#Because I know I'll be shook by that episode
todays most memorable episode as a first time watcher, is probably "the tales of ba sing se" and "the guru".
I decided not to watch the season 2 finale today, I'm saving the best for tomorrow because a part of me feels like "the crossroads of destiny" is a very impactful episode.
Alright, I CRIED when iroh sang the vines song to Lu Ten's picture :( it was so sad. Zuko being such an awkward date with Jin was so cute?? Like he never used firebending as he came to ba sing se but then used it for the first time to make jin happy :(💖
Now, im actually impressed with the way the plot is progressing?? I really thought team avatar has had a head start because of the solar eclipse invasion but now Azula found out about it?? But tbh when the gaurds told the earth King that "three kyoshi warriors" had arrived at ba sing se, I kinda guessed it was them. But still a great continuation regardless. Also, not from this episode, but Jet's death was super shocking to me??? I wasn't expecting that to happen, it was so random, I didn't like him much but I did feel sad with how his life ended.
Can I just say that I'm super happy with how Zuko was content with his tea shop life with iroh?? He looked so happy and peaceful for the first time, and was super cheery :( but I do know it won't stay that way for long so that's sad.
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC or Marvel: What Do You Mean 'You Didn't Know'?!
Poindexter's introduction episode gave us a horrifying and frankly underused plot device with a single quote. "You have all our powers on the human plain."
The argument could be that he meant the "basic ghost powers" but what if he didn't? What if he truly meant all of their powers.
Danny was under the impression that Sidney had meant "basic ghost powers", but when he had over twenty powers under his belt and more forming each day he started to wonder if maybe Poindexter had meant more than that.
But for now he didn't tell anybody. After all he was already considered 'overpowered' by the Team given the fact that he wasn't even 18 yet. He was powerful and it was clear that some members of the team feared and didn't understand that power. Be it because they didn't believe in Ghosts, didn't understand what a 'Halfa' was or were just generally freaked out by a child having powers that made immune to most their attacks.
His powers scared them and more than once he had heard the comment; "We're lucky he's on our side." and; "We made the right choice recruiting him so we could keep an eye on him."
Sure, he hadn't told them about his super hearing either but still - rude. Other members of the team had super hearing why assume that Danny didn't?
It isn't until one of these new powers develop in the middle of an important battle. Which wouldn't have been a problem if the new power wasn't some kind of EMP attack that wiped out all of their coms and plunged everything into complete darkness. People had gotten hurt - minor injuries but still.
"Why didn't you tell us about that power?" Superman/Captain America pressed as Phantom sank down in his seat uncomfortable under the gaze of every member of the team.
"Because I didn't know I had that power."
"What do you mean you didn't know?" Asked Flash/Hawkeye. "Seems like a pretty big thing not to know about."
"I didn't know because my powers are still developing." Phantom mumbled, "I get a new power every couple of months or so, it just happens sometimes. It's normal."
"It's not." Multiple members of the team said and Phantom shrunk down more.
"It is for me... I didn't know or I would have warned you guys..."
"Do we at least have a timeline for how long these powers are going to keep 'developing'?" Wonder Woman/Black Widow asked.
Phantom shook his head. "No. Dying and being brought back half-way doesn't exactly come with a manual. But, if it makes you guys feel better I'll probably have control of that EMP power by the end of the week. At least before the next power forms."
Oddly enough that sentence did not in fact make anybody feel better.
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
skz and 9th member reader doing one of the period pain simulator things and reader being completely fine while the boys are Suffering. them realising how bad the period pains are and how the reader just gets on with schedules and dance practice and gym while in immense pain and the boys are just like :00
period pains
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 0.9k (exactly!)
summary: you're keen to see the boys reactions to what you go through every month.
I hope you enjoyed this! If you did be sure to comment or reblog! And let me know if you'd like to be added to my taglist!
Asks are shut!
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You didn't mean to make such a dramatic exit when you ran out of the practice room to the toilets, but a girl's gotta go, especially when she's on her period. You didn't want to risk bleeding through your grey joggers that you wore.
Just as you exited the toilets, you had a worried Felix waiting for you.
"Y/Nnie, are you ok? Are you sick?" he frowned, a crease between his brows as he hoped you were not feeling under the weather.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just, you know girl things," you tried to hint, yet he didn't seem to get it straight away, which surprised you, considering he had two sisters.
"Girl things?" he wondered out loud.
"Gosh do I have to spell it out? I've just got some cramps at the moment, I'm on my period," you sighed and rolled your eyes at him, jokingly of course.
"Yeah, now come on, let's get back to practice," you started walking, not turning around to see if he followed or not.
"You sure you're up for it? You can take a break if you need!" Felix wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you walked back into the practice room.
"Felix, I love you, but, I'll be fine haha, I've done this plenty of times before. If I really need to, then of course, I'll take a break, ok?" you couldn't help but smile at his caring attitude towards you.
"Oh, is it that time?" Chan asked as soon as you walked in, overhearing part of your conversation.
"Haha, yes, what gave it away?" you laughed in disbelief at how he could have possibly known.
"The emergency crisps in your bag kinda said it all," Chan lightly chuckled.
Makes sense.
"Y/N, do you need painkillers? A hot water bottle?!" Han came up to you, treating you like you were a fragile doll.
"I've taken some painkillers already, it's fine, let's just continue with practice, yeah?" you patted his head to calm him down. What was it with these boys?
"Are you sure you can manage?" Hyunjin warily asked.
"I'm sure. You guys don't need to baby me, let's just continue," you laughed as you shook your head, getting back into position. You didn't miss their obvious glances at you, and whilst a part of you felt warm, another part was wondering how bad they truly thought periods were.
It didn't take long for your queries to be answered. In a special episode of SKZ Code, the boys were all simultaneously being hooked up to period pain simulator machines, which you were keen to see their reactions to.
"I bet I won't even flinch," Changbin smirked as he folded his arms.
"Surely it can't be that bad?" Jeongin thought out loud.
"If you don't think it's that bad, why do you always baby me when I'm on my period, hmmm?" you raised a brow at them. It made quite the moment for the episode, stays thinking you looked very cool in this moment with your blunt attitude.
"Well, you know, it's because..." Seungmin trailed off.
"We see how emotional you can get sometimes but you're an emotional person anyways," Lee Know shrugged.
"Then I bet Chan will be crying by the end of this," you teased your sensitive leader.
"Hey! I have a sister, I know that this will be painful, trust me," Chan held up his hands.
"I think I'll be fine," Han nodded confidently.
"Interesting..." you simply commented back, before the staff pressed the on buttons on the patches that were placed upon their abdomens and you could see the discomfort on their faces straight away.
"This isn't too bad..." Hyunjin's nose scrunched slightly.
"Oh, they're just going easy on you," you said smugly, before the intensity was raised and they started groaning, some of them (Felix, Changbin, Jeongin) started curling into themselves from the pain.
"I don't think I can go on like this," Han dramatically whined as he thrashed about suddenly and whacked Lee Know in the face.
"Yah! Just because you have a low pain tolerance!" Lee Know mumbled grumpily through gritted teeth.
"This feels a bit sadistic, Y/Nnie," Seungmin winced as he watched you smirk.
"Well this is right up your street then," you laughed at him.
"I don't know how girls do this," Changbin whimpered from the ground. Even with his jutdwae he couldn't contain or control his emotions.
"Isn't that enough yet?" Chan looked pleadingly towards the staff who finally turned off the machines, causing all members to relax and sigh in relief.
"Not as easy as you think, is it?" you sat comfortably, one leg crossed over the other.
"I'm so glad I don't have to go through that, let alone do it every month," Jeongin said as his body went lax across a sofa.
"Think how I felt, mine started when I was 12," you revealed, something you would never have needed to but you thought it would be interesting to see their reactions to it considering the situation you were in right now.
"12?! When I was 12 I had barely began auditioning for JYP..." Chan gasped.
"And now look at you, you're an old man," Seungmin casually commented after, leaving all of you in hysterics.
It was a perfect ending to an unexpected segment of a SKZ Code episode, and stays loved it.
tagged: @skz-streamer @sakufilms @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @kiraisastay @han-jiquokka
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withwritersblock · 2 months
I'll Be There For You
~I'll Be There For You by the Rembrandts (aka the Friends Theme song) Author's Note: Requested! short but sweet Summary: Y/N has a nightmare and Luke comforts her Warnings: none Word count: 882
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She sat up, gasping for air as she looked around the room. “What’s wrong?” Luke mumbled out, jolting awake. His eyes wide as he took a hold of her arm. He took in a sharp breath as, the blanket fell from his chest down towards his lap.
“N-nothing, sorry,” she mumbled as she ran her hands across her eyes. “It was just a bad dream, Love, I’m fine,” she took in a deep breath as she brushed her hair away from her face. Luke scooted towards her, scanning her features.
“Are you sure?” he asked. She shifted her gaze towards him, forcing a smile to her lips.
“I’m good, go back to bed,” she mumbled. She pulled the blanket away from her frame as she stood up from the bed. Her body tightened as the wooden floor boards were cold against her feet. 
“Where are you going?” he asked tossing the blanket aside himself. He glanced towards the clock beside his wall, it read four-thirty in the morning. He sighed, he needed to be awake in an hour anyway. 
“Luke, go back to bed, I’m just going to go watch some TV in the living room,” she mumbled, her hand against her chest feeling her heart still beat rapidly against her chest.
“That bad, huh?” he asked as he met her at the kitchen counter. She rested her hands onto it, lifting her gaze smiling towards him. She forced a tight lip smile to her lips as she let out a reluctant nod. “Want to talk about it? I’ll make you some coffee,” he said, his voice rasped as his spoke. 
She shook her head, “I was just going to watch Friends to distract myself, seriously Love, go back to bed,” she walked towards him, resting her hand onto the center of his back. He was staring towards the coffee being made in the small pot that could only really hold two full cups of coffee inside. She ran her hand along his back, he shifted his gaze towards her. 
“Nah, I can’t let you get ahead of me on episodes,” he let out, a small smile to his lips. She rolled her eyes playfully. 
“You’ve already seen the show like four times,” she observed. He chuckled as he walked towards the fridge, pulling out her favorite creamer flavor as he walked back towards the blue UMich mug. 
“Well yeah, but I have to sit and watch your reactions because it is your first time,” he said as he poured the perfect amount of creamer. She laughed as she took a hold of it, muttering a thank you as she wandered towards the couch. 
He placed the creamer bottle back where it belongs before he walked towards her. Y/N was curled under a dark blue blanket, leaving some of it out for Luke. “What am I supposed to watch when you go on your roadie this week?” she asked teasingly. He smiled towards her as he climbed under the blanket, pulling her towards him. Her eyes widened as she tried to protect the coffee from spilling. 
“A different show, obviously. Also what twenty year old hasn’t seen Friends? That is crazy,” he mumbled as he took control of the remote. He shyly ran his fingers through his hair, his curls bouncing slightly. 
“I don’t like sitcoms,” she mumbled. Luke shifted his gaze towards her, a small frown on his lips. “Usually,” she continued, laughing dryly.
She leaned towards Luke resting her head against his arm as he put on the episode they were on. He leaned down, pressing his lips to the top of her head for a brief moment before he shifted his gaze back towards the screen.
“You sure you’re okay, I know it was just a dream but you were like gasping for air,” he asked quietly. She hummed as she brought her coffee towards her lips. She took a small sip as she delicately lowered it away from her face.
“I’m alright, it was dumb. I promise,” she mumbled as she kept her gaze towards the TV. Luke simply wrapped his arm around her, resting his hand onto her hip. He delicately ran his hand up and down her hip and the side of her waist. 
“Okay,” he whispered as he delicately pressed his lips against the top of her head again. 
“Have you packed yet?” she asked. He shook his head, laughing softly. “Luke!” she scolded. “Baby, you’re going to be gone for almost two weeks,” 
He chuckled as he shook his head slightly, “I don’t have to go back to my apartment for another hour,” he defended himself poorly, “We don’t leave until nine anyway,” he whispered as he took a hold of her chin, forcing her gaze towards him. “I got my travel stuff already folded in my dresser anyway, I got this,” he said with his lips slowly curling up into a small grin. 
She rolled her eyes playfully as her gaze drifted down towards his lips, he watched her as he slowly leaned towards her. He kissed her delicately as he continued to take a hold of her chin. “I love you,” she whispered against his lips. 
“I love you more,” he whispered as he continued to press his lips against hers.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
KCC, “Will you carry me to bed?”, at home ❤️
couch nap II k.cooney-cross
"ky are you sure? you hate watching stuff like this." you chuckled as your girlfriend returned, dumping a bowl of popcorn in your lap with a block of chocolate held securely in hand.
"maybe, but i love you. and they make you happy and you had a shit day, and if you're happy i'm happy because i don't want you to have a shit day." kyra explained as you melted, leaning up to kiss her and melting into her side.
"but can we not watch one about the ocean please? i'd still like to go swimming when we go home without worrying about whats underneath me." your girlfriend quickly added on as you flicked through the documentaries.
"and here i was about to click into mysteries of the deep!" you teased, choosing one about africa and accepting the piece of chocolate offered to you from kyra's fingers. "i'm aware only 5% of the ocean has been discovered but i don't need to know anything about that 5%." your girlfriend shook her head stubbornly.
"oh elephants! mad." kyra perked up a little as the documentary started making you smile and kiss her cheek appreciatively. "see? they're not so bad." you promised, shoveling a handful of popcorn into your mouth.
"can we start narrating training like this? oo we could make vlogs for my close friends story!" kyra suggested excitedly around an hour later, the next episode starting.
"the allusive snakehipped wally lurks close to the corner of the pitch, watching with beaded eyes as the younger, better looking, wildly successful kyra cooney cross sprints across the midfield. is it pride in her eyes? or a bitter jealousy she's been surpassed by her protege." kyra mocked in her best david attenborough voice making you laugh.
"i'm so telling her you said that." you teased, moving the now empty popcorn bowl off your lap as your girlfriend stretched out, her head dropping onto your thighs instead.
"no don't! she promised to teach me how to rainbow flick on monday." kyra pouted up at you with a whine and her best puppy dog eyes. "shut up and watch the monkeys cooney-cross." you tutted, squishing her cheeks in your hands and nodding to the screen.
"ky, baby go to bed. i'll be up after this episode, your necks gonna get sore." you warned gently another couple of hours later and shaking her softly, your girlfriend now sprawled out in a strange curled up position in the corner of the sofa.
"no m'fine." kyra mumbled, forcing her eyes open again and shuffling around so she was sitting up a little more as you looked on amused. "ky, go to bed." you laugh, kicking her gently as she shook her head stubbornly, gesturing for you to watch the screen again.
you rolled your eyes knowing this was a bad idea but not bothered to fight her on it, glancing over a few minutes later to see she was once again dead asleep.
the episode finishing you left your girlfriend on the lounge as you washed up your bowls, flicking off all the lights and locking up before returning, chuckling at her very awkward position.
"hey, ky." you squatted down and shook her again, poking her cheeks as she groaned tiredly and swatted your hands away. "come on, time for bed." you smiled, tugging on her hoodie as she sighed deeply.
"will you carry me to bed?" the midfielder asked quietly, opening her arms as her eyes stayed shut. "babe you're like a foot taller than me." you laughed softly, shaking her again as she whined. "i've done it for you so many times, its your turn." kyra mumbled.
"fine, but you need to help me out here and sit up a little baby." you shook your head with a smile, grabbing her hands and tugging her into a sitting position. "okay." you nodded determined, wrapping her arms around you and grabbing under her thighs.
trying to lift her you grunted, your girlfriend purposefully rag dolling to make it harder for you as you finally picked her up but stumbled sending the two of you crashing back to the sofa.
"kyra!" you groaned, smacking her leg as her body vibrated with laughter. "you're making it harder on purpose." you huffed glaring down at her, cheeky grin plastered on her face despite the obvious exhaustion in her eyes.
"piggyback?" kyra tried again this time her smile more charming as you let out a deep and exaggerated groan. "get on then, but carefully!" you warned, standing to your feet and bracing as your girlfriend climbed onto your back.
"this is so romantic." kyra sighed, patting your chest as her chin rested on your shoulder, letting out a yell as you reached the bedroom and dumped her on the bed.
