#Beck x Jade x reader
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bababaka · 10 months ago
Tell me a story. And i'll tell you a thousand more - Bade x reader
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Summary: Hollywood Arts, the most privilleged arts school in the USA. And amongst many young talented teens, you were chosen to enter it. To study there and be part of it. You couldn't believe it.
"Holy shit! I got in!"
This will change your life! And you are determined to make the most of it.
Warnings: swear words, not edited completely, i just needed to get this out of drafts, i will later edit.. And... that's it i guess? Like, bullying, mean teachers, but nothing much i guess. Oh, i also used google translate. So yeah. Have fun.
Author's note: so, i had this in my drafts for a while. I always had a crush on these two, and nobody wrote a fic with those two that fulfilled my need for them, so... here i am. Trying to mash my thoughts together and write something at least nice or ok. Im trying to write well. Don't have high expectations, im not a seasoned writer yet. Might never be. Also, unfortunately for me and you guys, this is a multichapter fanfiction. Sooo, you'll have to bear with me with slooooow updates. And im sorry for that. Anyways, enough chit chat, i present you, the chapter one to this mess.
Chapter 1 : I got in!
“Hollywood Arts”. The most privileged arts school in the United States of America. Only the most talented people passed the test. The list of competitors was huge. But, here you were, Y/N Y/L/N, in front of the school gates. You had passed the test, thousands of people competing against each other, and you had succeeded.
Honestly, it seemed too good to be true. The majesty of the construction, students, certainly in their second and third year, full of confidence, dancing, singing, playing, drawing, acting and even proclaiming poetry.
This was too much to digest.
You could barely believe it when you read the email, your mother cheering and shouting in the background, while you remained frozen staring at the computer, reading and re-reading your school admission.
The best arts school in the country.
You entered.
Holy shit! I entered!
You have always been passionate about dancing.
It all started when your mother caught you in your room dancing to “hips don’t lie” in a completely clumsy and enthusiastic way. She then decided to take you to dance classes. You were 4 years old.
Years passed and you fell in love.
Dancing was expressing yourself. Tell a story. Saying what words were sometimes unable to express. Sadness. Happiness. Emotion. Desire. Anger. Feelings in their purest form.
And then, you discovered ballet.
Ballet made your heart race in a way nothing else did. The slow and elegant steps, fast and rigorous. Dancing made you feel alive, happy, ecstatic.
At the height of your 10 years, watching a small part of the film your mother was watching, Black Swan, before her noticing your presence and kicking you out to your room, you found yourself trapped, in a trance, enchanted by the dance, by the way how the actress moved, how she leapt into the air and landed softly on the stage.
The next day, you begged your mother to take you to ballet classes.
At first, it was difficult. The dance classes previously were fun, relaxed. Here, they asked for excellence. Your teacher was strict and classmates were mean. There were many days when you came home crying or upset. Your mother tried to change classes, convince you to go back to dance classes, but you were stubborn. And you were more than determined to show everyone, your teacher, your classmates, that you were good, that you could be the best. So you did what you could, trained and trained, danced until your toes grew calluses and you could no longer support yourself properly.
It was difficult, but now, more than ever, you saw the results of your efforts. Oh, how you would love to see the faces of the girls who tried to get into the school but failed. You did it.
You would love to rub it in each of their faces. But, you didn't have time for that. What you had to do was take a deep breath, enter those gates and find where your first class would be.
Here we go.
The hallways were crazy, lost students like you walked by, friends who hadn't seen each other for the entire vacation and others who argued, dissatisfied with the classes they fell into.
Although you felt tempted to ask one of the students, you thought it would be safer to ask an adult. Supervisor, coordinator, any adult. A teacher, janitor.
You didn't trust students, especially at a talent school, the ego and arrogance must be astronomical.
You watched Glee. You didn't want to end up in a crackhouse.
But unfortunately, the hallways were full of teenagers, and there was no teacher, sign, or voices coming out of speakers magically guiding you in the direction of your next class.
You look around, searching for someone who was as lost as you. You didn't want to be the only idiot who didn't know their way around.
You find something similar.
A boy your age, talking and gesturing. He seemed to be asking a paralyzed girl for directions. She didn't even seem to be paying attention.
You didn't know exactly why she was perplexed, maybe he was saying absurd things, but you wouldn't be surprised if the cause of the paralysis was the boy's beauty.
He was beautiful. Dark skin, brown hair, delicate features, not to the point of being androgynous, but of being harmonious, pleasing to the eye. A relaxed brown look, although it is becoming confused and dull.
You decided to step in and save the girl the embarrassment of being caught drooling, and, as a bonus, get the information you so desperately wanted. The direction for your next class, acting.
– Excuse me, uh, I'm lost. Could you help me?
This seemed to work. The boy's posture relaxed, and the girl, in turn, came out of her trance and began to glare at you, shooting lasers from her eyes.
The boy smiled. And, wow. He had incredibly white teeth, and it looked like you were the only girl in the world, the tiny curve of his mouth pulled you in like he was the center of the Earth. The look that had a charm, brown like melted chocolate and all you wanted was to dive in and get lost in them.
Perhaps you have entered a trance.
But as soon as he started talking, you forced yourself to pay attention and not make a fool of yourself.
– I'm also lost. I was asking her – he turned to the “laser beam look”, who immediately stopped with the murderous expression. – But I don’t think you know, do you?
– What? I know! Of course I know! Nobody knows more than me! – and then she started walking, supposedly in the direction of the room where the boy had his class. – You're a first year, right? – she asked the pretty boy, completely ignoring you.
He looked at you sideways.
– Uh, yes, yes, I am. – She nods, and turns forward, determined, as she starts talking without stopping.
She says her name, Trina Vega, how she got into school, how she is so talented at so many things, how popular she was, and that they would make a great couple. At this part, you were shocked, eyes widening quickly, mouth falling open. She was… direct.
And maybe a little clueless, considering that the boy started to walk more slowly, putting distance between him and Trina, and standing next to you.
He leans into your side.
– She's a little… eccentric…
You laugh.
– That may be an understatement. – You look at Trina, who continued to talk. – Look, she hasn't even noticed that you're not paying attention, or even close to her.
It was his turn to laugh.
– Yeah… – He clears his throat. – I'm Beck, nice to meet you. – He stops for a moment, and extends his hand to you.
You say your name and take his hand, shaking it. Soon he started walking again so as not to lose sight of Trina, who was still talking.
– You’re a first year too, right? – You nod in response. – Yeah, I imagined it. Which course did you enroll in?
– Dance, more specifically, ballet. You?
– Cool. I came to do drama, acting.
– Cool. – You smile, he reciprocates.
For a moment, you forgot what you were saying, going and even thinking. He was cute, handsome and had a nice voice to listen to, something rare coming from a teenager. The short hair thrown to the side, looked soft, made you want to run your fingers through the strands.
The cute boy's small, happy smile was damaging your brain, because the world disappeared around him and you couldn't think about anything else.
Until, finally, Trina realized that Beck wasn't close to her, much less listening to what she was saying.
– Hey! – she called. You turned to her, who had a frown that turned into a forced smile. – We arrived, and you didn’t tell me your name. – She leans over and smiles at Beck.
You were ignored, again.
– Oh, it's Beck. And this is. – He tries to introduce you, say you name and be polite. But Trina interrups him, muttering “whatever” and heading back to the door.
Well, that was nice.
– Sikowits, I brought two lost students. – Then the bell rings, and Trina turns to Beck. – I'll see you around, Beck. – He blinked. And gone, probably to his own class.
– Please don't. – Beck says, with a pained expression. But it was too late, Trina couldn't hear him anymore, or at least, she pretended not to.
You sympathized with the situation.
It seems that being too handsome had its downsides.
His attention returned to the teacher who was at the door.
Bald, messy hair and beard, a slightly unbalanced look, layer after layer of clothing, he had a sloppy style. Maybe he was a hippie. Or just weird. It was probably both.
The hippie professor smiled, in a warm, disturbing way (you seriously wondered if that man was sane. You hoped he was).
– Be welcome! What are your names?
Beck withdraws into himself, becoming shy. How cute.
– Beck Oliver.
The please-don't-be-crazy teacher leans over to look at a list that was laid out on the table. The list of student names.
He turns to the boy beside him.
– Oliver? Alberto Oliver?
Beck puts his hand on the back of his head, looks at you sideways, and nods.
– Yes, but I prefer Beck.
– Understood! Come in, come in. – He calls Beck with his hand enthusiastically, the boy enters and sits in one of the chairs. Then, the bald professor turns to you. – Your name?
You say your full name.
– Oh yes. It's here too. Come in and sit down. The class is about to start. I just have to find the lost and innocent sheep that are lost in the corridors.
You made a face when you heard the phrase… He sounded so weird that way…
As long as he didn't kill or abuse anyone and was a good teacher, you wouldn't have a problem.
You entered the room and deciding quickly and safely, you turned to Beck, hoping to find an empty seat next to the boy. But, as expected, all the seats evaporated, and Oliver found himself surrounded by people, mostly girls.
You sighed and sat in the front, next to a girl with red hair (it didn't look natural, but you'd ask later) who had a friendly smile on her face. It seemed like a good option.
You sat down, and introduced yourself. The girl smiled, with her white teeth and a gentle and innocent aura formed around her.
– I'm Cat!
You smiled, enchanted by the redhead's cuteness.
– Cat? Like the animal? – the girl walked away, running her hand through her hair, her brow furrowed.
– What? What do you mean by that?
– No! I'm just saying that cat sounds like a kitten. – You explained yourself, nervously. You didn't want to scare the girl.
– Kittens? I like kittens! They're so cute!
You let out the breath you were holding. Cat returned to the bubble of innocence and happiness that she was at the beginning.
– Yes, they are.
Then, the professor, Sikowitz, if that was really what Trina called him, came back into the room, with a coconut and straw in one hand, and sunglasses in the other.
– Well done, class! I'm not going to ask you to introduce yourselves. You will improvise a scene. You will play the person next to you, I don't care if you don't know each other. Create a character and then live the character!
The Hippie Man asked them one by one to come forward in front of the class.
There were some interesting and funny monologues.
A black boy, with dreadlocks, a beautiful smile and lots of charm, played a shy nerd who stuttered around girls and had a puppet who made derogatory comments about the situation.
The scene was hilarious. Especially when he started interacting with the students while in character.
There were some very good ones.
Beck, who, to your surprise, played one of the girls surrounding him, and, unfortunately for Sikowitz, used the teacher as his scene partner. He was visibly uncomfortable. And the girl too. Shrinking in her chair as Beck performed, exposing how irritating she was.
She'll probably leave the boy alone after this.
There was also another girl, brown hair, black leather jacket and pants. She was incredible. Before getting into character, she seemed closed off, grumpy, with a frown on her face. But, as soon as the scene began, her entire expression and body language changed to a more clumsy and agitated girl like a nice but extremely clumsy girl.
And other performances could improve. You were part of the last group. See, you were a dancer, not an actress. You knew you had to take acting classes, but that didn't mean it was your strong point.
You had to play Cat. You weren't horrible, but you could have done better. When he had to face all the attentive eyes of your classmates and the teacher, a chill took over your stomach and a pressure to not make mistakes was placed in your mind. At first, it was difficult, but as the scene developed, your performance improved.
As the last student finished presentation, the teacher stood up, applauding.
– Very good! You have to learn and perfect the ability to transform into a character in a short time, to analyze your character and to transform yourself in the snap of a finger. – He snapped his fingers right in your face, you jerked away reflexively, startling yourself. He smiled. And the bell rang. – Anyway. That's all for today. You even had the chance to socialize and get to know each other. – he said as everyone got up and left. You did the same, gathered your things and stood up. You were at the door when you heard him sigh and murmur:
– Ah, being young, I can remember what it was like to have dreams and hope.
…You were sure this wasn't normal…
You heard your name. You turned around, and saw red hair, you looked down, realizing that Cat was smaller than you. That made her even cuter.
– What class do you have now?
You searched your pockets, in the slim hope of finding your schedule. After long, embarrassing moments, you found it and read it out loud.
– Ballet.
– Oh, I have singing lessons now – Cat seemed to deflate. But only for a few seconds. – Do you want to sit with me at lunch?
You responded quickly, jumping at the opportunity of not having to be alone during lunch.
– Yes of course! – You looked around, remembering Beck, hoping to see him, but in vain, he had already disappeared into the corridors. But, you didn't let that bother, or sadden you, you would invite him to sit with you at lunch, in the low probability of being able to do so before the boy was bombarded by people.
– OK! Until lunch then!
Finding the ballet class was easy. You just followed the smell of pain, tears, deceit and extreme competition.
…Actually, you just followed the girls in buns and leotards.
You entered the room, or rather dance salon. The floor was smooth and black, a large mirror covering the entire wall, a large speaker and a piano at the back of the room.
The teacher, apparently, was not there. But the students were already stretching. Some in groups, others alone.
You saw some faces you had already anticipated. The rich, mean girls who were born doing ballet. The girl obsessed and completely focused on doing her best, making her potentially meaner than the other girls. The pretty boy who, because he does ballet, thinks he's cool and that everyone is in love with him. The boy who feels the need to say all the time that he's not gay, he just likes to express himself through dancing!
However, you also saw other faces you hadn't seen before, and that was a pleasant surprise. Dealing with the same types of people became boring.
Hollywood Arts would be a beginning, not only of your artistic career, but of a social life in ballet. I didn't want to ruin your high school experience with drama, toxicity, and cliques.
But unfortunately, you didn't have the best start. Because while you were analyzing and admiring everything around you, your teacher arrived, and it was then that you noticed, everyone was stretched out and dressed appropriately, while you were still standing, wearing jeans, sneakers and a shirt. No stretching.
It was instantaneous. Not only did the teacher's eyes land on you. The entire room was focused on you.
Shit. You flinched.
– You're late. – The teacher says, approaching you, like a predator approaches its prey. A panther, walking elegantly and silently, with total firmness and confidence, about to attack a beautiful and vulnerable little rabbit. The panther knows that the rabbit is already dead. Only a matter of time for death to actually occur, until the panther snatches the prey.
The bunny becomes alert, realizing the danger. Look around. Pay attention to your ears and sharpen your vision.
– The bell hasn't rung yet and class starts in 3 minutes.
The panther stops. Paying attention to the victim's movements, but at no time revealing their position or losing their calm.
– Exactly. 3 minutes and you're like this. – She points to your clothes, with clear disdain. The rabbit flinches, sensing claws wrapping around its fur. – Without the leotard and without stretching. Unprepared. I start my class on time, warm-ups start when the bell rings. So, miss late, you have – the teacher glanced briefly at the clock and turned her eyes to you. – 2 minutes to put on your clothes and stretch, otherwise you will go to detention and will not be able to participate in this class.
The rabbit begins to struggle, panic arising as it sees the possibility of death right in front of it.
– But just to get to the bathroom takes a minute.
The teacher smiles, in a sadistic and amused way.
– Then, I suggest you run.
Crunch! Fur turning scarlet, sharp fangs tearing flesh, paws playing with the limp, lifeless body.
You took off. Hearing giggles and one last image of the teacher's smile
The predator was sated. For now.
You admitted it. You've never stretched so quickly and inefficiently, nor were you so frivolous when adjusting your tights.
But, it was what you had to offer at that moment.
– Miss late! You have exceeded your time of 2 minutes, but as I am in a good mood I will let it pass. Let it serve as a warning to everyone. Be prepared BEFORE class starts. Otherwise, well, you don't want to find out. Now, don't just stand there, join the warm-up!
And you fumbled a little out of pure nervousness, and heard some giggling around, but after a few minutes, you were already in your element.
The warm-up was brutal.
Yes, of course, you already had years of ballet, but still, the teacher seemed to want you to kill yourself in the warm-up. Because it lasted 40 minutes.
To you, it felt like two hours.
Damn, who warms up for 40 minutes? Well, apparently, your new teacher.
When the warm-up, which lasts longer and is heavier than you're used to, finally ends, you're sweating profusely and out of breath. Some were in the same state as you, others were worse, and a group of girls were in better shape, they were sweaty and out of breath, but still, visibly more composed.
The teacher waited in silence for a few moments. Just analyzing all the students.
The teacher approaches the group of 5 who were sitting on the floor, taking in lots of air, barely avoiding getting sick. Some were coughing.
– Pathetic. – She said, her lips lifting in disgust and disdain. – What would your names be?
The group fumbled among themselves, saying full names, others just trying and failing in between, preferring to breathe. One boy almost threw up.
The teacher put her hands in the air and waved them. Exasperated.
– Stop, stop, stop. Are you by any chance animals? Don't know how to speak one at a time? – she sighs. – What were you thinking when they accepted you? Hmph… Disgusting…
– Why does every ballet teacher have to be mean? – a girl next to you commented quietly. You laughed quietly, bitterly, as you watched the teacher insult the poor young teens on the floor.
