#Benefits Of Memory Foam Mattress
factflick · 9 months
The Out-of-This-World Origins of Memory Foam: From Space to Your Favorite Bed to Dream
Ever thought if your Mattress is developed by NASA? Actually, it can be.
Once upon a time, in the grand expanse of space, NASA was confronted with a challenge. As the 1960s space race heated up, ensuring the safety and comfort of astronauts during their missions became paramount. The solution to this problem wasn’t a high-tech gadget or a fancy spaceship upgrade. It was a foam. Not just any foam, but memory foam. Here’s how a material designed for the cosmos found its…
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sleepify1 · 2 years
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Modern-day routines often don't allow people to get enough sleep. Work stress, traveling, and lifestyle changes are just some of the many factors that may hamper your sleep routine. slee However, the importance of sleep cannot be undervalued. The benefits are numerous– sleeping makes sure that you remain in your optimum physical and emotional health, https://sleepify.co.in/blog/why-good-sleep-is-necessary-benefits-of-good-sleep/
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absentlyabbie · 1 year
teen me did not think i would live to see the age of 36. more than that, she didn't particularly want to.
that kid had been ground and beat down enough and boxed in by her present she couldn't conceive of a future at all, much less a good one, and so figured none was best.
i bought a mattress today.
my current one is only 5 years old, but it was bought floor-model clearance and started sagging to one side within 2 years (don't do memory-foam only, friends.) i've suffered on that damn thing for three years after that, and i wake up every day in pain.
but today i bought a new mattress. because i needed one, and because i could. because i'm finally in the kind of financial situation where i can afford to do that with a tax refund.
i am 36 and i have a good job with people i like, good benefits and the best pay i've ever had, i live in a nice apartment in an area i love with my best friend and our cat. and i can afford to do things like get treats from the bakery on the weekends and, because suffering every night is awful, buy a new mattress when i need one.
that teenager couldn't have seen this as possible. not through well into my 20s either. she had no clue this was coming, that here was where she'd be at the age of 36.
five years ago when i bought the previous mattress, it was a financially fraught and precarious move, living still with my best friend and our cat, but in a miserably shitty apartment in a place we hated, making barely enough to pay bills each month. five years ago me had a vague, maybe slightly dim hope that someday things could get to the sort of place i'm in now, but she didn't know either.
and neither do you. you have no idea how good your life might be in five, ten, fifteen years. how content you may be, how happy. even if you can't imagine good as a future possibility for you. you don't know.
the only way to know is to stick around and find out.
to take every small comfort, tiny joy, and little contentment in your now as another anchor, to build the life you want, or that's better than the day before, tiny step by tinier piece, every little improvement you can grab onto and keep.
it doesn't just happen. the road to good will contain probably a lot of suck, and even when you reach good, there's no such thing as perfect. you do have to make efforts, and hope for some luck, and accept help from the people who love you.
but the first, most important foundational thing you must do to reach those good days ahead is to stick around and find out.
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quotablefanfiction · 3 months
“Is it safe?” Binghe asked with deep suspicion as he watched the hand-shaped indentation he’d left in the top of the mattress slowly fill back in. Shen Yuan slumped into bed and pulled his husband in after. Binghe’s eyes flew wide open as he rolled over onto his back and then fluttered shut as he took in the sensation. “This husband will deal with the consequences if it is not.”
Binghe discovers the benefits of memory foam mattresses (chp. 3)
Achievement Unlocked by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (AO3) The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System – Teen – Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán, Mòběi-jūn/Shàng Qīnghuá #Reverse Transmigration #Shen Yuan Reveal #Luo Binghe vs The System #Meet the Family #Eating Disorder – ARFID #Non-Graphic Discussion of Emesis #Discussion of Past Child Abuse #OG SQQ’s Canonical Levels of Androphobia #LBH has PTSD and is Offended about it
One day, after five years of reasonably peaceful marriage with only a few kidnappings and sex pollen incidents, Shen Yuan is sent back to his old body without warning. Luo Binghe makes a deal with an alien entity calling itself the System to perform a mission in exchange for the ability to bring his husband home.
The mission is simple; [Uncover secret transmigrator plotline and flesh out the character wiki!]
At least it will be once he figures out what the words ‘transmigrator’ and ‘wiki’ mean.
Or: That one where Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe don’t realize they’re in a domestic fluff bonus chapter.
Written for the 2021 MXTX Big Bang with art created by Ataratah
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theblackestvalkyrie · 2 years
#1 - Iron Man - One-shot (Pipe Game Series)
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Summary: Your second -trimester pregnancy hormones were hitting you hard and you wanted needed Tony to wreck your guts ASAP. But after a long day of being cooped up in his lab, Tony only wants to get his.
Warning: Smut, sex while pregnant and a rude ass Tony, PREGNANCY KINK GO BRRRRRR!
A/N: My characters and reader inserts are always and forever black so leave if you don’t like it.
A/N EDIT: Y’all tumblr really got me during the ban and I seriously considered deleting this blog and moving to AO3 but y’all really loved this and since I’ve been seeing so much porn on my personal account lately I’m bout to start posting again. No porn gifs this time around just in case. This series is from 2018 and I’ve go to much in my drafts 😅 I made the banner below! Please enjoy!
Pipe Game: 2/10
Based on this post.
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You were used to the long nights alone when it came to being with Tony Stark. He spent hours in his lab tinkering with his Iron Man suits or updating features for his A.I. replacement F.R.I.D.A.Y. while you went out with friends or to your OB/GYN appointments with your sister (since Tony always had some flimsy excuse as to why he couldn’t go).
