#Best Cream For Dark Skin Tone 10 Best Body
fiapartridge · 8 months
gabe perreault imagine please 🙏🙏
long time coming | gabe perreault 💌🌊⭐️
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gabe perreault x fem!reader
summary: you're sick and the only person who can cure you is your best friend, gabe!
warning(s): fluff, fluff, fluff
author's note: eee this is my first gabe fic! thank u anon for suggesting him, i was in a huge writers slump so ty ty ty! enjoy!
You had heard stories of people falling in love with their best friend; it happened to your parents, your older sister and her boyfriend, all of your cousins, but to you, love just felt unattainable, like maybe you were the exception. The love bug skipped a generation and was already preparing for the next—but now? Now you felt it. You felt it crawl underneath your skin and bubble in your stomach. You felt your chest tighten and the heat rise to your cheeks. 
You were in love, true love.
“Gabe,” you groaned over the phone, his breathing sounding staticy over the line. You had been sick for a few days, only a slight cough and an itchy throat, but today felt 10 times worse. Your stomach was aching, your head felt like it was getting hit by a basketball every couple of seconds, and you sniffled so frequently you were sure that something was going to go up the wrong pipe and straight up to your brain. 
And you felt bad, not only because of your illness, but because it was nearly 2 AM and you could hear Gabe shuffle underneath his dark blue sheets in the dorm he shared with his best friend, Will Smith. You knew it was late and this was wrong. I mean, the boy had a game against Boston University in the morning, now was not the time to wake him, but you just didn’t know what to do. You felt like you were dying and all you needed was one of Gabe’s famous hugs and maybe a back rub (he was really good at those).
“Hey,” he said quietly, trying not to wake the snoring Will on the other side of the room. His eyes were fighting to stay open, determined not to lean onto his fluffy white pillow and fall back to sleep. “You okay?”
You sniffled, grabbing another tissue from the box that laid beside your bed. “I feel like I’m dying,” you responded, your voice sounding congested and nasally—not in the slightest like your normal tone.
You could hear shuffling on the other side of the phone. Then, you could hear keys jangling and his closet door opening, a hoodie getting thrown over his body, and then the door to his dorm being pulled open. You wanted to protest because you knew what he was doing, where he was going, but you had no energy to speak. Instead, your stubborn voice turned to loud coughs that made Gabe want to pull you in his arms and hold you until they faded into oblivion.
But he couldn’t. It was too much for you. It would be weird. You wouldn’t feel the same. It was the exact same thing he’s been telling himself for months (really what he’s been telling himself since the moment he met you). It would ruin your guys’ friendship and you will never want to speak to him again. If only he could hear your thoughts because then, maybe he’d be thinking differently, and it wouldn’t be so hard.
Three soft knocks on the door of your dorm signaled exactly what you suspected would happen. Gabe was your best friend and if he caught the flu, you would be there holding his hand and making him a bowl of chicken noodle soup. If you were crying about a failed test, he would buy you ice cream and agree to watch countless episodes of The Bachelor until you were feeling okay again. One time you were sick with Covid and Gabe didn’t even care. He stayed with you during quarantine, snuggled under mountains of blankets, watching movies until you were sick of them, and gossiping about anyone and anything. It wasn’t a surprise that he caught the sickness a couple days later. Your moms laughed about the memory, finding it endearing that you two loved each other so much that you were willing to be sick together. 
Gabe settled some medicine on your bedside table before lifting your light pink covers and crawling into bed with you. You fit perfectly into his arms, like this spot was made just for you. Despite your sweaty forehead and aching body, he held you tightly, placing small kisses on the crown of your head. Your parents had always joked about you two getting married someday, but sometimes you wished that it was real; that you would grow old with him and live in a big white house with a white picket fence and a large rose garden in the backyard. You truly couldn’t see your life with anyone else. 
But that was silly. Gabe was your best friend. That would just be weird—right?
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. He walked all the way from his building to yours in the middle of the night despite having a ginormous game tomorrow. He felt unreal, like how could a person be so perfect and somehow be yours?
“Don’t be,” his words were just as soft. His chin resting on the top of your head as yours fit in the space between his neck and shoulder, leaving delicate kisses on his adams apple. This isn’t what best friends do, you told yourself. Best friends don’t kiss each other. Best friends don’t cuddle underneath sheets and hold hands to “warm each other up.” It was confusing and you hated it. You hated not knowing how he was feeling when you knew exactly how you felt about Gabe.
“You didn’t have to come here.”
“You called.”
You laughed. “That doesn’t mean anything. You could’ve stayed in bed and slept longer and had good dreams and—”
“Hey,” he smiled down softly at you, lifting your chin to look up at him. His hand lingered there for a while, not wanting to move away from you. There was something about you that made Gabe want to be closer and closer. There was something that made him want to parade you around campus, telling everyone that you were his. He wanted to see you in his jersey and kiss you after games and hold you tight at parties. He wanted to take you with him to New York when he plays for the Rangers after college and introduce you to his family as his girlfriend instead of just his best friend. Gabe was ready for more, but he hated thinking that you might not be. “I wasn’t just going to let you die, okay?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, like that one time you pushed me down that water slide at Hurricane Harbor.”
“Pft, you wanted to go down that.”
You chuckled incredulously. “There is no way you just said that.”
“‘Oh, Gabe, please take me on this waterslide. I’ve been dying to go with you.’”
“I don’t sound like that.”
He grinned. “Yeah, you sound like this,” he said, pinching his nose with his fingers, his voice sounding blocked and nasally.
You pushed his hands away, hiding your face in his clothed chest. “Shut up.”
“C’mon, you love it.”
“I will fight you.”
He ran his hand up and down your arm, your eyes fluttering closed and your breathing steadying. He held you tighter, wrapping both arms around you and snuggling deeper into the bed. His last words before you fell into hypnosis lingered in your mind as you couldn’t even escape your lovestruck dreams of the perfect boy. “Keep telling yourself that, sicko.”
By the time the sun rose, you were sure that he would be gone; that his hoodie would be collected from the carpet, that his legs would no longer be intertwined with yours, and that his belongings would be gone, but he was still there and you were still in his arms and everything was still perfect. His breathing was soft and slow, his little curls were a bit tussled, his cheeks were pale, and you wondered what he was dreaming about that left a ghost of a smile on his face.
You wanted to wake up like this everyday and everyday after that. So yeah, maybe you were in love. Maybe you were in deep. And maybe you were ready to tell him.
He rustled around before lifting his eyes open, his smile growing wider when he saw your pink face, knowing he caught you staring at him as you glanced around the room, trying not to make eye contact with the boy.
“Feeling better?” he asked, turning to his side and facing you. 
A strand slipped through your loose ponytail and settled on the front of your face, covering your eyes as he allowed his hands to work faster than his mind. He slowly brought his hand up, carefully moving the strand behind your ear. And you would expect the moment to be over but when his hand lingered on your cheek, his thumb lightly running over the smooth skin of your face, you knew that maybe just maybe there could be something more.
You nodded slowly. “I’m okay.”
“I’m glad. I hate seeing my girl sick,” he spoke softly as if speaking any louder would shatter the calming atmosphere. 
My girl. You wanted to allow your mind to toss and turn, investigate the meaning behind those two words, search for his thought-process, his feelings, anything, but for the first time in forever, you felt serene and calm with him. You didn’t feel the need to wonder what this meant for the two of you. You were perfectly content where you were now, where you were going, and what you were going to do next.
You placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat fast yet gentle. His eyes wandered down to your place of connection and when they met yours again, you could’ve sworn you saw something: a spark, hope, clarity, confirmation.
And when he leaned in, holding your face close with the hand still resting on your cheek, his lips hovering over yours, desperate to connect, you knew nothing would be the same. He would never be just your best friend anymore. And you were perfectly okay with that.
As Gabe leaned in, his lips met yours in a tender, yet passionate kiss. It was a moment that felt suspended in time, where every sensation was heightened—the warmth of his touch, the softness of his lips, the racing of your heart. In that instant, all doubts melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of certainty and bliss.
The kiss deepened, as if both of you were pouring all the unspoken feelings and desires into this one act. Your hands found their way to his hair, fingers threading through the soft strands as you pulled him closer, wanting to feel every part of him against you. His arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly closer as if he never wanted to let go.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the outside world fading into insignificance. When you finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, you found yourselves gazing into each other's eyes, the realization of what had just happened sinking in. But there was no fear, no uncertainty, only a profound sense of connection and joy.
“I’m sick,” you said, making Gabe chuckle softly. Of course your first words after a long-anticipated kiss would be that. But that’s what Gabe loved about you. You were you in every sense of the word. You are the reason his stomach hurts from laughing every time he comes back to his dorm, staring into space as he thinks about your giggle and your smile and your stupid humor. You are everything. You’re the world. 
I just kissed the world, Gabe thought. My girl.
With a smile that spoke volumes, Gabe whispered, "I don’t care." 
“You will when you get sick.”
“And will you be here? When I get sick?” he asked, his thumb running back and forth on the exposed space of skin on your pelvis. 
You nodded. You would be there for him through anything no matter what. “Always.”
“Then I’m okay with it.”
And in that moment, as you nestled into his embrace once more, you knew that the stories were real and true; that love is real and true, because you just fell in it and you couldn’t be happier.