"don't get used to it, i'm the one who gets the princess treatment in this relationship cooney-cross."
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symp4nat · 8 months
I saw you wanted Dior requesters and I had an idea, so here you go. You don’t have to write it, but thank you so much if you do.
Dior coming home from the gym in her workout gear to find you asleep in her bed wearing her clothes?
Post Workout Nap
dior goodjohn x curly-hair!reader (it isnt said but kinda implied idk)
authors note 1: reader isnt an actor
authors note2: "i- i go, i wanna go, i wanna write" (me when starting to write this at 2 am)
You were tired out of your bones to be able to do anything today. To keep yourself entertained, you tried working on your project for your college classes, listening to music, eating snacks and you even ended up straightening your hair out of pure boredom. Everytime you tried to work on your project, you kept getting distracted, and then frustrated.
Dior had left the house at 2 and told you she would be back by 6. It was now 7 and you were lucky she was the type to tell you if she'd be late. She texted you that she might be an hour late because she was with Malia, Momona and Leah. A few of your friends were invited, but they chose not to go since you weren't.
You didn't mind Dior being out, of course you didn't, it was just, you hadn't seen her for the whole day. In the first half of the day she quickly got dressed and made some breakfast for the two of you and rushed off to the studio. You were glad you got to talk to her for a few minutes in the morning, but you missed her.
Occasionally, Dior went out with her friends without letting you know, but usually she'd pick you up. Her friends adored you.
After a long day of classes, you slipped into one of Dior's hoodies and laid on the couch. You turned on her favourite show and leaned against one of the pillows. Not long after, your eyes drifted close and you snuggled into the pillow. With a startled reaction, you woke up 5 minutes later, disappointed you fell asleep. You continued half-watching the TV, but your eyes kept flickering over to the clock and your phone. 
By the time Dior walked in, you were fast asleep on the couch. When she noticed that the TV was still playing, she sighed and went to turn it off where she was met with the sight of you calmly sleeping.
You had one of the strings of Dior's hoodie (that you stole) wrapped around your finger and your other hand curled up into your chest. Dior ran her fingers through your hair and smiled softly.
She couldn't lie, you were always irresistible but right now, you looked so cute, she couldn't resist taking a picture. She did as she wished and put her phone back when she noticed you softly hummed. Dior's hand caressed your cheek and she said, "I'll get the blanket and you can lay on my lap, once I change," she softly mumbled.
Your eye peeked open and a blush covered your face as you noticed her in her workout clothes. She held back a laugh and said gently, "We went out for an early dinner and I had to drop the girls off. Sorry 'm late." You shook your head in understanding. "Food was good," you asked.
Dior nodded and ran upstairs with a shirt on and your blanket. She draped the blanket over your lap and you lifted your head so she could sit where your head was. Once she was comfortable, she pressed play on the show to finish watching the episode you left off on. "Night, pretty girl," she said gently into your hair.
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apocalypseornaw · 1 month
Close Call
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Set in season 1 episode 12 "Faith"
When Dean's gravely injured on a hunt Sam calls you for help. With what seems like a ticking clock Dean makes some confessions but what happens when that clocks slows down?
Fluffy smut
You're not sure what you were expecting when Sam called you. Hell the younger Winchester hadn't exactly been thorough in his explanation, mixed in with the fact that you'd been freshly out of the shower when he called meant you'd barely gotten the bare minimum of it. That alone had been enough to make it feel like your heart would crumble. Dean, hurt, hospital.
"But people survive heart attacks all the time Sam" you were trying to wrap your head around what he was telling you but Dean only having a few weeks, a month at most? That wasn't feasible.
He nodded slowly "it was a massive heart attack. They said there was too much damage" you could see the tears brimming in his eyes and felt your stomach knot. "C'mere" you pulled him down into a hug and he practically buried his face in your neck "I can't lose him and you were the only person I knew who would come to us, who's always answered the phone for us both"
"It's gonna be ok. We'll figure something out. We'll hit the hunters network, make some calls. There's something out there that can help him and we will find it" you didn't know if you were trying to convince Sam or yourself. You stood there for a few seconds simply offering what comfort you could to him.
There were times you forgot you had two years on Sam in age, both of you were lifelong hunters having gotten dragged in at a young age. That's how you knew both boys. Sam was damn near a brother to you and as for Dean, he was the closest thing you had to a best friend.
After a moment Sam pulled back and you could see him take a deep breath and the resolve set in his eyes "I'm gonna head back to the hotel and get started on that list you texted me. Do you mind staying here with him?" He nodded towards the room the two of you were standing outside of. You hadn't went in yet but knew your heart would twist seeing Dean that weak. You nodded "Of course. Call me if you find anything" he kissed your forehead then turned to walk away.
You took a deep breath to steady your nerves before walking into the room. You could hear the stations flipping on the television before you made it past the curtain, Dean was laying in the bed. Between the grey hospital gown and how pale his skin was he looked closer to a ghoul than the bright eyed, smart mouthed hunter you knew and loved.
He smiled weakly when he spotted you "Finally they got the memo about the fact that I don't wanna die where the nurses aren't even hot" you rolled your eyes at his flirting but sat down on the foot of his bed, resting your hand on the leg closest to you "How the hell do you have a massive heart attack Winchester? If you missed me that bad you could've called. No need for dramatics"
He grinned "Wanted to make sure you dropped everything to come to me sweetheart" you shook your head, trying to hide the worry you knew would be evident on your face. He looked so damn weak, the damage done to him internally showing externally as well.
"Let me guess, John couldn't bother to answer a damn phone for Sam" you couldn't help the bite to your voice. For too long you'd been quiet about the way John treated both his sons but from about the time you turned twenty on at any given opportunity you told him. Dean shrugged "I don't know. I didn't ask him to call dad. I asked him to call you" "oh" your anger at John didn't really dissolve instantly because you knew the reason Dean had you called was because like Sam said himself you always answered.
"You need to get some rest" you urged Dean who shrugged "from what they said I'll be getting plenty of rest soon enough" your glare made him grin "I'm sorry sweetheart. I won't joke about it if you come up here and lay down with me. I know you drove all night to be here by now"
Wouldn't be the first time you and Dean had slept in the same area, especially since he started hunting without John. There'd been so many almost between you and him it hurt something deep inside of you to think about it. You loved this man with everything you had and to think about losing him to something as mundane as a heart attack? It didn't seem right.
You shrugged "I don't know Dean. Don't want the nurses to think I'm taking advantage of you in your vulnerable state" he nearly managed his signature smirk at your words before saying "if only I was so lucky then I could die a happy man. Now get your ass up here" he scooted over and patted the bed next to him.
You stood and walked up to the head of the bed, sliding in next to him being careful not to hit any monitor. You knew you were tense because your mind was working overdrive as was your heart but for some reason you thought Dean wouldn't notice, that proved to be wrong because he shifted to pull you further down the bed. "I'm weak,not dead. Not get comfortable and act like you want to be here. You need some rest too"
You knew what he was asking so you turned towards him, tucking your booted feet up onto the bed to lay your head over on his chest. His heartbeat sounded weakly under your ear but it was a familiar comfort. He hooked one arm around you "At least I get to hold you for a little while" you closed your eyes to ensure he wouldn't see any tears in them.
After a minute you'd hoped he'd fallen asleep but he spoke again "Remember that first hunt you ran across me and dad on after Sam left for Stanford?" You nodded "Yeah. I thought that vein on John's neck would burst when I told him it wasn't his fault he didn't know any better and maybe he didn't to read a lore book every now and then"
Dean's laughter shook you slightly "I've always loved that about you. You don't back down from him. You never have" you picked at the hospital gown Dean was wearing before saying "I hate how he treats you and Sam. You're the most important people in my life. I'll fight him tooth and nail"
His fingers found your hair, lightly playing with it "Will you watch out for Sammy? He's gonna need you?" You swallowed hard "I won't need to. Because you're not going anywhere Dean" he kissed the top of your head "Get some sleep sweetheart. I'm gonna try to"
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Dean watched you sleep, even as nurses came in to check on him and he sent them out of the room with a glare. They'd told Sam he was dying, a few weeks tops. They could leave him the hell alone to hold his girl. His girl. When the hell had he started categorizing you as his girl?
Was it the fact that you knew the life? That you always backed him and Sam? That you were there when Sam left? You backed down John at every given chance, you always had his back. You were beautiful and sweet and badass. More than one night he'd shared a bed with you just sleeping and it was always the best sleep he'd ever gotten. The hunts you two worked together was a thing of beauty you knew the lore inside and out. If there was ever a chance for him to love someone and it to be a lasting love you were it.
He'd known it long before but laying in a hospital room, being told your time is limited kind of narrows things down for you. He loved you. He was in love with you. How the hell was it fair to tell you that just to leave you?
Your phone ringing jolted you out of sleep. You could hear a deep voice, Dean? Memories of the last few hours came flooding back and you sat up to see Dean talking on your phone. He held it out to you "It's Sammy" you took it from him and climbed out of the bed, stretching as you did so. "Hey Sam. What's up?"
Sam sounded excited from the sound of it so you decided to head to the hotel to see what he'd found out. When you told Dean you were leaving for a little while he looked disappointed until you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek "Please behave. I'll be back"
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Sam had found a faith healer, from every contact it seemed legit. The problem? Dean would never agree to it? The solution? You would agree to tell Dean it was a specialist and leave it at that.
"So do you drive him in the impala or do I lure him into my car?" You asked Sam with a smirk about the time a knock at the hotel door made both of you turn around. You shared a look before Sam walked over to ease the door open. You started to reach for your gun but stopped when Dean's face came into view.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked and he shrugged "I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot" then winked at you. You moved to help Dean into the room when he seemed unsteady on his feet.
The hoodie and jeans was better than the hospital gown but god he was still so pale. He smiled when you shifted one of his arms across your shoulders to support some of his weight "Just had to get close to me again, huh sweetheart?" You shook your head but helped him over to the bed to sit down then looked back at Sam "Why don't you go make sure both the cars are gassed up, grab some food for the road then we'll get going"
Dean looked from you to Sam so you explained "Sam found a specialist. Hopefully it'll be fruitful" he nodded "If you think it's worth trying" "we do" you and Sam answered in unison. Sam cut his eyes at you "I'll be back in about thirty, forty minutes then we can hit the road" you nodded and chucked him your keys "Thanks Sam"
After Sam left you stood there for a few minutes before letting out a breath. Dean was watching you carefully before he patted the bed next to him "Sit down sweetheart. You're wearing me out"
You sat down next to him, careful not to move him around too much. He moved back on the bed until his back was against the headboard, legs stretched out in front of him.
"Do you think this specialist is gonna actually be able to help or are you saying that for Sammy's sake?" You let out a shaking breath "I'm not just saying it for Sam's sake. This specialist has got to help. I can't.. the world can't lose you"
Dean patted the bed next to him "come up here. Might as well get comfortable. We'll be here a little while until Sam gets back" you did as he asked, sitting right next to him on the bed. He lifted one arm and you curled up on his chest so he tucked his arm tightly around you. "Hey, wanna play a game?" You nodded.
"Two truths and a lie" he whispered and you laughed "ok" "I have green eyes, next to Sam you are the most important person in my life and my first solo hunt was at twenty" you felt your face warm "Dean your first solo hunt was at Seventeen" he kissed your forehead "I know"
"Ok, my turn?" You asked and he nodded before shifting to nuzzle into your neck and you had to bite back a groan. You'd always been close to Dean and so many times you two had almost had something happened but what was this? You let out a breath "My car is dark blue, my heart is crumbling in my chest at the thought of losing you and I hate roses"
He whispered against your skin "You love roses" before pressing a feather light kiss to your pulse point. You swallowed hard "Dean" "hmm?" You pushed his chest gently, just enough to put room between the two of you. He looked up at you through those thick eyelashes and your heart flipped "what are you doing?"
He pushed himself up, despite the grimace on his face. For the first time since you showed up you saw his facade slip, tears shining unshed in his eyes "I don't want to die. I don't want to leave Sam. I don't want to leave you. I've known you for years, I've been at your side for years. I've wasted time. I love you Sweetheart. There's never been anyone I feel about like how I feel about you and I know it's selfish of me to say this now but in case this specialist is a bust"
He leaned forward, catching your lips in a gentle kiss that made your heart flip. The two of you had kissed before, teenagers fueled by hormones then hunters fueled by adrenaline after a hunt, nothing had ever gone past a little heavy petting. Something or someone always caused the brakes to get hit but this kiss felt different, like he was trying to say make sure you'd remember him and it broke your heart.
He pushed your shoulders until your back was against the bed and he was on top of you, holding himself up on his forearms. He went from your lips down to your neck, kissing and nipping the sensitive flesh. Every little sound that fell from your lips seemed to spur him on until your senses caught up with you. "Dean...stop" the moment you said it he froze.
You shook your head. A day or two ago you would've given anything to be in this position with Dean but now? You couldn't..."Honey...as much as I want to believe you mean what you told me..as much as I want this...as much as I want you. You're dying, you're afraid. I'm not taking advantage" you swallowed hard before continuing "if this specialist works and we get you to the other side of this tell me how you feel" he pressed his head over on your chest before saying "I've loved you for years"
You ran your hands down his back soothingly, feeling your heart break all over again "Tell me that again when you're not dying" he raised his head to look at you, green eyes holding your gaze "Do you love me?" You blinked back tears "Ask me after we see that specialist. Ask me when you're not dying, please"
He nodded and pressed another quick kiss to your lips before moving back to simply lay next to you "I do love you" he repeated quietly so you nodded, feeling tears sting your eyes. "And I'll give you an answer when you're well"
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You and Dean hadn't spoken much when Sam got back except for Dean to tease you by saying "Don't worry sweetheart, Sam's driving so you'll be able to keep up"
From what you could tell he wasn't upset that you hadn't answered his question and you knew better than to think Dean would ever be upset over you turning down any advances. You wanted him, fuck you wanted him but you couldn't have him. Not weak, not scared of dying. You wanted him at full strength with a life ahead of him.
You followed the tail lights of the impala and cranked your music up a little louder. You just needed to get Dean to this healer. It would work...it had to work.
You grabbed two hotel rooms in a nearby town because Sam figured it was a much better idea to have you in the car with him and Dean when you arrived to the revival where the healer was working.
You sat in the backseat of the impala as Sam pulled off onto the dirt road that lead to the field where tents were set up all around. "What kind of specialist is this?" Dean asked turning slightly in the seat to look back at you so you shrugged "One that can help you get your answer?"
A look of confusion went across Sam's face "answer to what?" "Never mind that. You two bought me to a faith healer" Dean pushed as the car came to a stop and Sam moved to help him out. Dean pushed away from him but took your hand. "Just give it a try please. For the two of us" you whispered, barely loud enough he could hear you over the crowd.
Dean looked from you to Sam. The woman he loved and his baby brother. He'd do anything for the two of you and if this is what you asked of him, well guess he'd give it a try. "Fine" your smile was reward in itself when you reached for Sam's hand and gave it a squeeze "This is gonna work" you assured the younger man before leading the way into the biggest tent.
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Dean was healed, his heart was back in top shape you should be escatic and you were but so much had happened in the last few days with Reverend Roy, his wife Sue Ann practicing ancient blood magic to hold reapers hostage and make it appear as if Roy was working miracles and the guilt Dean was now carrying over Layla the woman you'd all met with the brain tumor you'd been forced to not let be healed well nothing had gone as planned.
Sam had asked you to stick around, Dean hadn't said much to you and you were starting to think he regretted his deathbed confession now that it wasn't that. The last case had been a simple haunting. With the three of you it had barely take a day so on a rarity for hunters the boys had taken your suggestion of a clean hotel off route sixty six for a couple days to recoup and rest until another hunt fell in your laps or until John pulled his head out of his ass to call them.
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You hadn't been long wished the boys goodnight and headed to your room. No matter where the three of you ended up they always made sure to get you a room next to theirs. You were standing at the dresser next to the door, going through your duffle when you heard a knock at the door. You eyed the gun sitting next to you before Dean's voice drifted through the door "It's me sweetheart"
Here it was. The admission that everything he said was simply words of a dying man. You took a step towards the door and reached to unlock the locks then stepped back to let him walk in.
