#Beckman didn't deserve this
lewiscarrolatemybrain · 3 months
Today I learned that the actor for Benn Beckman in the One Piece Live Action looks like this
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and I went "That's insane. This man absolutely has a face that could look handsome and intimidating. Why did the makeup artists do him so dirty. What happened."
Then I looked into him more, and I found out that this guy was in Black Sails.
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
Feel Bad? Nah
A request from anon for my 200 followers event
Find the 200 followers event here!
Content/Warnings: Benn Beckman/GN!Reader, sexual content, cheating on bad partner,
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You hadn't meant to do it.. okay maybe you had. There was no use hiding it really, but you also didn't feel bad about it. He didn't deserve you feeling bad about it.
You'd had a partner, back on your home island, before you'd joined the Red Hair Pirates. He'd been sweet, at first, but over time he'd changed. Story of your life. He'd been doting, cared for you, you felt good. Then, you'd experienced the way your friends on the Red Force treated you, and in comparison he didn't seem all that special anymore. Then, his letters had changed in tone too. He was frustrated at first about you being separated, which you understood, being long distance was hard. Then he was angry you'd left. Then he talked bad about your crew members. Then he turned to accusing you.
And, well, if he'd already made up his mind, you may as well be exactly what he accused you of. It wasn't like he could do anything to stop you, and you could just choose to never go back home.
Benn was a far better lay than your ex ever could've been, too.
You'd spent many nights (and early mornings) together, moaning and borderline screaming, bringing yourselves pleasure over and over, in a way you'd never experienced before. You stopped missing him, stopped responding to his letters, stopped reading them altogether. You weren't official with Benn, but you didn't need to be, you were happy with what you had going.
One day, the snail rang. Shanks hadn't been expecting a call, and when it began with yelling, he'd almost put it down, until he saw your face. It was your ex. "Let me, please boss." Benn said with a grin that promised trouble, and with a smirk of his own, Shanks handed the snail over.
"How can we help ya?" Benn asked, rocking back in his chair, feet propped up on the table in front of him. "Sorry, don't know anyone called that." He said, looking directly at you. He winked, flicking his tongue out to wet his lips. "Oh shit, you're right. No, I know who you mean. Yeah, but I wouldn't say yours." There was a pause, then a lot of yelling, with some strong language. "Well yeah, have to say, I didn't realise. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have spent all those nights inside them like that."
Benn sat the snail back on the table and let your ex yell himself hoarse. What did either of you care what he had to say anyway? Eventually, he picked the snail up once again to speak. "Yeah, I'm done listening to your horseshit. Don't call again." And then he ended the call. Well, at least that ties off that loose end.
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Requests are open! See below links for my other works, and how to leave requests. I write both canon/canon and canon/reader requests for your enjoyment
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Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots @cainnoable
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i-am-vita · 9 months
At the Bathhouse
A Shanks x Ghost Rose Oc (FemReader)
👉 Masterlist
(Now in AO3 too)
Fic based on my OPLA older guysxfemreader headcanons here and certain scene from this FanaticSnail's fic.
Because when Shanks makes a sexy cameo at a bathhouse, I need to write a oneshot of Shanks getting sexy at a bathhouse.
If I said I didn't intended for this to go as NSFW as it got... I would be lying. Of course I wrote a fic with Shanks at a bathhouse with all the intention for things going NSFW. You can thank @fanaticsnail for the idea and the moodboard. Thank you so much, gurl, you inspire me so much!!!! Everybody go give her some well deserved love.
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Moodboard by FanaticSnail 💞
Summary: You found yourself separated from your crew after a plan going sideways. Stranded in this little island with a bathhouse and no signal of your captain through your phone, there's exactly one person that you can always count to pick you up. Warnings: NSFW, sex in a public setting, voyeurism, some unconsensual voyeurism due to public setting. Somehow, I managed to not use the word fuck. Is it progress? Expect: That ex-turned-bestie that always appear out of air when you need him. Lovers to Friends to Friends with Benefits. Shanks gets affectionate and handsy with you being a cool pirate thief. Brief Mihawk cameo because I'm trash and need to make him suffer. Use of You not Y/N. Bad english, consistent time tenses not detected.
11-ish years ago...
If there was one person in all the Blues that you can always count to somehow be exactly where and when you needed him was Shanks.
On the rare occasions in your young adult life since you parted ways that you found yourself in a bad place, be it literally or metaphorically, he'd be at enough short distance to pick you up, also literally or metaphorically.
Like right now when you are stranded in this whatever-island after the worst job in your pirate history.
Not that you have failed. The intel you were acquiring now in your captain's hands, unlike you that had to ditch some last minute inconveniences and resorted to your only-emergency escape plan for the first time which consisted in telling your team to get the hell out of there with the catch while you took the roll of bait, found your own way out of the Marine Base and back to your crew on your own... eventually.
You didn't know it yet but this would be the job that finally gets you your current wanted poster thanks to the one knife with rose carvings that you left behind at the scene and the fact nobody was able to catch a glimpse of you, them naming you The Ghost Rose from now on.
Hence your current predicament. Having taken the first fishing boat you found that would take you to the next neighboring island and so on until you found yourself in this little rock, almost empty except for a bathhouse and some B&B's. One of those little hot spring resorts only known by enough people to keep them going.
Perfect to lay low for a few days until you could send a message to your Captain… or it would be if the damn Portable Den Den Mushi just connected your calls.
"Damn, not again." You mutter after the fifth attempt to call your crew.
You were currently in the personal room you purchased for your stay. The architecture and interior design of the building inspired by those of Wano with its minimalist wooden interiors, sliding doors and low furniture for sitting on the floor where you lay comfortably in a light bath robe while considering your options.
There was still the possibility of calling Shanks even if the odds of him being close enough to pick you up were low, he'd probably be better equipped than you to contact Captain Erik.
The ringing tone of the call finally connecting made you sigh in relief.
"Hello?" Came the familiar voice of Benn Beckman through the shell. Because there was no way that he would allow Shanks near their own Portable Den Den Mushi after THE incident from six years ago.
"Beck! You have no idea how great it is to hear your voice right now." You answered to the Redhead Pirate's First Mate.
"Little Rose! Please, tell me you’re coming back at last so I can finally retire." How the man managed to sound so defeated at his age was a mystery to anyone who wasn’t aware of Shanks' antics. Beckman had been asking you to come back since you left to sail with the Phantom Pirates arguing how much more manageable his captain was when you were around.
"Hold on there, old man. You still have plenty of time to become the grumpy grandpa." It had become an ongoing joke between you two to mock him for being the oldest and “designated dad” of the crew. Beck didn't have time to answer when you heard a little commotion on the line and the telling sound of the phone changing hands.
