#Besides!!! He's most likely has been sleeping the entire time! Nap king Sans
hansama · 2 years
Ugh Sans LOST
Awww it's ok :'D *pat pat* At least we tried yanno? xDD
Plus it was really fun to make that crossover
Congrats Cecil fans! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 You fought well 🤝🏻
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
Hi Ridia! I don't know if this has been asked before but how do you think the alphabet boys of S4 react if on the way back from a mission Akiyama ends up falling asleep on Benzai's lap or the other way around? How about Fushimi, Seri and Munakata? Thanks in advance:)
Aw, this would be so cute, I think everyone might be a little surprised to see Akiyama all unguarded and asleep on Benzai’s lap. Like maybe at some point post-S1 Scepter 4’s been working harder than usual trying to handle all the Strains with Homra being absent. Everyone’s running around the city at all hours and the entire force is stretched thin. Even so Akiyama’s one of the ones encouraging everyone, he and Benzai are used to working hard from the Defense Force and they both have good stamina so those two seem to be the ones who have the most energy even when everyone else is totally worn out. One day the alphabet boys get sent to gather some information late at night, what should have been a simple mission ends up turning into a big fight. Akiyama happens to be the highest ranked officer on the mission so he’s the one ordering everyone and thanks to his steadiness they manage to take the Strains down. Afterward it’s time to go back to headquarters, Akiyama drives for part of the way but he’s looking a little hazy and Benzai ends up making him pull over to the side of the road for a moment. He asks Kamo to take over the driving and has Akiyama sit with him in the back. Akiyama assumes Benzai wants to debrief the mission but Benzai tells him to just lean back and rest for a bit. Akiyama smiles and says he’s fine and there’s no need to be concerned but Benzai insists that he close his eyes for at least a few minutes.
Eventually the van makes it back to headquarters where the rest of the squad happens to be waiting. The other members get out of the van and someone wonders where Akiyama-san and Benzai-san are. Kamo opens the back door of the van and there’s Benzai sitting quietly in his seat with Akiyama fast asleep in his lap, Benzai’s looking down at him fondly and stroking his hair. Doumyouji starts to say something and Benzai gives him this sharp glare, bringing a finger to his lips to hush everyone. They all exchange looks and just quietly back out of the van, leaving Benzai to take care of Akiyama. Afterward Hidaka’s like ‘so even Akiyama-san was exhausted, huh?’ and everyone agrees that he deserves a little rest and that Benzai will best know how to take care of him. Afterward when he wakes up Akiyama’s a bit politely embarrassed that he fell asleep on the way back to headquarters and Benzai assures him that no one saw him.
Fushimi version, imagine Scepter 4’s top three getting called in on some big mission maybe a couple hours away from headquarters. It’s a complex operation and even though the rest of the force can rotate shifts Fushimi, Munakata and Awashima are there fairly constantly. Munakata naturally is fine because Kings don’t sleep and maybe Awashima manages to get a few small naps in but Fushimi refuses to leave the computers because he doesn’t trust any of these idiots not to mess up his work in his absence despite Munakata and Awashima urging him to take a break. Finally they manage to get everything taken care of, Fushimi assumes he’ll be the one driving back to headquarters but Munakata has one of the random bishounen be their driver as he’s worried that Fushimi must be exhausted. Fushimi clicks his tongue and insists he’s fine but Munakata and Awashima both tell him to at least try to take a small nap in the van on the way back. Fushimi refuses, he’s not a child and besides there’s still work to finish once they get back to headquarters. Awashima gives him a stern look and tells him he will not be allowed into the office if he doesn’t take at least some time to rest beforehand and finally Fushimi sighs like 'fine, fine,’ closing his eyes and acting like he’s just going to pretend he’s fallen asleep.