This put a damper on not only your emotional relationship but the physical one as well. Which is the part you were desperately needing right about now. After passing the second-trimester mark in your very unplanned pregnancy, every little thing seemed to turn you on and you missed him.
Things had been strained after his public breakup with Pepper Potts and afterward, Tony buried himself with work to distract from all thoughts of his ex. At the time you barely knew him like that but you had been burned by more than one guy in your past relationships so you knew what he was going through.
You went to his place with some comfort food and his favorite whiskey and several glasses of warming alcohol and bellies full of food he leaned over and kissed you. To say you were shocked was an understatement. But you kissed him back and that led to rough sex on the couch. From then on, you and Tony had a ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement and it worked out well.
That is until you accidentally got pregnant.
Tony had never outright expressed interest in having children but you could see it in the way he looked at his surrogate son protégé, Peter. God, the look on his face when you told him you were pregnant.
You had never seen such fear, excitement and bewilderment in one expression much less on his face in all the years you had known him and you would bet Thor’s hammer he had even shed a tear.
The glow from your bedroom television pulled you from your thoughts and you ran a finger along the side of your swollen abdomen feeling your baby move a little.
You relaxed against the soft sheets and memory foam mattress beneath as you browsed Netflix settling on watching the first season of ‘Dear White People’ over again. You were ten minutes into the first episode when a sudden tingle of arousal made its way down your spine making your breath hitch in surprise.
It seemed that the further you got into your pregnancy, the hornier you became and usually when it happened, Tony was around to relieve you in some way.
It was frustrating not having him in the room but you needed to get off.
You muted the show and closed your eyes letting your nimble fingers slipped beneath your grey sweatpants, underneath the cotton panties resting there and the pads of your fingers danced across your already engorged clit. A light wave of pleasure ran through you causing your back to bend in a slight arch.
Fuck Tony.
You could get off without him. You didn’t need that neglectful asshole to do anything for you. If he wanted some pussy, he could get it from his robots.
The pleasuring sensation radiated from between your legs as you let your slim fingers circle your clit and trailed between the folds finding the slick opening and you groaned even louder this time. You closed your eyes then tilting your head back in unfocused desire. Fingers, ever so lightly, dipped into your soaked entrance. Once, then twice before sinking between your slick walls and curling to graze your g-spot at the top.
A small noise slipped between your lips and you mewled your desire which echoed off your bedroom walls. Fuck you were already so close and you had only just begun. You might be even more aroused than you first thought.
A few more precise thrusts and you were almost there…
“Holy shit Y/N.”
Your eyes snapped opened to find Tony leaning on the door frame, arms folded and a lustful gaze adorning his tired face.
“Didn’t I tell you never to touch yourself without me?”
A playful smirk crossed your face at his reference to your last sexual encounter. It was a few weeks ago but it involved bondage tape and a pint of vanilla ice cream…
“Well, you were in the lab all day and I have needs.” You cooed; fingers still toyed with your clit while maintaining eye contact with your lover.
“I guess I’ll have to teach you a lesson on what happens when you don’t listen to daddy.”
He crossed the room in four long strides and got onto the bed where you lean up and met him in a harsh kiss. Under normal circumstances, you would have relished the opportunity to tease him sexually but you needed it hard and fast tonight.
“Fuck Tony I missed this.” You sighed into his mouth taking in the day-old stubble along his sharp jawline and the dark bags under his eyes and a jolt of sadness went through you at how hard Tony had been overworking himself. He gripped your hand that had been down your sweats pulling them from their place between your thighs and began to suck your essence off your fingers into his wet warm mouth. His tongue slipping between your digits making sure to catch every drop of your juices.
“I almost forgot how good you tasted baby.” He breathed.
Tony kissed you then allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue and lips, thumbs caressing your cheeks as your breath mingled. He slowly guided you onto your back and you undid the closure of his jeans slipping the same hand he had tasted beneath the waistband and palming him with precise strokes that only grew in pressure.
Tony grunted in excitement and started thrusting his hard shaft into your palm hissing when you swiped a thumb across the angry head. The digit gathered the precum from the tip and smoothed the substance back across the swollen head again.
You pulled away to strip off the rest of your restrictive clothes and Tony followed suit until you were both as naked as the day you were born. His mouth found your sensitive brown nipple and you gasped, the pleasure tearing through you.
“Let me make you feel good Y/N.”
You could only respond with a whimper when he squeezed your heavy mounds and started nipping at each nipple. You bit back a moan. Fuck, you were so sensitive now it was almost painful and you were almost thankful when Tony kissed his way up your chest, across the slender curve of your neck and back to your swollen lips.
“Baby, I need you.” You begged.
You jumped in surprise when the sudden feeling of his fingers slipping between your slick folds and invaded your warmth. The digits curling and scissoring against your pulsing walls. Crying out, your back arched as hips rocked in time with his pace in beautiful unison.
No words were exchanged as he spread your legs wider still very mindful of your pregnancy, watching you swallow his fingers and clench around them when he added a third, “You’re such a good girl Y/N. Taking my fingers so well.”
You were so close to release it almost hurt. “Fuck yes Tony, right there.”
His fingers stopped suddenly and a wicked smirk crossed his face. He gripped his length and began jerking himself to the obscene way you were spread out for him. Breathless and ready for the taking. Unable to wait any longer, he slowly slid his length into your warm tunnel and gripped your hips tight in an effort to stop himself from coming inside you.
“Your pussy is so hot,” He was lightly panting in an effort to stave off his impending orgasm as his eyes, wild with desire, took in your figure sprawled out beneath him. Tony could tell by the way you clenched around him that you were also struggling with your own early release.