"Sweetheart!!!" Shanks's excited shout was so loud you could swear it reverberated in your own walls.
"Hey, dear."
Even after you had officially ended your romantic relationship years ago, it was impossible to stop the man from calling you lover pet names so you had go on with it too.
"Where's the fight, love? I'll be there in a heartbeat." You could hear several male grunts and indefinite clothing background sounds.
"Is it a bad time? I just need you to pass a message to my cap' so they know I'm fine and on the low. My Portable Den Den doesn't connect."
"More like a bath time!"
"Hey, didn't they say the mushies didn't connect with the outside?"
"You on your own? Say no more! Where are you, babe?"
"Shanks, there's no need..."
"Nonsense. Coordinates, now." You had forgotten how much you liked when your ex lover got all commanding. He was so carefree and easygoing most of the time.
"Aye, sir." You answered with a sultry voice you know always drove him crazy. "It's this little rock with a bathhouse and hot springs..." You explained and started giving him the numbers when you felt the air getting all heavy, almost electrified, with a powerful haki seeking your presence.
You took the shell out of your ear and calmly put your Portable Den Den Mushi away before a powerful kick sent the delicate woody and paper wall away revealing the figure of one of the most infamous pirate captains in all the Blues, almost naked save for a small towel at his hips, disheveled red hair and his signature straw hat hanging from his neck at his back.
"Sweetheart!!!" Came the man’s thunderous shout for the second time. His arms outstretched, offering warmth and anticipation, eager to envelop you in an affectionate hug.
"I am not paying for that..." You said pointing to the destroyed wall.
Yep. That was Shanks, always coming out from wherever whenever you needed him, no matter the odds.
Five minutes later, you found yourself sitting on Shanks lap in the spring waters. He had picked you up in his arms and hasn't let you down since then. Like a kid with his favorite transitional object. But you couldn't deny that his affectionate embrace was contagious. You had missed him dearly too.
You two haven't seen each other in almost two years, since you broke up with Kuro to the everlasting joy of the redhead who had hated the guts of the young Black Cat's Captain, knowing from the beginning that the psycho could never deserve you. Shanks was still delighted in the fact it had been him who snitched the identity of the pirate captain to the Marines after his little stunt with you. Nobody messes with his friends, he thought while embracing your almost naked form over him.
It had been even more years since he had felt your skin against his and it was getting him giddy.
The rest of the crew was scattered around in different states of contentment but no one as deeply relaxed as Beck who laid floating with a towel over his eyes, completely zone out with the knowledge that he wouldn't be babysitting his captain as long as you were there. He was always in his best behavior around you; you’ve been a really big positive influence in the past, helping him mature into the man he was now and making the First Mate’s life a little more manageable. Until it was party time and Beck had to be the “designated babysitter” of his captain to prevent him from making some extravagance.
Poor man almost never got a proper break during vacation.
"So, rosie, you said you're on the low." Said Yassop perched belly up on a rock, an arm and leg in the hot water. "What've you been up to?"
"Yeah, must've been a big score. We've been dodging battleships for three days before docking here." Added Beck from his floating spot.
That made you feel better. If the Marine was still searching the waters, it means they hadn't caught the Angel of Music, Phantom Pirate’s ship.
You started telling them how things had gone a little sideways with your last infiltration and you had to resort to the only-emergency plan so your crew could get away with the intel.
Shanks smiled even more widely, proud of your abilities to get away from an entire Marine Base all by your own and without being seen. Such a long shot from the spoiled little socialite that had run away with him all those years ago.
He knew the moment he saw you standing up to a bunch of assholes at that bar that you were a wild card, a diamond in the rough wasting away in a privileged life. And when months later, Captain Erik, a seasoned and mysterious pirate captain, infamous for dealing with the most valuable information and treasures of all the Blues, the main intel dealer of Gold Roger himself, saw the same potential in you, Shanks knew he had to let you go to bloom, even if it was away from him.
And bloomed you had, not just in abilities but in beauty. Shanks could swear you got even more gorgeous every time he sees you.
"Ah, that's my girl." He murmured against your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of flowers and berries you favored, unlike the elegant roses everybody relates to you, and still make his mouth water. Your hand entangled in his red locks with your fingernails caressing his scalp while you tell your tale wasn’t helping… or was helping too much.
"So that's why you needed to send the message to..." Roux almost choked on his turkey piece when he caught his captain's stare, the only warning before he buried his face in your neck.
"Yeah, the lady at the desk said the mushis didn't receive or send signals from outside the island. Only the big tower at the beach can make outside calls..." Commented Beck in blissful ignorance that you didn't get because Shanks had started to leave a trail of kisses on your neck.
He draw his hand from your shoulder down your back, removing the towel that covered your torso, following a delicate pattern with his fingers over your skin to your side while his lips found a certain spot behind your ear that made you arch your back, almost revealing your full bosom out of the blurring water if not for his other hand wandering from your thigh to your belly and up to your chest. His big palm and long fingers enough to cover and fondle a breast.
The crew started making a hasty exit from that part of the springs.
Yassop rolled to the other side of his rock and dropped into the water with a soft splash. Meanwhile the rest of the men walked or swam away through the rocks that formed a natural barrier to the other side of the springs. Roux managed to catch Beck by his foot and started pulling him across the surface of the water. The First Mate lifted the edge of the towel on his face to give his crewmate a questioning gaze but a female moan uttering Shanks’ name was enough to make him cover his face again and let himself be dragged away, letting his captain be re-acquainted with his not-so-former lover.
“Sha… Shanks… they…”
“Gonne, babe, you know they know better.”
Oh, yeah, all of them did. When it came to their captain, all the crew knew that when he got frisky with a woman it was everybody else who had to get another room, not him. Shanks became an immovable being just living the moment. Something you learned too some weeks after meeting him and decided that you in fact wanted to be more with him. You had to get rid of your inhibitions very early in your relationship.
“So… did you hide a blade under your towel or are you that happy to see me?”
“Ecstatic, love. Let me show you how much.”
When Yassop had roll over his rock to get away from the image of his captain starting to frolic with his old flame (not that the sniper blame him, he knew what it was like to decide to separate from a love to fulfill a dream of your own), he didn’t expected to find himself face to face with Dracule Mihawk drilling him with his yellow gaze for splashing him in his escape.
“Why am I not surprised that it was you, noisy lowlifes, the ones behind all this scandal?” The swordsman voiced in his bored tone while removing some plugs from his ears at seeing the Redhead's Crew appearing literally from among the rocks.
He had just arrived this morning, seeking some relaxing time after 3 days of receiving calls from some lowly Marine Captain for him to go and get some thieves that had infiltrated his office and steal who knows what. Their only clue being a brief description of a ship getting away into the fog and a forgotten knife with rose carvings from some mysterious figure. The knife was new, but that ship and the fog? He had told him to just forget about his stolen goods. The Phantom Pirates were untraceable and he was in no mood to go hunting ghosts.