So the van gets back to headquarters and Hidaka opens the back door to welcome them back, his voice dies in mid sentence as he realizes what he’s looking at. The other alphabet boys with him get curious and they’re all peering in, right there in front of them Munakata and Awashima are both dozing a little against each other while Fushimi is half curled in both their laps, fast asleep with just the most innocent look on his face. It’s a rare moment to see all three of their superiors looking unguarded and everyone exchanges grins, Hidaka can’t stop looking at how gentle Fushimi-san looks when he sleeps. That’s when Fuse reminds everyone that sure Fushimi looks gentle now but if he catches them staring they’re all dead and so they all tiptoe away, smiling to themselves and letting their superiors get some much needed sleep (after possibly taking a few stealth pictures of Fushimi’s adorable sleeping face).
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mandakatt · 7 years
How would the kitties react to someone breaking into the house?
Hello there lovely Anon-san! ♥
I apologize as this one took me awhile to get done, more due to the fact that my muse was not content with anything and everything I was doing. Must have not have offered her enough coffee. *feels the glare from behind her* ..she’s uh.. right behind me.. isn’t she….
Anyway! Kitty!Dino joins the group for this round!
How the kitters would react, when someone breaks into your home:
Tagging the kitter crew: @itshaejinju​ @rubyphilomela​ @momokitty27​ @major-artery​ @blossattic​ @ravenvelith​
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Kitty!Noctis: He started off, sleeping through most of it until the would-be robbers had worked their way into your bedroom where he was taking his mid-evening nap. When he would realize that it’s a would be intruder, he’d fluff up, and sprint in his haste to try to figure out what was going on only to slam into the headboard of your bed, startling the robber. They’d lock eyes, and suddenly, Nocits would arch, hiss and spit like mad. The robber wouldn’t be intimidated until he let off this deep throated yowl, that sounded almost like a scream. His eyes catching the light just right to turn them red. The robber would more than likely back out of the room away from the hellspawn cat that suddenly appeared on your bed, only to bolt from your house as Noctis started to chase them back out the window they came from. 
Kitty!Prompto: Your poor sunshine kitter does not handle this well. He immediately sits upright from wherever or whatever he was doing, and bee-lines it into the living room to hide under the couch the moment the window breaks.
Kitty!Ignis: He’s unnerved to say the least, his tail becoming about 4 times it’s normal size as his back arches a little. He’ll hiss, and growl low and slow as if to intimidate whatever was starting to come inside. When he sees that it’s not you, he’ll bolt for the basement, hiding in among the boxes there. 
Blind Kitty!Ignis: Will lift his head, and listen. That wasn’t normal. And will rise up to an almost standing position. When he hears the next loud bang, he’s almost beside himself, belly low to the floor as he crawls under the bed, or your couch - whichever he had been laying on at the time.
Kitty!Gladio: Guard dog in cat form #1. He’s already big, but he gets bigger, fluffing up and arching his back as the window breaks. He rushes to where the noise happened only to arch and hiss LOUDLY. Deep throated rowling growls emitting from his throat. If the robber was smart, they would have backed out then - they weren’t. And the police were sure the blood they found on your window sill was NOT from the would-be robber cutting their arm on the broken window glass.
Kitty!Cor: Guard dog in cat form #2. He’s right behind Kitty!Gladio, adding his hisses and growls to the already beastial noises coming from Kitty!Gladio. Though Cor is more action and when you return home you find blood on Kitty!Cor’s coat, which makes you immediately concerned. Upon giving him a bath, you find that he has no wounds on him in which to speak of. You then realize that what they meant by the blood on the window not being from glass, was from Kitty!Cor latching onto their arm.
Kitty!Iris:  As much as she tries to be brave, the sudden breaking of the window unnerves her. Her brother making those noises doesn’t help much either! But, she stands her ground a little, only to eventually slink off in a hurry to be with blind Kitty!Ignis, sticking close to his side.
Kitty!Aranea: Semi-concerned guard dog #1. She doesn’t run off and hide, but she doesn’t go on the offensive either, unless they get to close. She’ll leap on them from above and claw and hiss, before darting off into the basement.
Kitty!Cindy: She panics, and runs to the back cat door, slipping outside to the shed to hide. 
