#Ben Poindexter imagine
takenbypeter · 4 months
A Letter From the Heart
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 911
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You hadn’t meant to find that letter. You didn’t even know it existed. It was honestly all by chance that you found that neatly folded piece of paper. 
You were hanging out with Dex that afternoon, (just as you’ve done so many times before), and in knowing you’d be arriving soon he decided to clean himself up with a shower after an…intense work day, so that’s where he was when you had entered his apartment. 
“Dex, I’m here!” You shouted, stepping near to the bathroom, while he shouted back a, “hello,” back followed by a, “be out soon!”
You gave a single nod to yourself before setting your bag down in the spot Dex had designated for you. 
You had been left alone in Dex’s place many times before, he trusted you. In the whole fourteen months that you’ve been together, he had no reason to doubt you. 
The only difference compared to the other times was that right now your phone was boring you. There was nothing to do and you were bored of the few games that you had on your phone so you just glanced around a little. 
With your hands held together behind your back as if you were at a museum you walked around briefly looking at the pictures he had of the two of you along the walls. 
While you strolled down memory lane you came to a stop, as a frame that hung across the room caught your eye. 
You tilt your head to one side then the other before coming to a conclusion. The frame was crooked, (which was very unlike Dex).
Swiftly making your way to the picture you notice something white sticking out from behind the frame. 
Shifting the frame some more you realize it’s a letter. Of course you then lift the frame off and once you do you realize your name is actually on the letter.
Taking the piece of tape off from the frame you take the letter and set the picture down before opening the paper. 
You didn’t know what to expect from this letter. 
Why did it have your name? Why was it hidden away? Why was there even a letter like this?
Your questions slowly became answered as you began to read the letter. 
On the first line was your name plus the date, (which was listed a short time after you two started dating.)
My new therapist says it’s important to write any strong feelings down so that’s what I’m doing now.
Okay, here we go. 
I have strong—intense feelings for you and I’ve never had them before, not like this.
I constantly have you on my mind and I don’t know what to do about it. 
When I’m not with you I feel dull and empty. 
I don’t like it; feeling angry and scared all the time, it’s exhausting. 
When I’m with you though I feel light.
I feel like I’m who I’m supposed to be. 
I hated who I was before you and I’m scared of reverting back to that person. 
I’m scared that one day, I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone. 
Scared of what I’ll become if that happens. 
I know I’m too much. 
Too intense. 
Too rigid. 
I just hope you can see past that and one day love me for me. 
I will always love you for you even if I end up scaring you off. 
Hopefully one day I’ll be strong enough to tell you this to your face.
Love, Benjamin Poindexter
You stared at the letter, eyes reading it again, almost as if the first time wasn’t enough. You’re so enthralled by his words you almost didn’t notice Dex stepping into the room. Almost. 
When Dex came into the room he immediately spotted your hands. From seeing your name sprawled across the outside material he knew exactly what was on that piece of paper. 
What he didn’t know was what you thought about it. Even with all the time you’ve been together he still found himself wondering, were his emotions too much? Did you find the letter weird? Had his words scared you off? He knew it was a bad idea to listen to that quack of a therapist. 
“You wrote this?” You asked, despite already knowing that he did.
Dex could feel his mouth dry as your eyes seemed to bore into him, waiting for him to say something—anything. Thankfully, he didn’t have to think long though. 
“Dex, this is really sweet.”
Your words seem to hit Dex, “…sweet? You don’t think it’s…extreme?” He lets out a single yet embarrassed laugh at that word. “I mean I wrote this after three weeks of being together, doesn’t that ring sort of weird?”
He knew the answer was yes, it had to be yes.
But all you did was shake your head at his questions…before nodding it, “I guess it may seem a little rushed but I think it’s nice.” You glance back down to the letter, a smile unconsciously being drawn to your lips, “Or maybe I’m just weird and I think it’s sweet because I’ve never gotten a letter like this before.”
The same smile that you wore appeared on Dex’s face as he watched in fondness. One, because he could easily see how much this meant to you, and two, because he’d gladly write you a hundred letters if he knew how happy that’d make you. 
But for now just one was enough. 
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The devil in disguise
Matt Murdock x fem!Reader
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summary || You are the sweet innocent daughter of Wilson Fisk who has fallen in love with Matt Murdock. Unaware of their private lives, you introduce them.
word count || 2.7k
warnings || nothing really, just a bit angsty. brief mention of violence & blood
a/n || hii, I hope you all enjoy this. I spent a very long time writing and rewriting it. I don’t want to sound like a beg, but Id be very thankful if you gave feedback. this is based on a request. much love💌
masterlist + rules
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Being an artist in New York was a tough job, a city where everyone wanted the same thing- opportunity. In the beginning, you had a bit of a tough run with selling your pieces, you wanted people to buy them because they loved your art and not because of the connections to your well-known father. You loved your dad, but you wanted to do this on your own. You wanted your gallery to be something that you made, not your father.
So after a couple of years, spending hundreds of hours curating your artwork, you were finally able to display them in a mini store that you converted into a gallery.
You have only been open one day and things were already flying off the shelves, selling your most loved artwork for thousands of dollars apiece.
Today, your boyfriend of six months, will finally be meeting your dad at your gallery. You wanted to share this special time with the two people that meant the most to you. Unlocking the doors, your arm linked into Matt’s, leading him through the shop of your most prized work.
“Pass your hand.” You say sweetly, taking his hand in yours. Laying it flat against the canvas on the wall, directing his hand to brush along the mixed media. “You inspired me for this one.” You smile. “If you feel here. There’s a message… I indented the canvas to make braille, and if I got it right… it should say something.” Watching the way his lips turned into a smile.
The bell rings at the door, immediately diverting your attention. “Hello princess.” Your dad greets you, pulling you in for a hug.
“Hi.” You smile, pulling apart to introduce your boyfriend who was looking around uneasily. “Dad, this is Matt, Matt, this is my dad.” You sweetly grin, looking between them with gleaming eyes.
“Pleasure.” He greets your boyfriend, firmly shaking Matt’s hand.
“Good to meet you, sir.” Matt smiles forcefully.
Excitedly screeching, gazing between the two. “Okay- I can’t wait anymore, let me show you around.” Grabbing Matt’s hand to lead him. “Dad follow me.”
You showed them throughout the whole gallery, talking endlessly about the inspiration behind each piece of work, chatting their ears off about every detail.
“Excuse me one moment.” Your dad announces, walking into the back room to answer his phone call.
Matt inconspicuously pulls you aside now that it was just the two of you. “You never told me his name…” Matt quietly asks.
“Oh my goodness- sorry, I completely forgot. It’s Wilson. Sorry, that must’ve been really uncomfortable.” You apologise, placing a sweet kiss on Matt’s now tense cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah- I’m fine. Just you know, meeting your dad.” He partially lies.
“I’m sorry princess, I’ve got to go.” Wilson enters the room, glancing between you and Matt with questioning eyes. His stare penetrated the side of Matt’s face.
“Dad?” You warned, disguising it with a cough. Noticing the way he was looking at Matt.
“Right. I’ll see you soon.” He kisses your cheek before leaving. “If you hurt my little girl…” he turns around to warn, focusing in on your perturbed boyfriend.
Matt has been uneasy around you ever since the day at the gallery a few days ago. You thought it was because your dad frightened him with that scolding, but you didn’t know if it was just that or if there was something else to it. You haven’t seen him since then either, he avoided all your texts and calls, replying hours later with ‘sorry, I was on a case’ or ‘I couldn’t find my phone.’
You had spent the day at your gallery doing inventory and rearranging pieces, quietly enjoying the day to yourself. Taking a seat on the sofa by the wide glass window, zoning out as you gaze at the busy city. Aimlessly scanning around until you notice something out the corner of your eye. It was a car you had seen dozens of times over the last couple of months. You tried not to look at it for too long, never wanting the person inside to acknowledge your awareness.
You picked up an art magazine from the coffee table, opening it and raising it to your face. Peeking your eyes over the top to get a better look at the number plate, and to no surprise, it was the same one you had been seeing everywhere.
Startling yourself when the door opens, the bell ringing obnoxiously. Dropping the magazine, you see your father by the entrance with a solemn expression.
“You okay?” You ask nervously, walking over to him.
“I have some news.” He frowns, gesturing for you to take a seat.
“What is it? You’re scaring me.” Scanning your dad's face for answers.
“I don’t want you to hate me...”
“I won’t, what’s up, tell me.” You push once more.
“I did some digging…” Wilson trails off.
“Your boyfriend…”
“What about him?” You snap, desperately needing answers.
“I’m afraid he’s not someone you should trust…Here…” Pulling out his phone to show you a clip.
Staring at the video confused. “I don’t get it- what is it?” Darting your eyes between him and the screen.
“That’s… Daredevil.”
“Yeah, so?”
“That’s your boyfriend…” he says slowly. Masking his lies.
“No, it’s not.” Shaking your head.
“It is. ‘The devil of Hell’s Kitchen’ or whatever he calls himself. He’s a vigilante… and he’s dangerous… he…” he starts.
“‘He’ what?”
“It’s too much...” He closes his eyes, avoiding your surveying gaze.
“Please just tell me.” You plead.
“He… killed your mother.” Intensely staring at the floor.
“What-? Why are you telling me this?” Walking away in disbelief, pacing around. “Why would you say that?”
“There are more videos.” Extending his phone.
“No! I don’t want to see it. How can he do that? Seriously, how? He’s blind.” You defend.
“He was lying about that… it was a cover.”
“Let me see the video.” You demand, snatching the phone from his hand.
Anxiously fiddling with the hem of your dress as you watched the clip of your boyfriend in the red suit. You couldn’t believe your eyes- you didn’t want to believe them.
“I’ve seen enough.” Sliding the phone along the coffee table.
“I’m sorry. I’ll get out of the way.” He frowns, sitting up and leaving without a single look back.
You had decided to close the shop early, feeling too confused to want to be anywhere but home. Right now you wanted nothing more than to slump into the couch and watch shitty tv with a big bag of chips.
When you return to your apartment building, panic settles in when you notice the car again. Unlocking the door with shaky hands, trying your best to keep them still.
“Allow me.” A male voice says from behind. Immediately shuddering and dropping the keys.
“I’m sorry.” Turning around to look at the man. “Just a long day.”
“I’m sorry, that must’ve been really hard.”
“Yeah.” You exhale, disguising it in a laugh. “Thanks” taking the keys from his hand. “Do you- uh, live around here?” You ask, anxiously looking around.
“No, I was here to see a friend. But I saw you struggling so had to help.” He smiles. “And you are…?”
Telling him your name with a friendly smile.
“I’m Dex.” Shaking your hand. “Good to meet you… I’ll uh- see you around.”
After a long hot bath and take-out dinner, you lump yourself onto the couch. Pulling out your phone to see numerous missed calls from Matt. Deciding not to engage, you place it aside.
Frantic knocks pound at your door that startle you upright. Quietly walking over, peeking through the peephole to see Matt anxiously pacing around.
“What?” You snap, whipping the door open.
“I came to see you… you wouldn’t answer my calls.” He gushes, smiling apologetically.
“Not so nice is it?” You say snidely.
You cut him off. “I’m not in the mood right now. What do you want?”
“You scared me- you didn’t answer, I thought something bad had happened-” He continues, catching his breath.
Interrupting him again. “Are you actually blind?”
He flashes a confused look, head tilting to the side as if to understand you better. “Yes. Why would you ask that?”
“Wait a second- how did you get here?” You ask, finally putting the pieces together. “If you can’t see… then how did you run here?” You question with a stern whisper, not wanting your neighbours to hear.
“Can I come in?” He asks, avoiding your question.
“No, you can answer from out there.” Placing your hands over his chest to stop him from coming any further.
“What’s going on?” He questions, his face looking puzzled.
“Why don’t you tell me?”
“… I don’t know.”
“Who are you?”
His mouth opens but no words are made, gazing at you with his eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He snarks, walking past you and into your apartment.
“I didn’t say you can come in.” Forcefully closing the door to follow Matt into your living room.
“Where’s this coming from?” He sadly questions, taking a polite seat on your armchair.
“I saw my dad today…” you start.
He gives you a nod to tell you he’s listening.
“He told me something and… I don’t know.” Burying your head in your hands.
“What’s wrong?” He asks sweetly, rushing over to the seat next to you to console you. Gently stroking over your back.
“Please just tell me who you are.” You quietly ask, your words muffling against your palms.
He deeply sighs, brushing his spare hand through his hair. “I think you know...”
Your back stiffens and your neck twists around to stare holes into Matt’s closed eyes. “You’re ‘him’? You’re Daredevil?” You speak quietly as if to soften the blow. “He was right.” You mumble to yourself.
“Who was right?” He questions.
“My dad- he showed me a video… you’re the devil of Hell’s Kitchen? You killed my mom?” You ask, almost rhetorically.
“Wait a sec-“ he interjects. “I don’t kill anyone.” Shaking his head.
“So you are him?”
“Yeah- but that’s not me.” His face grimaces at the thought. “That’s why I’ve been busy…”
“What do you mean?” You ask warmly as if the haze was clearing and you could finally see a few pieces to the puzzle.
“Your dad… he showed you the clip?”
“Mhm.” You mumble, listening intently.
“Was the person in the suit wearing red?”
“Yeah, like a- like a dark red.” Ears pulling back with intrigue.
“I know this might not make any sense right now, but I need you to understand… I don’t wear that red suit anymore- not after midland circle. That person… he isn’t me.” His face looks as though he’s thinking. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” You reply instantly, not once giving it a second thought because it was the truth.
“I think your dad is framing me.”
“I think he knows who I am, and is setting me up.” Placing a gentle hand on your knee.
“Why would he do that?” You question.
“Because he’s not just a businessman.” He says, almost as if he’s regretting it already. Not wanting to ruin your perception of your father.
“What is he?” Searching his face for more answers.
“I can’t do that to you.” He says sadly, stroking your confused face. “Just… in your phone, type in ‘Kingpin, Hell’s Kitchen’.”
Immediately opening your phone, typing into the search engine, instantly overwhelmed by the dozens of articles. Clicking the top one, reading through an article from the New York Bulletin. Your eyes darting over the words, as your heart thumps in your chest.
Matt laces his hand into yours, stroking his thumb over your skin to calm you down.
“My dads a crimelord?” You question in almost disbelief.
“I’m sorry.” He emphatically comforts, hating the idea of you feeling betrayed by your father.
“How did you know?”
“I’ve been after him for years…“
“Is that why you’re with me?” You sadly ask, already thinking the worst.
“No.” He gushes, cupping your cheek. “God, no. I only found out at your gallery the other day.” He reassures, sweetly brushing over your cheek. “Please come and stay with me for a few days. I don’t think it’s safe here…”
“Can I ask you something?” You almost whisper. Mind is racing and struggling to keep up with everything that’s happened over the last few hours.
“Of course, anything.” Gently placing a stray strand of hair behind your ear and then cupping your jaw.
“If you’re daredevil- the real one… are you really blind? Or is that a cover?”
“I am blind, I lost my sight when I was nine.”
“You can say no, of course. But, I don’t think you’ve actually told me how you lost it. I don’t want to push you, and you can stop me from talking because I feel like I’m blabbering-“
Sweetly smiling at the way you were so considerate with your delivery. “No no, it’s okay.” He interrupts.
Matt thought it was finally time to give you a look into his past, telling you every minor and major event that has happened in his life. Stories about his dad, St Agnes, Maggie, his abilities, what he does as Daredevil, and even about Fisk.
Matt was waiting patiently on the couch while you finished packing your bags; throwing in anything and everything you might need over the next few days.
“I’m ready.” You smile, lugging your bags by the front door.
“You left a light on in there.” Nodding to your en-suite.
Rushing to the bathroom to flick the switch, returning with a grin. “That is amazing.”
Flashing you a wide grin in response, collecting the heaviest bag and throwing it over his shoulder.