Mihawk’s gaze passed over the men currently occupying HIS space, finding the absence of a certain red hair individual.
“Isn’t your captain among you? It sure was his haki I felt ten minutes ago. I could use some exercise.” He said standing up and looking over the rocks.
“No, wait!”
“You don’t want to…”
Upon looking beyond, the warlord came across the image of the redhead captain in a passionate embrace with the most exquisite woman his eyes had ever seen. At that moment, Shanks took the exotic beauty by her small waist to get her out of the water and tenderly laid her onto the surface of the nearest rock with the perfect shape to support her body like an offering. Her long dark hair barely obscured the view of her glorious body. His hungry eyes traveled over golden tanned skin, from her long shapely legs to wide hips and full breasts.
Mihawk had never considered that he had a type until that same moment.
He was about to seek the face of the woman of his dreams, when she moved one of her legs expertly, using her foot to get rid of the flimsy towel around Redhead’s hips, getting Mihawk abruptly out of his reverie with an image he was certainly NOT desiring to live in his head and a strong need for a brain bleach to clean it from what he just unwilling witnessed.
He turned around hastily to find himself with the stare of the entire Redhead’s Crew going from judgemental to “told you so” looks that got immediately diverted by the death glare of their captain’s rival who decided to take his leave and left the duel for another day… or several months.
Half an hour later, you laid over Shanks’ wide chest, both of you floating in the warm water in postorgasmic bliss.
It had been years since you had felt this safe and sound in the arms of a lover. The level of trust and affection Shanks inspired on you never having an equal even if those feelings came from friendship and respect instead of romantic love. Your young broken heart was still too tender at that time to let yourself fall for the redhead when you met. A blessing in disguise since you’re fully aware now that Shanks isn’t someone who would settle with just one lover for a long amount of time and you both have different life goals.
“Where were you headed before all the turmoil we caused?”
“East Blue. I found this little village months ago. It’s a good place to hide and I promised I’d go back soon.” Explained Shanks remembering a certain little kid that was surely counting the days until the arrival of the Red Force. “What ‘bout you? Where’s your meeting point with old Cap’ Erik?”
“If all else failed, Oykot Kingdom.”
Shanks' grin intensified upon hearing that.
That evening, Benn Beckman walked to the tower at the beach to borrow their Den Den Mushi and made a call to a certain Shostakovich Eriksson and left the message of his assistant being safe and sound and that she will reunite with him in the agreed location but to don’t count on them arriving very soon.
The Redhead’s First Mate had all the intention of taking his sweet time enjoying this unexpected vacation.
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Hello Snail! Hello Yandere Doffy Anon!
Do you remember how Dr. House was hooked on a soap opera? Would there be romantic radio dramas on that snail radio?! OH, I CAN IMAGINE BENN BECKMAN secretly hooked on the radio drama, listening to it at night, hidden in his cabin!!! AND GARP!!! AND KILLER!!! SOO MANY CHARACTERS AAAAAAAAAA!!!
All of them being hooked on the radio and adding their commentary to the individual segments, absolutely!!
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Doffy-girly: "There's just something about him that I adore. I can't put my finger on it, but I need to get to know him better."
Croco-girly: "Girl, you need help. He has no redeeming qualities. Find yourself another feather-wearing weirdo. I promise you they'd be better suited!"
Doffy-girly: "... But I just love to look at him. I mean, come on! He's goregous."
Elsewhere at the world government headquarters, a gathering of reclining admirals, vices and upperclassmen listen to the program.
Helmeppo: "Can you believe she's been pining for him for over a year now?"
Bogard: "It is rather unfortunate how much she has been wanting him, yes. You remember when he called up-?"
Garp: "-And she nearly fainted? Yes. She doesn't deserve him. She should be focussing her affections on someone else. What about the younger brother? He wasn't so bad, right?"
Sengoku: "..."
Tsuru: "..."
The program continues after a few songs, the podcast now back in full swing.
Croco-girly: "There's only one thing I can't get behind."
Doffy-girly: "The hook, the cigars, the conniving, the scheming, the fact that he's over 8' tall, his joining with Mihawk and Buggy at Cross-Guild-."
Croco-girly: "-Why didn't he keep the pug? He could've provided a home for the sweet baby! He has such a big heart, he could've done it, I'm sure."
On the grand line.
Beckman: "He should've kept the pug."
Red-Hair Crew: "Here-here!"
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There's my little bit of input 🥹
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【Made of Mist】
Benn Beckman x Reader
Content: Afab Reader. She/Her. Lovers to Strangers to ??? Single motherhood.
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Benn stared down at the whiskey glass in his hands, shifting his cigarette between his teeth. He swirled his drink, watching the golden brown liquid swish around. The merriment of the Red-Haired Pirates and the burning booze did little to drown Benn's discomfort. He'd felt deep unease ever since Shanks set course to this island. The multi-day journey mainly consisted of his crewmates incessantly mocking him, eventually turning his apprehension into real distress. Benn knew (Name) would be on the island, ready to tear him a new one when she got a chance. He wasn't trying to shy away from that, Benn knew he'd deserved it, but the pain on her face was almost too much. He could forget to give (Name) a heartfelt apology if he couldn't even look her in the eye.
"Benn," Lucky crooned, pushing his way up to the bar, "Your little girlfriend is across the street."
Think of the devil, and she shall come. "Is she waiting for me?" Benn asked, preparing himself for the shitstorm he'd created. He tapped out his cigarette as (Name) hated the smell of the smoke.
Lucky looked far too amused for his comfort. "I don't think so. She saw me and looked pissed, so I don't think she's trying to chat you up."
The jeers from his crew mates rolled off Benn's shoulders. Despite the mental preparation, his stomach still churned. The thought of seeing (Name) made his stomach hurt. It had been nearly two years since they'd seen each other. There was no doubt in Benn's mind that she was royally peeved. Sucking his teeth, Benn finished his drink. A little liquid courage couldn't hurt. He strode out of the bar, his eyes scanning the storefronts across the street from the bar. Benn's head snapped toward the sound of her voice. It was the same as he'd remembered, making his knees weak.
"Thank you so much for keeping an eye on him," (Name) said to another young woman. She was standing on the porch of a home near the bar. A heavy satchel was slung over her shoulder, weighing her down.
"(Name), sweetie, you look worn out; I don't mind letting your sweet boy sleep here tonight," the woman offered gently, her own children clinging to her skirts, "You don't have to always be doing all the parenting by yourself."
