#Ben Hon Sun
Burning Flame - Johnny Storm X GN Reader
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Title: Burning Flame
Johnny Storm X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Susan Storm, Reed Richards, and Ben Grimm
Read Part 1 if you haven't yet → Just A Kiss
WC: 1,557
Warnings: Anxiety, nervousness, misunderstandings?, cursing, scientific words, slight angst, and fluff
You couldn't stop thinking about the kisses you shared with your best friend, Johnny. And it was driving you crazy. You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about those damn lips all morning at college. They had lingered on yours like it was the last time they would touch your lips in a very long time, and even after they left your mouth, you still felt them. Like when the sun hits you just right and the light falls exactly on just the right part of your face, it makes you feel warm, happy, and satisfied... And you felt those emotions... When Johnny kissed you goodnight. You groan loudly as you throw yourself back onto your bed. Your phone vibrates in your hand, you'd have to get ready and leave for the lab soon. Bringing your phone up, you stared up at the text notification. 
Johnny had texted you.
Sighing, you unlocked your phone, trying to ignore the screen saver of you and Johnny before you opened his text.
'Hey, you still coming in?'
'Cool, see ya then.'
You sighed dramatically, why was Johnny acting so casual? You and he had just kissed last night. You felt your bones chill at the thought that maybe this was a one-time thing. Maybe, because Johnny is Johnny... Maybe, because he wasn’t into you... You shook your head, clearing those thoughts from your mind. No matter what, he wasn't interested in you. He probably just only wanted to help you, and he had no underlying feelings hidden under those kisses. Nothing more than friendship... You looked back at your screen, Johnny’s last text staring back at you. 'See ya then.' Frowning softly, you typed out your response. 'See ya.'
You tapped your foot anxiously in the elevator of The Baxter Building. You fidgeted with your lab coat, one that Johnny had personally got you when you joined the lab; it even had your name embroidered on it. The lab coat wasn't even white, it was Y/F/C, so you stuck out like a sore thumb in the lab. You guessed it was a simple sweet gesture from your best friend, but Ben had said that Johnny just wanted to keep an eye on you. It was easier to spot you in a small crowd of white lab coats. 
As the elevator doors opened, you stepped out, immediately looking around for Johnny, but not spotting him. 
"Hey, Y/N," Reed gained your attention, walking over to you, "Could you start the preparation for the next phase in the biochemical synthesis process?"
"Of course," You nodded, "Are we starting on the test subjects today?"
"No," He sighed, "There isn't enough evidence to prove any of these people have superpowers. We're going to be starting a trial of the synthetic formulae. Hopefully, we'll find something useful."
You nodded, before heading to your desk in the far corner and grabbing your clipboard, notes, and pen. After getting situated, you began working. This time, it was a slow process. You were still working on synthesizing the modified formulae. It took a while longer than usual, but you didn't complain. There was nothing you could do about it.
"Hey, Y/N/N..."
You quickly looked up, eyes widening slightly at the sight of Johnny standing before you.
"Oh, hi, Johnny." You felt your cheeks flush, "I was meaning to ask you something-"
"Y/N, hon? Do you have those samples I asked for?" Susan interrupted your train of thought. 
You glanced at Johnny before quickly standing from your chair, speed-walking over to Susan, "Yeah, here you go." You handed her the files that contained the test samples.
She smiled, taking the folders from you, "Thanks, Y/N. You're a doll." Susan gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder before leaving. 
He frowned, "What did you want to ask me?-"
"Y/N, could you do a second reading on this file? I would do it, but Susie needs help." Ben asked in his deep voice, walking over and offering you a yellow file.
"Oh, yes, of course." You agreed, before turning to Johnny. "I, uh, I have to do this... I, uh..."
"No, no, I get it... I actually have work to do too." Johnny spoke, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “You know… Or Sue will kill me.”
You nodded slowly, "Yeah..." You muttered quietly.
"Um, well... I guess I'll see you later then." He smiles slightly before walking away. 
You sighed, sitting back down at your desk, and opening the file to read it over.
For the rest of the day, you had tried to talk to Johnny, only to get caught up in work. Finally, when you were finished for the day, you decided to finally confront him. But as you wandered around the large lab, you couldn't find him. Checking everywhere else Johnny would hang out in the building, the weight room, the break room, and even the pool room, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. You felt defeated, maybe he left the building altogether. As the sun began to set, you climbed up to the roof of the building, hearing the roaring streets of people and cars below. Looking over at the observatory, you decided to go inside to leave the cold. The observatory was one of your favorite places to go to when you could, it was nice to be able to look at the stars and planets. 
Entering the observatory, you were surprised to find Johnny laying back in one of the chairs. He turned to look at you when you walked in, "Knew you'd come here sooner or later." He spoke up, standing up from the chair.
"I've been looking everywhere for you." You mumbled, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your lab coat.
Johnny grinned awkwardly, shaking his head slightly, "Missed me that much?" He chuckled lightly.
You flushed softly, feeling your heart beat faster as you avoided his gaze. "Well," You started, "I've been wanting to ask you something all day."
"All day?" Johnny questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"And after you left last night." You admitted, looking down at your feet.
Johnny looked down at the ground, sheepishly. "What did you want to ask me?" He then asked, looking up at you.
"Was any of it real, Johnny." You blurted out, feeling your eyes well up with tears, "Did you kiss me because you wanted to help me, or because you wanted to kiss me? Cause, if you did, don't you think you should tell me now instead of leaving me wondering, and honestly freaking out?" A few silent moments passed, neither of you saying anything.
"Y/N, I'm sorry... I really am." Johnny apologized, and you felt your heart drop, "I didn't think kissing you would cause so much... Uh, pain..."
"So... What are you saying?" You asked softly, heartbroken.
"I... I can't do this anymore," Johnny confessed, his words causing you to blink.
"Can't do what?" You questioned confusedly.
"I... I love you, Y/N. I love you so much. I always have, ever since we were kids. And I'm sorry. I couldn't risk losing you. So, please..." Your bottom lip quivered as you held his gaze, begging you to believe him, "Please forgive me."
"You... You love me? Like, romantically?" You questioned nervously.
"Yes." Johnny nodded.
"Why did you never tell me? I- I've been in love with you since you proposed to me in third grade." You confessed.
He let out a shaky breath, "Because... Because I knew that you would never feel the same way about me."
Your eyebrows furrowed, "Why would you think that?"
He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze, "I don't know."
"What do we do now?" You asked, wiping the tears from your cheeks and eyes.
"Whatever you want to do, I suppose. If you want to just stay friends, I'll understand... And if you want to be more... I'm also so down for that." Johnny responded, a genuine smile growing on his face.
"I wanna try being more." You stated, a hopeful smile crossing your features.
"Okay." He nodded, "I... Can I ask you one question though?"
"Ask away." You replied, your lips curling upwards.
"Do you... Want to go on a date with me?"
A wide grin spread across your face, "Hell yeah."
Johnny laughed lightly, running his fingers through his hair, "Great, uh, I'll pick you up tomorrow at six o'clock sharp?"
"Sounds great." You grinned.
"Then it's a deal." He chuckled, as the both of you just stared at each other for a long moment.
Without even a second thought, you and Johnny rushed up to each other, capturing your lips together in a passionate kiss. Neither of you pulled away until you heard someone clearing their throat loudly.
"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Ben raised an eyebrow at the two of you, holding a large cup of coffee.
"We were just talking." You smiled shyly.
Ben chuckled, "About?"
"Just... Stuff." You stuttered, and you cleared your throat.
"Yeah," Johnny said, "Stuff."
Ben rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh, "Well, we're closing up the building. Leave now, or be trapped until morning."
"Well, I can fly," Johnny spoke up as Ben left the observatory.
"I can't." You pouted.
Johnny slowly blinked, "Oh yeah."
@emimaki @royalsweetteaa @alldaysdreamers
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evebestt · 2 years
Hi there!To start I love reading your stories, they are captivating!!I wanted to ask if you could write the sequel to Champagne, I really liked the beginning!!
Hon, I think you were meant to send this to me, I kid you not two days before you sent this to me I’d started working on a beach honeymoon fic with a Pride and Prejudice scene. No prompt, I just wanted to write it, but then you sent me this and I swear it was meant to be. It took me a while to get there, but I believe it was meant to be!
Read here on AO3 or below. As always, send me a message or an ask to submit a prompt.
Chapter One. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Champagne (2/2): Walking on the Waves
Chapter title comes from Walking on the Waves by Tide Lines, which has been my favorite song for months now. I highly recommend listening to the song, as it’ll show you what good, pure love feels like
You were married in the winter during the break between semesters, a charm cast over the ground to keep you warm even as you walked over the glittering snow. 
Farah had been a vision in white, her hair softly curled and her nails painted a powder blue, and Saul at her side as best man. She’d worn the necklace you’d given her months ago, and both it and your ring on her finger looked so perfect that you could’ve wept.
The ceremony had been small, and the reception had been a simple dinner and drinks with friends, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way. Everything was just as it should have been with you and your bride, and you thought there could be nothing more perfect in the world.
Until Ben and Saul, with a magic all of their own (and plenty of strings pulled), gave you their wedding present of a week’s honeymoon on a private beach, somewhere down south where there was nothing but eternal sunshine and miles of fine, white sand.
And now like a dream, you stood in your own little hut on those miles of white sand, admiring the new ring on your finger — a simple gold band with runes etched along the outside for blessings of love and happiness, imbued with magic so that it would never break and never be lost.
Entranced by your ring, you didn’t notice Farah until she wrapped her arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Are you ready?”
“To go lay in the sun all day?” You tore your eyes away from the ring and turned your head to look at her. “Absolutely.”
She smiled, then gave you another quick kiss. “And if I was asking if you were ready to spend the rest of your life with me?”
You turned in her arms, wrapping your own around her neck. “I already said ‘I do’, didn’t I?”
“You did — I remember that moment very well.” She linked her arms around your back, giving you a look of fond amazement. “Will remember it very well for the rest of my days.”
“Well, then,” you said, reaching up to run your finger along her jaw. “How about we go make some more memories we’ll remember for the rest of our lives?”
“Cheesy line,” she murmured, but you didn’t miss the blush on her cheeks before she leaned in for a long, sweet kiss.
You didn’t have to go far — the hut sat just a few paces from the beach, and in just a few more you were on the shore, just far enough away to spread your blanket without fear of the tide, but close enough you could taste the salt in the air and watch the sand roll in the waves.
You watched her tuck the corner of the blanket underneath the basket you had brought, the hem of her dark red coverup fluttering around the tops of her thighs – a sight you couldn’t help but admire.
 You were still admiring when she straightened, and she raised an eyebrow in response to where your gaze was, making you grin and wiggle yours suggestively.
“Let me see what’s under there.”
She smirked, raising an eyebrow. “You know full well.”
“Maybe I do, but I’ve never seen you in a swimsuit, have I?”
She chuckled lightly, and with a look you could only describe as cheeky, she reached for the hem of her cover up, crossing her arms as she pulled it over her head.
You imagine she put the cover-up somewhere, but you simply didn’t care, not when she stood there in a navy one-piece, cut low enough to show generous cleavage and a hint of abdomen. The cutouts along her sides showed off the skin of her waist and promised to show the smooth expanse of her back, and make for easy removal, when the time comes to it, you thought.
It hit you suddenly, with her standing there in front of you like a dream — Farah Dowling, your wife, and you’d get to call her that for the rest of your days. With her long, smooth legs, her sculpted shoulders, her kind, fierce heart and her brilliant and sharp mind, she was yours. Her body, her heart, her soul, all yours, just as you were hers.
“You are…” you had to pause, the awe of your wife heavy on your tongue, “a miracle.”
The very tops of her cheeks flushed, but still she sauntered over to you, running her finger up your neck and chin. “I’ll need help with sunscreen — think you can handle that, charmer?”
You bit back a grin, then let your hands settle on her waist, teasing the skin there as you slid your hands up her sides to her back, toying with the tie of her suit. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to handle you, but I am certainly up to the challenge.”
It took you both much longer than it should have, considering the number of times you both were distracted by wandering hands and kisses placed wherever you could reach, but eventually you both had sunscreen on, and the rolling blue water of the ocean was calling. You pulled Farah by her hand, and you both ran towards the water, giggling as it splashed around you and gasping as it landed cool on your stomach compared to the heat of the sun.
The water was warm, really, once you were in, and so clear you could see the bottom easily, the sand rippled with the never-ending waves. There was only sand where you were standing, but you could see a few shells and rocks jutting from the sand a little ways away, and you itched to swim out farther and see what treasures you could find.
But your pull to Farah was always stronger, and you turned your head to study her instead. She was staring at the water, a faint smile on her lips as she slowly skimmed her hands over the top of the water, obviously entranced by the shimmer of the sun and the pattern her hands made in the water.
And seeing your opportunity, you reached for her legs and pulled them out from under her, sending her splashing into the water with a yelp before she was submerged.
She came up with a gasping breath, still submerged to her neck, then opened her eyes to glare at you, but with a spark in them that told you the game was on.
With a giggle you turned to run, but you were slow in the water, and Farah was close behind. You managed to dance out of her grasp with a shrieking laugh, but then she plunged her arms in the water and sent a wave towards you, soaking your back and splashing the back of your neck. It made you laugh, even as you gasped at the surprise, and turned to give her a playful look as you bounded further away.
You were quick, but her legs were long, and she started to catch up. You feinted one way, managing to dodge her reach, but Farah never fell for the same trick twice. You tried to feint again, but she was already moving the other way, and before you could leap out of her reach she had wrapped her arms around your waist and you were dunked under the water with ease, the clear ring of her laughter the last thing you heard before you went under.
You surfaced with a gasp, Farah still laughing, and it was your turn to glare playfully at her, wiping the water out of your eyes.
“Don’t start a game you can’t win, darling,” she teased, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“Who’s to say I’ve lost?” you retorted and reached forward to grab at her legs.
You splashed around in the shallows for a while longer, laughing the entire time, before you’d completely worn each other out and dragged yourselves back to shore. You collapsed onto your blanket, dripping wet, and not a care in the world as you instinctively moved closer to each other, catching your breath with your arm slung around her waist.
“I haven’t done anything like that in years,” she said, chuckling a little as she finally caught her breath. “You had me using old tactical techniques.”
“Is that how you treat your new wife?” you teased, digging your fingers into her side a little to tickle her.  “Using old military techniques on me?”
“When my new wife starts the war,” she laughed, squirming under your touch. “Then I’ll do what I need to finish it.”
You hummed, and then pushing on her shoulder with your hand, you sat up and swung your legs over your hips to straddle her. “Do you have that attitude about everything?” you asked, trailing your hands from her shoulders down to her chest and stomach.
“Is that a challenge?” she asked, her eyes darkening as she settled her hands on your hips.
You smirked, and you leaned down until your lips nearly brushed hers, playing your fingers along the string that led to the tie of her suit. “Do your best, soldier.”
Later that afternoon, you and Farah walked further down your stretch of beach, eventually coming across a patch that was filled with shells, rocks, and other things washed up by the sea for as far as the eye could see. You picked over it together for a while, pointing out things of interest, but eventually you sat down at a spot particularly thick with shells while Farah walked on, curious what else there was.
It was over an hour before you saw Farah’s form in the distance again, her head still down as she combed the beach, and her slow, meandering walk made you smile. With everything your lives were, it was rare you both had the time to move so slowly, to take slow walks on the beach simply to see what you could find. 
And as you watched her stop and bend down to pick something up, you vowed to cherish moments like that for the rest of your life.
“Did you have fun without me?” she asked teasingly when she reached your side, sitting down besides you.
“Yes,” you said dryly, “and that’s why I married you, I have the most fun when you’re not around.”
She snorted and nudged your shoulder, and you nudged her back before speaking again. “What about you, did you find anything interesting?”
Farah held out her hand, and a perfect sand dollar sat on her palm — not a chip or crack on it, and bleached by the sun so that it was hardly stained, leaving it a near perfect white.
“Look at that,” you said smiling, taking it from her to examine it.
“I found it not too far from where I turned around.” She leaned back on her hands, leaning closer as you turned it over in your hands. “Sitting there half buried, like it was waiting to be found.”
“Perhaps it was.” You turned it over again, staring at the petals that spanned out from the center. “I think they’re meant to be lucky, too.”
“A good omen for our marriage, then?”
You grinned at her, leaning in to bump your nose against hers. “I think being crazily in love with you is the good omen, but I’ll take this one, too.”
You felt her smile against your mouth, and then she kissed you properly, light and chaste but you couldn’t help but sigh and sink into the embrace.
“We should put it somewhere,” she said after the kiss had broken, your forehead resting on hers while she had stroked your back. “In our house, somewhere prominent. Our own good luck symbol.”
And you grinned, love swelling impossibly larger in your chest. “I like that. Like iron under the hearth to bless a home — a sand dollar on our mantle to bless our marriage.”
“Our own little tradition,” she murmured, sitting back and gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face. “What about you?” she asked suddenly, and you looked at her curiously. “Did you find anything fun here?”
You grabbed the shell you had set aside, turning it over and showing her the faintly purple mother-of-pearl on the inside. “A simple looking shell, but it’s nearly the color your eyes turn when you do magic.”
Farah’s features softened as she took the shell from you, holding it almost reverently. “Really?”
You nodded. “Your eyes have a bit more blue to them, and they… shimmer more, I guess. They don’t just stay one color. But that shell nearly captures it,” you said, gesturing to it.
She stared at it a moment longer, and then looked up at you, giving you a small, sweet smile. “You know what my eyes look like from memory?”
And then you understood her reverence, and you reached out and stroked her cheek. “I do. How could I forget something so beautiful?”
She nearly melted, and then crossed the small distance to kiss you again, an I love you spoken even more loudly than words.
 When the kiss broke, you still leaned against each other, unwilling to separate even that much even as she looked back at the shell. She smiled faintly as she studied it, running her thumb lightly around the edge, and her fine features, soft and smooth in the golden light, made your heart flutter.
 “Remember this moment the next time we start to bicker, Ms. Dowling,” you teased her, and she snorted in response before you looked at her curiously, realizing something. “Or is it Mrs. Dowling now?”
