#Bee Hummingbird Images
eurazba · 3 months
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Mobility Aids!
Based on @thepromptfoundry's Pride 2 Disability Boogaloo prompts! Today's prompt was mobility aids and I have two main mobility aids I use. My prosthetic leg which I use daily, and my cane which I use when I'm in a lot of pain or am going to be out of the house for a particularly long day. The bird cane is my actual cane design, and the purple prosthetic design is how my new prosthetic I got just a few weeks ago looks!
Not pictured is my walking stick which I use when I go out hiking :3 but it serves a lot of the same purposes as my cane
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tinylongwing · 12 days
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Bee Hummingbird, the smallest bird in the world, for phengarornis at bluesky. This image is much larger than the bird itself, that's for sure!
Done as thanks for supporting the Waymakers challenge; see here to donate to support the right of immigrant kids at the US border, and to therefore also request your own bird!
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world-fire-entity · 7 months
"Hey I love you"
*Gives you all my cottagecore corruption avatar concepts*
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Lowkey, if you use/are inspired by this pretty please tag/credit me. Mainly tag me. I WANT THESE TO BE MADE SO INSANELY BAD AND I WANNA SEE THEM.
IMAGE 1: Human-Insert has Lily pad on top of its head as well as a frog buried into its neck, a frog buried into his arm, 4 frogs on top of each other buried into its stomach, a frog buried in its leg, and a frog climbing up its leg. END 1 IMAGE 2: Human-Insert with orange tree branches sprouting from various parts of it's body. It smells of Citrus. END 2 IMAGE 3: Human-Insert with Mushrooms growing out of its head, arms, and legs. END 3
IMAGE 4: Human-Insert with strawberry bush growing through a cavity in its abdomen and one growing my its left leg. A stray strawberry vine is covering its eye while fugly sonic the hedgehog, Jerry, and that bunny from snow white beg for food at its feet. END 4
IMAGE 5: Human-insert has a duck on its head, two baby ducks burying into its neck, three in its abdomen, one through its arm, one trying to climb its leg, and two trying to get in on this. END 5
IMAGE 6: Human-insert has flowers growing out of various cavities throughout its body. These flowers attract hummingbirds and bees. END 6 VISUAL ID END]
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jupiterswasphouse · 1 year
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[PHOTOS TAKEN: JULY 27TH, 2023 | Image IDs: Six photos of various insects on a red hummingbird feeder, starting with two photos of a red, black, beige, and yellow paper wasp with curved antennae by itself, before it is subsequently joined by a black and yellow mud dauber wasp with equally curved antennae, two black and yellow bumble bees, and a grey fly /End IDs.]
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rederiswrites · 7 months
Just showed the bestie that lovely photo of a hummingbird and several honey bees.
"The only problem with this image is that you showed it to me in 2024," he said.
I took a second to understand that he meant it could easily be fake.
All images now are inherently suspect. AI and photo manipulation have reached a stage where you cannot trust images. Even videos.
I remember sitting at lunch in high school, round about 1998, and talking about some distant day when that would be true, and how utterly society-shaking that would be. It was a light conversation, but not really for me. I meant it. It would be bad. It would erode trust massively.
And here we are.
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proton-wobbler · 1 year
Semifinals, Poll 7
Short-tailed Pygmy-tyrant vs Oriental Bay-Owl
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sources under the cut
Short-tailed Pygmy-tyrant (Myiornis ecaudatus)
"Minute size and compact body give it a unique appearance, in some ways looking more like a bumblebee than a bird." - eBird
eBird sightings: 7,276; IUCN Redlist Rating: Least Concern
This species is the smallest songbird, and one of the smallest birds in general. Typical weight is 4.2 g - when compared to some hummingbirds, which weigh 3.0 g at their heaviest. So many descriptions of this bird say that it seems to resemble a beetle or bee rather than a bird, and that it's calls and song sound more like crickets or frogs.
Oriental Bay-Owl (Phodilus badius)
"In breeding season, once described as surpassing all other owls in [the] appalling nature of its cries, even sounding like half a dozen cats fighting." - Birds of the World
eBird sightings: 1,292; IUCN Redlist Rating: Least Concern
This owl is a generalist species, feeding on small rodents, bats, birds, snakes, frogs, lizards and various insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, and spiders. Their short, rounded wings help them to navigate their habitat, allowing them to quickly and quietly bank through tight trees and other vegetation to capture their prey.
