#Benefits of Using an Online Auction Platform for Nonprofit Fundraising
iconnectxsolutions · 1 year
Driving Philanthropy: How Online Auction Platforms Transform Nonprofit Fundraising
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Online auctions are becoming increasingly popular for nonprofit organizations to raise funds while engaging their supporters. By leveraging the power of the internet, online auction platforms make it easy to showcase and sell items or experiences and provide an easy way for donors to bid on items with just a few clicks. Nonprofits can use these platforms to increase donations, raise awareness of their cause, and even host virtual events. While many different types of online auction platforms are available, each has unique features that can help nonprofits reach their fundraising goals. This article will explore online auctions, how they work, and how they can benefit nonprofits.
Benefits of Using an Online Auction Platform for Nonprofit Fundraising:
Nonprofits can now benefit from the wide range of capabilities provided by online auction platforms. These platforms offer a great way to raise funds for charitable causes and nonprofit organizations while providing donors with an exciting and engaging experience.
With an online auction platform, nonprofits can quickly set up and manage auctions that allow them to accept donations in various forms easily. They also provide advanced features such as bidding history tracking, automated bidding rules, and secure payment processing. Furthermore, they enable nonprofits to reach a broad audience of potential donors worldwide.
Using an online auction platform provides several key benefits for nonprofits seeking to raise funds for their cause. In this article, we will discuss how these platforms help nonprofits increase their fundraising efficiency while providing an enjoyable experience for donors.
How to Set Up an Online Auction Platform to Support Your Nonprofit's Fundraising Efforts:
An online auction platform is a great way to help your nonprofit organization raise funds. Utilizing tools such as an auction website can create a fun and interactive way for individuals to support your cause. Through this platform, you can list items for sale, manage bids and payments, and set up automated reminders for bidders. With automation and analytics, you can monitor your auction campaigns' real-time performance and adjust accordingly. By leveraging this technology, you can maximize your fundraising efforts while providing a great user experience for those participating in the auctions.
Top Tips for Running Successful Virtual Auctions for Your Charity:
Running successful virtual auctions for your charity is an excellent way to raise funds, engage supporters, and build a stronger sense of community. You can ensure your auction runs smoothly and efficiently with the right tools and strategies. Here are some top tips on how to make sure your virtual auction is a success:
Utilize technology - Technology is important in running successful virtual auctions. Ensure you have the right tools, such as online bidding platforms, so bidders can easily participate in your auction.
Set realistic goals - Before you launch your auction, set clear goals so that you know what kind of success you're aiming for. This will help ensure that you meet or exceed expectations for the event.
Promote it well - Once you have all the details ready for your auction, it's time to promote it! Reach out to potential bidders through various channels such as social media, email campaigns, , and blog posts. Let potential bidders know what they can expect from your auction and the types of items that will be up for bid. In addition, share your event with people you know might be interested in participating and ask them to spread the word about their experience with their networks.
Encourage bidding - One of the best ways to ensure that your auction is successful is to encourage participation from bidders. Provide a clear list of items for bid and explain why certain items are more valuable than others so that there's no confusion about how bidding works or what constitutes a winning bid.
Free online auction site like iConnectX offer significant benefits to nonprofit organizations seeking to raise funds for their causes. These platforms provide a convenient and engaging way for nonprofits to showcase items or experiences, accept various forms of donations, and reach a global audience of potential donors.
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donate4freeca · 11 months
Seven Ways to Reduce the Cost of Charity Fundraising
This is a blog about how to raise money for charities while cutting costs. Every dollar matters to us as a nonprofit trying to change the world. With our seven fundraising strategies, you may maximize your efforts without going over budget. We'll show you fresh approaches to generating income and conserving resources, from social media to online conferences. Learning how to make a big difference on a small budget is important because helping others shouldn't be costly!
First tip: Use social media sites to promote yourself for free.
In the digital age, social media is an effective tool for fundraising and promoting causes. Using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, one can reach an audience at a reasonable price.
Start with content from a compelling charity story. Utilize eye-catching images and videos to highlight the significance of your job. Use hashtags and captivating subtitles to increase visibility. Make a unique impression in a crowded online arena.
Make use of the live streaming and virtual event features available on Facebook Live and Instagram Stories. This helps you have live conversations with supporters while saving money on venue and travel expenses.
Use influencers who share your purpose. Together, use partnerships or sponsored posts to spread the word about your cause. Their fans might make fresh contributions to your organization.
On all social media platforms, reply to messages, mentions, and comments right away. Sincere conversations increase fan loyalty and trust.
Tip 2: To reduce venue and travel expenses, host virtual gatherings.
Nonprofits can save money on fundraising by hosting virtual events. Reaching a big audience without traveling or renting a space is now simpler than ever thanks to the advancement of technology and internet platforms.
Virtual events have a lot of advantages. They do away with time-consuming and expensive venue reservations. Nonprofits can reach a larger worldwide donor base by hosting online events.
Travel expenses are reduced for both hosts and attendees of virtual events. Employees of charities and invited lecturers are no longer in need of travel or housing. Instead of funding logistics, they should invest more on their cause.
Virtual events also provide schedule flexibility. Participants who are confined to their homes are welcome to join whenever it suits them. Because it's more convenient, attendance is higher than at in-person events.
Tip 3: Collaborate on in-kind donations with nearby companies.
Nonprofits can cut costs by collaborating with nearby businesses to provide in-kind donations. Collaborations can offer resources and assistance at no cost.
Companies that are involved in their communities may provide products or services as prizes or donations for Fundraising For Charity auctions. Tell these businesses about the purpose of your charity, and a lot of them could be willing to donate.
Examples of in-kind donations are gift cards from restaurants and retail establishments, printing, and graphic design. By doing this, the group saves money and supports nearby businesses.
In order to establish these ties, it is essential to clarify how gifts from donors would help the charity and their enterprise. Show them how their participation will benefit and present opportunities for PR.
Tip 4: Reach out to possible donors through email marketing
One low-cost method of reaching contributors and obtaining funds for your organization is through email marketing. You may connect with hundreds or thousands of possible supporters with just one click.
One big advantage of email marketing is its personalization. You can send customised mailings by segmenting your donor list based on interests or previous donations. The personalized touch inspires repeat contributions and lets them know how much you value their support.
Another benefit of email marketing is trackability. The majority of email marketing programs come with statistics about who clicked, opened, and gave. These statistics can be used to evaluate the campaign's success and develop future fundraising strategies.
Email campaigns that are successful must have interesting subject lines and content. Make the impact of contributors clear in the subject line. Compose succinct, impactful body copy that uses storytelling to move readers or emphasize the benefits of donations.
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Tip 5: To ensure steady support, encourage reoccurring gifts.
Increasing recurrent donations aids in the funding sustainability of nonprofits. Organizations can create long-term goals and maintain operations by developing a solid base of consistent donors.
To encourage them, Charities Fundraising Ideas might highlight the benefits of recurring contributions. They can stress how their ability to improve lives is made possible by even modest monthly contributions.
Platforms for donations that provide automatic monthly or yearly contributions are also crucial. Online payment platforms and direct debit make giving easier for contributors and boost the possibility of repeat contributions.
Donors also need to be involved in order to remain devoted. Recurring contributors should receive updates from charities on their accomplishments, impact stories, and gratitude for their support. This connects contributors to the goal of the organization.
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rishi-varma · 1 year
The Future of Giving: Trends in Online Fundraising Platforms
In recent years, the landscape of fundraising has been dramatically transformed by the rise of online fundraising platforms. These digital tools have made it easier than ever for individuals, nonprofits, and businesses to connect with a global audience of potential donors and raise funds for a wide range of causes.
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As technology continues to advance and societal trends evolve, the future of crowdfunding platforms in india promises to be even more dynamic and impactful. Let's explore some of the key trends shaping the future of giving:
1. Mobile Optimization
With the widespread use of smartphones, mobile optimization is no longer a luxury but a necessity for online fundraising platforms. Future platforms will prioritize responsive design and user-friendly mobile interfaces to ensure that donors can easily contribute from their smartphones or tablets. Mobile apps dedicated to fundraising will also become more prevalent, allowing for quick and seamless donations on the go.
