#Benefits of Using an Online Donations Platform
iconnectxsolutions · 1 year
Empowering Nonprofits: The Impact of Online Donations Platform
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Online donation platforms are a great way for nonprofits to increase their fundraising efforts. These platforms make it easier for donors to give money quickly and securely, allowing nonprofits to focus on their mission instead of worrying about collecting donations. With an online donation platform, nonprofits can accept payments from anywhere in the world, track donor data, and even set up automated giving programs. By leveraging the power of digital technology, these platforms help nonprofits maximize their fundraising potential and ensure that more of every donation goes towards helping those in need. With an online donation platform, nonprofits can easily manage their donations, track donor information, and create reports on their fundraising efforts. This helps them make more informed decisions about how to allocate their resources and ensure that they are reaching the right people with the right message.
How Online Donations Platforms are Transforming the Way Nonprofits Raise Funds:
Online donation platforms are revolutionizing the way nonprofits raise funds. They provide a convenient and secure way to collect donations from anywhere in the world, enabling nonprofits to reach a larger audience and increase their fundraising efforts. These platforms also allow donors to track their donations and see where their money is going, making them feel more connected to the cause. With online donation platforms, nonprofits can easily manage their campaigns, track progress, and measure the impact of their efforts in real time. This makes it easier for them to make strategic decisions about how best to allocate resources for maximum impact.
The Benefits of Using an Online Donations Platform for Nonprofits & Charities:
Nonprofits and charities rely on donations to fund their programs and operations. An online donations platform can make it easier for these organizations to collect donations from supporters around the world. With an online donation platform, nonprofits and charities can quickly set up donation pages that are optimized for mobile devices, accept payments from multiple payment methods, provide tax receipts to donors, and track donor data. By using an online donation platform, nonprofits, and charities can increase their fundraising efficiency and reach more potential donors.
Choosing the right donation software for your fundraising needs can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which one is best suited for you and your organization. As a charity, Looking for the best and Free online fundraising solutions provider? Try iConnectX today!
Relevant Fundraising Solutions
Free online auction site
Free event ticketing software for Nonprofits
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
Was your Safe Spaces post discord-(or any closed forum I guess) specific, or do you think the same should go for fandom-themed blogs on tumblr? Like, if I follow someone for Doctor Who content, I'd rather they didn't put real world issues on my dash, but otoh, it's their blog and they get to decide what they post on it (preferably tagged so I can curate). I've observed that people that run themed blogs that become popular often seem to feel an obligation to use their platform for activism (or, in the case of crypto-radfems, deliberately built their platform to recruit), and it stresses tf out of me for the reasons you mentioned, but it's not like the maintags are much safer because there will be spam relating to real-world issues, or antis trying to relate fiction to real world issues.
Realistically; the same outlook can and could be applied to any social setting. Be it online, private, public, face to face, ect.
Your point about obligation in terms of platform scale is something I've also noticed and have been dabbling about raising. Mostly because you see it a lot with celebrities or public content creators who receive a large following. Its often less that they feel obligated and more than they're usually bullied into it.
For example; I follow a trans (FTM) vlogger on Instagram. His entire online presence is based around being trans and helping to educate people and support people in regards to learning about being transgender, transgender health, his personal transitional journey, ect.
He's got a modest following, nothing ridiculous but I think right now he's sitting at around 75,000 followers.
And as of late, there are random people who don't follow him and aren't at all interested in what he has to say flooding his comment section with things like:
Why didn't you mention anything about Gaza?
All these followers and no shout outs for smaller creators?
What are you doing to raise awareness for X?
All these views could've been used to raise awareness for X.
And its fucking ridiculous. People are pressuring a middle class trans man with 75,000 followers to accept responsibility for counter-responding to a literal war when there are actual celebrities and billionaires with both the actual reach and money to make a difference who simply refuse to because they won't personally benefit from it.
I used to run a really popular fandom blog here on Tumblr. For an actual fandom, not just what I do here and now. It started off small, but I eventually grew it to the point where my follow count was creeping toward 10,000. Which for Tumblr and for a fandom-specific blog was not at all insignificant.
And the moment my notes count started going up, the demands started flooding in. People expecting me to reblog their donation links, demanding I share their friend's aid post, asking why I wasn't reblogging awareness posts or donation drives, ect.
