#Because i failed 1st grade and idk shapes
piquuroblox · 19 days
I bring to you good news! After sitting in Qwel’s art stream for exactly 2 hrs (most of it was just unrelated YAPPING) we have been informed that ALL the skins will be added (dont worry shrimpo and Astro just haven’t been made yet. Also blame the bad quality on Qwel not me)
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ALSO new skins concepts! (Ofc, none have been confirmed to be added to the game just yet)
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Unrelated but the scraps skin kinda reminds me of my own Really old skin ideas (i like dessert themes a lot)
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luffythinker · 3 months
I'm glad your back cause I've had next to nobody to talk about Naruto/mha Au's with I have a lot of thoughts idk what this ask is but just my thoughts
Gaara is so Todoroki but also Sai is so Todoroki
How do you think Naruto would get along with Deku? I think his loud personality would be a sharp contrast to how quiet Deku is but also I can see him understanding but also not agreeing with Deku alot on different things. Both of them definitely end up getting a lot of hero costume upgrades due to destroying them. I think Naruto wouldnt like the way Bakugo sort of bullies Deku in the beginning and he would try and pick fights with Bakugo, Naruto would bring out the worse in Bakugo and try to rival him and square up him they would be so choaticlly funny together like can you not see Naruto getting angry someone compared to Bakugo because of his brashness?
Your just like that class A punk
I think Sakura would always be flailing her arms at "don't you care how Naruto's making our class look?" At either their homeroom teacher or classmates who dont give a damn about how they represented like Sasuke.
20 kids in the class idk id Kakashi would be a pro hero or their homeroom teacher but I'm going for homeroom I know that's not how it works but I'm gonna say Naruto's class is class C I know class C isnt hero course but let's pretend it is
1st years Naruto Sasuke Sakura Kiba Shino Hinata Shikamaru Ino Choji Maybe Gaara Tamari? Sai? Hanabi?
My exception for Hanabi is she skipped a grade I could say this for Konohamaru as well but I dont want him in Naruto's class he isnt exceptional enough
I'm running out of characters so I might pick up some side characters from filler arcs like
Sumaru from the star village cause I like that arc
Menma from the menma memory mission
Sora from shippuden filler
Sasume from the fuma clan
Yakumo from the Kurenai filler she was really cool character
Amaru from the Shippuden movie cause I super ran out of characters and needed one and I didnt wanna turn someone into a child
Sai gets transferred over to class C? Or he was put there to be a spy idk I never finished Shippuden so I dont know enough about Sai ( I made it to the part where Shikamaru comforts Naruto about Jiraiya's death) you can spoil me I know a lot of how everything transpires just not the details in between
For the sake of trying to fill the class I put Gaara in this class cause idk if he should actually be in another school, the sand village gives me poor people vibes I know they are not but I feel like Gaara is either really poor or really wealthy and got in on recommendation but also hes too destructive as a kid but also idk how this world would shape Gaara cause the sports festival seems to be for UA only? I feel like it shouldn't be but it is
Tenten Lee and Neji are 2nd years
Kankuro is in support course probably a 2nd year? The reason Temari isnt a 2nd year is because in gonna say she failed her test on purpose to stay with Gaara cause I remember she didnt take the Chunin exam for some reason canonly cause I remember Kankuro saying something about this to her in the Gaara chunin exam arc
Lee would so hype up Deku, Lee is the only quirkless kid going to UA hear me out, think of every character who's quirk has next nothing to do with how strong they are? Now ask yourself do you think they could still do half the stuff they've done I'd having the quirk doesn't matter
I think Bakugo wouldnt like Lee XD he'd call him bowl head or something, Tenten would not like Bakugo XDD I think Tenten should be in hero course but I also think she would do good in support
The first incident is the land of waves incident and while Deku is helping Iida with stain Naruto and Sasuke are fighting Zabuza and Haku that's where their internship lead them
I like to think everyone wanted to intern Sasuke after the sports festival but Sasuke wants to go with Kakashi cause their quirks are similar and he can teach him stuff, Sakura picks Kurenai cause in the anime Kurenai could have taught Sakura genjutsu so maybe their quirks are not so the same but Kurenai can teach Sakura something