2. Integration with Social Media
Social media has become a powerful force in online fundraising. Platforms will continue to integrate with popular social media networks, enabling users to share campaigns with their networks effortlessly. Donation buttons on platforms like Facebook and Instagram are already common, and we can expect more innovations in this area.
3. Cryptocurrency Donations
The use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin for charitable donations is on the rise. These digital currencies offer benefits such as reduced transaction fees and enhanced privacy. Online fundraising platforms are likely to integrate cryptocurrency donation options, opening up new possibilities for global giving.
4. AI-Powered Fundraising
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will play an increasingly prominent role in fundraising. AI can help organizations analyze donor data to identify giving patterns and tailor fundraising strategies. Chatbots and virtual assistants may also be used to engage donors in real-time conversations, answering questions and facilitating the donation process.
5. Personalization and Donor Journey Mapping
Personalization is key to donor engagement. Future platforms will use data analytics to create personalized donor journeys, providing tailored content and communications based on a donor's history and preferences. This personalized approach can foster stronger connections and boost donor retention.
6. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, where supporters raise funds on behalf of a cause, will continue to grow in popularity. Online platforms will offer robust tools to empower individuals and teams to create their fundraising campaigns, track progress, and share their stories effectively.
7. Blockchain Transparency
Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize transparency in the nonprofit sector. Donors can trace their contributions from start to finish, ensuring that their funds are used as intended. This transparency can build trust and confidence in online fundraising.
8. Virtual Fundraising Events
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual fundraising events. In the future, we can expect more innovative and immersive virtual events that allow donors to participate from the comfort of their homes. These events may include virtual walks, concerts, or auctions.
9. Sustainable Giving
As environmental awareness grows, donors are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their contributions. Future platforms may incorporate eco-friendly options such as carbon offset donations or support for sustainable projects.
10. Global Reach
Online fundraising has already broken down geographical barriers, but future platforms will further enhance global reach. Multilingual support, currency conversion, and region-specific campaigns will enable donors from around the world to support causes they care about.
11. Data Security and Privacy
As online transactions increase, ensuring the security and privacy of donor data will be paramount. Fundraising platforms will need to invest in robust cybersecurity measures and adhere to strict data protection regulations.
12. Gamification
Gamification elements, such as leaderboards, challenges, and rewards, can make fundraising more engaging and competitive. Future platforms may incorporate gamification to incentivize donors and fundraisers.
13. Impact Measurement
Donors want to know the impact of their contributions. Online platforms will increasingly focus on measuring and reporting the real-world outcomes of fundraising efforts. This transparency enhances trust and encourages continued support.
14. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Companies are increasingly integrating social responsibility into their business models. Online fundraising platforms will offer corporate partnerships, making it easier for businesses to engage in philanthropy and leverage their resources for good.
15. Accessibility and Inclusivity
Future fundraising platforms will prioritize accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities. This commitment to inclusivity will ensure that everyone can participate in the giving experience.
The future of giving through online fundraising platforms is bright and full of potential. As technology continues to advance and social consciousness evolves, these platforms will play an even more significant role in addressing critical issues and driving positive change around the world. Whether you're an individual donor, a nonprofit organization, or a business looking to make a difference, embracing these trends can help you navigate the dynamic landscape of online fundraising effectively. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.
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fundraisemaster · 1 year
The Role of Technology in Modern Fundraising
Fundraising has evolved significantly over the years, and with the advent of technology, it has reached new heights of efficiency and effectiveness. Today, modern fundraising leverages cutting-edge technological tools to connect with donors, spread awareness, and maximize contributions. In this blog post, we will explore the transformative impact of technology on fundraising efforts and how it has revolutionized the way charitable organizations and schools raise funds to support their causes.
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Online Crowdfunding Platforms:
One of the most significant contributions of technology to modern fundraising is the rise of online crowdfunding platforms. Websites like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo have revolutionized the way individuals and organizations can raise money for their projects and initiatives. These platforms provide an accessible and user-friendly way for people to create fundraising campaigns, share their stories, and reach a global audience of potential donors. The power of social media integration on these platforms allows campaigns to quickly go viral, significantly increasing their reach and impact.
Mobile Giving and Text-to-Donate:
The ubiquity of smartphones has transformed the way people engage with fundraising campaigns. Mobile giving and text-to-donate options enable donors to contribute conveniently with just a few taps on their mobile devices. Nonprofits and schools can leverage mobile apps or SMS platforms to send donation requests, event updates, and progress reports to their supporters in real-time, fostering a sense of connection and transparency.
Virtual Fundraising Events:
Technology has paved the way for innovative virtual fundraising events that transcend geographical limitations. Whether it's hosting a virtual gala, an online auction, or a virtual walkathon, these events allow participants from all over the world to come together in support of a cause without the need for physical presence. Virtual events also offer cost-saving benefits, making it easier for organizations to allocate more funds directly to their projects.
Data-Driven Fundraising:
Advancements in data analytics have empowered fundraisers to make smarter, data-driven decisions. Organizations can use donor management software to track and analyze donor behavior, preferences, and giving patterns. This valuable data allows fundraisers to tailor personalized appeals, segment their donor base, and identify potential major donors. Understanding donors' motivations and interests helps organizations build stronger relationships and enhance donor retention.
Social Media and Digital Marketing:
Social media has emerged as a powerful tool for spreading awareness about charitable causes and fundraising campaigns. Nonprofits and schools can harness the reach of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with their audience, share impactful stories, and drive traffic to their fundraising campaigns. Creative and compelling digital marketing strategies help attract new donors and create a community around the cause.
Blockchain and Transparency:
Blockchain technology is disrupting the fundraising landscape by introducing greater transparency and accountability. Donors are increasingly concerned about how their contributions are being utilized, and blockchain's immutable and decentralized nature provides an auditable record of all transactions. Implementing blockchain in fundraising ensures that donors can trace their funds and have confidence in the organization's financial integrity.
AI-Powered Fundraising:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is streamlining fundraising efforts by automating tasks, predicting donor behavior, and personalizing communication. AI-powered chatbots can handle donor inquiries and provide instant responses, while predictive analytics helps fundraisers identify the best times to launch campaigns for optimal results. Personalized email campaigns based on AI insights foster stronger donor engagement and support.
Technology has undoubtedly transformed the landscape of modern fundraising. Online Fundraising platform, mobile giving options, virtual events, and data-driven strategies have amplified the reach and impact of charitable organizations and schools. Embracing technological advancements not only improves efficiency but also enhances transparency, donor engagement, and long-term sustainability. As technology continues to evolve, fundraisers must stay abreast of the latest trends and tools to ensure their causes receive the support they deserve in this ever-changing digital world.
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Auction Software - Fundraising Events
Should You Use an Auction Software for Fundraising Events?
It can take a lot of work to coordinate a fundraiser, which is why you need to make sure that you are leveraging all of the tools that are available to make it as simple as possible. One of the easiest ways to plan a fundraising event is by using an auction software, because it allows people to participate in the fundraiser from anywhere in the world.
Here are a few reasons why you should use an auction software for your upcoming fundraising event:
More People Can Bid
If your fundraising auction is limited to people who can attend in person, then you are limiting the number of people who can participate. Instead of only having an in-person auction, consider the option to have an online auction that allows people to participate from any location. You will be able to maximize the profits from the event more effectively.
Real Time Bidding
Online auctions allow sellers and buyers to see the current status of an auction at any time. So, everyone can participate in real time bidding, which is beneficial to keep the auction moving along and keep everyone engaged in the event. With real time bidding, buyers can see what other people are bidding and add on another bid to out-bid the others who are competing for the same item.
Charity Donations for Nice Products
Many people donate a little more to charity or fundraising events when they are receiving a product or service in exchange for their donation. So, making these products easily accessible increases the likelihood that people will donate a little more.