“I suppose it is,” she said almost dreamily, then cocked her head at you. “And what about you? Are you Mrs. Dowling now, too?”
“Mrs. Dowling,” you said thoughtfully, thinking of it for yourself. “I do like the sound of that.”
“Maybe I’ll have a plaque made for your door. Though it may be too confusing if there’s two of us.”
“Well, now, that doesn’t mean I want to give up the name entirely.” You pouted at her, and she smiled, leaning in until her nose nearly brushed yours.
“Then when shall I call you ‘Mrs. Dowling’?”
You smiled too, and leaned even closer. “Call me “Mrs. Dowling” during moments like these — when we’re completely, perfectly, incandescently happy.”
“Isn’t that from a movie?” she whispered, smile never fading, and you crinkled your nose in a silent giggle.
“It could be. When did you watch that?”
“Years ago, with Terra. I rather liked that scene.”
“Well, then.” You gently pushed her shoulder until she laid back and you could straddle her hips, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. “Mrs. Dowling,” you murmured, and committing to the scene, you pressed another kiss to her cheek. “Mrs. Dowling.”
She beat you to the next one, softly brushing your lips with hers as she murmured one last, “Mrs. Dowling.”
You lay together on the sand for quite some time, then, watching the sun set and the light fade across the ocean until the moon rose, bringing liquid silver with it. Only when the breeze became chilled did you retreat to the hut, exchanging soft kisses as you drifted towards the bedroom.
And later that night, when you laid tangled together in the sheets, so close that you didn’t know where the other ended and began, moving together like the crest and ebb of the waves outside, she pressed her lips to your breast, just above your heart, and whispered words meant only for your to hear.
“My love. My only.”
Her words made a home in your heart, and like a tattoo against your skin, you knew they’d remain there forever.
“My love,” you murmured back, and felt her sigh. “My only.”
You felt the words even more strongly than the vows you made – it was another promise, an assurance of love and the depth of your feelings, a declaration that she held your heart, just as you held hers. She was your love, your only, and would be for the rest of your days.
And there was nothing more you could ever need.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 years
Corrupted Feathers
Part 1~
F!Reader X Zachriel ~ Angel OC
His Info: ⛅️📯✨
Part 1 2
CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT! DARK FIC, reader has a vagina, swearing, pet names, worship(religious themes), NON CON, p in v, creampie,
Maybe it was the right time and the right place, with the right type of person…
Maybe it really was some kind of cosmic destiny.
whatever it was, you are now the target of a soon to be ex guardian angel.
Zachriel is a beautiful, glorious being, that has existed for centuries, millennia even.
They have 6 pairs of gorgeous white feathered wings spouting from different parts of their body.
Their eyes have never once strayed from their focus, their known purpose…
Until you.
The first time you see them, he appears as a man, even trying to blend in with mortals, you can see that the sunlight circles atop his perfect head and glistens, proving to anyone he’s the blessed being he’s trying to hide.
Some secretes you can’t keep.
As that halo, there’s something else about him that tips you off.
Once he shows you his wings, they’re pure white…
The third time you lay your eyes upon them, they have a feather stained crimson.
You offer to help, clean it…
Maybe he’s bleeding, you think…
But the red stain won’t clean…
This is your new life…
You kiss your boyfriend of a few years on his cheek before he steps out the door for work. “Love you Ben! good luck today, hon!”
He smiles back, “Love you too sweetie, have a good day, don’t miss me too much!” With that, he takes his leave and you lock the door behind him.
You sigh contently, you’ve never known a peace like this.
He makes your once horrible life so easy and pleasant. You have recovered with him. He supports you.
Zachriel has never strayed this far from Ben, their current charge…
But Zach can no longer stand living with you vicariously through him. He can no longer stand him.
They can no longer stand seeing you smile and make love to him.
pretending your making love to them instead.
Zach wants you.
Zach needs you.
And he’ll have you. He’ll worship you and craft you into the new goddess that he knows in his very being that you are.
His goddess.
That is why he’s left Ben to his own devices for the first time since his birth.
Poor, blessed Ben. Never knowing hardships thanks to his protector, his all powerful, most holy guide.
He’ll know now.
He’ll never know the pain you endured, but he’ll at least know a couple hardships before his pitiful end.
And Zach will see to that personally.
Zach sculpted his body into the perfect vision, your dream human, just for you. He made his skin the perfect shade, his hair flawlessly tousled the way you’ve always gravitated toward, his eyes what will make you swoon, forever losing yourself in. He gave himself the perfect skills, the perfect appendages, and body type you cannot resist.
He’s everything you’ve ever wanted, and far more than you’d ever ask for.
More than you’ve ever dreamed of.
And now that perfect being stands before you, in your bedroom in front of your open window.
Lace curtains flutter around him, and the sun surrounds him warmly as if it gave up its sedentary station in the center and now revolves around him.
You back up, eyes wide, and trip over the ottoman in front of your bed.
“W-what do you w-want?! please! we don’t have much to take!! I’ll give you any money we have! Please d-don’t hurt me!” your eyes begin to water.
“Do you not like what you see, Y/N?” he asks,
“I know you are frightened now, but you will learn to accept me,” his voice is heavenly, it sounds almost song like as it drifts to your ears.
“W-what?” your confusion shows on your face, “H-how do you know my name?”
“Y/N, I apologize for the nature of this meeting, I could no longer sit back and watch you from behind Ben’s shoulder,”
You sit still dumbfounded. What is this psycho talking about?
He stepped forward and you try to clamor backwards, getting the ottoman fully in between you two.
Feathered wings unfurled from behind his body, and in the light they seemed to illuminate.
You stare, awestruck and horrified at the same time. “A-am i h-hallucinating?”
“I am an angel, precious human. I am no hallucination. My name is Zachriel, and i was to guard and watch over Ben… But i no longer care for my purpose.”
“G-get out of my home…”
He steps forward again, “please, Y/N, answer my prayers,”
your body is frozen, your eyes locked on his predatory ones.
He pulls you upward with some kind of light magic that’s swirling around you, it’s warm and it tingles. You feel it even in your core, so you put your hands between your legs to try and stop it.
It only makes it worse.
The light’s tendrils bring you to his body, and he wraps his wings and arms around you, as if shielding you from the world…
from the once comfort of your own home.
your safe place… ruined.
“ah!” you shudder as the tingling doesn’t cease. your back arches without your permission, and your pressing hands only add to the heat building.
“Perfect, beautiful, Y/N, I love you so much. I can give you everything. Protect you from everything…”
“Not even death will take you from me.” He states in a rasped tone.
The light dissolved both of your wardrobes, left stark in eachothers embrace. you whimper, unable to to do anything with your mind focused solely of the sensation of the magic surrounding you.
He’s gorgeous but… “p-please, don’t do this” you beg.
Your eyes prickle with tears as they traverse the fluffy feathers that cradle you.
Your body feels relaxed, safe even, but your mind is rushing miles a minute with fear.
“Y/N,” he rasps in your ear, while putting his hand under your chin then sliding it gently up your jawline.
The magic has you wet already, and he knows it. It’s edged you beyond your comprehension.
Then you feel something… Something solid…
rutting between your folds.
“I have been blessed enough already to feel you through Ben… But it’s not enough anymore, and i want you to feel me. To feel this body i have created, perfect in the image you most desire.” He speaks calmingly, but it does nothing to soothe you.
He pushes his glands past your entrance, to him it’s as if your holy gates are opening finally for him. Granting him the heaven he’s always craved.
He groans deeply on your shoulder, vibrating your neck.
He takes you slowly, easing past every gasp replacing the pain with a fulfilling, and heavy pleasure.
He bottoms out inside you, deeper in your cunt than you’ve ever felt, but just the right amount of pressure to have you mewling and coming undone for the first time around him.
Your body is betraying you. “Please… S-stop” your voice comes out more of a moan.
The tingling light hasn’t left you either, you feel perfectly entwined with this celestial being.
Everything feels right, but you know it’s wrong.
“Ben…” you whimper a prayer to your partner, wishing he could save you.
“Ben can’t hear your cries as I can, even while being so painfully away from you, I can hear your songs.” he pulls you in tighter. “Ben will die for you my love.”
He rolls his hips, his dick sliding against your most spongey spot. You’ve never felt anything like it before, to be so perfectly stimulated, so perfectly filled. You came again within the first couple thrusts.
His mouth found your chest, you feel like you’re being consumed.
Your mind blanks out, as you leave rings of your pleasure around his pulsing member.
He comes inside you and lays you down softly on the bed. Grabbing pillows to surround you with.
he caresses your face. “I’ll be back my love…” sighing most happily, he, and everything else fades as you drift away.
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444namesplus · 9 months
Ba Ban Bang Be Ben Beng Bi Bia Bian Biang Bie Bien Bieng Bing Bio Bion Biong Biu Biun Biung Bo Bon Bong Bu Bun Bung Cia Cian Ciang Cie Cieng Cii Ciia Ciian Ciiang Ciie Ciien Ciieng Ciin Ciing Ciio Ciion Ciiong Ciiu Ciiun Ciiung Cio Cion Ciong Ciu Ciun Da Dan Dang De Deng Di Dia Dian Die Dien Dieng Din Ding Dio Dion Diong Diu Diun Diung Do Don Dong Du Dung Fa Fan Fang Fe Fen Fi Fia Fian Fiang Fie Fien Fieng Fin Fing Fio Fion Fiong Fiu Fiun Fiung Fo Fon Fong Fu Fung Ga Gan Gang Ge Gen Gi Gia Gian Giang Gie Gien Gin Ging Gio Gion Giong Giu Giun Giung Go Gong Gu Gun Ha Han Hang He Hen Heng Hi Hia Hian Hiang Hie Hien Hieng Hin Hing Hio Hion Hiong Hiu Hiun Ho Hon Hu Hun Jia Jiang Jie Jien Jii Jiia Jiiang Jiie Jiien Jiieng Jiin Jiing Jiio Jiion Jiiong Jiiu Jiiun Jio Jion Jiu Jiung Ka Kan Kang Ken Keng Ki Kia Kian Kiang Kie Kien Kieng Kin Kio Kiong Kiu Kiun Kiung Ko Kon Kong Ku Kun Kung La Lan Le Len Li Lia Lian Liang Lie Lien Lieng Lin Ling Lio Lion Liong Liu Liun Lo Lon Long Lu Lun Lung Ma Me Men Meng Mi Mia Miang Mie Mieng Min Ming Mio Mion Miong Miu Miung Mo Mon Mong Mu Mun Mung Na Nan Nang Ne Neng Ni Nia Niang Nieng Nin Ning Nio Nion Niu Niung No Non Nong Nu Nung Pa Pan Pang Pe Pen Peng Pi Pia Pian Piang Pie Pien Pieng Pin Ping Pio Pion Piong Piu Piun Piung Pon Pu Pun Pung Qa Qang Qe Qen Qeng Qi Qia Qian Qiang Qie Qien Qieng Qin Qing Qio Qion Qiong Qiu Qiun Qiung Qo Qon Qong Qu Qun Qung Ra Ran Rang Re Ren Reng Ri Ria Rian Riang Rie Rien Rieng Rin Ring Rio Rion Riu Riun Ro Ron Rong Ru Run Rung Sa San Sang Se Si Sia Sian Siang Sie Sien Sieng Sin Sing Sio Sion Siong Siu Siun Siung So Son Song Su Sun Sung Ta Te Ten Teng Ti Tia Tian Tiang Tie Tien Tieng Tin Ting Tio Tion Tiong Tiu Tiun To Ton Tong Tu Tun Tung Wa Wang Wen Wi Wia Wian Wiang Wie Wieng Win Wing Wio Wion Wiong Wiu Wiun Wo Won Wong Wu Wun Wung Xia Xian Xiang Xie Xien Xieng Xii Xiia Xiian Xiiang Xiie Xiieng Xiin Xiing Xiio Xiiong Xiiu Xiiun Xio Xion Xiong Xiu Xiung Za Zan Zang Ze Zeng Zi Zia Zian Ziang Zie Zieng Zin Zing Zio Zion Ziong Ziu Ziun Ziung Zo Zon Zu Zung
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losers-club-hcs · 1 year
Authors Note : Short thing i wrote, its not that great but i thought id post it anyway, if you have any constructive criticism for what i could work on in my writing i would greatly appreciate it :]]
The sun was bright that day, beaming down on us from above. But the cool breeze we got from biking down the road was nice enough. We had been at the quarry for a few hours this morning but we decided to call it quits after we all got bored. We were planning to just go home for the day but Ben suggested that we go to the diner for milkshakes, and of course everyone agreed enthusiastically. The whole ride there we were laughing and conversing with each other happily, but when we got to the diner our laughter and smiles fell from our faces as we saw just how packed the diner was.
"I guess we should have expected this, i mean do you feel how hot it is today" Eddie spoke, a small frown on his face.
"What about the corner store, they have ice cream bars and popsicles dont they?" Stan suggested.
"yea bu-but thats all the way ac-across town", Bills answer was disheartening. I searched my brain for things we could do to beat the heat but came up empty.
Just as we were about to give up gope Bill chimed in with a possible solution "Maybe we could go t-to my house I think we have some ice pops left if G-g-georgie dident eat them all", his words had is smiling once again as we thanked Bill and started out for bills house, it wasent too far of a ride but it still took us about 10 minutes to arrive at Bills front lawn. We all dropped our bikes haphazardly on the ground, except for Stan who insisted on putting his kickstand down every time.
The inside of Bills house was cool, a welcome feeling to our sun warmed skin. Me and the others crowded around the freezer as Bill handed out various flavors of ice pops to us, i ended up with green apple, not the worst but certainly not the best. Bill greeted his mother as we passed by the living room "hi mom, we're going to hang out in my room for a bit ok?"
"Thats fine hon, was it too hot outside?" His mother asked.
"Yep, we were going to go get milkshakes at the diner but it was packed" Bill explaned.
"Alright, you can go to your room with your friends but only for a little bit it'll be dinner time soon" said Bills mom with a smile
"Thanks mom" said Bill as we all swiftly made our way to Bills room. We all took our various seats around the room. As conversations and jokes flooded the room my mind wandered to all the past times when we would sit in this room, together, and just be, no obligations, no worries, in those times it's possible to forget about the trials and tribulations that life has persented us with. With friends like these, six beautiful souls each unique and intricately designed with connections so strong nothing can rip them apart, yes with friends like these nothing is impossible.
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chanoyu-to-wa · 2 years
Nampō Roku, Book 7 (38c):  Three Kaki-ire from Shibayama Fugen’s  Tokushu Shahon [特殊写本]¹, Part 1.
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〽 Kaki-ire [書入]:
    [Whether to place the fukuro-dana] 8-sun or 1-shaku 2-sun [from the corner of the ro] depends on the size of the kama².  As for 4-me and 1-shaku 2-sun, and also 7-me and 8-sun, knowing which [to use] reveals [the host's] understanding³.
    As for the way to place the fukuro-dana in the 4.5-mat room, [within] the roughly 3-shaku 1-sun 5-bu square that is half of the tatami, it should be placed in the exact center [of this half-mat]⁴.  However, for the sake of freedom -- because this will depend on the size of the kama -- 4-me and 8-sun, or 7-me and 2-, 6-sun [this is a mistake:  it should be 7-me and 1-shaku 2-sun] are also acceptable ways to orient [the fukuro-dana]⁵.
    Up until the time when Jōō fixed the orientation of the fukuro-dana, the [original] kane from the [ji-ita of the] daisu were said to be superimposed onto the tatami; but this did not always seem appropriate -- depending on how [the tana] was going to be placed⁶.  Also, up until this time, the size of the ro, too, had not yet been decided upon⁷.  Later, after discussing this matter with Sōeki, the dimensions of the ro were fixed⁸.  
    As for the way that the fukuro-dana is arranged [on the utensil mat], [as well as] the chū-ō no takushi [中央ノ卓子], Seirō-dana [城樓棚], Hora-dana [洞棚], and the others:  we must learn it by heart that all of these [tana] should always be centered [on the half-mat] -- so that, even after the passage of many years, this [way of doing things] will always remain the same⁹.
    [Ri]kyū arranged a mizusashi in his 4.5-mat room without a tana when he was going to serve tea; and Jōō also felt that this was an acceptable way of doing things¹⁰.  In this case [the half mat] between the ro [and the far end of the utensil mat] should be divided  by five kane, both lengthwise and widthwise, and [everything] should be arranged very carefully in accordance with these kane¹¹.  However, after discussing this question with Rikyū, Jōō established the rule that, as a matter of course, before the temae has begun, neither the chaire nor the chawan should be arranged [on the mat] in front of the fukuro-dana¹².
◎ About this tokushu shahon [特殊写本], Shibayama Fugen wrote:
kono bun ōki ni sankō ni ben nari. tsutanashi onajiku Nambō Roku no ha hon ni shite kaku made buntei wo koto ni suru ha nani-goto zo, osoraku ha Jitsuzan no te ni kakigae-shi naran. shikaraba tokushu shahon wa Nambō Sōkei no gencho ni chikai naru-beshi
    “This text is a very important reference.  Though it is a crudely made copy of the Nampō Roku, what could be the reason for such a different style of writing?  Clearly [this text] was not reworked by Jitsuzan -- but, if that is the case, this tokushu shahon might just be closer to the original work composed by Nambō Sōkei.”
    Without being able to peruse the entire document, it is difficult to say when, much less by what sort of person, it may have been created (though, from what little Shibayama has shown us, it does seem to postdate the Shū-un-an documents by many decades, if not centuries; and the language of the kaki-ire -- which are uniformly subdivided into sentences according to the conventions of modern Japanese punctuation -- suggests that it was more likely a product of the nineteenth century, rather than of Sōkei’s time).  Nevertheless, the text of these three kaki-ire, even if it is to a certain extent repetitive, will surely be helpful to anyone who has an interest in penetrating the deeper meaning of this entry, and the machi-shū approach to chanoyu that it reveals*.
    The first kaki-ire discusses the way to arrange the fukuro-dana (and other movable tana) on the utensil mat; the second deals with the special case of the display of an hitotsu-mono [一ツ物]; and the last discusses the way the teachings of kane-wari apply not only to the tana, but to the toko, and to the room as well†.
