Butler) "East of Eden," Stereophonic (Will Butler)
Bad Accent Eddie Redmayne's Muppet Voice Whatever the fuck Jeremy Jordan was doing Colton Ryan's Muppet Voice from last season, I'm still not over it
Diva Performance of the Year Jennifer Simard, Once Upon a One More Time Jessica Lange, Mother Play Emily Skinner, Suffs
Most Incredible Scene Transition The I Need That home cleanup transition Opening up Jaja's African Hair Braiding shop Mary Jane's apartment set lifting up to reveal the hospital set Doubt revolving set Appropriate house falling into shambles with a tree and everything De-renovating the Broadway Theatre after Here Lies Love flopped

Most Beautiful Woman On Stage Bebe Neuwirth, Cabaret Kelli O'Hara, Days of Wine and Roses (bonus points for The Hours) Jessica Lange, Mother Play Anika Noni Rose, Uncle Vanya
Moment So Horrifyingly Bad I Physically Recoiled Eddie Redmayne as the Emcee singing "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" BEFORE the party Everything Gayle Rankin did on that stage "My name is Ponyboy//I'm the youngest of the three," lyric from The Outsiders The Hell's Kitchen book being allowed on Broadway at all
Most Hated Sound Designer Gareth Owen, The Who's Tommy Jon Weston, The Wiz Gareth Owen, Hell's Kitchen (hey, a doubly-bad showing) Brian Ronan, The Great Gatsby, but specifically those gunshots

Floppiest Flop Show How to Dance in Ohio Lempicka Here Lies Love Grey House Once Upon a One More Time
Weirdest Marketing/Publicity/Social/Design Decision How to Dance in Ohio only emphasizing "AUTISM REP" over everything that might have drawn in any kind of crowd at all.
The Lempicka social media team just straight-up lying with their pull-quotes and then doubling down and getting snide.
Broadway producer Greg Nobile's twitter discourse.
The Cabaret social media brand refusing to acknowledge Bebe Neuwirth exists and is the only thing holding that show together.
Who did the Days of Wine and Roses cast album design and like...why?
Can You Spell Miscast? Eddie Redmayne, Cabaret Gayle Rankin, Cabaret Eden Espinosa, Lempicka Basically all of The Wiz Doubly so for The Great Gatsby
Star-in-the-Making Sarah Pidgeon, Stereophonic The Grey House kids Hannah Cruz, Suffs Amber Iman, Lempicka Anna Zavelson, Encores! The Light in the Piazza (not Broadway, but I said what I said)

Criminally Underutilized Older Character Actress Jayne Houdyshell, Uncle Vanya Emily Skinner, Suffs Andrea Burns, The Notebook Beth Leavel, Lempicka Mia Katigbak, Uncle Vanya Bebe Neuwirth, Cabaret
Worst Audience Behavior The couple who stayed on their phones the whole time at The Wiz.
The guy who started screaming and fighting at the top of act two at Hell's Kitchen.
The drunk women at Melissa Etheridge who were singing and flailing the whole show.
Shrieking girls at Bad Gatsby whenever the leading man did anything.
Family in front of me at Heart of Rock and Roll.
Guy behind me at Cabaret crunching wine chips through all of act two.
Iconic Merch Item Rosie the Elephant, Water for Elephants: she's so soft and well-made and perfect and I love her and need her. Great American Bitch clothing, Suffs Mother Hat, Mother Play Tissue box, The Notebook
Moment that Had Me in Tears When *spoiler* off-stage, Jaja is taken in by ICE and her daughter can't find her and may face deportation herself.
Merrily We Roll Along overture.
Mary Jane breakdown over the music therapist.
All of Maryann Plunkett's masterful performance in The Notebook.
Me going home to sob over how they butchered Cabaret.
Kimberly Akimbo final performance, it might've opened last season, but fight me
Reading an article on the opening of the Bad Gatsby where a car hit a pedestrian right next to where all the celebrities were getting their photos taken and no one noticed. (tears of laughter-pedestrian was not hurt badly)
Single Best Costume Emily Skinner's Dorothy Louden coat Jennifer Simard, titties up and out as the Stepmother Sara Gettlefinger's fun jumpsuit and headscarf combo Anika Noni Rose entrance blue gown with the plunging neckline and deep v back Bebe Neuwirth's little pink nightie and phenomenal shawl Kate Baldwin's off-the-shoulder outfits in the regional production of A Little Night Music

Best Playbill Design Stereophonic - 10/10 no notes Suffs - Like the art style Illinoise - I really like the colors and art style Here Lies Love - I like the colors

Worst Playbill Design Cabaret - you should be ashamed of yourself. Not even the title Doubt - I know there was a last-minute replacement, but c'mon Lempicka - whoever did this should be taken out back and shot Spamalot - it's just the same damn design as the original, but brighter and worse
Tony Snub Laurie Metcalf, Grey House Jennifer Simard, Once Upon a One More Time Chip Zien, Harmony Days of Wine and Roses, Best Musical Grey House, Best Scenic Design of a Play
Cars on Broadway The Bad Gatsby cars that actually drive The Lempicka silver car that isn't green and doesn't drive The Illinoise concept car made out of props and actor's bodies The Back to the Future car that files and spins and shit
#broadway#theatre#welcome to the theatre: diary of a broadway baby#we're having fun over here at DOA headquarters
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Okay, I don’t introduce my characters a lot on this page but I’m thinking “why the hell not” so here’s one of the main characters I’m gonna be writing about in my upcoming fanfic-slash-original work!