You barely glanced his way when he crossed the threshold "Hey Dean" your voice was nearly a whisper. He closed the door behind himself and you heard the locks click into place, it was a habit of all of yours at this point. You continued your digging through the duffle bag as a means to keep your hands busy and distract yourself from the oncoming heartbreak as if he hadn't hurt your heart enough over the last couple weeks.
"What are you looking for?" He asked after a moment, humor lightening his voice. You shrugged "something to sleep in. I need to shower so I was planning on a tshirt, panties and sports bra so if there was an emergency the jeans were a slip on and go thing" he hummed a response behind you before you felt him move and his arms slipped around your waist, his hands covering yours to stop the repetitive movements considering you'd picked up and put down the same shirt four times already.
"How about we talk first?" You nodded, pulling your hands away from his. He dropped his arms so you could turn to face him and an almost shy smile played at his lips "There she is" you nodded "Here I am"
He reached for your hand, turning so he could sit on the dresser next to your bag. Instead of releasing your hand, he used it to pull you to stand between his legs. You laid one hand on his shoulder, trying to ignore the feeling of his eyes on you "Y/N. What I did wasn't fair to you"
Your eyes flew to his face "What?" He shrugged "I sprung that on you. You drove all night to get to me and Sam and I spill my guts and put you on the spot for an answer? How big of an asshole do I have to be? We can forget it, if you want"
"And if I want to talk about it?" Your fingers moved to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. His eyes closed for a second before he nodded "We'll talk about it" "Do you actually love me?" You asked.
When his eyes opened the intensity in his gaze nearly made your knees go out from under you but luckily he chose that moment to slip both arms around your waist "Yes. I love you. I have for a long time but you don't have to feel like you owe me anything. We can stay friends.." his eyes flicked towards the bed before a smirk snuck onto his face "If you want more I wouldn't dream of telling you no but I'm not holding it against you for not feeling the same way. I've wanted to tell you and just had really shit timing"
"So you don't want your answer?" You asked before leaning over and letting your lips find his neck, teasing the spots that had his grip tightening on your hips "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious but I'm not pushing"
You kissed your way across his jaw before claiming his lips, trying to push how you felt for him into the kiss. When the need for air forced the two of you away you felt a small thrill at him chasing your lips for another kiss "Sweetheart, if you're teasing the shit out of me because of that time dad interrupted us when we almost.."
You cut him off by crashing your lips against his before muttering "Still want to punch him for that" you pulled him up off the dresser and he groaned into your mouth. You broke the kiss and smiled up at him "I'm not teasing you for every time we almost had sex getting interrupted, I promised you an answer..." you took a deep breath before continuing "I love you too Dean"
"You don't have to say that to have me Y/N" he whispered, his lips barely a breath away from yours. You smiled softly "I know but Dean think about it. You're my best friend. I can't even pinpoint when I fell in love with you because the transition just happened but it did. I love you"
His eyes searched your face for a moment and you could feel your heart thudding in your chest before you saw the realization finally strike him that you'd meant it. You loved him, you were in love with him and you wanted him. "C'mere" when his lips found yours again your hands went to his jacket, quickly shoving it off his shoulders as he started walking you backwards towards the bed.
When your the back of your knees hit the bed he followed you down onto it, lips never leaving yours until the need for air pushed you apart. You tugged at his shirt and he got the point, quickly pulling it over his head and tossing it across the room before finding your lips again.
Your hands smoothed up his chest, fingers tracing the familiar scars. Many of which you'd stitched up yourself. He moved from your lips down to your neck, kissing and biting the flesh there. When he hit your pulse point you let out a low moan of his name and he chuckled against your skin "Fuck I love that"
When you felt his hands slip under your shirt you lifted your back off the bed enough he could slip it off you without ripping it. Your bra followed quickly, leaving your top half bare to him. He started to lower his mouth to your breasts but you stopped him with a hand on his chest. He looked up at you with a question in his eyes and you smiled teasingly "This is the furthest we've ever gotten. Are you sure we won't get interrupted?"
The look that went through his eyes made your stomach flip before he said "I will shoot any son of a bitch that tries it sweetheart" you laughed and moved your hand to cup his jaw "Fuck i love you Dean" he grinned "I love you"
He pressed a kiss to your lips before continuing his path down your neck then making his way to your chest. He ducked his head to roll your nipple between his lips and your back arched off the bed into his chest. He continued to tease the nipple as you felt one of his hands teasing at the waistband of your jeans.
He glanced up at you for permission and you gave a short nod. He broke from your chest with a wet pop "No baby. I need words. I've waited too long" you smiled "Yes Dean" he grinned before helping you to shimmy your jeans off your legs.
He tossed them across the room and moved down the bed to position himself between your legs. He started at your left ankle then kissed up, taking special care to leave a few hickies on your inner thighs, just shy of where you desperately needed him before going to the right leg to give it the same treatment.
You were a quivering mess under him and he'd barely touched you yet. "Dean, please" "please what?" He asked with a smirk, rocking back on his heels to look up at you. You tried to glare at him but knew it fell weak. He winked at you before licking a tentative strip across your clit.
When you moaned his name he chuckled "Oh this is gonna be fun" then dove in like a man starved of his favorite meal finally being allowed to feast.
Your legs were shaking and Dean was working to pull yet another orgasm out of you even though he'd yet to even take his damn jeans off. When he added two fingers to brush across that spot deep inside of you, that warmth burst again and you came with a scream of his name.
You weakly shoved at his head "Please Dean, too much. Please" he left a final kiss against your clit before pulling back to look up at you "Enjoying yourself?" "Get your jeans off and get inside me please" you begged and he grinned broadly "now see? That's using your words sweetheart. That's a good girl"
He stood off the bed long enough to push his jeans and boxers off. You'd always known Dean was on the bigger side but you'd never known how big.
He was big. You hadn't realized you'd been staring at his cock until he wrapped one hand around the base of it "Like what you see?" You nodded "C'mere"
He grinned and crawled up your body, kissing every inch of skin he could reach along the way. When he finally reached your lips he captured your mouth in a passionate kiss, letting you taste yourself on him. You felt the head of his cock nudging at your opening so you spread your legs a little further, hooking them around his hips. He chuckled lightly "I got you baby" before slowly starting to push into you, a moan leaving you both at the feeling.
Once he was fully inside of you he stilled to give you time to adjust to him, kissing across your neck and chest. Once the pain of him stretching you gave way to pleasure you moved your hips to give him the go ahead. He gave a small roll of his hips and when your response was a gasp of his name that was all the assurance he needed.
He pulled out almost all the way before slamming back into you, pulling a moan from you at the feeling. He pulled back to look at your face for a moment "If you don't like anything tell me to stop" you nodded then remembered what he said about wanting words "I will" he smiled softly "Good girl" then caught your lips in a kiss so gentle it made your heart ache. "Gonna take care of you"
Every damn thrust was pushing you closer to that edge. You'd lost count how many times Dean had made you come. You knew he had to be close. His thrusts started to falter and you knew he was close. You started to lift your hips to meet his thrusts.
"Fuck, sweetheart. You feel so damn good baby. So damn good" you clenched at his words "Fuck Dean. I need to feel you come. Please baby"
"You first. One more time" he slipped one hand between your bodies, rubbing tight circles onto your clit. You felt that warmth rush over your body again and your vision went soft around the edges when you came. You felt his hips falter right before he asked "Can i come in you?" "Please" you moaned and he buried himself inside of you with a final deep thrust and you felt when he came, the feeling pushing another small orgasm out of you.
Dean pulled out of you gently, apologizing when you whimpered. He laid down next to you then pulled you over on his chest "catch your breath then we'll go shower" you raised your head to look at him "Probably gonna need help walking" you'd never seen him look more proud "I can do that" you shook your head then curled up on his chest.
His fingers were working through your hair as you both worked to get your breathing back to normal "So, are we doing this?" He asked and sounded so unsure. You chose not to face him when you asked "Why? Having second thoughts already?" He was quiet for a moment before saying "giving you an out" you pushed yourself up the bed to face him "Damn you Dean Winchester. I love you. There hadn't been an out for me for years. I've been your best friend for a long time before your cock was ever inside me or before you ever knew I loved you. I wasn't walking away before I damn sure am not walking away now"
He grinned slightly "even the possibility of dealing with my dad?" You shrugged "John Winchester doesn't scare me" he pulled you down and caught your lips in a quick kiss before saying "I love you" you smiled "I love you too. Now let's get some sleep because if Sam heard us he's gonna give us hell about it for days"
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sommerbueckers · 2 months
so basically it’s fluff with paige finding out her gf/flirty friend?? doesn’t know how to drive/isn’t good at it and teaching her🤭🤭 just imagine paige teases her about her bad parking, hand on her thigh the whole time she tries to focus on driving, praising her when she’s doing good
need this woman SO BAD
Did y'all miss me??
HI BABY, so glad you loved the last one and I hope this one meets ur standardsssss
Paige sighed as she pulled into a gas station and parked the car. It was mostly deserted with the exception of a family that was taking their leave.
"I'll pump and you grab snacks?" she quirked a brow at you and was met with a nod.
The two of you were four hours into your adventitious road trip and you could tell Paige was getting tired. You had encouraged her to get as much rest as possible so that she'd have enough energy to make the full drive, it's not because you didn't want to drive, but because you didn't know how.
You had never learned to drive simply because you never needed to. Throughout high school you had taken the bus to and from school, your friends and parents drove you to every public event, and you never went anywhere you didn't feel absolutely inclined to. So learning to drive was never something that crossed your mind.
But sitting in the passenger seat of Paige's car with her barely able to keep her eyes open, it was the only thing on your mind.
You grabbed two Redbulls from the refrigerator section and a couple random snacks before making your way to the register. Pulling out your wallet you said, "Can I put twenty-five on pump four?"
"You get me Tru Fru?" Paige perked up when she noticed you approaching the car.
"Duh, a Redbull too, can't have you fallin' asleep behind the wheel," you snorted, hoping she got the message.
"About that," the blonde started, leaning in through the driver side window, "I was thinking you could take over for a little."
"Take over what?"
"Driving, what else?" she laughed.
"How am I gonna watch my show if I'm driving?"
"C'mon ma, just for a little. I just need a break."
"I told you to go to sleep last night but you wanted to watch another episode, now you have to pay the price."
"Bro," she groaned, resting her forehead on her forearms. "It's not like you were against watching another episode, you wanted to see the recoupling just as much as I did."
"Wait we need to talk about that for a moment, because that shit was crazy."
"Nah for real though! I love Mackenzie 'n' all but choosin' her over Courtney was fuckin' crazy."
"Yeah, yeah and-"
"No, stop," Paige interrupted, "you're trying to distract me from the conversation."
You sighed in defeat, "It was working for a moment," you mumbled.
"Please peach, just drive. Drive for a little and then we can switch back," she pleaded.
"Paige I can't..."
"Why not?"
"Because I-" you sighed and rubbed your hands over your face, "I can't drive."
"What do you mean?"
She was met with silence as you shook your head and leaned back, embarrassed to admit it out loud.
"Look I get that you don't want to but I don't want to drive another-"
"No, Paige I literally can't drive. Like I never learned how."
"Huh? You're jus' lyin' so you don't have to drive," she frowned.
"Dude why do you think I never drive to your house?"
"'Cus you don't have a car."
"And why do you think that is? 'Cus I can't fuckin' drive."
Paige stared silently at you, her eyes wide with shock as she processed the information. She bit the inside of her cheek and tapped her fingers against the door. When the pump popped out of the socket, she placed it back into the hold and got into the car.
She didn't start it back up, just stared at you with a teasing smile.
"You really never learned how to drive?" she asked.
"You never wanted to learn?"
"I never needed to."
"So how did you get everywhere?"
"The same way I do now. Ubers, busses, my friends."
Paige shook her head, "I can't believe this, we gotta do somethin' about this."
"What is this?" you frowned, pausing your Netflix show and looking through the windshield.
"This is my course."
"Your what?"
"My driving course, where you're gonna learn how to drive," Paige said.
"Paige what? No, what're you doing?"
Paige parked the car and unbuckled her seatbelt, not answering your question as she stepped out and walked over to your side.
"Either you can get out this car willingly or I can get you out myself. You pick."
You looked up at her with pleading eyes, begging her not to make you do this. But she didn't seem to care, leaning patiently against the car door as she waited for you to get out.
"Ugh, fuck."
"Alright adjust your mirrors, make sure you can see your surroundings," Paige instructed.
"Oh my god, look at my eyebrows!" you frowned, running your finger across all the little hairs surrounding them.
"Focus!" Paige exclaimed, thumping your head. "Now put the car in drive."
"It won't move," you roughly tried yanking the gear stick back but it wouldn't budge. "Maybe this is a sign that we shouldn't be doing this."
"Shut that shit up," Paige snorted, "put your foot on the break and then change gears."
Once you switched the gears and let your foot off the break, the car began to move on its own. In a panic, you slammed your foot back down, jerking the car forward.
"Shit! I wasn't even pressing the gas," you frowned at the blonde.
"Yeah the car moves by itself," Paige suppressed a laugh as she nodded at you. "Just relax," she breathed out, gently rubbing her hand up and down your thigh. "You don't gotta be scared, i'm right here."
You nodded your head and gave her a smile, turning your attention back to the empty parking lot in front of you. With a deep breath, you finally eased your foot off the break.
"Go up more...little more. Good girl," Paige gave your thigh a light squeeze as she praised you.
You could feel your cheeks heat up at her words and you did your best to focus on driving.
"Alright now put the car in reverse and turn the wheel that way as you back up," the blonde said.
"Can't believe I'm fuckn' doing this," you breathed out through a laugh.
Paige smiled, "Doin' great baby."
Paige's hand inched higher and higher the more you backed the car into the lines. As her hand crept toward the inside of your thigh, you panically -- for the second time -- slammed your foot on the break.
"What just happened?" she asked when you parked the car.
"I got nervous," you shrugged innocently.
Paige smirked knowingly at you before unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car to check your job. Her eyebrows shot to her hairline and she tilted her head, chuckling to herself.
"I don't think I've ever seen worse," she said once back in the car.
"Stop. Was it really that bad?"
"No, no," she smiled, taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles, "You just need a lil practice, that's all."
"You sure? Don't lie to make me feel good," you said.
"I'm not lying."
A beat of silence passed before Paige spoke again.
"I have seen Drew do better though..."
"You're not being a very good student right now," Paige whispered, using her thumb to drag your bottom lip down.
"I'm only as good as you make me," you smirked.
You softly pressed your lips against hers, smiling when you felt her hand travel to the back of your neck and hold you close.
"You're so pretty," she caressed your cheek with her other hand, "and smart...even though you can't drive."
"You are such a dick," you playfully slapped her arm, pulling away and sitting back in your seat.
She shrugged to herself and opened her bag of Tru Fru, tossing a few pieces of the chocolate into her mouth. "Next lesson."
"Alright so this is an intersection," Paige explained, "it's packed."
You stared blankly out at the empty parking lot, furrowing your eyebrows and then side-eyeing her.
"Art of imagination," she patted your thigh. "Now the car on the left of you was here when you got here, but the car on your right got here at the same time as you, do you know what to do?"
"The car on my left goes first," you answer.
"Right, but what about the other car? Who gets to go first?"
"Whoever presses the gas harder," you snort, only to be met with Paige's unimpressed expression. "Fine. Uh...don't they go first? I have to yield to cars on my right."
"Bro you got it!" Paige smiled.
You clapped briefly, shyly shrugging your shoulders as you looked up at her. "I think I deserve a kiss."
"Oh do you?"
"Mhm...et lite kyss," you mumbled.
"Fuck that's so sexy, say somethin' else," Paige said.
"Kom hit," you gestured for her to come here with your finger, connecting your lips in a slow kiss.
"Hmm," she hummed against your lips, "you ready to go?"
You nodded your head, "Please. Do I have to drive?"
"No, not gonna make you do that."
"Good, 'cus if you did, there'd be no kisses for you tonight."
