dyezzsurveillance · 2 years
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👉Dyezz Client Shout Out👈 We're proud to protect Louisiana Crab Shack! Keep an eye on your business from anywhere in the world. 📹 Request a FREE quote! 📞 214-325-5664 🖥️ https://dyezz.com
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 4 months
The RED Mercs and The BLU Mercs
This is my version of what the RED Team Mercs are compacted it the BLU Team Mercs
First off, We have the RED and BLU Scout
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Red Scout
is 25 years old
Talks a lot
loves baseball
grew up with 8 brothers and Spy is his dad but he thinks it's Tom Jones
Adores Miss.Pauling even is she's a Lesbian and flirts with Pyro now and again knowing he has a crush on him just to see his reaction
BLU Scout
is 24 years old
Very Smart
loves Soccor/Football
grew up knowing he had 8 Sisters and spy raised him as a single father as he mother didn't want him as he was a boy
is gay and is dating Sniper
RED and BLU Soldier
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RED Soldier
Loves North America
is 46 years old
not very bright
goofy yet cute smile
might be autistic
owns raccoons but loves all animals
used to be roommates with marasmus before he kicked him out and now lives with Engineer who loves having him
is gay and is dating Engineer since they started working for mann co and now act like a old married couple
Surprisingly a good father figure to RED Scout and RED Pyro
BLU Soldier
Loves South America
is 44 years old
super smart but extremely lazy
never smiles and is always grumpy
is not autistic
isn't really a animals person but tolerates them
roommates with BLU demoman who likes his company
is straight and is dating Zhanna also best friend with the BLU Demoman
RED and BLU Pyro
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RED Pyro
is a child in a adult body
sees RED Engineer and Soldier as his parents
adores scout having a huge crush on him
loves fire
see pyroland everywhere
is hydrophobic
BLU Pyro
Is the green blob controlling the pyro suit
likes BLU Medic and Spy
sees scout as his next victim for his body
uses fire but prefers water
doesn't see pyro land and is the serious pyro
is pyrophobic
RED and BLU Demoman
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Red Demo
Loves to drink
is 36 years old
very social with the others being called a party animal
never really taken seriously
is a bomb expert
lost his eye to the bombinomicon
is straight and has got laid by many woman even BLU Medic's ex-wife
is best friends with RED Soldier seeing him as a brother
BLU Demo
isn't a drinker
is 35 years old
hangs around with some people as he is picky who he likes
is always serious
is a gun expert
lost his eye to the loch ness monster
is gay and has been to many gay bars with some of the other BLUs
Buddies and roommates with BLU Soldier
RED and BLU Heavy
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RED Heavy
Loves his Miniguns
is 55 years old
loves eating Sandviches
sees RED Medic as a Brother
is very smart with some PhDs in russia literature
hates robots
grew up with a single mom and 2 sisters
is straight but can't find a relationship as he's expecting it to be like his love for sasha and the other miniguns
BLU Heavy
loves his guns
is 54 years old
loves eating sweets and chocolate
is gay and BLU Medic is his boyfriend
is some intelligents and has a PhD in history
loves aliens
grew with with a mom, dad and a sister, Zhanna
is wolfie main caretaker
RED and BLU Engineer
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RED Engineer
His dad and grandfather worked for mann co in the past
is 44 years old
Has many PhDs in Engineering
built all his buildings
from texas being from beecave and is a big fan of cowboys
loves cooking
is gay and dating RED Soldier loving him very much
being a good father figure to RED Scout and RED Pyro
BLU Engineer
Hired as he was a engineer of trains
is 43 years old
has some PhDs in Engineering
Copied the buildings from RED Engineer
from Canada and loves maple syrup
hates cooking
is straight and has a wife but it's a struggling relationship
doesn't like the others very much
RED and BLU Medic
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RED Medic
is insane
is 40 years old
had lost his medical licence after taking a skeleton out of someone's body
has a infirmary where he keeps loads of animal organs
has done countless experiments on RED Pyro, RED Demo, RED Heavy, RED Scout and some of the BLU Team
is gay and dating RED Sniper a year after working for mann co
is best friends with RED Engineer and see RED Heavy as a brother
has a entire room full of doves that he stole from the president of germany
BLU Medic
is sane
is 39 years old
still has his medical licence and still works as a hospital
has a tidy infirmary where he checks that everyone is healthy
the only operation he has done on his team was to put the uber plug in their hearts
was straight as he had a wife but she had been cheating on him with the RED Demoman so now he's gay and dating the BLU Heavy