Quote: “I’m Katherine Everett, I’m a fighter. Always will be.”
- This story is modeled after the song “Soldier, Poet & King”, and takes some inspiration from the marvel tv show “Cloak and Dagger”. This is the soldier character, a 17-year-old girl named Katherine Everett. She is also asexual, and African-American.
Date of Birth: April 5th.
Place of Birth: Tashville Springs, Oregon.
Languages: English and Spanish.
- She works doing people's nails and helps babysit neighborhood kids to care for her sick father, who was previously in a war and her younger sister; Kaylee Everett.
- She isn't usually trusted when she says where she gets the money from, because of A. The rumor around town that she's a slut and B. because of her mental health issues. She was put into a mental institution for four years, and her stepmother (who put her there) divorced her father, took mostly all of their money and her step siblings. She also refuses to let Katherine see them.
- In the book, the mayor is trying to force black and POC people out of neighborhoods to turn the small town into a city where the rich can move into. Along with that, black girls are going missing from these neighborhoods and disappearing without a trace. On her birthday, in a strawberry short dress, Kaylee went out to celebrate her birthday with her friends. She was supposed to be meeting them at a roller rink as it was her 14th birthday, only she never made it to the roller rink and was declared missing the following day.
- Katherine is an ESTJ, and a fighter to her core. She tries to look out for her sister and her father, bearing the worst of the town to keep Kaylee out of it. Of course she can’t protect her all of the time, but she does try her best. She can seem unapproachable or mean at first, but give her a drink, and she’ll spill everything she feels for you. She doesn’t criticize off of what people tell her, but she most certainly will judge a person before she gets to know them. That mentality has kept her alive and out of trouble (mostly) until now. She’s very protective over her friends, and acts impulsive at times. She does harbor a lot of anger towards her father for putting her in a mental hospital, and for not protecting her when she needed it the most. She openly rebels in her fashion choices, and still takes care of him at the end of the day despite wanting to so badly not care about him at all. She blames him for the childhood she and her sister had, and the teenage hood they’re currently experiencing. He did them completely wrong, and she makes zero attempts to hide it. She is protective and loyal to a fault, and will always not look out for herself but her family as well.
- She likes makeup, her sister, the color red and black, the black community (only sometimes), cherries, late night drives, black coffee, doing hair, her best friend (Castiel whom I will get into later), jewelry, her mother’s dog tags that she always wears, shopping, leather, cooler weather, and fashion.
- She dislikes racism, misogyny, police brutality, police in general, boring events, overly nice people, her father, her sister’s friends, horror movies, fake leather/designer clothes, romcom movies, country music, and handouts.
- She has a habit of reapplying her lipstick, glaring at people, fixing other’s clothes/hair, cracking her knuckles on her jawline, constantly looking over her shoulder, grinding her teeth in her sleep and tapping her feet against the ground.
Quote: “This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it.”
Enchanted weapon: Katherine has been gifted the weapon of the sword. It is disguised as a pen unless she flips it and takes the cap off. If she is not actively fighting, in 30 minutes, it reverts back to its pen form. With this ability, she also has extensive battle knowledge.
But that does not mean that Katherine cannot fight on her own. She is in boxing and has been taking it since she was 14.
Prophecy: There will come soldier who will unleash death, but who is their choice and their choice alone.
- Her aesthetic:

Phobias: Thantophobia, fear of death of loved ones.
Excerpt from the poem she’s inspired by:
My fist acts like a sword and I will raise it up high,
Shouting at the injustices in the world, at how my community tears it self to shreds.
As if we are an ouroboros,
A snake that will eat and at itself into nothing.
But we didn’t get that mouth on our tail without a helping hand did we?
I refuse to be weak, and I refuse to let the hand guide me to my tail because it is easier than biting.
A hand that leads to despair deserves to be mauled after all.
And if I was that easy to kill, such a hand would’ve strangled me already.
Quote: “You want a battle. I’ll give you a war.”
Faceclaim: Olivia Baker — All American.
Voiceclaim: Olivia Baker — All American.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3WhaSeGhBtvbUp6zeyNjCp?si=jegpfm1oSL2KorGZDzXGeA&pi=u-4Fp_YYY3Tj-n
— Reaper.
#oroginalcharacter#writers on tumblr#writeblr#devil town#dark academia#cryptidcore#katherineeverett#reaperrants#reapershares#i love her sm#(she would probably kill me)#creative writing#writerscommunity#writers and poets#ao3#wattpad
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OC asks: Character design tag
Thanks @illarian-rambling for the tag!
Currently writing an Ellis chapter and I don't have heaps of time so we'll do Ellis for this one.
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
First thing that stands out about Ellis is his clothes - and that is entirely on purpose. He deliberately dresses extravagantly, in bright colours and bold patterns, so that when people try and remember what they look like, they remember the clothes, not the face.
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
Ellis has a wide, charming, cheeky grin, hazel eyes and brown skin with warm undertones. His grin is definitely the first thing you'd notice, though possibly you may also notice that he is HAWT depending on your orientation.