Kitty!Luna: She gets scared, and hides under your couch or your bed - preferably close to Kitty!Prompto and Kitty!Ignis, her small bell ringing softly as she trembles. 
Kitty!Ravus: Semi-concerned guard dog #2. He will slink off to wherever Kitty!Luna hides, but remain in plain sight. He’ll sit down, tail gently curled about his paws as he watches the would be thieves, roam about your house, tail tip flicking gently, and if they were to approach him, where he was guarding his sister? There might be more blood on the floor here, for investigators to find.
Kitty!Cid: Grumpy old codger will curl up on his favorite spot on your chair, and growl and hiss everytime they approach. 
Kitty!Regis: Curious, concerned. These people are not supposed to be here… When the would-be thieves get close to him, he’ll fluff up a bit, and hiss, turning around quickly to run off and hide under your bed. 
Kitty!Clarus: Guard dog in cat form #3. The shadow of the king does not like intruders, nor does he like to see everyone around him unnerved. He’ll shadow Kitty!Regis as he goes into hiding, and much like Kitty!Ravus he will sit, and wait for those intruders to get close. The investigators find more blood on your bedroom floor.
Kitten!Talcott: Poor surprised fluff ball bolts for the basement. Hiding among your storage boxes. 
Kitty!Talcott: Tries to put on a brave face, but the moment the would-be thieves enter your home, he fluffs up, and runs for the nearest thing to hide under. 
Kitty!Gentiana: She observes. She watches by sitting on top of the bookshelves looking down. She doesn’t move when they get close by, nor does she run and hide. She just, observes. 
Kitty!Ardyn: He purrs at them, burbling softly, arching and rubbing gently against the wall, their legs, causing them to stumble. He does it repeatedly, never really giving them a break — until they trip over him, causing him to hiss and promptly latch onto their face…
Kitty!Nyx: Guard dog in cat form #4. He zips in from wherever he was at in the house the moment the window breaks. He’s behind Gladio and Cor, adding to their noises and their hisses, his back arching, and claws extended. 
Kitty!Libertus: He gets intimidated, and slightly nervous, but he cautiously moves about your home, ears turning as he watches those that have come in unwelcome. If they get past the 5 guard dogs in cat form, he’s one to arch, and his loudly, growling low as his eyes go wide. 
Kitty!Crowe: Guard dog in cat form #5. Perched up high like always, she observes, till the moment they get too close to her bookshelves, and she’ll leap down on them from above, hissing and clawing and practically screeching in rage.
Kitty!Pelna: Nervous, but stays out in the open. His large eyes watching the entire thing that seems to go down. If they come close, he’ll hiss, and arch, and swipe at them with this claws, but he doesn’t run away.
Kitty!Titus: Killer attack dog in cat form. He. Does. Not. Hesitate. He’s almost faster to strike than Kitty!Cor as they try to sneak in the back door. Near his territory of the house. BIG MISTAKE. Instantly he latches onto arms, legs, hands, you name it, hissing, rowling and biting as hard as he can. There’s more blood in your back room for the investigators.
Kitty!Dino: He gets nervous, but tries to stand his ground a bit for the kiddos. He’ll fluff up shortly after the window breaks and follow Kitty!Talcott and Kitty!Iris into hiding, but he’ll put himself in-between them and anything that might happen to come into the room.
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topazshadowwolf · 7 years
Dadster (Chapter 7)
The Great and Wonderful Dr. W.D. Dadster
With the best story title, ever, if he must say so himself. Clearly it will go down in his-story
An Undertale Fanfiction by: Topaz Shadowwolf Undertale is owned by: Toby Fox Rating: Teen for mild cursing, violence and to give me some wiggle room for later down the road Heads up: Cursing, violence … not all sure, still in development AO3 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6
Random notes:   Hey! I know it’s been awhile since I posted a chapter of this story. I just was feeling a little discouraged. Anyway, I’ll try to get back to writing this story more often because I really love it.
Chapter 6: I... I wasn’t expecting that, honestly...