Its largely because its easier to harass accessible people over it than it is to harass someone like Kim Kardashian, but its also because again: we have such a skewed understanding of what is actually effective in terms of activism and circulation of information.
Most of it comes down to shaming people and trying to assert that they're a bad person for having the privilege and benefits of a large following but not doing anything for other people or to 'deserve' that following. They're 'a bad person' for having 75,000 people's attention and not using it to force them to be aware of X.
A good example of proper audience targeting and activism is the page We Rate Dogs.
We Rate Dogs will share awareness posts and donation drives.
About dogs.
Because their followers are there for the dogs. Their followers like dogs. They want to enjoy dog content and help dogs.
If they started sharing posts about war and death and rape, the people who are following them to see cute dog videos will simply unfollow them.
They're using their targeted platform properly.
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investmentassistant · 9 months
Productive ways to spend your new year's break
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The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the much-anticipated New Year's break. While it's tempting to spend these days lounging on the couch, binge-watching TV shows, and indulging in festive treats, there are plenty of ways to make your New Year's holidays both enjoyable and productive. Here are some tips on how to spend your New Year's break with purpose:
Set goals for the new year
Use this time to reflect on the past year and set achievable goals for the upcoming one. Whether they are related to personal development, career aspirations, or health and fitness, establishing clear objectives can give you a sense of direction and motivation for the year ahead.
Learn something new
Take advantage of the break to acquire a new skill or enhance existing ones. Online courses and tutorials are readily available on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy. Whether it's a new language, coding, or cooking, investing time in learning something new can be both rewarding and intellectually stimulating.
Volunteer and give back
Spread the holiday spirit by giving back to your community. Look for local volunteer opportunities, whether it's helping at a food bank, participating in a charity event, or assisting at a local shelter. Volunteering not only benefits others but also brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your own life.
Exercise and stay active
Maintain your well-being by incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. Whether it's a home workout, a jog in the park, or joining a fitness class, staying active during the holidays can help combat the indulgences of festive meals and desserts.
Connect with loved ones
The holiday season is an excellent time to strengthen bonds with family and friends. Plan virtual gatherings or small get-togethers, share stories, and create lasting memories. Building and nurturing relationships contribute significantly to overall well-being.
Organize and declutter
Use the downtime to declutter and organize your living space. Whether it's your closet, kitchen, or workspace, a tidy environment can positively impact your mental well-being. Donate items you no longer need, and start the new year with a clean slate.
Read and expand your mind
Pick up a book you've been meaning to read or explore new genres and authors. Reading is not only a great form of entertainment but also an excellent way to expand your knowledge and perspective.
Plan for relaxation
While productivity is essential, don't forget to allocate time for relaxation. Whether it's a spa day at home, a nature walk, or simply enjoying a good movie, taking moments to unwind is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
The New Year's break is a valuable opportunity to recharge, reflect, and set the tone for the year ahead. By combining productivity with enjoyment, you can make the most of your holiday season, fostering personal growth and creating lasting memories. So, this year, consider blending festive cheer with purposeful activities to make your New Year's break truly fulfilling.
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pillowfort-social · 2 years
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Donation Update:
As of 01/18/2023 we have met 37% of our $4943 goal for January thanks to our generous community donors.
Pillowfort has been user-funded since the beginning. Our entire team will continue the stance of never relying on venture capital investments, as being user-funded allows us to continue to operate without compromising our content guidelines or business philosophy.
While Pillowfort doesn't have investor funding, this does create many challenges for our team. Relying only on user payments and donations limits our resources significantly compared to other sites that receive millions of dollars in investment funding. We also pay higher payment processing fees because we allow adult content. Our continued survival depends on the generosity of our community until we implement a long-term business plan such as our premium features suite. We are still on track to launch the premium features suite sometime during the first of this year. More details will be available soon. 
Our Donation page provides a budget breakdown of Pillowfort's current monthly expenses.
While Pillowfort will not have to shut down immediately if we do not meet January's goal, it is in the best interest of the site to continue to reverse this trend so we do not face a situation where we eventually run out of finances. We have been fortunate to have saved up a ‘safety net’ of funds from previous fundraising drives and periods of high revenue (an example of a high period of revenue would be November 2022), which allows us to continue working on the platform at a deficit.