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Ellis is 5'9, and he has a reasonably athletic build, lean rather than bulky, but fit and muscular. Ellis always dresses to accentuate his good looks, which often means sleeveless, low cut or cropped shirts.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Ellis moves with swagger. He has that sort of loose limbed grace you see with dancers. He is graceful, athletic and extremely aware of where his body is and what it's doing at all times. He loves a swishy skirt to show off his swagger, but only if he doesn't expect to fight. No matter how flashy the outfit, Ellis is always ready to run or fight.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Ellis is restless. Ellis in stillness is a dangerous sign. It usually means he's either losing his shit or has already lost it. He thinks best in motion, pacing, moving around. He taps his fingers against his lips when he's thoughtful or teasing.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
He's got his ear pierced and has, ahem, some piercings in the downstairs region. He has a large black ink tattoo over the side of his ribcage, a tribal design from an old African culture, though he doesn't know which one (scifi setting so Earth cultures are long in the past). He has a fair few scars, though none big enough to comment on.
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Ellis sleeps in his boxers or nothing at all. Less to remove, after all.
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
As mentioned before, Ellis always dresses to the nines when he's out in public. Bold colours, bright, flashy designs, lots of metallic embroidery, skirts and wide pants or tight pants and shirts with huge collars, depends on the day. When he's home alone in his ship, he leans more towards comfy jeans and hoodies. When he's out, Ellis' priority is to make sure what people remember is not his face, but his clothing, so it's harder for people to identify him later. If the thing you remember about the guy who stole from you is that he was wearing a hot pink skirt, you may be less likely to remember what he actually looked like.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
As above, Ellis loooooves to dress up. His formal looks may be a fraction more sedated than his thieving looks, but not much. Possibly more makeup for formal occasions.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Ellis has a few pairs of comfortable jeans and tshirts he wears when he's just alone in his ship, and that's what he's mostly in when he's not in public.
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
Ellis is usually in ships or stations, so often doesn't have to deal with weather, but when he does, he's the sort of guy who won't change up his outfit just because he's cold. But when he does, he would have a chic as hell double breasted coat, probably with braiding because why not.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
Depends on the outfit, darling. Boots, sneakers, whatever works best.
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
Ellis, as a pirate, is always travelling. He likes nice things so when he can afford it he'd make sure he had the best, but he can't always.
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
Ellis has a couple of blasters that he carries for emergencies, but his main weapon is his ship, the Polaris itself. It has a wide array of dangerous weaponry, from flares to missiles, to a rail gun.
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
Ellis' look is definitely inspired by Lando Calrissian, and basically is as camp as you can imagine.
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Not really, Ellis will wear whatever's good looking. He'll tolerate a lot of discomfort to look good.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
It's UUUUGE. Ellis has SO many clothes. He hasn't been able to afford any new ones in a while but it doesn't really matter because he has so many already. He could not mend so much as a holey sock.
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
He usually has an earring in, but that will change depending on what he's wearing - the priority is matching. He has a silver barbel in each of his uhm downstairs piercings. Otherwise he doesn't really wear jewellery permanently, he'll just put on whatever's appropriate for the outfit he's wearing.
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Currently he has an undercut with short locs, (similar to how Killmonger had his hair in Black Panther), but he changes it semi regularly depending on how he's feeling.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
Oh hell yes he absolutely does. Ellis uses makeup the same way he uses his clothes - as a mask, a distraction, a way to draw attention away from his actual face. He will usually do eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara, sometimes lipstick, depending on the vibe. He usually matches the colour to his outfit, but it's always dramatic.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
He doesn't really. Ellis doesn't have a lot of things . . his life has been a series of brief engagements but he's never really settled down or had any close people in his life, so he hasn't really formed attachments to any particular items.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Certainly about 6 or 7 years ago, when Ellis struck out on his own and became a pirate, he first picked up the persona of campness, the flamboyant dress and appearance. Before that he dressed much more sedately, "normally" one might say. Ellis sees the persona he has created for himself as a mask, a protection. He doesn't resent it, he appreciates it - the freedom it gives him. He's yet to truly figure out who he is without this.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Oh interesting. Fantasy AU Ellis . . I mean, probably would still be a pirate to be honest. But on a sailing ship instead of a space ship. I think he'd probably still dress a bit flamboyantly, but probably not quite as much - I doubt his gender presentation would go down so well in a traditional fantasy setting.
Tagging @willtheweaver @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie
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ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴇʀꜰʟɪᴇs William Afton/OC
Tags: au, modelling, fashion industry, coquette!original character, violence, age gap.

ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ʀᴇǫᴜɪʀᴇs sᴀᴄʀɪꜰɪᴄᴇ
Jennifer Christie is a 21-year-old girl. Beautiful, narcissistic. She grew up in a family of quite wealthy businessmen who gave their beloved daughter anything she wanted. Jenny grew up in luxury: dresses, bags, jewelry - for her these are just little things. Three years ago, she suddenly got wish to become a model, which her parents, of course, obediently fulfilled. Now Mrs. Christie is a popular model. Many agencies of that time would have liked to sign a contract with her, but the most of them were sent to hell by generous Jenny.
April 14, 1996, New York.
"That's not it! And this too!" with these words, the girl was sorting through her closet, which was literally bursting with lots of clothes from different designers. She had a contract signing with one of the agencies today. Of course, it didn't work out without persuasion, but Jenny decided to feel sorry for her manager and agreed.
