#Being mean or rude will lead to immediate blocking with no room for excuses or explanation??? Bc i literally do not care WHY????
satans-knitwear · 1 year
Imagine following me quietly for a year, just to (out of the blue) send rude, incomprehensible messages
and get blocked immediately without any response or acknowledgement.
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goddesswritings · 4 years
Sins of Lovers - Colby Brock | Part Three
Title: Sins of Lovers – Part Three
Pairing: Colby x Reader
Summary: Y/n has an eye-opening conversation with her mother, but she’s not all that sure she can change. With Colby by her side, she finds ways to navigate the way she feels about what is happening.
Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: Horrible parenting and just some tooth rotting fluff.
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“How are you feeling?” Colby asked when you woke up from your nap. He was lying beside you, caressing your arm in the most wonderful way.
“I feel okay. I’m still really confused by all of this.” You admitted while turning to face the blue-eyed man beside you.
“Don’t worry, I’m confused too. But not about us. I know what I want to happen between us.” He pushed some of your hair behind your ear as he nuzzled close to you.
You happily let him pull you close. “What do you want to happen between us?” You knew what you wanted but you needed to make sure that Colby wanted the same, because you didn’t want to put all your feelings into a guy who doesn’t feel the same, but it felt like he did.
“Well.” He kissed your cheek. “I want to be with you. I want to pursue a relationship, despite the fact that our parents are engaged. I don’t care if this is wrong because all I want is to be with you.”
“You’re sure about this?”
“I am. Do you want that?” He sounded a bit scared to hear your answer.
“I do. I have liked you for way too long, to just let you go like that.” This answer satisfied him because he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips.
“Let’s see where this will go, okay?”
“That sounds perfect to me, Cole.” You both kissed again when there was a persistent knock at the door.
“Stay here, I will answer it.” He said pulling himself from the bed and making his way to the door, where the person knocked again. He opened it and immediately your mother pushed her way into the room.
“Could you give us a minute, Colby?” She asked not even looking his way.
“Umm no.” He answered clearly knowing she was going to yell at you.
“Excuse me?” She questioned finally looking at him and sending him a glare.
“This is my hotel room also, so you can’t kick me out.”
Your mother just rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She grumbled and faced you, who was still in bed. “What the fuck was that at lunch?”
Of course, you knew she was going to give you hell for it, but you at least thought she would let you recover first. “I’m sorry I got sick?” You said in a questioning tone.
“Bullshit. You just wanted to cause a scene when something special happened to me.”
“No mother, I legitimately went off to puke. I wasn’t trying to cause a scene.” You pulled yourself to sit up in bed. Your mother still looked pissed.
“Yeah that’s hard to believe.”
“Why is that?”
“You always manage to find a way to ruin whatever is going good for me.”
She was being cryptic.
“John proposed to me and instead of being happy for me, you make a bullshit excuse to get out of there instead of sitting there and enjoying the moment.”
“Would you have rather I thrown up all over the table, mother.” A level of sass was heard in your voice.
Her eyes were practically in slits as the anger went through her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I don’t know, what?”
“You’re a fucking spoiled little brat. Can’t you just let me be happy for once?”
“I don’t know why you think I’m stopping your happiness.”
“Because you walked right out of my engagement. That’s so fucking rude.”
“I already explained why.”
“I don’t buy it. Why don’t you want me to be happy?” She started to sound like a child at this point.
You still weren’t feeling completely well from lunch and her whining wasn’t helping at all. Colby looked like he was about to lose his patience.
You pulled yourself from the bed, to stand up in front of her. “Who said I didn’t want you to be happy?”
“You’ve sabotaged every chance of happiness I could have had. Your father left because of you. Then every time I tried to date; no man wanted to stay because I had a fucking child.”
Here we go again. She was blaming you for all her dating problems.
“I was four years old when my father left, how was I the one to make him leave?” You had a feeling you knew what she would say but you wanted to see if she would actually go that far.
“It’s because you were born. You were unexpected to us and he never wanted a child. He stayed for four years but he was never around. The two of us never wanted you.”
Her words slapped you in the face. It all came crashing down on you and you needed to sit down. You stepped back and sank down onto the bed.
Colby knew he had to step in now. “It’s time for you to leave.” He told your mom, and she didn’t look happy.
“Who are you to tell me to leave?” She was defensive.
“Mother please. I don’t feel good and you’ve said enough.” You argued.
She stared at you for a while before deciding to leave you alone finally. “You better change your attitude, Y/n.” She grumbled before rushing out of the room.
Her words swirled in your head. Tears blurred your vision as the gravity of her words fell on you.
“Y/n, baby. Please don’t listen to her. I don’t know what her problem is, but she had no reason to say those things to you.” Colby took a seat beside you and pulled you into his side.
“She’s right though. They never wanted me.” You mumbled into his chest, letting the tears fall.
“She’s a bitch for saying that to you. No parents should say something like that to their child. It doesn’t matter if it’s what she feels or not. That’s just fucked up.”
He was right but you couldn’t stop the tears. “But they don’t want me, Cole. My own parents don’t want me.” How pathetic.
Colby pulled you into his lap and wrapped you up into him. You two were particularly close in this position. He placed his forehead against yours and held you close.
“Y/n, sweetie. Fuck your parents. If they’re going to say that, then they don’t deserve you. They are the shit ones in this situation.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You whimpered as he showered you with these intimate kisses.
“You have me, y/n. I’m not going anywhere. Please let me catch you when you fall and show you how loyal I can be. I will make sure you feel nothing but love and happiness from now on.”
“I want that.”
“You will have that. Trust me and I will make sure to bring you all the love, happiness, and acceptance one could ever ask for.”
You nodded and pressed your lips to his in a soft and truly sweet kiss. The feelings he gave you were intense, and you knew there was something much deeper between the two of you. His actions proved he felt it too.
“Thank you, Colby. I hate that I brought you into this but thank you for supporting me right now.” You were still snuggled up in his arms.
“Of course, I’m here to support you. Now what do you say we take a nap and then order some room service for dinner?”
“I like that idea. We don’t have to leave the room, so I’m down.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead, before leading you back to the bed and wrapping you up into his arms. He brought comfort to you, even when you weren’t feeling well.
The next morning, you woke up feeling better and to a text that said your mom wanted to have lunch with you. Alone. Colby woke up to you frowning over the text.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” He questioned as he looked down at your phone.
“My mother wants me to meet her for lunch, alone.” You said while still frowning.
“Damn. I guess there is no way you can get out of it, is there?” He asked while talking the phone from you.
“Nope, she will surely kill me if I bail on her. I already told her I would meet her in the lobby.”
“I’m sorry.”
You leaned over and kissed his cheek. “It’s okay, Cole. I shouldn’t be scared of my own mother. I’m hoping we can have a civilized conversation, especially if we’re in public.”
“Yes, hopefully that means she will stay levelheaded.”
You nodded but were still fretting meeting up with her. Who knows what she would say to upset you today? She seemed or be exceptionally good at making you upset. When you returned home, you thought she had changed, but she definitely had not changed.
“I can hang around and stop her if she gets out of hand?” He suggested with the cutest little smile.
“Thanks, that’s extremely sweet but no. I’m going to handle her on my own. I can do it.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am. I need to talk to her, maybe tell her that she has to stop blaming my father leaving her, on me.”
Colby smiled at you. “You’re brilliant.”
You giggled. “Thank you, Colby. I have to get ready now.”
He grabbed my hand before I could leave the bed. “Take a shower with me first?”
“I don’t have that much time.”
He leaned in close and placed the sweetest kiss on the column of my neck. “Please, I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
His offer sounded so good. “Okay, but maybe I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself.” He sent you a sexy wink, before he pulled you off to the bathroom for that shower.
Your mother was already waiting in the lobby when you exited the elevator. The nerves had bubbled to the top by the time you’d reached the bottom floor. You had no clue what her attitude would be like today and it scared you.
She turned and found you walking towards her. You couldn’t decipher her mood from that far away, but you tried to keep up a positive mood as you walked towards her.
“Good afternoon, y/n. Are you feeling better today?” Her question took you off guard.
“Ahh, yes. I’m feeling much better today.” You answered.
“Great, let’s get going.” She led you from the hotel out into the sunny streets of Boca Raton. It was midday, which meant that the streets were full of people milling about, doing whatever the city had to offer. “There’s this cute little café about a block away.” She said as you trailed her. She still hadn’t mentioned yesterday, which felt nice.
“Sounds good to me.” You answered as the two of you quietly made your way towards the café.
It wasn’t too busy when you got there, so you both were seated pretty quickly at a table that sat right by the open window. The waitress handed you menus and left you to look over them.
“Y/n, I need to apologize for the way I acted last night. I shouldn’t have done that at all. John and I talked, and he made me see the truth. It was unfair for me to treat you like that.” She said once she’d looked over the menu.
Your stomach dropped when she said John’s name. The only reason she was apologizing was because John convinced her to do so. Of course.
“Oh, thank you, mom.” You mumbled as the waitress came to take your orders. The tension was thick between the two of you, but you both pretended it was not.
Once the waitress took your orders, she left you and your mother alone again. “I should have never said what I did last night. I didn’t mean it, sweetie. It was messed up for me to put all this blame on you.”
“Mother, you have been putting blame on me since my father left.” You retorted, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“I know I have. I need to apologize for all of that. I know it’s hard to forgive me for all I have done, and I understand that you need time. But I need you to know that I’m sincerely sorry for the way I have treated you.”
“Why apologize now?”
“Well, I’m engaged to an amazing man. A man who has changed me for the better. You’re getting older and I realized I don’t want to drive you away. I already did when you left for college, and I can’t keep doing that. You’re going to get married one day. You’re going to have kids. I want to be there for you and for them.”
Her explanation made total sense, but it didn’t sound completely genuine and it concerned you. There was a chance she could easily turn on you if you did something she didn’t agree with. Something like sleeping with the guy that was going to become your stepbrother.
“Thank you, mom. Your apology means a lot to me, but we should take it slow. You did so much to me when I was growing up. It really messed me up. But I think I can try.” You explained.
She sent you a small smile. “That’s all I ask for. I want us to get along and I want to be a real mother to you. I promise to work on myself and we will see where it goes.” She suggested.
“Okay, that sounds like a plan.” You answered, feeling an inkling of doubt bubbling up inside of you.
Once lunch ended, your mother left quickly, claiming she had a spa reservation a few streets over. You just rolled your eyes and started to head back to the hotel. You’d texted Colby to tell him the lunch was over, but he hadn’t replied. Perhaps he had gotten busy.
As you walked, a figure caught your eyes. A tall blue haired guy was walking towards you with a huge smile on his face. It was Colby. He reached you and took your hand in his.
“Hey gorgeous, someone looks happy.” He commented as he led you down the street.
“Well, lunch went well with my mother. She apologized for what she said. I told her I needed to take it slow though.” You explained as Colby led you down a street that led away from the hotel.
“I’m happy it went better than you expected. I think it’s wise to take it slow.”
“Especially since she only apologized because your father talked to her.”
“Of course it’s like that. Sorry babe.” He leaned over and kissed your cheek before continuing to lead you down the street. The crowd had considerably thinned out.
“Where are we going?” You questioned as you caught glimpses of the ocean behind the buildings.
“I have a buddy who had a beach house here, and he’s not in town this week. So I figured we should go spend the day and perhaps the night there. To get away from the parents and of course have some alone time.”
“That sounds wonderful. But I need some clothes.”
Colby smirked and sent you a wink. “You won’t need any clothes, love.” This made you blush deeply. The thing that was blooming between the two of you, felt so natural.
The two of you walked up to a gorgeous beach house. It was small but extremely cute. It felt more your pace than the opulent hotel you were staying in.
“What happens if our parents go to find us and we aren’t there?” You questioned as he led you to the house.
“We don’t have to worry. My father told me he was taking your mother to a fancy dinner to celebrate and that you and I weren’t invited.” He unlocked the house and led you into the cozy little home.
“Perfect. Then we have an evening alone together.” You acknowledged.
Colby shut the door behind you before he lightly pushed you up against it. “We sure do, sweet girl.” He captured your lips in a passionate little kiss that left you breathless.
You happily kissed back, feeling true happiness while you were with him. He really made you feel wanted and appreciated. Something that was often hard to feel when you were around your mother for long periods of time.
He pulled away from your lips and his kisses started traveling down your neck. He sucked on the sensitive skin before he finally pulled away. You grabbed a hold of him and pulled him back, not done yet. Your lips landed on his in a flurry of passion.
Colby chuckled and broke the kiss again. “I love this baby, I really do, but I have plans for us.”
“What kind of plans?” You questioned, curious of what Colby planned for the two of you.
“My buddy has a boat, and so I packed up dinner for us and I figured we’d go for a nice boat ride. How does that sound?” He asked, taking your hand and leading you through the small house.
“I love it, but I don’t have a bathing suit.”
“You do. I lied when I said we didn’t need clothes. I packed us some clothes for tonight.”
You shook your head as he led you into the bedroom. On the bed was a bag that was full of your things.
You turned and kissed his cheek. “You’re the best.” Looking through the bag, you pulled your bathing suit out.
“I wouldn’t go that far. I just want us to have a fun time here, instead of being stuck at that hotel with our parents. I’m sure they love the alone time they are getting without us there.” He stated going through his own bag.
“Of course.” You excused yourself to the bathroom to put on your suit and get ready for the evening. Once you exited the bathroom, you found Colby in the main living area, checking over the food he’d packed for you both.
“You ready?” He looked you over and licked his lips at what he saw. That action alone, had your body growing hot with desire. How did this man do this to you?
“Yes.” You helped him with the stuff as he led you from the house out to the little dock off the backyard. There was a Sea Ray boat docked onto it. It was a pretty sizable boat. “Do you know how to use a boat?”
He smiled as you walked onto the dock. It rocked lightly with the waves. “I sure do. I used to go boating every summer with my father. He had me get my boating license when I turned 18. So you’re in safe hands.” Colby stopped at the boat and put the stuff you needed down. He hopped onto the boat and then grabbed the bags. You handed yours to him. Then he took your hand and helped you onto the boat.
He settled the bags before he started to undock the boat. Once it was free from the dock, he swiftly led the boat out to the open sea. You sat on the cushioned bench as you watched him navigate the water until you were on the open sea. You pulled on your sunglasses and relaxed until Colby turned around and mentioned that the two of you needed to put on sunscreen.
You put it on him first since he was still navigating the boat. He loved the feeling of your soft hands rubbing the lotion onto him. Your fingers traced the scratches you had left on his skin two days prior. They were fading, but you could still see them. Once you finished, Colby stopped the boat and allowed it to drift. He then took the sunscreen from you and started to apply it on you.
His strong hands rubbed it over your sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to form as he rubbed it all over. He rubbed it over your shoulder, letting his hand dip over your chest and tease the tops of your breasts. Then he focused on your back, and lower back. You could tell he was itching to touch you in all your sensitive places, but you were still too close to the shoreline for you to feel comfortable. Once he’d finished applying it, the two of you washed the excess lotion from your hands.
You once again took a seat and Colby began to move the boat again. He pointed out certain spots he would love to visit one day before the two of you were finally far enough from the shoreline. He anchored the boat.
“It’s so calming out here.” You said as you looked out into the water. The ocean wasn’t too wavy today, it was perfect.
“It is and I enjoy it. But I also enjoy my company.” His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and it was beautiful.
“I think I like my company too.” You said teasing him.
“You think? Baby you better be sure of it because I’m about to show you how much you should enjoy being with me.”
“I would like that!”
He let out a cute laugh. “Of course, I should have known.” He leaned in and kissed your lips. “Do you want to swim for a bit?”
You nodded, happy to do anything with him. For the next hour, the two of you played in the water, messing around with each other and having a blast. The sun was starting to go down, but there was at least an hour in a half left of daylight.
Once you had exhausted yourselves swimming, you found yourself lying against Colby back on the boat. It was so sweet.
“Colby, can I ask you something?” You suddenly felt the need to ask this, so you wouldn’t step over the boundaries.
“You can ask anything.” He intertwined a hand with yours.
“How is your mom after what your father did to her?” He was quiet and you thought you had overstepped your bounds.
Colby squeezed your hand. “She’s better than she was when it first happened. When she first found out, she decided moving back to Kansas was the best choice for her and it hurt. I couldn’t go with her because I had to finish school. For so long, she refused to even open up about how she felt but when she did, it helped her move on. She’s now in a good relationship with a guy she dated in college and things are going well for her.”
You nodded. “So she’s okay now?”
“Yes, she is. I mean she still hates my father, and I don’t blame her, he’s such an asshole. I can’t even count the amount of women he’s had after the divorce. Cheating is just what he does, and I don’t think he will ever change.”
“My mother is going to completely see that, and I want to feel bad, but I can’t after what she has done to me.”
Colby kissed your neck sweetly. “Yeah, I wouldn’t feel bad either. She’s been so horrible to you and it’s not fair.”
“I’m a little happy you have seen the way she treats me. No one else ever believed me when I talked about it. My own father just said I was making up things for attention like many children of divorced parents do. It always been hell.”
He hated hearing that, but he knew exactly how you felt. His own father accused him of it, and honestly sometimes he was just acting out for attention. But with your mother, it was a different story.
“You never deserved it at all. We’re going to do what we can to make sure she treats you with the respect you deserve.” Just being here with him was honestly so good for you. Also hearing that he was here to support you made everything feel better.
“Thank you.” You brought your intertwined hands up and kissed his knuckles.
He buried his face into your neck. The two of you were quiet as you just basked in the comfort of being there together and being away from your parents. The warm sun on your skin was making you feel sleepy and Colby just let you relax against him.
At some point, after the sun started to set, Colby suggested some dinner and you happily agreed. He set up a little picnic for the two of you on the boat. He even packed some wine.
“This is so cute. Colby Brock, you’re secretly a romantic, aren’t you?” You teased as you sipped some wine.
“Baby, it’s not a secret. Not anymore at least. I find it’s easy when I’m with you.” He really felt that you brought out the best in him and he wished he would have made a move before you both graduated from high school.
“I love this side of you. A lot. I have never had a guy go out of his way to get a beach house for us as well as take us out on a boat and prepare dinner.” If heart eyes were a real visible thing, you knew you would have them.
Colby leaned over and kissed you like he had been doing all day. It never got old. “Good, I would expect more of this from me. Because I just want to spoil you and make you happy.”
“I will happily accept this, as long as I can spoil you in return.”
“Of course. Oh wow, look out there. I just saw some dolphins.” He pointed out into the ocean where some more dolphins jumped up making you giggle.
“That’s so cute.” Once again, your hands were intertwined, and you just had the sweetest little boat date you could have ever imagined.
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supernatural-love14 · 4 years
Is That All I Am To You?
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Summary: Thinking that her and Dean are exclusive, the Reader is proved wrong when Dean tells another hunter that they are only friends…
Warnings: The tiniest bit of fluff (and I seriously mean tiny). some serious ANGST. No happy ending. Arguing. Language. Crying. Lots of crying… 
Word Counts: 1,682
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Former Dean x Reader
PROMPT: Is that all I am to you?
A/N: This is for the @jawritter​ 1500 Follower Challenge - Jen’s Make Me Cry Challenge - here’s the masterlist to it. 
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Four years. Four years that I have known Dean Winchester. Two years that we have been dating. At first it started out as a friends with benefits thing, which I was completely fine with if it meant I could spend time with Dean. But then it started to get serious, he started to take me on dates. We’d go to restaurants - just me and him, go play crazy golf, go on walks, stuff that couples would do. 
A year down the line of the relationship, Dean gives me space in his room for clothes. Not that it really mattered if I had a drawer or not in his room considering my room was only down the hall. But most of the time I would sleep in his room, with his arms protectively wrapped around me as we slept. 
Even Sam believed we were dating, it felt like we were dating - like it was all real. But I was so wrong, that I didn’t even realise that everything Dean had ever promised me was a lie. I should have seen it coming. Like come on, it’s Dean freaking Winchester. The one who gets around with all the women, never settling down, never dating anyone because it would have the worst outcome. 
How couldn’t I have seen this? Why couldn’t I have stopped myself from falling for his charm years ago? I feel so naive and gullible. I know now that I can’t ever believe anything that man says. Ever again. 
I have to leave, I have to get out of here. 
5 Hours Earlier…
Meeting Sam at the bar, Dean and I walk in with his arm “possessively” wrapped around my waist, warding off any guys that would even think to get close to me. Sam sat in one of the corner booths of the bar far away from anyone. To everyone it looked like we were together, technically we were. 
Joining Sam at the table, I was sat next to Dean leaning my head on his shoulder while he had one of his arms wrapped around mine. It was so clear to everyone that we were more than just friends. The lingering touches, the featherlight kisses on the forehead. Even the way he looked at me suggested that there was more than friendship. For the first time in a long time, there were no girls even attempting to flirtatiously glance his way. They knew he was taken. They didn’t even try to come over to get his attention, they knew they wouldn’t get it. 
“Any new cases, Sammy?” Dean asked, as he grabbed onto one of the many beer bottles that was brought over to them, taking a large gulp of it. 
“Man, I’ve looked but nothing so far, a whole bunch of others have taken cases and there’s just nothing at the moment.”
“Do they need any help?” Dean asked, clearly needing something to keep him occupied but Sam quickly shook his head.
“I’ve already asked, but you know what hunters are like, they’ve got their own partners to help them and they don’t need three extra hunters. But I’ll keep looking for cases, I guess we can just take this time off that we never get round to having.” Sam explained, lifting his own beer to drink, his eyes scanning the bar before noticing someone staring at them. “Hey, we’re being watched.”
“What… by who?”
“Don’t know, I’ve never seen him before, he’s just intensely looking at us from the bar.” I turn around to see the man sitting at the bar. Once he see’s me looking at him, he smiles. Gasping I realise who it is. “Y/n, you know who that is?”
“Yeah… my ex.” Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Dean slightly turns to see the guy who is staring at you. 
“Bad ending?” Sam asked with concern, his eyes shifting from you to your ex and then to Dean. 
“Not really. He’s not… a hunter. And it was a long time ago.” You started to explain to the boys. 
“Are you going to go over?” Dean asked, masking his emotions with a straight face.
“Should I?” Looking up at him, trying to get a read on him but failing miserably. 
Gulping, Dean looked from you to your ex before looking back at you. “Y/n, he’s clearly here to see you. You should go over there.”
“But I’m here with you guys… It’s fine, really. I’m with you. I have no reason to see him. It didn’t end well last time I saw him, which was when we broke up.”
“Did he know about the hunting life?” 
“Yeah, that’s the main reason we broke it off.” I lie easily, not really wanting to explain my past.
“Maybe he’s trying to get you back, maybe he’s ok with you being a hunter.”
“Dean! I’m with you, I don’t need to go back with my ex… I’m already taken.” 
“Yeah but we’re not really together, together…” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You raise your voice slightly, hoping this isn’t where it’s really going.
“Dean, st-“ Sam started to say before Dean interrupted him. 
“We’re only friends with benefits.”
“So, what two years of being together - friends with benefits or not, and not once id you think that with all your actions showed that this was more than friends with benefits. You don’t take a friend with benefits on dates. Let me guess in all of this whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing, you’ve been seeing other people haven’t you?” 
“Y/n…I’m sorry that you thought there was more to this-“
“No. What you did was lead me on. I’m going back to the bunker.” Getting up from my seat, I quickly grab my stuff before heading out towards the door. My ex immediately heading towards me, and I couldn’t even stop the eye roll from forming. 
“Hey, Y/n. It’s been a while.” He stops in front of me, blocking me from the exit and now i’m suddenly remembering why we broke up in the first place. Anyone would think that we broke up because I was in the hunting life and he was not, something normal. But no, this cheating bastard thinks he has the audacity to think we will pick things up where it was left.
“Yeah, I guess. How’s Amanda?” 
“Andrea, was her name.”
“OH right, that so silly of me to get the name mixed up of the girl you threw me away for.” I said bitterly, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Y/n, at the time we weren’t really together.” You could just feel like your brain wanted to explode at that very second, what was with men and not telling you what the relationship status was. Was it that hard to talk for them to talk to me? And why did I have such bad luck with men!?
“Yeah, I remember, I remember you so clearly saying that as you were banging that chick in our bedroom of the house we brought together!” 
“Y/n…” He started to say grabbing my arm slightly to pull me towards him, before I so rudely pushed it away. “Don’t be like this. Remember all the fun we had together.”
“No. I don’t. Now if you excuse me, I have to leave. I’ve dealt with dickheads all evening.” 
“Hey, don’t go. Come on, catch up with me.”
“No. I’m not going down that path again. What happened between me and you is now over. It’s been over for years.” Clearly not getting the message, he pulls me roughly towards him, before I kick him in the balls. I didn’t even realise one of the Winchester boys were behind me before Sam pulled me back away from my dick of an ex-boyfriend.
“Hey, she clearly said no. So leave her alone.” Sam defended, a glare placed on his face, I turned slightly to see where Dean was but seeing him at the other end of the bar chatting up a chick just made my blood boil. Here I was clearly struggling to get rid of my ex and he’s over there throwing what little we had left away like trash. From this moment I knew it was over. I knew we would never be together. And I knew I had to leave for good. No more would I fall for men like him. 
I could feel my eyes tearing up, blinking rapidly to hold them back from falling. My ex now left the area of the bar as Sam watched me with concern. “I’m going back to the bunker.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to get some sleep.” 
“Ok…just call me to let me know you got back ok.”
“Of course.” Lying through my teeth as I give Sam a quick hug. With him never realising that this would be the last time he would see me. I leave the bar quickly heading back to place which will no longer be my home. 
After 5 hours I had packed my things, grabbed anything and everything I had in Dean’s room and my old room to put into my car. My old car was sitting in the garage, where it had been left since the day I moved in here. I never really needed it when I had moved in, I couldn’t help the tears that fell down my face as I realise how much I will miss this place. The memories that I thought were good now turned to ash and dust. 
I will move on from Dean Winchester. Sitting behind the wheel just made it all too real as Dean will never know how much I loved him but I have to leave, I can’t stay here knowing that he will never fully be with me not after everything that I now know. He’ll never know what he truly missed out on, holding a hand to my flat stomach, the life that was slowly growing inside of me. Dean will never know that he would have a child. Because he will never find me. Not ever again.
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Forever Tags:
@peachyafshawn @vicmc624 @deanswaywardgirl @hobby27
Dean Winchester Tags:
@foreverasouldreamer​  @a-girls-little-world @dreamyalessiaa @dhawandyke  @bi-danvers0  @anorable-agnes-drew  @autumnfrancour2 @waywardbeanie @ellewritesfix05 @flamencodiva   @akshi8278  @tuataracda123
If you wish to be added to the taglist even if it just for a series or one shot - comment down below or ask me!
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hisokacutie · 3 years
Aizawa x Reader pt.2
TAGS: Fluff, might have a smut part two
1248 Words, 6495 Characters
You have been a teacher at UA for a few months and grew close to some of the other teachers. Your role around school is to go around different classrooms and help out. For the past two weeks you’ve been with the same teacher and he’s sort of caught your eye. His name is Shota Aizawa with the iconic hero name Eraserhead. 
It was a Friday before a long weekend doing training exercises with class 1A. All the students were pretty Independent and you along with Aizawa were watching them, though after around thirty minutes it got boring. You look over to Aizawa trying to analyze what he’s thinking, it's always very hard to tell. He notices and looks at you. You make eye contact for a second and you look away. Though it's hard for you to tell what he’s thinking, he can usually read you like an open book.
“Maybe we should train since we have nothing else to do.” He says still looking at you. 
You turn back to him, “sure… let's not use our quirks though, I could sharpen up my hand to hand combat skills. He shrugs in agreement while walking into a free spot to spar, taking off his scarf. You follow him shortly after, taking off your sweatshirt to reveal a slightly revealing tank top. 
You put up your hands in fists to signal the start of the fight.  Aizawa inches closer to you, waiting for you to throw the first punch. You do so, knowing it probably wasn’t the best idea. He immediately blocks it and punches you in the side. You didn’t like getting hit but knowing that he isn’t going easy on you is a huge compliment. After a few minutes of throwing punches back and forth, you manage to block one of his counterattacks and throw him onto his back. You grab his hands and pin them down above his head and use your legs to secure his legs.
In this position, it was hard for him to move. “Good job.” He says catching you off guard. But in this distracted moment, he switches your positions so that he’s on top and pinning you down. A few moments later he gets up and reaches a hand out to help you. You stand up as the lunch bell rings. You spend the rest of the day with him helping out with different classes
“Hey,” he says while packing up for the day “I know it's a Friday night but if you don't have any plans, mind helping me with some papers?” 
“Oh, um” 
“It’s fine if you can’t, '' Shota interrupts while raising a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it lightly.
“Actually, I’m free. It beats sitting at home doing nothing.” 
“Oh.” He says surprised. “My place?”
You head over to his apartment where you two sit at a table in the middle of the living room. “Hungry?” Shota asks after a few hours of grading.
“Starving” you reply “actually, I’m kind of in the mood for a drink too.”
“Really, this late?” 
“Yeah, why not? I mean it’s only 2:00 am on a Friday, and a long weekend so we should enjoy it. Haven't we earned it?” 
“I don't have anything here though.” He says getting up to search the kitchen for something to drink.
