#Belén Rodríguez
lescroniques · 5 months
Diputació i Apesorje aborden la creació d'un turisme inclusiu per a les persones sordes
diariodejerez.es La presidenta de la Diputació de Cadis, Almudena Martínez, s’ha reunit amb l’Associació de Persones Sordes de Jerez, Apesorje, que ha estat representada per la seva presidenta, Belén Rodríguez, i el seu vicepresident, Alejandro Fernández. La Diputació manté una col·laboració estable amb aquest col·lectiu que atén les necessitats de les persones sordes no només de Jerez, sinó de…
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hermes-whistle · 1 year
Hermes whistle master
Hadestown National Tour
May (1) Hermes.whistle's master NFT FOREVER EXCEPT THROUGH MASTER. For sale only through November 1st 2023
Cast: J Antonio Rodriguez (Orpheus), Hannah Whitley (Eurydice) Nathan Lee Graham (Hermes) Maria Christina Oliveras (Persephone) Mathew Patrick Quinn (Hades) Belén Moyano (Fate 1) Nyla Watson (Fate 2) Dominique Kempf (fate 3) Raquel Williams (Worker), Eddie Noel Rodríguez (worker), Sean Watkinson (s/w worker), Courtney Lauster (worker) Jemal Lee Harris (Worker)
DM me for more information
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1191- ¡Pues claro! El verde de los árboles, la hierba que tanto te gusta, la transparencia del agua, su susurro que te arroya... el amarillo del sol traspasando las hojas. Las puntadas blancas de las nubes. Hay un ARCOIRIS esperando absorber la vida y transformarla en un gran suspiro fresco de aire fresco que valga la pena. Te estamos esperando, tus saltos, tus pies maravillosos, tu pelo rebelde de vida, tu profunda mirada y esa sonrisa pícara que apenas se asoma. Te echo de menos vida llena de vida. Rompe la pared de papel, atraviésalo y pasa al otro lado, que es el tuyo amor de amores... a pesar de los pesares.... ¡¡¡ VAMOS AL RÍO!!!!
(Belén Rodríguez)
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vitrinanorte · 8 months
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SACO presenta a los artistas seleccionados para su programa de residencias 2024
Luego de una exhaustiva evaluación y análisis, la Corporación Cultural SACO seleccionó a los creadores que durante el 2024 participarán en su programa de residencias artísticas, obteniendo una oportunidad única para desarrollar trabajos de campo en el norte de Chile.
El llamado recibió 58 postulaciones de artistas de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, España, Estados Unidos, Italia, México, Paraguay, Perú y Rumanía, quedando en manifiesto el interés de creadores de todo el mundo de investigar las riquezas del Desierto de Atacama.
El proceso culminó con la selección de dos propuestas en el caso de las líneas de investigación Movimientos migratorios y multiculturalidad latinoamericana; Geología y mineralogía; Arqueología y antropología (en San Pedro de Atacama); mientras que en las líneas Microbiología y Astronomía, debido al alto nivel y número de las propuestas recibidas, se aumentaron los cupos a tres, beneficiando a un total de 12 artistas dentro del programa de residencias arte y ciencia.
“No esperábamos una resonancia tan numerosa, en cuanto a la cantidad de postulaciones y sus procedencias. Todas las propuestas que llegaron hacia el final son de una calidad y de una seriedad profesional increíble, muy maduras y bien trabajadas, además de estar muy bien focalizadas hacia nuestro territorio”, menciona Dagmara Wyskiel, directora de SACO.
Durante el mes de residencia, los participantes recibirán el apoyo curatorial, contextual, técnico y logístico de parte de SACO, así como la vinculación con expertos de las áreas de investigación de cada línea, el registro y la difusión de sus actividades. A la vez, cada uno realizará una charla y un taller a modo de retribución para la comunidad local.
“Estamos convencidos de que en el cruce entre las áreas Humanistas o de Ciencias Exactas y las Artes, hay hoy nuevas vertientes de comprensión, expresión e investigación, por lo que estamos expectantes a lo que ocurra con estos procesos de creación y los frutos que irán dando, los que como siempre divulgaremos y compartiremos con la comunidad”, agrega Wyskiel.
Artistas y propuestas seleccionadas
Línea Arqueología - Antropología
Alejandra Montiel (Argentina) - Hijxs de la tierra
Melissa Guevara (El Salvador) - Capas Emocionales en los Vestigios: Una Arqueología del Tiempo y las Experiencias Humanas.
Línea Astronomía
Ursula Tautz (Brasil) - Y mientras los astros y las olas tengan algo que decir
Isa Carrillo (México) - Sin título
Luisa Ordoñez (Colombia) - Memorial, carta y monumento para el trópico meridional
Línea Microbiología - Estudio de ecosistemas locales
Mauricio Chades (Brasil) - Sin título
Catalina Reyes (Chile) - Fotografía de lo Invisible: Revelando la Microbiología del Desierto de Atacama
Sebastián Guzmán (Colombia) - Sin título
Línea Geología – Mineralogía
Pedro Donoso (Chile) - Geografías del despojo
Isidora Correa (Chile) - Materias de afección
Línea Movimientos migratorios – Multiculturalidad latinoamericana
Salomé Restrepo (Colombia) - Sin título
Belén Rodríguez (Paraguay) - Violencia de Género en el Contexto Migratorio de la Frontera Norte de Chile
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docpiplup · 2 years
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@asongofstarkandtargaryen I have found about a new upcoming horror series, Romancero.
This is the info I have found until now:
The cast of the series will be led by Sasha Cócola (Techo y comida, Los hombres de Paco) and the Serbian actress Elena Matic (Kineski zid, Bon voyage). The little that is known about the synopsis is related to its characters, since they are the ones who will give life to Jordán and Cornelia. He is not a boy and he is not a man and she is a girl whose childhood has been stolen. Turned into some strange teenagers, they decide to change their lives and flee from the desert of southern Spain, pushed by circumstances. In their escape from a cruel Andalusia, as real as it is mythical, they come across demons, witches and blood drinkers.