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wiispywitch · 7 months
Attack on Titan OC - Taylor "Tay" Schuyler🌻🧡🌒
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♡.ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
{CW: Mentions of self-harm, spoilers for Attack on Titan}
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Name: Taylor Schuyler
Meaning: Taylor- to cut; Schuyler- scholar
Alias (if any): N/A
Nickname(s): Tay (her preferred name), Sunflower (by her father), Tay-Tay (by the twins and Joanna), Doe
Age: 16 (850); 20 (854)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Eldian (German-French descent)
Birthday: May 31st, 834
Birthplace: Windsor Village, Wall Rose
Current Residence: Scout Regiment Headquarters (location varies)
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single (gets together with Eren in 854)
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To travel the outside world, and fill out a sketchbook of her journeys and create paintings of brand new landmarks
Goal(s): To fulfill her dream of freedom beyond the walls, to make her family proud, to fulfill her father’s dream, to improve her combat skills
Like(s): Sketchbooks and journals, drawing, collecting painting supplies, sewing, exploring new places, rainy days, cleaning, her family and friends, strawberry cream cake, rats, smooth calligraphy pens, painting by the river, talking about her passions, Agatha, flowers
Dislike(s): Titans, migraines, entitled people, being uninspired, people looking through her sketchbook without permission, being talked down upon, the dark, cold weather, moving around on the ODM-gear, a messy workspace, tea
Bad Habit(s): Overthinks, quick to panic, daydreams too much, bites her nails, scratches her arms or neck when she's overly anxious, has a hard time saying no, fidgets with her locket when she’s nervous or bored
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, sewing, baking, writing
Fear(s): Becoming a failure, the dark, disappointing her family, losing her family and comrades, being eaten by a titan, making her Uncle Eli angry
Personality: Loyal, creative, determined, anxious, ambitious, generous, hardworking, insecure, moralistic, obedient, compassionate
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Bacon, strawberry cream cake
Color(s): Warm colors, soft pink
Season(s): Autumn
Activities: Sketching, painting, sewing
Time of Day: Night time
Extras: Art- sketching, oil painting; Animals- cats, foxes; Literature- mythology, horror; Flower- Sunflower
Height: 5' (153 cm)
Weight: 129 lbs. (59 kg)
Hair style: Short, slightly wavy at the tips, bangs parted from her face
Hair Color: Strawberry brunette
Eye Color: Forest green
Skin Tone: Peachy
Body Shape/Build: Petite, curvy hips, slightly muscular, full thighs
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): She has burn scars on her shoulder blade after surviving the recovery operation of Shinganshina 
Other: N/A
Memory: While she has a habit of zoning out sometimes, she does have a very good memory and can be very observant.
Sight (do you need glasses?): Normal
Mental: She struggles with severe anxiety and is easily prone to anxiety attacks
Physical: When she gets really frustrated or nervous, she tends to scratch her skin, mostly her neck or arms. At one point, it got so bad that she ended up bleeding. She's hard of hearing in her right ear after surviving the battle of Shinganshina and using a flare gun to signal her location without properly covering her ear.
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): She doesn’t have the best sleep schedule. She likes to stay up a little later, especially when she’s working on a drawing. This ends up backfiring on her the next morning, but she never learns her lesson.
Allergies/Other: She gets migraines easily. Due to her sensitive stomach, she will often get motion sickness after flying around the gear for so long; she has thrown up the first few times when she was training to use it, but she forced herself to get used to it and that's proven to be her best skill. She is very lactose intolerant.
Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled and tell why)-
3D Maneuvering Gear: 6.5/10, great as a distraction however is easily prone to motion sickness if she uses it for too long or has intense movements 
Intelligence: 7/10
Martial Arts: 5.5/10
Battle Skill: 3.5/10
Agility: 9/10
Strategy: 4/10
Teamwork: 8.5/10
Passion: 9/10
Affiliation: Scout Regiment; Yeagerist
Former Affiliation: 104th Cadet Corps 
Grad. Rank: 13th
Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Alive
Parent(s): Dawson Schuyler (late-father), Miriam Schuyler (mother)
Sibling(s): Nathanael Schuyler (oldest brother), Corine Schuyler (younger sister), Clovis Schuyler (youngest brother)
Other Relative(s): Elijah Kaufman (familial friend), Agatha (pet cat), Sara Weber (sister-in-law), Alexandria Schuyler (niece)
Love Interest: Eren Yeager
Best Friend(s): Melody Oglethorpe, Joanna Elytis, Mikasa Ackerman
Friend(s): Sara Weber, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirsten, Connie Springer, Marco Bodt, Sasha Blouse, Historia Reiss, Reiner Braun, Franz Kefka, Hannah Diamant, Mina Carolina, Reiner Braun (former), Thomas Wagner, Dr. Finch, Sam Dossam, Niccolo, Bethany Sawyer
Enemy(ies): Titans, Elijah Kaufman, Reiner Braun, Floch Forster, Zeke Yeager
Hero(es): Hange Zoë 
Rival(s): N/A
“There’s a lot of stories to tell behind a painting or even a simple drawing. That’s why I always wanted to see the world outside and bring a journal with me. I wanted to make paintings of what I would see and tell my own stories of my adventures of getting to experience what freedom felt like.”
“I may not be as strong as my comrades, but that won’t stop me from trying to fight. I'm not some scared little girl anymore, I'm a soldier dedicating my heart to humanity, and I'm here to take back my freedom!”
“Then I’ll help you…I know what I’m getting myself into, I know the risks, but I don’t want to just stand aside and wait to die, not if it means I can’t at least try to fight for the sake of giving the people I love a better life than this. So I’ll help you.”
History/Life: Taylor Schuyler is the second daughter of the Schuyler household of Windsor Village. Her father Dawson was a squad leader for the Scout Regiment, and her mother Miriam was the owner of the town’s local bakery. Taylor—Tay, as she likes to be called—worked alongside her mother and older brother Nathanael in running the bakery and going on bread-runs into Trost. As a child, Tay was very shy and only had one best friend—Melody Oglethorpe, the daughter of the owner of Windsor Ranch where Nathanael and Tay loved to frequent—and was almost always by the side of her big brother. Despite her introverted and awkward personality, she had a strong bond with her family and her circle of friends. One of her biggest passions when she wasn't working was art, and had been shown to have quite a talent for it. Everywhere she went, she carried a satchel containing all the supplies she needed: a sketchbook, graphites, colored pastels, and oil paints. When she found that Nathanael was planning to join the scouts, Tay made the quick decision to go with him, and to help fight alongside their father and their uncle Elijah Kaufman for humanity’s glory, and she made her goal to someday explore the outside world to create marvelous paintings and artworks of what she finds on the other side of the walls. When Dawson was killed on an expedition and Elijah returned severely injured, this tragedy left the Schuyler family devastated, especially Tay who was “Daddy’s little girl.” As a result, Nathanael made Tay promise to never join the scouts, and as such would hold off on applying for the cadets to remain with their mother and the twins during their time of grief. In the year 845 after the titan attack on Wall Maria, Tay enlisted in the 104th Cadet Corps alongside Nathanael, Mel, and Mel’s close friend Sam Dossam—however instead of training for the scouts, she was training to make the top ten in order to apply for the Military Police to obtain the benefits to support her family, just the same as her big brother. Throughout the course of her training, Tay wasn’t the strongest or brightest recruit in her squad; in fact, she was viewed as the weakest, and the constant struggles worsened her anxiety to the point of breakdowns. She would've been sent out to the fields had she not worked herself to exhaustion in order to prove to Commandant Keith Shadis that she was capable of becoming a strong soldier. It took her the longest to get used to using the ODM gear, despite how easily sick it made her, and after intense training and help from others, she became an expert at functioning the gear and it's now considered her best skill in combat. Her training was also a factor in her changing as a person: Over the years, Elijah had emotionally abused her after becoming an alcoholic, and had conned her out of money claiming he was getting help for his injured leg until she found out that he was using her money for gambling. She gained the courage to confront him, but when he attempted to harm her she fought back and made it clear she would no longer take his abuse. 
Throughout her training, she began to have second thoughts about joining the interior. She had formed an unlikely friendship with the titan-killing-obsessed blockhead Eren Yeager, a cadet with set ambitions on joining the scouts. She didn’t make the top ten, but she was still offered a position in the interior upon recommendation. She knew what she truly wanted, and it was after the traumatic titan attack in Trost, she reluctantly made the decision to join the Scout Regiment. She was taken under the wing of Section Commander Hange Zoë and Joanna Elytis, and in charge of taking sketched documentations and journaling any valuable information on missions. Four years later, Tay joined the Yeagerist movement to help achieve Eren’s goal to give their precious friends a better life and ensure the protection of their island from any outside enemies.
Tay met Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman a year before Wall Maria fell. When her youngest brother Clovis fell ill with bronchitis, Grisha Yeager traveled with his son and adopted daughter to explore and perhaps make new friends. Eren was initially hostile towards her at first whilst Mikasa was harder to read, but the three of them seemed to warm up to each other. She wouldn't see them again after they returned to Shinganshina. Eren, Mikasa, and their friend Armin took shelter in Trost after their home was destroyed. In a desperate attempt to get food, Eren tried to steal bread when Tay was out on her first bread-run on her own. To his surprise, Tay was able to fight back, but upon seeing how desperate he was to get food for his friends and remembering that his dad helped her family she thought she owed it to them. Eren saw her as an odd girl and didn't understand why she was always so nice to him, and was sometimes a little annoyed with her antics. There have been many incidents where she put him in his place and proved to him she wasn’t a doormat. They grew closer over the years, and as crazy as Tay thought he was for daring to want to join the Scout Regiment, she admired him for being set on achieving his freedom and he was one of the reasons she was inspired to go. When he was around her, Eren was always laughing and smiling at some of her jokes, and he felt like he could open up to her. Their bond led to them developing feelings for each other, but it took them some time to be honest about how they felt due to their shared fear of facing death before they could be together.
Despite the losses and the battle she had to face, letting go of those who have used and abused her kindness and generosity, and the trials she would face in her relationship with Eren, Tay fought hard to become the soldier she always wanted to be in order to finally achieve the free life she always wanted. 
Bonus Facts
-Her voice: Japanese- Miyuki Sawashiro (Kurapika, Hunter X Hunter); English- Suzie Yeung (Makima, Chainsaw Man)
-She started off as a self-insert character created way back in 2016 to be paired with my comfort character Eren Yeager. As self-indulgent as this OC and her story is, it’s become something that brings me much comfort with the characters I’ve grown to love, and I still see myself in her and means a lot to me (yes, I'm biased, shhhh)
-She's a Gemini.
-She has a cinnamon scent.
-Her alignment is lawful-good.
-Dawson was convinced that before Jane was born that she was going to be a boy and picked the name for her. When she was born and he found out she was wrong, he insisted they keep her name because he thought it suited her.
-She got her favorite locket from a merchant when she and her friends visited the marketplace. She loved the detailed engraving of the Wings of Freedom, but kept it empty until she decided what sketch to put inside. After the Rumbling, she puts a sketch of Eren inside of her locket.
-She tried to improve her drawing skills so she could draw a perfect picture of Dawson so she didn't forget what he looked like. Art is something very therapeutic for her and helps her relax.
