#Ben Heber
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milliondollarbaby87 · 1 year ago
Anyone But You (2023) Review
Bea and Ben meet in a coffee place and go on to spend the day and night together, falling asleep but she then bolts and naturally they then find out they have mutal friends. Having to travel to a destination wedding in Australia … ⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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edapostblog · 10 months ago
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Yavuz Sultan Selim Han zamanında, çok fakir bir adam borçlarını ödeyemeyince zora düşmüş ve sabah soluğu Yavuz Sultan Selim'in yanında almış demiş ki:
Sultanım, bana bir kese altın verecekmişsiniz.
Selim han : Vereyim vermesine de bir neden söyleyecek misiniz? Der.
Fakir adam : "Ben 63 yaşında istanbul eşrafından Mehmet, ben çoook zengindim sultanım, lakin bir süre önce başıma gelen bir musibet sonucu, malımı, mülkümü, neyim varsa kaybettim ve ne yaptıysam, ne ettiysem kurtulamıyorum borç batağından.
Dün gece herkesin yattığı, o mukaddes teheccüd saatinde kalktım, iki rekat namaz kıldım, sonra koydum alnımı secdeye"Ya Rabbi beni eşime, çocuklarıma ve dostlarıma mahçup etme, derdi veren de sensin, dermanı veren de sen"dedim ve yattım.
Rüyama Resûlullâh Efendimiz Sallallâhu âleyhî ve sellem geldi, dedi ki ;Ey Mehmet niye hüzünlenirsin evladım? Yarın ilk işin saraya git. Selim'ime selâm söyle, sana bir kese altın versin, eğer sebebini sorarsa, her gece okuduğu, benim ruhuma hediye ettiği 100 Salavat-ı dün gece okumayı unuttu, okumadığı Salavatlar hürmetine,seni mutlu etsin", dedi, der demez.
Selim han : Hemen bir kese altın çıkartıp vermiş adama, ve demiş ki; "Ne olur tekrar söyleeee, ne dedi Habibullâh".
Mehmet amca tekrarlamış "Selim'ime selâm söyle,sana bir kese altın versin, her gece okuduğu 100 Salavat-ı dün gece okumayı unuttu, okumadığı Salâvatlar hürmetine seni mutlu etsin".dedi demiş.
Çıkartır adama bir kese daha vermiş ama durmamış Yavuz Selim, "söyleeee ne olur, ne dedi Resûlullâh".(sallallâhu aleyhi vesellem)
Mehmet amca tekrar etmiş, "Selim'ime selâm söyle diyerek tekrardan söylemiş Resûlullâh'ın ( Sallallâhu aleyhi vesellem ) söylediklerini,
çıkarır bir kese altın daha vermiş ama durmamış Yavuz Selim.
"Ne olur bi daha söyleeee, ne dedi Muhammed Mustafa Sallallâhu âleyhî ve sellem",
adam tekrar etmiş yine, Yavuz Selim bir kese altın daha vermiş, her kesede 100 altın var, tam on yedi kese altın ederince tekrarlatmış.
Mehmet amcanın kucağında 17.000 altın, bir servet, ama Yavuz Selim Han kendini kaybetmişçesine, durmuyor.
"Ne olur söyleeee ne dedi Kâinatın efendisi" ......
Selim Hanin başveziri Hasancan bunu fark etmiş ve Sultanım Mehmet amca getirdiği heber vesilesi ile mesut oldu, aldığınız haberle sizde mesut oldunuz, isterseniz Mehmet amcayı gönderelim, başı sıkıştığında tekrar gelsin, ne dersiniz"
deyip adamı göndermiş.
Başvezir Hasancan döndüğünde, Yavuz Selim'i secdede görünce, bişey oldu düşüncesiyle omzuna dokunur.
Yavuz Sultan Selim başını kaldırır ki gözleri kan çanağına dönmüş, " Duydun mu! Hasancan,Resûlullâh benim için "Selim'im demiş duydun mu...!
Duydun mu Hasancan, Habibullâh benim için Selim'im demiş duydun mu"... binlerce şükür olsun bizi bu şerefe nail etti, Rabbime Hamd olsun "ve devam etmiş Yavuz Selim
"Ey Hasancan eğer sen o amcayı göndermeseydin, değil malımı, mülkümü, tacımı, tahtımı, sarayımı
Resûlullâh'ın bana Selim'im demesine feda edecektim!
(lütfen sıkılmadan okuyun)
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aykutiltertr · 5 months ago
Dallam - İbrahim Tatlıses ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Kerkük Uşşak Minör 4/4 Halay ...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ⭐ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/5FRlDmSfaqw ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ ❤ @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ➤ SANATÇININ DİĞER ŞARKILARI İÇİN OYNATMA LİSTESİNE BAKABİLİRSİNİZ...         ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤   Dallam - İbrahim Tatlıses ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Kerkük Uşşak Minör 4/4 Halay Oryantal Anonim) ➤ ESER ADI                : DALLAM ➤ SÖZ GÜFTE            : ANONİM ➤ BESTE - MÜZİK      : ANONİM ➤ USÜL                       : 4/4 HALAY ORYANTAL ➤ MAKAM - DİZİ        : UŞŞAK - MİNÖR ➤ YÖRESİ İL İLÇE      : KERKÜK ➤ KAYNAK Kİ��İ         : ABDURRAHMAN KIZILAY ➤ ARANJÖR              : ? ➤ ENSTRÜMANLAR : YAYLI GRUP KEMAN ➤ KİMLER OKUDU    : İBRAHİM TATLISES ➤ FİRMA - ŞİRKETİ   : SEYHAN MÜZİK ➤ KÜNYE                    : Provided to YouTube by Netd Müzik Video Dijital Platform A.Ş. Dallam · İbrahim Tatlıses · İbrahim Tatlıses · Abdurrahman Kızılay · Abdurrahman Kızılay Türkü Dinle Türkü Söyle Türkü Oyna ℗ Seyhan Müzik Released on: 2017-05-05 Music  Publisher: Seyhan Müzik                             ŞARKI SÖZÜ Dallam Dallam Her gün akşam olur dallam dallam dallam Elimde kemençem çallam çallam çallam Aşretuve heber sallam sallam sallam Men seni sevmişem allam allam allam Babam vermez desen gellem gellem gellem Kapıvızı gözel çallam çallam çallam Aşretuve heber sallam sallam sallam Men seni sevmişem allam allam allam Gördüğümde seni güllem güllem güllem Görmedimse gözel öllem öllem öllem Aşretuve heber sallam sallam sallam Men seni sevmişem allam allam allam Abdurrahman Kızılay Kerkük Gülüm Benim / Gülümse Biraz İbrahim Tatlıses stüdyo albümü Yayımlanma 1986 Tarz Arabesk, Türk halk müziği Süre 49:03 Dil Türkçe Şirket Bayar Müzik Yönetmen Burhan Bayar  · Arif Sağ Yapımcı Burhan Bayar İbrahim Tatlıses kronolojisi Mavi Mavi (1985) Gülüm Benim / Gülümse Biraz (1986) Allah Allah / Hülya (1987) Gülüm Benim / Gülümse Biraz, İbrahim Tatlıses'in 1986 yılında Bayar Müzik etiketiyle piyasaya sürülen stüdyo albümüdür. Şarkı listesi Arabesk parçaları içeren A yüzünün müzik yönetmenliğini Burhan Bayar; Türk halk müziği parçaları içeren B yüzünün müzik yönetmenliğini ise Arif Sağ üstlenmiştir. # Şarkı Söz Müzik Derleyen Süre 1 Gülüm Benim Şakir Askan Burhan Bayar  4:09 2 Dertli Dertli Gönül Şen Burhan Bayar  4:47 3 Gülümse Biraz Tahir Paker & Neşat Oğuzeroğlu Burhan Bayar  3:42 4 Sevmeyi Dene Yılmaz Uzun Burhan Bayar  5:59 5 Yıkılmışım Ben Tahir Paker Burhan Bayar  4:24 6 Sarhoş Aşık Mahzuni Şerif Aşık Mahzuni Şerif  4:20 7 Emmine   İsmail Badıllı 5:03 8 Dallam   Abdurrahman Kızılay 3:38 9 Adana Köprü Başı   Selahattin Sarıkaya 5:36 10 Urfa'nın Seher Vakti Abdullah Balak Abdullah Balak  3:31 11 Bugün Bayram Davut Sulari Davut Sulari  2:49 "Kerkük türküleri" kategorisindeki sayfalar A Altun Hızmav Mülayim Ay Dolanaydı Gün Dolan Aydı Aç Aç Kolların Digel Yanıma (Kerkük) Ağam Süleyman Ağlama Ceylan Balası B Baba Bugün Dağlar Yeşil Boyandı Beyaz Gül Kırmızı Gül Bu Hal Ne Haldı Gözel C Cerrevin Kulpu Burma D Damımız Ardı Çöle Dede Dede Can Dede Dede Gene Uyanmadı Değirmenci G Geceler Zar Geceler Gülistanda Bir Gülüm Var Güzellerden Üç Güzel Var Güzellerden Üç Güzel Var Sevilir H Hel Hele Verin Geline K Kalanın Dibinde Bir Daş Olaydım Kalenin Dibinde Bir Daş Olaydım Kalenin Dibinde Bir Taş Olaydım Karanfil Üzer Gider Kayalar Kölgelendi Kâr Etmez Ahım M Mektup Yazdırdım Yara Almadı Menim İpek Yağlığım Var N Ninay Ninay Naz Hanım U Ağam Ağam V Veziranasın Vezirana Y Yallah Şoför Ç Çakmağı Çak İbrahim Tatlıses İbrahim Tatlıses Genç Parti toplantısında, 2007 Genel bilgiler Doğum İbrahim Tatlı 1 Ocak 1952 (72 yaşında) Şanlıurfa, Türkiye Tarzlar Türk Halk Müziği · Arabesk müzik Meslekler Şarkıcı · besteci · söz yazarı oyuncu · yönetmen · albüm-film yapımcısı · sunucu · iş insanı Etkin yıllar 1968-günümüz Müzik şirketi Yalçın · Uzelli · Sönmez · Urfa Emektaroğlu · Türküola · Star · Bayar · İdobay · Emre · Raks · S Müzik · Erol Köse · Poll Eş Adalet Durak (boşandı) Perihan Savaş (e. 1979; b. 1982) Ayşegül Yıldız (e. 2011; b. 2013) Çocukları Ahmet Salim Tatlı Gülşen Sara Tatlı Gülden Ferrah Tatlı Melek Zübeyde Tatlı Dilan Çıtak İdo Tatlıses Elif Ada Tatlı İbrahim Tatlıses (doğum adı İbrahim Tatlı), 1 Ocak 1952 Şanlıurfa doğumlu Türk şarkıcı, yapımcı, oyuncu, yönetmen, televizyon programcısı ve iş insanı. Ayağında Kundura türküsünden günümüze kadar otuzdan fazla albüm çıkarmış
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lordgodjehovahsway · 7 months ago
1 Chronicles 4: History Record Of The Clans Of Judah
1 The descendants of Judah:
Perez, Hezron, Karmi, Hur and Shobal.