Fundraising Auctions for Many Organizations
There are a number of businesses and other organizations that can benefit from fundraising auctions, including schools, churches, community groups, medical foundations, and other nonprofit organizations. Additionally, businesses can use the auction software to sell their products and raise money for charity at the same time. For example, you might setup an online auction to sell your products, and donate a certain percentage of all of the sales that are generated through the auction.
Secure Fundraising
Having a cashbox at a live fundraising event can be a temptation for volunteers or attendees, and most charity organizations have found that it is better to minimize the use of cash. With an online auction platform, all of the transactions are digital so you can easily see how much money was brought in. This process keeps the funds secure and protects everyone who is participating in the event.
Fundraising Made Simple
Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated, but some people shy away from the idea because they don’t know how to coordinate a big fundraising event. Keep it simple and setup an online fundraiser instead. You can save the hassle of scheduling a large event center and worrying about crowd control, and simply manage everything online instead.
As you can see, there are many advantages to using an online auction software for your fundraising event. Do you have questions about setting up your own fundraiser? Contact us for more information!
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Auction house directory,  Live auctioneer event,   Auction calendar marketplace,   Auction   &  Auction Marketplace.
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boomset · 5 years
5 Things to Know Before Choosing Nonprofit Event Software
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When it’s time for you to organize an event for your nonprofit, many different considerations will begin to roll through your mind. If it’s your first time, you may be wondering how to get started. If you’re an event planning guru, you’ll likely dive straight into considering unique ways to make this event better than last year’s. 
No matter how many events you’ve planned in the past, some of the more practical considerations to start with include the potential venue, possible themes, effective speakers, and informing the participants. When you dive deeper into this planning process, one of the most important considerations (which grounds the rest of them) is the type of software you choose. 
Choosing the right nonprofit event software will help your organization better plan for the event activities, market the opportunity to guests, and manage data effectively. 
Don’t just buy the first software solution you find. Instead, ask yourself some key questions before making an important investment. These questions include:
1. How will guests register for the event?
2. Who is your target audience?
3. How will you promote the event? 
4. What is your event budget?
5. What other fundraising activities will you incorporate?
Ready to make this year’s event the best one yet? Keep reading to learn more. 
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1. How will guests register for the event?
While you’re conducting research about various types of event software, put yourself in your guests’ shoes to imagine which registration method will best appeal to your audience. 
How guests register for an event is highly dependent on the audience and type of event itself. For instance, you may need software that allows for:
• Online registration. Online pre-registration is a great way to get your supporters excited and committed to your event. Plus, it allows your nonprofit to get a headcount for potential space requirements or food orders. 
• On-site registration. If you will allow walk-ins to your event, as many fundraising events do, you’ll need a kiosk or method of collecting on-site registrations. If you choose to offer both on-site and online registration, look for event software that allows you to check-in pre-registrants and sign up new registrants at the same welcome kiosk. 
• Signature collection. If your event requires a waiver or signature of any type, look for an event registration software that easily makes signing a part of the registration process. Waivers help organizations better track who has yet to sign as they check-in. 
• Session registration. Nonprofits who host informative conferences and large events may benefit from looking into session registration technology. This software allows you to better plan the event so speakers’ times do not overlap. Plus, you can track how many attendees go to each session. 
• Badge printing. If you want to up your nonprofit’s registration game, you can print badges. Badges help make your event more secure. Plus, QR codes printed on the badges help your organization gather more information about your attendees. 
It’s helpful to find a single event software solution that offers all of these features that your nonprofit needs for your upcoming event. This prevents your organization from needing to invest in several, unconnected software solutions. 
Ahem...if you´re looking for said all-in-one solution head HERE!
When everything is available through one or two different yet integrated software solutions, you can easily collect the important data that you’re tracking about your various event attendees in order to transfer to your CRM. 
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2. Who is your target audience?
Depending on the type of event your nonprofit is hosting, you likely have particular target audiences you want to attend.
This is especially important to think about when it comes to the various planning and marketing options your nonprofit must analyze and decide upon to tailor the event to the needs of this audience. 
Before you begin planning your event, be sure to first establish the target audience you want to reach. 
Start by looking through your donor software at the various profiles and group segments that you’ve established. Which of these segments apply to your goals and target audience? Consider for instance, if your nonprofit’s goal is to:
• Steward major donor prospects. Check-in on the donor tracking feature of your CRM to see where certain donors are in the process of major giving. You may consider inviting supporters who are currently in the cultivation stage. Or for a larger event, you may invite everyone in the identification through giving stages. 
• Provide opportunities to members. If your nonprofit has a membership program, you may be hosting a special event that is targeted directly to those who pay membership fees. Use your donor software to generate an up-to-date list of members to invite. 
• Raise awareness in the community. Maybe your event is more open to the community, but you want to ensure you have a strong supporter presence there. Use location features or filters to be sure you invite locals to attend the event. 
When you know your target audience, you can start thinking about how you will best appeal to them through your software solutions. 
For instance, major prospects may appreciate a more high-tech check-in progress maybe with Facial Recognition, color badges printed instantly and QR codes paired with a personal handwritten invite. However, for a community-oriented event that is open to the public, you may opt for an easy online registration process and a less technical check-in. 
Considering your audience through each step of your event will help your nonprofit better reach your goals, whether that goal is to raise money, boost awareness, or steward supporters. 
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3. How will you promote the event?
When it comes to promoting your event, you’ll also need to conduct some audience analysis. You’ll need to consider the message and platform that are most likely to resonate with your supporters. Then, appeal to those supporters appropriately.
Email is the most commonly used communication tool between nonprofits and supporters. Check your email open rates and click-through rates to see which demographics and segments of supporters engage best with email communication. Then, craft a message toward those supporters. 
Of course, you can craft multiple emails to appeal to each segment of supporters you have in your donor database as well. But remember that you also have other platforms you can use to appeal to various groups of supporters. For instance:
• Post to social media. You can set up automatic posts to publish from all of your social media accounts at the same time with a fundraising CRM. You can learn more about this marketing automation for nonprofits with Salsa’s guide on the matter. 
• Add the event to calendars. Add your upcoming event to local calendars in the community as well as the event calendar on your website. With this method, you’ll reach active community members as well as those actively engaging on your website. 
• Start a crowdfunding campaign. Crowdfunding or peer-to-peer fundraising can help bring people’s attention to your upcoming event while simultaneously raising money for the cause. Ask people to donate and register at the same time!
Before you dive into these great ideas, be sure to define which audience you’re targeting with each message. This will help you reach the broadest range of people. Consider the marketing functionality of your current software arsenal, then carefully select event software that offers the other promotion functionality that you really need. 
If you’re still looking for inspiration, here are  four great event examples and the techniques they used to draw in attendees.   
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4. What is your event budget?
Before your nonprofit makes an investment in software, it’s important to first consider any budgetary restrictions you may have. 
First: We recommend listing out the various functions you want from your ideal software selection. This gives you a broad understanding of the types of things to look for. It also helps keep you from getting distracted by the attractive bells and whistles of solutions when they don’t have the core functionality you need. 
Next: Divide the items on your list into “needs” and “wants” columns. This will help you better understand what that core functionality is. Plus, if you do find yourself constrained by your budget, you may be able to choose a lighter weight solution that has all of your “needs” and most of your “wants” rather than considering them all completely necessary. 
Finally: Ask for demos of the software you take an interest in. Ask for a price quote during the demo. Be sure to confirm that the price you’re told also includes the cost of tax and any implementation fees. Remember that it’s usually less expensive to opt for one to two comprehensive solutions than to mix and match multiple to fit your needs. 
It is sorely tempting to invest in all of the greatest gadgets with the best tech trends. And while this tech can make your event stand out from the crowd, it’s also important to first recognize how much your organization values these latest trends. 
For instance, a conference a nonprofit holds about technology will likely hold these gadgets in higher regard than your local animal shelter’s fundraising auction. 
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5. What other fundraising activities will you incorporate?
While there are various types of events that nonprofits may choose to host (and a variety of reasons to host each type), one of the most common events that nonprofits choose to host is a fundraising event. 