– It must be something they need to have on their resume. “Expert in torturing teenagers.” – You responded in an equally silent tone.
– Also, didn’t she have a vote in the admission of students? Why does she complain about the school's admissions system if she is part of it?
You shrugged.
– Some evil plan to destroy our self-esteem?
The girl quickly turned to you, a small smile on her face and an outstretched hand, as subtle as she could without drawing the teacher's attention.
– I'm Daisy.
You introduced yourself.
And in mutual and silent agreement, they turned to the teacher. You feared what would happen if the teacher caught the students talking.
Your attention returned to the scene and you only heard the last two names of the group. All red, from shame or exhaustion, you didn't know. The teacher didn't answer anything, just left them on the floor, recovering, and started walking around the room, quickly passing in front of each student.
– You are… Pathetic. Some more than others. But – she made a show of sighing loudly. – As you were accepted, I will make you true artists, dancers. You must breathe ballet, move with elegance and dexterity at all times, and face the world, the stage without fear. The classes will be difficult, long and will demand determination and strength from each person. And I will not hesitate to take punitive action against those who are not taking this seriously. Because, as your teacher, your performance in the future will reflect on my image. Therefore, now they will imitate me. I'm the best, and so will you.
The teacher pauses, and you can hear the tension in the air, the nervousness and everyone shifting in their seats, anxious.
– Am I understood?
Several voices sounded throughout the room, including yours. All saying yes. The teacher smiled.
– Good. Now, let's start the class.
You swallowed hard, already feeling tired, but still, strangely excited. It would be a challenge, and you loved difficult things.
After painful and sadistic hours (yes, hours!), the class was finally released for lunch, and then afternoon classes.
The teacher informed them that the ballet class had an exclusive bathroom and that if they wanted (but, from the disgusted way she sounded, it seemed more like a requirement) they could take a shower there.
You perked up when you heard this, and most of the students did too. It would be horrible to have to continue at school with all that crust of sweat on your body.
So, after the teacher left, everyone packed their things and went to either take a shower or have lunch.
You were more than ready to head to the bathroom and shower. You were tired, but the sweat on your body bothered you more than fatigue.
– Hey, are you going to eat or take a shower first?
You looked to the side. The girl you talked to after the warm-up. Was it Daphne? Daniela? Delilah? No, that was ridiculous. It was something with D.
– Im going to the shower. I couldn't eat something feeling dirty.
– You sure? As we are being released early, the queue is non-existent to buy… Anything.
– I'm sure. – You smiled, slightly touched by the girl’s kindness. She waved and said goodbye to you, leaving for lunch.
After a long and well-deserved shower, you head to the cafeteria where the food was. Heavens, how hungry you were!
Arriving in the area, you began looking for Cat and Beck. Not surprisingly, you found Beck first. Surrounded by people, girls and boys.
You decide to try to get past the crowd and rescue Beck, who now seems overwhelmed.
You squeeze between people, making your way through elbows and curses, until you reach the center, feeling several hateful looks on you.
Beck's face lights up when he sees you, and he calls your name, approaching you.
– Hey, what are you doing? – he asks, ignoring the entire crowd around him, and you can feel the commotion that this generates. You smile, focusing on nothing more than the boy in front of you.
– Trying to save you from this crowd by inviting you to lunch with me and Cat.
– Oh, please! I would love to.
You swear something happened around you. People cursed him, complained, maybe even hit you, but your brain melted a little when you saw Oliver's smile. A captivating, happy, friendly expression. It seemed like the air around him shimmered and exuded something almost surreal.
What brought you back to reality was a tap on your shoulder.
– So, where are you sitting? – Beck asked and then you realized, the crowd had dissipated and only the pretty boy was by your side.
– Uh, actually, I haven't chosen the table, nor have I found Cat yet. – You then start looking for the redhead. The brunette at his side.
– Ah, I see… Who is Cat? Your pet? Are animals even allowed at school?
You laugh.
– No, no. She's a girl I met today, in drama class, while you were being surrounded by… Everyone…
Beck sighed and nodded in a more crestfallen manner. You stop looking around for a moment, to fix your eyes on him.
– Does this happen a lot? You're famous and I'm the only one who didn't notice?
– No, I'm not famous, at least not yet. I'm just pretty. – He shrugs lightly, as if it weren't a big deal. And you stop walking, and let out a disbelieving laugh. This time, his lips move to form a cocky smile.
– What? Are you going to say i'm not? – he prods you, and you fumble over your words, not wanting to deny it, but certainly not wanting to confirm it either. However, to your relief, he just laughs at your reaction and continues talking. – People have always approached me because of my – he raises his hands to gesture quotation marks with his fingers. - "exotic beauty". Eventually, I just got used to it.
You observe the boy next to you. Really analyzes him.
He didn't seem like the kind of boy who was an asshole, who thought he was better than everyone else, who believed he had everyone at his feet, when he really didn't.
Beck just seemed aware of the reality he found himself in. After all, he was handsome. Short but silky hair, great style of clothing that sold the cool kid look. If you had to guess, he seemed like a relaxed but extremely cunning type of boy. The guy who smiled at everyone, but had a mouth that dripped with venom.
You had your thoughts interrupted by a high-pitched female voice calling your name. Cat. He took one last look at Beck, who maintained a relaxed posture and the remains of a smile.
Well, you deduced, only time will show Oliver's true face, whatever it may be.
– Cat! I was looking for you! – you approached the redhead. She lit up.
– And, did you find me?
– Apparently, you found me. – When saying this, the redhead makes a sad expression.
– Oh, wow, what a shame. – You frowned, not understanding the line of reasoning, but before you could say anything, Cat was already addressing Beck. – Hi, I'm Cat. – she introduced herself, waving energetically.
Beck laughed, like you would laugh at something cute a puppy did, and waved back, but without the redhead's excessive enthusiasm.
You guys go look for a table. And when they find it, they realize they had nothing to eat. Luckily there was a food truck nearby, and everyone ordered something.
At the table, everyone talked about themselves. You revealed that although it inspired you, you never saw the film Black Swan. Cat talked about her love for purple giraffes and her brother. You were worried at that part, you didn't know if the small girl was joking or not.
Beck talked about how he moved from Canada with his parents to Los Angeles just for school, and talked excitedly about how he liked cars and was looking forward to getting his own.
When they heard sobs around them, that's when they left the bubble they were in.
– You're a bitch!
A blonde girl, green eyes, swollen and moist. She was the one who jumped out of her chair and screamed. Despite her anguished expression, she looked firmly at the table in front of her, and the person who was sitting there.
You recognized who it was from your theater class. She had a gothic style. Eyeliner, black nails, combat boots and dark clothes.
The green-eyed goth girl, you noticed, raised her eyebrow and took her eyes in a deliberate and prolonged manner to the bare legs of the girl in front of her.
– I'm not the one with the scraped knees.
She smiled cruelly, and amidst the deadly silence, a few muffled giggles could be heard.
The blonde girl choked. Tries to justify herself, you think she had says about a skateboard, but was unsuccessful. Then she resignes herself to letting out a sob and running away.
The goth turned her smile into a frown, and looked around, the many eyes in her direction. She faced everyone and with a loud, rude and direct voice, she shouted.
– What are you looking at? – and everyone went back to doing what they did before. Well, you asume that everyone had done it, you didn't bother to check. You just kept your attention on the girl. Curious. You wanted to know what had happened. And how she had made someone cry on the first day of school.
You hated this type of attitude, behavior, personality. You might not be the kindest girl in the world, but you certainly weren't cruel. Even when you felt the urge to be.
It was a shame that such a beautiful girl, with brown hair and green eyes, could be so horrible.
You assumed that beauty would spoil a person. You just hoped Beck wouldn't turn out to be that kind of person. Then, you finally returned your gaze to the table, and discovered that you weren't the only one who remained looking at her. The pretty boy also had his sights set on the table that only had one mean girl on it.
– She's mean. – Cat spoke up, breaking the silence as well as Beck's admiration and thoughts.
– She is. – Beck agrees, nonchalant.
You remain silent, taking one last look in the girl's direction.
It doesn't take long before the bell rings. You say goodbye to them both and head towards classes in the afternoon. The part of your curriculum is completely normal and, after theater and ballet classes, terribly boring.
Chemistry, geography and math classes stretched out, as if they had no end, like a rubber band that when it thought it was about to break, it stretched a little more. However, it didn't matter anymore, you were finally free to go home.
You were exhausted, physically, mentally and spiritually. Names of teachers, subjects, exercises, classmates piling up and colliding in your brain. You had absolutely no energy for anything.
Unfortunately for you, however, when you open the door to your house, you come across your mother, waiting, sitting in a chair, almost jumping with excitement. The true image of a puppy anxiously waiting for its owner.
Your heart is heavy, and your body and soul scream with frustration. You just wanted your bed. But, your mother sees you and you simply accept that you would have to stay awake for a few more moments.
Your mother spews questions one after another at you.
"How it was?"
“Have you made friends yet?”
“Are all teachers weird?”
“Is there anyone famous?”
“Did they treat you well?”
"Are you well?"
"Are you hungry? I made dinner!”
While eating, you told your mother everything, it didn't take long for you to get excited too, even though you were tired.
You leave out some details, like teachers and some bad people, but otherwise, you confess everything. The many beautiful people, with a few exceptions, the strange talents and habits you noticed, strange and normal teachers.
However, sleepiness and tiredness manifested itself through yawning and heavy eyes. Your mother, realizing this, immediately sends you up to your room to get some sleep.
After a relaxing shower, you lay down on your bed, comfortable under the blankets.
Ah, finally.
Chapter 2
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neeksparksg · 2 months ago
Not so Secret
Tori Vega had always believed herself to be good at reading people, and recently she had noticed something weird about Jade
It all started during lunch when Beck wasn’t there. He’d called in sick that morning, Tori had half-expected Jade to sulk in the corner, growling at anyone who dared approach, but instead, during a class she saw Jade quietly texting someone, a small, almost imperceptible smile playing on her lips. And then there was Y/N.
Y/N had been friends with Jade since childhood, a fact Tori had only recently learned. It is not that Tori didn’t knew him, He tend to hang out with them quite often, but  He was the kind of guy who preferred to stay under the radar, but then he was sitting with Jade, a bit too close Tori found it odd, but she didn’t think much of it until later that afternoon.
It was during a lull in her day that Tori saw it: Jade and Y/N walking off together. she spotted them slipping out the side door of Hollywood Arts. Jade glanced over her shoulder, her fingers brushing against Y/N’s arm before they disappeared around the corner.
“Okay, that’s weird,” Tori murmured to herself.
Her curiosity got the better of her. After all, Jade and Y/N had always seemed close, but not that close. And with Beck out of the picture for the day, Tori couldn’t help but wonder what they were up to. She followed at a safe distance
They walked down the street, talking in a way that seemed far too casual for Jade. She seemed Relaxed. Even... affectionate? Tori’s eyes widened as she saw Jade playfully shove Y/N, a smirk tugging at her lips.
“No way,” Tori whispered. “She’s not... cheating on Beck, is she?”
Her heart pounded as she continued to follow them. She needed proof before she said anything. This was Beck and Jade’s relationship on the line, and she wasn’t about to jump to conclusions. Still, the way Jade and Y/N were acting set off all kinds of alarms in her head.
By the time they reached Y/n’s house, Tori’s mind was racing. She couldn’t see much from where she was, looking around she notice an old tree house near a window, she probably shouldn’t do it, but curiosity got the best of her, so she climbed it from inside there she had a clear view of what she assumed was Y/n’s room, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. She needed backup.
“Andre I need your help” she hissed into the phone after Calling Andre. “I think Jade is cheating on Beck.”
“What? Tori, are you serious?” Andre’s voice crackled through the speaker.
“I’m outside Y/n’s house right now. She’s with Y/N. They’ve been sneaking around all afternoon.”
“Alright, we’re coming,” Andre said, his tone serious. “Don’t do anything until we get there.”
Within ten minutes, the rest of the group had arrived. They all silently climbed into the three house, peeping through the window to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside. Jade and Y/N were in his room, they were sitting on his bed and to everyone’s shock, Jade leaned in and kissed him.
“Oh my God,” Cat whispered, her eyes wide.
“I can’t believe this,” Robbie said
“We have to do something” Tori said, her voice low but determined. “This isn’t right. Beck deserves to know.”
While they discussed on what to do Beck walked in, looking pale but otherwise fine. The group froze, they half expected him to start screaming or to confront them, but Jade and Y/N greeted Beck warmly. And then, to the group’s utter disbelief, Beck kissed Jade... and then Y/N.
“What the...” Andre whispered.
The group watched in stunned silence as the three of them sat down on the bed and start making out. Tori’s mind raced as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.
“Are they... all together?” Robbie asked, voicing what everyone was thinking.
“It looks like it,” Andre answered, they keep watching out of shock, they didn’t expect that, and soon stared wondering for how long this had been going on, however as thing started to escalate inside the room, Tori was the first to react
Tori shook her head. “We should leave” the others agreed with her, not really wanting to see what was happening
“do we? I mean we could-“ Rex started talking but Robbie was quick to shut him up, as Andre was going to step down the latter it fell down leaving them trapped, and if it wasn’t bad enough it was loud enough to alert those inside the room
The window opened revealing a very angry looking Jade “What Are you doing here?” she ask her tone ice cold, she glaring daggers at them, with both boys behind her, Beck looked confused, and Y/n had his arms crossed
Tori hesitated, suddenly unsure of what to say. “We, uh... we saw you guys through the window.”
“Why?” Y/n asked
“well, I saw you and Jade sneaking out” Tori said, her voice faltering. “and well We may have thought she may be cheating on Beck with You?” Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, he couldn’t blame them for thinking that, but he found the situation funny, the same couldn’t be said of Jade and Beck, Jade just seemed even more angry and beck was still as confused
“you thought I was cheating on my Boyfriend with our Boyfriend, how stupid are you?” she was clearly pissed, not only because they interrupted her but because of the accusations, however Beck was first to intervene, he gently pushed Jade towards Y/n arms, and looked at their friends
“you guys didn’t know we are dating?” he ask, as if their situation was obvious
“uh no” Answered Andre,
Beck, still calmer than anyone expected. "well, Jade, Y/N, and I have been together for a while now. We thought you guys knew."
Andre blinked, looking between the three of them. "but then why all the secrecy and and the sneaking around."
Y/N chuckled, his hands resting lightly on Jade’s shoulders trying to calm her. "We weren’t exactly sneaking, Andre. And neither have we been secretly, we have been very openly about it as far as I can remember”
"Wait, so how long has this been going on?" Robbie asked, still holding Rex mouth shut.
"About a year now," Beck replied casually, shrugging. "We’ve been figuring things out since Jade and I realized we both had feelings for Y/N. It wasn’t easy at first, but..." He glanced at Jade and Y/N with a small, genuine smile. "It works for us."
Cat tilted her head, her expression wide-eyed and curious. "But... how does it work? Like, do you all kiss each other? Or—"
"Cat," Jade snapped, her tone sharp though her cheeks flushed slightly. "That’s none of your business."
"But it’s cool, though!" Cat quickly added, her hands waving in front of her. "I mean, as long as you’re all happy!"
Tori shook her head, still overwhelmed. "I guess I just don’t get why you didn’t tell us."
"Maybe because it’s not something we owe anyone," Jade shot back, her glare unwavering. "And honestly, we didn’t think it was that complicated. I thought you guys were supposed to be smart and had figure it out, I have been making out with both of them all over Hollywood arts."
Andre raised his hands defensively. "Hey, no judgment here. We were just... surprised, that’s all. We didn’t mean to barge in on your business."
"Yeah," Robbie added nervously. "We only followed you because, well... Tori kind of thought you were cheating, and..."
Cat’s interrupted Robbie "um, can we maybe talk about this somewhere not in a treehouse? I’m kind of scared of heights."
Andre started down the ladder "Uh, yeah... About that..."
Beck raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you’re stuck up there?"
"Yeah, the ladder broke," Andre admitted sheepishly.
Jade’s eyes narrowed dangerously, a wicked smile tugging at her lips. "So, let me get this straight. You spied on us, invaded our privacy, and now you want us to help you?"
"Jade," Beck said softly, though he couldn’t entirely hide his amusement.
Jade turned to him and Y/N. "You know, we do have those plans, remember? We’re running late now thanks to this little... treehouse party."
Y/N caught on quickly, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh, right. Those plans. Very important."
Beck sighed, though there was a hint of a smirk on his lips. "Guys, you’re not seriously leaving them up there, are you?"
"Why not?" Jade shot back. "They can reflect on how stupid this was while we’re out."
"Jade!" Tori called after her as she began walking away, dragging Y/N and Beck by their hands. "You can’t just leave us here!"
"Watch me," Jade called over her shoulder. "We’ll be back... eventually."