    Given the length of the kaki-ire, and the battery of footnotes that are necessary to explain them, it became obvious that I would have to divide this material into two posts.  The first of the kaki-ire is considered here; and the other two will be discussed in the next post. ___________ *The author’s purpose seems to be summarizing the material presented in the Nampō Roku, interpreting it through the then-accepted teachings regarding the arrangement of the fukuro-dana (and other varieties of tana).  His analysis seems to be informed by the fact that, in the 4.5-mat room, Rikyū placed the mizusashi in the exact center of the mat when there was no tana., which is then accepted to mean that the mizusashi should always rest on the center-most of the five horizontal kane (the kane that are perpendicular to the heri).
†In Book Six there is this poem by Rikyū:
toko ha toko, zaseki ha zaseki, tana ha tana       ni chō ichi han ni han ichi chō
[床ハ床、座席ハ座席、棚ハ棚       二調一半二半一調].
    “The toko is the toko, the room is the room, the tana is the tana:  two [are] even, one [is] odd; two [are] odd, one [is] even.”
    This means that kane-wari is applied to these three places, which are independent from each other.  The “yin” or “yang” character of the za is related to the total of these three values.
¹Tokushu shahon [特殊写本] means a special manuscript copy (i.e., not a published work, but a hand-copied, privately annotated “version,” to which access was probably limited to the person who made the copy) of the Nampō Roku.  Thus, from what little we are able to see, the creator of this manuscript appears to have given precedence to a practical interpretation of the text (focused on the way the teachings it contains could be put into practice in his own chanoyu), rather than reproducing the exact wording of the original.  This suggests that the person responsible was not one of the Enkaku-ji scholars, but more likely an ordinary chajin from Kyōto, Ōsaka, or even Edo, who managed to borrow one of the manuscript that were circulating within the tea community, and made a quick copy for his own personal reference.
    Copies of other seminal texts that were being passed around during the Edo period are likewise replete with numerous kaki-ire that were often modified later -- sometimes by pasting a small piece of paper over an erroneous comment, in order to write something that was closer to the popular consensus.
²Hassun to isshaku ni-sun ha, kama no dai-shō ni yoru-koto nari [八寸ト一尺二寸ハ、釜ノ大小ニヨルコトナリ].
    Hassun to isshaku ni-sun [八寸と一尺二寸] refer to the two usual distances between the ro and the front of the fukuro-dana -- the original conventions that were established by Jōō himself.
    It is said that the reason for the 8-sun  was so that the distance between the kama (in the ro) and the mizusashi (arranged in its compartment on the ji-ita of the fukuro-dana) would be essentially the same as between these two utensils when they were arranged on the daisu.  This also explains why the shaku-tate and futaoki were originally placed on the ro-dan (as shown in the sketch under footnote 7, below).
³Yon-me ni te isshaku ni-sun ni mo, nana-me ni te hassun ni mo, sore ha kokoro shidai nari [四目ニテ一尺二寸ニモ、七目ニテ八寸ニモ、ソレハ心次第ナリ].
    Yon-me...isshaku ni-sun [四目...一尺二寸] is referring to the arrangement on the kyōma-datami where a fukuro-dana* was centered between the heri, and placed 1-shaku 2-sun from the ro.
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    Nana-me...hassun [七目...八寸] is referring to the case, on an inakama-datami, where the fukuro-dana is placed to that it touches the heri on the side of the mat toward the ro, while being 8-sun away from it†.
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    These are two of the possible ways to orient the fukuro-dana on the utensil mat (in keeping with the system espoused here‡).  The other two are discussed below, in footnote 5.
     It would appear that, by the time this was written, two sizes of fukuro-dana were already in use:  a larger version for use in the kyōma**, and Jōō’s original, which was now apparently relegated exclusively to the inakama yojō-han††.
    Kokoro shidai [心次第] literally means it is up to (one) to decide; the decision to act (in a certain way) is based on (one’s) understanding‡‡. ___________ *This requires a fukuro-dana of the modern dimensions -- where the ji-ita measures 2-shaku 5-sun 5-bu by 1-shaku 3-sun.
†This arrangement is based on a fukuro-dana of the sort used by Jōō and Rikyū, which measures 2-shaku 4-sun by 1-shaku 3-sun.
‡Where, in the inakama setting, the fukuro-dana is placed so it touches the heri on the side of the mat that adjoins the ro (rather than resting that side on top of the heri as Jōō had done).
    Jōō had placed the tana on top of the heri so that the mizusashi would be in the same place as it would have been had it been arranged on the daisu.  Placing the tana so that it simply touches the heri has no apparent meaning at all, but simply indicates a historical misunderstanding of what “ippai” [一杯] (“fully” -- literally, a drinking cup filled to the brim) was intended to mean in Jōō’s and Rikyū’s instructions.  Given that this way of understanding the orientation first appeared in Imai Sōkyū’s explanation of the way to position the fukuro-dana in the inakama, it sees that he was probably the one responsible for the confusion.
**Some sources ascribe this version to Rikyū (as was common during the Edo period when the size of virtually anything was shown to not match the original example).
††Which sort of room was already almost unknown -- outside of Edo (where the lack of space brought about the creation of even smaller tatami than those used in the countryside surrounding Kyōto and Ōsaka).
‡‡Kokoro [心] here should be understood to mean (one’s) mind, with shidai [次第] meaning “in accordance with,” or “depending on” (one’s mind).
⁴Yojō-han fukuro-dana no oki-kata, oyoso san-shaku issun go-bu shi-hō, tatami han-bun no mannaka ni oki nari [四畳半袋棚ノ置方、凡ソ三尺一寸五分四方、畳半分ノ真中ニ置ナリ].
    Oyoso [凡そ] means approximately, roughly, around:  even the size of the kyōma-datami* was becoming more flexible during the Edo period, as suggested by this comment.
    Tatami han-bun no mannaka ni oki [畳半分の真中に置き] means that the (larger version of the) fukuro-dana was supposed to be placed in the very center of its half of the utensil mat, as shown below.
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    When centered on the half-mat, there will be 9-sun 2.5-bu in front and on the far side of the tana, and 2-sun (which is approximately 4-me†) on both sides between the tana and the heri.
    Centering the fundamental objects placed out on the utensil mat (whether a tana-mono, or simply the mizusashi‡) is a Sen family teaching. __________ *As has been mentioned many times before, the kyōma-datami measured 6-shaku 3-sun by 3-shaku 1-sun 5-bu, at least since the original daisu was imported from Korea in the early fifteenth century -- since the width of the tatami was fixed to accommodate the ji-ita of that daisu (which measures 2-shaku 9-sun 5-bu by 1-shaku 4-sun).
†As has been explained elsewhere in this blog, the distance between the me on the omote [表] (the woven rice-straw panel that faces the tatami) differs from region to region (and often from maker to maker as well), with there usually being between 60 and 61 me between the heri on a kyōma-datami.  Thus, the range is generally somewhere between 4.8-bu (1.45 cm) and 4.9-bu (1.48 cm) -- so 2-sun would actually be a little more than 4-me.
    That said, it should be kept in mind that both Jōō and Rikyū said that everything displayed on the mat (including things like tana-mono) should always be aligned to match a me on the side toward the guests.  Thus, this is another example where the Sen family’s teachings directly contradict those of their supposed progenitor and guardian kami.
‡Given the concern over things being too far from the host’s seat, this practice has always seemed curious, since centering the mizusashi on the half-mat means it will be so far from the ro that dripping water is almost unavoidable.
⁵Shikaredomo jiyū no tame, kana no dai-shō ni ōjite yon-me hassun, nana-me ni- roku-sun to oki-koto ari [然共自由ノ為、釜ノ大小ニ応ジテ四目八寸、七目二六寸ト置コトアリ].
    Shikaredomo jiyū no tame [然れども自由のため] means something like “however, for the sake of freedom....”
    Kama no dai-sho ni ojite [釜の大小に応じて] means “as a consequence of the size of the kama....”
    Nana-me ni- roku-sun [七目二六寸] appears to be an orthographic mistake*.  Presumably it should have been nana-me isshaku ni-sun [七目一尺二寸].
    This sentence is simply reversing the measurements that were suggested above in footnote 3, since (in accordance with the text of the Enkaku-ji manuscript) placing the fukuro-dana 8-sun from the corner of the ro was the usual arrangement, in both the inakama and in the kyōma; while moving it backwards so it was 1-shaku 2-sun from the ro was done when the utensils that the host was planning to use during the gathering made that increase in the space available in front of the tana necessary.  These variations are shown below.
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    This version of the text is a curious mixture of the early teachings, combined with subsequent variations introduced by Imai Sōkyū (placing the ji-ita adjacent to the heri, rather than resting upon it as Jōō had done), and later, by the Sen family (the insistence on centering the tana on the utensil mat). __________ *As Shibayama commented, this manuscript of the Nampō Roku was “crudely written.”
    The word that he used, tsutanashi [伹し] (which would usually be written tsutanai [拙い] today), means inept, awkward, ill-chosen, incompetent, bungling, error-ridden.  This suggests that the manuscript contained many instances where words were blotted out and changed, as well as other sorts of mistakes (such as here).  The tokushu shahon was clearly copied from some other source, though without much care being taken (suggesting a document copied hurriedly by someone, for personal reference only -- books of this sort can still be found in the old book shops in Kyōto from time to time, though their accuracy always has to be questioned until verified by cross-referencing with the Enkaku-ji manuscript).
⁶Jōō kono fukuro-dana ni te okarare-shi jibun made ha, tatami ni daisu no kane wo utsusu to iu-koto mo anagachi naku-shite mi-ai no yoki-yō ni okarare-shi-koto nari [紹鷗此ノ袋棚ニテ被置シ時分迄ハ、畳ニ臺子ノカネヲウツスト云フコトモアナガチナクシテ見合ノヨキ様ニ被置シコトナリ].
    Okarare-shi jibun made [置かられし時分まで] means “up until the time when the placement (of the fukuro-dana) was decided....”
    Tatami ni daisu no kane wo utsusu [畳に臺子のカネを映す] means “the kane of the daisu were reflected (or superimposed) onto the tatami.”
    In other words, this is arguing that the kane-wari of the ji-ita of the daisu was simply applied to the mat in front of the daisu.  This, however, is not entirely correct, at least in so far as gokushin theory is concerned.  The ji-ita of the large daisu measures 2-shaku 9-sun 5-bu across, meaning it exactly fit between the heri (it touched the heri of the kyōma-datami on both sides).  But the temae-za , which was an extension of the shiki-shi [敷き紙], reached roughly to the middle of the heri on both sides.  So, at least according to Rikyū, there was, from an early date, an understanding that the kane of the daisu were not simply projected onto the mat*.
    Anagachi naku-shite mi-ai no yoki-yō ni [強ちなくして見合のよきように] means “not necessarily appear to be good;” “not necessarily appear to be balanced.”
    This might be referring to the earlier arrangement, where Jōō lifted the ji-ita of the fukuro-dana up onto the heri, in order to keep the mizusashi aligned with its original kane (which were projected from the ji-ita of the daisu); or it may be referring to the version of this arrangement that was being championed by Imai Sōkyū, which had the ji-ita placed so that it abutted the heri on the side closest to the ro (in which case the mizusashi would have lost its association with its original kane that had been defined by the daisu)†. __________ *This appears to have been a consequence of the shiki-shi [敷き紙] -- or, more specifically, a consequence of the folds of the shiki-shi (each of the eight panels of the shiki-shi measures 5-sun by 6-sun, with each of the folds being 3-bu wide:  thus, the shiki-shi measures 2-shaku 9-bu by 1-shaku 2-sun 3-bu).
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    It is unclear where the shiki-shi came from (though it apparently was used with the daisu before the daisu was brought to Japan, from Korea, around the start of the fifteenth century), but measurements of things like the meibutsu naka maru-bon [中丸盆] (which is exactly 1-shaku 2-sun 3-bu in diameter -- which is an extremely odd measurement, if one tries to argue that it was selected by Nōami independent of any knowledge of the shiki-shi) were apparently decided based on this mysterious object.  Indeed, the folds of the shiki-shi appear to have been the actual (and, frankly, rather obvious) origin of the five yang-kane.  (In which case, it might be better to say that the kane of the daisu were projected onto it from the shiki-shi., though with the space consumed by the folds of the shiki-shi removed)
    Later, it is true that Rikyū moved away from this way of thinking about the temae-za:  once the widths of the folds are removed, the temae-za did, indeed, shrink to the space between the heri (so, at this point, it might be possible to argue that the kane of the daisu were now being superimposed onto the mat in front of it).  As the Sen family only had an inkling of Rikyū's teachings from the 5 years after Rikyū was ordered to take Shōan’s mother as his second wife (to manage his Kyōto household -- and act as Hideyoshi’s resident spy), their knowledge was naturally limited to hearsay based on the things that he was saying during that time.
†In other words, the author of the kaki-ire might be saying either that (in the first instance) the fukuro-dana was not aligned with the kane; or (in the case of the second possibility), the mizusashi was misaligned.
⁷Ro mo kono toki made ha, kō-kyō sadamarazu [炉モ此ノ時迄ハ、廣狭定ラズ].
    Ro mo kono toki made ha, kō-kyō sadamarazu [炉もこの時までは、広狭定まらず] means “up until this time, the size of the ro had also not been fixed (or defined)*.” __________ *Evidence from the kaiki of the period suggests that originally the ro measured 1-shaku 8-sun square.  However, this is not to say it looked like the “dai-ro” [大炉] that is used by certain schools today.  While the ro-buchi did indeed measure 1-shaku 8-sun, the mouth of the ro-dan (into which the kama was lowered) measured 1-shaku square.  The original arrangement is shown below (Jōō’s 4.5-mat room had the guests seated on the host’s left).
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    The reason for this was that, when Jōō first began to use the ro, he moved into this setting directly from the chanoyu of the daisu.  Originally, the hishaku was never rested on the futaoki (or on the mouth of the kama).  Every time it was used, it was immediately returned to the shaku-tate.  Thus, when Jōō began to use the ro, he quite naturally retained this convention -- so, both the shaku-tate and the futaoki were placed on the ro-dan, allowing the host to return the hishaku to the shaku-tate, and place the lid on the futaoki which retained its former proximity to the kama.
    When the decision was made to place these things on the mat (the ro-dan is made of mud-plaster, so it could possibly cause damage to anything made of bronze that was placed on it), the surplus was eliminated, reducing the ro to the size of the ji-ita of the daisu.
⁸Ato ni Sōeki ni dangō no ue, ro no sun-pō mo kiwamerare-shi nari [後ニ宗易ニ談合ノ上、炉ノ寸法モ被極シナリ].
    Sōeki ni dangō no ue, ro no sun-pō mo kiwamerare-shi [宗易に談合の上、炉の寸法も極められし] means “(Jōō), after consulting with Sōeki, determined the dimensions of the ro*.” ___________ *There is nothing in the historical records to suggest that this defining the dimensions of the ro was delayed until 1554 (after Rikyū had returned from the continent).  On the contrary, Jōō seems to have come up with this by himself, probably as a way to give the guests more room (at the beginning of his middle period, the meal was still rather elaborate, so such a very large ro would take up too much space, making it difficult for the host to serve the guests properly).
    This sentence is derived from Kanamori Sōwa’s history of chanoyu in Japan, wherein the transmuting of Rikyū from a man into a tea-god began.
⁹Fukuro-dana oki-kata, chū-ō no takushi, Seirō-dana, Hora-dana nado mo subete shi-hō mannaka to oboeru ni chigawazu, hitachi ha naki-koto nari [後ニ宗易ニ談合ノ上、炉ノ寸法モ被極シナリ、袋棚置方、中央ノ卓子、城樓棚、洞棚抔モ凡テ四方真中ト覚ルニ不違、ヒタチハナキコトナリ].
   Chū-ō no takushi, Seirō-dana, Hora-dana nado [中央の卓子、城樓棚、洞棚など]:  these are the oki-dana [置き棚] (stands that can be moved, as opposed to those that are built-in) that are mentioned in Book Three*.
   Subete shi-hō mannaka to oboeru ni chigawazu [総て四方真ん中と覚えるに違わず] means that "we should commit to memory the fact that all of these things should be centered (on the half mat), without any deviation (from this rule).”
   Though this agrees with the Sen family’s teachings at this time, it differs from what we have been told before (where the orientation of these various tana was supposed to be determined by the part of the fukuro-dana from which they were derived).  In other words, since they represented the half of the fukuro-dana where the mizusashi was located, and the shelf (the naka-dana [中棚]) above, they were originally placed off center, so that the mizusashi would occupy the same place as when it was arranged on the fukuro-dana.
   The meaning of hitachi ha naki-koto nari [ひたちはなきことなり] is very obscure†.  Perhaps it is something like hitachi ha naki-koto nari [経過はなきことなり] -- using a rare, albeit historical, reading for the compound that is usually pronounced keika [経過] -- and so giving the meaning “changing this (orientation) as the years go by is imprudent.” ___________ *These three tana are shown below (as represented in Edo period block-printed texts):  Shino Shōha’s Chū-ō-joku [中央卓] on the left, Tennōji-ya Sōkyū’s Seirō-dana [城樓棚] in the middle, and Imai Sōkyū’s Hora-dana [洞棚] on the right.
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◦ Chū-ō-joku [中央卓]:  cf. the post entitled Nampō Roku, Book 3 (11):  the Chū-ō-joku [中央卓].
    The chū-ō-joku usually had only two legs (though occasionally a third leg was added to the far side).  This tana was originally made as a rest for a nobleman’s lacquered cap of estate, some varieties of which had rather heavy dependent tails or wings in back (necessitating the third leg).  The chū-ō-joku was originally “adapted” by Shino Shōha, who arranged incense utensils on it during the shoza (of his incense gatherings), replacing them with tea utensils during the naka-dachi, so that tea could be served to everyone in the goza (before the participants took their leave).
◦ Seirō-dana [城樓棚]:  cf., Nampō Roku, Book 3 (4,5):   Concerning the Seirō-dana [城樓棚]; and the Modification of the Naka-dana [中棚] of the Fukuro-dana and the Seirō-dana by Practitioners of Incense.