Taking the pudgy baby from her friend, (Name) offered her friend a small smile. "It's just been the two of us since before he was born," she insisted, "So I don't mind staying up a little later. I'll just sleep when I'm dead." Her smile grew when she looked down at her son as his dark eyes stared quizzically back. The extra weight of her son made (Name) wince with discomfort. So she waved to her friend and marched off down the road.
Benn felt sick. What, that little boy in his (presumably) ex-girlfriend arms his son? The child had to be less than a year old, but he had only been gone- he paused, the math churning in his mind. Benn assumed his stomach hurt in the bar, but as his body moved without his mind's consent, his gut twisted painfully. His long legs brought Benn to (Name) far faster than he'd like. So fast that he didn't have time to come up with an opening statement. His arm reached out to grasp her, it felt so natural to bring her into his arms, but Benn felt short.
"(Name)," Benn mustered in a voice far lower than he intended, "It's been a while." He winced when she flinched in what Benn hoped was a surprise. The look on her face nearly gutted him. It was an expression he'd seen before. Her face was full of vitriol that was whisked away when the baby in her arms began to fuss.
"Hey now, sweet boy," (Name) cooed, "Don't start that now." Her trembling fingers gently trailed over the tufts of jet-black hair on her son's head.
Benn couldn't stand to interrupt the tender moment, and he was thankful for it as his throat constricted. It was like staring in a mirror the longer Benn stared at the child with dark hair and deep eyes. He felt as if he was seeing someone long forgotten.
Once her baby was soothed, (Name) turned her attention back to the man standing in front of her. "What do you want, Benn?" she asked dryly.
"I'd been intending on apologizing," Benn pursed his lips, his hand gesturing to the baby, "I think I should be doing more."
She cocked an eyebrow, unimpressed with Benn's weak attempt. The weight of her bag became more painful the longer she stood there. "You're really killing it in the ex-boyfriend department," (Name) snarked, rolling her eyes.
Benn scrunched his nose before quickly smoothing out his expression. He desperately wanted a cigarette. "I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I never intended to abandon you. I thought we'd only be away for a few months- but if I had known," he gestured to the baby again, "I would've come back in a heartbeat." His words felt clumsy in his mouth. Benn longed to pull (Name) into a tight hug, to squeeze all his emotions into her bones.
Exasperated (Name) huffed. "I was alone through everything Benn. Do you get that? Sure, I have my friends and neighbors, but that doesn't make up for my son's father not being around," she swallowed thickly, angry tears; hurt tears threatened to stream down her face, "I thought you were going to come home. I thought I would run down to the dock and surprise you with the pregnancy. You'd be so damn happy that you'd stay with me. But that was fantasy; I know that now."
Staring at the little boy, Benn covered his mouth with his fist. "He's really mine," he uselessly cleared his throat, "(Name), I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I would've stormed through hell to get back to you if I'd known."
"Worst part of all of this, Benn, is that I forgive you," (Name) murmurs, readjusting the baby in her arm. Finally daring to meet Benn's face, she was surprised to see the ache on his face. "I knew you loved the sea; I was just foolish enough to think you could also love me."
"I did love you. I do love you," Benn protested; he crossed the tense air between them, "Don't shut me out, please, at least not from our baby."
"Our baby?" (Name) spat, her weary expression twisted into a harsh glower. She clutched her son closer to her chest, "You don't get to make that claim. I carried, birthed, and raised my baby all alone. This is my son."
Benn's words faltered. (Name) was right; he'd damn near vanished off the face of Earth. Benn had boarded that ship confident that his lover was well and disappeared into the early morning mist. "Please, let me make this right," he begged softly.
(Name) sighed, the pain in her shoulder and back becoming unbearable. Kneeling, she rested her child in the grass and pulled a lengthy cotton cloth from her back. She carefully began tying the fabric into a carrying pouch. Tears prickled her eyes when Benn crouched beside her, and (Name) didn't stop him from picking up her son. Benn was a damn bastard, but (Name) trusted him. She loved him, ached for him, and seeing her pudgy little boy fit so well in Benn's arms made her heartburn.
"Why did you have to go?" (Name) asked, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She situated the cotton pouch across her body, testing the strength of the knots.
Benn pursed his lips, looking over his shoulder toward the bar his crew was drinking at. "Shanks he-" Benn stopped himself, looking down at the fragile baby in his arms. His son made his chest hurt in an unexpected way, "I don't know. I shouldn't have." When the baby yawned and nuzzled into his body, Benn felt his entire being melt. He hadn't felt such a strong desire to protect anyone until then. Benn didn't think he could give the boy back to his mother.
(Name) didn't give Benn that chance to protest. Her hands tenderly yet quickly situated the baby into the well-secured pouch. Her sleepy son relaxed into the soft fabric, content with his place at his mother's breast.
"You never told me his name," Benn murmured, not knowing what to do with his uncomfortably light arms.
"You never asked," (Name) replied with a rueful smile that didn't meet her glassy eyes. Then she hoisted her painfully heavy satchel back onto her shoulder, making her groan. She turned to leave, but the weight made her stumble.
Benn grasped her shoulders, steadying her tired body. "I'm asking you now. What's his name?'' His voice was tender, masking his grief. Benn couldn't let (Name) go, not like this.
The warmth of Benn's touch made (Name) feel more exhausted than ever. The weight of the past two years was suddenly crushing. Closing her eyes, (Name) leaned into him. "Charlie," she murmured, "Charlies Gibbs."
Benn pulled the bag from her shoulder. "(Name), I can never say it enough, but I'm sorry. I should bring you with me," Benn murmured solemnly, "I was a coward then." His hand pressed into the small of her back.
"I know," she slouched further into him. (Name) had been so angry for so long. She thought she'd slap him, yell at him, and spill all of her fury when they met face-to-face. The pain written all over Benn's doused those flames in an instant, leaving exhaustion and heartache.
Benn's eyes drifted down to their baby, who was far less concerned with the emotional turmoil brewing in his parents. "Let me make it right," Benn pleaded quietly, his chin resting on her head, "Come with me. Shanks has a little brat now, so one more baby wouldn't bother the crew."
(Name) thought of her cramped second-floor apartment. The two-room space, overtop a noisy storefront, couldn't be more comfortable than on a ship. She would have help with her son, and Benn would be there.
She wanted nothing more than to melt into Benn's touch, to let him rescue her, to let Benn care for his son while she slept. Despite that ache, her pride wouldn't let go of its vice grip.
"Okay, I'll come with you, but we're not a couple. Gibbs and I have been through a lot without you, and I'm not the same woman you knew," she conceded, pulling out his touch.
Benn nodded at her stinging words. He had nothing else to blame but his own selfishness. Slinging (Name) 's bag over his shoulder, Benn stuffed his other hand into his pocket. He itched to take her back into his arms, to hold his little family.