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infiniteimaginings · 1 year ago
Started: February 19th, 2024 Updated: February 19th, 2024
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Characters I write for in the show 'Victorious'
Andre Harris Beck Oliver Cat Valentine Jade West Tori Vega Trina Vega
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rldeadpool · 1 year ago
i cant be the only one who thinks jade west is a bratty bottom right. like even in jori, or cat x jade like in any ship i CANT see her topping
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raccoonbatz · 2 years ago
Can I tell you a secret?
[Robbie Shapiro x F!Reader]
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A/N: Hi! This fic is inspired by the gif above :) I've only seen a handfull robbie fanfics and I am still completely in love with that man so I wanted to write one myself :) oh and english isn't my first language! so sorry if some words are weird lol
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Summary: Robbie finally confessing his feelings for the girl he's been in love with for the past months.
Warnings: None, just extreme fluff.
It was the big night, the cow-wow dance was tonight and Y/n was pretty excited. It was her first schoolevent at Hollywood Arts.
"Earth to Y/n?" Jade said as they walked towards the school. In the 5 months that y/n attended HA Jade became her closest friend. Sure, she can be bit mean but for some reason she took y/n under her wing and since then they kinda became inseperable.
"Sorry, I'm just kinda nervous I guess?" Y/n said as she fixed the bowties in her ponytails.
"Nervous? for what? Sinjin in a hula?" Jade snickered
"No- no, not that." Y/n chuckled. "Even tho it is something I should avoid." She said.
"For what are u nervous then?" Jade asked once again. They finally arrived at the school and everything was very well decorated.
"I- eh-" Y/n stuttered but before she could finish her sentence, someone yelled her name.
"Y/n! Y/n!" She heard a familliar voice yell. She turned around and locked eyes with the cute curly haired boy. She smiled, but her smile faded quickly as she saw that he was with an unfamiliar face. Jade saw her smile fade.
"Ur finally here!" He said as he approched her.
"Yea, uh- we had some stuff we still had to fix-" She said but he interupted her.
"This is Gabriela, my date!" He said proudly and smiled. Gabriela looked up and gave Y/n and Jade a small smile.
"Hey" She said, a bit cold.
Y/n gave a weak smile and looked back at Jade, who was just staring with an angry look on her face.
Robbie didn't really knew what was going on as he looked at the girls confused.
"Well.. Okay, Im going to get something to drink for Gabriela, u guys want something?" He asked a bit hesitant.
"Yea s-" Y/n said but was interupted by Jade.
"We can get it ourselves." She said annoyed. Robbie shrugged and took Gabriela's arm as he wandered off with her. As they walked off Beck arrived, sneaking an arm around Jade's waist.
"Hey you guys, what just happend?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink.
"Robbie happend." Jade said annoyed as she took the drink from becks hand and took a sip herself.
"It's fine Jade, Really.." Y/n said a bit sad.
"No, it's not okay." Jade said and looked at Beck.
"We got work to do." Jade said and Beck just nodded.
"No, Jade, please. It's fi-" Y/n tried to say, but before she could finish her sentence Jade and Beck were already on their way. Y/n sighed as she walked towards the drink booth and took a cup of whatever. The first big event at her new school and it was already a shitshow.
"Hey y/n/n." She heard from behind her. She looked around and saw Andre and Tori walking up to her.
"Hey guys." Y/n said a bit devistated.
"What's wrong?" Andre asked a bit worried.
"I don't really know, I'm feeling all these things that I didn't knew existed until now." Y/n said as she took a sip of her drink.
"U wanna talk about it?" Tori offered.
"Not really, sorry." Y/n said and gave a weak smile. "Thanks tho." She added.
"It's no problem." Andre said as he looked at the time.
"Shit, we have to go on in like 10 minutes-" Andre said worried and Tori looked up.
"Sorry y/n, we gotta prepare for the show. But after that, we're going to hang and make the best out of tonight. Okay?" Tori said and y/n nodded.
"Thanks guys" Y/n said a bit happier and hugged them both.
"Imma cheer u guys on the whole show, u know that right?" Y/n chuckled and they nodded.
"You better!" Andre said as they walked away. Y/n was alone, again. Jade and beck were nowhere to be found, Robbie was probably dancing with that girl of his and cat? Cat was also nowhere to be found. Y/n decided to sit on one of the picnic tables in the corner of the parkinglot, still sipping her drink. Everyone was having fun time, why couldn't she?
In the meantime Robbie was being harassed by Jade.
"What did u do, shapiro?" Jade asked angrily as she grabbed the collar of his button-up.
"I don't know! What did I do?" Robbie asked confused, looking pannicked back at Beck.
"I have no clue my friend, but u better fix it now." Beck said, trying not to intervine with what going on.
"Jade- please. Tell me what I did wrong so I can f-fix it, please?" Robbie asked and Jade loosend her grip.
"You hurted Y/n, stop playing dumb." She said annoyed as she let him go.
"How- You know I would never ever hurt her on purpose!" He said, still a bit panicked.
"Did I hurt her..?" He added, now a bit worried.
"Are you fucking blind?" She basically screamed.
"I mean, kinda? I have pretty strong gla-" Robbie said but got interupted by Jade.
"She likes you!" Jade said while facepalming. Robbie's eyes wident.
"She didn't even have to tell me and I already knew by the way she acts around you. How can you be so incredibly dumb?" Jade added and sighed.
"Where is she?" Robbie asked in a hurry.
"I don't know, probably around here somewh-" Jade couldn't even finish her sentence or Robbie was already gone. Jade looked at Beck who was still just standing there.
"Let's get something to drink-" Jade said.
"Yea, good idea." Beck added as they walked away.
Y/n was still sitting on top of the picnic table, listening to the music. Her feet were dangeling off the side.
"There you are-" She heard a familiar voice say.
"Oh, hey Robs." She said without looking up.
Robbie sat down next to her and gave her a cup with something to drink. She took the drink from his hands and looked up.
"Thanks-" She said but looked confused.
"Where is ur date?" She added and looked confused. Robbie chuckled.
"I don't know, haven't seen her all night." He said as he placed down his drink next to him.
"I have a small feeling that we gotta talk" He said as he turned his head towards her. Y/n felt her cheeks heat up a bit.
"Okay- I don't know what Jade told u-" She started and looked down again but he interupted her.
"Look, Y/n," He paused for a second. The look on his face gave away that he was struggeling to find the right words. Y/n got a bit anxious, because most of the times when people are looking for the right words it's not positive.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He finally said and smiled a bit.
'Sure" Y/n said, still looking at the ground.
Robbie got close to her ear, as if he wanted to whisper something but instead he stopped, slowly raised his hand and slowly turned her head with his finger and gave her a soft, sweet kiss. She was taken a bit back at first. Butterflies exploded in her stomach as she melted away in the kiss. Robbie then pulled away, not breaking eye contact.
"Now I still don't know your secret-" Y/n said to break the silence. They both chuckled.
"I've liked you since the moment i've met you, y/n." He said softly which grew a huge smile on Y/n face.
"Well, good to know. Because I like you too, Shapiro." Y/n said and Robbie smiled.
"That's good, because it would've been weird if I kissed you and you didn't." He said and the both laughed for a bit. Robbie took y/n hand and sat closer to her. Y/n looked up again, stealing a quick kiss from him.
"Couldn't resist, sorry." She said and they both chuckled again.
"You can steal all the kisses you want from now on, no need to worry." He said and smiled. Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 1 year ago
You’re so real for saying polyam Jade and Beck.
Thank you! It has literally been haunting me and sometimes it's all I can think about when I watch the show. They had a lot of chemistry, but it feels like they needed someone else to balance out their relationship and really show them how to value each other.
(Also they'e both so hot and when it comes to fanfiction, my brain sees a hot couple and is immediately like - stick another character in the middle!!!)
Also, you guys know how certain ideas possess me like demons that need to be exorcised, so...
This is now in my Google Docs.
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(There is more, way more under written under this lmao.)
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enchante-starkey · 2 years ago
robbie shapiro x reader
summary; as robbie’s insecurities rise, he comes to you.
warnings & other ;
fluff; mentions of insecurities (feeling as if untalented and nerdy), self-criticism, and a little bit of angst.
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Upon opening the front door to your house, you are greeted by a sad Robbie Sharpiro.
“Robbie? What are you doing here?”
In front of you, you notice that he is wearing a gray sweatpant and a white tank top. He didn't have a jacket, and it was extremely cold. You were concerned for him.
A small sniffle was heard. "Y-Y/N?" He looked up at you. His eyes were red and he looked as though he had cried for hours. Immediately, he wipes his tears away and turns his gaze away from you. As he tries to compose himself, you can see his shoulders shaking. He clears his throat and mumbles an apology.
“Robbie?! It’s freezing out here. "Get inside, come on!" You wrapped him in a tight hug and felt the cold air around you. He hugged you back, sobbing into your shoulder. You brought him inside and made him a warm cup of tea, sitting with him until he was ready to talk.
"Y/N, do you think I belong in Hollywood Arts…?" You looked at him with a gentle smile and said, "Of course you do. You have so much potential and you are so talented. I know you can make it here." He smiled back, still a bit unsure but relieved to have your support.
You both hugged and then he started to tell you all about his plans. You listened, excited to see what he was going to do. You knew he was going to be a star.
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cyberskulzzz · 24 days ago
Spritual Visitors
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Who I write for:
The Sturniolo Triplets
Jade West & Beck Oliver
Luke Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Sam Monroe
Rodrick Heffley
All mbav characters
The dimitrescu sisters
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I wont write smut<3
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theblacklewinsky · 6 months ago
Note: I'm feral for this man and this song + struggling w my writing format ( im new to this omg )
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Toxic!Terry Richmond x Black!Female Reader.
warnings: MNDI!! this story is 18+ with depictions of but not limited to; sexual content ( finger!ng), extreme language (cursing, use of n-word, use of b-word), talking you through it. lil bit of exhibitionism if you squint, mild daddy k!nk.
summary: in which you decide to end the toxic situation-ship you share with Terry— except this man only know how to suck you back in.
tell me that we locked in, locked in, look in my eyes.
tell me that you mine and we ain't just fuckin, ain't just vibin.
Why were you nervous? It wasn't like you'd never been in the very same GMC pickup before—oh you'd been in here plenty times, plenty times. Your eyes flickered to whatever they could, other than him.
The backseat.
The same backseat you'd been folded. flipped, and fucked out on. It was clean now, he'd definitely had some detailing done, the remnants of how he made you squirt only two weeks earlier had vanished, once etched into the seat itself.
And why were you sad about that?
You averted your eyes away from the backseat, firmly turning straight forward in the passenger seat, teeth nervously gnawing at the skin in your jaw. It was way too silent and tense in the truck. Way too silent. "Hi..” you sheepishly muttered, tucking a stray curl from your wash and go behind your ear, eyes darting around the parking lot of your apartment complex. The parking lot was the safest option for you, you knew how incredibly intoxicating Terry was, which meant the more space from your bedroom, the better.
Out of your peripheral, you could see Terry's face contorted into a twisted mix of confusion anger. His brows furrowed together, a mug presenting itself on his face. "What the fuck?" He spat. "Wassup?" He asked, his tone more accusatory than anything.
Where the fuck did he get off acting hurt and confused? That was supposed to be your stance in this whole thing, hurt and confused. And most of the time it was. But tonight, it was a nice change of pace, the hurt and confusion lingered on Terry instead—in which you could finally take on the nonchalant and curt demeanor. It felt so good too. So good to finally not be the one with the lump in their throat, eyes burning from blinking back tears. This felt, good.
"Nothin', just chillin," you simply responded, playing with the smartphone in your lap, acrylic nails tapping at the casing.
"Fuck you mean just chillin?" He asked his brows furrowed as he tried to catch your darting eyes. "You ain't been seein' me text you?"
"Yeah?" You responded slowly in a questioning tone, as you focused on the ASICS on your feet. "Been busy lately."
You seen Terry texts. Shit, the past couple of days he'd been the one blowing you up. It started the other night when he rung your bell and you didn't answer, you knew it was him, and he knew you were home. Lights still on and bright in the kitchen.
Private Ryan: Just rung the bell
Private Ryan: Come out.
Private Ryan: I'm sorry for the way I acted the other night. I ain't handle that situation like a man. Lemme make it up to u
It was so hard ignoring Terry, he made it hard. He didn't text or call often, he wasn't hardcore into his phone like the rest of the generation, maybe the marines played a part in that? Hell, he made sure to stay active in an effort not to get addicted to his cellular device—that's why when he texted it was a big deal.
But no way this nigga thought that you'd be at his every beck and call when he couldn't even solidify a title between the two of you? Casual sex and jealousy gets old—especially when it isn't under the terms of a relationship.
It was fun at first, linking up and sneaking off. Getting folded like a lawn chair when you least expected it, but there was something about Terry that brung the strings to a no-strings-attached situation. You started craving him, wanting him, and you made that very clear, but Terry made his intentions crystal clear from the beginning. How could you fault him for not wanting what you want? But how he could he also fault you for the change in your attitude?
"Busy?" He repeated the word like it disgusted him. His burning gaze tore through you, you could feel the heat radiating from his glare. Terry let out a heavy breath, gently tapping his fist against the staring wheel as he finally averted his gaze to the windshield. Thank Q!
But as he tore his gaze away from you, you centered yours on him. And why the fuck would you go and do that? Knowing how gorgeous he was, especially when he was pissed off? Clenching and unclenching his jaw. He had some nerve coming over here with a fresh cut. Everything so lined up and sexy—
"I came over here, a few days ago," he sternly spoke, the rough edge to his voice only setting off the throbbing in your pussy, "and you know that 'cause you was home, lights on and shit, I'm textin' you and you reading the shit in real time. What the fuck?" He repeated the three words once again. His voice growing rougher by the second.
"Two weeks ago, I'm fillin' you up and today you actin' cold as hell? Fuck is goin on?"
And why did he keep saying all the wrong shit? Filling you up was an understatement, he was stuffing you to the brim quite literally, to the point where he had bottomed out and was still tryna give you more. Filling you up, ha.
"I can't do this anymore, Terry," the words came out of your mouth abruptly, almost like you could trust yourself to say them. Terry sat there unwavering, he didn't speak, he didn't move. This only prompted you to continue. "It's too much, we both want...different things. And I'm tired of feeling like I'm overextending myself to you, being too available for you. I can't do...whatever this is anymore."
"Don't do that," you firmly responded. The direct eye contact didn't seem to deter you this time. There he went. Playing those mind games. Calling you that nickname. Pea. A shorter version of the popular nickname your grandfather frequently referred to you as, sweet pea.
Terry kissed his teeth. Oh he thought he knew what was up. It'd became clear as a day. "You fuckin' somebody else." The words came out soft, quiet almost as if there had been a realization.
You let out a heavy sigh, your eyes rolling at the comment, " I'm not having sex with anyone, Terry." You spoke truthfully. As if you could. He made that hard enough, he stuffed you perfectly. He knew how to find that spot inside of you so easily, almost like he vacationed there in his spare time. He knew exactly what made your eyes roll back, what made that squeal in the back of your throat come barreling out, he knew your body too well to let anyone else come and have a gander.
"But I am dating," you said more quietly than you anticipated. Maybe it's because the recent dates haven't been anything to brag about. Not that your online dating profile and messages to your homegirl hadn't been highly specific, you've been attracting the same types. Baby daddies and men way too old to still be trying to just hook up. "And I know what I want, and it's not this...anymore. I wanna be able to climb in bed with a man and wake up beside him too, and not worry about him being hot or cold, or when I'll see him again," yuck. Why did you feel that damn lump in your throat again?
"I'm so tired of feeling disposable." You finalized. Flashing your watery eyes to the window adjacent to you. You weren't gonna cry in front of him. Shit, you weren't that tender. But all your feelings hitting you at once in this situation made you more emotional than you gambled for. You knew the nonchalant facade would only last so long on you. Terry was trained in that shit. He had a poker face like no other.
Terry didn't deter his gaze from you, his gorgeous eyes soft and lingering. "I don't try to make you feel disposable, Pea."
"Yeah, well, you don't have to try. You just do." You mumbled quietly. "That's why I don't wanna do this shit anymore."
Terry kept his eyes on you, reaching his large hand out to grasp your smaller one at a failed attempt at interlacing your fingers when you snatched away.
"Stop, Terry!" You frowned folding your arms. "I'm serious. No more calling, and texting, and popping up at my place."
He barely acknowledged you, kissing his teeth and leaning over the center console to rub his hand across your tummy, gripping your sides. "Why you actin' like that? Like you don't miss daddy?" He mumbled softly, pressing soft kisses to your temple.
This man didn't give up. Your restraint was at zero, and just like that you were putty.
You shook your head, arms still crossed as you let out a small whimper in which you claimed to be a protest. Eyes lowering at his wandering hands. "Hm, you don't miss daddy?" He asked in response, his hand sliding back over your tummy, fingers fondling with the button on your shorts.
