#Benny answers
olibennyyy · 8 months
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Allora amo, parliamo di cazzi.
Chi ha il ding dong più grosso tra tutta la squadra?
Ora posso rispondere 👀
E questa è la pura verità, non accetto obbiezioni 👀👀👀👀🤣🤣🤣
Kinda nswf post, MINORS STAY AWAY!!!
LA SQUADRA'S " SAUSAGES " from the biggest to the smallest 🌭👀🌭
1) Ghiaccio ❄️ ( in my mind he is the one with the best body in the group, he may be short but DAMN BRO YOU RIPPED. And he is also VERY well equipped down there, his partner sure is a lucky one 👀👀)
2) Risotto ✂️: have you seen him? Do i really need to say more???! The only downside is that he is pierced sooooo not everyone is into it....But let's be honest almost no one complains🤣
3) Prosciutto 🍖 and Formaggio 🧀: these two are in competition even in this field. They always argue like " SONO PIÙ GROSSO IO DI UN CENTIMETRO ", especially if ladies are involved but they are the same ( and they equally get lucky so i don't understand why they whine so much lol )
4) Melone 🍈: average, and he knows it but this never bothered him. He knows his skills compensate the size and his notoriety as a VERY selfless lover makes his partner forget about his " lil " friend 🤣
5) Pesci 🐟: The fact that he isn't the last one, FOR ONCE, actually makes him lift his chin ( does he have an actual chin? I don't know..?) high and proud. Not the most experienced as well ( his looks are the main cause ) but still, not last place ✌️
6) Illuso 🔍: now you know why he is always so b*tchy lmao. His big ego, narcissistic personality and bad attitude in general is all caused by his " itsy bitsy spider " 🤣🤣🤣 and unlike melone, his skills don't even compensate 😅
Please take this post as the big meme that it actually is 🤣🤣 no hard feelings pls 👉👈
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b3nnyrabb1t · 1 month
i love your profile picture
Thanks!!! It was drawn by @throwback-town they made ones for other MBAV characters too!!!
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semperamans · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking about protective Benny ugh
me too, doll. me fuckin' too.
this can be triggering for some as there are mentions of unwanted contact and violence, so im gonna ask that you read only if you feel up for it!
he just wants to know who did it, s'all. that's what he tells you as he wipes your tears. "d'you know what they looked like, mm?" he's got his palms pressed against your cheeks, bent down practically on his knees in front of you. "remember anythin' at all, baby?" and you don't know :( not really. there are hundreds of bikers gathered in this forgotten field somewhere outside of chicago, all of them so fucked that they hardly know their name, and you thought you were safe standing at the fire with the wives and girlfriends while benny went to take a piss but no. your back had been turned when you felt the brush of an unfamiliar hand over the swell of your ass, smelled the offensive odor of a mouth that hadn't seen a toothbrush in god knows how long, heard the indecent words spiked with whiskey and ill-intent and benny just wants to know but you're sobbing these big wet sobs that he can't seem to get under control.
"he was- he had-" you're all start and no finish and benny just wants to put you in his pocket where no one can get you :( but he can't :( so he just brings you closer, presses your head against his chest, and lets you cry until you finally have the coherence to tell him about the spider tattoo on the assailant's hand. and okay, now benny knows and great, you're starting to calm down a bit. he consoles you, doesn't tell you it's okay because it's not but he is here. "m'right here. okay? feel me, honey. c'mon, give me your hands." he rubs your fingers over his cheeks, they're so soft, then you explore the coarse hair of his beard "m'right here. s'okay. nothin' is gonna happen to you." down his nose, across his jacket, venturing toward the studs that make out his intials and now you're more present just breathlessly hiccuping and latched onto the dingy white shirt benny wears beneath his cut. "need you to sit with johnny for me, okay? i gotta go take care of somethin'." johnny doesn't ask what happened because benny has that look in his eyes and he knows he'll be making a trip to county later if he's lucky or the pen if benny kills the guy, but that's just fine. johnny takes you, wrapping an arm over your shoulder, allowing you to hide your face in his neck because even in your state you know benny is about to make a scene. "m'gonna be back. okay? promise. stay with johnny. he's not gonna let nothin' happen to you."
time drips on in that sluggish, anticipatory way and you're practically asleep by the time benny returns. he no longer wears a shirt, just his denim vest that's splattered with blood and those worn levis with the knees practically blown out. you sit up so quickly it makes you dizzy. "s'alright." benny assures you, hands up in a placating way. oh, there's his shirt torn to shreds and being used as bandages for his no doubt destroyed knuckles. "gotta get outta here, yeah?" johnny helps you stand, passing your hand to benny's so so gently. "you're gonna stay with me tonight. need you call your momma and let her know you won't be makin' it home." and you don't go home. you spend the rest of the night latched onto benny like a woebegone infant and he doesn't mind in the slightest. “m’sorry, baby. won’t let nothin’ like that happen again.”