"If you help me pack, I can be on your stupid boat by tonight," (Name) said, walking away. Her jaw clenched, resisting the urge to look over her shoulder. (Name) wanted to trust that Benn was following, but doubt wormed into her thoughts. She tried to tell herself that if Benn didn't want to help, then she didn't need it. She didn't need him.
Benn followed like a hound nosing the ankles of its master. He wouldn't say it aloud, but he would never let those two go again.
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sleepyrainart · 8 months
Little Bits of Valentine's.
A small series featuring little stories including either OP/JJk characters.
Summary: Trying on Shank's top and trying to sneak away from Benn Beckman.
Female reader.
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Stepping out of the misty bathroom and into your room. Hearing the vague sounds of the party still going strong. You knew it would continue until the crew passed out. But you didn't want to spend another night on the beach. Thinking about sand getting everywhere. No, thank you.
You grab one of your boyfriends shirts, big and comfy. Arms sliding through the long sleeves. Tugging it over yourself. You go to button it up. But your fingers only meet fabric. Moving them around, just in case you missed the little buttons. You look down. Pulling the shirt to your face. Is this sharpie? Are the buttons drawn on? No wonder his shirts are always open. The buttons are missing.
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Waking in an awkward position. Against the warm body of a man. His strong arm wrapped around you. Fingers stretched across your hip. His warmth almost pulling you back to sleep.
But reality hits you hard. You don't know this man. His name may have slipped your mind. What can you say, you're bad with names. Also, you were tipsy, so it wasn't your fault.
Just imagining the morning makes you wince. Oh god, no, you would not survive the embarrassment. Sneaking out was your only option. But that was made a lot harder by the fact you were touching. What are you going to do? Was he a light sleeper? You hope not.
Slowly grabbing his palm and waiting with bated breath. Nothing happens. Gently prying his fingers from you before placing his hand on the bed. Waiting a few seconds before detaching yourself from him. The cold air ambushing you.
Disgruntled, you move over his arm, climbing off the bed. Legs weak under you, nearly giving out. But thinking about how bad it would be to fall right now. You manage to hold yourself up. Thanking whoever was watching over you.
Grabbing whatever you could to cover yourself. The silky material of his cape drapes over you like a blanket. Helping a little with the cold. Searching as quietly as you could for your clothes. You find a pile of his. Where were yours?
“What are you doing?” His gruff voice asks, and you inwardly curse. What have you done to deserve this? Why were you so unlucky? Does the universe hate you? Why? Why? Why?
“Nothing much, you?” Replying when the silence stretches for a bit too long. Once again, mentally cursing yourself. Why did he wake up? You were so quiet. You didn't even fall. Eyes locking onto the door. Your escape from this situation. Your salvation was only a few steps away.
“Well,” he starts before you hear the flick of a lighter. The smell of nicotine drifting over. “I was trying to sleep. But then I felt the pretty girl leaving.” His gruff voice doing unspeakable things to your insides.
“Oh.” You can't stop the nervous laugh. Not really knowing how to respond. Subtly edging closer to the door. Your escape from this awkward situation. Hearing the covers rustle. The bed springs shift with his weight. Startling you before freezing up.
“Usually the girls I take to bed can't even stand. Let alone walk straight.” He says from right behind you.
“Cool story, bro.” Slips from you before you can even think.
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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed.😍
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zephyr-writesx · 2 years
Hi I'm feeling dysphoric so here's
Shanks x ftm! Dysphoric! Reader x Benn Beckman
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So let's say you're on the red haired pirates crew and you're already out of the closet for this fic & headcanons
Ben and Shanks are very loving and try there best to be understanding but they still struggle to understand you problems sometimes :(
Benn is who you go to to vent and get solutions to your problems
Shanks is who you go to if you just need to get you mind off your problems (probably with a party lol)
When you say you're not feeling good they immediately suggest going to the doctor but when you explained that it was a mental health issue they didn't know what to do.
Benn and Shanks asked what they could do to help
You explained some of your coping mechanisms that have helped before
They offer to help you with the coping mechs
Whether it be doing a hobby to distract you, talking out your feelings or just crying they'll be there for you to help
all you have to do is ask, and they'll be with you in a heartbeat to help
If they spot you crying, having a anxiety attack, or having a breakdown they'll rush to your side asking you what they can do to help
They try their best, but sometimes they may say something wrong, but when you correct them they are quick to fix it
The whole crew is completely respectful of your identity and if you're at a bar and someone says something transphobic or misgenders you they are quick to correct them.
If the transphobe isn't stopping with the transphobic comments and misgendering then the crew (especially shanks and benn) will not hesitate to beat the ever-loving shit out of that bitch!
Shanks and Benn love you dearly and would do anything for you. To them, you're the most handsome man in the world <3
Ok, I'm done. I feel like shit :/ dude, but writing this made me feel a bit better. If you're trans too please remember you are amazing, you are valid, and you deserve love. That all folks. Bye bye 👋
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 9 months
@fellapart from {here}
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Benn was silent as he let his tall stature and practiced piercing eyes bore into the other man. A fire had been lit inside the deep pit of his stomach, one born of the audacity of the blue-haired wannabe emperor. He'd say that standards seemed to be lowered these days, but then again he wouldn't dare insult Luffy and his crew like that. He'd deserve the edge of Shanks' sword and barrel of Yasopp's gun if he questioned the Straw Hats.
"Shanks is blinded by his own heart in the matter." And he'd told Shanks just as much. But of course, Shanks just laughed it off and went about his business. "He's convinced you value him as much as he values you."
Benn didn't want there to be any mistake that he bought any of Buggy's acts. Either Buggy was far more sinister than he believed, or far more stupid, and there was a part of Benn that believed him to be a little of both.
And it was his job as First Mate to protect his captain at all costs. Shanks trusted him to do what was necessary to protect him, and Benn Beckman remembered exactly what kind of broken man he had picked up from Loguetown all those years ago. This man here had been a cause of that. "What is your goal? Are you here to destroy him? Did your little pirate club decide to move in on Shanks and his territories? Don't lie to me. I'll be nicer if you confess you're a traitorous piece of shit."
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gatitties · 11 months
Hello i just came to imagine this,imagine ben beckman tryning to leave the crew but not for real ofc on vaction but shanks don't want him to leave and starts to ugly crying meanwhile  holding ben leg saying:Don't leave meeeee......!!😢😢😢😢 Ben that wants go on vaction for two  months he rolls his eyes at shanks at says snapperley:get the fuck of my leg i leave when i  want and how long i want...!!😡,iam so sick and tried of being your fucking mom, because you can't behave like a adult and also being the crew mom you yall leave your work to me to do....like
Makes shanks let go of his leg and leaves to a remote island. Once the crew find him he goes as far to   pretend that he has joined a new and he never coming back again
What do you think will happen next?