2 Reaiah son of Shobal was the father of Jahath, and Jahath the father of Ahumai and Lahad. These were the clans of the Zorathites.
3 These were the sons of Etam:
Jezreel, Ishma and Idbash. Their sister was named Hazzelelponi. 
4 Penuel was the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah.
These were the descendants of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah and father of Bethlehem.
5 Ashhur the father of Tekoa had two wives, Helah and Naarah.
6 Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni and Haahashtari. These were the descendants of Naarah.
7 The sons of Helah:
Zereth, Zohar, Ethnan, 
8 and Koz, who was the father of Anub and Hazzobebah and of the clans of Aharhel son of Harum.
9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” 
10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
11 Kelub, Shuhah’s brother, was the father of Mehir, who was the father of Eshton. 
12 Eshton was the father of Beth Rapha, Paseah and Tehinnah the father of Ir Nahash. These were the men of Rekah.
13 The sons of Kenaz:
Othniel and Seraiah.
The sons of Othniel:
Hathath and Meonothai.
14 Meonothai was the father of Ophrah.
Seraiah was the father of Joab,
the father of Ge Harashim. It was called this because its people were skilled workers.
15 The sons of Caleb son of Jephunneh:
Iru, Elah and Naam.
The son of Elah:
16 The sons of Jehallelel:
Ziph, Ziphah, Tiria and Asarel.
17 The sons of Ezrah:
Jether, Mered, Epher and Jalon. One of Mered’s wives gave birth to Miriam, Shammai and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa. 
18 (His wife from the tribe of Judah gave birth to Jered the father of Gedor, Heber the father of Soko, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah.) These were the children of Pharaoh’s daughter Bithiah, whom Mered had married.
19 The sons of Hodiah’s wife, the sister of Naham:
the father of Keilah the Garmite, and Eshtemoa the Maakathite.
20 The sons of Shimon:
Amnon, Rinnah, Ben-Hanan and Tilon.
The descendants of Ishi:
Zoheth and Ben-Zoheth.
21 The sons of Shelah son of Judah:
Er the father of Lekah, Laadah the father of Mareshah and the clans of the linen workers at Beth Ashbea, 
22 Jokim, the men of Kozeba, and Joash and Saraph, who ruled in Moab and Jashubi Lehem. (These records are from ancient times.) 
23 They were the potters who lived at Netaim and Gederah; they stayed there and worked for the king.
24 The descendants of Simeon:
Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah and Shaul;
25 Shallum was Shaul’s son, Mibsam his son and Mishma his son.
26 The descendants of Mishma:
Hammuel his son, Zakkur his son and Shimei his son.
27 Shimei had sixteen sons and six daughters, but his brothers did not have many children; so their entire clan did not become as numerous as the people of Judah. 
28 They lived in Beersheba, Moladah, Hazar Shual, 
29 Bilhah, Ezem, Tolad, 30 Bethuel, Hormah, Ziklag, 
31 Beth Markaboth, Hazar Susim, Beth Biri and Shaaraim. These were their towns until the reign of David. 
32 Their surrounding villages were Etam, Ain, Rimmon, Token and Ashan—five towns— 
33 and all the villages around these towns as far as Baalath. These were their settlements. And they kept a genealogical record.
34 Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah son of Amaziah, 35 Joel, Jehu son of Joshibiah, the son of Seraiah, the son of Asiel, 
36 also Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah, 
37 and Ziza son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah.
38 The men listed above by name were leaders of their clans. Their families increased greatly, 
39 and they went to the outskirts of Gedor to the east of the valley in search of pasture for their flocks.
 40 They found rich, good pasture, and the land was spacious, peaceful and quiet. Some Hamites had lived there formerly.
41 The men whose names were listed came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah. They attacked the Hamites in their dwellings and also the Meunites who were there and completely destroyed them, as is evident to this day. Then they settled in their place, because there was pasture for their flocks. 
42 And five hundred of these Simeonites, led by Pelatiah, Neariah, Rephaiah and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi, invaded the hill country of Seir. 
43 They killed the remaining Amalekites who had escaped, and they have lived there to this day.
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Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea) and Is He Worthy by Chris Tomlin – Powerful and Beautiful Worship – An essential listen—performed by the worship band of my home church, NorthBridge Church in Antioch. “Holy, Holy, Holy,” penned by John Bacchus Dykes and Reginald Heber. “Is He Worthy” written by Andrew Peterson, Ben Shive and Chris Tomlin. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!Early in the morning our…
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thegenealogy · 2 years ago
1 Chronicles 4: 17-20. "The Help."
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17 The sons of Ezrah "The Help."
The Gematria for Ezrah is:
"I am three times three, the Alpha and the Omega. I am not a prophet, I am Saint Michael the Archangel; I am the Hierarchy*, God in a Nutshell."
*the actual Gematria says "I am the Commander of the Space Fleet."
Jether, Mered, Epher and Jalon. One of Mered’s wives gave birth to Miriam, Shammai and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa. 
Jether=excellence abundance
Epher=dust, ore, mealleable young deer
18 (His wife from the tribe of Judah gave birth to Jered the father of Gedor, Heber the father of Soko, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah.) These were the children of Pharaoh’s daughter Bithiah, whom Mered had married.
Judah= Glory
Mered=to rebel
Bithia="Bat of Yah" Daughter of Yah, a Pharaoh Princess.
The Gematria for Bithia is "the American Demon. The Financial Bad Karma because of its fixation with heaven, the flesh, and LGBTQ."
Jered=the descendent
Gedor=a wall
Heber=united or associated
Soko=from sukkoth, a booth or pavilion, a safe place, a place of succor.
Jekuthiel=God will support
19 The sons of Hodiah’s wife, the sister of Naham: the father of Keilah the Garmite, and Eshtemoa the Maakathite.
Hodiah=splendor of Yah
Naham=consolation, comfort
Keilah + Garmite= Keimai "to roar", Garmite= bone breaker
Keilah the Garmite is mentioned in tandem with Eshtemoa the Maacathite, and Maacathite comes from a verb that means to press, squeeze or oppress. It seems that these two cousins are mentioned on account of their notoriety for being pernicious: Keilah the Bone Breaker and Eshtemoa the Ball Buster.
Tema=of the south
Maakathite=one who oppresses
20 The sons of Shimon:
Amnon, Rinnah, Ben-Hanan and Tilon.
Shimon=who hears
Ammon=people who live beside other people
Rinnah=ringing cry of cheer
Ben-Hanan=Son of the Gracious One
Tilon=to lodge
The descendants of Ishi:
Ishi=my husband
Zoheth and Ben-Zoheth.
These are derived from the word Zahah, which has Gematria meaning "My kinship with the God of Creation is Great, whose Name is a Christ."
The words themselves Zoheth and Ben Zoheth mean to crush out rebellion.
This section is dedicated to the Son of the Gracious One who is "your husband", the Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Host, the Archangel Michael.
In "Firestarter" we learn God is "ignited" through the study of the Torah. In "the Help" the scripture says we must "break the bones" of cultures whose frameworks demonize the flesh and try to dispossess persons of their comforts. Especially those those employ scads of young people to do it.
The Torah Tantra of Saint Michael the Archangel based on the above is:
"Glory to the rebellion that frees the malleable ore, the young deer from those who murmur. Glory to those who rebel against the Demon, America, which is at war against the flesh.
Those who are United to Protect, who use the Fire of the South* against those who oppress, God will support.
Who hears these ringing words spoken by Son of the Gracious One, shelters the vulnerable, and lives alongside others in good cheer will experience kinship with God."
*Recalcitrance from oppression is a sign of intelligence. Oppression is wrong, it is ignorant, and God wants it to stop.
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aihcp · 2 years ago
5 Minutes Of Guided Meditation For Managing Physical Pain | SELF
Meditation teacher and co-founder of Awarehouse Christine Alfred guides us through a 5-minute meditation designed to help you manage the struggles of physical pain throughout your body. Visit the Awarehouse homepage: https://www.awarehousenyc.com/ Follow Awarehouse on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/awarehousenyc/?hl=en Find Christine Alfred on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nrg.healix/ Director: Meg Sutton Director of Photography: Cole Evelev Editor: Marcus Niehaus Hosted by: Christine Alfred Producer: Meg Sutton Associate Producer: Brandon Fuhr & Landrie Hatcher Production Manager: Melissa Heber Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila Camera Operator: Brittany Berger Audio: Rebecca O'Neil Production Assistant: Amanda Broll & Rafael Vasquez Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica Dillman Assistant Editor: Ben Harowitz Still haven’t subscribed to Self on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/selfyoutubesub ABOUT SELF Daily health, fitness, beauty, style advice, and videos for people who want to achieve their personal best in life.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:
5 Minutes Of Guided Meditation For Managing Physical Pain. For additional Meditation training go to our meditation instructor program here - https://aihcp.net/meditation-instructor-ce-courses-program/ 
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smolvenger · 2 years ago
Stella of Essex or The Vicar's Wife Betrayed Series. Chapter 13- Birdsfoot Trefoil
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A Fix-It Fanfiction Series based off of The Essex Serpent
Pairing: Some Stella Ransome/Will Ransome but focusing on the tragedy of their marriage and the angst from his cheating. Stella Ransome/Male OC: Harry Cavaradossi.
Series Summary: The Essex Serpent is reimagined and told from the perspective of Stella Ransome. And with a new ending. Stella must come to terms with not only her mortality but her husband's heartbreaking affair. A portrait of a woman who became The Ideal Lady her time and marriage required her to be. A picture of a marriage of love and bliss torn apart by a husband's infidelity. And Stella herself in the center of it all, torn between a wife's duty and her own quiet but present rage. Where in the midst of devastating heartbreak she gains her strength, finds her voice, and dares to seek freedom, hope...and even revenge.
Chapter Summary: Stella and William Ransome are reunited. The unfaithful husband Will learns that every English Rose has its thorns.
If you like this, buy me a Ko-Fi
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A/N: The Last Image is again from @crescentmoons-and-stardustust and their beautiful moldboard so go follow them. And here we go! Stella confronts Will about his cheating and drama goes down! If you like this, comments, reblogs, asks, and messages are appreciated!
Content Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH (sorry not sorry), Description of Major Character Injury, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Good For Her Cinematic Universe Submission, Me Supporting Women's Rights and Wrongs, Victorian Era Attitudes, Drinking, Illness, Religion, Descriptions of blood and gross stuff briefly, mentions of death and dying, Cheating and The Psychological Trauma of being The One Cheated On is portrayed and Discussed And the cheated on wife finally gets some justice, Will being an Asshole, Stella being sassier than she is in canon, (but that's character development baby), swearing, canon divergence, references to the show adaptation are thrown in, and police appear in at the very end. Being Anti-Will Ransome and Anti-C*ra so if you like those characters or the pairing you have been warned.