    The Seirō-dana was derived from the fukuro-dana by Tennōji-ya Sōkyū, who basically eliminated the katte-side of that tana (the kō-dana and ji-fukuro not really being used much in chanoyu).  Originally this tana was oriented on the utensil mat so that the mizusashi would occupy the same place (on the mat) as it had done when arranged on the fukuro-dana.
◦ Hora-dana [洞棚]:  cf., Nampō Roku, Book 3 (8):   Concerning the Hora-dana [洞棚].
    The Hora-dana was created by Imai Sōkyū, based on the kyū-dai daisu [及第臺子] -- with the bamboo peg (which can be seen in the drawing) nailed into one side taking the place of a shaku-tate.  Since the Hora-dana basically captures the seat of the mizusashi from the daisu, it was also oriented so as to maintain the mizusashi in its original place.
†It might also just be another case of a miswritten word appearing in the text.  But regardless, the meaning of the sentence would have to be something like what I have translated, given the context.
¹⁰Kyū yojō-han ni tana nashi ni mizusashi okite, cha wo taterare-shi ni, Jōō mo mottomo to dō-shin ari-shi nari [休四畳半ニ棚ナシニ水指置テ、茶ヲ立ラレシニ、紹鷗モ尤ト同心アリシナリ].
    Kyū yojō-han ni tana nashi ni mizusashi okite, cha wo taterare-shi [休四畳半に棚なしに水指置きて、茶を立られし] means “Rikyū, in a 4.5-mat room where there was no tana, placed the mizusashi (on the utensil mat), and in this way served tea.”
    It seems that the first time he did this was when receiving Jōō in his 4.5-mat room shortly after the two had been introduced:  on that occasion, the young Rikyū performed the first hakobi-temae [運び手前] -- since he had lost all of his good tea utensils (they had been purchased by Jōō), he apparently felt it was not appropriate to display anything but the kakemono and the chabana, and the kama in the ro.  After Jōō entered and took his seat, Rikyū brought out everything needed for the service of tea from the katte, served tea, and then took everything away at the end.  The “go-chisō”  [ご馳走] (special feature or focal point of the gathering), rather than being one of the utensils, were Rikyū's physical actions performed in the service of his guest.
    Jōō mo mottomo to dō-shin ari-shi nari [紹鷗も尤もと同心ありしなり] means that Jōō also agreed with what Rikyū had done.
    According to his densho, Rikyū explained that, when the mizusashi is placed out by itself on the utensil mat -- that is, without a tana -- it should be centered on the half-mat.  It appears that this was the precedent for the Sen family’s insistence that everything that was placed on the utensil mat should be centered.
¹¹Shikaraba ro yori ue, han-jō tate-yoko tomo ni itsutsu kane ni kokoro-ete shikaru-beki to te kane wo kuwashiki ateraruru [然ラバ炉ヨリ上、半畳タテヨコ共ニ五ツカネニ心得テ可然トテカネヲ委敷アテラルヽ].
    Shikaraba [然らば] means if so; in that case.
    Ro yori ue [炉より上] is referring to the direction toward the far end of the utensil mat.  In other words, the half of the utensil mat that extends in that direction.
    Han-jō tate-yoko tomo ni itsutsu kane ni kokoro-ete shikaru-beki [半畳縦横共に五つカネに心得て然るべき]:  tate [縦] means lengthwise, yoko [横] means widthwise; tomo ni [共に] means both (that is, 5 kane are distributed across the half-mat both lengthwise and widthwise).
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    In other words, the half mat is divided by five kane that are distributed not only across its width (as we have usually been doing), but also by 5-kane lengthwise (with the 5-bu yū-yo [有餘] at the far end excluded from this division*), as shown above.
    Kane wo kuwashii aterareru [カネを委しい当られる]:  kuwashii [委しい] means carefully, paying minute attention to detail; aterareru [当られる] means to be applied to something, to be put on, to be pressed against†.
    In other words, the kane have to be visualized carefully, with the utensils then distributed across the mat with exactitude, so that they correspond to the kane. __________ *Which -- since no mention of this point has been made -- may or may not have been known by the author of this kaki-ire.
†This probably refers to the kane being pressed onto the surfice of the mat,  but it could also refer to the utensils being associated with those kane.
¹²Kore Jōō, Rikyū sōdan ni te no teiken no aru-koto mochiron naredomo, temae-naki i-zen, chaire・chawan ni te mo, fukuro-dana mae ni oki-awase-suru to iu-koto ha nakare-shi-koto nari [是レ紹鷗、利休相談ニテノ定見ノアルコト勿論ナレドモ、手前ナキ以前、茶入・茶碗ニテモ、袋棚ノ前ニ置合スルト云フコトハナカリシコトナリ].
    Kore Jōō, Rikyū sōdan ni te [これ紹鷗、利休相談にて] means “Jōō, in consultation with Rikyū....”  Possibly giving Rikyū a more authoritative role than would have actually been the case during Jōō's lifetime*.
    Teiken no aru-koto mochiron naredomo [定見のあること勿論なれども]:  teiken [定見] means a fixed or definite opinion; mochiron [勿論] means self-evident, as a matter of course; and naredomo [なれども] means but, however (in other words, the rule thus established applies to what follows).
   Temae-naki i-zen, chaire・chawan ni te mo, fukuro-dana mae ni oki-awase-suru to iu-koto ha nakare-shi-koto nari [手前なき以前、茶入・茶碗にても、袋棚の前に置合すると云うことは無かりしことなり]:  temae-naki i-zen [手前なき以前] means before the temae has begun†; chaire・chawan...fukuro-dana mae ni oki-awase-suru [茶入・茶碗...袋棚の前に置合する] means to arrange the chaire and/or chawan (on the mat) in front of the fukuro-dana; nakari-shi koto [無かりしこと] means something (koto [こと]) that should not exist (nakari-suru [[無かりする]).
   In other words, this is saying that Jōō and Rikyū decided, after discussing this, that before the temae actually begins, arranging the chaire and/or chawan on the mat in front of the fukuro-dana is something that is better not done‡. __________ *Rikyū had learned kane-wari from Kitamuki Dōchin.  And, indeed, this seems to have been his main attractiveness to Jōō (the element that determined to have more than a strictly professional relationship with the young man).
    Dōchin seems to have been disinclined to answer Jōō’s questions about kane-wari, though Jōō had apparently persisted in his inquiries for a long time.  And, after Rikyū’s family lost their money, Rikyū was forced to sell his tea utensils.  So, as a final act of kindness (Rikyū’s lessons stopped as soon as he was no longer able to pay for them, of course), Dōchin introduced Rikyū to Jōō (ostensibly because, as the leading dealer in antiques, Jōō would be prepared to give Rikyū a good price for the things).  But the unspoken part of the deal was that, since Rikyū had already studied with Dōchin for a number of years, he possessed enough knowledge to assuage Jōō’s curiosity.  Nothing that we know indicates that Jōō had a true desire to understand kane-wari deeply (otherwise he would have become Dōchin’s student).  He only wanted to know enough so that his own arrangements would not look wrong to people who had received the orthodox teachings (which is why Jōō, though called the greatest master of the age, does not seem to have ever given lessons, but preferred to keep himself in the background with his collection of meibutsu utensils -- the possession of which implied, to his contemporaries, that he was equally well informed about their correct usage:  Jōō allowed his utensils to be used by people who had been taught about such things, and then took note of what was done, adding that to his store of information; but until Rikyū provided him with a basic introduction to kane-wari, an understanding of the reason behind what was being done had eluded him).
    After Jōō had learned what he needed, he showed his thanks to Rikyū by financing a utensil-collecting mission to Korea (which Rikyū extended to a sojourn of around 10 years):  as the financier, Jōō would have received a percentage of the profits when the utensils were later sold in Japan; but this trip allowed Rikyū to reestablish his family’s fortunes (indeed, if we ignore this -- as do the Japanese biographies of Rikyū -- no explanation can be found for how he became one of the three great masters of Sakai, given the utter impecunity of his situation when we last saw him in his youth...a situation that quite suddenly seems to have dissipated in 1554, when Rikyū once again begins to host chanoyu gatherings).  And upon his return, Rikyū informed Jōō of the ideas and practices to which he had been exposed on the continent, so that their chanoyu began to evolve in a massive way in the year or so between his return and Jōō’s death (at the end of 1555).
†More literally, in the time before the temae has come into being....
‡The whole purpose of the tana is to give the host somewhere to place the utensils -- and, in this, it takes the daisu as its example.  If one wishes to display something on the mat, then why does one need the tana?
    If we consider things in this way, it becomes clear that the whole hitotsu-mono [一ツ物] episode (that figures so importantly in the Enkaku-ji manuscript’s version of this entry) is something added by the machi-shū because, if Rikyū had wanted to protect his Shiri-bukura from the danger of being lowered from the kō-dana to the mat, then there would have been no reason for him to use the fukuro-dana in the first place (since making the other utensils easily available to the utensil mat could have been accomplished simply by placing them in the dōko -- which was always a feature of Rikyū’s tearooms).
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kchasm · 1 year
Ryu Number: The Sengoku Period/Romance of the Three Kingdoms characters of Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate, Chapter 2, Part 2
The Fierce Tiger of Jiangdong
Hōjō Tsunashige
Hōjō Ujiyasu
Inomata Kuninori
Ishimaki Yasumasa
Lady Hayakawa
Ogasawara Yasuhiro
Ueda Norisada
Sanada Yukimura
Ii Naotora
Guan Yinping
Sima Yi
Zhang Chunhua
Da Qiao/Daqiao (Historically 大 橋, in Romance of the Three Kingdoms 大 喬, Dai Kyou): One of the famous sisters known as the Two Qiaos of Jiangdong. Her name is historically lost; “Da Qiao” simply means “older Qiao.” In 199, she and her sister were taken captive by Sun Ce’s army; Da Qiao subsequently married Sun Ce. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, part of what presses Zhou Yu to convince Sun Quan to ally with Liu Bei against Cao Cao is Zhuge Liang convincing him that Cao wants the two sisters for himself.
Ding Feng
Lady Sun (孫 夫, Son-Fujin; her name is unknown, but Chinese opera often gives her the name Sun Shangxiang/孫 尚香/Son Shoukou, as does Warriors Orochi 4): Daughter of Sun Jian. In 209, she was married to Liu Bei as part of an alliance. She was known for her arrogant behavior. When Liu Bei left Jing Province in 211 to attack warlord Liu Zhang, Sun Quan fetched her back to Wu; she attempted to take Liu Bei’s son Liu Shan (who wasn’t even her son) but was stopped. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, she’s called Sun Ren (孫 仁, Son Jin) and commits suicide when she hears that Lou Bei has been killed at the 221-222 Battle of Xiaoting (which he hasn’t).
Liu Ping (留 平, Ryuu Hei): Served under the third emperor of Wu, Sun Xiu, and the fourth, Sun Hao. Unfortunately, Sun Hao was a real jerk. In 271, he launched an attack against Jin, but also brought his wife, mother, and harem along, which created real work for the army so much that grumblings of defection led Sun Hao to abort the deal. For this, Sun Hao began to bear a grudge against one of the generals there, Liu Ping. He tried to poison Liu Ping, which failed, but Ping ended up dying of stress anyway in 272.
Lü Fan (呂 範, Ryo Han): An official under warlord Yuan Shu who served under Sun Ce, both when Ce was a general under Shu and also afterward, when Ce became an independent warlord. Father of Lü Ju. Requested a low-ranking position so that he could more effectively manage and train troops. Served Sun Quan after Sun Ce’s death. Died of illness 228.
Pan Lin (潘 臨, Han Rin): The Shanyue were a collection of Yue hill tribes (and bandits) known for resisting Sun Ce and Sun Quan; Pan Lin led a group of them. Lu Xun defeated him. Some webpages say that Pan Lin subsequently served Wu, so assuming that’s true, I guess that’s why he’s here?
Sun Ben (孫 賁, Son Hon): Nephew of Sun Jian. After Sun Jian’s death c. 191, Sun Ben served Yuan Shu as Jian had. He broke ties with Yuan Shu after the latter declared himself emperor, and joined Sun Ce. Served in the 208-209 Battle of Red Cliffs, then died of illness.
Sun Ce (孫 策, Son Saku): Born 175. Warlord who laid the foundation of Wu. Oldest son of Sun Jian. Originally worked with Yuan Shu, but broke away from him after he declared himself emperor. He was assassinated in 200 by subordinates of a man he had had executed. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his death is a lot more dramatic; after being badly wounded in an attempted assassination, he has a Taoist priest executed (unrelated to the assassination thing), and is subsequently haunted by the man’s specter to the point where basically a combination of the stress and the wound kill him.
Sun Huan (孫 桓, Son Kan): Born 198. Participated in the successful 219 invasion of Jing Province against Guan Yu’s forces. During the 221-222 Battle of Xiaoting, he was besieged by Liu Bei’s forces at Yidao and held out until Bei’s forces were defeated elsewhere and the siege was lifted.
Sun Jian (孫 堅, Son Ken): Born 155. Minor warlord, but influential. Father of Sun Ce and Sun Quan. During the Campaign against Dong Zhuo in 190, Sun Jian joined and became a subordinate of warlord Yuan Shu, accomplishing major success in his operations. In 191, he was sent by Yuan Shu to attack Liu Biao, the governor of Jing Province. His date of death is unclear; one source says he was killed in an ambush by Liu Biao’s men; another source says that he was killed in 193 by a different individual under Liu Biao.
Sun Jing (孫 靜, 孫 静, Son Sei): Youngest brother of Sun Jian. He aided Sun Ce, and his knowledge helped defeat warlord Wang Lang. Afterward, he refused an important position in favor of being assigned to the region of his family home, where he spent the rest of his life. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms he is mistakenly referred to as Sun Quan’s brother.
Sun Kuang (孫 匡, Son Kyou): Born after 184. Fourth and youngest son of Sun Jian. When Sun Ce began to consolidate power between 194 and 199, Cao Cao, who was wary of Ce’s growing influence, sought to arrange marital ties between his and Ce’s families; Cao’s niece (a daughter of Cao Ren) married Sun Kuang. However, Sun Kuang died in his early twenties before he could hold any of the offices he was nominated for. Some sources have him be the one who disastrously almost completely ruined the defense of Wu against Wei in 222, but that was most probably actually Sun Lang.
Sun Lang (孫 朗, Son Rou): Son of Sun Jian and half-brother of Sun Quan. In 222, when Wei attacked Wu, Wu military general Lü Fan prohibited fire attacks on account of unfavorable weather. Sun Lang sprung for one anyway and accidentally set his own camp on fire, and much of Lü Fan’s naval fleet ended up destroyed, which nearly spelled disaster for Wu as a whole, though it was all salvaged in the end. Sun Lang subsequently had his ranks stripped and spent his life under house arrest.
Sun Quan
Sun Tai (孫 泰, Son Tai): Son of Sun Kuang. Killed by an arrow in the 234 Battle of Hefei Xincheng (when Wu attacked the Wei city of Hefei).
Sun Xiu (孫 休, Son Kyuu): Born 235. Son of Sun Quan and third emperor of Wu. When the second emperor, Sun Liang attempted to get state power from his regent Sun Chen, Chen stopped the movement, unemperored Chen, and replaced him with Xiu in 258. Sun Xiu then had Sun Chen killed in 259. With incapable and corrupt subordinates, he was not an effective emperor. He died in 264 have designated his son Sun Wan as his heir; however, his wishes were ignored and the adult Sun Hao was emperored instead of the still-child Wan.
Quan Cong (全 琮, Zen Sou; sometimes mistranslated, as in Warriors Orochi 4, as Quan Zong): In a notable event, he gave away grain for free to hungry people instead of selling it. Began his career under Sun Quan. When Sun Quan ordered his crown prince Sun Deng to lead troops into battle, flouting custom, Quan Cong diplomatically advised him to do otherwise. When he led troops to attack Wei-controlled land in 233 and civilians fled, he refused to use his men to hunt them down. He became embroiled in the succession struggle between Sun Quan’s sons Sun He and Sun Ba, supporting Sun Ba, but died before the drama concluded in 250. He was either born 196 and died 247, or was born 198 and died 249.
Quan Xi (全 熈, 全 煕, Zen Ki): When disastrous Wu regent Zhuge Ke was ousted in 253, Quan Xi was one of the ones ordered to go and arrest Ke’s relative Zhuge Rong. When Wei general Zhuge Dan revolted in 257, Quan Xi was among those sent by Wu as support. At some point his family tried to leave Wu for Wei but the plan was found out and Quan Xi was killed. If this mini-biography is weirdly vague it’s because there is like, one Wikipedia article in Japanese about this guy and I trust machine translation as far as I can toss it.
Taishi Ci
Tang Zi (唐 咨, Tou Shi): In 225, a rebellion broke out in Licheng Commandery, with Tang Zi nominated to became the new leader, but Wei emperor Cao Pi suppressed the revolt and Zi fled to Wu. He was one of the ones sent by Wu to support Zhuge Dan’s rebellion in Wei in 257, but when the rebellion failed Tang Zi was captured by Wei and agreed to serve them.
Wang Dun (王 惇, Ou Ton): In 256, He conspired to kill Sun Chen, the cruel regent of Sun Liang, but the plot was discovered and Wang Dun was killed.
Wu Jing (吳 景, 呉 景, Go Kei): Brother of Sun Jian’s wife. Served Sun Jian, then (after Jian was killed in 191) warlord Yuan Shu, then (after Shu declared himself emperor) Sun Ce. Died 203.
Xiao Qiao/Xiaoqiao (Historically 小 橋, in Romance of the Three Kingdoms 小 喬, Shou Kyou): One of the famous sisters known as the Two Qiaos of Jiangdong. Her name is historically lost; “Xiao Qiao” simply means “younger Qiao.” In 199, she and her sister were taken captive by Sun Ce’s army; Xiao Qiao subsequently married Zhou Yu.
Yu Fan (虞 翻, Gu Hon): Born 164. Originally a served under Wang Lang, the Administrator of Kuaiji Commandery. After Wang Lang was defeated by Sun Ce, Yu Fan ended up working for Ce. After Sun Ce’s death, he served Sun Quan. Though he was accomplished, his straightforward nature and habit of insulting people eventually caused Sun Quan to exile him to Jiao Province. Died 233.
