#Benjamin’s little brother 😔
paleshelter29 · 1 year
Henry Sutton Peletier — The Walking Dead
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
hey hey!! random question but what do you think kyle's kids are like? or even cartman's kids. i've just been sitting in my little corner with my own little characterizations so i figured might as well break out of my shell a little and ask other ppl what their interpretations are, and ur rlly fun!! :D
Thank you so much for the ask!! I love all your art of Kyle and Cartmans' children very much, it's fantastic :D I thought long and hard, and have come up with these wildly unfounded headcanons for Kyle’s children, partially influenced by kidfics I have read by authors such as Hollycomb and Sekrit (credit to the latter for being the first to name Kyle’s kid Benji!)
Benjamin Bartholemew Broflovski: I’ve always headcanoned Kyle’s middle name as Benjamin. Likewise, I hc Bartholomew is a family name on Gerald’s side, so Kyle wanted to honour that too. Plus, he's a big fan of alliteration :D
Benji is an overachieving, do-no-wrong golden child. He plays a lot of soccer in his youth (watched over by Soccer Mom Kyle) but switches to basketball in high school after a generous growth spurt. He’s also academically gifted, getting great grades in all of his classes. His favourite subject is history, specifically early civilisation. Would you like to know how the ancient Egyptians mummified the dead? Or the process of constructing an ancient Roman road? Well, he’s going to tell you anyway, and the lecture will last no less than two hours, and no, you don’t get a break. The only time that Benji does not exude confidence is when it comes to dating when he's older, wherein he’s a flustered and stuttering mess. He’s got the Bitchless Broflovski curse, I’m afraid 😔
Despite his radiant childhood, he goes through a rebellious phase in his early teen years. He starts to worry that people see him as boring or stuck-up, and so acts out. I doubt he’d go full goth, but maybe he’d get busted for drinking on school property or something, camped out behind the bleachers with some of the Bad Kids. Kyle gets SO MAD that the full name is cracked out: "Benjamin Bartholemew Broflovski!" but Benji figures if it’s pissing his dad off, then he must be doing something right. This behaviour spirals out of control until he has a bit of a scare (someone gets hurt, but not seriously), and after Kyle comes to his rescue, the two have a good ol’ heart to heart and all is well once more :) 
During the brief moment we see him in Post Covid, Benji is shown wearing a kippah, which could indicate that he’s an orthodox Jew. However, Kyle’s lifestyle does not seem to adhere to orthodoxy on the show, and I imagine he’d raise Benji as a reform/liberal Jew, just like I think Kyle is. The kippah could be because they’re at a Denny’s Applebees Max, and some Jews choose to cover their heads when eating, but I believe that, like Gerald, he simply wears his all of the time. As the post-covid conclusion is a utopian vision, Benji has been raised without the same antisemitic bullying that his father experienced, and so has no shame or self-loathing about being Jewish. He’s proud and he’s passionate about his faith!
Ada-May Sheila Broflovski: Kyle strikes me as the kind of guy to name his daughter after a famous feminist figure. Ada is after Ada Lovelace, who’s widely considered to be the first computer programmer! The ‘May’ is a family name, double barreled because he likes the ring to it. Sheila is of course after his mother, who he may have his gripes with, but still loves very dearly.
Ada is a quiet child. Raised in her older brother’s shadow, she’s not as naturally gifted at sports, and despite her namesake struggles quite a lot with math. Kyle loves both his children equally of course, but sometimes he doesn’t know what to make of her, because she’s not very expressive and quite emotionally closed off at times. She really enjoys reading, particularly nonfiction, so Kyle finds ways to connect with her by talking to her about the books she enjoys, and reading her favourites with her.
Ada doesn’t have too many friends whilst growing up, which Kyle stresses over to no end, but she doesn’t mind too much, happy in her own little world. In high school she makes friends with Moisha, Cartman’s son, and they start the school paper together. This kickstarts her passion for photography, as she follows Moisha around with a camera whist he asks people invasive and leading questions. The pair get into a lot of trouble together, and many hijinks ensue. Kyle blames it on Moisha's upbringing by his inept father and secretly misses the days when Ada didn’t have so many friends.
