trexalicious 9 months
This is the first page in Bellendgame. I worked in tv news for three years, the entertainment industry (film script analysis) for five years and politics for 13 years. I've never known a journalist who obsessively kept all of their media cards like they were back stage passes/star boinking trophies. He really tried to make the Royal ones obvious...馃ぃ
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Robert (and Scarlett) Lacey taking another dig at Wills & Kate, mostly Kate.
"We're not going to be like them. Their lives fit so easily. Our picture is not going to look like them."
Motherhood will not be allowed to hold ME(gain) back from my full potential.
"Our lives are always going to be messy."-TRUTH
More evidence that MEgain viewed herself as SUPERIOR Catherine.
MEgain truly sees Catherine as beneath her. She wrote to Omit to label Catherine a "stepford" wife.
I'm a career woman with my own identity.
Kate gave up her identity for Wills
Kate is a lady who lunches (for the crown) instead of working
Hypocrites! The Queen told her to keep working as an ACTRESS however Megaliar REJECTED the Queen's counsel to become a Senior working royal. No one asked her to give up her identity or her "career." MegaLiar chose to "give up" acting and her "identity as Rachel Zane" was written out of the script. Why didn't she pursue other roles like every other actor on Suits?
MegaLiar told the world, "I've checked those (suits/acting) boxes."
me mee me me me me me me me me me me me
Trevor's parents didn't want Trevor to marry MEgain. They expect the women in the (Jewish) Engleson family to sacrifice for children, creating a proper home and household for the children. Something they said MEgain was unwilling to do. The Engelson's dodged a bullet!
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trentbent069 7 months
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Next up in my masturbatory fantasies... But, let's face it, and ugly face it in my case, even me wanking off to a real-life woman will remain a fantasy in my sad penile virgin life forever... So, in order to gain any sex at all in my life, I reckon I'm going to have to find the guts to expose my revoltingly obese guts and do the opposite of inside and go outside entirely naked and walk around my village stripped-bollock in broad daylight with the erectile dysfunction of my minute little wood to get myself arrested and be banged up inside (in two ways) and willy-nilly (and a nilly willy in pretty much my complete lack of a penis) drop the soap in invitation to real-man manhood to shag my cherry ass... But, in the meantime, I just have the pictured hot ass to act as my fantasy of meantime by her towards what only deserves her cruel ridicule of its minuscule nothingness...
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trexalicious 8 months
"Omid has the energy of a goblin..."
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Quote from @countesscuriosity 2022
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trexalicious 9 months
I recently received a copy of Bellendgame from the library. I tried to force my way through it like I did Funding Feedom (I just couldn't with Waagh) but I'm tossing in the towel! I had serious problems with it while reading the prologue! What does that say about this book when the nonsense starts in the prologue?
Many people are aware when any member of the Royal Family travels to another country, they must always pack an all-black outfit. The reason being in case they have to attend a last-minute funeral in the host nation, or someone in the family were to pass away whilst they were abroad. The rule actually stems from the one occasion in which Queen Elizabeth II herself was caught out whilst abroad. She was on a trip to Kenya with Prince Philip when her father King George VI died, and as such, the then-Princess would become Queen. She had to wait on the plane on the tarmac until someone could bring her a black mourning outfit.
The UnSussexful's malicious mouthpiece and attack hamster, Omid, claims in his prologue that when the Queen was in her 90s, the journalists who covered the Royals carried a black mourning suit with them at all times, even on holiday, in case the Queen died! "...a grim reminder that Queen Elizabeth II was nearing the end of her life" and it was "...a vital piece of the reporting tool kit" So he carried a polyester suit in the boot of his car for six years waiting for the Queen to pass? WTAF?! Journalists might have had a black tie on hand but they were not all carrying mourning suits around with them just in case. He is so much like his puppetmaster! Trying to be Royal adjacent/part of the story by carrying a mourning suit whenever he traveled, like the Royals do, is beyond pathetic!
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trexalicious 9 months
Is it me or is Omid's generic Bellendgame dedication rather sad? No thanks to Mom or Dad, to an English teacher, to anyone specific--he's just like TW! Thanks for the clicks and helping make me money...馃あ
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trexalicious 8 months
Um yeah...馃ぃ
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trexalicious 9 months
Successful book:
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UnSussexful book:
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At least my library didn't buy 300 copies of this like they did of Waagh...
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trexalicious 9 months
"As I have also read Spare, I recognised many pages lifted straight from ghost writer's JD Moehringer鈥檚 book, mainly because the style flowed and there was no unnecessary capital letter use..."馃ぃ
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trexalicious 10 months
'Bellendgame' Another brilliant one from the Royal Rogue...馃ぃ
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