Naruto goes with Jiraiya cause he spent a lot of time with him when he was teaching him about the frog thing when he fell off that cliff so Naruto is training with him cause hes the only person who wanted Naruto
Somehow they were lead to the same place and Kakashi figures out something and rush's over cause he has to save his students
Naruto ends up killing Haku I dont know how Zabuza would die but I want them to still go out cause this shaped Naruto very much he makes recalls to this a lot this is a pivotal point in his life Kakashi Naruto Sakura and Sasuke are there to witness Stain save Deku from the Nomu and feel his blood curdling wrath, they are taken to the same hospital as Deku Todoroki and Iida and told the same thing by the chief police cause they should not have been allowed to fight Zabuza, Naruto agrees with Todoroki and agrees to calling the chief police a mutt XD he adds mangy mutt but the situation is explained. Kakashi cant loose his teaching license like Gran torino but he loses taking on interns for a year
This point Naruto and Sakura really try to befriend Deku and his class because they were both put into terrible situations I do not think Sasuke would get along with Todoroki and I dont think he would care for Iida's personality however he would admire his speed
I dont know how to feel about Gaara getting humbled early cause his fight with Naruto in the sports festival would probably be the thing that put Naruto in the hospital with Deku during the sports fes but again I think he could meet him in the license exam but there isnt enough time to focus on truly going all out in a fight in the license exam
In the calvary battle I think Sasuke would form his own team and Naruto would form his own team as well, I think Sakura would want to be on Sasukes team but he dismisses her because from his perspective shes useless and hasn't really done anything so Sasuke would probably try and team up with Lee maybe? When they had their little fight before the tournament cause I plan to have Sasuke get his ass beat by Neji so Lee doesnt fight Sasuke in the tournament.
Naruto's team is Sakura Hinata I wanna say Shikamaru cause again my heart goes out to them but if not Shikamaru Sora cause nobody wants to be on Sora's team cause I remember him being really hyper aggressive starting a fight with Kiba and just being really jerk I do like Sora but he was mean lol Naruto is a rider while Sakura,Hinata and Sora or Shikamaru are horses
I think actually I will go with Shikamaru
Sasukes team is probably just Neji Tenten and Lee cause they might not wan a part with eachother and from Sasukes perspective these people are stronger then the fools in his class but theh wont let Sasuke be a rider which makes him mad, they either want Lee or Neji as the rider in leaning towards Neji he either completely disagrees and leaves the team or just swallows his pride cause beating the other teams Is the focus here.
Kiba Shino are a little mad Hinata ditch them maybe they will team up with Sai?
Just because Kankuro is in support doesnt mean he doesnt take part in this like Mei so sand siblings are back together here Gaara is riding and they are horses, I feel like Gaar would pick anybody to have a 3rd person here so maybe he picks Yakumo cause shes insanely quiet and murderous lol
Neji and Naruto definitely fought in the sports festival, Neji definitely fought Sasuke, I think for the sake of wanting Naruto to fight Neji and not having Naruto fight Sasuke yet I'm gonna say Neji beat Sasuke's ass in the final round for two reasons, Neji has more experience cause hes a 2nd year and I think it would be funny cause Sasuke did have a little rival dynamic with Neji
Making Sasuke more insane that Neji beat him along with Lee then watching Lee fight Gaara has to have pissed him off severely.
They also fight Kabuto maybe and he reveals to them hes evil and drops out of the competition after getting whatever he wants like in the Chunin exams, allowing someone to move up cause hes not there for his fight, I think Kabuto before they knew he was evil was Sasuke's second gay awakening cause Kabuto was kinda really nice to them and saved Sasuke at some point lol I remember pausing it on a scene where Kabuto jumps over on top of Sasuke to save him from an attack at the end of the Chunin exams
Sasuke almost gets disqualified for breaking that sound ninja's arms this is before he fights Neji but somehow he doesn't lol
Sakura having her fight where she cuts her hair. I have a headcanon that Ino gets scared of Sasuke when she witnesse him brutally beat those guys in the Chunin exam so Ino is afraid Sasuke at this point and doesnt pretend to have a crush on him anymore cause ya mans fucking psychopath.