The starting pace was slow for both your sake and it took your breath away. You couldn’t see much over your slightly swollen stomach but you could hear the obscene wet sound of your slick combating the harsh breathing and otherwise quiet of the bedroom. The pace was even until one sudden thrust hit the back of your core.
“Fuck Tony that hurt” you gasped and his thrusts stopped immediately.
“Are you alright Y/N? Did I hurt you or the baby?”
The concern in his eyes was admirable and you leaned up to kiss him gently trying to keep him focused on the task at hand.
“I’m just a bit tender babe, nothing to get worried about. Just get on your back so I can ride you.”
“If I knew you liked being a dom so much, I would have bought you a bullwhip and a matching ball gag for your birthday.” He flipped over excited and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively even as you straddled him and quickly slipped his cock back inside your wetness, whimpering when you felt him stretch you.
“We can even make one of the downstairs rooms into a dungeon and you can go all 50 Shades of Grey on my ass” he hissed as your pussy swallowed him greedy and your kegel muscles clenched around his dick.
“If you mention that god-awful movie again, I’m going to leave you here to get off by yourself.” You huffed even though you didn’t believe a word of what you said.
“Don’t be like that honey.”
“Just fuck me, Tony.” You sighed.
Your hips moved in a rocking motion and he jerked from between your thighs. Snapping your hips together in unison you controlled the speed and depth which helped keep pressure off the baby shifting around your abdomen.
Your cries echoed off the walls as he gripped your hips with both hands, sweat beginning to coat your bodies making your hips slap together. Tony lifted his head and glanced down at where you both connected.
“You look so good baby, so fucking delicious.”
His hips slammed forward causing you to cry out in both pain and pleasure and you set a deep rhythm making Tony’s dizzy. He let out a particularly strangled moan when hazy eyes connected with his and the intense eye contact enhanced the love making. The Hulk himself could have been raging through Stark Tower and neither of you would have stopped.
“Pregnancy looks so fucking beautiful on you.”
Your cheeks flushed at his words. Tony wasn’t usually this talkative in bed but there was something about this entire pregnancy situation that opened up a new side of him. A softer side, one rarely seen by the outside world much less his close friends.
You circled your hips on his hard length changing the pace to one agonizingly slow edging both Tony and yourself off of an impending orgasm to make the moment of ecstasy last longer.
Tony panted beneath you and pinched one of your sensitive nipples when he figured out what you were up too and you grinned. It wasn’t often that anyone had control over Tony and it was always a treat to see him so defeated and at someone else’s mercy. But there he was, hair disheveled, eyes shut and lips parted melting beneath you. You kissed your way down his neck and started sucking on the tender shell beneath his earlobe.
“You know if you didn’t have your bonnet on, I could pull your hair….”
You snorted and flicked one of his nipples in mock retaliation both for the words and the pinch he gave earlier. You already spent almost an hour detangling, moisturizing and putting rollers in to let Tony fuck it up with this foolishness.
“Shut the fuck up Tony.”
Eyes shut and head tilted towards the ceiling, you could only focus on the pleasure you were getting and the soft glow from his arch reactor illuminated your silhouette perfectly.
His dick reached the farthest parts of your sensitive womb making you squeal. You were so close to release you could almost taste it.
“Tony…please I- I can’t” You were mumbling incoherently.
You just needed a few more thrusts-
Suddenly Tony stilled beneath you groaning his own release into your pussy and flopped on to his back in deep exhaustion.
“What the actual fuck.” Disbelief colored your voice as you felt him begin to soften inside you.
He lay gasping for air a content and sleepy look on his face.
“You know what the word daddy does to me Y/N. By the way, have I ever told you how much I love you?”
You slipped off of him and smacked his arm hard. “I can’t believe you just came before me you asshole!”
“Mr. Stark,” F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted, “you are needed downstairs immediately Dum-E has set one of your experiments on fire”. The A. I’s voice cut through the room and Tony gave you a sheepish grin. Wiping your fluids from his well-worn dick with your discarded shirt, Tony pulled on his boxers and pressed a quick kiss to your damp forehead.
“There’s a playlist of porn by the TV and I moved the vibrators under the bed.” He jested only ducking out when you chucked a pillow in his direction.
“Sonofabitch…” you mutter the silence of the room weighing on you.
Sighing you grabbed the remote from the nearby nightstand and changed the input on the still muted TV ignoring the ‘are you still watching’ notice from Netflix.
“Yes, Miss Y/N?
You spread your thighs and began to toy with your swollen clit ready to chase your orgasm once again.
“Turn on the security footage of Captain America in the training room…...”
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homishguide · 1 year
GhostBed Mattress Topper Review
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Our review of the GhostBed mattress topper will cover all aspects of the product, from its features to its pros and cons. Any mattress topper, even the less expensive ones, can be a wonderful addition to your bed and mattress because it provides an additional layer of comfort and protection.
The GhostBed cooling gel memory foam mattress topper is one of the finest mattress toppers on the market, according to our research. It has numerous features that enhance comfort and security. Depending on the size of our mattress, the mattress topper is also available at a much more affordable price.
Let's begin our review of the GhostBed mattress topper by discussing its features.
Review of GhostBed mattress topper features This GhostBed mattress topper comes with a variety of features.
Refreshing Gel Infusion The cooling gel infusion is a prominent feature of the GhostBed 3 Inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper. The cover is intended to prevent heat accumulation and keep you cool all night long. This is one of the primary reasons why we are composing this review of the GhostBed mattress topper.