If you haven’t yet, please consider supporting us with a one-time or recurring monthly payment to help keep Pillowfort online. Any money donated to us now will be applied as a credit to your account when we release paid features & benefits in the future.��
Stay tuned for more updates. Have a great rest of your week, 
Pillowfort Staff
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rotting-in-your-arms · 9 months
Let's Plays Over the Years
Posted 23rd December 2023
I found myself thinking about how much the Let's Play format has changed over the years, and came to the conclusion that there are four main "eras" of the genre.
- The Forum Era - This era originated on Something Awful in circa 2006 credited to user "slowbeef", often using screenshots and text descriptions of the gameplay rather than recorded video or commentary. This format was very rudimentary and often, once a game was completed and discussions over, the thread would be archived and forgotten about, left to rot. The Let's Play Archive was founded in 2007 to archive these threads properly in an easily accessible manner, and later expanded to archiving the later YouTube Let's Plays.
- The Classic YouTube Era - slowbeef is also credited with spawning this circa 2007; traits common in this era include low quality video/audio, YouTube's 10 minute time limit, and little-to-no editing. Many of the games played in this era were classic Nintendo and PC games, things easily emulated and captured with free recording software.
Notable YouTubers include:
retsupurae [a duo consisting of Something Awful users slowbeef and Diabetus, with other users being featured occasionally]
Gaming Garbage [a duo consisting of the late Something Awful founder Lowtax and the disgraced Shmorky]
Chuggaaconroy, NintendoCapriSun, ProtonJon [the three forming TheRunawayGuys channel, but all having solo YT careers]
and many more.
- The Modern YouTube Era - Many would say Pewdiepie was the origin of this new era of Let's Plays on YouTube, introducing a webcam to see the player behind the gameplay (not always featured, but definitely the standard), as well as a deeper focus on PC games, especially titles from independent developers. Other YouTubers include Markiplier, jacksepticeye, CinnamonToastKen VenturianTale, ZackScottGames, Tobuscus' gameplay channel TobyGames, and several others.
An interesting difference with this era and those most popular in it is the focus on indie games, especially horror games. Like Pewdiepie playing Amnesia, or Markiplier playing SCP: Containment Breach, and of course most famously, Five Nights at Freddy's. Rarely do you see console titles, AAA games, or games from companies like Nintendo or Sega. This creates opportunities such as Markiplier's ongoing "3 Scary Games" series, with over 100 episodes and counting. In this series he features indie horror games to bring awareness to the titles and their developers, using his platform to support small creators. Other creators collaborate in this format, some of the most popular of which being Grand Theft Auto V and Gmod gameplay videos.
- The Livestreaming Era - This is a nebulous era, with the rise of Twitch (and YouTube introducing livestreaming features to compete with them), many have taken to playing games live on air. Rather than record with live commentary to be uploaded later, this era is exclusive to playing live with audience (chat) interaction and discussion. Many people who got their start in the modern YT era, and even some from the classic era, have migrated to streaming. One benefit of streaming over prerecording is the ability to generate more content; one can stream gameplay for a sum of hours, upload the VOD, and then edit it down into highlight videos (and in the current YouTube landscape, Shorts). Streaming also allows for multiple sources of income, being able to take Twitch subscriptions, donations, or even on-stream sponsorships, on top of YouTube's standard ad revenue (and sponsors there, too). Although, due to the nature of online content creation, this is always a gamble- making money is never guaranteed and many creators have a lot of luck (or networking) on their side when they finally make their break (of course, this applies to the prior two eras, but the prospect of making content creation a job is much more realistic today than it was back then).
I personally grew up with the "classic era", seeing a lot of the modern era too. I was kinda right in-between them, I watched a lot of NCS, RunawayGuys, ScykohPlays if anyone remembers him (though he was actually a few years later), and then Pewdiepie got big. I remember spending a lot of time watching Happy Wheels videos from Pewdiepie, TobyGames, a lot of Markiplier's SCP Containment Breach series and obviously his FNAF playthroughs (I actually rewatched his SCP series a few years back, it was fun). I really respect Mark for showing off indie devs' work on his channel, he's kind of been doing it since he started but he's put more focus on it. I also think it's really interesting that you rarely see him play anything triple-A, same with the other big channels of those years. It makes me wonder if he's ever played Resident Evil or Silent Hill or something, like old PSX or PS2 horror games.