So yeah, i'm gonna say Gaara he was humbled early on that is if he goes to UA I'm very leaning on yes he does go to UA
Sakura and Ino knock eachother out like Kirishima and Tetsutetsu and they have to determine a winner but both girls have 0 want for a rematch idk how this would end I personally think Sakura should win but maybe it would humble her in some way if Ino won showing Ino is still somewhat a stronger person than Sakura like when they were kids idk
I think Kakashi went to UA with Aizawa and Mic along with Gai Obito and Rin that sounds right
I think Sakura and Ino should be paired for the final exams for lesbian reasons/j but no yeah they need to have their argument. I would love Sasuke and Naruto to be paired I ready would but my Shikanaru heart tells me it should have the smartest kid and the dumbest kid working together Tsu and Tokoyami passing depended solely on it Tokoyami would listen to her so it's not far fetch to think Naruto and Shikamaru would depend on Naruto listening to Shikamaru I also kinda want to Sasuke Sakura pair up but Sasuke maybe Hinata because Hinata needs to learn how to have a backbone idk how pairing her with sasuke would do this but it might cause he might need her somehow we are getting
Kiba/Shino cause they are gay
Gaara and Tamari cause he needs to have a moment with his sister and apologize to her again for treating her the way he used to and they can have a heart to heart, and come out on top kinda like Todoroki and Momos final exam
If not Hinata and Sasuke, Hinata and Hanabi so they can work out their issues of Hinata being whatever she is in this AU with their dad and stuff, cause I'm thinking if Hinata is on Sasuke team shes gonna wanna only do as he says but she might try and take charge with Hanabi to protect her but she doesnt believe in her self enough and when something happens Hinata blames her self where Hanabi says she never blamed Hinata for anything that happened however their famliy plays out in this setting
I'm gonna be real with you, I dont really care for Choji and I'm not gonna pair up everyone else cause it's not really important and I dont remember a damn thing from those filler eps but I do remember Sora got on my nerves and Sasume whole thing was pretending to be a boy, Menma died with his ocarina, Sumaru thought he knew better then Naruto, Yakumo was overpowered and just really wanted to kill Kurenai so I have to rewatch those eps to give them plot and relevants
Everyone passes with flying colors
I like the idea we had where Naruto thought they weren't going to training camp and he wanted to go so he convinced Sakura and Sasuke to sneak onto the bus even though they were going anyway and there was no reason for that, that's funny as hell, Sasuke caught acting like a fool moment XD
In the training camp Class C is allowed along and I think either Kakashi or Iruka should be the one taking them cause Iruka having a falling out with Kakashi over the Zabuza thing and not trusting him with Naruto's safety from my AU is my golden goat. It's funny cause when the training camp gets attack hes unable to protect Naruto the way he thought he could.
I think Hinata would get along fine with class A girls, she kinda looks like Jirou, you mentioned before you think Kiba and Kirishima would get along I think they could be friends but Kiba is kinda mean and that's why Kirishima gets along with him cause he gets along with Bakugo. I think Shino scare the piss outta present Mic for fun. I think Kirishima would try to befriend Sasuke I think the Bakusquad would be sort of drawn to being his friend cause hes gloomy.
What does Naruto's training at the camp look like? I should elaborate on their quirks but this is overly long dnfjdjfjf
I'll end it on everyone's location when the camp gets attacked.
Naruto wants to save Sasuke I dont think the league of villains wants Sasuke but the Akatsuki wants Naruto so they maybe either came as a opposing force or are pretending to work with the vanguard squad to get what they want. They sent Itachi and Kisame only and this is where Sasuke gets in his "fight" that fucks his shit up so bad Naruto is running through the forest looking for Sasuke i was gonna say he runs into Deku and Shoji hiding from Dark shadow but I wanna say he runs into Todoroki and Bakugo fighting moonfish I say this so Deku doesnt get help fighting Muscular and saving Kota cause I think Kota would remind Naruto of Konahamaru but he wouldnt like him at first so Naruto and Deku get kicked in the balls by Kota and Naruto has 0 interest in him after that lol he just wants to fight the little kid. Bakugo and Sasuke share a tiny moment of smirking at this before Bakugo turns to yell at Todoroki for saying he reminds him of Bakugo and Sasuke. Kibas laughing his ass off while Hinata goes over with Iida to ask if they are ok, Sakura holds Naruto back so he doesnt attack Kota
"hes just a little kid naruto!"