Tzedakah (charity work) is one of the most important commandments that Jews are obligated to observe, and I can see Ada really connecting with this mitzvah. She loves helping people in need, and works on many, many charity drives and events throughout her youth. She inherits a strong sense of justice from her father, and I love the idea of them bonding over this! They volunteer every Wednesday night at a soup kitchen together, and Benji sometimes comes too, making it a family affair :D
So, those are my main headcanons for Benji and Ada at the moment! I’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts if they’d like to share theirs as well. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble!!
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Spider-verse Meets BatPham
Source: ghosts-bats-and-more
Fandoms: DP, Batman, and Spiderman (heavy on the Spiderman)
Batpham plus 3 spiders au: Post nwh spider bros get sent to a universe where no one knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
they restart their lives in a new New York and take turns, resulting in Spider-Man becoming a cryptid because sometimes he's a teen, a 29 year old, or a 40 year old.
(When the Bats find out, a betting pool comes into play)
Okay but like I gotta know what they do for names when out of the mask. Clearly they're the Parker brothers but like, are they all still Peter or does any of them have a braincell to come up with aliases?
Okay, but what if it was 4 peters
If we add in 🅱️eter
🅱️ eter and Peter 2 are the dad and mom friends respectively lol
🅱️eter is dad friend supreme
Bruce is somewhat happy that he has someone to relate to (???), with 🅱️eter being in the business for so long, but he's still confused as to why there are so many Peters here
🅱️ eter: eh, you get used to it
Actor names I guess? that's the names given to them in the spider-verse blog I co-run
Alternatively: Burger, Peter, Benjamin and Parker, from oldest to youngest
Or Burrito
I think Burrito is better for 🅱️eter
It's what the B stands for
Burrito! that's the nickname they gave him to differentiate him from RIParker
(aka the blond dead one)
RIP in Peter
Rest in Peter 😔
You have Burrito, Pigter, and angst man
Imagine a Batpham crossover with comic Peter
Mr. Peter "I have reset the universe before, have no real weaknesses and am radioactive, fight me" Parker
His weakness is thinking fast
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They have spidey sense but not common sense
In the wiki, his weaknesses are: Pesticides, bad luck, can't drive and anti-venom
That's... That's all the spiders...
they all share one braincell and it died with RIPeter
Parker Luck ™️ caused them to be discovered in this universe
Gwen would've been the next braincell holder, but even she hasn't seen it in years
Tom Peter lost braincell privileges for erasing himself from his universe's memory
Tobey's Peter got rid of it with that dance...
Andrew's Peter never even had it, except for the smort moments
They don't let Mom (Tobey) Peter or Dad (Beter) Peter live those dances down
I have one more question about the au: do they coordinate to wear matching suits in Gotham or do they have their variations still there? Cause the conspiracy theorist within every batfam member would be on high alert over that
small variations
to tell each other apart
(also the Bats have different suits, it's not out of the ordinary for them to switch yknow?)
Makes sense
It's tiny little variations, but conspiracy theorists are constantly confused, because they swore that Spider-Man just left??? Why is he back????? And again???????
and why does he seem older???
Also, another little fun thing is that all the spiders are connected spiritually
Why does that guy have a gut and is tall as shit, but then this one is tiny as can be
Danny thinks Spider-Man is a ghost
for the betting pool
Like clockwork
Just shifts between stages of life
Because they're all spiritual and have probably died at some point
Comics Peter died like 3 times
Danny: why do you set off my ghost sense? Are you dead?
Beter: haha only on the inside
Tom: I was in Soul World for 5 years?
Comics Peter was shot with a ton of sedatives and then buried alive by Kraven, killed by Otto after Superior Spider-Man, and also by Wade
oh yeah the body switch thingy
Batman being Batman decides to investigate
Batman tracks one Spiderman back to an apartment only to find a whole herd of Peters eating cheap ramen together.
there is also a hanger rack filled with other suits of various designs and sizes
Trying to think quick they claim to be in town for a convention and they're cosplayers
Batman: Then why did Spider-Man come here?
Tom Peter: To hide his identity?
Other spideys ^
Batman: Then why am I hearing reports on Spider-Man changing ages and heights?
Batman doesn't know whether to believe him or not because how on earth is such a vigilante so dumb??? There's no way
it gets more suspicious when they introduce themselves as Parker
Batman: why are there so many Parker's?
All the Peter's: ...large family?