Images: Flycatcher (Henry Cook); Owl (Wich'yanan Limparungpatthanakij)
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Nijiko Shouji-Tokoyami
Not sure if you thought about her more, but I woke up today with more thoughts, so thought I’d share!
(Again, you can take or leave whatever)
First, I saw some hummingbird species I thought Nijiko could be based on specifically:
Indigo capped Humming bird
Violet Bellied Hummingbird
Purple throated Carib
Costa’s hummingbird (male image specific)
Blue headed hummingbird
Antillean crested hummingbird (male image specific)
Bee Hummingbird (smallest species ever)
Black Jacobin
Purple-Crowned Fairy
Amethyst throated sunangel
The Bee Hummingbird is impossibly tiny, and the one I was thinking of, but I also like the idea that Nijiko is just a mishmash of all hummingbirds. (Her name, Nijiko, means “rainbow child”, so, ya know. Bright colours!) Though the Antillean Crested gave me what I imagine her head feathers look like.
The other bit was, I think mentioned before about her parents? How dad was dead, but mom may or may not have been, and if she WAS alive, that wasn’t a good thing? I think I had a half-baked idea that Nijiko was, like, reverse Hawks? Her mom isn’t a “criminal”, but a member of the HPSC (or whatever holdovers from the “old guard” by NextGen) who is … not great? And her live-in boyfriend, who is a criminal (by technicality) would be Nijiko’s dad. He’d be hiding out with his government girlfriend, who keeps him from getting arrested, but keeps asking him to do stuff for her. Dad would have some kind of bird related Quirk, while mom … I don’t know, honestly. Something with light? Colours? Enhanced metabolism? 
Anyway, I think my thought was, Mom wants to turn Nijiko into the next Hawks, indoctrination style. Dad is like “oh, fuck that”, and takes off with Nijiko, but either got attacked by the Mom, or got caught up in something and dies. His body and toddler Nijiko are found by Fumi, who takes Nijiko into protective custody and eventually adopts her. Mom, for whatever reason, isn’t connected to Nijiko legally, and decides to stay away until she can figure out a plan that doesn’t reveal the fact she wanted to turn her kid into a child soldier.
Like I said, the thoughts are a little jumbled, and if you can figure out something more coherent, I beg you, go for it. I was half-asleep when thinking about this, I’m not sure what sense it makes.
Hm! I’m down with going for a mix of hummingbirds (after all, there’s canon precedent as Tsu is a mix of all frogs).
Also I have thoughts on it because yeah the Commission needs a replacement Hawks and making kids from scratch is def the next step after Nagant’s base recruitment and Hawks’ ‘essentially kidnapped’ versions, but when you said ‘reverse Hawks+Mom in the Commission’ my first thought was about the semi-joke I made about something in Hawks’ contract of the Commission having legal rights to his DNA.
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alcnfr · 11 days
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A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) and some Western Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) getting in each other's way at the nectar feeder this morning. ( Seldom truly like an image, but the 2 bees with the hummingbird, all in flight, is a real fave at least for now...lol)
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learnwithmearticles · 5 months
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed, two things that are appreciable on their own as well as together. This is the common name of Asclepias tuberosa, a perennial native to New Jersey and a beautiful addition to a garden. Keep reading to learn some specifics about this beauty.
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[Image I.D. A close-up photo of a Butterfly Milkweed in bloom. The flowers have five close-together orange petals and the plant’s green stems and flowers can be seen behind them. End I.D.]
As a perennial, Butterfly Weed, also called Butterfly Milkweed, needs only to be planted once, and will then be able to re-flower every year. It blooms in late spring to early summer, around June to August. 
Along with being a native species to the east and southwest of North America, this flower has many environmental benefits.
Butterfly Weed flowers are a useful source of nectar for many pollinators, including butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Monarch butterflies can also use the leaves as a place to lay eggs.
This plant is tolerant to drought, and it grows deep roots that are very beneficial to strengthening soil against erosion. 