This is exactly what you wanted to avoid, that was the whole point of the parking lot. Far away from a bed. But you should've known that you didn't need a bed with Terry.
And yet, just like a dumb bitch you shook your head once again. Playing into his sick little game.
He trailed his soft, teasing lips down your cheek until he reached your neck, leaving a searing trail behind on the skin there. You sucked your bottom lip in, a solid attempt at trying to keep whatever moans he was pulling out of you at bay. You couldn't betray yourself even more than you had already done. You came down here to end things, and instead you were about to get folded in half once again. The circle of life if you will.
"You don't miss me? So why you lettin' me take these off you right now?" He asked. Oh he was soo condescending. He tugged on the bottom of your shorts, and look at you, lifting up to help him earning a chuckle. You were so easy. "Nipples been hard ever since I touched you," he mumbled in between kisses to your neck, his hand busying itself up to your breast while your shorts slid down your legs, rubbing your hardened nipple through the thin fabric of your tank top.
You suck in a sharp breath. Your body was on fire. You felt like you were on fire. Every kiss made you hotter, and the way he was touching you had your pussy fluttering. You had to be ovulating, this shit wasn't normal.
"That pussy so wet, I know it," he spoke, his voice lower, lips sucking on the thin flesh on the side of your neck, hand roughly parting your thighs earning another isolated whimper from you. His hand rubbing the inside of your thighs, leaving a lingering tingle behind. He was such a fucking tease sometimes.
He kissed his way back to your cheek, all the while his hands left soft slaps, and grips to your inner thigh. Your eyes fluttered closed at his constant teasing, breathing uneven as hell. You felt like you were swelling with need.
"Look at you, baby," he hummed against your ear, "you a horny fuckin' mess," he tsk'd in your ear, fingers dancing over to your pussy. Fingers lazing dancing over your slit through the thin fabric of your panties. A shaky breath slipped past your lips a soft drawn out moan following. Hell, the betrayal was already done.
"Niggas not treatin' my bitch right, huh?" He rhetorically asked referring to your dates, his own eyes focusing on the lazy dance his fingers were doing on your barely exposed pussy, until he quickly got bored and used those same fingers to move the fabric aside. "Can't be, otherwise you wouldn't be this fuckin' turned on right now." He answered his own questions, fingers immediately doing slow, hypnotizing circles on your clit.
"Fuhhh," you moaned out in response, arms immediately parting so that you could grip onto the sides of your seat for a sense of stability.
"Mhm," he hummed in response, "pussy wet just like I thought," he mumbled dragging his pointer and middle finger up and down your pussy a few times before slowly slipping the both of them in your heated core at once earning a choked out moan from you. You fit around his fingers so perfectly, almost as if he'd molded your pussy to do so.
His brows furrowed as his fingers searched inside of her, knuckle deep, "fuck," he cursed, "look how you suckin' my fingers in you like that. You missed daddy, this fuckin' pussy missed me."
It wasn't like you could respond at all, he was literally pulling your moans out of you with his fingers. His free hand had busied itself with pulling up your tank top and exposing your braless titties.
"Look how you came out here," he kissed his teeth, fingers massaging your slippery insides, the lewd sounds of your pussy squelching on his fingers filled the pickup truck, his other fingers pulling and tugging on your hardened nipples, squeezing softly before quickly pulling away. "Barely fuckin' dressed, you wanted this. You wanted daddy to get you right, huh?"
"Talkin' about' dates, you don't want them fuckin' clowns," he hummed peppering soft kisses on your cheek, his fingers attacking that delicious spot inside of you. "You just want daddy to flood that pussy again? Make you his bitch?"
"Oouu shit, daddy!" You moaned out, eyes squeezing shut as your head lazily fell against his shoulder. Him humming in agreement to your moans followed by a cocky chuckle. "Right there, right there!" You rushed out. Your resolve had slipped away a long time ago.
"Where baby?" He cooed,his tone condescending. "Right here?" He asked his fingers never deterring from the spot, instead he pushed them deeper, faster.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as his fingers continued to work inside of you, he whispered other obscenities to you as he finger fucked you good. Deliciously good. So good that you couldn't decipher or comprehend anything he'd been saying. The sound of your pussy around his fingers was sending you to another bliss you didn't know you could reach.
"Listen to how messy that pussy sound on my fingers, baby," he groaned, his free hand gripping your face firmly, tilting your head up from his shoulder so that he could watch your facial expressions closely. He smiled as he watched you; eyes squeezed shut, lips forming into that familiar frown he knew so well, a long whine following suit.
"Yeah, that pussy wanna cum for daddy don't she?" He asked placing a sloppy kiss on your parted lips.
"Oh my god," you whined your brows furrowing as you opened your watery eyes to Terry looking down right at you.
"Yeah, she do," he mumbled nodding his eyes focusing in on the assault his fingers were doing to your pussy before slipping them out slowly, rubbing the stickiness he accumulated on his fingers onto your clit in slow, agonizing circles earning a whine from you. "You better not fuckin' cum though," he mumbled quietly to you, hand softly tapping against your cheek.
"Don't..cum?" You slurred through a moan for confirmation. You could barely comprehend what he was saying, you were so deliciously close. So close.
"Don't cum," he slapped his finger against your pussy lightly, the wet plaps almost enough to send you over the edge. Only almost though. "Get in the backseat, I wanna get in that pussy." He spoke hand slapping down on your sensitive pussy once again, sending trembles to your already weakened legs.
cheers to my first fanfic on here lolz! feedback and criticism always welcome 💗💕 hope you enjoyed xx!
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naturesapphic · 5 months ago
Jade x crafty girlfriend reader where she makes Jade little scissor earrings and surprises her with them like it’s national girlfriend day and she is just so excited to give it to Jade!🖤✂️
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Scissor Earrings
Jade west x crafty!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff and cussing :)
Halloween/fall masterlist
Opening the door to go outside, you were hit with a gush of wind in your face, making your hair fly everywhere. You walked out into the courtyard where everyone was having lunch and you spotted your blacked hair girlfriend sitting with her friends, waiting on you. As you spotted her, you quickly skipped over to her and plopped down beside her, making her turn her head sharply, getting ready to go off on the person who would dare sit beside her.
But she stopped when she realized that it was only you and a small smile appeared on her face. “Hi baby!” You greeted her happily as you leaned over a gave her a gentle peck on her lips making her pale cheeks flush slightly, making your smile grow bigger than it already was. “Hey babygirl. Where were you?” She asked as she ate her salad while having an hand on your thigh. “I was making sure that your present was all fixed and ready for you.” You said shyly and Jade snapped her head towards you. “A present?” She asked and you giggled at her shocked expression.
“Yes a present!” You said happily as you pulled a small box out of your jacket pocket and showed her. “It’s national girlfriend day and I wanted to give you something special.” You said as a blush started to rise in your cheeks. “You’re so cute. Thank you baby. I know I will love it.” She said as she grabbed the box away from you but not before stealing a kiss from you, making your blush worse. Jade held the small box in her hands before opening it to reveal a small set of real small homemade scissor earrings. She placed a hand over her mouth as she examined them closely, not believing her eyes.
“Oh y/n…” she said as tears burn her eyes and you frown, the excitement that you had a few seconds ago vanishing. “Y-you don’t like it do y-you…” you say in a whisper as you looked down in shame. Jade quickly snaps her head towards you and places the box down in front of her so she can grab your face in her hands. “Babygirl. I absolutely love it. It’s my favorite thing ever.” She said quickly as she noticed the tears falling down your face. Jade quickly uses her thumbs to wipe them away and the smile you had minutes ago , appeared back on your face again.
“R-really? You mean it?” You asked her once again and she gladly told you again. “Yes princess. I promise. I’m gonna wear this twenty four seven.” She admitted and you squealed happily, jumping into her lap, hugging her tightly. Jade let herself smile fully as she hugs you back just as tight until she looked down to see that your skirt was rising up a bit. She quickly pulled the back down and placed her hands on your back, looking up at your with pure love and adoration plastered on her face. “Can I put them on you?” You asked her and she nodded her head making you quietly squeal as you grabbed the box from behind you and started putting the earrings on, taking her old ones and putting them in the box.
Once you put her earrings on you shifted in her lap to where your back was facing her so you could start eating your lunch until you noticed that everyone at y’all’s table was awing and looking at y’all happily. You could see cat and Robbie wiping away some tears while Andre, Beck, and Tori were looking at you with a look of thankfulness. You smiled back at them and Jade just kept looking at you with so much love in her eyes. “Happy girlfriend day!” You tell Jade as you turned your head at her and she smiled brightly. “Happy girlfriend day babygirl.” She said but what you didn’t know was that Jade had a present waiting for you at her house.
A/n: thank you anon for this request! I loved writing it so much and I hope you enjoyed. I hope everyone else liked it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! Take care of yourselves. I love y’all! :)
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bababaka · 1 year ago
Shipping Wars - Bade x reader
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The prompt:
Person A, B, and C are famous. Their fame is growing and they are hesitant to come out as a poly couple so they just pass it for a really good friendship. Thing is, the internet being the internet started a shipping war. Some ships A and B some B and C some A and C. It’s starting to do some fights online. One day, they get tired of being asked questions about it and decide to come out as who they are.
Warnings: Aged up Characters. My writing and grammar. Some anxiety but nothing too much. Me not knowing how Twich works. I didn't truly revised it so...
Word count: 3.143
An -> I tried writing in portuguese and then throwing it into the google translate. Lotta work, let me tell you. Nah. It was a valid experience, though.Don't know if i'd do that again. Anyawyas. Love Bade and yeah. Here it is.
You liked what you did.
Entertain and chat with people on the internet who have the same interests, while playing some silly game or one that you've waited your life to play. Was funny. Interesting. Laugh and freak out on the internet with others.
In your five years on the channel, you've created a loyal, funny, and comfortable community. But, well, things started to take a bit of a left turn after the channel's first year.
The shipping war.
And the more time passed, and your popularity increased, the bigger the fight became.
Get yourself someone that looks at you like yn looks at Jade.
-> @Thatonetheaterkid
uuuhm i wish! Thats real love right there! 
-> @Yn'slapdog
Yyyyes! They are the reason i believe in love!
-> @Beck'sBack
whaaaat? Why? They are not a couple! Stop being a delulu! Jade is dating Beck!
I mean! C'mon! Look at them people! 
-> @Badeisreal
duuuude! Yes! Their chemistry in that movie was just off the charts! And that scene was improvised by the way! 
-> @Jade'sbottom
-> @Badeisreal 
Right? Same! Also, i heard they are going to play as a couple in a new movie AGAIN! 
-> @Jade'sbottom 
jsjfjrkfkekfjdkdjdk Santa is bringing my gift
-> @Yn'slapdog
...its may…
-> @Jade'sbottom 
….Santa is late…
-> @Astarion'slittlebitch
ok. Guys. Take a breather. It is a crime you guys haven't mentioned Beck and Yn. 
They are so darn cute in yn's streams! 
-> @Imyourfather
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
...i don't watch their streams… not really my cup of tea. 
-> @Y/n'slapdog 
You should though! There's a lot of damning evidence there! INCLUDING JADE MAKING COMPANY TO THEM! 
-> @Beck'sBack 
we back at this again? 
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
oh, please! Jade and Beck are actors!!! They are meant to pretend!!! Fake! If they played a couple and didn't seem in love they'd just be out of job.
-> @Badeisreal 
There's somethings you just can't pretend tho!
-> @Imyourfather 
yes. There is. Thats cinema for you.
-> @Theoficialdreamer
What if they are just all good friends though? I mean. They do live in the same house. Maybe just roomates. 
-> @Yn'slapdog  
...get off my thread….
- Boom! That's how it's done! Pay up, guys! I warned you not to doubt me. I am a god.
You got out of your chair, jumping in front of the camera and computer, which showed the end credits of the game.
"I can't believe it! How many people have zeroed in the first time like that?"
"Few. And now they're part of them! What a legend. Mad respect."
"Look at theeem! Dancing with joy! How cute! I can't even be sad about losing the bet."
Yourmom donated $500.
Spideeey donated $500
"Ah! Come on!!! Really?! Noooooo!"
"Just pay, man. Accept that it hurts less"
"Ugh. Next time, I'll win the bet."
Mastermind donated $700
"You guys should just give up at this point. Yn is invincible"
Damn right i am! - you finally finished your extremely petty celebration. You did an event of ten challenges, and in each challenge, if you won, a group would pay you. If you lost, your subscribers would choose a punishment.
But, you were amazing. And didn't lose even once. Inside, you were scared to death of what they might ask. Your fans were cool. But they could cross some lines.
- So, that was the last challenge, right?
You waited and read the comments until you received a definitive answer from one of your moderators.
"Congratulations, Yn. You completed all ten challenges exceptionally."
Yn'srock donated $500.
- Sweet! I'm buying a new mattress after this! Mine broke.
Before the chat could react inappropriately to your speech, Beck appears at the door, out of view of the camera, but unfortunately his voice is audible.
- I heard screaming. What happened? - Normally, you would brush him off and get back to your stream, but, throwing caution to the wind, you turned your attention completely to him.
- What happened? It happened that I'm amazing and you owe me, baby!
- No.
- Ohohoho! Yes! - Beck joins you in front of the computer, the credits rolling on the screen. The actor's delicate, pretty face contorts, eyebrows furrowed, mouth contorted, and a defeated sigh. 
- How? You didn't even like AllSouls.
- Nope. But, a bet is a bet, I did it and now you gotta pay. The chat already did.
And that's when you turn your attention to your computer and notice the chaos in the chat.
Damn it.
This happened whenever Beck or Jade appeared on your streams. Sometimes it could be restrained. Like the times Jade remained by your side, almost sitting on your lap, throughout the stream. Or Beck would join and play with you. Your fans would get used to their presence.
But, well, there were moments, phrases, actions that turned your lives into a complete mess.
This was one of them.
"They are so cute!"
"Ooooh! Bet?? Bet what?"
"BABY??? I'm sorry, WHAT?"
"Bet, hm? The sexy kind?"
"Beck's so hot. Lucky yn"
"Wait??? Beck Oliver?? Wth? Im new someone explain to me"
"They live together. Jade West too."
"And they're also dating"
"Stop spreading fake news!"
"C'monnn! Admit it they'd look amazing as a couple"
"Guys! Stop! We don't know a thing! Respect their privacy please!"
- OK! OK! Let's stop, guys.
Beck laughed awkwardly. He had read the comments.
- Hi, chat. Long time no see.
"Yeah! You should come over yn's streams more often! 
"Oooh! You guys should play one of those games for couples"
"You should do pvp. I'd bet on Beck." 
- Ok! Ok! First. Stop betting against me. Learn your lesson, I'm the best. 
- Cocky. - He murmurs.
You continue, ignoring Beck. - And second, it's no big deal. Just because Beck played a million times and couldn't finish it without dying, he thought I couldn't. Well, you thought wrong, bitch!
-Okay, okay! I lost, you won. Satisfied? - Beck rolled his eyes, but the smile he had tried to suppress gave him away. And you couldn't stop smiling. 
- Not even close! - you had plans for Beck. Your back and neck were extremely sore, and your boyfriend had talented hands.
The internet and the outside world were unaware of your real relationship with Beck and Jade. They speculated, of course, but everything the three of you said was the same thing.
"Chat, we're friends. Stop."
"No, no. Beck and I are just good friends. It helps a lot when we play as a couple"
"We're not a couple."
"Just friendship."
"Are you stupid? Do you need me to draw? Friends!"
"F-R-I-E-N-D-S! We're just friends!"
It was a recurring question. Jade couldn't always stay calm. It was quite common for her to lose her cool actually. She was always like that, short tempered.
You met Jade and Beck in high school. And before you even finished your senior year, you were together. It was complicated. Painful. Difficult, but in the end, everything was resolved. And you have remained together ever since.
9 years later, and here you all were.
You've decided to try streaming. After 5 arduous years, you got your first million subscribers.
Jade and Beck pursued acting careers. And, along the way, they won a few awards here and there. Their goal was the Oscar. And you supported them more than anything.
They also created channels on YT. They weren't active like you, but every now and then they would record vlogs and other stuff.
Jade posts a "things I hate" videos series. And would terrorize unsuspecting civilians.
Beck talked about cars, and his hair for some reason. Both recorded backstage videos, and rarely, about life inside the house.
That was the problem. You appeared with a certain constancy on each other's social midias. Whether it was a video or a photo.
And that caused a stir. Which turned into ship wars.
- Hello, darling. - you threw yourself on the couch, next to Jade, who was smiling at the phone. - what you're doing?
- Ah, hey. - Without hesitation, she snuggled into your arms. - Nothing much. Just seeing how my last video is doing. 
- The cover one?