Zhang Cheng (張 承 Chou Shou) This Zhang Cheng had the courtesy name Zhongsi (仲嗣, Chuushi) Born 178. Served under Sun Quan. Said to be a good judge of character, forseeing Zhuge Ke as headed for nothing good. Two of his children were purged in the aftermath of Zhuge Ke’s downfall. Died 244.
Zhang Shao (張 紹, Chou Shou): There was a Zhang Shao with these characters who was the son of Zhang Fei and surrendered to Wei after Shu collapsed, but this is supposed to be a member of the Wu forces, so it shouldn’t be that guy, right? There’s a possibility that this is supposed to be Zhang Zhao (張 昭), whose name uses similar characters and is also pronounced “Chou Shou” in Japanese, but this is speculation. Or of course, perhaps there was an unrelated Zhang Shao who did serve Wu that I’m just not coming across. If this is supposed to be Zhang Zhao, suffice to say: Born 156, became an advisor to Sun Ce, significantly supported Sun Quan after Ce’s death, suggested in 208 that Quan surrender to Cao Cao because he felt Quan wasn’t going to win (Quan totally did), died 236, known for a stern and uncompromising personality.
Zhou Yu (周 瑜, Shuu Yu): Born 175. Strategist who initially served Sun Ce. He accompanied Sun Ce when Sun Ce still operated under Yuan Shu, and continued to follow and assist Sun Ce when Sun Ce broke ties with Yuan Shu after Shu declared himself emperor. After Sun Ce was assassinated in 200, he was succeeded by his younger brother Sun Quan, and Zhou Yu began to assist him. He was influential in convincing Sun Quan to fight back against Cao Cao when Cao Cao began to threaten him in 208, and helped defeat Cao Cao’s numerically superior force at the Battle of Red Cliffs. Died of illness 210.
Zhu En (朱 恩, Shu On): Subordinate of Zhuge Ke; served in Ke’s personal police force. When Zhuge Ke was killed by Sun Jun, Zhu En died in the subsequent purges.
Zhu Ran
Zhu Zhi (朱 治, Shu Chi): Born 156.Served Sun Jian and participated in the campaign against Dong Zhuo, then served Sun Ce, then Sun Quan. Known for his modesty, including politically. Retired to his hometown. Died 224.
Sima Yi
Zhang Chunhua
Protecting the Bracelet
Asano Nagaakira (浅野 長晟): Born 1586. Served Toyotomi Hideyoshi, then, in 1594, began serving Tokugawa Ieyasu, and was allied with him in the 1600 Battle of Sekigahara and the 1614-1615 Siege of Osaka. Died 1632.
Ii Naotora
Ikeda Shigeyasu (池田 重安): He originally served vassals of the Takeda clan, but by the 1600 Battle of Sekigahara, he was under Sanada Nobuyuki (in the Eastern Army). Though Shigeyasu appears as a dot on the map, it’s not really possible to see him before he’s defeated by Nezha and disappears, so this may not count as an appearance.
Naitō Tadaoki (内藤 忠興): Born 1592. Served Tokugawa Ieyasu. Rode out against orders to serve Tokugawa Ieyasu directly during the 1614 Siege of Osaka. Died 1674.
Sakakibara Yasumasa
Yūki Hideyasu (結城 秀康): Born 1574. Second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, he was adopted first by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and then by Yūki Harumasa. During the 1600 Battle of Sekigahara, he helped prevent the western advance of Uesugi Kagakatsu. Afterward, he returned to his father’s original surname, Matsudaira. Died 1607. Though Hideyasu appears as a dot on the map, it’s not really possible to see him before he’s defeated by Nezha and disappears, so this may not count as an appearance.
Sanada Yukimura
Fūma Kotarō
Akechi Hidemitsu
Akechi Mitsuhide
Hachisuka Koroku
Kuki Yoshitaka
Mori Ranmaru
Nakagawa Kiyohide (中川 清秀): Surrendered to Oda Nobunaga in 1571 and began serving him. When Araki Murashige rebelled in 1578, Kiyohide also rebelled, but then surrendered to Oda Nobunaga and went back to serving him. In the Oda succession crisis, Kiyohide sided with Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda Nobukatsu; he died in the 1583 Battle of Shizugatake against Shibata Katsuie and Oda Nobutaka forces.
Ogawa Suketada (小川 祐忠): Born 1535. Served Oda Nobunaga, but went to Akechi Mitsuhide’s side after the 1582 Honnō-ji Incident. Afterward, he ended up serving Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He joined the 1600 Battle of Sekigahara on the side of the Western Army, but defected to the Eastern Army. Died 1601.
Oda Nobukatsu
Saitō Toshimitsu
Yamauchi Kazutoyo
Yasuda Kunitsugu (安田 国継): Born 1556. Served Saitō Toshimitsu and Akechi Mitsuhide. Participated on Akechi’s side at the 1582 Honnō-ji Incident; some say that he was the one who killed Oda Nobunaga there. Died 1597 on the same day that Oda Nobunaga died; it’s said he committed suicide due to a boil on his cheek and that he was cursed for killing Nobunaga.
Guan Yinping
Hu Ji ( 胡 濟, 胡 済, Go Sei): General of Shu. He was unable to meet up with Jiang Wei’s forces in a 256 campaign against Wei, leading to Jiang Wei’s defeat.
Liu Bei
Shi Bao (石 苞, Seki Hou): A minor government official who got by by selling weapons. His talents were recognized and he was made into a governor. Helped defeat Zhuge Dan’s rebellion in 257-258. Continued his service when Wei became Jin in 266. Was suspected of Being Treasonous for some time but was cleared. Died 273.
Sima Fu (司馬 孚, Shiba Fu): Born 180. Brother of Sima Yi. Notably loyal to the Wei emperors despite the machinations of his family; when Cao Mao died in 260 trying to seize back power he was one of the few who wept at his funeral. When Sima Yan, his grandnephew, finally made himself emperor of Jin, Sima Fu refused any title of nobility. Died 272.
Sima Jin
Sima Shi (司馬 師, Shiba Shi): Born 208. First son of Sima Yi, who he assisted in removing Cao Shuang from the picture in 249 so that Yi should have all the Wei regency powers for himself (some sources say Sima Shi was the only one Yi planned it with). He became regent after Sima Yi’s death in 251. Nominal emperor Cao Fang sought to get his power back in 254, but Sima Shi got an inkling of discontent and made him step down in favor of Cao Mao. She died after putting down another rebellion, in 255, from complications from an operation that removed a tumor from his eye.
Sima Yi
Sima You (司馬 攸, Shiba Yuu): Born 246. Second son of Sima Zhao. Sima Yan, emperor of Jin, wanted his developmentally disabled son Sim Zhong to be the next emperor, and was concerned that people favored Sima You, so he had You sent away from Politics to his fiefdom in 282. Died in 283 of stress.
Sima Zhao
Wang Yuanji
Xiahou Xuan
Xin Chang
Zhang Chunhua
The Young Dragon Obeys the Goddess
Sanada Yukimura
Takeda Shingen
Fūma Kotarō
Uesugi Kenshin
Sanada Nobuyuki
Bao Sanniang (鮑 三娘, Hou Sanjou): Fictional wife of the fictional Guan Suo. In folklore, she’s a warrior who Guan Suo hears tell of and challenges to a spar; when he defeats her, she proposes. After her husband dies in battle, she guards Jiameng Pass until her death. Or maybe dies defending it. Or dies of illness there. That’s folklore, my dudes.
Chen Dao (陳 到, Chin Tou): Served Shu. Little is known about him, but he was the leader of one of Liu Bei’s elite units. Active from the 190s to the 230s.
Guan Ping
Guan Suo (關 索, 関 索, Kan Saku): In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a fictional son of Guan Yu who served Shu. He is often folklorically described as being handsome and having many wives.
Guan Xing (關 興, 関 興, Kan Kou): Son of Guan Yu and younger brother of Guan Ping. When he became an adult, he became an official in Shu, but died some years later. Romance of the Three Kingdoms gives him a larger role and has him in more of a warrior role; he kills Pan Zhang (the Wu general who captured Guan Yu) and kills two former Liu Han whose defections to Sun Quan led to the event.
Guan Yi (關 彝, 関 彝, Kan I): Grandson of Guan Yu and son of Guan Xing. Some sources say he died after Shu’s 263 fall; in Romance of the Three Kingdoms he’s killed by Wei soldiers during Zhong Hui’s attempted rebellion in 264.
Guan Yinping
Liu Bei
Liu Ning (劉 寧, Ryuu Nei): Shu General. In the 221-222 Battle of Xiaoting, Liu Bei’s attempt to take back Jing Province from Wu, Liu Ning was defeated and forced to surrender.
Wu Lan (吳 蘭, 呉 蘭, Go Ran): Served Shu. Killed during the Hanzhong Campaign in 217, either in battle by Cao Hong and Cao Xiu’s forces, or after fleeing by the Di leader Qiangduan (the Di were an ethnic group of western China).
Xingcai (星彩, Seisai):Empress Zhang (張 皇后, Chou Kougou) was the daughter of Zhang Fei, who became an Imperial Consort of Shu emperor Liu Shan. She became empress in 238, after the previous empress, her elder sister, died. After Shu was conquered in 264, she joined Liu Shan in Luoyang. Koei gives her the fictional identity of Xingcai.
Zhang Bao (張 苞, Chou Hou): Son of Zhang Fei who died early. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he fights Guan Xing because he wants to lead forces into the 221-222 Battle of Xiaoting and Liu Bei has to break them up. In Zhuge Liang’s Third Northern Expedition (in 229), he dies of injuries from falling into a gully.
Zhao Yun (趙 雲, Chou Un): Served Shu. Originally served warlord Gongsun Zan, and there met Liu Bei, who was sheltering under Zan at the time. Continued his service under Liu Bei’s son Liu Shan and participated in the first of Zhuge Liang’s failed northern expeditions in 228. Died 229. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms he is one of the Five Tiger Generals of Shu. A popular folktale says that he was never scarred in battle, but died of fatal hemorrhage when his wife playfully pricked him with a pin.
Showdown with the Demon King
Sanada Yukimura
Ii Naotora
Sanada Nobuyuki
Akechi Mitsuhide
Ishida Mitsunari (石田 三成): Born 1560. Served under Toyotomi Hideyoshi. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s death in 1598 he was in a very politically unstable position, not helped by Tokugawa Ieyasu’s willingness to ascend to power himself despite being nominally one of the regents of Hideyoshi’s heir. Mitsunari formed a coalition to stand against Tokugawa Ieyasu, culminating in the 1600 Battle of Sekigahara, with Mitsunari’s Western Army against Tokugawa’s Eastern Army, but Mitsunari’s unpopularity with potential allies saw his loss. He attempted to escape but was captured and killed.
Kuki Yoshitaka
Yamauchi Kazutoyo
Mori Nagayoshi (森長 可): Born 1558. Older brother of Mori Ranmaru. Served Oda Nobunaga, then Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Shot and killed at the 1584 Battle of Komaki and Nagakute.
Mori Ranmaru
Niwa Nagahide
Oda Nobunaga
Saitō Toshimitsu
Shibata Katsuie
Takigawa Kazumasu (滝川 一益; possibly Takigawa Ichimasu): Born 1525. Served Oda Nobunaga. After Nobunaga’s death, he opposed Toyotomi Hideyoshi alongside Shiba Katsuie, siding with Oda Nobutaka, but was defeated and submitted to Hideyoshi in 1583. After performing suboptimally at the 1584 Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, he retired and became a monk, and died 1586.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣 秀吉; also “Toyotomi no Hideyoshi”, i.e. Hideyoshi of the Toyotomis): Born 1537. Rose from a peasant background to become one of Nobunaga’s most prominent retainers. Famously built a castle on the edge of enemy territory in a very short amount of time in order to gain an advantage in the 1567 Siege of Inabayama Castle against the Saitō clan. After Nobunaga’s death in 1582, Toyotomi was in a strong position politically. He came into conflict with Shibata Katsuie and Oda Nobutaka when it came time to determine Nobunaga’s heir (being allied with Oda Nobukatsu instead), but prevailed. He completed the unification of Japan under a single rule that had been started by Oda Nobunaga. Later, he attempted a Japanese conquest of China through Korea, but this turned out to be a failure that lost him political strength. When he died in 1598 the invasions were called off. He declared his son Toyotomi Hideyori as his heir and entrusted his care to a Council of Five Elders, but that Didn’t Work Out and Tokugawa Ieyasu (one of the elders) ended up rising to power instead.
Guan Yinping
Liu Bei
Cao Pi (曹 丕, Sou Hi): Second son of Cao Cao and first emperor of the state of Wei. He succeeded his father when Cao Cao died in 220. In the same year, he deposed Emperor Xian, finally making the Cao explicitly emperors. Though Sun Quan was nominally one of his vassals, he broke ties with Wei, declaring independence in 222. Died 226.
Cao Zhen (曹 珍, Sou Chin): Wei general who worked with Zhuge Dan (back when Dan was still not-rebelling). In 255, he was killed in Gaoting in a clash with Wu forces who were receiving the defecting Wen Qin.
Guo Huai
Lady Zhen (甄夫人, Shin-Fujin; referred to in Warriors Orochi 4 as Zhenji/甄 姬/甄 姫/Shin-Ki, which means approximately the same, unless you count that second 姬/姫 character as a forename instead of an affix, which I cheerfully refuse to do because that means I can’t connect this Lady Zhen with other generic non-specific Lady Zhens): Born 183. Well-read and socially adept from a young age. Married Yuan Xi, son of warlord Yuan Shao, though Zhen lived apart from him in the administrative center of Shao’s territory. In 204, after Yuan Shao’s death, Cao Cao’s forces were able to take control of this territory, and Cao Pi met Zhen and married her. She kept the peace among the other wives and encouraged Pi to take more concubines. However, after Cao Cao died in 220 and Cao Pi became emperor, his favor toward other concubines led Zhen to complain; for this or some other unknown offense, Pi responded by forcing her to take her own life in 221. Her son Cao Rui would become the next emperor of Wei.
Wen Hu (文 虎, Bun Ko): Son of Wen Qin and brother of Wen Yang. After Sima Shi deposed Wei emperor Cao Fang and replaced him with Cao Mao in 254, Wen Qin started a rebellion, but this was quickly suppressed and he and his family were forced to defect to Wu. When Wei general Zhuge Dan rebelled against Sima Zhao in 257, the Wen family was among those sent to support him. However, the relationship between Wen Qin and Zhuge Dan deteriorated, and when Zhuge Dan had Wen Qin executed, Wen Hu and Wen Yang fled back and surrendered to Sima Zhao.
Wen Yang (文 鴦, Bun Ou): Born 238. Son of Wen Qin and brother of Wen Hu. After Zhuge Dan’s rebellion was defeated, Wen Yang went back to serving Wei, and after its formation, Jin. However, in 291, he was falsely accused of being involved in a failed rebellion by Sima Yao, Zhuge Dan’s grandson (not the emperor Sima Yao—different hanzi), and was executed along with his family
Yang Xin (楊 欣, You Kin): Served Wei. Assisted Deng Ai in the 263 conquest of Shu. Continued serving Jin. Died in 276 fighting against the nomadic Xianbei people.
Zhuge Dan
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drharveynguyen · 1 year
Nang mui gia bao nhieu
Gia ca cua viec cai thien cau truc mui se phu thuoc vao loai sun duoc su dung Dieu quan trong ma khach hang can xem xet va hieu ro la loai sun nao se duoc ap dung trong qua trinh nang mui Su cao cap cua chat lieu sun se dan den chi phi cao hon
Khi ban chon sun nang nhan tao chat luong cao mui se co tinh tham my va do ben duoc dam bao tao cam giac tu nhien va hap dan Nguoc lai viec su dung sun gia re co the mang theo nhieu rui ro va nguy co khong mong muon
Ngoai ra trong mot so truong hop ban co the su dung sun tu than tu cac vi tri khac nhau nhu sun vanh tai sun vach ngan hoac sun suon de dieu chinh cau truc mui Dac biet neu ban quyet dinh nang mui bang sun suon thi chi phi phau thuat co the tang len nhung ket qua thuong dat duoc la on dinh
Vi vay thay vi quan tam qua nhieu den muc gia cua viec nang mui ban nen bat dau xem xet lua chon chat lieu sun phu hop cho minh
0 notes
thejewofkansas · 3 years
MONGOL Review - **½
MONGOL Review – **½
While digging through a mass of papers left from my freshman year of college, I discovered a couple of my earliest in-depth film reviews, written for an Introduction to Russian Culture class in the spring of 2009. First is my review of Sergei Bodrov’s biopic of Genghis Khan—first of a planned trilogy, though it’s not clear if the trilogy will ever be completed—which earned a B+. I offer it as it…
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philomaela · 8 years
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Go to the merchants who trade with Mongols. Ask them to find Temudgin's clan and give this wishbone to Borte. Remember, Borte.
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agaypanic · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write a gally x reader where he is very sweet and soft around her but all tough in public. I love your writings btw !!!
Sweet Dreams (Gally X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Y/n is the only one who gets to see past Gally’s walls.
A/N: first gally post!!
“Hurry up!” Gally yelled down to his group of builders from the top of his ladder. “The sooner we finish, the sooner we get lunch!”
The builders grumbled but didn’t complain, knowing what their Keeper was saying was true. They had to do repairs and add-ons to the Homestead because the number of boys in the Glade never stopped increasing.
After the repairs were finished, Gally sent the builders off to lunch. He decided to stay behind to put away tools, liking a little quiet time and waiting for a certain someone.
“Hey, Gal!” And there she was. If it wasn’t public knowledge that Y/n was dating the Keeper of the builders, his reaction to her arrival was enough to know there was something between them.
“Hey, Hon.” Gally turned around to hug his girlfriend, slightly lifting her off the ground. She giggled at the action.
“Ready for lunch?”
“You know it.” Gally set her down, opting for lacing their fingers together as they made their way to Frypan’s food. Their arms swung back and forth during their walk as they talked about what had happened during their morning. But as they neared the crowd of boys, Gally stopped his movements, so their hands simply hung by their sides, still interlocked.