Gaster doubted it was over. He won a battle but not the war. Chara knew about his son and his secret lab. How long did he have? That would depend on Chara. In all truth, he didn't know if she would try anything else, or if he was just being paranoid. But he felt he needed to move from this lab and hide all sensitive documents.
As far as he knew, he still had a few locations in his lab that the human child knew nothing about. They were nothing but simple closet like spaces to store equipment and documents. Is it suspicious? Oh yes! Had he known another scientist with a lab like this he would wonder what they were up to. But Gaster trusted himself.
Well, yes, he did somehow beat the odds, create a life with the intent on turning said life into an instrument of war. But he clearly had enough moral fiber to turn back from that project. Thus, he reasoned, he should be allowed to have a work space like this. A shame it might no longer be so private
He gathered every note he had on Sans and opened the top drawer of the filing cabinet. Lifting the false bottom, he stored all that precious data away. Burning it might be a better option later, but right now he would have no means to cover up the smell of smoke or reasonable place to hide the ashes.
(Besides, there is always the off chance he might want another.)
Picking Sans up, his ethereal hands grabbed up all the baby items and shoved them into the hidden closet spaces. He would have to hide everything for now, and hope to move it to his new location later. Luckily Sans is easy to entertain and sleeps a lot. A few hours without toys should pass fairly well.
There was nothing he could do for the makeshift crib or children’s bookcase. He will just have to think of a reasonable lie for both if Chara leads Asgore here. Luckily for him, the king will believe nearly anything he tells him. If all the children's books and blankets are hidden away there won't be any evidence against his claim. Now he had a new problem. Moving Sans through the facility unseen, and (more importantly) where to move him.
After some thought he decided on wing A. No one used that lab wing anymore. It was the first wing of the true lab, after the decision to not expand the upper level. It wasn't until he justified the need for more space that the other wings added. So, all the equipment was old, and the offices were small, compared to the newest ones.
Destination decided, he then bundled the small skeleton up and placed him in a box. Perhaps it wasn’t the most dignified way to move his son; but, feeling rushed, it was the only answer he had. Sans, luckily, was ready for a nap now that his dad is here and whatever trauma he went through was over.
The two made their way through the facility, mostly unbothered. Gaster was happy for this. It appears his mood from earlier left an impact. Unfortunately, this was not to last, a bird looking monster in a lab coat approached with a feline, dress in CORE engineer uniform.
“Sir,” she trilled, “I know you are busy, but you need to see these numbers.”
“It can wait,” he said, walking passed.
“No, it can’t,” snapped the engineer. He quickly moved in front of Gaster and waved the papers in his face. “Now, ya might have this lot bowing to ya as if yer the king, but that ain't going to work with me!”
Gaster was taken aback by this, “Clearly. Make your point, but lower your voice, if you would so kind. I have a skull ache.” In truth, he felt Sans move in the box. Last thing he needed was his son waking and crying.
“I don't care if yer head pops off! My workers are in danger, have been in danger. The CORE is overheatin’ and anytime I ask if ya know, they turn me away.”
“Let me see those,” Gaster said, handing the box he was holding over to the bird monster. He took the papers and read them over. He was surprised by the readings. “There seems to be more strain on it.”
“There's more monsters than there used ta be,” the engineer said, “more things usin’ energy too. We are maintainin’ her well, but she can't keep this up. And I don't think I need to tell you what could happen if she broke.”
“No, you don't,” he thought for a moment, “for now we will have to limit energy use. Shorter day cycles too. I won't kill monster kind to have less light for a while, considering we nearly spent a year in the dark.” Gaster then looked at the Head Engineer of The CORE, “I will look for solutions in the meantime.”
“Thank ya,” the feline nodded and turned away, mumbling, “‘bout flippin’ time, gotta do everthin’ m’self.”
Gaster started to make his way again, looking over The CORE’s recent temperatures and maintenance reports. He was sure he had developed a strong enough coolant. Were they using a bad batch? Nope. The engineer's report states they not only check the quality of the coolant, but switch it as well.
“Sir, your box?” The bird monster called out to him.