Yep. - She shows you her phone, a soft smile in her face, and her eyes just at ease. - You look cute playing a guitar. 
- Well, thank you. I agree. I should play more to you and Beck. - you say cocky. Jade huffs at that.
- Sure. 
- Anyways, babe, i was thinking. You, me, Beck, dinner? I'm cooking.
That got Jade's full atention and she stops staring at her phone to look at you.
- That sounds interesting.
- I was hoping to come off as romantic.
- It didn't.
- Not even if I say it'll have candle lights?
Jade cocks her eyebrow at this. 
- Kinda lame. Overused.
- Right. Right. What about me serenading you and Beck?
- Cute, but corny. 
- What about me doing your and Beck's favorite food, serenade you and make a reference to "the scissoring" at the end? 
Jade goes silent at this. And you realize that you had hit the nail on the head. You knew your girlfriend.
- Well, now i have expectations.
- Worry not. They will be met. 
- It better.
Lucky - cover by Jade West ft Yn
2.3 M views
Dude. I was just listening to this song! Definitely adding to my playlist. you guys ar releasing it on Spotify? I MUST LISTEN EVRYDAY
At this point they're just mocking us. WHY CHOOSE THIS SPECIFIC SONG??????
That's love.
Look at how they look at eachother.
I rest my case.
Yn can play the guitar??? And sing??? That's so hot of them ngl
Idk who i want to be. Yn or Jade.
The interviews with Jade and Beck all had something in common. The dreaded question.
- You are a couple in your newest film. Extremely in love. But, what about in real life, is there someone special?
Jade had improved a lot. The patience. Manners. And with Beck by her side, she could control herself.
- No. There's nobody.
- Really? But you are so beautiful and young.
Jade gritted her teeth. Fists opening and closing. Beck rushes in to interfere. He smiles, which many magazines call "the masculine charm".
- Haha. Life is like this. What can we do? We haven't found the right person yet.
The interviewer pauses. Her eyes slightly closed gains a manic shine. They had fallen right into the trap. It was like a predator, salivating at the sight of its defenseless prey.
- But, there are rumors that Yn, a famous streamer, who lives with you, has some involvement with one of the two. Is it true? Jade, on your channel, a cover was recently posted in which you do a very romantic duet. What can you say about it?
But, Jade West was never prey.
- Wow. You don't have intelligent questions to ask so you repeat the same question that a million people have asked? Do you think you will be the person to have a different answer? Do you think you're so special? Well, you're not. And I'm going to speak slowly, so that you can get into your fucking empty head, Yn and I are friends. Beck and I are friends. Nothing more.
The reporter was lost for words. She stuttered awkwardly and didn't know how to redirect the interview, completely embarrassed.
Beck sighs. Jade got better. She hasn't changed completely.
- I think this interview has come to an end. - Beck says. There's nothing he could do now.
The reporter didn't hesitate to jump out of the room. The silence that followed was uncomfortable. Jade crossed her arms. And she stared at the floor. Her leg starts to bounce. Nonstop. Until she can no longer bear the silence, the crushing feeling in her chest. - Are you angry? - she says, hesitantly. Beck sighs.
- No. It's okay. It was not your fault. She wasn't very kind.
Beck lifts Jade's head, his hand gently on her chin.
- It's fine. Come here. - and pulls her into a hug.
- This sucks. - Jade murmurs quietly.
- Yeah. It does...
- Hello losers. Another video. This time we're grocery shopping. - Jade starts talking to a camera.
- Do you really have to record it? It's just grocery shopping. - You asked. Not seeing why she would want to film your outing.
-I want to record so i will.
- Fine. - you shrug.
- Are you guys ready? - Beck comes into the living room.
- Yes. Say hi to the camera Beck.
- …Why are you recording? We are just grocery shopping.
- That's what i said!! - you chime in, excited to see you aren't alone in the matter.
- Oh my god! Because i want to! I don't have to, but i want to…You two are annoying. 
- Why thank you. I try my best. - you smirked. You did enjoy being a little shit.
- Fine. Let's go. Get to the car. 
Grocery shopping wasn't something you did together all the time. Mainly because someone was always busy. But it was faster when the three of you did it together. Beck was the driver, Jade was just picky about what she'd eat, and you were the muscles(though actually, you were the one who has more experience shopping. Jade just likes to try to spite you. Never works.)
- Ugh. I hate lines. 
- We know. - Beck answers it.
- But the public doesn't. 
- No, i think they do. You already made a video talking about it. - at this, Jade turns to the other actor.
- I did? Wait. You watch all my videos? 
- Every single one of them. 
- Uh.
- Why are you surprised? What kind of booy- Beck unmaskedly interrupts himself with a cough, and tries to recover. - what kind of roommate would i be if i didn't?
You thought that save was horrifying. And you tell Beck as much, mouthing it to him. He pushes you lightly, whispering a "shut up", you just chuckle and stay on the line. 
- Hey. Yn. What you are doing? - Beck asks. Interrupting you. Stoping you from beautiful and precious slumber.
- Napping. Or trying to. 
- You sound like an old person. 
- Perhaps because i am old.
- You are only 30 years old. Stop being dramatic.
- Nah. I need my old people nap. Bye. 
Unfortunate for you, Beck called Jade and they decided to take a picture of you. And make fun of you. 
Though Beck insists you look cute napping like an old lady. You didn't know how to take that. And Beck considered it as a victory. 
- Hello, old lady. - Beck greets you in the corridor to the kitchen. You huff, annoyed but also not completely awake. Until a thought comes to you.
- Wait. If i am your lover AND an old lady. Does that mean I am a cougar? 
You can hear Jade's booming laughter from the kitchen. 
Beck just rolls his eyes and gives you a peck on the lips. 
- Yes. It does. Good morning, by the way. 
You smile cheekily. 
- Good morning. 
You and Beck head to the kitchen then, where you see your gorgeous girlfriend still in her pajamas, brewing her black coffee, hair disheveled. Beautiful. 
She comes to greet the two of you, though when she gets to you she adds a little jab. Of course. 
- How is my favorite cougar? Slept well? No pain in your back? 
- Yes. I slept just fine. 
You decide to let it slide. You needed coffee first. 
Your breakfast at first was supposed to be calm. Quiet. Your phone however does not comply to it, beeping and beeping. 
- Hey. I thought we agreed on no phones today.
- Yeah yeah! Sorry. I just. Forgot to… - as you grab your phone and take a look at what it's bothering you and your partners, your humour just sours. 
Hundreds and hundreds of comments on your picture sleeping. On Beck's account. Just tagging you. Again. And again.
All fighting to know who was right about your love life.
Honestly, you were tired of it.
- Babe, are you okay? - Jade asks, noticing your change in mood, the frown, the twisted lip, the distant look. You look up from your phone.
- We should come out. - this quiets the kitchen. Jade with a hand on your arm, Beck still with a piece of toast in the air, on its way to his mouth.
- We should just come out. - you repeat. - I can't take any more of the speculation, the murmurs and buzz.
- Everyone would continue, even if we actually revealed our relationship. They would still gossip and be super invasive. - Beck replies, leaving the toast completely aside, and focusing on you. His face is serious. The lighthearted and fun atmosphere becomes more sober and heavy.
You have already discussed this. More than once, but in the end, you agreed that it wasn't worth the hassle, and you didn't owe other people anything.
And here you were again, debating the subject. This time, however, you found yourself unable to continue hiding.
- But, the media never stops talking and being invasive. It doesn't matter what we do. - Jade speaks up. She sighs, looking away for a moment. - I'm tired of having to lie. Aren't you, Beck?
Beck stares at the table blankly, letting his hands move repetitively along his legs.
- What if this affects our careers? - he asks. You quickly speak up.
- It won't get to that point, and if it does, it would only be temporarily. Our careers would recover. - you say, placing yourself next to Beck, Jade doing the same. And you try to lighten the atmosphere. - and if needed be, I can become your sugardaddy.
This makes them both laugh. And Beck turns to you.
- You'd make a terrible sugardaddy. - he says with a slight lift of his lips. Still stunned. He looks at you and Jade.
- Are you sure about this?
You and Jade share a look. You nod.
- Yes we are.
- With you, I can face anything.
You were in the living room. Your leg wouldn't stop shaking. The camera was in front of you. Jade was adjusting the lights, Beck was in the kitchen, getting water for you. It was now. The moment of truth.
Shit. What if you were making a mistake? What if you got ahead of yourself? What if it actually doesn't turn out okay? What if you are judged and shunned by everything and everyone? What if-
- Hey. - You were interrupted by Beck, beside you, placing a comforting hand on your thigh, and a charming smile on his face. - Everything will be fine. We are doing this together.
You allow yourself to breathe. Jade finally finishes the final adjustments and plops down next to you on the couch, while Beck hands you a glass of water. Your girlfriend snuggles next to you and kisses your cheek.
- I love you. - and all your tensions are gone. You melt into a puddle of love for your partners. You were together. You weren't going to face the public alone.
- I love you too. - you reply, completely smitten. You turn to Beck. - both of you. 
- You know I love you two. 
You shrug. 
- It's always good to hear. 
Jade laughs. 
- You are so sappy. - she says and you smile teasingly.
- And you love it. 
- Do i?
You push her and turn to start the video. 
- Hey, guys! Welcome! And today, we have something to announce. 
Yn, Beck Oliver and Jade West admit their relationship as a throuple and the internet goes crazy!
...i guess this means we'll have to stop fighting…? Love wins…?
...gotta admit this was not on my prediction chart bingo of this year…
Yn is one lucky motherfucker. Good for them. Hope theyre having fun living my dreams T-T
The true bissexual dream lol
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laviefantasie · 1 year ago
It Kinda Makes Sense
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Pairings: Alive!Luke Patterson x Alive!Reader
Summary: Los Feliz High School, the best school for future actors, singers, or any kind of artists. Home to the top couple formed by Luke Patterson, the perfect boy soon-to-be rockstar, and Y/N Y/L/N, troubled goth girl with the voice of an angel. A match make in heaven... or hell.
If you asked Julie Molina what had been her first thought once she had stepped foot on Los Feliz she would say it had been... confusing.
The school was beautiful, with bright blue lockers decorated in unbelievable ways to adolescents dressed as bright blue bobcats. It was truly a sight.
The other thing that was a sight was the group of students that captured most of the other teenagers’ attention. Especially two teens who happened to be having what appeared to be a screaming battle. Screaming battle that ended once ice e/c eyes found Julie’s across the hallway.
“Lost something, shorty?” The unknown girl snaps, “MIND YOUR BUSINESS!”
Her words had caused the boy she had previously been fighting with to sigh in shame before looking her way.
Julie’s breath got stuck in her throat.
The boy was beautiful. Scratch that, he was handsome. Untaimed brown hair with wild hazel —maybe green— eyes, the boy could be anyone’s dream boy.
“Y/N, could you not?”
Julie’s brown eyes move to the girl glaring daggers at her only to have her heart skip a beat. The girl —Y/N apparently— was breathtakingly beautiful. She had wavy h/c hair with some dark blue streaks that matched her skin color perfectly and powerful e/c eyes.
Said girl rolls her eyes before glaring at Julie once more before focusing once again on the pretty boy besides her.
“Fine. I won’t. But this conversation is over”
“We haven’t even had the conversation!” The boy argues back.
“And it’s over!”
The dark-dressed girl stomps off leaving the boy groaning in frustration. Julie taking that opportunity to check out the rest of the group.
With her back pressed to a locker decorated with different colorful fabrics stood a light brown haired girl —could be dark blonde— with brown eyes dressed in a beautiful pink dress and black heels to match. She seemed to be debating whether to follow her friend or staying still.
Besides her was a dark-haired boy with sky blue eyes standing out thanks to his pale skin. He was wearing a leather jacket on top of a white shirt, with a red flannel tied on his waist, and black jeans. His eyes glued to the floor.
Lastly, there was the blond boy with a pink hoodie and blue —sometimes green— eyes. He seemed to be pretty used to what had just happened.
The blond one is the one who noticed her still staring at them, offering a sweet smile before walking towards her and stretching his hand.
“Hi, I’m Alex. I’ve never seen you before”
She grabs his hand with a small smile, “Julie. I’m new”
Her name seems to snap the leather jacket boy from his trance, his bright blue eyes soon finding hers with a big smile adorning his features.
“You’re the girl that sang for Flynn on the school’s talent show! I’m Reggie”
Julie blushes as soon as he speaks, everyone’s eyes staring at her with realization and a little of awe.
“Flynn is my best friend, I just wanted to help her out”
“Well, it worked for you. You got a scholarship” pretty boy adds, “I’m Luke”
Julie cannot help the way her smile grows as soon as he smirks at her. He seriously had to be the most gorgeous boy she had ever seen.
The pretty light brown haired girl with the pink dress joins her friends in greeting her, Julie blushing under the vibrant smile she gives her.
“Hi! I’m Carrie”
Julie goes to grab her hand but the girl —Carrie— pulls her in for a hug. The gesture has Julie’s shoulders tensing, she hadn’t willingly hug anyone after her mother’s death a few months ago, but she soon forced herself to relax.
This was a new start. No pity stares or whispers directed at her.
“It’s nice to meet you guys”
After that meeting the curly-haired girl became a part of their weird group of friends. Soon learning that the beauty ice queen dressed in all black was Y/N Y/L/N, Los Feliz High School’s prodigy and Luke’s girlfriend.
It was no secret that the girl was talented, but she was as talented as scary. Julie hadn’t listened too much of everyone’s warnings, she was sure it was all because of how she dressed and acted and not at all for the kind of person she truly was.
Boy, was she wrong.
She learned that the hard way after getting a role on a play Y/N wanted. A role that played Luke’s romantic interest.
She had ended up one rehearsal with hot coffee thrown at her and icy e/c eyes glaring daggers at her with a sweet —fake— smile. Luke’s apologies were not enough to calm the humiliation Julie felt.
And even if the brown-haired latina wasn’t fond of vengeance, she couldn’t stop herself. And if she kissed Luke longer than necessary after sending a wink the goth girl’s way, it was a mere coincidence.
A coincidence that resulted in her having to watch her back every time she stepped on school’s property.
But things did get better with time and Julie and Y/N became kinda friends. At least enough for Y/N to tolerate Julie and for Julie to not be afraid to sit close to the scissors fanatic.
They were okay. As okay as someone could be with the girl who kissed the other’s boyfriend. But okay nevertheless.
But the more time she spent at the school and the closer she got to all of them, the more she doubted the health of Luke’s and Y/N’s relationship. Today being one of those days.
“What are you saying?!”
“I’m just saying, what kind of friend sends you eight messages in a lapse of five minutes?!”
As soon as the words leave the screaming girl’s mouth, Luke’s phone rings signaling the arrival of another text message making Y/N’s glare darken.
“Nine” she growls.
“You don’t even know if it’s from her!”
Y/N glares at him in disbelief, “Okay! Then prove me wrong!”
With a scoff, Luke gets his phone out before checking the recipient of the message only to let out a sigh that proves his girlfriend right.
He nods in defeat, “Nine. B-but this is ridiculous! She is my FRIEND”
“How naive are you?!”
The couple fights for a couple more minutes before Luke’s gaze finds Julie in front of her butterfly and music doodles decorated locker. The rockstar grabbing his girl’s hand before tugging her towards the latina.
Her brown eyes find the couple, widening when they see the coldness in Y/N’s eyes before trying to make a run for it.
She doesn’t make it far as Luke’s hand grabs a hold of her wrist keeping her in place.
“We need your help”
“No, we don’t” Y/N argues back.
“YES, we do”
Julie looks at her surroundings looking for a way to get out of there but finding nothing. Where was Alex when she needed him?
“Guys, I really don’t want to be in the middle of whatever this is”
She tries to leave but once again Luke pulls her back, “Too late. If you were my girlfriend—”
“HA! What a perfect way to start”
Luke glares at his girlfriend for the interruption before turning towards Julie once again, failing to notice how uncomfortable the situation was making the latina.
Somehow she was once again in between them, although this time it wasn’t her fault.
“If you were my girlfriend” he starts again, “Would it bother you if I was friends with Kayla?”
“Who cares what she thinks?” / “Honestly, it would”
Both girls speak simultaneously. Y/N’ eyes widening as soon as the Latina’s words register, grabbing a hold of the girl’s shoulders to keep her in place.
“I care what she says” Y/N smiles.
“I want to leave” Julie adds before trying to move only for Y/N’s hold to tighten.
“You stay” she barks.
The argument wasn’t unlike many others, Y/N’s temper wasn’t the best and that meant she sometimes got too jealous. It didn’t help that Luke Patterson didn’t know when to say no nor know the difference between friendly and flirty.
It was just another Luke and Y/N argument, nothing to worry about. Except it was different. Julie realized that as soon as Y/N let go of her and started walking away.
“We’re DONE”
The words had everyone in the hallway quiet down and stare at the ‘it’ couple. Eyes settled on Luke’s surprised reaction and Y/N’s tensed body.
