#Beer Wine & Moonshine
powdermelonkeg · 2 years
Okay but given that you can make alcohol from just about any plant, a world built around Minecraft could have SUCH a liquor cabinet.
You’ve got your basics, the potato and wheat vodka, gin, whiskey, then rum from sugarcane or beet sugar if you’re feeling a little adventurous.
Then you’ve got the fancier things. Dandelion and melon wine, spike vodka, pumpkin liqueur, applejack. Zhuyeqing jiu and chocolate liquor if you REALLY want to go for the cool stuff.
You’ve got mead and all kinds of moonshine, everything from carrots to kelp to sawdust brandy if you live out in the Badlands. Sunflower and rose spirits, lilac wine, even milk liquor and advocaat if you want to deviate from plants a bit.
But then you’ve got the plants that don’t exist in our sphere.
Chorus liqueur, dripleaf absinthe, glowberry champagne and sweet berry wine, glow lichen beer and crème de spore blossom, golden apple cider, glistering cordial. For the truly danger-seeking, wither rose lanique.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 1 month
Do you have any drunk headcanons for our favorite five brothers and two sisters. I have seen a lot of art where at least one of them was drunk. What do you think?
Let's goooooooooo!!!
John Dory - 🐟🍺
Beer! 🍺
When alone he's a sad drunk but when he's around people he is a 'confident' drunk. "Betcha if I jump off that thing I can land in the water!" "John, no!"
Sometimes makes his own 'Moonshine'
Bruce - 💜🥃
Doesn't drink often.
When he does, he gets flirty with his wife but also friendly-flirty with people around him. (Brandy finds it adorable)
"If I wasn't a married man, you would be the future Mrs. Spruce" 🥴
Metropolitan is his favourite go-to drink (The Pop Troll in him likes the sugar and the Heartthrob in him loves that there is Brandy in it 😜)
He gets snacky. Salty snacks. 🥨
Clay - ⛳🍷
Fancy ass snob drinks fine wines. (To Trolls it's 'berry juice's) He likes to go wine tasting. He does the thing with the swish and sniff with the giant glass. 🍷
He claims he only takes tiny sips because he savouring it but the truth is he is an absolute lightweight!
He thinks everything is hilarious. 😂
Floyd - 🔥🍹
Floyd used to PARTY. He would drink whatever he could get his hands on. Given the choice he picks the sweetest fruitiest cocktail available or straight up shots!
He is a flirty drunk 💋
If he had a phone he would absolutely drunk text his ex's!
He can mix drinks himself.
Doesn't drink anymore except like a glass at a wedding or for a toast.
Branch - 🌿🥃
If he's gonna give in to the peer pressure and get drunk he's gonna do it as quickly and efficiently as possible and get it over with.
He gets honest and clingy.
"Poppy where are you goiiiiiinggg?" "To the bathroom, Branch." "*gasp* Can I come toooooo?" 🥴
Poppy and Viva 🩷🍹(both have the same habits)
The sweetest, fruitiest cocktail they have.
Must have a little umbrella and silly straw.
Everything becomes 10 times funnier and 10 times more fascinating.
They also have no shame when they are drunk flirting with Branch and Clay. 💋
Viva gets dancey 💃🏼
Poppy wanders away 🗺️
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lazyneonrabbitt · 5 months
You were all sitting around the bonfire.
It was a nice spring evening and the fire kept everyone comfortably warm. The alcohol did, too. The men drank their beers, the women sipped their wines and Daryl chugged his moonshine.
That got him some looks, but he couldn't help it. He'd down an entire jar and only feel a bit of a buzz for five minutes before it was out of his system again.
One less nice thing about being a werewolf, they couldn't get drunk. But you personally didn't mind your lover being unable to since you weren't a drinker either and you'd at least have someone to talk to later.
You were roasting a potato over the edge of the fire when one of the ladies came over with a cup of red wine, offering it to you. With this being a party you accepted the cup witg a friendly smile, deciding to just nurse it all evening so they wouldn't ask again.
You raised the cup to your lips when Daryl spoke up. "Ya shouldn't be drinkin' tha'." He put his hand on your arm to stop it from raising further. He was clear headed right now.
You gave him a judgemental look, offended by the fact that he wouldn't even let you drink one cup at a special occasion. "Daryl, I'm not downing one after another. I'll keep this one til I got to bed." You spoke in annoyance.
"I said yer not drinkin'." His voice raised and his grip on your arm tightened. He never treated you like this. Did the alcohol affect him after all? "Why are you making such a big deal of one cup of wine, Daryl?" You tried to pry your arm out of his grasp but you were no match for his strength.
"I ain't lettin' ya drink cuz it's bad fer the baby!" He snapped, growling it out loud enough for a blanket of silence to fall over the group.