A bajillion Parkers and one Ben Reilly
Comic: He's our cousin.
Danny: I heard that excuse before....why does he look identical to you?
Ben: Because families are always identical in blood and genetics?
Comic: It's not like the Spider-Verse is real...
Burrito: facepalm
Kaine: Haha, suckers
Comic: Shut it Kaine.
Kaine is just sitting there with 'imperfect clone' trauma
Dani relates
Batman: Why do you go back to one specific tattoo parlor for the same tattoo a lot?
Kaine: ......
Kaine: I have the right to remain silent
Comic: HA
Kaine sets off Danny's ghost sense the most because he's the spideriest
Danny: You taste of angsty spiders and lots of cobwebs
Kaine: how do you even know what those taste like
Danny is the spider detector
Tries to use the thermos on them cause spiders be sus
It doesn't work
What if he could make his ghost sense change how it looks depending on who it is
Danny, opening his mouth as 17 ghost sense spiders crawl out again, with narrowed eyes: Spider-Man
Porker pops up out of nowhere: And Ham!
Alternative to this au, it's reversed
Batpham and Danny end up in one of the spider's universes
Probably 616's
Just because Jameson
JJJ would have a field day
J. J. J.: There has been a recent influx of weird vigilantes. Could this be the cause of Spider-Man?
Danny: yo what
Peter: How is this my fault this time?!?!
Peter, getting ready to adopt Danny: Ah, I see
Danny is very adoptable
Nightwing: Back off we had him first.
Peter: And??? I'm a New Yorker
Tim, whispering to Bruce: Watch out, he's a new yorker
Giving him Ditko's Peter attitude,, he would be too powerful
Little pissy man against rich bajillionaire
and back to the original idea: many pissy spiders vs one paranoid bat
They're overprotective little bastards and everyone is concerned
Batman vs all the webbing they leave around from swinging
To quote something I heard in a video a while ago: "The villains reflect a bit of what the protagonist has; Batman villains are masterminds with personas, Spider-Man villains are spiteful nerds"
But then again it adds to the city's spoopy aesthetic
lol yeah
although it dissappears after a few hours
and it depends which fluid a spider uses
sometimes it's organic, other times? nope
they ask Spider-Man how it works several times and get varied answers
Batman: how does the web fluid work?
Spider-Man: Good question
Spider-man: It depends what kind of fluid I use
Spider-man: It's always different
Also depends on the universe
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Lord Dimitrescu: Daniel! Cassandros! Benjamin! (Y/N)! Stop shoving firecrackers in that villager
The 4 idiots: OwO no I don’t think so~
No no, you're wrong. Lord Dimitrescu will never believe his sweet, baby, angel, little princess, literal ray of sunshine, aka you, could ever harm a fly, even if you're committed arson right in front of him. No, he'll always, ALWAYS justify your actions. Like:
Oh you broke an expensive antique? Good, it wasn't matching with the castle's interior anyways.
Oh you're chasing after your brothers with a knife? The boys must've rubbed off you and now you're playing along :D
Oh you're running away from me? Ahh, so you want to play with your me🥰 Sorry I haven't been able to pay attention to you my daughter 😔
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lucrezia-thoughts · 3 years
🥵 He focus back on his drink and the guys, leaving for the bathroom a bit later, which was a big mistake. When he comes back at the table, he notices Santi is gone, he spot him at the bar talking to her, obviously flirting, Jesus, this man can't help himself when he sees a beautiful lady. He slaps his brother's arm, this one groaning " Hey! I'm not his mom, he wanted to get another drink, i can't look at him all the time" Will sighs, looking at them " he better behave, i don't want to be embarrassed of him next time I see her" Frankie laughs, stretching, Benny poking at his belly, making Frankie stop mid-stretch " Benjamin, I'm gonna kick your ass" Benny laughs, hitting his shoulder playfully " yeah? Show me what you got, grandpa" Will rest his head on the table, whining " these kids". While he's being embarrassed, the girls seeing her friend being busy with Santi decides to go see the guys, Will looking up hearing their voices. Benny telling them to stay, grabbing extra chairs for them. They are nice girls, and while it first was weird, he can see how his little brother can stop staring at one of them, his flirting skills towards her are being pretty shitty and he blushes.
Poor Will must be mortified!! 😔
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