This meeting means nothing to her, but you always have to look presentable.
Suddenly, the girl went to her tape recorder, covered with pink rhinestones. It was the first time Jenny had worked tirelessly, but the result was worth it. It would be a shame for a girl to have an ordinary gray tape recorder! She's not some kind of beggar.
Taking a CD of a song by a fairly popular band at that time, the room was filled with beautiful female voices.
Oh, say you'll be there ~ ♪
Jenny headed for the closet, but now moving to the beat of the vibing music.
I'm giving you everything ~ ♪
Jenny took three different dresses and threw them on the bed, they looked the best. And even though Jennifer still has a bunch of dresses, she still chose these ones.
All that joy can bring ~ ♪
Jenny danced around the room, darting past the mirror every now and then. It reflected the unearthly beauty of an African-American girl. Beautiful skin, gorgeous and lush curls, brown eyes, a few freckles, plump lips smeared with expensive glitter, which she probably bought abroad. She was wearing a white silk robe made to order, it fit her perfectly, and the image was complemented by yellow fluffy slippers.
This I swear, ow ~ ♪
The last line of the verse of the song sounded and the home phone rang.
"Oh, who is it now?" she went to the pink home phone. Her daddy bought it for her in Paris. It looked cute, elegant, a kind of curiosity that surprised everyone who came to visit Jennifer.
Picking up the phone, the girl held it to her ear.
"Excuse me, Miss Christie, they want to order an adver-" the man didn't finish his sentence.
"I'm not interested in it! How many times have I told you that I don't take ads? Or should I pay you a doctor to check your hearing?" the girl answered rudely. After all, who's he to be polite to him?
It was Jenny's manager, a man of 37 years of French descent, who helped her sign contracts. Well, although Miss Christie always decides for herself, and Mr. Martin is only needed for show.
The girl was just about to hang up when she suddenly remembered.
"Oh, yeah, you're picking me up today! I hope you don't have any problems with your memory and you haven't forgotten about my contract with Mr. Afton's modeling agency!" her voice sounded arrogant.
"Of course, of course, madam, is there something else?" Martin asked meekly in his French accent.
With a grunt, she put the phone back down. While they were talking, the song had already ended. Yeah, her mood to listen to music was gone now.
Her gaze fell on the bed, there were 3 dresses that Jennifer had selected.
Green with a circle, pale pink with lace bell sleeves and yellow with a black strap.
The girl threw away two dresses, namely a green and a yellow one. Yes, she was definitely in the mood to wear pink today.
Pink louboutins, a lace dress, a bow in her hair and an elegant handbag were perfectly combined. Soft-pink lipstick accentuated the beauty of her lips, and blush on her beautiful cheeks.
The girl twirled next to the mirror.
"Not bad, it could have been better. I'll have to buy more clothes, otherwise these are already… Too old and not fashionable." the girl said petulantly.
Her gaze fell on the clock on a white bedside table next to a huge mirror. The time was 2 p.m., 15 minutes.
"Already?" she exclaimed with a gasp, of course, Jenny, you like to sleep until lunch, and then preen up for three hours. "Has this idiot arrived yet?" the girl asked herself with a note of disgust.
Looking out the window of her house, she saw Martin's black car approaching. He must have remembered, apparently, his senility hadn't begun yet.
The girl left her room, went down to the 1st floor and went out onto the porch.
The view was beautiful. There was a wonderful garden near Jenny's house, where white roses grew, a variety of which was personally brought by Jennifer's mother from Holland.
"Mello, Madame Christie." Martin bowed to the girl as she walked impressively to the car.
Glancing at her manager, she extended her hand to him, turning away and wrinkling her nose. This is just an element of etiquette, nothing more. Martin kissed the girl's hand, on the fingers of which was a mother-of-pearl with a gleam of white and pink, a neat manicure. The girl pulled her hand away and got into the car.
"You look great today!" the manager tried to make a compliment.
"I know." Jenny replied indifferently, turning her gaze away from the window.
It was quite bright outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. Jenny currently lived in a country house located near New York, and the road to the agency building took a little longer than if Jenny lived in an apartment.
The model turned towards Martin. He was not a particularly tall man with black hair, gray streaks flashed here and there, he wore round glasses, and also some kind of suit. He looked very ridiculous, as Jennifer herself thought.
"We arrived, madam." Martin said and got out of the car, walked around her and, like a true gentleman, opened the door for the girl and helped her get up.
The following picture appeared before them: a 4-storey light purple building with large windows.
"Not bad." having assessed the building, the girl concluded. "Even better than many similar buildings."
She'll probably never be happy with anything.
"Martin, follow me!" the girl commanded.
Martin really looked funny next to Mrs. Christie. Jennifer's elegant, feminine and graceful gait made passers-by turn around, while Martin walked unsteadily, trying to keep up with his "madame".
Martin was still able to overtake the girl and held the door for her. She didn't even say "thank you." For what?
The building inside also looked beautiful. Models and designers walked around the floor, carried plastic mannequins as makeup artists ran around. Jenny chuckled, looking at this, what a funny sight.
"Miss Christie?" a girl in a shirt and black trousers, standing behind the reception desk, addressed Jennifer and Martin.