Y/n knew why he did this, and she didn’t mind. It’s not like Gally would do a 180 and be a slinthead to her in front of the guys. He just preferred a bit more private love life, and he still felt the need to prove his toughness.
During lunch, he listened to her story about a funny encounter she had heard between Zart and Newt in the gardens, and she listened to him complain about the Greenie he was put in charge of for the day. But sadly, since all good things must come to an end, lunch was soon over, and they had to part.
They were the last to leave, Gally wanting to wait until they were alone before he attacked Y/n with affection as some sort of parting gift before they had to go back to work. There were some kisses here, some sweet nothings there, and then they were both on their separate ways.
Y/n couldn’t find Gally when she was done with work. She thought that he’d be waiting for her so they could walk to dinner together. Or maybe he was already there with an extra plate for her. But he wasn’t. When getting her food, she asked Ben if he had seen the keeper. 
“Yeah, he went into the Homestead. Thought he’d be out by now.” He shrugged before moving to sit with his friends at one of the picnic tables.
Y/n quickly ate her dinner and headed to the Homestead. She was hoping that either Gally was still there, doing whatever he was doing, or that he was looking for her, and they’d meet somewhere in the middle.
“Gally?” She called into the empty building, closing the door behind her. She strained her ears for a response but didn’t get one. So she moved up the stairs, repeating his name.
“In here.” She heard a mumble to her right as she walked down the hall. Of course, she thought while opening the door. He was in their shared room.
He was lying on the bed (that he had built when they decided to share a room) on his stomach. He slowly opened one eye, most of his face being smushed into the pillow. Y/n thought that he still looked pretty despite being a bit sweaty from working in the sun and half asleep.
“Hey.” He muttered, gesturing with his hand for her to come over. She slipped her shoes off and lay on the bed next to him. Gally put his arm around her to pull her closer.
“Had to ask Ben where you were. I thought you were coming to dinner.”
“Sorry.” Gally sighed. “Was so tired. Just wanted a nap, but I couldn’t fall asleep.”
“Why?” Y/n asked concernedly, bringing a hand up to rub Gally’s side.
“You weren’t here. Knew I was missing something.” Gally shifted, so he was on his side, still facing her, wrapping his other arm around her. “But now you’re here.”
“Yeah, I am.” Y/n’s hand moved up to gently trace the features on Gally’s face. “Still wanna go to sleep?”
“Yeah,” Gally whispered, already drifting off. 
“Sweet dreams, Gal.” Y/n closed her eyes, starting to fall asleep herself. She felt Gally’s head make its way to the crook of her neck. He placed a quick kiss on her shoulder before taking a deep breath.
“G’night, Baby.”
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queenxxxsupreme · 2 years
Defender, Protector, Keeper (Arthur Morgan x f!reader)
Part 10 
A/N: Thank you guys for being so patient with me!!! I really truly appreciate it!! Hopefully the next part will be out soon! The previous parts can be found here on my rdr2 masterlist
Warnings: angst, a little fluffy, missing child, nothing outside of canon, some spoilers for RDR2 Ch. 4 maybe?? next chapter will definitely have spoilers but with my twists
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: Arthur does his best to find Benjamin, but when he can’t do that, he does everything he can to comfort you. 
By the time evening came, camp had been moved to a place known as Shady Belle. You didn’t want to leave the lake, to leave the last spot you had seen your son. But you had no choice. If you stayed, Agent Milton and his men would find the gang. 
Arthur was quiet as he helped you down from his horse. Neither of you had said much of anything to each other. You couldn’t speak and he didn’t know what to say. 
“Mr. Morgan? I’ve got your things in the bedroom above the stairs.” Grimshaw told him. “Miss Y/L/N, hon, Sadie and Karen have your things in the tent.”
You nodded and began to go towards your shared tent with the ladies. 
“Pumpkin, come stay with me.” Arthur spoke softly, his hand finding the space between your shoulders. “Please? At-At least until we find Ben.”
You looked in the direction of the tents. You knew very well you wouldn’t be able to sleep one bit. You were exhausted, but you wouldn’t be able to close your eyes until you had your son. If anything, you would risk keeping the girls awake with your ways, so perhaps staying with Arthur was the better option. 
“Okay.” You agreed. 
Arthur retrieved your two bags from the girls’ tent and brought it with him as he led the way to the room that would be his. 
He pushed the door open with his boot, then gestured for you to go in first. He placed your bags just inside of the door. He didn’t have time now to organize things. He needed to get a little bit of rest before leaving to search for the boys the following morning. 
You went to the window, your arms wrapped tightly around yourself. 
The glass had been broken out of it, giving you a perfect view of the backyard of the manor. 
“Pumpkin, I’m sorry.” Arthur couldn’t stop apologizing. There was a heavy weight from the guilt he carried because he couldn’t bring back either of the two boys. And perhaps if he hadn’t taken you away for the afternoon, the boys would still be there. You never let Ben stray too far from your sight. If he hadn’t taken you out for the afternoon, perhaps Ben would still be with you. Perhaps your heart wouldn’t be so broken. 
“If anything happens to him, Arthur….” Your voice was barely even a whisper. You shook your head gently. “I’ll never forgive myself.”
“Benny’s a strong boy, Y/N. And he isn’t alone. He’s got Jack with him.”
You wiped your cheeks, but it really was pointless. The crying had been on and off since you learned of your son’s disappearance. 
“He’s all I have, Arthur.”
“I know.” Arthur wanted to comfort you, to offer you his arms and his shoulder, but he didn’t want to smother you with his presence. 
So instead of hugging you like he so desperately wanted, he kept to himself. 
The night was restless for both of you. It was the first night that you had shared a cot with Arthur Morgan, but it wasn’t nearly as romantic as you had one day hoped it would be.
You couldn’t stay still long enough to relax and go to sleep. You had spent maybe ten minutes the entire night laying down. For the rest of the time, you were pacing the room, standing at the window, or sitting on the edge of the cot. 
Arthur stayed laying on the cot for most of the night, watching you or staring at the ceiling. Every now and then, the heaviness of his eyes would get the best of him and he would drift off. But then the floorboards would creak just a little while later as you changed your position in the room. 
Needless to say, neither of you got very much sleep. 
The sun had just started to come up. Arthur carried a cup of coffee for you in his hand as he made his way up the staircase. He had finished up a rather quick meeting with Dutch and Hosea to figure out what was going on. It was decided that Arthur would go into Saint Denis to ask about Angelo Bronte. 
While he didn’t want to leave you alone, he knew he had to get to work on finding the two lost boys for yours and Abigail’s sake. 
Arthur pushed the door to the room open with his shoulder, using his free hand to take his hat off. 
You were sitting on the edge of the cot holding one of Ben’s shirts in your hands. Your eyes were glued to the article of clothing as if it held the answers you were looking for. 
Arthur placed his hat and the coffee down on a chest. 
“Hey, pumpkin.”
Your eyes flickered up to meet his. 
It broke his heart to see you so teary eyed, and to see the look of complete heartbreak in your eyes. 
“I’m gonna go into Saint Denis and start lookin’ into that Angelo Bronte fella.”
You nodded, squeezing Ben’s shirt tightly.
Arthur knelt down in front of you on one knee. He placed one hand on the cot beside your leg and the other went to cup your cheek. 
“I will stop at nothin’ to bring him back to you, Y/N. It might not be today, but I promise you I won’t stop until he’s back here with you.”
You leaned into his hand that rested on his cheek. His skin was so warm. 
“I just need you to keep your head up, okay? You gotta do it for Ben, alright?”
“I-I just– I can’t loose him–,”
“You can’t think like that, Y/N.” Arthur murmured. “Benny needs his momma to be strong for him. And I know you can do that ‘cause you’re stronger than anyone I know. He just needs you to hold out for him so when he gets back, you got your head on your shoulders still.”
Arthur gave you the smallest smile. 
You wanted to smile back, but it took too much energy. 
You leaned forward to softly and briefly kiss his lips. 
“Thank you, Arthur.”
His smile widened just a bit as he looked at you. Then after a few moments he realized he was just gazing and cleared his throat. 
He stood to his full height, picking his hat up from the chest. 
The old boards beneath your feet creaked as you followed the sound of sobbing. 
It came from the room across from yours and Arthur’s, the one that the Martsons shared. 
“It’ll all be alright. I promise.” Karen said. 
You held on to your skirt, fingers curling around the material as you pushed the door to the room open. 
Sitting on the bed were Karen and Abigail. Abigail was in shambles, her head hung as she cried in her hands. Karen tried to comfort her, but it didn’t seem to be working. 
“Y/N, hey.” Karen greeted you softly. 
You looked at Abigail, your heart aching for her. You knew her pain. She was going through exactly what you were going through. She was in the same position as you. 
Abigail lifted her head upon hearing your name. 
You held her gaze for a few moments before she began to sob again. 
You turned your head to look out of one of the windows on the other side of the room. 
Your throat became itchy and your nose tingled as if you wanted to cry, but no tears came to your eyes. 
You messed with your fingers at your waist and bit the inside of your cheek. 
“Oh, Abigail.” Those were the only words you could get out, your voice cracking as you said her name. 
“Arthur and the guys will find Jack and Ben.” Karen insisted. “I know it has to be scary, but they will stop at nothing to find those boys.”
“Please come sit down with me and eat something, Y/N.” 
“I-I can’t, Hosea.” You shook your head, crossing your arms even tighter around yourself. 
You stood at the end of the small dock looking into the swampy water below. 
“I’m not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten in a while. Gotta get somethin’ in you to keep you strong for when Benny gets back.” Hosea stood at the other end of the dock trying vainly to get you to join him back at the center of camp for a late dinner. 
“Hosea.” Sadie said his name as she approached you both. “Mind if I have a go?”
“Sure, sure.” Hosea nodded, taking a few steps away from the dock. “Thanks, Sadie.”
She nodded once and watched the old man make his way back to the caravans and tables. 
“Has Arthur returned?” You asked, though you already knew the answer. You hadn’t seen him ride into camp, and even if you had missed his return, he would’ve sought you out immediately to give you an update on what his day was like. 
“Not yet.” Sadie made her way down the dock to stand just behind you to your right. “Heard Dutch talkin’ to a few others. He might not be back tonight. A few of the fellers might not be back for a while. Arthur, John, and Charles. Hosea mentioned wanting to send Lenny and Javier out in the mornin’.”
Sadie paused for a moment to see if you would say anything. She couldn’t see your face since your back was still to her. 
“So since they ain’t gonna be back tonight, I reckon it’d be alright if you sat down for a little bit to eat somethin’.” 
“I can’t breathe, Sadie.” You whispered. “With- With Ben gone…. I can’t breathe. My chest is- There’s something keeping me from breathing. I didn’t feel this way even after I lost my husband.”
“I can’t imagine how it must feel, Y/N.” She spoke quietly. “But it ain’t doin’ Ben no good for you to stand here and wither away while he’s gone. You gotta keep yourself together ‘til he comes back.”
“I don’t know if I can do that.”
“You can.” Sadie nodded. “You did it for him when you lost your husband.”
“I-I’d lose him a thousand times over again if it meant I could get my son back.” You brought your hand up to rub the side of your face. 
Sadie put her hand on your shoulder. 
“I would do anything to get him back.” 
“I know.” Sadie nodded again. “Come on. Let’s go sit down for a little bit. The gators are gonna be comin’ out soon.”
Arthur brushed his hand along Ruby’s neck. 
“How’d it go, Arthur?” Kieran asked as he brought a flake of hay to Ruby. 
“Not how I wanted it to go, Kieran.” Arthur let out a breath. “Have you seen Y/N lately?”
“She was around here a little while ago. Keeps- She keeps wanderin’ around. Looks a bit lost, you know? Almost like a ghost.”
“Yeah, I know.” Arthur adjusted his hat as he moved away from the horses. 
“I hope you are coming to have some breakfast, Mr. Morgan.” Grimshaw spoke when he passed her. 
“Not yet, Susan. Gotta find Y/N first. Want to check on her.”
“She was upstairs last I knew.”
“Thanks, Susan.”
Arthur found you on the upstairs balcony that faced the backyard. Your hands rested on the rail folded together. Y/E/C eyes gazed blankly at the yard. 
Arthur pulled his hat from his head and took a few hesitant steps towards you. He cleared his throat and managed to get your attention. 
You turned your head, eyes falling upon him. 
“Mornin’, miss.”
“Good morning.” 
He messed with the brim of his hat for a few moments. 
“I found James Brady in Saint Denis, but haven’t found anything that links him to Bronte.”
“Did you confront him? James?” 
“No. Charles is keepin’ an eye on him from a distance until I can go back.”
You turned your head to look back over the yard. 
“We’re gettin’ close, pumpkin.” 
“I miss him, Arthur.”
“I know.” Arthur placed his hand on your shoulder. “I know.”
That Night 
“Just keep your head on.” Arthur spoke over his shoulder to John. 
“Should be tellin’ you the same. You been treatin’ Y/N’s boy like your own.”
Arthur grumbled a little under his breath but said nothing in return. 
“You took your time.” Dutch pushed the gate to Angelo Bronte’s mansion open. 
“Where’s your host?” Arthur looked around for the greasy Italian man. 
His eyes landed on young Jack Marston. The boy was racing towards John. 
“Like I said. You took your time.” Dutch said. “Let’s get going.”
“Wait a damn minute, Dutch. What about Ben?” Arthur turned to face the gang leader. 
“I’ll explain later–,”
“That bastard agreed to give us both boys if we did the job–!”
“Arthur!” Dutch raised his voice, cutting him off. “Now is not the time.”
Arthur looked back towards the house. There was movement in one of the windows. 
“It’s time for us to go.” 
“I ain’t leavin’ without him.” Arthur stubbornly shook his head. 
The front door opened and Bronte stepped out. With him were a half a dozen armed men and little Benjamin. 
Arthur stepped forwards but the armed men lifted their rifles and shotguns, preparing to stop the outlaw. 
“That wouldn’t be wise.” Bronte told him. 
“Just give me the boy so I can take him back to his mother.” Arthur spoke through clenched teeth. “She’s worried sick.”
“Oh, tell mother dearest that her son is better off here than in some filthy camp of rejects and lowlifes.”
Arthur’s hands curled into tight fists at his sides. Just as he was about to reach for his gun, Dutch was there to stop him, putting a hand on his arm. 
“We made a deal!” Arthur growled. 
“I have made deals and promises to others concerning your boy. Go now before your actions cost him his life.” Bronte said. 
Arthur looked down to Ben. He didn’t appear hurt, but he did look scared. 
“Everything’s gonna be alright, Benny.”
“Come on, Arthur.” Dutch pulled his arm one last time and finally got him to turn around. 
Just after getting to the outskirts of Saint Denis, the trio of horses came to a stop. 
Arthur jumped down from his horse, enraged that he wasn’t able to save Benjamin when the boy had been so close. 
“Why the hell didn’t we do anything, Dutch!” 
“And risk the lives of both Jack and Ben? Arthur, you have to look past your emotions–,”
“He was right there! We could’ve got him!”
“I understand your frustration, son. But I did what was right for the long run.”
Arthur ran a hand over his face then put his hands on his hips. 
“What am I-I gonna tell Y/N?”
“We haven’t given up, Arthur. We will get Ben back. Now come on.” 
Arthur watched from the horse station as Abigail embraced Jack. Members of the gang began to flock around them, eager to greet one of the youngest members of the gang. 
“Where’s Ben?” 
“What about Benji?” 
“Oh no.”
“You don’t think–,”
“Pipe down!” Grimshaw was quick to silence everyone.
All eyes turned to Arthur as he started to make his way towards the Shady Belle manor. 
From where you stood looking out of one of the upstairs windows, you had only seen Jack and John ride into camp first. Seeing Jack brought about an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness. 
They were back! The boys were back! 
You didn’t hesitate to fly down the stairs and rush through the front doors of Shady Belle. 
As you made it out to the porch, the defeating silence across camp made you slow down. Why weren’t people cheering and celebrating the boys’ return? 
You looked around, brows furrowing together at all of the faces that turned to look at you. 
“Where’s Ben?” You asked.
“Y/N….” Arthur started, but he couldn’t seem to get his voice to work. 
Your eyes found him. 
Your heart sunk to the very depths of your gut. 
Your son wasn’t with him, and the only explanation that came to mind was the very last thing you had ever wanted. 
Arthur got to you just as you were about to collapse. Strong arms held you up as you fell limply towards the ground. 
“He’s–He’s gone!” You wailed, fingers latching on to his forearm and the front of his shirt. 
“Y/N, he’s not gone.” Arthur spoke calmly, trying to get your attention. You were already sobbing horribly, your body shaking and trembling as you gripped his forearm with immense strength. 
You were taken into one of the downstairs rooms of the manor where Arthur could then calm you down. 
As he sat on the edge of his seat and leaned in to wipe your cheeks, Dutch and Hosea walked into the room behind him. 
You stiffened up a little, taking a deep breath and straightening in your seat. 
“You said-said you saw him.” You whispered, your throat hoarse. “My Ben.”
“I did.” Arthur nodded once. “Saw ‘em with my own two eyes.”
“Why didn’t you bring him back to me?” 
“It wasn’t as easy as that, Miss Y/L/N.” Dutch stepped in, taking a seat at the table. “The important thing is that we haven’t given up on getting young Ben back.”
“Did Bronte give a reason for keeping Ben?” Hosea asked. 
“Only that he made promises to someone else about the boy.” 
You turned your head away, lips pressed together tightly. 
“It has to be him.” 
Arthur could see the anger on your face. 
“James Brady.” He said the name, pausing momentarily for you to confirm. When your eyes flickered back to his, he looked to Dutch. “Y/N thinks he could be behind this.”
“Ben’s father?” Hosea furrowed his brow. 
You stood up from the chair and paced away from the three men. 
“Did he- Did he even give you a chance to try to take him back?” You put one hand on your hip and the other went to the side of your face. 
“There wasn’t an opportune moment to do so, Y/N.” Dutch spoke calmly. “I didn’t want to risk anything happening to Ben.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you took in his words. Your gaze flickered to Arthur. 
“Did he look okay?” Your voice trembled. 
“He didn’t look hurt. Jack said they been fed and treated good.” 