The cooling gel particles infused into the memory foam actively absorb and dissipate body heat, aiding in temperature regulation and preventing overheating. As you rest on the topper, the gel beads work to disperse your body heat and create a cooler sleeping environment.
This feature is especially advantageous for people who tend to sleep hot or who experience nocturnal sweats. The topper's soothing properties promote a more restful and revitalizing sleep, allowing you to awaken feeling refreshed and revitalized.
By incorporating cooling gel technology into the memory foam, the GhostBed topper addresses a common issue with traditional memory foam mattresses, which can retain heat. You can appreciate the contouring and pressure-relieving benefits of memory foam without sacrificing a cool and comfortable sleeping surface.
The GhostBed topper's construction and materials ensure that the cooling gel infusion remains effective over time and provides consistent cooling performance every night.
Pressure Relief The GhostBed 3 Inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper provides superior pressure relief for a more comfortable night's rest. Memory foam conforms to the body's unique contours, distributing weight uniformly and relieving pressure points such as the shoulders, hips, and lower back.
This feature is particularly advantageous for those who suffer from body aches, joint pain, or a tendency to stir and turn at night. By minimizing pressure on sensitive areas, the topper promotes proper spinal alignment and relaxes muscles, resulting in a more restful and revitalizing night's sleep.
Whether you sleep on your side, back, or stomach, the ability of the topper to conform to the contour of your body ensures personalized comfort and support throughout the night, contributing to a healthier and more comfortable sleep surface.
Improved Comfort The GhostBed 3 Inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper is intended to improve the overall comfort of your current mattress. With a 3-inch height, the topper provides an additional layer of softness and cushioning, converting your sleeping surface into a luxurious oasis.
The generous thickness of the topper generates a softer and more supportive sleeping surface, which significantly improves comfort. The memory foam material conforms to the unique shape of your body, gently enveloping you and alleviating pressure points. This reduces the likelihood of waking up with aches or stiffness by alleviating discomfort and promoting improved spinal alignment.
Whether you have an older mattress that has lost some of its initial softness or a mattress that is too firm, the GhostBed topper can revitalize it. It provides a comfortable and inviting feel, enveloping you in cloud-like comfort that improves your sleep quality.
In addition, the responsiveness of the memory foam ensures that the mattress topper adjusts to your movements, providing customized comfort and support throughout the night. This flexibility enables you to discover your ideal sleeping position without sacrificing comfort.
By incorporating the GhostBed 3 Inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper into your routine, you can experience a more comfortable and luxurious sleeping surface. It will assist you in awakening each morning feeling renewed and revitalized.
The GhostBed mattress topper enhances the comfort of any of our spinal care mattresses.
Isolation of Motion In addition, we discovered in our review of GhostBed mattress toppers that the GhostBed 3-inch Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper excels at isolating motion. This means that when you or your companion move or change positions during the night, the topper absorbs and reduces the transfer of motion, thereby creating a more peaceful sleeping environment.
Memory foam has a unique viscoelastic property that enables it to conform to individual body contours while reducing the transmission of motion. This is particularly advantageous for couples who share a bed, as it prevents one person's movements from disturbing the other's slumber.
By absorbing and dispersing motion energy, the topper ensures a peaceful night's sleep, even if you or your companion are restless sleepers. This feature can substantially improve the overall quality of sleep and promote relaxation.
With its superior motion isolation capabilities, the GhostBed topper helps create a slumber surface that is stable and undisturbed, allowing you to sleep undisturbed and awaken feeling revitalized.
Certified by CertiPUR-US The GhostBed topper is CertiPUR-US certified, ensuring that it is manufactured without the use of hazardous chemicals and adheres to stringent performance, durability, and emissions standards.
Simple maintenance The topper has a removable, machine-washable cover, making it simple to maintain cleanliness and freshness.
Versatile Fit The mattress pad is designed to suit standard-sized mattresses and is compatible with a variety of bed frames, including adjustable beds.
Incredible value for the features Gel foam makes it optimal for individuals who typically sleep hot. Two-inch elastic hold prevents your mattress topper from slipping. Thirty-day return policy. Cons: No sleep trial period Why should you acquire the GhostBed mattress pad? Now that we've reviewed every aspect of the GhostBed mattress topper, it's up to you to determine whether or not it's right for you. Remember that adding a mattress topper to your mattress is primarily for added comfort and mattress protection.
In light of this, the GhostBed cooling gel memory foam mattress topper is your best option compared to others on the market. Thanks to the 30-day return policy, you can test it out and send it back if you don't like it.
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mustangblood · 1 year
Simple Steps To Take While Shopping For A King Size Mattress
At any point gotten a terrible night's sleep? Perhaps since yourself as well as your significant other are hitting each other unintentionally while asleep? Have you been spooky by back issues or perhaps the matured mattress is essentially substandard any longer? Practically this large number of difficulties can be sorted out if you spend the dollars as well as an opportunity to single out one that fulfills you, and most certainly not the reverse way around. There is usually a monstrous click here to learn more chance that you will profit from sleeping in a king size mattress, particularly if you're taller than six feet. You will find a ton of varieties for these mattresses and we will touch on just the most widespread ones.
Precisely what can make a king size mattress? Generally, the size of these mattresses is regularly described as 5 ft by 6'6". Anything short of that is essentially a double and you'll find no greater types apart from super king size that end up being 6 feet wide or even undeniably more. They are somewhat indistinguishable with respect to notoriety to the sovereign size essentially because a ton of people know the significance of resting serenely. For any individual who is put by the size down, virtually all local outlets transport them to your home after you buy.