When you exit the building, you do a quick look around the street, quickly observing everything. Across the road you spot the car again, squinting your eyes to double-check the number plate. Matt doesn’t know about your potential stalker, to be honest, you didn’t want to worry him. But now you know he’s capable, you decide to finally tell him.
Discreetly covering your mouth to hide what you were about to say. “Matt.” You whisper. “That car… I see it all the time.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, barely moving his lips as he purposely twisted his head to look around.
“I think it’s been following me.”
His face grows stern and rigid, looking as though he’s calculating the situation. Placing your bags to the floor, taking a step onto the sidewalk. Immediately grabbing his arm to stop him from walking any further.
“No- don’t go over.” You plead, trying your hardest to stop him freeing from your grip.
“Wait there.” He sweetly instructs, shaking himself from your grasp.
“No, I’m coming with you.” Chasing after him.
Matt pulls out his stick, tapping it against the ground as he walked down the street, looking around aimlessly until he ‘accidentally’ bumps into the car. The person inside slides down the window “watch it, man.”
“My apologies, I don’t suppose you know the way to Josie’s bar. It’s just… you know.” Raising his arm to show the man his cane.
Watching from the side, you see a familiar man in the wing mirror. Immediately walking over, following after your legs that had a mind of their own.
“Dex?” You question, head tilting to the side in confusion.
He coughs, lowering his cap to hide his face. Stammering on his words.
Matt’s ears pull back in concentration, listening intently. Reaching his hand inside the car, gripping Dex’s neck and yanking him towards the window. Hitting his head with his free hand, as he pulled him through the window and out of the car. “Who are you?” He demands, landing another strike to his face. Instead, he doesn’t do anything, he just tauntingly laughs, purposely trying to provoke Matt.
“Enough.” You shout, pulling Matt off Dex who was laughing hysterically on the floor, blood dripping from his cheek.
“What the fuck was that about?” You grit, ushering him away.
“That’s Special Agent Poindexter.” He starts. Straighten his tie and adjusting his glasses, linking his arm into yours, acting nonchalant.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” You whisper shout, quickly looking over your shoulder check on Dex who was splayed out on the sidewalk.
“Fisk hired him. If I’m right, and I’m sure I am… he’s pretending to be me.” Leading you across the street, and back to your apartment building.
“Wait a second…” letting go of Matt’s arm and halting in your tracks.
“That video my dad showed me… it was a CCTV clip…” pausing as if to complete your thought. “It was outside of my mom’s house… and…” face contorting at the idea. “He had my mom killed?”
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sorry for the cliffhanger!! I wasn’t sure how to end this and was hoping that some of you guys could maybe give some ideas. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with Fisk and Dex, and how Matt would work into it. but if you have any ideas I’d love to hear them. I will be doing a part 2, just need some help from you angels first
I think it’s because I’ve been working on this so long my mind has turned to mush😭
but thank you for reading, hope you liked it🤍
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Marvel Masterlist
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One Shots
Spook-vengers Tower - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
Better Than Gifts - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda, Vision, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
New Years Eve - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (all platonic)
Not Making It Out - Loki x Reader
Love Is Sacrifice - Loki x Reader
Champion Selection - Loki x Reader
My Mistakes - Loki x Reader
The Task - Loki x Reader
Pulled From The Timeline - Loki x Reader
Poisoned Ice - Loki x Reader
Pompeii - Loki x Reader
Madripoor - Bucky x Reader
Why Would I? - Bucky x Reader
A Small Thing - Bucky x Reader
Not The Worst - Bucky x Reader
A Little Help - Bucky x Reader
When You Wake - Bucky x Reader
What We Started - Bucky x Reader
Kiss Her, Captain. - Steve x Reader
Attacked - Steve x Reader
Aftermath - Steve x Reader
The Drink Allergy - Steve x Reader
A Subtle Escape - Steve x Reader
A New Mission - Tony x Reader (platonic)
3am - Frank Castle x Reader (platonic)
Trick or Eat - Venom x Reader (platonic)
Halloween Cookie Surprise - Venom x Reader (platonic)
When Ghosts Hunt - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Under The Flame - Robbie Reyes x Reader
As Imagined - Ben Poindexter x Reader
Surprise Guest - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Earpiece Patch - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Steve wanting to propose but having to hold off because of the Civil War
Imagine Steve's surprise when you hit an entitled party guest
Imagine flirting with Steve much to his surprise
Imagine inviting Steve to the newly created Memorial Centre
Imagine a kiss from Steve to distract you from blinding pain
Imagine boldly telling Steve how you feel mid-mission
Imagine waking Steve up after being disturbed by a nightmare
Imagine being paired with Steve during the time-travel mission
Imagine Steve’s anger when you go off book during a mission
Imagine being the last person that Tony tells about 'moving day'
Imagine Bucky’s therapist asking about you
Imagine laughing at Bucky after his failed plane jump
Imagine getting caught in the crossfire of John Walker’s rampage
Imagine trying to talk John Walker down at Zemo’s apartment
Imagine waiting for Bucky and his cake delivery
Imagine convincing Bucky to get back into dating
Imagine taking Bucky to meet his dinner date
Imagine being ambushed by HYDRA while waiting for Bucky
Imagine Bucky being present when you wake up
Imagine Sam’s pleasant surprise when Bucky treats you gently
Imagine Bucky getting jealous on a mission
Imagine refusing to work with Loki at the TVA
Imagine Loki trying to explain his theory to you on a busy day
Imagine Loki being asked to let you go
Imagine discovering that Loki is to aid in the escape of Asgard
Imagine Loki falling asleep on your hand
Imagine Mobius shocking you with an idea regarding Loki
Imagine Loki hearing about your variants
Imagine sending Mobius to calm Loki after you’re injured
Imagine Loki stealing your pie at the TVA
Imagine your surprise when Thor brings Loki to Norway
Imagine learning that Hela wants you dead too
Imagine waking up on Sakaar to find Loki trying to help
Imagine Loki learning why you lied and faked your death
Imagine Loki accidentally time-slipping when you’re getting dressed
Imagine asking Thor about a gift that you gave him
Imagine Thor trying to grant you visitation with Loki
Imagine Thor learning that you’re in Norway with his father
Imagine Thor asking Loki about your whereabouts on Sakaar
Imagine finding Venom raiding your pantry
Imagine spending the holidays alone in Avengers Tower
Imagine checking on Robbie’s injuries
Imagine helping Matt escape the prison after Fisk takes control
Imagine Marc Spector inquiring about your hand injury
Imagine Khonshu trying to convince you to be his avatar
Imagine going present shopping for the Avengers
Imagine the Avengers when they learn that you and Bucky were attacked
Imagine Clint coming to you after a mission gone wrong
Imagine Fury asking you to be a diversion
The Rider’s Guardian - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Stowaway Cloak -  Stephen Strange, Reader (platonic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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amberlynnmurdock · 7 months
I Want You
Pairing: Ben Poindexter "Dex" x Reader
Summary: Dex comes home from a late shift at the FBI to find you sleeping on his side of the bed.
Genre: 18+ CONTENT. SMUT. This is literally pure smut lol. Read with caution and also wrap it before you tap it, this is FICTION lol.
A/N: IDK where this smut came from but this might be the dirtiest I've written LOL. Might be slightly out of character, but I imagine any "light-hearted" Dex I write is before the events of Season 3. There's also MILD angst and MILD fluff if you squint, but LOTS of smut LOL. Enjoy my Dex lovers, so glad I've found you all <3 also this is barely edited I literally just knocked this out
Words: 1.8k
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Dex is working late tonight—later than usual. Later than he’d like to, knowing you were alone at his apartment, waiting for his arrival. He hoped tonight would’ve been an early night but as expected, to his dismay, the SWAT unit was called in for a job and there was no chance Dex would be able to get home to you before you fell asleep.
I’m sorry he texted you, the heavy feeling he always got when he knew he would be disappointing you They need us tonight. 
It’s okay you replied, and Dex read it in your sing-song voice I’ll be here waiting. Wake me up for a kiss.
Dex’s mouth twitched in a smile as the elevator lifted him to his floor, where you were most definitely lying in his bed already, making a mess of his fitted sheets. The only clutter he allowed in his life was the mess made by you. He leaned against the wall of the elevator and sighed; he wouldn’t let his exhaustion get in the way of making sure he gave you a kiss goodnight. 
His shoulders were sore from the job tonight, aches and pains all over his back. His bed was practically calling his name and you, the keeper of his comfort. When the elevator dinged, he sauntered to his apartment door and quietly opened it so as to not make any sound. He didn’t want the door opening to wake you—he wanted his lips to take care of that. 
Dex places his keys carefully on the hook and shrugs his denim sherpa jacket off. He opens the door to his bedroom quietly and sighs in contentment as he sees you sleeping soundly. He rarely got good sleep, so it was satisfying to see you deeply in it. It helped him most of the time. 
Not wanting to get in bed without cleaning himself of the night’s job, he stalks to the bathroom and shuts the door before turning the light on so it won’t wake you. After a five-minute hot shower and brushing his teeth, Dex throws on a thin white shirt and boxers and then opens the door again to find you sleeping soundly still. 
He stays in the doorway, watching you sleep. He often did this for peace of mind. When his thoughts got too loud and he began to feel himself spiral, just your presence alone was enough to bring him down. Help him sleep. You always did. Your hair was sprawled on his pillow—you were sleeping on his side, as you always did when he came home late—and you held the covers close to your chest. You looked perfect. He almost didn’t want to wake you up and ruin this image of you, but he had to do what you requested. 
Dex sits in the crook of space you left as you’re sleeping in a fetal position, legs close to your chest. The bed dips a little when he sits and he gently runs his fingers over the side of your face, caressing your skin carefully. It only takes him four times of doing this until you stir in your sleep. 
“Dex,” your eyelids are heavy but you force them to open to see Dex’s soft expression looking down at you, a smile on his face. “You’re home.”
“I am,” Dex whispered. “You wanted me to wake you.”
“I know,” you reach up lazily and cup his cheek in the palm of your hand, thumb grazing just below his bottom lid. “Kiss me.”
Dex’s eyes are half closed as he leans down to meet your lips. When your lips finally touch, his eyes close, and the kiss consumes every fiber of his being. The noise that constantly buzzed in his head, for a moment, was silenced by your soft lips. His attention was drawn to your fingers twirling in his dirty blonde locks as you pulled him even closer. Dex opens his mouth and dashes his tongue on your bottom lip, a way to ask you to let him in. You open your mouth in return and let his tongue glide against yours as you breathe in his fresh scent. 
“Come here,” you pull back and push the sheets off you for Dex to join. 
“This is my side,” he jokes as he slides underneath, brings the covers over the both of you again and hovers his entire body over you. “Give it back.”
“Take it back,” you smirk, your haze of sleepiness fading as the weight of Dex on top of you energizes you. He’s just taken a shower—you can tell by the way his thin white shirt clings onto his hot, soft damp skin. His shirt is so thin you want to rip it apart to feel his warmth on yours. You just might by the way you’re gripping his collar. 
Dex laughs, understanding your nudge. He pulls his shirt from the back and off him. It’s only then he realizes you’re already ahead of the game and completely naked in his bed. 
“__…” your name falls from his lips as he feels your soft skin pressed into his bed. Dex runs his hands from your neck to your collarbone and stops there to kiss you between the crook of your shoulder. He leaves a trail of kisses along the length of your neck before kissing your lips again. If there’s anything he’s good at, it’s knowing exactly where to kiss you. 
“Dex,” you sigh into his kisses and close your eyes. You find his strong hands and guide them to where you need to be touched most. You place the palms of his hands over your breasts and Dex gently kneads them as he pulls back from kissing you. It was a wonder how something so beautiful he was allowed to touch. 
But something shifts in his demeanor. Something he knows you like. Without fail he kicks your legs apart so he’s fully over you now, pressing his hard cock between your legs. You take a shaky breath, feeling your arousal grow so much you need him sooner than later. You look up at Dex and he’s already staring down at you. 
His eyes are as dark as the room but you can’t ignore the intense gaze he gives you—so intense you felt like he was pulling your soul out of your body and claiming it his. In a way, he already had it. You were all his. You swallow hard, never getting used to the way he looks at you like that, and reach up to grab him by his jaw to kiss you. Dex sucks on your lips and holds you by your waist. You find the band of his boxers and push them off.
“You want me?” That little voice of doubt Dex just can’t ignore comes through in this intimate moment, and he wants to kick himself for asking it. He asks as his lips trace the skin of your neck anyway, pausing to anticipate your reaction. You affirm him, like you always do. 
“I want you, Dex,” you breathe, and Dex sighs in relief. He pulls back, a much softer gaze on you, but his eyes still so dark. “I love you.”
It’s those three words he pretends not to hear—pretends like they couldn’t save his life. But they do, they always do. And he’s brought back down to reality as he gently pushes your legs further. His cock is throbbing between his legs now but he won’t give either of you the sweet relief you need—not before he teases you just a bit. 
Dex trails his fingers down your stomach and circles your clit gently with his thumb, watching your face for your reaction to his touch. Where do you like it? How does his thumb make you feel? A beautiful expression softly etches on your face that tells him you like what he’s doing. You want more. 
Dex slides two fingers inside your warm wetness and it takes everything in him to bite back a moan. He clenches his jaw as he slowly pushes in and out with his fingers in your pussy, going deeper and deeper with each stroke. He curls his fingers to hit the spot you so desperately need to be touched. Goosebumps raise on his skin as he watches your face contort with pleasure. 
“Dex,” you demand his name. “I want you.” 
Dex slides his fingers out your pussy and cups the back of your neck with his hand to kiss you slowly—he needed this as much as you did. And without warning, Dex lines his cock with your warm pussy and slowly pushes himself inside you.
“Fuck,” you moan softly in his ear as his length stretches your tight pussy. Dex takes a deep breath as he settles inside you, caressing your neck and pushing even deeper. And then he starts to move slowly, pulling all the way out before harshly pushing back in. The bed begins to rock with every thrust he makes, every grunt he suppresses, and every moan you let out. You spread and wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him even deeper, feeling the tip of his cock touch your sweet spot inside. You’re completely soaking all over his hard cock, surely getting the bed wet. Dex had a way of fucking you so good it was hard to think of how to return the favor, but he loved to please you like this, he loved to be in charge of your pleasure. Dex pounds his cock into you slowly, feeling your tightness and wetness all over him, he focuses on your breathing to know when you’re about to come. 
“__,” he whispers your name. “Say you want me.”
“I want you,” you whisper breathlessly, feeling yourself come all over his cock, the sounds of sex filling the space between you. 
“Keep saying it,” Dex’s voice is hardly above a whisper as he feels himself almost come undone. His pushes his cock all the way inside you, earning a moan slip from your lips. 
“I want you, Dex,” you say breathlessly, squeezing your pussy on his cock. “I want you. I want you. I want—“
Dex shuts his eyes and clenches his jaw as his final thrust coats your soft and warm pussy, filling you with his cum. He continues his pounding slowly with each last pump of cum he spills inside you and holds you close to his chest to keep you from shaking. 
“It’s okay,” your chest is heaving, and your entire body is shaking. “I’m okay.”
Dex completely pulls out of you, and you feel the space he’s left—empty. Dex looks at you with concern, his heart pounding against his chest. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, Dex,” you smile, pushing a sweaty strand of his hair back. “I’m more than okay.” 
“Okay,” Dex nods, catching his breath finally. 
When Dex gets up to fetch a towel from the bathroom, you wrap yourself in his sheets and claim his side of the bed as your own. When Dex comes back, he smiles to himself. He crawls into bed—into your side—and wraps his strong arms around you. He watches you fall asleep again and only lets himself nod off when he can’t fight sleep anymore. 