"There. Happy now? Wanted ta tell ya in private later." You stared at him, eyes wide ans brimmed with tears and just. Sat there, before you jumped him, dropping the cup and taking Daryl to the ground with you.
Your face buried in the crook of his neck as your arms snuck around him. Fuck his dislike of public displays of affection. You kissed him deeply, pouring all your love into it when his arms came to rest around you too.
As you two laid there in the grass, whistles and cheers filled the air, congratulations going around at the announcement.
That was one way to find out.
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curioscurio · 7 months
The Fellowship based on their alcohol preferences:
Frodo: a wine man no question. him and bilbo are constantly being annoying about the delicate aftertones and nutty aromas of wine and whatnot. They really do have excellent taste though, and Gandalf's go-to Yuletide gift is a bottle of Hobbit Wine. Despite how he looks, Frodo isn't a lightweight, and will happily drink whatevers on tap if the wine isn't to his liking.
Sam: He's a fan of a stout ale and local brews. Most wine is too dry and sweet for him, though he'll have a glass if Frodo asks him to try it because he wants Sam's valued opinion. Also not a lightweight and handles his alcohol better than Frodo. Unfortunately has a habit of drinking whatever someone hands him as the night goes on and Merry and Pippin love to see how drunk they can get him.
Merry: Loves fruity and refreshing cocktails. Likes to get fancy with it. Probably would LOVE an espresso martini. Drinks that high quality Brandybuck distilled spirits and has spent a LOT of time researching fancy drinks and how to make them. Probably bartends occasionally and likes to show off. Alcohol Nerd. Get him drunk enough and he'll start infodumping about the difference between Shire-grown Old Toby and the stuff that grows all over Gondor.
Pippin: GARBAGE TASTE. he has college student alcohol preferences. like the guy is a Took so he can hold his liquor well but often overdoes it. vodka and fruity soda white girl wasted bull shit. He sometimes just mixes random shit with alcohol and calls it a day which infuriates Merry to no end. Someone once saw him mix together unsteeped tea, tomato juice, 4 warm olives from his pocket, and bud light. Calls it Pippin's Surprise as the olives get substituted with whatever he has in his pockets at the moment (that's what makes it a surprise). He has a tendency to get cut off and then steals other people's drinks when they're not looking. He is the one who wanderers off.
Gandalf: The man loves Hobbit Wine. Also mostly a wine guy. It's not that he can't drink, he just has a wizards constitution (lightweight) and doesn't like to get drunk often. He gets pleasantly tipsy on special occasions, though. He also has exquisite taste in fancy liquor even if he doesn't like them. Merry has for sure talked his ear off about different types of alcohol and the drinks they can make; and even though Gandalf pretends to be annoyed by it, he's always listening intently.
Aragorn: Old Fashioned. Whiskey on the rocks. Also really loves a high quality nigori sake. He travels a lot so he has a diverse pallete but forgets the names of certain drinks and spirits so he goes for what he can remember. Only let's himself get proper drunk at celebrations or occasionally by himself when he's brooding. He likes to loiter in bar corners as we know, but he's a really good listener if you give him a chance.
Legolas: In Mirkwood, Legolas has some chronic alcoholic tendencies. Being a prince is stressful and hard, and when you have access to the finest of alcohol you damn well drink it. He's used to fancy and complicated cocktails, (which he and Merry bond over) and thinks beer is piss. Shotguns beer for attention though FOR SURE but then he'll go and raid your parents expensive whiskey cabinet or something. His dad was the kind of guy to let him drink wine with dinner when he was young. Absolutely will drink you under the table. Forgets you at the bar for a one night stand.
Gimli: He enjoys the occasional sweet port wine, bourbon whiskey, Dwarven Spirits, and ale. Needless to say, Dwarven Moonshine will end you, though Gimli dislikes the taste (except for root beer flavor). He won't back down from a drinking challenge, as we know, but isn't always very good at them. He didn't like the "frou-frou" cocktails that Legolas drinks for a long time until Merry and Legolas introduced him to a Moscow Mule. A joy to drink with tbh he's the life of the party alongside Merry and Pippin.
Boromir: Doesn't drink because he dislikes the way it makes him feel. Will sip a Coors light at the bar or share a toast with his men. If he does drink, he drinks to forget. Usually the DD. Alcohol sparks his temper easily, so he avoids the flames as much as possible. He has a great time going out with the Fellowship though, and is basically the Mom friend. He makes all the Hobbits drink water and makes sure Aragorn has some food in him, and that Legolas has all his clothes on, and that Gimli is still breathing. Occasionally he has to go find Gandalf, who is in the basement, cleaning 5 bitter Rhorrim out of their entire stock of imported Hobbit pipeweed from a game of cards.