-She doesn't want to have children and put them through what she's been through. There's also the factor that she doesn't really like children that much.
-She is very secretive about her sketchbook and will only let very few people look at it. Nathanael flipped a page before she could warn him and he ended up finding some nude art, and they never spoke of this nor did he dare do that again.
-Eren asked Tay if she could draw a picture of his late-mother and tried his best to describe her as to not forget what she looked like. When she showed him the drawing, he cried from happiness knowing he wouldn't forget his mother's face.
-In a modern AU, she works as a barista for an independent café/freelancing artist. Her aesthetic would also be pink goth that matches Eren's grunge aesthetic. (Power couple.)
-Her cat Agatha is based off of my real life cat, also named Agatha
-Being an Aries and Gemini pairing, Eren and Tay balance each other out and it makes them a compatible couple. She finds herself intrigued by his determination and encourages him to pursue his dreams, and he finds himself always listening to her go on her biggest passions and she is soon willing to open up to him. They bring out the best in each other, however they do have a handful of issues with both of them being as hard headed, and Tay will not hesitate to tell him off if he raises his voice at her.
-Tay and Mel are such close friends that a majority of their friends and Nathanael thought they were dating for the longest time.
-The ship name between her and Eren is TayRen
-Her spirit animal is a doe
OC Profile Credit- AliceCantBeStopped; Divider- ianrkives
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vivaaestheticclinic · 22 days
Dark Circles Treatment in Mumbai: Restore Your Radiance at Viva Aesthetic Clinic
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Dark circles can be a persistent concern for many, affecting your overall appearance and confidence. If you're looking for an effective dark circles treatment in Mumbai, Viva Aesthetic Clinic, led by Dr. Deepam Shah, offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique skin needs.
What Causes Dark Circles?
Dark circles are often caused by several factors, including:
Fatigue and lack of sleep
Age-related changes
Allergies or sinus issues
Poor lifestyle habits
At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, our expert dermatologists assess the root cause of your dark circles to provide the most suitable treatment for your skin type and condition.
Advanced Dark Circles Treatment Options
When it comes to dark circles treatment in Mumbai, Dr. Deepam Shah employs the latest, evidence-based techniques to deliver visible results. Our treatment options include:
Topical Treatments: Specially formulated creams and serums containing ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid help reduce pigmentation and improve skin texture.
Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers can effectively address volume loss under the eyes, which often contributes to the appearance of dark circles. Dr. Deepam Shah uses high-quality fillers to rejuvenate the under-eye area, creating a youthful, refreshed look.
Laser Therapy: For more severe pigmentation, laser therapy can be highly effective. Our state-of-the-art laser treatments target the deeper layers of skin, reducing pigmentation and boosting collagen production.
Chemical Peels: Chemical peels gently exfoliate the skin, reducing pigmentation and improving overall skin tone. This treatment option is suitable for mild to moderate dark circles.
PRP Therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma): PRP therapy involves using the body’s own growth factors to stimulate skin healing and collagen production, reducing dark circles over time. It is a natural and effective treatment option offered at Viva Aesthetic Clinic.
Why Choose Viva Aesthetic Clinic for Dark Circles Treatment?
Choosing the right clinic for dark circles treatment in Mumbai is crucial for achieving lasting and safe results. Here's why Viva Aesthetic Clinic stands out:
Experienced Dermatologist: With years of expertise, Dr. Deepam Shah is one of Mumbai's most trusted skin specialists, known for delivering personalized treatments that achieve excellent results.
State-of-the-Art Technology: We use advanced technology and the latest techniques to ensure you receive the best care possible.
Holistic Approach: Our clinic takes a holistic approach to dark circle treatment, addressing both the symptoms and the underlying causes.
Customized Treatments: No two patients are the same, and neither are their treatments. Each solution is tailored to your skin type, lifestyle, and specific concerns.
Benefits of Dark Circles Treatment at Viva Aesthetic Clinic
Undergoing dark circles treatment in Mumbai at our clinic offers numerous benefits, including:
Improved under-eye appearance
Brighter and smoother skin
Reduced puffiness and pigmentation
A refreshed, youthful look
At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, we believe in not just treating the symptoms but enhancing your natural beauty. Whether your dark circles are caused by genetics, age, or lifestyle factors, Dr. Deepam Shah and his team will work with you to design a treatment plan that delivers visible and lasting results.
Book Your Consultation Today!
Are you ready to rejuvenate your appearance and say goodbye to dark circles? At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, we provide effective and affordable dark circles treatment in Mumbai that helps you regain your confidence. Contact us today to book a consultation and start your journey to healthier, brighter skin.
Viva Aesthetic Clinic25A, 27B, 27C Ground Floor, Panchratna Building, next to Roxy Theatre, Charni Road East, Opera House, Girgaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400004 Timing: 10:30am to 8pm (Monday – Saturday) Phone: +(91) 93245 89084 | 022 3573 1556
Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
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navdeep012 · 25 days
Top 10 Essential Women's Grooming Products Every Woman Should Own
Explore the top 10 essential women's grooming products every woman needs for a radiant and confident appearance. Elevate your beauty routine with these must-have items.
A well-curated grooming routine is essential for every woman. Whether you're prepping for a day at the office or a special evening out, having the right grooming products can make all the difference. Here's a guide to the top 10 essential women's grooming products that every woman should have in her beauty arsenal.
1. Face Cream
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A quality face cream is the foundation of any skincare routine. It keeps your skin hydrated, nourished, and protected throughout the day.
Top Pick: Choose the best face cream for women that suits your skin type. For those with dry skin, a rich face cream for dry skin is ideal, while a face glow cream is perfect for brightening dull skin.
2. Fairness Cream
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If you’re looking to enhance your complexion, a fairness cream can help. These creams often contain ingredients that help even out skin tone and reduce pigmentation.
Top Pick: The best fairness cream for women should be gentle yet effective. Opt for a natural fairness cream that also provides sun protection for a radiant glow.
3. Shaving Razor
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A good shaving razor is essential for smooth, hair-free skin. The best razor for women should offer a close shave without irritating the skin.
Top Pick: Look for a razor for women with multiple blades and a moisturizing strip for a smoother glide. Consider a bikini razor for sensitive areas.
4. Hair Removal Cream
For those who prefer an alternative to shaving, a hair removal cream is a must-have. It’s painless and leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth.
Top Pick: The best hair removal cream should be gentle on the skin while effectively removing hair. A female hair removal cream formulated for sensitive skin is ideal for areas like the face and bikini line.
5. Deodorant
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A reliable deodorant is a daily essential. It keeps you feeling fresh and confident all day long.
Top Pick: The best deodorant for women should offer long-lasting protection against sweat and odor. Choose a women's deodorant with a light, pleasant fragrance that complements your perfume.
6. Perfume
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A signature perfume is a key component of any woman’s grooming routine. The right fragrance can leave a lasting impression.
Top Pick: Invest in a long-lasting perfume that reflects your personality. Whether you prefer floral, fruity, or musky notes, there’s a perfume for women that suits every occasion.
7. Body Lotion
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A hydrating body lotion is crucial for keeping your skin soft and smooth. It’s especially important during the winter months when skin tends to become dry.
Top Pick: The best body lotion should be rich in moisturizing ingredients like shea butter or cocoa butter. For added protection, choose a body lotion with SPF to protect your skin from UV damage.
8. Sunscreen
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Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays is essential. A good sunscreen is a must-have in every woman's grooming kit.
Top Pick: The best sunscreen for oily skin should be non-greasy and lightweight. Look for a sunscreen lotion for oily skin with broad-spectrum protection and an SPF of 30 or higher.
9. Face Whitening Cream
If you’re looking to brighten your complexion, a face whitening cream can help. These creams work to reduce dark spots and even out skin tone.
Top Pick: The best face whitening cream for women should be formulated with natural ingredients to lighten the skin without causing irritation. Consider using it as part of your night-time routine for best results.
These women's grooming products are essential for maintaining a polished and confident appearance. By investing in the right products, you can ensure that you always look and feel your best, no matter the occasion.
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Treatment of Acne scar in home
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Types of Acne Scars
Atrophic Scars :This type of scar happens when the skin does not refurbish itself and has a permanent dent on its surface due to acne breakouts. These are ice pick, boxcar and rolling scars.
Hypertrophic Scars Raised scars that develop because the body produces too much collagen when healing. These are less frequent and may be more severe, usually troubling.
‍ Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): Dark spots or patches that remain after the acne has healed, results from increased melanin production during inflammations.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has become popular for its drama and healing properties. It assists in the process of reduction in inflammation and the regeneration of the skin. Apply fresh gel taken from the plant directly onto the affected area. Allow it to remain for about twenty minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. With regular use, it can help reduce the scarring and enhance skin texture.
Honey: Honey is a natural moisturizer, and at the same time, it harbors antimicrobial properties. It hastens the wound healing and hence reduces scar formation. Egg Apply raw egg on the scars and keep it applied for minutes before washing off. For best results, use this remedy daily.
Lemon Juice: Lemon being a natural exfoliator has bleaching components as it contains a lot of vitamin C. It can help in lightening dark spots and also help in brightening the general tone of the skin. Lemon juice being very strong should be diluted twice with water and applied to the scars in an amount for atleast 10–15 minutes. A good rinse is needed and thereafter sunscreen application, as lemon can make your skin photosensitive.
Green Tea Extract: Green tea is an antioxidant that heals the skin by reducing inflammation. Apply green tea bags for around 10–15 minutes on the affected areas, or just use green tea extract in making a paste and applying. It may help in reducing the redness and enhance the vibrancy and healthy look of the skin.
Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is very well known to moisturize the skin and for its anti-inflammatory qualities. It also has fatty acids that help repair the skin to get rid of the appearance of the scars. Apply just a small amount of virgin coconut oil on the scars before bedtime and leave it overnight. Rinse off in the morning.
Vitamin E: This helps in the treatment of the skin and will reduce the scar marks to a great extent. Vitamin E oil can be directly applied on the scars and massage topical creams containing vitamin E into them. Leave overnight for good results.
Success Tips
Consistency: These remedies have to be done on a regular basis for effectiveness. Be patient; these will take anywhere from a few weeks up to months to treat the scar. Patch Test: Always conduct a patch test before going the whole hog with any new remedy to reassure yourself that your body does not react adversely. Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen on a daily basis, as sun exposure increases the risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation. Healthy skin routine: Healthy skin emanates from a good skincare routine. Proper cleansing and moisturizing support general health for your skin.