The girl looked at the receptionist. Simple one, what to say.
"Well, yeah, me." the model replied with a haughty look.
"You must be at Mr. Afton's, come on, I'll take you there." with these words, the girl came out from behind the counter and headed for the 2nd floor. Jennifer followed her.
The receptionist looked somehow at home. Wrinkled shirt, oversize trousers, sloppy bun.
Picking up the rabble on the ad, Jenny thought with disgust. "If you work in a modeling agency, then at least look presentable."
"We're here, Mr. Afton is already waiting for you." the girl ran back.
The door was brown, and there was a sign saying "W. Afton."
"Martin, you're waiting for me downstairs." not waiting for an answer, Jenny entered without knocking on the door.
A fairly clean and well-maintained office appeared to her eyes. It contained a pair of mannequins, different from those that were carried around the 1st floor, a desk, a fluffy rug, like Jennifer's in the room, two sofas and a tea table in front of the desk. Everything was done in black and purple style.
"Hello, Mrs. Christie." a man's voice suddenly addressed her.
The girl turned around and was a little surprised. A rather pleasant-looking man of about 35 years old was sitting at the table. Long black hair, braided in a small ponytail, with a purple sheen in the light, silver eyes that Jennifer had never seen before. The man was wearing a purple shirt with a pin with the man's name on it: "William." Blue jeans with a yellow fringe at the bottom. He was wearing an expensive watch with a yellow strap at that time. As well as patent black shoes matching William's hair color.
If it had been worn on any other, then the girl would have said that he looked like a clown, but not in this case. Everything was so combined with each other that no image of any other fashion designer could compare with this. He was simply charming, it was the first time that Jenny fell in love with another person's clothes.
"Yeah, hello." no matter how surprised she was, confidence shouldn't be lost in any case.
"Come in, sit down, would you like some tea?" Mr. Afton kindly suggested, he also seems to be british, oh, how fascinating his voice sounds, just a delight to her ears.
"No, thanks." the girl looked around. The office was, of course, beautiful, but quite ordinary, except for one detail. Mannequins. They looked like real people. They werent just white, but all sorts of different colors. Both dark and beige, even with the effect of vitiligo disease. It's like they're made of real skin.
"So you like them?" the fashion designer suddenly asked.
The girl shuddered:
"Yes, yes… They're very, very beautiful." the girl answered uncertainly, this is the first time it's happening with her.
"I make them myself. Handmade, you can touch them." William said genially with a smile on his face.
The girl got up and walked over to one of the mannequins. She touched it lightly with the pads of her fingers. For real, like a real… Skin.
"I make them out of… Animal's skin. By coloring it in the desired color." why did he stumble on the word "animal's"? Oh, well, okay, it happens.
"It's impressive." she was still running her fingers over the mannequin. "What kind of animals do you use?"
Mr. Afton paused and then grinned hysterically.
"I make them from… Pig's one". his answer sounded as strange and uncertain as possible. As if Jenny had asked something she didn't need to. It's like she's asking too many questions. "Okay, let's move on to the contract." the man changed the topic.
The girl sat down on the sofa while William handed her a contract with a modeling agency. After reading it carefully, the girl picked up a pen and left her neat signature in a beautiful handwriting, and then handed the document back into the hands of the man.
He smiled.
"It's a pleasure doing business with you, I'll see you tomorrow." William said, returning to his desk.
The girl went out the door of the office. Well, tomorrow is her first day working for Mr. William's agency.
The dressing room was teeming with stylists, make-up artists and other staff. It was noisy. And Jennifer didn't really like noise, but she sat quiet as she didn't want to spoil her own reputation.
Instead, she sprawled impressively on an armchair while one of the makeup artists weightlessly applied powder to the already delicate skin of the model.
"Miss Christie, do you need anything?" the receptionist, whom Jenny and Martin saw yesterday, turned to the girl behind the chair.
"Yes, coffee." it was normal for her not to say "please", does she even knows about this word existence?
"Mrs. Christie, we're done." spoke the young makeup artist.
She, in turn, began to look at herself in the mirror….Yeah, could have been better. She'd do better one at home.
"It's terrible, but what can we do, you'll learn someday." Jenny criticized, taking her coffee from the receptionist's hands. Probably the makeup artist was hurt by her words.
The girl turned towards the rest of the room. Several of the same girls were sitting and waiting for them to be made up. Makeup artists swirled around them, applying powder, blush, foundation and other cosmetics.
The walls were painted a pleasant white color, wooden tables with lots of cosmetics on them, as well as upholstered chairs, on one of which Jennifer was sitting.
Suddenly, the main fashion designer, namely Afton, entered the room. He looked around the room and when he bumped into Jenny, he smiled.
Without taking his eyes off her, he said:
"The models can meanwhile prepare for the trial show, and I'll have to ask Mrs. Christie to come with me." Mr. Afton announced, nodding his head as if to indicate that she needed to follow him.
When Jennifer entered the office, she saw the same mannequins with different dresses, but one of them caught her eye. It was a beautiful puffy black and white dress… It was covered with artificial black butterflies, complementing the look. On the mannequin's head was a headband with the same medium-sized butterfly. The shoes were high-heeled.
"This is the dress that you'll wear for your first show at our agency." William purred contentedly, looking at his creation. "What do you think?"
