#Because I kinda puff up when I get startled so I was thinking of it doing that
rat-rosemary · 26 days
Sometimes when I'm really really bored I'll look who likes my qwt art, because it's always around 20 people and I can recognize about 6-8 of you just by name, and the rest may vary a bit
Lemme tell you, every time there's a Q fan it's like someone injected me with a shot of pure fear
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sweet1delusi0ns · 3 months
Class 1A boys getting a surprise kiss──☆*:・゚
Characters: Izuku, katsuki, Shoto, Tenya, Eijirou, Denki, Sero, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Ojiro, Sato, Shoji, Koji!
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Surprising him scares him so much (poor guy) he either flinches back or starts instantly blushing. You come up behind him as quiet as can be and give him a little kiss on the cheek he will flip!
“aaAHHHHH- oh… h-hey y/n…your scared me…” “aw sorry I just wanted to give you a kiss~” “dont sneak up on me y/n! Your gunna get thrown threw a wall-” “Aw I just wanted to show you lovee!” “Warn me next time!” The whole time he was reddd~
Bro thinks he’s so cool trying to tease you with sneak kissed but the second you do it back to him it’s suddenly ‘not funny anymore’. So whenever you surprise kiss him he pushes you off and huffs like a baby
“Surprise~” “UGH WHAT ARE Y-YOU DOING!!” “Aw why so mad?” “ITS NOT FUNNY STOP IT!” He covered his face with one hand because he knows he’s turning red “aw my suki likes kissed! Mwa mwa mwaaa” “STOP!!”
He doesn’t understand that he deserves kisses, especially when he didn’t do anything to ‘deserve’ the kiss. So when you surprise kiss him he is confused as he Is flustered
“W…what was that for?” “I can’t give you a kiss?” “Uhm I guess you can but I didn’t do anything-” “you don’t need too! I just wanted a kiss” “really? Well thank you…may I have another? For free?” “heh yes for free~"
He wants to be “cool” so bad but he can’t with you~ so whenever you give him a sneaky kiss he’s just like “stopppp :>” and either runs away or covers his face with both hands (yk how he does)
“What was that…” “uhm a kiss?” “Oh!…whatever….” “…” “heheheheehehehehe” “uh?” He just covers his face and wiggles like a weirdo- “hehe she kissed mee”
Wants to act cool and kinda does? Whenever you sneak kiss him he does it back to make it seem like not a big deal but flaunts it to his friends later~
“Aw thanks y/n! Mwa” “your so cute~!” You smother his face in kisses which he did not mind!! “T-thank you…a-again-“ “anything for youuu” 10 minutes later: “YOU GUYS SHE KISSED LIKE EVERY INCH OF MY FACE?!”
Yk that stupid Face he does when he short circuits, yeah he makes that face intentionally when you scare him with a kiss on the cheek. He jumps, maybe yelps a little then he realizes it’s you and makes that stupid face-
“AUH!” “It’s me…?” “Oh…. (-ヮ-)” “don’t ever make that face at me again what-” “sorry! You just caught me off gaurd!” “You just want another kiss huh?” “Yes.” “Fine but that face is not cute”
The only time it ever really gets to him is if it’s in public!! So when you sneak up on him and give him a kiss when he’s with his friends he will get so flustered and pushes you away while looking at the ground~
“Mwaa hey babe” “Y/N?!” “What?” He pushes you out of ear shot from his friends “d-dont do that infront of my friends! It’s embarrassing!” “Is being kissed embarrassing or is you being red embarrassing?” “Shut up.” He walks back to his friends acting like you didn’t exist . Later when you give him the silent treatment for ignoring you he won’t leave you alone till he gets another kiss
Most of the time dark shadow snitches on you before you even get to him, but the few times you sneak past him is so cute! When you startle him with a cheek kiss he jump and his feathers puff out in fear. Then acts like he wasn’t scared at all
“No need to puff up it was just a kiss?” “Uh? Puff up I don’t know what you mean.” “Your feathers are puffed out? Ohhh you got scared!!” “Not possible!” “Deny it all you want!…you are really fluffy though” “stop!” He turns his back to you so he can be flustered in peace
Stuck up little shit. But you know it’s all in good fun, he does love you but sometimes you think he loves himself a little more which he doesn’t (off character ik, it’s a HC ok!) so mostly when you surprise kiss him he just makes it abt him-
“Aw y/n~ id Kiss me every second of the day too!” “Uh-” “I am so awfully dazzling I couldn’t resist either~” “ok no more kisses for you.” “WAIT WHAT NO?”
Smart boy so he has made it a habit of keeping his tail circled around him so he can feel your footsteps through the floor, or trip you (LOL) so the only way you can get him is when he is sitting. He thinks he’s safe when he’s sitting but he isn’t
You creep up behind him and grab his shoulder, you pull your head around his and give him a very aggressive kiss! “GOTCHAA” “y/n that’s not fair I wasn’t ready for that!” “It is so fair, I get to kiss you, and you get a kiss from me! Fair!” “Ugh! Next time warn me! So I can trip you” “what?”
Big boy! He isn’t scared of surprise kisses at all, shockingly he is one of the few who don’t even flinch at all. So you just jump on his back randomly and smother his cheeks with kisses!