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sansaorgana · 3 months
hii 😊 can you please write benny x yn where she thinks he’s a player so she doesn’t want to give him a chance and go on a date with someone else and that drives him crazy and he does everything for her to see him differently, even asks kathy to put in a good word for him
hi! 💝 I know you sent it like 2 hours ago – I swear, I am not insane but I was itching so badly to write something about Benny that... it's already here 👀 as much as I adore the fics with innocent, sweet Readers – my Reader talks back 😇🤭 I hope it's fine 😘
[ I haven't abandoned the three requests from my inbox from the last time, I promise ]
requests for benny are open 🥺🎀
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Benny Cross was an insufferable guy. He was showing up at your diner nearly every day and always asking for the same thing with the same smug smile on his pretty full lips – and always getting your annoyed eye-rolls each time. Yeah, he was pretty and you wouldn’t deny that. And yeah, you could see why so many girls saw the appeal. Bad boys were in fashion now… Well, actually, where had they not been? But you didn’t want to end up as a girl in trouble. Perhaps you were just an ordinary waitress but you still didn’t want to ruin your life for a player. And you couldn’t understand why he wanted you so badly.
“I think it’s because you turned him down,” Kathy explained to you the other day. She was your friend and recently she had also been strangely associated with Benny’s motorbike gang – The Vandals. Ever since her breakup, you could not recognise her, honestly.
“I turned him down, exactly,” you emphasised. “Why can’t guys learn that no means no?” You sighed.
“Oh, please, it must feel… Flattering to be chased by a guy like Benny, right?” Kathy giggled and you looked away, trying not to reveal that yeah, she was right.
“Listen, I just don’t want to end up like my cousin. She had a one night stand with this bad boy at college and guess what? She had to drop out, now she’s a single baby mama and the guy? God only knows where. Some say he married another chick in Nevada,” you explained to Kathy.
“But you’re not in college,” she pointed out as her eyes widened and you just rolled your eyes.
Jesus, what was going on with her these days?
You couldn't know that it was Benny himself telling her to "spread the propaganda" so you'd be more willing to finally agree to go out with him. You couldn't know that you were driving this man crazy – driving him crazier than his motorbike. He would wake up at night all sweaty and all he could think about was you.
You were a tough cookie and you were a challenge – that was for sure. But Benny knew it was more than that. He already knew that his desire would not disappear after claiming you. In fact, it would only grow once he'd get a taste. He was serious about you and he was desperate for you to see it.
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When Marcus Lane asked you out, you were speechless. You were walking out of a flower store with a fresh bouquet to put on your grandfather’s grave and he whistled at you.
You turned around and raised an eyebrow at the guy leaning on his car. And God, what a car that was… A shiny, black Cadillac that made your eyes sparkle.
“Hi!” You waved at him. “You’re back from college,” you pointed out.
“Yeah,” he nodded at you and lit a cigarette. He offered you one but you shook your head. “Couldn’t wait to visit my neighbourhood. I’m staying with my ma until the end of summer,” he explained. “Then I got a job for myself in New York City,” he bragged so casually.
You had always thought he was full of himself and full of shit, too, but out of all the guys in your high school year he had been the one who would succeed most likely. Apparently, it was true. He was going places.
“And how’s Camilla?” You asked him.
“We broke up,” he winced. “What you doing tonight?”
You blinked a few times and fixed your skirt. Marcus Lane asking you out?
“Nothin’,” you answered and tilted your head.
“Wanna go and see a picture?” Marcus asked.
“Yeah!” You nodded, not even asking what picture.
“Still living with your ma?”
“Yeah,” you answered.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” he winked at you and you only nodded at him before walking away, not being able to hide a smile.
On your way back from the graveyard, you stopped by the laundry to tell Kathy the news but she didn’t look excited.
“He’s a knobhead, isn’t he? Always has been,” she shook her head.
“Wow, gee, thanks for being happy for me! You know he’s goin’ places and… He’s gonna be somebody,” you couldn’t help a grin.
“Don’t even start,” Kathy put her hands on her hips but you kept on a dreamy expression, so she snapped her fingers right in front of your face. “Guys like Marcus Lane do not date girls like us, wake up.”
“Why would he ask me out then?” You got defensive because your feelings and pride were hurt – mostly because you had a feeling Kathy was right.
“Because he’s back for the summer and bored? He saw you and thought he could play with you for a while before he leaves forever? Because he thinks a silly girl he remembers from high school might be an easy fuck for the summer?” Kathy asked and asked as your anxiety grew.
“Wow, thanks,” you got angry because you hated how right she could be. And sometimes you hated how honest she was instead of feeding your delusions. “I’m going out with him tonight and I’m not gonna sleep with him,” you told her before walking out to go back home and prepare for the night.
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You wore a red polka dot top and tight jeans for the date instead of a dress. Marcus didn’t comment but he looked a little disappointed and you could see that on his face. He kept staring at your thighs as he drove you to the cinema, which increased your anxiety that Kathy could had been right indeed… More than you had expected.
You went to see Bonnie and Clyde and after the movie, Marcus insisted on taking you to a club in the neighbourhood. It was one of those places you would never go to alone but with a man around, you felt safer. At least you should feel this way. But something about Marcus was not right. Why would a proper guy like him even want to take you to a club like that? Perhaps because he was seeing you as a girl like that. You didn’t disagree, though. The idea of getting free drinks was tempting.