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grogunotfound · 3 years
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pairing ╾ ben poindexter x fem!reader
word count ╾ 2.8k
synopsis ╾ a very special agent and a very special dancer face the reality of their true feelings.
warnings ╾ kissy kissy, murder ment (cus it’s dex), tiny blood ment (still dex)
a/n ╾ wow. this was fun. expect some more dex content cus i have concepts for days ajdhajdjsjd
p.s. i included lyrics from “lost boy” by 5sos HAHAHA
[disclaimer: i rarely proofread so please excuse any and all errors!!!]
Dex has been on a week rampage ever since he left you on your stoop that night. First, he went for the politician that violated you. He found him at another party, probably preparing himself to do whatever-the-fuck he did to you. And, Dex wasn’t going to let that happen. He wanted to keep you safe from every single bad thing in the world...even if it would be from a distance. Even if he was one of those bad things. There was joy when he watched the politician’s life fade from his eyes. Dex managed to get him alone in the hostess’s office before hurling a pair of nearby scissors into the center of his forehead.
Then, Dex went for himself. He ruined nearly everything in his apartment. He punched holes in the wall, propelled dishes across the living room, let out guttural screams. He was angry. At you. At himself. At the world. He knew that sending you into his life was punishment for all the bad deeds he has done. For all the lives he took. And the comfort he felt when he destroyed people. It was only a matter of time until he harmed you next. He couldn’t change. Being a bad person was in his blood. He wasn’t worth redemption. He wasn’t worthy enough for you.
Dex continued to wonder what your life was like now that he was out of the equation. Although you never saw him, he always made sure you made it home after work, even if it meant losing sleep. You looked nice tonight; a shade of red decorated your full lips, your hair was freshly curled that with each step they bounced, and you had on a dress. ‘This is new,’ Dex thought to himself. He wondered what the occasion was. It couldn’t have been a roommate’s birthday because—naturally—he knew each of their birthdays. The closest one wasn’t until a few more months.
“Hey!” You chirped as you walked further down the street. “So good to see you.”
Dex’s eyes followed your trail and came upon another man. He could already feel the jealousy boiling inside him, his stomach twisted at the sight of you with someone else. You placed a soft kiss on your date’s cheek, smiling as he interlaced his fingers with yours.
“Ready?” Your date grinned.
You nodded in response. You felt something tug at your heartstrings, causing you to look over at the spot Dex usually waited for you after you finished work. You were only met with emptiness, but you deeply longed to see his chiseled, lop-sided smile widen when you stepped out of the backstage door. You would be lying to yourself if you said this date was purely for fun. You were looking for a distraction. You have never met anyone like Dex before. His aloofness drew you in even more. It was something you recognized in your self before you moved to New York. You knew how much it hurt to not be heard or seen. Maybe it was the reason why you decided to become a dancer at a strip club in the first place. You would often question why you craved such validation. But, with Dex, he didn’t just give you validation, he gave you his wholehearted attention.
And, you missed him. A lot. You couldn’t get that fateful night out of your head. You saw him in your dreams. You told your roommates about him, which—to be fair—was a big step in your relationship. You cried over him. You felt as if you had lost a piece of yourself when Dex left. You couldn’t understand how someone so temporary left a permanent mark on your being.
“Y/N? Is everything alright?” Your date asked. Before you knew it, your date was over and you were standing in the same spot where Dex broke your heart.
You exhaled, “Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine.”
“Are you sure? You seemed kind of...distant tonight.” Your date stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I just hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“Don’t worry, I did.” You placed a fake smile on your face, something you were getting too used to. “Thanks for dropping me home.”
“Can I see you again?” He asked hopefully.
You hesitated, “Oh, sure. Just send me a text or something.”
Your date grinned. He began to lean closer to you, fluttering his eyes closed. You asked yourself how long you wanted this distraction to last. But, you weren’t sure how long Dex would be away for. You had hope… But, a little kiss wouldn’t hurt. You felt something whiz past your face.
“Ow, shit.” Your date pulled away from you, rubbing his temple. “I think I just got hit with a rock.” Small droplets of blood were beginning to trickle down the side of his face.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” You gasped. You looked around to catch any potential perpetrators. “Should I call 911?”
Your date let out a laugh, “No, it’s okay. It must’ve fallen from a tree or something. I’ll tend to it when I get home. Goodnight, Y/N.” He awkwardly hugged you before leaving.
You groaned once your date was out of hearing. What a terrible night. Could it get any worse? You entered your apartment, immediately bombarded with questions from your roommates.
“How was it? Did you two kiss? What did you talk about?” They desperately asked.
“Fine, no, and I don’t remember. I was too busy thinking about Dex the entire time.” You groaned even more. “What is wrong with me?”
One of them guided you to the couch, “Nothing’s wrong with you! Dex was hot, so I don’t blame you.” You let out a small laugh, feeling a little bit alleviated.
“Should I text him?” You wondered out loud.
“No,” they chimed in unison.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” You sighed and sank deeper into the seat cushions.
Dex stood silently outside of your apartment’s front door. He followed behind your date, ready to pounce on his next victim, but something held him back—he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He thought about what you would think of him. He wanted you to be proud of him. He wanted to make you proud, so he restrained himself. Now, he was standing outside as if you were expecting him. You weren’t, obviously, but you hoped he would show up. But, tonight was not the night. Dex decided to let you be and went home early.
You were perfection. He has been waiting for somebody like you. But, Dex didn’t want to ruin you. He was sad in silence, living in a world of noise. His head buzzed with self-effacing notions. He was without direction. He was lost. Dex wanted to be found. You wanted to find him.
Maybe that’s why you showed up to the FBI office. Agents bustled in and out the glass front doors. You waited patiently outside, unsure about your next move. Were you going to wait outside? Or go inside the building to look for Dex? You paced back and forth on the sidewalk, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” You thought about the way Dex made you feel. Right now, you were angry. But, when you were with him, you had no other care in the world. You felt safe with him. He was always there for you. He listened to you. He empathized with you—something that you found rare at the Northstar Lounge. You quickly found composure and decided to just fuck it all and find Dex.
Dex couldn’t wait any longer either. He needed you. He wanted to run away from the loneliness that haunted his every waking moment. He wanted to find his way back to you. Being with you was his will to live. He would beg you to stay with him. If you ever left him… “Stop it,” he scolded himself. It was so hard, trying to abandon his past. The malignant thoughts buzzed in his head, but you were his Polaris, his Northstar. He couldn’t be without you. You guided him. “Hey, boss. I’m going to get some air.” Dex threw on his jacket before heading for those same glass doors you were standing in front of.
“Dex,” you breathlessly gasped, clearly getting caught off guard.
“Y/N,” his jaw dropped a little bit. “What are you doing here? Stalking me?” He readjusted his tie, trying to restrain a sly smile from creeping onto his lips. You let out a laugh—music that Dex felt were just as bright and joyous as wind chimes.
You shook your head, raking through excuses to avoid the truth. You weren’t going to fold that easily. “I just happened to be in the neighborhood. I didn’t realize you work here.”
Dex let out a laugh this time—it was raspy, but it was a satisfying itch to your ears. There was silence for a few moments. The tension in the air was not hard to miss. Both of you wanted to say something, but you were scared of the other’s response. You wanted to ask what went wrong. Dex wanted to ask how he could make it up to you.
“I..I was just going to go for a walk by the water. Care to join?” Dex spoke up, hoping a neutral place would be more refreshing. You couldn’t contain your smile and nodded. Almost out of instinct, you reached up to grab his upper arm, causing Dex to tense up, not used to your touch anymore—he wanted you to never let go. The two of you reached a bench that overlooked the river. Dex gestured for you to sit down, and he followed suit. He awkwardly cleared his throat, “How have you been?”
You debated on telling the truth or giving him a general answer. On one hand, you could tell him how you really felt. Or, you could let him take the wheel. You weren’t ready to be led on again. You had to be sure that he wanted to be with you, just as much as you wanted to be with him. “I’ve been better. And yourself?”
Dex sighed, conflicted between the two choices too. He had a hard time with his feelings, coming to terms with his raw, scary emotions. He wanted to please you, to make you happy. You watched him attentively. “It’s been hard. It’s been really hard.” He gulped. He looked up at you to see your reaction. You stared back at him with your big, dewy doe eyes that he had been enchanted by ever since he first saw you. Even before you approached him at the club, he had already taken note of you. The way you sturdily walked, the way your hips swayed, the way your eyes gleamed when the stage lights highlighted your face. He admired the way your smile never faltered.
“With work?” You feeblemindedly asked. You weren’t going to jump the gun.
Dex took a deep breath, clenching his arms into fists to relieve some tension, “Without you.” He tightened his jaw, “I’m sorry for what I did, Y/N.”
You paused, uncertain of how to approach him. Dex desperately searched your face for any sign of a response. You pursed your lips, “why did you do it then?” You were genuinely curious. You thought the two of you got along well. You thought your friendship could be something more than just an exchange.
“Love, you’re..you’re a good person. And, I-I just feel like I’m..I’m drowning. No matter how hard I try I can’t get a grip on anything. I’m losing myself, and I can’t get any air…but, when I’m with you, it’s like you’re my lifeline. Like, you’re air that I need to breathe. I was scared.”
“Scared of what?” You went to grab his hand, but he pulled away. You flinched, “Dex. I—”
“I was scared of hurting you. I didn’t want to pull you into this void with me. You’re a really good girl, and I need someone like you. But, maybe you were just too good. I’m not worth it. Love, I-I’m just sorry.” He exhaled harshly, trying to keep his composure. He wanted to be strong for you.
You sat back onto the wooden frame of the bench. He glanced over at you, noting your shift in posture—it was as if you had lost your light. “Dex, can I tell you something?” His silence was a response in itself. “I normally don’t like being called my stage name out in public. It never felt natural to take it outside of my work. You know, when I’m called by that, it’s usually followed by a command or a back-handed compliment or even a dirty comment. Love was never kind to me.” You sucked in a breath, “But with you, it feels different. It feels..good. You brought a whole new meaning to that name. It’s like a nickname. It has a purpose, a story, like I’m art.” Dex blossomed with every word that was coming out of your perfect mouth. “Dex, I guess what I’m trying to say is that you make me feel safe.” You looked over at him to find Dex looking back intently.
He wanted to move closer to you so he could cup your cheeks and bring your lips to his. He wanted to run his hands down your neck until they reached your waist. He knew how right you would feel in his arms, his hands, in between his fingers.
“And, while we’re being honest… It hurt when you left that night. I thought I meant enough to you that I could at least have an explanation.” You sniffled, looking away to keep the tears from falling.
“Love…” Dex was speechless, but he wanted to make things right. He needed you. Most importantly, you needed him. “Love, I..that was never my intention. I never wanted to hurt you. It hurt me just as much that night. I don’t know how I can make it up to you…but, please, if you give me the chance. I’m sorry.”
You took the leap and scooted closer to him. You couldn’t stand the distance between the two of you. You longed for his cold touch, his warm stature, his steady arms. You took the liberty and rested your head on his shoulder, prompting him to make room for you. He lifted his arm and placed it around you, letting his own head fall on top of yours. This felt right—heck, it was perfect. Dex wanted to live in this position for the rest of his life, “I’m so so sorry. Please don’t leave me. You’re everything to me.”
You configured yourself to look at him properly, “Dex, I forgive you. You need to trust me. I’m not going anywhere.” You promised.
Dex glanced down at you, fully taking you in. Sunlight shaded your eyes in such a way that made it impossible to focus on anything else. His heart sped up as his gaze drank the rest of your face. He gently placed a hand on your cheek, using his finger to trace your profile—from the height of your cheekbones to your bottom lip. His thumb lightly brushed against your lips before resting on your chin. Your breath trembled as he pulled your face upward to kiss you.
Dex’s hand floated up to your face, pressing his lips against yours without hesitation. His lips were warm and soft, a complete contrast to his chilling touch. You could taste your shared breath, inducing you to deepen the kiss. At this moment, it was just the two of you. The sounds of New York never ceased��the cars honking, a police siren blaring past, live music playing from a restaurant nearby. Nothing else mattered. Everything else in the world faded away because he was so transfixed on breathing you in. The kiss was dizzying but healing. Butterflies danced in your stomach because everything about this felt right. Being with Dex was right. You didn’t need anything else. Dex didn’t want anything else other than you.
Breathing deeply, Dex nudged his nose against yours and tried to calm his flustered heart. Your hands had traveled to the hand resting on his lap. Without any thought, you guided his free hand to rest on your thigh. You didn’t let go; instead, you held onto him. Dex ran his thumb along the inner stitches of your pants, ruffling the fabric and your own breathing. For once in his life, Dex felt relaxed. He could feel his cheeks flushing red, his heartbeat beating itself out of his chest. Time stopped, but he never ceased the relentless attention he had on you. You invaded all his senses, and he understood that you made him feel just as safe. This was all he’s ever wanted. Dex reluctantly pulled away, the two of you breathing heavily but happily. “I was lost without you.” Dex rested his forehead against yours, “Thank you for finding me.”
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Damn girl, are you the internet? Cause imma monitor that ass all day
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everlastingdreams · 5 years
Dex X Reader: Sugar Crush Chapter 28
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Summary: Reader moves into the same building as one Agent Poindexter. A bond starts to grow between them. Can the reader move on after a traumatic past ‘relationship’ ?
Chapter: 28/28
Trigger Warning: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse ! YES this one will come with trigger warnings. I tried not to post too much into detail stuff but this entire thing comes with a trigger warning !
Word Count:  1742 words
Dex sat in the emergency room, waiting for news. He didn't know how long he had been there, minutes, hours..
It felt like days. Like eternity. But at the seem time it felt like time had stopped to exist. The voices screaming in his head, whispers crawled their way through the screams. He held his head in his hands as he tried to breath.
A voice broke through his train of thought. He looked up for only a second to see that Ally stood there, next to her an older woman.
Ally said something to to woman before she walked up to Dex and plopped down in the chair next to him.
“Any news yet ?” she sounded as tired as he was.
He just shook his head.
“Grandma brought me here. The FBI wants to talk to me again about what happened.” Ally tried to get a conversation.
“Just tell them what you know. It will be fine, kid.” he told her.
“I wanted to help her.. looks like I ended up being the one to get her killed.” Ally looked down at her feet.
Dex looked at her now “She's not dead.” not yet, he thought to himself “And you didn't cause this, kid. Reed shot her. (y/n) just..”
“Yeah... she always helps everyone.” she said quietly “She was trying to escape when I bumped into her. She told me something.. something involving you.”
Dex looked at her with interest “What did she say ?”
“She said Wilson Fisk told Reed where she was, Fisk wanted her dead because she knows you.” Ally explained.
Dex looked away from her as he processed the new information. Fisk had tried to twist his mind, tried to get him to believe that society would never accept someone like him. He didn't believe one word of the bullshit he was trying to sell him, in the past he might have but since meeting you he was more confident. Fisk must have found out about your existence, must have seen you as a block in his plans.
“She said that ?” Dex asked Ally for confirmation.
Ally nodded “ What does Fisk want with you ?”
Dex didn't answer as he stood up from the chair, ignoring her question “Will you and your grandmother stay here ? I'll be back soon.”
Ally looked at him suspiciously “Yeah.. but.. what are you going to do ?”
“Just.. stay. Please ? ” he kept his voice in control “And uh... let's keep this information between us, alright ?”
“Okay..” Ally watched him walk away, unaware of his intentions.
O o o o o oo OOO Oooo o o o o o oo ooo OO oo o oOO OoO O O Oo O O oOO O oo
Light made it's way to your eyes when you opened them and you groaned at the sight, you already felt dizzy.
Ally jumped up from the chair and placed her hands on your arm excitedly “Oh my god ! I thought you were dead.”
You couldn't believe Ally was alive, you wondered if you had died.
“But... Shaw.. he shot you..” your head was hurting with questions.
She quickly shook her head “No ! No, the fed shot that asshole. He's dead.”
“DEX?!” you asked in shock not knowing how to interprent that.