“Sneak attack! Mwa mwaaa MWAAA” “y/n~ stop!” “Why???” “Cuz i want a real one!” He points to his lips and you gave him a soft smooch there too! He also likes it when you squish is face when kissing himm
Another one who doesn’t get scared, just really shy. You have seen him without a mask but he is still a little insecure about it (writing abt that later😍). So when you pull his mask down and kiss his lips he hides away sometimes~
“Shoji?” “Yes love?” You pull his mask down to give him a soft kiss on his lip before pulling it back up to not make him uncomfortable. He broke “that’s all~” “one moment…” he just crouches to the ground to hide for a second to think of a plan. When he’s done hiding he comes back up and kisses you back with rosy cheeks!
Just don’t, he will die, From being scared and or flustered. You have to warn him no matter what! So it normally goes like this
“Hey koji” “um…yes?” He only talks in private or if it’s important! “Im warning you, I’m gunna kiss you” “…hu-” smooch “there!…you gunna be ok?” He collapses to the ground hiding in his knees which are against his chest “mhm…” “your so cute~” “*squealing noise*”
Not proooooof readdddd cuz I’m lazyyyy😍
Literally gunna write class 1B next they need more love cuz they such cutiesss
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steddietogo · 2 years
Eddie finds Steve’s green sweatshirt one day after getting surprise dunked in the pool at Casa Harrington by his own sheep. It’s soft and worn like it was once Steve’s favorite thing to wear but now it lays forgotten at the back of his closet.
Eddie doesn’t think much about it, just picks it up and pulls it on. Its just him and Steve in the kitchen when he gets back. The others are arguing about which movie to put on while Steve heated up dinner for all of them like a dutiful housewife. The thought makes him laugh.
Steve turns around at the sound of his voice. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just. You pretend to get mad when the kids call you mom but here you are, being all—” He waves his hands about trying to convey his point but Steve is already distracted.
“That sweatshirt,” Steve has a frown on his face, but it’s not exactly a bad one. Eddie wonders when he learned to read Steve like that.
He gives Steve a twirl. “Do I look good in it?” Steve smiles, doesn’t deny it.
“You know, I fought my first demogorgan in it,”
“Woah,” Eddie looks down at it, feeling something akin to wonder when he smooths his palms over the fabric.
“God, Harrington,” Eddie looks up grinning. “You gotta keep a priceless artefact like this safe,” Steve rolls his eyes and goes to pull the pizza out of the oven. He’s still smiling though.
Eddie follows, then plants his butt on the counter so he can see Steve’s face. “Is that why you don’t wear it anymore?”
Steve’s cheeks puff out like a chipmunk when he sighs heavily. Eddie has the sudden urge to pinch them.
“Kinda, at first,” He doesn’t look at Eddie when he speaks. “I don’t even know why I kept it, you know? I kinda just wanted to burn every evidence of that night,”
Eddie nods and goes to gather plates for everyone. He should say it. Steve trusted him enough to share, Eddie should too right? He hasn’t said it out loud. Not to Wayne, not to the upside down scientists approved therapist. But he could tell Steve. Steve gets it. And Eddie so badly wants to talk about it, maybe cry a little. Because out of all the things that had happened, this one really breaks his heart.
Eddie startles when a hand softly presses into the small of his back. “You okay there?” Steve has his head tilted to the side to see Eddie better and this time the frown on his face spells worry.
“I can’t play my guitar,” he blurts out. And the words rush out of him all at once. “I can’t do it, I mean I get nightmares and shit, you know. And sometimes my scars hurt so much at night that I can’t even sleep. But this one really takes the cake, like, I pick her up and my heart starts racing and I can’t breath—” It’s happening again. His chest tightens to the point that he struggles to draw in a breath and his vision blurs out as his eyes fill with tears and— oh god he’s going to die in Steve’s kitchen.
“No, Eddie you’re not going to die, I promise,” says a steady voice firm enough that he almost believes it. Then warm hands pull him into an even warmer body. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, listens to Steve telling him how to breath and slowly, after a long while, the knot starts to loosen and breathing comes easier. Steve doesn’t stop running a soothing hand over his back as Eddie sags into him, suddenly winded. His fists are balled into Steve’s shirt like a scared little kid.
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbles when he’s gathered enough energy to start feeling embarrassed at how quickly he fell apart.
“Nothing to be sorry about, I swear, happens to the best of us,”
Eddie snorts, “Okay mom,” Steve swats at his arm. Eddie finally pulls away after a while. “Think I really needed that,”
“Hey, if you want, you can come over and trying playing over here?” Steve shrugs. “Maybe a change of location can help, I’ll even hold your hand through it,”
“How am I supposed to play if you’re holding my hand, dummy,” Eddie snarks, hiding his smile behind his hair. “But I’ll think about your offer,” There’s literally nothing to think about, what was he going to say, no? Steve’s answering look tells Eddie he knows too.
And if Eddie leans into Steve when he put his arm around Eddie in the sofa while sharing a blanket, well that’s his business.
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august-anon · 1 year
Steddie + 💖 for the ask meme?
💖 -Giggle
Well, Stevie?
[ao3 link]
Word Count: 649 words
Steve gasped, almost dropping his beer as he felt two fingers poke his sides, wiggling in just below his ribcage. He stepped forward, jolting away from the fingers with an arched back, and was met with a loud bark of laughter from Eddie.