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aesethewitch · 8 months
Kitchen Witchery: Cocktail Magic
It's that season when I find myself in Drinking Situations. Between Thanksgiving gatherings, Christmas parties, beat the blues days with friends, and the Winter Solstice, late fall and winter are prime times for a little beverage. Whether you're spiking your hot cocoa or crafting a special cocktail, there's an opportunity for magic.
First, the basics.
Alcohol Correspondences
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a big fan of correspondence lists. I know. But as I was making my own correspondence list for spirits (the alcoholic kind) earlier this year, I did refer to the good ol' internet for ideas. What I found was... surprisingly sparse? So, here you go. Note that these are my correspondences that correlate to the base ingredients/crafting method of the alcohol, personal associations, and trial and error. Think critically before just writing all this down. If you disagree with something, that's fine! Great, even!
Whisky. Fire, heat, spirit work (offerings), warming, courage, blessings, deal-making.
Vodka. Courage, cleansing, grounding, absorbing, infusions.
Rum. Love, sweetening, uplifting, lust. (*cough* piracy *cough*)
Tequila. Decisions (good or bad), hard work, celebration, energy.
Gin. Cleansing, clarity, love, prosperity, protection.
Absinthe. Fire, cleansing, warding, spirit work, meditation, relaxation.
Moonshine. Freedom, strength, spirit work, courage, community.
Wine (properties can differ based on color, flavor, etc.). Love, lust, sex, romance, friendship, celebration, stress relief, health, grief.
Beer. Home, family, abundance, prosperity, ancestor work.
Cider. Harvest, abundance, love, friendship, celebration, success.
There are a huge number of alcohol variants in the world, but these are the ones that live in my bar cart most often, so these are the ones I work with frequently.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
Primarch headcanons; preferred alcoholic beverages.
Primarch, booze editions
Alpharius Omegon: Four Loko mixed in monster energy drink with extra shooter of whatever poison is around them.
Magnus: Sangria, that he make himself. It legitimately has no right being this good, and this strong.
Lorgar: drink Araq like water, everyone find it disgusting.
Mortarion: make his own moonshine that turn other people blind.
Horus: Budweiser. Insist that it's "not that bad". Everyone is judging him.
Angron: used to make his own prison moonshine with the other slaves, does not drink nowadays due to the nails.
Fulgrim: love fancy fruity cocktails, and will kill for more long island ice tea.
Konrad: Does not like alcohol, but Fulgrim keep giving him the tastiest, most sugar packed starbuck order possible with extra vodka shot in it.
Perturabo: red wine. Will bitch about everything else
Sanguinius: Blood. Fermented Blood. Tequila, strong enough to have the preserved insect in it.
Vulkan: anything with fire on it!!! He like presentation more than taste.
Ferrus: straight vodka, and call it brain oil.
Roboute: he actually really like his aromatic wines!! Drop herbs and shit in it!!!
Rogal: Apple cider! And it's super tasty too, inwit has some frost apple that make some delicious stuff. He like his apple juice.
Corvus: microbrew snob. Love trying new independant beer, but has a tendancy to turn her nose up at more traditional ones
Jaghatai: Airag, or fermented, alcoholic horse milk. Everyone is horrified until they taste it and have to admit that it's kinda like tasty eggnog.
Lion: Will say champagne/sparkling wine, but is not much of a drinker.
Leman: Mead, and fucking strong one. That said, he is actually very appreciative of any and all kind of booze!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Favorite alcoholic drinks?
(If any of you aren't old enough or don't drink, regular drinks are fine too)
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. 26
[The camera turns on and it’s Zack visibly trying not to laugh. He’s sitting in a booth in the SOLDIER cafeteria beside Sephiroth, who’s eating lunch]
“Uhh…” Zack laughs nervously, looking at Sephiroth, who’s paused mid-chew to stare directly into the camera. “Angeal likes beer, Genesis is a fan of wine and Sephiroth drinks brandy on occasion…But I have a video saved that will answer this question beautifully.”
[Genesis’s “oh Goddess” is heard in the background as he pipes up]
“Do not show them the birthday vid—”
[Zack ends the video quickly]
[The recording cuts to the next video, which starts with an awkwardly-angled camera pointed at a floor littered with confetti and glitter. Loud music is heard blaring all around]
“What the frick frack is that man doing!?” Zack’s voice pipes up. 
[The camera blurs as he violently pans it up. He zooms in on Genesis, who's wearing sunglasses that cover half his face while dumping an XL bottle of liquor into a punch bowl] 
[The camera is turned around and pointed at Angeal, who looks on in horror]
"He's like an alcoholic raccoon."