“What ? OH NO I MEAN SHAW. Shaw is dead. Dex shot him. He saved us, well the FBI showed up as well because I borrowed some stuff from that Nadeem guy and guess he was salty..” she trailed off.
“Borrowed, huh ?” you picked up on that “ You stole from a federal agent ?”
She shrugged her shoulders “At least it got their attention. And maybe they figured that I would try and help you. Could be why they showed up.”
You tried to sit up in the bed but winced in pain when you did “Ah shit.” your hand went to your side.
“Oh yeah. And you got shot.” she stated the obvious.
“Gross.” you said and she let out a laugh.
“It looked worse with all the blood though. The fed almost lost it, he prevented you from bleeding out.” Ally sat down on the side of the bed now. “I thought you were going to die. So did he. He doesn't know you're awake yet. He left a while ago. I thought he'd be back by morning but..”
You couldn't imagine what Dex must have been through when he found you bleeding out on the ground. He had saved you, you would have bled out without him.
“I'm sure he'll be here soon, looks like he's pretty in love with you.” Ally tried to lift your spirits.
You nodded and gave a small smile “You said your dad was shot ? Did he...” you left the question open.
She shook her head “No. He uh.. he woke up. The doctor's say that it'll be a while before he will be back to normal. I'm staying with my grandma Nancy in the meantime.”
Your eyes widened “Nancy is your grandmother ? Bob... damnit.. Shaw destroyed everything.”
“Not everything.” Ally corrected you and you took her hand, giving it a squeeze.
A knock on the door made Ally jump of the bed, before someone would enter.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw who it was. Even in his tired state he still stole your heart.
“Dex !” you smiled brightly. He seemed amazed that you were awake, or alive even.
He took two big paces and he was by your side “(y/n) ! You scared the hell out of me.” his hand cupped your cheek before he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Well, in case you need me.” Ally pointed to the door “I'll be outside.” she said as she walked to the door.
“I thought...” Dex pinched the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath “I thought I was too late..”
You shook your head as you grabbed hold of his hand and brushed your thumb over it “None of this was your fault, Dex. On the contrary you and Ally... you saved me. I thought I wasn't going to survive this time. That Shaw would have dragged me to the other side of the world, that the nightmare would start all over again..”
"I'd never let that happen. I would never let him get away. Even if it took me all my life." he was serious as he said it "Besides, you're the only one who has the recipe to those waffles."
You breathed and laughed lightly at his comment "Yeah. I'm still taking that to my grave, Dex."
He nodded "I know. But not anytime soon.”
You knew you still had to tell him what Shaw had told you “Dex.. he told me something while I was with him in the house.”
Dex raised a brow as he waited for you to speak.
“He told me Wilson Fisk wanted me dead, that me being alive and around you was a torn in Fisk's plan. I've only heard Shaw mention Fisk once before.. he did some dirty work for him. Why is Fisk doing this ?”
Dex avoided your eyes, suddenly becoming nervous “He..uh.. he tried to make me believe things.”
“What kind of things ?” you pressed the question.
Dex shook his head as he took hold of your hand with his own “He wanted me to believe that society would never accept someone like me.”
You let out a breath, he looked so tired “He's wrong, Dex. I know you, I know that there is so much more to you then what you believe. You told me I was special to you.” he looked at you now “But you are special to me too.” you smiled at him.
He let out a soft chuckle, his features softening “You don't have to be afraid anymore. He'll never hurt you or threaten you again.”
You were confused now, had the FBI found out about Fisk's plans already ? Had they moved him back to prison ? “Did Ally tell you this already ? Does this mean Fisk is back in prison ?”
He avoided your gaze again and this time you took note of it “He was found dead this morning. You're safe now.”
The way he said it, cold, emotionless.. you knew.
“Dead ?” you repeated his words.
He gave a nod “They found him in the penthouse. They have no leads, but a guy like that had many enemies.”
You just nodded.
You knew.
“When did it happen ?” you asked.
“Couple of hours ago.” he answered and looked at you.
He knew that you knew.
You squeezed his hand “Guess the city, or even the world is now safer without him or Shaw in it.”
Dex smiled for a second before he cleared his throat “The FBI still wants to take your statement about Shaw. Ally's too.”
“I'll make sure to help her remember the important things.” you told him, hinting at the fact that you sure ass hell weren't going to sell him out.
“She's a smart kid.” He said with a smirk.
“Was that a compliment ? I should tell her that.” you joked and he almost rolled his eyes.
He chuckles “Smart apart from the fact that she stole from Ray.”
“Well, technically that does make her smart. She was able to borrow things out of his pocket unnoticed.” your voice was sarcastic.
He smirked at you “Since when do you support thieves ?” a playfull glint in his eyes.
“Since they save my life.” you shrugged your shoulders and giggled. “Sometimes we have to do something bad, sometimes it's the only option to stay safe. As long as we don't start to see it as the only way, there is still hope.” your words were heavy, Dex must have understood way you had said it as he nodded in agreement. “I won't give up on you. I see the good in you.”
His eyes were soft and for a moment he looked so peacefull. He leaned closer to you and his lips brushed against yours.
“I love you.” it was as if the words had escaped him, as if they were hanging on his lips ready to be spoken. There was still uncertainty in his eyes when he looked at you.
You could only smile brightly “I love you too.”
Tag list for this series (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list :) ) :
@givemeabite @aquietfortitudeandstrength @missminx1993 @fuchsiagrasshopper@legion-18 @love-mia-marisol @star-spangled-man @bilson-bethel @peterbxrnes@burningmusicmachine @xxemoluverxx @queenselana @superflashvengers@marvelmayo @qrangcr
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trashmouth-tozier89 · 4 years
Welcome to the Loser’s Club Asshole - Ch. 1 | F O U R
warnings: swearing, pretty disgusting stuff (dead bodies) , angst, pretty sad stuff but the next chapter will be worse
word count: 4,748
pairing: richie tozier x reader, platonic!losers x reader
a/n -  fourth chapter in and y/n finally gets her encounter with pennywise... also she takes a big step with richie!! this is quite a big chapter for y/n, so pay close attention and more importantly... enjoy!! 
If you wish to be added to the taglist, send in an ask or pop it in the comments! :)
taglist: @grapesauze​
Welcome to the Losers Club Asshole! Masterlist
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Y/N had never been one for swimming. She hadn’t grown up around the ocean, or even swimming pools; there was a quarry on the other side of her hometown, but the idea of swimming in polluted water never appealed to her and her friends. Especially after her father’s accident.
So, of course, hearing that the boys wanted to spend the rest of their afternoon at the quarry swimming didn’t exactly have her jumping for joy. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t go though; they were the only friends she had made so far, and ditching them on their first official ‘hang out’ together wouldn’t have been a good first impression.
As the rest of the boys planted their bikes firmly on the ground, Stanley propping his up with the stand, Y/N had already made her way over to the edge of the cliff. She stared down at the gentle waters below, gulping at the thought of having to jump, beginning to nervously bite her lip. Richie seemed to sense Y/N’s hesitation, as he glanced over at the girl as he began to remove his shirt; “what’s wrong?” he mumbled, not wanting to catch the attention of the other boys who were currently arguing with Eddie about the health risks of going swimming.
“Uh… nothing” she muttered, eyes not even flicking towards the boy who was now stood at her side, also looking over the edge. He had a wide grin on his face, full to the brim with excitement and exhilaration. She needed to come up with an excuse believable enough so that she didn’t have to dip even her pinkie toe into that water; “I just, um- I can’t swim”
“You can’t swim?” Stan piped up from where he was stood, making Y/N jump as she hadn’t realised she had said it loud enough for them to hear. The glares coming from the boys felt like it was burning into her skin, as she tried to explain.
“W-we didn’t have anywhere to swim back in my hometown, so I-I never learnt. Sorry, I should’ve told you before I dragged myself out here” she explained, earning small nods from all the boys except Richie, who wasn’t sure whether he believed her or not. He saw the look on her face, and that was a look of fear; he would never confront her about it though, the last thing he’d want to do was make her uncomfortable.
“It’s n-n-no problem Y/N. There’s a p-p-path leading down to those rocks, if you’d rather just sit there for a while? W-we probably won’t be in the water for too long.” Bill proposed, pointing out the edge of the water where the boys would often sit to dry off after they had been swimming. Y/N considered it; it was better than just going home, and she supposed now would be a good time to do some sketching.  
“Thanks Bill” she grinned, feeling relief wash over her with the fact the boys weren’t judging her. She played with the hem of her dress as Eddie led her back to the path; throwing her satchel over her shoulder and waving goodbye to the boys before heading down the trail. It didn’t take her long at all to get down to the spot, and by the time she arrived, the boys had only just finished stripping down to their tighty-whities. She giggled at the sight, settling herself down on the edge of a rock comfortably and unclipping her satchel to pull out her sketchbook. She was rather glad she didn’t want to swim, considering the day was a perfect one for sketching.
Before she began to let her imagination run free, her eyes drifted up to the 5 boys who were still stood at the top of the cliff, partaking in a loogie contest which Richie was sure to win. Everyone knows it’s about distance, not mass. Who care how cool it looks, if it’s green or it’s white or juicy and fat? What matter is how far it goes; that was Y/N believed anyway. Soon after watching the boys, mainly Eddie and Richie, argue about nonsense, she noticed that someone had finally made the jump; though when said person bobbed back to the surface of the water, she recognised the red hair to be that of Beverly’s.
“What the fuck?” Richie shouted, watching alongside the 4 other boys as the girl made the leap none of them had been brave enough to take yet. “Oh, holy shit! We just got showed up by a girl!”
“Do we have to do that now?” Stan mumbled; he had already been nervous to do the jump in the first place, but after watching Bev, he was now even more uncertain of performing the feat. Maybe he should’ve just joined Y/N where she was perched near the bottom? Though, the other boys seemed just as nervous, but they knew they’d look like absolute pussies if they didn’t. Eddie answered almost immediately, as if it were obvious; “Yes!”
“Come on!” They heard the feminine voice of Beverly come from the below waters, so they at least knew she was alive and hadn’t drowned. Ben waved down at the girl, while Stanley simply mumbled an “oh shit” with a petrified expression on his face. He was extremely close to backing out, until Bill took the first step and jumped down to where Beverly was. Which meant there was absolutely no way they could back out now, so one by one they joined.
Before they knew it, they were all together in the water and splashing about with the widest grins on their faces. Bill suggested a game of chicken, and so Beverly mounted his shoulders and Eddie on Ben’s, Stan spotting the two on top to ensure neither got hurt in the process. Richie, however, stood away from the group with his eyes on something much different; it hadn’t taken long for his gaze to fall onto Y/N where she had sat perched on the rocks in the distance. He watched the way she focused on her art, drawing as if the ideas were just flowing through her; he wished he could have a talent like that. No, all Richie was good at was annoying people. Y/N had decided drawing the scenery before her was something she hadn’t tried, but would like to; she was used to drawing smaller things like birds or insects because she found she was best at capturing the finer details they carried. However, the sight of the quarry sparked something of inspiration in the girl, and she was stirred into a world of art before she knew it.
After about 20 minutes, Y/N’s hand had begun to cramp from the constant movements, and smudges of lead pencil coated the side of her hand. She was happy enough with the sketch to say it was done; she could always go back to it and add more later on. Nevertheless, the girl was eager to take advantage of the summer weather and so she took to sunbathing on the towel she had brought along for some reason. Pulling her dress over her head to leave her in only her underwear, she put her sunglasses on to protect her eyes and lay down. She hadn’t been aware of the eyes which were staring her down; Richie couldn’t find his voice. He felt his cheeks flush hot, and his stomach grow heavy. His heart pounded in his throat, threatening to break out; his eyes stayed locked on her. How many love songs had he heard that said, “She takes my breath away”? Now that line made a lot sense to him. He couldn’t comprehend the feelings taking over his brain; he hadn’t felt anything like it before. Sure, he thought girls were hot, and he found his cheeks blushing when his hand would brush against someone else’s, and sometimes he’d even stutter on his words when a girl asked him the answer to a question in class; but he was a teenage boy with a penis going through puberty, of course he got overwhelmed from time to time. But it was never this intense; he hadn’t ever looked at a girl in this way. Looked at a girl as if he was in love with her. No Richie, he thought, there’s no way!
The boy was pulled out of his thoughts by the sensation of something nipping at his ankle; “Ah fuck! What was that?” he yelped out, catching the attention of the rest of the group who had been too distracted to notice he had zoned out moments before; “Something just touched my foot right here!”
Both Richie and Stanley ducked their heads under the water to see if they could spot the mystery creature, but they were unsuccessful. Eddie tried to help too, asking “where are we looking” and Richie had tried to point it out to the small boy but they couldn’t see anything for the life of them.
Bill ducked under too, and was quick to notice exactly what it was; “It’s a turtle!”
This here’s a tale for all the fellas
Tryin’ to do what those ladies tell us
Get shot down cause ya over-zealous
Play hard to get females get jealous
Y/N wasn’t sure at what point the Beverly had lay beside her and began sunbathing, as she had been dozing off for the past 10 minutes; the beams of the sun were surprisingly relaxing. Thankfully, one member of the group had brought a radio, which was currently playing Young MC’s Bust a Move; one of Y/N’s personal favourites. She had soon found herself mouthing along to song, unaware of the fact she didn’t know every word because that didn’t matter.
Her h/c hair had splayed over her shoulders and her skin almost sparkled in the sunlight. A deep curve on her lips made the world stop around her; she has a smile that makes you feel happy about being alive. She was lay on her front, a novel in hand as she scanned the page to find where she had previously been after getting distracted by the music.
Okay smarty, go to a party
Girls are scantily clad and showin’ body
A chick walks by you wish you could sex her
But you're standing on the wall like you was Poindexter
Y/N was yet to notice the sharp glares of the boys, as she had found herself too caught up in the pages of her book. Richie couldn’t tear his eyes from the girl lay in front of him; none of the boys could divert their gaze from the pair really. Stan kept glaring at the boy who had to keep pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose; he couldn’t stop thinking about what Y/N had told him just the night before. She hadn’t had a conversation with Stan about her so-called crush on Richie since then, and so Stan was yet to have the chance to apologise for making her feeling bad. He just didn’t expect someone like Y/N to like someone like Richie. The boys, not used to seeing girls in nothing but their underwear, all sat eyes wide and mouth ajar while admiring the girls; though Richie only had eyes for Y/N and was finding it difficult to disengage his attention.
Next days function high class luncheon
Food is served and you’re stone-cold munchin’
Music comes on people start to dance
But then you ate so much you nearly split your pants
It wasn’t until Y/N started to feel herself getting cramp in her neck from the awkward position that she noticed the boys staring at her. A smirk growing on her face, she began to turn around to watch the boys scuttle around eyes wide, some coughing awkwardly, attempting to make it seem like they hadn’t spent the past 5 minutes preoccupied by the sight of the half-naked girls. Both Y/N and Beverly glanced at each other and chuckled, before propping themselves up onto their elbows to face the rest of the group.
Richie was almost certain he’d been caught checking Y/N out, if not by her by Stan. Thankfully, he distracted himself when he caught sight of Ben’s backpack open, digging his hand in to realise it was probably full of school stuff; he announced to the rest of the group in a comedic voice “News flash Ben, school’s out for summa’”
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle at the boy, never getting tired of his ridiculous voices and impressions which nobody else found funny; Stan noticed the way he blushed almost immediately, and he would’ve questioned it if Ben hadn’t but in; “Oh that? That’s not school stuff.”
“Who sent you this?” Richie chuckled, a humoured smirk growing on his face as he pulled out a small postcard from the bottom of the bag. He looked to Ben, wiggling his eyebrows up and down teasingly.
“No one! Give it-“ Ben insisted, snatching the card out of Richie’s hand before he had the chance to read it and shoving it back into the bottom of the backpack. The smile failed to fall from Richie’s face as he pulled out a book, filled with old newspaper articles about the Black Spot explosion; it was titled “Easter Explosion Kills 88 Children, 102 Total”.