They are accompanied on this adventure by Belén Cuesta (La trinchera infinita, Paquita Salas, La llamada, Cristo y Rey, La casa de papel, Vis a Vis, El Aviso), Ricardo Gómez (El sustituto, La ruta, Cuéntame cómo pasó, Vivir sin permiso, La Casa entre los cáctus, 1898: Los últimos de Filipinas), Guillermo Toledo (Los favoritos de Midas, Crimen perfecto, 7 vidas, Historias de Lavapiés, Juana La Loca, Black is Beltza), the Argentinian actress Julieta Cardinali (Ecos de un crimen, Maradona: Sueño Bendito, Los ricos no piden permiso, Valentín, Carta a Eva) and Alba Flores (La casa de papel, Las cartas perdidas, El tiempo entre costuras, Vis a Vis, Sagrada familia). In addition, to complete the information about the series, Romancero will be set on locations in Almería and Madrid, two of the cities that host the filming of the fiction, in different natural settings in the province of Almería, while the interiors will be filmed in Madrid.
Jordán and Cornelia are two helpless youngsters on the run from the forces of the law, powerful supernatural creatures, and themselves. The series, which has just started filming, will consist of six episodes of 30 minutes each and its action takes place in a single night.
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"With echoes of the famous Romancero Gitano, a poetic work by Federico García Lorca (Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, June 5 of 1898 -  Víznar, Granada, August 18 of 1936), it seems that the references of Romancero will be very different from each other. Comics, Gothic literature, the stories of witches, ghosts and creatures, the poetry of Federico García Lorca or esotericism, all of this in the enveloping setting of a desert and cruel South, where the clichés of rural Spain and more cañí they coexist with supernatural creatures, violence, revenge, redemption and love”, comments the information provided. "We love that Romancero is a horror series with a strong local point of view, an approach that allows us to offer a different and updated vision of our traditions and culture," says María José Rodríguez, Head of Spanish Originals, Amazon Studios. "We want to offer the public unique stories and different voices that resonate and impact. We are convinced that Romancero will not leave anyone indifferent," says Rodríguez.
"We are very happy to work with Fernando Navarro and Tomás Peña on a project as distinctive as Romancero," James Farrell, Head of International Originals, Amazon Studios, told the press. On behalf of THE MEDIAPRO STUDIO, the producer is Laura Fdz. Espeso and Javier Méndez, Fernando Navarro, Alejandro Florez and Maya Maidagan serve as executive producers. Everyone will be looking for the new original Spanish youth horror series that will replace the gap left by El Internado: Las Cumbres in the new Prime Video catalog. Prime Video has announced its upcoming Spanish original series “Romancero,” a fast-paced horror story with supernatural overtones written by the horror author and screenwriter Fernando Navarro (Venus, Verónica) and directed by Manson collective member Tomás Peña, in which It will be his first foray into a fiction production, after directing video clips for artists such as Rosalía, C. Tangana, Katy Perry, Raw Alejandro, Bad Gyal or The Prodigy.
Well, I find it very interesting that Romancero Gitano is a source of inspiration for a series, another work of Lorca was adapted some years ago into a film, La Novia (based on the play Bodas de Sangre).
The book is composed of 18 poems: Romance de la luna, luna, Preciosa y el aire, Reyerta, Romance sonámbulo, La monja gitana, La casada infiel, Romance de la pena negra, San Miguel, San Rafael, San Gabriel, Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla, Muerte de Antoñito el Camborio, Muerto de amor, Romance del emplazado, Romance de la Guardia Civil española, Martirio de Santa Olalla, Burla de don Pedro a caballo and Thamar y Amnón.
So, maybe the stories of the characters are inspired on the poems.
It was published in 1928, so maybe the series will be set on the 1920's, although it hasn't been told any concrete period, I don't know if they will through a modern day setting.
Romancero Gitano isn't a horror book but maybe some elements of the poems like metaphors or symbolisms could be taken for some kind of magical elements (and some of the metaphors are a bit strange due to surrealism influences, although surrealism is more a thing from Poeta en Nueva York, writen between the years 1929-30, published in 1940 in Mexico). The other inspiración for the series is Gothic literature, so that would be the source of supernatural elements.
Like, the Romancero book mainly are stories (some of them tragical) about Andalusian Romani people and their culture, and also deals with the marginalization and oppresion suffered by the Romanis because of the Civil Guard (the Spanish Gendarmerie).
Taking a look at the cast for Romancero, Alba Flores is Romani. She's from the Flores family, a famous Andalusian Romani family of artists, in fact Alba's grandmother was the flamenco dancer and singer Lola Flores.
An interesting aspect from Romancero Gitano is that Lorca mixed elements from the literary movements from the early 20th century and the style of poetry from the past, like the "Romancero viejo", that is a collection of anonymous poems from oral tradition from the Iberian Peninsula from the Middle Ages that were later published in books between the 15-16th centuries. Then there's the "Romancero nuevo", that is the total of the writen poetry of known authors since the 16th century (although it's common to focus on the poetry from the 16-17th centuries mainly).
Talking about symbolism, these are the main symbols used by Lorca in Romancero Gitano (although some of them are very common in other of his works):
• Metals (knives, anvils, rings...): the life of Romani people and death.
• Air or wind: tragedy, male eroticism aggressive and violent.
• Mirror: home and sedentary life.
• Water: (in motion) life, (at rest) stagnant passion or death.
• Well: stagnant passion or death
• Horse: unbridled passion that leads to death. It could also mean virility, wild passion or freedom.
• Moon: It is the most used by Lorca, it appears 218 times. Its symbolism depends on how it appears. If it is red it means painful death; black, simply death; big means hope; pointy, has an erotic connotation. I could also mean femininity or sensuality.
• Rooster: sacrifice and destruction of the Romani
• The Civil Guard: they represent authority, therefore symbols of destruction and death over the Romani
• Alcohol: negativity.
• Milk: the natural.
• Wicker rod: lordship, nobility, dignity and elegance of the Romani
•Color green: death. It could also represent love frustration, forbidden desire and male sexual instinct
• Color black: death.
• Color white: life, light.