"I have been wronged. You listen to me, and tell me if my grief is excessive. He was everything to me, and is gone, my own husband, transformed into a serpent, slithering from my bed to another, leaving me abandoned, alone. The fate of a wife."- Medea by Euripides, Translation and Adaptation by Ben Power
“And the LORD discomfited Sisera, and all his chariots, and all his host, with the edge of the sword before Barak; so that Sisera lighted down off his chariot and fled away on his feet…Howbeit Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite…And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear not. And when he had turned in unto her into the tent, she covered him with a mantle. And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water to drink; for I am thirsty. And she opened a bottle of milk, and gave him drink, and covered him. Again he said unto her, Stand in the door of the tent, and it shall be, when any man doth come and enquire of thee, and say, Is there any man here? that thou shalt say, no. Then Jael Heber's wife took a nail of the tent, and took an hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.” – Judges 4:15-21 KJV
“Stella?” he asked from behind.
“It’s me” I answered.
William opened the door.
His white shirt was open almost down to his toned stomach. I could see the hair on his chest. The chest I rested my head on for so many nights. I could see some of his toned stomach. All part of a body that once made love to me almost twice a day. And over it, a tan overcoat. His one blue eye looked at me, the right socket covered with a pirate-like eye patch. He looked stunningly handsome when he was disheveled. On the end of the right sleeve, I could see bandages, fresh and white, over the stub. Though his face looked tired and weathered. Even a little old. But still handsome as the day I met him.
I looked back at my siblings and Harry. They tipped their heads goodbye. Then my siblings got into the carriage, and it drove away.
“Come in, Stella…I’ll take your bags to your room,” he offered.
He reached down and picked up one bag with his left hand and then retreated inside. I followed him. He vanished into a room on the left, I just looked around the place.
The room was bitterly cold. It all looked very grey despite the sunshine coming in from outside. At the end of the entrance hall, was a parlor. I wandered down there. It had a window decorated with white curtains. In front, there was a small brown table and two chairs. On top of the table were stacks of books, pens, some stationery, an unopened bottle of sherry, two clean little glass cups for the sherry, two Bibles, reading glasses, and a little clock to tell the time.
I heard him go out, get my other bag, and then he closed the front door. But I turned to face him. He dropped the bag and ambled toward me. We looked at each other. He then went up to embrace me and I let myself melt into it. I teared up a little. I forgot how much I still loved him.
“Hello, Stella…” he said softly.
“Hello, William…” I spoke.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
“Yes, you can.”
He kissed me tenderly on the lips. Then cupped my face. His thumb wiped off a tear of mine. I could see he was crying too. I saw the man who I fell in love with all those years ago. The man I still both loved and hated with all my heart.
“You never answered my letters,” he commented.
“There was too much to say…” I answered.
He kissed my forehead. He continued to hug me, pressing me to him. I looked at the table, resting the side of my head on him.
“I…I felt…just so sad and so angry when I read them… I couldn’t answer them,” I explained.
I then looked up at him.
“Do you know how much I love you? I was only angry and sad because of how much I love you. But I’m here now…” I whispered.
He smiled at me.
“You’re an angel from heaven, Stella,” he said.
“I’m also a woman, William.”
He let go and then took my hand his left one.
“Here, I’ll lead you to bed…” he offered.
He took my hand. And lead me to the little bedroom. I saw my bag and suitcase were already on the floor, near my usual right side of the bed. He led me to the right side and I sat down on it.
“You exerted yourself a lot by traveling today…try and get some rest…” he suggested.
“What’s near this house?” I asked, lowering my head onto the pillow.
I looked out the window to my right. There were thick white curtains hiding the outside. A cloud had covered the sun and the room looked like it was already evening even though it was ten in the morning.
“There’s a pharmacy, a grocer…anything we could need… we’re in the center of town…”
“I think tomorrow…I’d like to go to the grocers…” I requested.
He knelt beside me.
“Really? I think you need to stay in bed!” he replied.
“I find when I move around outside in the air, I feel better, Will…” I added on.
“If you say so, my dear.”
“If you give me some money…then I can buy us some things for dinner tomorrow when I go to the grocer…”
“There is food now. What I can make…” he answered, gesturing to his right stub.
“I can still cook. Let me cook, Will, I want this to be just like the old days…” I spoke.
“Yes, I promise you, it shall be….” He assured me.
I coughed some. He brought me a handkerchief to cling to.
“I’m going to the table to do some reading; I’ll be right back. Let me know if you need anything.” He said before exiting.
I noticed a desk in the room. It was kept very neat. No stacks of papers anywhere. I got up, took my bag, and hid it under the bed. I placed my suitcase in front of it and pushed it to a far corner. Where only my small hands and not his large ones could reach. William returned with tea and gruel. They tasted cold and bland.
“Are you called to serve at another church in London?” I asked.
“No. I’ve been visiting them and the officials in town. But that’s not why,” he explained.
“So why are you here?” I asked.
“For you, Stella…”
He sat by me. I didn’t touch my tea or gruel. I handed the plate and cup. He took each, one by one, to sit on the desk. I heard the clock ticking from the other room.
“Do you…do you want to talk about it…” he suggested quietly.
A lump gathered in my throat. The words were making my voice break.
“No. I’m not ready to talk about her yet…I just want to be with you for now…” I answered.
“Then, I’ll be with you. But in an hour, I need to head out. I…I am going to churches here. Making use of my time. Seeing the vicars and bishops there, talking to them. Might as well. I’m going there…will you be back when I’m gone?”
“I will be. I’m not going anywhere,” I promised.
He got dressed from his white shirt into his black pants, black shirt, and black jacket, and pulled the small white flap through his collar.
“Hopefully, with enough effort, I can rise to the rank of bishop…” he confided in me.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then left.
I knew better than to believe him. Even if he was visiting the other clergy in town, there was someone else he was seeing. And not for holy reasons. I went to the desk, I tried to open the drawers. They were locked. It wasn’t a wild guess of mine what was inside. I glanced at the bag under the bed.
Not now, not now my thoughts warned.
Wait. You will know. He wants a sweet, devoted, loyal wife who will think of him and not herself. And that’s the part you must play. Lure him in. Then, when he believes you are his submissive wife... when the moment is right...
He returned in the evening at about half-past five. I didn’t ask him where he went or what he did.
I only said, “Hello darling…”
I got up, in my nightgown and dressing robe. I greeted him at the door with a kiss.
“Here…have let me make you some tea or sherry…which would you prefer?”
“I think I would prefer sherry tonight…”
“I’d like some too…” I said.
We walked over to the table.
“You never used to drink…” he commented.
“I think it will calm me…and I’ve been feeling nervous lately…” I replied.
“It calms me too, that’s why it’s my favorite. So typical of a vicar!” he joked.
We went to the table. I poured two glasses and handed one to him. He raised one.
“Let’s toast…to happiness…” he said.
“To happiness…” I repeated.
We both took our first sips. He smiled at me, wearily.
“I missed you, my Stella, my star…” he spoke.
I swirled the liquid and observed the glass. It was the same from home. It was decorated with the sun rising the cup with a thin handle that spread at the bottom.
“If Stella means star, then what does the name William mean?” I asked.
“It means the will or desire…” he explained.
“You always had a strong will indeed. And you have the desire too, so it suits you…” I commented.
He immediately began to clutch my hand and kiss it, interrupting the rest of that thought.
“Only from how badly I desire you, my darling!”
I said nothing, finishing my sherry in three quiet sips.
“There are pork chops in the kitchen, I saw them…I’ll cook them up…” I offered.
“Stella, you need to rest…” he protested.
“I’m alright…let me move around, Will. It makes me feel better when I get to move a little…I’ll cook for you…”
I put the chops on the frying pan on the stove and turned it on. Once they were cooked, I served them with carrots, rolls with butter, and half a pear for each of us. There was another larger dinner table off to the side with two chairs. We started to eat. He stabbed at his food with a fork, lifting it to his mouth.
“May I ask…what…what happened to your hand?” I asked.
“Fanny,” he replied plainly.
“And your eye?” I asked, trying not to smile.
“Mrs. Taylor.”
The clock continued ticking. It was seven-thirty in the evening now.
“Do any of the church officials ask what happened?”
“Only the ones that know me.”
“And what do you tell them?” I asked, biting into my soft pear.
He paused, setting down the pork that was halfway to his mouth back onto his plate.
“Your friends love you…” he commented.
I wiped my mouth with the napkin on my lap.
“Do you love me?” I asked.
“Yes, I do…”
We went to bed. I changed into another nightgown, and he put on some of his night clothes. He kept saying he was cold at night. We slept. I woke up at six the next morning and he was gone from bed. He returned at ten o clock. He used to leave at eight to walk and return at nine.
“You still walk every morning?” I asked.
“Yes. Old habit.”
I didn’t ask why he took so long.
“I need to write…would you please leave me alone in the room for an hour, Stella?” he asked.
“Yes…I’ll get a book and my sewing…” I replied.
Again, I didn’t ask why. The reason was obvious.
I would read when all was quiet. The only book of Dante’s I chose to bring with me was a collection of mysteries and detective stories. Often, I’d re-read them once I finished one.
After he finished writing, I noticed that he hid the letters beneath his coat. He went out to mail them. Then he returned.
A doctor would visit. Or one of my siblings. My siblings would talk to me for half an hour. William only accompanied us silently. Discussing only polite subjects, not the ones we all wished to speak of. Harry never visited, but he sent us a bottle of wine for our home. There was a card explaining his absence for the week: his father’s heart was discovered to be in bad condition.
Every day was the same. William returned from his morning walks. He’d use the room to write letters and exile me to the parlor. I’d read. I’d have a guest or the doctor. Then he’d go out for his business, leaving me some money.
Every other day, William would leave money for whatever I wanted for dinner that night. Though he had a key, he kept the door unlocked for me. I’d change from my nightgown to my normal blue dress. After he would leave for his business and The Woman in the early afternoon, I would walk outside. I would bring a book or my sewing in my coat pocket. I would read or sew for about half an hour. I also liked to watch the London people around me sometimes.
I would go to the grocer’s store in the second block over. His name was Mr. Poole. He was a youth, just twenty years old. Scrawny with red hair, only thrilled to work for his father’s business and was willing to show off his long-acquired knowledge of food.
“I’m having a small fish for dinner for my husband, what else goes good with small fish? I also need some more sherry, please,” I would ask.
He would tell me in a chipper tone of voice, and I would buy it. He was pleasant company, I found.
Then I would go home. Wait for him. He’d return. Practically beaming from how his greyish blue eyes shone at me.
“Hello Stella, my dear,” he’d greet.
“Hello Will, my darling.” I’d say.
I’d kiss him. Then I poured us both a glass of sherry. Then I began to cook dinner. We’d eat. We’d have a glass of Harry’s wine with our meal. We’d talk about the children, especially during this.
“I must tell you…Joanna is the one who won’t write to me, much less talk to me anymore,” he told me on the third evening.
“Really…” I mumbled.
“Every day she grows bigger, and every day she looks more and more like you…”
He cried a little.
“You’re not even dead yet, and yet you already haunt me…”
Then we’d go to bed. On the fourth night, I nudged him in the dark until he awoke. “William… want you to make love to me, make love to your wife…at least one more time…” I pleaded.
Please love me. Just once. Change my mind. Now is your chance, Will. Please change my mind before I do this, I thought.