“Damn,” he said, stepping back into line with Steve and resting an arm around his shoulders, “I didn’t know King Steve was so ticklish.”
Steve scoffed. “I’m not. You just startled me.”
“Oh, please,” Dustin said, letting out a laugh. “He’s stupid ticklish!”
Steve didn’t even have to turn his head to see Eddie’s shark-like grin. He could feel it directed at the side of his face, along with quiet puffs of breath that smelled like beer and cigarettes and faintly of weed. Not the best smell, but there was something so very Eddie about it that he’d come to like it.
“Well, Stevie?” 
Steve scoffed. “The kid’s full of shit,” he said. “And he’s gonna regret saying a damn thing in about five seconds.”
Dustin yelped and scrambled into the pool, accidentally dunking both Max and Lucas in the process. Steve smirked as they began hunting Dustin, figuring they could handle his revenge for him. Unfortunately, though, Dustin wasn’t the only one with knowledge of Steve’s weaknesses.
“Oh, please,” Nancy said from where she and Robin had commandeered Steve’s deck chairs. “Try his neck.”
“Ooh, or his ribs,” Robin added. “Or thighs, or–”
“We get it, Robin!”
The arm around Steve’s shoulders flexed slightly, and Steve tensed. “Getting a bit defensive there for someone who’s not ticklish, Steve.”
Slowly, Steve reached out to set his beer on a nearby table. “If I admit it, will you let me go?”
Eddie laughed. “I think you kinda just did, but sure.”
“Fine. I might be – slightly – ticklish.”
Eddie hummed, and Steve heard another beer clink down against the table next to his. And then an electric tingle bloomed on the sides of Steve’s neck, Eddie’s calloused fingers dancing against the sensitive skin. Steve tried to stumble away, clapping a hand over his mouth to contain any embarrassing sounds, but Eddie followed him easily.
“You really thought you could hide this shit from me?” Eddie laughed and wrapped another arm around Steve, this time around his waist, wiggling his fingers lightly against Steve’s side. The other still spidered around his neck and ears. “I never did say when I’d let you go, did I?”
Steve buckled toward Eddie’s hand, giggling into his own, trying to pry Eddie’s hands off. The two of them stumbled around the deck as he tried to escape, the kids and Robin laughing, Nancy giving a smug grin. Steve regretted taking off his shirt now, despite the sweltering summer sun, because it now meant that Eddie had clear access to far too many sensitive spots.
At least, up until their stumbling led them directly to the edge of the pool, and the two of them crashed into the water in a tangle of limbs. Steve broke the surface first, gasping for air and slicking his hair back from his face, wrinkling his nose at the slimy feeling of his hair product congealed and wet between his fingers. Eddie popped up out of the water next, his curls drenched and flat and his little homemade Metallica crop top absolutely plastered to his body from being soaked through. Despite having just swallowed several gulps of pool water during his surprise dip, Steve found his mouth suddenly very dry.
Eddie shook his head, sending water everywhere, and laughed. “Well, that’s one method of escape. Think you rolled a little low on your dexterity there, Harrington.”
Steve, his brain still booting back up, took the only course of action that came to mind. He lunged for Eddie, making a grab for him. “Yeah? Well you better hope you roll higher, Munson, whatever that means. Because you’re next.”
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Second best part 2 (Colin zable x fem reader)
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Part 1
Warnings: small argument kinda, smoking, alcohol, mentions of breakups and cheating
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
After that night you didn't know what to do, you tried to play it off cool in work just be civil with Colin so you could get on with your job, but you never spoke about the kiss or anything since then you felt colins eyes on you again.
You needed a breather so you went outside for a cigarette, something you rarely did only when you were stressed a cigarette would calm you down, placing the stick to your lips lighting the end taking a long drag letting the nicotine fill your lungs before exhaling it with a sigh.
You stared at the parking lot ahead of you blankly a thousand thoughts ran through your head, "y/n" a voice startling you giving them your undivided attention seeing Colin standing behind you a weird look on his face.
"What Colin" you sighed taking another drag of your cigarette, your arms folded trying to keep warm as the cold weather kicked in, "can we talk about you know what happened" he said just above whisper, you let out a small chuckle shaking your head "Colin it was something that happened in the heat of the moment it meant nothing" you said trying to shrug it off.
"But it didn't feel like nothing y/n I know your still mad and you have every single right to be but you can't deny that kiss meant something" Colin pleaded, he couldn't stop thinking about your lips on his, the way it felt like two puzzle pieces mending together he couldn't deny it if he tried.
You did feel what he felt but you were too stubborn to admit it to him and to yourself, "Colin don't not here were at work for christ sake" you sighed taking another puff of your cigarette as it started to burn down, "just admit you felt the same" Colin said you couldn't deny the look of desperation in his eyes, "I don't know Colin okay" you said raising your voice you didn't mean to but it wasn't the right time or place for you both to have this conversation.
Before you could even say another word Colin's lips were on yours for a second time, his hands on your cheeks holding you close, your eyes fluttering shut savouring the feeling of colin's lips, you did feel what he felt but you couldn't admit it.