Fundraising events are specifically designed and planned with the intention of raising more money than it takes to plan the event. 
This usually means that there are a lot of fundraising opportunities before the event as well as during that provide engaging opportunities for supporters to give. Bonfire provides a comprehensive list of top fundraising ideas for nonprofits to use in their day-to-day campaigns or as a part of a larger fundraising event. Some of these incredible ideas include:
• A t-shirt fundraiser
• Peer-to-peer fundraising
• Bake sales
• A 50/50 raffle
• Text-to-give 
• A balloon raffle
• A food truck partnership
• Matching gifts
• And more!
The great news is that you’re not limited to just one fundraising idea at events! 
Your nonprofit has the opportunity to get creative and incorporate as many of these winning fundraising activities as you’d like to most effectively raise money from your supporters. Plus, with software that incorporates gamification tools (Have you gone to boomset.com yet?!), your supporters will even find these fun. 
Plan out what types of fundraising activities you want to incorporate into your event. Then you can find software that will fill the needs of those activities in addition to the general event planning needs of your organization. 
There are many considerations your nonprofit must take into account before choosing an effective nonprofit event software solution that will fit all of your needs. Be sure to use this list as a checklist before you sign any contracts or make a final investment. 
Guest Author Bio: Dan Quirk is the Marketing Manager at Salsa Labs, the premier fundraising software company for growth-focused nonprofits. Dan's marketing focus on content creation, conversion optimization, and modern marketing technology helps him coach nonprofit development teams on digital fundraising best practices. If you’re looking specifically for event fundraising software, you can also check out the additional considerations listed out by Salsa in the guide linked here. 
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rickhorrow · 6 years
10 TO WATCH : 11419
Ahead of this weekend’s big matchups, the NFL and Intuit Inc announced that as part of their multi-year official sponsor partnership, Intuit TurboTax Live will serve as the first-ever presenting sponsor of both the AFC and NFC Championship Games. As a part of the sponsorship, TurboTax Live branding will be featured during the 2019 AFC and NFC Championship Games as well as within ancillary programming and content across league broadcast and digital media platforms. "We're proud to have Intuit as the NFL's first-ever presenting sponsor for both AFC and NFC Championship games," said Renie Anderson, NFL Senior Vice President, NFL Partnerships, Sponsorship and Consumer Products. "Intuit has a longstanding reputation as a leader in the financial and accounting software industry that NFL fans recognize and trust this time of year." Beyond the presenting sponsorship of both 2019 AFC and NFC Championship games, Intuit also becomes the NFL's official sponsor for financial and accounting software, as well as tax preparation services.
This year's Indianapolis 500 "will pay special tribute" to Mario Andretti and the 50th anniversary of his only Indy 500 win in 1969. According to the Allentown Morning Call, Andretti's 50th anniversary celebration will include a "commemorative logo that will be used on the cover of the race program, on special merchandise and other places to celebrate the anniversary," and the "coveted bronze badges that have long served as credentials that allow garage and pit lane access will feature Andretti." Beginning May 1, the IMS Museum "will feature a special Andretti section devoted to his entire career." Because Andretti is "still so involved in IndyCar Series racing," he will "be around IMS almost all of May.” IndyCar CEO Mark Miles said that he "hopes to make a formal announcement" about a new series title sponsor next month; NTT Data reportedly is in talks as a potential replacement for Verizon. Andretti Autosport, home of rising IndyCar star Zach Veach, will obviously be front and center throughout the May celebration.
Thuuz Sports, using their custom designed algorithms to measure real time global event excitement, determined that the Philadelphia Eagles and New Orleans Saints were the most exciting teams throughout the NFL regular season. The Kansas City Chiefs’ record-setting game with the Los Angeles Rams was the most exciting regular season game of 2018. In terms of most exciting teams, the Eagles and Saints were the only teams to have eight games register as “GREAT” on the excitement scale. KC had seven Great Games make the list, while three non-playoff teams – Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Tampa Bay – joined the Rams with six Great Games each. The measurement scores were done on a 0 to 100 scale and take into consideration game pace, team parity, play novelty, momentum shifts, social buzz, and historical context. Coming soon: Thuuz’ evaluation of this year’s thrilling NFL post season matchups, as well as Super Bowl LIII.
Ricketts' soccer stadium faces political headwinds In Chicago. A planned 20,000-seat stadium for a Chicago soccer franchised owned by Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts "appears to be on life support," according to the Chicago Sun Times. Chicago Alderman Brian Hopkins reportedly rejected plans for the USL club's stadium due to its "expected impact on traffic in the area." Developer Sterling Bay and Ricketts "could try to revive the plan later, as traffic infrastructure in the area is improved during the years-long development process." Hopkins also put the kibosh on another major element of Sterling Bay's massive Lincoln Yards development: “a live entertainment district controlled by LiveNation with large music venues." Hopkins demanded the site be "repurposed as open and recreational space." Ricketts family spokesperson Dennis Culloton said the family's "potential involvement was focused on the soccer team and contingent on city approvals.”
The Nationals have "offered a reprieve to season-ticket holders affected" by the partial shutdown of the federal government. According to the Washington Post, the club announced that employees or spouses of employees of federal agencies "may postpone their monthly ticket payments beginning this month." Once the federal government reopens, the “next scheduled payment will be for the amount of the full missed payment(s)." Subsequent payments will return to "normal monthly installments," until the account is "paid in full by June 15." If the federal government remains shut down on February 1, season-ticket holders’ February 15 payment "will be postponed." If the federal government "remains shut down on March 1, season-ticket holders’ March 15 payment will be postponed.” Also participating in special ticketing discounts or other opportunities for federal employees in shutdown limbo: George Mason University and the Washington Capitals and Wizards.
2019 will bring changes in how sports marketing is handled on social media. Looking back at the past year, Coca-Cola heavily benefited from the Boston Red Sox’ victory in the World Series and Fortnite launched a partnership with the NFL. Esports and integrated advertisements are powerful new elements of brand-driven activations, but a central change in sports digital marketing will be the online shift from impressions to interactions. According to Oh No! Tech, more brands are adopting incentive-based care models that include a basic compensation package for the team or league combined with different levels of rewards regarding the success of online performance metrics. Since the beginning of 2017, the top five American sports (MLB, MLS, NBA, NFL, NHL) and NASCAR have deployed more than 6.3 million social jobs, resulting in 16.7 billion social media entries. As sports leagues slowly adopt gambling, the need to create online interaction will move to the forefront of all sports marketing deals.
NBCSports Washington’s alternate broadcasts of the Wizards could be the future of sports betting on TV. According to the Washington Post, NBCSports Washington Plus aired an augmented broadcast of the game against the Milwaukee Bucks last Friday featuring real-time statistics, sports betting information, and a “Predict the Game” contest prompting viewers to project the results of on-court action for the chance to win $500. The “Predict the Game” contest featured roughly 30 questions — such as “Will Trevor Ariza score 10-plus points in the first half?” – that appeared on the screen throughout the game. Fans submitted predictions on NBCSports Washington’s site and the winner(s) were announced during postgame coverage. NBCSports Washington’s alternate broadcast is free during its eight Wizards games this season, and the alternate broadcasts are the first step towards in-game prop betting via mobile devices, the most popular form of gambling in Europe. Soon, fans will be directly engaging with sports games and be able to wager real money on whether Alex Ovechkin will score on a power play or Bradley Beal will make a three-pointer during a specific possession.
As a part of a Royals Associates fundraiser, Mario Kart was played on the Jumbotron at Kauffman Stadium. According to CBS Sports, a local news helicopter from Kansas City’s KCTV5 was taking an aerial shot at Kauffman stadium when they noticed Mario Kart being played inside the empty stadium. As the video of the impressive Mario Kart screen started to go viral, the Royals’ charity Twitter account hinted that there may be more opportunities to game at Kauffman in the near future as the Jumbotron brand CrownVision may make it an auction item in 2019. Some of the baseball team’s players even took notice, as second baseman Whit Merrifield claimed “dibs on Yoshi,�� a character in the game. This is a great example of how to bring on-field sports together with charity and video games, as many teams are looking to esports to help not only bring in market value, but serve as a means to give back to their communities.