[The video cuts to Angeal two hours later. He's filming himself as the colorful lights flash overhead. Sephiroth is seen behind him heavily dissociating with a drink in hand]
"We're at Lazard's birthday party!" Angeal shouts at the camera. "So this is a perfect opportunity to answer…this…question…"
[His words fade, eyebrows scrunched together as he notices Sephiroth behind him. He zooms in]
"Uh…Seph, buddy, you okay?" 
[There's no response from Sephiroth, who gently sways on his feet and stares straight ahead]
"Are you drunk?" Angeal asks. 
[Nothing. Help him]
"Oh, Gaia, you're drunk as hell." 
[The video next cuts to a shaky recording of Sephiroth, who's now passed out on a table, and Genesis sitting beside him gently cradling a bottle of whiskey like a baby]
[The camera points to Angeal, who's drinking something from a silly straw and watching Kunsel perform a karaoke rendition of Eye of The Tiger]
[The camera shakes as it pans to Sephiroth, who has fallen out of his seat]
[The camera pans to Angeal, who slams his drink down on the table and drunkenly tries to get up] 
"I'm feeling bold! I'm gonna go find you guys a mother! Oh! There's a pretty girl! 
[Zack films in utter amazement as Angeal stumbles off toward Director Lazard]
[The camera veers back quickly to Sephiroth, whose head pops up, hair disheveled, drool grazing his chin] 
"Did somebody say mother?" 
[Zack pans to Genesis, who's sunglasses are askew on his face] 
"Goddess in infinite is the mystery of the gift…" He slurs. "We take it to the sky and seek it in eternal slumber." 
[Zack turns the camera around and points it back to himself] 
"Well now we know why moonshine is illegal."
[He ends the video]
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emsee22 · 3 months
White Board, TOWL 6 Promo
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Focusing on the very bottom right of the board, it says "Refinery" C2H5OH which is a chemical formula for ethyl hydrate or ethanol. The CRM is possibly making ethanol in their refineries, and this is possibly related to the current theories circulating about Pharmakon which can be a "poison or a cure" Ethanol is present in alcoholic drinks (beer, wine, spirits) when diluted. It is used as a topical agent to prevent skin infections, in pharmaceutical preparations (e.g. rubbing compounds, lotions, tonics, colognes), cosmetics, and in perfumes. https://www.dcceew.gov.au/environment/protection/npi/substances/fact-sheets/ethanol-ethyl-alcohol#:~:text=Ethanol%20is%20present%20in%20alcoholic,%2C%20cosmetics%2C%20and%20in%20perfumes.
This prompted me to look up what moonshine is:
The fermentation process used to make moonshine produces alcohol in two forms: methanol and ethanol. Ethanol is the drinkable version. Methanol, known as wood alcohol, is a byproduct that’s toxic when large amounts end up in the finished product.
The distillation process that follows produces concentrated ethanol by boiling the fermented product. The problem moonshiners run into is ethanol has a boiling point of 173.1 degrees Fahrenheit while methanol’s boiling point is 148.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This means methanol evaporates at a faster rate than ethanol and can become concentrated. When done correctly, it only forms in small amounts and is easily separated out and discarded. Without the right equipment, high concentrations of methanol can end up in the drink.
What makes methanol so dangerous is the human body converts it to formaldehyde, an ingredient used to make embalming fluid. The body then converts formaldehyde into formic acid, a material that poisons the body’s cells. In large enough amounts, death is a real possibility. Not surprisingly, most of the dangers of drinking moonshine stem from the amount of methanol that may be present. https://sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/alcohol-addiction/moonshine/ Ok, so back to Pharmakon, the poison or the cure, remember when Beth said "My dad used to say bad moonshine can make you go blind" Also, bad moonshine can basically be formaldehyde, the chemical used in embalming fluid. Remember the funeral home in alone? The dots, they are connecting. I am getting sooo excited.
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elliottjpg · 3 months
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I have a new child! They just keep happening, HELP-
This is Ginger Sunweaver, my gnome cleric for a Pathfinder campaign I just joined!
She's a happy-go-lucky little gal, whose passions in life are adventure and alcohol. She's a cleric sworn to the service of Cayden Cailean, the "Accidental God", patron of beer, wine, adventure and freedom. Her goals in life are to taste every alcohol in the known world, and to free every imprisoned person/creature/entity she meets.
Her favored weapon is her tankard, which was a gift from the dwarven priest who introduced her to his faith. The runes on it read "Souvenir of Cloudspire". She is more of a healer and support than a fighter, but she will not hesitate to bonk you on the head with her Holy Tankard if you're being a dick.
She has a Shetland pony called Moonshine.