• Roses: blood
• Rider: omen of death
• Fish: associated with sexuality and dawn
• Blood: sexual instinct and omen of death
I wonder if this symbols will be shown in some kind of way.
For example the symbol of the green color meaning death can be noted in the poem Romance sonámbulo, like in this case the green that is constantly used for descriving the woman or her environment means that is going to die/is dying, and she couldn't meet her lover again. Then there's other symbols like the moon that means death too and the aljibe (a water cistern) is water at rest, so it could also mean death. It could be that the woman got drown in the aljibe, and maybe the civil guards are involved or responsible for her death.
And also metals could be a death symbol, and the eyes of the woman are described as "cold silver", maybe a way of saying that her eyes are grey.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sobre la mar
y el caballo en la montaña.
Con la sombra en la cintura
ella sueña en su baranda,
verde carne, pelo verde,
con ojos de fría plata.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Bajo la luna gitana,
las cosas le están mirando
y ella no puede mirarlas.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Grandes estrellas de escarcha,
vienen con el pez de sombra
que abre el camino del alba.
La higuera frota su viento
con la lija de sus ramas,
y el monte, gato garduño,
eriza sus pitas agrias.
¿Pero quién vendrá? ¿Y por dónde...?
Ella sigue en su baranda,
verde carne, pelo verde,
soñando en la mar amarga.
- Compadre, quiero cambiar
mi caballo por su casa,
mi montura por su espejo,
mi cuchillo por su manta.
Compadre, vengo sangrando,
desde los montes de Cabra.
- Si yo pudiera, mocito,
ese trato se cerraba.
Pero yo ya no soy yo,
ni mi casa es ya mi casa.
- Compadre, quiero morir
decentemente en mi cama.
De acero, si puede ser,
con las sábanas de holanda.
¿No ves la herida que tengo
desde el pecho a la garganta?
- Trescientas rosas morenas
lleva tu pechera blanca.
Tu sangre rezuma y huele
alrededor de tu faja.
Pero yo ya no soy yo,
ni mi casa es ya mi casa.
- Dejadme subir al menos
hasta las altas barandas,
dejadme subir, dejadme,
hasta las verdes barandas.
Barandales de la luna
por donde retumba el agua.
Ya suben los dos compadres
hacia las altas barandas.
Dejando un rastro de sangre.
Dejando un rastro de lágrimas.
Temblaban en los tejados
farolillos de hojalata.
Mil panderos de cristal,
herían la madrugada.
Verde que te quiero verde,
verde viento, verdes ramas.
Los dos compadres subieron.
El largo viento, dejaba
en la boca un raro gusto
de hiel, de menta y de albahaca.
- ¡Compadre! ¿Dónde está, dime?
¿Dónde está mi niña amarga?
- ¡Cuántas veces te esperó!
¡Cuántas veces te esperara,
cara fresca, negro pelo,
en esta verde baranda!
Sobre el rostro del aljibe
se mecía la gitana.
Verde carne, pelo verde,
con ojos de fría plata.
Un carámbano de luna
la sostiene sobre el agua.
La noche se puso íntima
como una pequeña plaza.
Guardias civiles borrachos,
en la puerta golpeaban.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sobre la mar.
Y el caballo en la montaña.
Now I'm remembering about symbolisms of Lorca's works that could be hinted in other fictions, although it's more like a theory/headcanon from a certain part of the Emdt fandom here on Tumblr, is that in El Ministerio del tiempo, Julián is the origin of the symbolism green=death. In this post there's the one in which the idea was pointed, although it points something more general, not concretely being a symbol for death, because depending on the work or the context, green can be also a symbol for life, rebeldy and desire for freedom. It might seem a little weird, but I will develop later.
Lorca's character makes his debut in the season 1 finale 1×08, La leyenda del tiempo, set on 1924 (Lorca was 26 years old in 1924, although Ángel Ruiz, the actor who plays Lorca is much older) that clearly shows references or takes themes from some of his works, like the poem Fábula y rueda de los tres amigos from Poeta en Nueva York and the poem La Leyenda del tiempo (the title of the episode comes from this poem) from the play Así que pasen cinco años , but indirectly could be a little from Romancero Gitano.
Like, firstly in the episode it's shown a special connection between Julián and Lorca through dreams, and their shared dreams of the episode depict Maite's death.
Something like the eye colors of an actor may seem something trivial, but yeah, Rodolfo Sancho's eyes are green, although sometimes it can't be appreciated well, although for example there's a close up to Julián's eyes at the end of episode 1×07 Tiempo de Venganza , and Mar Ulldemolins' eyes, the actress who plays as Maite, are also green.
Just by the end of the episode Julián tries to save Maite but he fails, and it resembles a bit the situation of the poem where the traveler is going to meet his lover, but she died and he couldn't do anything to save her. But at the end in the season 4 finale he finally saved her.
Next there's the issue of Lorca's death, and Julián is worried about and wanted to warn Lorca about his death but he didn't do it, so in season 4 he did it, although Lorca accepted his fate.
This is kind of a joke but in the first seasons Julián is the Margaery Tyrell of Emdt, like the ones who get married with them probably will die soon, in one case Renly and Joffrey (+Tommen in GOT) and then Maite and Amelia.
Between Amelia and Julián there was the thing about the fake engagement that started on episode 1×04 so Amelia's mother doesn't annoy her with trying to push her into an arranged marriage, and then what it's known from Amelia's tomb and the photos, the wedding, their daughter and Amelia's death, and in episode 8 they me their grandaughter Silvia (played by Iria del Río, who has participated in some period dramas like La catedral del mar and Las chicas del cable). Although after what happened in the following seasons, that future will never happen.
I was thinking about the Emdt showrunners Javier and Pablo Olivares. Pablo had Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and the first season of Emdt was his last work (in the last previous years the Olivares brothers worked on period dramas like Isabel or Víctor Ros) and there could be some personal aspects reflected on ths series in some character plots, for example following this theme, there's no cure for ALS and there's the struggle of both brothers towards Pablo's death, from Pablo's perspective, knowing that he's going to die soon, like Amelia visiting her own tomb in the first seasons, knowing she's going to die in 5-4 years, although she didn't knew about the cause of her death (that's a thing for fan theories); Pablo and Javier facing Pablo's future death, reflected in Julián and Lorca, Julián told Lorca that he'll die and Lorca accepts it and Julián deals with it; iI would say that this also could be seen in the Amelia &Julián part, although maybe Julián isn't as much emotionaly involved into it but he cares about Amelia (Julián is more focused on Maite and maybe the thing about knowing that he will allegedly marry, have a daughter and lose someone again it'a a bit hard to process);and there's the last part of Javier mourning his brother, that could be represented in Julián's mouring over Maite's death.