Pulling away both of your breaths laboured, eyes locked like nothing else was around you both, "you can't deny that y/n" Colin stated you knew that it couldn't be if you tried, Colin turned around walking back into the station till you halted him dead in his tracks.
"Wait Colin okay I did feel the way you felt but I don't just want to be someone you use to get over mare" you sighed Colin turned around to face you again, "the way I see it y/n maybe getting rejected by mare was a blessing in disguise because it made me realise my feelings for you" maybe Colin is right him getting rejected by mare was meant to be.
"Maybe your right now we need to get back to work" you smiled following him into the station, you couldn't help but blush at colin's words that played in your head over and over again like hearing your favourite song.
As more time went on and the weeks progressed, you learned to completely forgive Colin and now you were getting ready for your second date only this time without any conflict, you both decided to go to a bar and have some drinks.
You wore black jeans with a black bodysuit along with your leather jacket and some light makeup, Colin was on his way in a cab to pick you up, waiting outside hugging your jacket closer to you, handbag in hand with your essentials you saw the cab near your apartment a smile invading your face.
Making your way into the cab seeing Colin in the back with a bright smile that could light up a thousand rooms it made your smile shine just as bright, "hey" you said closing the door as the driver took off to your location, "Hi ready to get a bit tipsy" Colin chuckled.
"Oh yeah" you laughed in response, soon enough you finally made it to the bar Colin paid the driver as your exited the vehicle not before thanking the driver, "I'll get this round since you got the taxi" you offered wanting to pay your way but Colin is protesting, "no I invited you out so I'll pay like a true gentleman" Colin stated making you roll your eyes at him, "no Colin its only fair I buy the drinks or at least the first round" you said.
"Fine I'll have a beer" Colin said knowing you were too stubborn to give in to him, you nodded both making your way to the bar ordering your drinks, the bartender handed Colin his beer and your wine taking it to a free table near by.
"Thanks for taking me out colin" you said sipping your wine as Colin took some of his beer, "no problem and thank you for getting the first round but the rest is on me" he joked making you giggle, it was nice to get out with Colin he was fun to be around.
"So have you lived here your whole life or?" Colin asked wanting to get to know you better, "Yeah easttown my whole life" you answered you knee where Colin had originally came from due to the chief telling all of you before hand, "so have you always lived with your mom?" You asked curiously, Colin shook his head at your answer.
"I was engaged before but two weeks before our wedding she broke up with me it was a bummer but I'm over it" you felt bad for Colin and shocked that whoever his ex was she broke up with him, didn't want to marry him it confused you Colin was like a dream the perfect man to be with in your eyes.
"Oh Colin I'm sorry, any person would be lucky to have you" you stated truthfully a hand on his arm, "Yeah but it was a while ago anyway what about you how come your still single?" He asked changing the role of who was getting asked the questions, "well I was in a relationship for five years but in the end we just kept fighting what made me leave was the fact I caught them sleeping with my best friend" you sighed even though it was over a year ago it still hurt not about your ex, that your so called best friend did that to you.
"Wow that is really shitty of them both" Colin said shocked he couldn't believe someone could do that to you at all, "Oh well it's in the past I'm focusing of the future now" you chuckled realising how cheesy you sounded, "I'll drink to that" Colin joked along clicking his beer bottle with your wine glass.
You got to know Colin more after a few more beers and glasses of wine you found yourself a tipsy deciding to call it a night, Colin called a cab waiting outside, you pulled out a cigarette lightning the end of the stick letting the nicotine fill your lungs, Colin couldn't deny that seeing you with a cigarette hanging from your plump lips drove him crazy but he had to contain himself not wanting to step out of line.
"What" you chuckled catching Colin staring at you in awe, Colin shook his head snapping out of his daze like state "nothing just you look really beautiful tonight" his voice was soft causing your cheeks to flush red, "Thank you Colin you look very handsome tonight too" you replied taking another drag of your cigarette, your eyes still on each other not even daring to look away.
You didn't realise how close you both were your noses almost touching, Colin gave in his hand on the nape of your neck pulling you to him lips moving in sync you throw your cigarette on the ground giving Colin your full attention, your hand on his arm holding him close to you.
The kiss didn't last long as it was interrupted by the taxi beeping its horn, "Let's go" you smiled taking colins hand into the cab giving the driver your address, the driver drove you both back to your place.
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megmischief · 1 year
Seb x Reader - Moonlight Kiss pt.2 (AFAB reader)
E rated - NSFW MDNI
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You both pull away from each other, looking into one another's eyes.
"I know I came across as kind of a dick when we first met...I'm sorry." Sebastian moves the hair from out of your face and holds you close.
You enjoy his warmth, snuggling in closer. "Yeah. You were." You giggle. "But it's okay now."
Sebastian chuckles, taking another puff of his cigarette.
"And you should really stop doing that, ya know. You'll get black lungs and die." You death stare him.
Sebastian frowns. "Oh, shut up, you. I know its a bad habit. I'll try and quit. I promise."
You kiss his cheek, sitting up once more, and begin to collect your fishing gear together. "I'm holding you to that."
Sebastian stands up after snuffing out his cigarette and pulls you up with him. "Ya know..." He begins to play with his hoodie strings, sheepishly. "I...I kinda keep having this fantasy...about you."