I'm ashamed to admit that I am in fact a lazy son of a bitch...sorry
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horrorhot-line · 2 months
so, for those who have been visiting my blog, waiting for my return, hi guy, I'm back <3 I had a lot of things to sort out in my life when I started this blog and every time I came back thinking I'd stay a job or some other thing would pull me back out of writing, I’m sorry for the wait ;-;
good news is, I finally have all the free time in the world to write for the next few months and I'm gonna make the most of it. which means updates will be coming for my saiki x reader series and a few other fandoms...
bad news is, this blog has been catching dust for a long time so I have a lot of cleaning up to do. which means updates will be slow at first.
currently I'm rewriting the whole series, (serendipity, metanoia, and alexithymia are done) and in between I'll post new chapters, in the mean time, I'd like to say I'm redoing my tag list, so if you wanted to be added please let me know.
sneak peak below for a new saiki k chapter, can anyone guess which episode it'll be?
"Would these work?" You asked after you had a 'eureka!' moment, pulling out a strip of motion sickness tablets from your breast pocket. You had brought it with you just in case you felt sickly yourself.
Kaidou's half-shut eyes opened wide when he saw what you offered him. You tried your best not to touch Saiki, who was seated between you two, as you leaned closer to Kaidou so he could see.
"No way, did you buy these just for me? They're the exact same ones I use!" The plane shook violently the minute those words left Kaidou's mouth, and your hand landed on Saiki's thigh as you nearly lost balance. You looked towards the psychic in confusion, watching as his jaw shifted in place like he was clenching it.
Saiki didn't give you a chance to clear up the situation. "No, I gave them to Y/n because she felt sick too," Saiki stated, and Kaidou accepted it as truth immediately, sheepishly apologising to you for assuming. Gobsmacked, you didn't even acknowledge the words of sorry, still trying to wrap your head around what happened.
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
Hello, a request please from Percy x reader x Tyson (family member) what would it be like if the 3 of them went to an mlp movie
What's your favorite pony?
— percy jackson x fem!reader (ft. Tyson!)
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warnings: kinda short, language and ponies, lol. a/n: hi! This is too short and I don't know if it's right but I think it's because Tyson is very chaotic which I love to see in the writing, like those episodes where nothing happens but everything happens.I hope you like it and it hasn't disappointed you. I send a kiss!
— No way.
— c'mon, percy! It's just a movie of my little pony
your boyfriend stared at you for a few seconds and nodded obviously with a grimace of annoyance.
—... yeah, now you get it?
You snorted and poked him in the shoulder which made him jump. You knew the hardest one to convince was Percy and for now it didn't look too good.
— for him — you pleaded with your hands together and your lips pressed into a pout. You knew that was the face he would never resist and he took it as a personal challenge by turning around, avoiding to see you.
There was nothing more that Percy hated than those movies, because... because... uh, why? He didn't even need a reason, he just didn't want to watch colored ponies for a little over an hour but Tyson...Tyson could die watching that non-stop.
— Then I guess I'll tell T that he came from your father's palace for nothing. — You sighed dramatically and looked at his face with a sad grin — The next time you'll see him is to give him his birthday present.
Now Percy had a dilemma.
With you holding the tickets - all three exactly - now he remembered the fact that Tyson's (made up) birthday was approaching and Percy didn't have a gift or money either. Suddenly he didn't see that as such a bad idea and took his movie ticket from your hand with a huff.
— Go get him, I'll ask Paul for the car — He grumbled.
You jumped up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, running to the bathroom to tell Tyson the big news, which cost Percy a half hour of driving with him singing the show's theme in his ear.
— my little pony! holy fuck
You opened your eyes and Percy almost braked. Last time, Tyson barely cursed or said that kind of things, but being in forges and surrounded by Romans was giving him some of their habits.
— Uhm, you better not say that in the cinema or the parents will kick us out and we won't see the movie.— Percy reprimanded like the older brother he was to him and nodded but both knew that was very uncertain because Tyson could be unpredictable.
But it turned out to be the complete opposite and Tyson ended up leading a mob of children eager to see the new movie. Every time he shouted a character's name, everyone did and he ended up with around 50 new, little friends.
— best duckin day!
— duckin? — asked Percy with the eyes on the road, you giggled still amazed.
— yeah, trevor said that we can't say fucking, instead is ducking.
Percy laughed and shook his head playfully. — Oh little brother.
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
the back-up plan | jjk ~ teaser
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summary: one drunken night leads to an agreement that if you and jungkook are still single by 30, you'd marry each other. the only thing is jungkook has been doing everything he can to keep you single.
💖 title: the backup plan | one-shot 💖 pairing: jungkook x f!reader | 💖 genre/au: romance, fluff / friends to lovers(?) 💖 rating: SFW | 18+ | 💖 teaser wc: 525 💖 fic warnings: jungkook & reader are both 29, jungkook is bad at feelings and tells some terrible lies, hot and seggsy neighbor!namjoon (yes, pls), kissing, hand-holding (more to add) 💖 teaser warnings: language 💖 a/n: this fic is coming!! i just don't know when it'll be done, but here's a lil teaser for you. 💖 09/13/23 ~ the fic is out hehe !!
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You let out a cackle. “Oh shit–I agreed to that?”
Jungkook pouts and nods. “Sure did.”
But Jungkook’s messing around, right? He was being a good friend and comforting you in your time of need. There’s no way he’d actually want to spend the rest of his life with you. Plenty of suitable women were fawning over him, and now you’ve come to notice, you've never seen him with a girlfriend.
“You’re–you’re not serious, are you?” You stumble over your words, going into panic mode.
Why would Jeon Jungkook choose you, of all people, to want to marry? He could have anyone at any time.
No, you shook off the thought. You couldn’t lock him into a loveless marriage.
Jungkook licks his lips, his tongue flicking his lip ring back and forth.
You shifted in bed and cleared your throat. “Aren’t you seeing that one girl?”
It wasn’t hard to notice when she practically hung onto him like a lovesick puppy.
Jungkook makes a face, shaking his head. “Nah, it’s nothing serious.”
You give him a blank expression. “Nothing serious? Kook, she’s practically foaming at the mouth and shooting heart eyes when you’re around.”
Jungkook chuckles. “That could be you, too.”
You narrow your eyes, glaring at him.
“Just saying,” he adds.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to get in the way if it is serious.” You surely didn’t want to become a homewrecker.
He waves his hand. “Oh, no, no, no. I don’t back down from promises I make.”
Your lips turn into a pout, and you tilt your head, wondering why he’d ditch Clingy Chloe and commit to a drunken promise. “What’s in it for you?”
He seems offended by your question, so he scoffs. “I mean, I’m just trying to save you from a future where you’re an old lady with 50 cats, collecting newspapers that pile up from the floor to the ceiling, then you show up on an episode of Hoarders.”
You chuckle. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“You’re not?” he questions hesitantly.
“I mean, marriage is a pretty serious thing, and we’re friends getting married because we have no one else?” The sentiment seems ridiculous once you say it aloud.
“What? You don’t think I'll be a good husband?” 
“No, I didn't say that. I think you’d be a great one, actually.”
“Then, what’s the problem? Don’t think you can handle me?” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows.
You roll your eyes at your cocky friend. “I don’t know, Kook. What if I meet someone, or what if you meet someone?”
“You don’t think I can make you fall in love with me?” he asks, completely ignoring your question.
Your nose scrunches, and you laugh. “No.”
“Oh, well, that sounds like a challenge, and you’re lucky I love a little competition.”
He’s not going to let this go, is he?
You settle into the plush of your pillows. “Okay–tell you what, if you can make me fall in love with you within the week, I’ll consider marrying you.”
What would you have to lose? Being wined and dined by a cute guy? What girl would pass up this opportunity?
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09/13/23 ~ check out the fic here !!
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cera-writes · 4 months
"Ma chère, you are mine." 🃏
Part Two
Pairing: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau x F!Reader Tags: slow burn, angst, jealousy Remy never thought there'd be someone else besides Rogue who'd just waltz into his life, but there you were. A/N: This fic is based on episode 5 of X-Men 97. There may be future nsfw themes in later chapters. I'm thinking of making this into three parts at least. Tagged: @lokislittlemouse @give-jack-a-lightsaber
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That night, the sky was lit in a cacophony of bursts and particles of light exploding in an array of beautiful colors cascading over Genosha. The fireworks were a sight to see, but so were you.
You had just finished getting ready. You stood in front of a grand mirror in the room you were sharing with Rogue while on your trip in Genosha. A grand window with a balcony overlooked the city below, illuminated by the chasms of light pouring down from the fireworks overhead.
Your dress was a shade of midnight, sparkling with diamonds like stars enmeshed into the fabric. Spaghetti straps adorned your bare shoulders as a plunging neckline accentuated your breasts. The dress fit you like a glove. There was a split up the dress that stretched all the way up the length of your right leg to your mid thigh, daring to show a little skin. It screamed Eclipse, much like your name.
You let your hair fall loosely around your face and wore a tad bit more makeup than usual, to which Rogue helped you with. You were in a state of a much more glamorized version of yourself. Lastly, you slipped your matching black heels on before Rogue walked up behind you.
"Goodness me, if I were a guy I'd be all over you faster than a buzzard on roadkill. You are gorgeous, sugah!" Rogue gandered at you, fanning herself.
You smiled, not helping but to blush at her open-handed compliment. "Thanks girl, but honestly you did most of the work. I was just your canvas."
Rogue scoffed. "Puh-lease. Don't be so hard on yourself. Those men will be all over you tonight. I'm gonna have to practically fight em' off of you." She meant to strike up light-hearted banter with you but you could tell there was something deeper going on that she wasn't opening up about. You could always tell when your best friend had something eating away at her.
"Hey...is something the matter? I can't help but notice that something is off with you tonight, Rogue." You placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Rogue sighed but shook her head. "Don't worry about me sugah. Now, you should get down there. I'll be right behind ya," she tried reassuring you.
You frowned but decided not to pry further, even though you wished she'd open up to you.
You could practically hear the music blaring downstairs in the ballroom even as you sat at your vanity ten floors up.
There was only one man's attention you wanted tonight, but that thought just seemed like wishful thinking.
You checked yourself out in the mirror once more, admiring the shade of rouge that Rogue had adorned your lips with. She really was a treasure and you would never dream of getting in the way of her and Remy if that's what caused her mood to be so sullen.
You also noticed she hadn't slipped into her dress yet. "So...why haven't you gotten ready yet? You know the celebration starts in an hour." You asked Rogue with curiosity lacing your voice.
"There's uh, somethin' I need to talk to Gambit about first." She sighed. You knew it. Your heart sunk. I mean, what'd you expect? Gambit was only here because of Rogue and you were just here because she wanted you to come. But shouldn't she be happy? Maybe something had happened that you had no business interfering with.
You sighed with a breath of indignation. You should be happy that they'd finally get this moment, but you still couldn't help but feel bitter about it all. Rogue was...well, Rogue. She could get anyone she wanted. Even if she weren't able to be physical with Gambit, you knew deep down Gambit didn't care about that even if that was important to Rogue. He was in love with her.
Even so, there were ways of bypassing that kind of situation, even if it was frowned upon by your kind. Honestly, if the two of them were going to be together finally, you would at least make an attempt to drown yourself in liquor with Kurt at the bar. At least you'd forget about it if you drank well enough into the night with your other best friend.
Before you could even glance back at the southern belle, she was already gone. A gust of wind blew through the open window she must have slipped out of while you weren't looking. The curtains bellowed softly in unison as you did a once over in the mirror before heading out of your room.
"It's okay Eclipse...just be happy for them." You told yourself as your heart broke with every step toward the elevator down to the gala.
You reached the bottom floor, making your way toward the grand staircase leading to the open bar and dance floor. The room was grand with numerous glittering chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. You could even spot a few guests hanging around on top of them, idling away in conversations with champagne flutes in hand. There was lively music flooding the open space as you watched people dancing and just overall having the time of their lives.
Despite the fun atmosphere happening around you, you could've waltzed right back to your room and played hermit and pretended that this night hadn't even happened. You felt the complete opposite akin to the atmosphere displayed before you.
And you would have thrown that dress off and undone the pins holding your hair in place if Rogue hadn't already spent an hour on your makeup. You cursed Morph in the back of your mind, knowing they were probably worry free watching crappy horror movies right about now. Gosh how you wished you were back home at the mansion.
You made up your mind that were going to find Kurt and spend the rest of your night dancing and drinking your feelings away. The faster you could forget, the better. Your eyes started scanning for any sign of the blue furball amidst the crowds of people there.
"Who is that? She's gorgeous!" You heard whispers as you descended the staircase. You felt everyone's eyes on you. Were they really talking about you? You weren't used to the attention at all like this. You couldn't help but smirk at the gawking but quickly shook your head. It didn't matter what they thought.
You weren't there tonight to find someone lucky enough to take back up to your room. No one else mattered to you. The only man that held your heart in his hands was breaking it anyway. You could live with yourself if that meant Remy was happy no matter how bad it hurt.
You had to suck it up. There was no point wallowing in this self pity bullshit anymore tonight. At least you'd convinced yourself of that much.
Your heels finally collided with the smooth tiles of the bottom floor. You nearly sighed in relief upon seeing a mop of black hair and blue skin cutting it up on the dance floor. "There he is," you smiled, making a beeline straight for Nightcrawler. At least he seemed to be having a blast. You needed some of that energy he was exuding.
"Eclipse! Oh Mein Gott! You look...breathtaking!" He immediately found you, eyes wide at your alluring appearance before teleporting right in front of you as you joined him over on the dance floor alongside a few others who were moving to the beat of the music.
"No, really! You are stunning tonight!" He grinned, taking your hand a placing a kiss on top of it. You face couldn't deny or hide the sudden heat from his sweet comment about you. "Thanks, Kurt."
"Gern geschehen," he bowed, offering a kind smile in return. "I thought you'd be here with Gambit, no?" He looked puzzled as he glanced behind you for any sign of the cajun man.
"Guess he's still getting ready," you shrugged indignantly, but you knew the truth anyway even if that was a half lie. You wanted to change the subject but you saw the concern in Kurt's expression as he watched your face.
"Look, meine Freundin, I know things with Gambit can be-"
But he didn't get to finish that sentence before you pulled him back into the crowd of people dancing, much to his surprise.
Nope, you did not want to have that conversation tonight.
"Let's just dance, okay?" you changed the subject as you started swaying to the beat of the music. Nightcrawler merely nodded, not wanting to pry but nonetheless twirled you around on the dance floor in compliance as you simply just let loose and tried forgetting about everything even if just for a moment.
The two of you danced for a while, just having fun. You were actually having so much fun in the moment with Kurt that you almost didn't notice that familiar reddish brown hair slicked back so handsomely, or the way his white suit clung to him in all the right ways. He was sitting at the bar having a drink just as Madelyne Pryor had made her way over to stand next to him.
Nightcrawler noticed you, too distracted to continue your dance with him and smiled. "You should go to him. I'll be right here if you need me." He cocked his furry head towards where Gambit was at the bar.
You sighed and swallowed the damn near painful lump in your throat as you started taking that first step towards Remy. But as soon as you did, you immediately paused to look up.
There, flying gracefully in as a grand gesture, was Rogue.
Her hair was done up around her face with a few loose strands hanging down and her dress was a scarlet shade accentuated with off shoulder straps of baby pinks that hung loosely down her arms.
But what you really noticed was that she wasn't wearing her usual gloves for some reason. It didn't matter because she was absolutely stunning.
You were sure she was going to find Remy and meet up with him below, but nothing could have prepared you for what she did next.
You watched as she flew directly towards Magneto, meeting him skin to skin as their hands touched, electricity igniting at their intimacy. Your jaw slightly slackened at the scene above as if they were dancing like two star crossed lovers for everyone to see. It was if it was a deliberate display of affection between them.
You dared to look at Remy, who was still standing over by the bar. And boy, did he look pissed. He was watching them with nothing but pure hurt and anguish behind his eyes. Even Madelyne had turned to cast him a look of pity.
You were just as confused.
Your eyes glanced back towards the two lovers trapped in what seemed like an intense tango of sorts. Then it happened. Their lips were locked in a passionate kiss.
You placed a hand over your mouth in disbelief at what you were witnessing, surely having thought Rogue had spoken to Gambit earlier to confess her feelings.