18-time Grand Slam champion and member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame, Chris Evert takes over chair of the U.S. Tennis Association's charitable arm. Evert partnered with the USTA Foundation in 2016 to set up the Jimmy Evert Fund, a scholarship program in honor of her late father. According to Fox Sports, she takes over the position from James Blake, formerly one of the world’s top-ranked players. The USTA foundation supports National Junior Tennis and Learning (NJTL) which works with more than 350 nonprofit youth development organizations to provide free or low-cost tennis and education programming to more than 200,000 under-resourced youth. Additionally, the Foundation provides The Donald Lawson Tisdel College Scholarship Fund, a $10,000 fund given to 20-25 exemplary high schoolers who have participated with a tennis program to put towards their higher education. With Evert in charge, tennis philanthropists can expect more initiatives based around female under-sourced youth utilizing tennis as a catalyst for change.
Marlins manager Don Mattingly makes a difference with “Find A Way” charity event. The Find A Way event featured Mattingly, a former major league baseball player and current manager, MLB television analyst Harold Reynolds, and comedian Joe Piscopo with all event proceeds benefiting the underserved youth of Evansville, Indiana. This has become a major fundraiser for Mattingly’s charities that support youth athletics. According to the Courier Press, Donnie Baseball has another event on January 20, called the "Night of Memories," that will showcase stars from both sides of the Cardinals and Cubs rivalry to fundraise for the Tri-State Hot Stove League. Since 1993, the event has raised over $1.5 million that has been distributed to youth organizations, contributed to local athletic programs, and helped fund scholarships. Starting in 1988 with Make-A-Wish, Mattingly continues to give back to the less privileged in the communities where he lives – a useful note for the Marlins, who can use a helping hand getting any kind of media attention.
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iconnectxsolutions · 1 year
Maximizing Your Crowdfunding Success: Tips and Strategies
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Crowdfunding is a powerful tool that allows people to crowdsource funds from the public to finance projects, products, and services. It can provide access to capital for individuals and businesses alike, allowing them to be creative or innovative without relying on traditional financing forms. This type of fundraising has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its low cost and versatility. The potential benefits of crowdfunding are wide-ranging, including expanded market reach, increased brand awareness, and the ability to connect with potential investors. Additionally, it can enable people from anywhere worldwide to participate in projects they believe in by donating money or becoming involved as a volunteer or mentor. This opens a new world of opportunities for entrepreneurs looking for novel ideas and solutions.
One notable example of an online fundraising platform for nonprofits is iConnectx. iConnectx is a platform that specifically focuses on connecting individuals and organizations for fundraising purposes. Nonprofits can create campaigns to raise funds for their initiatives, and individuals can browse through these campaigns to find causes they resonate with and contribute to them.
The 5 Essential Steps to Prepare for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Launching a crowdfunding campaign can be both an exciting and challenging experience. It's important to plan carefully and take the right steps to ensure your campaign succeeds. This article will outline the 5 essential steps you need to take to prepare for a successful crowdfunding campaign. From researching your target audience, creating a marketing strategy, setting realistic goals, choosing the right platform, and creating engaging content - these 5 steps will help you increase your chances of success when launching your crowdfunding campaign.
Aspiring entrepreneurs have many reasons for wanting to have a successful crowdfunding campaign. With this guide, you can get everything in order before you launch your campaign.
The five essential steps for preparing for a successful crowdfunding campaign are:
Know your audience.
Plan your funding goal.
Create a solid presentation of your project.
Develop an effective marketing plan and strategy.
Offer rewards.
5 Strategies to Make Your Crowdfunding Campaign Stand Out from the Competition:
Crowdfunding campaigns are no longer just a way to raise funds but also a marketing platform to gain visibility and launch a new brand. Here are five strategies that can help you stand out from the rest.
Share compelling content on social media channels.
Make your content shareable so people can read it through their platform of choice.
Promote your crowdfunding campaign using influencers and other bloggers who can vouch for your product or service.
Create use cases around your product so people understand how it would impact their lives (When you're done, send it to us!).
Keep communication open with your backers to keep them updated on the campaign's status and what's happening next, as well as find out their thoughts on the project.
In conclusion, crowdfunding has revolutionized fundraising by providing a cost-effective and versatile way for individuals and businesses to finance their projects. It allows for expanded market reach, increased brand awareness, and the ability to connect with potential investors from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, crowdfunding platforms like iConnectx provide specialized support for nonprofits, enabling them to create campaigns and raise funds for their initiatives.
Useful Links
Event ticketing Platform for Nonprofits
Free online auction sites for nonprofits
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csrgood · 5 years
eBay for Charity Announces Another Record-Breaking Year With $112 Million Raised for Non-Profits in 2019
eBay for Charity has announced a record-breaking year of fundraising for the second year in a row. eBay’s buyers and sellers raised more than $112 million for charity organizations globally last year — an increase of 10 percent compared to the year prior.
In 2019, more than 19 million items were listed to benefit charities — and more than $214 was raised every minute. These vital funds help support a wide variety of nonprofits such as Glide, MusiCares, The V Foundation, Homes for Our Troops, British Heart Foundation, The Prince’s Trust and thousands more. Through eBay for Charity, which recently announced $1 billion in funds raised, 100 percent of the funds go back to the intended nonprofits.
The number of charities who are tapping into the marketplace to help with their fundraising efforts is also on the rise. Last year, $101 million was raised globally by charities selling directly on eBay — up to 22 percent — from more than 8.5 million listings. In the US, more than $68.5 million was raised by charities selling on eBay, with the likes of community-based Goodwill® organizations collectively raising almost $28 million in 2019 (up 12% YOY). 
The top 5 US-based charities for funds raised on eBay for Charity in 2019 are:
Seattle Goodwill
Goodwill San Francisco 
Salvation Army
“Our partnership with eBay is an example of Goodwill’s successful 'earn while you learn' nonprofit social enterprise model,” says William Rogers, President and CEO of Goodwill San Francisco, San Mateo, and Marin counties. “As the second largest Goodwill seller on the eBay platform, our eBay shop helps us fund salaries and benefits for individuals who have struggled with unemployment—helping them acquire 21st century job skills training. 100 percent of every sale furthers our mission to create second chances through training and the dignity of work.” 
eBay has also unveiled that the Electronics category has jumped up one spot to become the top category on eBay for Charity. The funds raised in the Electronics category are up 18% YOY, helping charities raise more than $16.5m last year. Books, DVDs and Music (Media) jumps up two spots to become the second most popular fundraising category on eBay — with funds raised up 21% YOY. 
The Top 5 categories by funds raised in 2019 are:
Electronics - $16.5m funds raised 
Books, DVD’s and Music (Media) - $14.5 million funds raised
Fashion - $14 million funds raised 
Collectibles - $12.5 million funds raised 
Tickets, experiences and other (Lifestyle) - $10.5 million funds raised 
“Human-I-T would not be where it is today without eBay for Charity,” says Gabe Middleton, CEO. “It propels our mission to inspire and empower people through technology and information to achieve their full potential. Be it allowing a child to do their homework from the comfort of their own home, a parent applying to a better paying job, or a grandparent being able to order their medication online, we are here to create opportunities.”
A number of eBay for charity’s high profile campaigns including the annual lunch with Warren Buffet to support GLIDE and campaigns with the ESPYs and Homes For Our Troops also achieved record-breaking funds raised last year.
Shop eBay for Charity to support your favorite causes. Either bid on high profile auctions, buy Gifts That Give Back or Give @ Checkout (as a buyer or seller in the US) to benefit more than 80,000 charities globally. 100 percent of the portion of the funds raised goes to the intended charity.