“Come on” Luke voices “You’re being ridiculous”
“What do you care?!” She screams back before starting to leave, “You’re not my boyfriend anymore”
Word around the school traveled fast and soon girls were following Luke around begging for his attention, much to his annoyance.
On the other hand, every time a guy tried to get near Y/N she would turn her icy glare at them and have them running away in seconds.
It was a weird and new situation. Especially at lunch. It was weird seeing the former couple sitting on opposite sides of the table instead of at the side of the other with Luke’s arm resting on Y/N’s shoulders.
It was new territory to have Luke inevitably —as a habit— reach for Y/N only to have her snap at him to not touch her, just as she did to everyone else.
But that was what they had to deal with for two weeks.
Two weeks is how long it took for Y/N to ask Luke to take her back only to have him reject her. Two weeks that made Y/N go crying to Julie’s house, the only one of her friends —not really her friend— whose opinion mattered much less than the others.
“What are you doing in my house?” Is the first thing that Julie says as she sees the other girl.
Y/N gets into the house without waiting for an invitation before starting to sob, Julie standing there in panic as she sees the cold hearted teenager break down.
The latina tries to go for a hug only to be pushed back.
“I need your help”
A long talk later, Y/N convinced the Molina girl to help her get Luke back. Somehow, Julie had the fantastic idea that she had to change.
Y/N Y/L/N was a time bomb. Always ready to explode without a care on who she takes down. That had to change.
Julie realized then that the girl was truly in love with Luke. Y/N was letting her —Julie Molina— see her cry her eyes out just to ask for help to get him back. She was letting Julie give her a makeover just to get him back.
She was truly in love.
The next day at school everyone stared wide-eyed at the beauty that was Y/N Y/L/N in a colorful outfit and a wide smile —though it was a fake one—.
Everyone except Luke. The brunette boy stared at his former girlfriend with furrowed eyebrows not liking the change, his expression not changing even when Alex and Reggie complimented her.
He also couldn’t help the glares he sent any boy who came to flirt with her, his glares darkening every time she flirted back. This was not his girl and he knew whose fault it was.
His now dark green eyes find Julie’s proud smile across the hall and soon he stomps towards her, grabbing her by the arm before taking her to the janitor’s closet.
“What did you do to Y/N?”
Julie furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she sees the angry look the guitarist is giving her, but soon smirks as she confuses it with jealousy.
“What? Jealous of the attention she is receiving?”
“Actually, I’m mad that she is receiving the attention for dressing like a Barbie” he argues back, “That is not her, that is not the girl I love”
Julie’s eyes widen after the boy’s words before he storms off, leaving her with an unexpected knowledge.
The latina goes to look for Y/N as soon as she snaps out of her trance only to find said girl in the bathroom back in her black clothes while doing her dark eyeshadow.
“Wha—ho—I’m confused”
“Being nice sucks” she answers as she finishes her makeup, “Thanks for the help but, if I can be honest, I was better without it”
“Bu— and Luke?”
“If he ever wants to get back together it has to be with me, the real me. Not a version of me dressed in awfully ridiculous clothes”
“Those were my clothes”
“Exactly my point”
With that Y/N walks out of the bathroom ignoring the looks that followed her figure, leaving Julie once again at loss of words.
A week after, Luke and Y/N were back together and closer than ever. But the honeymoon phase faded and the fights started once again. But Julie learned to see the beauty in their arguments.
Every argument got Luke out of his perfectly peaceful demeanor and got him to voice his thoughts out more, it helped him stand up more for himself. And every argument showed the depth of Y/N’s feelings for the guitarist, it showed how much she cared.
It’s just that sometimes they didn’t know when to stop arguing.
Of course now Julie wasn’t blind to their little moments. The way Y/N always stopped when Luke asked her to or how Luke always kissed the girl’s temple sweetly.
Or how when Bobby —Sunset Curve’s (which was the boys’ band) rhythm guitarist (who she hadn’t met)— left the boys, it was Y/N who approached the curly-haired girl thinking she was the perfect fit for the remake of the band.
It was Y/N, who barely tolerated her, who adviced them to change the band’s name as they changed their sound slightly. Julie and the Phantoms, had been her idea after the boys ghosted the girls on the group chat.
Julie knew the only reason why Y/N had done that was because she knew how much the band meant to Luke.
She wasn’t blind to how Luke would only ever snap when it was to protect Y/N, even if he knew she was perfectly capable of doing it herself. Or how he always bought a hot chocolate with his coffee for her.
With time, Julie realized it kinda made sense why they were together even when she couldn’t quite completely understand it.
But soon the fights started again, this time worst than ever. It was different because instead of bickering until one gave in, neither seemed interested enough in fighting.
It worried all of them because their fights —as annoying as they sometimes were— showed how much each cared. Now it seemed they didn’t.
To be completely fair, Julie understood if anyone outside their group saw the relationship as toxic. She had seen it as toxic once. But it just made sense in a weird way. It just made sense for the kind of people they were, they complemented one another.
But this time the fights were just too much. That’s why when the traditional friend group game night happen, Y/N and Luke weren’t invited.
Carrie —Y/N’s undoubted best friend— was sick of fainting every time she got stuck in the middle, the innocent and kind girl couldn’t take the stress.
Reggie, the boyish teenager with the purest heart ever, didn’t want to cry anymore. He couldn’t handle the screaming and that’s all the couple did.
Alex, on the other hand, was tired of having to grab his asthma medicine every time they appeared. The fights making him get too anxious which always caused him a panic attack which led to his inability to breathe which led to an asthma attack.
No one could take it anymore.
So they decided to have an evening free of them, one well deserved. But it didn’t work as planned as the couple stormed into Julie’s home half an hour after everyone started playing Monopoly.
“See! Told you they’d be here”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “So? What does it matter if they’re at dumbass’ house?”
Julie rolls her eyes at the insult but nevertheless listens closely to the couple, all her friends groaning in annoyance at the interruption.
“It matters because our friends, our best friends, don’t want to be near us anymore!” He argues “Doesn’t this bother you?”
“Not really” she shrugs, “Should it? Wait... does it bother you?”
“It does! They’re our best friends and they can’t stand us”
Y/N crosses her arms across her chest before turning to glare at their friends, Carrie hiding under the table with a shriek as soon as she sees her best friend gaze at her.
Seeing the icy glare that the girl throws at them, Reggie shakily takes a deep breath before standing up and looking at them with annoyance.
“Yes! We can’t stand either of you!” He shouts, “We wanted a day free of you both because all you ever do is fight! And, somehow, you always seem to drag us to the middle of it. We’re tired!”
As soon as Reggie finishes, the dark-haired boy sits down with a huff. His shoulders feeling less tense as he let out his emotions.
The couple watched their best friends with mixed feelings, neither expecting the outburst and much less from Reggie. Reggie who had always been one to avoid conflict.
“I cannot believe this” Luke sighs “Reggie snapped at us. REGGIE”
“This is you fault!” She accuses “How hard is it to just agree with me?!”
The four friends sighed in defeat as they listened to the couple bicker once more with one another, how had a fun night turned to a nightmare all of a sudden?
They silently decided to just stay in their seats waiting for the couple to stop the nonsense as they always did.
The words cut through Y/N’s strong façade in a second, the glare faltering as Luke’s eyes widen after realizing what he had said.
No one dared move nor say anything. Everyone had their eyes on the couple that seemed to be coming to terms with how bad the situation had become.
“Fine” she sighs in defeat “You have a choice. I’m walking out that door and counting to ten, if you’re not out before I finish we are DONE”
Luke sighs frustrated as he watches her leave, the door closing with a thud behind her.
He stays still on his place with his fists clenching as he fights the urge to run to her and scream at her what was the reason for this ultimatum.
Luke knows he needs to calm down. He has to. He had to if he wanted to be able to go after her without fighting as soon as he saw her.
Y/N counted behind the door, staring at it with nerves as she asks herself how he could take so long to come after her. What was taking him so long to decide that she was worth going after?
The four friends behind Luke stare with wide eyes as they try to figure out what is it that the brunette is going to do.
They want him to go after her. Carrie, Reggie, and Alex more than Julie. The three best friends had been there throughout all the relationship. They had seen Luke be the only one brave enough to pursue the cruel beauty. They had seen Y/N being the only one that cared more about Luke’s heart than his looks.
They knew how much this relationship was worth. Even with all the fights, they knew the love the two had for one another was deeper than any outsider could understand at first sight.
He had to go after her.
Luke sighs looking towards his friends once before deciding what he wants to do. He can’t lose her, no matter how much they fight.
No one understood him like she did. No one cared enough to tell him when he was wrong or to fight with him until he fought for what he wanted.
Y/N feels her eyes widen as she realizes how much time he is taking. It should’ve been easy, he shouldn’t have even let her count to three.
He should’ve opened the door the second she closed it.
Sighing, Luke starts slowly making his way towards the door. His best friends sighing in relief as they see him do it.
Julie, though, watches closely as the boy’s shoulders tense the closer he gets.
Carrie furrows her eyebrows once she sees Luke starting to halt in his steps. She knew Y/N better than anyone, Y/N had been the only one willing to take the ‘obnoxious naive superstar’s daughter’ under her wing and be completely honest with her.
She knows better than anyone that if Luke lets her walk away just like her father let her mother walk away with her, that’ll break her.
Luke grabs a hold of the handle but for some reason he can’t bring himself to turn it and open the door.
Something feels wrong about opening it, almost as wrong as it feels to not open it.
He is scared of what it means if he opens it, or how easily he gives in. Something had to change. Maybe he needed to let her walk away, Y/N always came back. She would go to his house in the middle of the night and they would fix everything.
It would be okay, they would be okay. They always were. This was no difference, they just needed some time to think, to breathe.
So he doesn’t turn the knob.
Y/N feels her heart stop the moment she screams the last number. She feels her heart sink to her stomach as a feeling of abandonment settles in her.
She feels her skin pale and soon reaches for the knob, but she doesn’t allow herself to touch it. He made his choice.
So with every ounce of strength she could find within her, Y/N turns around and makes her way to her car knowing that he could catch a ride with Alex. The tears started accumulating in her e/c eyes but she didn’t let them fall.
Y/N Y/L/N didn’t cry. She wasn’t about to start... at least not in a place where someone could see her.
Inside the Molina’s household, the best friends stare at Luke in disbelief, neither knowing what to say or do now. The Patterson boy makes the decision for them.
“Let’s play some Monopoly”
The statement has everyone else following his movements in silence, knowing better than to act against him.
Carrie, though, is the one that finally breaks the silence as she lets out a quiet sob. She was angry, mainly at herself for not being able to go after her best friend. But she knew better. Y/N was a person who protected her feelings more than anything else, she was in pain and she wouldn’t let it out if someone was watching her. So Carrie had to stay on her seat even if she wanted to run after her.
“You hurt her” whispered the sweet teenager, “I trusted you, she trusted you, with her heart and you hurt it”
It was at that moment, with Carrie’s pretty brown eyes filled with tears as she glared at him with all her willpower, that Luke realized how wrong he had been. He thought it would be okay but Carrie’s reaction proved him wrong.
Carrie showed him that this time was different from the others. If the sweet girl willingly glared at him with so much betrayal than it meant that Y/N wasn’t gonna go to his house at midnight.
It meant he had lost her.
Still, as Luke realized that, he stayed on his seat staring intently at the fake money in his hands. He couldn’t change what he had done.
“Let’s start”
The following weeks were a pain for the group of friends. The group had to divide their time between the former couple and it was exhausting.
But things got better and after a couple of months Y/N and Luke started sitting at the same table with their friends once again. It brought some relief to the group.
The hurt from the breakup still pained them though. Y/N was not used to watching so many girls flirt with Luke and watching him flirt back, and Luke was not used to Y/N moving away from his touch while also enjoying the way some guys’ eyes linger on her figure.
Things had changed and it pained them both, but they were finally okay. As okay as they could be at least.
They still loved each other, but they became good at pretending. Soon three months became five and five became seven. And things were okay, they were friends again without any awkwardness surrounding the group.
Still, Julie was sure she wasn’t the only one who noticed the love they still had for the other. It was the little things. The way their eyes lingered on the other when they thought no one was looking, the smiles they faked to play the part; all signs of how much they still loved the other. Even after everything.
So it did come as a surprised when Y/N announced she had a date.
Apparently some senior that participated on the play with her had the balls to ask her out. And she said yes.
While everyone congratulated the mean girl, Luke made some excuse to leave the table while everyone tried to stop themselves from asking the questions that they new neither of the former couple wanted to answer.
‘Are you okay?’ ‘Do you still love her/him?’
Neither wanted to be asked that because the answers broke them. They weren’t okay. They still were in love with one another.
They were afraid they would never stop being in love with the other.
But neither had to say it. All their friends knew it, because they knew them. That’s why no one was surprised when Julie and the Phantoms was saved by Y/N on their concert at a cafe the night of her date.
The girl had screamed at them for keeping the presentation a secret, the band excusing themselves with the thought of not wanting her to miss her date —although they didn’t want to give her the opportunity to bring her date with her to their concert since that would break Luke.
Either way, they boys’ amps had stopped working and in a panic Julie had texted Carrie. Carrie had been helping Y/N get ready and said girl had grabbed her amps and drove them both to the small cafe.
Date completely forgotten without a care.
“You didn’t have to miss your date for this” Luke tells her softly.
She looks at him as if he had lost his mind, “This is your band, Patterson”
Luke’s heart feels heavy in his chest as he realizes the depth behind her words. This was his band and that meant it meant something to her. It meant as much to her as it did to him because it was his.
The brunette boy feels a smile overtake his features along with a small blush, wanting nothing more than to kiss her right there.
But he didn’t. Instead he kissed her cheek.
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise and soon her perfect skin started acquiring a deep scarlet, which she hid by hurrying Carrie to go find some seats.
If that night Luke sang looking at her too often, then damn him. Who could blame him? Y/N had just giving him more reasons to love her.
After that neither tried to date again. They were silently pining after one another, too afraid to make a move considering the way things ended between them.
But Julie grew tired of it and soon started bugging them to date other people if they weren’t going to date one another.
That’s why when Luke was rejecting Kayla’s date, Julie intervened.
“Sorry, Kayla” he apologizes, “I have rehearsal with the band”
“No, we don’t” Julie smiles “Actually, why don’t you guys come to the concert the school is holding together?”
Luke glared at the talented singer before fake smiling towards the Hawaiian beauty who agreed instantly.
Though once Kayla is out sight, Luke grabs Julie’s arm and pulls her towards the janitor’s closet where he glares at her with dark green eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“You need to date! Get out there, mingle a little”
He shakes his head, “When Y/N finds out about this she’ll despise me”
Julie frowns with confusion, “No, she won’t. She has moved on, you should too”
Luke shakes his head in disbelief making Julie scoff before getting her phone out.
“What are you doing?”
She shushes him before putting her phone on speaker, making Luke’s eyes widen once he sees the called ID being the one of his ex.
He would never voice out loud the way his heart skipped a beat.
“I’m blocking you”, came her cold voice as soon as the call is picked up.
“Wait—Y/N! Don’t hang up!”
A groan is heard making Luke involuntarily smile.
“You have five seconds to tell me what the heck you want before I block you”
“Okay, look, I’m here with Beck—“
“Julie, don’t”
“He’s going with Kayla to the school’s concert, as a date” Julie continues “Just wanted to make sure that’s okay with you”
There’s a ten seconds silence through the line. Ten seconds in which Julie realizes that maybe she was wrong, that maybe she should’ve minded her own business. For so long she had found annoyance in the ways she always ended up in the middle of their problems and here she was, butting in herself.
Ten seconds in which Luke panics. Realizing that he is also awaiting the answer anxiously. There are two ways this could go: Y/N could snap, voicing loudly how she didn’t give a damn, or she could scream asking for answers to questions she shouldn’t have and bad-mouthing Kayla. Both were common in their past. It was a way to showed she cared, that she was jealous and that she wasn’t ready to let him go yet. Both answers would give him the last drop of hope he needed to do something about what he felt towards her.
But when the ten seconds came to an end, neither got an answer they expected from the impulsive ice queen.
“We’re not dating” she reminded them in a voice too soft to be recognized as hers, “We haven’t been for a long time. You don’t have to make sure if it’s okay with me”
“What?”, Luke asks softly, “Y/N, I…”
“I’m being serious right now, Luke”, she continues, “I do appreciate your concern but it’s none of my business who you date”
Silence. Neither Julie nor Luke know what to say or do next. Neither expected the mature response from the H/C haired beauty. Neither knew if they liked it.
“Well, if that was all, don’t call me again”
And she hung up.
Julie stared at her phone in disbelief, but what did she expect? Was she secretly hoping that Y/N would finally snap and this agonizing secret mutual pining they were all forced to endure would finally end? What exactly had she expected to achieve from this?