“What’s with the history project?” Richie questioned, furrowing his brows as he read through the first few lines of the article. Y/N had found herself growing curious at what the boy was reading about, so she pulled herself to her feet and went to sit on the rock between Richie and Stan. Richie gulped slightly as he processed the proximity of the girl, her leaning over him to look at the paper intently before paying attention to what Ben was saying
“Oh, when I first moved here, I didn’t have anyone to hang out with, so I just started spending time in the library” Ben explained, earning a snigger from Richie.
“You went to the library? On purpose?” Richie asked, sounding completely serious with the question. Y/N took a little offence by this as she had always been an avid reader, and the library was one of her personal favourite places to go. She nudged him lightly, scolding him; “Some people enjoy going to the library, Richie!”
“Why? It’s all just books and… well, more book” Richie pointed out, earning an eye roll from Ben and the girl. He stared at them in utter bewilderment.
“That’s the whole point Richie; maybe if you’d learn to actually read, you’d realise it can actually be interesting”
“Oh, I wanna see” Beverly changed the subject, jumping to her feet and grabbing the folder out of Richie’s hand. Sitting beside Bill, she handed it to him without noticing the way his eyes followed her as she sat, his throat bobbing up and down to clear his throat.
“What’s the Black Spot?” Stanley asked, considering he hadn’t had the chance to properly read the paper.
“The Black Spot was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by that racist cult” Eddie explained.
“The what?” Y/N questioned at the same time as Stan; they were both clueless at this point.
“Don’t you watch Geraldo?” Eddie questioned, and at the sight of Y/N’s head shaking he gasped, pressing a hand to his chest in a joking manner as if he had been wounded. The couple chuckled softly, Y/N shoving Eddie’s shoulder gently; Richie watched on at the interaction with a pit of jealousy growing in his stomach.
“Y-y-y-your hair…” a soft voice pulled them out of their interaction, turning to see two pairs of eyes gazing intently at the redhead; Ben and Bill. As Y/N managed to match the voice to Bill after a few seconds (thanks to the stutter), she let a small smile perk up on her cheek; there was something going on between those two. It was obvious Bill wasn’t going to finish his sentence as about 10 seconds of silence passed by, finally being filled by Ben perking into the conversation; “Your hair is beautiful, Beverly”
“Oh” Beverly smiled at the boys compliment; “Right. Thanks”
There was a hanging tension between Bill and Ben, as Ben grinned towards the ground bashfully; Y/N could tell from the moment Bev joined the group that Bill had something of a crush on the girl, and so she wanted to investigate into a little further. Perhaps it was to take her mind off her own problems with Richie, but that didn’t need mentioning. Richie was beginning to feel awkward, staring at the two infatuated boys who were practically pining over Bev. “Here, pass it” he snapped his fingers, holding his palm out flat for Bill to pass the folder back over. Once having received it, he reopened and scanned the page.
“Why’s it all murders and missing kids?” Richie questioned, passing it to Stan and Eddie so they could read it too.
“Derry’s not like any town I’ve ever been in before. They did a study once and it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average,” Ben explained, not noticing the way their eyes all widened at the statement.
“You read that?” Beverly asked, while the rest shared worried looks. It wasn’t difficult to realise that the conversation had taken a turn for the worse, yet Ben still continued.
“And that’s just grown-ups. Kids are worse; way, way worse” Ben said as Y/N and Richie locked eyes; she gulped loudly at the thought and he could see the ounces of worry in her eyes.
“Well that’s great, my mum decides to move to the one town I could realistically die in” she mumbled, feeling her palms grow sweaty at the notion; this was not what she expected to come from her first summer in Derry. She felt a hand place itself on hers, shooting her head up at the source; Richie. “I-I won’t let that happen.”
Usually Richie would make a joke at this point, or a snide remark about how pathetic Y/N was being; that was if it was any other member of the club. Considering he could tell how spooked she really was, and he felt a little unsettled too, he wasn’t in much mood for jokes. Y/N searched his eyes for any sign of sarcasm or humour laced in his intentions, before nodding slowly and letting the corners of her lips curve up slightly; he meant it.
“I’ve got more stuff, if you want to see it?” Ben suggested, more enthusiastic than everyone else combined. Eddie was quick to deny it, shaking his head as his eyes scanned his friends. They were hesitant, but they knew it would probably be better to know it all than be in the blue. The group packed their stuff away, getting dressed and heading back to where their bikes were left. Eddie was ranting to Y/N about the dangers of grey-water, which she found ironic considering the boy had been swimming in quarry water only an hour ago, when she realised she had forgotten to pack her sketchbook back into her backpack.
“O-oh, guys, I think I left my sketchbook behind. I’ll catch up with you!” Y/N shouted out from the back of the group, watching as they all turned and nodded at her words before continuing their walk to where they had left their bikes. Believing nobody was going to follow behind her, Y/N went in the opposite direction, back to the spot where the group had been sat only minutes ago. She could spot the pastel yellow sketchbook from almost a mile away, and considering she didn’t want to completely lose the others (she didn’t have a clue where Ben lived), she almost raced over to the sketchbook. Placing it in her red satchel hanging over her shoulder, she went to turn away and catch up with the boys, who’s heads were now only just bobbing out of sight; that was, until she heard a voice from behind her.
“Y/N” the voice almost choked out, sounding as if its mouth was gargling ounces of water. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed almost immediately, confused considering there hadn’t been anyone there before. Not wanting to turn around, afraid of the possibility that there was a random homeless man who had followed her back down to the quarry, she brushed it of as just her imagination. It was just her imagination. “Y/N…?” ‘
That stopped her in her tracks; the voice had become clearer, as if the water had drained out of their mouth, and she knew that voice. She could’ve recognised that voice anywhere. Her whole body turned at the speed of lightning, eyes brimming with tears at the sight before her; “D-dad?”
There stood her father, just how she remembered him; the same high-waisted chinos, which were held up by the same pair of brown suspenders. The same tacky Hawaiian shirt, which she noticed looked a lot like what Richie was wearing the day before, but green; no wonder she liked Richie’s style. The same pair of brown loafers he insisted on wearing every day, whether he left the house or not. The same thick-rimmed glasses he would wear when sat at the dining table with the newspaper and a coffee in his hand. The same bushy moustache which would always tickle her cheeks when he’d give her a small kiss goodnight. It was all the same, except he looked exactly the way he should’ve; a corpse.
The corpse was almost devoid of skin and pitted by burrowing sea insects, and Y/N almost had to turn away as her stomach heaved, nostrils filled with the smell of rotting meat. The clothes were ripped to shreds, drenched in saltwater and algae just like the rest of it. Froth emerged from the corners of its mouth and nose, the sound of spit almost becoming worse than the smell. Its hands were almost down to the bone, the tissues having turned into grave wax, and the greenish black skin blistering over. She didn’t know what this was, but it wasn’t her dad, her dad was dead.
“Y/N, my sweet” The voice choked out, if you could even call it that, it hardly sounded like words. It was as if its lungs were full to the brim with water. She didn’t understand what was happening; what was this thing and why did it know her name? “I’ve missed you”
“What the fuck are you?” She almost yelled out, wanting to back away from the sight before her, but she found herself almost frozen in place; she felt paralysed with fear. Her eyes brimmed with bitter tears threatening to spill as the thing began approaching her slowly. It wasn’t even walking; it was floating through the surface of the water; the hand reached out to grab her own.
“Why, Y/N, you know who I am.” It spoke, so calmly she couldn’t quite help but believe maybe it wasn’t dangerous.
“Y-you’re not my d-dad. He’s dead” She tried to convince it, when really she was only trying to convince herself that this wasn’t real; it couldn’t be real. There was absolutely no way this was real… right?
“Oh, dear, don’t you think I know that. And let’s not forget who’s fault that is” he chuckled at her expense, watching as her head shot up at his words in shock. “Don’t look so shocked, we both know it was your fault. You did this to me, you’re the reason I died that day at the quarry” his voice became louder and harsher with every word, his hand now grasping the collar of her dress so tightly that she was struggling to breath.
“I-I didn’t do anything! I didn’t know!” Y/N defended herself, but her voice came out as mere wheezes, the tears pouring down her cheeks.
“Such a shitty excuse for a daughter, aren’t you? You left me to die, and so now you’ll be next. Come join me, Y/N, come join your old man. You’ll float, float just like the rest of us” he spat, face mere inches away from hers. She tried to fight back, kicking and punching at the monster that wasn’t budging at all.
“D-dad, stop!” she cried out, gaining nothing but a laugh. It wasn’t her dad’s laugh though, it wasn’t the monsters laugh. It had risen in pitch, morphed into laughter that Y/N didn’t recognise. Her scrunched eyes burst open to see a clown, replacing the corpse that was once there. Its grin was wide, rows of razor-sharp teeth sticking out, and eyes an unnatural orange colour. Before Y/N could scream, the clown spoke up.
“You'll float down here. We all float down here.” The clown teased, and in a split second the two were dunked into the deep waters of the quarry. Before she could surface to catch her breath, darkness had enveloped her. The water began to close in around her, filling her with a deep dread. She tried to hold her breath for as long as she could, but it ended up being too long. Red and black splotches danced in front of her eyes and she couldn't really tell if her eyes were opened or closed at that point. The coldness she had felt upon entering the water was completely gone; a desperate hot wave had washed over her, warming even her frosted toes. Her heart was beating rapidly in panic, the urgency for air was more apparent than ever before. There weren't red speckles in her field of vision anymore; it had become all black.
She opened her mouth, gasping for air. She revelled in the sensation of fresh air filling her lungs, rather than the salty, polluted water she had tasted only seconds before. Her vision was still blurred, but she could tell she wasn’t submerged anymore, as the bright light hit her eyes faster than she’d have liked; though she couldn’t have complained. Her ears felt clogged, all sound around her was extremely muffled; she could barely make out the begs and pleads coming from the figure in front of her. Wait; there was a figure in front of her?
“Y/N, breathe… say something… come on, say something”
As her eyes began to zoom back into focus, she could just about make out the shape of the body before her; it was wearing a green shirt over white, what seemed to be patterned grey shorts, and thick-rimmed glasses which sat across the bridge of its bright red nose. Her mind immediately drew back to the rotting body which lured her into the water, and how much it resembled whatever was before her now. With as much strength as she had, she attempted crawling backwards away from it only to find she couldn’t, as her back was perched against the rock ledges. Her hoarse voice screamed out; “get away from me! Leave me alone! I can’t-”
“Y/N, it’s me! Stop moving around, you’re going to hurt yourself; it’s me!” The voice shouted over her, clamping its hands down on her shoulder so that she would stop moving; he was afraid she’d bang her head on a rock or scrape her knees. The girl didn’t calm, still having trouble identifying the individual as anything but the monster; “what do you want with me? What are you?”
“Y/N calm down, please!” he pleaded, feeling tears brim in his own eyes at the sight of the girl in such distress. As she shivered vigorously, she felt herself losing energy being wasted on trying to escape, so she calmed herself and focused on getting her vision to return. Tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, she slowly began to recognise the person as not her dad, not the clown or the monster, but someone she was much happier to see.
“R-Richie?” she croaked out, launching her whole body forward to wrap him in a swaddle of her arms and chest; she was soaking wet and absolutely freezing, but the boy couldn’t care less.  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. She sunk into the warmth of his side, finally feeling a sense of comfort.
Then it dawned on Y/N; Richie had rescued her, pulled her out the water and saved her from drowning. He didn’t let her die.
He kept his word.
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A/N guys i imagine y/n’s drawing to look something like this ^^
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persephonesinfernos · 4 years
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so I reached 100 followers and I’m over the moon! thanks so much guys, you cannot imagine how honoured I am that you are enjoying my content and decide to interact with me. so to thank you and give back to all of you, I decided to do a little celebration post. I will write a little something for any of you that follow the rules that I will post below, so let me know if any wants a drabble or oneshot (depends on my imagination and most of all, my inspiration).
mbf your neurotic bitch. 
reblog this post.
not a req but check my masterlist.
send me  ✨ with a character you’d like for me to write something and give me a general theme (bucky barnes and angst/dean winchester soulmate/ben poindexter happiness).
characters I’ll write for: seb stan, bucky barnes, dean winchester, wade kinsella, ben poindexter, tony stark, sam wilson, stiles stilinski, natasha romanoff, the mando, seth cohen.
if you want any other character not mentioned above, just let me know and if I feel any type of connection/attachment to them, I’ll write for them but if not, I’ll let you know.
send me an ask with all the info before 12nd december.
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takenbypeter · 4 months
Take You Away
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 817
Author’s note: work was kinda stressful today so I whipped this up because I literally hate my life when I’m at work. Also prompt was given to me a few weeks back, “…sorry I talked too much.” “No no no not at all. Keep talking.” From @bullseye-devil
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“I swear I’m going to kill someone,” you growled practically belly flopping onto Dex’s couch the moment you arrived. 
While Dex hated when you were upset he loved when you talked like that, it made his own frustrations feel normal. 
You rolled onto your side, clenching and unclenching your teeth. Dex didn’t say a word as he occupied himself in making you both a drink. 
“I really don’t think I can take it anymore. If I stay at this job I’m either going to kill myself or kill someone else.”
Finishing up the last stir, he listens as you continue ranting, in all honesty Dex doesn’t know how you do it. He knows he couldn’t do it, all the fake smiles, all the greetings and small talk. It didn’t matter if it was a coffee shop, fast food place or a diner, any of it would drive him out of his mind. 
“All the people there are nice but they just use and use, and I feel like the only reason I’m there is so they can slack on their own job.” 
He tapped the spoon he used to stir your drinks three times against the rim before rinsing it under the water and rubbing soap against it. 
Only when he was done did he grab his own mug and the mug that he kept just for you and walked over to you on the couch. 
At the overcast of his figure you move your legs to open a spot for him to sit and when you do you finally notice the mug he has outreached towards you. 
With a small smile and thanks you take the cup and your hands immediately warm up. Bringing the cup to your face the steam warms your cheeks as you blow on it before taking a sip. 
Hot chocolate, your favorite. 
“Sorry, I talk too much,” you said, realizing you’ve been doing most of the chattering.
”No, no, no, not at all. Keep talking.”
So you did so.
“On hot days the customers are rude, on rainy days it’s too busy…” you set the cup on the coaster Dex had already prepared on the table, before finishing that sentence, “I really don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.”
You had been looking for a new job for weeks but it was hard when all you heard back was, ‘looking for someone with more experience.’ 
You shut your eyes for a moment, and took one more sip of the chocolate, feeling that warmth hit your chest again. Yeah that hit the spot. 
“Well…” you heard Dex’s voice for the first time since you started your angry spiel. “…quit. I can take care of you until then.” Dex figured it was a good idea he made enough money for the both of you. 
You blinked a few times at the proposal before shaking your head, “are you kidding me? I couldn’t ask that of you, I have bills to pay and rent. Absolutely not.” You denied. But then he said something you would’ve never expected to hear from him. 
“Move in.”
The sentence hit you hard in the stomach as you felt a rush of unease sting your chest. 
Dex himself didn’t even expect those words to come out of his mouth, he was as surprised as you were. 
“Move in?…” you repeated, “…you don’t mean that,” you said with a singular laugh. 
Your eyes were still wide as you anticipated his answer, sure the thought was compelling but he didn’t mean it, did he?
In actuality he did. He really did. This step in the relationship was something he actually had been wanting to ask for a while now. It made sense to him, you were already practically living together. If you weren’t at his place, he was at yours. 
But he could tell by the look of apprehension on your face that you didn’t seem as into the idea as he was. 
“Of course I mean that—ahem—I mean—“ Dex’s mind scrambled for some sort of excuse. Panic rose into his chest at the thought of rejection that he expected to come next. His throat was drying up. “—if you want to, that is.”
You sat for a moment replaying what Dex just proposed, were you ready for this? Your thoughts rang the same as his realizing you were basically living together anyways. 