No request but a ask
Everyone here has so much imagination with some things 😭✋🏻
okay okay,
Benn is tired of being the mother of the team and decides to take a vacation, he doesn't care how much Shanks or any other member tries to stop him, he feels like he deserves a little peace of mind no matter what.
Beckman be like:
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And he threatened (not really) to go to another crew which had Shanks crying in one of his drunken binges.
Even though they knew that Benn was not going to leave them just like that, it was chaos living without him during that time, so much so that they went to look for him to end that vacation as soon as possible… to the surprise that they found him next to another crew. Everyone was shocked, and they really thought he was going to leave them hanging because of all those times they had behaved like idiots.
Shanks grabbed Benn's left leg and Lucky Roux grabbed his right leg while Yassop hugged him from behind like he was a backpack, they weren't going to move until Benn returned to the ship, to their ship.
They be like:
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And just by interrupting his vacation he made it seem like he really went with that crew (who were just old friends), although the lie didn't last long because he was going to wake up every day with his 'old' crew singing and dancing bachata as if they were trying to win back his heart. His vacation didn't last more than a week unfortunately, but Shanks promised Benn wouldn't be bothered as much as before.
Benn after seeing that no one has organized the artillery, cleaned the cannons or made a list of needs for the next island:
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He wants blood.
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rize-said-so · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Ep2 The Man in the Straw Hat
Another brilliant episode.
Starting it with Kid Luffy training with his gomu-gomu powers and breaking all the furniture in Party's Bar was what I'd expect from Luffy.
Makino probably asked Shanks about the Devil Fruits. So that's why she's the one telling Luffy about it. I'd like to believe that because I still ship Makino and Shanks. ANd they discuss parenting tips with each other.
But also, Makino being the one to explain it to Luffy because she's basically the one taking care of him was a nice touch.
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I know Jeff Ward as Deke in Agents of SHIELD. My time traveler who puts lemons in people's beds. So seeing him as Buggy and the twist they put into him was brilliant writing and casting. He was truly the star and deserved that spotlight.
His whole nose gag was my favorite in the show so I love they kept it
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I love that he was an actual menace. Not only was he occupying the whole town but he held the residents captive and made them watch his show. His entire crew was a circus so I love that they incorporated it like this.
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Then foreshadowing Nami's own situation here.
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Buggy was everything in this episode. His powers were done nicely. Comical and terrifying all at once.
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The Red Hair Pirates actually doing something rather than just looking cool and hangover was a nice addition. Yassop skills as a shooter, Ben Beckman having his captain's back and Lucky Roux... honestly didn't expect him to murk a man with a lamb leg.
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Don't get me wrong. I still love the scene but I wanted it from that angle. It was still impactful.
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Just Luffy's right-hand man, first mate, one of the wings already starting to show his loyalty.
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Nami has slave number2. 1 is Luffy 3 is Sanji Usopp is her coward bestie
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With time and writing constraints I understand why they didn't adapt Chuchu and Richie so it was still nice to see their existence was acknowledged.
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And that ending. Still wondering if Nami placed the slug in her ear
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Garp feeding the Den Den Mushi was a nice touch
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Koza Propaganda (sorry I didn't add it):
Leader of a rebel army but childhood friends with the country's princess. Nuanced character who wants what's best for the country, but thinks the king is ruining things through inaction. Deserves more screen time cause he never gets a good fight/action sequence, nor connect to the main characters.
Benn Beckman Propaganda:
he's very cool and canonically one of the smartest characters in the entire series, as well as the first mate of one of the strongest men of the sea.... i want to know a) what went down when they fought the kid pirates and he cut kidd's arm off, considering he fights with a gun, and b) more on his backstory and how he joined the red-haired pirates, considering he's significantly older than shanks (why... did he choose to sail with this kid???)
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blackcat2907 · 7 months
Hoshiko Mochizuki stretched her arms above her head, smiling into the cool breeze. The sun shone down on the sea, reflecting off the water and waves, making the ocean seemingly sparkly. She laughed and sat on the railing of the Red Force while Shanks sat on the figurehead. Beckman sat on the main deck, reading one of his books. Yasopp and Lucky Roo were bantering and teasing each other. Hoshiko enjoyed the chaotic, rowdy bunch. “You’d love these guys, Minho,” she mumbled to herself, swinging her legs.
Febuwhump day thirteen!
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turtletaubwrites · 8 months
Turtletaub Fic Recs ~ Part 1
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This is but a small sample of the incredible One Piece fics, headcanons, and drabbles that I've read on this lovely site, so I will be adding many more lists going forward! Please enjoy, and spread the love to these writers that have given me all sorts of feels 🥰 I've dug through my list, so some of these are recent, and some are from a while ago, but they all deserve a read. Enjoy! | Other Fic Rec Lists ~ | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
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Starvation by @wallachianblood ~ ANGST!! Only read this one if you want to hurt inside. Which is why I highly recommend! It tackles grief in such an interesting and uncomfortable way, and it's been stuck in my brain. (Please check the warnings, there's intense grief, angst, discussion death and of cannibalism in reference to romantic love and pain.)
Benn Beckman
When You Had The Chance by @fanaticsnail ~ The longing! The yearning! The "oof, why is this old man so hot?!" 🥵 Beautifully written as always, and now I have ANOTHER One Piece crush 😅
@hey-august keeps giving us delicious lil Buggy bits that I can't get enough of! Have a taste: Breakfast, Whimpers
A Favor for the Captain ~ MORE Buggy from @hey-august that is just so stinkin' cute + hot! This two part fic is so well written, and I just adore when pathetic Buggy gets the love! 🤡💜
A Reward From Cora by @leakyweep ~ STILL thinking about this. Short but sweet, and my Corazon, my heart, is now occupying my brain in a very different way. I would appreciate some more quiet time please 🥰
Eustass Kid
Kid by @kaizokuniichan ~ Hi, yes, this is so good! This is the fic that finally flipped me over into Kid territory. Now I'm scrambling, trying to figure out how to deal with a crush on this dumbass 🤦🏼‍♀️
Guiding Star by @discordantwritings ~ I didn't know I needed this, but I definitely did. Holy fuck, that fish man is sweet and 🥵🥵 Need me some more of this!
Little Game by @gingernut1314 ~ This is STUNNING. I'm late to the game, so I'm flipping stoked that I have more to read! The first chapter already killed me with how beautifully it's written, how rich the world/story is, and how interesting and lovely both Mihawk and the reader are!
3, 2, 1 by @fanaticsnail ~ Ooh, this Sanji fic messed me up in the best way! I absolutely adored the flirty build up, the tension, the angst, and the lovely, smutty finale. Seriously, one of my fave Sanji fics, and you should give it a read!