About eBay for Charity
eBay for Charity enables members of the eBay community to connect with and support their favorite charities in the U.S. and abroad. Every time a user buys or sells on eBay, it’s an opportunity to support causes that matter the most and to help with their fundraising goals. With more than 183 million active buyers globally and more than 83,500 charities enrolled on the site, eBay is home to one of the world’s largest and most active giving communities. Since 2003, the eBay community has raised more than $1 billion for charity. For more information visit ebayforcharity.org.
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/44017-eBay-for-Charity-Announces-Another-Record-Breaking-Year-With-112-Million-Raised-for-Non-Profits-in-2019?tracking_source=rss
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galabid-blog · 6 years
Sixteen Powerful Online Fundraising Equipment for Raising Cash and Recognition
Each nonprofit or social corporation wants to boost a ton of donations and consciousness via viral social media promoting. at the same time as there are plenty of equipment and structures out there, it takes little bit of time to discover the fine ones on your campaign.
however raising money and consciousness is less about finding the finding the proper Online Fundraising than it's far an impact of putting a compelling and especially specific tale accessible. The reach of your online fundraising campaign in social media is determined with the aid of the first-rate of your message. The better tale you could tell approximately your purpose and company, the similarly it travels.
That stated, right here are a number of high-quality on line fundraising websites we've got discovered for elevating consciousness and galvanizing behavioral exchange.
1. Chipin.com
this is a widget that you could add to your fb page, internet site, or blog. it is essentially an online fundraising target that you can use to track a fundraising goal. What we love about this widget is this is it's miles first rate for partnerships (if you want, for instance, to help out your favourite social reason for your company internet site), as well as an easy way to transform web visitors into donors. Time and value? No prices. Takes about 15-half-hour for a web developer (or someone with some basic website skills) to put in. powerful? attached to a selected cause, this widget may be powerful. One drawback is that it desires high traffic to covert (as an instance, per a thousand humans that see it, perhaps 1 individual might donate).
2. HelpAttack.com
assist attack is a fun, person-targeted on line fundraising platform that enables "construct the act of giving into your on line existence." it is designed to integrate with facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and has interactive functions along with accumulating coins as you development in your fundraising efforts. customers get to pick out the agency or nonprofit they want to assist. you may also upload your cause or nonprofit in order that your supporters can locate you. it's a fun little online fundraising tactic. Time and cost? minimal set-up. Small fee to add your nonprofit. effective? This site faucets into the strength of social networking and makes giving a laugh. It has raised about $three hundred,000 up to now for numerous charities and organizations.
3. CharityIntelligence.ca
in line with a 2007 examine on charitable giving by way of Stats Canada, Canadians donated a complete of $10 billion in 2007, which represents an increase of 12% in donations from the $8.nine billion pronounced in 2004. at the same time as philanthropy in Canada has come to be pretty elegant, the latest rise in charitable giving and pastime has additionally brought about a fashion toward "philanthropic capitalism", which means that donors are coming to count on greater expert and business-like conduct from the charitable area. Charityintelligence.ca is a website that responds to this trend, helping ability donors locate the most worth reasons. Its venture is to "pick out Canada's most price-powerful charities thru independent in-intensity studies and goal evaluation." It publishes a list of the charities to donate to, recommending that people donate to these high effect corporations. fee and Time? application system takes a while and resources (50-a hundred hours?); it's far designed to look deeply into the operations and budget of a charity. Effectiveness? If successful, this web page may want to generate excessive returns: inclusion of their annual recommendations for donors; publicity to extreme donor networks; and creditability in your agency's current communications.
4. Givemeaning.com
commenced in Vancouver BC, this web page has helped hundreds of non-income and different worthy organizations raise recognition and price range for their campaigns. The web site's purpose is to attach your business enterprise with new donors, appearing as a hub for donors to return and find new nonprofits to aid. even as all and sundry can submit a project concept, there are a few situations: you have to be a Canadian registered charity; you need to post an offer that outlines a particular tangible outcome; 9.99 monthly web hosting price, and every new challenge has 30 days to acquire one hundred votes of assist. value and time? 5-eight hours to installation. effective for elevating recognition and price range? sure. masses of BC charities have benefited from this site. The set-up is straightforward and not very time-eating.
5. CanadaGives.ca
Over the following decade, facts Canada predicts that toddler boomers will receive considerable wealth and property from their affluent parents - an estimated $800 billion to $1 trillion of inheritiances.CanadaGives.ca is an organisation that facilitates Canadians get the maximum out in their charitable donations, such as "get admission to to a turnkey management service for creating or building their personal endowment(s) as an opportunity to setting up a separate basis." In different phrases, this organisation would not solicit any new donors; it just manages existing ones. in their phrases: "CanadaGives is a "donation automobile for the dedicated philanthropist." Time and cost? No direct prices and a easy sign-up system. effective? absolutely, particularly when you have a records of attracting massive donors.
6. Firstgiving.com
three million on-line donors, 1 billion in donations raised, and 8,000 non-income--this web site has the capacity to do a little severe on-line fundraising to your organisation. Time and value? five% fee; $three hundred bucks to use their software and you have to be registered with Guidestar. effective? even as this web site has a big network and hooked up presence, maximum in all likelihood your achievement will rely on how a lot power and assets put into your pages and electricity you spend money on encouraging friends to percentage. anticipated time to look a go back-20 to 30 hours.
7. GoBidCharities.com
Have a charity public sale arising? Then make it even extra powerful with this on line fundraising tool. This web site lets in charities to acquire items which can be then bought in an internet auction. Your auction can run up to three months.Time and value? 15% fee; no registration rate. requires you to add snap shots, set fees, and gather gadgets to sell (eight hours and upwards). Effectiveness? a pleasing function is that you could run on-line auctions at the same time as a stay occasion (together with a golfing Day or 24 hour marathon), helping to increase the reach of the occasion online.
8. Yahoo's Create for a motive
Yahoo's Create for a cause is an annual contest that takes submissions from October eleven, going via December 3 (based on ultimate year's guidelines). Winners have their advert placed at the Yahoo login web page, resulting in large institution exposure. Winners can potentially attain tens of millions of visitors. last year, evidently simplest American non-earnings may want to input. There would not seem to be a Canadian model. Time and value? unluckily, the opposition is stiff. You need to broaden a 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac virtual commercial and beyond winners had been submissions from global creative companies-masses of entries, lots of creative competition, and a time-eating entry technique. effective? if you have a in reality terrific campaign, you have a chance at prevailing publicity to millions of viewers.
9. YouTube Non-profit software
Did you recognize that YouTube has a special channel for raising focus? on the YouTube Non-profit application, charitable groups and different social marketing and fitness merchandising organizations can put up their videos (through their present channel) and have the choice of getting a "donate now" button. Time and value? putting in place is quite simple, perhaps some hours to use. effective? With any viral campaign, it is vital to now not confuse the medium with the message. YouTube does not make humans and videos famous. it is simplest a channel that enables to spread highly awesome and splendid content. The satisfactory strategy is to check with some smaller movies to look what tales create the most reaction.
10. KevinBacon6 degrees of Separation
started by using the actor Kevin Bacon, Sixdegrees.org we could non-income and worth organizations to create fundraising badges which are shared on the web site. The concept is based on viral fundraising-your cause wishes to be shared and collected with the aid of people. Time and price? Low (some hours). No expenses. effective? sure. but do not anticipate it to be a prime fundraising source. it could combine well with different approaches which includes fb.
11. change.org
trying to boost attention for a contentious social difficulty? alternate.org is a platform to elevate a few extreme noise about large problems like homosexual rights, hard work disputes, and other social-oriented reasons. it is designed with a grassroots theme and has a simple signal-up manner. The site allows you to put in writing a petition, add a few pics and information, after which allow your reason develop. Time and fee? simply writing a petition and signing up. No charges. effective? accurate area to get some grassroots help and will be powerful in driving site visitors for your website, in case your motive receives a few interest from the community.