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zirawrites · 2 years
I love your blog and I'm so excited to see some of your new work. And to fulfill your let's say holiday wish from your followers, I've got the perfect reaction scenario. Do you think you could do the companions and sole having their first new years eve kiss? Thank you in advance 💜💖
Cait: Cait and Sole had gone absolutely feral at the Third Rail for Goodneighbor’s annual New Year’s Eve party. Sole jumped on Hancock’s back multiple times while he danced as Cait cheered them on between gulps of her beer. The two hopped over the bar and attempted to drag a squealing Whitechapel Charlie from behind it. Their laughter and drunken serenading drowned out Magnolia’s soft jazz. Then the unthinkable happened: Hancock kicked them out of the bar, chuckling as he told them to sober up and try again next year. 
“I can’t believe it!” Cait was more amused than frustrated, especially since the mayor let her keep her drink. “I don’t think anyone’s ever been thrown outta a business in Goodneighbor, except if they were trying to murder a fella, I suppose.”
As the two stumbled to the Hotel Rexford, Sole heard a muffled countdown coming from every building. They stopped in the center of town as settlers got down to the final numbers.
When a chorus of Happy Near Year! rung out around them, Sole turned to Cait and pressed their lips firmly against her own. The kiss turned into a giggling, tipsy mess; one neither would wholly remember nor forget come morning.
Curie: Curie was enamored by human traditions, so Sole couldn’t turn down her request to go to a real New Year’s Eve party. They chose the tame one thrown by Preston and fellow Minutemen at the Castle. It was a night of swing music, food vendors from local settlements and -- for the more daring -- moonshine Sturges had made in a Sanctuary bathtub.
When the countdown ringing in the new year ended, Curie pressed upwards on the tips of her toes and gave Sole a chaste peck on their lips.
“That is how the tradition goes, yes?” She was blushing, and Sole couldn’t help but push a strand of her short hair back behind her ear. “I’ve been researching, of course. I did not want to ruin anything for you.”
Sole reassured Curie that she could never be the cause of any ruin, and returned the kiss.
Danse: New Year’s Eve parties were always a little chaotic aboard the Prydwyn. It was one of the rare times Maxon let recruits let loose. Child scribes who’d never stayed up past their bedtimes snuck quick sips of wine from the kitchen. Someone had stolen gauze from the medbay and wrapped it around a suit of power armor, hanging colorful ornaments off it as if it were a Christmas tree. Even Knight Rhys had unclenched his personality long enough to dance with Scribe Haylen.
Danse seemed tense about the festivities. He wanted to participate, but felt it his duty to stay vigilant and sober in case of an attack. Sole coaxed him onto the makeshift dance floor with a promise they would de-decorate the holiday power armor before Maxon saw.
The two danced all the way up until the final countdown, and even then Danse stayed chaste and cordial. They rung in the new year like everyone else. It was only when Sole was taking the gauze down that Danse turned them around for a deep, heartfelt kiss.
When both finally pulled away, Danse’s usually furrowed brow was miraculously smooth. He seemed the lightest he’d been since Sole had met him. “Heard that was a pre-war tradition, but I couldn’t remember when I was supposed to do it. I hope I didn’t upset you.”
Sole laughed and tossed the spool of gauze at his chest.
Deacon: Desdemona had finally, finally let Deacon and Tinker Tom plan a New Year’s Eve bash -- under the guise it wouldn’t turn out like their Christmas party three years ago; something neither would elaborate on for Sole. Regardless, HQ was decorated in streamers and confetti and other paper products no one was sure how the men got their hands on. They attached a tray of drinks to PAM’s robotic pinchers for agents to grab throughout the night. Radio reception was never great underground, but where the songs cut off, Tinker Tom was quick to jump in with his own off-key interpretation.
Once Sole arrived, they had Deacon’s undivided attention. He lavished them with compliments on their elegant pre-war attire (”And hardly any holes! Did you dress up just for lil ‘ol me?”) and stories of what a bonafide New Year’s Eve party used to look like (”So Tom and I got it pretty right? Glad those ten caps I spent on ‘Anyone Can Throw a Party’ paid off.”)
By the end of the night there wasn’t a sober agent in the church. Everyone counted down the new year with giddy elation, swinging glass flutes and the miracle streamers around the room. Then they erupted in cheers, and Sole looked at Deacon with a warm smile that said he had planned one hell of a party.
Deacon leaned down and quickly pecked Sole on the lips. “For good luck, right?”
Sole rolled their eyes. They knew Deacon understood what the pre-war tradition meant. But he had been so sweet that night that Sole only wrapped him in a tight side-hug as they watched the other agents drunkenly celebrate.
Hancock: Hancock wasn’t just mayor of Goodneighbor; he was the self-appointed party prince of the Commonwealth. The Third Rail always threw a electric party of live music, free-flowing drinks and rowdy patrons. Half the bar didn’t even understand the pre-war tradition and just used it as an excuse for a generous serving of booze. But Hancock knew Sole would find the party important -- if not just for sentimental reasons -- and endeavored to make this the best bash yet.