Apparently you were way the hell off about your assumptions.
When you looked back in Remy's direction, he was already gone.
You had to find him.
Your feet quickly shuffled through crowds of onlookers as 'Happy Nation' continued playing loudly through the expansive room. You never were really a fan of Ace of Base anyway.
You needed to find Remy and fast.
The air inside was becoming too hot and stifling. 'If I were Remy, where would I run off to?'
The gardens.
You knew he'd have gone outside to get some air and clear his head so that's exactly where you were headed.
You ran out into the open cool air towards the giant fountain settled in the middle of a courtyard of square hedges and roses.
The fountain was lit up in blue lights, just enough to make out the man sitting alone with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he sat perched on the side.
"Hey stranger," you timidly spoke up, easing your way towards him.
He blew out a puff of smoke and glanced in your direction.
"Hey chere," he couldn't help but smile softly upon seeing you, even if he felt like absolute shit in that moment.
"Mind if I pop a squat next to you?" You inquired, approaching the matter with as much gentleness as you could knowing what just transpired.
"I ain't stopping you," Remy simply remarked.
You delicately sat next to him, feeling the heat radiating off of him as your shoulders touched slightly.
You were about to bring up how he was feeling but he was the one who initiated first.
"Can you believe it?" He scoffed, taking another drag of his cigarette as the ashes singed.
"Honestly, no." You replied, shaking your head incredulously as you gazed up at the night sky as trails of smoke drifted upwards into the balmy night air.
"I'm so so sorry, Remy."
You laid your head on his shoulder. You knew the pain was still fresh and still stung so you didn't want to talk about anything unless he wanted to initiate that conversation first. You just wanted to be there for him like you always did in the past. He was your best friend and you never wanted that to change.
He shook his head once more before tossing the cigarette on the ground and stomping it out with his shoe.
"That flame has long since died I think...but there's somethin' else too. It made ol' Gambit realize that he's been runnin' from his past too long. He was chasin' somethin' that wasn't ever meant to be his in the first place. They always say you find peace in the most unsightliness of places."
You didn't know what he was getting at but your heart was beating ninety to zero right now. You couldn't dare look at him in fear that you might say something you'll regret. Your head stayed rested against his shoulder as you played with your hands on your lap.
"I think I've had peace this whole time. It was always there, offering a shoulder to cry on or just a hand to hold," He laughed softly in disbelief as if finally coming to a revelation.
"Ma chere, you are mine."
Your eyes widened, heart hammering in your chest, and your relaxed posture had gone rigid as he confessed those words. Those words that held so much meaning. Your eyes pricked with tears as you slowly leaned away to finally face him.
He was smiling at you so tenderly that you could've melted from his gaze right there.
But no sooner did you have time to react to his meaningful words before the sound of ear piercing screams filled the air and everything came crashing down in a literal cloud of smoke and dust.
All you could see was darkness as chaos ensued.
A/N: I hope ya'll enjoyed part two! I'll be working on part three tomorrow! Leave me comments <3
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Runaway Fiancé Part 1
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Summary: You find out about J.J's love confession to Spencer, one month before your wedding. Why didn't Spencer tell you? Does he love her too? Can you get past this or will J.J come between you?
Word Count: 2,295
A/N: This was another work with an OC character but I really wanted to do it again with Reader. Also. I'm sorry. But J.J sucks. (I'll be honest I've never seen this episode because I refuse but like... bitch, you better be joking)
Yours and Spencer’s wedding day was coming up fast.  
The happiest day of your lives was only a month away. 
That’s when J.J and Spencer got caught up in a life-threatening situation and flipped everything on its head. 
You could tell that something changed with Spencer after the ordeal. 
He pulled away from you almost completely, he barely listened to any of your wedding plans and yous hadn’t spoken properly in two days. 
Now, being held at gun point isn’t something you can just walk away from, everyone on the team knows that but that’s not what’s wrong here. 
There was something else. You were sure of it. 
And it all decided to come to blows on Rossi’s wedding night. 
Spencer wasn’t himself. He isn’t spinning you around on the dancefloor like he usually did or doing magic with Henry or even laughing with the team. 
Instead, the love of your life was sitting at the table alone, drinking and thinking. 
You watched him stare into space and decided to ask Penelope about it. She would know if something was going on.  
You made your way over to the dancefloor where Luke was spinning Penelope around. 
You felt bad to interrupt them, but you needed to know if Penelope knew anything. 
Narrowly avoiding their waving hands, you tapped Penelope on the shoulder, “I’m so sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you for a minute, P?” 
Penelope grinned and linked arms with you, “Of course!” before they walked off, she waved her finger seriously at Luke, “Do not move.” to which Luke only laughed. 
You led her over to the corner and subtly gestured to Spencer who was sitting with his back to you, “Has he said anything to you about the other day?” 
Penelope thought for a moment before shaking her head, “No, honey, why do you ask?” 
“He’s barely spoken to me, danced or even talked to Henry. He’s been sitting there drinking quietly almost all night and I’m worried that whatever happened in that shop really got to him.” 
Penelope looked over sadly, “He hasn’t said anything to me. But I’m sure he’s alright, just a bit shaken up. He just needs some of your good lovin and he will be our regular boy wonder again.” She nudged you knowingly, “And it’s probably this reception is making him think of his own big day in a few weeks.” 
“Yeah.” You smiled at the thought of your wedding being so close, “You’re probably right. I’m feeling it myself. This will be me soon.” 
Penelope grinned and gave her a hug, “And it will be perfect. I’ll make sure of it.” 
You giggled and gave her a big hug, “Thanks, P.” 
With Penelope’s words fresh in your brain, you decided to just make Spencer feel as loved and cared for as possible, letting him know you were here when he felt ready to come to you. You grabbed two fresh drinks from the bar and made your way over to the table Spencer was sitting at. 
You slowed down and couldn’t stop the small frown appearing on your face when you noticed that J.J was now sitting beside him and the two were talking quietly.  
When you had found out that Spencer used to have a crush on J.J it really twisted your view of her. Not that it was her fault of course. But since they were such good friends, you just couldn’t help the insecurity that bubbled within you when they spent time together. Not that you’d ever say anything to anyone about it. 
Taking a deep breath, you shook off any of the negative feelings. You were just going to walk up and join them; you didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
“What I said… I said to throw the unsub off. Nothing more.” J.J’s voice wavered. 
Spencer sighed, “Truth or dare?” 
J.J turned to him, her eyes were shining with tears, “Truth.” 
“Did you mean it?” Spencer turned his head to look at her as well, “Do you love me?” 
Your blood ran cold. 
Your heart thundered in your chest as the fog cleared and you now understood why Spencer had been acting so distant all day. 
J.J told Spencer she loved him. 
Your fiancé. 
Your brain began to shut down and go ninety miles per hour all at the same time. You couldn’t process what just happened. 
Spencer nodded, the look on J.J’s face told him more than words ever could. He pushed his chair back and moved to turn away from the table which, unfortunately for you, meant that he was now frozen in place and staring right at you. J.J noticed Spencer freeze and turned in the seat also stiffening when she saw you there. 
You were just standing there like an idiot with a glass in each hand. 
“Y/n?" Spencer called softly.  
Your eyes darted between the two, before your flight response kicked in and you placed the two drinks quickly on the table, blurting out an, “Excuse me.” and rushing away from the table. 
You were not going to make a scene on Rossi's wedding day. Absolutely not. 
“Wait!” Spencer rushed after you before you made it outside and grabbed your wrist, “Y/n, please, this isn’t-” 
J.J had also followed the couple and interrupted Spencer, “Y/n it isn’t what you think.” 
“I really don’t want to hear anything from you right now. Okay?” You kept your voice low, “Your husband is looking for you.” 
J.J nodded, knowing she was not wanted here and quickly vacated the area before it got worse.  
You were so furious as you turned on your heel and walked away, forcing a smile to anyone you passed before finally making it outside. 
You knew Spencer was following you, so you walked around the house until you were far enough away from everyone else. 
You rounded on him immediately, “What is going on? And I’m not stupid Spencer so don’t even think of lying to me or try to run me in circles.” It was freezing outside but you couldn’t feel it as the anger inside you was keeping you warm. 
Spencer just stared at you with wide eyes. 
“Spencer Reid, so help me. I’m not angry often but you’ve seen it and I am two seconds away from combustion. Now, I don’t like jumping to conclusions, but this situation isn’t looking good, for either of you.” 
“We are not sleeping together. I would never do that to you.” Spencer rushed out quickly, he knows where your mind was headed and he needed to get the truth out as fast as possible, “When, uh, when we were tied up, he ordered J.J to tell a secret she’s been too afraid to say, or he was going to shoot her. So, she- she told me that she has always loved me.” 
She told me that she has always loved me. 
You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh, cry or scream at this point.  
This entire situation was ridiculous! 
J.J has always loved him? Since when?! Where? In which universe? Because it certainly wasn’t this one. 
You couldn’t wrap your head around this. 
So, you inhaled and said the only thing you could, “And you?” 
“And me what?” he frowned at you in confusion. 
“Do you love her, Spencer?” You knew that there was a history there, years ago. He asked her on a date which J.J then brought Penelope to, and nothing ever came out of it. You thought it was over. 
But apparently having kids and marrying another man still doesn’t mean you don’t love someone else! 
Spencer was silent for a moment and then he took a step towards you, “I love you, Y/n.” 
You could feel the tears welling up as Spencer deflected, “That’s not what I asked, Spencer.” 
Spencer walked towards you, but you stepped back with each step he took, “Y/n...” he pleaded. 
You couldn’t do this. You can’t process all this information. 
You waved your hands at him, pleading him to stay back, “I need to think about this.” You rushed past him as fast as your heels would carry you. Making your way back inside and over to the table, grabbing your bag and shawl from the chair as quickly and as quietly as possible. 
You could feel the tears threatening to spill over. You kept breathing deeply to try and keep them at bay until you were out of here. 
You took one last glance around, watching the team all laughing, dancing and chatting happily, completely unaware of the breakdown that was crashing over you. You spotted J.J across the room dancing happily with Will.  
Anger boiled inside you and turned and left the room before you trailed her by her hair. 
You haven’t felt this petty since high school but that’s what you wanted to do. 
You sniffed and rustled through your bag to find your phone and calling a cab company. Looking around you decided to hide behind the large tree in Rossi’s front garden and wait. Praying that no one saw you. 
You cursed heavily and stepped back into the light and watched Emily making her way towards you. 
“Hey, what are you doing out here?” she smiled. 
You forced a smile back and clutched your shawl tighter around your shoulders, “I’m leaving.” 
“What? Leaving?” Emily’s jaw was on the floor in shock. “Why?” 
“I can’t be here. I need to leave, and I need to go right now. I don’t want to ruin Rossi’s big day.” 
“Okay, woah.” Emily stepped closer and raised your hands to stop you, “Slow down and take a deep breath.” 
You nodded and followed your boss’s instructions. 
“Now, what’s going on?” 
You didn’t even really know what was going on yourself. One second you were excited for your wedding and the next your fiancé was held at gun point and his old crush-slash-best friend told him she has always loved him and there was a possibility that he also loved her too. 
Huh, maybe you could explain what was going on. 
You opened your mouth to explain but the beeping of the taxi behind you stopped you and you sighed in relief, “I’ll explain later but, please, don’t say to anyone, not even Spencer. I’ll text you. I will.” She talked as she opened the door of the cab and slid in and gave the driver her address. 
You heard someone yell after you as the taxi began driving away, turning around to look out the back window you saw Spencer panting and standing in the garden beside Emily, looking as though he had just run around the building to find you.  
Your eyes locked and neither of you broke it until the driver was outside the property and your fiancé was no longer in sight. 
Spencer had gotten the next cab as quickly as he could. Ignoring all of Emily’s questions as he began calling and calling and calling you. He told the driver to go to his apartment, hoping you would be there, but it was empty. 
He sprinted back down to the cab driver to give him your address. 
He threw the money at the driver; more than the fare even cost as he got out of the cab and glad of his long legs as he took the stairs two at a time until he made it to your door; he couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes behind you. 
“Y/n!?” he yelled as he searched all the rooms, “Baby, please.” He ran into your bedroom and saw the closet open, and a few clothes were taken. He looked under your bed and saw your go bag missing, “No, no, no, no.” 
He felt the tears forming in his eyes as he stumbled back into main area. Beginning to hyperventilate and glancing around the room until his eyes fell on an envelope. 
An envelope with his name on it.  
Empty apartments and letters with names on them are never good.  
This just reminds him of when Gideon left him, and everyone knew how much that devastated him. 
He ran his hands through his hair and down his face before walking over to the counter and picking up the letter.  
He let out a sigh of relief as the envelope wasn’t weighted which meant that meant her engagement ring wasn’t in it which filled Spencer with a little hope. 
He ripped open the envelope and read over the letter five times before the words sank in. 
My love, I’m sorry I left without telling you why in person. I know what that did to you when Gideon left, but I just couldn’t bring myself to talk about it at Rossi’s wedding. 
I needed to get away from the situation. 
I don’t know how to process this and being around J.J will only make it worse.  
So, I’m going away for a few days. I need to think this through, and I hope you do as well. 
You are the greatest thing in my life, and I hope that you never doubt that. 
You may say you didn’t, but you hesitated when I asked you if you love her and then you didn’t say yes or no. 
I can’t marry someone who is in love with someone else and I’m sure you can’t either. 
Please think about what and who you want to be with. 
Please, don’t try to find me. I’m safe and I’m checking in with Emily. 
I’ll see you soon and I love you so much, 
Y/n x
Spencer fell to his knees when he finished reading the letter. 
You were gone, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to get you back. 
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This is from the Shondaland website, an interview with L and N. So yeah... I'm actually, honest to god, shook.
VV: At the very end of episode four, we get what we all came for! This scene is both super-sexy but also kind of PG in a way …
NC: It didn’t feel like that when we were doing it! [Laughs.] VV: Well, exactly. I could be totally off base here. Can you tell me about it from your perspective, both as the characters and as the actors playing them?
LN: It has that authenticity where we stay true to the characters. It’s Pen’s first sexual experience …
NC: … and she doesn’t really know what to do!
LN: But we wanted to honor that. And it also gives them somewhere to go. I mean, so many directors had said to us that we needed to calm it down because we’ve got somewhere to go! [Both laugh.]
NC: They were like, “Hold it back a little!” And it was like, “Oh. Okay.” Especially as grown adults, you forget. Like, we would be a little more confident than they would be. Even with a kiss, they would tell us that we seemed like we’ve kissed before. And I was like, “Not to brag, I totally have.” But, of course, they explained that Penelope hasn’t kissed anyone before. Also, what we learned, and it was quite funny, is that sometimes what feels good for kissing in real life doesn’t look as good on-screen! So, we were smushing our faces together, and they were like, “No, pull back a little bit, and then it will look prettier.”
LN: We thought it would play that there’s been this tension building up, but they told us it looked a lot better on-screen when we pulled back. I'm sorry, what? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK??????????????????? I can't anymore... seriously. Like... what? Please, please explain this to me. So they knew the characters they were playing, right... extra virgin, awkward... but they thought yes, let's really go for it like A-grade sluts? Uhm no honey, L and N took over. I CANNOT be convinced otherwise. And you're also saying the kissing felt good. So, yeah. You had to change the way you kissed, which felt good, to make it look better on screen? Yes, you are telling me this, right now. I'm sorry, I'm done here. Announce the fucking wedding, I'll be sat at the front.
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thebestofoneshots · 10 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.9 K Warnings: None Prompt: It's finally time... the Quidditch Match. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 19: Silver Bird
When you come home, my crazy heart will greet those silver wings Your pet dog will remember you, and I'll carry your things We'll catch a runnin' make-up, and you will look just fine And you'll remain my friend, my friend until you're mine
It was finally Saturday, James had you arrive at the pitch an hour and a half before the match was going to start, so you could warm up properly. You still had thirty minutes to get there, and you were rummaging through your neverending chest to try and find the stupid blue undies you’d promised to wear. 
“Is it this ones?” Mary asked, as she sat next to you. 
You looked at the piece she had in her hand and you shook your head, “Those aren’t very comfortable for flying.” 