With a few blinks from you, you finally gave a response, “I mean sure!…If that’s what you want,” you added, copying his words and tone from earlier. 
Dex’s expression finally relaxed, but you threw a finger up at him, “but obviously I’m not taking your money. For now my job is fine.”
Dex could argue against that but for now he was satisfied with what came from all this. 
He sends a little smile in your direction before leaning closer, “for now.”
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 4 years
Moon River 2.0
If you prefer to read on ao3 the link is here
Butch had undoubtedly sprained his ankle; the mild caution in his step had given it away.  Dedicated to making matters worse, he  kept his usually flippant mouth shut about  the pulled joint even with Grayditch, by then, miles behind them.Viola deferred his much needed chiding in favor  of hammering her fist on the door to her  happy place, a dream land where she didn’t have to deal with his screw ups.
Frustrated was too gentle a word to describe her feelings about their predicament.  Sure, no one wanted to admit that the first thing they did when they saw a fire ant was shriek then ragdoll fling themselves in the opposite direction—But that was the most common reaction. Those incendiary pests made even the most skilled Wastelanders wet their pants, so a trembling valutie was no surprise. Most people understood that.  But Butch? No, not him. Of course not. Most blowhards had a problem admitting to their shortcomings and he was no exception. He was a dummy and thought that his wounded pride mattered in the Waste.
Instead of pressing him for a confession, she opted for the sit back and watch method.  If he wanted to suffer in silence like an obstinate little turd, then far be it for her to break her back trying to lend a hand.
With the way his nostrils were flared his breaking point had to be soon.
“Whys the crapshoot settlement got to be so far?”
“Yeah, got to admit—I don’t remember the walk being this long.”
“Map’s probably all wrong. Makes stuff appear to be where it ain’t.”
Viola stopped. Not hearing her steps behind him, Butch followed suit and glanced over his shoulder.
“ If the directions and the destination don’t match then maybe you’re on to something.”
He raised a brow, urging her to go on.
“Maybe Megaton got so sick of hearing you whine about it that it got up and ran.”
Butch gave a hard roll of his eyes and went back to walking, no, shuffling ahead.
“I ain’t got no time for games, girl.”
“Girl, Nosebleed, Poindexter, Wet rag. I love the  variety, but I’m sure you know I’ve got a name,” She started walking again and met his pace, “and a gun.”
She’d been threatening him with a bullet ever since she was old enough to traipse the lower parts of the Vault with Sister Beebee. Much like her single barreled friend’s Bbs, the constant shots she and Butch fired at each other could pierce through skin;often times it did. Arguments ended with balled fist and gnashed teeth. He tried to steal her sweet roll so she spat on it. He yanked her hair and called her ugly, so she got a hold of some hair removal product, walked right up to him and poured it all over his head. He ran a rumor about her and Freddie, so she told Wally about all the trips he and Susie took to closets when they thought no one was looking.  
The only reason why she hadn’t tried to kill  him was because he would try to do her in the moment he saw her coming.  Of the little pre-war history she had been taught, she remembered that something called the Nuclear Deterrence Theory followed the same  notion. One nation  would hold off on blasting another to bits for fear of a full and equal retaliation. Given the fact that they were trekking through radiated rubble, a couple of somebodies screamed “screw that” while pounding on their respective shiny red button.  Regardless, her and Butch’s civility with one another had always come down to survival, and that sentiment doubled once they no longer had the Vault’s fortified walls to protect them.  
Butch looked as if he was going to say something smart but it came out as a grunt instead.
“I think that thing back there bit my ankle.” He croaked.
“If that were the case you wouldn’t have a leg and I would’ve had no choice but to leave you to die.”
Before he could spit his usual venom, Viola offered him her shoulder to lean on. He seemed startled by it. This wasn’t the first time he’d been injured but it was definitely the first time she’d voluntarily offered to allow him to use her as balance as oppose to him just pressing his weight on her after getting fed up with the tough guy act.
He eventually gave in after she reminded him of the type of mutants that stalked around once the sun set. They made some advancements. And by some that meant none at all. She considered finding a raider camp and telling Butch to hang back while she took care of them.  The shot gun was empty so it wouldn't be an easy task. She rarely used her sniper rifle though it would be useless in close quarter combat, plus there was a reason why she didn't use it much.
She had a bat and rusty pipe. Using them in each hand would…
“Hey, Nosebleed?”
“ Whatever it is,  shorten it. Trying to figure out where we’re sleeping tonight. ”
“How long did you know about my ankle?”
“You’re an open book, Deloria.” She snorted. “Wide open.”
“Did your old man teach you how to spot stuff like that?”
Viola chewed the inside of her cheek as she eyed the dilapidated overpass ahead of them. No respite.
“Sorry.” He said sheepishly.
"No, you're good."
It wasn't like she hadn't done something similar. During her first day of her little vault rescue mission, she'd asked him about Paul.
The next few minutes of silence was unnerving. She'd rather hear Butch's mouth than to go down the rabbit hole that was her father and the pain he had inadvertently caused those in the vault.
“Why do you ask? You’re not one one to care about my home life unless it’s for ammunition.”
“Just thinking.”
“Quit that will you?  The Wastes are as  hellish enough as it is without the universe folding in on itself.”
“ Oh ho ho! You’re a real  walking stand up show ain’t you? You’ve really missed your calling. Maybe you should drop the guns and plant yourself in the Rudder. That place is rough, they could use a clown.”
If anyone was a clown it was the guy limping the way home.
She peered across the large expense to the left of her. Maybe they would be more likely to find a camp if they veered off the main path.
"I get it. Scarecrow has a  brain now and wants to think and be serious."
"What do you think our lives would be like right like if the door never opened?"
" The GOAT  sorted that out  didn’t it? You'd be a hairdresser and I'd be in Vault Management.”
“That’s not what the GOAT said.” She playfully sang.
"Forget that stupid test. If I say I'm a barber then I'm barber." He sounded like he would've shouted that if he had any energy to do so.
"Looks like you’ve got an answer to your half of the question."
"No, wait. I'm not a barber."
"You sound very confused. I’m guessing the great Oz put that brain in backwards or something."
" Forget everything. Act like the door never opened and the GOAT never existed. Where would you be?"
Viola fell into silence again, in search of an answer to his question. With putting nearly all she had into surviving the Wasteland, she only ever had time to think about lost friendships and broken bonds not the normal, ground level what could have beens. Where would she be? Not helping Butch for starters. Also, working with her father as receptionist for his medical office. After that she might have taken a part-time job helping around at the diner. There wasn't much variety in the Vault, and with certain jobs being limited to only one or two people what little options she had dwindled even further.
Butch had taken the reigns of the conversation after she had assigned herself back to searching duty. He gave a response she didn't think she'd hear: An officer.
"Don't go shooting me funny looks," He said, eyeing her as she gave him a sidelong glance.
She decided to leave that as it was, looking for a resting place and holding a serious conversation as he called it proved to be harder than she thought.
Their trek eventually led them to an abandoned campsite. There was blackened wood and a smoky aroma that indicated there was a fire not too long ago, a backpack with some sugar bombs, and canned pork and beans inside, and a note with barely legible scrawl stating to a Ben that a Ricardo, she learned from the closing statement, was going to go ahead to the old scrapyard without him, and that he should eat something before meeting up with him later and that if someone had taken the food before he got there it was his fault for not hurrying. She wouldn't touch the food left for Ben, however, the  junkyard peaked her interest. Most of the items would be picked over but Viola discovered a while ago that few Wastelanders knew that if you accumulated enough junk you could earn a decent amount of Caps.
She’d been deciding whether or she should drop Butch off at Megaton and get Dogmeat first, or try to make the quick stop to the Scrapyard before Megaton when Butch started taking dinner out from his backpack. The rotten smell of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs was enough to keep her present.
She picked up the conversation where she left it. “You rebel without a cause  types wouldn’t even waste the spit it would take to put a fire out if the thing burning happened to be some type of authority or institution. I doubt you’ve experienced any type of growth since you’ve stumbled out of the Vault.”Her gaze trailed over the length of his frame,taking in the relative newness of the jeans and white Tee he procured from Seagrave, shocked that they weren’t filthy yet.   “Imagining you willingly wearing another uniform is enough to induce  a fever dream.”
“Says you. I’ve grown plenty,”
“In the ego department, maybe.” She muttered at first then brought her voice back to a level tone.” Is this  some type of kink in your psyche? You hate what you secretly desire?”
“You calling me a boot muncher?”
“I’m saying that your sudden  judicial interests are suspect.”
“ They’re untouchable. People don’t mess with them. If someone’s stupid enough to push their luck they’ve got  three other officers there to back them up.” He managed through half chewed up deviled egg chunks.
She added her own items to their little spread: Muttfriut, Peaches,and Pinto Beans.  With his eggs and Sugar bombs they  almost had the four basic food groups, albeit the poor man’s version.
“So,” She paused, thinking, “you wanted to be a big man with legal backing, huh?  Gives credence to that one saying.”
Notwithstanding the obvious dig, He asked easily, “Yeah? What saying?”
“Bullies seek out positions of authority. Typically, the guys try to be officers and the girls go for nursing jobs. I’m a little surprised you didn’t get that as a result on the GOAT.”
Butch’s lips quirked into a stupid grin. “What’s all that make you miss Vault Managament?”
“ I’m only a partial bully and that’s thanks to you.”
“ Everything’s my fault. Right. I forgot.”
She shrugged. "You said it. Not me."
The conversation lulled as they fell to the rest of their meal. Gingerly holding a piece of Muttfruit under the fading sunlight, Butch shifted from his lazy supine  position to a full on crouch and put his nose to it. With that litmus test out the way, he nibbled on it like a molerat, sampling bite after bite, until the  full flavor zinged on his tongue. He spat the chewed mush  past his puckered lips.  Viola had gobbled down her cheekful of sugar bombs to free up space so she could tease but went for a subtle side eye last minute. Leave it to Butch to turn his nose up at something good for him.
“People move for them, you know?” He  admitted, jumping back into their intial conversation. More so to not have to take another bite than eager a need to continue their chat.
Narrowing her eyes, she said, “So you fantasize about the badge because  you have a naive fantasy about power and control.  Is that it?  You’re idea of  law  enforcement  and people in leadership explains your past behaviors a bit too well. ”
“Christ, way to miss a point. That ain’t it at all. Security has guns and stuff.”
“Weapons intimidate.  Intimation  can lead to power or control. Use your head for something besides hair gel for once.
“No, no,no-You brought up the badge, right?  That’s it.  That’s all it is.”
“I’m still not sure about what ‘it’ is.”
Butch huffed.
“Say I draw pretty picture.  Cogs in a circle. A winged sword jabbing through. You’d think..?
“Oh, an inkblot test almost.”
“A what? Quit stalling, Nosebleed.”
“The Brotherhood of Steel.  Resourceful. Altruistic. Tech-savvy. A bit frigid when it comes down to the more human side of things. Order, Structure, Chain of command—That’s them. Forming an order  and plotting ahead is smart of them. I don’t like their...well, steel but I respe--”
Butches eyes went wide and he pointed. “There.”
Viola chewed on that for a bit.   " I think I get you." She said, nodding.
Butch’s expression grew soft for split second but smoothed out and eventually went back to it’s normal wise guy grin.  
" How come I'm the only one sharing?"
" I honestly don't know what my answer would be."
" You never wanted nothing?"
She rolled the deviled egg she pilfered before Butch demolished the rest of them between her fingers.
"I remember wanting to do things that would make my father say that my mom would happy."
"And being a receptionist would have done that?"
"It did. He would tell me all the time that she would be happy that I'd taken to the working around the office. I think my mom and my dad valued my safety. That's what made them both happy. But out here safety’s luxury."
"Well, you’re not dead, stiff as a board, but not dead. I’d say you’re doing a good job of keeping yourself safe."
"Not for long. Not with all these curve balls."
They each took their turn taking watch as night fell and passed. Viola made Butch promise to wake her in case something happened and either through guilt or some form of pride he asked her to wake him if she ever got too tired.
A blinding sunlight woke Butch up.  Since she’d been out of the vault longer than he had she’d already adjusted to the wastelands rays, and simply took her pair of shades from her backpack and tolerated it on her skin.
"Wish we had something to drink." He said with sleep thick in his voice.
"I brought some purified water from home."
"Something stronger."
"That's not a good idea outside of any settlements," She shot him a withering glare," for you, I personally don’t think that's a good idea at all."
Butch grumbled, "Gimme the water then."
Butch took a three huge, loud gulps.
"I thought of something Mr. Brotch said."
Butch's crumpled his face up like she just told him she spat in his water. "Why?"
"I talked to him after the GOAT. I wasn't happy with my results—“
"—He never told me nothing like that."
"That's because he didn't like you. Look.  He told me the whole thing was a joke. And if  it is actually is joke, and we we could forgo those results then why not here?"
"No one really knows who we are out here. As long as we're not blowing towns up, we can do anything. And if we get bored we can do something else."
"Something tells me the Officer thing is a pipe dream."
“You don’t have to be an Officer. That’s not what you want. Just make some noise and people will associate you with it. I know I do.”
"Yeah, I like that. And you can make your folks happy then."
Viola decided to take Butch to Megaton first. They gathered their belongings from around the camp and continued their journey. This time Butch leaned on Viola from the start.
“Hey.” He said a little too quietly.
“Is your ankle bothering you?”
“What is it then?”
“Would you really have left me behind if I lost a leg?”
She let silence past so he would sweat some.
“No, but I would’ve given you one heck of a nickname.”
For the first time she made him rumble out in that snorting laughter only his friends back in the vault could.
*                                                  *                                                         *
A bit sentimental are ya? You might like my Young Justice(animated) fic, Game Plan, starring Wally West, long roads and glaring insecurity.
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As Imagined
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Pairing: Ben Poindexter x Reader
Warnings: Slight language.
Summary: You decide to bring Ben a quick meal during his busy work day as a security detail for Fisk.
The elevator came to a halt with a familiar ding, gently rocking the floor of the small space. The doors lined with gold parted to reveal a hallway and you stepped into it, carefully balancing the drink holder in one hand and attempting to pull out the visitors pass from your pocket. Once the card was free and in your fingers, you turned left and walked over to the FBI agent standing in front of a large metal detector. 
“State your name and business.” The guard announced as you approached. You presented the card and then the coffee and paper bag. 
“Y/n. Delivering some coffee and bagels to Agent Poindexter because my friend refuses to have lunch.” You smiled. The agent nodded and handed the key card back, extending his other hand to take the beverage from you. 
“I’ll take that in for you.” 
You pulled back and shook your head. “I’d rather give it to him myself.” 
The guard glanced back at where the agents were working and then sighed when he returned to you. 
“With the present threat of Wilson Fisk, we can’t let you in there. There’s a lot of classified intel.” He told you apologetically. 
You squinted at the agent, hoping that your charm could create a small miracle. 
“Can you at least have Dex come out here for a while? He needs a break too.” You wondered. 
The agent paused for a minute and then nodded silently. He instructed that you wait where you stood until he returned with Dex. It didn’t take long. Soon the agent had been replaced with your friend who looked at you quizzically, clearly not expecting a visit. 
“Hey.” He said rather seriously, walking over. “Is everything okay?” 
You nodded and presented the treats. Dex’s concern melted into something softer when he realised why you had come. Taking the coffee, Dex swirled it slightly and looked at you. “You shouldn’t have come here.” He reprimanded. 
You took a sip of your own drink and leaned against the corridor wall, not realising that Dex had absentmindedly mirrored your actions. 
“You should have lunch.” You countered with a smirk. Pulling out a bagel, you passed it over to the agent. Dex took a bite out of it and sipped more of the warm liquid to wash it down. 
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched him and reached up to the injuries on face, gently brushing your fingertips below the scratch on his eyebrow. 
“You’re almost healed.” 