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Cierre Listado de Participantes de los GPS
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La CADA anuncia el listado de participantes de los GPS “Andres Calonge” y “Hugo Mario La Nasa” en Concepción del Uruguay para los días 9 y 11 de junio.   100 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 11.45                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 11.52                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 11.64     +0.7       María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 11.67                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 11.68     +0.1       María Victoria Woodward                             COR 11.71                    Martina Coronato                            URU 12.03                    Gimenez Gustale               Macarena            PAR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                 FAM 12.06                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 12.06     0.6         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 12.08     0.8         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM                                    TOTAL 16 12.17     1.0         Noelia Giselle Vera                           PAR 12.22     0.7         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 12.47     1.1         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 12.60                    Baez Barrios Ruth Andrea               PAR 12.52                    Iara Milagros Aro                             SL   200 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 23.69                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 23.69                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 23.87     -0.5        María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 24.23     -0.5        María Victoria Woodward                             COR 24.44                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 24.46                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 24.55     -0.5        Camila Roffo                                     FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                FAM 24.93     0.0         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM 25.41     1.6         Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR                                      TOTAL 18 25.44     1.0         Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM 25.45     1.0         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 25.46     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 25.47     1.3         Camila Molocznik                            FAM 25.53     -0.7        Iara Milagros Aro                             SL 25.59     1.0         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 25.59     1.1         Paulina Knees                                   FAM 25.66                    Contrera Rivas Araceli                     PAR   400 metros llanos mujeres                           GPN 54.84 a                 Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 55.76                    Camila Roffo                                     FAM 55.81                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR 56.21                    Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                     FAM 57.04                    Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM                                     TOTAL 10 57.24                    Paulina Knees                                   FAM 57.66                    María Emilia Batalla                         FAM 57.92                    Celeste María Molina                      BA 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                             ER   100 metros con vallas mujeres                    GPS 13.70     -0.1        Leticia de Lima Gaspar                    BRA 14.02     1.2         Helen Bernard Stilling                      FAM 14.55     -1.7        Valentina Polanco                            SL 14.81     -1.7        Candela Beláustegui                        FAM 14.87     -2.0        Violeta Antonella Aranda                FAM 15.06     -0.6        Miranda Recalde                              FAM                                     TOTAL 9 15.08     -0.6        Camila Luciana Zita                          FAM 15.69     1.3         Lucía Aylén Zurdo                            BA 15.77     1.7         Malena Bustamante                        BA     100 metros llanos varones                           GPS 10.14                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 10.31                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 10.35                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 10.43     1.8         Franco Florio                                    FAM 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                   FAM 10.52     0.5         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 10.60                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 10.61 a  1.6         Gustavo Alejandro Mongelos         PAR 10.63                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 10.63                    Adrian NIcolari                                 URU 10.69     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM                                     TOTAL 22 10.76                    Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA 10.76                    Matías Agustín Elizaincin                FAM 10.80                    Facundo Santos                                URU 10.82     0.7         Felipe Harte                                      ARG 10.87                    Tobías Pereyra                                  FAM 10.89                    Alejo Pafundi                                    SF 10.90                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU 10.93                    Francisco Santinelli Ildarraz            BA 11.06     1.5         Matías Agustín Castro                     LRI   200 metros llanos varones                           GPS 20.61                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 20.73                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 21.12     1.1         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.16     1.2         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 21.19                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.26                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 21.36     0.1         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                     FAM 21.46                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 21.47     0.1         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA                                     TOTAL 17 21.73     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 21.78     1.5         Francisco Santinelli                          BA 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                   FAM 21.99     1.0         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM 22.09     -0.2        Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 22.17                    Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 22.58                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU   400 metros llanos varones                           GPS 45.53                    Eliean gaspar Larregina                   BA 45.75                    Padrino Villazana Kelvis                  VEN 45.98                    Mendes Da Silva Douglas                BRA 46.91                    Alfredo Emilio Sepúlveda                CHI 47.63                    Rodriguez Osorno Jonathan           COL 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.79                    Pedro Emmert              ��                   FAM 48.58                    Matías Gónzalez                              URU 48.65                    Julián Pereyra                                   FAM                                     TOTAL    12 48.86                    Marcos Andrés Villagra                   CHU 49.28                    Mateo Durán                                    FAM 49.49                    Oscar Santiago Castro                     FAM   110 metros con vallas varones                    GPN 14.21     -0.3        Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 14.78     -1.7        Julián Berca                                       MZA 15.04     0.3         Santiago Ezequiel Riveira                SL 15.20     -0.1        Joaquín Olmos                                  FAM                                     TOTAL 8 15.74     -0.3        Guillermo Quintero                         MZA 16.02     2.0         Matías Ledesma                               BA 16.06     0.3         Lorenzo Rossetto                                            COR 16.39     1.5         Germán Rivero Fernández                             BA   400 m con vallas varones                                            GPS 49.62                    Sepulveda Alfredo                            CHI 51.18                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro               SL 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                 FAM                                     TOTAL 6 56.56                    Andrés Mendoza                                            SF 56.77                    Rodrigo Joel Bordón                        FAM 51.50                    Guillermo Ruggeri                            MZA   800 m  Mujeres                                              GPS        2:05.47                Calderon Maza Andrea                    ECU 2:08.19                Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 2:09.06                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 2:09.24 a             Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 2:10.09                Evangelina Luján Thomas                CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 2:12.26                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 2:14.21                Nazarena Firpo                                 URU 2:14.31                María Paz Romero                           CTS 2:14.87                Delfina Olivero                                  