He shook his curly head.
“No…it’ll risk your health. You know you’re too weak to, now. And I might get it too…” he refused.
But he kissed and cuddled me instead until he fell asleep. I carefully slipped out of his arms and opened the curtains for the moonlight. He fell asleep on his back. Gingerly, I nudged the corners of the collar of his shirt to see his skin. There were hickeys and lip stains on his neck and chest.
At the fifth dinner, he discussed ideas about my funeral with me. I told him what I would approve of. If there was a suggestion I didn’t like, I didn’t tell him.
Then I said “Will…I don’t want to be married to you anymore…could you please divorce me?”
He looked at me and shook his head.
“Stella, your life is about to end very, very soon. It’s too late for that…”
The bed, though not the one from Aldwinter, still felt hard and cold to me. Every room in that house was cold. And his embraces were warm, but once he was asleep, I would soon be back to shivering.
It was a repetition of this. Day in and out. I felt like a clockwork figurine doing its dance per hour and then returning inside.
The seventh dinner was lamb with walnuts and asparagus. We finished the bottle of wine.
“I’ve missed you…I cannot wait until we return home, Stella…perhaps you can die back in your bed…” he sighed.
I took the last sip of my wine. He flashed a smile. His eye twinkled.
“Will…I have one more question…will you…will you end things with her?” I asked.
There were tears in my eyes. I wiped them off with my napkin and then put it back on my lap.
“You know I can’t, Stella. And you don’t need to make such a fuss about it like you did back home.”
He ate his lamb chop and wiped off the sauce from his beard. I didn’t have the appetite to finish my own plate.
On the eighth day, there was no doctor and no visitors. William went out again for his morning walk and said he would continue to his business. He wouldn’t be home until evening, he told me. When I looked outside, it was another cold, cloudy, grey day. After he left, I drank two cups of coffee, and then the pain returned to my chest. The room spun for a minute. I coughed out a lot of blood onto my handkerchief. As I was washing it off in the kitchen, a thought struck me like lightning.
Today could be the day you die, Stella. Each day, you’re getting weaker and weaker. You know it. This could be it.
The moment is here. It’s now or never.
I went to the bed and retrieved my bag from underneath it. I pulled out the jar. I poured all of it into our new bottle of sherry. Then I sealed the lid, placed it in my bag, and hid it under the bed.
He came home at five. A little earlier than normal. I was still in my white nightgown from dozing and being in bed for most of the day. He was in his black vicar suit.
“Hello Stella, ” he greeted with a large smile.
“Hello William,” I said with a practiced smile.
I gave him an embrace- him in black, me in my white nightgown. I pecked his pink, warm lips. I noticed the circles under his eye. From out of the pockets of his black pants, I saw the corner of a letter sticking out.
“Why don’t you sit down, you look tired…” I offered.
“I have had such trouble sleeping last night…and today was so busy…” he complained with a sigh.
I took his arm and walked him to the table.
“Here…you can relax now…”
He plopped down on his chair. The one that was mine was closer to the kitchen, to the right. His was on the left.
“Could you pour me some sherry, darling wife?” he asked.
I got one of the glasses and poured him a drink, handing it to him. He sipped at it.
“Would you like me to start dinner?” I asked.
“It’s chicken with rice tonight…” I told him.
He another sip at the sherry. It rested in his large hand, and he stared down at it. His smile dropped.
“I want to talk about her, Stella…” he confessed.
I sat down on my chair. My heart was beginning to race, and my hands were sweating a little.
“I do too,” I confirmed politely.
He downed the glass. I eyed the stub on the other end.
“Did you pleasure her with your right hand?” I asked.
His face shot up at me in surprise. He didn’t answer. I didn’t need him to. Then his eyes softened.
“You always were so good, Stella, I don’t deserve you,” he said.
“You’re right, you don’t.”
His lips were tightly pressed together.
“Why did you leave me?” he asked.
“You know why,” I answered.
Then he placed his left hand on his forehead.
“My head hurts…Stella, you must listen to me and have pity on me, on how hard this all has been for me…more sherry, please…” he complained.
I poured him another glass and returned to my chair. He began to nurse it.
“Hard for you?” I hissed, trying to contain the urge to yell.
I folded my hands on my lap and looked directly at him.
“Don’t you remember our marriage vows? You’re the one who leads weddings all the time- you should have them memorized at this point. You promised you would forsake all others, save me, in sickness and in health- in sickness and in health, Will! Every Sunday, you spoke of kindness, love, and putting another person’s needs above your own. You didn’t have to sleep with her. No one was forcing you to sleep with her. You could have put my own needs before your own- and you did not!”
My heart was racing, and I felt hot. His eye was shiny. His beautiful face seemed more lined, weathered, and tired, if not older. At almost forty-one, he was looking his age. I continued.
“You dared to break your own marriage vows- a sacred oath you made not just before the law, not just before everyone in town, but before God! If this is how you behave as a vicar, what kind of bishop will you be?”
His face turned red.
“I didn’t know this would happen…I didn’t know I would meet a woman like her…She’s… she’s different from any other woman!” he cried.
“What’s so wrong about other women?” I asked.
He took another sip of sherry. His grip tightened on the glass and his nostrils flared.
“You married me…not her…did you forget that? Did you ever consider how I would feel about it? What it would be like for me? That I would be hurt?”
“Darling, you said-“
I interrupted his next words, despite my breaking voice.
“I love you, Will…but I’m not your only love. And you promised me you would be.”
He finished his drink, setting it down.
“I remember when I visited you and your family before we were betrothed. You told me one of your favorite books was Pride and Prejudice. So, I read it for you. I wanted to be your Mr. Darcy…act like him, perhaps even look like him!”
My eyes began to blink away tears and my voice was shaking.
“Mr. Darcy wouldn’t sleep with Charlotte Lucas once Elizabeth was sick…”
He scoffed. I heard him exhale deeply. His voice was low and sonorous, the one that once I swooned over now made me want to spit.
“Then again…you fit Jane, far more than Elizabeth- Jane would forgive Mr. Bingley and return to him…I loved you for that. You are a Jane Bennet. You always were. Soft, sweet, selfless…”
I took in a breath and looked at the floor. I looked at the sherry bottle, then the clock, and then back at him.
“Is your lover more your kind of woman? I thought you married me because I’d fit being a clergy wife…but I guess you lied to me then. Was that who you wanted me to be this whole time?” I asked.
“I need more sherry, please…”
I poured him another.
“My heart’s racing right now…and I feel as if I could get sick and vomit from my grief…you torture me, Stella, my star…You’re forgetting several things too, Stella. You wanted me to be with her. You encouraged me to be with her. When you told me to go and dance with her, it was an act of romantic, loving, marital sacrifice…”
“Sacrifice, William?”
I met him in the eye. I no longer let my rage contain itself.
“I’ve sacrificed for you our entire marriage!”
I leaned closer to him, my hand gripping the desk and my other hand curled into a fist.
“I gave you my devotion, my time, my energy, my youth, my virginity, my prayers, my life, and my body countless times!”
I felt my voice raise.
“I bore you five children! Five! Did you forget? And did you forget when we lost Josephine and Julianna? That I carried and bore them as well! One died in my stomach and the other in my arms! There was always a baby in the house for years-I was pregnant five times in less than a decade! That’s about four years of my life with a living person inside of me! And as careful as we were, I still…still gave into your desires, the very acts that could get me pregnant again, because I wanted to please you! So, I bore five children in less than a decade, knowing I could die in the process!”
I took in a breath, wiped off the tears, and continued.
“I did everything for you and asked for nothing but your love and fidelity in return. I bore you five children, I helped your ministry, your church- made myself the very wife you needed me to be for God, for your church, for Aldwinter, and most of all for you! And you repay me by falling in love with another woman and acting on it?”
“Stella, I…”
“You could go to church early. You could go on your morning walks. You could search and hunt for the Serpent, alone or with her. I couldn’t join you- why? Because had to look after the three children? Me! I was the one! I was the one looking after them, dressing, feeding, watching, and bathing them while you run off to the forest to pleasure her against trees!”
He slammed a fist on the table.
“You told me to dance with her!” he argued.
The words blubbered out of me. My hands would not stop shaking and the tears would not stop from my eyes.
“Dancing is not…the same…as lovemaking, Will.”
He dropped his jaw. Then he downed the sherry in one gulp.
“Stella, listen…”
My voice lowered, but I would not stop speaking.
“No, you listen! I told you to dance with her, not to sleep with her! How hard can that be to understand?” I asked.
His jaw tightened. I glanced at the clock again, and then back at him.
“Stella, you have consumption! You were lying in bed, coughing out blood! And…it broke my heart to see you like this!” he continued.
“You think you’re the one with a broken heart!? You slept with her, just because you couldn’t sleep with me- your wife! You wouldn’t even make love to me the other night…and even now, after all this, you’re still seeing her…” I countered.
He sighed again. His eye drooped and closed. He raised the inner ends of his eyebrows.
“Stella…I…I love you…but the problem is I love her too…I love C-“
“Don’t you dare speak her name! I cannot stand that heartless bitch!” I interrupted.
“STELLA!” he shouted.
I flinched back further into my seat. But it felt freeing to finally curse. The aftertaste of it was sweet.
“You…I…I never heard you speak like this…I have never heard you curse…I never saw you angry, I never thought you were capable of hating anyone…” he wondered.
I took a quick glance at the clock on the table, then back at him. He placed a hand on his face and then lowered it back to the table. I saw it fall over one of his brown Bibles.
“I…I didn’t think, didn’t imagine, you’d find out about me and her," he reasoned.
He looked at it for a bit and then turned back to face me. I noticed his hair looked wilder. Probably the wind outside.
“But I did. Why…why didn’t you tell me, or confide in me, that you were struggling with lust for her? Then at least you’d be an honest man. I could have helped you- pray for you, even! I’d pray every day for your struggles with your temptations…” I responded.
“If I told you then, you would have died on the spot. You would have died of both consumption and a broken heart,” he explained.
“I found out still. And here I am. Still alive.” I retorted.
He reached out his hand. I did not take it, keeping my own on my lap.
“I ask for your pity…I was so tormented, so full of grief for you…”
A bit of light from the sun shone from the outside, the windows seemed to glow. The days were getting longer at last. At last, the eternal winter of The Serpent was going to end. Spring would be here so soon.
“And you forget one important thing," William began.
He reached over with his left hand and touched my arm in pity.
“You’re dying, Stella.”
“So are you, William.”
He blinked at me. I let myself smile.
“What do you mean I’m-“
He began to cough suddenly. Violently. He looked down at his hand- there was a lot of blood. As he got up to stand, his legs gave in, and he fell onto the floor.
“What am I dying of? Do you know? Tell me!” he pleaded.
He then looked at the bottle of sherry, and then at me. I folded my arms, looking down at him.
“Cyanide. Even a little is fatal. And you just drank three glasses.”
His fists were clenched and white. He coughed more. His black sleeve was stained with blood.
“Murder is a cardinal sin, Stella…” he said.
“Adultery is a cardinal sin, William…” I replied.