“Actually I have an idea.” You say while grabbing your phone, wallet, and a blanket. Aizawa looks at you with a very confused and suspicious expression. “Let’s go, just trust me.”
You head out of his apartment and go to a convenience store nearby. You grab hot buns and two bottles of Sake. “Where are we going?” Shota questions as you’re leading him to a mystery location.
“Just wait, we're almost there.” You reply as both of you turn a corner to see the entrance to the beach. You find a place to lay the blanket and set down the hot buns and drinks. Sitting next to each other, you grab the buns and hand him one. Adding a dash of soy sauce you take a bite. “Ugh, it's sooo good.’ You say breaking the silence.
“Mhm,” Aizawa replies with a mouth full of food. You both giggle. The ocean was still this late at night. The sky was dark with little spots of stars every now and again, With a bright full moon as the only lighting, it set a perfect mood. After vacuuming up the hot bun you open one of the sake bottles and grab a small serving dish they had at the store. You pour two cups of it and hand one to Shota. 
“I saw that you’ve improved a lot in your hand to hand combat recently,” Shota said, starting a conversation and taking a sip.
“Oh, thank you.” You take a sip as well ”I like training with you a lot... I feel safe around you.” You turn to face him, noticing a slight blush appear on his cheeks. 
“I like training with you too,” he replies “I love all the little remarks you make.” You both laugh and Shota pour you another drink. 
“Hmm… how about we make this more interesting” Shota furrows his eyebrows at your request. “Let’s play a game” 
“What are we? High schoolers?” Shota scoffs.
“Well now we have a break from taking care of high schoolers, we can act like them for a bit.” 
He sighs “what game?” You rub your hands together while thinking of a fun one.
“How about Never Have I Ever” (pretty much you say something you haven’t done ”never have I ever read a 700 page book” and if the other people/person has done it they take a drink)
“Okay, who goes first” 
“I'll go first,” you say, “never have I ever… given students a good grade on an assignment because I didn’t want to grade it.” You squint your eyes at Shota as a look of defeat comes across his face and he takes a sip. You start laughing.
“Oh come on, some of my students have never gotten anything lower than a B so I can pretty much guess they did well.” He tries to defend himself.
“Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses.” You say as you shake your head.
“Okay whatever,” he says with a smile, “My turn. Hmm… never have I ever not been good enough at my job that I couldn’t teach my own class and had to help others instead”
“WOW! How rude.” You say with a shocked expression. “How dare you?” Shota bursts out laughing.
“I’m so sorry, I had to.”  You take a big gulp straight from the sake bottle. At this point, both of you are a bit tipsy but open the second bottle and continue playing. A while goes by and you finish the second bottle, though the alcohol hasn’t fully set in yet. You're both laughing and go to lay down to stargaze. 
“I like seeing this side of you,” Shota says.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, the non-teacher side. I like getting to know you” he takes a moment to think “I like being around you” you look at each other and smile.
“I like being around you too,” you say. He reaches a hand out to your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your cheekbone. He moves his hand slightly back to your neck/ear and pulls you in. He lands a kiss on your lips. It starts raining.
 To be continued...
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
Make it Better
Heyyy y’all! Here’s Ch 8 of Playlist. Check out my masterlist HERE to catch up and read my other stories. This is a long one....
Check out the actual Playlist HERE
Word count: ~10k
CW: Smut
“What?!” K’Hari yelled at his only child as she cried at the kitchen table. Tamala had sat both of her parents down to tell them the news and so far her father was not taking it well. “Say that one more time so I know I understood you. You’re what now?”
“I’m calling off the wedding,” she said through her tears.
“What happened, busi?” her mama asked softly as her baba continued to seethe next to her.
“What happened doesn't matter, Aja. What matters is your daughter has lost her fucking mind if she thinks-”
“Baba, he loves someone else!” Tamala yelled as K’Hari’s eyes rolled in exasperation. “He’s always loved someone else.” She hung her head and berated herself for not seeing it sooner when her mother’s hand reached out to tip her chin upwards to meet her gaze.
“Sithandwa, he could learn to love you,” Aja said softly while using her other hand to wipe the tears from her daughter’s eyes.
Tamala moved away from her mother and looked at her in horror. 
“I thought you would be on my side! He doesn't love me, mama, and he never will. He said so himself...he only loves her.”
“Who is this elusive love of his?” K’Hari’s voice took on a sinister tone.
“H-her name is Ashanti, she's from the Merchant Tribe-”
“Owns an art store?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Y-yes, how did you know?”
K’Hari sighed and his head fell back. He should have known all along.
“She’s the girl that got herself kidnapped by Princess Zenzi, but the king never said why she was the target. Demethi!” He struck the table, shocking Aja and Tamala. “Does he still see her?”
“No,” Tamala sniffled, “I put the fear of Bast in her and told her I would have her exiled if she contacted him again. It must have worked, I’ve never seen T’Challa so angry before.”
“Did he hurt you?” 
“No, mama, not physically anyway. He told me...he told me I would be his queen but she would always have his heart and that this was just an arrangement. What does that even mean?!” Tamala broke down crying as her parents gave each other a look.
K’Hari and Aja Obu had wanted nothing more than for their daughter to marry well, so when the opportunity to have her marry the king presented itself they took it. In council meetings K’Hari and several of the other elders voiced their concerns about the king not being married. He would always brush it off until K’Hari had the idea to align himself with the Border tribe and not allow his immigration proposal to pass. He knew the king would want to speak with him one-on-one about it, and during their meeting he insinuated that his vote could be bought if the king would marry his daughter. Three birds, one stone. They didn’t expect the king to be so cruel and tell Tamala about their deal though. 
There was a long silence as K’Hari shook his head frantically at his wife, knowing she was on the verge of telling Tamala everything.
“Aja, no-”
“Thula! This was all your idea anyway,” she snapped and K’Hari shrunk into himself. Aja wiped Tamala’s tears and held both of her hands. “Honey, your father made a deal with the king-”
“What kind of deal?” she asked through her stuffy nose and freefalling tears.
“My dear, I-” he cut himself off with a sigh. He never imagined his plan going south, so he had hoped that he would be able to get away with not telling her what he did, but all of that got thrown out the window the minute she showed up at their house in tears. “I made a deal with the king. He wants to open Wakanda even further to the Lost Tribe and allow them to immigrate here. It is a good proposal, but I split the vote and convinced Hodari of the Border Tribe to follow my lead. The king came to speak with me about it and well, uh, long story short I promised him my and Hodari’s votes if he would take you as queen. I knew how important his proposal was to him, and how the rest of the council had been pushing him to find a wife. It was the perfect plan.”
“No it wasn’t! You used me! And mama, you knew about it!” She snatched her hands away from her mother and stood from the table.
“Busi, we-”
“No! You basically sold me to the king! Actually, nevermind, because in order to sell something the buyer has to actually want it! You pushed me onto him and you thought that was ok? You thought I wouldnt eventually find out?!” She quickly gathered her things and ignored her parents’ protests as she stormed out of their home.
Tamala had nowhere she could go and be alone away from everybody, so she retreated to her temporary quarters in the palace. She stayed in there for a week, only letting kitchen staff in and out, but she was upset even more by the fact that nobody came to check on her wellbeing. She already knew she wasn’t wanted by the king, but it wasn’t until then that she realized how much the rest of the royal family never seemed to like her either. She knew she could be abrasive at times, but for them to be so cold? Then it dawned on her that they must have all thought she was involved in her father’s schemes.
“I wouldn’t like me either.” she mused to herself and decided she would go set the record straight at breakfast. 
The next morning Tamala was so anxious that she almost couldn’t make it in time, but she was able to pull herself together at the last minute. She emerged from her room and made the long walk to the elevators that would take her down to the dining area. The butterflies in her stomach flew faster and faster the closer she got, and she was sure other people could hear her heart beating out her chest. By the time she reached the door she had forced herself to calm down again, knowing that what she had to do required a clear head and an unwavering disposition. 
The palace guards opened the doors for her and when she saw them she immediately lost all of the confidence she had worked so hard to build. She had expected to just see the four of them there, but for the first time since she moved into the palace a month ago they had several guests at the table as well. 
M’Baku and his chieftess Shani were seated next to each other across from Queen Mother and Shuri. N’Jadaka sat next to his little cousin with Okoye to his left. It was her off day so they had invited her to join them for breakfast. Her ex-husband W’Kabi was nowhere to be seen, but instead there were two colonizers at the table next to M’Baku. One that looked like a human version of a golden retriever and the other seemed to be part robot. The empty seat at the foot of the table was her only option, so she sat down and tried to drum up the courage to make her announcement.
“Tamala, we have barely seen you this week,” Ramonda remarked, without looking up from her food, only partially interested in her response.
Tamala cleared her throat and when everyone reluctantly turned to look at her she locked eyes with the king. She could still feel how cold and detached he was towards her, which only solidified her decision.
“I needed some time to myself, to think. I have decided to...to call off the wedding.” Everyone was shocked. They all knew of the arrangement since they had each cornered T’Challa at some point to try to talk sense into him. None of them liked Tamala. She was rude, she was entitled, and she had a jealous streak that rubbed them all the wrong way. Worst of all, they thought she was only with T’Challa because she wanted the throne. “I didn’t know about my father’s plan, but I do now and I can’t go through with it. I can’t spend my life with someone who doesn’t love me.”
She kept her eyes on T’Challa and saw his face fall when he found out she was unaware of her father’s plan. He immediately felt bad for what he said to her when he realized her feelings for him were real.
“Tamala, I-”
“I know. You thought I was after the title. I wasn’t, but my father was.”
“That still doesn’t excuse what I said to you.”
“No, it doesn't, but I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes.”
A silence fell over them and she looked around at the guilty faces surrounding the table.
“Did all of you know?”
Everyone nodded or grumbled their response and she felt even more embarrassed knowing that everyone knew it was a lie but her. She sat back in her chair in disbelief.
“If it helps, that’s not the only reason we didn’t like you,” N’Jadaka stage whispered to her from across the table. Shuri and M'Baku snickered as Ramonda reached behind Shuri’s chair to hit her nephew upside his head. 
“That does help, thank you N’Jadaka,” Tamala said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. 
“Could someone fill me in on what just happened?” the blonde colonizer, Steve, asked of his friends after another silence filled the table.
“I got you, man. So basically T’s been trying to make it so Black people can move to Wakanda, but her daddy is head of the Mining tribe and won’t let it go through unless he marries her.”
“What happens to the proposal now? Will he still block it from going through?” Okoye asked.
They all turned to look at Tamala.
“I-I don’t know.”
“Have you told your father about your decision?” Shani added.
“Yes, a week ago.”
“So you decided to wait until the wedding was damn near upon us to let us know?” Queen Mother was getting a headache. “Come with me after you finish eating, we have to call the press and cancel all the vendors and-”
“Mama, I will handle whatever needs to be done. Tamala has been through enough in regards to the wedding.” Ramonda wanted to argue with her son, but she knew he was doing the right thing.
“Very well then,” she gave in.
“So what are you gonna do now?” Bucky asked Tamala and everyone’s ears perked up in curiosity. 
“I’m not sure, but I definitely can’t go back to my parents’ after this.”
“That is understandable. You are welcome to stay as long as you need to.” T’Challa said across the table.
“Thank you, T’Challa.”
“It is the least I can do.”
With three weeks left until the wedding, Ashanti was finally leaving for her month-long trip to New Orleans. She had purchased a cell phone and linked her beads to the archaic device so she wouldn’t have to use them in public. She had done her research on the city and even though her itinerary mostly involved just letting her creative juices flow, there were a few things she knew she had to see and do before she left.
When Chidi and Bisa dropped her off at Wakanda International they were still a little uneasy about Ashanti’s plan. She had never left Wakanda before, but here she was flying across the globe by herself to a city where she doesn’t have any friends or even extended family to look out for her, but they were supportive because they knew it was her dream. When she was young she always wanted to explore the world, but Wakanda was still closed to the outside so she let the idea slip away. She thought the only way she’d get to see it is if she became a War Dog, but Ashanti never had any interest in being a spy. Now her dream was finally coming true, and despite the anxiety twisting her stomach she couldn’t be more excited. 
Her flight only took about 7 hours on the Wakandan jet, and when she touched down and stepped out of the airport she was met with the wet heat of the southern United States. The temperature wasn’t too different from what she was used to, but the humidity made her feel like she was under water. She summoned a Lyft and people-watched as she waited for it to arrive.
She was relieved when it finally pulled up, looking forward to what she hoped would be an air conditioned ride.
“How’s it going ma’am?”
“Hi, uh, it’s good. André, right? How are you?”
“Yes ma’am. Here picking up,” he looked at his phone for confirmation, “Ashanti, but uh, I’ve had better days. Where you from? I hear your accent.”
“Do you hear yours?” she asked playfully as she slid into the back seat while he put her bags in the trunk. He laughed and the warmth of it brought a smile to her face. “I’m from Wakanda.”
“Ohhhhh, Wakanda huh? What made you leave paradise?” He asked as he plopped into the driver seat and closed the door.
“It’s not a paradise.”
“For those of us out here it is.” He looked at her through the rear view mirror for just a second. Her face fell, forgetting how privileged she was to grow up where she did. She had been so focused on getting away from the king that she forgot just how beautiful her homeland could be. “You should be careful out here, I’m sure it’s pretty different than what you’re used to. Crazy folks out here...you going down to Bourbon at any point?”
“Most likely, I’ll be here a while.”
“Hm. Well if you do please, please be careful chère. People get real stupid when they drink.”
“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind. Are you from here?”
“Born and raised. I moved up to Memphis for a while, but came right back. Always on the Mississippi though. What brought you here? You don't seem like the partying type and judging by all that luggage you’re planning to stay for a while.”
She sighed, not sure if she should get into it with her driver, but decided there was no harm in talking to him. 
“My ex is getting married and I just needed to get away for a while.”
“Still love him?” he looked at her through the mirror again and she looked back at him before nodding.
“Yeah I do, it’s complicated…”
“Sounds like it. I been there though. My babymama moved on a couple years ago and I still ain't over it. He’s a nice guy though so I can’t be too mad about it. As long as my girls are taken care of, that’s what matters.”
Ashanti listened and nodded along, watching the city pass by as they drove down the interstate to her new temporary neighborhood. She knew they had arrived when he turned off the exit and she saw a mural painted along a wall that read “Tremé” in colorful letters. They drove a few more blocks before André stopped the car in front of a house with a colorful, plant filled fenced-in courtyard. There was a fat tabby cat lounging in the walkway by an adorable little iron bistro set. Before getting out of the car she used her iphone to review the instructions the host sent her, then she swung the door open, ready to see her living space in person. André grabbed her bags out of the trunk and placed them on the sidewalk for her.
“Could you help me carry them in?” she asked of her Lyft driver who turned to look at her like she was crazy.
“Ma’am, you sure are trusting. I’ll help you, but you can’t be out here just letting people in your place like that.”
Ashanti blushed, she hadn’t even thought of the danger she was putting herself in and she was thankful that André seemed like a good man. He brought her bags into the living room and took a look around, whistling at the sight. 
“I’ve never actually gotten a look inside one of these new Air Bnb’s, these are niiiice. Ruining the neighborhood though, but what can you do?”
“How is it ruining the neighborhood?”
André chuckled a little at her naivety before concern crept up on him, too. This girl had let him into her home, alone, and he wondered what other stupid things she might get into.
“You know, how about I show you around. I’ll be your personal chauffeur while you’re here. For a fee, of course.”
“Of course. That sounds like a good idea...ok lets do it.” 
“Great, did you want to settle in or go out now? I can run some quick errands while you rest up”
“I’ll be hungry in about a couple hours. Come back then?”
“You got it miss lady, see you later,” he turned to leave the house but turned back with a serious look on his face. “Make sure you keep these doors locked, you seem like the type to just keep them open.” 
“I will.”
He squinted at her, not believing a word she said.
“I said I will, Bast!”
“You better,” he pointed at her as he closed the door behind him.
She plopped on the couch and she was thankful to have the space all to herself, but the vibe was quickly ruined by him yelling at her from outside.
“Lock the door Ashanti!”
She scrambled from her spot and locked the door.
“Happy now?” she shouted at him.
“Thank you!” she heard him say right before the car door closed and he drove off. 
She was finally alone and could really feel the energy of the place. It would be perfect for her little artist getaway. The south facing windows let in so much natural light that she wouldn't even need to turn the lights on during the day. She had already scoped out where she would set up her easel, and she made a mental note to ask André about art supply stores since she could only bring so much on the plane.
She made her way to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed, testing its softness. Once she was satisfied she rolled off and went to the bathroom to set up her toiletries. When she opened the door she was thrown back in time to when T’Challa first invited her to his quarters after their first date. The monstera in the corner and the ivy draping down the walls reminded her of what she always called his “jungle chic bathroom”, but she quickly shook the thought out of her head. She stripped down and stared at herself in the mirror as the water heated up, but ran back to her suitcase to grab her kimoyo beads. They were synched to her phone, but she thought the sound quality was better on the beads.. 
“Hey Kim, play music.”
How do you mend when you worlds apart?
Ooh, carry on
Ooh, from the start
Somehow, we fell in love, then fell right out of touch
And ooh, that was hard
But ooh, here we are
And it's easier to walk away
Than to look for what would make you stay
“Next song please.” she grumbled, not in the mood for a love song. Thankfully the next song was anything but. 
“There’s some whores in this house, there’s some whores in this house…,” she sang along loudly while scrubbing down.
When she was finished she got out and did her usual routine before laying down to take a nap until André came back. When he did, she was excited to see that he brought gumbo. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were too tired to go out or not. Either way, this’ll heat up pretty good tomorrow. I made a big pot yesterday, figured you’d like some authentic ‘Nawlins’ cuisine.”
Her eyes lit up and she dug right in, obviously hungrier than either of them thought she would be.
“Mmm, this is amazing. You made this?” she asked, having yet another flashback to her first date with T’Challa. 
“Sho did, my daddy’s recipe.”
“Well tell your daddy I said thank you.”
“Tell him yourself. We having a fish fry this weekend, you should swing by. His place is just a few blocks from here.”
“I’ll be there! It’s not like I have any real plans or anything.”
“Yeah, what you gonna do while you're here?”
“Walk around, explore, paint, take in some sights, do some touristy things.”
“Let me guess, voodoo museum and cemetery tour?”
“That’s on the list, yeah.”
“Nah, my granny can probably tell you all that better than some tourist trap.”
“Will she be there this weekend?”
“Oh she never missed a fish fry in all her 79 years.”
Ashanti laughed
“Good. So about our chauffeur situation, how about $2,000 a week?”
He stared at her in disbelief.
“What? I’m sorry, is that too low? I’m not good with the conversion rate-”
“No that’s way more than I been making, you got yourself a deal. Hell I’ll be your protection detail too if you need it.”
She giggled a little bit and finally felt her shoulders relax. As much as she knew she needed this trip, it scared her to be so alone so far from home, but André’s warm aura made her feel safe in his presence. As far as she could tell, he was a Bast-send.
The two stayed in for the night, talking and getting to know each other until André left around 9. Ashanti locked up behind him and carried herself up to bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The king chose to take the day to himself, and he decided to spend it the same way he spent his favorite off-day, with Ashanti at her shop. She had to have seen the news by now and known the wedding was off, but she was still not answering his calls. He grew concerned and decided to use his day off to try to make things right. 
As he walked through the market with his Dora, waving at the occasional excited passerby and stopping to talk to the children that wanted his attention, he felt lighter than he had in a while. He was finally free of Tamala and once her father’s scheming was revealed to the council, he and Hodari were replaced by their second in command. The proposal to open Wakanda to the Lost Tribe had passed and now they could start prepping for the day when their doors would truly open to the world. His plan had gone through, he wasn’t being forced into marriage, and the council had even backed off of their incessant need to marry him off. All he needed now was his lady.
Chidi was the first to see him round the corner and he waved the king over, saluting him to keep up appearances in public. 
“What are you doing here, my boy?”
“I wanted to see Ashanti, do you know if she’s in?”
“She’s been gone for about three weeks now, she needed to get away from all the wedding coverage. She’ll be back next week unless her plans have changed. She barely calls us so I have no idea. Can you believe it, my only daughter goes halfway around the world and can't even call me to say she’s alive! Don’t have kids, T’Challa, they’ll rip your heart out.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Where did she run off to?”
“New Orleans.”
“That fits her,” T’Challa smiled fondly while picturing her painting on an old balcony with jazz musicians playing down below or eating beignets and sipping coffee at Cafe Du Monde. 
“Not enough to forget about her parents, it doesn’t!” Chidi fussed, causing Bisa to stick her head out from the back. Her face lit up when she saw the king.
“Oh hi T’Challa dear.” She came out from the kitchen and gave him a hug, surprising the few customers  Zana Cafe had during the after lunch lull. 
“Bisa, a pleasure as always.”
“I’m sure he told you Ashanti is off galavanting around the world avoiding your wedding. By the way, congratulations on being single again. I could tell you hated every moment of being with that woman, she seemed too clingy for you.”
“Thank you, it is good to be single again.”
“Not for too long, I hope,” Chidi’s eyebrow raised as he stared up at the king.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good.” Chidi clapped him on the back and the king said goodbye to who he hoped would be his future in-laws.
As he crossed the street to Taj’s his nerves picked back up.
“She’s not even here man, chill out.” He spoke to himself softly and took a couple deep breaths before entering the store.
The doorway chimed every time a customer passed through, so when Zina heard it chime and  looked up she nearly dropped the beads she was sorting.
“M-my king!” She saluted him as Jafari came from the back room to see what all the commotion was about, before stopping and saluting him as well.
“Please, no need for that.”
“What can we do for you, your highness?” Jafari asked since Zina seemed to be stuck in a trance staring at the handsome king. 
“I was hoping to place a custom order.”
“The jewelry artist is out of town currently, but we can still take your order. It probably won’t be ready for another month or so. She doesn’t allow special orders to skip the line.”
“That is fine, I can wa- is your friend ok?”
Zina was still glued to the spot, staring at the king.
“Z, why don't you finish the beads in the back, I’ll handle up here.”
“Yeah. Ok, yeah, sorry, heh.” She shook herself out of it and rushed towards the back to get away from the king so she didn't embarrass herself further. 
The two men shared a knowing look and the king chuckled, used to that reaction by now. He had, after all, been fine as hell his whole life.
“So, what would you like?”
“First, I would like it to be anonymous.”
After about 30 or so minutes of finalizing the design, the king left the shop still feeling light, but now with a tinge of anxiety. He wasn’t sure how she would feel seeing him again, but the one big obstacle keeping them apart had finally been removed and he hoped she saw it that way, too. 
Ashanti’s time in the Crescent City was coming to an end, and she didn’t want to say goodbye to André and the rest of the François family. She invited them to come visit her in Wakanda and she was sure at least a couple of them would actually take her up on her offer. Saying goodbye to everybody had been rough, but she was more than ready to go back home. She even said goodbye to the fat cat that laid around in her courtyard most mornings. When André dropped her off at the airport they were both misty-eyed. They had become the best of friends and he was already planning to come visit Wakanda during the summer with his daughter Désirée, who simply adored Ashanti. They hugged and kissed each other's cheeks before he sent her on her way through security.
The flight back seemed to take a whole lot longer than the flight there, but she still made it in about the same amount of time thanks to the jets being infused with Wakandan tech. As they got closer to the border, she could feel the tattoo on her inner lip start to tingle, and when they landed it finally subsided. She nearly ran off the plane when she saw her parents and roommates waiting for her at the gate, and she attacked all four of them with a giant hug.
“I missed you all so much!”
“Chile no you didn't, you barely texted me.” Kwame joked as she hit his arm.
“And you barely called us. Must have been some trip!” Chidi added.
“It was! I have tons of pictures. I met this guy who-”
“A guy?” her mother interjected, concern written on her face. Ashanti misinterpreted it as concern for her safety but she was actually concerned about the state of her and T’Challa’s possible relationship. 
“Yes, mama, a guy. He was my driver and we became friends and his family sort of took me in for the month. It was great!”
The five of them made their way to  Zana Cafe and were met with Zina and Jafari, who were both ecstatic to have their boss back.
“Bosslady! You look well-rested.” Jafari pulled her in for a hug before Zina could do the same.
“That’s because I am. I need to do the whole vacation thing more often. Travelling is so cheap thanks to the conversion rate. Did you know our money is worth five times as much as American money?”
“Can’t say I’m surprised. Why don’t you go ahead and start telling stories and I’ll bring the food out?”Chidi suggested.
Ashanti had them hanging on her every word all night long. She told them about everything, from the cemeteries to the swamps to Bourbon street to the history of Marie Laveau. She told them about the jazz musicians and what she learned about the effects of hurricane Katrina and gentrification. She told them about the François family and the kindness they showed her, and even pulled up some pictures of her work on her beads to show them.
“I’m definitely going back at some point.”
“Don't you want to go somewhere else instead?” Zina asked, stuffing her face full of food.
“I want both,” Ashanti said with a laugh. She had missed her friends and family, but wouldn't trade the last month of her life for the world.
It started getting late so Zina and Binta left to go be with their respective significant others, while the others cleaned up the table. Jafari was the next to go, and after he left the remaining three descended upon Ashanti too quickly for her comfort.
“Do you know already?” Kwame asked her suspiciously.
“Know what? You’re freaking me out.”
“About the king.”
“Why would you- I left to get away from him, I don’t want to think-”
“Intyatyambo, they called it off weeks ago,” Bisa added.
Her whole world stopped, but she was too tired to process the information they had just given her.
“I-I don't...why?”
“Nobody knows, but the king came down here looking for you the other day.” said Chidi.
“He did?!” Ashanti asked, looking to her mother for confirmation.
“He did.”
“Well, um- that’s cool I guess. I-I need to get some rest, it’s late and my brain hurts.”
“Get home safe sithandwa,” Chidi ordered.
“I will baba, bye. Bye mama.'' She hugged them both before she and Kwame drove home in his new hover car.
“So this André guy?”
“Just a friend, Kwame.”
“Ok but is he cute?”
“You know that American show you like to watch? Oh, what’s it called...Insecure! He looks like the light skinned guy on there.”
“Nathan?! Girrrrl and you didn’t hit that?”
“No, ew, he felt more like a brother.”
“Mmmhm, so you didn’t go get your groove back?”
“Did you get that back blown out in Nola or no?”
“Girl I swear, the wrong one of us is doing all the travelling.”
The two laughed as they entered their home and said good night before going their separate ways.
As comfortable as her bed back in New Orleans was, it pales in comparison to her bed at home. She knew not to even sit down until she was ready to pass out. She quickly showered and threw on a big t-shirt before hopping in her bed and drifting away to dreamland.
Mmm, Ashanti.
Come sit on your throne, kitten. 
Ride me just like that.
Bounce on it.
Cum on my dick.
Nah-uh, don’t fucking move, I’m cumming in this pussy. My pussy. 
“Your pussy, baby,” Ashanti whimpered in her sleep just moments before her eyes flew open. She hadn’t had a dream like that in months, now all of a sudden her body was acting crazy just because she heard he was single again. As far as she knew, the council could have another wife lined up for him so there was no need to even get excited. Apparently, nobody told her pussy that. 
She looked at the clock and was surprised it was well after 10am, until she remembered she probably had jet lag. Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the door.
“Oh good you’re up, I was just checking to make sure you were breathing,” Binta joked as Ashanti threw a pillow at her from the bed. 
“I’m alive, just jetlagged. I don't think I’ve ever slept this late in my entire life.”
“Yeah girl that's why I came up here to make sure you were ok!”
“I guess it’s something I’ll have to get used to if I’m going to be travelling a lot.”
Binta sat on the end of the bed.
“You really did love it huh?”
“I did, and there are so many places to see!”
Binta laughed and was about to say something when her beads rang.
“Oop, gotta go. Mrs. Obi is going into labor, but her doula came down with a stomach bug this morning so I get to step in.”
“Good luck!” Ashanti shouted at Binta as she frantically ran down the steps to grab her work bag and go.
Ashanti sat up in bed and stretched her arms out wide before swinging her legs over the side and standing up, stretching even further. She padded her way to the bathroom and checked herself out in the mirror while brushing her teeth. She decided to shower again since last night was more of a quick rinse, so she cut the water back on and got naked. 
“Hey Kim, play music.”
How do you mend when you worlds apart?
Ooh, carry on
Ooh, from the start
Somehow, we fell in love, then fell right out of touch
And ooh, that was hard
But ooh, here we are
And it's easier to walk away
Than to look for what would make you stay
This time she was in the mood for the love song, so she allowed it to play all the way through.
Remember when we first met?
We were having so much fun
So, now, how can we both forget
Telling each other, "We're the one"?
We would make love (We would make love)
At the drop of a hat
Remember that?
I remember you and me (You and me)
Close as any two can be (Two can be)
Now we're strangers in the night (Strangers)
Awkward in the tight
Oh baby, do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
Hey, if you do
Then let's please
Make some new
The song was cut off by her beads ringing. She finished rinsing off and hopped back out the shower to see who was calling her. She threw on a robe, then answered the call. She was surprised to see Zina on the other end.
“Hey Z, how’s it going?”
“Hey Shanti, so um the shop is really busy and Jafari got that stomach bug that’s going around and-”
“I’ll be there in 30, no worries. Breathe Zina.”
She took a deep breath and was able to destress a little bit.