"I dont care how old he is I'm gonna cream that kid!"
I'm going to say Hinata and Sakura are with Tsu and Uraraka when they get attacked by Himiko idk how this plays out but Hinata vs Himiko would be really fucking cool, Himiko ends up getting blood from Hinata as well
Kiba and Shino are there with Kendo and Tetsu fighting Mustard cause his smoke fucks with having bugs and Kiba's nose
The devastation in Naruto having to watch Bakugo get taken when they get Tokoyami calmed down and mr compress takes them, Naruto feels for people and I feel like he would really feel for Deku here he might feel responsible for not doing enough, Itachi having knocked Sasuke out they dont want Sasuke they want Naruto so the vanguard squad is free to take Sasuke but I feel like Itachi would have a heart and not want this to happen cause I believe itachi should be allowed to show love to his brother, he let's Naruto take Sasuke
Either Jiraiya is zooming over there when he finds out what happened so he can save Naruto and have his fight with the Akatsuki members or Iruka is gonna get hurt fighting them to save Naruto in leaning more Iruka but Jiraiya does get there but not in time, hes there to tell Naruto Sasuke shit got rocked and his brain is probably damaged from itachi's quirk
Temari would be with Iida and the rest of them when the pussycats fight spinner and Magne I think she would want to stay and help fight which unevens the oods but Mandalay says they want the students so they should go back to where Kirishima and them are, idk how this plays out shes worried about Gaara
Either Gaara is out there fighting the Nomu that was chasing the class B student and Momo when Momo put a tracking device on it or Gaara didnt do well on his final exam and is with Kirishima and thw rest of class A plus Monoma when Mandalay uses her quirk to tell them they are after Bakugo
Ino Shikamar Chojj were definitely part of the group running to get to the save haven
So either they take Sasuke captured with Bakugo cause they saw him in the sports festival and Shigaraki is like "yeah that one is really evil energy too, his quirk is strong we can get him on our side"
I dont remember what we talked about Sasuke being there when Bakugo got captured but I do remember we said did talk about the akatsuki and the league of villains at this part I'll have to find it and go over it.
This whole situation was terrible for everyone.
If Sasuke is stolen it isnt hard to convince Naruto to go with Deku to save Bakugo and Sasuke and fully agrees with Kirishima. Sakura is sort of on Iida's side that they shouldn't and she goes with them for that reason. If Sasuke is not stolen he has his fight with Naruto cause hes pissed and he leaves then
I think this is the "bring Sasuke back to me" scene my phone is at %15 so unfortunately I have to bring this Ted talk to an end I WANT ALL YOUR THOUGHTS even if you wanna build onto any part of this I think this is interesting thing I've written up >:) sorry is didn't get to have input on Sai I dont know what hes doing here I do t remember enough of his back story so if you find a way to fit him in and tie in his story be my guest he hasn't really interacted because I think Sai starts becoming friends with Naruto either in the license exam or when they move into the dorms
Also apologize for ambiguous Sasuke fate either way hea gonna leve UA and team up with Orochimaru somehow and Naruto is gonna be sad cause dorm life with Sasuke would have been fun despite everything they were friends :)
love how yall just write whole essays here!! let me get into it
What if we think of Gaara as Dabi (reformed) and Sai as Shoto?
Personally, i think Naruto and Izuku would get along really well, even if deku is quieter, i think Naruto would respect him a lot for aiming for his dreams, they're also both lowkey outcasts in society so they would bond over that. If we think about it, being quirkless is like not being able to use ninjutsu, so i think he would also get along super well with Rock Lee!! Can totally see Naruto not liking Bakugo, they would fight as rivals, but i don't see them getting along until Katsuki has his shift as a person.