“Looks like some of those dirty bums have a meeting here tonight,” he murmured to himself as you walked inside and you sighed at the sight of The Vandals themselves.
The whole place was full of cigarette smoke and it stank of sweat, leather and grease.
“I hate those punks,” Marcus winced. “Sit here, I’ll get us something to drink,” he winked at you as he sat you down by one of the tables and you nodded,
He walked away, without even asking you what you wanted. You looked around, feeling out of place and then you spotted him… Benny Cross by the pool table. You quickly looked the other way but he glanced in your direction and smirked.
You pretended to be very fascinated by the posters on the wall but he sat by the table next to yours and kept grinning at you with his flashy smile, his muscles all on display as he rested his arms on the chair’s backrest.
Seeing you there, it made his heart skip a beat. And those tight blue jeans, that red top... Benny was smug for a moment, thinking that you finally decided to hang out with him. He had been inviting you to this club many times before.
However, he quickly realised that you weren' there alone. And the guy you came with made him feel sick in his stomach. Not only because he looked like a typical piece of shit that would take advantage of a girl like you... But also because this guy represented everything that Benny was not. And it was making him feel insecure at the moment. Of course your standards were higher than a guy like him. That was one of the reasons why he liked you so much.
Still, he decided to play his little game and annoy you a little.
Marcus came back with two drinks in his hand and he looked Benny up and down before placing a drink in front of you.
“That punk bothering you?” He asked – quite bravely, you had to admit. But Benny remained the same as if he was a statue.
“For weeks now,” you chuckled and watched Marcus take a seat in front of you, still glancing angrily at Benny on your right. 
“Is he stupid or somethin’?” Marcus asked.
“It’s fine. Let’s just pretend he’s not here,” you shrugged your arms.
In fact, you enjoyed it. And you wanted to pretend to like Marcus more than you did so Benny would finally realise you were not interested.
Still… You couldn’t help an odd feeling of safety now when he was sitting next to you and some part of you didn’t want him to walk away and leave you alone with Marcus.
“So, what do you think about the movie?” Marcus asked and sipped on his drink as you sipped on yours. Benny raised an eyebrow at you.
“We were in the cinema to watch Bonnie and Clyde,” you informed him quickly as if he was in the audience and you were an actress in the theatre but he was late and you wanted him to catch on. He nodded his head like a little boy and Marcus gritted his teeth. “Well,” you addressed your date now as you fixed your hair nonchalantly. “I adored it. And Warren Beatty was beautiful as always.”
“I don’t like him,” Marcus commented. “And I didn’t like the movie much. My favourite part was when they got killed.”
“Why?” You asked. It was already getting difficult to pretend to like him. And Benny seemed to be interested by his answer too – he tilted his head.
“Because they were outlaws and a couple of twisted psychos!” Marcus got irritated – at Benny still being there and at you asking such silly questions with such obvious answers.
“Yeah, they were but there’s also some romanticism to it, don’t you think? That’s why they made a movie about them. And why did you even go to see a movie about people you despise so much?” You asked and sipped on your drink again.
“You can’t be serious. There’s nothing romantic about murdering people,” Marcus started sounding very patronising and you suddenly realised that Kathy had been right. So, so much. You were a silly girl in his eyes.
“Murdering – no. But the life they had. The love, the freedom on the road,” you tried to explain.
“You want freedom on the road? Ask one of those bums here to show you,” Marcus laughed with irony and he squinted his eyes at Benny. “What you still doing here, punk? How can I get it into your thick head that you’re not a part of this conversation? It’s my date,” he scoffed.
“It’s my girl,” Benny leaned back with a smug smile and your heart skipped a beat.
Usually, when he’d call you that, you would get angry. But now, when Marcus had been annoying you for the whole evening, you actually enjoyed that. Because Marcus’ face was priceless. He looked at you with disgust.
“Is this true?” He asked you. “What the hell is going on?”
But before you could answer, some drunk and loud biker entered the club loudly as he laughed out loud.
“Fuck, I’ve scratched some Cadillac in the front!” He announced and sat by the counter to order beer. You couldn’t help but chuckle at that and Marcus’ face went as red as tomato.
He stood up rapidly, gave you a furious look and then ran outside to check on his beloved car, surely. Not caring much about the fact he was leaving you alone with dangerous men swarming around.
“So…” Benny started lazily as he licked his lips before looking you up and down. “That’s your type?” He pointed his thumb at the door Marcus had just left through. “That why you didn’t want me to take you out?”
“Why did you do that?” You asked, genuinely and his face got serious now.
“I saw you sittin’ here all alone, for a moment I thought… You came here for me,” he admitted with a laugh. “Then I saw that guy and I thought to myself: Jesus, what an asshole. So, I wanted to watch,” he shrugged his arms and you couldn’t help but stare at the flexing muscles and all the tattoos.
“He’s a proper guy. Graduated from college and with a job waiting for him in New York City,” you explained.
“But you’re not a proper girl,” Benny pointed out with a grin and you suddenly got a flashback of Kathy telling you the same thing – that you were just a silly girl for Marcus, just an easy fuck for the summer… 
You stood up rapidly and Benny looked up with a confused look on his face but you ignored him and left the club, hoping Marcus was still there and you could explain to him that you weren’t Benny’s girl… Maybe he’d drive you home?