Anyway, sorry for the sort of "stream of consciousness" blogpost. And the lack of site updates in the past couple months. Life hasn't been treating me very well lately. Maybe I'll write a blogpost about it someday. I just felt like writing about something that made me feel a little happy :D.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays too, almost forgot to say that.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Heart Day
Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the health and well being of people the world over.
Learn about World Heart Day
The World Heart Federation have found that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death, killing 17.1 million people every year – that’s more than victims of cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria.
Overeating, lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are all factors which can trigger heart disease and threaten our own lives, and those of loved ones. Heart Day was set up to drive home the message that heart problems can be prevented.
History of World Heart Day
The aim is to improve health globally by encouraging people to make lifestyle changes and promoting education internationally about ways to be good to your heart. This lesson is becoming increasingly relevant as reports of obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity in children and young people become more and more common.
Events take place to promote healthy hearts. Charities and other organisations coordinate walks and runs, health checks, public talks, shows and exhibitions to name a few of the interesting and informative  events which mark the day. So on Heart Day, get involved, eat your fruit and veg and get outside; both you and your heart will feel the benefits.
World Heart Day is celebrated every year. It was created by the World Heart Federation. The first World Heart Day took place back in 2000. Since then, in 2012, leaders from around the globe committed to the reduction of worldwide mortality from non-communicable diseases by 25 percent by 2025.
Did you know that almost half of the NCD deaths happen because of cardiovascular disease? This makes it the biggest killer across the world. Therefore, World Heart Day is the perfect platform for the community to come together in the battle against cardiovascular disease and lower the worldwide disease burden.
How to observe World Heart Day
As World Heart Day is all about drawing people’s attention to heart diseases and illnesses, as well as the range of health issues that are associated with this, it makes sense to raise awareness and also improve your own understanding. We would recommend taking some time to do a bit of research about heart conditions and risk factors. You can then use your online platforms and your social groups in order to raise awareness.
There are both non-governmental and governmental organizations that take part in this date around the world. They do this through the organization of science fairs, exhibitions, fitness sessions, public talks, walks, and marathons. Some famous buildings, monuments, and landmarks opt to go red on this date so that they can show their support for cardiovascular disease awareness.
If you are opting to celebrate this day, it is important to try and be more attentive to your own heart health. There are a number of different ways that you can do this. This includes following a healthy diet, quitting alcohol, stopping smoking, and getting involved in physical exercises. It is also important to have your cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart checked on a regular basis.
It is a good idea to take a look online to see if there are any events that are going on in your local area. If there are not, how about organizing an event yourself? All you need is an idea that is going to get the community involved and raise awareness for heart disease. This could be anything from a fun run to a community fair. It is up to you.
You don’t need to do an event on such a big scale either. You could gather your friends and family members and host a fun event, educating them on the issues and asking them to make a donation. Other ways to fundraise include making crafts and then donating the proceeds to a heart foundation or charity.
There are a lot of different charities and organizations that are doing great work when it comes to raising awareness and finding cures for different heart problems. We are sure that they would appreciate a donation, whether this is a donation of your time, money, or both! After all, anything that you can do can make a difference to someone’s life, so do not underestimate the role that you can play.