She nodded and continued looking through the chest. Lily, who was looking through your dresser asked “You said cute, baby blue, matching set, right?” 
“Yeah,” you responded, not looking at her yet. 
“I think I’ve got them.” She said, taking the pair out and showing it to you. You beamed and got up from the floor towards her, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead “It’s perfect, thank you!” you said as you took them from her hands and went inside the bathroom. 
“That was a very Sirius thing to do,” said Marlene from her bed as she laced her shoes.
Mary agreed “Sometimes they’re so alike it’s scary.” 
“I don’t think so,” said Lily, with a hand on her chin. “She’s not that much like Sirius, if anything I’d say she’s more like Remus.” 
“Remus? How?” Asked Beth, she had dropped by to get ready with the girls, they were all planning to use some coloured paint on their faces, along all the Gryffindor memorabilia they had gathered.
“Well, she’s responsible and caring. And she always helps everyone in the study clubs. And even if she hangs out with the boys all the time, she’s never gotten detention. Remus almost never gets detention either. They both know their way around it, somehow.” 
“Well, when you say it like that…” 
Finally, the door of the bathroom opened and you walked outside, your thick quidditch pants on, along with a simple shirt you were planning to wear underneath your quidditch sweater. You looked out the window, it was getting greyer and grayer “You think it’s gonna rain?” you asked. 
“On the forecast, it said it wouldn’t,” said Beth, who had revised it on the papers at breakfast. 
“But the current climate divintor is really bad,” complained Marlene “The other day I planned a picnic with Holden, and it said it would be sunny. We were in the middle of the way to the spot we’d found when a storm broke out, we had to use charms to stop the rain from ruining our day.” 
“Better take the anti-slippery gloves then,” Beth said, as she picked out a pair from the ones you had laid out on the bed, “just in case.” 
You nodded, and took them in your hands, before placing them on the small duffle bag in which you were packing the rest of your equipment. Including the Quidditch robes and anything other than the sweater and the pants. “You’ve already eaten right?” Mary asked. 
“Yeah, like 2 hours ago,” you said with a nod “I wanted enough time to digest before flying.
“Brilliant idea!” she said with a smile “Last time Marlene ate last minute she was puking when the game ended. 
“That’s because I got a bludger on the edge my broom and spinned around like 30 times,” she huffed, and then turned to you “Ready for your first game luv?” 
“Born ready,” you said, with a little smirk.
Marlene mirrored your expression, “That’s exactly what I expected to hear.” 
Once in the pitch, you spotted James and Teddy talking to each other, Davis and Gale were sitting on a bench, and you weren’t sure where Sirius was, that was until you felt someone hugged you from behind and planted a kiss on your cheek “You look stunning in those clothes Starshine,” he said as he tightened his grip around your waist. 
Sirius was still hugging you when James asked everyone to gather closer to him. And he didn’t let go of you even as James spoke “This is the first match of the year, and we must give it our all! Ravenclaw has a fierce team, Holden is a brilliant seeker, Tobias and Penelope are fierce with the bludgers, they will try to hit every single one of us, and even if we have Sirius and Marlene to protect us, you need to keep an eye on the bludgers at all time. Especially you,” he said, giving you a look “They will try to throw you off your broom.” 
You nodded as you took a deep breath, the seekers and the keepers always got the worst of the bludgers, you knew that already, but the seekers had a wider moving area, while as a keeper, you’d have to stay closer to the goals “I’ll have your back,” Sirius whispered in your ear as James continued his speech. 
“Their chasers are good, I don’t know much of the newer kids but Adrian is fast, not as fast as you Gale, but fast regardless, keep an eye on him at all times, the further we keep their ball from our goals the better, even if we have (Y/N).”
Teddy intervened later “Just pay full attention to your surroundings at all times, we can beat them, we’ve trained enough.” 
“Time for warm-up,” James said then, and had you do a couple of exercises before allowing you to go up in your brooms for a few laps around the pitch. 
When you had 10 minutes left, James had you all come down to fasten all the quidditch protection equipment accordingly. He handed you a bag, with a thick brown helmet and a chest plate as well. “I forgot the keeper’s equipment was some of the less glamorous,” you said as you looked at them, he laughed. 
“You know how to put it on, don’t you?”  
You nodded, and dragged the items to the side, starting with the shin and knee protectors and slowly moving your way up to the chest. 
Sirius, who had a lot less things to put on, was done before you and he walked closer to you “Need help?” 
“I’m good,” you said as you continued fastening your arm protections. When you put on the breast protector, you started struggling with the fastening, and Sirius closed the gap between the two of you. 
“Let me,” he said, his hands over yours, fastening the sides of the thing with ease “It’s that too tight?”
You shook your head, still grasping the fact that you weren’t alone anymore, that you could depend on him, on your new friends. You grabbed the helmet and turned to him “How do I look now?” you asked with a teasing smile, the helmet still held between your hands. 
Sirius smirked before he answered “Ravishing.”
You laughed, tilting your head back as you let yourself completely indulge in the fun. Sirius was looking at you adoringly as you tittered, at the way your eyes would crinkle and your smile grew wide. He stared, shamelessly, until he heard someone calling for you from the side, he placed his hand over your shoulder and nodded to their way. You were still smiling when you turned to look at the direction Sirius was pointing at, it was Nina and Sybil. 
“Hey, girls!” You said as you approached them happily, almost skipping towards them, Nina had a Gryffindor scarf on and Sybil was holding a pair of red and yellow flags in her hands “You’ll get jinxed by your house members,” you told them motioning to the Gryffindor memorabilia they had on. 
“We’re not really close to the players,” Sbybil said with a shrug, of course she wouldn’t care. 
“But we do know you.” Nina said with a smile “We brought you something,” she added before bringing her hand inside the messenger bag she had hung across her shoulder and taking out a blue ribbon. Something blue.
“For me?” You asked with a small smile. 
“So you remember not all Ravenclaws are against you today,” Nina said. “Sybil says it’s for good luck too.” 
“It is,” Sybil confirmed. “Why do you think ladies used to tie something on the lances of the men they liked before a joust? If a person who really cares about you gives it to you, it will be infused with a special kind of magic.” 
“Well then, you may tie it wherever you want,” You said with a smile, walking a little closer to the girls, Nina was the one to attach it, lacing it through the thinner side of the chest protection you had on, carefully tying it into a neat little bow.
“I feel like I should say something…” she said with a little smile, you nodded, prompting her to speak “Oh fair lady,” she stated, in a very theatrical tone, even faking a strong Scottish accent “May this token of…” 
“–Of affection,” offered Sybil. 
“Of affection?” Nina asked with a frown, turning back to her natural voice. Sybil nodded fervently and Nina shrugged, clearing her throat before continuing “May this token of our… devoted affection… deliver you from all evil and take you to victory…” She turned to Sybil, who gave her a thumbs up, and finally, she pulled her hands from your chestplate, a little blush showing on her face. 
You smiled, and leaned a little, “Thank you, my lady,” you said in the tone a true knight would, and then looked up at the two girls with a cheeky grin, still mid bow. 
You got a soft punch from Nina on the arm “Don’t make it even sillier.”
“I’m not being silly!” you said in between laughs “I’m truly happy you came to support me today.” 
Sirius finally came over and placed an arm over your shoulder, bringing you a little closer to him “Can you believe our little Starshine just got a lady’s favour?” He asked James, who was just a couple of metres behind “When have we ever gotten one of those? And from a pair of Ravenclaws nonetheless.” 
“It’s for good luck,” Nina said reproachfully. “It’s her first match, don’t tease her so much about it.”
“It’s all right Nina,” you said with a cheeky little smile “Sirius is just jealous.” 
He pouted, “Can’t I get a cute ribbon too?” 
“Has to be given by someone who really cares about you,” Nina said casually. 
“Auch,” Sirius said dramatically. 
Nina opened her eyes wide “I didn’t mean that I didn’t ca…” 
“He’s just teasing you luv,” you said reassuringly. “Here, lean a little closer,” you told Sirius, when he did, you placed a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. “How’s that for your lady’s favour?” you asked with a teasing grin. Nina averted her gaze from the two of you and Sybil gave her a sympathetic glance. 
“Hm… Not sure,” Sirius responded “Might need it to be a little longer, for good measure, you know?” 
Finally, Sybil cleared her throat “We’ll go find a good place to sit,” she said with a smile. 
“Good luck!” Nina told you with a tight smile before turning to go. 
You walked out of Sirius’ grasp and towards her and Sybil “Girls wait!” you said as you grabbed onto Nina’s shoulder “Thank you,” you said earnestly, “for everything.” 
Nina smiled, seeing as how you had run to catch her “It’s nothing, really. We wanted to be here.” 
“Yeah,” Sybil said, “You do your magic, we’ll be here, rooting for you.” 
You smiled at the two of them one last time and they took off towards the bleachers. “Ready for the match?” Remus’ soft voice came from behind, startling you in a good way. 
You turned to him and nodded “James had us warm up and even gave us a team spirit speech. It was inspiring.”
Remus caught the slight sarcasm in your tone and chuckled “You’ll be wearing that?” he asked as he motioned to your helmet still in your hand. 
You nodded “Keepers are one of the main targets of the bludgers. James wouldn’t let me play without it. Merlin forbid something happens to one of his players,” he chuckled again, leaning down just a little to take the helmet from your hands and place it over your head “What are you doing?” 
“Making sure James’ little star-keeper is as safe as she should,” He said casually as he fastened the straps under your chin. 
“I was waiting until the very last minute to put it on…”  
“Why? You get too hot with it?” 
“Not at all, I just think I look like an egg,” you said with a pout.
Remus stepped back just a little, too look at you better “Well, I think you look cute.” 
You laughed, and hit him on the shoulder playfully “Sure thing Rem,” you said dismissively, then you heard the blow of the whistle. “Game’s calling,” you said with a dashing smile before walking back to the pitch, Remus stared at your receding figure as you walked towards the pitch.
As you gathered around everyone you managed to see the rest of your friends walking over the bleachers to find a seat. Tom was wearing face paint, just like the rest of the girls, a few stripes of red and gold painted across their cheek. Lily had a banner in her hand that had a fierce-looking lion roaring, and it had written down the names of all the members of the team. Some other people in the crowd had reused the memorabilia from the race, so you even saw a couple of people wearing some of the pins with your faces on them. 
Another blow to the whistle and you were walking alongside James to the centre of the pitch. “Captains, step forward!” Said a young Professor you hadn’t met before, but that you’d seen around meals, he must be the flying instructor, you thought. Both James and Lionel did as told, he turned to Lionel “Ready?” 
He turned to James and the boy responded “Ready!” 
The teacher nodded, and then gave you a look “Keepers, positions,” he said. Both you and Lionel mounted your brooms and flew toward your places. The wind howled in your ears as you hovered in front of the goals. It was a cold day, and you were thankful you had so much protection gear on since it was enough to keep you a little warm, at least until the action started. 
You saw the Professor release the snitch, you could see it glistening with the bit of sun that the clouds allowed to pass through, it circled around James and Holden, taunting them before disappearing into the air. Everyone mounted their brooms. The crowd cheered as the game was just about to start. The atmosphere felt electric and thrilling, the wind pushing you towards your hoops as you steadied your broom to maintain your position. 
The Chasers jockeyed for position, determined to outmanoeuvre each other and score those crucial goals. Gale, Davis and Teddy were already in the position they had planned, and the three of them kept their sights on the quaffle that the Professor still held in between his hands. Sirius was flying close to James, while Marlene was flying just above you, ready to stop any bludgers coming your way, as James had instructed. 
Marlene tightened her grip on her bat, and with another blow of the whistle the game finally began, the Quaffle soaring into the air in an instant. Gale flew straight to it, managing to size it in the air, and flew straight towards the other team’s goal. But after Sirius hit the bludger towards Lionel, Penelope Linwood, the other team’s beater, shot it straight at Gale, who had to pass the quaffle to Davis to out-manoeuvre the bludger that wouldn’t stop following him. 
Davis took the ball and went for a shot, but Lionel managed to catch it just before it went inside the goal hoop to his left. The ball was with the other team, your heart pounded in your ears as adrenaline rushed through your body, you knew the quaffle could be thrown your way any minute now, so whatever you did, you had to focus. You felt the wind blowing even stronger, your broom moving with it a little more than you’d expect it to. 
Sirius managed to catch up with Davis and batted the bludger away from him, launching straight towards the chasers of the other team, disrupting their formation and buying you some time. The way they were flying, one against the other, they were probably planning to corner you in between the three of them. One of them, a boy with short red hair, who flew like a lightning bolt to avoid Sirius’ bludger –and who you assumed was Adrian– was dogging absolutely everything and everyone as he flew straight at you. 
You smiled confidently when you saw him throw a short glance at one of his chasers, a small girl with neat braids through her entire head. It was Cynthia, you realised, from one of your classes. They were going to faint. So even as you kept your head in Adrian’s direction, you made sure to keep Cynthia in your line of sight at all times. You saw the other bludger be beaten in your direction.
“Focus on your thing!” Marlene shouted, flying straight towards the bludger and batting it fiercely to Adrian, but he managed to dodge the ball and it started following the other chaser instead. The redhead was already reaching the zone, his move would be any second now. He smiled, pretending to throw the ball to the left hoop before throwing it straight to Cynthia. That had been a sick faint, but you had seen it coming, so you didn’t even bother going to the left and instead went straight to the direction Cynthia had thrown the ball, efficiently getting it in between your hands before it even got close to the goals. The audience cheered as you flew a little higher, trying to find Anne Davis. If she got the ball now, you were sure she’d get it across the field and through Lionel.  
Once you spotted her, you plunged down and launched the ball at her when she was just a couple of metres away, continuing your way down before doing a sharp turn and going back to your goals. When the ball was in her hands she started dogging the bludgers, that seemed like they were only following her until Marlene flew straight towards one of them and threw it to Lionel. 
Davis had to shoot the ball to Teddy for a second but he threw it straight back at her and she launched it toward the goal, Lionel wasn’t fast enough to stop it, and it went straight through. The crowd erupted in cheers. Anne was grinning as she went back to position. As everyone cheered you felt a strong jolt in your broom. You frowned and looked down, studying the broom as you steadied it. You squint your eyes when you feel it again, a lot weaker this time. You turned to the bleachers then, narrowing your eyes in case you spotted someone.  The jolt had felt exactly like the one that had thrown you and Sirius off your brooms a couple of weeks ago. You took a deep breath and tightened your grip around your broom. I’m not falling today, you thought before turning your eyes back to the quaffle. 
The jolts didn’t come back, as if the person trying to throw you off the broom had given up on them completely, but your grip on the broom did not loosen at all, you had to keep your ward up, at all times now. The quaffle was now in Cynthia's hand, and she had thrown it to a strong-looking boy with a blonde fringe, their last chaser. He came straight to you, looking imposing since he was a lot bigger, perhaps as tall as Remus, but with a wider back, which made him look threatening. 
Thank Merlin he’s not a beater, you thought. He came straight onto you, paying no mind to the bludger following closely behind him. You did not keep your eyes away from him until you felt a light hitting straight onto your eyes, blinding you from how bright it was. The blond boy did his shot and you weren’t fast enough, it went right through your right goal, there were cheers from the Ravenclaws, and groans from the Gryffindors. 
You went to get the ball and threw it straight at Teddy, who moved further away with it. And you took the time to look around the bleachers, trying to figure out what the hell had blinded you when the light hit you again. You placed your left hand over your eye only to realise a very small dot of light reflecting on it, moving frantically trying to find your eyes again. “A mirror,” you whispered to yourself, “They’re trying to use a bloody mirror.”  You then remembered you had Sirius’ goggles, and placed them over your eyes, hoping the sun protection spell they had on them was enough. They were indeed! Just reflective enough to bounce the light off your eyes. You smiled, whoever was trying to sabotage you, and you had a pretty damn good idea who it might have been, would have a bloody hard time doing so. 
Finally managing to focus on the game again, you noticed Sirius throw a hard shot towards the blonde boy, managing to hit just on the back of his broom and having him spinning out for a good minute before he managed to get back control. 