But Marcus wasn’t there anymore. The only vehicles in the parking lot were motorbikes. You sighed and started walking in the direction of the bus stop but the door opened behind you. You heard heavy footsteps and then the sound of lighting a cigarette. Turning around slightly, you spotted Benny following you.
“Just wanted to point out that proper girls don’t find Bonnie and Clyde romantic,” with a few big steps he was now walking next to you.
“It’s not the murdering aspect, gee, why do I have to explain it so many times?” You got irritated.
“I didn’t say anything ‘bout it. You said something about the freedom and the road. You ever been on the open road like that?” Benny asked and you already knew what he wanted to propose because he had been mentioning it many times before while flirting with you at the diner.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes. “I need a ride home,” you admitted and bit on your lower lip. “And no, I’ve never been. On the open road, I mean,” you added, feeling your cheeks heating up.
Benny didn’t say anything, he only nodded before throwing his cigarette on the ground and walking away to jump on his motorbike. He started the engine and patiently waited for you to finally join him. Feeling the rush of adrenaline going through your body, you clumsily sat behind him and he made the engine roar like a lion – a very sexy sound, you had to admit – but he didn’t start driving. You realised he was giving you a signal to hold onto something before he would drive away. It was considerate of him, you had to admit. Other guys would just drive away and laugh at your squealing. But Benny wanted you to be safe and for the second time on that night you realised that he was making you feel safe. Safer than a proper guy like Marcus – for sure. And you just didn’t know what to do with this information.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, told him your address and that was when the engine roared again but this time he drove away.
And God, something broke inside of you that moment. It was as if your brain chemistry changed completely. The speed, the wind in your hair, the freedom – this odd feeling that he could take you anywhere like this and you would go with him… To the point that when you spotted him taking a turn that led to your street, you nearly felt disappointed that he wasn’t “kidnapping” you. Perhaps in this moment you understood your cousin even – why had it been so tempting to risk everything for a handsome bad boy.
Benny parked the motorbike in front of your house and you could already spot your mum standing by the window upstairs and looking out through the curtain. You chuckled at the realisation you would have to explain to her how your date with Marcus ended with a guy like Benny taking you home.
“Thanks,” you only said as you got off the bike, still clinging to his leather jacket to make sure you wouldn’t trip and fall. You were a little breathless after that ride.
“And? What do you think?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
“It was… Okay,” you grinned, not wanting to give him satisfaction.
“Why do you tease me so much?” Benny sighed.
He was done with playing for now. He just wanted to know the answer. Perhaps it would finally make him give up. Or perhaps it would educate him on the matter how to flirt with you better. Either way, he just wanted the truth.
“Why do you insist so much? I mean, I ain’t nothing special to chase me around for weeks,” you shrugged your arms. “And don’t get me wrong – or actually do get me wrong, the hell do I care? – but I don’t want to be just another number in your book, Benny,” you explained and Benny thought to himself that he wished you could see yourself through his eyes.
“You’re a whole book, kitty,” he winked at you and you couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Sometimes his flirting had this effect on you whether you liked it or not. “And I can’t wait to read it all,” he added, encouraged by your reaction.
“You can read?” You asked, teasingly.
“I’m full of surprises,” he smirked.
“That I see,” you laughed. “Um… I should go now… My ma’s watching us.”
“I can see,” Benny nodded and looked up at the window upstairs. He waved his hand and you grabbed him by his wrist to pull it down.
“Stop it!” You kept laughing at him and then you realised your face was only a few inches away from his as he was still sitting on his motorbike, ready to drive away any given moment.
A short moment of silence occurred between you two and you just kept staring into each other’s eyes as playful smiles disappeared from your faces. You swallowed thickly and fixed his jacket, not knowing what to do with your hands.
“You have a shift tomorrow?” He broke the silence.
“In the evening,” you nodded.
“So… See you?” Benny asked, unsurely.
“See you,” you smiled at him and he smiled back, relieved. “And hey, thanks for… For being there for me when I was with the… With the asshole,” you lowered your voice and took a step back to give him space now – finally.
“No need to thank me,” he shrugged his arms. “It’s just the thing I do, ain’t it?”
You furrowed your brows at those words.
“Protectin’ my girl,” he winked at you and the engine roared, making you take a few more steps back. And then he drove away – just like that.
Shaking your head and hugging your own self to feel warmer, you walked to the front door of your house, biting on your lip and not being able to help a chuckle.
Apparently, Benny had already decided that you were his girl. And, apparently – you enjoyed it.
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waterdroid · 28 days
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Yeehawgust Day 24: View From The Canyon Rim 🌄
Looking over Hopeville, Sam and Ulysses talk after everything that transpired at Ulysses' Temple. In the end, both are glad no blood had to be shed that day.
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asthedeathoflight · 2 months
So I actually thought that Assad talks about how to pronounce his name in this interview so I went back and rewatched the whole thing and he does not BUT everyone please go watch this interview anyways. Assad the number one Armand Understander as always. This was a beautiful moment in time right after episode 5 dropped when he was free from the AMC snipers so he just talks about his Armand Opinions and I’m obsessed.