Dex inhaled and leaned into the touch, it was his ultimate weakness. He could abandon the FBI just to have you lying beside him and absentmindedly tracing his hand against your skin.
“Dex?” You chuckled with a small squint. You were trying to bite back a laugh as his behaviour reminded you of a touch-starved puppy. 
“Did I lose you?” 
Dex opened his eyes - not realising that he had closed them - and saw you looking back. He always controlled his impulse around you but lately, Dex had been losing control of that too. 
Jerking up and off the wall, Dex accidentally pushed your hand away and cleared his throat. “I - um - I was just...”
“Hey, Poindexter!” His fellow agent called out behind him. “The shitbag’s dressed for lunch.” 
Dex glanced back at his friend. “I’ll be right there.” 
As the agent fell back into the room, Dex heard you clear your throat. 
“I should be off too.” You told him. “I just wanted to make sure you ate and that you’re okay.” 
Dex wanted to say thank you but his words had lodged in his throat. He was so nervous that he just opted to nod in response. You handed him the remainder of the bagels and patted his arms twice before heading over to the open elevator. 
You pressed a button to the lower level and waited for the doors to close. Little did you expect for a hand to pop through and force the doors to open once again. Dex slid inside before you could question him and stepped over to where you stood.
Carefully, he placed a hand over you cheek and moved closer until his lips captured yours. He wasn’t thinking about what he was doing. He was just following his feelings from a few moments ago. 
He honestly didn’t know if his feelings were being reciprocated until your hand grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him close. It was everything he had imagined.
Masterlist here
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capsironunderoos · 5 years
- Steve Rogers / Captain America
Where His Soul Feels At Home
I’m Sick
- Tony Stark / Iron Man
coming soon
- Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
The Art Teacher and The Winter Soldier (Series)
Part One - Morgan Stark’s Secret Plan
Part Two - How Full Is Your Bucket?
- Loki
Just A Dream
- Scott Lang / Ant-Man
I’ve Always Been With You
- Agent Ben Poindexter / Dex
- Han Solo
The Rescue
- Anakin Skywalker
The Reckoning
The Awakening (Part 2 of The Reckoning)
The Awakening (A Different Ending)
- Kylo Ren / Ben Solo
The Electric Blanket
- Din Djarin / The Mandalorian
Linens and Lemons
Little One (Series)
Little One - Part One: “Species Age Differently.”
Little One - Part Two: “I have spoken.”
Little One - Part Three: “This is the way.”
Dincember Prompts
Dincember Day One - Snow
Dincember Day Two - December 
Dincember Day Three - Hoth Chocolate
Dincember Day Four - Fire
Dincember Day Five - “Let It Snow”
Dincember Day Six - Please, Come Home
Dincember Day Seven - Cold
Dincember Day Eight - Blankets
- Captain Rex (The Clone Wars)
(Lil something coming soon)
The Commander and Her Captain (Series)
The Commander and Her Captain 
The Commander and Her Captain: Decisions
The Commander and Her Captain: Rescue
The Commander and Her Captain: Medic
The Commander and Her Captain: Memory
The Commander and Her Captain: Council
The Commander and Her Captain: Gone
The Commander and Her Captain: Returned
- Stories from the 531st (Clone Trooper OCs)
Her Birthday
That Night in 79′s
- Sergeant Hunter (The Bad Batch)
Nap, Interrupted
I Told You So
- Jack Daniels / Agent Whiskey
Wouldn’t Dream of It
- Eggsy Unwin
Five Minutes
- Zach Mitchell
You Know I Think You’re A Bad Ass
- Jamie Reagan
Ya Did Good Kid
- Sherlock Holmes
Don’t Drink As Much Tea
- Agent Holden Ford
- Commodore Norrington
Please Don’t Make Me Do This
- Billy Hargrove
The Sauna Test
- JJ Maybank
I Know
- Tommy Shelby
- Dr. Neil Melendez
- Evan Buckley
The Four Times Buck Asks to Help and the One Time She Lets Him 
Remember That One Time...
Nice to Meet You
- Barley Lightfoot
Does This Mean We’re on a Quest?
- Steve Rogers
Hanging On The Wall (Social Media AU)
Twitter Profiles
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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grogunotfound · 3 years
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pairing ╾ ben poindexter x fem!reader
word count ╾ 2.8k (BAHSDHASH i let myself get too carried away)
synopsis ╾ after more lengthy nights at the night club, a certain fbi agent and dancer grow closer as tensions grow between them.
warnings ╾ flirting,, drug mention... angst, slight nsfw cus semi-passionate kissing
a/n ╾ i wrote this instead of doing my homework. anyways. possible part 3? im truly just writing this for myself hahaha
The next time you saw Agent Poindexter was at the same booth the two of you met in at the nightclub. For the past couple of nights, he has been coming back to visit you—as if he could not get enough of you. And, to be fair, you were used to these types of characters becoming regulars...but you never expected an FBI agent taking a liking to you. But, you were sure that maybe this was his weird way of getting to know you.
"Agent Dex, what can I do for you today?" You greeted him, leaning over the table, letting your perfumed smell engulf him.
Dex took a deep breath before clearing his throat, "maybe a talk?"
"That'll be $5," you joked and slid into the seat next to him, resting your legs on his lap. Usually, you wouldn't have made yourself comfortable with a client like him, but you couldn't help but tease the agent. Plus, you were still on the clock. "How was work today?" You fiddled with the collar of his button down, making it clear he just came from the office.
He placed a hesitant hand around your ankle, his grip reassuring yet overprotective. His corresponding thumb carelessly glided across your skin, his own skin was cold to the touch, sending shivers up your exposed leg. "Well, we sent some really bad guys to prison."
"You probably saved a whole lot of lives today, huh?" You brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I'm sure it's rewarding."
He let out a sigh, his thumb never ceasing the skin-to-skin contact on your ankle. His mind sped up, completely consumed with malign thoughts about who he was, was he really deserving of this being saved? With someone as kind as you? While he was busy lost in his mind, his breath was rapidly speeding up.
"Dex? Are you okay?" You asked, planting your feet on the ground in case you needed to attend to him. You reached over to place your hand on top of his. Without a second though nor a detectable reflex—his instincts were fast—he grabbed your arm. You flinched, shocked by the power in his grip. "Dex?" You repeated, trying to feign calmness.
He looked over at you with a concerned sorrow in his eyes, "Love, I-I'm sorry. It's just a lot... You are, you are just so considerate." He sucked in a breath, revealing a slight dimple with his smirk. "And, I... I just admire that about you. You make me feel...welcomed, like I'm a person."
You pouted, "Aw, Dex. I mean, you went through a lot. You're entitled to feel that way. I'm glad I could make your day somehow."
"You see, that's, that's exactly what I mean. You, you care." He loosened his grip on your wrist, "I'm sorry, my—" before he could finish his sentence, you both heard another patron say your name.
"Love! I'm here," you turned to the source of the voice and made eye contact with your most prominent regular. And, get this, he was a politician. The two of you met at the club, and you were the one girl he laid eyes on. He was dressed in a dark blue button down with a patterned tie. He held his hands out, "See you in five?"
You let out a flirtatious scoff, "whatever you say, sir." You turned back to Dex, whose face was quickly flaring up. "I'll be back, if you wanna wait."
Dex took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, and nodded. "Sure, I'll be here."
"Let me get you some water first," you reached out to squeeze his hand. You stood up from the booth and passed by the politician, you flashed him a smile, "You know where to go." He let out a lazy grin, scratching his nose fervently—yep, definitely coked out.
He chuckled in response and slipped towards the backrooms where most private dancers were held. You headed over to the bar, dropping a tip for the bartender to pick up a cup of water. You made your way over back to Dex, who didn't seem to have moved at all since you left.
"Thanks, Love." He couldn't meet your eyes. You nodded in response before going to the other side of the club.
You knew you would be lying if you said you weren't attracted to Dex—I mean, he was the iconic mysterious and clearly troubled guy trope. But, he was also so sweet, and it seemed like he just needed a friend. Although, at times when you two are truly left alone at the club, you have gotten so physically close together that you can't forget the feeling of his warm breath hitting your lips. Of course, with your nature of career, that wasn't allowed. Yet, with his reoccurrence, he still hasn't properly asked you out. Him showing up to your work almost every night was not your ideal date.
And, Dex knew that too. In fact, he knew a lot about you. During the day, when he was off from work, he often passed by your apartment. Sometimes, if he was lucky enough, he would catch glimpses of you through the living room window. He often imagined what you did during your free time. He also wondered why you came to New York to live in an artists' loft with four other roommates. Ben Poindexter was absolutely captivated by you, his Love. All he wanted was to be around you, be near you, be with you, Y/N. His research revealed a lot about your personal life. He often scrolled through your social media when he wasn't around you. He knew your hometown, your NYC dream, your most-frequented coffee shop...
But, he claimed his research wasn't in a stalker way. He was just curious. He longed for connection, and it felt like you were the only person who understand and empathized with the FBI agent. It angered him that you were taken away from him tonight. The one time he could be with you in a public space, and you were gone. He hoped that man you were with wasn't harming you. Dex doesn't even want to think of the things he would do if that man was hurting you. His steady fingers tightened around the glass cup in front of him. He imagined numerous ways to send the shards of glass into the backroom, carefully avoiding you. His precision and accuracy was something he was known for, whether it was alarming or impressive.
"That's enough!" You quickly stormed out of the backroom, absolutely fuming because of the politician's unusual behavior. He used to be so sweet and generous, but tonight he was just an utter dick. Dex quickly stood up, ready to rush to your aid, but he couldn't follow you into the dressing room without getting stopped by security.
He flashed his FBI badge, "This is part of an ongoing investigation."
"Sure, whatever, lover boy." The security guard scoffed and looked the other way. More shouting erupted from the backroom you just left, causing all the security guards to rush over to see what was happening. Dex licked his lips, he could have taken care of the situation in a more justified manner, but he could only think about you.
While the security guards were busy, he slipped into the dressing room door. He carefully navigated past the lockers and mirrors, trying to get to you. And, once he found you, he was locked on. You were using makeup wipes to clean your tear-stained face.
"Y/N," Dex breathed out, relieved that you were physically okay.
You let out a gasp, "Dex? What are you doing in here?"
"I- I, uh," he realized how odd this moment seemed but he couldn't bare to lie with you anymore. He tensed up his jaw, "I wanted to make sure you're okay."
You nodded, "Yeah. I'll be fine, I just have to get out of here." You took a deep breath and quickly pulled on your pants and hoodie.
"Let me see you home," Dex offered.
You shook your head, "Let's grab a drink or something." Dex hesitated but agreed. "Wait for me outside?"
"Sure, of course." Dex nodded and made his way back out the dressing room. He steered clear of the security guards and made his way into the cool NYC night. He wasn't one for loud, dark, enclosed spaced—it made him feel alone. But he was doing this for you. He knew that he would be lost without you.
You grabbed the rest of your stuff and took the exit from the dressing room. You looked around and saw Dex standing to the side of the club door. Your heartbeat fastened at the sight of him, he looked calm and composed, his posture straightened with his hands in his pants' pockets.
"Hey," you walked up to him. "Ready? The bar isn't too far from here."
He cleared his throat, "Yeah, let's do it." You smiled and laced your arm around his upper-arm. He tensed at your touch, but you needed to feel safe. It was a short, brisk walk to the bar you enjoyed going to. Most of your girl friends would go there after work.
The two of you enjoyed yourselves. You welcomed a rum-based drink, but Dex stuck to a glass of water. There was awkward silence between the two of you, but you didn't really mind. It was refreshing letting yourself rest and not endlessly talk for extra tips. You could tell Dex was tense about something. He could not stop fiddling with the pen intertwined in his fingers. He was so meticulous. Your breath hitched in your throat—again, Dex was attractive.
And you were feeling pretty brave after a couple of shots. Your attraction to him was making your imagination run out of control. Late at night, after another close call with him, you imagined what would have happened if there weren't any restrictions. You thought about how warm his sculptured body would be on top of you, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, teasing the waistline of your pants. His warm, needy breath hitting the soft spot on your neck.
You stumbled over back to your table, "Dex. What if I told you that you could take me home tonight?"
He chuckled, "I'd say you're crazy." He put the pen down onto the table. "Are you feeling alright, Y/N?"
"What happened to calling me Love," you drawled your stage name out. You paused, "I don't remember ever telling you my real name."
"You don't? Didn't think I was that forgettable..." He joked and took a sip of his water.
"Whatever," you groaned and rested your head on the table. "I think it's time to sleep."
"Love, let me get you home first." Dex pleaded, standing up and placing some cash on the table. "Come on," he lifted you up, carefully placing your arm around his waist for support.
You snuggled into the side of his body. You could feel his strength, his stability, but you could also feel his warmth—which made you sink into his figure even more. "Whatever you say, agent." You tightened your hold on him.
The walk back to your apartment was longer than usual because you kept dragging your feet. You felt so sluggish, and you didn't want this night to end. It felt nice to actually spend time with Dex outside of the Northstar Lounge. You wondered if this could be a normal thing—you and him taking long nightly walks through the neighborhood, maybe even by the water. You wanted more than just a customer relationship. You felt like both of you wanted more—why else would he visit you all the time to not even receive the services provided at the strip club? You could always sense his eyes on you, he wasn't afraid to hide it.
"And, we're here." Dex hoisted you up to see if you could stand on your own. You teetered on the sidewalk, clearly unbalanced. "Easy there, soldier. You gonna be okay?"
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" You blurted out, suddenly feeling sober thoughts again.
"What do you mean?" Dex rocked in his spot, tucking his nervous hands into his pockets.
"I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice," you pointed out, "and it's definitely not for the same reason those other guys do at the lounge."
Dex pursed his lips, "I...I don't have an answer for you."
You let out a laugh in disbelief. You were burning for him, you wanted to get past his walls that he seemed to always have up. He was always guarded, was it because of his profession? Was he just not capable of opening up? To discuss feelings? You wanted to be with him so badly, "Okay, I thought you were just playing hard to get but it's starting to get old, Dex. I don't know about you, but I know what I want. From this. From...you." You pursed your lips, watching his face turn to stone. Without the alcohol in your system, you would have never been this brave. You probably would've just allowed yourself to continue getting played—never good enough for something more than just a typical fling. A toy. "You know what, it's fine. Goodnight, Dex." You turned towards the front door to leave, but you felt a tentative hand grab your elbow.
"Y/N, wait." He spoke up. "Stay with me, please." He sighed, "Please."
Your body screamed to press up against him, just engulf him in your embrace. But your mind said to not let him take advantage of your kindness. Then, your heart argued to listen to what he had to say...and, of course, your heart always won.
"Dex—" you sighed.
"I want to know everything about you." He interrupted. "I, I want you. You're the first person I think about when I wake up, and I can't stop thinking about you. I think I would do anything for you. I'd go...anywhere. No one has ever made me feel like this, like I've been seen. And heard. You make me feel like I belong. You listen to my concerns, and...and I feel like I'm not alone with you. I feel like I can do the right thing with you." Dex blurted out, like he was holding this in for a long time. You remained silent. "And, and, I want to kiss you."
"Then kiss me," you breathlessly demanded. Dex instantly followed your command and cupped your face, bringing it closer to his. Your lips accidentally brushed against his for a moment, his roughness contrasting your soft, glossy ones. The two of you paused—your breaths overlapping one another's—before you pulled him back down to connect again. This time was different, it was desperate and passionate—like it was now-or-never. You threw your arms around his neck to press your body against his. He was so steady and sure, whilst you felt like such a mess. His hands slid down from your face to the small of your back, clutching at the fabric separating his hands from your soft skin.
Dex may have had nothing to drink tonight, but he was absolutely drunk off of the taste of your lip gloss. He was hungry, he truly couldn't get enough. He wanted so much more, but he wasn't going to push it. It already took him off guard that you wanted to kiss him back in the first place. But, he knew it would be dangerous to continue kissing you this way. He couldn't believe this was happening. Dex tilted his head to deepen the kiss, desperately trying to avoid the end of this moment. You let out a moan into his mouth, "Dex."