The girl came closer. In addition to butterflies, the dress was decorated with thousands of small rhinestones.
"It's wonderful!" the model exclaimed. "you're really a true artist."
William grinned contentedly. He was flattered by Jennifer's attitude, although he's well aware of her character. He knows more about her than she would have guessed.
"How do you like it here?" William asked, sitting down at his desk and lighting a cigarette. "Do you like everything?"
"Well… Its much better here than in other agencies, except that…" Jenny walked over to the mirror in the study. "Though make-up artists should learn more." she tried to say it as politely as possible, but for some reason she wanted to impress William. This was the first time she acted that way, usually Jenny torn up contracts with other agencies with ease, without fear that it would change her life. But then something beckoned to stay here longer.
William looked at the model. He chuckled and said:
"I think I'll agree." he also needed to make a good impression on Jennifer, at least in some ways they are similar. "Is that all?"
No. Noise, annoying staff, disgusting coffee, according to the model's opinion and this is only part of it.
"Yes, everything else is fine." making innocent eyes, the girl said. "Can I go now? I need to get ready."
Letting the smoke out of his mouth, William nodded and the girl headed for the door.
Returning to the studio, she saw defiling girls walking along the catwalk, where the show will soon be held. They did well, of course, but not like Jenny. Its not surprising that she was made the main star at this show.
"Madame Christie!" the main director ran up to the girl. "You're just in time, you're going to be on stage now, go to backstage."
"First, explain they should do." the girl said irritably. "And what about me? Improvisation?"
"Oh, yeah, of course. So, look." the director, whose name is most likely George, began to actively gesticulate with his hands. "You go out in the middle of the stage, scroll through, and then all the model girls come out and together you do the crown pose. Is that clear?"
What an idiotic plan, but there's nothing to do.
The girl went on stage and began to act according to the director's plan with a model gait. All the girl's jaws dropped. Of course, anyone could envy such a figure, gait and grace.
The girl stopped and made a turn at the edge of the podium. Then she turned around and walked towards the other models who had already went out. A wave of the hands and the girls depicted a large crown. It was a pretty spectacular end to the show. Although, its rather strange that Jenny, as the main model of the show, was given very little time.
"Belissimo! Belissimo!" the director standing by the stage clapped. "Girls, you're great, everyone did their best, and you… Mrs. Jenny, especially beautiful." this man also had an accent, but it was Italian. Although, it was already obvious by his mustache that he's not exactly an American.
For the sake of decency, Jenny smiled and went to the dressing room.
Pretty boring and terribly long day. Preparing for the show was a tedious task, which didn't bring any pleasure.
After coming home and changing her clothes, Jennifer flopped down on the soft bed. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, but what? Nonsense. What could possibly happen in an ordinary modeling agency? Especially when there is such a handsome and kind chief fashion designer.
The girl was lying in her soft lace robe, which clung so pleasantly to her skin. Her bed was large, soft and comfortable. Silk pillows and blankets, there are even bedside curtains to shut out the whole world.
Suddenly, Jennifer's hand came across something fluffy and soft. Picking it up, the girl saw her old bunny Oliver from childhood, which her grandmother gave her. It was a white hare with a red tie. There were patches and scuffs in some places. It was strange that Jenny didn't throw it away, because it was surely worn and battered.
Memories from childhood flashed through her head.
October 27, 1985.
A little girl with thick afro-curls quietly entered the room and locked it. She looked to be 11 years old.
She walked lightly to the bed and climbed on it. There were various toys, dolls and much more on the bed, which all the girls dreamed of in childhood. But she picked up a white rabbit. Oliver. Her best friend.
"My parents have left again…" the girl began. "But they promised to play with me…"
Little Jenny always told her best friend everything. She trusted it like no one else.
"But I'm sure they'll come soon, right?" the girl assured herself with a note of sad hope. "Isn't that right, Oliver?… My parents love me, don't they?" tears flowed from her eyes, the little girl's face turned red and she hugged the toy to herself. "They love me! They need me, I'm their daughter!"
The girl didn't even notice how teary her eyes were. Did her parents need her? Or were they just buying her off? Yes, she has a luxurious life, but Jenny has never known what true parental love is.
While all the children were playing football with their parents and going on picnics, Jenny was sitting at home at that time and sadly drawing a portrait of her family. She wanted to make sure that her parents loved and cared for her. But instead, they're always at meetings, conferences or whatever.
And only Oliver listened to the girl's tears all these years.
"Okay, I'm crying because of a bullshit." with these words, the girl wiped her tears and put the toy back in its place.
After a while, the girl fell asleep.
Days, weeks, and then a month passed. Day turned to night, nothing changed. The day of the show was approaching. Jenny was 100% ready.
And here it is, the long-awaited x-day. Jenny had heard that the entire elite of the modeling business would gather for the show. Someone even said that some of them came only because of Jenny.
And the model itself was already wearing that black and white puffy dress. A headband and black heels complemented the look. It suited the model's face, as if it had been made for her specially. A light make-up to match the color of the dress sparkled on her face.
William walked around the dressing room and checked how the work was going. Of course, it is important for his agency not to screw up and meet the expectations of critics.
The models came out one after another. Cameras clicked and the audience applauded enthusiastically. The journalists were doing some kind of report and were trying to interview William, who was also standing in the hall and watching everything that was happening.