FAM                                    TOTAL 17 2:16.62                Victoria Olives                                  SF 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                   BA 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                            ER 2:19.54                Delfina Morena Molina                   BA 2:20.09                Camila González                              FAM 1500 m Mujeres                                             GPS 4.20.16                Micaela Levaggi                                BA 4:20.80                Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 4:25.29                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 4:28.24                Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 4:32.14                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 4:37.48                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 4:38.80                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 4:42.64                Noeli Vicintin                                    BA 4:43.01                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA                                        TOTAL 15 4:44.26                Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 4:45.72                Iara Becker                                        FAM 4:47.15                Camila González                               FAM 4:47.29                Brisa Nicole Trecanao                      RN 4:47.60                María Paz Romero                           CTS 4:47.68                Renata Dolhare                                 FAM   3000 m c/obstáculos Mujeres                     GPS 10:13.63                             Carolina Lozano                                SF 10:15.03                             Clara Macarena Baiocchi                 COR 11:23.31                             Shalom Eunice Lescano                   BA 10:39.58                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 11:58.58                             Emilia Gigón                                     SF                                         TOTAL 8 12:16.11                             Juliana Itatí Romero                         CTS 12:18.79                             Greta Victoria Rodríguez                 ER 12:45.22                             Luana Ayelé Britez                           MNS 5000 m Mujeres                                             GPS 15:49.90                             Micaela Levaggi                                BA 15:57.24                             Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 16:06.66                            Carolina Lozano                                SF 16:47.02                             Florencia Lorena Cuello                   MZA 17:08.78                             Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 17:12.32                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 17:12.69                             Nélida del Carmen Peñaflor            SDE 17:30.70                             Nair Gisele Dianes                            BA 17:35.15                             Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 17:53.60                             Catalina García Paul                         FAM 17:59.56                             Renata Dolhare                                 FAM                                     TOTAL 18 18:06.59                             Constanza Garrido                           BA 18:20.78                             Gisela Cristina Díaz                          SDE 18:38.41                             Ainhoa Roldán                                  BA 18:39.77                             Ximena Anahí Simeone                   ER 18:48.05                             Camila Farinelli                                 FAM 18:50.27                             Sofía Ailín Costa                               SL 18.51.05                             Maria Belen Cordoba                       BA 800 m varones                                                GPS 1:45.42                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 1:49.25                Julián Alberto Gaviola                     FAM 1:50.41                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 1:50.35                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 1:50.67                Jairo Moreira                                    URU 1:50.70                Rodriguez Osorno Johnatan           COL 1:51.56                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 1:51.69                Leandro Ismael Paris                       SL 1:51.69                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 1:52.32                Augusto Mariano Cochet                FAM                                    TOTAL 22 1:52.46                Diego Matías Leones                       SF 1:53.09                Estanislao Mendivil                         FAM 1:53.09                Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 1:53.20                Leonardo Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA 1:53.46                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 1:53.66                Tomás Mirón                                    FAM 1:54.07                Víctor Fabián Colazo                        FAM 1:54.09                Preciado Moreno David                  COL 1:54.82                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 1:54.64                Vicente Gómez                                 FAM 1:55-58                Matias González                              URU 1:55.85                Fabricio da Rosa                               URU 1500 m varones                                                            GPS 3:39.94                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 3:43.00                Matías Antonio Reynaga                 ARG 3:45.29                Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte         BA 3:45.78                José Zabala                                        SF 3:46.40                Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 3:48.96                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 3:49.18                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 3:50.56                Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 3:50.92                Sebastián Agustín De Zan               FAM 3:52.00                Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE                       TOTAL 19 3:52.00                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 3:54.23                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 3:55.34                Manuel Rojas                                    BA 3:55.90                Alexis Gabriel Corrías                      RN 3:56.56                Lautaro Ocampo                              SF 3:56.66                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 3.57.83                Juan Ignacio Dutari                          COR 3:58.00                Preciado Moreno              David                    COL 3:59.81                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 3000  m c/obstáculos varones                     GPS 8:41.91                Palomino Greta                                PER 8:55.24                Tomás Vega                                      BA 8:55.89                Carlos Augusto Johnson                  SF 8:57.30                Fausto Alonso                                  FAM 8:58.03                Germán Vega                                    BA 8:58.63                Marcos Julián Molina                      SF 9:15.00                Bolivar Latorre Camilo                     COL 9:29.16                Jerónimo Pedro Peralta                   COR                                      TOTAL 12 9:32.03                Jonathan Ezequiel García                BA 9:37.71                Hipólito Pereiro                                FAM 9.49.09                Gabriel Corda                                   BA CT                         Daniel Oscar Penta                           ARG   5000 m varones                                             GPS 13:44.58                             Matías Antonio Reynaga                 SAL 13:47.00                             Marcos Julian Molina                      ER 13:57.82                             Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 14:14.49                             José Zabala                                        SF 14:15.97                             Edgar Felipe Neri-Chávez                SDE 14:21.80                             Daniel Toroya                                   BOL 14:28.04                             Ninavia Mamani                               BOL 14:29.61                             Alan Esteban Niestroj                      FAM 14:30.37                             Ezequiel Chavarría                           TUC 14:31.97                             Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE 14:34.82                             Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 14:37.12                             Tomás Vega                                      BA 14:43.85                             Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 14:43.86                             Gustavo Martín Villafañe                SJ 14:44.71                             Read the full article
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 #FotografiaPeru #EspacioAtemporal  
🗯 Exposición colectiva que desafía las normas y celebra el espíritu rebelde del arte. Explora obras que canalizan la energía del vandalismo, el punk y la contracultura.🤘🔥🎉🥳
👥 Artistas: Jimbo, Ysavo Cartier & Isaac Ernesto, Hernert Rodríguez, Kerosene, Jorge Miyagui, Shañu, José Antonio Rosas, Jentuam & Isabel Carrera, Zero, Andrea Norabuena, Bruno Guerra, Sofía Rossa, Angela Belén, Joaquín Tarazona, Andrea Serrano, Arturock Drenaje, Espacio Abierto, Antonio Castañeda, Gabriel Rocha, Angie Bonino y Fernando Chinaski😎
📽 Cortometrajes Analógicos:
🕕 6:00pm. 🎬"Excavation" (4´56´´) de James Clage (1974)
🕘 8:00pm. 🎬"Mothlight" (3´12´´) de James Clage (1963) / "Sentimental Punk" (4´28´´) de Kurt Kren (1979) 🎬
🔎 Curaduría: Muti Bustamante .