**We would always advise you to consult a good dermatologist.
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top10bharat · 2 months
How to Reduce Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags
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Dark circles are almost the most common reason for a tired and aged look in both men and women. These can occur as a result of many factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, and core health issues. This comprehensive guide will explain in detail the various causes of dark circles, their treatments that really work, and preventive measures for the same to achieve brighter and healthier-looking skin.
What Are Dark Circles?
Dark circles refer to the darkened skin under the eyes. This common condition affects people of all ages. Although dark circles are commonly associated with fatigue or a lack of sleep, they can be caused by a variety of causes such as aging, heredity, lifestyle choices, and medical conditions. Dark rings under the eyes typically appear gloomy or blue. Depending on your skin tone and the underlying cause, they may seem blue, purple, or dark brown. The skin under the eyes is more sensitive and thinner than the skin elsewhere on the body. Signs of damage and tension, including as fine lines, discoloration, and swelling, are also more common in this area.
Causes of Dark Circles
Getting to the root cause of your dark circles is very instrumental to performing effective treatment. Some common causes are enumerated below:
Genetics Genetics definitely play a big role in the formation of dark circles. Chances of getting it are pretty high if your parents or relatives have it.
Aging As we age, the skin starts to thin out and loses some collagen. This causes the blood vessels under the eyes to become visible and appear as dark circles.
Lack of Sleep Sleep deficiency can lead to dilation of blood vessels which, at times, creates an illusion that they are more prominent underneath the eye. Additionally, lack of adequate sleep causes the body to hold liquid, which causes puffiness and darkening.
Allergies The presence of allergies causes the body to release histamine which is a blood vessel dilator, eventually resulting in a dark appearance. Also, if one continues rubbing or scratching his or her eyes due to allergies, then it will aggravate the dark circles.
Dehydration Dehydration makes the skin sink under the eyes, thereby revealing dark circles.
Lifestyle Factors A poor diet, excessive drinking, and smoking all contribute towards dark circles. Such habits shall impact blood circulation and the skin condition in general.
Treatments That Actually Work for Dark Circles
Topical Solutions
Eye Creams Eye creams rich in ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and peptides may help lighten and tighten the area under the eyes. Look for products specifically targeting dark circles.
Cold Compress A cold compress can help compress blood vessels and de-puff a puffy eye, making dark circles less noticeable. Chilled cucumber slices or a cold spoon can be used to get a cool relief from darkness.
Medical Treatments
Chemical Peels These chemical peels reduce this pigmentation and improve skin texture. The procedures remove the superficial layer of skin, increasing cell turnover, and giving way to brighter skin from underneath.
Laser Therapy The laser treatments work to target the pigmentation while stimulating collagen production that will help do away with the dark circles and improve your skin texture.
Dermal Fillers That's where dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid can be injected into the tear trough area to create volume and reflect light onto the shadowy area. This works best for dark circles brought on by thinning skin or loss of fat.
Home Remedies
Cucumber Slices The slice of cucumber is known for its cooling effect, and has antioxidants that help dispel puffiness and brighten up the under eye area. Place chilled cucumber slices on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
Tea Bags Tea bags, mainly green or chamomile tea, contain caffeine and antioxidants that help reduce swelling and improve blood flow. Steep the tea bags, let them cool off, and apply them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
Almond Oil and Honey Dip a cotton swab in almond oil and honey mix and apply it in the under-eye circles. Let it stay overnight. Both the ingredients are nourishing and will lighten the dark circles with regular use.
Healthy Life Habits
Get Enough Sleep Aim for 7-9 hours of good sleep every night to help reduce dark circles. Have a regular sleeping pattern and create a relaxing routine before bed.
Stay Hydrated Drink much water throughout the day. This will keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Dehydration makes dark circles more prominent.
Eat a Balanced Diet A good intake of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can promote healthier skin. Foods that are rich in vitamins C and K and iron can help in reducing dark circles.
Sun Protection
Use Sunscreen Protect your skin from the sun. This will help in preventing pigmentation and premature aging. Apply broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 throughout the day, even on cloudy days.
Wear Sunglasses Sunglasses will act to shield the tender skin around the eyes from UV damage and thus help reduce formation of dark circles and other forms of sun damage.
Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes Eye rubbing and scratching will break the delicate skin and, as such, will further aggravate circles under the eyes. If scratching or irritation is needed, then local eye drops will be effective, or seek medical advice.
Consult a Doctor
Persistent Dark Circles If you have dark circles and many treatments have been tried by you to no avail, then it is time to go to a dermatologist. They can identify the root cause and treat accordingly.
Associated Symptoms If other symptoms are associated with it like swelling, itching, or pain, then the advice of the doctor must be sought as it can signal some underlying health problem that may need treatment.
Dark circles can be a pain in the neck, but with the right approach, they sure can be managed. You can ensure that your skin looks brighter and healthier by just grasping the causes, treating them, and living a healthy lifestyle. Keep in mind that it's all about being consistent; sometimes it takes time for results to be noticeable.
Consult a dermatologist or professional skincare expert for advice and treatments tailor-made for you. They will guide you as needed based on your skin type and condition.
By the end of this ultimate guide, you will have gone through some of the most dramatic ways of reducing dark circles under your eyes and achieving a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance.
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helthcareheven · 7 months
Hydration Station: Dive into Hyaluronic Acid's Moisture Magic
What is Hyaluronic Acid? Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a polysaccharide or sugar molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. It plays a key structural and lubricating role in the skin, and is found abundantly in the tissues and fluid that surround our cells. HA helps bind water molecules to the skin, keeping it moisturized and plump. As we age, our natural HA levels decline, resulting in dry, sagging skin. This is where topical HA products come in.
How Does Hyaluronic Acid Work on Skin? When applied to the skin, HA works both on the surface and deep within the dermal layers. On the surface, it forms a protective barrier that prevents water loss. It can bind up to 1000 times its weight in water, replenishing lost moisture. But its real magic happens beneath the surface. As a humectant, HA pulls water molecules from deep dermal layers and the atmosphere, helping to plump fine lines and wrinkles from within. It also lubricates and cushions skin, improving elasticity, firmness and promoting collagen production over time.
Low Molecular Weight vs. High Molecular Weight HA Hyaluronic acid comes in different molecular weights. Low molecular weight HA (LMW-HA) penetrates deeply into the skin but doesn't hold onto moisture for very long. High molecular weight HA (HMW-HA) is bigger in size so it doesn't absorb as easily. However, it forms a long-lasting, plumping protective barrier on the skin’s surface. For best results, look for products containing both LMW-HA and HMW-HA. The low weights boost collagen production while the high weights seal in hydration.
Benefits of Using a Hyaluronic Acid Serum An HA serum is a lightweight, liquid formulation that absorbs quickly to deeply hydrate and smooth skin. Here are some of its key benefits:
- Plumps and fills fine lines and wrinkles - Improves skin elasticity and bounce - Diminishes the appearance of scars and stretch marks - Delivers long-lasting hydration - soothes redness and irritation - Protects against environmental damage - Promotes collagen and elastin production - Leaves a smooth, glowing complexion
Look for an HA serum with multiple lower and higher weight varieties for maximum effectiveness. A few drops morning and night onto clean, damp skin is all that’s needed. Over time, skin will look lifted, brighter and significantly younger.
Hyaluronic Acid Creams for Older Skin As we age past our 40s and 50s, skin loses its ability to effectively produce HA on its own. A thick hydrating HA cream is ideal for nourishing mature, dry complexions. Compared to a thin serum, a cream:
- Contains more emollient oils and butters to deeply condition - Forms an occlusive barrier on skin to seal in hydration - Softly exfoliates with AHA/BHA ingredients - Supplies antioxidants for protection - Helps fade dark spots and discoloration - Soothes flaky, tight skin
Look for an anti-aging HA cream containing shea butter, jojoba oil, glycerin and vitamin E. Gently massaged into the face and neck twice daily after cleansing, it replenishes vital lipids to the driest areas. Within weeks, skin will feel plump, soft and noticeably firmer in texture and appearance.
The Power of Hyaluronic Acid Face Masks For an intense weekly or bi-weekly moisture boost, try an HA-infused facial mask. This thick leave-on formula saturates skin like a mini spa treatment at home. Super hydrators like Glycerin enhance its water-trapping abilities for up to 24 hours afterward. Key benefits of using a HA face mask include:
- Rapidly reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles - Restores skin barrier function and brightness - Temporarily tightens and lifts sagging contours - Leaves a visibly plumped, dewy complexion - Soothes redness and flakiness - Improves skin texture and tone
An HA mask applied for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a week is all that’s required to maintain continual youthfulness and moisture balance. The results are nothing short of glowing.
In Summary Hyaluronic acid genuinely delivers anti-aging benefits when used topically. Products containing optimal concentrations and MW distributions target both skin's surface and deeper layers for complete, long-lasting hydration. Regular use can significantly smooth fine lines, augment elasticity and make mature skins look lifted, plumper and more radiant over time. Hyaluronic acid truly earns its title as a gold standard ingredient in anti-aging skincare. With consistency, it works powerful yet gentle magic on all complexion types.
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bodyshopindia · 9 months
All You Need To Know About Vitamin C For Skin
Vitamin C has earned its stripes as a skincare hero in the quest for luminous, healthy skin. This powerhouse antioxidant fights off environmental aggressors and brightens, tightens, and rejuvenates your skin.
Want to harness the full potential of this skincare gem? Know everything about Vitamin C for skin – an ingredient that stands the test of time.
What is Vitamin C?
Vitamin C, scientifically known as ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin found in many fruits and vegetables. In skincare, its antioxidant properties make it a game-changer.
Why Does Your Skin Crave It?
Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, the culprits behind premature aging and skin damage. It's the guardian your skin needs against the daily onslaught of pollution and UV rays. Incorporate this essential nutrient into your skincare regime. It builds collagen, which is essential for keeping skin healthy and firm.
The Benefits: Radiance Unleashed
A revolutionary skincare solution, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin from environmental damage. Your skin will glow and radiance after using it.