Baby, It's Hot out Here by @lowkeycasanova ~ I LOVE perverted Sanji so much! Here's another short but sweet fic that carved a smutty little spot into my head. I bet Sanji would learn to make the tastiest popsicles just to enjoy the show 😏
I Can Teach You If You'd Like by @vinsmokc-sanji ~ Yeah, this is cute as fuck. Reminded me of working at restaurants, and having a crush on peeps that had no business being as hot as they were. SFW, and super cute, check it out!
Trafalgar Law (Can you tell I've been on a Law kick for a while?)
Pain Management by @thus-spoke-lo ~ I'm sorry, this fic still keeps me up at night. It has rooted itself into my skull, and I don't think it will ever leave. HIGHLY recommend. (Please check content warnings! This fic contains dubcon elements.)
Beset Fixation by @eelnoise ~ Yeah, Law with the feelings fucks me UP. This is so good, sexy, and emotional. 10/10
Therapist Law by @sanjisjuul ~ Um, hello?! This one has also stuck to my brain, and made me even more concerned for my mental health than I already was. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's hot as fuck, highly recommend!
A New Routine, A New Man by willowbelle ~ This is so satisfying, and so hot 🥵 One of the first Law fics I found, and I am grateful for this delightful work 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hearts and Marks by @escenariosinfumables ~ This is one of the cutest fucking things I've ever read, and I need it to be canon.
Rough by @kibblz-n-bitz ~ This is short, but filthy! Dirty talkin, dom Zoro is oh so 🥵
Ways That Zoro Wordlessly Says "I Love You" by @nina-ya ~ Such cute Zoro fluff, I adore him 😭💚 He's just a big sweetie!
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i-am-vita · 8 months
Ghost Rose musings: Loves and Friends
Some shorter Headcanons for OcReader because I have too many ideas to concentrate in my actual WIPs. And I still have to finish her bio and family. And her Phantom Pirates crew because stupid overachieving brain has to create full Ocs and lore. I swear I worked on this a normal amount of time.
Based on my first OPLA older menxfemreader headcanons
👉 Masterlist
Phantom Pirates Crew already.
Soon the Strawhats.
Characters: Shanks, Beckman, Mihawk, Bogard, Garp, Buggy, Zeff, Kuro, Crocodile, Do Flamingo, Big Mom.
Warnings: Swearing, back at excessive and unnecesary use of the word Fuck. Suggestive themes. Some spoiler of future OP (for the just OPLA readers).
Expect: Use of You, not y/n. Still bad english. These are not the Consistent Time Tenses you are looking for. I wrote half of this instead of working.
Still not beta'd because I exist in the void.
Redhead "I Ran Away with Him not Abducted by" Shanks
Bestie (with benefits most of the time). The person you trust most in the world. Always there when you need him, somehow. You love him to death, as a friend because man’s anti commitment in the best of days and you know it.
He is NOT jealous that Mihawk is interested in you and you reciprocate enough to have ended his benefits indefinitely. Not at all... Of course you deserve someone who loves and cherish only you as the treasure you are, to wake with you in his arm for the rest of his life... Fuck.
Fave of your Captain Erik. He still believes he can convince Shanks to settle down with you. Maybe he should arrange more jobs where you end up stranded somewhere and Shanks has to pick you up.
Benn "Hang in There, Old Man" Beckman
Just marry his Captain already so he has another babysitter that's not him, damn it! Give a man a break. May teams up with Eriksson to rid Shanks of his libertine ways.
Totally not getting Shanks all riled up by wondering out loud if Mihawk would actually propose to you. Should he tell him about the Bathhouse incident?
Dracule "I'm not Falling for Him" Mihawk
Woman, you stole from him, cinderella-ed him and he keeps looking for you. Get your shit together and fuck him already instead of running away after smooch him and heavy making out with him every time he finds you. It's not like you're falling in love with him. Nop... Fuck.
He is absolutely not so head over heels about you that has started to name your future child. Damn, you want to bring over your redhead plaything idiot from time to time? Go ahead. That Marine fucker better keep away from you. No, he’s not drunk in your favorite sweet red berries juice wine that he despises but still drinks because it reminds him of The Day You Met and the taste of your lips… Maybe.
Fave of your captain's wife. Full going for he's-the-catch-of-the-season victorian-matchmaker mode. May be arranging an unusual amount of balls and inviting him. Has the wedding planned already.
Bogard "It Would Never Have Worked" Rick
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We don't talk about Bogard. Too sad and guilty for leaving him hanging in your youth. You can't help but still care for him. Maybe still love him. A little. Let's not think about him.
He's not dying inside to have discovered you're the Ghost Rose and you may be in love with Mihawk. Absolutely no... Fuck.
Wait until he finds out about Shanks.
Monkey D. "My Son is the Most Wanted Man in the World" Garp
He is all for Bogard to "go fight for her, you idiot". Actually likes you and your boss.
If the Duchess arranges a ball, he's sending Bogard undercover to inform him if he notices some "suspicious activity". Bogard isn't getting it, would just byronicly sulk in the noir corners, doing his job and longing for you from afar.
"And why didn't you dance with her, moron? yOu WeRe DoInG yOuR jOb... I didn't get married and had a son by staying away just doing my job." Wait, was he married to the mother of his son? "Am I a barbarian like Roger? Of course I am married to the mother of my son." Wait, is she still around? "Like alive? Of course. She left and hates the guts of me for being absent all the time and driving our son away to an anti-government life but... still!" Hence...
Neither of you knows what is your bosses deal or history but Garp may be the only Marine in the world who knows that Duke Shostakovich Eriksson is the Phantom Captain. And gives no shit because he's a pal.
Who else is going to snitch all the gossip from his son's whereabouts and the marine highest ranks info they try to hide to him? All those jobs of sneaking in Marine Bases to get intel? They didn't come from him. Not at all... Oh.
Buggy "It was Just One Time" the Clown
You were wasted-drunk and freshly dumped Kuro!!! Not happening again because STANDARDS. Just don't let him sweet talk you and look at his pretty blue puppy eyes at the same time. DO. NOT. LOOK.
Somehow, your captain adores him, thinks he has potential. For what? You have no idea. Outdo him in extravagance?
Buggy kisses the ground your captain walks on. Even when he already told him that Roger never confessed to him about the One Piece. Doesn’t matter. Eriksson rocks. Yes, he knows his identity as does Shanks since he was besties with their captain. Never telling, clown’s promise!
Your crewmates Raoul and Carlotta may or may not have a crush on him. They can have all his chop-chop parts for all you care.
Red "I Ate my" Leg "to Save This Little Flirty Gremlin" Zeff
Eriksson's old bestie. Worked together for a while to seek information about the All Blue. They just talk in insults to each other.