"Seb. I think we're moving a bit too fast if we're already talking about fatasies!" You laugh and jokingly punch his shoulder.
Seb looks down. "I just wanted to tell you since I can't exactly talk to anyone else about it. Abi would take the piss and Sam is sometimes too naïve to understand." He shrugs.
You walk over to Seb after putting your equipment into a neat pile. "Okay. I'm all ears. And just because you're telling me, doesn't mean I'm going to do anything anytime soon." You gently embrace him, looking into this eyes.
"Okay...so...um. It's..." Sebastian picks you up, throwing you into the fresh water lake, laughing his head off.
Filled with shock, you pop your head up from under the water; a single strand of seaweed on top of your head. "Really, Seb? Really?"
Seb reaches down to grab the seaweed from your head, still laughing. However, you had other plans. You grab his arm and pull him in with you. Sebastian pops his head up; coughing and spluttering.
"You know I hate swimming, you menace." He continues to laugh at you. "And here's the payback for that." Seb splashed the cold water into you, sending a chill down your spine.
You wade over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. "So that's your fantasy, eh?"
Sebastian finds his footing and wraps your legs around his waist. He moves your soaking wet hair from your neck and begins to place a series of gentle kisses. "Almost..." Seb let out low, breathy chuckle which only left you wanting more.
You grab onto his hair, letting out a soft moan. "Seb...what're ya doin...?"
Continuing to kiss your neck, he moves his hands down to your ass. "My fantasy remember..."
"Hey! What are you guys still doing out here?! It's cold and dark! Sebby it's literally 1am!" A familiar female voice called out from around a metre or so away.
Sebastian's eyes widened, clearly being startled from his mum's sudden appearance. "Y-Yeah! Now coming!"
Robin laughed. "Let your new girlfriend sleep in your bed tonight. I'll set you a futon out, Seb. It's too dark to go home now, especially at this time of night. And both of you need to have a shower before heading to bed."
You see Robin's shadow disappear and begin laughing hysterically. "I wonder what she's thinking about us both being in the lake."
"Paha. I doubt she cares. Shes probably just happy about the prospect that I may not be a basement dweller for the rest of my life." Seb replies.
You feel a small blush as butterflies appear in your stomach. He had only just kissed you for the first time, his mum was now calling you his girlfriend, and now he was insinuating that this was going to be a long-term thing. Your head was spinning, trying to take in all this information.
Seb carried you out of the water and popped you back onto your feet on dry ground. "We should probably head inside." He grabs your fishing gear and gives you a warm smile.
"Thank you...and okay." You smile back and take hold of his free hand.
Once you got back into the house, you both dried yourselves off as much as you could with the towels that Robin had left you on her front desk.
"I'll go turn on the shower for you so it's warm. Um...I don't have any girl clothes and my sister is asleep...so I'll lay you some of mine to borrow to sleep in if that's okay." Seb scratches his head.
"Hmm...? Yeah. Thats fine. Thank you."
"Ace. I'll be right back." Seb walks through to go sort out the shower for you.
You grab your phone from your pocket and scroll through social media. Nothing interesting happening as usual. You let out a small sigh.
Sebastian pats you on the head and ruffles your still wet hair. "You okay, little one? The shower's ready for you."
You smile up at him and nod. "Thank you, Sebby." You reply, kissing his cheek. You then walk to the bathroom and get into the hot, steamy shower. Thoughts were running through your head as you washed the algae from your hair. This had all happened so quickly and felt as though it were a fever dream.
After getting clean, you grab the towel Seb had left for you and wrap it around yourself. Only when you were dry did you realise what Seb had left for you to wear. One of his black hoodies and some of his froggy boxers. You sigh and put them on, not being able to complain due to the attempted generosity of your now boyfriend.
As you exit the bathroom, you can hear Sebastian in the kitchen brewing some hot drinks. "Bathroom's free!" You whisper shout to him.
"Okay, thanks, hun. I'll be there in a sec. Head to bed, and I'll meet you down there."
"Alright. Have a nice shower!" You reply as you begin tiptoeing your way down the stairs into Sebastian's bedroom. It was cold in his room, as usual. Even though it was summer, Seb's room still felt drafty. You put this down to being in the basement level of the house. After plugging your phone into one of his spare chargers, you climb under the sheets and get comfy.
You finally felt at peace. You were clean, warm and with the man you loved. You pulled the sheets over your head and nuzzled in. You could smell the musky scent of pine and cigarettes that reminded you of Sebastian so much. Slowly, you began to doze off, cuddling Seb's frog plushie, when all of a sudden you felt someone climb into the tiny single bed with you. You turned around, in your groggy, sleepy state, to see Sebby.
"Heya, hun..." He leans over to kiss your cheek. "Mum left a note saying the futon was in the garage and she didn't wanna wake anyone up, so just to sleep on the sofa...But that's no fun so I'm here if thats okay." He wraps an arm around you and moves one underneath your head.
"Yeah, that's absolutely fine. You can help me keep warm." You tangled your legs with Sebby's to steal more of his warmth. However, as you moved closer to him, you could feel something pressing against your butt. Your eyes widen as you realise exactly what it was.