💪 Apoyo: Inefable.
🍺 Coctel Punk: @chiaraugarelli
🎶 Dj Set: @dispersaaaaaa 🎧🎹
📆 Miércoles 14 de Agosto
🕖 7:00pm.
🏪 Fisura Galería (jr. Catalino Miranda 375 – Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
During a lunar eclipse, seven friends gather for dinner and decide to play a game in which they must share with each other the content of every message, email or phone call they receive throughout the evening. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Eva: Belén Rueda Alfonso: Eduard Fernández Ana: Juana Acosta Antonio: Ernesto Alterio Blanca: Dafne Fernández Eduardo: Eduardo Noriega Pepe: Pepón Nieto Sofía: Beatriz Olivares Grandmother: María Jesús Hoyos Javi: Gonzalo Torralba Rosa: Valentina Méndez Voice on the Phone #1 (voice): Ana Valeiras Voice on the Phone #2 (voice): Belén González Voice on the Phone #3 (voice): David Robles Voice on the Phone #4 (voice): Vicente Gil Voice on the Phone #5 (voice): Eduardo Bosch Voice on the Phone #6 (voice): Lorenzo Beteta Voice on the Phone #7 (voice): Guillem Vives Gordi (voice) (uncredited): Alberto Bang Film Crew: Producer: Álex de la Iglesia Editor: Domingo González Director of Photography: Ángel Amorós Screenplay: Jorge Guerricaechevarría Music: Víctor Reyes Producer: Álvaro Augustin Producer: Ghislain Barrois Producer: Kiko Martínez Executive Producer: Carolina Bang Executive Producer: Paloma Molina Art Direction: José Luis Arrizabalaga Art Direction: Biaffra Costume Design: Paola Torres Makeup Artist: José Quetglás Sound Designer: Sergio Burmann Sound Designer: Patricia Milanesi Sound Editor: David Rodríguez Original Film Writer: Paolo Genovese Original Film Writer: Rolando Ravello Original Film Writer: Paola Mammini Original Film Writer: Filippo Bologna Original Film Writer: Paolo Costella Production Coordinator: Araceli Pérez-Rastrilla Movie Reviews:
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programaciontdt · 4 months
He aqui la programacion para el fin de semana (RDJ SERIES-RDJ SERIES HD)
SABADO 8-VI-2024
9:30 Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation (VOS)
10:00 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (VOS)
10:30 Sora no Otoshimono (VOS)
11:00 Amagi Brilliant Park (VOS)
11:30 Super Sonico the Animation (VOS)
12:00 Etotama (VOS)
12:30 BlazBlue Alter Memory (VOS)
Incluye:Unos granujas decentes y El puente
17:05 Boku no hero academia (VOS)
9:30 Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation (VOS)
10:00 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (VOS)
10:30 Sora no Otoshimono (VOS)
11:00 Amagi Brilliant Park (VOS)
11:30 Super Sonico the Animation (VOS)
12:00 Etotama (VOS)
12:30 BlazBlue Alter Memory (VOS)
Incluye:Tres suecas para tres Rodríguez y Se armó el belén
17:05 Boku no hero academia (VOS)
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saballosonline · 4 months
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LOTES Lote en Aguas Zarcas de San Carlos, Alajuela Busco Socio para desarrollo de lotes en La Garita de Alajuela. Mercado objetivo clase media alta. Todos los permisos aprobados. Lotes de 5.000 m2 y 2.000 m2, Quintas Hacienda Santa Elena, Florencia de San Carlos, Alajuela Lote en Caño Negro, Alajuela Lote en Venecia de San Carlos, Alajuela Lote en Los Alpes de Venecia de San Carlos, Alajuela Quinta con Vista Panorámica en La Garita de Alajuela Proyecto Aprobado de Lotes en Condominio en La Garita de Alajuela Lote en Ujarrás de Cartago Lote en Playa Carrillo, Guanacaste Lote #19 Horseland, Florida de Nicoya, Guanacaste Lote #23 en Horseland, Florida de Nicoya, Guanacaste Lotes de 5.000 m2  en Florida de Nicoya, Guanacaste Lote en Playa Panamá, Guanacaste Lote en Playa Bejuco, Guanacaste Lote de 1.3 hect. en Playa San Juanillo, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste Lote frente a pista en Chilamate de Sarapiquí, Heredia Lote de 5.4 hectáreas en Limón Casa en Campo 5 de Cariari, Pococí, Limón Lote con Predio en Limón Lote en Punta Leona, Puntarenas Lotes en Playa Hermosa, Puntarenas Lote #41 en Quebrada Ganado con vista al océano pacífico, Puntarenas Lote a 80 mts de la Playa en Jacó, Puntarenas, con escritura Lots, Villas & Residences at Hermosa Beach, Whale Bay, Puntarenas Lote con Vista Panorámica en San Rafael de Escazú, San José FINCAS Finca en Pital de San Carlos, Alajuela Finca de repastos en Alto Villegas de Volio de San Ramón, Alajuela Finca en Bajo Rodríguez, San Ramón, Alajuela Finca en Chachagua, Alajuela Finca en Florida de Nicoya, Guanacaste Finca en Playa Bajamar, Puntarenas CASAS Propiedad de 2 Casas en Aguas Zarcas de San Carlos, Alajuela Casa en Alajuela centro Casa en Playas del Coco, Guanacaste Casa en Belén, Heredia Casa de playa con muelle, Puntarenas  Casa en Bahía Ballena, Puntarenas Casa en Playa Herradura, Puntarenas Casa Premium en Escazú, San José Casa en El Carmen de Guadalupe, San José Casa en Jaboncillos de Escazú, San José Casa en Santa Ana en Altos de Las Palomas, San José Casa en Río Oro de Santa Ana, San José Read the full article
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hermes-whistle · 1 year
Hermes whistle release
Hadestown National Tour
May (1) Hermes.whistle's master
NFT FOREVER EXCEPT THROUGH MASTER. For sale only through November 1st 2023
Cast: J Antonio Rodriguez (Orpheus), Hannah Whitley (Eurydice) Nathan Lee Graham (Hermes) Maria Christina Oliveras (Persephone) Mathew Patrick Quinn (Hades) Belén Moyano (Fate 1) Nyla Watson (Fate 2) Dominique Kempf (fate 3) Raquel Williams (Worker), Eddie Noel Rodríguez (worker), Sean Watkinson (s/w worker), Courtney Lauster (worker) Jemal Lee Harris (Worker)