has no pets as they are unhygienic
RED and BLU Sniper
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RED Sniper
Born in new zealand and raised in australia
is 30 years old
is a introvert but he's also very chatty when he gets use to people
used to be a wildlife ranger before deciding to be a mercenary
loves his 'adopted' parents even if he argues with his dad a lot
is gay and dating RED Medic loving the love and attention he has for him
buddies with RED Scout, RED Pyro and has a nice friendship with the others
BLU Sniper
both born and raised in australia
is 28 years old
is a bit of a extrovert but is also very quiet
never left the house until his mom had to end up kicking him out
hates his parents as they wanted him to be a girl
is gay and is dating BLU scout
can't get on with the others well other then wolfie
RED and BLY Spy
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is very introverted
is 48 years old
has sercertly been in Scout's life since he was a baby but hid from him as he was busy and he stated one time he hated him so he stayed hidden
smokes a lot
is from france but knows a lot of different languages
is a voice mimic
acts serious but he's really a big softy
is straight and is still dating scout's mom on his off days which scout doesn't like
Is a bit of a extrovert and loves going to parties
is 47 years old
raised BLU Scout since he was a baby and has been a good father to him
doesn't smoke as much but still smoke
raised in france but born in mexico
uses a tape recording of the others mercenaries
is a gay man who acts gay
has a big crush on RED Engineer and doesn't everything to try and get him even if he's dating RED Soldier
RED and BLU Pets
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is really smart and clever
is from a alternate universe future of 2024 that can teleport to this world whenever she wants
uses both electricity and magic
has wings to fly
uses telepathy to talk
hates robots
is the sanest out of all the mercenaries
is a little scared of saxton hale
best friends with Wolfie and her owner are Sniper, Medic, Soldier, Engineer and Scout
is clever but he's can be easily fooled
has a talking collar that the RED Engineer made him as the BLU Engineer didn't know how to
very fast
is a husky so he's very vocal
also hate robots
is the calmest out of all the mercenaries
also scared by saxton hale
is best friends with Emily and his owner is heavy
That's all for now, i will add more when i think of anything and i'll see you all next time 😋
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mxboxlocks · 11 months
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i think i've posted them before, but this is my tf2 self-insert, the Private! they work under Soldier as an apprentice and mostly sticks by him through a lot of missions. i took a bit of time brainstorming their dom lines to get a feel for their personality and i think i did a pretty good job! so here you are!
dominating scout "You run circles, I run miles, twerp!" "St-eee-rike! You're out!" "And that's what we do to spineless boys around my turf, slick. This is MEN'S territory!" "You're gonna need bandages for a lot more than your hands after that one." "DOMINATED, ya whiney little brat!" "I just knocked your ass out the ballpark!"
dominated by scout "Are you- Are you always this stupid? Cuz that was embarrassin'." "Dominated, bootlicker!" "You oughta get discharged, cuz there's no comin' back from that." "Y'know you take after your boss a lot; you're both easy to shoot, and you're both dumb as dirt!" "(laughter) Oh man! Wait'll I tell Soldier he's raisin' a HIPPIE!"
dominating soldier "Looks like THIS Private just moved up in rank!" "I'm taking your title, old man! Trial by combat!" "Land of the free, home of this boot I just shoved up your ass, Sarge!" "They should give me a medal for how hard I'm kicking your ass." "Saludos desde México, GRINGO! (Greetings from Mexico, FOREIGNER!)"
dominated by soldier "I don't wanna see your nose out of that dirt until your arms are about to fall off! IS! THAT! CLEAR?!" "Have you learned NOTHING, son?!" "DOMINATED! You are a disappointment! You are a coward!" "DOMINATED, you spineless hippie!" "Ohh, get up, it's only a scratch. UP, I SAID!" "DOMINATED! DISCHARGED! DEEEECEASED!"
dominating pyro "I got a waterhose back home with your name on it, Gas." "You're in hot water, ain'tchu?" "Holy mole, that's gotta burn!" (mole is a kind of Mexican spicy sauce) "Flail that 'thrower all you want, you can't burn a phoenix! CAWWW!" "DOMINATED, Pinkie Pie!" "You just got SMOKED!"
dominating heavy "Need an ice pack for that? Don't worry, we can bury you in the snow." "Your big gun doesn't scare me, Stallingrad!" "I never quit, I wanted your head! And so I shotcha til you were dead!" (reference to the song Rasputin by Boney M.) "Take that domination where the sun don't shine, lover-of-the-Russian-queen!" (another Rasputin reference) "Tell Dr. Boytoy he's gonna need to do a lot of work to get those bullets out of ya!"