Part 3 to be released asap ^-^
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shyspider · 3 months
Hey! I saw you post something about a missing message or spam 😋 yeah that was me. I had a thing explaining that I’m Blue from archive of our own the twin tails and When sparks burn (if I remember that name correctly 😅) but I guess me re-deleting my account because my summer semester started last Monday and I erased it Saturday to start reading on my psychology book, microbiology, humanity’s 2, and intro to literature. I used to be on here in high school but when I started collage I kinda left. I was on here too much and was trying to distance myself from social media to focus and it helps resist the ADHD impulse to give in and log in to my account and scroll instead of doing whatever report or essay ect ect. But I still come on here every so often to check up on old friends like Deep-space-dukat and Horta-in-charge ect ect.
So just an explanation for that but basically my thingy was saying I’m Blue and when I was visiting back here I saw your profile and I wanted to pop in to say I loved the newest chapter of sparks burn you (and this one too with Optimus and megatron arguing like an old married couple during an effing battle) and I’m excited for the newest twin tails chapter! 😄squee! Also I wanted to show you a picture of my betta Takeda (who unfortunately developed a tumor on his right hill set and developed dropsy and passed away a couple months back. Apparently white, yellow, and pink bettas are prone to cancer because that coloring is so unnatural it’s a severely inbred trait and so is long fins which probably explains his temperament issues, having to black out his tank because he’d attack his reflection or rip up his fins) and I upgraded the tank from a 5 to 10 gallon and got Boreal a Samurai betta (I was going to get a wild type betta which live 10 years or hybrid betta 5-7 years. But caved and adopted Boreal which samurai betta and dragon scale betta are prone to diamond eye which is overgrowth of scales growing over the eye and causing blindness oof)
I miss Takeda, but I can say Boreal has short fins, a more natural coloration, and doesn’t seem to have any temperament issues. He’s so chill actually that I haven’t seen him flare once I can even leave the side of the tank uncovered that gives a reflection he puffs up a little at himself to look bigger but doesn’t attack or obsess and swims on (just a halfhearted one when I moved him into his tank he got startled), no self harm like fin biting so I’m not constantly medicating him or rearranging his tank, and he gets along with snails. p.s. But yeah Takeda’s high strung and aggressive attitude plus being so nit picky over decor as he’d inspect every new decoration and or flare at something if he didn’t like the position of it reminded me of Sunstreaker in twin tails 😂
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Hi Blue!!!!
Everyone! Look at Blue's fish! So pretty ❤️🖤💛💜🩵
I totally understand taking breaks from social media. I do it all the time. I wish you the best of luck this semester ✨
Thank you 💚 I'm glad you liked what I put out there. I'll be updating Twintails as soon as I'm done replying to comments.
I only have a modest amount of knowledge on fish and their upkeep (kept koi in an 80 gallon. I moved around a lot, so I had to find them a new home) but today I learned inbreeding of fish are a thing - so a quick thanks for teaching me something new (I always love it when people share their passions with me. I always end up learning something new.)
I've seen betta flare and puff, and I have to admit, whenever I write the mers doing the same thing, I think of bettas. THOUGH sometimes I think of bluegill and how they'll flare their dorsal up, and you get a row of spines. And Sunstreaker would get all huffy at stuff he didn't like in his enclosure - that is, if the aquarium he was held in even bothered to give him a more natural-looking tank.
0 notes
Tbh we always talk about the more eldritch side of the obey me cast, but yknow what would be nice? Seeing these old grandpas get so shocked at how humans work now.
I don't really think demons have a proper concept of evolution. Maybe its more of a power up? But they certainly don't evolve like how humans would. It'd be funny to see some of them get shocked to learn that we didn't exactly look like this before. Of course some of em may know before, but other demons who just think of humans as food and nothing more would.
Idk its just funny to see a demon having a whole crisis because how tf did we go from that to that?
Anon not only is this hilarious to think about, especially when you consider the differences between human and demon biologies, but it's absolutely insane to imagine these ancient know-it-alls either just forgetting it or like. completely missing humans evolving. kinda like MC: i know as a human i think my species is kinda important but how do you MISS that? Brothers: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I wrote that. I hope you dont mind.
no cws, but there's a nod to dialuci, which could also be very easily read as a reckless MC making a joke at Lucifer's expense. 5.5k words again, babes.
Evolutionary Biology 101 with Prof. MC (or: how the demons missed the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens only for MC to educate them)
Mammon was created some time before Cambrian Explosion - though don't ask him what year, no one was keeping track of things like that back then.
The general goings-on of heaven didn't interest him so much, so Lucifer would often give him the more fun, creative projects to occupy his time.
He didn't pay much attention to humans either, not until Beel, Belphie, and Lilith started expressing an interest in them - and by then human development had progressed to the use of tools and currency - completely missing their initial emergence.
"Well this is a waste of time! There's nothin' shiny here at all," complains Mammon.
"You didn't have to come with me," you say, for what feels like the hundredth time.
In hindsight, it probably wasn't the smartest idea ever to bring the Avatar of Greed along with you while you visit the museum. Solomon had wanted you to pick up something from an acquaintance of his, and that acquaintance happened to be one of the research associates tied to the place. Your only saving grace has been the fact this is the Natural History Museum - still full of valuable artifacts, but less immediately obvious or eye catching. You wouldn't know what to do with Mammon in a place like the British Museum.