DM me for more information
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infoiberico · 5 months
El duodécimo Congreso Mundial del Jamón (XII CMJ), que tendrá lugar el 5, 6 y 7 de junio de 2024 en el pabellón central del Recinto Ferial de Zafra (Badajoz), dedicará un espacio dentro de su programa a la ‘Calidad del producto’ y ‘Propiedades Sensoriales’ de la mano de expertos investigadores de reconocido prestigio. El bloque sobre calidad del jamón contará con la participación de Vicente Rodríguez, investigador de la Universidad de Córdoba (UCO), que hablará sobre la ‘Evaluación de la calidad del proceso de curación del jamón ibérico mediante Cromatografía de Gases acoplada a la Espectrometría de Movilidad Iónica (CG-IMS) con muestreo no destructivo’. Por su parte, David Tejerina, investigador del Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX) nos hablará sobre el control de calidad y trazabilidad de productos loncheados mediante tecnología de análisis de infrarrojo cercano (NIRS). Para concluir este bloque, Mónica Flores, investigadora en el Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA-CSIC), se centrará en la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías verdes (ultrasonidos) para modular el aroma del jamón curado loncheado. Para llevar a cabo el cuarto bloque de ponencias titulado ‘Propiedades sensoriales’, el programa contará con la participación de Sonia Ventanas, investigadora de la Universidad de Extremadura, con la ponencia ‘¿Cómo se construye la experiencia de consumo del jamón ibérico? Factores que modulan la experiencia sensorial en el consumo del jamón ibérico’, en la que se explicarán las características físicas percibidas por los sentidos (sabor, textura, olor, color o temperatura) que se desarrollan en la curación del producto. A continuación, tendrá lugar la ponencia titulada ‘Sabor dulce del jamón. ¿Realmente existe? Bases bioquímicas del sabor dulce del jamón. Degustación de principales moléculas activas’, a cargo de Juan Vicente Olmos, director general de Monte Nevado. La siguiente ponencia correrá a cargo de Leticia Mora, investigadora en el Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA-CSIC) bajo el título ‘Péptidos umami y kokumi en el jamón curado’. Para cerrar el bloque, Ana Belén Peromingo, investigadora en la Universidad de Extremadura, hablará sobre ‘Metabolismo fúngico y su impacto en el jamón curado’. Todo aquel interesado en acudir a la cita más significativa del sector jamonero puede aún inscribirse, además, mantiene abierto su periodo de captación de sponsors. Para más información sobre las modalidades de participación, inscripción o patrocinio puede entrar en la web del Congreso mundial del jamón o contactar con la Secretaría Técnica del CMJ llamando al 917217929 o enviando un email a [email protected]
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supatainmentbuzz · 7 months
🌟💍👸🕺💃🎥 Amor Romeira distrusts Carlo Costanzia's intentions: "I have warned Alejandra" It is one of the couples of the moment. Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia, the son of Mar Flores, have started a romantic relationship and are on everyone's lips. All the collaborators have...... 🎶🏆💔📸🎉
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docpiplup · 1 year
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New upcoming period drama: Operación Barrio Inglés
Co-produced by RTVE with Onza (El Ministerio del Tiempo, Parot, Hernán) and the Andalusian production company Emociona Media, filming begins for Operación Barrio Inglés, a new intrigue drama for the TV channel La 1.
Spies, Nazis, British and a risky love story set in Huelva in 1940, a city where the conflicts of World War II are reproduced on a smaller scale.
World War II has just broken out.
Although Spain is "neutral" under Franco's dictatorship, Huelva is a strategic enclave to control the ships of both sides that cross the strait. In addition, it has an important British colony. For this reason, the Germans send members of the Secret Service to control what happens in the city, especially in the mines in the province of Huelva, owned by the English, and which provide Great Britain with ore for weapons and artillery.
In this way, Huelva becomes a veritable nest of spies from both sides, among whom the young Lucía is forced to move. She has just turned 25 and has been hired by an English mining company to work in their offices as a secretary.
There she meets the company's manager, Peter, an attractive Englishman with a dark past who drags Lucía into an adventure in which she will be forced to take sides. When you're in the middle of a war, being neutral is not an option.
Data Sheet
Executive Producer: Gonzalo Crespo Gil, José María Irisarri, Pilar Crespo, Gonzalo Sagardía, Clara Almagro, Santiago de la Rica
RTVE executive production: Borja Gálvez
Production Director: Onil Ganguly Directed by: Chiqui Carabante José Ramón Ayerra
Plot direction: Manuel Ríos San Martín Screenwriters: Manuel Ríos San Martín, Victoria Dal Vera, José Ortuño, Virginia Yagüe, Pablo Tobías and Tatiana Rodríguez
Photo Direction: Dani Salo (A.E.C.) and Alejandro Espadero (A.E.C.)
Art Direction: Hector Bertrand
Casting Direction: Juana Martínez
Music: Pablo Cervantes
Wardrobe: Matías Martini
Makeup and hairdressing: Anabel Beato
The series will star Aria Bedmar (Lucía), Peter Vives (Peter) and Rubén Cortada (Francisco).