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jimmylustig · 1 year
Fundraising Event Ideas
Fundraising Event Ideas https://ift.tt/zg3UHtM Fundraising events are a great way to raise money for a good cause. Whether you are organizing a fundraiser for a charity, school, or community organization, there are many different types of fundraising events you can consider.  Auctions Auctions are a popular fundraising event idea that can generate significant money for your cause. Depending on your preferences and resources, you can hold a silent or live auction. The key to a successful auction is to have a wide variety of items available for bidding, including unique experiences, gift certificates, and one-of-a-kind items. Charity Walks/Runs Charity walks or runs are a fun and healthy way to raise money for a cause. Participants can collect pledges from family and friends, and the money raised supports the cause. Depending on your target audience and resources, you can organize a 5K or 10K run or a walkathon. Galas and Dinners Galas and dinners are formal events that can be used to raise significant money for your cause. These events often include a silent auction or raffle and entertainment, such as live music or a keynote speaker. You can charge a ticket fee for attendance and offer local businesses sponsorship opportunities. Bake Sales Bake sales are a classic fundraising event idea that schools, churches, and community organizations can organize. You can sell homemade baked goods, such as cookies, muffins, and cakes; the proceeds support your cause. You can also add a fun twist by organizing a baking competition or a themed bake sale. Online Fundraising Online fundraising is a convenient and effective way to raise money for your cause. You can use crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe to collect donations from people worldwide. You can also set up a donation page on your website or social media and encourage people to donate online. Sports Tournaments Sports tournaments are a great way to bring people together and raise money for a good cause. You can organize a basketball, soccer, or volleyball tournament and charge an entry fee for teams. You can also sell snacks and drinks at the event and offer prizes for the winning teams. Talent Shows Talent shows are a fun and creative way to raise money for your cause. You can organize a singing, dancing, or comedy competition and charge a ticket fee for attendance. You can also offer prizes for the winners and sell refreshments at the event. Car Washes Car washes are a simple and effective way to raise money for your cause. You can organize a car wash in a local parking lot or on a busy street and charge a fee for each car wash. To boost your earnings, you can also sell refreshments and snacks, such as lemonade and cookies. Art Auctions Art auctions are a unique fundraising event idea that can generate significant money for your cause. You can collect artwork from local artists or students and hold a silent or live auction to sell the pieces. You can also have a reception or cocktail party before the auction to showcase the artwork and attract potential buyers. Charity Concerts Charity concerts are a popular fundraising event idea that can unite music lovers and supporters of your cause. You can organize a benefit concert featuring local bands or musicians and charge a ticket fee for attendance. To raise additional funds, you can also sell merchandise, such as t-shirts and posters. You can consider many fundraising events depending on your target audience, resources, and cause. Whether you organize a charity walk, gala, bake sale, or online fundraiser, the key to a successful event is to have a clear goal, a well-defined plan, and a passionate team of volunteers. By choosing the right fundraising event idea and putting in the effort to make it successful, you can raise money and awareness for your cause and positively impact your community.   The post Fundraising Event Ideas first appeared on Jimmy Lustig | Lustig Family Foundation. via Jimmy Lustig | Lustig Family Foundation http://jimmylustig.org May 17, 2023 at 12:54PM
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cryptidshadows · 2 years
(sorry if your inbox is flooded, no pressure to respond) i'm 20, and about two months on testosterone, and I'm so happy with the changes, happier than I ever thought possible. but god, with everything going on in the USA, it's so difficult to be joyful about my transition. I live with my dad, and while we generally have a good relationship, my transition is starting to freak him out , and our conversations about it are never productive despite my best efforts. im worried I'm going to have to find other housing and it's taking a toll on me. I'm just wondering, how do you find joy despite the world? how do you find hope that it will get better?
I'm so happy for you dude! I'm sorry that things aren't going great with your dad though - I have a distant relationship with my parents, who caused me a lot of trauma over the years, it's not easy and it takes some people a lot of time to adjust and accept change. Some never do. I hope that you can get into a better living situation.
The current climate in the US is alarming and the constant bombardment of bad news can have a nasty impact on mental health. There's a number of ways I've been coping with it and I'll list them under the cut, I hope some of them might be helpful.
Turn off the noise. Being bombarded with bad news on platforms like Twitter or Tumblr can be so overwhelming and can have a huge effect on our well-being. Regulate time spent online, and when you do find yourself scrolling through news, look for ways to take action. Is there a petition to sign, a place to donate your time or skills or a little cash?
Be in nature. I can't stress enough how much of a difference it makes for me to take a walk down a trail in my neighborhood, to listen to birds, to sit on my porch swing during a storm on a summer evening. This can be harder if you live in the city but even just going to a local park or walking the streets for a while can do a lot. Try doing it without your phone on you, or with your phone turned off - leave your headphones at home (at least some of the time). Take in the sights and sounds and smells around you. It can be hugely grounding.
Keep a journal. Especially one in which you write ONE thing each day that you're grateful for, even if that one thing is the same thing every day. Appreciate the small things ("I saw a deer on my commute this morning!" or "I had a really good breakfast today") and make a note of them - and when you're hurting, go back and read about the little moments that made you feel content. The USA is in bad shape right now, but we also have a lot of advantages here too - we have access to many resources and communities that are here to help us.