Or actually. On second thoughts... maybe you should take him there. He'd be right at home.
You leave the demon somewhere in near the entrance with a firm suggestion (though not an order) to stay put. The meeting is short and to the point, and you leave the office with an ancient scroll in hand.
Mammon is not where you left him when you return.
With a sigh, you find yourself a map of museum exhibits, resolving to find him by process of elimination. Maybe he's by some of the valuables displays - early tools, jewelry, and pottery could potentially snag his interest.
Except he's not where you expect him to be at all.
You find Mammon in one of the new exhibits - Roots of Australiana.
"I made that one," he says, pointing. You follow the line his finger makes and you can't help but feel the surge of fond exasperation when your eyes land on the taxidermy creature.
"Are you telling me you made the platypus?"
"Yup, all the handiwork of the Great Mammon!" he says, pride in his voice and the way he puffs out his chest. "Michael hated it but Lucifer loved it."
The affection you feel for this demon is immeasurable. You laugh, grabbing onto his arm and hugging him close, just to see that beautiful red blush take over his features. You don't let yourself be shocked by the fact that apparently Mammon was responsible for the creation of one of the weirdest creatures known to mankind. It makes a startling amount of sense.
You spend the next few hours in just that one exhibit, pointing at different animals and asking about their origins. Mammon doesn't know the answer to all of the questions you ask, but you do get a glimpse into what sort of life he maybe had before the Fall.
"Oh yeah! Jellyfish! Levi wasn't super interested in makin' anything but we all had to contribute something. He got his out of the way real early on too."
"Lucifer says he made the cassowary, but Satan swears up an' down that it was him drivin' at the time."
"Asmo, Beel, an' I worked together on Kangaroos. Or rather - I made kangaroos but Asmo didn't think they were 'cute' enough so he made wallabies. Beel was just a kid back then but he loved 'em so much he wanted to show Belphie and Lilith, so he made Rock-Wallabies. Small enough that he could pick 'em up and carry 'em in his lil' baby hands."
Eventually you get to the end of the exhibit, where there there's a display of recreations of the neolithic pre-human variations of the indigenous peoples. There's even an actual skull just sitting there in the open, beyond the rope boundary. Surprisingly, Mammon has something to say about this too.
"Lucifer, Simeon, an' a few of the other seraphim helped make those. I dunno why it took a bunch of them though considerin' there are none left around today. Too many cooks, I wonder?"
You freeze.
"Mammon," you start, still formulating your thoughts, "do you know what this is?"
He cocks his head, gaze flitting between you and the display. "It's jus' a monkey, isn't it? Not one of the cute ones though."
"No..." you say slowly, only because you yourself are kind of perplexed by this strange gap in his knowledge, "Well. Yes, kind of a monkey. But a monkey that eventually evolved into the human race."
There's a moment of silence as Mammon stares at you.
"You're shittin' me, MC," he finally says.
"I wouldn't lie to you about this," you say, even though you would in any other circumstance. Winding Mammon (or really, any of the brothers) up has become a personal past-time. "That right there is one of the protohumans. Paranthropus boisei if that plaque is to be believed."
Mammon looks so confused and it's hard not to giggle a little at his wide eyes.
But then you see his arm move and -
"Wait, Mammon-"
It's too late. Mammon has already reached inside the exhibit to grab hold of the skull. Alarms start blaring but he ignores it - probably doesn't even register to him. Instead, he's holding up the skull to be level with your own head.
You only just hold back from making an Alas, dear Yorrick joke.
"Nah, I don' see it. Where'd the fangs go? Your teeth so little compared to these chompers." he says, while fiddling with the admittedly ginormous teeth inside the skull.
You pull on his arm to try and get him to drop the skull before anyone sees, but he doesn't budge. "Please, Mammon. I'll tell you if you just put. The skull. Down."
You punctuate each word with more fruitless tugs at his arm, which prompts him to raise it higher to try and get the skull out of your reach. Security has now run into the room, and they're all trying to ask him the same thing - put the skull down and come with them.
Mammon snorts, narrowing his eyes. "Pesky humans," he grumbles, before wrapping his free arm around you.
You're not quite sure what happens next. You think there's a flash of wing, the touch of cool leather, but it's like your brain just doesn't know how to translate what your body is seeing, hearing, and feeling.
When the world starts making sense again, you have to blink a few times to get your eyes adjusted to bright sunlight. You can hear running water, and in front of you a platypus is lounging in the reeds of a small creek.
Mammon is still holding that skull.
"Alright, now that we're alone, you can start explainin' things," he says.
This is just too bizarre. You sigh. So much for getting Solomon's scroll back to him before sundown. Especially now that it seems Mammon has taken you entire continents away.
In for a penny...
"Is listening to me explain evolutionary biology to you really what you want to do now we're alone in the middle of nowhere?"
There's a splashing sound as the skull is thrown into the creek. You can't find it in you to care. Especially not when strong arms wrap around you and everything becomes Mammon.
Leviathan was created some million years before the Triassic era. He grew up at the same time the life in the ocean was starting to grow teeth.
He was the brother to spend the most time on Earth - but not on land. His presence in the deepest depths in the ocean was perhaps one of the reasons for their eventual gargantuan size. And as the creatures grew in response to this threat, Leviathan grew with them.