12. Dosomething.org
want to get young adults worried to your cause? Then Dosomething.org is actually really worth finding out. This website is designed specifically to have interaction young adults with social causes. Any teen can submit a venture and try and build help for it. They also can shape clubs. Time and cost? No monetary cost. but requires trying to get teens to set up an account. powerful? The website's smooth integration with facebook may want to faucet into the big social networks of teens. if your target market is teenagers, this might be an effective recognition and fundraising platform for you.
13. LinkedIn for top
if your health employer or non-earnings is energetic on LinkedIn, that is an easy and powerful online fundraising tactic. It essentially allows LinkedIn customers to use "non-profit badges" to promote diverse groups via their professional network. As a few non-income and fitness organizations have huge professional networks, you would possibly need to recall including this to your networking and fundraising mix. Time and fee? a few hours to installation, no value, and most of the work (and fulfillment) depend upon the reaction of humans for your network. Effectiveness?This tactic most probably advantages larger national businesses (inclusive of the yank most cancers Society), but it's far rather easy to set up.
14. Canadahelps.org
This site lets in human beings to look for their favorite non-profit and to give a web donation. it's quite beneficial at some stage in a selected fundraising campaign, especially if you are a smaller corporation. Time and fee? free, clean set-up. Effectiveness? great opportunity to putting in place credit-card processing-simply sign up your charity with the website and direct your donations through Canadahelps.org.
15. JustTextGiving.com
Use your rapid texting capabilities...for an excellent reason. Justtextgiving.com enables fundraisers by means of tapping into the power of cellular phones. based inside the uk, the platform has raised over 700 million kilos for over 8,000 charities. It only takes some seconds to installation a page in your charity, and effortlessly integrates with fb, e-mail, and iphone apps. Time and cost? genuinely smooth set-up, only a few minutes. The rate is a small monthly rate and a five% charge on each gift, which is used to pay for web improvement and web hosting. powerful? A amazing manner to integrate your on line fundraising with mobiles and smart-telephones.
16. GiveForward.com
Giveforward.com allows human beings effortlessly create a fundraising campaign for friends or a fave reason. You installation a page, inform people approximately your reason, promote your web page in fb and other social media, and then unfold the word through friends, web sites widgets, and from publicity at the web site. even as this web page is designed for micro-giving campaigns, it may be an effective way to inspire your donors to launch their very own little fundraising campaigns for your behalf. Time and fee? Small fee price and smooth set-up. powerful? Giveforward.com has helped boost over 4 million for reasons. it is typically for micro-campaigns but has an easy set-up.
a few final suggestions:
take into account, maximum on line fundraising gear are similar: they're truely systems to attach your motive to an audience. As a result, it's quality to concentrate on some systems, in place of blasting your message skinny throughout each new widget that comes out. it's smooth to think that the platform will do the work. but the real effectiveness of on-line fundraising gear depends on the ability of your agency and motive to capture a big emotional space along with your stories, videos, and fundraising communications.
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iconnectxsolutions · 1 year
Fundraising Made Easy: How Nonprofit Fundraising Platforms Simplify the Process
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Nonprofit fundraising platforms are essential for organizations seeking to raise funds for their cause. With the help of a nonprofit fundraising platform, organizations can reach people in their community and beyond to donate money to their cause easily. These platforms provide a simple way to receive online donations and simplify the entire donation process by providing features such as automatic donations, easy payment methods, and donor tracking. Furthermore, these platforms offer useful analytics and insights into the progress of your donations so that you can better understand how successful your efforts have been. With all these features in place, nonprofits can focus on what matters most - raising money for their cause.
The Benefits of Using a Nonprofit Fundraising Platform:
Fundraising platforms for nonprofits make it easier for organizations to raise funds, increase their donor base, and promote their mission. These platforms are designed to help nonprofits streamline the donation process and reduce costs associated with marketing activities. With the right platform, nonprofits can easily create donation campaigns to reach more potential donors and maximize their reach. Moreover, these platforms provide detailed analytics on donations so that organizations can better understand how donors interact with their campaigns. By using a nonprofit fundraising platform, nonprofits can ensure their fundraising efforts are successful and efficient.
How Nonprofit Fundraising Platforms Simplify the Process:
 Nonprofit fundraising platforms provide a streamlined, secure, cost-effective way to raise money. With the help of these platforms, nonprofits can now easily reach out to their target audience and quickly generate donations.
The platform simplifies the process by allowing donors to give directly from their preferred payment methods and providing detailed analytics. This helps nonprofits track their campaigns' progress and maximize their fundraising efforts' impact. Furthermore, it makes it easy for donors to make multiple donations in one go—which is especially helpful for larger organizations with multiple campaigns going on at once.
Nonprofit fundraising platforms are becoming an essential part of any successful donation drive, as they offer a variety of features that make collecting donations much easier and more efficient than traditional methods.
How to Choose the Right Fundraising Platform That's Right For You & Your Organization:
Choosing the right fundraising platform can be a daunting task for any organization. With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which is best suited for your specific needs.
It is important to understand the features and capabilities of each platform to make an informed decision. Factors such as ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and data security should all be considered when selecting the right fundraising platform for your organization. Additionally, consider how you will use the platform - whether you need it for recurring donations or one-time campaigns - to ensure it has all the necessary features.
By researching and considering all these factors, you can choose a fundraising platform that best suits your organization's needs.
Useful Links
Event ticketing Platform for Nonprofits
Free online auction site
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iconnectxsolutions · 1 year
Empowering Nonprofits: The Impact of Online Donations Platform
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Online donation platforms are a great way for nonprofits to increase their fundraising efforts. These platforms make it easier for donors to give money quickly and securely, allowing nonprofits to focus on their mission instead of worrying about collecting donations. With an online donation platform, nonprofits can accept payments from anywhere in the world, track donor data, and even set up automated giving programs. By leveraging the power of digital technology, these platforms help nonprofits maximize their fundraising potential and ensure that more of every donation goes towards helping those in need. With an online donation platform, nonprofits can easily manage their donations, track donor information, and create reports on their fundraising efforts. This helps them make more informed decisions about how to allocate their resources and ensure that they are reaching the right people with the right message.
How Online Donations Platforms are Transforming the Way Nonprofits Raise Funds:
Online donation platforms are revolutionizing the way nonprofits raise funds. They provide a convenient and secure way to collect donations from anywhere in the world, enabling nonprofits to reach a larger audience and increase their fundraising efforts. These platforms also allow donors to track their donations and see where their money is going, making them feel more connected to the cause. With online donation platforms, nonprofits can easily manage their campaigns, track progress, and measure the impact of their efforts in real time. This makes it easier for them to make strategic decisions about how best to allocate resources for maximum impact.
The Benefits of Using an Online Donations Platform for Nonprofits & Charities:
Nonprofits and charities rely on donations to fund their programs and operations. An online donations platform can make it easier for these organizations to collect donations from supporters around the world. With an online donation platform, nonprofits and charities can quickly set up donation pages that are optimized for mobile devices, accept payments from multiple payment methods, provide tax receipts to donors, and track donor data. By using an online donation platform, nonprofits, and charities can increase their fundraising efficiency and reach more potential donors.
Choosing the right donation software for your fundraising needs can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which one is best suited for you and your organization. As a charity, Looking for the best and Free online fundraising solutions provider? Try iConnectX today!
Relevant Fundraising Solutions
Free online auction site
Free event ticketing software for Nonprofits
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iconnectxsolutions · 2 years
How online donation platforms are changing the face of philanthropy
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A donation platform is software that provides an easy and convenient way for donors to make their donations.
The donation platform is usually used by non-profit organizations, charities, and other entities to collect money from donors. The donation platform usually has a website or mobile app that allows the donor to donate money through a credit card or PayPal account.
The donation platform also provides an easy way for the donor to track their donations and see what they have donated towards. Donation platforms are used to process donations from donors and provide the donor with a tax receipt. They can also be used to process recurring payments from donors.
Some of the features of the donation platforms are customizable campaign pages, event management tools, fundraising goals, fundraising thermometers, and more!
How Online Donation Platforms are Revolutionizing Philanthropy for the Better
Online donation platforms are revolutionizing philanthropy for the better. They offer a variety of benefits to donors and charities alike.