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Brightening Elixir
Vitamin C is a natural brightening agent. It inhibits melanin production, addressing dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. Incorporating it into your routine can unveil a more luminous complexion, making your skin glow with renewed vitality.
Collagen Crusader
As one of Vitamin C's superpowers, it stimulates collagen production that maintains skin elasticity. By promoting collagen synthesis, Vitamin C combats fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin firmer and youthful.
Sunshield Warrior
While Vitamin C is not a substitute for sunscreen, it can enhance your skin's natural defense against UV rays. It works synergistically with sunscreen, providing an added layer of protection and reducing the impact of sun damage.
Inflammation Soother
Got irritated skin? Vitamin C to the rescue! Its anti-inflammatory properties can calm redness, soothe irritated skin, and contribute to an even skin tone.
Choosing the Right Vitamin C Product
Now that you've learned about the benefits of Vitamin C, how do you choose the right product? Here's a guide:
Go for products with a concentration of around 10-20%. This range is potent enough to deliver results without causing irritation, making it suitable for most skin types.
Stabilized Formulas
Vitamin C can be unstable, losing its efficacy when exposed to light and air. Look for stabilized formulas, like ascorbic acid or its derivatives, to make sure the product remains effective.
Pair with Complementary Ingredients
When combined with other ingredients, Vitamin C performs well. Consider products that combine Vitamin C with hydrating agents like hyaluronic acid or soothing elements like chamomile for a well curated skincare experience.
Incorporating Vitamin C into Your Routine
After selecting the ideal Vitamin C product, it's time to include it in your skincare routine in an effortless manner:
Morning Ritual
Vitamin C is most effective during the day. After cleansing, apply a few drops of Vitamin C serum to your face before moisturizing and applying sunscreen. This ensures your skin gets the full protective benefits throughout the day.
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Consistency Is The Key 
Like any skincare ingredient, Vitamin C thrives on consistency. For best effects, incorporate Vitamin C cream into your regular regimen. It can take a few weeks to see noticeable effects, so patience is key.
The key to unlocking radiant, youthful skin lies in the consistent, thoughtful application of Vitamin C. Let your skin's radiance shine through, a testament to the enduring power of this skincare product.
Make Your Skincare Routine with Vitamin C Products from The Body Shop
With Vitamin C's skin transforming abilities, start a skincare regimen that blends nature and science. Explore The Body Shop's range of Vitamin C infused products, crafted with ethical practices and natural ingredients. From brightening creams to revitalizing Vitamin C serums for skin, the brand offers a curated selection to complement your quest for radiant, healthy skin. Shop today! 
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drpauls · 10 months
A Simple Guide to the 10-Step Korean Facial Routine
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Does skincare excite you? Achieving that flawless K-beauty look is easier than you might think. Korean facial skincare is often seen as a complex process. But trust us, it is very simple and easy to follow. It can be further simplified for your convenience. For expert insights, the professionals at Dr. Paul's are here to help. Let's explore the secrets of K-beauty together.
Step 1: Start with Cleansing
Begin your routine with a gentle face cleanser. Get rid of dirt, makeup, and impurities. This prepares your skin to absorb the goodness that follows.
Step 2: Double Cleansing (Sometimes)
Not every day, but when you've got heavy makeup on, consider a second cleanse with an oil-based cleanser to make sure nothing's left behind.
Step 3: Exfoliate
Exfoliating once or twice a week helps remove dead skin cells. It leaves your skin fresh and radiant. Use a mild exfoliator for this step.
Step 4: Toning
Apply a toner to balance your skin's pH levels. Prepare it for better absorption of the upcoming products.
Step 5: Essence
Essence is like a magical potion. It hydrates, repairs, and preps your skin for more skincare goodies.
Step 6: Serum
Serums are targeted treatments that address specific skin concerns. Pick a serum that suits your needs. Whether it's brightening, anti-aging, or hydrating, get the right one for yourself.
Step 7: Sheet Mask (Optional)
Sheet masks are like mini-spa treatments. Apply one and relax for 15-20 minutes while it does its magic.
Step 8: Eye Cream
Gently dab on some eye cream to target the delicate skin around your eyes. This helps with fine lines and dark circles.
Step 9: Moisturize
Moisturizing is essential in Korean facials to lock in all the goodness and keep your skin hydrated.
Step 10: Sunscreen
Sunscreen is essential. Don't skip this step, even if you're staying indoors. Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays. It also helps from premature aging.
A Few Tips
1. Consistency is Key
Maintain consistency in skincare. Follow your skincare routine every day. It is just like brushing your teeth. Imagine if you only brush your teeth once a week, they wouldn't stay healthy, right? The same goes for your skin. If you clean, moisturize, and protect it every day, your skin will look its best.
2. Patch Test
Think of this like trying a new food. Before you eat a whole plate of something new, you take a small bite to make sure it tastes good and doesn't upset your stomach. Similarly, when you want to use a new skincare product, put a tiny bit on a small area of your skin. It is to make sure it is not harsh on your skin. If your skin is okay with it, you can proceed.
3. Hydration is Everything
Your body is like a plant; it needs water to stay healthy. Hydration is very important. When your body is well-hydrated, your skin looks better. So, drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. 
Korean Facial Treatment- Your Gateway To A Glowing Skin
A professional Korean facial treatment follows the above mentioned steps. They're like a luxurious spa day for your face. These treatments are designed and executed by experts who understand your skin's unique needs. They use high-quality Korean skincare products.
In addition to the above 10 steps, professional Korean facial treatments may include other specialized treatments like microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or advanced hydration therapies. They're customized to your specific skin concerns. 
So, if you're looking for that extra boost to achieve radiant, flawless skin, consider indulging in a professional Korean facial from Dr Pauls. It's a treat for your skin, and you'll leave feeling rejuvenated and glowing.
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lightupbeauty2 · 1 year
Five Amazing Ingredients for Clear Toned Skin
Literally thousands and millions of photographs are clicked every day for posting on Instagram, Facebook, and every other kind of social media in anxious anticipation of likes, comments and emoticons. This task is accompanied with a lot of hard work. Scores of filters, a variety of effects are used to enhance and fine tune it to perfection. And lo behold, its picture perfect – pun unintended! Perfect skin, amazing hair and a sultry pout……sure to garner a thousand likes! Of course many of them advocate a healthy lifestyle accompanied with exercise and eating sensibly. No dispute about that. But a good skin care regimen is quintessential too. While selecting skin care products for yourself it is also very important to read the label and understand the type of ingredients used, their function plus their benefits. There are some really unique ingredients with amazing benefits which the customer needs to know about
This is probably the most unique kind of Vitamin C ( often referred to as the Gold Standard of Vitamin C ) which can be used in a Vitamin C cream or Vitamin C serum. It is a highly stable form of Vitamin C and penetrates into the deepest layer of the skin. It is known for clearing out pigmentation, evening out the skin tone and for fading out dark spots. Prism which is a Vitamin C face cream is capable of removing dark patches on the face. In a matter of 8 to 10 days the face begins to look clear and radiant. Blaze serum which is a Vitamin C serum for the face is also sometimes referred to as face glow serum.
This remarkable ingredient seals in the moisture keeping the skin hydrated. It is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 which decreases inflammation and prevents extreme skin dryness resulting in healthy glowing skin. Chia which has been used since 3500 BC, is a core ingredient of Blaze which is a face serum for glowing skin.
This renowned ingredient is used for its anti bacterial properties. It rids the skin of anti oxidants. It also reduces the appearance of dark spots thereby naturally brightening the complexion. Chlorophyll is one of the ingredients in Beam a hydrating face mask. Beam is also famously referred to as an instant glow face pack.
This wondrous ingredient is a blue green algae sourced from lakes and rivers. It is used to treat damaged skin and pigmentation disorders. Health benefits of using this special ingredient are enormous. Drench which is the best hydrating face mask for dry skin has spirulina.
Pure marigold powder is an expensive ingredient although found commonly in market places. 100 % pure marigold powder while being exclusive is one of the base ingredients of Flash which is a facial powder wash. Flash can also be used as an exfoliating scrub for both the face and body. It bestows a golden bridal glow after just a few washes.
To know more: https://www.lightupbeauty.com/blog/post/five-amazing-ingredients-for-clear-toned-skin.html
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Expert Tips and Tricks for Men's Skincare: Your Comprehensive Guide
Gone are the days when skincare was solely associated with women. Men's interest in taking care of their skin has been consistently increasing, with online searches for men's skincare tips on the rise. Taking care of your skin is essential, especially in today's urbanized lifestyle with polluted cities and tight deadlines. This blog provides practical skincare tips for men to achieve and maintain healthy, glowing skin. But first, it explains the reasons why skincare is essential for men.
Why Is Skincare Important for Men?
Skincare is important for men for several reasons. Firstly, the skin is the body's largest organ and serves as a protective barrier against external elements such as pollution, UV radiation, and harsh weather conditions. Neglecting skincare can lead to skin damage, premature aging, and even skin diseases.
Secondly, men's skin tends to be oilier and thicker than women's skin, which means it requires special attention and care. Men are also more prone to conditions such as acne, ingrown hairs, and razor burn, which can be prevented or minimized through a good skincare routine.
Lastly, taking care of your skin can have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being. By keeping your skin healthy and moisturized, you can prevent dryness and irritation, which can cause discomfort and affect your mood and confidence.
In short, skincare is important for men because it promotes healthy skin, prevents skin problems, and contributes to overall physical and mental well-being.
What Are the 10 Basic Skincare Tips You Should Follow?
Men should develop a skincare routine that works for them and addresses their unique needs. Here are ten essential men's skincare tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing:
Cleansing: Cleanse your face twice daily to remove dust, impurities, and dead cells. Choose a gentle, non-irritating cleanser that removes dirt and excess oils from the skin's surface without stripping away the beneficial oils that protect it.
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Hydrate: Drink plenty of water daily to hydrate your skin and help flush out toxins.
Toning: Use a non-irritating toner that restores your skin's pH balance and eliminates impurities from the pores.
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Face Mask: Choose a face mask that best suits your needs, whether hydrating, clay, or sheet, to add extra nourishment, hydration, and replenishment to the skin.
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Serum: Use a facial serum that penetrates deeper into your skin than creams and lotions to brighten, firm, and smooth out wrinkles or fine lines while adding an extra hydration layer.