With that in mind, be a part of your community, if you can. If you're in a position to safely join a local LGBTQ+ group, do it! Volunteer at a local organization that benefits your community. I am a member of the local arts advisory board, I contribute time and design work to the local domestic violence center, I participate in and help organize the annual Pride celebration, serve on multiple LGBTQ+ boards, and I run the local college's QSA. It's hard to do with a full-time career and a comic I want to finish, but it gives me the ability to have a positive impact on people and to see how that affects life right here in my backyard. It's easy to feel hopeless when you're looking at massive global problems that you can't really change, but if every one of us focused on what we can change in our neighborhoods and towns, every community could begin to flourish in some way. Grass roots are the foundation of change.
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mind-yog-blog · 2 years
Spiritual Business :
Post Pandemic, many people have turned to spiritualism to seek solace and peace from the aftermath of the pandemic. What people are seeking is peace of mind and soul which will allow them to balance their life more appropriately. Keynes’ law states that demand creates supply. So now we are flooded with many YouTube channels from self-declared spiritual Guru’s giving us continuous Gyan (knowledge) about meditation, Positive affirmation, Mind control, self-actualization, self-belief, and many other.
The three main pillars of human spirituality are relationships, values and life’s purpose. But in today’s world of instant gratification people often end up in botched up spiritualism. This has opened a new avenue for opportunists in the society. The main purpose of establishing Temples, Gurudwaras, Mosques, Churches and any kind of religious place was to create a platform for the common people of the society to gain knowledge, learn humanity and the art of giving and sharing. These places of worship were imparting not only the knowledge from Bible, Kuran or Gita but they were used as schools to impart education. These places were used to provide food for poor people, they were also used as health centres, temporary residence for people affected from natural calamities. In short, these places of worship were not only for people to visit God and seek blessings but there was a lot more purpose behind building them.
Unfortunately, the opportunists have exploited this real spiritualism and what we have today is not ‘God Loving’ but ‘God Fearing’ spiritualism. Many donate not to help the needy but to get something in return, be it materialistic or mind gratification. When you expect something in return for any act of yours it becomes a mere transaction. The opportunists in the world have created a huge business out of this spiritualism and religion. People are paid to convert from one religion to other. In the name of saving your time many online portals have been created for you to pay for any kind of ritual without even physically visiting the place of worship. Politicians are using religion to create rifts in people and establishing vote banks for their own benefit. Controversies are being built around conducting Aarti’s, Namaz, processions, pandals on road during festivals in public places. The places of worship (of all religion) are amassing loads of money which they receive in the form of donations. These donations were ideally to be used to give back to the society and help the needy, but instead they are filling up the coffers of few people who control these places of worships.
The honesty in the act of worshipping and the peace attained as of result of this un-selfish act has been long lost in today’s material world. What we are left with is the business of spiritualism.
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Engagement for Local Non-Profit Events: Promotional SMS Marketing in India
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Promotional SMS is a marketing tool used to send messages directly to recipients' mobile phones to promote products, services, or events.
For non-profits, promotional sms india can be a powerful tool to spread the word about community events, fundraising campaigns, and volunteer opportunities. The simplicity and immediacy of SMS make it an effective way to reach a wide audience, even those who may not be active on social media or check their emails frequently.
How Does SMS Marketing Work for Non-Profits?
Building a Contact List
To start with SMS marketing, non-profits need a well-maintained contact list. This list should include supporters, past donors, volunteers, and anyone interested in the organization’s work. Collecting phone numbers can be done through events, online sign-ups, or partnerships with local businesses.
Crafting Your Message
The effectiveness of an SMS campaign relies on the clarity and appeal of the message. For non-profits, the message should be concise, compelling, and include a clear call-to-action. Whether it's an invitation to a fundraising event, a reminder for a volunteer shift, or an update on a campaign, the message should be designed to prompt immediate engagement.
Scheduling and Sending
Once the message is crafted, it needs to be scheduled and sent. SMS marketing platforms allow organizations to schedule messages to be sent at specific times, ensuring that they reach recipients when they are most likely to engage. For example, reminders for an upcoming event should be sent a few days before the event date.
Tracking and Analyzing
After sending out the SMS, it’s crucial to track its performance. Metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, and response rates provide insights into the effectiveness of the campaign. Non-profits can use this data to refine future campaigns and improve engagement strategies.
How to Start an SMS Marketing Campaign for Your Non-Profit
Choose an SMS Marketing Platform
Select a reliable SMS marketing platform that offers features suited to non-profit needs, such as bulk messaging, scheduling, and analytics. Some platforms even offer special pricing or features tailored for non-profits.