You wanted to be a little comforted by Arthur’s words. 
“Bronte invited us to a garden party in a few days, Y/N.” Dutch stood to his feet. “If you would like, I think you should come with us.”
You nodded your head. 
Dutch left the room, the front door to the manor closing behind him. 
“Keep your chin up, dear.” Hosea encouraged with a small hopeful smile. “We’re close.”
“Just doesn’t feel like it.”
“I know, dear. I know.” 
As he left, Arthur stood from his seat. 
“I-I’m sorry, pumpkin.” He couldn’t meet your gaze, so instead he looked at the floorboards just in front of you. “He was right there…. Ben was right there and I-I could’ve– I could’ve got him–,”
“But you didn’t, Arthur.” You murmured. He looked up at you, his breath catching in his throat. Were you angry with him? “You didn’t because it wasn’t safe.”
“N-no. It wasn’t.”
You nodded. 
A sudden boom of cheering just outside the window behind you made you jump. The gang was celebrating the return of Jack. 
A part of you was happy for Abigail and John. But that part of you was quickly consumed with the grief that weighed heavy on your heart. 
“I am tired, Arthur.”
Without another word, you slowly made your way upstairs to the room you shared with the outlaw. 
He listened to the old wooden floorboards creak with every step you took. 
Once the door to the room groaned shut, he sat down heavily at the table. 
Guilt formed a nasty pit in his gut. 
Arthur crept into the room, doing his best to make as little noise as possible. He had hoped maybe you did go to sleep. You surely needed to rest. 
But when he stepped into the room and closed the door, you were standing at the window looking outside. 
He took his hat off and took the weapons off of the holsters on his belt. 
“Are you upset with me? You got every right to be.”
“No.” You turned your head to look at him. “It wouldn’t be fair to be angry with you. You’ve been nearly runnnin’ yourself into the ground for my Ben.” 
Arthur looked downwards as he unbuckled his gun belt. 
“I’d do anything for that boy.”
“I know.” You nodded gently, tired eyes still watching him. “I know.”
“Wish there was more I could do.”
“Me too.”
Arthur moved to sit on the edge of the bed, running a hand over his hair. 
“I didn’t know I could feel like this.” You turned your attention back to the yard. “After my husband died…. The grief and…. pain and-and anger…. It was there. I felt it. Ben kept me going. I know he isn’t gone, but the thought of him being gone, even if he is safe…. It just….” You trailed off, shaking your head. “It makes life seem worthless.”
Arthur looked over the scars on his hands.
“You know I had…. I had a son.” 
You furrowed your brows together and turned away from the window to face him. 
He shook his head softly, the faintest of smiles coming to his lips. 
“He was a good kid.”
Arthur paused to look at the oil lamp that dimly lit the room. He brushed his jaw with his hand, then let out a soft breath. 
“I wasn’t a real father to him, you know. The one he needed. But he…. I did my best at the time. To lose a child…. I-I wouldn’t wish that pain on nobody.” His voice became a whisper as he shook his head. 
You quietly moved across the floor and then took a seat on the edge of the bed next to him. “I’m sure you were a really good dad to him, Arthur.”
The corners of his lips turned up just a little. 
“Oh, if you knew me back then, pumpkin, you wouldn’ta given me the time of day. I was a runaway train headed straight for a cliff. Still am, I suppose. If ya think about it…. If I was better, he’d still be around.” 
You put your hand on the back of his to offer him some sort of comfort. 
Arthur looked down at your head, then his eyes flickered up to meet yours through his lashes. 
“What was his name?”
“Isaac.” He put his opposite hand over top of yours. “Him and his momma were killed for ten bucks by a bunch of crooks no better than I am.”
“I’m so sorry, Arthur.”
“Happened a long time ago.” He gave the slightest shrug of his broad shoulders, as if the loss he experienced was somehow lessened with how much time had passed. 
“That means nothing. It still hurts the same, I’m sure.” 
“I only told you– Well, there’s lot I want to tell you…. But I told you right now ‘cause I need you to know that no matter what happens, I’ll do everything to bring him back to you.”
As Arthur finally turned his head to look at you, you held his gaze for a few moments. Your hand moved to the back of his shoulder.
“I know you will, Arthur.” You leaned your cheek against his shoulder. 
He hesitated, smiling gently down at you. Carefully, he put his head against yours and closed his eyes. 
Taglist: @thefirelordm @redpool @hc-geralt-23 @persephonehemingway @astra-onikisu @Purple-Tsuki @brenobikenobi @haleypearce @zeida @ackerman-19s @open--till--midnight @muraar @multifandomtrashpanda @chrysanthykios @6kaja9 @bitquirkydoe  @photo1030 @bluscryn @blushingskywalker @hc-geralt-23 @janebby
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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444namesplus · 25 days
Ba Baa Baas Bae Baes Bais Bam Ban Bao Baos Bau Baus Be Bees Bei Beis Bem Ben Beo Beos Beu Beus Bi Bias Bie Bies Bii Biis Bim Bin Bio Bios Biu Bius Bo Boes Bom Bon Boo Boos Bou Bous Bu Bua Bues Bui Buis Bum Bun Buo Buu Buus Chi Chia Chias Chie Chies Chii Chiis Chim Chin Chio Chios Chiu Chius Chu Chua Chuas Chue Chues Chui Chuis Chum Chun Chuo Chuos Chuu Chuus Da Daas Dae Daes Dais Dam Dan Dao Daos Daus De Dea Deas Dee Dei Deis Dem Den Deo Deu Deus Dha Dhaa Dhaas Dhaes Dhai Dhais Dham Dhan Dhaus Dhe Dhea Dheas Dhee Dhees Dheis Dhem Dhen Dheo Dheu Dhi Dhia Dhies Dhiis Dhim Dhin Dhio Dhios Dhiu Dhius Dho Dhoa Dhoas Dhoes Dhois Dhom Dhon Dhoo Dhoos Dhou Dhous Dhu Dhua Dhue Dhues Dhum Dhun Dhuo Dhuu Dhuus Di Die Dies Dii Diis Dim Din Dio Diu Dius Do Doa Doas Doi Dom Don Doo Doos Dous Du Duas Due Dues Dui Duis Dum Dun Duu Fa Faa Faas Fae Faes Fai Fais Fam Fan Fao Faos Fau Faus Fe Fea Feas Fee Fees Fei Feis Fem Fen Feo Feus Fi Fia Fias Fiis Fim Fin Fios Fius Fo Foa Foe Foi Fois Fom Fon Foos Fous Fu Fua Fuas Fue Fues Fui Fuis Fum Fun Fuos Fuus Ga Gaa Gaas Gae Gaes Gam Gan Gaos Gau Ge Gea Geas Gee Gei Geis Gem Gen Geo Geu Geus Gi Gia Gias Gie Gies Gii Giis Gim Gin Gios Giu Gius Go Goe Gom Gon Goo Goos Gous Gu Guas Gue Gui Guis Gum Gun Guo Guos Guu Guus Ha Haa Haas Hae Haes Hai Hais Ham Han Haos Hau He Hea Heas Hee Hees Hei Heis Hem Hen Heo Heu Heus Hi Hie Hies Hii Hiis Him Hin Hio Hios Hius Ho Hoe Hom Hon Hous Hu Huas Hui Huis Hum Hun Huo Huu Huus
Ja Jaa Jae Jaes Jai Jais Jam Jan Jaos Jau Jaus Je Jea Jeas Jee Jem Jen Jeo Jeos Jeu Jeus Ji Jia Jias Jie Jies Jii Jiis Jim Jin Jio Jios Jiu Jo Joa Joas Joe Joes Jois Jom Jon Joos Jou Jous Ju Jua Juas Jue Juis Jum Jun Juo Juos Juu Juus Ka Kaas Kae Kai Kais Kam Kan Kao Kaos Kau Kaus Ke Kea Keas Kee Kei Keis Kem Ken Keo Keos Keu Keus Ki Kia Kie Kies Kim Kin Kio Kios Kiu Kius Ko Koe Koes Koi Kois Kom Kon Koo Koos Kou Kous Ku Kua Kue Kues Kum Kun Kuos Kuu Kuus La Laa Laas Laes Lais Lam Lan Laos Lau Laus Le Lea Leas Lee Lees Lei Lem Len Leo Leos Leu Leus Li Lia Lie Liis Lim Lin Lio Lios Liu Lo Loa Loas Loe Loes Lom Lon Loo Loos Lou Lu Lua Lue Lui Luis Lum Lun Luo Luos Luus Ma Maa Mae Maes Mai Mam Man Mao Maos Mau Maus Me Mea Mee Mei Meis Mem Men Meo Meu Mi Mias Mie Mies Mii Miis Mim Min Mios Miu Mius Mo Moa Moas Moe Mois Mom Mon Moo Mous Mu Mua Muas Mues Mui Mum Mun Muo Muu Muus Na Naa Naas Nae Naes Nai Nais Nam Nan Nao Naos Naus Ne Nea Neas Nee Nees Neis Nem Nen Neo Neos Neu Neus Ni Nii Niis Nim Nin Nio Nios Niu No Noa Noas Noe Noes Noi Nom Non Noo Nou Nous Nu Nua Nuas Nues Nui Nuis Num Nun Nuo Nuos Nuu Pa Paa Pae Paes Pai Pam Pan Pao Pau Paus Pe Pea Peas Pee Pees Pei Peis Pem Pen Peo Peos Peu Pi Pias Pie Pii Piis Pim Pin Pio Pios Piu Po Poas Poe Poes Pois Pom Pon Poo Poos Pou Pous Pu Puas Pue Pues Pui Puis Pum Pun Puo Puu Puus Ra Raa Raas Rae Rai Rais Ram Ran Raos Rau Raus Re Reas Ree Rees Rei Reis Rem Ren Reo Reos Reu Reus Ri Ria Rii Rim Rin Rio Rios Riu Rius Ro Roa Roas Roe Roes Roi Rois Rom Ron Roo Roos Rou Rous Ru Rua Rues Rui Ruis Rum Run Ruo Ruos Ruu Ruus Sa Sae Saes Sais Sam San Sau Se Sea Seas Sees Sei Seis Sem Sen Seos Shi Shia Shias Shie Shies Shii Shiis Shim Shin Shio Shios Shiu Shius Shu Shua Shuas Shue Shues Shui Shuis Shum Shun Shuo Shuos Shuu Shuus Si Sia Sii Siis Sim Sin Sio Sios Sius So Soe Soes Sois Som Son Soos Sous Su Suas Sui Suis Sum Sun Suo Suu Suus Ta Taa Taas Taes Tai Tais Tam Tan Tao Taos Tau Taus Te Tea Teas Tees Tei Tem Ten Teo Teu Thi Thia Thias Thie Thies Thii Thiis Thim Thin Thio Thios Thiu Thius Thu Thua Thuas Thue Thues Thui Thuis Thum Thun Thuo Thuos Thuu Thuus Ti Tias Tie Tiis Tim Tin Tio Tios Tiu Tius To Toas Toe Toes Toi Tom Ton Toos Tou Tous Tu Tua Tuas Tue Tues Tui Tuis Tum Tun Tuo Tuu Tuus Va Vaa Vaas Vae Vaes Vai Vam Van Vaos Vau Vaus Ve Vea Veas Vee Vees Vei Vem Ven Veo Veos Veu Veus Vi Vie Vii Viis Vim Vin Vio Viu Vo Voa Voe Voes Voi Vois Vom Von Voo Voos Vou Vous Vu Vue Vues Vui Vuis Vum Vun Vuo Vuus Wa Waas Wae Wai Wam Wan Wao Waos Wau Waus We Wea Wees Wei Weis Wem Wen Weos Weus Wi Wia Wias Wie Wies Wii Wim Win Wio Wiu Wo Woa Woe Woes Woi Wois Wom Won Woos Wou Wu Wua Wuas Wue Wui Wum Wun Wuo Wuos Wuu Wuus Za Zaa Zaas Zae Zaes Zai Zais Zam Zan Zaos Zau Zaus Ze Zea Zeas Zee Zees Zei Zeis Zem Zen Zeo Zeos Zeu Zeus Zha Zhaa Zhae Zhaes Zhai Zhais Zham Zhan Zhao Zhaos Zhau Zhaus Zhe Zhea Zhee Zhees Zhei Zheis Zhem Zhen Zheo Zheos Zheu Zheus Zhi Zhia Zhie Zhies Zhii Zhim Zhin Zhio Zhios Zhiu Zhius Zho Zhoa Zhoas Zhoe Zhoes Zhoi Zhom Zhon Zhou Zhous Zhu Zhuas Zhuis Zhum Zhun Zhuos Zhuu Zhuus Zi Zia Zias Zim Zin Zio Ziu Zius Zo Zoe Zoes Zois Zom Zon Zoo Zoos Zou Zous Zu Zuas Zue Zues Zuis Zum Zun Zuos Zuu
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Mornings || S. Koushi
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Sugawara Koushi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: I instantly thought of Sugawara the moment I heard the lyrics of the song 💕 I hope you guys like it 🥰
The sun rays gently touched your skin as they peek on the blinds, you felt the void beside you making the bed feel rather chilly which made you lazily open your eyes, seeing the empty space left by your husband. Sleepily, you shifted your body as you heard some clanging and sizzling sounds outside your bedroom.
You stood up, slowly making your way to the kitchen. You rested your body on the doorframe as you look at him lovingly while he wears his apron and skillfully flipping the pancakes.
Not long enough, he felt your presence. “Good morning, angel” he greeted you with his angelic smile as he took notice of you.
He’s the one who should be called angel rather, you thought.
“Good morning, Koushi.” You replied as you wrap your arms around his torso and tiptoed yourself to give him a loving kiss on the cheek
“Just a little more, I’m done in a few” he planted a soft kiss on your temple and you offered him a small nod as you unlatched yourself from him
You walked towards the cupboards and took two mugs and poured coffee for the two of you. You put two teaspoons of cream on yours and one and a half for him. As you return to the center table, everything was set. You settled on the chair beside him and gave him his mug.
He took a sip and smiled. “You really make the best coffee, hon.”
You just smiled at him as you also took a sip from yours.
Breakfast was never a dull moment with you and Sugawara. Actually, there was never a dull moment whenever you’re with him, be it a fancy date or just even lounging on your couch at home. Moments with him are special no matter how simple or grandiose it could be.
You smiled unconsciously at the memories of the both of you together.
You were taken back from your trance as you felt a warm hand on yours.
“Why are you smiling like that, Hon?” Sugawara asked mirroring the smile that adorn your face.
“Nothing. I just thought of the things we had done all these years.”
He then held your chin up and looked diredtly into your eyes.
“And all these years, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much.”
“I love you too so much, Koushi”
He then slowly leaned in and planted a lovingly soft kiss on your lips
You felt yourself smile into the kiss as you kissed him back.
The kiss left you breathless. And as you looked intently into his loving eyes, you can totally tell that Sugawara was made for you and you were made for him. A match made in heaven.
Having the love of your life in front of you, loving you as much as you do, or even more than you do made you happy and contended
“I will never get tired of this, Y/N”
“Me too.”
@gabbywubby @madskaay @mrs-kuroojinguji @turquoiselace @churochuu @tsukeijii
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anarchyduck · 3 years
In Another World
Day Three: Soul World
I’m two days behind now, sobs
----------------------- “Mr. Stark?” 
“I don’t feel so good.” 
“I don’t want to go. Please, please-”
“I’m sorry.”
Peter Parker wakes to the sound of his alarm going off. 
Blindly, he reaches out from beneath the blankets, groping around on the side table until he finds his phone and shuts it off. His hand retreats and he groans, turning his face to bury it into his pillow. Maybe if he’s lucky, he can sneak in just a few more minutes of sleep… 
“Peter!” May calls and knocks on his bedroom door. “Get up or you won’t have time for breakfast.” 
So much for more sleep. 
Peter groans as he drags himself out of bed. Everything feels weird, like he’s slept too long and forgot what day it is. He rubs the sleep from his eyes as he stumbles around to find clothes, dragging a t-shirt off the floor to wear. The wrinkles will drive May nuts so he grabs a hoodie to wear over it. 
He wanders through his morning routine with still that nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right. Something is missing or he forgot something. A test? Blind panic hits him hard as he scrambles to remember. No. No test. Peter relaxes and manages to finish brushing his teeth before another crisis hits. 
“Coffee is ready.” May announces from the kitchen. Peter can smell toast (slightly burnt, the strawberry jam jar is open) and rich hazelnut coffee, the scent filling the apartment. 
It takes him a second to remember. May doesn’t drink hazelnut coffee. 
“Hon, have you seen my-oh never mind.” 
That voice. Peter knows that voice. It’s unmistakable. He could be suffering from amnesia and still recognize that voice. 
Heart pounding, he turns the corner from the hallway to the kitchen and-
“Uncle Ben?” 
Ben Parker looks up and flashes one of his half grins at Peter. “Morning. See you haven’t combed your hair again.” He pockets his car keys and ventures into the kitchen for coffee. 
Peter trails after, stunned but unable to explain why. Of course it’s Ben. Why wouldn’t Ben be here?
“Oh, Peter…” May appears in front of him, tsking under her breath as she attempts to tame his wild bedhead. “Did you at least brush your teeth? Honestly, you and Ben are absolutely hope- Peter? Honey, what’s wrong?”
Peter’s eyes burn, his chest tight with some unexplained emotion. “H-Huh?” he blinks, focusing on May as she looks at him with concern. 
“Are you hurt? Headache?” May lays her palm on his forehead and cups his cheeks. “You didn’t get hurt last night did you?”
Peter’s brows draw together. “L-Last night?” 
“While on patrol?” May steps back to give him a proper look over. Searching for hidden wounds or bruises he failed to disclose. 
Patrol. Patrol. Oh. Patrol. Spider-Man. 
But wait, then that means-
“Maybe I ought to take you to the gym sometime.” Ben says as he pours coffee into his thermos. “Teach you some old boxing techniques and how to fight properly.” He stirs in some sugar and creamer. “Stark’s fancy gizmos can’t save you from dodging a real punch, you know.” 
Well there’s a lot to unpack there. Peter can’t keep from staring at his uncle. His mind scrambles to keep up, to put the pieces back into place. It all seems right and yet, he feels something is off. It’s right but it isn’t. 