He began to vomit out blood and it fell onto the floor. It was getting to be a puddle. I lifted the skirt of my nightgown so it would not be stained and took a step back.
“Should I fetch a man on the street and stick my hand down his pants in front of you, so you know how it feels to be me now?” I asked quietly.
He looked up at me and I down at him.
“Not you… Not that sweet, delicate girl I met, not my Stella…of all…you…you to be the one to…to…to kill me...” he hissed.
I shushed him like a child. His eye was brimming with amazed and angry tears.
“Do not speak, before you die, I must tell you something…” I whispered.
Blood poured down his mouth, down his beard. He kept quiet. I took a step back to avoid the pooling blood. And I kept speaking, low enough so only he could hear.
“I’ve learned something else. All this time these past few months, everyone in Aldwinter was so frightened of the Serpent. That thing that ruined lives, the monster, the creature, the destroyer of Paradise, the Devil himself, the Leviathan in our ocean, the Aldwinter snake, the threat of Essex…yes, some found a boat and others a whale that left those tracks, but…I’ve realized something. There actually was a Serpent in Essex…”
I kept my distance but looked right into his eye and he into mine. The last thing he would see. The last words he would ever hear.
“You, William. The Serpent was always you.”
He collapsed his head onto the floor. His curly head shook with cough and vomiting, the blood beneath him continuing to spread. Then he stopped and was still.
He was dead. At long last, he was dead.
I went to my room, and from my hidden bag I pulled out the empty poison bottle. From one of my journals, I got out an excerpt of the draft of his letter to The Woman. I then returned to the room with his corpse and the table.
I placed them next to the empty jar of sherry on the table.
I went to our bedroom again. I changed from my nightgown into one of my blue dresses. I did my hair. I got the money he usually left in the kitchen for groceries and my embroidery of some bluebirds flying freely in the wind. I put them in the pockets of my blue coat, put on my blue hat, and blue scarf, and then tied on shoes.
“Will, I’m going out to sew outside and then to the grocer for dinner, I’ll see you soon, my love!” I called out, closing the door.
I walked out to the bench. For half an hour, I pulled out embroidery and continued working on it. Sewing more furiously than I ever had before. But it made my hands stop shaking. Then I went to the grocer.
“Hello Mr.Poole,” I said, feeling like an actress in a play.
“Hello, Mrs. Ransome!"
“I’m fixing chicken with rice tonight…what else will I need?” I asked.
He listed it out and I listened to him. We chatted about the dinner- the side dishes and even what fruit or dessert to consider. Then I asked him about his family and the history of the store. I coughed into my sleeve, but no blood. I took my time with him to discuss food and his family. I purchased it all and thanked him.
I gathered the bags and walked back with a practiced, happy smile. I thought of a hymn and began humming it. I reached the door and knocked.
“Will! Will, I’m home! Will, I have dinner! And your favorite- apples! My arms are full, could you let me in?” I asked out loud.
“Will… I need to sit for a while, I’m losing my breath-could you open the door, please, darling?”
With one hand, I turned the doorknob open, I turned my head around, looking for him.
“Will? Will! Will!” I called out.
I then looked down at the body. I dropped the groceries and let out a scream.
This time, I allowed myself the grief. I leaned down, embraced his body, and began to sob over it. Real, genuine, sobs. No pretending. No practiced lines or faces. Real sobbing over the man I adored beyond myself, the father of my children, the love of almost half of my life, and at once the great villain, the traitor of everything, my prisoner, the man who had become my idol who transformed into my tormenter. My husband, the Serpent.
I traced my hand over his features- his cheekbones, his lips, his beard, the curly reddish-blonde hair.
“Hello, Mr. Ransome! Mr. Ransome, I heard a scream! Is your wife alright? Mr. Ransome!” a voice cried out from outside.
There were fast footsteps towards the door that was left open. I turned my head around to see Harry with a bottle of wine with a bow in his hand. He saw the fallen groceries and then me, cradling William’s body.
“Oh shit! Oh God!” he screamed.
“Harry! Please! Get the police! Help! Help me at once- I think he’s dead! William’s dead!” I pleaded with snotty tears.
The police and a detective arrived, Harry right behind them.
“What is your name? And who is the deceased?” the first policeman asked me.
“M-My name is Stella Ransome…and my husband…his name…his name is…was…William. William Ransome, and he was a vicar and we lived in Aldwinter…”
The police were flying by me like bees. One leaned down with a sheet. I leaned down, and through tears, I gave my husband a last kiss on the forehead.
“Goodbye, Will,” I whispered, closing his eye.
May you be in hell now, I thought.
He placed the sheet over William’s body, and I stood up, backing away. The policemen after searching the rooms reached beneath the white sheet and searched through his blood-stained clothes and pulled out the letter. They opened it and read it.
“We are so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Ransome,” the detective said, lowering his cap.
I had to be very careful. And choose my words. This evening would determine my fate and a wrong step would land me in a prison cell.
The detective went over to examine the two bottles and the cups, as well as the sheet of paper. My heart was roaring in my ears. My whole body felt tense. The first policeman took off his cap too and expressed his sympathy, but then adjusted it back on. The detective searched around the room for a quarter of an hour, and then returned to me.
“Let her sit down…we have more unpleasant news for her. But she needs to hear it.”
Harry led me to what was once William’s chair- and I sat down.
“Mrs. Ransome…it seems like there was…was cyanide in his sherry. He poured a whole bottle of it inside and then drank it,” the detective reported.
“And not a drop to spare for me?” I asked.
“No…but…do you have children, Mrs. Ransome?” asked the detective.
“Yes…we have three beautiful children back in Aldwinter…” I answered.
The detective offered his hand, and I accepted it, then he squeezed it, his eyes were kind.
“Then you need to be alive for them…they need you now more than ever. Did you know there was poison in the house?”
I burst into tears and said, “No, I didn’t!"
“Did you see this paper on the table?” he asked, pulling up the scrap.
I wiped my tears aside and shook my head.
“N-N-no…I just ran to his body… I loved him so much!” I answered.
“It reads this-, just so you know…it’s a suicide note, for sure, but even the content inside could be shocking. Prepare yourself, Mrs. Ransome…”
The detective cleared his throat and read out loud:
“I feel so torn and tormented. I feel so torn between my saintly, dying wife and the love of my life. I feel as though I would rather die than be torn between two women I love so much!”
I put a hand over my mouth. He handed it in front of me to read. I stared at the paper with two hands.
“What were you doing an hour ago?” the first policeman asked.
“I was outside, sewing like I usually do. And I was getting his dinner at the grocer's. The kind he likes.”
“Did you know he had a mistress, Mrs. Ransome? We found a letter from another woman in his other pocket…” He explained.
“…Yes, yes I did…but…I thought…”
I sighed. The detective gave me a handkerchief. It was shaking in my hands. I kept crying into it.
“If I just made this house a perfect home…he’d say he was sorry and promise to love me like he always did…that he would leave her for good and be with me…it was perfect, we were even going to go back later this week…”
“And what were you doing in London?” The detective asked gently
“I was here to see certain doctors for my consumption. My husband joined sometime later,” I answered plainly. It was the truth after all.
“Mrs. Ransome, what were you doing an hour ago?” the policeman asked sternly.
“I was out walking and getting air for my health I sat on a bench to sew like I usually do. Then I went to the Poole’s grocery stop. I got us food for our dinner tonight, then I returned home and found his body bleeding…” I reported.
The detective observed the scene and clicked his tongue. The letter and the paper were in his hands. Then he sat in the other chair and looked at me.
“He drank poisoned sherry while you were gone. The guilt of having a mistress out of you- and you are such a sweet, innocent woman! And in bad health too! That… must have been why. So, he got out the poison he hid from you, put it in his sherry, and drank it… The body is still freshly dead. This is a textbook suicide case if I ever saw one,” he said.
I put my head in my hands and cried. Harry pulled a chair to sit by my side.
The detective observed the scene and clicked his tongue. The letter and the paper were in his hands. Then he sat in the other chair and looked at me.
“He drank poisoned sherry while you were gone. The guilt of having a mistress out of you- and you are such a sweet, innocent woman! And in bad health too! That… must have been why. So, he got out the poison he hid from you, put it in his sherry, and drank it… The body is still freshly dead. This is a textbook suicide case if I ever saw one,” he said.
I put my head in my hands and cried. Harry pulled a chair to sit by my side.
“Tragedies are just a part of life, Mrs. Ransome, makes sense for a woman to cry at this, though,” The policeman said coldly.
“Here, I’ll make you tea if you’re alright by that.” The detective offered.
“I would.”
I heard him talking to one of the officers in the kitchen as the kettle whistled.
“Poor lady, poor Widow Ransome…”
Widow…the word felt new. There was one way I and the Woman were now equal. London had freed us of our husbands. Each man was cruel in his own way.
He returned with tea, and I drank it. The saucer kept shaking in my hand and Harry had to hold it for me. He kept quiet the entire time. The first policeman went up to me.
“We’ll send a telegram. The children must know their father is dead. Would you like to stay with any of the family you have in town, Widow Ransome? Would you rather stay over there than here?”
“Yes, please."
“I could escort you there,” Harry offered.
The policeman let out a little laugh.
“Mr. Cavaradossi! Surprisingly noble of you! Tell me- which revel did you just return from?”
“A rather boring one, compared to this, I must confess…I know the home address of one of her brothers, Mr. Dante Harris. He's a friend of mine. Let me escort her there…” he offered.
The detective stepped forward.
“Widow Ransome… I’ll escort you too. I’ll pay for a taxi for us, too,” he offered.
“Yes, I’d like that. Let me get my bag and a few things for the night. Mr. Cavaradossi…could you help? Tomorrow, could you bring my other things to be returned to me tomorrow?”
Now, finally, they were truly my things.
“Yes, of course,” Harry agreed.
I filled the bag with clothes for the next day, the book of detective stories, and one of my flower journals. As they walked me out, I heard voices with clicking tongues of the policemen inside.
“A vicar sinning first by adultery…and then another sin by killing himself! He must be damned by now from all that…isn’t that what the Bible says about suicide?” I heard the first policeman.
“When love and lust are involved, Bible verses get forgotten, Mr. Stevens…but you heard what she said when we told her it was poison. She is a true wife-wanting to follow her husband to death! No wonder he felt so guilty…” another replied.
Harry and a policeman walked me into a taxi. The three of us sat in silence the whole ride. The taxi stopped in front of Dante’s home.
“Be careful with the lady, she’s had a nightmare of a day, Mr. Cavaradossi. She lost a husband she loved; you know…” the detective warned.
Harry nodded. He handed me my bag.
“I’ll see her inside. Could you go to Dante’s workplace and let him know his sister is there and why? I’ll come back and give you an address and join you,” he suggested.
The detective nodded.
Harry helped me upstairs to the guest room that was now to finally be mine. Then he fetched a glass of cold water and gave it to me.
“Do you need anything before I go?” he asked.
“I need coals for the fireplace. I feel cold…” I answered.
He left and returned with some coals and fireplace tools. He put the coals into the opening. I poked at it with a poker until the flames were born.