“Sorry, I just get a little tense sometimes.”
“I understand. If it's too busy for you to handle, just close the doors and we can reopen when I get there. See you soon.”
She ended the call and searched for something to wear. She threw on a white t-shirt and colorful joggers with sneakers before grabbing her bags and heading out the door. 
When she arrived at Taj’s the customers had died down so she was able to work in the back and look through her commissions. There was one that stood out to her, it was an anonymous client who wanted a very simple necklace. They could have bought one like it at the front of the shop, but she guessed this person wanted it made just for them. Looking at her calendar and other commissions she guessed it would be ready in a  month or so, but with it being such a simple design she decided to go ahead and make it to get it out of the way.
The king was surprised when Jafari called him to come pick up his order. It was way earlier than he had expected, but he would never complain about getting to see Ashanti sooner rather than later. T’Challa decided to take the day off again, and he knew his sister wouldn’t take too kindly to it so he decided to make her favorite breakfast for her. When his mother and sister rolled into their en suite kitchen, following the delicious smells wafting through the royal wing of the palace, Shuri immediately knew something was up. 
“Unyana, shouldn’t you be working?”
“Oh no. Is this a bribe?” Shuri asked, eyes scanning over the American-style breakfast and mouth watering at the fluffy golden pancakes. She wanted to stand her ground, but they called to her. T’Challa knew what he was doing. 
“Don’t think of it as a bribe, think of it as a thank you in advance,” he said with a sly smirk on his face.
“Let me go clear my schedule-” she sighed.
“No need. Already done,” he smiled at her as he shovelled scrambled eggs onto her plate.
“You’re the worst. This better be for a good reason.”
“It is.”
“Are you going to tell us what it is?” Queen Mother inquired. 
“No, not yet.” T’Challa didn’t want his family to get too excited.
“Ugh, I deserve to know since you're making me queen for a day.”
He stared at her, deciding between telling her and keeping it to himself. His decision was cut short when his kimoyo beads rang and he answered to see Nakia looking very excited.
“N’Jadaka told me everything! How did it go?”
“Oh so you told him but won’t tell us?! Your own mother and sister? Your own flesh and blood? How rude.” Shuri said, crossing her arms and giving him a look of disapproval, making him roll his eyes at her dramatics.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to start anything, I was just so excited. You know the prince can’t hold water, I don’t know why you ever tell him anything.”
“You are right as usual, umhlobo wam.”
“Well, I’ll let you go since you obviously have some explaining to do,” she looked behind T’Challa at the princess and Queen Mother who had looks of displeasure on their faces. “Call me after!” And with that she ended the call and her hologram disappeared from his hand. He took a deep breath and turned to face his family.
“So?” Ramonda asked impatiently, Shuri nodding along.
“So...I am going to see Ashanti.” He paused as their faces lit up and he couldn't help but smile, too. “I went to see her on my off day a couple weeks ago, but she was out of town. Apparently she left to avoid the wedding coverage...but she’s back now, so I took the day off to go see her.”
Their smiles were up to their ears despite the silence that followed T’Challa’s explanation.
“I haven’t seen you look this happy in a long time, unyana wam.”
“Thank you mama, I’m hoping all goes well.”
“Bast be with you, dear.”
“Ugh, I guess I’ll do your job for you. Tell my sister I said hi and I miss her!”
Ramonda smirked at her daughter’s choice of words, and T’Challa fought to keep a smile off his face.
“I’ll do just that.”
“Well, go ahead and eat so you can get out of here,”  Ramonda encouraged her son.
T’Challa chuckled at his mother’s insistence, but did what she said. He tried his best to not rush through the meal, but his excitement took over and he inhaled his breakfast before kissing Shuri and Ramonda on their foreheads and running out the door.
As soon as he left the kitchen his nerves kicked in and he decided to smoke a little something on his balcony before heading out. The royal grower had left him a nice hybrid strain, and after a couple of hits he felt calm enough to do what he needed to do. He ashed his blunt before making his way down the palace elevators and out the front entrance. 
He strolled through the city with Okoye and three other Dora, standing tall and smiling at the few other pedestrians when they caught his eye.
“You’re in a good mood today. Is it the weed or our destination?” Okoye teased him.
“Yes.” he responded and chuckled as she gave him a knowing glance. She hadn’t seen her king this happy in...well it’s been a while.
They stopped just around the corner from Taj’s and T’Challa took a deep breath before walking forward. Thankfully it was still early and the market hadn’t livened up yet, so Taj’s would most likely be empty or at the very least not busy. 
The Doras stood watch at the open doors and he stepped in, causing the chimes to ring out once again. He was met with the same smiling faces as before and he immediately deflated since he had been hoping he would get to see Ashanti.
“My king.” Zina and Jafari said in unison, saluting him in the process. 
“Hello, I received a message that my order is ready. I would love to speak with the artist if she is in.”
“Sure, I’ll go grab her. She’s just in the back working on another order, I’ll be right back,” Zina said before hopping off her stool and disappearing behind a multicolored curtain that had been dyed by children in one of their art classes.
By the time Zina reached Ashanti’s workstation, she was overflowing with excitement.
“The-anonymous-client-is-here-and-they-want-to-meet-you!” she rushed out.
“Zina, breathe. One more time, please.” Ashanti looked up from measuring the pair of pendulums that would become pearl drop earrings when she was through with them.
“Just come out front and see for yourself.”
Ashanti sighed and set down her tools, brushing off her clothes as she stood and following Zina out to the front. She figured the anonymous order was either from someone she knew or from someone of nobility from one of the tribes, but nothing had prepared her to see T’Challa standing in her shop just like he did almost two years ago. She froze on the spot when she saw him and her two employees snickered at what they assumed was her “starstruck” face, not knowing it was anything but.
“Hi.” he said softly with a smile.
“Hi. So you’re my anonymous client?” her voice softened as she took in his form. T’Challa was many things, but he was not someone who repeated outfits, yet here he was in her shop wearing the exact same clothes as the day they met.
Zina and Jafari’s jaws fell to the floor as they both realized that Ashanti knew the king.
“That I am. I hope you don’t mind, I needed a way to see you. I didn’t want to just pop up at your home, but you blocked me, so...I understand though-”
“Holy shit-” Jafari said under his breath but much louder than he anticipated, causing Zina to elbow him in his side.
“W-we’ll just be in the back,” she stuttered as she pushed Jafari into the back room to give them privacy.
There was a tense silence for a moment before T’Challa spoke.
“I heard about New Orleans. How was it?”
“It, uh, was great. I was there about a month and met some really great people. Got a lot of painting done-”
“Hm” T’challa nodded with a warm smile on his face.
“When Chidi told me you were in New Orleans that’s exactly what I pictured you doing. You, on a balcony, painting, with Jazz musicians playing on the street below.”
“So you pictured me, huh?” she teased.
T’Challa laughed. “Yes, quite often I’m afraid,” he took a step forward. “And you? Do you still think about me?” he asked her while moving closer so that the only thing between them was the counter.
Ashanti’s heart beat faster and her palms got sweatier with every step he took.
“All the time.”
“Do you have someone special in your life?”
“No. Any more arranged marriages on your end?”
He chuckled and shook his head, “No.”
“Ashanti,” he took a deep breath. “I really am sorry.”
“For what?”
“I should have never let you go-”
“I needed to go, T’Challa. If you had chased me I just would’ve run further away.”
“Ok,” he nodded. “However, I know that if I had to see you with another man it would tear my heart to pieces, so I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that you had to experience that pain.” His big brown eyes twinkled with sincerity and her nerves simply melted away.
“Eh, I’ve had worse,” she joked, shrugging and holding up her pinky.
The two of them stared at each other in silence with small smiles plastered on their faces.
“Ashanti,” he began as he grabbed her hand and kissed it, feeling the cold metal of her robotic pinky beneath his lips, “I know it’s been a rollercoaster, to say the least, but my heart will always be yours.”
Tears welled up in her eyes and one escaped, prompting his thumb to reach out and swipe it away.
“Please don’t cry, kitten.” he said as tears threatened to escape his eyes, too.
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“Don’t be sorry, my love.”
She looked at him in that moment and took in his face that she missed more than her heart could bear. She missed his deep dark eyes, his broad nose, his bushy yet tamed eyebrows, and that lopsided gap toothed smile. She missed scratching his beard when they kissed and oiling his scalp with him seated between her legs. She missed the little things about him and their time spent together, and she was tired of running. She was tired of letting her fear dictate her happiness. She was tired of other people standing in their way, but now there was nothing in their way but a wooden countertop.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered. 
He quickly rounded the counter and pulled her body in close, planting his lips on hers. She melted into him as they both finally let their tears fall. They stayed in that embrace for Bast knows how long, taking in the moment and reacquainting themselves with the feel of each other. 
T’Challa had missed the smell of her perfume and the pomegranate leave-in conditioner she used in her hair even more than he realized. Her soft body conformed to his and it took all of his willpower to not explore her body more, so he leaned back to untangle himself from her momentarily only to be pulled back into her embrace. She rested her head on his chest and listened to the comforting sound of his heartbeat.
“Not yet,” she whimpered as she pulled him in tighter. He chuckled and rested his chin on top of her head after placing a light kiss on her crown. He saw the curtain ruffle slightly and knew her employees were eavesdropping.
“I think we have an audience.”
“I figured.” She refused to let go. “Can we go somewhere else?”
“Anywhere you want.”
The wheels in her head turned and turned. She didn’t want to be bothered by either of their loved ones, but she wanted privacy.
“Take me back to the lake.”
“Anything for you.”
She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye. This time it was true, he really would and could do anything for her. There was no fiancee or council standing in his way. 
“Zina, Jafari, you two can come out now,” she said as she pulled only halfway out of the king’s embrace, his arm still around her waist. Her two employees tripped over themselves from behind the curtain and emerged with guilty looks on their faces.
“I’ll be gone the rest of the day. If it gets too crazy I trust you two to handle it on your own.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Of course, bosslady.”
She momentarily left T’Challa’s warmth to grab her bag from the back before they sauntered out of Taj’s hand in hand.
When you take somebody for your own
It can't survive on history alone
Meet me at the hotel, motel
Though we got a room at home
Go to a place that we don't know so well
It be nice, add a little spice
Try some new seduction
Show each other how
Give each other new instructions
On what makes us
Feel good
I just wanna make you feel good now
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
And it's easier to run away
Than to look for what would make you stay
The music played in the background as they swayed back and forth. Her ear was planted directly over his heart again, listening as it beat in time with her own. His right hand intertwined with her left as he held her close and his chin found its home on the top of her head once more. They were both too full of emotion to speak, so they let the music do the talking for them. 
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
If you do
Then let's please
Make some new
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
If you do
Then let's please
Make some new
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
If you do
Then let's please
Make some new
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
Eventually the two of them tired of dancing and laid back in the grass talking about their time apart. When she spoke of New Orleans her face lit up, and he made a mental note to take her around the globe. The conversation turned serious about halfway through and T’Challa told her the whole truth about what happened with Tamala, even telling her of his behavior towards her.
“That poor girl.”
“I know. Had I known she was serious I wouldn’t have been so crass with her, but in my mind she was just another obstacle blocking me from you. We’ve since made up and are on good terms, but I still feel like shit about it.”
“Challa, you hold on to too much. You apologized, she accepted, and you two made up. Let it go, don’t let it eat you up inside.” She cupped his face in her hands.
He nodded in understanding and kissed her wrist, sending chills down her spine.
“How is the sobriety going?”
“It’ll be six months next week.”
“I’m proud of you, you know that?” 
“For becoming an alcoholic?” he joked.
She pinched his arm.
“No, silly. For getting a handle on it. My umalume was an alcoholic and I saw what it did to him. I’m happy you were able to get better.”
“I am too.”
They sat in another comfortable silence staring at each other until Ashanti got an idea. 
“Want to go for a swim?”
A smile slowly crept up the king’s face before he bolted up, already pulling his shirt over his head.
“I’ll take that for a yes,” Ashanti laughed. “Help me with my zipper?” She stood up and turned around, moving her beaded cornrows out of his way.
“Of course,” he said as he came up behind her and pulled her zipper all the way down, revealing a lavender lace bra and the top of what he assumed to be matching panties. “Still into lingerie, I see.”
“Oh please, like you aren’t into it too.” She looked at him over her shoulder and smirked.
“You’ve got me there’” he said with a chuckle that rumbled from deep within his chiseled chest and made her weak in her knees. Ashanti turned around and her dress dropped to the ground, revealing her almost naked body. She undid her bra and let it fall next, freeing her breasts that he loved oh so much. Last to go was her underwear, which she slowly slid down her legs before standing back up and looking him in his eyes as if to challenge him. “You’re next” her eyes said to him. 
T’Challa undid his belt buckle before unzipping his pants and pushing them to the ground. He had nothing underneath and Ashanti’s eyes were immediately drawn down to his thick, beautiful dick. She moved closer to him and placed a light kiss on his lips before taking his hand in hers and leading him to the water. The waded in to where Ashanti’s feet could still just barely touch the ground and she finally let his hand go and turned around to face him.
“I want us to start over. Like you said, we have a rocky history and I don’t want to carry that baggage with us anymore. We deserve a fresh start,” she brought her hands up to his shoulders, “You know, my umakhulu used to always tell us to take our problems to the river. He said freshwater had healing properties and could wash away your sorrows...well, it’s not the river, but I imagine this could work about the same way.”
A smirk fell on T’Challa’s face as he listened to her speak. “I never told you the name of this lake, did I?”
“I don’t think so, why?” Her big brown eyes stared up at him curiously.
“This is the Ichibi Lokuphilisa, blessed by Bast herself.”
“Oh...damn, I’m good.” she said as they both busted out laughing. Her bringing them to the Lake of Healing must have been a sign from Bast. Just like the dreams she had before meeting T’Challa and the ones she continues to have to this day. 
“You brought us here for a reason, what will you have me do now, my love?”
“Do you mean that? Do you love me?”
His hand splashed up out the water and cupped her face while his other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her into him.
“I’ve loved you since our first date. Before I even met you I had these dreams-” 
Ashanti’s eyes widened in shock.
“I saw you, too! I mean, it was blurry, but I saw you come into the shop and then I’ve had like a million sex dreams about you. Those haven’t gone away, either.”
“Neither have mine. My dream was blurry too, but I kissed you in your shop and then when we met and you dropped that broom, I felt sparks when our hands touched. I knew then you had to be the woman from my dream. Ashanti, my soul loved you before I even knew who you were.”
He wiped away the tears that were steadily falling from her eyes before kissing her forehead, her nose, then her lips. 
“I love you too,” she whispered against the king’s lips while they stood there forehead to forehead, looking deep into each other’s souls. “And I don’t want to be without you again. I know I’m the one that left-“ she was cut off by him pressing his lips to hers.
“None of that matters now. Fresh start, right?”
She looked up at him and nodded.
“Fresh start.” 
He leaned back in for a kiss and the two of them got lost in each other’s mouths, lips suckling and tongues swirling. Her hands found their way to his curls and his travelled down to her ass before giving it a squeeze, making her melt into him even more. Her legs came up and wrapped around his waist and he growled into the kiss, deepening it and holding her tighter. His dick rested between her cheeks as she rocked her hips back and forth along his length, grinding her clit into his pelvis as she let out a soft moan. She had missed how he felt inside her and couldn’t wait any longer, so she lifted herself up to place him at her entrance, and he rolled his hips forward to enter her slowly.
Ashanti hadn’t had sex with anyone since Zane, but her body immediately opened up for T’Challa, allowing him to slide into her with ease until they were connected pelvis to pelvis. Neither one of them realized the tears that fell from their eyes as they kissed and rocked into each other, letting the water hold them steady.
“Ndiyakuthanda” he whispered over and over in her ear, imprinting himself on her body once more as he nibbled on her earlobe.
Ashanti couldn’t open her mouth to form words, only moans of pleasure. She wanted to return the sentiment and tell him she loved him too, but the feeling of him inside her overwhelmed her senses. Tears continued to  stream down her face as the pain of being apart from him  the last year and a half washed away. Her body felt tingly all over and everywhere he touched her a searing heat followed, warming her skin from the inside out. 
It took most of T’Challa’s strength to keep his knees from buckling from the pleasure he was feeling , but the lake waters kept him upright. He felt at home inside her and he couldn’t help the words of praise and adoration falling from his lips.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Mmm you feel so good around me.”
“I’m yours, Ashanti.”
The tension inside her rose with each whisper, and when she was finally able to find the strength to speak she pulled back to look at him, taking in the tears that had made their way down his beautiful face. 
“Ndiyakuthanda, T’Challa. With all my heart.”
Their lips smashed together and he lifted her higher, allowing the water to cushion her fall back down on him as he went impossibly deep inside her. His thrusts got rougher and she saw stars.
“Come with me, kitten.”
That was all Ashanti needed. She had missed so many things about T’Challa, but hearing him call her by her favorite nickname of his sent her over the edge.
Every time their hips met she grinded further into him and the tension rose in both of their bodies. His toes dug into the sediment as she wrapped her legs even tighter around him, both preparing for their orgasms. Ashanti was the first to break, his thrusts sending her over the edge. She called out his name as she released all over his dick, making his thrusts falter. Her walls contracted around him, locking him in place as he came deep inside her.
Neither could bear the thought of not touching the other, so they stayed just like that, trading light kisses and declarations of love as the waters around them stilled.
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @ljstraightnochaser @determinednot2fall
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Eternal beings |Chapter 5
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Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader
Key words: supernatural, vampire.
Word count: about 2,500
Warnings: swearing,  sadness, jealousy, mentions of murder
Inspo board
“Oh, we never went to sleep.” Taehyung answered with a yawn.
“We?” You asked in disbelief. “Who’s cooking?” You felt every cog in your head turning as you came to the conclusion. “Who else is here?” You asked again as your anxiety levels rose to the roof.
“Jungkook’s in the kitchen.” He stated as if it was nothing that there was a murderer in the house, but before you could say or do anything you felt someone brush over your shoulder.
“Move over, (Y/N). I’m carrying food.” Jungkook said, slowing down his step as he walked by you, his chest brushing over your shoulder. You felt goose bumps forming all over your body. He sat down on the couch next to Taehyung and set two plates full of veggies and sandwiches. Then he had the nerve to raise his head to look at you and pat the place on the couch next to him. “As if.” You thought and he scoffed quietly with a smirk in such a way it made you feel like he actually heard you. You walked around the coffee table and sat on an armchair the furthest away from him.
“Mm, this is good.” Taehyung stated with his mouth half full of one of the sandwitches Jungkook made.
“Have some, (Y/N).” Jungkook looked at you with a smile. “What game is he playing?” You wondered.
“Thanks, I’m not that hungry.” You said and grabbed a piece of cucumber. “He could have tampered with the sandwitches, but not with a cucumber, right?” You deliberated for a second before biting into the vegetable. Your eyes we're travelling from Taehyung to Jungkook and again. You couldn’t make out how it was that Taehyung was just okay with him being here, but then he didn’t know that Jungkook was a vile murderer you two were talking about yesterday. Your inner thought process was brought to an abrupt end by a cell phone ring. Taehyung murmured a quiet “sorry” as he took his phone out and stood up to answer it on the balcony. “Oh no… Don’t go. Don’t leave me here alone… With him.” You pleaded him in your head as you watched him close the balcony door behind him. You kept your eyes fixed on his back rested against the glass door as if that could somehow take you out of the living room in which you were now alone in with Jungkook. You felt his burning stare on you and it made you uncomfortable, but not unable to focus on the fact that he was munching on his sandwich like a damn rabbit. “How in the hell is he chewing so loudly!?” The absurdity of this thought came to you only after a moment. “Am I really focusing on the way he is chewing his sandwich and not that he murdered a man!?” You heard Jungkook chuckle and turned your head towards him with furrowed brows.
“You’re funny.” He said covering his mouth with his hand.
“Excuse me?” You asked with confusion. He swallowed the bite before speaking again.
“I said: you're funny.” He explained, but it didn’t make things clearer for you. He must’ve seen it in your face, because he put down the sandwich and spoke again. “What you said. It was funny.” 
“I know what “you’re funny” means, but I didn’t say anything.” You said putting emphasis on the last words.
“Sorry.” Jungkook put his hands up in defence. “I meant: what you thought was funny.” His words made all the hairs on your body stand up. “Thought!?” You asked yourself in shock. “Yeah.” He said as if he was answering your thoughts. Was he? “I can hear it when you’re thinking loudly.” He picked up the sandwich again and took a big, loud bite. “What does loudly even mean!?” You wondered frantically. “Like that. That was loud.” He explained with his mouth full. “Oh my god!” You cried in your head. “It’s okay. It’s normal for people like me.”
“What does that even mean?” You spoke out loud and not in just your head this time. Hearing him answer your thoughts made you feel violated. “It’s normal for people like you… You mean people that eat people?” You added, putting your head in your hands. This didn’t feel possible. A murderer reading your mind… Absurd.
“Yeah.” His quick answer made you even more afraid and unsure. “I’m no regular guy (Y/N).” He spoke. “You see I am something along the lines of-” “Oh my god, stop chewing while you speak.” You groaned in your head. “Damn, okay.” He said in an offended tone. “What I was trying to say is-” He was interrupted by Taehyung coming back inside from the balcony.
“Sorry, about that. I have to go to the office.” He said and grabbed his half eaten sandwich.
“This early?” You asked in a small voice and stood up to follow him, realising that if he leaves you’re going to be left alone with… Jungkook.
“International client. They work in different time zones. It’s a miracle I picked up the phone.” Taehyung worked as a photo editor in a studio downtown, but did most of his work from home which is why he decided on buying a house further away from the city. He wanted his space, room for a home office and a big garden to throw parties in. “Jungkook, (Y/N) will let you out.” He added casually. “Oh no.” You protested and immediately realised that it was probably one of those loud thoughts that Jungkook could “hear”, whatever that meant. You didn’t want to be alone in the house with him.
“I have to go to work as well.” You blurted out. “You’ll have to see your own self out Jungkook.” You thought, hoping that he heard it. “Can you drop me off?” You asked Taehyung, hoping he’ll agree, but when he looked up at you from tying up his sneakers and you saw his eyes you knew there was no option for that.
“Can’t. My license is suspended.” He said shamefully. 
“What for?” You asked in shock this being the first time you heard the news.
“I-” He glanced at Jungkook. “Ah, I’ll tell you later. It’s not that fun of a story.” He clearly wanted to skip the topic with Jungkook around and you didn’t stop him. “I have to run to get the train. I’ll see you tonight, (Y/N). Bye, Jungkook.” He hugged you goodbye, waved at Jungkook and closed the door behind himself. It felt as if the time stopped for you in that moment. Your thoughts stopped running though your head. All you could feel was Jungkook's gaze on the back of your head.
“So…” You heard him say as he passed you by slowly. “We’re alone.” He stopped in front of you and rested his back on the wall behind him. You looked him in the eye and decided to play tougher than you were. You turned to the stairs and walked up to your room. When you made sure you locked the door behind yourself you turned on music on your bluetooth speaker to both have something to distract yourself from the fact that Jungkook was down there somewhere and to have something to distract him from listening in on your rapid train of thoughts. You changed out of your sweats into jeans, put on your makeup and packed your bag for the day. The cheerful tones of your summer playlist on Spotify made you forget about all the bad things in life including the intruder downstairs. You switched from speaker to earbuds and strutted out of your room and down the stairs. As you were slipping on your beat up Adidas sneakers you realised there were no other shoes left in the hallway. “He left!” You cheered in your mind and opened the door with a big smile smacked across your face. “Could this day get any better?” You laughed to yourself, locking the front door. You turned around still a little sceptical, skipped down the couple of stairs leading up to the door and went out the gate in the wall surrounding Taehyung’s house. The sun was shining bright, but the air was still cold at the early hour of the morning so you pulled your jacket’s sleeves over your hands and walked towards the train station.
You pulled your phone out to skip a song when you noticed a red two on your Messages app. You clicked the banner and instantly regretted it. “Thanks for last night. It’s Jungkook by the way.” “Thanks for last night…” You scoffed, looking for a good comeback in your head when- Bam! You slammed into something as hard as a telephone post. The sudden impact made you lose your balance, but you didn’t fall over.
“Hey, look where you’re going.” Jungkook said in a sweet tone, holding you by your upper arms. “Of course. It was too good to be true.” You whispered to yourself internally, just to make sure he didn’t overhear it. You would think he’d be angry if someone bumped into him like you just did, but he wasn’t. You on the other hand were fuming. He looked at you with a small smile and let go of you. “Where are you headed?” He started walking with you.
“To work.” You said through gritted teeth, picking up the pace. 
“I’ll walk you.” He said, matching your speed.
“No need for that.” You spat back and walked up the stairs to the station leaving him behind. Your train was just about to arrive so you stopped by the yellow line marking the end of the platform and glanced over your shoulder expecting to see Jungkook there, but you didn’t. You didn’t wonder where he went and got on the train. You sat down by the window and pulled out your phone to switch your playlist to something more fitting to your mood. You decided on some hip-hop and sat back comfortably in your seat. As you watched Taehyung’s street disappear behind the window you felt someone sit down next to you.
“I’ll walk you from the station to work.” You heard Jungkook say through the music in your earbuds and closed your eyes in defeat. “Will he ever leave!?” You hissed in your head and he chuckled. “You don’t have to be so rude.” He said. Switching your seat didn’t seem like an option since he blocked your way out with his freakishly long legs so you decided upon not thinking or saying anything at all though the rest of the ride to the city. As the train approached your stop you stood up and so did he, making just enough space for you to walk past him, but not enough to not brush over him. When the train stopped you walked out the door and he followed. He didn’t try to talk to you all the way to the shop, but his silence didn’t make you feel any better. No matter what he would or wouldn’t say all you could think about is that he’s in some kind of a plot with Yoongi about killing- sorry, eating that poor man. You swallowed loudly feeling nothing but disgustment for both of them, but then you realised you’re no better. You haven’t called the police even though you had so many opportunities. You could call them right now, but for some reason whenever you wanted to do it you somehow found yourself unable or you just forgot about it, just as if someone had put a spell on you to get distracted with the next best thing whenever you thought of reporting the fact that you were now in very close proximity to the murderer the whole police department was looking for, the same one you described to the sketch artist and-
“(Y/N).” You heard Jungkook speak softly and you immediately turned around to face him, ready to fight.
“What?” You spat at him and he just pointed to his left. You were so immersed in your own thoughts you walked past your shop. “How does he know what shop I work in?” You sighed in your mind and started walking back when he grabed you by your forearm. “What?” You asked again, just as angry as before.
“I need to talk to you.” He said and let go of your arm. “About what you saw over the weekend and about what I said last night.” You rolled your eyes. “What more could you possibly tell me?” You thought. “Just, listen to me. Okay?” He answered your thought, looking around the street scanning for any passer-by. “Can you spare me a minute?” He asked, looking you in the eyes. “First of all, I wanted to t-” He started speaking, but you weren't listening to a word he said. “Were his eyes always so shiny and brown?” You felt yourself sink into the thought. “And his skin. It’s so perfect.” You thought. “What if I just touch it?” You started raising your hand, but when it reached the level of his face you suddenly felt embarrassed and averted it towards your hair as if you meant to fix it. You saw his lips moving, but your ears felt like they were covered with noise canceling headphones. “He’s so pretty.” You thought. “Yes, he is.” You answered yourself in your head. “And he’s so nice. Yes, he’s one of the nicest people I know.” You felt your eyelids getting heavier by each second. “What is he saying?” You wondered watching him through half closed eyes. He squinted a little as one of the rays of sun made its way onto his face. “So handsome in the sun.” You thought and as you closed your tired eyes your knees went weak. 
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megastarstriker · 4 years
~{Unfortunate Events}~𝑨𝒛𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓  𝒙 𝑪𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒚 ---------------------------------------------- 𝓟𝓡𝓞𝓛𝓞𝓖𝓤𝓔 •·················•·················•
“Faithful Encounters”
   Part Two
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Aziraphale x reader x Crowley
𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙢: Good Omens
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩:??
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: She was just the new angel that day, only to be casted out on the spot, like a baby bird being thrown out of its nest to learn how to fly on its own against its will. She was an outcast and had no place or purpose there or even in the pits of fire. Now she finds herself reliving her traumatizing nightmare when she was child, as she counts the final days of the world’s demise as she plans ruining ‘The Lady Above’s Great Plan’.( I do not own Good Omens or its characters only the ones I create.)
𝑲𝒆𝒚𝒔 :
(Y/N) = Your Name
(S/C) = Skin Color
(B/T) = Body Type
(H/C) = Hair Color
(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/S) = Hair Style
(Y/A) = Your Accent
(F/C) = Favorite Clothing
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I walked down briskly as I looked at my watch.
“No way in hell that was Crowley”, I whispered to myself harshly hoping no one could hear me, as I walked through the crowded streets.
‘But then again he was literally from hell’ I thought with quite the reasoning but shook my head from those silly thoughts, and kept walking until I saw the Ritz.
‘Seriously what are the chances I was gonna meet Aziraphale as well’, I thought with a nervous chuckle,’ I’m pretty sure its very low and if it were to happen it will be from complete coincidence. Besides as far as I know, does not leave his bookshop on busy days and this day is no exception from that.’