“Brilliant Black!” you shouted from your spot, not so far away from him. He gave you a little wink, boasting for a good second before ducking as one of the other team’s beaters had thrown the bludger straight back at him. That made you chuckle just a bit, before you saw the same blond boy, doing a daring dive towards you and your goals. This time, when he shot, you managed to stop the quaffle with ease, even if the strength of the hit had you pull back just a little, the impact reverberating through your body as you held on tight.  You heard the Gryffindor supporters erupting into cheers, and you felt the same euphoric feeling you felt when you caught a snitch and ended a game back in your old school. With a graceful smile towards them, you sent the quaffle hurtling back into the game. 
But Cynthia Abbot intercepted your throw and launched the ball straight onto your goals again. You threw yourself towards the quaffle again, but realising your hand wouldn’t be long enough to stop it, you did a sharp turn and used the back of your broom to bat the ball away from the hoops, accidentally sending it straight towards James’ head, who wasn’t looking. “Prongs! Watch out–“ you tried to warn him but it bounced off his head and Davis managed to size it, diving straight towards Lionel and the Ravenclaw post. 
You flew closer to James, still keeping an eye on the quaffle as you did “You ok?” you asked preoccupied “I didn’t mean to–“ 
“-That was a brilliant save!” He said, turning to you with a smile, “Hurt a little though.” 
You winced when you realised the boy was rubbing the back of his head, “Sorry…” 
“I’m good, you keep up that amazing work going, don’t worry about me, all right?”
“Suddenly you saw a gold shine pass right in front of your eyes, and you followed it with a short gaze, before turning back to James “Did you see th–“ You didn’t even finish, you knew the answer when you spotted James’ wide grin and his hazel pupils following the snitch with precise movement, “Go get her tiger!” You said as he started flying in its direction. 
“Back to your goals,” he said with a smile before flying off towards the snitch. You smiled as you saw him chase behind it, and flew back to your place, the Quaffle was still on your team’s hands, so you were relatively relaxed as you kept your eyes on James, who darted through the air, waving and looping through the players, dodging bludgers and following the snitch’s every move. Holden wasn’t too far behind him, but Marlene and Sirius were making sure he had many flying bludgers to dodge, both also protecting James, so he could reach for the snitch. You admired the way Marlene threw the iron balls at her boyfriend as if he was just some random seeker she had to throw off her broom.
Suddenly the ball was back with the chasers of the other team, Adrian darting towards you while one of the beaters from the other team batted a bludger straight to your face. You knew exactly what you had to do, James hadn’t had you practise handstands and pull-ups so much for nothing, so you went straight for it. Holding yourself up to allow the bludger to pass through as you hit the bludger with your leg, flipping yourself back into your broom with a sharp turn. The crowd cheered again, many had heard of the movement, but they hadn’t seen it, but that wasn’t the end, you dived straight down to catch the quaffle and flew straight towards Gale, passing it on his hands in a quick manoeuvre before flying back to the goals. 
Gale, in turn, went straight to Lionel and shot, earning another 10 points for Gryffindor, which had the crowd of Gryffindor supporters standing on their feet as they cheered on for Gale, even you joined them, screaming “Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!” with one of your arms extended out in a triumphant first. He turned to you with a little smile, it was his first goal since he joined the team, he must have been feeling ecstatic, as much as you were whenever you stopped one of the Ravenclaw’s advances.
Time seemed to blur as the match continued, each passing second a testament to your teamwork and determination. The score remained close, both your team and the Ravenclaw had a hard time scoring. Aldrige had been a keeper since 4th grade, so it wasn’t surprising he was such a brilliant player. Which is why you felt a little triumphant at the fact you had stopped more of the balls shot your way than he had. Even if the blonde keeper had probably hurt your left index finger from how hard they had shot the ball one time. You had only cursed under your breath and shot the ball back to Teddy. 
Sirius had seen it, and flew your way “You alright luv?” he asked, a little frown on his face. 
“Sirius!” you screamed “Behind you.” The boy turned around sharply and barely managed to bat the bludger away from his face “Focus on your bludgers, not on me!” you told him sharply. 
He gave you one last look before nodding and flying towards the bludgers. You took a deep breath, yes, it was nice to see him so worried for you, but he could’ve gotten hurt had you not been keeping an eye around you and drowned yourself in the stupid blue of his eyes, which wasn’t hard with the way he had stared at you. James was right, it was better to keep Marlene as your main defender instead. 
Cynthia orchestrated a swift series of passes, bringing her team within striking distance of Gryffindor's goalposts. Your heart raced as you braced yourself for the impending shot, a deep breath as you focused your gaze on the ball and their faces, attempting to decipher exactly what it was they were going to do. And then she shot, sending the quaffle towards the hoop that was the farthest from your reach. You lunged yourself towards it, your fingertips barely grazing the smooth surface of the ball. You heard the crowd gasp, and then erupt in cheers as the ball ricocheted off your fingers and veered off course, missing the hoop by inches. When you realised you had managed to stop it, you were breathing heavily, and gripping onto your broom again, a lot tighter than you thought you were. Realising only after that you had almost fallen off your broom when you veered the quaffle odd course. 
The final minutes of the match were a whirlwind of adrenaline and emotion. The Seekers soared, the Chasers battled, and the Beaters continued their relentless bludger assault. Every save, every pass, every point earned or lost had the crowd on the edge of their seats. 
Marlene was hovering close to you as Sirius struggled to keep the bludgers away from James, and as soon as the quaffle was in your team’s hands, you flew closer to her “Go help Sirius!” you shouted. 
“But I’m supposed to defend you!” she argued. 
“Leave it, I can dodge, just make sure Prong’s fine so he can get the snitch!” 
Marlene looked at you apprehensively, as if she was deciding whether it was a good or a bad idea “Trust me, Mars, I can handle them. They’re all over Potter anyway!” 
She took one last glance at you and dove straight to James and Sirius, beating the bludger they had off course and towards Lionel. He managed to dodge by a millisecond and looked shocked when he realised he too had been left alone in the goals. The four beaters were all over the seekers, defending their own house and trying to throw the opponent off his broom. 
The redhead chaser came at you again, the quaffle in his hand, one last attempt to score. He was thrilled when he figured Mars was gone and he placed his hand on his mouth, whistling effortlessly, one of the Ravenclaw beaters turned around and batted the bludger straight at you. At the same time, Adrian threw the quaffle in the same direction. 
You tried to look at the score, but you were still way below the safe line. If Holden got the snitch, which you hoped wouldn’t happen, your team would lose. So you didn’t move, ready to take the hit of both the bludger and the quaffle at the same time. And you did, catching the quaffle first and using it as a shield to loosen the punch of the bludger, but the blow had been heavy, and even as you tried to stop it, the bludger’s momentum caused the quaffle to sink into your gut with such force that it not only took your breath away but pushed you back a few feet as well. You heard a choir of “Ooos” and “Ouches” from the audience, and you coughed a couple of times, using the same quaffle to throw the bludger towards the other side. 
Sirius turned to you, a worried look on his face, James had been too focused on the snitch to notice. But he had the other two beaters on him.  “Focus on Potter!” you shouted, however you could, and he hesitantly turned back to James. You were sure it was going to bruise, it had been a harder hit than Barty’s, probably because it had been a bludger the one that pushed the quaffle into your stomach. Panting, you turned around and spotted Teddy just a couple of metres away, an expression of awe on his face, evidently impressed by your display of determination and slightly stupid bravery. You gave him a half smile before throwing the quaffle his way, “Let’s get another 10 points shall we?” 
Teddy smiled at you and nodded, catching the quaffle and diving straight to the other side of the field, Gale and Anne easily following behind him and creating a formation, they were going to use one of the plays, and since the other team’s beaters were focused on James, they had the upper hand. A couple of passes and they managed to score. 
Then there were cheers from all the Gryffindor supporters, but it wasn’t because of the points they’d just gotten, in fact, high above, at about the same time, James had lunged forwards and wrapped his fingers around the snitch. The game was over, the Gryffindor cheers were so loud, that they made you smile even if you still felt like you wanted to puke, from the stinging pain of the hit. 
As you soaked in the cheers of the crowd, you knew that this victory was more than just a game; it was prove of how strong the Gryffindor team was now, how, even if you had so many new members, including yourself, the constant training and early mornings had been of good use. You smiled brightly as you finally managed to land back on the ground, heart still panting as you used your broom to hold yourself up. 
Everyone was cheering, you saw the entire team wrap around James, and bring him up in the air as he held the snitch, the crowds still cheering in the background. You finally stood up, smiling as you tried to forget the sharp pain on your stomach and ran towards them, to cheer on. Sirius was the first one to approach you, placing his hands on the sides of your face and scanning it carefully. 
“Are you ok?” He asked with a frown. 
“Yeah, totally,” you lied with a half smile, but he saw straight through you and pulled you into a hug. 
“Please don’t do that again, I wanted to drop the bat and go see what the hell had happened to you because of the way everyone gasped.” 
“You didn’t see it?” You asked, pulling back to look straight into his eyes. 
He shook his head “When I turned to you, you had the quaffle in your hands and were screaming at me to get behind Prongs again.” 
You nodded, “It was just a hard blow, I’m sure people were just being dramatic–“ 
“–What the hell (Y/N)!” James interrupted. Shit, he knows. “You’re supposed to avoid the Bludgers, not get in their way!” 
“Whoever told you, I’m sure they were exaggerating.” 
“Lionel Aldrige came over to tell me I had the bravest keeper he’d ever met, that he’d never seen anyone try to stop the goddamned bludger with a quaffle! And that he wasn’t even sure he’d be able to do it himself!” James pretty much shouted.
“Is that what you did?!” Sirius asked, raising his voice at you as well. 
“I had to– I had to stop the quaffle somehow.” 
“We could afford to lose ten points!” 
You shook your head “Not if you hadn’t caught the snitch, we weren’t 160 above them yet!”
 “There was no way in hell you had the strength to stop the quaffle with your arms, that’s why we use bats!” Sirius argued then. 
“Where the hell was Marlene anyway?” James chimed, pinching his nose. 
“Covering for you, I told her to go, you had the beaters all over you, I was free.” 
James stared at you in disbelief, “For how long?”
“The beater actually shot from where he was, still trailing behind you, the deacceleration from–“ 
“What deacceleration? It’s literally an iron ball!” James said, interrupting you again, he was clearly riled up.
“It was reckless!” Sirius said then.
“You can’t do it again!” James added. 
“What if it’s all it takes to win a game?” 
“I’d rather lose a game than lose a friend!” 
You huffed, biting your cheek to avoid saying the retort that came to our mind, how James was being overly dramatic. But it would be useless, it wouldn’t change their minds. “Fine, but let’s just leave this subject behind, we should be celebrating not–“ 
“Are you ok?” You heard Remus ask from behind “The way the bludger pushed you back almost all the way into the hoops I–“ 
You sighed, just when you’d gotten James and Sirius off your back, “I’m fine! I’m not some delicate flower that can’t stand the hit of a bludger in the gut!” 
“You think we’re worried because you’re a girl?” Remus asked, quick to catch on to why you were being so stubborn about it.
“Is that not it?” 
“No, you dumbass! I’d be just as worried if Sirius had gotten hit by a bludger in the gut!” 
“You would?” Sirius teased, “That’s so sweet of you Moons.” 
You laughed at Sirius’ silly answer, “Fine, maybe it was a dumb thing to–“
 “–it was,” Sirius interrupted, emphasising the “was”.  
“Whatever, it won’t happen again, case closed, let’s go to the party.” 
“Wouldn’t you like to see Madam Pomrey first?” Remus asked. 
You shot him a look and walked towards the rest of the team, they were still cheering and celebrating along with their friends. 
“She’s so goddamned hot-headed!” Sirius huffed as he stood next to the boys, watching you walk towards Marlene and Lily. You’d probably get a scold from them as well. 
“Reminds me of you,” Remus added, looking at Sirius from the side. 
Back in the common room, there was music and drinks and somehow even snacks for everyone as they cheered on. When Peter started talking about the things you’d done again, he and Tom had started a motion for you to be carried into the air for a couple of seconds, everyone agreed and you ended up in the air, being shoved up and down a couple of times before they finally let you down. They thought of you as a hero, and you felt like a rockstar. It was something you weren’t used to, but being cheered on by so many people was undoubtedly nice. Even if at some point you had to step away from the crowd and onto a quieter area of the common room, sitting down on the sofa and feeling the pain kick in as the adrenaline started to fade away. 
Sirius was next to you a couple of minutes later, placing his arm over your shoulder and dragging you closer to him “With the whole bludger incident, I think I forgot to tell you how freaking amazing you were today on the game,” he said, mouth close to your ear as he spoke, “You barely allowed the Ravenclaws to get any points.” 
You leaned into him too, allowing yourself to bask in the warmth he emitted, “You were brilliant too Puppy! No one got hit by bludgers on your watch.” 
He turned to you, placing his hand on your waist, but you winced, and he looked at you with a shrug “Does it still hurt?” 
You shook your head, not daring to open your mouth, and leaned in to kiss him instead. If it worked to distract him in the restricted section, I’d work to distract him now. But Sirius was hungry today, the adrenaline of the game and the fact that you looked so fucking good in those quidditch pants, had him feeling all sorts of things, so when he kissed back, you could feel the neediness on the kiss. 
And he, oblivious to your pain, dug his hands under your sweater and tightened his grip around your waist, pressing his fingers to your warm skin. That had you wince again and he separated from you, his hand still under your shirt. 
“It still hurts!” he said accusingly. 
“Sirius, I’m fine,” you said, attempting to drag him back into the kiss, but he shook you off. 
“I’m gonna lift your sweater, kay?” 
“No, I’m–“ He did it anyway, only a little at first, but then a lot more when he realised. 
“–Sweetheart, look at this!” he said reproachfully. You looked down, wincing as you saw the various shades of purple and green your stomach had gotten. 
“I guess that’s why it hurts…” you muttered, with a little smile, trying to lighten the mood. Sirius just looked at you sternly. “Fine then, just don’t touch that area and then–“ 
“We’re going to Poppy.” 
“But the celebration party.” 
“Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me it doesn’t hurt.” You took a deep breath, looking at him and then averting his gaze, “Thought so.” 
“I still wanted to make out,” you mumbled under your breath as you let him guide you toward the portrait, his hand neatly wrapped around yours. 
“We can make out all you want once Poppy has checked up on you,” he told you, turning back to give you a small wink. 
“Where you up to?” you heard Remus’ deep voice from the side. 
“Sirius insists on taking me to the infirmary.” 
“She has a terrible bruise all over her stomach,” Sirius added what you’d left out. 
How did he find out? Remus wondered until it dawned on him. Right, they’re dating. 
“It’s not that bad,” you tried to argue, but Sirius threw you another look. 
“Mind if I tag along?” He said walking beside the two of you “I need to restock some of my medicine.” 
Full moon must be soon, you thought “You don’t even have to ask Rem,” you said as you nodded for him to come along. 
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A/N: It's a quidditch episode! What do we think? Personally, I had lots of dun writting it, espeially the pre and post game scenes hehe. What can I say, I've got a flare for the dramatic.
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode eight.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: Swearing, that's it. This one is cute as hell, y'all.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
a/n: So I got productive and wrote this in under a few hours only... I hope you'll enjoy this!
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You looked at your two friends in surprise. While Kitty was smiling widely as she held Dae's arm, the latter gave you looks of pleading. From that, it wasn't hard to get that he didn't want you to speak about the fact him and Yuri were fake. A shame, you were thinking that this would give you the chance to be free of lies.
"I'm happy for you two." you grinned and raised your coffee cup. "Long live Kitty and Dae."
"And not us?" Min Ho huffed as he sat next to you.
Us. A term with which you were still quite unfamiliar. It had only been a day since you and Min Ho started whatever that was happening. You weren't sure what you were or where it was going but you preferred it that way. Putting tags on it honestly frightened you.
"Us?" Kitty frowned. "Did I miss something?"
Min Ho put his hand on your thigh, squeezing it gently. "More or less."
Dae coughed. "Well, while you two do your thing, we'll go do ours. Kitty, let's go?"
He brought her along behind him, grabbing her purse for her in the way, and left the dorm. Q having gone to the Outdoors Club already, you and Min Ho finally had some time alone. Approaching you, he laid a quick kiss on your lips before stealing your mug.