“Anything else? I’m afraid my wine bottle is still over there, else I’d give you some. Thank heavens I didn't drop it! I can go retrieve the wine if you like after we tell your brother. You can help yourself after!” he offered.
“I’d like that. I also… need to be alone to process this…to process that my husband…k-k-k-killed himself…” I stuttered.
“Of course, I will see you later, Stella,” he said.
He closed the door. I heard him go down the stairs and shut the front door. Once alone, I finished the glass of water, sitting by the fireplace to warm myself from the cold drink. I set the glass aside, kneeled on the floor, pressed my hands together, and now alone, out loud, I began to pray.
“Dear God, I confess, I am a murderer.”
I then prayed the confession that I recited every Sunday all my life. I spoke quietly, but with every bit of emotion going through me right now. I had to cleanse myself before God if I were to die soon, as William said.
“Most merciful God, I confess that I have sinned against you in thought, word, and now deed…I am truly sorry and I humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and forgive me; that I may delight in your will, and walk in your way, to the glory of your name, Amen.”
I reached into the bag with the flower journals. I opened it and took out the letter and the note- one that went with the cyanide encouraging me to kill myself for my husband. To die so he could be with his lover. To die for his happiness.
I reread it. And laughed heartily at it.
I tossed the small note that went with the poison into the fireplace. Then the long pages, one by one. I watched as each of them was destroyed. The bottom of the flames was blue. I smiled.
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mostlydeadlanguages · 5 years ago
The Triumphs of Deborah and Jael (Judges 4 & 5)
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Image: "Jael & Sisera," by Conterfeyter
I love these two chapters of the Bible.
The first chapter is a straightforward story about how two women help Israel triumph over their oppressors: Deborah, a prophetess and judge, and Jael, a courageous nomadic woman.  It's a sorely needed counterpoint to the treatment of women elsewhere in the book of Judges — and a reminder that even in the ancient world, women could be snarky badasses.
The second chapter is a gorgeous and very difficult poem which roughly retells the same events.  There's still some debate over which chapter was written first, but most scholars view this chapter (the “Song of Deborah”) as a very ancient text, the predecessor of the prose version.  If I were to footnote every grammatical difficulty or obscure vocabulary in this chapter, I would be writing until next year; I've merely highlighted a few of the most challenging cruxes.  Despite its difficulties, though, it's a raw, powerful epic that intertwines cosmic theophany, military adventure, and personal intimacy.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Judges 4
Once again, the Israelites acted wickedly in YHWH's sight. (Ehud had died.)  So YHWH delivered them up to Jabin, the king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor.  The commander of his troops was Sisera, who lived in Forest-of-the-Gentiles.  Then the Israelites cried out to YHWH, because he had nine hundred iron chariots, and he had been brutally oppressing the Israelites for twenty years.
Now, Deborah was a female prophetess, a "woman of torches" [1]; she was judging Israel at that time.  She would sit beneath the Palm of Deborah — between Ramah and Bethel, in the hills of Ephraim — and the Israelites went up to her for judgment.
She summoned Barak ben Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali, and she said to him, "Hasn't YHWH, the God of Israel, given a command?  Go and muster at Mount Tabor, and take ten thousand men with you from Naphtali and Zebulun.  Then, at the river Kishon, I will muster for you Sisera, commander of Jabin's troops, with his chariotry and his horde — and I will give him into your hand."
Barak said to her, "If you go with me, then I'll go.  But if you don't go with me, I won't go."
So she said, "I will most certainly go with you!  Nevertheless, there will be no honor for you on the path you are traveling — for YHWH will deliver up Sisera by the hand of a woman."  Then Deborah got up and went with Barak to Kedesh.  Barak summoned Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh, so that ten thousand men marched at his heels.  And Deborah went up with him.
Meanwhile, Heber the Smith had split off from the Smiths — the descendants of Hobab, the father-in-law of Moses — and pitched his tent at Oak-in-Zaanannim, which is at Kedesh.  They told Sisera that Barak ben Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor, so Sisera summoned all his chariotry, nine hundred iron chariots, along with all the people with him, from Forest-of-the-Gentiles to the river Kishon.
Then Deborah said to Barak, "Get up!  This is the day when YHWH will surely give Sisera into your hand.  Doesn't YHWH himself go out before you?"
Barak went down Mount Tabor, with ten thousand men following him.  And YHWH threw Sisera and all his chariotry and all his horde into chaos before the blade of Barak.  Sisera got off his chariot and fled on foot, while Barak chased after the chariotry and the horde as far as Forest-of-the-Gentiles.  The entire horde of Sisera fell before the sword; not one remained.
Meanwhile, Sisera fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Smith — for there was peace between Jabin, the king of Hazor, and the kin of Heber the Smith.  Jael came out to greet Sisera, and she told him, "Tarry, my lord; tarry with me, and don't be afraid."  So he tarried with her and entered the tent, and she hid him under a covering.
He said to her, "Please, give me a little water to drink, for I am thirsty."  So she opened a leather bottle of milk and gave him a drink, then hid him again.  "Stand at the tent's entrance," he told her, "and if someone comes and asks, 'Is there a man here?', say 'No.'"
But Jael, Heber's wife, took a tent peg and held a hammer in her hand.  She came to him  stealthily, and she drove the peg into his temple until it penetrated the ground, while he was unconscious.  He breathed his last and died.
Just then, Barak appeared, chasing Sisera.  Jael came out to greet him, and she told him, "Come — I will show you the man you seek."  So he came in to her — and Sisera was there, lying dead, with the peg in his temple.
Thus God humiliated Jabin, king of Canaan, on that day, in front of the Israelites.  Then the hand of the Israelites pushed harder and harder against Jabin, king of Canaan, until they exterminated Jabin, king of Canaan.
                                                            Judges 5
Deborah sang this with Barak ben Abinoam on that day: When caliphs are in chaos [2] in Israel,         when the people volunteer —         bless YHWH! Listen, you kings!         Hear, you dignitaries! I myself, to YHWH —         I myself, I will sing —         I will belt out to YHWH, God of Israel. YHWH, when you came forth from Seir,         when you strode from the land of Edom, Earth quaked —         yes, and Heaven sprinkled,         yes, and clouds sprinkled water. Mountains rippled before YHWH, the One of Sinai,         before YHWH, God of Israel. In the days of Shamgar ben Anat,         in the days of Jael, routes vanished,         and travelers on pathways         traveled circuitous routes. Heroism vanished, [3]         in Israel it vanished,         until you arose, Deborah,         until you arose, a mother in Israel. God chose a new people — [4]         then war was at the gates! Could a shield be seen, or a spear,         among forty thousand in Israel? My heart belongs to Israel's officers,         the volunteers of the people.         Bless YHWH! You riders of tawny donkeys,         you who sit on tapestries,         and you who walk the road:         proclaim it! Louder than pebbles between the water-currents, [5]         there they recount YHWH's loving-loyalties,         the loving-loyalties of his heroism in Israel. Then the people of YHWH came down to the gates. "Awake, awake, O Deborah!         Awake, awake, declare a song! Get up, Barak, and capture your captives,         you son of Abinoam." Then the remnant of the nobles came down,         the people of YHWH came down to me with the warriors. From Ephraim were those with roots in Amalek,         after you, Benjamin, with your peoples. From Machir, the officers came down,         and from Zebulun, those who wield generals' rods. The commanders of Issachar were with Deborah;         Issachar was true to Barak.         In the valley, they chased after his strides. In the clan of Reuben were great rations of heart.         Why did you sit down with your saddlebags         to listen to the piping of the flocks?         In the clan of Reuben were great rationales of heart. [6] Gilead stayed across the Jordan,         and Dan — why did he sojourn with the ships? Asher sat on the seashore,         staying at his harbors. Zebulun: a people that defied death,         and Naphtali, upon the heights of the land. The kings came; they warred.         Then the kings of Canaan warred at Taanach, by the waters of Megiddo.         They took no plunder of silver. From Heaven, the stars warred;         from their courses, they warred against Sisera. The river Kishon washed them away;         the primordial river, the river Kishon.         Tread firmly, my soul! Then the horse hooves hammered         with the galloping, galloping of his stallions. "Curse Meroz," said YHWH's messenger;         "Curse bitterly its inhabitants. For they did not come to help YHWH,         to help YHWH with the warriors." Most blessed of women be Jael,         wife of Heber the Smith —         of women in tents, most blessed. "Water," he asked; milk, she gave.         In a noble bowl, she brought him cream. She reached her hand for the peg,         her right hand for the worker's mallet; she hammered Sisera, she crushed his head,         she smashed and stabbed his temple. Between her legs, he sank, he fell, he lay;         between her legs, he sank, he fell.         Where he sank, there he fell — ruined. Through the window, she gazed down;         Sisera's mother lamented through the lattice. "Why is his chariot delayed in coming?         Why is the clatter of his war-chariots tardy?" The wisest of her noblewomen responds;         even she can answer the words herself. "Aren't they retrieving and dividing the spoils?         One cunt — two cunts! — for every man; [7] dyed cloth as spoil for Sisera,         dyed embroidered cloth as spoil,         two dyed embroidered clothes on every neck as spoil." Thus may all your enemies perish, YHWH!         But your loved ones are like the rising of the sun in its strength. Then the land was quiet for forty years.
[1] "Woman of torches" — or "woman of Lappidoth," or "wife of Lappidoth."  Since "lappidoth" (torches) is neither a personal nor a place name elsewhere, I choose to translate it here as a metaphorical epithet.
[2] "When caliphs are in chaos" — this line is most often translated as "when locks grow long"; it relies on some very obscure vocabulary.  I read it as a wordplay that connects two homophones: the noun for a powerful leader, and the verb for running amuck.
[3] "Heroism vanished" — This whole verse is very difficult and complicated by the fact that the word I translate as "vanished" is a near auto-antonym (it can mean either "to cease" or "to grow fat"), and it's not clear whether the same meaning is intended throughout.  The word I translate as "heroism" is sometimes translated as "peasantry."
[4] "God chose new people" — This is the straightforward translation of this line, but because of its theological difficulty (how could God turn against Israel?), it usually gets reversed as "[people] chose new gods."  As I understand it, "new people" means "a new set of enemies for Israel."
[5] "Louder than pebbles between the water-currents" — Another set of very obscure vocabulary.  I imagine this image as the roaring of water splashing over pebbles.
[6] "In the clan of Reuben were great rations of heart / great rationales of heart."  This is either a wordplay or a scribal error; the lines are identical except for two similar words.  Some translators emend the first line, so that the two lines are an exact repetition, decrying Reuben's equivocation.  I view it as a pun: Reuben supposedly has a big portion of courage, but in the end, he dilly-dallied.
[7] "One cunt — two cunts" — This Hebrew word literally means "womb," but here it clearly refers to female war-captives for sexual slavery.  "Cunt" is the most common English word that conveys both meanings, although it is more crude than the Hebrew word would have seemed.