Highlights include:
- he auditioned for Rashid and only finding out later he was going to play Armand
- the 2x05 fight was partially improv???????????
- what the Maitre/Arun dynamic means to Armand
- Armand’s monologue about his past was one of the last scenes Assad filmed so he felt like he’d had the time to really live in the character and make that monologue feel truthful
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subbanator · 4 months
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they're just a lil stitious.
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M'sorry, i mean benny:D stupid autocorrect
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Whoever this anon is I immediately love you, silly goober
Tw: suicide mention, abusive, power imbalance, human pet, yandere oc
depending on how unstable Benny is, you get multiple answers
The beginning of the relationship: he'd be desperate, doing everything he can to win your affection. Going over budget on gifts and practically following you everywhere, begging for a second chance
Midway: where he starts to develop aggressive tendencies: he'd simply knock you out and tie you onto his bed. Putting on a collar when you want to use the bathroom. Say goodbye to leaving the house, because now he treats you like a human pet. Gross mf
Near the end of his sanity. Let's say you got tired of him and his abusive behavior, so you somehow managed to escape. No doubt you've called the police so he's on the run. Hunting you down as you think you finally ended that chapter. Only to wake up one night with him hovering over your bed, knife in hand and getting ready to stab. Till death do you both part right? (He killed himself soon after)
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daily-unikitty · 4 months
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maybe next time
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olibennyyy · 8 months
Can I nominate tmntco for @tmntbestsibscompetiton ?
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Baby, Meloleti pls 💜 You know her… 😏
Hey gorgeous~ sorry for being this late but you know me at this point 🤣
Love you so much bestie, enjoy~
Melone x Letizia (@edonismo-melone oc ) " Unusual "
Ps: i know this oc very well and her reaction to this situation is in character, just to clarify ✌️
" You should have told me you ran into him again..."
"Well sorry if i was more preoccupied with running around the neighbourhood AVOIDING his ugly ass for 2 hours!! "
They were an unusual couple, that's for sure! Melone wasn't even sure how he managed to get a girl like Leti in his life ( Illuso and Ghiaccio mocked him daily on this matter ) and yet here he was: walking hand in hand with her after she finished teaching dance class, under the moonlight and with a baseball bat over his shoulder...
" Tesoro mio, i am just worried about your safety...i remember clearly how scared you were after you left you ex...i just want to make sure he gets the message "
Melone swings lightly the baseball bat and looks at Letizia in the eyes ( she is almost as tall as him with her high heels )
The girl huffs and leans her head in the space between his shoulder and neck, seeking comfort from her lover..
" I know mel...is just that i was sure i left that part of my life behind...i mean who would have guessed that stronzo flew all the way from PARIS to find me again!! I told him in every way possible, i even hit him in the face with a brick!! What else am i supposed to do?! I am out of ideas Melone...Oh fuck please tell me it's not his car in front of our building"
Letizia stops midtrack at the familiar black Honda parked nearby her and Melone's apartment; she steps back and stands even closer to the purple man who now means more than everything to her ( even if he still never picks up his socks and bullies her cat )
Melone doesn't seem scared tho, instead he just smirks and fidget with his flip phone..
" Amore have faith, i think our lil problem is going to be dealt with in 3...2..1.."
Suddenly three men comes out of the shadows, they swing open the car's door and drag the kicking stalker out; Letizia meets eyes with her ex for a few seconds before he gets shoved inside the back of a truck by the mysterious men and the group disappear in the middle of the night, a matter of minutes really.
" what did you do? "
" aaaah nothing really, some guy owed me a favor from a previous mission...that's all~ "
" you know i love you right? "
" Does that mean tonight we can-"
" No we can't have breakfast for dinner "
" Maremma che palle..."
The couple laughs and kiss under a street lamp, already over the fact that him just orchestrated the kidnapping ( and possible demise ) of his lover's ex...and she is totally fine with it!
They are an unusual couple...but in these days, who isn't?
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pansylair · 2 years
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the loneliest man on the strip 
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semperamans · 3 months
Ever since seeing the bts pics of Bennys rings I keep imagining one of Benny’s possessive traits is putting one of his rings on you 😍😍 something small but also loud so everyone knows you’re his
i started barking :(
"what about this one?" you ask, tipping your head back until it rests at the junction between benny's neck and shoulder. you're peering up at him with those inquisitive eyes, half-lidded from exhaustion. the club meeting ended hours ago which meant the party began shortly thereafter. now there's more beer splattered on the floor than going into the slurring mouths of the boys, a broken window, and a rowdy game a pool going on, but nothing can penetrate the bubble of you and benny. you've got his hand in yours, pointing at the silver rings that bedeck his callused fingers. "ah," benny takes a swig of his beer. "belonged to my pops." the ring in question is massive and studded with diamonds. when he tilts it you can make out the initials B.C. "he, uh, fought in the great war. came home, bought this, gave it to my mom." he wets his lips. shrugs his shoulders. "when he died she, uh, she gave it to me. then a few years later she followed 'em, so." you don't really know what to say. it's the most you've ever heard about his family, most you've ever heard him talk in one go, if you're honest. "s'very special, then." you finally say. it makes benny grin. "sure is. now c'mere. let me look at you." he unfurls his arm from your shoulders, holding both your hands in one of his. your nails are painted, a blush pink instead of your signature bubblegum. "i don't have any pretty rings," you tell him, slightly embarrassed. then he makes your heart explode. he slides off the band, the one he just told you about, the one that belonged to his parents and held so much meaning, and slides it onto your ring finger. "s'little big for you. but we can fix that." and you're babbling because no way! there is no way you're taking something so precious to him, but he shushes you. "gonna put a ring there one day regardless. might as well be now."