George was running around and saying something to the models who hadn't come out yet. Most likely, he was giving them some advice.
And Jenny was still sitting in the same chair and watching the painting. It's been a month since Jenny got a job at Mr. Afton's modeling agency. And every day she felt more and more uncomfortable around William. If before the silver eyes radiated calmness and kindness, now there is nothing but some kind of intimidation. His character hadn't changed, but his eyes spoke more.
A man's voice pulled out of his thoughts, which most likely belonged to William:
"You ready?" he put his hand on her shoulder, as if feeling her skin, or was it just her imagination? "Now it's your turn, you remember what you have to do?"
Jennifer nodded and headed towards the podium. George was standing very close to them, writing something down in his notebook.
"Madame Christie!" he turned to the girl. "Good luck."
Jenny nodded and went on stage. Hundreds or even thousands of cameras suddenly blinded her, some people clapped. Despite this, the girl didn't even blinked an eye and confidently walked to the middle of the podium. Jennifer's eyes darted. Maybe her parents came after all? The crowd of people was the same and almost merged, but the girl would have recognized her parents out of a thousand. They aren't there, however, it was no longer surprising.
The girl turned around and walked over to the other models who had already run up. They all looked different: orange, blue, light blue, pink dresses perfectly matched the black accessories on the them. Each of them looked beautiful in their own way. But tonight, the star of the night is Jennifer. But she also has every chance to go out today.
A couple of movements and the girls depicted a crown, which, as it turned out, was the symbol of the agency.
Enthusiastic applause, blinding the cameras again. The show was a success.
"Mrs. Jennifer, Mrs. Jennifer!" as soon as the girl went backstage, George addressed her. "You have met all our expectations! It was excellent." he spoke enthusiastically, even stammering a little.
"Thank you…" Jenny replied dejectedly, she wanted to rest.
"Mrs. Jennifer, can I talk to you for a second?" Mr. Afton appeared from behind.
Jenny and William moved away from the dressing room.
"Your performance was really amazing, I'm glad that you're working with us." for the first time, a compliment made Jenny blush, although the silver eyes were still frightening, but William's speeches were so pleasant… "How about dinner together?" that's… Is he asking her out on a date?
Jenny had always thought that William was married, as it was rather strange that such a handsome and promising man hadnt yet been taken away.
The girl had no plans for the evening, so:
"Yes, sure." the girl replied with a smile.
"Then you can go home, because I still need to talk to other fashion designers." it's a common thing after screenings at some agency. This was in the girl's favor as she would be able to dress the way she wanted. After all, the dress that William himself sewed was beautiful and elegant, but still belonged to the agency and was a little uncomfortable. "I'll pick you up at 8."
The girl returned to the dressing room to change clothes, and then go home with Martin. Her heart was beating in anticipation. Jenny liked William's attention. Now his eyes radiated not madness, but kindness.
"Martin, follow me!" Jenny called the man over and headed to the car. Martin and Jenny got into it and quickly drove to the girl's house.
And at the same time, a fashion designer was watching the whole picture, smoking next to the agency building. He knew that Jenny was an arrogant and spoiled girl who was easily manipulated, so he bravely took advantage of this without remorse, because beauty requires sacrifices, which William would do without doubt.
Jenny got out of the car and slammed the door. The white country house was illuminated by the streetlights and garlands that Jenny had hung on the house to make it look more cozy.
Martin's car drove off and Jenny headed home. Going into her room, the girl again chose what to wear. This is not just an interview, this is a date with Mr. Afton himself. Something about him attracted the girl so much, although she herself didnt realize that she was being controlled like a doll.
"Well, well…" Jenny was looking through the wardrobe, trying to find something that would suit her today. The choice fell on a white and airy dress. It was light, weightless. Jenny also wore lace stockings and small white heels.
It is worth admitting that everything goes for Jenny, even if she'd wear in a cellophane bag, she'll look breathtaking.
It was close to 8 p.m, the time when William would pick up Jennifer.
When the girl was putting on makeup, she heard the sounds of a car approaching. It was William, he stopped near the girl's house and waited for her.
Taking everything she needed, the model ran out of the house.
"Hello, Mr. Afton." the girl curtsied gracefully.
William looked at the girl and smiled.
"You look beautiful." Afton said with a wink. The compliment made her ears and cheeks burn. The girl gets hundreds compliments a day, but none of them caused such strong emotions.
Afton opened the car door and invited the girl. Jenny nodded "thanks" and got into the first seat. Afton walked around the car and got into the driver's seat.
The most amazing thing is that Afton, it turns out, lived very close to Jenny's house. A couple of minutes and they were there.
It was a 2-storey and quite large house. There were children's swings and toys in the yard. After all, he has children. The walls of the house were painted a shade of purple. Guess it's his favourite color.
Afton gently took the girl's arm and they went into the house.
The house looked even better inside. Beautiful, snow-white wallpaper, white wooden floor. The walls were hung with various beautiful sketches as there were also children's drawings.
Afton invited the girl into the kitchen. It was made in a rather fashionable style of that time called Baroque. No wonder, because Mr. Afton is still a fashion designer, after all. Everything was clean and tidy, all the appliances were in their places.
Jennifer sat down at the table and watched Mr. Afton's actions.