The cast is completed by Paco Tous (José), Juan Gea (Enrique), Bea Arjona (Amparo), María Morales (Cinta), Chiqui Fernández (Rocío), Kimberley Tell (Agatha), Aida Ballmann (Miss Eva), Silvia Hanneman (Hanna), Yan Tual (Victor), Sue Flack (Miss Parker), Marco Cáceres (Juan), Almagro San Miguel (Toni), Carla Nieto (Sylvia), Ángela Chica (Belén), Clara Navarro (Rebeca), Fran Cantos (Oskar), Stefan Weinert (Schneider), Kevin Brand (Kurt), Frank Feys (Edward), Craig Stevenson (Goodwill), Edu Rejón (Gianni), Gregor Acuña (Dieter), José Luis Rasero (Civil Guard Captain), Gonzalo Trujillo (German Consul), Ken Appledorn (English ambassador) and Carlos Olalla (Father Damián), among others.
Operation Barrio Inglés will have as its settings the old dock of the English mining company and the area of ​​Tinto River and its open-pit mines, as well as the Bellavista neighborhood in the town of Minas de Riotinto, the port of Punta Umbría and the Mazagón beach in Huelva. In Sevilla, among other locations, it will be shot at the Monsalves Palace, and in other areas of the city and province, and also in different parts of Jerez de la Frontera.
About the mines and their location:
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This is the Tinto river, its waters are red due to the high concentration of sulfur and iron oxides in the land (it happens the same with the red lagoon of Mazarrón's mines, Murcia), although it's duscussed if the mining activity has been increasing this characteristic, its water are very acid and are poluted with heavy metals.
The Tinto river (ancient name: Luxia) starts its flow in the Aracena Mountain Range and after 100 km joins the Odiel river (ancient name: Urium) at the height of the city of Huelva.
The mines have been exploited since pre-roman era, by Iberians and Tartessians, to obtein iron, copper, magnesium, silver and gold, which improved trading with the Phoenician, Carthaginian, and Greek colonies that were near to this site (in fact, the city of Huelva was founded by Phoenicians, and it was called Onuba), and eventually the Carthaginians took control of the mines after their expansion throughthe Iberian peninsula. Later, it became one of the most important mining areas of the Roman Empire.
By end of the 19th century, due to económico crisis the Spanish government sold several mines to English Companies, and one of them was the Riotinto mines, who were bought by the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) in 1873, as they were looking for metals that were very demanded in the country due to its high industrialization (in contrast, in Spain the industrialization was scarce and the two main regions in which it was developed were Catalonia and Basque Country)
The RTC was the builder and owner of the railway line that connected the mines with the port of Huelva, where it built a mineral dock to facilitate the unloading and transport of the extracted material by sea to England.
In Riotinto, the luxurious and exclusive neighborhood of Bellavista was built for English personnel, it was a Victorian-style neighborhood that was endowed with tennis courts, golf courses, its own cemetery, a Social Club or even a Presbyterian church.
Huelva capital will also develop under the English influence. The numerous workshops and facilities built by the RTC that gave work to more than seven hundred workers, such as the railway station, changed the appearance of the city and contrasted with the rise of a new bourgeoisie of both Spaniards and foreigners who found themselves linked to the company. The power of the company became such in the city that civil buildings depended on the interests of the company.
Proof of this are the Reina Victoria neighborhood, as a garden city that welcomed part of its employees; the construction of Casa Colón, which ended up becoming the headquarters for the company's offices; the disappeared English Hospital; or the gigantic mineral pier located on the Odiel River. The English population introduced football, being the Huelva Football Club the first football team in Spain, founded in 1889.
In Punta Umbría, the British managers of the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) erected rest areas for their employees. Since 1883 some constructions were carried out in the area, in wood and of the bungalow type, but it would not be until 1896 when the RTC was granted the possibility of establishing houses in this area, to which many RTC employees and their families went in summer to the beach through the Riotinto railway.
In 1943, the corpse of Glyndwr Michael, a Welsh homeless, disguised as a British Marine oficer called William Martin with information about a fake plan of the Allies to attack Greece was found drowned near the coast of Huelva, in Punta Umbría. This was part of the Operation Mincemeat to distract the Nazis and attack Sicily instead. Operation Mincemeat was a important plot in episode 3×02, Tiempo de Espías, from El Ministerio del tiempo. Well, although in the episode the original Operation is cancelled and a character named William Martin later takes the place of the original "William Martin", so the Operation success.
Years later, in 1954 the Riotinto mines returned to national property, under the CEMRT (Compañía Española de Minas de Río Tinto)
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vavalladolid · 7 months
Belén Rodríguez se va de la lengua y desvela antes de tiempo el ganador de ‘GH Dúo’
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🎬 “LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE” [Society of the Snow] 👻
🔎 Género: Drama / Aventuras / Basado en hechos reales / Supervivencia/ Naturaleza / Años 70
⏰ Duración: 144 minutos
✍️ Guion: Juan Antonio Bayona, Bernat Vilaplana, Jaime Marqués y Nicolás Casariego.
📕 Libro: Pablo Vierci
🎼 Música: Michael Giacchino
📷 Fotografía: Pedro Luque
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🗯 Argumento: En  el 1972, el vuelo 571 de la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, fletado para llevar a un equipo de rugby a Chile, se estrella en un glaciar en el corazón de los Andes. Solo veintinueve de sus cuarenta y cinco pasajeros sobreviven al accidente. Atrapados en uno de los entornos más inaccesibles y hostiles del planeta, se ven obligados a recurrir a medidas extremas para mantenerse con vida.
👥 Reparto: Enzo Vogrincic (Numa Turcatti), Matías Recalt (Roberto Canessa), Carlos Páez Rodríguez (Carlos Páez Vilaró), Felipe Gonzalez Otaño (Carlitos Páez), Agustín Pardella (Nando Parrado), Esteban Kukuriczka (Adolfo Strauch), Juan Ignacio Caruso (Álvaro Mangino), Francisco Romero (Daniel Fernández Strauch), Paula Baldini (Liliana Navarro de Methol), Simón Hempe (José Luis Inciarte) y Diego Vegezzi (Marcelo Pérez).
📢 Dirección: Juan Antonio Bayona
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© Productoras: Misión de Audaces Films, Netflix & El Arriero Films
🔎 Productores Ejecutivos: Belén Atienza y Sandra Hermida
🎞 Distribuidora: Netflix
🌎 Países: España-Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 2023
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Viernes 26 de Abril
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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