I then opened the door to the Ritz and looked around to see if a spotted a certain friend of mine and surely enough from all of the people that were either talking, chattering , simply sitting in a calm fashion there was only one of the rest that had there arm raising as they waved excitedly at me in a likely childish way.
Almighty, I thought with a sigh as I walked towards the smiling lady at her table.
“Hey, (Y/N)”, she said in a cheery voice as she welcomed me.
“Hello, Elizabeth how are you doing?”, I asked a bit bored yet happy tone to see her.
“Good, well don’t just stand there have a seat!”, She said as she gestured to the seat across from her as I gladly made myself comfortable,” I’m so glad to see you didn’t keep me waiting like the last time.”
“Well, I was planning on doing it again, but I rather prefer this side of yours than the other as much as I hate to admit it.”, I replied with smirk as 
“You are such a meanie you know that”, She replied with playful expression as she slapped my hand lightly.
“Only when I want to, of course.”, I replied with a small chuckle as I fixed my seat,” So what was this ’Oh So important gossiping thing’ you had to tell me anyways, that you apparently dragged me here for.”
“Well, if you’re insisting then I guess I should tell you”, She replies,” Anyways..”
After we ordered our food and waited ,a whole 20 minutes passed of her telling me how her day was, she then started to ask me how was my day.
“Oh nothing really”, I said trying to keep my face neutral but failed as I lied.
“Oh Big Bullocks, tell me because from the looks of that face you’re making it seems you saw something interesting all right and I wanna know.”, She replied clearly not buying my lie for a minute.
“I sort of ran into a guy ,an old friend of mine, who I was very close friends with-”, I responded midsentence but was cut off by her to continue.
“You what?!”, She said her eyes wide as saucers with a excited grin as she misinterpreted what I just said,”(Y/N) do you know what this means, what you just said?”
“Um, sort of... I”, I responded in confusion as my eyes squinted at her slightly.
“You are in love!”, She said as she smiled widely and squealed like nails on a chalkboard.
Catching on to what she was saying I immediately declined.
“Oh no no its nothing like that, believe me your getting way ahead of yourself,” I responded in a bland expression as I tried to hide meekly blush appearing on my cheeks.
“Of course it is, you’re only making it more obvious by denying it you know”, She replied trying to pry out the information out of me.
“No there isn’t any love indication with him and I’m sure of it. I’m serious”, I replied trying to think of a way to change the subject.
I then spotted the food tray on our table.
“Oh wow would you look at that the food has arrived!”, I said in a cheerful tone as I thanked the waiter for bringing our food.
“Mark my words, (Y/N) (L/N) I will find out your secret, you so cravingly hide.”, She said as she pointed the spoon at me as she squinted her eyes at me.
“Speaking of cravings. Let’s eat.” I said suddenly successfully changing the subject.
After we finished eating and payed for our delicious food, we headed outside for a walk.
“So were would you like to go?”, I asked her as I walked beside her.
“Well there is this bookshop, I’ve been wanting to go to, maybe look at some books.”, She said thinking out loud as she paced through her mind,” It’s a few blocks away I believe if I’m correct.”
“Well, I’ll go if you go. Lead the way”, I said as I followed her 
It took us a few moments to get there but when we did reach the bookshop I couldn’t help but have the feeling I’ve seen this before.
“A.Z. Fell & Co. Bookshop”, I read as I looked at the sign, the store’s outward appearance was a bright red and had two signs one that said ‘OPEN’ and other had an Opening hours that was surprisingly and oddly long. It read:
Bookshop Opening Hours
"I open the shop on most weekdays about 9:30 AM. perhaps 10AM. While occasionally I open the shop as early as 8, I have been known not to open until 1. Except on Tuesday. I tend to close about 3:30 PM, or earlier if something needs tending to. However, I might occasionally keep the shop open until 8 or 9 at night, you never know when you might need some night reading. On days that I am not in, the shop will remain closed. On weekends, I will open the shop during normal hours unless I am elsewhere. Bank Mondays will be treated in the usual fashion, with early closing on Wednesdays, or sometimes Fridays.
(For Sundays see Tuesdays)
A. Z. Fell, Bookseller"
“Well from the looks of it it’s opened,” I said as I ignored the long opening hour sign in front of me as it was far too tiring to read,” After you.”
I opened the door for my friend while I followed behind her as the door closed causing a ‘ding’ of a bell to sound on the shop, alerting that someone had entered.
I awed in amazement as I saw the bountiful of books in the shelves, 
‘This place looked stunning, even more than my library at home’ I thought as I scanned the bookshelves that held many marvelous and classical books.
“Oh no! I have to leave”, I heard Elizabeth say in panic,  As she looked at her watch with wide eyes,” I’ll get fired if I don’t hurry, I’m sorry I couldn’t stay for long.”
“It’s Okay, besides we’ll meet some other time”, I said giving her a small smile.
“Thank You for understanding”, She said giving me a small smile of her own,” Well, I’m off. Bring me a book as well!”
Just like that, she left the shop leaving me and the peaceful silence to myself. I went back to scanning the room in the shop and the books.
I came across a bookshelf and started dragging my fingers across the books embroidered and well- defined spines. I came across one that read “To Kill a Mockingbird A Novel by Harper Lee.”
As I was about to take the precious book from the shelf I heard a clear cough from someone behind, causing me to flinch and startling me as I backed away causing my back to hit something as I felt it touch my shoulder very delicately but the. As I was about to take the precious book from the shelf  
“U-Umm Excuse me, sorry to inter-”, I heard a voice say behind me, after it cleared its throat awkwardly.
Startling me, I jumped and backed away causing my back to hit something as I felt it touch my shoulders very delicately but then disappear as I heard footsteps back away from behind me. 
“Oh Dear, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” The masculine voice said in a soft tone.
I then turned around quickly locking eyes with two bright and beautiful ocean ones. The man—I had now confirmed—seemed to fit right in with the rest of the shop. His clothes had a very vintage feel to them, and although it was highly unlikely, something in myself told me that they were all original. He was not terribly tall, but he wasn’t short, either. He had such a kind face, that was currently frowning in embarrassment. All of this was topped off by some extremely blond curls—so blond in fact that they may as well have been white. Although he would not be considered particularly handsome by most estimates, something about him was drawing me to him like bread to butter.  the person did had some gained weight on him that had stood out very adorably with his nifty pastel suit and brown shoes that perfectly matched his cute little white bow tie on his neck. There was this sense of peaceful aura circulating around in a radiating way when I was near him. There was no denying in my mind that this person looked oh so gorgeous and undoubtedly out of a masterpiece painting. Purity and dainty was marked and sculptured in his beauty like an angel with perfection. Exactly like an angel. No, He was an angel. It was Aziraphale without a doubt in mind.
“You just looked so happy and so focused, I just thought it would be rude and no good manner of mine to interrupt your concentration.”, He said as he looked down in a meek and shy manner a nervous smile planted on his plump rosy lips.
“U-Um no worries...its Okay”, I started to say in a stammer, as I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment as I stared at him. ’Why am I stammering’ I thought in my head as I have never had occurred to have done this before.
“Oh really, well that’s good to hear, Crowley said that I had a tendency of sneaking up on people.”, Aziraphale said a hint of relief in his voice and with heart-warming smile along with chuckle.
I laughed as well feeling my heart skipped a beat and beating out of my chest repeatedly as if the sound I just heard was the most perfect sound ever created. ’Seriously what’s going on with me’ I thought in my mind thinking I was probably sick or coming down with something
“Good Heaven’s, where are my manners? I’m Aziraphale and the current owner of this shop. And you are miss...?”, He said as he held out his hand in a welcome fashion
“Mrs. (L/N), but my friends call me (Y/N) and its an honor to be standing in your bookshop”, I replied as I shook his warm hand gently in mine. 
“Oh, Thank You and its great to meet your acquaintance...”, He said with a happy grin on his face as he shook my hand happily.
“Have you come to purchase a book here by any chance.”, He asked as he let go of my hand and put both of them behind his back, his face changing in a neutral expression,” Because if you were so happened to be here for that matter, I’m afraid it’s closed.”
“Well, I- Um, had a friend who so happened that wanted to come here, but she left moments ago and I’m afraid she won’t come later,” I explained in a nice manner,” We were planning on looking about around your shop and see what books you had in here, and maybe buy one not completely sure. You see this is our first time at your bookshop. The sign outside said it was “OPEN” if I remembered.”
“Oh I must of forgotten to turn the sign at the door! I can be really so forgetful at times,” Aziraphale said in realization with a hint of horror, then his face was wearing a small smile that was adorned prettily with his rosy cheeks as he rambled with excitement, ”Well then, my dearest of welcome to you and U-Um you are free to look around the shelves in the shop and pick your book, you can also come to me if you have any trouble if you’d like or need any assistance in picking one, of course there’s that one-- Oh goodness me ”
“Well now that you mention it, I actually don’t even know what book to look for, I hope it wouldn’t be a bother if I could ask for some help from you, Aziraphale?”, I replied as I smiled slightly at him saying his name in a soft tone.
He looked at me with those captivating eyes of his and hastily replied, ”N-no it wouldn’t be at all, on the contrary I actually enjoy helping people and its my job, especially with finding a good book to read. I like reading myself, you see and in terms of working here I pretty much know all of these books from top to bottom. You never know when someone needs a good night reading or any literature for that matter. ”
“Wow you mean, you work here all by yourself and do everything around here.” I said in complete amazement as I looked at this person with utter most respect as I followed him at his side.
“Y-yes I do in fact, but its never a bother for me ,really. It keeps me more motivated to do things around and it keeps me busy, despite how hard it is. It does get quite lonely here, but the silence hear is lovely and perfect for reading-- I’m rambling again aren’t I? ”
“Oh its okay ramble away if you have to, its quite entertaining. You weren’t joking about the shop being quiet though,” I said as I let out a joyful chuckle, trailing behind him.
“You are too nice and yes it is quiet indeed”, He agreed as he laughed along, he then went and carried a big stack of books towards, ”I’ll be back, once I’m done organizing these over on that shelf”
The books looked pretty heavy and there where piled no more higher than him and it worried me that it was going to fall as it wiggled and the carrier holding the mount of books was having a lot of trouble.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help with that?”, I asked with concern as I watched him trying to look were he was going by peeking slightly at the front of the pile of assorted books.
“Uh No no need, Dear. Just having a bit of trouble carrying them that’s all, they are quite heavy.”, He said with a bashful chuckle as he kept walking towards a hallway his lips forming sounds of struggle.
Not buying a bit of his excuse, I decided to take it upon myself to follow him and as I stood in front of his view, grabbed half of the stacks that were above the pile as many as I could until I had the same amount of books in Aziraphale’s hands. Startled and now being able to see clearly as there were no more little than 7 or 6 books in his hands, he looked at me shocked and with softness in his eyes.
“You do know it’s okay, to ask for help, Right?”, I said with a smile, as I carried the pile of books in my hands.
“O-of course ....Thank You”, He said as he looked at me with slightly wide eyes in pure shock, a hint of shyness in his voice.
“Your welcome”, I replied with a small grin.
A few hours passed as I helped Aziraphale with sorting his books on the shelves, and he talked about many things and books as well as I did, the only sound in the shop was the clock ticking by. But as we did there was something that has been bothering me since we first talked. ‘Why didn’t he remember’, I thought with worry.
‘It has been many years since I’ve seen him so maybe it wouldn’t have really jogged his memory for me to appear, but then again I did kind of expected him to at least remember me’ I thought quite angrily yet understanding as I thought of  the angel,’ Couldn’t really blame him though with upstairs and all of that involved it wouldn’t surprise me for him to forget me, too many years of paperwork I guess. Shouldn’t that be a good thing though? I mean for all I know as much as an angel of a principality he is and may seem he could be working with heaven to execute me and he is danger to me if it does seem that way.
 “Well, now that the books are in there proper places”, Aziraphale said as he looked at the books he had just stocked with glee,” I’m ready to help you with finding the perfect book for you. So what do you like to read in your spare time?”
“Mostly about Paris or anything really that captures my attention, but to save your time after sorting all those books with me...,” I said as I paused for a moment to look at the bookshelf and analyzing each book, then later spotting one that caught my curious eye,” Aha! This one.”
I took it out and the embellished cover read, “Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.” 
“Hmm its seems like a good read and exactly what I’m looking for”, I said as I pondered, looking at it for a moment,” Is it okay if I just borrow it?”
“I can tell and know how much these books mean to you, and besides I already have a library of my own at home. I do keep promises, when I say that I will return it as soon as I have finished it.”, I added knowing fully well why he seemed hesitant to reply to my question on borrowing the book.
“Well you did help and I appreciate it a bunch. As a matter a fact you can keep it,” He said almost a bit hesitant, but nonetheless very kindly and with a small smile, ”As a gift for helping me and all.”
“I couldn’t, I only helped because I wanted to not for something in return. I really can’t accept this”, I replied as I stubbornly declined his generous and absolutely kind offering.
“It’s a gift between friends”, He said softly as he looked at me,” I enjoyed your company very much, and It would make me very happy if you would accept it. I have an extra copy of that same book anyways”
Geez he really is an angel. He really lives the name up to its potential and meaning.
“Okay, but I’ll only accept it if you agree to let me help you around if you need any.”, I said as I held the book tightly in my hand,” and to let me come to your shop every once in a while. If you’ll let me that is?.”
“Since you insist, Of course and you are welcome to my shop whenever you can.”, He said in a friendly manner as he kept that smile on his face.
“Is it okay if I can read it in here for a while?”, I asked him half-wishing and half-hoping he would say yes,” That’s if you are fine with it.”
“There isn’t that many customers coming in today and I was about to sit down and catch up on my daily reading as well. Of course you can stay”, He responded with a glowing and beaming grin as he went to put on his reading glasses that looked very good on him.
“Thank You,” I said as my heart beat in excitement and with happiness mixed together.
“No need for that, I actually enjoy your company very much,” He responded waving off my “thanks”,” I’m afraid, its not every day you get to enjoy a nice book with someone else who likes them as much as I do. Glad to see, that I could share it with you.”
 “Would you like some tea?”, He asked me as he carried a tray with two cups.
“Oh yes. Thank you very much,” I replied as I took the cup he had placed in the small table in front of me.
I then remembered something important that I had to do today and quickly declined as I made up an excuse.
“Um, now that you mention it I can’t stay...”, I replied in a hurry as I rambled in explanation with embarrassment,” I had this thing going on  that I left at home and should be waiting for me ...”
“Oh really?”, He said in a surprised tone at my sudden outburst.
“Yes and I better get going, so have a nice and wonderful day.”, I said as I hurried for the door outside, before the man outside could open it. As I heard Aziraphale say ‘Come Again!’ behind me. I replied with a “Will do!” as the door to the shop closed swiftly behind me. Feeling blue and guilt for the angel I so much adored for not staying, as I thought of a way to repay him. I  sat down on a abandoned bench with no people walking in plain sight. I then grabbed my “Divine Comedy” book I had in my coat and looking sideways I mentally miracled some sticky note out of thin air with a pen and with my best calligraphy writing, I wrote:
“𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓐𝔃𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓮,
𝐼'𝓂 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝓊𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝐼 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃'𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓇 𝑜𝒻𝒻𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓌𝒶𝓎. 𝐼 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝑜𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓂𝒾𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓁𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝓎 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹. 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝓎 𝐼 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝓊𝓅 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝒷𝓎 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓁𝓊𝓃𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝑜𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓇𝑜𝓌  𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓈𝑒, 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑒
𝐿𝑒𝓉'𝓈 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃
𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝐵𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈,
               (𝒴/𝒩) (𝐿/𝒩)
𝓟.𝓢. 𝐼 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒾𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒾𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓅. 𝐻𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔!”
I then put the cap on the pen and laid it down beside me. Taking out the written sticky note, I paste it on the front of the book’s cover and  miracled it to the shop with a snap of my fingers. I then grabbed the pen and sticky note box as I placed them neatly in the pockets of my coats. Whistling a tune, I couldn’t ignore the growing happy grin on my face, as my heart grew wings and did a happy dance as I would if I was alone and not in the public streets.
I walked in a brisk pace as my feet hit the pavement on the ground as I made my long walk, As I approached my home and opened it. I then closed it and just when I did, I saw a silhouette of a man sitting in my chair in the moonlight as everything surrounding him was painted dark and pitch black.
“Home sweet Home”, The demon, Azazel said in a bored and mysterious tone as he looked at me with his piercing eyes, with a glint of curiosity behind it,”(Y/N)”
“What are you doing in my home?!” I asked startled and angry as I grabbed the vase next to me,” How many more times do I have to tell you to leave me alone before I resort to violence.”
“No hello? How nice of you. Well then, all greetings aside,” The demon said as it  approached quietly with each footstep, only to see  clearly as it stood in the light’s view, the demon looked and dressed decently in his black coat that he wore with his tie, hands clasped together behind his back and long black hair slicked back as he looked at me with a bored face,” I’m here to talk about business. I believe you know what I’m talking about.”
As I heard a thunder clap from outside, the pitter-pattering of rain resounding outside as it fell, covering the windows like a cascade or waterfall, I looked at the man in front of me with fury and disgust.
“Yes quite frankly, and no I’m not joining your side if that’s what you are offering. Neither you or them for that matter”, I said in irritation as I looked at the demon with a glare as I tried my best to be polite in the most hateful way as I pointed up and down to signify ‘Heaven and Hell’, I then pointed towards the door that leads to the outside,” There is the door, so you can show yourself off now.”
“Yes I know and I’m afraid, I won’t be doing that.”, He said with a dead and irritated tone obviously not bothered by my way of speaking,” I didn’t came here for that, I came because my Highness has sent a message for you.”
He then took something from his pocket and there was a letter with the name “Lucifer” burnt and imprinted on the front of the envelope with seal symbol of a pentagram.
“I don’t want his bribing or anything from him. I’m not some product or weapon to be bought with or to mess around ”, I said in a stern strict voice not wanting anything to with the demon or his poor excuse of his so called Highness, Lucifer, as I kept a confident posture, and not taking the envelope or so as to touch it whatsoever from his hands.
“It is not my place to say this, but the sooner you cut this weak and rubbish act of bravery and join our side, the easier it is for the both of us and this war,” He responded as he put the letter on the table,” In the end you don’t really have much of a choice, anyways.”
“What the hell are you talking about?!”, I asked in anger and irritation in my voice as I stood still in my spot in front of him somehow confused with what he said.
He then walked past me towards the door rudely, and not answering my question as he turn the doorknob and left not caring for the rain that pouring down from the star covered night sky, I followed after him in frustration as I yelled at him,” Answer me!”
“Oh I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise of the ‘Great Plan’, you’ll soon see yourself,” He responded as he stopped dead in his tracks, his back turned and facing me as drops of rain covered his body. He then turned his head towards me and said the sentence that I feared the most with a devilish-eating grin,” After All,......”
“𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓈 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽”
{So what did you guys think?
I made Tom Hiddleston as my character Azazel because he fit the characteristics pretty well as he did for Loki. 
I hope you liked it 
and stay tuned for the next chapter}
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saxxxology · 5 years
For Everyone to See
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Sam’s bored, and you’re his only source of entertainment.
PAIRING: Soulless!Sam x Reader
WARNINGS: smut, rough sex, public sex, creampie, dom/sub themes
NOTE: Edited by me - please heed the warnings and enjoy! This is a rewrite of an old fic that was deleted after the Tumblr purge, just in case any of you think it looks familiar. 
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It’s late on a Saturday night, and so far all you’ve done is lie in bed and read the same book for the third time that month. Dean’s abandoned you in search of someone to spend the Memorial Day weekend with, leaving you alone. 
You don’t really care about where Sam is at this point. The soulless beast—yes, you call him a beast—is nowhere to be found, and you don’t really feel like texting or calling to find out where he is. He doesn’t answer anyway, or if he does, he’s rude and snarky to the point where you wanna just punch him in the face. There’s already enough negativity in your life, you don’t need the man you love being rough with you like that.
You’re halfway through the second chapter when a shadow crosses the long window across from the bed, and you freeze automatically when three sharp bangs on the door (evidently whoever it is likes to use their fist instead of their knuckles).
Rising silently from the bed, you grab your knife from where it rests on the small nightstand and pace towards the door. Adrenaline heightens your senses, and the previously soft carpet feels razor-sharp under your bare feet. You lean in, knife at the ready, and glance through the peephole.
Goddamn it.
Sam’s standing on the other side, eyes fixed on the peephole. It’s creepy, almost like he knows you’re on the other side watching him. Like he knows you’re going to open the door because it’s him, and it’s very rare that you say no to letting him in.
But there’s a safer approach.
“What do you want?” You ask, lowering your knife. Your tone is almost bored, but you do that on purpose. Sam likes to find every little thing a person does and use it against them and you’re not going to let him do it to you.
“I’m bored.” Sam’s voice echoes through the door and the coldness in it sends a shiver down your spine.
“Then…” Your words get all caught up in your throat and you swallow to clear the way, “find a way to entertain yourself.” 
He exhales impatiently on the other side of the door, and you try not to let your heart take over your head. “Come out for a drink with me.” He sounds like he’s begging you, trying to make you feel bad.
“I’m…” you look down at your black panties and cutoff shirt, “I’m not dressed for going out. And it’s late.”
“So?” Sam scoffs. “C’mon, get dressed and come out of that room for a couple hours. You’ve been in there all day. I promise drinks are on me.”
You sigh and, kicking yourself for it, you give in. “All right…just wait, I’ll be out in a second.”
Sam leans against the post outside on the door, a triumphant smirk on his face. You scoff and go to your luggage bag, careful to select a good skater skirt and a low-cut tank top. It’s warm and humid outside—jeans are only going to be uncomfortable, plus you figure since Sam’s dragging you outside, he’s going to have to make up for it.
Sam straightens up and eyes you as you close the door and slip the room key into the zipper pocket of your skirt. “Nice.”
“Shut up, it’s warm out here.” You start walking down the pathway, and within seconds, he’s right beside you, almost too close. “Where is this place?”
“Just down the block.” Sam reaches down to take your hand, and you pull yours away.
“Don’t hold my hand.” You look up at him as you start crossing the parking lot. Sam looks back, and his cold, dark eyes are almost sad. “What? Don’t look at me like that.”
Sam doesn’t respond, but instead tightens his jaw and leads you across the street. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and remains silent the rest of the way. When you reach the bar, he opens the door for you to walk past, and you make a point of not looking at him as you pass.
At the bar, Sam orders you both whiskey shots. You don’t object because Sam always manages to order you exactly what you need. As soon as the bartender clinks the glasses down on the bar, you promptly lift yours to your lips and down it in one go. The liquid burns the back of your throat, but you don’t care.
Next to you, Sam tips his own drink back before turning on the barstool to look at you. His eyes are empty again, no hint of emotion behind the darkened iris. “So.”
“So, what?” You don’t turn to look at him as you raise your hand, calling the bartender for another.
“You’re upset.” Sam holds up two fingers as the bartender approaches, not tearing his attention away from you.  
You drag your tongue over your teeth and shake your head. “I’m not upset.”
“Then what’s goin’ on?” Sam asks, and you swirl the two cubes of ice in the glass and raise it to your mouth. Sam catches your wrist before the liquid touches your lips, and you tighten your jaw in annoyance. The contact of skin-on-skin is what you’ve been trying to avoid because right now all you want is Sam to push you against the bar and fuck the hell out of you in front of everyone.
“Sam, I swear­—”
“What?” Sam doesn’t release your wrist, but he leaves his fingers on the inside of your wrist, as if he’s feeling your pulse. “You have to tell me.”
You pull your arm away from his fingers and down the whiskey. This time, he doesn’t stop you. “Leave me alone. Go find a girl or something.”
“That’s the thing.” Sam’s lips twitches into a cocky smile and he tilts his head back, allowing his drink to slide down his throat. You watch his Adam’s apple bob out of the corner of your eye and hold back a breath of arousal. “I don’t want to.”
“Because I’m with you.” Sam sets his glass on the bar. “You’re better.”
“How would you know?” You scoff and order a third drink. “You don’t even remember fucking me.”
This was true. You and Sam had been more than friends when he’d jumped into the Cage with Lucifer, and it had taken you a long time to recuperate. You haven’t been with anyone since because you loved him so much, and now… now it’s just hard to imagine ever being with him again. When he had ‘died’ a part of you had died too. Sam’s body might be back, but as long as he isn’t your Sam, that part of you will never come back. 
He scares the crap out of you, though. Every time you consider asking him for sex, multiple questions run through your mind. Will he hear consent? Will he be gentle? Will he stay after or just get up and leave? Will he brag about it to Dean and embarrass you?
“Oh, that’s not really true.” Sam smirks at you and hold out his hand just as a new song comes on. “Come on. Dance with me.”
“I’ll pass.”
Sam stands and moves to stand behind you. His hands run down your back and you’re torn between stiffening up and relaxing into him. “Come and dance with me. I’m gonna show you what I remember about bein’ with you.”
You sigh and stand up, only because you know Sam won’t let up until you give in. He follows you to the dance floor and sweeps his hands over your hips. The two of you settle into a steady, grinding rhythm that follows the music almost perfectly. Sam’s body is hot and hard against yours, and one hand trails over your hipbone as the other grips your upper arm. Both hands work together to hold you tight against him, and you’ll be lying if you say the grind of his body against yours isn’t turning you on…
“I remember doin’ this with you,” Sam’s words are low whispers in your ear, but somehow you manage to block out the heavy dance music and focus on the low, husky timbre of his voice. “I think it was… two years ago? Yeah, two years ago, in November. You wore these tight jeans and a black top… hot as hell.” His hands travel up your body, and you close your eyes at the feeling of those long, beautiful fingers creeping over the fabric of your top.
“Anything else you remember?”
Sam chuckles into the crook of your neck and nips at your earlobe. “Yeah, you had these high heels that made you a little taller. Made it easier for me to kiss you… and fuck you.”
You remember too. It’s one of the better memories from a time when Sam genuinely, fully, loved you… would die for you…
Maybe being with him while he’s like this won’t be so bad. His body’s still the same, it’s just the part of him that makes him your Sam that’s gone and it doesn’t have to mean anything, right? You’re working to get his soul back, and until you do… maybe he won’t remember anything you do together. No point in making it special. No candles or roses or your favorite perfume. Just a simple, short fuck, and if you can come up with a good excuse after, you can slip away.
“Sam.” You tilt your head to the side, and your lips brush against Sam’s freshly shaven jaw. You’re going to explode if you don’t have him.
“Hmm?” He breathes in, and you can feel his chest expanding against your back as his fingers press into your skin.
“Let’s get out of here.” You grip the hand that is pressed against your hip and hear him growl against your back. Then he’s pulling you off the dance floor and you’re outside before you know it. You’re almost running after Sam as he grips your hand tightly in his. He turns down an alleyway and has you behind an overflowing dumpster before you know it, and almost immediately his lips are on yours. The kiss is hot and wet and almost too hard, but you let Sam take the lead, opening your mouth for him so he can kiss you even deeper.
“Good choice.” Sam whispers against your jaw. He traces his hands from your shoulders all the way to the curve of your ass, and he groans when your hands fly to his belt buckle.
“Sam…” you can barely say his name before his mouth is on yours again.
“I know, baby, I know.” He grinds his hips against yours. “Want me?”
“S-so bad.”
Then it hits you. You’re out in public, where anyone can see you.
Sam feels you tense and grins against your lips. “You like this? Bein’ out where anyone can walk by and see us?”
You feel adrenaline sweep through your entire body and before you can speak, you nod. It is kinda hot…
“I like it too.” Sam cups your ass through your skirt and reaches down between your shaking thighs, feeling the soaked cotton between them. His breath hitches and he groans against your mouth. “Shit, is this all for me?”
You nod and he increases the pressure of his fingers, holds you hard against the wall with his body as he rubs you through the thin cloth. His other hand yanks your tank top up over your breasts and palms a swell of soft, warm flesh. “I remember how much you like havin’ these sucked on. Makes you so damn wet.”
With that, he bends down slightly and you’re glad you decided to not wear a padded bra because Sam’s tongue feels… oh, so good. You push your hips further into his hands and Sam gladly rubs his fingers against you harder as waves of wet heat swirl between your thighs.
But it isn’t enough. You need more, so much more.
Sam seems to pick up on your desperation and without warning; he kneels and lifts your skirt up over your thighs. He doesn’t bother pulling your panties aside; instead, he just buries his mouth between your thighs and groans at the taste of you. He pulls one leg over his shoulder and nudges the fabric of your panties to the side with his nose before setting his tongue on you.
He’s always been good at eating pussy. You know that for sure, and this time is no different. He licks a broad stripe through your folds and wraps both his arms around your hips as he shakes his head from side to side.
Pleasure rockets through you and you bite back a moan when Sam swirls his tongue over your clit. One of your hands finds his hair and tangles in the thick, silky locks. He sighs deeply, the sound turning into a low growl of desperation.
White hot, prickling heat boils in your lower belly, and Sam tilts the angel of your hips to shove his tongue up into your pussy. You gasp loudly as he starts tonguing you, licking in and out with your clit pressed under his nose. He’s not hesitating on trying to get you to cum as fast and hard as he can make you. 
You tangle your fingers tighter in his hair and open your mouth as you cum on his tongue. Sam eases you through it, sucking your clit between his lips. He stares up at you, those empty, terrifying eyes fixed on your face as you try—and fail, almost horribly—to roll your hips and pull away from him. He refuses to let you go until you’ve come down from your high, and when he finally releases you and stands, he doesn’t hesitate to rub himself between your spread legs.