In any case if you have any desire to reduce the conveyance costs, then you can likewise convey the mattress home your self using a get truck or a major car.The unmistakable kinds of advances used in assembling mattresses are probably much more numerous compared to promoting traps which specialists produce to publicize them. The two most typical variations usually are spring based or perhaps foam-based. A couple blend the two and have costly names on the edge of the bundle. No amount of reflex or memory foam will help fulfill you if the aspects don't connect to your bed.
There are two successive techniques to make plastic mattresses which are the Danlap methodology and Predick approach. The two each have their benefits and impediments. The fundamental selling point along with memory foam mattresses is the reality they're inconceivably comfortable and soft to sleep on however similarly genuinely costly to get. Acquiring the Mattress. Really try in testing and truly revealing how enormous the mattresses can be. In the event that there might be an opportunity, go on a fast outing around the city and attempt several top quality ones. You will actually want to find these types of mattresses in your nearest DIY dealers like Woodies or perhaps Atlantic.
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mattressvenue · 1 year
Normal Mattress VS Foam Mattress
When it comes to choosing a mattress, there are a variety of options available in the market, and two of the most popular choices are normal mattresses and foam mattresses. While both types of mattresses can provide a comfortable sleeping surface, some key differences between them may affect your decision.
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Normal Mattress:
A normal mattress typically refers to a traditional innerspring mattress, which is made up of coils or springs that provide support for the body. These mattresses often have a layer of padding on top to make them more comfortable, and they come in a variety of firmness levels. Some of the benefits of a normal mattress include:
Durability: Innerspring mattresses are generally known for their durability and can last for many years.
Affordability: Normal mattresses are often less expensive than foam mattresses, making them a more budget-friendly option.
Breathability: Because they have a lot of open space inside, innerspring mattresses are generally more breathable than foam mattresses, which can help regulate your body temperature while you sleep.
Support: If you prefer a firmer mattress that provides more support, a normal mattress may be a better choice for you.
Foam Mattress:
Foam mattresses, on the other hand, are made entirely of foam, often a combination of memory foam, polyurethane foam, and latex foam. Buy your Mattress in Tirupur at affordable cost and longevity. Some of the benefits of a foam mattress include:
Pressure relief: Foam mattresses are known for their ability to contour to the shape of your body, providing pressure relief for areas like your shoulders and hips.
Motion isolation: Foam mattresses are also known for their ability to absorb motion, so if you share your bed with a partner, you’re less likely to be disturbed by their movements during the night.
Customizability: Because foam mattresses are made entirely of foam, they can be customized to your specific needs and preferences, with different levels of firmness and support available.
Hypoallergenic: Foam mattresses can be a good choice for people with allergies or asthma, as they don’t harbor dust mites or other allergens like traditional innerspring mattresses can.
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peter-author · 1 year
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On Balance It Is Worth It
The job of the various military, space and aviation industries rarely embodies good public relations. For example, the Apollo 11 mission to the moon was to depart without a TV camera until a last-minute suggestion from Arthur C. Clarke to Brian Duff (Public Affairs Officer at NASA) that he couldn’t wait to see live images from the moon. That prompted a hurried install of a fixed focal length, fixed aperture B&W camera to the Lunar Lander leg which was already atop the Saturn 5 ready to go to the launch pad! Without that comment, after quarantine on return, you’d have had to wait 30 days to see the stills and 16mm film they shot. Gee, I wonder if people would have believed they were really there.
NASA is not very good at tooting its own achievements. Take the Hubble Space telescope for example. Scientists will tell you it uniquely helps us understand gravity and the fundamental laws of the physical world and that the future on Earth scientific results will help shape our world. But has NASA bothered to tell you that the mammogram and computer spectro-analysis many women now undergo was a direct spin-off, saving thousands with earlier detection of cancers? Add to that micro-endoscopes, 50% improvement to all CCDs made in the past 10 years (yes, that camera in your mobile phone uses Hubble technology), and if you wondered how they can make the computer brains so small, you have only to thank Hubble-developed microlithography—a method for printing tiny circuitry in computer chips.  I think Hubble is worth it, don’t you?
Apollo was groundbreaking is so many ways, it’s easy to begin to make a long list: The retractable roof in the NRG Stadium in Houston (the Texans stadium) is only possible with Apollo cloth material; Moon boots; the first computer chips and circuit boards; computer code used in every computer on earth; firemen’s safety suits; silver-ion water purification technology now makes all those giant aquariums possible; all your burglar house-movement detectors; solar panels now in use worldwide; implantable heart pulse regulator; cordless drills and tools; the micro-radar in your car to help prevent accidents; modern dialysis blood purification; the dust-buster; digital imaging technology developed into CAT, MRI, radiography, and microscopy in every hospital; all the way to mylar balloons and reflectors. I think Apollo was worth it, don’t you?
Think the Shuttle program and the International Space Station were expensive experiments? The medical and basic human physiology studies alone were groundbreaking and not feasible in Earth’s gravity. Everything from the safety of the food we eat every day to weather prediction allowing for saving countless lives. Of course, there’s memory foam mattresses; baby formula enhanced Omera-3; the mobile phone (the glass, the LCD, the alloy of the case, the programming, the camera, the microphone, the speaker…); precision GPS in your car and every plane flying; Shuttle shock absorbers now enable modern bridge design; invisible braces for your teeth; voltage controllers saving 30% of power in large machines (and every electric car); heart transplant cardiac pumps; Aerogel in your winter coats; and 3-d hologram displays (yes, those goggles gamers are using) – to name only a few new commercial advancements.  I think the Shuttle and Space Station were worth it, don’t you?