dominated by heavy "DOMINATED. Now be quiet." "Dominated! You do not live up to your title." "Mm. You need more training." "Private is not disciplined! (singsong) Oh, Soldier!" "Stay down, little man. I do not enjoy killing babies."
dominating demo "Gotcha that time, Cap'n Loch Ness!" "Those bombs of yours ain't really all that useful when you can't keep your eye on 'em, are they?" "Didn't see me comin' did ya?" "Oof, you're gonna need more than a drink for that." "You just LOVE my bullets, don'tcha Cyclops? CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"
dominated by demo "TELL YOUR SORRY EXCUSE FOR A LEADER THAT I'M COMIN' FOR HIM NEXT!" "A fine sendoff for a boot-lickin' bib-wearin' git!" "For your sake, laddie, I'll tell your ma you died doin' what you loved; gettin' your BLOODY ARSE handed to you!"
dominating engineer "You ever thought about buildin' a bulletproof vest?" "Not very intuitive design when your own sentry can shoot at you too, y'know." (rare) "Dominated! Tell Beecave I said best wishes!" "Twelve pHDs and for what?! Try a tour in the army, Quickdraw!" "They don't teach fightin' like that in IT, do they?" "Tend to your farm and mind your own damn business!" "DOMINATED, Marty Robins!"
dominated by engineer "You're not much smarter than yer mentor, are ya? Hell, y'all might be related." "Dominated. Tell Houston I said they can go to hell!" "Take your humid ass air back down to the coast, damn it!" "Not in my damn base, ya don't."
dominating sniper "You piss in jars and you keep 'em. I don't need to embarrass you any more." "Dominated, Heeler!" (vague reference to Bluey) "Aren't Australians supposed to be the best fighters in the world?! C'MON!" "I got you in my sights. Wanker."
dominated by sniper "(sotto voice) Gotcha, trench rat." "Gotcha, trench rat!" "(sotto voice) Another bloody moron crossed off my list." "Another bloody moron crossed off my list!" "You think wearin' a uniform makes you special, punk?!" "(sotto voice) They got cages in hell for people like you, grunt." "They got cages in hell for people like you, grunt!"
dominating medic "Someone call the waah-mbulence!" "And for your death certificate, that'll be 200,000 dollars! Name of insurance?" "What's this? A DNR? Baaad news, other team, the doctor is OUT!" "Dominated, pillskirt!" "Dominated, psych ward!" "DOMINATED, Frankenstein!"
dominated by medic "I would use your body for science, but it's so full of sugar and plastic I think I'd be better off robbing a grave!" "Ooh! That limb looks infected. I'll have to take it off." "You never SAW me coming, did you, fraulien?!" "Ha-ha-hah! Your blood, it gives me youth!" "Shut up and let me do my job!"
dominating spy "You sorry sacks of scum are USELESS to your teammates!" "Ooo, a ghost?! So spooooky!" "Need a cig, baguette?" "That's what you get you little weasel!" "Buy me a drink later and we'll call it even." "Eat that, white flag!"
dominated by spy "If your spatial awareness were as large as your ego, you'd have caught that!" "Now to torture the information out of you - or is that too much to handle?" "A knife in the back, like a kiss, au revoir." "I've met politicians with more conviction than you!" "Dominated! Now go back to your play-pen!" "Dominated, you scraggly ill-kempt mutt!"
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namelessguy7346 · 4 months
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Alright ! My first THSC AU is finally here !
This is my
The Henry Stickmin Collection x Team Fortress 2 Crossover AU, consisting of Bios from the THSC as the TF2 characters.
Henry Stickmin (The Scout): 27 Y/O, 5'11 , (181 cm) Boston-United States 🇺🇸
Charles Calvin (The Soldier): 47 Y/O, 6'0 (184 cm) , Nevada-United States 🇺🇸
??? (The pyro): [Redacted], 5'10 (177 cm)
Travis Degroot (The Demoman): 44 Y/O, 6'2 (188 cm) Ullapool-Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Dmitri Petrov (The Heavy): 53 Y/O, 6'5 (195 cm), Dzhugdzhur (Джугджу́р) Mountains, Siberia-Russia 🇷🇺
R.H.M (The Engineer): 49 Y/O, 5'7 (173 cm) Beecave, Texas-United States 🇺🇲
Geoff Constanza (The Medic): 48 Y/O, 6'1 (185 cm), Stuttgart-Germany 🇩🇪
Samuel Mundy (The Sniper): 46 Y/O, 6'2 (187 cm), Sydney-Australia 🇦🇺
Jaque LeTouch3 (The Spy): 56 Y/O, 6'1 (185 cm) Dijon-France 🇨🇵
Questions are open, feel free to ask anything
And i guess that's all, i'll probably make a few more doodles for the rest of the cast or something like that Idk Man.