Kakashi could be both tbh, working as a teacher and underground hero in the after-school hours!!
the random konohamaru shadekjdfkjdf, not all these extras making the cut into the class helppp
may i ask why u never finished shippuden?? i felt like i couldn't stop until i got through everythingkjfgjkf
i mean to me it makes sense that the sports festival is for U.A. only, i feel like it would get way too big and out of control if it involved everyone in a bunch of other schools. but i can see gaara making it through recommendation, cause he's super rich (kinda like momo)
Lowkey feel like Lee would hate bakugo lmao, his morals are just too strong and rigid, i don't think he would appreciate seeing him put other people down, tenten and neji would also keep to themselves
About sasuke, i just don't think he would give a fuck about anyone reallykjdfjk he just wouldn't care about the other class or anyone, too busy being a angsty emo gay
i like the matches u created for the sports festival (naruto version), it would be interesting to see them fighting and working in different challenges like this.
the training bus partjhdjdj its giving haikyuu/hinata, naruto so would convinve them to do that even though it was not necessary
i do think they could take sasuke and bakugo together, but that's a lot fo wild energy to control, i wonder if the league of villains/akatsuki could handle both of themfjkkfdj
i think naruto would go even if sasuke wasn't captured cause that's just his nature, he would help a friend save anyone even if he isn't particularly fond of that person, but with sasuke in the picture he would have things moving in a heartbeat
i have no idea how to fit sai into this, especially this early into the story ?? i think we could view sai here more like shinso maybe, where we know he's there but he's not quite part of the main story/events yet
also sorry for not giving this a proper reaction and analysis, it was quite long and my attention spam was fighting me to concentrate and retain everything, but i tried my best !! thank you for all this <3
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years
God it's so nice to see someone who doesn't like Bakugou, THANK YOU😭. Sometimes I feel so fucking alone in this fandom cause everywhere I look there are ppl praising Bakugou and saying that he's the best, I have no fucking idea how he keeps winning popularity polls🤢🙄. And I HATE that Deku puts him on a pedestal. Horikoshi saying that Bakugou has to apologise gives me hope but I think that it'll happen super late and that it'll be written like a super bad apology so yeah... what do you think?
YEAH Idk where his popularity comes from when he's a shitty character who yells at everyone and calls them names. Its just really weird to me. It doesn't make sense to me at all because he's a bully that told Izuku to kill himself and that's something I'm never going to let slide like ever since the first time I watched the show, it really hit me and I even mentioned it to my little brother, who introduced me to the show. Its just...that just hit my heart you know? And then he doesnt get any better. I see people saying he's improving and he's getting development, but I can't see it? Like if he's doing something, it's not even that Great. Like wow he saved a person. That's...that's exactly what a hero should do yeah. But none of that erases what he has done to Izuku which is 10+ years of abuse. He hurt him so much verbally and physically. How do you just ignore that? And I also see people argue "we can enjoy a character and still acknowledge their flaws", but like? I still fail to understand. Like I'm sorry, I just don't enjoy characters that are assholes. ...actually I'm not sorry. I am also really annoyed with Izuku excusing his behavior or just...Not reacting to it. Like I get he is super kind and caring and forgiving, but I also feel like hero society has shaped his opinion. K*tsuki has a strong quirk, therefore he is fit to be a hero. But I'm not sure if Izuku connects abuse to heroism, or lack thereof. Like I really wonder if after Shouto told him about his abusive father, Izuku started to change the way he saw k*tsuki.
