#A Pál utcai fiúk
carnivorousarcher · 3 months
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régi de ide nem raktam még ki ezt (asszem)
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transmascanakin · 1 month
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The guy... Csupa kisbetűvel írták a nevét :(
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4rtch3mist · 12 days
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iocallistoeuropa · 4 months
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sillypiddle-blog · 5 months
do you think boka kept Nemecseks scarf? do you think he brought it up to his nose every night, inhaling the scent of the fabric until every last bit of his childhood friend's smell had been sucked out of it? do you think he refused to wash the scarf? do you think he wore it every day for months after Nemecseks passing, even indoors? do you think he was possessive of the scarf?
do you think at one point he tied it into a knot around his neck and lay in bed as if he were dead, thinking of what could have been? the scarf is like a noose around his neck, which is funny because in Nemecseks last moments, his lungs too had given up. it's funny how everything repeats itself. getting the light choked out of you.
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eat-the-lemons · 2 months
What kind of plants would be your favorite characters?
Okay hot takes coming (also these aren't all of my favourite characters because there are so many of them, so to keep it short it's basically just the main characters of some more popular media I like)
Crowley would be some kind of potted houseplant for obvious reasons
Aziraphale would be an olive tree. I can't really tell you why but yes
Hannibal and Will would be two trees with their brances twisted together. The kind of tree is irrelevant
Abigail Hobbs would be wormwood
Sherlock and John would both be cacti
Edwin Payne is literally a barley field and Charles Rowland is a willow tree. And Monty is mint
Seymour Glass would be some kind of wildflower patch
Klaus Hargreeves would be a tiger lily & Viktor Hargreeves would be lily of the valley
Lila Pitts would be a venus flytrap
Morpheus would be a magnolia tree
Jack Twist would be currants and Ennis Del Mar would be raspberries
Todd Anderson would be some kind of pine and Neil Perry would be oak
Loth Beck would be lavender
Boka János would be a hyacinth and Nemecsek Ernő would be a daffodil
Nighty would be a copper beech tree and Sparker would be a sunflower
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Group C Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Ernő Nemecsek, a young boy with light brown hair, wearing pajamas. he looks very sweaty in this image. the second image is of Dee Kennedy, a little girl with long brown hair and green eyes, wearing a pink top and skirt, decorated with a pink bow, and a red scarf. behind her stands 2 animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's. the third image is of Kirinda, a robotic eye attached to a mechanical stalk in a futuristic-looking room. the closed caption on the image says: "thank you for the description." in all capital letters. end ID]
Ernő Nemecsek
The smallest member of the Paul Street Boys, he gets bullied, pushed around, and dies of pneumonia at the end of the book. 
Dee Kennedy
i've submitted/seen plenty of dsaf characters in other tournaments but never dee. which is sad. she deserves some recognition. the picture linked is her before her death as i think it's important to remember her as a little girl and not just as the puppet.  [additional propaganda 1]
Kirinda is a "space-time transmitting machine" in the shape of a giant kirin. His job is to take the main characters to Novel Worlds (worlds that contain every story, myth, or legend ever created by humans) so that they can figure out what's corrupting them, and then he comes in at the end of the episode to clean up by purifying the monster responsible. However, he is no ordinary giant robot. He is sentient and speaks to the titular Rangers (with the world's most hokey and out of date Kansai/Southern accent to boot) through a camera shaped like an eye, and is often the one explaining the story of the world the characters are going to visit, as well as choosing which characters are going by the way of a roulette... which may or may not be complete bullshit. You see, while his role is incredibly important, he is very irresponsible and is constantly just dropping the characters off in a haphazard, dangerous manner without finishing explanations, screwing around with the roulette just to see what will happen, teasing the other characters (or subjecting them to horrible puns) and generally being incredibly vague and unhelpful beyond the bare minimum job requirements. At the end of the day though, he does really like his job (so much that he gets very salty if his screen time is threatened), and when push comes to shove, will go above and beyond to make sure everybody is safe. ( he also has an incredibly catchy image song and everyone should go look up Kirinda Ondo! on youtube right now) [additional propaganda 1]
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yellowhood · 8 months
How my blog started out: Silly boys in silly hats behaving silly
How my blog looks now: Silly boys with silly guns go boom boom
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zahirevliyasi · 4 days
Kurgunun Hâsıl-ı Kelâmları VI: Bir Arsa Dolusu Çocuk
Pal Sokağı Çocukları (tefrika: 1906 , kiraplaştırma: 1907) – Ferenc Molnar – YKY – 235 syf.
Bu eser, savaş muhâbirliği de yapmış bir drama yazarının kaleminden çıkmış müstesnâ bir “çocuk” romanı. Tom Sawyer’ın Mississippi Nehri kıyısındaki mâcerâları ya da Peter Pan’in Neverland’deki mücâdelesi ile benzerlikler kurulsa da bir başka çocuk kitabıyla kıyaslanamayacak denli ciddî meseleleri gündeme…
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bphs-hmml · 8 months
I love love LOVE how Boka smiles at Csónakos in this scene though the joke wasn't even funny
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And here you can watch the whole scene: (the smile is at 0:09)
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tamcsitanyazik · 11 months
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pál utcai fiúk reaction pics bc why not (part 1)
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transmascanakin · 3 months
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Posting for a very niche audience
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4rtch3mist · 7 days
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Got this in a headcanon generator for Boka, I’ve got a theory now.
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iocallistoeuropa · 3 months
PUF and Hamilton
I know what the world needs right now. What the world needs right now is Nemecsek coming out of the lake and starting to sing 'Congratulations' to Geréb when asked if it felt nice to take a bath.
You have invented a new kind of stupid
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid
Let's review:
You took a rumor a few, maybe three, people knew and refuted it by committing a betrayal of which no one has accused you
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
So scared of what your enemies will do to you
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
You know why Boka can do what he wants?
He doesn't dignify school-yard taunts with a response!
So yeah, congratulations!
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sillypiddle-blog · 7 months
paul street boys wouldve been so much better if nemecsek had said "hes right behind me, isnt he...?" when he saw feri áts the first time and also i think kolnay shouldve said "ermmmm..... well THAT just happened!!!" after nemecsek dies. also i think nemecseks mom shouldve had 60% of screentime
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carnivorousarcher · 1 month
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mindenki most keresett rá a puf tagre?😭 vagy egymás oldalán láttátok mert ez már nem mostani posztom😧
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