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scrumptowne · 1 year
iiiii made u something since i didnt get to attack u during artfight (even tho i REALLY WANTED TO, but next year, ur mr mafia sniper is goin DOWN) (this is also very messy bc its like 3 am but i will die with this ship i love these two so so so so so much i wasthat anon that asked and was giggling over them)
somewhere on their vacation in beecave texas, legend says that engineer is still being flung to this day due to his horrid rizz
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dailyrecaps · 2 months
Yesterday SUNDAY walked to Austin grind and back, dead poets society at 8 something then bed.
Today out of bed 11a beecave to return lululemon shirt. Then luna coffee and BeeCave goodwill boutique.
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Large w/shot of espresso
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catboyrights · 1 year
i do not trust engineer tf2 because bitch hate beecaves rotted vibes
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sunnysmiles · 2 years
I feel as though if i drive to beecave for whatever reason i will encounter engi from tf2
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teamwehaul · 4 years
📢 Local Moves & Long Distance
🔥 2 or 3 Men + Truck
🔥 We Just Move Different
CONTACT NOW @teamwehaul
Website: www.teamwehaul.com
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craftoutdoor · 2 years
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Nice evening light on this beautiful water feature. #craftoutdoor #designbuild #gardendesign #waterfeature #antiquelueders #austin #beecaves (at Bee Cave, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDKdIiuzab/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chachophotography · 5 years
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Enjoying an evening with Dale Watson. . . #dalewatson #beecaves #livemusic #atx #tx #olympus #omd #em10mk2 #ameripolitan (at Hill Country Galleria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx570IjF3gF/?igshid=dpx4uum07cp3
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sunkissdpools · 4 years
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Quality pool service you can count on. Exquisite designs you dream of. . . . . . . . #elegance #poolservice #poolconstruction #womeninbusiness #poolside #goodvibes #poolparty #familytime #tarrytown #lakeaustin #laketravis #westlake #beecave #lakeway #austin #atx #austintexas #paradise #summer #life #landscape #design #inspiration #beautiful #goals #style #friends #happy #lifestyle #swim https://www.instagram.com/p/B_p4Uy4FF50/?igshid=ahbu6gmvphvz
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texasmusicdude · 6 years
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Today's special at @WildKitchenAndBar is @LostPinesBluegrass in #BeeCave!! #WildBluegrassBrunch #Bluegrass #RespectArtistry #BluegrassBrunch #Fiddle #Mandolin #Guitar #Harmonies #BassFiddle #TexasMusicDude #CentralTexasBluegrass (at Wild Kitchen and Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvZdUHGlrMd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dwfcfx6e6dju
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thegarageking-blog · 2 years
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This little girl is getting a bath! . . . #organizeyourgarage #thegarageking #overheadstorage #overheadracks #garagestorage #garageracks #slatwall #garagestorage #weinstall #leander #pointventure #lagovista #cedarpark #georgetown #suncity #roundrock #pflugerville #lakeway #beecave #steinerranch #tessera #travisso #crystalfalls #teravista #belterra #austin #sanantonio #garage #garagetoys  #shertz #cibolo https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSwFeWJaXK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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britelitedyed · 2 years
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We are STOKED to be celebrating our Fourth of July in #BeeCaveTx at Hill Country Galleria Independence Day Festival for. 4-10PM! #Austin come out and shop, eat, ride rides & watch fireworks! We have so much gorgeous hand dyed apparel for the whole family! #BriteLiteDyed #BeeCave #AustinTx #lakewaytx #LakeTravis #handdyed #TexasMaker #TxMakers #TexasMakers #NBTX #Texas #country (at Hill Country Galleria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfl5x3NuiWd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailyrecaps · 2 years
Mar 16 THURS bought 3 more packs underwear walmart online (4x3 = 12 total). Christen start pet sitting this evening.
MAR 18 SAT Bank run $832 + GiGis $150 from deck + Christen's $100 pet sitting. Insured truck USAA. Paid mom remainder for Disney house- 213.25. Finished pet sitting evening.
MAR 19 SUN Beecaves- got truck from Mom, new Dr Marten sandals- Dillard's.
MAR 20 MON Transfered title; truck newly registered. Made a capsule spring/summer wardrobe, Clocktower Goodwill. 3 bottoms (including belt), 3 tops for $54. (Outfits for sandals complete :)
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