“I’ve missed you cumming on my tongue like that,” he whispers, and his chest heaves as your wet heat reaches him through the thick cloth.
You can’t even think of a reply as you tug the thick leather strap of his belt open. Sam doesn’t stop you as you tug the denim down and gather his erection in one hand, and he stiffens as you wrap your hand around him. 
Without warning, he cages you in against the wall, lifts one of your legs up, and angles his cock at your entrance. “Think you can take me here, baby? Out here, in the alleyway where everyone and anyone can see? Wanna put on a little show?”
You bite your lip and nod obediently. Sam grins down at you as he grips your hips tightly with both hands. He doesn’t even bother looking around as he pulls his hips back, lifts you up until your right foot is barely touching the ground, and then moves up, entering you halfway in one long, single roll of those glorious hips.
“Fuck, baby,” He breathes into the crook of your neck and pulls back, thrusting back up inside you with a choked groan.
“Sam,” You gasp his name as the head of his length rolls over your sweet spot. “Stop talking… just fuck me.”
In response, Sam hooks his arms under your legs and lifts you right up off the ground. Your back scratches roughly against the cold brick wall of the alley, but you lose the will to care as Sam starts pounding into you. He emits short grunts and moans of pleasure against the crook of your neck, and you have no choice but to wrap your arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. 
“Ah…yes, yes, Sam…!” You have to bite your lip to keep from screaming his name for the whole block to hear. Sam responds by nipping roughly at your jawline and holding you completely still—well, as still as he can when he’s fucking so hard into you that you think he might just take the wall of the alley down. With a gasping cry, you tip your head forward and sob into his jacket as another explosive orgasm comes out of nowhere.
Sam groans louder as your release streams down his cock, soaking the fabric of his jeans and his boxers. He waits until you’ve gone limp before pulling out, setting you down, and spinning you around. Your cheek meets the cold brick wall, and Sam roughly kicks your legs apart as he lines up and thrusts back in.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby,” Sam grunts as his cock twitches. “Gonna cum inside you.”
You gasp as he coaxes more slick from your wrecked pussy. It streams down your thighs, and you almost want to burst into tears from the burning pleasure between your legs. He hasn’t even touched your clit and you’re already a dripping mess. “Please, Sam…”
Sam rocks his hips slowly and slides one hand up your bank until he’s gripping the hair at the base of your neck. “Want me to cum inside you?” he asks, his voice a breathy husk against the shell of your ear. “Out here in public? Gonna show everyone how you look with cum dripping outta your cunt?”
“Yes!” You choke on a sob as he grips you tighter, thrusts just a little harder. You don’t know if you’ve had orgasms one after another or if he’s just kept you cumming this entire time—you’re still dripping off his balls and onto the pavement below. 
Sam’s hips stutter, and then he’s cumming, pumping hot and wet inside you. His teeth scrape your shoulder, and then it’s over, hard and fast enough to leave his head spinning just a little. 
“Holy shit.” He pulls out, wincing, and watches as you press your thighs together, trying to rearrange your ruined panties before his load drips down your wet thighs. Quickly, he tucks himself back in his jeans and fixes his clothing. “C’mon. let’s get back to the motel.”
The two of you start walking back, Sam with his usual long, purposeful stride, you with some difficulty, but you are surprisingly able to keep up with him. He chuckles when you stumble in the parking lot, a look of mixed arousal and dread on your face as a small stream of cum escapes past the barrier of your panties and creates a white line on your skin. 
“How does it feel?” he asks when you’re safely back in the motel room. 
You take a few seconds before responding. “Hot… wet… I can feel it dripping from my pussy.”
His eyes darken. “Strip. Bend over the bed.”
You obediently take off your clothes, leaving your sneakers on as you drop your panties to the ground. Turning away from him, you lean over, arching your back and spreading your legs slightly. Sam hums with approval as he steps over, using his thumb and forefinger to spread the sticky lips of your pussy. A white swell blurts from your hole and drips down over your folds, sliding down to join the rest in the stream on your thigh, and he feels his cock twitch with interest. 
“That’s beautiful,” he says, pulling his hand away and allowing you to straighten up. “Mind if I keep you this way for the next few days?”
You shiver at the idea of being filled with him over and over again. If he keeps fucking like he just has, you know you’re in for an extra fun weekend. “Yes,” you murmur, “keep me filled up with your cum, Sam.”
He chuckles, running his palm up over your ass before landing a sharp THWACK! on your tender skin. “Thatta girl,” he praises. “Let’s clean up and get you something to eat. You’re gonna need your strength.”
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jaehyun-eclipsed · 4 years
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Before I Met You | Fifteen
Updates: Sundays
Pairing: NCT (Jaehyun, Lucas, Mark, Jaemin, Johnny) X Reader/OC
Genre: Romance, Angst, Coming of Age
Summary: Four. There were four people before I fell in love with you… Here are their stories.
Warnings: Some swearing and mentions of suggestive content
Before I Met You Masterlist
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I huff in annoyance at the dinner table.
“What?” my dad asks.
“I’m frustrated. I can’t believe that happened last night.” I frown in disgust. “I think I like him.”  
I’m really bothered by the whole situation. Jaemin had a girlfriend at the start of all of this and he didn’t actually tell me about his girlfriend. I found out myself. Hell, I practically forgot that he had a girlfriend during our little… pool event. So if we were to date, there’s no doubt that he’s not capable of doing to me what he did to Jisu.
“I don’t know if he still has a girlfriend. But he still did all of these things when he had one so isn’t that… not okay?”
“Technically, yes. But he’s never treated you badly and he hasn’t given you a reason to think anything otherwise.”
“But he still did all of that to his girlfriend. There’s no reason why he wouldn’t do it to me.”
“That is true so do you need to be careful. This happened towards the end of his relationship, right?”
“I think so.”
He presses his lips together and tilts his head back in forth, weighing the considerations. “I can sort of understand doing this at the end of a relationship. In his mind, his relationship was basically over.”
“Why couldn’t he just break up with her before going after someone else though?”
“It’s hard to break up with someone. So you just… put it off.”
That seems awfully convenient. I feel that if you liked someone else more than who you were currently with, it seems logical to break up with them so that you can start a relationship with the new person. And if you don’t even like them that much anymore, why would it be so difficult?
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I immediately spot a girl with dark brown hair at the end of the hall. She’s sitting on the floor next to Jaemin’s room, scrolling through something on her phone. Her side profile is unmistakable.
It’s Jisu.
Jaemin’s voice can be heard from inside his room. It’s only his voice – he must be talking on the phone.
My forehead creases in curiosity. I hadn’t seen Jisu at the house since the end of September, which was nearly two months ago. All of the photos of Jaemin and Jisu were still on her Facebook profile. However, her profile picture had recently changed again and it was still a photo of just herself.
I continue on down the hall to the kitchen, giving her the side eye, but remain nonchalant as I pass by.
What the hell is Jisu doing here? Are they still together? Why else would she still be here? But why isn’t Jaemin letting her in? I feel like it’s kinda rude to be talking on the phone while someone is waiting for you to let them in.
The front door opens as I near the bottom of the stairs. Jeno walks in, nodding at me briefly and quickly walking past me to go to his room.
If Jeno’s home, does he know –
There’s a sudden pause of footsteps at the top of the stairs, shortly followed by someone turning around and quickly running back down. I glance over my shoulder as I walk through the dining room, seeing Jeno coming in after me, sitting down at one of the tables, and pulling out his laptop and a notebook.
Well that’s not a good sign.
It sounds like someone was not invited here…
Upon returning to my room, Jisu was still sitting outside Jaemin’s door. Being the nosy person that I am, I leave my own door cracked open to listen in on the train wreck that I expect to ensue. To some extent, I find this whole scenario really entertaining. It’s like having a soap opera play out before you – only, you’re partially involved. Unfortunately, as a major annoyance, you have no idea which role you play. Am I the main character? Hopefully I get a good ending. Am I the side-chick? That would suck. Or am I the unassuming girl who gets heartbroken because the main guy ends up going after the girl who is actually the main character? That would really suck.
“Jeno! You can come up now!”
I press my ear against the crack in the door, hearing the sound of someone coming up the stairs and a door slamming shut.
I tip toe into the inlet in the hallway, positioning myself on the floor against the wall in an attempt to listen through their door while being ten feet away.
“How the fuck did she even get in here?” Jaemin shouts.
“She probably followed someone in. Why was she here?”
“I don’t know! She wants to talk.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know! I told her it was over, but she keeps trying to message me.”
I press my fist against my mouth. I guess it’s safe to say I’m not the side-chick… and Jisu is definitely not the main character, at least, not in the story the way it relates to me.
“I saw her when I was coming upstairs and turned right back around because it would be awkward if I open the door while you were in there.”
“She’s a psychopath! I had to block her on everything!”
“You should file a restraining order.”
Jaemin sighs loudly. “Jeno, why can’t I be like you? Just fuck girls and –”
The rest of his thought is cut off by the loud creaking and slamming of his bedroom door.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Renjun asks.
“Jisu showed up,” Jeno replies.
“What?! Jaemin, were you here?”
“Yeah, I didn’t open the door. I was on the phone and I think she was just sitting out there.”
“Sounds like she did not take that break up well…”
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That evening, I maintained my normal routine of studying in the dining room until Jaemin returned home. I was incredibly distracted, thoughts constantly lingering back to the conversation I overheard earlier. It’s curious how I had been a witness to both of these significant events where Jisu showed up at less than convenient times. I knew more about Jaemin and his past relationship than he ever wanted me to know and he had no idea.
The only things I could conclude with some certainty were that Jaemin definitely did not like Jisu and that Jisu is much more of a handful than I expected. Which leads me to my next thought: it’s surprising that my high school senior dated her for so long. How could he put up with her? He was so nice and accommodating to every – that explains it. He’s a pushover.
Now, if Jaemin really didn’t like Jisu and the last month or so was him trying to figure out when to pull the plug, perhaps he really did – does – like me. But his comment about sleeping with girls and, what I suspect to be, leaving them the next day, also doesn’t sit well with me. Good grief, nothing about him sits well with me. Why on earth would I be interested in a guy like this?! This is just heartbreak waiting to happen. Would I really want to date someone like him? I’d actually have to worry about him wanting to have sex relatively soon – and probably giving oral for fifteen minutes, assuming he can last that long – and I still haven’t even kissed a guy! I’ve been on a date – that was a train wreck, but I have been on one! So that counts for something, but that’s not – that’s not sex.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Jaemin asks as he walks in, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Not bad. Just catching up on lecture. How about you?”
“I’m tired.”
“Well, classes are over in a week.”
“Yeah, but then we have finals.”
He tosses his backpack onto the far end of my table and lays on the floor next to my chair. He shuts his eyes closed as I peer down at him. “You okay?”
He sighs and intertwines his fingers to rest on his abdomen. “Yeah, rough day.”
No kidding.
Having earlier spotted the foam football we played with last week on top of the fireplace, I go to grab it and begin tossing it up and down in my hand. Jaemin opens his eyes and tilts his head up upon hearing the sound of the football every time it makes contact with my hand.
“What are you doing?”
I shrug. “Nothing.”
“That doesn’t look like ‘nothing.’”
In an effort to take his mind off of things, I smile innocently and lightly toss the ball with the intention of having it land on his chest. Right then, lack of coordination strikes me and the ball ends up hitting Jaemin in the “no zone.”
I cover my mouth in horror upon seeing where the projectile has landed.
“Nice shot…” he says mockingly.
“Are you okay?!”
“Yeah, I’m gonna keep this from you…”
“I’m so sorry! For the record, I was trying to aim for you head…” I say jokingly.
Wrong head.
“Oh thanks!” he remarks sarcastically. “Because that’s so much better!”
“I mean… you’d rather be hit there than where I actually hit you, right?”  
He makes no response and pulls out his phone as I return back to my seat. Obviously, my attempt at lightening the mood was unsuccessful and I decide to drop the idea. Being playful is probably not appropriate right now. He’s likely pretty upset after what happened earlier and I can’t blame him.
After a few moments of silence, Jaemin stands up and grabs the pool cue laying on the table. The clacking of the balls colliding into each other is followed by a loud huff.  
“I missed and it’s all your fault.”
I turn and look at him incredulously. “What did I do? I’m sitting over here!”
“You’re distracting me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Play a game with me,” he says, avoiding the question.
My forehead creases and I blink several times, confused by his sudden change in attitude. “Okay.”
Jaemin lets me win this time.
“Nice! You beat me!”
“You let me win! You missed all those easy shots!”
He shrugs and offers a lazy smile. “You still won.”
I stare at him, nearly expressionless except for the subtle narrowing of my eyes. What’s with your mood swings? You seemed so upset when you walked in here, didn’t want to play with me when I first initiated and now…?
Jaemin is still holding the cue stick, wrapping his hands around it and pushing it into the floor to keep his posture upright as he hovers over my laptop. “Your laptop is so large. Why would you want that?”
“It’s better for watching movies!”
“But –” he frowns “– it’s so big.”  
“That’s the way I like it! Your screen is so small!” I retort. “You don’t get the full theater effect!”
“Yeah, but it’s a lot lighter and easier to carry around.”
“I still say having a big screen is much better.”
I extend my hand and grab the cue, pulling on it slightly in an attempt to take it from him.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to take this from you,” I say matter-of-factly.
“Just because.”
He easily releases his grip, allowing me to take it hand. I pretend to swing it in his direction.
“Hitting me earlier wasn’t enough for you?” he quips.
With a wide grin, I shrug. “You just make it so easy.”
He licks his lips and gestures at the cue with his head. “You seemed to be obsessed with that stick.”
“Eh… well –”
“It matches your size preference.”
My jaw drops as I blink in astonishment, completely dumbfounded at the obviously suggestive joke. His mischievous smile is back and his eyes linger on me for just a moment before he begins walking away. I turn around just in time to catch him looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
“I gotta go do something. See you later.”
Damn. That boy is slick. I’ll admit that.
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Before I Met You Masterlist Masterlist
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luckyfirerabbit · 5 years
Jaune Doe pt 5
Even though she is up early every day for work, it's no different on her days off. Blake Belladonna is a creature of habit because routines are comforting, calculable, easy to plan around. It's structure, and she, and Yang, can appreciate a sound structure.
Blake stretches, arms already over her head as she lays in bed, her ears folding flat as the tension in her muscles peaks and she grunts quietly. The bedroom is washed gray with traces of sunlight from outside the one window, making her blink before her vision clears. One hand reaches for the nightstand, habitually gathering her scroll that she might have a preliminary glance at it. There's a couple messages for her to flip through with a swipe of her thumb. A couple are from regular clients, texts for appointment changes, the last one is from Pyrrha -call me when you get a chance- which rouses her more fully awake. She gently shifts out from under the blanket, all but silent, and eases to her feet. She barely gets into her slippers when she hears stirring in the bed couple with little huffs and grunts.
She hurries quietly around to the other side of the bed, smirking at the way Yang searches blindly for her in the vestiges of sleep with her stump. Blake knees down, pushes a few wild curls of hair from her face, and then gently kisses her cheek.
"Shh, it's okay, I'm not leaving." another little kiss, "I'm going to start breakfast." And a third to drive the assurance home. She'll wait until Yang settles again before straightening and heading out of the room. She needs the sleep, Blake thinks and finds comfort in it; this particularly harsh depressive bent is almost over, now Yang is just trying to recover from it.
With scroll in hand she moves through the house to the kitchen, methodically going from cabinet to cabinet to fetch everything she needs. With her eyes trained on her scroll as she files through the contacts, Blake manages to flawlessly fill the tea kettle and get it on the stove. By the time she's actually calling Pyrrha, half of her body is bent over into the now open refrigerator.
"Good morning, Blake!"
Blake flinches away from her scroll at the enthusiasm and volume of the greeting, not expecting it at all considering it's this early on a weekend. "Good morning, I got your message. What did you want to talk about?"
Blake continues about her business while closely listening, her feline ears ticking this way and that as she splits her attention. As she breaks eggs into a still cold skillet, Pyrrha tells Blake about her last visit with Jaune Doe. Blake is a little wary because she sounds a bit hesitant, which isn't like the lawyer at all.
"He remembered something, I think. I didn't mean to but...I upset him."
"It's probably not you personally, Pyrrha; sometimes recollection can be traumatic, some patients I've read about claim it can be like living the event all over again." Blake bites her tongue against a yawn. "And he's still very fragile. Even though he's in recovery, he's still under a great deal of stress, so I'm not surprised he had such a strong mood swing."
"I didn't mean to do it, really."
"I know, and he probably knows that too." Now Blake is gathering some ham and vegetables onto the cutting board beside the stove, pulling a knife from the block and spinning it in her hands before setting the blade to work. "Have you visited him since?"
"No, I've been kind of scared to. I don't want to stress him out any more than he already is."
"You should. And when you do, tell me how it goes; I could learn a lot from how he handles it."
"Why don't you go see him then?"
"It's too early." Blake resists the urge to shake her head, knowing to do so would send her scroll tumbling to the floor. "I won't be able to do any real work with him until after he's discharged and had some time to...settle down, so to speak. As long as his life is in flux and he doesn't have any stability, I can't do much to help him." Because it's hard as hell to heal the mind when one's life is stable, it's all but impossible when it isn't. "But the more information I can get now, the better."
"Okay, I'll try." the reply sighs across the connection.
"If you don't mind my asking," Blake pauses long enough to turn the stove on, "did he tell you about anything? What he remembered?"
"Oh yeah, that's what I meant to lead with." Pyrrha laughs, sounding a little embarrassed at her own distracted self. "He remembered falling out of the window, but he also knows who he was trying to get away from. He said they didn't use names, just titles,"
Blake feels herself tense unconsciously.
"He called him the Butcher."
Blake's brow furrows as she exhales, that tension peaking for a split second before she forces herself to let it go.
"I thought to talk to you about it because I remember you told me Yang might know him, and-,"
"Smart move." Blake cuts her off, part of her too afraid to wait and hear what else Pyrrha meant to say. "Pardon the segue, but have the police finished canvasing the area where they found your guy?"
"My guy," one could almost hear Pyrrha rolling her eyes, "but yeah, they did. They found the window he fell out of -his blood at the scene, you know- but the room inside was empty, no trace of anyone."
Blake's jaw clenches, molars creaking lightly.
"But I get the feeling this Butcher isn't the same guy who did the scarification. That means there's probably more than one abuser."
"I know there is."
Her mouth opens to answer, but the words die in her throat as she hears the bedroom door creak open from across the house. "I can tell you more about it when I see you Monday. But think about what I said, try to see him again if for no other reason than to have a reasonable outlet for your impulsive need to apologize."
Blake doesn't expect Pyrrha to laugh at that, because the words had an unintentional edge to them, but she does.
"Okay, Blake, thanks. I'll see you Monday. Tell Yang I said hello."
"I will. Goodbye." and then she ended the call with a tap of her thumb, setting the device down on the counter in order to give her full attention to the stove. Not even a minute passes before she feels the weight of one strong, muscular arm pulling around her waist.
Then there's a stout body lining the Faunus' spine and lips at her neck. "Morning, baby." comes a soft, warm rumble.
"Good morning." Blake reaches with her free hand, sliding her lithe fingers between Yang's thicker ones.
"Mmm, you're making breakfast in your pajamas, you know what that does to me." Yang grins against her shoulder before kissing the bit of bare skin there. "Who was on the phone?"
"Pyrrha. Work stuff."
Yang hums in acknowledgment. "No offense, but I don't want to know."
"None taken, because I wasn't going to tell you." They both know how precarious it could be, so they both know when to keep their distance. "But it's good to see you out of bed at a decent hour."
"All for you." Yang's arms just squeezes, pulling them that much tighter together. "Do I have time for a shower?"
"Sure." and she's quietly grateful that she didn't have to push Yang to do it. Depression isn't exactly the most hygienic of illnesses. "Take your time."
"Thanks. And I'll wait until I've brushed my teeth before trying to shove my tongue down your throat."
"Much appreciated." Blake giggles, squeaking when that big, strong hand pops against her butt.
Pyrrha creeps up to the ajar door, peeking through the opening as if to see the coast is clear before carefully -carefully- pushing through. Almost immediately she tries to double back, having looked into the bed to see him sleeping. Mentally berating herself she spins on her heel to try and leave.
"Hey, it's okay, you can stay."
"I'm sorry," She turns again, slowly, cringing with guilt. "I didn't mean to wake you up."
"I wasn't sleeping, just resting my eyes." which is true; they feel sore and swollen, like the knot on the back of his head. Jaune tries a hesitant smile. "It's good to see you."
"Velvet said you asked about me,"
"Yeah." he nods and pulls a hand down his face. "I want to apologize. For the other day."
Pyrrha exhales, relieved for a reason she can presently name. She smiles back at him sweetly, softly. "You don't have anything to be sorry about."
His eyes avoid her. "Sure I do. I was awfully rude."
"Jaune, listen," she weighs the words first, bracing herself to say them in hopes of them not being the wrongs ones. "I...you've been through a lot, I can tell, even without all the gory details. And I know...you're still going through a lot. Everything...I bet you feel overwhelmed all the time. Like things are never going to get easier."
"Some times, yeah." he nods again. "But that's not an excuse to snap at you, or anyone else. I'll do better."
"And I appreciate the effort. But, by the same token, I probably wasn't helping matter with my being nosy,"
"You weren't being nosy,"
"I was, so I brought you something." She has a brown paper bag tucked under her arm, and lets it settle on one hand to reach inside it with the other. Pyrrha pulls out a plastic container. "A peace offering."
He smiles and finally meets her gaze."You didn't have to do that, it's not like I'm mad at you."
"I insist." she says, leaving no room for debate. "Plus Velvet told me you haven't been eating much, so I thought maybe something home made would help your appetite. Because, let's face it, hospital food kind of sucks."
He just nods again, forgoing the explanation that it wasn't a stunted appetite, but just a sense of familiarity of going long periods without being able to eat. His brain was telling him he wasn't hungry, even though he had only had small bites for the last few days. Can't let you eat too much, clients don't pay for fat.
Still, Jaune laughs and relents to take the container and the plastic spoon sitting on top of it when she passes it forward. He likes the soothing warmth coming through to his hands. Popping off the lid lets a little steam waft up into his face, gives him a chance to catch the powerful aroma. "Can I ask what it is?"
"My mom's chicken curry, at least it's my best attempt at it." she giggles and shifts on her feet. "You ever had curry before?"
"If I have I don't remember."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she gasps.
"It's okay." Jaune laughs as he takes the spoon in his hand. Before taking a bite he looks up at her. "You can sit if you want. Unless you have somewhere to go,"
"Oh, no, not really. So, yeah...guess I'll sit." she all but scurries to the only chair in the room, sitting prim and pristine in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
"You're awful nervous for a lawyer, can't imagine what you're like in the courtroom." one last snicker before he puts the loaded spoon in his mouth. "...This is actually really good. Would you be mad if I ate it all?"
"I brought it for you." she assures him, her smile a little smug.
"Thank you," he says quickly, excited even, taking three more quick spoonfuls. He tucks it in his cheek long enough to ask, "so why aren't you in court? How'd you land this job?"
"Well," she shifts in the seat, getting comfortable for what she has always thought was a lengthy, somewhat boring story, "I actually started out on this hospital's legal team shortly after I got married, I've been here about seven years. Spent the first half of that just on retainer, I was hardly even hear most of the time, though. But I eventually found what I initially thought was just an enormous amount of improperly coded bills, but that turned into a fraud ring that almost the entire staff was in on."
Jaune stopped shoveling food in his mouth long enough to look at her with wide-eyed surprise.
"I built the case from the ground up, almost by myself because I couldn't trust the rest of the team, and I led the prosecution...three quarters of the hospital staff was let go after all was said and done. After that I founded the Patient Advocacy department."
"Wow." Jaune manages around a full mouth, then he swallows and chuckles. "Nice to know I have Wonder Woman on my side."
"Oh, stop," she blushes and buzzes her lips. "Being a decent human being isn't a super power."
"Sure could have fooled me."
"I...yeah, I guess so." she feels her ribs clench with sympathy. He'd been through so much, she's surprised he has any hope in human kindness left at all. "Still, super power or not, I'm going to put it all towards helping you."
By now he's finished, the empty container in his lap and between his hands. For a moment he just rests there, looking satisfied and full and strangely more human. He lets out a shallow but contented sigh before lifting his head and looking at her, his expression and blue eyes the softest she's seen yet.
"You know...I think I'm starting to believe it." though he isn't sure why. What's so different about her? Why no anxiety, no suspicion? How is it possible that he can find more trust for her than for the doctors who literally saved his life?
But now that softness leave his face again, replaced with deep lines and shadows. "I, um...I remembered a little more...if you want to know."
Pyrrha blinks. "Oh? I mean, you don't have to tell me now. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I could find an officer to take a statement,"
"No, no, you don't...I'd rather it be you."
"Okay, whatever you're most comfortable with."
He nods, grateful but unable to say so as his mouth has dried a little. "I, um," he clears his throat, feeling the anxiety tugging at his ribs, "The marks on my back. I don't know what they look like, but I remember the title of the one who did it. They called him the Artist...and he had a tail. At least...that's what I think it was. I...I think I woke up too soon, he was still...working on me, I guess."
Pyrrha doesn't realize she's holding her breath, only that her pulse has picked up and her stomach is about to drop.
"I mean, I could have dreamed it all -I was on a lot of drugs- but...something tells me it's real. And...the guy kept calling me Rabbit. That was my title." and that last bit he says with a sense of awe, maybe, as if he's remembering it in real time. Then he shakes his head. "Sorry, that got weird."
"No, not at all. You're doing great." she assures him, hoping the sparks of anger and empathy aren't audible. "Thank you for telling me, Jaune, I appreciate the trust. I'm going to add it to your file, is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure, guess so. If it helps you."
"It's going to help a lot of us." she nods. "Speaking of which, I need to get back, I've got work waiting on me."
"Sorry to keep you." though his remorse is tarnished by the little smirk he offers her. "See you tomorrow?"
She stands up, approaching the bed to retrieve her container with his nod of thanks. "I'll try and squeeze you in to my busy schedule."
"Hopefully not too hard, broken ribs you know."
She laughs, gods above she can't help but laugh just like she can't help the redness rising up into her cheeks again. "Get some rest."
"Yes, ma'am."
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shslstraws · 5 years
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Oumota Week Day One:
Phantom Thief / Stuck in a Small Place 
HEY, IM SO SORRY IM LATE ON OUMOTA WEEK. I WAS SUPER BUSY AND I’M SLOWLY CATCHING UP, SO I MIGHT BE A DAY OFF EACH DAY. IM SORRY. But I also was busy writing my first fic, just for this piece, so I hope you like it? ;; 
Until We Meet Again 
Word Count: 1987
A slam from the door echoed across an empty apartment building, Momota sighed as he began to undo his tie and threw it across the room, not caring where the piece of fabric ends up. He can always pick it later, when he’s in a better state of mind. 
It was a long day at work for Momota; the endless lecture his boss has given him from failing to capture The Phantom Thief, yet again, to the simple little things of just having his coffee be a colder than he’d like to, everything seemed to tick him off. He swears he’s on the verge of blowing up.
It was getting stressful for him day by day The Phantom Thief wasn’t caught, and every time he was face to face with this notorious criminal, Momota always somehow let him slip away from his grasp. 
The Phantom Thief, the leader of the city’s known gang, D.I.C.E; infamous for thievery and causing a ruckus to citizens and the officers with petty pranks. Property damage, mainly, Momota remembers coming into work and seeing little colorful faces spray painted on the front doors of the station. Alongside the gang’s logos and the provoking message the phantom thief always leaves, “Until we meet, my beloved~”. What does that even mean? Who is it even directed to? 
“Ugh, fuck me.” Momota groans from the memory, the stress is just too damn much. He collapses on his couch with a heavy sigh. The more he is involved and invested in this case, the more he thinks the messages are specifically for him. 
He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath in and out and releases some of the tension in his muscles he didn’t know he had. Momota groaned from the pain that was let go, his breathing started to slow down naturally as he felt himself drifting into sleep slowly. The night breeze was cool on his skin, as the wind blew through long curtains and from his balcony into the apartment, it felt nice. Finally, finally, he can rest-
“Wait a second,” Momota suddenly lifted his head wide eyes, immediately on alert. “..I...never left the door open, I always keep it locked. What the hell?” He was on his feet in an instant, becoming more aware of his surroundings. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary...except for the petals all over the floor. Momota kneeled to pick one of the withered little floral leaves. Getting a closer look; the petal was crimson and crumpled a bit, “A rose petal…?” muttered Momota, noticing the petal to be shriveled, which must have meant that they’ve been here for awhile. After inspecting it for a second more, he found that there was more petals that were in such a noticeable pattern, leading to his bedroom, for it to be such a convenience. Okay, so far Momota has concluded that; one, someone broke into his apartment building. And two, that someone purposely spread rose petals all over his apartment leading to his bedroom. Sure, Momota should be more alerted or even scared from these conclusions, since there could be potential robber or even a murderer in his own home.
But for some reason, Momota couldn’t help but feel relaxed a bit after having a strong sense of knowing who this certain someone is. 