Until NASA and other government funded programs realize that public awareness of the benefits of such investments are critical for the public taxpayer’s support, you’ll rarely get an update. In case you do want to know, there’s a good resource here: facebook.com/NASAspinoff.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
like you're burning down the west coast
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7kBRYMT
by birdintheriver
It’s not the light that wakes Iwaizumi up, nor the softness of the plush memory foam underneath him—a far cry from the lumpy mattress in his apartment—but the warmth. It cocoons him: almost pleasant, just verging on too hot to be comfortable, like he fell asleep under the sun.
Consciousness creeps in slowly. The headache isn’t as bad as Iwaizumi had feared, though he could use some water and a tylenol. He opens his eyes, intent on getting out of bed and going in search, and is instead hit with a crush of vertigo when the first thing he sees is Oikawa’s sleeping face.
In which a drunken mistake turns out not to be a mistake at all.
Words: 1240, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 22 of twitter fics
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Minor Characters
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, First Kiss, Morning After, fade to black sex scene, friends to friends with benefits for one night to lovers
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marinsco · 1 year
Where to Buy the Best Mattress for Your Needs
Are you struggling to get a good night's sleep? If you're feeling tired, groggy, and exhausted throughout the day, it could be a sign that you're not getting the restful sleep you need. And while there are many factors that can affect how well you sleep, one of the most important is your mattress.
Having the right mattress at www.bedsaleonline.co.uk and https://www.bedfurnitureworld.co.uk can make a huge difference in how restful your sleep is. A good mattress should provide the right amount of support, comfort, and durability for your body and needs. It should also be able to keep up with your changing sleep habits, such as when you switch between different sleeping positions.
But with so many different types of mattresses available, it can be hard to know which one will be best for you. In this article, we'll look at some of the things to consider when shopping for a mattress and how to choose one that can help you get a better night's sleep.
Types of Mattresses The first step to finding the right mattress by visiting https://www.thegoodbedcompany.co.uk is to understand the different types of mattresses available. There are several different types of mattresses, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the most popular types of mattresses and more by clicking here:
Memory Foam: Memory foam mattresses are made from layers of foam that mold to the contours of your body. This can provide a comfortable and supportive sleeping surface.
Latex: Latex mattresses are made from natural latex rubber, which is a highly durable and supportive material. Latex mattresses are also known for their ability to provide a consistent level of comfort and support.
Innerspring: Innerspring mattresses are the most common type of mattress and are made from coils of steel. They provide a traditional sleeping surface and are generally good for people who prefer a firmer mattress.
Hybrid: Hybrid mattresses combine different materials, such as memory foam, latex, and innerspring coils. This type of mattress is good for people who want the best of both worlds, as it can provide the comfort of memory foam and the support of an innerspring mattress.
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cadmael-zarer · 1 year
A Guide To Choosing The Right Pressure Care Mattresses
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Pressure care equipment is essential for those who are bedridden, suffer from a chronic medical condition, or have limited mobility due to age or injury. Mattress system technology has advanced to the point where there are many options available for those who need it.
Alternating air pressure care mattresses are designed to reduce discomfort and improve sleep quality for those with medical conditions or physical needs. The right bed can make all the difference in terms of comfort and support. Whether you are recovering from an injury or surgery, living with a long-term medical condition or simply want a better night's sleep, choosing the right bed is key.
Finding the perfect care bed can be difficult but with some helpful tips, it doesn't have to be. In this guide, we'll go over the different types available, their features and benefits and other important considerations when making your choice. We'll also discuss how to compare mattresses to make sure you end up with the best option for your individual needs.
Types of Pressure Care Mattresses
When it comes to mattresses, there are several types available. Each type offers different features and benefits and is designed for a specific purpose. Here's an overview of the most common types:
Roho mattresses
Roho mattresses are designed to follow the user’s body shape and adjust with every movement. It also enhances blood flow and posture. The cushioning helps to evenly distribute body weight and relieve pressure injuries, resulting in improved circulation and reduced pain.
Gel mattresses
Gel mattresses provide a more supportive sleeping surface than traditional foam. The gel is designed to contour the body, helping to prevent pressure sores while providing superior comfort and support surface. It is also temperature-regulating which helps keep you cool throughout the night.
Foam mattresses
These are the most popular and widely used type of beds. These pressure care equipment provide excellent support while relieving pressure points and evenly distributing body weight. In addition, alternating pressure mattresses are available which use air cells to provide stress relief.
Air mattresses
These pressure relieving mattresses have adjustable air chambers that can be adjusted to provide more or less support, depending on your needs. They are highly customizable but can be expensive. In addition, the high risk of developing pressure ulcers is a serious concern, so it’s important to choose the right bed that will provide the best support and comfort.
Waterbed mattresses
These beds are filled with water and can be adjusted to provide more or less support, depending on your needs. Redistributing pressure points is key when it comes to preventing pressure ulcers, so waterbeds are an ideal option for those at medium risk.
Features & benefits
When choosing a pressure relief mattress, it's important to consider the features and benefits offered by each type. Here's a look at some of the most common features and benefits to consider when making your choice:
Pressure relief
All types of pressure care beds are designed to reduce discomfort and evenly distribute body weight. This helps relieve stress points while promoting better circulation.
Comfort & support
Different types of beds offer different levels of comfort and support. Foams are typically best for those who need extra cushioning, while air beds are better for those who need adjustable support.