"Dude, come on! I didn't finish it."
"You had one sip left." he said and then drank the rest of your beverage. "And now it's empty."
You shook your head in disapproval. "You're kind enough to make me coffee but evil enough to steal it away from me."
He walked to you and got you off your stool before wrapping his arms around your waist. "You'll have to admit, it kind of turns you on."
You held onto him by the neck and frowned. "Being both a gentleman and an asshole?" you asked and he nodded. "You're way too confident in yourself."
"You said I was a gentleman, I'll take it and ignore the rest." he laughed.
You exchanged a long-lasting kiss, and he positioned himself to help you up so he could hold you by the thighs. He was still kissing you as he walked to his room but the door just had to open at this exact moment. Min Ho dropped you as horror plastered on your face.
Widening his eyes, Q nearly screamed. "What is this? When?" he asked but stopped himself. "You know what? I don't want to know. I'll just grab my water bottle and let you finish your business."
He hurried to do so and slammed the door behind him. Looking back at each other, Min Ho let out an awkward chuckle.
"We can continue..."
You rolled your eyes. "Get ready, we have class in a few."
But class didn't seem so important as the days went by. Making out in the library, cute dates in Gangnam district, more kissing in his room with a disgusted Dae on the side (as if he wasn't any better with Kitty)... This thing you two had was going strong. You were hoping that he might not see it as a simple casual thing. Because you were falling, and deep. There wasn't going to have any turning back at that point.
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Q packed some last minute items in his bag. At the same time, you were debating whether it was a good idea to bring cute outfits despite the fact you were going in the middle of nowhere for two days.
"Oh, that dress is dead gorgeous." Q commented as he checked up on you.
"Not this one, too revealing." you said and pushed it aside.
He took it and put it in your bag. "And that's exactly what we are aiming for."
"What? No, Q." you complained while letting him zip it all close.
"Min Ho is going to lose his mind over this."
You suddenly got shy. "Min Ho? Why would I dress for him? I don't need to do that, it's stupid."
He laughed. "You'll thank me later." He went to the kitchen and you followed him behind. "Okay, time to go. Bus leaves in twenty." he told the other couple.
Just then, Min Ho got out of his room and was bringing with him a huge ass luggage. Plus one of those luxury bags of his.
"Gosh." he mumbled to himself, struggling a little.
"Dude, the class trip is camping. In tents. In nature. For two days." Kitty told him, unimpressed.
"I know." he rolled his eyes. "That's why I packed light."
You laughed and walked up to him. "Right, you did. Let's go."
The five of you headed outside to where the bus was waiting for you. You stayed with Min Ho and he exchanged a few things about Kitty with Dae. And that made you rather uncomfortable.
"She wants to go over everything that happened with Yuri." Dae explained.
"Don't, it's a trap." Min Ho advised right away.
You shrugged. "I don't know. Honesty is always the key, don't you think so?"
Dae sent you a glare, visibly not wanting you to reveal you knew all about his fake relationship. Meanwhile, Min Ho shook his head in disapproval.
"You're right about honesty. But in this case, they say they want to know all the details to move on, but then they obsessed about them."
You let out a huff. "You really know women..."
"Is that how it is with her?" Dae asked Min Ho, nodding his head to your direction.
"Y/N?" he said before he slung his arm around your shoulders. "No, she's totally uncomplicated and chill."
You looked at him. "Really?"
He sent a smirk your way. "Really. You're quite great, actually."
Growing more embarrassed, you broke away from his grip as soon as you came closer to Yuri. She was already with her other friends but didn't seem to mind your presence. In fact, she seemed reassured.
"You've kept yourself busy this week." she said, referring to your few make-out sessions she had accidentally stumbled upon.
"And you have been moving on quite well from Dae."
Her face became serious. "Not a word, please."
The girls suddenly started to scream and Madison came closer to show you a video on her phone. There stood the famous actor Ocean Park. He was explaining how his grandmother's village had been ravaged by a flood and was thanking Madison and your school to come help them out. She squealed at the mention of her name, jumping up and down.
"He said your name!" Eunice exclaimed.
"I know! And we owe it all to Min Ho and his famous mom." she replied before running to him and giving him a hug, almost making him fall.
"Whoa..." he let out before breaking away from her.
Leaning on him, she went on to explain about how his mother had worked with Ocean Park before. Apparently, Principal Lim agreed to cancel a ski trip to go to the village instead. But you weren't listening, you could only focus on her arm that was on top of Min Ho's shoulder.
"Your mom is really good with pulling strings." Madison finished off with telling Yuri that.
"For evil, usually."
You choked out a laugh and Yuri followed. You, then, proceeded to get seated in the bus. Analyzing the places, Madison and the other girls had already took the back seats. Kitty surprisingly sat with Finnerty, leaving Dae stuck with another student. Florian and Q together, the others with their friends... That left you a two-seat spot that you could share with Min Ho. However, the image of Madison being glued to him from earlier still fresh in your memory, you hesitated.
"Hey." Yuri said. "Sit with me?"
You ended up agreeing and got yourself comfortable with your friend. So when Min Ho got on the bus, he was more than confused to see you seated with Yuri instead of keeping a spot for him next to you. He stopped where you were with a perplexed look on his face.
"What is this?"
You shot your head up as you heard his voice. "Hey. I'm sitting with Yuri if you don't mind. We'll see each other when we get there."
He seemed disappointed but acquiesced nonetheless. "It's okay."
You watched him getting to a solo seat and started to feel bad. At this point, though, who could blame you for being mad? First off, you had never brought up the subject of Madison in the last week and, second off, you were now wondering why the hell she went to hug him after telling everyone he helped her with organizing this trip.
After a while in the bus, you were growing tired more than you'd liked to be. Yuri had shared a ballad playlist with you and that only made you more sleepy. After some time, she shook you out of your daze and told you she was going to speak with Dae and that she'd switched places with the guy next to him. As she left her seat, Min Ho took the opportunity to go beside you, sending the other guy at the singular seat he was previously at. You let out a scoff at him.
"Excuse me but I believed we agreed last night that we would sit together." he justified himself.
You shrugged. "That was before I learnt you were still hooked on Miller."
He sighed. "Is it about this morning?"
"I don't know, Min Ho. You tell me." you answered, growing frustrated.
"Jealousy kind of looks good on you." he joked but you slapped him across the chest.
"I'm not jealous. I don't want to be in your collection of women, that's all."
"I have spent every second of my free time with you this last week. You would have known way sooner if I was seeing another girl at the same time."
"You hid your trip arrangements with her very well, though."
"Exactly. It was trip arrangements."
You plugged in your earphones again, not wanting to hear any more of his unclear answers. He did look at you for a bit afterwards but he ended up getting the message. That didn't stop him from taking your hand in his, and neither did it restrain you from liking it.
You arrived at the camping site soon after and joined Eunice outside. She and the others were still scrolling through social media as they wanted to see more pictures of Ocean Park. You weren't necessarily a fan, but you had to admit that the man was fine as hell.
After Professor Finnerty gathered everyone together, he asked you all about the rooming arrangements. You were taken aback when Yuri told him she'd be with Kitty. That wasn't even the best... What followed shook you even more.
"Y/N and I, sir!" Madison shouted.
Barely having any time to process what she had just said, Finnerty noted it down and she took your hand to head towards your tent. She started to talk about how excited she was and all about the whole trip, ignoring completely the elephant in the room.
"I'll take the left side and you can take the right. Does that work for you?"
"Yeah." you confirmed. "Why did you pick me?"
She hummed. "What?"
"For the room. We barely know each other."
"Ah." she smiled and invited you to sit with her. "I have noticed that I might be creating some tension between you and Min Ho. No hard feelings about him choosing you, by the way. I would've picked you too."
She continued. "I want you to know I was only looking for a casual fling that night at his party. And he only kissed me back because he told me you went all out on him so he got sad."
You smiled in guilt. "I did, yeah."
"And the day after, I thought he was still on with the casual dating but he obviously told me off and went to you instead."
You were still in doubt. "That does not change the fact he's Min Ho. He'll go after someone else in a week at most if I'm lucky."
She exhaled. "Well, you are more than lucky, then. He wants you, I can see it. And, by the way, the trip thing was because I begged him to do so. And the hug was just friendly, I swear."
"It's fine." you let out a laugh. "I appreciate you for telling me all this. I was barely getting anything out of him when I asked."
"Men are like this." she shrugged.
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You could do it for an extra hour before curfew but nothing was going to make you like cleaning up. You did enjoy having a clean personal space and cleaning a village for a good cause was good too. Still, you were not having the most fun. You and Yuri being similar on that aspect, you helped each other as one raked the branches together and one put them away in a bag.
Min Ho watched you from afar. Considering you were still not acknowledging him, he took it as in Madison told you something that put you off. That was the last thing he wanted. The night before, he called his mom to tell her about you. He wanted to know her opinion on the situation and it made him realize a lot of things. One of them being that he wanted something more with you, something real. Not a close friend he'd kiss whenever he'd want to. No. He wanted to try and date you.
"You're looking at her again." Madison snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I know."
"She's not mad at you, I told you I cleared things off with her."
He scoffed. "Explain why she is still avoiding me, then."
"From what I got, she feels like a fling to you... which she is so-"
"Not." he corrected. "She's not."
"Then, show her."
Madison had shifted her attention elsewhere by then. A car pulled over in front of the camping site and everyone – meaning every fangirl – rushed to see what was happening, Madison being the first. Min Ho followed lazily as Ocean Park stepped out of the car, greeting his fans.
You joined out of curiosity. It wasn't like he was a nobody; you were getting to meet a celebrity. You stood next to Min Ho. Not on purpose, it was only because he was close to the front. After Madison introduced herself, Min Ho did the same but with much less enthusiasm.
"Hi. My mother, Dami, says 'hello, Mr. Park.' "
Ocean looked up dreamily. "Ah, Dami... Your mother is an incredible woman. Did she ever tell you about the time I ran into her at Sundance?" Min Ho gave him a very clueless look. "She kept me warm on a very cold night."
Min Ho was baffled. "Excuse me?"
"And who are you?" Ocean smiled at you.
"Park Y/N." you bowed.
He held his hand up. "No need to be so formal. Are you with him?" he asked, pointing at the man next to you.
"Oh, we're not-"
"She is." Min Ho cut you off while bringing you closer to his body by your waist.
Ocean nodded his head at him in acknowledgement. "You got yourself someone as beautiful as your mother." Clasping his hands together, he then addressed the crowd. "Let's take a selfie."
You pushed yourself away from Min Ho while Ocean Park and his groupies went to a spot to take photos. "What is it with you?"
You walked off to continue your task. You didn't get why he acted all possessive when, clearly, Ocean was only being polite. Nor did you get why he felt the need to keep you so close to him. It made you feel things and you hated feeling things.
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An hour was added to your time before curfew as a reward to the hard work you had done all day. Yuri had briefly told you what happened so far. You felt much better now that Kitty finally knew the truth and that Yuri didn't forget to tell her that she asked you to keep it shut for her. Kitty texted you later on to tell you she forgave you and understood that it was not your place to tell. Overall, a weight had come off your shoulders.
Exhausted from the day, you didn't plan on doing much other than watch some shows you downloaded before leaving and staying in bed in your pyjamas. You were going to have the tent to yourself since Madison was going to Ocean Park's grandmother's house for dinner. You were more than okay with finally getting some time for yourself. Well, for a few minutes at least.
Min Ho: Come to my tent.
Min Ho: I've got a bit of a surprise for you.
Y/N: No. :)
Min Ho: Do you want me to beg or something?
Y/N: Maybe...
Min Ho: Please, come to my tent, my sweet puppy?
Min Ho: Get all ready too, it's a formal occasion.
Y/N: I'm in my comfy fit, so it's still a no. I'm not coming out.
Min Ho: I have strawberries dipped in chocolate.
Y/N: Coming in ten.
Most people would tell you that this was a bad idea. And usually, you'd say that it was, indeed. But, hey. Strawberries and chocolate couldn't be a better bait for you. You loved food, he knew that and he got you just how he wanted. You honestly didn't care, as long as you had something to eat in the end.
You thanked Q mentally for forcing you to bring the tight off-the-shoulders dress. You picked it to go with some golden jewellery and did some waves for your hair. Once you determined you were all good – which was more than ten minutes after you told Min Ho that you were coming – you finally left your tent.
You weren't sure how to react when you saw him in a suit, standing in the middle of the room he had decorated with candles, petals and all. On the table were the strawberries with a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne. You stepped closer, growing more confused.
"What is happening here?"
"Surprise." he said. "I was hoping this could help me for you to not be mad at me anymore."
You acquiesced slowly, still scanning the room. "I can't say that I am not impressed."
"Want some?" he offered you the treat and you happilly took them.
"I never thought I'd see you do something like this for anyone. Even less make a heart out of petals." you teased.
"Can you appreciate my effort instead of mocking me?"
You laughed. "Alright, I'm sorry. This is a very nice surprise, thank you."
"You're welcome, beautiful."
He came closer to you and wiped off the chocolate that smudged on your lips. With a single look down your lips, it was just enough to make you melt all over again and press your lips against his. He let out a gasp, startled by your move.
"I'll take it as we are good now?"
You nodded. "Yeah, we are. I'm sorry, by the way. I was overthinking things and you have the right to see anybody else because it's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything." you laughed nervously.
He bit his lip. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about with you."
And, of course, your little insecure self had to start thinking about all sorts of negative thoughts. Was he about to tell you this thing was over? Would he still want to be friends? Was he only playing with your heart?
"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but..."
And it was coming, you knew you were going to get your heart broken.
"... I think I want more."
And just like that, everything stopped. Your brain short-circuited as you attempted you comprehend properly what he had just said.
"You, what?" you said in a whisper.
"I think I'm ready for a real relationship and, honestly, I don't see it happen with anyone else other than you."
You said nothing, you just couldn't physically speak. So you kissed him, slowly and passionately. In all the times you kissed, this felt like the most intimate you had ever been. It wasn't physical intimacy, it was emotional. Without even noticing, teardrops came out of your eyes. Just a couple as Min Ho brushed them off with his thumb.
"Are you okay?" he asked once he pulled away from your face, but still kept his forehead to yours.
"What... Why the change of heart?"
He sighed. "You really want me to tell you how special you are, don't you?"
"I actually do, yeah." you admitted without any shame.
But the evening went on like this. There was some friendly teasing, kissing here and there, talking for what felt like hours. You wanted to stay forever there with him.
"I could kiss you forever." he said softly after lifting your chin up to make you look at him.
You held onto him even closer. "Me too." And you kissed him again. "I should really go."
He shook his head and placed a couple of pecks all over your face. "Or you could stay."
"No." you laughed. "Curfew starts in five minutes."
He pouted but still help you up on your feet from the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, you will."
"On the bus, this time."
You sighed heavily. "Yes."
"Good. Then sleep well." he kissed you one last time for the night.
"Good night."
As soon as you got to your tent, Madison was already sleeping. You lost no time in dialing Kitty's number but she didn't answer. The next person in mind was Yuri but she did not respond either. Last person was Q who, thankfully, picked up.
"So? How was it?" he asked.
"It couldn't have been any better."
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife | @soobin-chois | @honeydewpie | @snoozeagustd | @justemalove | @n1ninunwo0 | @loislucky | @kuromomomi | @lysira340 | @lenilla15 | @upsidedownjill | @woozarts | @hy-eins | @olivetheoryx | @b1tch1macow | @dreaming-hope25 | @jiaant11 | @melsunshine | @sincerely-aaronette | @wonyofanclub | @jaehyunicecream | @zucchinimalfoy | @beeomgui | @jinxwhore28 | @mimisamisasa | @gordorio | @honeyisnotreal | @melonshifts | @itsnotino | @tyigerz | @idkhowbutifoundyou | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @emmeyli | @rodcfgh | @gayandfairycore | @suzzie63 | @purplelandsworld | @nyenye | @ilovewonyo | @vinwinxt | @tocupid | @sparkysparking101 | @yeojoongiee | @bangtanstrayz | @smugrogerina | @liviaxgc | @flyxfall | @hehet-ateez
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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