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Massage Your Face: A gentle facial massage stimulates blood circulation, promotes healthy cell growth, and reduces puffiness.
Eye Cream: Use a hydrating eye cream to revive the dull under-eye area, which has delicate and thinner skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles.
Careful Shaving & Beard Care: Use warm water, a sharp razor, and quality shaving gel or cream while shaving to protect your skin from irritation and ingrown hairs.
Take Vitamins: Taking vitamins C, A, and E and Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium promotes healthy skin.
Use Sunscreen: Wear sunscreen that blocks UVB and UVA rays to protect your skin from harmful UV rays that cause premature aging.
Bonus Tip: Scrubbing your face with a gentle exfoliator removes dead skin cells, dirt, and oil that may clog your pores, leading to skin problems.
Taking care of your skin doesn't have to be a complicated or time-consuming process, even for busy men. By following these simple skincare tips, you can achieve healthier, more youthful-looking skin in just a few minutes each day. So don't let a hectic schedule be an excuse for neglecting your skin – prioritize your skincare routine and reap the benefits of a glowing complexion.
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aromaticus · 1 year
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Jeno Nakajima Reason or meaning of name: Was trying to spell the name Jenos from Black Cat and forgot the S, it just stuck. As for the last name, it’s the last name of Jeno’s adoptive father in the Bleach RP fandom, Ryuuichi Nakajima. Character’s nickname: That fucking asshole Reason for nickname: What a fucking asshole. Birth date: June 21st
Physical appearance
Age: 5,928 How old does he/she appear: 16 Weight: 150 lbs Height: 5'8" Body build: Lean but mean is a good term for what he looks like. Shape of face: Meme shaped. Eye color: Silver Glasses or contacts: None. Skin tone: Peach Distinguishing marks: His silver eyes Predominant features: HIS BIG DICK- Hair color: Black Type of hair: L’oreal Hairstyle: Wild and unkempt. Usually kept at roughly ear-length. Voice: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese) | Robbie Daymond (English) Overall attractiveness: Physically he’s a 9/10 and personality wise he’s a 15/10. Modesty? Never heard of her! Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: He likes his suits. Be they black or blue. Favorite outfit: Suit n’ tie my boy. Jewelry or accessories: A cross necklace that he wears at all times.
Good personality traits: Compassionate, charismatic, courageous, friendly to children, determined, impossible to be manipulated, lives by his own rules, dependable Bad personality traits: Perverted, sarcastic, rude, indifferent to death Mood character is most often in: Sarcastic, eccentric, charismatic Sense of humor: Dark, perverted, eccentric, cheesy Character’s greatest joy in life: BOOBS n’ BUTTS! Character’s greatest fear: Attachment Why? He doesn’t want to get attached to anyone in fear of losing them. So he keeps his distance and acts like an aloof ally at all times. Even during his relationships, it’s strictly physical and never emotional. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? His favorite TV show being cancelled. Character is most at ease when: He at the strip club. Most ill at ease when: Children in his general vicinity are in danger. Enraged when: Children and other innocents get hurt in his line of sight. Depressed or sad when: When he’s drinking and remembering the past. Priorities: Living his undead life to the fullest, making sure people don’t make the same mistakes that he did. Life philosophy: “You gotta live by your own rules, no matter what.” If granted one wish, it would be: To obtain a harem. Why? Why not? Character’s soft spot: Children, the rare friend that he’s made.  Is this soft spot obvious to others? He doesn’t try to hide it, so yes. Greatest strength: His determination to protect those he cares about. Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His perverted nature. Biggest regret: Not taking a girl’s offer to spank her seriously and missing out on the opportunity as a result. Minor regret:  Not ordering a grand slam at Denny’s the last time he was there. Biggest accomplishment: Buying Disney. Minor accomplishment: Successfully surprising his maid Fubuki on her birthday. Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Nope. Why? N/A Character’s darkest secret: He’s got a body pillow of himself. Does anyone else know? No one does and he’ll keep it that way even if he has to crack a few skulls open.
Drives and motivations: To live in the moment the best he can. Immediate goals: Get an ice cream sundae.  Long term goals: Get that damn harem. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: He’s making this shit up as he goes. How other characters will be affected: For better or worse, he’ll be changing their lives with his presence. 
Hometown: Unknown Type of childhood: Warm and loving. Pets: A dog. First memory: His mother’s smiling face. Most important childhood memory: When his dad took him hiking. Why: It was the first time his father laughed at one of his jokes. Childhood hero: His mother. Dream job: Merchant. Education: N/A Religion: A religion that has long since been lost to time. Finances: His family was very poor.
Current location: A mansion located in Nebraska. Currently living with: All his maids and butlers, including Fubuki. Pets: None. Religion: He believes in God, but no religion. Occupation: CEO of a few dozen companies, professional pervert, Reaper. Finances: Rich as hell. Probably the richest man in the world.
Mother: Koyuki Nakajima Relationship with her: He loved her with all his heart and she loved him. She’s currently deceased. Father: Ryuuichi Nakajima. Relationship with him: A bit of tough love, but functional nonetheless. He’s currently deceased. Siblings: Ritsu Nakajima Relationship with them: His younger sister. He doted on her all the time. She's currently deceased. Spouse: N/A Relationship with him/her: N/A Children: N/A Relationship with them: N/A Other important family members: Melanie Sinclair (Adoptive Niece)
Color: Black, red and blue. Least favorite color: Magenta. Music: Rock, EDM, Hip Hop, Classical Food: Spicy foods Literature: Manga, mystery, thriller, horror Form of entertainment: Drinking, strip clubs, anime Expressions: Finger guns Mode of transportation: Teleportation, flying. Most prized possession: The cross necklace that he wears.
Plays a musical instrument? Piano, guitar, drums, bass Plays a sport? Basketball How he/she would spend a rainy day: Punch the clouds away. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Spending habits: He only spends his money on the most extravagant of fast food and cheap booze. Smokes: All the time. Drinks: Rum, Gin, Sake Other drugs: N/A What does he/she do too much of? Everything. What does he/she do too little of? Grow attached to people in a healthy way. Extremely skilled at: Seeing through facades with a glance, picking up on physical tics and emotional cues. Extremely unskilled at: Being tactful. Nervous tics: Scratching the back of his head. Usual body posture: Relaxed, hands in his pockets. Mannerisms: Pacing, leaning forward to get a better look at people, rubbing his chin, clasping his hands behind his back. Peculiarities: His entire existence, really.
Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Both. He uses whichever mindset suits the situation best. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Animal lover? Yes and they adore him.
How he feels about himself: He is THE HYPE and he doesn’t care if other people don’t agree with him. All that matters is that he sees himself as awesome. One word the character would use to describe self: Fantastic. One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “Too lazy to write a paragraph. Let’s just say Jeno is the shit.” What does the character consider his best personality trait? His charisma. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? His lack of sympathy when it comes to someone’s death. He sometimes hates how desensitized to death he’s become thanks to his line of work. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? HIS BIG DICK- What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? The fact that his skin is cold to the touch and he has no pulse. How does the character think others perceive him: He doesn’t care? What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Maybe make his skin not as cold. It can really take people by surprise. 
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Indomitable. That’s what humans are. Indomitable. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Rarely. Person character most hates: No one at the moment. He’s pretty neutral toward even the big bad villains out there since a lot of them haven’t personally offended him by performing villainous acts within his line of sight. Though the demon that killed him and his family can go suck a dick. Best friend(s): He has none. Love interest(s): None at the moment. Person character goes to for advice: Fubuki, his maid. Sariel, the Archangel. Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: All children and other young folk that he wants to prevent from making the same mistakes as him. Person character feels shy or awkward around: The words shy and awkward don’t exist in Jeno’s vocabulary. Person character openly admires: Mr. Rogers. Person character secretly admires: Fubuki, for putting up with him and his antics. Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His family. After story starts: Himself and those who fall under his protection.
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Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover (Perfect 10 Skin) Shark Tank Updated Reviews
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Very Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover: Did you had some awareness of that 55% of ladies will generally have veins issue and venous insufficiency? While around half of many people will for the most part have standard varicose veins. This happens when a few drops of blood gets bunch up in light of the feeble shallow veins that can't keep up with the transmission of course framework in your body.
The bug vein and varicose veins showing up on your body can be humiliating and eliminate your affirmation. They are not harming and don't acquire converse discretionary effects any case, they kill the significance of our skin. In extremely remarkable events, certain individuals could encounter agony and swell.
Assuming you are one experiencing bug veins crawling for your thighs and varicose veins, then, you are at the best regions. We will give you an outline on Really Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover which has been the discussion for dealing with vein uneasiness and issues. The Super Luxe Skin Tag Removeris a cream organized and made basically to diminish the presence of red spots, varicose, broken vessels and bug veins.
What is Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover?
Very Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover is a cream that uses typical trimmings and regular focus conditions to chip away at the presence of skin achieved by venous inadequacy, for instance, varicose veins, bug veins, and broken vessels. It in like manner alleviates expanded lower legs and profound feet, diminishes muscle fits, and damages and red blotches on the skin. Super Luxe Skin Tag Removervaricose definition enters the profound layers of skin to abstain from and fixes the damages. The skincare vein creams also hydrate the skin cells, as needs be, stripping and soaking the skin.
The Very Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover reviews from clients have made claims that the cream needs decline bug veins by 95%, varicose veins by 89%, broken vessels, and red blotches by 87%. It also shows that it lessens the red lines on cheeks, skin aggravation slanted, crimps, and dark circles around the eyes and besides gives your skin aglow. Accordingly, it further fosters your skin surface and tone.
How does this cream work?
The veins in one's body are at risk for the transportation of dirtied blood from all pieces of the body to the lungs for purifying. The issue emerges when these veins while taking care of their business competently overall beginning turning out to be thick because of some or other sort of need in the body. Thusly, these veins begin to enlarge or get torn. This is where the cream is useful.
How does this help?
The bits of the cream enter the pores of your skin and try to lessen the presence of these veins on the legs. This cream almost contains unequivocal plant restricts that make this cream something past a vitamin K cream. Also, this cream can in addition be involved on the face for the treatment of pimples and red messes up.
What Makes Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover The Best Varicose Vein Cream:
Eliminates the Varicose veins, puts them far away This cream is exceptional for it is an optimal answer for the issue of unattractive veins on the leg without the problem of a laser treatment or any sort of infusions.