The best way to include these in a garden is to start from seeds. They need about three months of cold temperatures without moisture, so planting in the fall is ideal. They might take more than a year or two to bloom, but once established, they can be left alone. Additionally, they are not the favoured nourishment for deer or rabbits, so they are likely to be left untouched. They might occasionally require watering to remove aphids, though.
History Bit
Another interesting fact about this plant is its historical use as herbal medicine. 
Reportedly, several Native American communities would use the roots of Butterfly Weed to treat respiratory illnesses like pleurisy and bronchitis. This is why this plant is also sometimes called pleurisy root. During the 1918 influenza pandemic, pleurisy root was one of a few medicinal plants used to help patients. Physicians at the time reported that it was very useful for chest pains and serious coughs.
Additionally, in some Native American communities, seed pods were sometimes boiled to be eaten, and the soft parts spun to make candlewicks.
Ultimately, Butterfly Weed is not only a gorgeous flower to have in a garden, it also comes with many benefits to soil and wildlife. If you’re looking to diversify your yard in the east or southwest of North America, this plant is a very good choice.
Additional Resources
1. https://www.jerseyyards.org/plant/asclepias-tuberosa/
2. https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/asclepias_tuberosa.shtml#
4. https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/species/butterflyweed/
5. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/cpb1958/48/7/48_7_1017/_pdf
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anthologiemystika · 2 years
Sonoran Desert Plants & Their Magic
Creosote Bush
Larrea tridentata
A.k.a Stinkweed, Chaparral, and Hediondilla
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Creosote is a prominent plant in the southwestern portion of North America, it's range includes the Sonoran, Mojave, and Chihuahuan deserts.
• Element: Water
• Powers: Permanence, longevity, healthy isolation (living alone with a purpose i.e introspection or healing), developing a "tough skin", overcoming challenges, logic, reasoning, order
Mesquite Tree
Prosopis velutina
A.k.a Velvet Mesquite
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Velvet Mesquite is found naturally, and plays an important ecological role, in the Sonoran Desert. They grow 20-50 feet in height, or more in well watered areas, less in dry grasslands. The roots far extend the height of the tree, as such Velvet Mesquite can access water sources that are deeper than most plants can reach.
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water, Earth
Powers: Healing, protection, cleansing, purification
Justica californica
A.k.a Hummingbird Bush
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Chuparosa is a flowering bush native to the deserts of Southern California, Arizona, and Northern Mexico. Chuparosa and Chiporosa are both colloquial Spanish terms for "hummingbird". For a short while this shrub produces succulent leaves, it then loses those leaves and grows plentiful tubular flowers. These flowers are generally shades of bright red, but can also be found in shades of yellow. Hummingbirds frequent this low bush to feed on the sweet nectar hidden in the flowers.
Planet: Venus
Powers: Beauty, self-esteem, romance, sexual energy, love, new beginnings, positivity
Brittle Bush
Encelia farinosa
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Brittle bush is a rather common little shrub found in Northern Mexico, Arizona, Southern California, Nevada, and Utah. It's name comes from the brittleness of the stems. A Spanish name for this plant is "incienso" because the dried sap was burned by the early Spanish missions in the New World as incense.
Planetary: Sun
Element: Earth
Powers: Healing, cleansing, luck, empathy, friendship, protection, banishing sickness
Desert Lavender
Hyptis emoryi
A.k.a Bee Sage or Bushmints
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Desert Lavender is found in Arizona, Nevada, California, and Northwestern Mexico. It is a medium to tall perennial shrub that is favored by honeybees in early spring. The violet-blue flowers are profuse along the main stem and side branches.
Native American tribes like the Akimel O'Odham saw this plant as a "pure and holy plant that cleanses all evils away from one's spirit". It's traditional Native American uses include smudge wands that were burned to cleanse the body of diseases and stop heavy menstruation and internal bleeding.
Element: Earth
Animal: Honeybees
Powers: Spirits, purity, banishing, warding, psychic energy & ability, cleansing, protection
Ephedra fasciculata
A.k.a Mormon Tea or Arizona Ephedra
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This plant is found mainly in the Mojave, Colorado, and Sonoran deserts. It thrives in creosote bush scrub. Historically it has been used as an alternative to coffee.