You whispering his name against his lips made him snap back into his senses. He wanted to continue so badly but then he thought about the future. The pain he could potentially cause. You didn't deserve that. You were better than him. And, he desperately wanted to be good like you. "Y/N," he breathed out before abruptly pulling away. He was afraid of evolving into something more. "I'm sorry."
"What's wrong?" You asked breathlessly, recovering from this intimate moment. "Dex?"
Dex stepped back from you, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."
"Dex, what's going on?" You were concerned. Did you do something wrong?
"We are not the same and never will be." He mumbled under his breath.
"Excuse me?" You furrowed your brow in confusion.
"You're just too good for me, Y/N. I- I hurt people." Dex confessed.
You shook your head, "What are you talking about?"
"You're not safe here. With me."
"Dex, stop pushing me away. Please." You reached out to grab his hands. "I want this. You! Why are you being like this?"
"You make me feel...special." Dex exhaled, "like I'm worth saving."
"You deserve to be," you said. "Dex, I- I like you."
Dex remained silent for a few moments. His breath quickened, his chest heaving up and down.
"Dex, breathe." You placed a hand on his chest.
"I'm sorry. Goodbye, my Love." He shook his head and turned to leave, abandoning you on your front steps.
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daresplaining · 5 years
What If? Daredevil Vs. Elektra
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    I have been meaning to write a full post about this chilling alternate universe, and Halloween seemed like the perfect time to do so. With the success and popularity of Spider-Gwen’s Hand ninja Matt Murdock, it can be easy to forget that he is not the only one. The first story of a Matt whose life took a darker and more ninja-y path was told in the one-shot What If? Daredevil Vs. Elektra, which is a chilling tale of murder, regret, and painful memories that won’t stay buried. 
    The story is told from the point of view of Elektra Natchios, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who, in the midst of a successful career in espionage, is forced to face again a traumatic event from her past-- a hostage situation in college, in which her boyfriend tried to rescue her and was killed. 
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[ID: A flashback to Columbia University, Elektra’s origin story. Cops outside a building shoot into an upper window.]
Cops: “They’re killing the hostages! Wait... what’s that? I can see something... Yeah, a clear shot, and I’m taking it...”
Elektra: “Matt!”
[ID: Young Matt Murdock gets shot multiple times. Young Elektra kneels on the floor, holding his body in her arms.]
    It’s a memory she has learned to live with, a little piece of trauma she has long since buried, but then, suddenly, people around her start dying. She and her fellow agents begin to investigate scenes of carnage, carried out with terrifying stealth and skill by an unknown enemy. 
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[ID: The Kingpin’s office, chaos. The Kingpin sits at his desk while a ninja in red clothes and a devil mask fights Bullseye. The ninja slices Bullseye’s head off with his sword and then advances on the Kingpin.]
Elektra (off-panel): “His bodyguards slaughtered upfront, Fisk’s personal assassin... Poindexter... Bullseye... whatever they called him... was the Kingpin’s only prayer.”
    Elektra, horrified but still clueless about how this connects to her buried memory at this point, investigates further. Her character development is an interesting variation in this universe, which presents a fairly clear-cut role switch between she and Matt. Her experience in college was painful, and her career as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent has given her a fairly jaded view of life and people, but she has retained some of the optimism and naivete that was snuffed out in the 616 universe by her father’s death. Elektra wants to see justice done, even if the only people so far killed have been dangerous criminals. She asks around, and eventually finds a surprisingly informed old blind man in a bar. 
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[ID: A bar. Stick is playing pool and talking to Elektra, who is dressed in a black coat and red head scarf.]
Stick: “Ever heard of the Hand?”
Elektra: “As in ‘talk to’?”
Stick: “You’re a barrel, too, y’know that? The Hand. Corrupted ninja order. Heirs to the Beast. Intent on infiltrating the empires of man. In other words-- one bad outfit. Their current leader, ‘the Advocate’, is a servant turned master. He uses a unique approach to taking out his foes. He finds a discontented underling, exploits their dissatisfaction, nurtures it into betrayal... then attacks from within.”
Elektra: “Very Hong Kong triple-feature, old man. How does it connect to Fisk’s murder?”
Stick: “The Kingpin’s lawyer. Talk to him. And while you’re at it, talk to your boss... he just might help you find another blind guy whose kung fu is better than yours...”
    It doesn’t take Elektra long to find the Kingpin’s lawyer, Foggy Nelson. She discovers him sitting alone in his apartment, a bitter shell of the Foggy we know in the 616 universe. Losing Matt hit him hard, and-- as is true in several other alternate universes as well-- sent his life into a tailspin. 
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[ID: Flashbacks from Foggy’s life: in the library with Matt in college, Foggy sitting at a desk in the Kingpin’s office, a body (Ben Urich) with a bag over its head, Foggy defending the Kingpin in court.]
Foggy (off-panel): “The two of us had high hopes... aspirations. We were gonna open our own practice once we passed the bar... and change the world, or what little of it we could. Funny how life goes. After law school I could barely pay back my student loan. I was desperate for money. Fisk made me an offer I would have been an idiot to refuse. A six-figure retainer. When he was on trial a few years back for placing a hit on Bugle reporter Ben Urich... having an honest, decent man shot dead... body dumped like trash... I fought for his freedom like my life depended on it. Probably did. In the end, it was the judge who’d been bought, but I was party to it. My life had become a sick joke.”
    He is bitter with regret and disgusted by the person he has become. He admits to Elektra that he was the weak link in the Kingpin’s organization-- the person indirectly responsible for his murder. He also gives her the name of the man who did the deed-- the Advocate-- along with some terrifying news: that  his next target is S.H.I.E.L.D. Sure enough, ninjas attack one of the helicarriers shortly afterward, killing Nick Fury and many of Elektra’s other friends and co-workers. Elektra realizes what she is up against. She realizes who she is up against. The Hand have brought Matt back from the dead and turned him into a killer, and she has to do something about it. 
    Elektra returns to Stick. She trains with him, attempting to prepare herself to face the Hand. When Stick suddenly vanishes, Elektra takes things into her own hands. She takes the name Sai and forms the new Chaste (one of my favorite alternate universe teams). They prepare to attack the Hand at their home base, and finish things once and for all. 
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[ID: Elektra, now dressed in her 616-verse red outfit, addresses a group of other heroes: this universe’s versions of Wolverine, Black Widow, Power Man, Iron Fist, Echo, and Silver Samurai.]
Elektra: “Our differences may be many, but we share common ground. Each of us has lost someone... something... to the Hand. We are now the Chaste. The only ones who can stand against them. This is how we go in...”
Caption: “Old names forsaken, each member of this new order of seven took on another one to signify rebirth-- Claw. Sting. Stone. Flame. Seer. Sword. Sai. Woe to the Devil and evil men.”
    This comic is relentless in its carnage, which feels exactly right for the flavor of the story it is telling. When the new Chaste storm the Hand’s headquarters, Elektra discovers that Stick is dead. Matt has killed his first teacher, and Elektra knows she is out of options. She has to stop Matt herself. 
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[ID: In the Hand’s fortress. Elektra has discovered Stick’s severed head.]
Elektra: “Stick... teacher, I’m sorry... you were right. Time to grow up.”
    She seeks him out. Of course, he is expecting her. 
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[ID: The Hand’s fortress. Elektra approaches Matt from behind. He is dressed in a red ninja outfit but without a mask. His eyes are an unnatural red. Elektra has her sai; Matt is holding a gun.]
Elektra: “I’m here to stop you.”
Matt: “From doing what? Bringing order to chaos? Imagine these widowmakers without my guidance. You’re still holding onto the ideals of youth. Your father raised you in a sheltered, protected bubble allowing you limited contact with the rest of the world. Clouded your thoughts with fairy tale notions of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. Isn’t that why you hate him? You know this world is a savage garden. Beauty in duality. Good and evil intertwine like copulating serpents. Indistinguishable. It’s not worth saving because there’s nothing to save.”
    Here, we see the other half of the role switch. Reanimated Matt is brainwashed, and that is part of it, but his words have the feeling of a deeply ingrained truth. His existence has been nothing but pain. An attempt at heroism cost him his life, and since he has been back, all he has seen is the worst of people. His words echo 616-verse Elektra’s mindset in the wake of her father’s murder-- that the world is a cold and uncaring place and all one can do is attempt to survive in it as best one can. And like 616 Matt in the equivalent situation, Elektra is horrified to see what has become of the hopeful, caring person she knew in college. 
    They fight, and Elektra realizes the inevitable-- there is no saving Matt. And she is Elektra, no matter the universe, and so finds the strength to do the deed. 
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[ID: Elektra shoots a bullet past Matt’s head. He drops to his knees, his hands pressed to his ears in pain.]
Caption: “The gun is S.H.I.E.L.D. ordinance... with a built-in sonic disruptor. It sends the Advocate’s senses into overdrive.”
[ID: Elektra draws her sai and stabs him through the chest.]
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[ID: Matt lies, dying, on the ground. His eyes now look normal. Elektra kneels beside him.]
Matt: “Elektra...?”
Elektra: “Matt...?”
Matt: “Terrorists... taken care of... you and... your father... safe?”
Elektra: “Yes, darling... we’re safe... we’re safe.”
    It’s a beautiful little one-shot, bloody and tragic and poetic as the best Elektra and Matt comics are. I’m sure I’ll discuss it again, but for now, I wanted to give it the attention it deserves as an important alternate universe story and a compelling re-exploration of Matt and Elektra’s relationship. 
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everlastingdreams · 6 years
Dex X Reader: Sugar Crush chapter 16
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Notes:  I’m a couple of chapters ahead in writing and I can’t believe I went from this to ...oh
Summary: Reader moves into the same building as one Agent Poindexter. A bond starts to grow between them. Can the reader move on after a traumatic past ‘relationship’ ?
Chapter: 16/?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse ! YES this one will come with trigger warnings. I tried not to post too much into detail stuff but this entire thing comes with a trigger warning !
Word Count:  1354 words
You took the advice to not run in the snow and soon arrived at the coffee shop.
You pushed the door open and the smell of freshly brewed coffee once again found it's way to your nostrils. Dex was sitting at the table you two had once shared before, he saw you enter right away.
“Hey, it's good to see you.” you said as you walked up to him. You wanted to make it clear that you weren't angry anymore about yesterday.
“(y/n) ! I am glad you could make it.” He was about to stand up but you held up a hand stopping him from doing so.
As you sat down you noticed Dex's hands were trembling a bit, causing you to feel even more worried about the conversation that will soon follow. Seeing someone tremble who deals with dangerous situations almost everyday was definitely a reason to worry. "I'm guessing you did like the coffee they serve here, huh ?" You tried to keep your tone light “Those flowers for me ? Or perhaps you're expecting someone else ?” your insecurity got the best of you again. Dex's gaze crossed yours in a quick matter before he looked at his hand again "Yeah. It's great. And yes, I thought you might like these." He ticked the small coaster he was holding on the table a few times while you looked and smelled the flowers "I asked you to meet me here, in a public place, so you would feel safe." Your brow drew together as you watched him take a breath, his shoulders heaving as he did. "(y/n), I want you to know that you can walk away at any time, from this place, from me." He looked at you this time "I... need you to know that you're safe with me. That I won't hurt you." You leaned on the table with your elbows, confussion now spread over your face "Dex... what is this about ? Is this about yesterday ? If it is, I want to say that I am sorry. I shouldn't have compared you to Shaw, I just.... I was stressed out." You avoided telling him about how you got spooked after you found out he was guarding Fisk. He ticked the coaster on the table again to control his nerves "It's not just about yesterday, but I understand why you were upset. I lied to you, I asked you to the hotel without permission of my superiors. It was a dumb idea, I know that now." He leaned on the table now as well "You told me you never really knew your ex, Shaw, that he hid his true self. I don't want that to happen to us, that's why I asked you to come here. To tell you the truth." He swallowed hard. You weren't sure how to respond to all of it, but you were relieved he said that he didn't want that to happen between you both. There was an *us*. "What do you want to tell me, Dex ?" You still kept your voice light in an attempt to make him less nervous "That you're secretly a serial killer with a soft spot for an awkward *pancake girl* ?" You laughed a little. Dex's reaction took you by suprise as he leaned back against the chair and avoided all eye-contact with you. Your smile fell, and a red flag rose in the back of your mind. He kept his gaze on the table as he talked "I played baseball when I was young. Kept playing even after my parents died." You didn't even know his parents died "I'm so sorry." It tumbled from your lips as you placed a hand on his. He looked at you quickly before he kept his focusing on your hand on his, only giving you a nod before he continued. "One day, after my coach told me to sit a game out, I got upset....angry. I..." he wiped his face with his other hand "I threw a baseball at him so hard that it killed him." Your whole body froze except your hand, which you slowly pulled away from him.
You crossed your arms, holding yourself. A thousand things were flying through your mind at once. This was not going how you thought this was going to go.
You couldn't respond, you just looked around the coffee shop. Part of you wanted to flee, but you forced yourself to stay. You wanted to hear the truth, you wanted to hear his story.
You didn't see how Dex was hyperventilating. His eyes were on you now, watching your reaction closely. He slowly reached a hand out to you, almost touching yours.
You noticed him move and jumped a little, it was enough to cause a pained expression in his eyes.
You held out your hand in a stopping motion, wanting to keep some space between you and him as you processed what he just told you.
Dex felt his eyes sting, he knew there was a chance you would react like this. It still hurt seeing you like this, afraid of him. “(y/n)... I am so sorry. For lying to you yesterday, for hiding this from you. I didn't know how to tell you, I was afraid you would see me in a different way. That someone as good as you would never be able to see me in a good light again.”
You gave a short nod “Thank you for telling me.” your voice barely more then a whisper “I realise this can't have been easy to tell me.”
He blinked rapidly as he drew a deep shaking breath “I..uh went to a therapist for a long time, until she got sick at passed away. She taught me a lot. Told me my moral compass wasn't broken. It just works better with a north star to guide me. Someone to keep me on the straight and narrow path." You relaxed a little after you heard that he went to therapy after the incident and he did sound genuine. "Is that why you asked me if I believed that there is still hope for people who do something really bad ?" He nodded "Yeah. I didn't know how you would react once I told you." There was a short moment of silence, long enough to raise Dex's anxiety once more. "I meant what I said that evening. It's our actions that decide if there is hope for us." You let your hand rest on the table "You were a kid, Dex. Look where you are now, a succesfull FBI agent, who saves people." He looked you in the eyes, uncertainty in his. "Your therapist was right and it looks like she really did have a good impact on you” you saw him nod in agreement “ You could have hid this from me, instead you confided in me." "So, we're okay ?" It was all he managed to say as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
You nodded “Just one question. This 'North Star' you mentioned, it's a person ?”
He cleared his throat “Yes. It's easier if I can learn from someone. Watch how they are around people.”
The conversation you had had with Dex was starting to click together.
“Watch them be 'good' people ?” you added.
He nodded in agreement “I watched people, I learned to be more like them. But you are the first person I've met that truly makes it clear what it means. Kindness, empathy...”
He placed his elbows on the table, his voice only loud enough for you to hear “The day we met, I saw how you were kind so effortlessly, even though you have a good reason not to trust people. You help people without wanting something in return. They might as well slap a picture of you in the dictionary under the definition of kindness.”
You snorted when you heard him say the dictionary part “I'm really not that amaz-”
“You're special to me, (y/n).” he meant every word of it and your eyes snapped up to his.
Tag list for this series (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list :) ) :
@givemeabite @aquietfortitudeandstrength @missminx1993 @fuchsiagrasshopper @legion-18 @love-mia-marisol @star-spangled-man @bilson-bethel @peterbxrnes @burningmusicmachine @xxemoluverxx @queenselana @superflashvengers
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