Definitely not the way Luke was looking right now.
The guitarist looked completely heartbroken and hopeless. The fire that normally resided in his eyes had ceased to exist. And as he looked at one of his best friends while holding tightly onto his backpack’s strap, all that could shine through his eyes was a deep feeling of betrayal.
“You should’ve stayed out of it”, he voiced numbly “She doesn’t despise me. It’s worst, she doesn’t care at all”
“I’ll go on that stupid date, just bug out, will you?”
The days before the concert were painful for every single one of them on their friend group. It was definitely a weird sight to see Luke look so out of it and Y/N so unbothered by it. It was the first time since their break up that their friends doubted the possibility of them ever finding their way back to each other.
When they finally had the courage to ask Luke what was going on, the guitarist told them he had a date with his eyes glued to Y/N body. He was waiting for a reaction, no matter how small it was. Anything really.
But she gave nothing away.
All she did to answer their friends’ curious and astonished gazes was shrug her shoulders and voice she was just trying to finish her song for the school’s concert.
The unbothered air that surrounded her was heartbreaking for everyone around her. It was as if she was truly okay either letting go of Luke and their history. As if she had already given up on them. They couldn’t blame her, it had been a long time since they last were together, but that didn’t change the fact that they all truly believed they were meant to be together and that it was unsettling to see it come to a real end.
Especially by the look on Luke’s eyes. His face may have remained neutral and unfaltering but his eyes could never deceive from his true feelings. He was hurt.
And being hurt but not wanting to show it meant he tried to keep himself as busy as he could until the school’s concert, avoiding all his friends and Y/N especially. And when the time to meet up with Kayla came, Luke had to pretend to be invested in everything she told him; even if most things were just compliments to suck up to him, agreeing to every little thing he said. He didn’t even know if anything that she actually told him was her actual real opinion or if she was just trying that hard to agree with everything he said to be reciprocated.
He didn’t even know anything about who she was and they had been talking for the hour that concert had already been going on.
Favorite song? She would ask his first before saying how much she also loved it. Methods of acting that they found more suitable? She would giggle and twirl her hair waiting for him to answer before giving what she would fake is her own opinion.
It was tiring.
Where was her own fire? Why didn’t she fight back when he disagreed with something she said? Why didn’t she try to show him why she was passionate about it instead of just nodding and giving in?
Why was she making it so easy?
He didn’t like it. He was hating it actually. So he took the first chance he could, excusing himself by saying he needed to refill his drink, to run for it.
That’s how Julie found him after helping the boys set up the instruments for Y/N’s set, which was up next.
“Ooohh, hello, loverboy” she teased him, “Where is your lovely lady of the night?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care”
Julie blinks, surprised by his answer, before grabbing a cup and filling it with the first soda she saw.
“Date not going well?”
“It’s a disaster” he scoffs, “She’s just agreeing with everything I say”
Julie nods, “Isn’t that a good thing, though? Means you have things in common”
“Not really. Not if I don’t know if that is truly what she thinks” he shakes his head “Feels like she’s just trying to agree to everything I say”
“Well, it’s the first date, you know” she sighs, “She probably doesn’t want to fight you on it. Next one will be better”
He shakes his head, “There won’t be a next one”
Luke drinks from his cup while Julie starts stumbling upon her words after what he said. She couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t even gonna give it a chance? The date wasn’t even over yet.
“I think I learned something about myself”
Julie scoffs, “That you’re ungrateful to your friend who tried to help you by fixing you up with a cute girl?!”
“No, I just…” he sighs “I think I kind of like to date a girl who, you know… fights back”
Julie looks at him dumbfounded, not understanding his point.
“I mean a girl who has strong opinions” he continues, “you know? A big mouth”
He shrugs his shoulders, “Cause it’s not easy. Easy is boring”
Julie stares for a good minute before sighing. It kinda made sense. At the end of the day, love was all about growth. Growth didn’t exist without different opinions and dialogues that fought each ideal. It was all about pushing each other to become your very best. How could you do that without bumps along the way?
“Okay…” she sighs, taking a sip of her drink, “Then, who’s not boring?”
Their conversation is cut short by Reggie’s voice on the stage, he had been assigned as the concert’s host and had been doing a magnificent job all night.
“Okay, people! Let’s hear things up with F/N L/N! Let’s go!”
Reggie soon goes to grab the bass as Alex appears behind the drums. Other two students grabbing the guitar and keyboard left.
Luke and Julie take a step closer, that way they have a better view of the stage.
The guitar starts playing the intro as Y/N walks into stage in a cute short black goth dress with fisher nets and combat boots, her hair’s normal blue streaks a dark purple this night. Shortly after she makes her way to the microphone stand the drums join the melody.
And soon her melodious and angelic raspy voice sounds through the place.
“You think you know me
But you don't know me
You think you own me
But you can't control me”
As if it was destined to be, the lyrics bring light to the situation at hand.
There was a reason why Luke and Y/N always ended up gravitating towards one another despite all the horrible fights they endured with each other.
“You look at me and there's just one thing that you see
So listen to me
Listen to me”
Julie feels like smacking herself across the face. The truth was so obvious that she feels dumb to have been so oblivious to it.
“You push me back
I push you back
Harder, harder
You scream at me
I scream at you
Louder, L-L-L-L-Louder”
Luke Patterson was probably one of the most carefree and easy going people she had ever met. He was always carrying this certain peaceful atmosphere around him. He needed someone or something to push him to thrive, to become better than he already was. To fight for his ideals and his dreams. It wasn’t enough to just want them to happen, he had to make them happen and his calm self usually hid from conflict.
F/N L/N was probably the most loud and impulsive person Julie had ever met. Never once had she silenced her opinions, always speaking the truth no matter how cruel it could be. She wasn’t someone who hid from a fight and whenever she wanted something she never stopped until she got it. She needed someone who could stop her when she was going to far, someone to calm the fire that never cease to light up inside of her.
“I'm dangerous so I'm warning you
But you're not afraid of me
And I can't convince you
You don't know me”
There was not one person in the whole world that was meant to be with the other but themselves. They pushed each other, for better and worst. They had the possibility of being the best and the worst thing that could happen to the other.
And as the song keeps going, the truth becomes blinding.
“And the longer that you stay, the ice is melting
And the pain feels okay, it feels okay (hey)”
Luke’s eyes never once stray away from the powerful force that is Y/N as she sings. Her voice loud and powerful as raspy and angelic. His heart beats to the song’s rhythm, unveiling a silent truth that he had been trying so hard to push to the bottom of his being, to afraid of what it truly meant. To afraid of it being to late to mean it.
“You push me back
I push you back
You scream at me
I scream at you
Her e/c cold gaze meets his green eyes and suddenly it seems all the iciness in it melts away. As if only his gaze could have that power over her. As if only he was allowed to see the true kind soul hidden behind the cold walls she had taken so long to build around herself.
“You push me back
I push you back
Harder harder
You scream at me
I scream at you
Louder, L-L-L-L-Louder”
And he knows right there and then, as does Julie and his friends, that it is her. It has always been her. It will always be her.
It is Y/N who pushes him until he finally snaps. It is Y/N who fights for him whenever he doesn’t find the will to do so. It is Y/N who loves him so much that she fights to control her impulses whenever he asks her to.
It had always been her and he had been a fool to ever let her walk away without giving a fight. Especially when she had never stopped fighting.
“I'm dangerous so I'm warning you
But you're not afraid of me
And I can't convince you
And I don't have to I think you know me”
Their relationship was flawed. Maybe even toxic. But it was magical. It was powerful and passionate. And it was real.
Never had they ever been afraid to voice their opinions to the other, even fighting back when they disagreed; yet never settling. Never had they ever been afraid to be vulnerable by showing each other how much they truly cared for one another. Never had they ever stopped loving each other.
The applause make Luke blink out of his daze and realize all this time he had been staring right at Y/N. And she had been staring back.
She offers him a soft smile that to anyone else would look like her usual smirk, but he knew better. He had always known better. And that’s how he knows she is fighting, one last time, for him. She has ignited the flame and it is leaving it to him to turn it off once and for all or help it grow as fierce and wild as it can.
Julie smiles softly, “So, Luke… who’s not boring?”
And he smiles.
Step by step he gets closer to the stage where Y/N is still on, nodding at the standing ovation that is applauding her. Only taking her eyes her eyes off the public once he makes it right at her side.
Everyone’s eyes are on them. Silence.
They stand there for a minute just staring at each other. Y/N with her hand folded in front of her and Luke with both his hands buried in his jean’s pockets.
“I’ve missed you” he finally voices.
She shrugs, acting indifferent, “So what are you gonna do about it?”
Two seconds of silence follow in which Luke pauses to admire her challenging e/c gaze, before taking enough steps to be face-to-face with her. His hand leave the safety of his pockets and find their way to the warm of her cheeks before pulling her towards him, lips meeting anxiously.
And it was like a weight was lifted of their chests, letting them finally breathe without struggle.
No matter the fights, the misunderstandings, disagreements or the toxicity. They would always find their way back to each other because of the truth and purity of their love, which was real. Love was never meant to be perfect but it is meant to keep the other grounded, to push the other to grow.
And that’s what always brought Luke and Y/N back. It’s what always would bring them back.
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infiniteimaginings · 10 months ago
Hi!!! I was just wondering if you could do general dating hc with Andre or Robbie from Victorious! It's alright if you can't have a good rest of your day/night!:)<3
We look good together (Andre Harris x GN!Reader)
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Summary: The students of Hollywood Arts talk about what it's like seeing you two together. Pronouns: You/Yours, They/Them Warnings: None Word Count: 2.3k A/N: I don't write head cannons! Sorry I'm just bad at them! I had an idea of how I was writing this in the beginning and then it turned into something completely different, lmao. Here's the friend group talking about how healthy the couple is lol! <33
André Harris was the guy everybody liked. He was handsome, he was kind, smart, musically talented, supportive, and one of the most laid back people at Hollywood Arts.
No one was surprised when André started dating you, it was going to happen at some point. They were mainly surprised with how the dynamics of your relationship worked.
The relationship everyone was used to, wasn’t the best example for relationships. Jade and Beck broke up multiple times and the entire school was still questioning how and why they were still together.
Regardless, everyone was rooting for you guys since your relationship seemed to be the opposite of theirs. In other words, you’re a couple that people actually enjoy inviting places.
The main group: Tori, Beck, Jade, Cat, and Robbie, (and Rex), all sat at their typical lunch table, waiting for you and Andr é.
Jade groaned, placing her hand in front of her eyes, “Why are we waiting?” She asked, face in it’s typical neutral fashion but, it was clear she disliked having to wait in order to get lunch. 
Tori scrunched her nose at Jades current discomfort, “We’re waiting for André and-” 
“Yeah, yeah, his obsession. What do they have to do with anything?”
Beck looked over to Jade and put his arm around her shoulder, “They’ve been dating for months.”
“Yeah, get over yourself.” Tori told her, moving her bag to grab her phone. She began typing out a message to André, asking when he would get there since Jade was already antsy.
Cat ran her hand through her vibrant red curls, adjusting her top. “I think it’s sweet, they look cute together.”
Jade tapped her fingers on the table, “You think everything is cute.”
The redhead simply laughed, showing her dimples as she shook her head, “You don’t think anything’s cute!” 
A voice from the end of the table spoke up, “You’re just mad that everyone likes their relationship more than yours!” 
The comment caused everyone to turn to that person and Robbie was looking down at…Rex. 
Jade smiled with closed eyes, “Shut your puppet up or I cut off all his little limbs and run his plastic head over.” She spoke, eyes widening slowly before narrowing into a nasty glare.
Robbie rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, “He’s not really wrong, it seems like you don’t like them coming together because they get invited to more things than you.” He mumbled, cowering under the dark haired girl's gaze.
“Why would I care that they get invited to places? I barely like anyone here.” She grumbled, leaning into Beck with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, I unfortunately hang out with the same seven people everyday.”
As she said that, a voice spoke from behind them, “They get invited because they bring the energy up instead of dragging it to the dark parts of our memories that we don’t want to touch.” The voice caused everyone but Jade to jump. 
When they all turned, they were met with the oddest friend they’ve ever made at the school, Sinjin Van Cleef. They had no idea whether that was against their will and he was just around a lot, or if they knew him by choice. They never questioned it. 
Beck shook his head at the typical antics of the boy, “What do you mean?” He asked.
Sinjin lit up and moved his way in between Beck and Tori, “I am so glad you asked.” He spoke, already beginning his story, “Just last week…”
It was tech week, preparing for the next show was a usual occurrence at Hollywood Arts. What wasn’t a normal occurrence was Sinjin being the only person to work everything for a few hours since his crewmates had a project during that period. He was the only person with a free period and had to work on the tech since it was currently a disaster.
As he was trying his hardest not to get frustrated and ultimately give up, you and André walked in, smiles on your faces as you talked about anything and everything. André left his phone during practice before the bell, so you guys decided to get it during your free period instead of interrupting class.
You had continued talking to André, looking around at the lights on stage until you looked up and noticed the curly haired boy tapping on his board for some portion of the tech. You tapped on André, bringing his attention to the seemingly irritated boy.
“Hey Sinjin!” He called, grabbing the boy's attention. Sinjin took off his headphones and gave a half wave to the two, “Hey guys.” 
You waved back but, both of you could tell something was wrong. 
André walked a little closer, Sinjin leaning over the rail to keep eye contact. “What’s up man?” André asked, concern lacing his voice since he could see Sinjin's face was blotched with red, as if he was about to cry.
Sinjin sighed, rubbing his eyes and explained the situation. “The rest of the tech crew can’t come in for this period because of some project.” He began, you and your boyfriend nodding along as he spoke. “We have checks tomorrow, so I have to get all this done before the period ends or we’ll have to delay the show.” 
You hummed, “What all are you guys getting checked?”
“Mics, lighting, and the electric steps.” Sinjin answered, reminding them of the scene where the two characters run up the moving stairs, singing with each other. “Without the crew it just takes longer to hear the feedback from mics, to test the steps and see if they really work, and if the lighting hits right.”
You and André looked at each other, almost having a silent conversation before shrugging and turning back to your friend.
André put his phone back on the chair and took your hand, leading you to the stage. 
Sinjin stood to look at you guys better, “Um, what are you guys doing?”
You shook out your nerves a bit and tilted your head, “What does it look like we’re doing?”
“We’re going to help you set up for checks tomorrow.” Your boyfriend answered, walking to the table on stage with the mics. He handed you one of the mics, strapping his own on, “Do all the mics need testing?” He asked, adjusting his hair so the mic would sit comfortably. 
Sinjin sighed with a smile, relief filling him when you guys said you would help and he shook his head. “Just mics 4, 7, 19, and 23.” He informed, to which the two of you nodded. 
You put your mic on, André making sure it was on right. “So, two runs with the mics, alone. Then we could do…” You trailed off, André finishing your aloud thoughts, “A couple runs with mics and lighting, then a few with the stairs.”
And that’s exactly what the two of you did. The two of you knew the choreography since you were in the performance.
You both helped Sinjin with everything he needed and even a bit more with your personal sights, even going as far to hear from outside the door just to check the feedback. All three of you spent the free period finishing up what Sinjin needed.
Once he reached the floor where you guys were packing up, he adjusted his glasses and thanked both of you profusely.
You waved your hand, “Don’t worry about it, anything to help!”
André shook his head, “You’re our friend Sinjin, if you’re ever in that situation again just text us.”
“He’s serious, and so am I. We’ll always be free.”
 Sinjin finished the memory with a sweet smile on his face, “I have never been helped like that.” He told the group, hands clasped together. 
“That’s because you’re a borderline stalker.” Jade replied, head bobbling as a thin smile painted her face at how Sinjin's expression fell.
Beck sighed, huffing out a breath, “Stop it.” He mumbled to her and she rolled her eyes and shook her head, placing her chin into her palm.
Tori hummed a bit, “I think they’re just helpful people on their own.” She shrugged, playing with the holes in the table. “As a couple they just have a different type of…energy.” She tried to explain, which everyone understood.
Cat nodded and smiled widely, “That’s why I think they’re so cute together! I mean have you seen them when they’re near each other?” She asked, remembering each time she’s seen the two of you together.
You were practicing choreography for a project you had with two other students, in one of the empty practice rooms. André was helping with the original music aspect, and he was the only other one there since Cat and the other person in their project hadn’t arrived yet.
When Cat finally did get there, you were near the end of the choreo, and she felt terrible. She entered the room quietly, trying not to interrupt.
When you did finish the choreography, André stopped playing and turned to you with a bright grin, his eyes shining as he looked at you. You walked over to him with a matching grin and stood in between his legs, hands on his shoulders.
“That was absolutely amazing choreography.” He whispered to you, rubbing your sides.