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izraelinfo · 5 years ago
A Pál utcai fiúk Izraelben
A Pál utcai fiúk Izraelben
Molnár Ferenc regénye Izraelben is klasszikus ifjúsági műnek számít. Olvasók nemzedékei nőttek fel rajta: az 1940-ben Mahanajim címmel megjelenő első kiadás szövegét Ruth Katz és Saul Kantzler fordították németről ivritre. Az elsőt hamarosan újabb és újabb kiadások követték.
„Legkedvesebb könyveim egyike.” (Slomit)
„Kilencéves voltam, amikor először olvastam a könyvet: most, harmincegy…
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571kemal632 · 2 years ago
Yavuz Sultan Selim Han zamanında bir adam borçlarını ödeyemeyince zora düşmüş ve sabah soluğu Yavuz Sultan Selim'in yanında almış, demiş ki:
-- Sultanım, bana bir kese altın verecekmişsiniz.
Selim Han:
-- Vereyim vermesine de bir neden söyleyecek misin?
Fakir adam:
-- Ben, 63 yaşında, İstanbul eşrafından Mehmet. Ben çok zengindim sultanım. Lâkin bir süre önce başıma gelen bir musibet sonucu malımı, mülkümü, neyim varsa kaybettim. Ne ettimse kurtulamıyorum borç batağından. Dün gece herkesin yattığı o mukaddes teheccüd saatinde kalktım, iki rekat namaz kıldım, sonra koydum alnımı secdeye. "Ya Rabbi, beni eşime, çocuklarıma ve dostlarıma mahçup etme. Derdi veren de sensin, dermanı veren de." dedim ve yattım. Rüyama Resûlullâh Efendimiz sallâllahu aleyhi ve sellem geldi, dedi ki: "Ey Mehmet, niye hüzünlenirsin evladım? Yarın ilk işin, saraya git, Selim'ime selam söyle, sana bir kese altın versin. Eğer sebebini sorarsa, her gece okuduğu, benim ruhuma hediye ettiği 100 salâvatı dün gece okumayı unuttu; okumadığı salâvatlar hürmetine seni mutlu etsin." dedi. Der demez, Selim Han hemen bir kese altın çıkartıp vermiş adama ve demiş ki:
-- Ne olur, tekrar söyle! Ne dedi Habîbullah?
Mehmet amca tekrarlamış:
-- "Selim'ime selâm söyle, sana bir kese altın versin, her gece okuduğu 100 salâvatı dün gece okumayı unuttu, okumadığı salâvatlar hürmetine seni mutlu etsin." dedi, demiş.
Çıkartıp adama bir kese daha vermiş. Ama durmamış Yavuz Selim:
-- Söyle, ne olur, ne dedi Resûlullâh sallallâhu aleyhi vesellem?
Mehmet amca tekrar etmiş:
-- "Selim'ime selâm söyle..." diyerek tekrardan söylemiş Resûlullâh sallâllahu aleyhi vesellemin söylediklerini.
Çıkarıp bir kese altın daha vermiş. Ama durmamış Yavuz Selim:
-- Ne olur bi daha söyleeee, ne dedi Muhammed Mustafa sallâllâhu aleyhi ve sellem?
Adam tekrar etmiş yine. Yavuz Selim bir kese altın daha vermiş. Her kesede 100 altın var. Tam on yedi kese altın ederince tekrarlatmış.
Mehmet amcanın kucağında 1700 altın. Bir servet. Ama Yavuz Selim Han kendini kaybetmişçesine durmuyor:
-- Ne olur söyle, ne dedi Kâinatın efendisi?
Selim Han'ın nedîmi Hasancan bunu fark etmiş ve:
-- Sultanım, Mehmet amca getirdiği heber vesilesi ile mes'ûd oldu. Aldığınız haberle siz de mes'ûd oldunuz. İsterseniz Mehmet amcayı gönderelim, başı sıkıştığında tekrar gelsin, ne dersiniz? deyip adamı göndermiş.
Hasancan adamı uğurlayıp döndüğünde Yavuz Selim'i yerde secde eder vaziyette görünce ona bişey oldu düşüncesiyle omzuna dokunmuş; Yavuz Sultan Selim başını kaldırmış ki gözleri kan çanağı...
-- Duydun mu Hasancan, Resûlullâh benim için "Selim'im" demiş, duydun mu?..
-- Duydun mu Hasancan, Habibullâh benim için "Selim'im" demiş, duydun mu?.. Binlerce şükür olsun, bizi bu şerefe nail etti Rabbime Hamd olsun.
Ve devam etmiş Yavuz Selim Han:
-- Ey Hasancan, eğer sen o amcayı göndermeseydin, değil malımı mülkümü, tâcımı, tahtımı, sarayımı Resûlullâh'ın bana "Selim'im" demesine feda edecektim.
Rabbim bizleri cennette Efendimiz sallâllahu aleyhi ve selleme komşu olanlardan eylesin inşâallah.
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444names · 2 years ago
american surnames + atomic and subatomic particles BUT similar to "svetlana"
Acevelen Adamson Aguilate Alberts Albertson Ales Alest Allahane Alls Alsh Alva Alvargent Andolph Antu Armons Arne Aton Austice Austino Avens Aver Avez Ayalazar Bair Bake Barloway Barrison Bart Bartines Barty Bassen Beachyon Beckers Bendoza Benjamire Bens Blacruz Blain Blandez Boote Bott Brad Bradleton Brand Brandry Brera Brews Buchane Bullon Bulloney Burge Burker Burn Burtin Butle Butledges Butley Calder Caldonado Caldstout Caller Camacias Camer Camery Cantoya Cantry Carez Carnes Carp Carres Carrino Cars Cart Cartlett Cartman Carvis Castana Castravez Castron Cervan Cervantin Chand Chandley Chard Chardina Chardy Checo Chelton Chez Chran Chris Chulton Clarsh Clins Cobbs Cobson Coch Colemeney Colomon Comb Connon Contry Cort Corton Cran Crosa Cummer Cunning Dalence Daughn Daver Davez Daviton Deck Dick Dila Dill Dilly Dods Domington Donado Doughn Dowell Dows Doyler Doylers Dudleton Dudletty Duffman Duncasey Edware Elen Elly Emender Emenez Ementosh Eston Evan Ewis Farles Farlson Ferman Fermion Figuer Fischneil Fish Fitzgers Flowansen Fole Fowlandez Frandez Freder Frederson Frencent Fuenters Fullips Gallers Galls Gamber Gard Garne Gate Gilberger Giley Gillivery Gimpson Glas Gleton Glove Gold Golder Gonzale Gran Gravis Graymon Greed Griff Grosborn Groster Guer Guez Guthris Halla Hallarson Hancannon Hard Harden Hards Hargas Harpero Hayers Heber Hender Hensen Hernarden Hickson Higgino Higgs Hillar Hillon Hintyre Hold Holdston Holdstout Holl Hollier Hollino Hols Hoods Houn Houstiago Howen Howers Hutcherd Hyden Hyper Ingston Jacobbs Jamer Jamire Jeffey Jenkinson Joynes Juarks Kaney Kell Kennell Kenner Kennis Klins Land Lark Lawrencia Leachyon Leblaker Leonand Levince Littley Livan Livas Lowers Lucasey Lyon Magnett Malder Malderson Maldwin Malls Mars Mart Marthy Mathewitt Mayner Mccard Mccarney Mccarr Mccarrez Mcclayton Mcconway Mccorton Mccraft Mcdanield Mcintone Mcker Mckett Mckins Mclayton Mcmahony Mcneill Mcneillis Mcphonon Mcphoto Mead Medin Melectron Meler Mender Mentlett Mermion Meronan Michamble Milton Mitchez Mora Moranon Moreman Morgas Morino Morron Mortin Mullegord Munoza Nguy Niel Niels Nolderson Obrie Orre Pachoa Palmero Parden Patrino Patt Paulkner Payner Pecker Pence Pench Pent Peroa Perrell Perris Peter Phill Photo Pickson Pitt Plas Poland Poolemin Pott Potton Powe Pres Prester Princh Pruiz Pughn Quinner Rames Ramire Rams Reeman Reer Reil Reyer Rhodgers Richapman Rick Ricks Rickson River Robb Rober Robers Robert Roberty Robins Roble Rodges Rodright Rodrix Roger Rollace Romason Roses Rutle Sala Salins Sandright Santinez Sargins Sariton Saunez Savargas Savargins Schneil Schneillo Schrancia Schurst Schward Schwarez Scotton Sell Serra Shart Shephen Shepherra Sheppark Sherrell Shers Simond Simontoya Singhan Skyrming Slatino Snowles Solivang Stepherd Stes Steward Ston Stro Stron Suarks Sullock Sweeks Tach Tard Tauanters Tauantosh Taunder Taylore Taylores Terr Ters Thomass Thony Torrino Trevins Trujiller Tucklein Turn Tyle Upquarks Vald Valenn Vales Varadford Velander Velaney Velers Vins Wallowan Wardson Warrett Wartine Wash Watkinn Weene Weet Weston Weylfe Wilders Wing Woodman Woody Wooth Work Wyattle Wyatts Youn Zimmeron Zimmerry
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pissybitchboy · 3 years ago
Sick ass death metal that got recommended to me on yt
They're brutal, they're dynamic, they're good shit
Their debut album's not out on streaming services yet as far as I'm aware, but the whole thing is on their yt channel
Check them out if you got the time. This 8-track beating is solid as fuck.
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amandarecupido · 3 years ago
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fortheheavenssake · 6 years ago
by Yaacov Levi
To many who are interested in the history of the Celtic peoples and their modern descendants in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany and Cornwall, and from their descendants around the world a subject that is often brought up is possible connections with the ancient Israelites, in particular the “Lost Tribes” of Israel.
The purpose of this article is not to establish ‘connections’ to the Lost Tribes, but to discuss some of the many common characteristics of these modern Celtic peoples and the ancient Israelites. These characteristics I call Commonalities. I am not attempting in this short article to establish connections which has been addressed in many other volumes such as The Tribes and Ephraim by Yair Davidy and The Lost Tribes of Israel - Found! by Steven Collins as well as in ancient works. I am simply going to point out and discuss a very few of the great many commonalities between these peoples.
The Lost Tribes of The House of Israel
The peoples we refer to as the Lost Tribes were part of the Northern Kingdom of Israel which was conquered by the Assyrians around 740-720 BC. and exiled to areas in Assyria and to the north. This is told in the the Bible in 2Kings chapters 17 and 18. About the same time a contingent from the Kingdom of Judah were also exiled to the northern lands. It is these peoples and their immediate descendants that are also variously referred to as the Lost Tribes, and the subject of many works and studies.
Being both Irish and Jewish, I grew up familiar with customs and the cultures of both peoples, only in later years becoming aware that they were quite difference cultures and had greatly varying cultural characteristics. Yet growing up with both cultures, I had noticed similarities even on a casual basis. Over the years I began to see more of this similarity and in recent years I began to collect this data into what I term an Overview which I am still assembling. It is this Overview in differing areas of life that I will discuss here.
There are a number of areas that I have been looking at which includes: language, agriculture, religion and taboos, burial practices, music and folk dancing, the traditions and self determinations and self-identification of the Celts and other areas as the arise. I will point out a few items in each category and note that these are just a few of a great many commonalities and I mention them as examples.