Now, there’s two ways he can go about this, assuming the home invader is still here; 
He can run into his bedroom and catch the culprit red handed and finally solve all the solutions to his stress, or he can play along. 
Momota stands up and slowly start to make his way to his bedroom, following the petals. For a moment, his conscience is screaming for him to run in and arrest this culprit once and for all, before the opportunity misses him. But his gut, told him to play along. 
“Ah, why hello there, Officer Momota!” 
And there he was, The Phantom Thief, himself. Laying right on top of Momota’s bed; who quickly changed his position the moment he noticed Momota entering, to move his slender body to lay on his side while his left arm supports him, as he lays his hand on his cheek. 
“It took you quite awhile to get home, do you know how rude it is to keep such an important figure waiting?” his voice was soft and his tone sounded like he was seducing the officer in question. Which seemed fitting to his pose and the rose petals all over the bed, it was exactly like in the romance movies. But Momota brushed that thought right away, he scoffed, “Don’t you know how illegal it is to break into people’s apartment and trash the place?” 
“How insulting! If anything, I made an improvement on the trash it already was before!”  The Phantom Thief immediately sit up and crossed his legs, giving a pout. 
Momota barked out a laugh and leans on the door frame, “You know you’ve been a real pain in the ass for me lately, Phantom Thief.” 
The Phantom Thief smiles and taps his finger on the side of his cheek. “Hmm? Have I? I thought you enjoy our games together, Momota-chan?” 
Momota blinks and suddenly feels hot on his face, “M-Momota-chan?!” This was new. Sure, The Phantom Thief calls him nicknames from time to time in their confrontations but “chan” was something that just caught him off guard. 
“Nishishi, I totally got you there! Look at how red you are for me, don’t tell me Mr. Officer has developed a crush on little ol’ me?” The Phantom Thief teased, it was lucky Momota was too flabbergasted to noticed the blush that appeared on his own face.
It took a few moments for Momota to regain some composure and respond, but even then he couldn’t help but stutter, “A-As if, anyways, it looks like you’ve just trapped yourself. Coming into my apartment and really, I’m blocking the only exit to your escape.” 
“It seems you’ve finally got me,” The Phantom Thief stood up on the bed, causing some of the rose petals to fall off the bed, “whatever shall I do?” A surprise rose was shown as he revealed his right hand and lifted the flower to his face. A smirk was directed at Momota, challenging him. 
Momota wasn’t liking this one bit, he lifted his chest up as he spread more of his body to cover the door frame, there was no way he was letting The Phantom Thief escape him this time. Not when he was right there, absolutely cornered. And there was no possible way for him to sneak out of his bedroom’s window, they were just too high up, the only exit was Momota’s front door. 
 “Hm?” The Phantom Thief lowered his rose and gave a curious look, “it looks like Mr. Officer isn’t going to let me go that easy, huh?” He jumped from the bed, landing gently, and slowly walking towards Momota. Momota looking and studying the thief’s every movement, being very aware, in case he were to try and pull something to sneak around him. But as the little thief came in front of him, he looked up and rose both of his hands together to him as he continued to hold the rose, “then arrest me.” 
Momota thought, he doesn’t have his handcuffed equipped to his belt, and his only pair was around his apartment somewhere. Maybe if he used his tie? Nope, he threw that thing also in his messy apartment. 
“Looks like you can’t, Mr.Officer! You have no handcuffs or anything to arrest me with!” the thief giggled as he started to lower his hands. And for some reason, Momota’s instinct kicked into action as he found himself grabbing onto both of The Phantom Thief’s hands. Letting go of the rose, the smaller gasped as the unexpected contact.
“I’m. Not. Letting. You. Go.” Momota growled, staring intensely at the criminal, he was dead set on capturing the little rat once and for all. A blush went deeper on the thief’s face at how intense the situation is, it was heart pounding. But The Phantom Thief wasn’t going to allow himself to be caught like this, he smiled as he tried to keep his composure, “then I guess this is the part we kiss?” 
“EXCUSE ME?” Momota choked but still remaining a strong grip on the thief’s hands, very determined to not let go. 
“Weeeeelll, when you say it like that, usually in the movies, this is the part where people are supposed to kiss! Silly, Momota-chan, don’t you know anything?” 
“I- What?! What are you even saying!?” 
Momota’s hands seemed to have lightened, this is good he’s getting embarrassed. All he has to do is push it a little more… 
“I mean, I was expecting our first kiss to be more romantic. But I guess it doesn’t get more romantic as this? Rose petals all over your apartment, I’m all over your bed, right where you want me-” 
“SHUT UP!”  Momota quickly lets go of his hands to bring it to his face, The Phantom Thief doesn’t miss this opportunity and quickly squeezes beside the officer. Momota instantly realizes his mistake and turns around to see The Phantom Thief not run towards the front door, but to the doors to his balcony. He takes action and runs after him, seeing him slip outside past the blowing curtains. But as soon as Momota takes a step outside, he sees The Phantom Thief balancing on the railings of his balcony, Momota stops at a sudden fear of the boy accidentally falling off. 
The thief smiles as he takes off his hat, giving a bow to the officer, “it was fun as always, Momota-chan!” he looks up at the officer’s shocked expression. 
“But it seems I win this game,” The Phantom Thief stands straight as his hands dig into hands into his hat. He leaps backwards from the balcony, Momota immediately running to try and save him from falling but was met with rose petals in face. As soon as Momota got a clear vision, he sees petals everywhere around him and The Phantom Thief; who has seemed to carelessly falling in mid air, rose petals surrounding him as he put on his hat and smiled at the officer, “until we meet again, my beloved~” 
The scene to it all seemed so unreal, like something you’d definitely see in a movie. And Momota would be more allured to the sight before him, if he wasn’t too worried about the boy falling to his death. He went to grab the railing and reach out for the thief, but saw The Phantom Thief gently land on a rooftop. The building wasn’t very far from Momota’s balcony and not too high for the thief to stumble. How could he forget such a building was even there, I guess Momota was more worried about the thief’s safety at the moment. But Momota should have known the criminal better than to assume he didn’t have an escape plan outside his balcony, it must have been how he entered his apartment in the first place. 
The Phantom Thief looked up at him and gave him a last smile and laugh, as he turned around to run off into the night. 
Momota let out a long breath that he didn’t even knew he was holding, and his muscles relaxed once again. Fuck. He thought, he let The Phantom Thief escape from his grasp yet again. But Momota couldn’t seem to be stressed at the time but to have some sort of excitement build within him, and the happiness that their games will continue. 
He’ll let himself stress about it another time, but for right now, everything felt right. Momota sighed but smiled, 
“I guess we will meet again…”
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outofinspo · 5 years
The Beer Burglar
Summary: Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place crossover in which Jake arrests Eleanor
This is my entry for the @b99fandomevents summer fic exchange.
it was written for @cheeto-anaconda hope you enjoy it :)
             The discussion of their faith was starting to get really confusing. None of the humans could understand what was going on, they were just mere (dead) mortals in the middle of a conversation that was really beyond them… and somehow, about them.
“Mmm… Okay, let’s do it.” The Judge concluded, bringing an apparent good ending to the debate.
“Yes!” Michael cheered, seeming extremely pleased.
“I don’t know why, I’m just feeling kinda funky. But there have to be strict rules. Otherwise, the results will be tainted. And I reserve the right to change my mind at any point.” The Judge continued, like she was explaining a simple game of ‘Uno’ to the clearly confused humans.
“About what?” Eleanor finally voiced what all the four were feeling.  “Would someone who’s not an eternal being please explain to me what the-”
And then it all started over. 
             “Excuse me, ma’am. Do you have two minutes to talk about the environment?” Jake exploited his previously used genius cover. In fact no one looked him in the eye and he passed as basically invisible.
           Jake had come up with the idea of dressing like an environment enthusiast way back, when he started dating Amy. Now, a year into their marriage, it was still his favorite disguise, it just always seemed to work. That is, of course, until an incredibly rude lady came across him.
           “Do you have two minutes to talk about the environment?” Jake asked to a random person while looking for the perp reported to be there just a few minutes ago.
           “Do you have two minutes to eat my farts?” Eleanor said, the phrase almost becoming an automatic response by now.
           It had passed around 8 months since Eleanor had gone through her near-death experience and she had basically given up on being a good person. She was basically back to her pre ‘margarita mixture related incident’ self, the only difference being her new place of living, Brooklyn.
           “Wow, that was uncalled for.” Jake muttered under his breath.
           “You’re uncalled for.” Eleanor answered quickly, making the detective direct his glaze at her.
           “Wait a minute…” Jake said.Short blonde hair, blue eyes, short, apparently drunk… “You’re the beer burglar!”
           Usually the NYPD wouldn’t use their good detectives for a case this insignificant. But the constant local stores calls about missing packs of beer and bottles of liquor were starting to get annoying, and somehow the beat cops were still unable to get the perp who was committing said crime.
           “Oh, shit.” Eleanor exclaimed, widening her eyes. Seconds later she seemed much more relaxed “Hey, she’s making a name for herself!”
           “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to take you in.” Jake said, getting a little bit annoyed by the fact that this was the biggest case he had scored that month.
           “Don’t you have to do some procedure stuff?” Eleanor remembered him, clearly enjoying her little moment in the spotlight.
           Jake rolled his eyes before starting the well know discourse.
           “You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything… Ma’am!” Jake yelled as the woman who had commited the crime jolted down the block, managing to catch Eleanor in the middle of the second block down his previous location.
           “Man, that was quite a run.” Eleanor said, panting “Oof, how aren’t you tired?”
           “You have the right to remain silent if you do say anything what you say can be used against you in a court of law you have the right to consult with a lawyer present during any  questioning if you cannot afford a lawyer one will be appointed for you if you so desire.” Jake let all the discourse out under one breath, making no pauses. He was pretty sure he had just beaten some kind of record with the speed the speech was declared.
           “Wow, that was impressive.” Eleanor said, in fact looking surprised with the speed of the detective’s speech.
           “I know, right?” Jake said with a little smile plastered on his face, being extremely proud of himself “Now, I’m gonna have to cuff you.” he finished being brought back to reality by his surroundings. After properly capturing the perp, Jake directed her back to the police car.
             “So, is that our suspect?”
            “Rosa, I’d hardly call her a suspect, she basically admitted committing the crimes when I caught her.” Jake replied to his partner in this case.
            “Cool.” Rosa nodded at Jake with a smirk on her face “How’d you like to go about the interrogation?”
           “I’ll just try something straight forward, she seems like she’s gonna confess pretty soon.”
            Jake made his way to the interrogation room, sitting in front of a seemingly really annoyed Eleanor.
            “Look, dude, I have no time for this, can you please just let me go?”
            “You spend your free time stealing beers what is it so important that you can’t miss?” Jake asked in a high pitched voice, being irritated by the atmosphere Eleanor was creating
            “Number one: I did not admit anything!” She said articulating every word with exaggeration “Number two: I have a ‘Jonas Brothers’ show tonight. I can’t miss it, they’re too cute!”
            “Fair point.” Peralta said under his breath “But no, we can’t let you go because of a concert.” he continued.
            “Can’t I just go there and come back? I swear it’ll be really fast.” Eleanor pleaded, not really planning in returning to the precinct after the show.
            “I swear it’ll be really fast, title of your sex tape.” Jake muttered to himself, not being able to stop himself.
            “What?” Jake responded quickly, pretending he hadn’t said anything “Ma’am that will not be an option, you’ll have to stay here for further questioning.”
            “Did you say title of your sex tape?” Eleanor asked still a bit confused “Nice one, dude! You’re funny, detective.”
            Jake had already understood, form the moment Eleanor threw that snarky remark at him on the street, that the suspect had something special to her, maybe a good sense of humor, maybe just a pleasing aura. But at that exact moment, the woman had just given the cop what he loved most: validation. He couldn’t help but soften a little.
            After a question or two, the pair completely forgot about the crime and started having a pointless conversation, noting their similarities.
            “Right? Like, who doesn’t like Taylor Swift?” Jake exclaimed, not sure how they started talking about the pop star.
            Rosa was starting to get annoyed in the other room. It had been approximately 10 minutes since Jake and Eleanor had stopped talking about the case and were just talking about a list of attractive celebrities. The cop watching the conversation had doubted Jake’s sexuality since they were in the academy, but hearing him talk about the Hemsworth brothers with the suspect had basically confirmed to her the other cop’s bisexuality. Detective Diaz knew it was time to play a little ‘good cop, bad cop’ game.
           “Jake, there’s been a new lead. We need to discuss it immediately.” Rosa called for her partner from the other part of the questioning room.
           Jake hesitantly left the room. He was having a really good time talking to Eleanor and he didn’t want to ruin it by arresting her, it seemed a little too harsh of a way to start a friendship. But the cop knew he had to do the right thing, so he made his way to talk to Rosa.
           “Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” Rosa asked harshly as soon as the other detective stepped foot in the room. “You talking about Hollywood hotties won’t get us anywhere. I just wanna be done with this case already.”
           “Ok, I’m sorry” Jake said with a little tone of irony in his voice “I’ll go back and do some actual questioning.”
           “Uh, I don’t think so.” Rosa stopped Jake as he made his way to the door “You lost your questioning privileges as soon as the words ‘fat ass’ came out of your mouth. I’m doing the work now.”            Peralta tried to stop Rosa but she had already left the room. At that point Jake could do nothing but sigh as he watched his newly built friendship get destroyed by her partner in the case.
           “All right, here’s the thing: I know you’ve got something to do and I really don’t wanna be here” Rosa started talking as soon as she entered the room “so could you maybe just give us anything useful?”
           “Wow, I really liked the other dude better.”
           “Ok, listen; my partner might be a softy…” Rosa said through her teeth.
           “Hey! I can still listen to you.” Jake said through the microphone.
           “Shut up, Jake!” Rosa yelled, growing really frustrated.
           “Ok, go on.” Jake said in a high pitched voice, failing to hide the fear in it.
           “I know Peralta might be a softy, but i won’t go easy on you,” Rosa said almost in a whisper “so maybe if you just confessed it would be easier for both of us.”
           “Look, I don’t wanna be here either, but there’s nothing I can do.” Eleanor said “I didn’t do it!” she continued over-articulating her words again.
           “You were in the place of the last crime, you ran away when approached by the police and you fit the description: short blonde hair, blue eyes.” The detective was now losing her temper at the blonde woman.
           “Dude, that’s the vaguest description ever. It could be Owen Wilson, have you considered him?” Eleanor said getting really mad “Of course i ran away when I was approached by the police, it’s reflex.” 
           “What kind of reflex is that?” Rosa asked, genuinely confused.
           “Oh, I’m sorry, like I’m the only one who runs when someone thinks they committed a crime.” Eleanor exclaimed, throwing her hands up to the air.
           “I mean, if you didn’t do anything there’s no reason to run.” Rosa answered, finally returning to herself.
           There was a moment of silence in the room; Eleanor seemed to be reasoning something to herself. Rosa sighed, she was done with that case; it was a dumb crime and there was no reason to make such a big deal about it. Most of the beverages stolen were worth less than $10, summing up all the thefts, there was an estimated amount of $200 in products. The penalty would probably be a $500 fine.
           “Rosa, could you come here real quick?” Jake called the detective from the other side of the room.
           “What?” Rosa asked dryly when she entered the ambient.
           “Looks like Jennings just brought in our guy.”
           “What is that supposed to mean?”
           “Somebody else confessed to the crime, she’s innocent.”
           Rosa looked through the glass, looking at Eleanor in shock. She was telling the true, the girl just had some real troubles with making good decisions when it came to her actions.
           “You bonded with her, go tell her she’s free.” Rosa said to Jake, too embarrassed to confess she felt a little bad for being harsh with an innocent woman
             “And that’s one more point for the uniformed crew.”
           “In my defense, Ames” Jake said stubbornly to his wife “I knew she was innocent, Rosa’s the one who kept trying to get a confession out of her.”
           The couple was back at their apartment, after what had been a long day at work for both of them. They had already changed into their pyjamas and were sitting in their bed, discussing their day. Since they somehow managed to turn everything into a competition, Amy kept a scoreboard in her bedside table with the number of arrests her crew had made versus the detectives of the 99.
           “Say what you want, the point is still ours.” Amy said reaching for the scoreboard, not opened to making an exception to their rule by not marking that arrest.
           Jake rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically, faking annoyance. The truth is: he loved how Amy was proud of every single arrest her team made; it made him feel proud of her as well.
           It didn’t matter which team would win or lose the bet on the year’s arrest. What truly mattered was that they were all a family; and, by the end of the day, they all had each other.
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justlightlysedated · 6 years
holding on to what we used to be (addicted to a memory)
for @michaels-blackhat, who asked for “heat”, “magic” and “proof,” so naturally, another the magicians au
The memories don’t come all at once, and some of them leave him paralyzed at the worst times.
But the worst thing about them isn’t what he remembers, it’s opening his eyes and seeing Michael sitting across the room from him and feeling for one hopeful second that maybe it’s his Michael, and then having that Monster, smile a smile that would’ve never found itself on Michael’s face, and Alex remembers.
Isobel is the only one who can confirm that Alex is telling the truth.
Letting her into his head is one of the hardest things that he’s ever had to do, especially with the fact that he remembers an infinite number of timelines where he fell in love with Michael, and he remembers vividly one specific timeline that went on for an entire lifetime, where they didn’t die young and tragic but old and happy.
Isobel tears through his head like a tornado, and Alex tries to keep a lid on things and only show her what she needs to see to believe him, but she blows pass every single one of his wards with ease once he lowers the shield a little bit.
Alex freezes for a long moment and sees Michael crystal clear wrinkles lining his face, greying hair still falling to curls on his forehead, and he’s laughing and looking at Alex, and Alex feels loved, loved, loved.
He pushes Isobel back and she disengages from his head with a snap and a pained gasp.
He slams his shields back up and scrambles away from her, climbing over the back of the couch.
“Alex!” she calls out to him.
Alex ignores her and leaves the room.
Alex dreams of heat.
Michael’s hands warm and damp wrapped around his wrists pressing him down to the bed, hot damp air against his neck as Michael presses his face into Alex’s throat, panting and gasping and groaning, Michael’s thighs pressed on either side of his hips, sliding across the sweaty skin, Michael hot and tight around as he moved his hips slowly, like they had all of the time in the world because they did.
Alex wakes up sweaty, and hard, and aching, and wanting, and he turns in his bed and grasps at the empty side of the bed where Michael should be, but is not because Alex was too late and ruined everything before it even began. He buries his head in his pillow and cries.
Alex sits on the floor with his back against the couch. He watches as the flames from the fire in the fireplace throws shadows all along the walls that seem to be dancing in tune to the music that is literally shaking the walls.
The shadows could be enchanted or it could be the brownies that Liz and Isobel had made together. Which was still odd.
Liz and Isobel getting along. They’d spent so long at each other’s throats over Rosa that Alex still didn’t know how to feel about this truce they’d struck up.
“Are you going to stay inside all night?” Michael asks from behind him.
Alex doesn’t jump since he’d sensed Michael in the room about five minutes ago, but he is surprised that Michael is talking to him.
It’s been two weeks since they expelled the Monster from his body, and Alex swore that he was avoiding him, but that might have to do with the fact that Alex was most definitely avoiding Michael.
“I was planning on going to get a refill,” Alex says making to stand, but suddenly there is a drink floating on a small tray in front of him. The ice has melted just a little bit, and the tray wobbles a little, but it makes Alex smile.
Michael had been terrified of using his magic since before the Monster had taken him over.
He takes the drink gratefully, and feels Michael hopping over the side arm of the couch and sitting down. He leans down, resting his elbow right beside Alex’s head and tilts his drink to Alex’s.
“To surviving,” Michael says and taps their glasses together.
Alex taps his back to Michael’s. “To surviving.”
“Are you going to keep pretending that you don’t want me?” Michael asks and Alex almost trips and falls down the side of the river and into the rushing water.
They’ve been on this quest for three days now, and they still haven’t found the place where they’re supposed to be building the mosaic to find the key.
“I don’t-” he tries to say, but Michael makes a rude noise at the back of his throat and tugs Alex away from the edge of the river and right up against a nearby tree.
Alex feels the rough bark against his back, and Michael presses in close stopping inches away from his mouth.
“It would make this thing go by much faster if you just give in now, but I know you’re scared, so I’m willing to wait, but you do realize that this has been the longest amount of time we have spent alone together since you woke up naked in my bed?”
Alex swallows hard.
“It’s kind of driving me crazy,” Michael admits voice low.
They have a plan, made by a still feuding Liz and Isobel, but they’d put aside their differences and grudges to help Alex kill the Monster using Michael’s body as his personal meat suit.
It’s been days since the Monster admitted that Michael was no longer alive in there, and Alex still can’t bring himself to look at it in the face.
The plan is simple. The Monster loves to play with Alex, probably because of the excruciating face that Alex makes whenever he’s reminded that this isn’t Michael, and Alex sometimes enables it because he’d prefer the Monster to be fixated on him than tearing apart through an entire city block’s worth of people.
Maria and the Monster appear together and she looks a little worse for wear, but she gives Alex a smile when he looks at her.
The Monster smiles when it sees Alex and lets go of Maria to saunter forward.
“Alex!” it exclaims happily, and it makes Alex’s fingers twitch.
He really doesn't want to be doing this.
Isobel corners him in the kitchen only five hours after she kicked open the door inside of his head and rummaged through his underwear drawer.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asks voice smooth, but Alex can just make out a tremor in her fist.
She doesn’t like being left out of things.
Especially if those things involved Michael or Max.
“Because it wasn’t any of your business,” Alex says setting down the bowl of cereal he’d just served himself on the counter.
“It’s Michael,” she says giving him an incredulous look. “So it’s definitely my business.���
“Not about this,” Alex says firmly. “And besides it’s not like he knows.”
Isobel immediately deflates blinking at him several times before she gives him a disbelieving look.
“So, you mean to say that you remember all of the timelines we lived through where you’ve fallen in love with Michael and he with you, and you vaguely remember the night you guys had sex in this one that you used as an excuse to push him away, and,” she continues, moving closer to Alex until she has him trapped against the kitchen counter. “You remember an entire lifetime you technically didn’t live through where you live happily ever after, and you still didn’t put him out of his misery?”
Alex blinks at her before he very gently pushes her back so that he can breathe without inhaling her ridiculously expensive perfume.
“He knows about the lifetime in another time one,” Alex says slowly. “But not the others, and it’s not like it actually matters. When those memories came back to us, I wanted to stop running, but he didn’t want me.”
Isobel looks at him intently, eyes darting between his as if trying to see how serious he is without actually reading his mind. He can feel the slight pressure of her presence at his shields, but that’s a thing that always happens while talking to Isobel.
“That idiot,” she says so vehemently that Alex jumps. “We are getting that Thing out of him and then I am going to murder him for being an absolute bonehead.”
The Thing wearing Michael’s face tilts his blood splattered face in Alex’s direction and gives him a cruel smile.
“There’s nothing to give back,” it says and the words chill Alex to the bone.
“Nothing?” he questions dreading the answer.
The smile turns a bit more childish. “Yes. I’m all alone in here. It’s pretty roomy.”
“So Michael is-?” Alex starts slowly feeling as though the entire world is slowing to a stop.
“Dead? Yes,” it says and laughs and laughs and then grabs Alex’s hand.
“Come on,” it says smiling at Alex with Michael’s eyes, eyes that Alex will never see again light up full of love in his direction. “Let’s go play.”
Alex looks at the letter in his hands curiously and then at Michael who is looking down at the bottle he’d just opened. The smell sharp and bitter with traces of fruit, reminding Alex of nail polish remover, but milder.
It’s the smell that’s the catalyst.
Alex stumbles, and Michael helps him sit back down on the steps leading up to the thrones.
He barely feels it when Michael stumbles down to sit next to him.
He’s lost in the influx of memories, but he manages to integrate them faster than Michael does.
Probably because he has thirty-nine other timelines stuffed inside of his head.
He’s blinking his eyes rapidly as he looks down at the letter in his hands.
Michael inhales sharply, and laughs a little brokenly.
“So that-” he starts.
“-happened? Yeah,” Alex finishes looking at the paper in his hands.
“It was kind of-” Alex starts this time.
“-beautiful,” Michael says on a sigh before he laughs and this time it sounds more like a sob.
Alex feels startled and like Michael is remembering things that he’s not, because everything that Alex can see, can feel tells him that he’s being an idiot. That he’s been an idiot. It doesn’t matter if he lost him thirty-nine times before except in this one timeline that he decided not to give them a chance, because obviously, they’re inevitable.
“So all it takes is to completely leave everything and everyone we know behind for you to actually give us a chance?” Michael says, and it’s obviously a rhetorical question, but Alex starts trying to answer.
“Don’t bother,” Michael says and stands up tossing the bottle aside.
It shatters with a crash, and it takes Alex back momentarily to Michael pressing him against the wall of the tiny kitchen in their tiny cabin, and he can’t seem to find leverage, and his hands are scrambling for purchase, and he topples over several bottles that crash on the floor and spill their contents, but neither of them is paying attention too lost in each other.
Alex gasps coming out of it, and looks at Michael who is watching him with glazed eyes, but once he’s out of it, he’s shaking his head and glaring.
“This is going to be even worse than it usually is,” he says sighing.
“What if it doesn’t have to be?” Alex blurts out standing up.
Michael turns to him and tilts his head, narrowing his eyes. Alex tries not to show how nervous he actually is right now, but Michael has fifty years worth of memories of Alex at the moment.
“What if you ask again, and I say yes,” Alex says taking a step forward.
Michael takes a step back and shakes his head.
“I don’t think so,” he says and Alex feels as though his heart stopped beating in his chest.
Michael scoffs as he takes one look at Alex’s face and turns around facing away from Alex.
“So I ask and you say yes, and then your father shows up and you pretend you don’t even know who I am or Kyle decides not to be an asshole this time and you go off with him wherever it is you go and do whatever it is that you do, I don’t care. You running away everytime I brought up the subject is the least of the reasons why we shouldn’t be together. Apparently, it only works if we don’t have any other choice.”
Alex blinks fast and feels the tears wetting his lashes, and he turns away from Michael, pressing a hand over his mouth.
He inhales shakily and nods his head. “Okay, sorry I brought it up.”
He hears Michael move, hears him move closer, and then he’s making a rude sound with his mouth and walking away.
Alex exhales shakily shutting his eyes tight and lets the tears fall down his cheeks.
“I don’t believe you,” Max’s voice comes out of the darkness making Alex jump and place a hand over his heart.
Alex tries to figure out what Max could possibly be talking about since he doesn’t trust Alex at all about anything, but he doesn’t have to try too hard. There is only one thing that he could be talking about.
“You believed me easily enough when I told you he was dead,” Alex says and he tries not to sound accusing, but he can’t really help it.
Max gives him a look meant to quell him into submission but it does the same thing to Alex that it does to Michael, make him want to punch Max in the face.
“You already know that possession is Absolute,” Max starts and he has his lecturing tone on, and Alex can just barely resist the urge to groan out loud.
Max stops as soon as he sees Alex’s expression and clears his throat. “The Monster enjoys toying with you. How are you so sure that this isn’t another one of his games?”
“Because I know, Michael,” Alex responds hotly.
Max scoffs, “Not anymore than Isobel or me.”
Alex feels anger boiling in his veins and the clouds outside start to gather dark and heavy, rolling with thunder.
Max casts an apprehensive look towards the windows, but he doesn’t back down.
“Fine,” Alex says and a flash of lightning illuminates the world before the clouds disperse rapidly leaving behind the clear blue sky once again. “Get Isobel. We’re doing this right now.”
Alex shudders as he comes out of another memory involving Michael and opens his eyes to see that while he’d been out of it, the Monster had noticed.
It was standing way too close, eyes too detached and still they were Michael’s eyes.
Something shifted in them and before Alex could stop it, their mouths were pressed together.
Alex’s breathing hitched, and something painful and sharp lodged in his throat.
He exhales shakily and the Monster pulls away tilting its head shrugging. “I don’t see the appeal.”
It’s gone before Alex can do or say anything.
Alex lasts all of three weeks.
Which he thinks is admirable in the face of the fact that Michael spent 99.9% of the time wearing his shirt like a rag around his collar.
Michael also spent that time giving Alex looks from beneath his curls hanging in his face, and Alex spent at least 99.9% of the time asking himself why this was a bad idea again.
Three weeks and what breaks him isn’t even that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
He knows that he’s been skittish around Michael since he woke up naked in his bed, and he knows that skittish is the mildest way that he could possibly put that. Especially given the fact that their group of Beast Slaying, World Saving, Questing to Bring Magic Back, friends is practically inseparable.
And he knows that Michael knows that his leg bothers him at nights, especially given the fact that they share a bed.
Michael pressing the salve that he’d made by hand to soothe the ache into Alex’s hands one night was too much.
Alex was only human.
He drops the tin on the floor and it lands with a dull clang. Michael’s injured, “Hey-” he cuts off with his mouth, turning and pressing in close.
It’s almost like muscle memory. Alex doesn’t have to think too hard how to kiss Michael to get him to kiss him back.
He doesn’t have to try too hard either, since from the second their lips touch, Michael surges up, fingers tangling in Alex’s hair and he pulls Alex in close, biting against his mouth and kissing him hard and rough and like it’s been years.
Michael kisses him, pressing him back until Alex is the one pressed down against the scratchy wool sheets of their bed, and he gasps pulling away to breathe, panting into the air as Michael’s mouth drags across his chin and down his neck.