Sole somehow found themselves as the star of the party. Magnolia sang any song they wanted. Whitechapel Charlie never charged them for drinks. Patrons moved from their seats if Sole lingered near their table for too long just in case they wanted to sit.
When Sole was finally able to pull Hancock away from the festivities, they asked why Goodneighbor’s settlers -- some of the baddest, seediest drifters in the ‘Wealth -- were being nice to them.
“It’s cause I told them to, Sunshine.” Hancock’s smile dominated his face, pressing the apples of his cheeks so high that Sole almost missed his wink. “Just wanted tonight to be perfect for you. I’m sure the holidays make you miss home.”
Sole shrugged dismissively, making Hancock’s grin momentarily falter. “Well, you’re missing one tradition. And that one’s my favorite.”
“Anything you want, Sole.” Hancock snaked a hand around their waist. “Just name it.”
Sole cut across the small distance between them with a kiss. Hancock chuckled into their mouth, and Sole finally pulled back with an equally as large smile.
MacCready: Sole had planned a quiet New Year’s Eve in Sanctuary, and MacCready wasn’t complaining. He usually liked celebrating the holiday somewhere boozier like the Third Rail or the Dugout Inn, but that was when he was a lone wolf with only himself to watch out for. Lounging on the couch nibbling on snacks Preston helped bake and watching Sturges unsuccessfully try to fix the radio was far more relaxing. And he knew Sole would stay safe... as long as they stayed away from the cookies Preston had overbaked.
“Having fun?” Sole curled up next to MacCready and handed him a Nuka Cola. “We ran out of booze when Cait got here. Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for.” MacCready took the bottle but set it on the table in front of them. Then the radio kicked on -- much to Sturges amusement -- and MacCready stood to offer his hand. “Care to dance?”
The two spun in slow circles across the crumbling, war-torn living room of Sole’s old house. They danced past empty picture frames that used to hold photographs of Sole and their spouse cradling baby Shaun. Over the shredded carpet where Sole unboxed Codsworth over 200 years ago.
None of it mattered. They had each other, and that was plenty to celebrate.
At the end of the song, MacCready leaned in and kissed Sole. It was a soft, romantic kiss just like in the pre-war movies. And it was perfect.
“Couldn’t wait until the countdown,” MacCready chuckled. “Do I still get another chance in the new year?”
Preston: Preston wanted New Year’s Eve to be perfect for Sole. Not only were they the Minutemen’s most hardworking general and therefore deserving of some appreciation, but Preston’s biggest crush. He spent days finding something sparkling for Sole to toast to (albeit it was boozy Nuka Cola Quantum). Then several more days hunting for salvageable champagne flutes. By the time he had pieced together a charcuterie board of mirelurk meat, Takahashi’s noodles and Sugar Bombs covered in syrup, Sole hadn’t seen him since Christmas.
When they entered their quarters to see the food spread out across their table, Preston’s face was blushed nearly purple. “I thought you deserved a break,” he admitted sheepishly. “I know you like to work through the holidays. Someone has to, I guess. But if you wouldn’t mind counting down the new year with me tonight...”
Sole was happy to spend the evening drinking and dancing to Diamond City radio. Travis eventually rang in the new year while Preston and Sole were sitting on the desk littered with the remnants of Preston’s food spread. Sole leaned over and kissed Preston as soon as the croaky-voiced DJ said happy new year. When they pulled away, Preston ran his hand rhythmically across Sole’s back.
“Well, happy new year to you, too, General.” Then he leaned in for a second kiss.
Piper: Piper was awoken by someone tugging on her arm. She jumped upright in her chair with a gasp as the stranger shoved a glass of wine in her hand, then ran across the newsroom to turn up the Diamond City station on the radio.
“Wake up, Piper!” It was Sole, who was enthusiastically waving their own wine in the air. “You fell asleep editing again. You were going to miss the countdown.”
Piper pulled off a paper that had stuck to her forehead and tossed it unceremoniously to the floor. “You nearly scared me to death, Blue.” Her voice was tense but appreciative. She would have hated to miss the weird pre-war tradition her and Nat usually celebrated together. Her sister had fallen asleep on the couch hours ago.
“I think you mean you’re welcome.” Sole hopped themselves to sit on Piper’s desk, brushing their knees against the side of her chair. “Need to get your responses checked like Takahashi? I think your malfunctioning.”
Instead of a retort, Piper listened to Travis count down the new year. When it ended, the two friends both screamed happy new year! and clinked their glasses together, downing the respective drinks in one long gulp.