Temperature regulation
Some types of beds, such as gel and waterbeds, offer temperature regulation which can help keep you cool throughout the night.
It's important to consider the durability of your mattress when making your choice. Memory foam and latex tend to be more durable than other types, while air beds may require more maintenance over time.
Choosing the right pressure care mattress can make all the difference when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. With these tips, you'll be able to find the perfect mattress for your needs.
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healthyprohouse · 2 years
Advantages of Nectar Queen Mattress
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The Nectar Queen Mattress is a top-of-the-line bed-in-a-box mattress designed to provide comfort and support for every kind of sleeper. With its medium firm gel memory foam, cooling comfort technology, and 365-night trial, it's the perfect choice for anyone looking to upgrade their sleep experience.
One of the standout features of the Nectar Queen Mattress is its 365-night home trial and forever warranty. This industry-leading trial period starts the day your mattress is delivered and allows you to sleep on it for an entire year in all four seasons. And with its forever warranty, your mattress is guaranteed for as long as you own it. It's important to note that it may take 24-72 hours for your mattress to fully regain its shape after being delivered. In colder temperatures, it may take a bit longer to return to its full size from its compressed state.
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The Nectar Queen Mattress is made with gel memory foam, which conforms to your body and provides support where you need it. It also helps you sleep cool by wicking away heat and moisture. The mattress has a total of five layers, including a quilted cover with cooling technology, a layer of gel memory foam, a dynamic response transition layer, a stability base layer, and a shift-resistant lower cover. These layers work together to provide a comfortable and supportive sleep surface that is suitable for any sleeping position.
Whether you're a side sleeper, back sleeper, stomach sleeper, or just toss and turn, the Nectar Queen Mattress offers the perfect level of firmness, coolness, breathability, and comfort. Its medium firm gel memory foam provides just the right amount of support and cushioning, while its cooling technology helps regulate your body temperature. And with its shift-resistant lower cover, you won't have to worry about your mattress sliding around on your bed frame.
In conclusion, the Nectar Queen Mattress is a top-quality mattress that is perfect for anyone looking to upgrade their sleep experience. Its medium firm gel memory foam, cooling comfort technology, and 365-night trial make it a great choice for any home. So if you're in the market for a new mattress, be sure to give the Nectar Queen Mattress a try.
After considering all of these major benefits, if you still feel that this product is necessary for you, you can order it here on Amazon for a discounted price.
Click Here to Order for a Discounted Price on Amazon>>>
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tampamattressonline · 2 years
Tempur Pedic Mattresses Are Best For Your Sleeping Posture
Looking for a new mattress? Then you may consider a Tempur-Pedic. In this blog post, we'll tell you everything you need to know about Tempur-Pedic mattresses, from their benefits to where you can find them in Tampa Bay, Florida. 
 What is Tempur-Pedic Mattress?
Tempur-Pedic Mattress is manufactured with viscoelastic foam, considered the finest type of foam that contours your body and relieves pressure points. These mattresses are ideal for those who suffer from back pain, as they will be able to sleep in a comfortable position without worrying about their back. The mattresses are also very durable, as they are designed to last for many years.
 How much do Tempur-Pedic Mattresses cost?
 A Queen-size Tempur-Pedic Cloud Mattress starts at $3,599, while a King-size Tempur-Pedic Cloud Mattress starts at $4,199. Additional pillow top options are available for an extra $200. 
The company offers a 10-year warranty for all of its mattresses. Additionally, a 120-night risk-free trial is available for customers who are not completely satisfied with their purchase.
Where can I find Tempur-Pedic Mattresses in Tampa Bay, Florida?
There are a few different options if you're looking for Tempur-Pedic mattresses in Tampa Bay, Florida. One is to go directly to the Tempur-Pedic website and use their store locator tool. This will allow you to find the closest Tempur-Pedic retailer to your location. Another option is to visit one of the many Tampa Bay furniture stores selling Tempur-Pedic mattresses. You can also find Tempur-Pedic mattresses at some of the larger mattress stores in the area, such as Mattress Firm and Sleepy. 
What are the benefits of Tempur-Pedic Mattresses?
There are many benefits of Tempur-Pedic mattresses, which is why they are so popular:
 They are made of memory foam, which contours your     body and provides support where you need it most. This helps to reduce     pressure points and provides a more comfortable sleep.
Tempur-Pedic mattresses are extremely durable and     will last for many years. They are also hypoallergenic and resist dust     mites, making them a good option for those with allergies.
Tempur-Pedic mattresses are half-price     mattress in Tampa bay Florida. They are designed in such a manner     that helps to minimize motion transfer so that you can sleep peacefully     without any disturbance around you.
 If you're looking for the best quality yet pocket-friendly comfy mattresses, visit Tampa mattress online and get all you need. They provide you with the best services and amazing offers while purchasing the desired product. Finally, you can also purchase Tempur-Pedic mattresses online from various retailers. Some of the most popular online retailers who sell Tempur-Pedic mattresses include Amazon, Wayfair, and Overstock.
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seven-waves · 2 years
Benefits of the Memory Foam Mattress
A droopy bed mattress contributes to muscle mass tightness and also persistent ache in the back, this could be prevented through buying an orthopaedic bedroom mattress which contains even more help than a routine bedroom mattress. Guarantee your bedroom mattress allows sufficient for you and also your companion. If you are actually discussing a little bit of bedroom mattress, you might rest in uneasy postures as a result of to the truth that you are actually being actually crowded out. When you rest, attempt placing a tiny cushion in between your legs. This will certainly aid maintain your hips level, preventing lesser back hardness. An excellent bed mattress could be purchased through heading to a screen space that possesses great deals of brand as well as assortments, and also start through resting on the firmest bed mattress the shop must deliver. Discover a bedroom mattress that resides in between the 2 endpoints, yet closer to the firmest ones than the softest ones. Jump on the bedroom mattress in your routine rest posture as well as take a look at the bedroom mattress for the degree of benefit as well as help that thinks right for you likewise cover their bedroom mattress investment along with their physician.