“Ask me,” Alex gasps as Michael bites into his neck.
Michael stops, mouth pressed against Alex’s throat, so still that it almost seems like he’s frozen instead of just not moving.
He pulls away a little and looks down at Alex, staring into his eyes.
He inhales deeply and leans down a little, “Do you-?”
Alex cuts him off.
“Yes,” he says and drags Michael back down on top of him by his hair.
The Monster takes another step towards Alex, and then it sways, almost like it’s going to faint, but catches itself immediately.
It looks at Alex, blinking rapidly, and Alex reaches out a hand. “Come on.”
The Monster smiles again, but there is something different about it that Alex can’t quite put his fingers on, but that makes his heart start racing.
“Alex,” it breathes, and it sounds reverent, and it’s eyes are shining with a depth of emotion that is confusing Alex.
He’s never seen anything but murderous glee in the Monster.
“Alex, it’s me, Michael.” It says, and Alex feels as though someone pressed a block of ice to the back of his neck.
“Stop playing around,” Alex says a little too sharply. “You promised no games.”
“No,” it says and steps forward fast, stopping Alex before he can back away.
Out of the corner of his eye, Alex can see Liz moving forward with the cup of their Monster Killing Potion in her hands.
“Alex,” it says putting his hands on Alex’s shoulders and then sliding them up to his neck, cupping his face in it’s hands, fingers pressed into his hair. “It’s me.”
Alex starts to tremble in it’s hold. He doesn’t know where it’s getting the idea to do these things from, but Alex hopes that when it dies it hurts like a motherfucker.
“I’m alive,” it says hurriedly, desperately and Alex stops trying to pull away. “And once you get this thing out of me. I will ask you again, do you understand me?”
Alex breath hitches and he looks into Michael’s eyes, and all he sees is love, love, love.
He gasps and his hands fly up to wrap around his wrists.
“Michael,” he breathes unable to actually believe it.
Michael smiles at him, and Alex can see what the difference is now. It’s love.
And then he’s swaying again, and Alex sees Liz getting ready to throw the potion.
“No!” he yells and pushes him out of the way.
Alex gets drenched in the potion. Michael stumbles back and Alex sees the moment It takes him over again, because It gives Alex an unreadable look at disappears.
Liz exhales harshly and Maria makes a restless noise.
“Now what?” Liz says.
“Michael’s alive,” Alex breathes, and refuses to think about anything else, even when the Monster reappears demanding an explanation.
Technically, as a First Year, Alex isn’t supposed to be greeting other First Years and showing them where to take the Test, but since he’s basically lived in the halls of Brakebills his whole life, he’d been sent down to gather their last straggler.
Alex leans against the sign at the entrance of the school and feels jittery with excitement and nerves.
This time he swore would be different.
And maybe, to make it really different he should’ve told the Dean to send someone else to get the last student, but every reset leaves him feeling like he hasn’t seen his friends in years, and Michael is the one that he misses the most.
He squints his eyes looking in the direction that he knows Michael will be walking in, and spots him almost as soon as he starts searching.
The smile that breaks out on his face is wild and uncontrollable.
He’s able to tamp it down by the time Michael makes it to him, eyes wide with wonder, but full of skepticism.
Just like always.
“Michael Guerin,” he says not looking at the card with Michael’s name on it but tossing it aside.
Michael’s eyes go to him, and they widen a little as he takes Alex in from head to foot.
It always leaves him tingling, feeling that stare on him for the first time.
But he swore this time was going to be different.
“Yeah,” Michael finally says taking his eyes off Alex and looking around the campus and then back to Alex as though he’s the most interesting thing in the place, and not the fact that he stumbled down a dark alley in New York and ended up here in the bright field of a University Campus. “And who are you?”
Alex can’t help the smile at the flirtatious sound of Michael’s words. “Alex,” he says, and then bites his lip before turning and walking.
He’s almost halfway there when he turns to see that Michael hasn’t moved, watching Alex walk away.
“Come on, you’re already making us late.”
Michael tilts his head at him, and then runs after him.
Alex turns back around and keeps walking sure that Michael is going to be following him.
After giving everyone a stone to place right in front of them, Isobel turns to Alex.
“You’re going to have to be very careful,” she starts once again as though they haven’t explained how the spell is going to work a million times already. Alex just wants to hurry up and try and get this over with.
“I know,” he cuts her off.
Isobel gives him an insolent look. “You have the most memories of Michael out of all of us.”
Max makes a protesting noise, but everyone ignores him.
“And you were the one to bond the most with the Monster,” she continues. “It’s going to pull on you the hardest, you have to resist it.”
“I know,” Alex says again this time looking at Isobel intently. “I know the risks. We went over everything. I know what I have to do. I’m not going to mess this up, okay? I want him back just as much as you.”
Isobel looks at him back with intense eye contact and then nods her head slowly.
“Let’s do this,” she says.
They’d practiced this several times already so it’s pretty easy to do the movements seamlessly and mostly in sync. The tricky part comes when they all clasp hands completing the circle and their stones glow in front of them.
The Monster isn’t happy.
Michael’s powers go haywire, but they’d planned for this.
Max’s shield holds up really well, even though most of his energy is concentrated in the spell.
Alex watches Michael’s body twitching like he’s in the middle of a seizure and he wishes that he could cross into the circle and help him deal with this.
Until then, the pull of the spell hadn’t been all that difficult.
Hard, yes, but not anything that Alex couldn’t handle.
He vaguely remembers Isobel telling him that they needed to keep their thoughts as clear as possible, that Michael would be doing most of the work, but emotions always made things more difficult.
Alex feels it when the spell latches on to him, and feels it when it lets go of everyone else.
“No!” Liz yells since she and Isobel are the only two that really know what’s happening.
Isobel yells that they have to keep the circle intact, and yells that Alex has to let go.
Alex can barely hear her. He can’t even see her.
He’s in a dark room, surrounded by mist and wind is whipping everywhere.
There is a loud unearthly sounding roar and then he hears Michael’s voice yelling.
“Go away!”
Alex feels his heart thudding in his throat and he stumbles towards it.
He stumbles and suddenly the darkness lifts and the mist disperses and there is Michael.
Michael’s eyes widen when he sees him. “Alex,” he says sounding shocked and dismayed.
Before Alex can say anything he’s surrounded by darkness.
He hears Michael yelling from far away.
“I know you wanted to save him, but you don’t have to hurt me to do it.”
“You shouldn’t have lied to me then,” Alex snaps back.
There is cold laughter, and Alex feels icy frostbite trailing down his spine.
“How about this? I’ll leave like he wants me to, but only if you make room for me inside your head.”
“Only if you promise that you won’t hurt any of my friends, and that we’ll go very far away from them.”
“You have to say the magic words.”
Suddenly the cold and the darkness is gone, and Alex sways but Michael catches him.
“Leave him alone,” he says voice echoing with power and golden and so pure and warm that it makes the breath catch in Alex’s lungs. “And get out of my head!”
Alex is thrown back into his body with what feels like a physical slam, he rocks back hard, and is only kept from falling backwards by Liz and Maria’s deathgrip on his fingers.
He’s shuddering and he opens his eyes, blinking rapidly, feeling like he’d been floating in the Arctic Ocean.
The stones in front of everyone shine brightly and then burst into sparks and crystals so small they disintegrate immediately.
As quickly as it all began it stops, and Michael just lies there in the middle of the circle so still that it almost seems like he’s-
Alex gasps again, still trembling, fingers gripping Maria and Liz tightly. Isobel is looking at him from across the circle with a furious expression, but he knows it’s only so that she doesn’t look at Michael’s too still body.
Max inhales to speak, but then grunts softly in pain and doesn’t say anything.
Alex’s eyes drop from Isobel back to Michael and he wants to move and check and make sure but he can’t, can’t, can’t.
He can’t bury Michael again. He won’t be able to handle it.
Just then, Michael gasps, sitting up suddenly, eyes wide open, and then he drops back on the floor, breathing rapidly, making little gasping sounds like he’s not sure how to make his lungs work.
Isobel is the first one moving, tearing her hands from Maria and Max and crawling across the floor and lying on top of Michael.
Max moves more cautiously, and it’s only when Michael puts his hand on Isobel’s head and gently moves his fingers through her hair that he moves and collapses on Michael’s other side.
Liz and Maria move close to each other, smiling and hugging.
Alex slumps down on the floor, pressing his face to the ground, feeling tired and exhausted and relieved. He turns his face to watch, because he doesn’t want to take his eyes off Michael, and isn’t entirely surprised to see Michael staring right back at him.
The Monster tilts its head in Alex’s direction, and rolls its eyes when Alex refuses to look at it.
“Why did it matter anyway? So I lied. It’s not like you haven’t lied to me.”
Alex’s eyes finally snap to it. “It’s not the same thing.”
It rolls its eyes again and looks at Alex with a sneer. “He tried to kill me. Of course I lied. I want him dead.”
Alex’s eyes flash and he takes an involuntary step forward. “You better not do anything to harm him.”
“Or what?” it says in amusement looking at Alex like one might look at a child.
“Or I’ll make sure that you live out the rest of your days in neverending torment.”
The Monster tilts its head considering. “Why is he so important to you?”
Alex swallows down the first words that pop into his head because those words he’s saving for Michael.
He looks at the Monster in the eyes, and it hurts to know that Michael is somewhere in there unable to look back. “Because he is. And there isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do to keep him safe.”
The Monster yawns in his face. “Bo-ring.” And then it’s gone.
Alex lets out a breath and looks up straight into Maria’s eyes who is looking at him like she’s finally figured out what’s been bothering her about him for years.
“What?” he asks feeling self conscious.
She just shakes her head and leaves the room.
What Alex is remembers is this:
Michael cheeks flushed and warm, gazing at Alex from way too close.
Isobel is asleep right next to him, and one of Michael's legs is thrown over his and they're laughing and there is wine and Alex is feeling very loose and fuck, he’s horny, and he knows that Michael would scratch that itch so well. He has memories upon memories upon memories.
And he remembers what happens this night, always in snatches of colors, and skin, and sweat, and heat.
He licks his lips. He can just barely taste Michael’s skin on his tongue.
“Alex,” Michael says voice low and throaty, and Alex’s eyes fall to him, and he sees how Michael is watching him, and feels it hit him in the stomach like a two by four.
This was the reason why he’d asked Isobel to join them today. Because he’d hoped that she’d be able to put a buffer between him and Michael.
But no, she was asleep, and Michael was looking at him with those eyes that said that he wanted to eat Alex alive, and Alex really, really, really wanted to let him.
The last thing Alex remembers clearly is saying that he needs to go to bed.
Everything else is the same as always.
Michael pushing him into his closed door, his head knocking back against the wooden frame. Michael’s hands hot and damp and tight around his wrists. Michael biting kisses down Alex’s neck, leaving behind bright blooms of pain. Michael’s mouth sucking a bruise into the crease of his groin before sliding his mouth hot and wet to the base of Alex’s cock. Michael pressed in close, over him, under him, inside of him, surrounding him, overwhelming and hot and real and so easy.
The next clear thought he has is waking up with Michael pressed close in front of him, and he remembers watching him sleeping, before he’d slipped away from the bed determined not to become the thing that made Michael lose focus and get himself killed.
A couple more drinks and Michael is sitting beside Alex, thighs pressed together, one arm pressed along the back of the couch behind Alex, the other holding his drink in the air as he gesticulates as he tells Alex an outrageous story that Alex has heard maybe five times before, but he loves the way that Michael gets excited when he tells it.
Michael stops abruptly in the middle of a sentence, and Alex blinks and tries not to look like he’d just been staring at him.
Michael sets his drink down on the floor beside himself and looks at Alex.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Michael says. Alex opens his mouth to speak, but Michael holds his hand up. “Let me finish.”
Alex just nods his head slowly.
“It’s not like it’s a new thing. You avoiding me,” he continues, and Alex bites down on his lip so that he doesn’t say anything. “But you had a much better reason this time, so I let it slide.”
Alex huffs out a breath.
“And we’ve been trying to save the world, again, and that comes first.”
The laugh is more apparent this time, and he feels Michael move his arm closer, pressing his forearm to Alex’s neck.
“But there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he says and Alex’s entire world slows to a stop.
He looks at Michael, and nothing else exists.
He watches all of the pain and hurt and caring and kinship and love, love, love that is shining in Michael’s eyes as he looks at Alex, lips parted trying to form the question that he keeps asking and Alex keeps running away from.
Alex knows that Michael feels that the ball is in his court since he was the one to reject Alex before.
But Alex, Alex doesn’t care, not when Michael is still looking at him like he’s the most amazing thing he’s ever seen in a world where magic exists.
“Do you want me, Guerin?” he asks voice low and as seductive as he can manage.
It most definitely works since Michael’s mouth drops, and the emotions in his eyes are leached away until only desire and lust remain.
But Alex still isn’t done. He remembers Michael’s words just like it was yesterday.
“Do you want to date me? To be my boyfriend, my lover, my everything. I feel like the whole world was frozen until you breathed fire into me. So tell me, do you want me?”
“Alex,” Michael says voice hushed and hoarse.
Alex licks his lips. “I should’ve said yes then, but I was so scared of losing you.”
Michael leans in pressing their foreheads together. “I should’ve asked you after we remembered, but I was scared too, that you would change your mind.”
“Never,” Alex says shaking his head and closing his eyes.
He feels Michael’s fingers on his face, tilting his chin slightly, and Alex gasps, eyes opening as he watches Michael’s shut as he leans in closer.
Their lips brush, once lightly, and then someone drops to the couch behind them.
“Gross,” Max says as he wraps an arm around Michael and tugs him away from Alex.
“You’ve been hogging the Guest of Honor,” Isobel says pushing Alex until she can slide in between them and lie back on Michael’s shoulder, throwing her legs over Alex’s lap.
Michael looks at him, and Alex just smiles fondly and leans back against Max’s leg, wrapping his hand around Isobel’s ankle and listening to her talk about Liz and Maria being wet blankets and going to sleep early.
He watches Michael and Max talking softly to one another, and closes his eyes feeling for the first time in what feels like forever, content, and happy, and safe.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 6 years
Wings (Castiel x Reader)
A/N: hiii! Its kelly again with another one shot (soulmate au). This one is about my absolutely favorite character, Castiel. He is just so sweet and perfect but so shy and gosh, hes so fun to write about. In this soulmate au, the winchesters know cas is keeping a secret from them, and they also find it a bit weird that their good friend y/n is the only human that can see his wings…
word count: 6, 000~
I remember the first time I met the man I’ve grown to love. Castiel, angel of the Lord, best friend to the Winchester brothers, and unfortunately, the object of my affection. He was just so breathtaking in every sense of the word. Not only did my world revolve around him, but I became a total fool when he was around. Even upon our first meeting, I was a mess.
It was late at night, and I was pulling into the parking spot of some cheap, run-down motel the Winchesters were stopped at. This particular case was quite interesting: meaning difficult and tricky, so much that even Sam was unable to find any new leads. It just so happened that I was in town, and after not seeing the boys in a couple years, they called to see if I would give them a hand.
Fourteen murders and seventeen injured, all separate, but of the same circumstances. Turns out the killer was a merman, as insane as that sounds. But I suppose that’s what happens in a boating and fishing district like that one.
I hoped out of my little car and slung my bag over my shoulder. I would be renting a room first so I made my arrangements and dropped off my things, making sure to tuck my gun and a silver blade in my pants, just in case. Room 26, they said they were bunked in. Four down from my own.
When I knocked on the door, it was opened almost immediately. And then, I was swiftly pulled inside and into a warm hug, an abrupt but comforting embrace. I took in the deep scent of motor oil and gunpowder, a sigh leaving my lips. Arms wound around his neck carefully, and I leaned my head against his shoulder.
“It’s been too long, Y/N,” he said softly, pulling away to get a good look at me. His green eyes scanned my body and I flushed, looking to the side. Even after this long, I still got self conscious like a high school girl when someone observed me. “You’ve grown, too,” he commented.
With a scoff, I rolled my eyes and hugged my waist. “If by grown, you mean gained a couple pounds, then yeah.”
He pinched my hip, making me jump. I wasn’t mad, but a little irritated when he winked at me. “Only in the right places, sweetheart,” he chuckled my way, his bright white grin sending my stomach into a frenzy. I had no feelings for him, but receiving compliments from a handsome man was still quite shocking to me.
I waved over his shoulder at Sam, who was working in front of his laptop. Only, my eyes widened when I noticed another person, someone unfamiliar standing to the side, watching me with slightly narrowed, yet curious eyes. My breath was stolen away from me at the mere sight of this man. He was the epitome of gorgeous, inhumanly so.
My hands fell to my sides, and my jaw was slack. This man, whatever he was, had wings. They spanned nearly the width of the room if not for them being tucked in a bit. They were the deepest of black in color, so rich that they sucked me in and threatened to never let go. Beautiful. Completely jaw-dropping.
Dean noticed my gaze trained on his companion and quirked a brow. “You okay, Y/N? That’s just our friend, Castiel.”
“Oh. I-I’m sorry. It’s just, well, he’s…” I trailed off, not wanting to sound like a stalker or a creep for finding their winged friend absolutely entrancing. I bit my lip and shook my head, brushing the thoughts from my mind. “Nice to meet you, Castiel. I’m Y/N L/N, an old friend of the Winchesters’,” I told him, correcting my awkward behavior from before.
“Ah, yes, Y/N. They have told me much about you.”
I spun around, eyes wide with surprise and a bit of flattery, flickering between Sam and his brother. “You talk about me to your friends?” I asked, genuinely happy that they did.
Sam shrugged, but Dean was almost proud of the fact. He slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his side tightly. The familiar softness of flannel and leather rubbed against my arm, and I was sent back to the past for a moment to times I hugged them as a child, or borrowed their clothes on long hunts when mine got ruined.
“You’re practically a little sister to us. Why wouldn’t we mention you to our angel?”
I frowned and glanced up at him incredulously. What did he mean by that? “Angel…?” I repeated, waiting impatiently for him to explain his phrasing. He rolled his eyes and motioned to Castiel, who looked quite uncomfortable, given the circumstances. Was Dean really saying that this man was...an angel? I wasn’t even aware those existed.
“Yeah. Cas might not look like it, but he’s a real life angel. Turns out there are thousands of them.”
I nodded, shuffling uncomfortably out of his arms. For some reason, my eyes wouldn’t stop drifting over to that dark haired man in the corner. I wanted to approach him. To run my fingers down the stubble on his cheeks and his jaw. I wanted to brush his feathers along my fingertips and feel their softness against my skin. I wanted to speak to him alone, to be without the company of Sam and Dean.
I wanted this strange man- or angel...whatever he was. I wanted him so much in that moment that it could have left my quivering. He was just so alluring, tugging me into his trap with each breath.
What was I thinking? Did I need to be slapped to knock myself away from these insane thoughts? I’d never felt this way about anyone in my life so why was it beginning with this total stranger who wasn’t even human?
I pinched myself hard on the arm and winced. Maybe that would bring me down to reality, I prayed.
It did. Sort of. While I did skip the rest of the small talk and introductions to walk over to where Sam sat, I couldn’t keep myself focused on the task at hand. My knee bounced in place where I sat on the hard wooden dining chair, which no one noticed. Sam didn’t notice the unusual tremors that made their way through my hands occasionally. He was oblivious to my internal struggle. He couldn’t see how on edge I was, thank God.
And after a couple hours of sitting in the room with these men, my heart racing constantly throughout, I was ready to head to my room and get some well deserved shut eye. The clock struck one in the morning by the time I stood, and the chime of the weird little grandfather clock by the door rung out loudly in my ear like an echo.
“At least now we know where we have to look tomorrow, right?” I asked, stretching my arms high above my head as a loud yawn escaped my lips. Contagiously, the yawn made its way to Dean and it caused me to crack a smile. Tiredly, I ran my fingers through my messy hair, throwing the part to the side and out of my eyes. “Imma head back to my room for the night then.”
“Yeah, thanks for the help, Y/N. Wouldn’t have figured half of this out without you,” Sam piped up, motioning to all the writing and articles we had spread out on the small dining table. I laughed, agreeing with him.
Dean, who laid in his bed only waved to me and called groggily, “See ya, Y/N.”
As I was making my way to the door to leave, I froze. Castiel, who was standing toward the center of the room, had failed to bring in his wings, and unfortunately, they were so magnificently large that they blocked my way. I cleared my throat and peered over at him shyly. He still made my stomach turn loops and my heart to palpitate like I was on a rollercoaster.
Of course I wasn’t going to be rude and move them out of the way myself. That would probably embarrass me and invade his personal space.
He looked over at me curiously, as he had whenever we spoke. Those looks, the ones where his eyes would widen and his lips would part just a bit, his full attention directed at me; those moments made me feel like I would collapse under the pressure. He was just...perfect. To me, at least.
“Do you mind, you know, moving so I can get by?” I muttered awkwardly, my gaze quickly dropping from his the further my blush no doubt darkened.
He quirked a brow, so did Sam. “There’s like four feet of space between you two-”
“No, I mean- It’s fine, I’ll just,” I said softly before ducking under his wings and straightening on the other side, making sure to carefully maneuver so I hadn’t so much as skimmed his wings with my touch. “Sorry, your wings are just so big and intimidating, I kinda don’t know how to address them without sounding stupid,” I confessed, tugging at the edge of my sleeve.
“Wings? Y/N, what are you talking about?” Dean asked, rolling over to glare at me, my voice obviously keeping him from getting any sleep. I opened my mouth to say something, but I only shut it a moment after, not knowing what to say. What the hell were they talking about? The huge wings right in the middle of the room, sticking out of this dude’s back? For fuck’s sake, they were pretty hard to miss.
The angel, the subject of our conversation, turned to me and stared deeply. I felt so scrutinized under his gaze, and feared for the worse. As I suspected, I must have said something wrong. Something to offend him. “You can see them?”
“Well, of course. They’re pretty distinct, Castiel,” I said simply. I raised my hand to the wing and carefully, very carefully, touched the very edge of one of his feathers. He let out a shaky breath as my fingers skimmed the surface and his eyes shut tightly. “They are so soft and...beautiful. I-I’m sorry if I offended you.”
“No, no. You did nothing wrong, Miss Y/N,” he assured me, but I still felt like there was tension, something bad that he wasn’t telling me. “If you would excuse me, I have business to attend to elsewhere.” And with those being his last words to me, he left with a flutter of his wings and a gust of air.
I felt a rush of emotions tug at my heart, but I mainly was left confused. I turned to look at my friends, who were just as in the dark as I was. My voice broke the silence left by his absence. “So, you can’t see or touch his wings?”
“No. Never met anyone who could.”
“What does that mean for me?”
Sam shook his head and smiled wearily, “I don’t know.”
After meeting Castiel, it seemed that I was in danger much more than I was before. I would often have run ins with other angels, ones that wanted to hurt me. Sadly, I could do nothing to fight back against them without an angel blade. I was faced with so many terrifying situations that Sam and Dean eventually suggested that I come to live with them in their bunker, which was warded against everything evil , even God’s first creations. They said it was safe for me there, and I couldn’t return home if I was being hunted.
When I asked Castiel why his brothers and sisters were on my back all the time, he merely replied with, “It’s too complicated to explain right now” and that was sufficient enough for him. I never fought him on his answer, knowing that he would tell me when the time was right.
I was, fortunately, given an angel blade and taught the many sigils that would protect me in case Castiel could not make it to me in time. When I went on hunts and I found myself in trouble, at any time, I would pray to Castiel and he promised he would arrive as soon as he could. Typically, it would only take a matter of seconds for him to show at my side.
You could say that Castiel and I grew to hold a special bond. We had a strong friendship, which, although harbored secrets, wasn’t breaking any time soon.
Often, he would visit us and sit in my room with me at night, or when I was alone and the boys went on a dangerous hunt he would join me for dinner, even though he never ate. It was the thought that counted. The thought that he didn’t want me to be alone. He was and would never stop being my best friend. My favorite angel and my best friend.
I still felt that strange tug to him, and I never stopped seeing his wings whether they be extended or tucked away. His voice was deep and rough and so intoxicating that I found myself lost in it when he rambled. And his eyes were like pools of wonder, pools of pure magic that I was perpetually drowning in. But for Castiel, I was more than happy to drown.
Again, I wasn’t the least bit aware of why I felt this way for the angel, but I wasn’t fighting it anymore. As long as he stayed by my side as a friend, I couldn’t complain. Sure, I began to have feelings for him that I probably should not. Ones that I did not have for Sam or Dean or Jack. These feelings were strong and intense and they made my heart feel heavy in my chest.
I was falling in love with an angel. And I hated myself for it.
He was a celestial being, not some play thing for me. He was too high and mighty for me to lust after. To him, I was like a weak child, nothing close to a lover. I was someone he had to protect. A burden, if you wanted to put it that way. He would never love me. He wouldn’t want me the way I wanted him. It was sickening and I wanted to cry when I thought about the reality of it all.
No man has ever been able to make me cry. Not even the most vicious of break ups or the harshest of rejections has left me feeling so empty and broken. Castiel, the inevitable rejection that I would face from him...it left me feeling useless and damaged, like a broken record. These feelings kept playing on and on but it was the same note again and again, and the entire thing was driving me insane.
I sat on the table in the library as Sam researched something about witches and a spell that I didn’t care about it. It was for a mission, only I would not be going on it. I was still injured and recovering from the last one I went on. Castiel offered to heal me, in fact, he begged for me to let him just place his fingers on my head and let his grace do the work. I refused. The pain was a reminder that I needed to be careful.
What if we didn’t have Cas? Then what? We would suffer far worse than we do now. I didn’t want to take advantage of him and his abilities.
Castiel stood by my side, as he did. He rarely left me alone when there wasn’t a crucial task for him to do. It was almost like he was attached at my hip sometimes, and Dean was sure to point it out, more than I liked.
I turned to the angel at my side and smiled softly, my eyes flicking up to his shyly. Even though he was always around and we were comfortable, I still felt shy and nervous around him. It’s hard not to when you’re constantly reminded of how genuinely perfect he is.
“Yes, Y/N?”
I bit my lip and trailed my eyes to the bunker entrance. “Wanna come with me on a drive?”
“A drive? To where?” he asked, but he was more than ready to come with me. He shoved his hands in his pockets and eyed me curiously. Normally, I didn’t just leave the bunker. I wasn’t really a fan of driving at night either.
I sighed, a gentle hum leaving my lips. “I’m not sure yet. I just know that I want to feel the gas under my feet and the wind in my hair,” I confessed, referring to my beautiful convertible that I stole a couple years ago. Castiel simply nodded and extended his hand for me to take, so he could help me off the table and escort me to the garage. Delicately, I placed my cold hand in his warm one and followed after him, waving to Sam on the way out.
I snatched my keys from the bowl by the door and tugged on my jacket hanging on a hook. It wasn’t freezing outside, but enough that you would get goosebumps if you weren’t careful. He also grabbed a scarf and tossed it around my neck. “You get cold so easily, Y/N.”
“I know, but I don’t want to be stuffy.” Still, I wore the scarf; after all, he was so kind to think of me.
The drive was quiet as I pulled out of the bunker and onto the empty road. The night lights illuminated the abandoned road, and it was blissful. The feeling of being in this car with the rush of wind in my ears, the steering wheel held tightly in my hands, and the love of my life in the seat beside me. I felt the edge of his feathers skin against my shoulder and a soft smile stretched on my cheeks.
“Castiel,” I spoke. He looked over at me, and I took a quick peek away from the road to see the wonder in his eyes. I turned back to the road and let out a breath. “Why is it that only I can see your wings?” I’d asked before, time and time again, and each time, I thought I would receive an answer. Just like tonight.
“You know it’s complicated, Y/N.” The same thing, every time. The vague answer that left me wondering.
“I know. But it just doesn’t make sense. Out of all the humans you’ve met, why only me? Is there something wrong with me?” I questioned. I paused when I came to a stop light and leaned over in my seat a bit, getting a good look at him finally. He was tense, and he wasn’t looking at me now, almost as if he were afraid to face me. So, I continued, “It’s weird that I can’t see any other angel’s wings either, and there are barely any books written on angels since you are so complicated. I worry about it sometimes, what’s happening with me and you.”
The light turned green, and I quickly turned back to the wheel and drove straight across the intersection. He cleared his throat. “It’s because you’re a very special human being, Y/N,” he finally said something I had yet to hear before. “You were born different from other humans, not because of your parentage, but because of a gift my father gave to you.”
“So, you’re saying that this ability I have, to see your wings...it’s because of something God did to me?”
“Yes. He had special plans for you, Y/N. Only a few humans in all of history have ever been able to see an angel’s wings.”
“Well, I know that! I want to know what these plans are. What does this all mean?” I asked, prying once again. He was spilling more knowledge than usual, and wished he would just give me the bulk of it. What could God possibly want with me, a plain hunter from a broke little town in Kansas?
He shook his head and kept his lips sealed once again. I felt defeated, but at least I discovered a bit more about him. “Thank you, Cas. You’re the best friend I could ask for, despite being a secretive little jerk,” I laughed, taking one hand off the wheel to reach over and poke his shoulder playfully.
He exhaled and nodded, but there was something false about his smile that I couldn’t place. Something in his eyes that seemed so pained and miserable. It worried me. God, was I worried.