“What other traditions did you like to do back in the day?” Piper stood to refresh her drink, and Sole took her collar to pull her closer. They leaned upwards to catch her lips in a soft kiss, only pulling away when Piper placed her hand on their knee.
“Too much?” Sole chuckled and played with the stem of their glass. “That’s something couples do to ring in the new year. I know we’re not officially dating but --”
They were cut off by Piper returning the kiss.
Nick: Nick was an old soul, so there wasn’t any doubt that he wouldn’t have planned the perfect evening on New Year’s Eve. He decorated the agency and opened it to a small group of friends in Diamond City including Ellie, Piper, Nat, Vadim and -- of course -- Sole. The group drank and danced to the radio, swapping stories of what antics everyone had gotten up to over the past year.
Nick eventually pulled Sole aside and offered to fetch them a drink, which Sole politely declined. “I haven’t seen enough of you tonight,” they admitted, nudging his side with their elbow and eliciting a chuckle from the detective. “But don’t get me wrong: you’re a perfect host. I could have never pulled something like this together.”
“Perish the thought, Sole.” He took their hand and brought their knuckles to his lips. “You can do anything.”
“Can I get a New Year’s kiss?” Sole batted their eyelashes in a comically innocent way. 
Nick leaned forward to give them a chaste one, but Sole wrapped their arms around his neck and pulled him into something deeper. He chuckled against them, eventually pulling away when he could hear snickering from the other guests. “Weren’t we supposed to wait for the countdown?”
Sole shook their head. “New world, new rules.”
X6-88: As usual, X6 was leaned against a far wall observing the crowd instead of partaking in it. He had no desire to drink to the new year; as far as he was concerned, every day not working towards humanity’s future was time wasted. People’s incessant need to mark every milestone irked him, and he showed it by brooding far away from the New Year’s Eve party.
Sole saddled up beside him. His posture slightly deflated as he relaxed into Sole’s familiar presence. “So, what’s your New Year’s resolution? An old pre-war tradition. You vow to make some big change to your life and accomplish it by the end of the year.”
X6 took a moment to consider. “Improve the Institute by catching runaway synths.”
Sole shook their head. “No, it has to be something personal. For example, I made a pact with Preston to lose five pounds.” They slapped their hip, and the leathery sound brought a chuckle to X6′s lips. “Been hitting the Sugar Bombs too hard.”
“Your health is in an optimal state,” X6 assured. “But I suppose my resolution would be to... act on more impulse. Too much calculation can slow anyone down.”
“Trust your gut!” Sole encouraged, melding closer to him on the wall. “What’s your gut saying now?”
X6 leaned down and gave Sole a quick kiss. It was over nearly before it began, leaving Sole giddy and lightheaded. “Partake in more traditions,” he teased.
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stranded-labyrinth · 1 year
Considering the fact that we have never seen Hannibal drink anything stronger than wine or beer, how do you think he'd feel about good old-fashioned southern moonshine? courtesy of will, of course
he's gone in half a drink, drooling on Will's shoulder. Will never lets him live it down, but he brings it up with so much affection in his tone that Hannibal powers through the humiliation
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oncasette · 1 year
✷ my mood themed spotify playlists
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ABSINTHE. dad rock $15.63
ARNOLD PALMER. lost & drunk on the beach $1.20
BLACK COFFEE. he’s an older man $40.50
BOURBON TOSCANO. smoky $5.21
BUBBLEGUM SODA. girly bubblegum pop $0.56
CEREAL MILK. just a girl in a coming of age film $7.13
CLEAR SALINE. grief $0.98
CRYSTAL PEPSI. live life like it’s an 80s movie $1.25
DIET MTN DEW. pretentious indie bitch $3.78
EGGNOG. christmas beats $13.12
GINGER SHOT. in love with a women in the 70s $8.08
GINGER TEA. lo-fi & movie quotes $7.21
HOT CHOCOLATE. warm $5.00
JACK AND COKE. permanent wave $20.56
JELL-O SHOTS. the era, the icon, the 2000s $13.31
LAVENDER LEMONADE. vintage love songs $0.99
LONG ISLAND ICED TEA. dancing w/out a man $42.37
MARTINI, DRY. mom, i am a rich man $1,843.00
MEAD. living in the mud $0.00
MILLER LITE. generic beer & truck country $21.00
MONSTER ENERGY. emo $15.21
MOONSHINE. country love songs $20.59
NEW COKE. my 2018 editing 80s era $1.99
A NICE CHIANTI. stuck in a horror movie $19.88
OLD FASHIONED. slow dancing to vinyl $19.54
ORANGE JUICE. lost love $14.70
PEACE TEA. relaxation $0.78
PROSECCO. songs that buzz $24.70
PEACH TEA. country for the plains $19.90
RED RED WINE. classic rock n roll $54.32
SALT WATER. cry your eyes out $0.15
SANGRIA. that woman’s the devil $10.55
SPARKLING APPLE CIDER. pretty princess $25.55
STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI. feminine felonies $12.30
SUNNY-D. growing up $1.49
TAP WATER. sad, but a bit drowsier $0.00
TWISTED TEA. summertime $20.99
VODKA REDBULL. 2000s tramp anthems $14.35
WATERMELON MARGARITA. hot girl shit $14.29
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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With a renewed interest in juke joints, it is good to understand the origins, the elements, and the owners. And some of those owners were enterprising Black women.