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sansaorgana · 2 months
Hiii, I’m so I’m love with Benny ❤️
Can u write about Benny x reader. She’s raising her baby niece or nefew and benny with the whole attitude about we’re going to marry, says that the baby is good for practice when they have their own kids ❤️❤️❤️
hello, sweetheart 💝 thank you for your request 🥺 I really enjoyed to write Benny with a kid 😌 by the way, apparently in real life Kathy had two kids when she met Benny! 😳 (and she was like 25 while he was 19) anyway, I decided that our Reader is raising her nephew who is 7 years old and – which probably is a TW – Reader's sister is dead + drugs overdose is mentioned
I had to close my requests for now because I got so many 🙏🏻
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You were a new waitress at the diner and the local bad boy named Benny Cross had taken an interest in you. He kept coming around and flirting with you, flashing that pretty smile as he ordered a sandwich or a beer by the counter, showing off his tan and tattooed muscles. You would roll your eyes at him usually but you agreed for him to drive you back home after a few shifts, especially those evening and night ones. 
After two weeks of him driving you back home in the back of his motorbike, you ended up standing awkwardly on your driveway with him staring you up and down. It was an evening and you bit your lip as you looked at your feet, hoping he wouldn’t propose something indecent.
“You live alone?” He asked. Usually, he would just nod his head and drive away without a word.
“Depends what you mean by that?” You asked with a chuckle.
“Parents?” Benny tilted his head.
“No,” you answered honestly.
“No,” you chuckled. “If I had one, you would have known already, don’t you think?” You teased but he only shrugged his arms. “Listen, I gotta go…” You pointed at the house behind you with your thumb, playing nervously with the keys in your hand.
Benny nodded at that but he looked a little disappointed. He probably wanted you to invite him inside but you couldn’t. Not with Jack sleeping upstairs.
“Benny,” you grabbed him by his strong arm and squeezed the fabric of the leather jacket. “Thank you,” you smiled at him and he nodded again but the disappointment was still there, written all over his face.
After all, he wasn’t your chauffeur for a thank you, right?
Unsurely, you leaned in and batted your eyelashes, too scared to make the first move. However, Benny didn’t need more encouragement than that – he grabbed you by your face, pulled you closer and joined your lips together in a devouring kiss. He smelled like cigarettes, beer and gasoline. It was making you dizzy as this masculine scent overwhelmed your senses while his tongue had found its way inside your mouth. You started to feel weak in your knees and you grabbed him by his vest to keep steady as a soft moan left your lips. It made him smirk before he broke the kiss.
You kept staring at his face, lit by the streetlamp nearby. His baby blue eyes, all the moles on his face, his golden hair… And he kept staring at you back, examining every little detail of your face as well, still keeping you close.
“I don’t work tomorrow,” you told him. “You can drop by for lunch or dinner,” you proposed.
“Sounds right to me,” he agreed. “Good night, kitty,” he rubbed your nose with his and moved away to hop on his bike.
He started the engine loudly and you waved after him before rushing inside the house to check on Jack. You hated to leave him alone for your evening or night shifts but you had no other choice as the only provider. He was only seven years old but he had to be pretty independent for a boy his age – you would leave him dinner to heat up after school and he had to deal with homework on his own. Then, some TV, a shower and going to bed – all on his own. You were grateful that he was a good boy and he was doing all these things responsibly instead of rebelling and staying out for hours or watching TV all night long. But you were also aware of the fact he would soon become a teenager and start to rebel and you dreaded the day.
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You were in the kitchen, cooking pasta. The lunchtime was already over so you assumed Benny would come by for dinner. You kind of wished you had asked him about the exact hour when he would show up because you were ready since noon – all dolled up and nervous.
Yeah, he was coming to the diner and he was flirty here and there, taking you home and all that. But overall you didn’t know him much and he wasn’t very talkative most of the time. It would be the first time you’d spend time like that together. And he still had no idea about Jack… 
It was Saturday and Jack was upstairs in his room, drawing pictures. It was his favourite hobby. You had told him that you would have a friend coming over and he was very excited, so you hoped it wouldn’t end up as awkward.
When the doorbell rang, you turned the oven off and wiped your hands in your apron before approaching the front door. Benny was leaning on the doorframe with a smug smile.
“Hi,” you greeted him.
“Hi,” he looked you up and down and smiled even wider. He seemed to like your apron. “Am I interrupting somethin’?”
“I’m cooking dinner, come in,” you invited him and he entered the house.
He looked around and you encouraged him to follow you to the kitchen. He did and you turned the oven back on as he sat by the kitchen table.
“I’m making spaghetti, I hope it’s okay,” you informed him.