They were supposed to meet that time his ship was wrecked and looked for him for months until your crew found him in that rock with his new kid. "And why the fuck did you tough it was a great idea to raid a ship in the middle of a storm, you mangy landlubber?" “There was something suspicious! Germa 66 was in the area some weeks ago, gossip said they may have planted something important there, you hornswogglin' son of a biscuit eater!” *Kid looks around pretending not being there*. "And that's why the intel dealer is me, not you, scurvy-ridden old sea rat!" *Eriksson looks pointly at kid while Zeff isn't looking*.
Helped him to retire and open his restaurant. His kid may have had a massive crush on you.
Kuro "Fuck That Guy and His Fucking Plans"
Except you did. Literal and metaphorical. And then dumped him for being a piece of shit. But the guy dared to threaten your niece and spat your identity in front of Bogard. Now they can truthfully give him up for death.
Sir "I Hate that Guy" Crocodile
He DARED to mistake you for an escort and groped you when he went to try to make a deal with Eriksson (as the Duke, not the Phantom Captain, he’s unaware of his alter ego). You almost beat the shit out of him (Gara vs Rock Lee style, see: Naruto) but ended up very even at the time.
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(Doesn't look like I thought about this obsessively.)
After that, he actually respected you but still ogles you shamelessly. Not forgetting it for the rest of your life. It goes without saying he never got a deal from the Duke.
It would be a shame if in the future it reaches the ears of a certain Best Swordsman to whom Croc is allied.
Don Quixote "That Fucking Bastard" Do Flamingo
Your captain despises him. They have history. Say no more, for you that's enough.
Charlotte "Big Souless Ugly $%&! Bitch Mom" Linn Linn
Hate her with all your being. No more comments or you may stab someone.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Kiss, marry, kill. I loved the Kiss with Killer. Killer deserves all the kisses in the world! Marry Corazon, a little bit of anguish, but at least you still get to marry him. Kill Beckman? I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't read that. In my mind there was only Kiss Killer & Marry Corazon. This is my reality lol
Hey, the ask broke my heart. I couldn't not write something angsty for it. I could've done a fluffy response for the kiss and marry, but with that kill - they all had to be a touch depressing.
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redhatmeg · 10 months
Someone liked and reblogged two of my posts mentioning Yasopp, so it's "Meg talks about her old fanfics" time!
Specifically, I want to tell you about how I imagined the relationship between Usopp and Yasopp in my Grand Redhaired Shanks fanfiction. As I said earlier, it was a continuation of a different fanfic where Red Hair Pirates, Zeff, Nojiko, Iceburg and Kureha were meeting with Straw Hats and see how they were. But Shanks didn't want to meet with Luffy (even though he really wanted to), before he learned what man he grew up to be, specifically - how Straw Hat's own crew was seeing their captain. Therefore he told Beckman (who was going to talk with Brook and Zoro), Zeff, Nojiko, Kureha and, of course, Yasopp to ask the Straw Hats about Luffy and record the answers.
Long story short, Yasopp was nervous about meeting his son, for obvious reasons... but also because he was worried Usopp might be Sogeking and Yasopp had an ambition to become great sniper (which episode with Daddy Masterson established). Usopp is, of course, overjoiyed with seeing his dad again after such long period of time, since he glorifies him to some extend and see him as the brave warrior of the sea he would like to become... but Yasopp himself is ashamed of himself and even expects a well-deserved punch. Yasopp is sad because he missed the important moments in Usopp's life, but now they have some time to talk things out. Usopp even asks his father for advice.
There are even two flashbacks involved - one where Yasopp learns he will become a father, and another where baby Usopp proudly shows his dad a jolly roger he made.
Later, when Shanks listened to all the recordings and he and Luffy meet, there is a party... but Red Hair points out that baby Straw Hat said he will gather a crew that is better than Rad Hair Pirates, and Shanks prepares some challenges between his crew and most of Straw Hats. One of said challenges is between Usopp and Yasopp - Luffy will throw apples as high as possible and both shooters have to shoot them straight to the drupels. While Yasopp's sharpooting skills are impressive, his son manages to hit both droples with two punchinkos. This is enough for Yasopp to know that Usopp is Sogeking, but the man is too proud of his offspring to care.
(Side note: Later there is a moment when Luffy has to arm wrestle Shanks and doesn't want it because he still feels guilty about Red Hair's lost arm. Zoro proposes a way to make the challenge more fair: he ties Luffy's left arm to his back. When Luffy says: "I don't want to do that, can't you understand it?", Zoro points out: "And do you think that Usopp wanted to duel with his own father?")
Fastforward to my epic Redhaired Shanks fanfiction...
Garp and Shanks get stranded on an island where men of Monkey D. Clan trained survival skills in their youths, but it so happens that they're not alone - Blackbaird and his pirates (the ones Straw Hats met back in Jaya) are there too. So when Beckman, Yasopp, Buggy (who was with them since the last Roger Pirates Reunion Arc) and Kureha land on the island and start to look for the castaways, they have to fight with Blackbeard's men.
Yasopp gets Van Augur as his oppontent, and the Blackbeard's sniper is mostly shooting from an unknown place. So Yasopp mostly hides behind trees, looking for a way to locate him. He even wears sniper goggles his son recommended to him... and it actually saves his life, because the glass in one of the goggles stopped Van Agur's bullet. But the bad news is that the glass got to Yasopp's eye and he might lose it. The prospect of losing an eye, brings Yasopp on the verge of panic attack... but then he remembers Usopp and even has the vision of his son that tells him to get the fucking grip and make Augur his bitch. Long story short, it's enough for Yasopp to get back his resolve and win.
Many people told me afterwords that of all the fights with Blackbeard Pirates this one was the most climating, maybe sans the grand showdown between Shanks and Teach.
After that Yasopp loses the eye and for the rest of the fic he doesn't have much to do - the plot focuses mostly on Shanks and his interactions with various canon characters, but Yasopp himself becomes part of the background most of the time. Frankly, he and Beckman were the only Red Haired Pirates I knew by name, so he was also one of the characters Shanks talked the most when I wanted for his crew to do or react to something. I also made a point of mentioning that Yasopp was never going to the brothels because he wanted to remain faithful to his wife...
But in a series of Little Red Riding Hood parodies told by various One Piece characters, I presented him as the most naughty and prone to inappropirate jokes. To this day, I don't know why him. I suppose that back then I thought that I can't be funny without rouchy humor and he seemed like the guy who would be prone to it the most.
Anyway, the original epic Redhaired Shanks fanfiction and the fic about grand Red Hair and Straw Hat Pirates Reunion that preceeded it had some errors in regards to characters. Now I would probably write some of things differently (my friends who read it, know that I made assholes out of Whitebeard, Zeff, Iceburg and probably couple of other guys). As for Yasopp... I wouldn't probably change much, but I would develop his relationship with Usopp a little.
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