Alleviate your lower legs and legs from torment The everyday utilization of this cream can be extremely worthwhile. This can be of extraordinary help to you for it will effectively assuage you enlarged lower legs, throbbing and awkward legs, muscle cramps in legs, the difference in variety in the lower leg and so on.
Fix you vessels and red blotches Separated from this cream supernaturally will decrease the presence of varicose veins in the legs by 89%, bug veins by 95% and broken vessels and red blotches by 87%.
Use it anyplace on your body Also, this cream is protected to utilize anyplace on the body including your face. It contains select vein recuperating complex and is in no way, shape or form oily.
No paraben, wonderful smell Last however not the least, this cream is fragrant and paraben free.
Benefits Of Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover
At the point when you use it, you will feel many advantages of Very Perfect 10 Skin Tag Remover connected with your veins and skin. As indicated by the surveys of venores cream, we have accumulated the most famous reasons of its advantages.
Normal Fixing:- The natural elements of Super Luxe Skin Tag Removerthat further develop skin cells wellbeing have gone through numerous clinical tests. Likewise, Super Luxe Skin Tag Removerwith its organic complex detailing gives normal and safe piece. The mixtures added are strong and can likewise enter profound into the skin to fix harms. Along these lines, there are no unsafe conceivable symptoms of Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover Remover.
General Application:- One of the advantages of Super Luxe Skin Tag Removeris that it tends to be applied in any piece of your body, whether it be your legs or your face. Subsequently, you need to utilize no other cream to enhance it.
Compelling Recipe.:- Super Luxe Skin Tag Removervaricose vein cream surveys states a thorough detailing of mixtures give you both present moment and extensive stretches help from varicose veins and related conditions. The whole fixings utilized are regular and have no terrible aftereffects when contrasted with other varicose vein creams. The hydrating properties ensure that the mix skin benefits saturate and diminish varicose veins and presence of arachnid veins.
Sans oil and non oily:- The cream has incredible ingestion properties and forestalls oiliness due to the mixtures added, for example, potassium cetyl phosphate and isopropyl myristate. In this manner, the cream results is compelling on a wide range of skin.
No scent:- The cream has no aroma and is impartial. Hence, it very well may be utilized by anybody with practically no aroma issue.
The Solution to the problem of Varicose Vein!
These veins now and again are an obstacle to one's conviction for they are enormous and are an encumbrance to one's significance as well. Hardly any out of each and every odd individual is irritated by this issue yet rather it should be seen that these veins make as you make with age too. Consequently, while possibly not the present moment, this will be a certain shot issue in a few later years. Other than that, this is a bumble for the more lively pack too.
How to?order Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover?
You can order Perfect 10 Skin Tag Remover with the 4 major credit cards- Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover Card.
How is Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover shipped?
All USA orders of Super Luxe Skin Tag Removerare sent through USPS first in class mail with development authentication. Overall orders on Really Luxury Skin Label Remover are sent through FedEx with the accompanying or a nearby generally speaking transporter with the accompanying. The gatherings are conveyed mindfully without any sign of what thing is inside.
How to track Super Luxe Skin Tag Remover order?
Right when the sales has been put, you will get the accompanying relationship in your transportation certificate email inside a few work days. You can follow your requesting utilizing the going with affiliation.
Expecting you are experiencing varicose veins or understand any individual who has varicose veins or bug veins and could utilize the advantages of Very Paradise Skin Tag Remover, you ought to determinedly utilize it. These are certainly truly unprecedented and dependable decisions as opposed to laser or activity for varicose veins, if you are considering an activity for supportive reasons alone.
Very Paradise Skin Tag Remover is besides helpful to obstruct varicose veins and to lessen bug veins fundamentally. Trust you found the survey steady and can allow us to say whether you have attempted Super Luxe Skin Tag Removerand what are your perspectives about this varicose vein expulsion cream.
Official Web : https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/super-luxe-skin-tag-remover-reviews-secret-behind-shark-tank-skin-tag-remover-23274380
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lukewarmblogs · 2 years
Pre-Wedding Preparation For Glowing Skin!
Your wedding day is the day when you will be the center of attention. All eyes will be on you, so it's important to look your best. Your skin is one of the most important aspects of your bridal beauty routine, and it's essential to prepare it for the big day. In this blog, we will talk about pre-wedding preparation for glowing skin. But getting glowing skin doesn't happen overnight; it requires a bit of effort and planning. That's why it's essential to start preparing your skin months in advance to achieve the perfect, radiant look you desire. 
 In this blog, we will discuss some of the essential pre-wedding preparation steps for achieving glowing skin. 
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 Why is pre-wedding skin preparation important? 
Preparing your skin before your wedding day is crucial for several reasons. First, it allows you to address any skin concerns that you may have, such as acne, wrinkles, or dark spots. Second, it helps to improve the overall texture and appearance of your skin, making it look radiant, smooth, and youthful. Finally, it ensures that your skin is healthy and well-hydrated, which is essential for maintaining your bridal makeup throughout the day. 
Start with a Skincare Routine : 
The first and most important step in preparing your skin for your wedding day is to establish a skincare routine. Your routine should include cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and exfoliating. If you have specific skin concerns, such as acne or dryness, you may need to add additional steps or products to your routine. 
 When selecting skincare products, it's important to choose products that are suited for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, you may want to choose a foaming cleanser, while if you have dry skin, you may want to choose a cream-based cleanser. 
2. Get Plenty of Rest : 
Getting plenty of rest is essential for achieving healthy, glowing skin. When you're tired, your skin can appear dull and unimpressive. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to ensure that your skin looks its best. 
 In addition to getting enough sleep, it's also important to reduce stress. Stress can cause a range of skin concerns, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Find ways to manage stress, such as through yoga, meditation, or spending time outdoors. 
3. Drink Plenty of Water : 
Drinking enough water is key to maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Water helps to flush out toxins from your body, which can contribute to skin concerns like acne and dryness. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day to ensure that your skin is well-hydrated. 
4. Use a Lukewarm Face Wash : 
Using a lukewarm face wash is an essential step in your pre-wedding skincare routine. A face wash helps to remove dirt, oil, and impurities from your skin, leaving it clean and refreshed. However, using hot or cold water can be damaging to your skin, as it can strip away natural oils and cause dryness and irritation. 
 A lukewarm face wash, on the other hand, is gentle and effective, helping to cleanse your skin without causing any damage. It's also important to choose a face wash that is suitable for your skin type, as this will help to ensure that it is gentle and effective. 
 When using a face wash, it's important to massage it gently into your skin, using circular motions. Avoid rubbing too hard or using harsh scrubbing motions, as this can cause irritation and damage to your skin.  
5. Use Lukewarm Glycolic Peeling Solution : 
A lukewarm glycolic peeling solution is an excellent way to exfoliate your skin and promote cell turnover. Glycolic acid is a type of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) that can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. It can also help to increase collagen production, which can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 
 When using a glycolic peeling solution, it's important to start with a low concentration and gradually increase the strength over time. This will help to avoid any potential irritation or sensitivity. It's also important to follow the instructions carefully and avoid over-exfoliating, as this can lead to dryness, redness, and inflammation. 
6. Moisturize Regularly : 
Moisturizing your skin is the key to keeping it hydrated and healthy. It helps to prevent dryness, flakiness, and irritation, leaving your skin soft, smooth, and supple. Choose a moisturizer that is suited to your skin type and apply it regularly, especially after cleansing or exfoliating. 
7. Use Lukewarm SPF50+ Sunscreen : 
Sunscreen is an essential step in any skincare routine, but it’s especially important in the weeks leading up to your wedding day. Sun damage can cause premature aging, dark spots, and uneven skin tone, which can detract from your overall bridal beauty look. It’s important to choose a sunscreen that is suitable for your skin type and offers broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. 
To protect your skin, use lukewarm SPF50+ sunscreen, apply it generously to all exposed areas of your skin. Protecting your skin from the sun is essential for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. UV rays can cause a range of skin concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and skin cancer. Reapply Lukewarm SPF50+ Sunscreen every two hours, especially if you are sweating or swimming. 
8. Eat a Healthy Diet : 
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Your skin needs a range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to stay healthy and glowing. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-fat foods, as these can contribute to skin concerns like acne and inflammation. 
9. Exercise Regularly : 
Regular exercise is an excellent way to boost circulation and promote healthy, glowing skin. When you exercise, your heart rate increases, and blood flow to your skin increases, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells. This can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness, leaving your skin looking radiant and healthy. 
10. Visit a Dermatologist : 
If you have specific skin concerns, such as acne, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation, it may be helpful to visit a dermatologist. A dermatologist can assess your skin and recommend a personalized treatment plan to address your concerns. This may include prescription medications, professional treatments, or skincare products. 
 In conclusion, achieving glowing skin for your wedding day requires a bit of planning and effort. Start by establishing a skincare routine, getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of water, and using  lukewarm sunscreen and face wash. Moisturize regularly, protect your skin from sun damage, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and consider visiting a dermatologist if you have specific skin concerns. By following these steps, you can achieve the perfect, radiant look for your big day and feel confident and beautiful as you walk down the aisle. 
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The benefits of vitamin c cream for your skin
Topical vitamin C is a science-backed, dermatologist-favorite component that may help slow early skin aging, stop sun damage, and perk up the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, and acne. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it fights harmful free radicals that come in contact with your skin from external sources like air pollution, or from within the body as a result of normal processes like your metabolism. Free radicals can damage the skin, and applying topical vitamin C can fight free radicals and may progress the skin’s overall appearance.
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Vitamin c skin cream can be found in serums or other skincare products. Different formulations of vitamin C can change its strength and effects in the skin. Consider buying vitamin C products from your dermatologist’s office or a verified online retailer, with a clinical formulation that includes an active form of vitamin C, has a strength of 10% to 20%, and a pH lower than 3.5, as this blend has been studied in clinical trials.
Vitamin C—also known as ascorbic acid—is a water-soluble nutrient that plays an important role in keeping your skin healthy. Topical vitamin C is clinically proven to have a wide range of clinical applications thanks to its antiaging, antioxidant, antipigmentary properties. This potent nutrient offers many benefits for the skin, including the potential to:
Heal     wounds
Make     collagen, used to keep skin youthful and plump
Diminish     the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Maintain     and repair damaged skin and cartilage
Even     skin tone
Brighten     up complexion 
Prevent     premature aging
Reduce     the appearance of dark spots
Whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination, vitamin C is advantageous for skin health, helping it look and feel healthier and younger longer. There are two ways to use vitamin C for skin care: nutritional intake and applying it topically.