You were breathing a bit heavy but chuckled nonetheless, “Your fantastic original song is why it feels so put together.” You whispered back, your comment causing him to laugh a bit.
The two of you stayed in that position, whispering sweet nothings to one another as you both felt the warmth from each other's hands.
André pulled you in a little closer, lifting his head up to meet your gaze in that position and you lifted one of your hands to cup his face. You leaned down and placed a small kiss to his lips, humming against them when you pulled apart.
Cat couldn’t hear it well but she was sure she heard the two of you whisper,
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Tori poked her bottom lip out as her eyes were wide in adoration, “That is so sweet.”
Cat pointed to her before clapping a bit, “I know! It was so cute!” She responded, smiling and shimmying her shoulders.
Robbie didn’t quite understand, and he tilted his head, “I don’t get it.” 
“Of course you don’t get it, you have no romance in your life…ever.” A ‘voice’ called from below him, belonging to Rex.
Robbie shook his head and ignored the puppet, “I mean I don’t get it, they’re supposed to like each other. So what if they do it in private?” He asked, his point getting across to all of them.
Tori tilted her own head, “It’s not just in private though. They show that kind of affection all the time and…” She paused, trying to find the right words.
Beck apparently knew the right ones as he swooped a hand through his hair, “Their affection towards one another extends to how they treat other people.” He explained with a nod of his head. “Therefore, making them an extremely likable couple.”
Jade pursed her lips, “Those are just two experiences, for all we know they probably don’t even…what is it..” She mumbled, “Communicate, or whatever.”
Tori raised her brow, pulling up her phone before showing Jade a few pictures. “They got André a custom guitar and a keyboard that his favorite artist used in concert.” She began, holding her finger up when Jade tried to speak, “And his grandma likes them.” She nodded along with her own words, dropping something everyone was surprised about.
“That doesn’t mean-”
This time, Beck actually cut in, “André pulled strings and got them as a backup dancer for their favorite singer's music video.” 
“But do they communicate? You don’t know.”
Cat pursed her lips to the side, “I’m sure they communicate if they’re still together.”
“I mean Beck and Jade are still together, so clearly communication doesn’t mean much.” A voice from Robbies direction spoke out.
This apparently brought Jade to silence as she clenched her jaw and her eye twitched. That was until she suddenly stopped and she blinked at the group with a weird look, “When did this become a share circle?”
“When did what become a share circle?” A voice asked from the side of the table.
You and André sat at the end of the table, it was a little cramped and once they all realized, the main group's eyes went straight to Sinjin. The curly haired boy stood with his mouth in a line, waving goodbye as he walked away.
André’s arm was around your waist and you were holding both of your phones. “Sorry we’re late, the teacher held us back for a minute.” You explained, André confirming with a nod of his head.
“What were you guys talking about?” André asked, raising a brow at everyone, minus Jade, smiling at them.
Tori stood up and shook her head, “Nothing.” She spoke suspiciously with a smile, everyone standing up after her, including you and André.
Jade rolled her eyes, “They were all talking about what a great couple the two of you were.” She spoke, her expression neutral.
The two of you looked at each other and then back at your friends, “What?” You asked simultaneously.
Beck walked with Jade, his arm around her shoulder still, “You two just look good together is all.” He spoke, walking past you. 
The rest of your friends agreed, beginning their walk to the restaurant you guys decided you were going to for lunch.
The two of you were a little shocked so you were stuck, hand and hand, standing in the lunch plaza of your school.
You looked at your boyfriend and shrugged, “I mean, they aren’t wrong.” 
André laughed and shook his head, “Nope, they’re not.” He hummed, walking with you to catch up with your friends. “We do look good together.”
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underoospeterparker · 2 years ago
can we pleaseeee have a fic of Jade and fem reader being together on Tory's first day and Tory accidentally spills coffee on reader and when she tries to wipe it up Jade gets really pissed off and later just pulls Y/N to sit on her Lap.
this is so cute!
blurb, jade west x fem!reader, victorious
warnings: literally nothing except tiny bit of swearing
jade was forced to walk tori around the school to show her around by the guidance counsellor. apparently it would be good to 'broaden her horizons' by 'welcoming a new student to hollywood arts'. what a joke.
tori was, in short, the most basic girl jade had ever met. she was wearing the latest style, and of course, she carried a vanilla latte. her hair was platted to her face, clothes so bright it made jade want to vomit. disgusting.
"and.... here's the lockers. one last thing, and i swear to god, if you touch my girlfriend, i'll rip you to shreds-" jade was interrupted by a quiet voice.
"hi, baby!" you smiled up at your girlfriend. her usually angry eyes softened when she saw your smile. it never failed to brighten up her day.
"hi, sweetheart," your girlfriend murmured, letting out a small smile.
tori's annoying voice interrupted your conversation. "who's this?" she asked perkily, so cheerful it annoyed jade. in her eyes, you were the only one who could be bubbly in the mornings and she wouldn't get annoyed at you, ever. jade was a softie when it came to you.
jade rolled her eyes and proceeded to not respond, so you did it for her. "um, i'm (y/n), i'm, uh, jade's girlfriend." you stuck out your hand after your introduction, which tori took enthusiastically. "welcome to hollywood arts, i guess," you murmured.
you were kind of anxious introducing yourself to new people. you were scared of what they thought of you, which jade picked up on almost immediately. once people got to know you, they understood the person you really were.
jade grabbed your hand, squeezing it gently. her thumb gently stroked the back of your hand, trying to comfort you without words.
"you okay?" she said quietly.
"yeah, i'm good."
she smiled at you gently. "let's go eat?"
tori interrupted your conversation again. "do you mind if i join you guys? i don't really know anyone else yet, and-"
"sure, loser, you can hang with us."
the tables were crazy crowded, but you managed to find one outside. your table was you, jade, tori, beck, andre and robby.
while eating lunch, jade casually rested her hand on your thigh, and you loved the warmth of it. she always made you feel so safe with her.
tori suddenly stood up. "i'm just gonna go use the bathroom, i'll be right back-"
she got up from the table, but not before the remnants of her vanilla latte spilled all over you. the cup dropped to the floor and tori stood in shock. "oh my god, i am so sorry. here wait-"
she grabbed some tissues from a nearby table and tried to mop up the mess she had made on your clothes.
jade was watching the scene, infuriated with this girl who had just spilled a drink all over her girlfriend. "stop," she said calmly.
jade effortlessly pulled you onto her lap, where you rested comfortably as she tried to remove the stains on your shirt herself. she was so gentle. after trying her best, your shirt still looked like an absolute shit show.
you looked down, giggling at what you saw on your shirt. jade took the opportunity to plant a kiss on your forehead. she mumbled against your forehead, "i swear, i'm gonna kill that girl."
I have another jade west x reader fic coming soon!
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beah388love · 11 months ago
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Favourite things about each other
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist TUA Masterlist
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: Favourite things about each other
Warnings: Mentions of sexual themes,bad language!!! (please tell me if I missed any!!!)
His favourite thing about you:
He loves your waist, he loves to hold your waist and he he will always pull you to his side by the waist if he was being protective of you for example if a guy even smiled at you.
He loves your boobs a lot, he can't help but stare at them - it's like his 'eyes just always end up there' after you started dating he didn't even hide it he'd just stare openly. He loves your boobs so much and he always lays on top of you in bed and lays his head on your chest.
He loves your eyes. He can't help but stare at your eyes all the time too, he loves the way your eyes light up when your excited and the way you bat your eyelashes when your trying to get something you want. He loves the making eye contact with you and he loves the way he can read everyone else but you, he can never seem to read your eyes like he can everyone else's.
He loves how feisty you are, like the time some girl winked at him and you went off your nutter.
"Excuse me? Why don't you come back over here and do it again you little-" you yelled as you went to follow her but five pulled you back "easy tiger...calm down" he smirked and he had to bribe you your favourite food to let the girl be and not follow her.
"Fine but I'm getting my food cause I'm hangry now" you huffed and five couldn't help but smirk as he Followed after you. (Sort of beck and Jade relationship yknow except five kill's people- )
Your favourite thing about him:
You love his dimples, you can't help but kiss both of them when he smiles at you and he shakes his head with a smirk "why do you do that?" He smirks and you smile "their so cute" "I am anything but cute" he said grumpily and you scoffed "whatever grandpa" you muttered and he heard it but just smirked to himself as he went back to doing what he was doing.
You love how smart he is, "so if that equals that then If we-" "your so smart yknow that?" You said before giving him a kiss on the cheek as you rested your arms from behind him on the chair he was sitting on.
"Yeah I do know that actually" he smirked making you roll your eyes with a laugh. "Your so annoying anyway carry on smarty pants" you giggled as he carried on telling you all these math questions with letters and god knows what that you had no clue about but listened to anyway.
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calqlate · 4 months ago
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PAIRING(S): zhongli x f! reader + diluc x f! wife! reader
SUMMARY: As the wife of the famous big shot in the wine industry, you have everything you could ever ask for — a beautiful mansion, endless wealth, servants at your beck and call... However, you lack the one thing you yearn for: love. With your beloved husband neglecting you and being stuck in a loveless marriage, you decide to end it all, only to be stopped by a man whom you have never met before, and who also coincidentally happens to be your soulmate. In addition, there just might seem to be more than what meets the eye in regards to your peculiar soulmate, and you just might have to find that out for yourself.
TAGLIST (italicised blogs are unable to be tagged, pls dm me with your updated username): @crescentmoonnn + @deeomi + @esthelily + @holaseniorahoe + @loving-august + @mshope16 + @needsleep3000 + @nerdiel-has-no-braincells + @saintbernardthethird + @seyboo + @thelonelyarchon
A/N: apologies for the wait, school has been a pain in the butt (and grad school applications have been insane). here's the new chapter!
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Upon reaching the entrance of Wangshu Hotel, you turned to face Zhongli and bowed, “Thank you for accompanying me, Mr. Zhongli. I appreciate it.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Zhongli mirrored you and returned the bow, a small smile on his face.
There was a moment of comfortable silence as you made eye contact with Zhongli. With the way the sun was setting slightly in the distance, the sun’s rays were angled in such a manner whereby Zhongli was seemingly casted in a golden halo, making him seem ethereal. Otherworldly, even. Somehow, that particular moment looked immensely picturesque, yet hauntingly familiar.
“You have been staring at me for some time,” Zhongli’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you blinked, “Is there perhaps something on my face?”
“No, no, not at all!” you shook your head and smiled, “I just thought that you looked wonderful in the light.”
Zhongli stared at you, unblinking. Neither him nor you were speaking, and the weight of your earlier sentence settled over you. Oh, Archons, I just blurted whatever I had on my mind without thinking again, didn’t I?
Your face flushed bright red in embarrassment as you choked out, “I’m sorry! I have a tendency to speak freely sometimes.”
To your surprise, Zhongli chuckled as his eyes crinkled into little crescent moons, “There is no need to feel ashamed. It’s quite a refreshing habit you have.”
“That’s a really polite excuse,” you groaned as you smacked yourself inwardly. You really needed to stop being so loose-lipped. You nodded your head in the direction of the hotel as you spoke, “I should head back now.”
“I hope you rest well tonight,” Zhongli said as he clasped his hands behind his back with a nod.
“Goodbye, Mr. Zhongli,” you said as you raised your hand up for a wave before turning around to head back into the hotel.
Zhongli watched your figure retreat into the hotel. Only did he see you get past the double glass doors and were safely tucked into the premises then he finally made his own trip back to the funeral parlour.
(Knowing how nosy his boss could be, Celestia forbid her from badgering him for his whereabouts.)
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While drying your hair with a towel, you sat down in front of the little dressing table and pulled the little trinket you had received earlier in the day out of its paper bag. It was a fazhan hairpin made out of jade, adorned with Glaze Lillies crafted from minerals on one end of it.
The moment you laid your eyes on the hairpin, something stirred in your heart. You furrowed your brows together as you picked it up gently, cradling it in your palms. This hairpin seemed... familiar, somehow, but you could not understand why. It was your first time laying eyes on it, and you had never chanced upon hairpins with a similar design before.
“Ma’am! I’ve found something!” you called Madam Ping over.
The old woman walked over and eyed the accessory in your hands before her eyes widened for a fragment of a second. Before you could ask her what was wrong, she smiled gently at you, “Wonderful choice, child.” A pause, then she asked, “Do you like it?”
“It is beautiful,” you said as you stared at the hairpin, a smile spreading across your lips. Waves of nostalgia surged in your veins, tinged with... sadness? Melancholy? You could not quite place a finger on the name of the emotion that was filling you.
“This hairpin has finally found its owner,” Madam Ping smiled, “I hope you will create beautiful memories with it this time.”
You nodded, taking her cryptic message as a passing remark, “I will.”
You rolled the hairpin back and forth between your fingers, the dim lighting of your hotel suite reflecting off the Glaze Lilly decorations in a sparkly manner. A part of you could not bear to wear it; you wanted to keep it in a glass box and immortalise it as a souvenir from your trip. However, an innate part of you was insisting that you should not do that, and instead wear it out as intended.
Carefully, you set it down on the dressing table, I’ll wear it out tomorrow.
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You were standing in an expansive field full of Glaze Lillies. No matter how far you walked, it seemed like there was no end to this particular flower field. You walked leisurely, admiring the endless sea of flowers surrounding you.
You halted your footsteps, closed your eyes, and took a deep breath in. The air was fresh and the fragrant scent of the flowers permeated in the air.
You opened your eyes, drinking the scenery in. This entire place was picturesque, as if you had stepped right into a painting. If only your husband were here—
“There you are.”
You turned around at the sound of a voice, your eyes settling on the figure of a man approaching you. The man was dressed in a long, dark brown robe dotted with golden accents, his head partially blurred out due to the sunlight obstructing your view as well as the distance between the both of you. Despite not being able to discern his countenance properly, you could instinctively tell that this man was the one your heart was beating so ardently for: your husband.
However, as the distance between both of you grew smaller, the sunlight started framing his face in a better angle and his features grew all the more clearer: straight, dark hair with gold tips and a matching pair of eyes set on a handsome face, with skin so fair it could rival that of the colour of a Glaze Lily’s petals. It was not Diluc; it was the funeral parlour consultant, Zhongli.
While he was not who you were expecting, your lips curled upward into a smile as if it were second nature to you. You could feel the warmth in your chest overflow you and fill every vein in your body, with every cell in your body having an affectionate reaction to this man. You opened your mouth to call out his name, but not a single word came out: your mouth was indeed moving, but your voice was completely muted, as if someone had muted the audio function on a video.
“What were you thinking about so intently?” Zhongli asked as he stood next to you, hands clasped behind his back.
“The war,” you answered as your smile dropped considerably at the thought of the heavy topic, then averted your gaze to the side, “Just... I wish that it didn’t have to reach this point.”
Zhongli’s smile took a bittersweet edge to it, “There is no need to worry. Just think of this war as one to quell some... social unrest.”
You snorted, “That’s a really polite way of putting it. What would the other adepti think?”
“I am sure they would agree and give similar remarks of their own,” he responded. There was a brief pause as his gaze softened, “After this is all over, may I ask you to accompany me for some tea?”
You turned your head and met his gaze: it was warm, sincere, and full of affection — a look that would not be given to mere acquaintances. In addition, his tone of voice felt as though there was something he wanted to tell you. Something deeper and perhaps even more intimate. If it were up to you, you would have asked him to spill the beans there and then, but given the situation of the aforementioned war (which you had very little idea about), you concluded that you would wait. Once everything wad over, you would sit him down and ask him to confide in you and confess everything to you.
You could only smile and nod, “Of course. You know I’d never pass up tea from the one and only—”
You tried verbalising his name out loud again, but your voice was seemingly robbed from you once more. However, it seemed that he did hear you say his name: Zhongli’s response was a simple hum, and both of you turned to admire the sea of Glaze Lillies in comfortable silence.
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When the morning came, you awoke with your eyes feeling heavier than ever, as if you had cried for a long time. You raised your hand to your cheeks, feeling damp skin beneath your fingertips. Your fingers glided higher towards the base of your eyes. With one quick swipe, you felt moisture on your skin. Was I crying in my sleep?
At that moment, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. You reached out and grabbed it, seeing a notification pop up, reading that a bank transfer had been made to your account. You unlocked your phone to check the deposit, which your bank app read, “Incoming bank transfer from Diluc Ragnvindr”, and below it was a string of numerical digits. A text message soon popped up from your husband, which read, “Have fun in Liyue”.
You frowned. You were rudely reminded of this particular trait of your husband which you detested: sending you money instead of checking in on you or spending time with you. You scoffed, Does he really believe that quality time can be bought with money?
Whatever the case may be, you refused to use his money. No, not when it was a cheap means to placate you. Husband be damned; you were going to spend your own money and have fun on your own in this foreign country.
You eyed the hairpin glittering from its spot on the dresser and grinned. The first thing on the agenda would be accomplished with the accessory.
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