I've wanted an apology since like last decade because it's just too much. If he is going to keep being an important character, Horikoshi has to give us a balance. Its becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy this series by having him as one of the protagonists when he is a piece of shit. He yelled at his hosts during the family dinner despite knowing how heavy the subject Shouto and Fuyumi were discussing was for them. I'm never going to let them go because when you talk about something important like that between you another person, the last thing you want is for a 3rd party to yell at you. That just peeved me so much. And he also stabbed Izuku on his head with his accessory and he bled because of that. And nobody reported him. The boys showed concern, but like who intervened? Nobody. Its so annoying. He hasn't changed at all if he's still hurting Izuku. And now its played as a gag, how disgusting. Thanks Horikoshi, for playing off his bullying as a joke, real clever of you, that's exactly what I needed. 😒
Anyways yeah I want a good apology, but because Horikoshi bends over backwards to kiss k*tsuki's ass, I don't know if he will give us a good apology. I hope he does. Because it's what Izuku deserves AT LEAST. At most, he deserves to get away from him because he's so toxic and he needs to heal. So what I would totally LOVE is for Izuku to not only get an apology, but also to spend time away from him. I know from experience that I healed a lot after I spent time away from the person that bullied me in elementary school and I am healing now because I am away from the person that really hurt me. At least the latter apologized to me, but the bully didn't. She never stopped her behavior until I was in a different class from her and I became more confident because of that. When I had a class with her again in high school, she couldn't do anything to me because I was savage. I would have eaten her face off with sass. I'm not trying to say Izuku should totally do this, but Izuku should totally do this. But anyway back to the topic. Izuku deserves better. He has better friends and classmates now, but wouldn't it just be amazing if class 1St and Aizawa and All Might found out that he bullied Izuku "Sunshine" Midoriya? God that would just be cathartic. I would legit frame that on my wall and personally thank Horikoshi for my existence. An apology would be such a gift, though. And k*tsuki also acknowledging that what he did was WRONG and he will try to be a better person and a better friend. Because as it stands now, he does not regret anything he did. He still treats Izuku like shit and he is still a Grade A+ Asshole. So if Horikoshi does not do hustice to the apology, then it will be horrible writing honestly. Like I am afraid for this event because we are getting a damned redemption for endeav*r and that bastard abused his entire family in different ways and just NOW realized he did wring. Its too late, sir, you messed up 5 people, good job, you selfish bastard. K*tsuki is still a 16 year old twerp, so lets hope he'll change and get the proper development he so desperately needs. If Horikoshi butchers it then that'll be a dann shame. I have one fear for the series and this is it. Either we get a shit apology or we get no apology at all. I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I felt like this would 've a good answer.
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deerydeerth-art · 6 years
here’s a collection of shitposts my classmate has written into my school journal throughout this school year
please don’t read if you’re not interested in randomness and/or don’t like swearing... there’s a lot of it here
schedule for Monday:
suck a dick
suck a different dick
suck a dick again
a “:(” on the 1st of September
“LINDA IS GOING TO GET DRUNK” written on the break week
“WHY NOT? DRINK VODKA” as a reply to me saying no
“LINDA IS GOING TO GET DRUNK!” written on my birthday
Father’s day is crossed out and replaced with “DADDY ISSUES”
apparently I took a course called “SHITPOST 101″ and she made sure to write it in my schedule on places where there originally were no subjects. some examples of homework and notes for this course include:
“did not come to the lesson. 1″ (1 is the worst grade, 5 is the best grade in Estonia btw)
“6″ (a grade that doesn’t exist)
homework “dab on The haters”
““CHRISTMAS IS MADE FOR SATEN Writ 800 word esseii”
“you have failed the class”
also there are names written on every day, we celebrate these kinds of “name days” here in Estonia idk if others do it too... but she once drew a circle around “Gloria” and then an arrow pointing to it saying “KILL THE SINNER”
a “:(” on the Society Studies test note
“linda is gona get vaisted” to my zoology class’ evening party
Having sex with yourself
BUSH DID 9/11!!!
“:(” faces on every day of some weeks
“LEAVING CZAR RUSSIA” on 24th of February, which was indeed the day Estonia became independent from Czar Russia
ME NO ILLUMINATV (with a drawing of the illuminati symbol crossed out)
one lesson is written as “METH” with a note of “SUCKING A DICK”
I’m in all time lowwww lowlloow
a drawing of a poo
Having sex with bees
Bible - very important book
“Linda can grow [name of male classmate here] in the garden”
my addition: “ÕKAY”
don’t Google it
20th of June is tagged with “TORTURE IS OVER”
Her: “DO YOU LIKE WAFFELS? NO? - Lind, what the fuck?”
Me: “fuck you  ❤ “
Her: “I wana fuck you to”
Me: “ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) “ (I literally drew this in my cursed school journal)
Her: “Linda isn’t listening to me
PS you have faild shit post 101″
“Pyth. Beaches” written next to triangles, and a heart is drawn over all the geometric shapes and formulas on this page
Let’s do some meth
this one is mine... I wrote “115 AH! THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE” at the end of the periodic table in my journal
Get fuckt.
fuck a tree
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