Element: Air
Planet: Earth
Powers: Protection, healing, positive energy, cleansing, friendship, happiness, purity, alertness & focus
Yellow Bells
Tecoma stans
A.k.a Yellow Trumpetbush
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Yellow Bells is an attractive ornamental vine native to the Americas, and is the official flower of the United States Virgin Islands. It is hardy in nature and can be grown nearly anywhere, becoming an invasive species in some areas. It's large yellow flowers attract many creatures such as hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.
Element: Earth
Powers: Resilience, dominance, strength, healing, cleansing, banishment, cursing, retaliation
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
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Altered book journal. The wallpaper like background is from the Digital Collage Club. The photo of the New Zealand Tui in the centre is copyrighted to John Robertson. The quote stickers are from the Tim Holtz Small Talk range. Feather stickers from SHEIN. I can’t remember where the buttons came from. Edge of background coloured by Wild Honey Distress Oxide by Ranger
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Double page spread made from: pages from Daphne’s Diary for background. Old German book page for the envelope. Quotes are a mixture of sets from SHEIN and Tim Holtz Big Chat. Doilie was from a hotel. Mushroom sticker from Woodland Animal range in Hobby Craft. Stencilling created by Wild Honey Distress Oxide by Ranger and stencil from Tim Holtz collection. Heart bee image from Digital Collage Club. Washi tape from Amazon.
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Hummingbird post card images from Digital Collage Club. I believe the buttons were from The Range (UK) or The Works (UK). Stencilling made from Tim Holtz stencil and Wild Honey Distress Oxide.
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the-faultofdaedalus · 2 years
AIron Man but it’s also a “His Dark Materials” AU, where of course Tony Stark had a daemon (or maybe he lost it in the attack and that’s also part of what killed him???) and AIron Man doesn’t. But he needs to pretend he has one or else people will know he’s not human!
So he says oh yeah it’s small enough to be in my armor all the time when asked. Eventually he builds this little mechanical daemon, to really sell the lie or because he WANTS and aches for humanity all his own?? Who can say. He’ll claim it’s also covered in armor for its protection, that’s why it looks mechanical
What form should his little wind up Daemon take? And is it sentient all its own or is it just a peripheral of himself?
Or maybe Tony made it for him in the image of his own Daemon and all that comes with it. Maybe it makes it all the more tragic should the little thing come to harm, it might now be his soul but it came from a source that is long gone.
Maybe it’s a little golden bee 🐝 or a spider clockwork🕷️. Something small that builds and makes.
this is SO GOOD i havent read HDM in years (and honestly it was amber spyglass that stuck with me the most, LOVE some good specbio) and god,,,, this is a lot,,,
theres so many good options. maybe he fakes that his daemon DID die and the armour keeps him from dying as well. maybe he fakes that it allows for a greater distance. i think a lil mechanical bug would be very good but consider: bee hummingbird. smallest bird in the world. absolutely tiny. just a little friend. especially since i do generally think of tony's daemon being a bird, even though i dont think iron man would take exactly the form that tony's would have been.
but also,,,, he just gets like. a pet insect or smth. just a normal-ass bee he keeps around and feeds and cares for. i think an orchid bee (look them up, they're VERY pretty. also, they're brood parasites, which is..... Something. they're also not eusocial, so having just one as a little buddy wouldn't be detrimental to them.)
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
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Halloween Countdown Day Day 6
An Eldritch Botanical Enigma from the Past
This macabre vintage plant photo caught my eye while browsing Tumblr. The caption says “Orchidee carnivore de Cochinchine” along with the word “Saigon” in the credit – meaning that is creepy plant is supposedly a carnivorous orchid from an area that is today part of Vietnam. The Tumblr account user (Cartespostalesantiques) did not know much about the image and invited me to look into it.
I have deduced that the “carnivore orchid” in the photo is not one plant, but several species put together like a botanical chimera! The main dark coloured flower is probably a Calico Flower or Elegant Dutchman’s Pipe (Aristolochia littorialis). Some of the leaves seem to be from this species too. The Calico Flower is native to southern and western South America and despite its mouth-like shape it is not a carnivorous flower. Its dark mottled colour and carrion-like scent have evolved to mimic an animal carcass to attract flies, which are the Calico Flower’s main pollinator. 