Define Your Goals
Before launching a campaign, clearly define your goals. Are you aiming to increase attendance at an event, raise funds, or recruit volunteers? Having specific objectives will guide the content of your messages and help measure the success of the campaign.
Segment Your Audience
Segmentation involves dividing your contact list into specific groups based on criteria such as past involvement, interests, or location. Tailoring messages to different segments can make your communications more relevant and engaging.
Create Engaging Content
Craft messages that are engaging and provide value to the recipients. Include information about the event or opportunity, how it benefits the community, and how recipients can get involved. Don’t forget to add a call-to-action, such as a link to register or donate.
Launch Your Campaign
With everything in place, launch your SMS campaign. Monitor the delivery and response rates to gauge the effectiveness of the campaign. Be prepared to make adjustments based on feedback and performance metrics.
SMS marketing offers a direct and personal way for non-profits in India to engage with their communities.
SpaceEdge Technology: Digital Marketing Service Provider
SpaceEdge Technology prides itself on being India’s leading marketing service provider, delivering innovative, results-driven solutions tailored to help businesses grow and thrive in the digital age. Our mission is to empower brands, whether large or small, by providing comprehensive marketing services that blend creativity, technology, and data-driven strategies.
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acquisory · 3 days
Crowdfunding — A Concept to be Gauged
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Crowdfunding is described as “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. It’s a new go-to-strategy for budding startups. It is the practice of pooling in of resources by numerous people, thus the term ‘crowd’, to fund prospective projects. It is an alternative finance system where funds are raised through mediums like internet-mediated registries, mail order subscriptions, and benefit events and the like.
Crowdfunding is a popular concept that emerged in the US and the UK. As of now, it has become an emerging way of raising capital entailing the use of social media networks — Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and some dedicated websites. The modern business environment considers crowdfunding as a way of connecting investors with the modest business startups and projects, using an online transaction portal that eliminates all the possible barriers to entry.
Crowdfunding has become a serious source of capital to kick-start new ventures and is by far the most disruptive innovation of the 21st century. As an industry, crowdfunding has developed steadily into a primary tool for entrepreneurs and creative people to assess the potential for their ideas, engage with specific people who would be interested in these ideas, and also attract the funding which is pivotal to the success of any project. There are various types of crowdfunding, namely: reward, donation, peer-to-peer, and equity-based. Out of which the Equity based crowd funding is not legalized in India.
“Crowdfunding is a general process of asking people for donations, which is then used as the capital by startups. As crowdfunding involves pitching ideas directly to the internet users, offering financial banking, entrepreneur and small business owners can leverage it as an option to bypass venture capitalists and angel investors. It also provides, a unique opportunity to validate the concept and scope of a project in the targeted markets.”
Donation Crowdfunding — this kind of crowdfunding denotes solicitation of funds for social, artistic, philanthropic or other purpose, and not in exchange for anything of tangible value.
Reward Crowdfunding — It refers to solicitation of funds, wherein investors receive some existing or future tangible reward (such as an existing or future consumer product or a membership rewards scheme) as consideration.
Peer-to-Peer Crowdfunding — In Peer-to-Peer lending, an online platform matches lenders/investors with borrowers/issuers in order to provide…
Read more: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/54/Crowdfunding-%E2%80%93-A-Concept-to-be-Gauged
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khemchaneduard · 6 days
Peer-to-Peer Lending and Crowdfunding: Bridging Borrower Gap with Professionals including Eduard Khemchan
The rise of peer-to-peer (P2P) lending and crowdfunding has marked a transformative shift in the financial landscape, offering innovative solutions to traditional funding challenges. These peer-to-peer technologies have democratized access to capital, enabling borrowers to connect directly with investors and backers without relying on conventional financial intermediaries. This direct engagement not only bridges the gap between borrowers and lenders but also fosters a more inclusive and diverse funding ecosystem.
This blog explores how peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding are reshaping the financial world. We will delve into the key benefits and challenges of these technologies, how they operate, their impact on borrowers and investors, and their role in fostering innovation and economic growth. Understanding these dynamics is essential for leveraging these platforms effectively and navigating the evolving landscape of alternative finance.