Topical vitamin C is absorbed into the topmost layers of the skin directly, allowing it to get to work immediately on smoothing the skin, reducing fine lines and dark spots and protecting against free radicals.
Vitamin C is available in facial moisturizers and serums. Serums are more concentrated than moisturizers and more easily absorb into the skin, which is why more skincare specialists recommend vitamin C serums. 
Sometimes, less is more. Most research says that vitamin C is best implemented into your skincare routine when used as a topical serum. Even serums containing low concentrations of vitamin C still deliver antioxidant protection and skin benefits.
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Best Cream For Dark Skin Tone
New Post has been published on https://skin-care-routine.com/best-cream-for-dark-skin-tone/best-cream-for-dark-skin-tone-2/
Best Cream For Dark Skin Tone
A. The 13 Best Sunscreens for Dark Skin Tones That Don’t Leave a White Cast
One of the biggest (and in our opinion the most dangerous) beauty myths? People with darker skin tones do not need sun protection on a daily basis. But here’s the truth: although melanin provides some sun protection for darker skin tones, it is not enough to ward off these harmful rays. This means that anyone, regardless of skin tone, can develop skin cancer – which, according to a study by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, tends to result in worse outcomes for black women, as cancer is usually diagnosed at a later stage. Not to mention that SPF is an important part of any skin care routine, because “with cumulative sun exposure you may notice increased expression lines, decreased elasticity and discoloration”, says dermatologist Dr. Meena Singh, MD .
Now we know that not all sunscreens are created equal – and in the past many of these options were not made with melanin in mind, making them look meaty and unfavorable. The good news, however, is that thanks to recent advances in innovative textures (think sticks and serums with a clear SPF, colorful creams and non-greasy gel formulas), more and more skin care companies are offering sunscreens that do not leave a white glow. (As a reminder, you don’t need a bottle of SPF 100; SPF 30 broadband is enough).
To help you choose an invisible SPF that’s right for you, we’ve found (and tested) the best sunscreens for darker skin tones, including a 50 SP tinted CC cream, a cheap sunscreen and moisturizer hybrid, a beautiful balm for lips with sun protection factor and sunscreen for and by women of color.
1. Black own parasol
a. Moisturizing sunscreen Ultra Sheer SPF 30
A sunscreen for women’s dark skin. The formula is completely clear and gives a beautiful glow to the skin. For moisturizing without being oily or sticky, it is an effective makeup base.
b. Umbra Pure Physical Defense
Zinc oxide is the gold standard for sunscreens. It blocks a larger area of ​​sunlight than titanium dioxide and can be more stable. However, zinc is difficult to formulate in a portable sunscreen, especially on darker skin, as it is very white. This formula gets it right. It disappears on the skin, even with the dark color of the skin. Mineral sunscreens are especially useful for dark skin, as they deflect heat, which worsens hyperpigmentation, says Dr. Singh.
c. Defense Refresh Setting Mist SPF 50
Dr. Singh points out that the sunscreen must be reapplied throughout the day (especially every two hours) to maintain protection. It looks good for a day at the beach, but how about a day at the office? Spray this spray directly on your makeup – it will update your appearance and protect your skin.
2. Best parasol for face
a. Anthelios Clear Skin Dry Touch Sun Protection SPF 60
This lightweight chemical sunscreen contains no oxybenzone and is designed for oily skin. It absorbs silica and helps you stay free of radiation.
b. Green Defense Daily Solar Mineral Protection
A mixture of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide (with an antioxidant boost from Echinacea) creates a protective shield on the skin that not only blocks the sun’s harmful rays, but also blocks visible light from digital devices (which also accelerate aging) . “I prefer mineral-based sunscreens or physical blockers that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide because they provide better protection against discoloration and dark spots,” says Dr. Singh.
c. Clear Ultra-Light Daily Fluid SPF 30+
“Since many of my patients are prone to greasiness and acne, I always recommend checking the labels and making sure that the products are oil-free and non-comedogenic,” said Dr. Singh. This ultralight sunscreen gives both boxes and contains a liquid texture that hydrates and is instantly absorbed.
3. Best umbrella for hyperpigmentation
a. Hydra Vizor Invisible moisturizer of broad spectrum with sun protection SPF 30
Still not convinced that you need to use SPF every day? Maybe that will convince you: Rihanna says that. “The biggest misconception about SPF is that blacks don’t need it,” she told OprahMag.com last year. “And as a black woman, I’m here to say it’s a lie. I hope the melanin community, like everyone else, knows that SPF is for everyone and every day. That’s why she created this 2 in 1 moisturizer and sunscreen that combines reef-friendly SPF 30 with niacinamide (to reduce the appearance of dark spots), hyaluronic acid (for hydration) and aloe vera (to soothe).
4. Best parasol for sensitive skin
a. Complete daily broadband SPF 30
“I usually recommend the use of moisturizing sunscreens for dry skin. Most sunscreen moisturizers for the face can do this, ”says Dr. Singh. This oil-free and fragrance formula with zinc oxide has more than 300 five-star reviews on ulta.com.
b. Invisible shield
Sunscreens (you know who you are) now officially have no more excuses: this antioxidant-rich sunscreen clearly works (meaning you don’t even have to worry about whiteness) and is made with active microcapsules that act and are instantly absorbed by the skin and leaves no sticky or greasy residue.
c. CC + cream with sun protection factor 50+
This all-in-one cream is powered by mineral sunscreens and is Dr. Singh’s current point of contact. “There are shades for each skin tone, they work as a concealer and are free of oil with a matte finish”, she says.
d. Hands screen FPS 40
Your hands also need sun protection! Although it is powered by chemical screens, there is no oxybenzone. It also contains sea buckthorn fruit extract and argan oil for extra moisture.
e. Lip sugar sunscreen with SPF 15
The lips also need sun protection. Moisturize and protect them with this lip balm from Fresh. Beeswax, jojoba oil, black currant seed oil and sugar give this balm its creamy and moisturizing base, while SPF 15 does the job of sun protection. In addition, the balm is available in more than 10 beautiful shades (read: Lips don’t look gray).
5. Best sunscreen primer
a. Full spectrum Matte Ambition Skin Primer SPF 20
For those moments when your makeup needs to last all day, this mattifying primer with SPF is the right choice. It is not white, it goes smoothly and absorbs excess oil. The finish is matte without looking dry. A win-win situation!
  B. These Are the Best BB Creams for Dark Skin Tones on the Market
In my research, in total transparency, it was not an easy task to find good BB creams with shadows. Needless to say, more work definitely needs to be done to diversify options for black women. Now that you can’t, let’s move on to what you’re looking for: formulas suitable for brunette girls. BB creams are essentially for the intermediate. You know, those who are not in full coverage formulas, but still want a little help with their skin. The best thing about BB creams – either beauty balms or stain balms – is that they are made with a close-up approach.
BB creams pamper your skin with good things like sun protection, antioxidants and lots, lots of moisture. Basically, a staple for a cold month, they keep your skin glowing all the time. Most formulas are smooth and creamy, so you can easily mix some of them with your hands. Below are our tips for the best BB creams for dark skin tones.
1. Overall, the best: bareMinerals Complexion Rescue moisturizing gel with SPF 30
If you can’t choose between BB cream, CC cream and colorful moisturizer, this multitasking balm may be just what you’ve been waiting for. It has the sensation of gel on the skin and is one of the widest color palettes on the market. BareMinerals keeps you in harmony with natural formulas that contain no harmful fragrances and ingredients.
2. Best for oily skin: CoverGirl Clean Matte BB Cream
This provides a perfect covering mist for a comfortable matte finish. It should smooth your skin without adding shine to keep oil production under control.
3. Best for acne-prone skin: Clinique Acne Solutions BB Cream Broad Spectrum SPF 40
If you don’t seem to be recovering from acne or a shiny T-zone, choose this mattifying BB cream, specifically designed to solve these skin problems. You can expect light to medium coverage that will do a good job of hiding imperfections, but will make you forget that it is there.
4. Best for dark spots: NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30
NARS has always been friendly with brown girls. This soft, velvety texture works well to hide signs of discoloration or dark spots and to hide fine lines and wrinkles.
5. Best drugstore: IMAN Cosmetics Skin Tone Evener BB Cream
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient necessary for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, including the skin. However, we cannot produce it ourselves. For the skin, it helps promote collagen, relieves discoloration and fights free radicals.
Iman always covered the brunette girls with his perfect dark line. This BB cream is no different and you can be sure that your healthy selection of ingredients will suit even the most sensitive skin. It is a paraben-free blend made with lots of vitamin C and antioxidants to help your skin maintain a youthful appearance with internal lighting.
6. Best coverage: Black Radiance True Complexion BB Creme SPF 15
This beauty balm has been specially developed for darker skin tones with ingredients that enrich the skin that fuse this makeup product into a skin care product. The light, oil-free cover leaves a simple but adjustable finish with SPF 15. You can use this product as a full-complexion intensifier or treat areas that need extra love.
7. Better finish with dew: Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream SPF 35
Plasticizers act as softening and moisture binding agents, such as butter, oils, esters, lipids and fatty acids. It can also be used to describe a category of products that contain these ingredients, such as lotions, creams and ointments.
Smashbox doesn’t joke when it comes to reporting. This BB cream gives you a natural-looking shine as if I had woken up thanks to the shine you get from its emollients and pearl optical pigments. Apply as much as you want. The texture is so creamy that you can even use your hands.
8. Best quality: Bobbi Brown BB Cream SPF 35
Bobbi Brown kept an eye on all colors with this moisturizer. Wrap your skin in moisture with all the emollients contained in this tube. This is essentially a sparkle shot for your skin. It has a moist consistency that keeps sun damage under control.
9. Best CC cream: IT Cosmetics CC + cream with sun protection factor 50+
Although it is technically a CC cream, it gives your skin the warmest hug to create the effect that we all crave so much. It does an exceptional job of leveling your skin tone and working overtime with SP 50 and anti-aging benefits.
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