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The word juke can be spelled and pronounced “jook” or “joog” and has its roots in both Gullah and West African cultures. Historians Peter M. Rutkoff and William B. Scott stated, “The juke, or jook joint, also came from West Africa. The word ‘jook’ derived from the Baramba word ‘dzugu’, which means wicked or bad.” 
In the documentary “Alabama BlackBelt Blues” juke joints were described as places where people came to have a good time and sweat from dancing all night long. There were a few juke joints that offered gambling, yet another reason to be hidden in the woods or backfields. 
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Though juke joints were primarily owned by men, some of the savviest Black business women in the South owned juke or jook joints in the American South. These are the women who probably would never make the pages of Black Enterprise, simply because the work lacked a certain respectability or bourgeois appeal. No, these were the mothers, grandmothers and aunts of those people. Proof of their business savvy wasn’t in their ability to sell liquor or the blues to patrons, it showed up in their use of food as a primary moneymaker. Patrons needed food to soak up some of the moonshine and muscadine wine they were imbibing. On a Friday or Saturday night, working men and women would spend some of their hard-earned money on a meal and to be with good people. 
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Blues singer Sandra Hall received her start in music playing her mother’s juke joint, which was also a weekend fish fry. “She’d cook up a batch of fish and sell Black Label beer.” 
If a plate was not in your budget, women owners sold dill pickles, pickled eggs and pig feet from huge jars behind makeshift bars. On the pit could be pig’s snout, tripe and other parts of the pig and bovine to be slapped between two pieces of white bread and slathered in BBQ sauce. 
Running a successful juke joint was not easy for Black women owners. They had to be marketing geniuses to bring back repeat customers and attract new ones. They kept the books that sometimes included payments to law enforcement to avoid being shut down, pay staff that wasn’t family to act as bouncers, cooks, and bartenders, and they had to keep great talent performing. And they did all of that while keeping their families intact. 
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happyforevertv · 4 months
What would everyone be if they were an drink?
Happy is children's champagne.
Tyler Dream is red wine.
Cherry Pepper is spicy cherry wine.
Buddy Pal Friendly is a non alcoholic sweet wine you give to children in church.
Ick is beer flavored box wine.
Frankie Bombshell is wine mixed with fireball.
KW is a Bloody Mary.
… Walter Leech is wine you say is blood.
Doctor Hypno is a highly alcoholic beverage that looks like anti freeze.
Plum is plum wine.
Dylan Dragotta is some mead.
Danny Elfman is some natural moonshine.
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jellydishes · 2 months
befny 3 16 23
3) Who depends on them: her family initially, obviously, to a greater or lesser extent. however, there's definitely going to be subtleties within the friend group of who she relies on more and vice versa. off the top of my head? probably anders. i can see bethany going to help at the clinic pretty regularly, though strictly in a practical sense because healing magic is NOT her strong suit
16) Their sexuality
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23) What kind of alcohol they drink: at the start of the game she's probably already used to beer or watered down wine with dinner, but i like to think that she always sticks close to her roots and has a soft spot for moonshine considering she grew up in isolated rural areas
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willywonderfan · 2 years
Cuphead bosses and thier favorite drinks
Goopy Le Grande: Slime
The Root pack: Rain water
Cagney Carnation: Hose water
Hildaberg: Pink lemonade
Ribby and Croaks: Brandy
Baroness Von Bon Bon: Cocca-Cola
Beppi: Oreo milkshake
Djimmi the great: Fiji water
Wally Warbles: Espresso
Grim Matchstick: Hot chocolate
The Phantom express: Cyanide(don't drink it)
Captain Brineybeard: Redrum
Rumor Honeybottoms: Nectar
Werner Werman: Killepitsch
Cala Maria: Ocean water cocktail
Sally Stageplay: Iced tea
Dr.Kahl: Green tea
King Dice: Red wine
The Devil: Moonshine
Glumstone: Chocolate milk
Esther Winchester: Whiskey
Walter: Black coffee
Lucy: Rose champagne
Sheldon: Tequila
Anthony: Vodka
Mortimer Freeze: Iced coffee
Penelope: Pumpkin spice latte
Bernard: Beer
Saltbaker: Sangria
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