The speed at which he turned nearly left him dizzy as he all but ran back to retrieve his son. Sans must have made a sound or moved as the bird monster started to lift a flap. Before she could see in, he placed the reports and his hand on the top of the box.
With an empty socket stare, he said slowly, “Thank you, for bringing these concerns to my attention. And thank you, also, for holding my box.” The bird hesitated, “I believe this is when you say, ‘you’re welcome.’”
“Oh, uh, you’re welcome, Doctor,” she said, surrendering the box to Gaster.
He looked at her for a moment, not wanting to leave it at this. After all, she did make sure that this was brought to his attention. The safety of monster kind is more important to him than providing them with energy. If no solution is found, he’d rather shut The CORE down than have it break.
He lit his eye sockets, giving her two white dots to look at verses empty darkness. “I have a task for you. Find everyone who turned the engineer away. I have made myself available, and by no means would I be too busy to deal with any problems with The CORE.”
Having lights in his eyes again seemed to relax her, “Of course, Doctor. I’ll get on that right away.” With an approving nod, Gaster turned to resume moving Sans to the A wing.
Just as he was rounding the corner a voice called out from behind him, “Doctor, you have a, uh, royal visitor.”
“AS EXPECTED!” Gaster called back, “tell our king that I will be there right away!”
“D-doctor, about that-”
“Just tell him,” he said picking up his pace. He needed to stash his son somewhere, stat. Luckily, King Asgore was not an impatient monster.
He was most of the way down the hall when there was a loud pop. From above green, shimmering, magic bullets, in the shape of stars and planets with rings, filter down before fizzling out of existence. With Gaster’s health already at full, any that touched him did nothing.
A black banner unfurled before him, the words “Welcome To The Space” was written in large, white, painted letters. (Squeezed in at the end was “Department”. Gaster didn't see it till later). Around the words was an almost accurate depiction of the night sky.
“Welcome, Doctor Gaster!” A dark blue, monitor lizard monster with bright green stripes said. “My name is Doctor M. R., the current head of the Space Department by default. Since, you know, you never assigned anyone else here.”
Space Department? When did his lab have a Space Department? He thought hard as she continued talking. And then he remembered the day he assigned someone to a nonexistent department. (You know, back at the beginning of the project to make a weapon) The information he gathered, about the social requirements for a young monster to grow up stable, was hers.
Before now, he didn’t notice she was leading him down the hall to lab A-1. In it was a few interesting inventions. As he looked around he started listening again, “Now, I know I have been fudging the numbers. Claiming there are 3 people in this department, but that is the least amount of people required for a department to be valid. It is annoying trying to collect the check though, as each time they have no idea I’m working here. Which is fine by me, really, I don’t mind working alone. But, moving on, I only take my pay and use the rest to fund my experiments. Making this, over all, the cheapest but among the more useful departments. Seeing has how space travel is currently out of the question, I feel I have enough time to fully explore how space travel would be possible. Also, how we could potentially colonize a new planet.” She waved a hand over to a variety of plants, “Those are some surface plants that were brought down as seeds. As you can see I cultivated-”
“How much of this does Asgore know about?” Gaster asked, sure that Asgore never would have funded this “department.”
“Uh… well, not much. I keep my reports to him very vague. And use…,” she hummed a soft tone before continuing, “words that may go over his kingly head. Not an easy task, mind you. On paper this is the ‘Astro-exploratory, Quantum Physics and Mechanics Department for a Brighter Tomorrow.’ I thought the end part added a nice flare.”
“How did you know I was coming?” Gaster looked at Doctor M. R.
She waved her hand to a screen, on it was several views of the hall, rooms, and even the lab they were in, “my monitors. I have the entire wing under surveillance for just this moment.”
“For… just the moment I might walk down here?”
“I have to make sure to give you a proper welcome,” she smiled big, humming to herself in contentment. As Gaster continued thinking in silence the lizard fidgeted nervously.
“If Asgore were to walk in now, what wouldn't you show him?” Gaster said and watched for her reaction.