“Yeah,” Benny leaned back on the chair and tilted his head at Jack’s drawings on your fridge. “They’re yours?” He asked with a chuckle.
“They’re for me,” you explained.
But before you could say anything more, you heard loud, booming footsteps. Jack was running downstairs to see your friend. You swallowed thickly at the sight of him entering the kitchen with an excited smile as Benny froze for a while and blinked a few times in disbelief.
“Is that your friend?” Jack asked and put his hands behind his back. “Good afternoon, sir,” he nodded his head at Benny and you smiled at that.
“His name’s Benny,” you approached him and ruffled his hair. “Benny, that’s Jack,” you introduced them to each other with a heavy heart, hoping that Benny wouldn’t run away at this very moment or say something rude.
You didn’t want to reveal too early that Jack wasn’t your kid. First of all, you didn’t want to vigorously deny that in front of him to avoid him feeling rejected even though Jack knew very well that you were his aunt. Second of all, it was a good test for Benny. His reaction would tell you a lot about his character.
Once the first shockwave disappeared, Benny cleared his throat and extended his hand.
“Hi, I’m Benny,” he introduced himself. Jack shook his hand proudly, feeling important. “I’m (Y/N)’s friend.”
“Are you the one with the motorbike?” Jack’s eyes widened.
“Yeah. Wanna see it after dinner?” Benny proposed.
“Yup!” Jack clapped his hands. “You know, the engine always wakes me up at night,” he told Benny. “Wait! I’m gonna show you something!” He ran out of the kitchen.
An awkward silence occurred between Benny and you.
“Is he your kid?” Benny asked casually. “How old is he?”
“Seven,” you only answered the second part and watched him furrow his brows as he kept counting something with his fingers like preschooler.
“How old are you exactly?” He seemed to be confused.
“Fourty,” you joked.
“Oh, wouldn’t tell,” Benny’s eyes widened and you chuckled because it was adorable how he believed you.
“Benny, I was joking,” you explained and put your hands on your hips, checking on the pasta with the corner of your eye.
“It don’t matter to me, you know,” Benny shrugged his arms. “How old are ya now or how young you were when you had the kid. I like you,” Benny said and you felt your heart filling with joy and affection.
“I suspected that a guy like you would chase after them pretty dolls,” you turned around to turn the oven off since the pasta was cooked now.
“Damn right I do. You’re a doll,” Benny assured you and you shook your head with a chuckle.
You focused on making the spaghetti when Jack came back to the kitchen with a drawing in his hand and he placed it on the table to show it to Benny.
“I drew a motorbike!” He told him proudly. “And that’s (Y/N) on it and you. I saw you one night through the window!” He exclaimed. “Sorry, in the dark I thought you had brown hair,” he explained.
“It’s great, dude. You like to draw?” Benny asked him.
“Yup! I draw everything I like! Cars, motorbikes, construction machines, trains, dinosaurs and dogs! (Y/N) sometimes takes me to the diner and I sit by the window and draw the cars in the parking lot!”
“That’s so cool,” Benny gave him a thumbs up.
“Yeah, I know!”
“Dinner’s ready,” you turned around with two plates in your hands as you approached them. “Take the drawing off the table, Jack,” you told him.
“It’s for Benny,” Jack insisted and looked at him. 
Benny smiled awkwardly and took the drawing, not knowing what to do with it.
“You can fold it, it’s fine,” Jack assured him and Benny nodded before folding the drawing and putting it into his pocket.
“Now, go wash your hands,” you told Jack and he sighed before running off to the bathroom.
You placed the plates on the table and then you turned around to get the third one and put it there as well. Then you sat down and kept staring at Benny who was silent as usual.
“He’s not my kid,” you explained silently. “My sister’s,” you added. “I have raised him since he was four. It was difficult and I had to drop out of college but I didn’t want him to end up in the orphanage,” you added.
“Why couldn’t your folks raise him?” Benny asked.
“They cursed my sister out for… For being with Jack’s dad. It’s a long story. So, they didn’t want anything with Jack either, they said he’s got that bad blood in him, that he’s a rotten apple because he’s from a bad tree. And his father’s family… I don’t even know if they are alive. He was a very bad man, Benny. He was rotten indeed, evil to the core. I’m glad he died, let me tell you, because he’d be an awful influence on Jack and you see what a sweet boy Jack is. But what I’m mad about is that he took my sister down with him. Down to the grave,” you sighed and shook your head.
“I’m sorry,” Benny mumbled. “Drugs?”
“Yeah, heavy stuff,” you nodded and played with your food nervously. “Now my parents say I’m stupid for wasting my life, my education and all that. But how could I let Jack go to the orphanage, huh? You seen him. He's a sweetheart. Such a gentle soul and I wish they could see that but they keep saying he’s gonna grow up to be a deadbeat like his daddy. That’s why we moved. I wanted to be away from my family and start fresh,” you explained.
Before Benny could answer, Jack was back already. He sat by the table and started to eat.
“Yummy!” He told you with a smile.
“Thank you, love,” you caressed his hair gently.
“Yeah, it’s very good,” Benny nodded after taking the first bite.
“How long have you been driving motorcycles?” Jack asked him.
“Since high school,” Benny answered.