Online donation platforms provide donors with several benefits, including convenience, anonymity, and immediacy. They also help donors get more involved in the process of charitable giving by providing information about how their money is going to be used and by offering a variety of ways to donate, such as donating in-kind goods or volunteering time.
Online donation tools also offer many benefits to charities. They help them reach new audiences and build stronger connections with their existing supporters. Online donation platforms provide charities with access to more funding opportunities than they would otherwise have, which can make it easier for them to fulfil their missions.
Online donation platforms are changing the face of philanthropy by making it easier for people to donate. It has been a growing trend for people to give donations online. This is because it is easier and more accessible than being physically present at a charity’s office. It also makes it possible for people to donate anonymously, which some donors prefer.
Online donation platforms have made it possible for anyone with an internet connection to make a charitable donation anywhere in the world. They are also able to make donations quickly and easily using their credit card or PayPal account.
6 Ways that Technology is Changing the Face of Philanthropy Today:
Technology has enabled the creation of new platforms to connect donors and charities.
Digital technology has made it easier for donors to give in small increments, like $5 or $10, without feeling guilty.
Social media is a great way for people to share their philanthropic deeds with friends and family, which can inspire others to do the same.
Technology makes it easier for people who want to volunteer but don't have the time or skillset to find opportunities that match their interests and availability
The use of social media has made it possible for people from all over the world to donate money or goods in response to a disaster or crisis on the other side of the globe
The internet has created a global marketplace for goods that are produced by socially responsible companies
Useful Links
Free online auction site for nonprofits
Online Creative Fundraising Ideas
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auctionsoftware02 · 3 years
Auction Software for Fundraising Events
Should You Use an Auction Software for Fundraising Events?
It can take a lot of work to coordinate a fundraiser, which is why you need to make sure that you are leveraging all of the tools that are available to make it as simple as possible. One of the easiest ways to plan a fundraising event is by using an auction software, because it allows people to participate in the fundraiser from anywhere in the world.
Here are a few reasons why you should use an auction software for your upcoming fundraising event:
More People Can Bid
If your fundraising auction is limited to people who can attend in person, then you are limiting the number of people who can participate. Instead of only having an in-person auction, consider the option to have an online auction that allows people to participate from any location. You will be able to maximize the profits from the event more effectively.
Real Time Bidding
Online auctions allow sellers and buyers to see the current status of an auction at any time. So, everyone can participate in real time bidding, which is beneficial to keep the auction moving along and keep everyone engaged in the event. With real time bidding, buyers can see what other people are bidding and add on another bid to out-bid the others who are competing for the same item.
Charity Donations for Nice Products
Many people donate a little more to charity or fundraising events when they are receiving a product or service in exchange for their donation. So, making these products easily accessible increases the likelihood that people will donate a little more.
Fundraising Auctions for Many Organizations
There are a number of businesses and other organizations that can benefit from fundraising auctions, including schools, churches, community groups, medical foundations, and other nonprofit organizations. Additionally, businesses can use the auction software to sell their products and raise money for charity at the same time. For example, you might setup an online auction to sell your products, and donate a certain percentage of all of the sales that are generated through the auction.
Secure Fundraising
Having a cashbox at a live fundraising event can be a temptation for volunteers or attendees, and most charity organizations have found that it is better to minimize the use of cash. With an online auction platform, all of the transactions are digital so you can easily see how much money was brought in. This process keeps the funds secure and protects everyone who is participating in the event.
Fundraising Made Simple
Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated, but some people shy away from the idea because they don’t know how to coordinate a big fundraising event. Keep it simple and setup an online fundraiser instead. You can save the hassle of scheduling a large event center and worrying about crowd control, and simply manage everything online instead.
As you can see, there are many advantages to using an online auction software for your fundraising event. Do you have questions about setting up your own fundraiser? Contact us for more information!
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Auction house directory, Live auctioneer event, Auction calendar marketplace,  Auction  &  Auction Marketplace.
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auctionsoftware02 · 3 years
Auction Software for Fundraising Events
Should You Use an Auction Software for Fundraising Events?
It can take a lot of work to coordinate a fundraiser, which is why you need to make sure that you are leveraging all of the tools that are available to make it as simple as possible. One of the easiest ways to plan a fundraising event is by using an auction software, because it allows people to participate in the fundraiser from anywhere in the world.
Here are a few reasons why you should use an auction software for your upcoming fundraising event:
More People Can Bid
If your fundraising auction is limited to people who can attend in person, then you are limiting the number of people who can participate. Instead of only having an in-person auction, consider the option to have an online auction that allows people to participate from any location. You will be able to maximize the profits from the event more effectively.
Real Time Bidding
Online auctions allow sellers and buyers to see the current status of an auction at any time. So, everyone can participate in real time bidding, which is beneficial to keep the auction moving along and keep everyone engaged in the event. With real time bidding, buyers can see what other people are bidding and add on another bid to out-bid the others who are competing for the same item.
Charity Donations for Nice Products
Many people donate a little more to charity or fundraising events when they are receiving a product or service in exchange for their donation. So, making these products easily accessible increases the likelihood that people will donate a little more.
Fundraising Auctions for Many Organizations
There are a number of businesses and other organizations that can benefit from fundraising auctions, including schools, churches, community groups, medical foundations, and other nonprofit organizations. Additionally, businesses can use the auction software to sell their products and raise money for charity at the same time. For example, you might setup an online auction to sell your products, and donate a certain percentage of all of the sales that are generated through the auction.
Secure Fundraising
Having a cashbox at a live fundraising event can be a temptation for volunteers or attendees, and most charity organizations have found that it is better to minimize the use of cash. With an online auction platform, all of the transactions are digital so you can easily see how much money was brought in. This process keeps the funds secure and protects everyone who is participating in the event.
Fundraising Made Simple
Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated, but some people shy away from the idea because they don’t know how to coordinate a big fundraising event. Keep it simple and setup an online fundraiser instead. You can save the hassle of scheduling a large event center and worrying about crowd control, and simply manage everything online instead.
As you can see, there are many advantages to using an online auction software for your fundraising event. Do you have questions about setting up your own fundraiser? Contact us for more information!
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Auction Marketplace, Auction house directory,  Live auctioneer event,  Auction calendar marketplace  &  Auction.
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auctionsoftware02 · 5 years
Why Auction Software is a Must-Have for Online or Live Auction Events
Nowadays, many schools, nonprofits, and community organizations use charity auctions to get money for their activities. For most of the case, the auction is treated as a compliment to another fundraising event or a stand-alone fundraiser, where you’ll get that charity auction software will make our planning event much easier and we will certainly help maximize our benefits.
Auction software is one of the most popular software of e-commerce that is conducted through the modern internet technology. One of the main reasons for this auction to replace traditional auctions is that is completely easy for online business organization. This auction software doesn’t require any physical place or venue to carry out its operation, but it needs a basic internet connection is more than enough.  Now it is a question, why is an auction software necessary for online or live auction events?
Having a good digital platform is cheaper than having a physical place to do the same activities.
• It is economical.
• An auction software is quicker than the traditional system.
• It is trusted as well as dependable.
For a live auction event, auction software helps to create a customizable auction website for an organization which provides a registration page. It also offers place bids and constituents register on various auction items. There are administrators’ list auction items which can manage auction items as well as categories from a secure administration area. It can easily upload product images, detailed product descriptions, starting bids, reserve amounts, item values, bid increments, and much more.
It is true that all Featured items are highlighted at the top level of the auction items webpage. It may be updated regularly to make the auction looking nice and fresh. Modern auction software includes reporting, detailed financial tracking, sponsor capabilities, and much more.
Promoting an auction software is simple and easy. We can promote our auction on our organization’s website by creating an auction ad that can link to the online auction website. You can send an email to our database with the link for our auction website and post on our social networking sites. When bidders arrive on our auction website, we can browse auction items and create a user profile.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Reverse Auction Software, Silent Auction Software, Online Auction Software, Penny Auction Software, Marketplace Software
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