The memory foam mattress has actually resided in the marketplace for a little bit of over a years. Listed here are actually some of the perks that are going to entice you to thus if you haven't acquired one.
It is actually ideal for any sort of resting setting since it is actually tailored to give convenience when you rest on your back, belly, or even edge as the component is actually created to mould and also cradle every component of your body system equally. It is actually capable to sustain each component of your physical body equally as well as one by one thus your spinal column remains in a neutral posture the whole opportunity considering that it moulds to your physical body. This minimises stress factors as well as helps in reducing transforming and also shaking during the night. Regular cushions are actually bad for allergic reaction victims. You do not possess to fret any longer considering that memory foam mattresses are actually hypoallergenic and also allergy-free as they are actually helped make coming from One hundred% natural product if you take place to be actually one of all of them. Given that it is actually typically immune creating it inconceivable for these to ever before stay on your bedroom, you likewise do not possess to panic concerning dirt termites. Given that it performs certainly not utilise interior spring seasons that after some opportunity are going to produce it droop, yet another perk is actually the reality that you do not possess to turn the memory foam mattress. Researches have actually presented that individuals that have actually reconsidered memory foam mattresses rest comfortably much better than those that make use of the routine mattress. This is actually the factor that countless physicians as well as various other experts have actually highly recommended to people to utilise it to stop poor rest which is actually commonly connected to ailments like being overweight, sleeping sickness, and also irritableness. The memory foam mattress is actually additionally excellent for sexual activity considering that the froth contours to your body system enabling you to perform various sort of bent postures without being afraid of that your lower legs will certainly go reduce. Given that there is actually no spring season below the mattress, you or even others outside will definitely never ever listen to a squealing noise. The rate for memory foam mattresses relies on their measurements as well as thickness.
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ashish2345 · 1 day
Benefits of Sleeping on a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress for Back Pain Relief
Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses are designed with one primary goal in mind: to provide exceptional support and comfort, especially for those suffering from back pain. Back pain is a common issue that can severely impact daily life and overall well-being. Choosing the right mattress can make a significant difference in alleviating discomfort and promoting better spinal alignment during sleep. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the unique features of Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses, how they contribute to back pain relief, and why they are a worthwhile investment for improving your sleep quality.
Understanding Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses
Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses are crafted using advanced technology and premium materials to offer targeted support for your spine and joints. These mattresses are specifically engineered to distribute body weight evenly, reduce pressure points, and maintain natural spinal alignment throughout the night. Whether you suffer from chronic back pain or seek preventive measures to support your spine's health, Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses are designed to deliver a restful and pain-free sleep experience.
Features of Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses
High-Density Ortho Support Foam: The core of Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses is typically made from high-density ortho support foam. This material provides firm yet responsive support, ensuring your spine remains properly aligned while you sleep.
Zoned Support System: Many Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses feature a zoned support system that targets specific areas of the body, such as the lumbar region, hips, and shoulders. This zoning helps to alleviate pressure points and provide customized support where you need it most.
Memory Foam Comfort Layers: Some models incorporate memory foam comfort layers that contour to your body's curves, offering enhanced comfort and reducing the likelihood of tossing and turning throughout the night.
Breathable Fabric Cover: The cover of Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses is often made from breathable fabric materials that promote airflow and help regulate temperature, ensuring a cool and comfortable sleep environment.
Benefits of Sleeping on a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress for Back Pain Relief
Promotes Proper Spinal Alignment: The firm support provided by Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses helps to keep your spine aligned in a neutral position, reducing strain on your back muscles and supporting healthy posture.
Reduces Pressure Points: By distributing body weight evenly, Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses help to alleviate pressure points that can cause discomfort and pain, especially in sensitive areas like the lower back and shoulders.
Enhances Comfort and Support: The combination of high-density foam and memory foam layers ensures that you receive optimal support while enjoying a comfortable sleep surface that contours to your body's natural shape.
Minimizes Motion Transfer: If you share your bed with a partner, Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses minimize motion transfer. This means that movements on one side of the mattress are less likely to disturb the other person, promoting uninterrupted sleep.
Supports Healthy Sleep Posture: By providing consistent support throughout the night, Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses help you maintain a healthy sleep posture. This can contribute to overall spinal health and reduce the risk of developing long-term back problems.
Improves Sleep Quality: With reduced pain and improved support, k can help you achieve deeper and more restorative sleep. Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being.
Why Choose a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress?
Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses are backed by years of research and development, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of comfort and durability. These mattresses are recommended by healthcare professionals and sleep experts for their ability to provide effective back pain relief and support. Investing in a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress is an investment in your health and quality of life, offering long-term benefits that extend beyond a good night's sleep.
Sleeping on a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress can transform your sleep experience, especially if you suffer from back pain or are looking to prevent it. With their advanced support systems, pressure-relieving properties, and comfort-enhancing features, Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattresses are designed to promote better spinal alignment and overall sleep quality. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing chronic pain, or simply prioritizing your spinal health, choosing a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress can make a significant difference in how you feel and function throughout the day. Invest in your well-being and discover the benefits of sleeping on a Sleepyhead Orthopedic Mattress today.
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