The big flower in the photo is likely a species of Passionflower (Passiflora spp.), a genus mainly found in the Americas as well as Southeast Asia and Oceania. Although an outlandish flower, the Passionflower is certainly not carnivourous and is pollinated by hummingbirds as well as bees, wasps, and butterflies. The rest of the flowers in the photo are difficult to identify, but seem to be various domesticated orchids that are not carnivorous either.
This eldritch photo goes to show that “fake news” about nature is nothing new! I imagine the post card maker put together all the weirdest looking flowers they could find and claimed it was a scary exotic orchid that ate animals. No carnivorous orchids are currently known, although one genus in Venezula ( Aracamunia liesneri) may catch small insects with sticky tips on its leaves. Perhaps the postcard maker was inspired by H.G. Well’s 1894 short story “The Flowering of the Strange Orchid” about a sinister blood-sucking orchid that turns on its keeper.
Listen to the story at this link!
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world-fire-entity · 7 months
Corruption is so Cottage-core aesthetic #1
"Hey! I like you!"
*Gives you two of my corruption cottagecore concepts*
(I'm gonna post more soon cuz I love em)
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[VISUAL ID IMAGE 1: Human-insert has a duck on its head, two baby ducks burying into its neck, three in its abdomen, one through its arm, one trying to climb its leg, and two trying to get in on this. (One of the two trying to get in on this is eating a bit of the human-insert) (It doesn't mind though) END 1 IMAGE 2: Human-insert has flowers growing out of various cavities throughout its body. These flowers attract hummingbirds and bees. It's very buzzy around this avatar END 2 VISUAL ID END]
Credit/Tag me if you're inspired/use it. Mostly tag me though at least in the comments (I RLLY wanna see this happen).
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jupiterswasphouse · 1 year
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[PHOTOS TAKEN: JULY 31ST, 2023 | Image IDs: Four photos of some black and yellow bumble bees drinking from a red hummingbird feeder /End IDs.]
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paleode-ology · 2 years
Favorite 🦜 go
bro I literally started answering this and saved a draft but I guess it got swallowed whole when I switched between mobile to desktop?? idk. anyway birdies. I'm also gonna do top three because!! birds!!! are so fun!!!!
firstly I highly respect the corvid love. I want to train a flock of crows to bring me gifts soooo badly. maybe when I am a homeowner. someday.
Red-tailed hawks! They're like the most common raptor in the US but I love them anyway. There's a leucistic one that lives in my neighborhood and I got some very subpar photos of it once lmao.
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this may seem like poor quality tumblr image, but that's for real how grainy the photo is. I was using my biggest camera lens zoomed in all the way and I still couldn't focus it entirely properly :,)
2. downy woodpeckers! I love woodpeckers in general but downies are so small and very common birdfeeder birds so I get to see them more often! also they're not quite as loud as the bigger woodpeckers lmao. there's a (possibly pileated?) very large woodpecker we've seen and heard outside our house from time to time and boy. is he LOUD. i respect it tho.
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here's a downy! damn this image is huge wow. anyway the female ones don't have the red spot! I appreciate their monochrome chic but I do like the red hat on the males quite a bit.
3. best for last!!!!!!! hummingbirds!!!!! my babies. my all time favorites. pollinators in general are like the theme of my life. butterflies, bees, moths. I love them all. but hummingbirds? most gorgeous perfect creatures ever. we only really get the ruby-throated hummingbird here where I live (and they don't stick around for the winter) but we get a couple accidental species every once in a while. I love them all. most perfect bird ever.
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hummingbird!! baby!!!!! so everything!!!!!!! once I was sitting at the window seat of a cafe and one of these babies hit the window and fell to the ground. it was alive but just kind of sat on the ground looking traumatized for like twenty minutes and I started crying because I was so worried about it. when I say "once" I really mean "this summer".
thank u so much for the ask, star!!! i know i asked first but i was delighted to get a reciprocal ask lol :D birds are so cool
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