Language is one of the subjects that led to my overall interest in the topic as early on I had noticed similarities. Considering the long period of time from the expulsion of the Israelites to our time, it would seem unlikely that there would be little, if any, common letters, words or structure, but that is not the case - there is indeed much in common.
Gaelic is a member of the Celtic group of the Indo-European family of languages that includes Russian, English, German, Spanish, French, Hindi and Italian. The Celtic group has been confined to the British Isles and part of the French coast.
Linguistic Similarities
The Celtic group is divided into two divisions which has three languages in each division. Each division makes up its own unique language.The two branches are:
the BRYTHONIC branch which is made up of the Welsh, Breton and Cornish lan guages; and
the GOIDELIC branch with the Irish, Scots and Manx Gaelic languages.
The Breton and Cornish languages are seeing some resurgence after near extinction while the Irish, Scots and Welsh languages are holding their own at this time. Manx is an ancient form of Irish and is considered to be oldest and purest Irish Gaelic in existence. Manx is very close to the extinct dialects of nearby Ulster and Galloway and separated from Old Irish in about the fifth century of our era. It occupies much the same position to Old Irish as Icelandic does to Old Norse. For the purpose of my study I have chose to concentrate on Manx and Scots Gaelic. I am sure though that an indepth study of Welsh or the other Gaelic languages would provide much food for thought on this issue.
The Gaelic alphabet as well as the ordinal numbers show more commonality than could be expected after 2,700 years of divergence; for example we have a Hebrew “S” retained in the modern Gaelic - the Hebrew Sheen, pronounced Shh is found in the Irish “S” as in the name Sean pronounced Shawn. Other letters are similar, the ordinal numbers 6 & 7 are pronounced almost the same as Hebrew and Gaelic. Words with same or similar meanings abound; for instance the Hebrew word for holy in common usage according to Halacha (Jewish law) is Kasher. The word in Manx Gaelic for hallowed or holy is Casherick. The syntax of Gaelic is entirely different from any other European language, especially English. RL Thompson, in his work Outline of Manx Literature and Language says that “in several respects Gaelic syntax has similarities with that of languages like Hebrew and Arabic”.
As in Hebrew, adjectives follow the noun that they describe: for example “ben vie” = “a good woman” in Gaelic and “Rosh ketan” = “small head” or “stupid” in Hebrew. Vie of ketan being the adjectives. The word order also is similar in Hebrew in that the verb is usually first in the sentence unlike English or many other European languages. These are just a very few of the many commonalities that I believe suggest a definite connection between the two languages and their family streams. This alone could constitute a major comparative study.
Commonalities in Ethnic Customs
One of the first areas in which I noticed similarities was in customs, notably folk dancing and later, musical instruments. The Hebrew Hora and other old traditional dances are parallelled in many Gaelic folk dances and especially the wedding dance of the Gaels which is very similar to the traditional Ashkenazic wedding dances of Europe. The musical instruments of the Gaels are
found in the Israelite tradition, notably the harp in both Celtic tales and certainly Hebrew tradition as the favoured instrument of the psalmist David [see the article “The Harp of David and the Harp of Ireland” by John Wheeler in the August-October issue of Origins of Nations - ed]. But, one of the most intriguing things to come up was that the Irish and Scots pipes we are all familiar with has its origins in the desert flute played daily throughout the Middle East. The flute of the desert shepherds is identifiable in the “chanter” of the Irish and Scots pipes.
Amazing Religious Parallels
The ancient religion of the Celtic peoples prior to Christianity was generally believed to be Druidism, of which we know very little; yet that which we do know has many overtones of the Canaanite religions that the northern tribes turned to after the split of King Solomon’s Kingdom under his son into a Northern and a Southern Kingdom. Like the pagans of Canaan, their sacred places became high hilltops and sacred groves, notably oaks. There is a great deal of similarities from what we know archaeologically in both the Northern Kingdom ritual sites and the Druid sites in the Isles. Additionally, the burial practices of both the peoples of the northern Kingdom and the Celts bear much similarity in the presence of Dolmens - large slabs of stone place horizontally across upright stones with the graves under them. These are found throughout the area of Europe which Celtic peoples passed and are found also in the areas of present day Jordan and Israel in which the Northern Israelite tribes dwelled.
You can find pictures of these dolmens in Yair Davidy’s book Ephraim on pages 137-38. This book is available from History Research Projects. Overseas it may be purchased direct from Yair Davidy in Israel (addresses on inside back cover).
Even Agricultural Similarities!
Agriculturally there are interesting commonalities - the grain crops are much the same, and even though wheat was known to them in their passage through Europe it was not a major crop in their final homes. In fact oats and barley were their staple grains. As with the Israelites, the cattle were of several colours, but the preferred colour for ritual for both peoples was red. The virgin cow used in the Hebrew ritual for purification was the forerunner of the red cattle used by the Druids in their rituals.
After the invasion of the Romans into the Isles, white cattle were introduced and later used; until that time red was the preferred colour. One of the most famous wars in Irish history was over a Red Bull stolen by a northern Irish tribe. Also, swine were not raised in any of the early Celtic areas until after they were introduced by the Romans; the Celts had a taboo against them, along with scaleless fish as eels and shellfish. The Celts, in similitude to the Israelites, were excellent headsman and developed identifiable breeds of sheep, cattle and horses, that carried on the traditions of the Israelites.
Other Proofs
Perhaps one of the most telling of the commonalities is simply the self-identification as Israelites - the Hibernians - the name of the Irish and the Scots and the Hebrides Islands off the coast of Scotland. The Milesians, one of the early Celtic peoples to come to Ireland from Spain had a tradition that they were of the Lost Tribes. The name Heber, Eber, or H’berian is found throughout early literature to describe the Celts as they described themselves to be “Of Eber” - the grandfather of Abraham.
What I have presented here in greatly abbreviated form just skims the surface of the commonalities between the Celtic Peoples and the Israelites. There is a tremendous amount of information available for those who would like to look at this closer themselves. A few resources are listed at the end. This is one of those subjects in which at first one can say “oh - that's an interesting coincidence”. But the sheer mass of these “coincidences” that build up after one goes from discipline to another becomes totally overwhelming. The fact that so much of the languages are similar almost three thousand years later, that customs are clearly identifiable as being related, that religious practices are uniquely similar and that the everyday agricultural practices and crops were similar - all along with the many other commonalities bespeak a common origin.
For those interested in pursuing this I wish you well and much enjoyment.
Suggested Information Sources
Manx Gaelic Society
Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh
St Judes
Isle of Man IM7 2EW
United Kingdom
Gaelic Books Council
Dept of Celtic
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Yair Davidy
PO Box 595
Israel 91004
Chadwick, N (1965) Celtic Britain. London.
Chadwick, N (1970) The Celts. United Kingdom.
Rankin, H (1987) Celts and the Classical World. London.
Squire, C (1905) Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance. London.
Squire, C (1909) The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland. London.
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mikaltom53 · 4 years ago
1 Chronicles 4
Descendants of Judah
[1] The sons of Judah: Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal. [2] Reaiah the son of Shobal fathered Jahath, and Jahath fathered Ahumai and Lahad. These were the clans of the Zorathites. [3] These were the sons of Etam: Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash; and the name of their sister was Hazzelelponi, [4] and Penuel fathered Gedor, and Ezer fathered Hushah. These were the sons of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah, the father of Bethlehem. [5] Ashhur, the father of Tekoa, had two wives, Helah and Naarah; [6] Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni, and Haahashtari. These were the sons of Naarah. [7] The sons of Helah: Zereth, Izhar, and Ethnan. [8] Koz fathered Anub, Zobebah, and the clans of Aharhel, the son of Harum. [9] Jabez was more honorable than his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” [10] Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked. [11] Chelub, the brother of Shuhah, fathered Mehir, who fathered Eshton. [12] Eshton fathered Beth-rapha, Paseah, and Tehinnah, the father of Ir-nahash. These are the men of Recah. [13] The sons of Kenaz: Othniel and Seraiah; and the sons of Othniel: Hathath and Meonothai. [14] Meonothai fathered Ophrah; and Seraiah fathered Joab, the father of Ge-harashim, so-called because they were craftsmen. [15] The sons of Caleb the son of Jephunneh: Iru, Elah, and Naam; and the son of Elah: Kenaz. [16] The sons of Jehallelel: Ziph, Ziphah, Tiria, and Asarel. [17] The sons of Ezrah: Jether, Mered, Epher, and Jalon. These are the sons of Bithiah, the daughter of Pharaoh, whom Mered married; and she conceived and bore Miriam, Shammai, and Ishbah, the father of Eshtemoa. [18] And his Judahite wife bore Jered the father of Gedor, Heber the father of Soco, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. [19] The sons of the wife of Hodiah, the sister of Naham, were the fathers of Keilah the Garmite and Eshtemoa the Maacathite. [20] The sons of Shimon: Amnon, Rinnah, Ben-hanan, and Tilon. The sons of Ishi: Zoheth and Ben-zoheth. [21] The sons of Shelah the son of Judah: Er the father of Lecah, Laadah the father of Mareshah, and the clans of the house of linen workers at Beth-ashbea; [22] and Jokim, and the men of Cozeba, and Joash, and Saraph, who ruled in Moab and returned to Lehem (now the records are ancient). [23] These were the potters who were inhabitants of Netaim and Gederah. They lived there in the king’s service.
Descendants of Simeon
[24] The sons of Simeon: Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, Shaul; [25] Shallum was his son, Mibsam his son, Mishma his son. [26] The sons of Mishma: Hammuel his son, Zaccur his son, Shimei his son. [27] Shimei had sixteen sons and six daughters; but his brothers did not have many children, nor did all their clan multiply like the men of Judah. [28] They lived in Beersheba, Moladah, Hazar-shual, [29] Bilhah, Ezem, Tolad, [30] Bethuel, Hormah, Ziklag, [31] Beth-marcaboth, Hazar-susim, Beth-biri, and Shaaraim. These were their cities until David reigned. [32] And their villages were Etam, Ain, Rimmon, Tochen, and Ashan, five cities, [33] along with all their villages that were around these cities as far as Baal. These were their settlements, and they kept a genealogical record.
[34] Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah the son of Amaziah, [35] Joel, Jehu the son of Joshibiah, son of Seraiah, son of Asiel, [36] Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah, [37] Ziza the son of Shiphi, son of Allon, son of Jedaiah, son of Shimri, son of Shemaiah—[38] these mentioned by name were princes in their clans, and their fathers’ houses increased greatly. [39] They journeyed to the entrance of Gedor, to the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks, [40] where they found rich, good pasture, and the land was very broad, quiet, and peaceful, for the former inhabitants there belonged to Ham. [41] These, registered by name, came in the days of Hezekiah, king of Judah, and destroyed their tents and the Meunites who were found there, and marked them for destruction to this day, and settled in their place, because there was pasture there for their flocks. [42] And some of them, five hundred men of the Simeonites, went to Mount Seir, having as their leaders Pelatiah, Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi. [43] And they defeated the remnant of the Amalekites who had escaped, and they have lived there to this day.
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