“Peter?” May is still standing in front of him, worrying. She brushes curls from his face. “Maybe you should stay home today, just in case.” 
“No, no I’m fine May. Really.” Peter reassures, even managing a small smile. “Think I slept weird or had crazy dreams, that’s all.” 
“The boy is fine, May.” Ben says then looks at Peter, “Grab some grub for the road, kiddo. I’ll drop you off.” 
Peter falls into routine, grabbing a piece of toast and protein bar (one Tony made up for him, he recognizes the packaging). “Bye May!” he calls out as he follows his uncle out of the apartment. 
He can’t shake the weirdness. It clings to him like a second coat. He also can’t stop stealing glances at his uncle. There’s a little voice in his head that says it isn’t right, that Ben shouldn’t be here. Yet here he is in the flesh. Driving him to school. 
“So you didn’t sneak out last night?” Ben asks, breaking through Peter’s thoughts. They stop at a red light, sun shining through a break in the clouds. 
Peter shakes his head. “No. Promise.” he says. 
Ben hums and nods. His hair looks a little grayer than Peter expects. Which is weird because what else did he expect? For Ben’s hair to not be grayer? Grayer compared to what? “You’re going to the Tower today, right? After school?” 
Peter nods. “Yeah. Mr. Stark wants my help making some gear for Natasha.” 
“Black Widow, huh?” Ben lightly whistles. “Boy, if I were only twenty years younger.” 
“Ben!” Peter laughs. 
“I’m just saying! She seems like a mighty fine woman.” 
“She can be super scary sometimes. Moves even quieter than I do.” A memory flashes in Peter’s mind, of being in the tower with the other Avengers. Training with Nat, hanging out in the kitchen while Steve cooked, sitting down to the table to enjoy a meal together. They play like scenes from a movie reel and he feels strangely detached from it. 
His chest tightens with strange emotion again. He closes his eyes as they begin to burn. His other senses take over. The smell of Ben’s aftershave and cologne. The way the brakes squeak when they stop at another red light. They’re in Ben’s car and he wonders how it could be possible. They got rid of Ben’s car after… after… 
“Dude I can’t believe you get to work on Avenger gear!” Ned whispers loudly. 
"It's only cool the first time." Peter says. He shoves books into his locker, ignoring the crumpled up papers at the bottom that continue being squished and crinkled. "The novelty wears off after the fiftieth Widow Bite." 
"Whatever man, it's still awesome."
Peter stands at his open locker for a moment, staring at it's interior as he tries to think of what textbook he needs for his next class. What is his next class…
"Oh, did you ask your aunt and uncle if you can come over this weekend?" Ned asks. 
Aunt and uncle. Aunt and uncle. Why is that phrasing so weird? 
"Pete? Did you hear me?" 
Why can't he shake that feeling that something isn't right? 
"What's up losers?" Michelle's voice snaps him out of his thoughts and Peter quickly shuts his locker before she can see the mess. "Decathlon's been canceled for the day. Harrington is out sick." 
"Oh." Is all Peter can say to that. Come to think of it, several teachers are out today. How weird. "Maybe it's the flu."
Michelle shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah maybe." She says. A group of upperclassmen pass by the trio, giggling and talking loudly enough to draw Peter's attention. Michelle narrows her eyes slightly and she asks, "Have you guys noticed anything weird?" 
Ned shakes his head. "No. Like what?" 
"Don't know yet." Michelle replies cryptically. "Something just feels off today." 
The back of Peter's neck itches and tingles, and he reaches back to rub the spot. If MJ notices something then maybe there is more going on. "Maybe you slept wrong?" He suggests lamely.
Michelle gives him a look then scoffs. "Yeah, slept wrong. Sure." 
The warning bell rings in the half empty hallway.
Peter walks out of Avengers Tower to find his uncle's beige Toyota Corolla waiting for him. It surprises him to see it then he wonders why it should. Ben always picks him up after lab time at the Tower. 
"Hey Petey!" Ben greets as Peter slides into the passenger seat. "Have a good time?"
"Yeah," Peter replies as he puts on his seatbelt. "We got a lot of work done." Now if only he could remember exactly what that work was. He remembers Ned and MJ at school, being picked up by Happy and then working with Mr. Stark. What did they work on? He can't remember. The entire event is a blur. 
"You aunt is suggesting Thai for dinner tonight." Ben says as they get on the road. 
"Sounds good." Peter replies, not really listening. Why can't he remember lab time? He can see Tony's face, plain as day, so why can't he remember what they did? Is he getting sick? Come to think of it, he can’t remember Happy picking him up from school. An old memory plays instead, something he knows already happened in the past but definitely didn’t happen today. It feels more like he’s watching an event play out rather than being part of it. 
"Uncle Ben? Do you ever feel like you're missing something?" Peter asks finally. 
"Like what?" 
"Like," Peter sighs as he struggles to explain without sounding crazy. "Like you know something is off? Like something isn't… right?" 
Ben hums and doesn't respond. The car rolls to a stop at a red light, silence stretching to the point of being unbearable. When Peter finally looks at his uncle, he finds the old man staring at him with an unreadable expression. 
"You're very smart, Peter." He says. "You've always been smart, you know? Even when you were little." 
The tightness in Peter's chest worsens. The back of his neck tingles. "Uncle Ben?" He asks with uncertainty. Something isn’t right. 
"We had hoped you wouldn't notice." Ben continues. 
Peter frowns
Peter blinks and, when his eyes open, he's no longer in the car. 
He's back at the apartment, sitting on the couch. Star Wars: A New Hope plays on the TV and a bowl of warm popcorn sits on the coffee table before him. The light above the stove is on in the kitchen and he can see the pale blue light from the nightlight in the hallway. The apartment is quiet. He can’t sense May.
"This was your dad's favorite too." Ben says beside him. “We saw it in the theaters when it came out.”
Peter takes a shuddering breath and swallows past the lump in his throat. "Am I dead?" 
"Yes and no." Ben pops some popcorn into his mouth. 
"But you…" Peter's voice catches in his throat, tears burning his eyes. "You're…" 
"Dead." Ben nods solemnly. “Yes.” 
It hits him harder than it should. A flashback to a dark night, a mugging gone wrong, and Ben laying on the concrete covered in blood. Peter pleaded with him, begged him to stay, to hold on, that help was coming. But Ben died anyway. Peter went home with blood on his hands. 
“I’m so sorry, Ben.” Peter says with a strangled sob. “I-I didn’t want you to die. I didn’t know… I didn’t mean…” 
“Shh,” Ben shushes and Peter feels himself pulled forward, his face buried against soft cotton that smells like wood and leather. A scent that brought comfort when Peter was scared, that taught him how to hold his fist, who gave him wisdom even when he didn’t understand the meaning of it. 
Ben’s voice rumbles deep in his chest as he continues holding the sobbing boy. “I’m so proud of you, Peter. Always have been. Just look at all the good you’ve done with your life. And I know, your parents are proud of you too.” 
Peter sobs freely against Ben’s chest, clinging to him tightly. If it hurts, Ben doesn’t say anything. He continues holding him, rocking with him gently like he used to when Peter was small. He cries until he can’t and, even after the tears dry up, he doesn’t pull away. He doesn’t notice the movie is no longer playing or the bright orange that takes the apartment’s place. 
Ben sighs then. “We don’t have much longer.” he says. 
Peter lifts his head, eyes red and tears marking his face. “What do you mean?” he asks. A childish fear takes him and he holds Ben’s shirt. “I don’t want you to go. Please, Ben, stay. Stay with me and May.” 
Ben’s hand lands on his shoulder, squeezes it as he meets Peter’s gaze. Despite the tears in his eyes, Ben smiles. “We’ll be together again. I love you, Peter.” 
Peter sniffles and he puts his hand over Ben’s. “Love you too, Uncle Ben.” He manages a tearful smile. “I’ll make you proud. I promise.” 
Ben’s smile widens as the yellow-orange light brightens around them, surrounding them in it’s glow. Peter keeps his eyes open as long as he can until it becomes too bright, until the brightness forces him to close his eyes. 
Peter Parker wakes to the orange skies of Titan.
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royaldescendants · 3 years
the darkest little paradise
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moodboard made by me
Chapter 2
Mal couldn’t recall ever having had such an interesting class before. She’d been utterly enraptured with the teacher's words, unable to take her eyes away from Kore for more than a few seconds throughout the whole lesson.
“You know, that was surprisingly enjoyable for a summer class,” Evie said, once they were out of earshot, and turned to grin mischievously at Mal. “But you should be careful, I think Ben was starting to get a little jealous with the heart eyes you were making.”
“Oh ha ha,” Mal rolled her eyes with a smile. “It’s just…..I’ve never had a teacher that could keep me focused while teaching me something new, you know? Plus, she’s the only one I’ve met besides my mother that is willing to tell me- well, anything about fairies. I want to know more about it all, considering I’m half fairy, or Fae I guess.”
Evie tilted her head. “Huh. Guess I’m kind of surprised your mother never told you about it all, considering she was one. Wouldn’t she have been proud of it?”
“I think she’s still hurting from not having her wings anymore,” Mal whispered. “She would wince every time she was reminded she can’t fly anymore, I can’t imagine what losing them must have felt like. All that freedom just…..gone. Because of some stupid man.”
“I suppose. And there wasn’t anything in her spellbook about it? About the fairies, or Fae, or nature magic…?”
“Nothing. I told you, she doesn’t like talking about that part of her life.” Mal stopped. “Maleficent was traumatized. As cruel and evil as she is, I believe that it’s some sort of coping mechanism for all that she went through. And as we just learned, fairies and Fae don’t take kindly to not being included, or bad manners. King Stefan and Queen Leah can complain all they want, but they brought my mother’s curse down on themselves.” 
Kore woke up, hearing an alarm going off. It wasn’t her alarm, and she soon realized that because the greenhouses (where she fell asleep by accident) was close to the museum, something must have happened.
Grabbing her coat and bag, she crept out of the greenhouse, quickly locking it.
Greenhouse 1 was not to be entered by any other being, except with her escort. She was the only one that was able to keep the complicated plants alive, somehow.
She sprinted to the museum steps, finding the entry door ajar, the security guard asleep at his desk.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?”
Kore looked towards the voice that came out of nowhere. She recognized the student, eyes merely glancing over the face, and her brow furrowed as she looked around for whoever had set off the piercing sirens. “Audrey? Are you okay, sweetie? Did you hear the alarms too? You should go back to bed, hon, whoever set them off might hurt you.”
“Why would I hurt myself?”
A blast of pain from her side erupted, then faded immediately, absorbed. Kore didn’t know what the feeling was, but a warm and tingly feeling filled her hands.
“Huh, that’s not supposed to happen. But oh well, you’re just a gardener anyway.” 
A resounding thunk! on the top of Kore’s head was the last thing she heard, before everything faded to black.
“I think we all know why we’re here today. Hades almost escaped yesterday, the people are in a panic. Even Kore hasn’t been spotted since the alarms went off last night, so who knows what’s going to happen with the greenhouses.”
Mal gulped. “It’s my fault. I’m supposed to protect Auradon-.”
“You did, Mal. You kept Hades from escaping while we all just stood there, helpless. None of us even tried to do something after you stepped in.”
Adam scowled at his son’s interruption. “Every time we open that barrier, we take another risk of another villain escaping, another risk of danger. We saw it with Maleficent, it happened with Uma, and now Hades, the literal god of death, need I remind you, almost escaped the only thing that’s ever kept him contained.”
Ben’s pager went off, and he stepped back to look at it, face paling. “Maleficent’s scepter and the Queen’s crown have been stolen from the museum. The security guard is currently in a comatose state.”
Belle sat down, head in her hands.
Adam stepped behind her. “When the people hear this, they won’t want to leave their houses, what are we supposed to tell them? Mal, you’ve been quiet, you must have any sort of an idea. How do we keep evil out of Auradon?”
She bit her lip. “I think that there’s only….really one way that we can guarantee their safety. We have to close the barrier forever.”
Ben shook his head, walking away, betrayed.
“Ben, I don’t want to take away your dream, because it was so beautiful, and it’s part of why I fell in love with you. But we have a duty as king and queen, don’t we?”
“I know, we have to protect Auradon. But do you know what this means? All those kids….are you prepared for this?”
Mal’s breath was shaky. “I know what it means. And no, I’m not prepared for it, but I don’t know that we have any other choices here.”
“Ben....” Adam stepped forward. “Mal’s right. And if we took the risk, what if something terrible happened, and we’re here knowing we could have prevented it?”
Mal grabbed a glass of water from Evie’s kitchen, a lump in her throat from nerves, before moving to the sewing room with her friend. 
“Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?” That was Evie for you, always jumping straight to the topic. She didn’t have to worry about repercussions when she talked with Mal, what with the friendship they had.
“No one else. I mean, think about it. They’re all scared enough as it is, we had to add all these new security measures just to keep summer classes going,” Mal sighed, wishing she could take a nap. Maybe she could steal Evie’s pillow? The bench outside wasn’t half bad for a snooze in the sun….
“Will this delay our bringing over more VKs?”
“We’re in talks about closing the barrier for good”
Evie paused in the middle of her stitch. “.....But you said no, right? The four of us original VKs are living the dream here, and we want to share that. They can’t just shut that down. What could be more important than that?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Security and peace of mind for the people of Auradon?”
Evie eyed Mal suspiciously. “Is that what they’re actually saying? M, were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in or out of the Isle ever again? Next you’re gonna tell me we’re never going to see our parents again.” She set down the project. “And what about these kids?! We promised them that they could go back and visit their parents if they wanted!”
Mal put her hands up. “I know, I know. It sucks, but that’s what’s being talked about.” 
Evie chuckled, calming herself. “This is why I’m so glad you’re going to be queen, M. You can be a part of these conversations, you’ll stand up for the VKs.” She kissed her cheek. “Thank you for trusting me. You’re gonna be a great queen, you know that?”
Just then, Carlos walked into Evie’s kitchen with Jay in tow, distracting the girls to see what they were doing. “Whoo! I got the matching beach towels, I got the gift wrapped by myself- okay, who ate Jane’s cake.”
Evie scratched her elbow, not making eye contact. “Well, Celia and Dizzy mentioned earlier that they were looking for something to snack on, I guess I lost track of time?”
Mal laughed at the expression on Carlos' face, and decided it was time to head to Jane’s party herself as she grabbed the purple-bagged present
She trailed her fingers over the bushes out front. Nature had always made her feel better, though of course she only discovered it when she came to Auradon. They didn’t have plants on the Isle anywhere, considering there wasn’t any sun to help them grow. 
Of course, the peace didn’t last long, what with Audrey somehow appearing in a poof of pink smoke.
“I was hoping you were home.” The smile that Audrey bore had no warmth. Mal took in the new look. Dark pink and purple hair, with a dove pink bodysuit and a matching cape, with black lace, and - oh no...
“Is this a joke? What are you doing with the crown and the scepter?”
Audrey pretended to think. “Well, I wanted them. So I took them.” She frowned. “You of all people should understand that, Mal,” she said, stepping back and having the scepter glow.
Mal stepped back too, setting down Jane’s present. “Wait! Audrey, stop! Don’t….don’t use that.”
“Oh? I thought you liked spells.”
“Okay, Audrey-”
“QUIET!” Audrey moved a few paces, not wanting to act too quickly. Savor this.
“It’s not a toy, it’s dangerous!” 
“I want to be dangerous!” Audrey stepped closer, almost in Mal’s face. “My life was perfect until you stole it, and Auradon turned its back on me. Even Kore didn’t care anymore, no one ever did.”
She strode away. “It’s time for a little payback.”
“Audrey, no-”
Audrey fired the scepter at Mal, and the only way she could react was to put her arms in front of her face. An instinct she had from years on the Isle - you could never tell what would happen next at anyone’s house, to anyone’s kid.
Audrey cackled as the spell hit Mal square in the chest.
“You think Ben will love you now, you old hag? You’ll pay the price of what you did, and so will all of Auradon.”
Mal heard the door open, but couldn’t stand up straight from her stooped position. Jay and Carlos entered her sight first, stepping in front of her.
Audrey grinned. “So long, suckers. I’ll even do you a favor now, and say hello to Kore for you.” And then she was gone, in another poof of pink smoke and a cackle. 
Jay reached for Mal’s hands, as though to steady her. “Whoa, okay! Uh, you might want to think of a spell for that?”
“There’s no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter,” Mal rasped.
Carlos cleared his throat. “Well that’s a shame.” Celia nodded in agreement, eyes widened in slight fright that the soon to be queen she’d seen a few minutes ago looked as old as time.
“Audrey’s out for revenge, and all of Auradon is in danger.” All Mal wanted at this moment was a glass of water, they could figure out the rest later. 
“What should we do?” Evie questioned, ready to take things into her own hands for her best friend.
Mal shrugged. “The only thing more powerful than the scepter is Hades’ ember.”
“Oh, like he’s just gonna hand it over if we go back on the Isle. Also, how do we know that? Kore probably knows of some random double curse fairy loophole, right?”
“Audrey has her too, Jay.”
“Okay, so we don’t have Kore and we only have the ember to work with. I’m seeing a problem in that no one knows where his lair even is?”
“I do, Evie,” Celia interjected. They all looked at her, confused. “What? He needed an errand rat, and I’m high profile enough to be respected but subtle enough not to put a target on my back and have people follow me everywhere. Anyway, the key is at my dad’s arcade.”
“You’re coming.”
“But I just got here!”
A shriek of horror from the doorway, making Evie jump. “Dizzy, stay here and take care of the twins, we’ll be back before you know it. Everything will turn out fine, okay? Just go inside, and lock the doors. Eat cake if you must, but remember the apples and oranges are in the basket, okay?” They hadn’t heard a word after ‘cake’.
Jay turned to Carlos. “Let’s get our stuff, probably the bikes.”
“How bad is it?” Mal asked mumbled to Evie, after the boys had left.
Evie hated lying to her friends. “You age beautifully. Now, let’s just get you into something fabulous.” Evie was at the door before Mal took a step, and came back with her heels clacking against the stone to help the now elderly teen move ever so slightly faster.
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