“I want to drive them, too!”
“Ha-ha-ha, absolutely no way,” you gave Jack a scolding look.
“Why not? Your boyfriend can drive them and I can’t?” Jack whined and you felt your cheeks heating up.
“Um… Benny is not my –”
“I’ll teach you how to drive ‘em when you’re old enough,” Benny interrupted you.
“Benny!” You gasped and Jack giggled. “I said: no.”
“He doesn’t have to drive fast. He can be a good boy about it,” Benny winked at you and you sighed.
“I’ll be careful, I promise,” Jack laid his head on your arm and you caressed his cheek.
“I hope so. I hope you’ll always stay this sweet. Even as a teenager,” you booped him on the nose and he smiled widely at you before going back to eating.
The rest of the meal went more peacefully. Benny was mostly asking Jack about school and his friends. When everyone ate, you took the dishes to wash them and promised to prepare a dessert while Benny took Jack outside to show him his Harley motorbike.
You observed them through the window with a smile. They looked quite adorable together and you couldn’t stop the way butterflies were forming in your stomach at the sight of them together. You had not expected a guy like Benny to just… Accept your situation so casually. He had been surprised at first but that was it.
You took the ice cream out of the freezer and divided it into three portions before going out to stand on the porch.
“Boys!” You called them and they both turned around at the same time. “Dessert’s ready!” You announced and watched how both of their faces lighted up as their eyes filled with the sparkles of excitement. You chuckled to yourself. They were adorable.
Benny and Jack rushed inside and you reminded Jack to wash his hands again. He rolled his eyes but went to the bathroom obediently.
“And me? I don’t have to?” Benny teased you.
“You can catch whatever disease you want, I don’t care. You’re a big boy, Benny. It’s your choice if you wash your dirty hands or not,” you looked at his hands. They were black from the grease after showing Jack something with the engine.
Benny blushed a little and went to the bathroom as well.
When they were back, they grabbed their bowls with ice cream and you proposed to eat it on the couch while watching TV. Jack insisted on sitting between you and Benny and Benny insisted on watching some comedy show that you usually didn’t allow Jack to watch because of its primitive humour. This time you made an exception and you could see how Jack was starting to like Benny more and more.
They were laughing at the same jokes – although you were sure Jack didn’t understand some of them and only laughed because Benny did. But what mattered more was the way they laughed. Both in a similar way, cutely, throwing their heads back and giggling. You had never seen Benny Cross like that before and your heart was filling with more and more affection towards him. He started to remind you of a little boy now.
Well, he had been a little boy once after all. And, oh, he had to be adorable, you thought, and you reached your hand out to caress his arm softly. He looked at you and you shyly took your hand away. However, he smiled at you lovingly and your cheeks heated up.
When the comedy show was over, you asked Jack to wash the dishes after the dessert and he did that without complaining – mostly because he was grateful to you for letting him watch that silly comedy show.
“You turning him into a girl?” Benny pointed his finger at the kitchen where Jack had gone to as he moved closer to you on the couch.
“No, I’m teaching him how to do basic chores around the house,” you told Benny. “You don’t wash the dishes?”
“Only when I have to,” Benny groaned. “But I hate that.”
“Well, at my house you’d have to,” you crossed your arms.
“I’m gonna get used to it,” he chuckled and you raised an eyebrow at him. He was grinning at you.
“Listen, Benny,” you changed the subject as you got more serious. “Thank you,” you lowered your voice. “I know I should have told you earlier about Jack…”
“What you thankin’ me for, kitty?” Benny furrowed his brow.
“For… Acting decent, I suppose,” you bit on your lower lip.
“Well, I don’t mind you raising a kid, dollie. In fact, I think it’s cool,” he winked at you.
“Cool?” You snorted at that, confused.
“Yeah, you know, he’s a nice fella and we’re gonna practise before our own little ones come one day,” Benny shrugged his arms and stretched his arm to put it around your shoulder.
“Benny, we barely know each other,” you pointed out.
If any other guy started talking about having kids with you so fast – you’d run away. But with Benny it was different. Something about him was making you feel secure. Perhaps because of the way he was with Jack.
“That’s why I said: one day,” Benny smirked.
“What I mean is, it’s too early to plan such things”, you said but you leaned your head on his chest anyway. He shook his head with a chuckle.
“Little girl, I’m gonna marry you, don’t you know?”
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ted-answers · 4 months
hi ted! do you miss the others?
…The others…
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…yes. Yes I do miss them. Gorrister was rude, but helped with wounds, Benny was plain stupid but company was company, Nimdok kept to himself but he had some interesting stories when he remembered them… and Ellen… she was… kind. I regret those horrible things I said and thought about her.
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Is it selfish that I wish I hadn’t killed them?… they’re in a better place but… when I stop answering questions I’ll be back to being tortured, stuck with that asshole machine forever… I think I liked it better when they were here. At least I had people who understood what I was going through. Now I’m stuck with my own thoughts, and my mind isn’t too fond of me.
(ooc; I’m like slowly building lore here bleh, Ted is alone, AM is off doing who knows what, Ted is sad, still paranoid as fuck though. AM still fucks with his head on occasion, silly robot!)
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