Understanding Peer-to-Peer Lending
Peer-to-peer lending involves individuals or businesses borrowing money directly from other individuals or institutions through online platforms. Unlike traditional bank loans, which involve intermediaries, P2P lending platforms facilitate direct transactions between borrowers and lenders. Professionals like Eduard Khemchan mention that this model often results in more competitive interest rates and greater accessibility for borrowers who may not qualify for conventional loans.
P2P lending platforms typically use technology to match borrowers with potential investors based on their creditworthiness and funding needs. The process is streamlined and often faster than traditional banking procedures, making it an attractive option for those seeking quick access to capital. Additionally, these platforms provide lenders with opportunities to diversify their investment portfolios by funding a range of loans across different borrowers and sectors.
The Mechanics of Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital by soliciting contributions from a large number of people, typically through online platforms. It allows entrepreneurs, startups, and individuals to present their projects or ideas to a broad audience and secure funding from interested backers. Crowdfunding campaigns can take various forms, including reward-based, equity-based, and donation-based models, each offering different incentives and structures.
In a reward-based crowdfunding campaign, backers receive non-financial rewards, such as products or services, in exchange for their contributions. Equity-based crowdfunding allows investors to purchase shares in a company or project, while donation-based crowdfunding focuses on raising funds for charitable causes. These diverse models cater to different needs and preferences, providing flexible funding options for a wide range of projects as highlighted by tech visionaries such as Eduard Khemchan.
Benefits for Borrowers and Entrepreneurs
Both peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding offer significant advantages for borrowers and entrepreneurs. For borrowers, P2P lending provides access to capital that might be unavailable through traditional banking channels. It also offers potentially lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms. Entrepreneurs can benefit from crowdfunding by gaining access to funding without diluting ownership or taking on debt.
Tech entrepreneurs including Eduard Khemchan convey that crowdfunding platforms offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to validate their ideas and build a customer base before launching their products or services. The feedback and support from backers can be invaluable in refining a business concept and increasing its chances of success. By leveraging these platforms, borrowers and entrepreneurs can overcome funding barriers and achieve their financial goals more effectively.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite the numerous benefits, peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding come with their own set of challenges. For P2P lending, there is a risk of default, which can impact lenders’ returns and affect the platform’s credibility. Platforms often implement risk assessment and mitigation strategies, but lenders must still carefully evaluate the risk associated with each loan.
Crowdfunding also presents challenges, such as the potential for projects to fail to meet their funding goals or deliver on their promises. Additionally, the competitive nature of crowdfunding can make it difficult for new projects to stand out. Successful campaigns often require effective marketing, a compelling pitch, and a strong network of supporters to achieve funding targets and maintain backer trust as noted by professionals like Eduard Khemchan.
Impact on Innovation and Economic Growth
Peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding have a profound impact on innovation and economic growth. By providing alternative sources of capital, these technologies enable entrepreneurs and startups to pursue innovative ideas and bring new products and services to market. This increased access to funding fosters a more dynamic and competitive business environment, driving economic growth and job creation.
Furthermore, the democratization of investment opportunities through crowdfunding allows a broader range of individuals to participate in and benefit from entrepreneurial ventures. This inclusivity contributes to a more diverse and vibrant economy, where innovative ideas can thrive and create lasting positive change.
Regulatory and Future Trends
As peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding continue to evolve, regulatory considerations play a crucial role in shaping their development. Regulations vary by region and can impact how platforms operate, the types of projects they can support, and the protections available to investors and borrowers. Staying informed about regulatory changes and ensuring compliance is essential for maintaining trust and legitimacy in these markets as underscored by tech visionaries such as Eduard Khemchan.
Looking ahead, emerging trends such as blockchain technology and artificial intelligence are likely to influence the future of peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding. Blockchain can enhance transparency and security, while AI can improve risk assessment and matchmaking processes. These advancements have the potential to further streamline and innovate the alternative finance landscape, offering new opportunities for borrowers and investors alike.
Peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding have revolutionized the way capital is raised and allocated, bridging the gap between borrowers and investors through innovative technologies. By offering greater accessibility, competitive rates, and diverse funding options, these platforms have transformed the financial landscape and fostered economic growth and innovation.
Understanding the benefits, challenges, and future trends associated with peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding is essential for leveraging these technologies effectively. As the financial world continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will enable borrowers and investors to navigate the dynamic landscape of alternative finance and achieve their goals with confidence.
Eduard Khemchan
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