She pointed her index fingers at him as if they were guns, in a playful manner, while she smirked, “don't you mean: what would I show him?” When Gaster was slow to respond, she cleared her throat, “I mean, I have a few things that don't fall in the more… theoretical… it is hard to prove this departments worth, but I assure you, Doctor, if you don't shut this de-”
“Who said anything about shutting this down? I CLEARLY had reason for creating this department,” Gaster bluffed his way through. He then handed the box containing Sans to her. “Keep him safe and make sure no one knows about him, or I will shut this down. Understand?”
“Yeeeees?” She looked a little confused, then looked at the box as he started to walk away.
“Give away my secret and I will do the same to you.” Gaster added, loudly, as he walked down the hall.
“Your secret is safe with me!” She called back, almost singing it. She said something more, but he didn't have time. Asgore may be a patient king, but he won't wait forever.
  Doctor Melody Of The River (or M. R. or just Dr. R. as she often signs her name) had poked her head out of the lab and said, “Wait! Did you say him?” But Doctor Gaster obviously didn't hear her or cared. With a sigh, she walked over to a table to set the box down.
On her way there, she could have sworn she a sound… a very distinct sound. The kind of sound that anyone with a strong paternal instinct reacts to. Setting the box on the table she opened it, and, despite knowing what she heard, was surprised.
Two, half opened eye sockets looked up at her with two fuzzy eye lights. The small skeleton wiggled, as if trying to stretch, but the blanket he was wrapped in was preventing such movement. In the effort, he made a few small grunts before sighing and giving up.
“Who puts a baby in a box? Come here, you,” River reached in and picked the child up. Last she heard, Gaster never remarried after his wife died. To top that off, there was no rumor of a lover of any kind, and she was certain she heard he was the last skeleton alive.
So then… where did this one come from?
(In truth, she had an idea. After all, she worked with theatrical science. She knew something can’t just appear from nothing, and she heard the rumors of Gaster hurting his hand doing something no one knew anything about. Still, even to her, it seemed farfetched.)
A light and a beep let Doctor R. know someone was walking down the hall. Glancing up, she saw the human child of the royal family on the monitors running this way. Well, it is a good thing Doctor R. had researched many different monster types. She knew the perfect hiding spot.
  Gaster hurried to the upper lab, and what he saw was not King Asgore. No, that was, definitely, not the King. But it was indeed a “royal visitor.” A very annoyed and angry one. One that he would not have kept waiting for this long had he known.
“Your Majesty,” Gaster said as he walked forward, keeping a calm demeanor.
Queen Toriel’s burgundy eyes, like two garnets, looked right at him with a glare that nearly made him recoil. Chara chose well in picking this boss monster to confront Gaster. Asgore was not a bad ruler, but he was very tolerant. Toriel, on the other hand, was the type who won’t stand for nonsense, and was a mother bear when it came to defending her children.
“Cut the crap,” she said with a snarl. She bent over slightly to stare Gaster right in the eye sockets. She made sure she wasn’t looming over him as she glared with a flame in her eyes, that he knew not to ignore. Gaster respected that about her, when it came to matters like this, she didn’t use her position and height to intimidate. As if she needed those to threaten someone, especially someone who knew her before being underground. “Right now, I want to talk like we did back during the war. No titles, no obligatory niceties, and none of that sugar coating or dropping of relevant details you do for my husband.”
Well, this is happening…
Placing his hands in his lab coat pockets, Gaster looked back at Toriel. “Then, Toriel, what can I do for you?”
“Why did my child come home, crying, saying you threatened them,” Toriel stood back to her full height and looked down at him, most likely to spare her back.
She wanted him to be straight forward with her, then that’s what she’ll get. With a casual shrug he said, “What was your child doing unsupervised in my lab?”
“That doesn’t give you the right to terrorize them!” Toriel snapped, “They came home, looking as pale as a ghost!”
So, Chara made the transition from ‘her’ to ‘them.’ Fine, he’ll respect that. “You’re lucky they didn’t come home just a soul.” Toriel snarled and Gaster continued, giving her a deadpan stare, “My lab is not safe for children.”