Gabriel the Archangel. I was tasked with taking care of him while the others were gone on an important mission too dangerous for my liking. I brought him sweets that he would normally enjoy, ones that Sam had sworn from the house. A bag of dum dums and a bowl of ice cream. He was feeling better these days, and I hoped he was feeling up to eating something.
Sure, angels didn’t need to eat, in fact, most of them hated to. Yet, Gabriel wasn’t himself without a lollipop in his mouth and a little sugar on his tongue.
I sat down at his bedside, just on the edge of his bed and placed the snacks on the table. “Hey, Gabe. Hope you’re feeling better this morning because I’ve brought some goodies,” I said, smiling at him. “Don’t tell Sam, though. He’ll have my neck.” I held out the bowl to him, and he took it.
The thought of being a mere human and tending to an all-powerful archangel was terrifying. But he wasn’t completely full of his grace yet so he was a bit weaker. Just the thought though, of being in his presence was enough to make my mind swell with prideful thoughts, and a few fearful ones.
He took the bowl of mint chocolate from my hands and began munching on the ice cream, much to my relief. He really was back to his old self, minus some of the firepower of course. I popped one of the dum dums in my mouth myself and scooched further on the bed beside my friend so I sat against the headboard next to him, my legs kicked out and my mismatched socks shown proudly.
“Trouble getting dressed this morning, sugar?” he referred to them with a small grin.
“Nope. I just really hate pairing socks after I fold the laundry,” I informed him, to which he agreed. He didn’t have to do laundry, but he would probably hate it too. It’s pretty boring, and we all know Gabriel likes to live life to the fullest.
He eyed me for a moment before looking back down at his ice cream. “So, how come you’re not out with your friends hunting whatever it is they’re busy with?”
“Too dangerous for me. Cas doesn’t like letting me go if there’s a chance I could die.”
“Really? Well, you’re not in the right line of work then, honeybuns,” he chuckled. He wasn’t completely aware of my strange connection with Castiel yet, although he knew we were very close friends. I’m sure he was only joking when he spoke next. “Castiel really cares for you, almost like he loves you. Wouldn’t doubt it, with the way he stares at your ass every time you turn around.”
I choked on my breath, and glared at the angel beside me. He laughed at my stunned expression. “What? I’m only joking. He’s much more focused on your face. He’s always staring at you. Surprised you don’t find it creepy,” he commented. My cheeks flared and I wanted to smack him for making me so embarrassed. It wasn’t Gabriel’s fault for pointing it out, though. He was only messing with me, riling me up like he does so much.
“Are you sure he looks at me differently than everyone else? I mean, he does have a tendency to stare,” I mumbled, fiddling with the stick of my candy.
He was quick to reply with amusement still clear in his soft chuckles, “Yep. Never seen him so entranced. You got him wrapped around your little finger, sugar.”
“Sometimes, I like to think that, but I know it’s not true. He doesn’t care for me that way,” I sighed. The room turned silent under my self-pity, all the self-doubt piling around me. Gabriel remained quiet, obviously waiting for me to elaborate. I felt so pathetic as I told him, “Castiel only cares for me the way he does because he feels obligated to. He told me that I was special, and his father created me for a purpose. I think he just stays around because his dad wants him to protect me. It’s sad, that our friendship might not even be real, but it’s gotta be true.”
“Special?” he echoed. “How so?”
I rolled my eyes at the thought of my ability, which proved to be only trouble for me. “It’s really not much. It’s just that I can see and feel Cas’ wings. No one else can, and I always ask him why and he never gives me a straight answer. It’s actually really frustrating,” I confided.
Once I finished, and Gabriel had a moment to think, to process what I had told him, i could only watch in shock as one of the brightest smiles I’ve seen from him spread across his cheeks. His golden eyes gleamed with a bit of mischief and joy, and it made me feel confused but relieved. At least now I knew I wasn’t in any trouble.
“Well, well, well, isn’t Castiel the lucky one,” he muttered to himself, tossing his head back against the headboard.
“Lucky? How? You know why I can see them?” I was so excited. I felt jolts of energy run through my veins and flood my chest. I found myself leaning forward, now on my knees and close to him, so curious I could feel the questions about to burst from my ears. My eyes found his twinkling ones, and I almost hugged him when he nodded in reply.
“Now, I’m sure my little bro wouldn’t like me telling you this, but seeing as he’s too cowardly to tell you himself, I guess I’ll take it upon myself,” he hummed. “Castiel is your soulmate. You were meant to be together from the very point of all creation, and he has waited hundreds of millenia just to meet you.”
“What?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. This was news to me. Soulmates? That sounded positively absurd and made up and just something I couldn’t believe. Castiel and I were meant to be together, made just for each other? It sounded like some sappy story my mind would conjure up at night to comfort my unrequited love.
Gabriel sighed and shook his head. “My father created thousands of angels, but it would be cruel to not give them something to look forward to cherishing. So he gave a bit of each angel’s grace to one of his other creations. It’s rare for an angel to ever meet their soulmate, but there are cases in which it happens. Just so happens Castiel met his match.”
Blink. Holy shit. I felt like my heart was soaring, and my mind raced with thoughts a mile and minute. Never in my most wild dreams had I imagined being this important to Castiel. Never did I think we had this intense a connection. I just thought God made a mistake and I could somehow see his wings. I gaped at the archangel and stumbled for words. “Wow. So...I have Cas’s grace in me?”
“Right-o, honeybuns. It’s weaved into your soul.”
“Why wouldn’t Cas tell me? It’s been five years.”
“Could be scared. After you met, I’m guessing you faced a lot of trouble? Angel trouble specifically?” I nodded. “It’s dangerous to be the soulmate of an angel. A lot of people hate Castiel’s guts, if you couldn’t tell. Killing you, or using you to get to Cas would be pretty beneficial to his enemies,” he explained, and suddenly it all made sense.
It made sense why I was so attracted to Castiel from the moment we met, why I loved him so much that it hurt, why he stuck by my side and kept me from harm’s way, why he held me when I cried or when I was scared, why he would do anything in the world just for me.
Castiel belonged with me. He was mine alone. And ever since the beginning, I was all his.
I found myself, without heed, praying to Castiel that night. I lied in my bed deep into the night with the covers pulled over my head, just repeating the things that Gabriel had told me. Castiel was my soulmate. We shared the same grace. We were one of the same, and we belonged together.
Yet, we were both afraid. Living this life, the way of a hunter, it wasn’t easy. We were pawns of God, and he was playing us into danger with every twist and turn of the path. The problem was, despite with everything spinning around us, I still wanted Cas more than anything. All the warning signs were out the window.
I loved him.
I sat up in bed and pulled at my hair. Being without him, it was hurting me. It made my chest feel tight and my mind to sink into a hole it couldn’t rise from. “Castiel. I need you now more than ever,” I whispered under my breath. I didn’t expect him to hear me, or reply. He was probably too busy with hunting or angel stuff to care.
But then again, I was a part of him that he needed. That he had been waiting millions of years for.
A few seconds later, the flutter of wings and a gust of hair signalled that he had arrived in my bedroom. I peered up at him, standing tall and strong at the foot of my bed. His wings were extended to their grandest span, and he held a dangerous look in his eye. When he scanned over me, and his eyes flicked around the room, realizing I wasn’t in danger, he lowered his guard and tucked in his wings.
“Y/N. What is it you needed?” he questioned, his blue eyes piercing into my own drowsy ones.
I never wanted to kiss anyone more than I did in that moment. I wanted to grab him by the collar of his coat and yank him onto me, chest to chest and lips to lips. I wanted to tangle my legs with his and feel the warmth radiate from his form. I wanted to whisper sweet nothings and dirty somethings into his ear, and trail sloppy kisses down his jaw and his neck. I wanted everything so fucking much.
“I-I don’t understand.” He stumbled for words. Of course he didn’t know. But I just prayed he felt the same way.
“The reason I can see your wings, Cas, Gabriel told me everything,” I told him. His eyes widened and his jaw fell slack at my words. A lump was swallowed in his throat as the tension grew in the room. I could cut the air with a knife, it was so thick and heavy, nearly suffocating. I could only imagine what it was doing to the man at my feet. “Why would you keep this a secret from me?”
He closed his eyes and took a minute to get himself together, to gather the words he needed to explain himself to me. I knew it must be hard for him, my poor, sweet angel, and I didn’t mean to pressure him. This was just so important to me. Important for us. I needed to know.
“If you knew, and you lost me, it would hurt you. You don’t need to be burdened by me, Y/N. You are the perfect human being. You are beautiful and kind and smart, and I’m convinced that you could do much better than me,” he confessed, sorrow dripping from his voice. He was pained and angry with himself, but he mainly seemed defeated.
I bit my lip and felt tears spring at the corners of my eyes. They stung, the salty water dripping down my cheeks. No one had ever said something that thoughtful to me. No one ever considered my feelings like this angel, nor had they treated me so well. I furiously wiped off my tears and gazed at him with an unsteady frown.
“Cas, you are the most genuine, kind, gentle person I have ever met in my life, and you have treated me like a princess for years now without a single complaint. I’ve never felt this way for anyone other than you, and honestly, I don’t think I could ever want anyone else.” I let out the breath that I had been holding, feeling my tears start to flow once again, this time in hot, heavy drops.
He leaned forward and wiped them away with both his thumbs, his rough, calloused hands skimming across my cheekbones and beneath my eyes, working their way to sit on either side of my neck, cradling my head in his hands.
“You’re my soulmate, and I have never loved anything more than I have come to love you, Y/N.”
“Goddammit, I love you so much, Cas,” my voice cracked under the pressure. I pressed my hand to my lips and sobbed into it, unable to stop myself anymore. He was so perfect. So special to me. And I could finally have him all to myself. He loved me. He truly and unconditionally loved me.
He lifted my hand from my lips and ran his thumb along my bottom lip. I felt myself leaning closer to him and soon enough, his lips were pressed to mine. His lips were chapped but they were so flawless against mine. It was almost as if our lips fit together like pieces of a puzzle. I reached up to wrap my hands around his neck, running my thumbs up and down on the nape of his neck with feather-like softness.
His lips moved so agonizingly slow against mine, but I’d never experienced this much passion in my life. I tugged him further onto me, our chests pressed together and his wings slowly encircling the both of us in a protective cave. I smiled against his lips and pulled away just enough so that I could speak.
“I love you.”
He let out a shaky laugh. “And I love you, my princess.”
Once again, I pressed my lips to his, and together, we lost ourselves in a world we’d been hiding from since the moment we met. Pure and utter bliss.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 139: Deku and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Hallway
Previously on BnHA: The cops and Nighteye’s pro hero group took about nine pages to approach Overhaul’s house, only to be stopped by some massive troll of a man before they could ring the bell at the front gate. Everyone was all, “HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WERE COMING?” while ignoring the fact that there were like 70 guys all conspicuously gathered outside this place for like an hour prior to them getting started. Ryuukyuu turned into a dragon and I wanted it to be like this, but so far all she really did was hold the guy down with one of her big dragon claws. Which to be fair was still pretty cool. So she and her group are staying outside to deal with the cave troll while the rest of the heroes head on in. Meanwhile in the secret underground labyrinth beneath the house, Overhaul plotted to have his underlings stall the heroes while he made his getaway. And this is why you don’t ring the fucking doorbell before invading a mafia capo’s house. Just FYI.
Today on BnHA: The heroes finally make it inside the house! So thrilling. Nighteye uncovers a secret passage, and the heroes proceed down below. After smashing their way through a blocked wall, they discover a hallway doing its best impression of that Salvador Dali clock painting. This apparently is the work of one of Overhaul’s henchmen, Mimic, whose quirk allows him to enter objects and control them. Apparently he shot himself up with some Trigger and became a “living labyrinth.” Since Mirio is the only one not physically deterred by this, he activates his quirk and runs ahead before the others can stop him. The rest of the group suddenly falls into a big hole that opens up beneath their feet, landing in a room with three more henchmen. The pros get ready to fight, but Amajiki holds out a hand to stop them, saying he’ll be the one to take them down.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 171 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. My son the musical prodigy.) 
okay, time to get back on this. some holdover thoughts from the previous chapter since I’ve had a couple days to reflect on it:
why the hell didn’t everyone wear kevlar or some shit. you know you’re going up against enemies that will be shooting at you, and if they hit you you’ll lose your quirk. it blows my mind that the pros didn’t suit up with extra body armor knowing this
even worse, because of the way the house is designed, they’re basically going to be sitting ducks. they only know one way in and out of the lower levels of the house. seeing as it’s underground, that means lots of long, narrow tunnels and hallways. they’re in just about the worst strategic position they could be for a raid like this: the enemy knows they’re here, and unlike Nighteye’s team, they actually know their way around the hideout. meanwhile the raid team is inevitably going to either have to split up and get themselves lost, or stick to this stupid plan of taking the most direct route possible to get to Eri, and meanwhile have bad guys shooting quirk-destroying bullets at them the entire way
that being said, they should stick Kirishima out in front and use him as a human shield lol
(ETA: to be fair, the only one that actually ends up getting hit is another one who is normally for all intents and purposes bulletproof. and in his case kevlar wouldn’t have done jack shit because he would have ended up shedding the vest anyway due to his quirk. so fair enough, but the others should have still geared up. no one cares about safety huh)
all right. so let’s see just how screwed these guys actually are
okay so we’re opening with the mafia dudes demanding to know what’s going on, and the cops explaining that this is a raid suckas
the lower level pros are holding the mob guys back while the cooler pros go on ahead
FG’s apologizing for not stopping to take off his shoes since this is an urgent situation. how fucking rude. tracking in all that dirt
oh my god
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fucking kidding me with this shit. Bubble Girl in the lead? she barely even has a shirt, let alone any type of armor? is her quirk defensive in any way? let’s hope so
is Nighteye’s quirk even active again yet? right now he’s just a guy in a suit, isn’t he? although he did work with All Might for years, so he probably does have wicked combat skills that we just haven’t seen yet. hopefully
(ETA: wicked combat skills and a six-pack)
I can’t even see Kirishima in this shot. jeez. ridiculous
so as they run, they’re all discussing how the bad guys seem to have known they were coming, and that this is Not Good
I don’t really care about what Aizawa is saying in this panel, but I like that he’s right next to Deku
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taking that promise very seriously. well good, since we all know that literally the instant Aizawa lets him out of his sight, Deku is somehow going to end up facing the final boss or something
(ETA: fucking uncanny, though. every fucking time, Deku)
anyway, so they’re logically concluding that Overhaul and the top brass must already be in the basement either hiding all their shit or getting ready to escape
this makes Kirishima very angry
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well yeah, Kiri. but bad guys gonna bad guy
still, if it gets you fired up, you go ahead and feel that righteous anger boy
and now Nighteye’s stopping at a random panel in the wall and says this is it
oh, cool
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please be a secret door please be a secret door please be a secret dooooor...
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oh shit lol
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never mind. close it
ughhhhhhh the centipede guy is using his quirk nooo whyyyy
he’s picking up two of the guys with his centipede arms
to me this is a fate worse than death
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now Bubble Girl’s using her bubble quirk!
she’s... making bubbles. from her body
they’re floating over to the last bad guy
and they popped in his eyes and he’s screaming “my eyes!!!”
are these... are these just normal bubbles
I don’t really get it but hey! at least it’s not centipede arms!
so she’s restraining the dude and telling the others to go on ahead
and down they go. off to the garden of madness
except that almost immediately they’ve come to a dead end??
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this doesn’t look like a normal quirk though. maybe someone has a wall-building quirk? similar to what Cementoss has?
(ETA: this is most definitely Overhaul’s reassembly quirk)
anyway, Mirio says he’ll take a look
oh my god. I finally get to see just how Mirio deals with immediately shedding his elaborate costume and then having to put the whole thing back on again later
oh snap
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so if Mirio can have a costume that phases with his quirk, why can’t Hagakure have one woven out of her hair that turns invisible along with her? is it just because Horikoshi is a pervert. okay then
(ETA: I’m not even gonna bother getting into this anymore, but just know that I am rolling my eyes at this obnoxious fucking mangaka so damn hard)
anyway, so Mirio’s taking a peek and then reporting back that the path up ahead is exactly like Nighteye described. he says the wall is very thick though
oh, riiiiight
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I keep forgetting about the “reassemble” part of Overhaul’s quirk
oh well. time to bust a wall
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lol, FG and Static are like, “whoa”
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I think this is the first nice thing Static has said about any of the kids
oh shit. now there’s something else happening
the floor is getting all weird and uneven? like it’s getting all warped somehow
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well this is. annoying
(ETA: actually, “annoying” is the mildest, nicest, most undeservedly polite way possible to put it)
my god I hope none of them is claustrophobic. or ends up being claustrophobic after this, because I sure wouldn’t blame them
the head police guy says this has to be Irinaka’s quirk. that’s the HQ chief
so wait, is that the little guy from chapter 132 who made an arm grow out of his head??
and it doesn’t even sound like they’re sure it’s him
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although FG points out that if he got all doped up on quirk enhancers, this isn’t outside the realm of possibility
oh snap! it is him!
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oh my god. “I’m not on the ship. I’m in the ship. I am the ship”
LMAO at Fat Gum though
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what kind of pathetic excuse for a pro hero can’t even predict that a guy is going to turn into a basement
he’s asking Aizawa if he can erase the quirk, but Aizawa says he can’t without being able to see the quirk users’s body
hold up, does this mean illusionists would be immune to Aizawa’s quirk?? because that is some bullshit. (which I now really want to see)
Amajiki seems like he’s starting to psych himself out here. he’s muttering out loud that if the path keeps changing, they’ll never reach their goal, and the enemy can easily get away
oh shit, it seems like he’s starting to get overwhelmed...?
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hey, hey. easy there bud. you guys got this
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what a manly dude coming to the rescue of his bro who was starting to freak out. I love Mirio so much
ahhhhhhh he says he can still go on ahead as long as he knows the right direction
ahhhhhhhh I’m suddenly so fucking worried?!?! HE’S SO BRAVE AND I’M TERRIFIED FOR HIM
oh my god. in the first place, isn’t he blind whenever he uses his quirk? don’t all of his senses disappear? so he can keep pressing forward, but like what happens if he turns the quirk off because he thinks he’s made it through, only he hasn’t made it through? because this isn’t an illusion, as far as I understand it; the Mimic guy is actually warping the passageway
oh my god. forget just the characters; I’m going to end up becoming claustrophobic at this rate
(ETA: yeah this still nopes me out thinking about it. Mirio’s definitely braver than I am, that’s for sure)
but at the very least, Mirio bravely pressing forward seems to have snapped Amajiki out of it
hey guys, guess who ships the shit out of these two now btw. yeah that’s right. me that’s who
so Mimic is thinking that he can’t stop Mirio, but that even if he does make it through, “he won’t be able to do a thing by himself”
idk about that. you should’ve seen what this freak of nature did to almost the entirety of class 1-A in a matter of seconds. while naked no less
wait. this is starting to sound a bit eyebrow-raising. I promise you it was a g-rated beatdown though
oh snap, Mimic is warping the ground and dumping all of the important characters deeper into the basement while closing up the path back up
well that’s nice. so now they’re all sealed up in this death chamber. cool. that’s cool
not that I want it to happen, but a part of me is wondering why Mimic hasn’t just crushed them all yet if he has control over this entire basement
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so are they purposely trying to keep them alive? is it to avoid as much legal trouble as possible? are they hoping that if they just incapacitate them, Overhaul can later use his quirk to wipe their memories like he did with that Tarantino gang?
incidentally, every now and then I wonder to myself why someone as intensely rational as Aizawa would keep his hair so long and not just cut it short or tie it back to keep it out of his way. and then panels like this come along and it’s just, “oh yeah, because it’s hot”
(ETA: but ain’t it the truth)
so yeah, they’ve landed in this pit and now here’s some more bad guys!
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literally all they have to do is have Aizawa incapacitate them with his quirk one by one and have Deku or Kiri punch them. the rest can sit back and take it easy
(ETA: the fact that they refuse to follow this most sensible of plans throughout the entire arc is one of the more frustrating things about it)
oh snap, but it looks like someone else is finally ready to jump into action after seeing his boyfriend disappear down the enchanted hallway of doom
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also. that flashback panel though. that was a middle school uniform. these two have known each other since childhood just like Kacchan and Deku. omggggg
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glad to see the minds that brought us the yaoyorictionary and ochachakaleg are back at it again
so what exactly is the point of the lemilliohelm. I don’t get it. “it was designed so he could put it on quickly and then inevitably have it fall off again almost immediately”
consider my interest piqued at the mention of him being rescued by a hero in the past, though! I went back just now and looked at his flashback in chapter 152, and yeah! now that you mention it!
also! BnHA kids really need to be more careful on flashback bridges because those things are slippery as fuck
so can we get a name for this guy who saved him and inspired him to become a hero, then? I’m super curious about him now
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highroadsteve · 6 years
secrets — t.h.
a/n: this is for @peeterparkr’s 3k writing challenge! congrats!
pairing: tom holland x reader
prompt: “If Walls Could Talk” by 5sos
word count: 1.9k
warnings: angst, lots of swearing, mentions of fighting/arguing. (possible trigger warning)
summary: y/n and tom have been broken up for a year and harrison has been there through every single moment leading up to it.
(flashbacks are in italics, texts are in bold)
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Having a bday party tonight at my house, you up for it?
Tom looked at the text from Zendaya and confirmed that he was attending, to which she replied with a smiley face. He put his phone down on the counter and ate his breakfast with the tv playing softly in the background.
Harrison walked in, rubbing his eyes and muttering a groaned ‘morning’ before getting a bowl to serve himself some cereal. Tom responded back and continued eating.
“You get that invite from Z?” Harrison asked as he leaned against the counter, right across from him. Tom nodded, grabbing his phone and checking through his twitter.
“Are you going?” He asked again with hesitance, knowing that Tom doesn’t really attend Z’s parties only for the reason that Y/N might be there. There was still a slightly awkward tension that was present in the atmosphere when those two talked. Sure, they claimed they were friends but it will never be the same when they dated for two years, ending with a cheating scandal that had happened over a year ago.
Harrison was sitting there with his earphones in trying to block out all of the noise. This has been happening recently— Y/N and Tom getting into petty arguments and Harrison having to deal with it because he lives with them. He did interfere sometimes when he felt that one of them was getting a little too angry but always felt rude about doing it at any other time. So he just puts his earphones in, listens to some good music and texts as many people as he can while his heart is beating out of his chest.
This time was a little different. Of course, Harrison had his earphones in and he was distracted but he only heard Y/N’s voice yelling and Tom’s talking voice. Harrison turned down his volume, trying to listen in to what they were saying.
“How could you fucking do this to me?!”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t—“
“Oh yeah because you obviously didn’t fucking mean to put your tongue down her throat! You’re a fucking liar, I hate you!”
And with that, Harrison jumped up at the sound of broken glass. He quickly ran to Tom and Y/N’s room to see her crying, throwing clothes into a suitcase and Tom cleaning up the broken vase on the floor.
“A-are you guys okay?” Harrison gulped, his heart rate beating a hundred times a minute. His voice was barely above a whisper and he was terrified, he had no idea why but seeing his best friends get into a fight this bad left him feeling so powerless and so heartbroken.
“No Haz, we’re not. I’m sorry you had to be here. I-I’ll call you later, alright?” Y/N responds with a shaky inhale, hugging him with one arm and leaving as quickly as she could, one suitcase in hand.
Tom nodded, his mouth filled with the last spoonful of cereal as he put his bowl in the sink. Harrison nodded before doing the same.
The truth is, Tom still felt devastated every single time he had to face her. Not only did he feel guilty, he felt ashamed, angry, confused because why the fuck would he do it in the first place? He was drunk and he was pissed at Y/N for a reason he can’t even remember anymore, which proves just how unnecessary his act of spite had been. He’s had so many regrets in his life, but that’s the only one he would take back with no hesitation.
It was ten at night and Tom and Harrison were out at some party to celebrate Tom’s role in the new Avengers movie. Y/N was too busy with exams at her university so she decided to stay home and study; however, she wanted to take some time to go to the store and buy Tom a quick little present to compensate for not being able to attend.
So she went to the supermarket to see if there was any available flowers or balloons or something because it’s already so late and she’s just trying to get out as fast as she could.
She ended up finding a decent-sized teddy bear and a couple of balloons that say ‘happy birthday’ so she desperately hoped that Tom sees it as a joke and not as a ‘wow she didn't even put effort into finding congratulation balloons’ situation because that’d be embarrassing. So she tied the balloon strings to the teddy bear’s bowtie and started driving towards the party.
She pulled up the loud party, and went inside with the balloons and the bear in her arms. She spotted Zendaya who laughed in excitement at the stuff she’s holding, offering her some help and a drink. Y/N explained the situation, only dropping off the stuff and then leaving to go study and Z nodded understandingly.
Y/N looked around for Tom, not seeing him at all with the people he usually hangs around with so she was starting to get frustrated. She finally spotted Harrison and Jacob playing beer pong and screaming their heads off as they made it into the opposing team’s cup. She smiled and went up to greet them, getting an excited scream and a group hug in return.
She asked them if they knew where Tom was and they said no, Harrison pausing before giving his answer. So Y/N groaned in annoyance and left the stuff on the dining table, telling Harrison to make sure it gets to Tom, and then she leaves.
That next morning she woke up to texts from Tom and Harrison on her phone that were sent at one in the morning.
I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you.
Tom arrived at Z’s house with Harrison by his side, a birthday gift in each of their hands. The door was open and revealed a beautiful Zendaya with the brightest smile on her face.
“Hey losers, glad you could make it.” She greeted each of them with a small hug and welcomed them inside. Her house was huge, people everywhere socializing and laughing, Bruno Mars was playing on the loud speakers (of course), and there were dogs running everywhere. Tom and Harrison made their way outside where they spotted Jacob, Laura, and Y/N.
Tom locked eyes with her, his face starting to burn up with embarrassment when she smiled and waved.
She went up to them and hugged them both, Tom catching a whiff of her soft scent. He smiled and spoke softly, telling her how it was nice to see her. She smiled back and returned the greeting, saying the same thing to Harrison.
Tom had just gotten the news that he was going to be a part of Avengers: Infinity War. He was with Harrison at the moment, shopping for something that he knew he wanted to do for a long time now.
Tom was buying an engagement ring. Yes, he’s only 21 but he has never felt sure about literally anything else in the world. He was so in love with Y/N, and the past few days have been a little rough due to Y/N being stressed from having to finish up her semester with exams, but he still felt it in his heart that the two of them were meant for each other.
So, he invited Harrison to hang out casually at the mall. They were walking around before they got the huge news about the movie, Harrison smiling with excitement and congratulating his best mate. Tom smiled at him.
“I was also wondering if you’d like to help me buy an engagement ring.” When Tom finished his sentence, Harrison jumped up from his chair and laughed, bringing Tom into the tightest hug he could give him. Tom was laughing, thanking him and his heart just filled with butterflies, knowing that this is actually real and he is actually going to pop the question.
They went to different jewelry stores and admired the glass cases that were displaying the beautiful diamonds that shine with elegance. Harrison was so excited to be doing this, the smile just couldn’t leave his face as he watched Tom pick out the best ring he could find.
“When are you going to do it?”
Tom decided he was going to throw a party that Saturday to celebrate his new role in the Avengers movie, but also propose to Y/N in front of all their close family and friends.
However, plans had changed because Y/N still had to study for the tests she had to take the following Monday so there was no way she was able to attend because she only had that weekend to finish up her studies. Tom had gotten mad at her, but truly it was because he was hurt that she wasn’t even going to celebrate a huge milestone in his life. It turned into a heated argument and the final agreement that Harrison had come up with was that it was best that Y/N stays home and they could celebrate separately.
But, Tom had gotten drunk and his anger towards Y/N just had to make an appearance when he saw one of her friends at the party.
“So, Y/N, how’s life treating you?” Harrison spoke up after their greetings, drinking from his cup of soda. Y/N immediately brightened up, her smile becoming wider and her eyes gleaming with excitement.
“It’s actually going pretty good. My job is actually something I want to do and I’m, uh, kind of dating someone now.” Y/N’s face turned a little pink, knowing that she just created a bit of tension between the group. Both Tom and Harrison raised their eyebrows in shock, not knowing at all about this news. Tom began to feel a little lightheaded as he stood there, hearing his own heart just fall down to his stomach.
After the awkward congratulations had happened, Tom excused himself to go talk to Jacob. Harrison glanced over at him, concerned about the way he’s feeling because, hell, he was going to propose to this girl who just said she’s in a relationship with someone else.
He was embarrassed, to say the least. He felt guilty and regretful that the girl he’s in love with had moved on. As Jacob made a joke to the group about Tom finally going to greet them, Tom looked over at Harrison and gave him a sad smile. Harrison did the same, and although he knows that Tom messed up, that’s still his best friend.
Harrison continued his conversation with Y/N, just catching up with each other on what they’ve been doing. He had to admit, he hated that the two of them never ended up together. He tried his best to help, and he vowed he will always keep their secrets and never say a word to anyone, especially when he knows how badly it can hurt the way they are seen. But there was just one of Tom’s secrets that he had to spill a little over six months ago, in hopes of bringing them back together again and have everything go back to the way it used to be.
“Tom was going to propose to you.”
It didn’t work.
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