"What do you want for dinner tonight? This evening I'm your chef." William asked jokingly and with a touch of coquetry. The girl was embarrassed again.
"Since you are the chef today, I trust you." she put her elbow on the back of the chair.
"Whatever you say, Madame Christie." turning around, his smile changed to an annoyed face. He didn't like his own cheap show, which he himself put on. "Would you like some champagne?"
Jennifer doesn't drink, but since such an occasion…
"Yes, sure!"
Afton went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of expensive champagne. It finally came in handy.
"I'll pour it." he wouldn't let the girl pour it herself, because he only needs to add a pinch of magic powder to carry out his plan. Opening the lid of the bottle and taking out a glass, he began to slowly fill the glass. After making sure Jennifer wasn't looking, he took a small bag out of his pocket and just wanted to pour it…
"You have children?" the girl suddenly asked, startling William. He turned to her and took a deep breath.
"Oh, yes, i do… Michael, Elizabeth and Evan." Afton exhaled, looking at the portrait that Jenny had apparently noticed.
"And where is your wife?"
You know, sweetie, you're asking too many unnecessary questions that won't help you in any way.
"She left me with 3 kids." William was able to lie by looking into the eyes. Surely he wouldn't say that his wife had died a long time ago? It'll scare our little Jennifer away.
Jennifer began to feel sorry for William in her mind. How can you get away from such a smart, handsome and successful man? Even left him with three kids. She didn't know yet who she considered "kind."
While the girl was thinking, William managed to add the contents of the little bag to her glass. The powder quickly dissolved into the liquid.
The man turned to the girl and gave her the glass. Then he poured himself a drink. Slowly sipping the contents of his glass, he watched the girl. She drank it all quickly.
"It's too strong for champagne." the girl was getting sick.
"When you drink it for the first time, it happens, especially in one gulp." the man assured the girl.
The girl was dizzy and she was slowly losing consciousness. A minute later, she fell asleep.
William grinned at his new victim with his silver eyes.
Pain shooting through her whole body. The pain that made her want to scream, but something prevented from doing so. All the muscles were stiff and the girl couldn't move a single limb. Her vision slowly returned. The bright light of the lamp began to fill her eyes, making Jenny squint.
It was cold and only now Jennifer realized that she wasn't only tied up, but also almost naked.
"Are you awake yet?" a familiar voice, of course, it's William.
What the hell is going on here? Where is she? Why is she tied up? Little Jenny tried to say something, but only a mumble came out of her mouth, her mouth was taped.
"Are you trying to say something?" William spoke ironically. "Don't bother yourself, you can't, no one will hear you."
Jenny still didn't understand what was going on, but William, as if reading her mind, answered her question himself.
"You must be thinking what's going on, right? Let me explain."
William walked over to the table and took a syringe, pulling some substance into it.
"You remember the mannequins from my office, so that's it. You will become one of them!" Afton said enthusiastically. "You've always dreamed of beauty and fame, right? Then you must know the phrase: beauty requires sacrifice. I make these sacrifices, making people even more beautiful!"
Has Afton gone crazy? What he's talking about?
The girl remembered those mannequins… For real, are they all made of human skin? The girl had a gagging urge. She started kicking and trying to get out. No, she's too young to die. No, no, no!
William looked at this sight and grinned contentedly. He knew that Jenny couldn't get out, she was doomed.
"Don't worry, I'll make you into something more than just a worthless model." William spoke in a whisper, as if calming the girl. "You can't even imagine how wonderful it is to be a beautiful mannequin that everyone admires." he was a psycho who went mad, but he liked it.
He was sure he was doing people a favour by pulling their skin over a mannequin. He thought they were ungrateful if they kicked and tried to run away.
William slowly walked up to the girl and slapped her in the face to calm her down.
"And you….You're all ungrateful scums who don't understand that I'm doing this for your own sake." William grabbed the girl's hand and inserted a syringe under her skin. The girl tried to pull away, but unsuccessfully, it hurted her even more. But soon it became more difficult to make movements, her eyelids were closing, her breathing slowed down. William injected her with poison to make her agony easier. Although he could have skinned her for profit, he felt sorry for her.
William returned to the table and picked up a small surgical knife. He looked at the girl's lifeless body again. She will make a wonderful mannequin, she'll thank him again.
A knock on the door.
"Come in." William said without looking up from his papers.
Men in police uniforms entered the office.
"Hello, Mr. Afton, we have come to you about the case of Jennifer Christie's disappearance, do you know anything?" one of the men asked.
"Jennifer went home after the fashion show, that's it, I never saw her again." pretending that he didn't know anything, William answered the question.
"Did you see anyone suspicious around her?"
William pretended to think. Martin, for sure, he'll be able to divert suspicion from William.
"She left with her manager and as far as I know, she treated him pretty badly, so…." William gave a little hint to the police. Oh, poor Martin, he gave so much nerve to Jenny, and now he's going to jail probably.
"Great, we have a suspect, thank you, Mr. Afton." the men turned around and left.
"Have a nice day." William said goodbye with a smile.
His gaze turned towards the new mannequin with dark skin, dressed in the same black dress with butterflies.
"Guess what, they're looking for you." he turned to the mannequin standing next to William's desk.
Jenny dreamed of being a star. She became one thanks to her parents, who will never see her again, but not all stars are destined to shine forever, right? Jennifer became one of such stars.
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