“They said you threatened them,” Toriel’s fangs gleamed as she exposed more of them when her lips curled back. As a skeleton, he tends to notice teeth, horns, and other bits of bone that protrudes from his, more fleshy, fellow monsters. Yet, before this moment, he never considered how sharp Toriel's fangs appeared.
(Despite Toriel's and Asgore being “goat monsters” and having some resemblance to the herbivore; calling them as such can result in a short sightedness. After all, what goat has large paws? Or fangs? This is something Gaster is learning.)
“L-Lady, I mean,” Everyone who wasn't watching with interest now was. Not only did Gaster, the proud, self-secured, skeleton he was just stutter, but he took a hesitant half step backwards while holding out his hand defensively; clearly wanting to escape.
But that notion was denied, as Toriel reach out and grabbed him by his coat, holding him in place. “Why, old friend,” she uttered venomously, “are you trying to flee? Perhaps you are guilty of something?”
‘This is how I die,’ Gaster thought, ‘surrounded by backstabbers who’d rather gawk than help. All the while Sans, my son… Sans!’
What would happen to his son if he died here? (Not that Toriel would actually kill him. Well, she might have, had she wittiness what occurred earlier.) He didn't want Sans to be orphaned. What would they do if they figured out his secret? Would they treat him as the child he is? Or as the thing he was originally going to be?
Gaster narrowed his eye sockets, glaring back at Toriel, “Are you insinuating something? Is there a crime you think I am guilty of?”
“According to Chara, you have a child locked up in a secret lab downstairs,” Toriel’s hand was trembling with pent up rage.
“Nonsense! While I will confess to having my own private section of this facility, I would never lock up a child! Monster or human, at that.”
Toriel watched his face carefully, looking for any hints of lying. Not seeing anything she released him, “It didn’t seem like something that Chara would just make up. Children have their imaginations, but that is beyond what I’ve normally heard from them.”
Gaster straightened his jacket, calming his nerves further in the process. “Well, if I had to guess,” he started, looking down at himself before looking back up at the Queen, “your child misunderstood what it is I am working on.”
“Is that so?” She folded her arms, face relaxing slightly, but the anger was still present. “Well, then, why don’t you show me what it is you are working on? And this ‘private section.’”
“Of course, if you would follow me,” Gaster turned, his gut instincts were right about moving labs. Toriel will be more skeptical, and thus, harder to convince than Asgore, but she can be reasoned with.
As they descend into the lab, Gaster ignored the stares as he passed by his workers. Let them gawk. This was a make or break moment, and his son remaining hidden would depend all on a monster he knew nothing about.
  “Hello there, Chara,” Dr. R. sang out more than spoke, “It is an honor-”
“Where is it?” Chara snapped.
This was intriguing to the lizard monster, and she tilted her head, “Where is what?” Dr. R hummed, “Wouldn’t have happened to hear of my latest project? And here I thought it was kept a secret.”
“I’m talking about the thing Gaster brought you,” Chara huffed.
The lizard monster brightened up, “Oooh that! Well, I’m surprised you would find interest in it. But if that is what you want to see, if you would just follow me~”
With a simple wave of a claw like hand, she gestured for the human child to follow. They walked together from the lab and down the hall a short way. Dr. R lead the human to a room with filing cabinets, “Now, I put that box in one of these….” She hummed, “but I can’t remember which.”
“He was just here, how did you forget?” Chara sighed, “Look, I don’t want to hurt it, I just want to see what it can do.”
“Not sure I understand,” Dr. R. frowned, “But the box is somewhere in here… Shall we look?” She smiled brightly, and the human sighed and started opening drawers. All the while Dr. R. hummed an unheard song, sometimes singing a lyric or two.
Just Chara’s luck, the box was in the last cabinet checked. It was time wasted, but there was something that needed to be confirmed, and only by interacting with the thing would Chara know. Taking a deep breath, eager to relax, Chara reached over to lift the box flaps.
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