Really, humans only started being interesting when they learned to tell stories with nuance. His brothers like to joke it was the advent of anime and manga, but really, Levi secretly loved the puppetry of early civilizations too.
But by then, it was too late. He'd spent all that time down in the ocean, only to miss man's precursors crawling from the waves.
You're mentally patting yourself on the back for the absolutely brilliant idea to bring Levi to a human aquarium when he stops suddenly beside you.
It's not the first time that's happened during the day - quite often some scaly creature will attract Levi's attention and he'll be frozen staring at it for a bit. If you didn't know better you'd say he was trying to mentally communicate with the fish. You're happy to listen to his long rants and tangents after about that particular species or maybe a fun story he has about some of his oceanic trips. Normally the shifting blue ambiance of the aquarium lighting makes people look spooky, otherworldy. On Levi, it makes him look alive.
What seems to have stopped him this time is the absolutely enormous jawbone of what the plaque tells you is a Megalodon.
"It was a baby," he sniffs.
You grab onto his hand, pushing down the existential terror that anecdote brings up in you. Whatever this jaw belonged to could swallow you whole without realizing, and that's baby sized?
"There, there. At least it's swimming happily in the fishy afterlife with the rest of its species," you try to console.
"Not all of them," he grumbles sulkily.
That makes you freeze. You're staring up at the fossilized jawbone, contemplating the implications of that comment long enough for Levi to wander off on his own.
"MC," Levi calls to you, though you can't say for sure how much time has passed, "what do they mean by 'all life started in the ocean'?"
Once with Mammon was chance.
Twice with Levi - it can't be coincidence.
Or rather, shouldn't be.
"Exactly what it says," you say rather blithely. You should not have to explain this to beings who were definitely alive back then. "All life, including the reptiles, mammals, and even humans, started off as some variation of sea life."
"Oh, so you have gills? Why didn't you say so MC, I could've taken you taken out to visit Lotan ages ago if I'd known-"
"Levi, I don't have gills," you interrupt. "I have lungs. We've been over this."
He screws up his nose. "Seems like a bit of a downgrade, to me. Think about all the cool things you're missing out on because you don't have gills!"
"Missing?" you ask incredulously, "sure, we're coming back to the giant deep sea life that apparently isn't dead in a sec, but how can you miss all of human evolution?"
He blinks at you slowly.
"It's not like the land creatures were doing anything interesting."
You splutter. "Not doing anything inter- Levi they were evolving into humans. They were fighting and eating each other to distill the dominant species!"
He shrugs.
"Plesiosaurs did that too. If you wanted to see some really vicious fighting, you could always count on the Vampyromorphs."
"I'm sorry the what?"
Levi sighs like you were put on this earth just to test him. In your defense, you kind of were, a little bit. You sling an arm around his shoulders to bring him close. You're in this together, after all.
You don't hide your blush when he confidently puts an arm around your waist in return, hand settling on your hip. He uses it to steer you towards the Squid Tank.
"C'mon MC, your normie side is showing. Vam-pyro-morph. Giant squids with slightly cannibalistic tendencies. Ticklish underneath the tentacles and the teeth," he says, like that explains anything.
Sketched onto the plaque beside the tank is one of the early vampire squid precursors. It's the most terrifying thing you have ever seen.
Speaking of terrifying, that reminds you -
"Levi- hey. Levi, please, what did you mean megalodon aren't extinct-"
Satan & Asmodeus
Asmodeus was created sometime around the late Jurassic era. This was way before the modern variations of the Homo sapiens species, but a few of their precursors were mulling around.
That wasn't to say they were doing anything particularly interesting. Instead, Asmo was more taken with the potential colors of avian feathers. He was trying to campaign for more variation by aggressively making more wild and wonderful plumage.
Satan, perhaps, has the best defense in that he didn't exist as an independent entity until sometime around when humans invented agriculture. He may have had flashes of awareness within Lucifer, but it was very rarely during anything to do with the mortal races.
You, Satan, and Asmo had agreed to study for your next Devildom Law exam together in the House's library. Studying together was normally a thing you and Satan would do anyway, but Asmo had been falling behind somewhat in your last exams, and Lucifer was starting to get snippy about it. You suggested Asmo should join you and Satan, on the basis that the current unit is on human cultural developments, and you can teach by example.
Asmo was especially enthusiastic about that.
Surprisingly, he was a more effective study partner than, say, Mammon. The three of you had been managing to read quietly together for just over an hour. Your hand had drifted unconsciously into Asmo's hair, while Satan let his tail wrap around your ankle.
"I didn't realize humans had multiple forms too!"
Asmo's voice breaks the tranquility of the library, and you look up from your notes. Satan leans over Asmo's shoulder and hums a little in surprise.
You suddenly have a lap full of the Avatar of Lust as Asmo crowds into your space. He's got a book in hand - one on the history and development of human cultures. It's turned to a page on the origins of humanity, and it even contains one of those stereotypical diagrams you'd associate with the progression of evolution - from fish to primate to man.
"What-" you start, but Satan's already latched onto this subject like a cat with its prey.
"It makes sense - your current form is quite dexterous and good for persistance hunting, but it doesn't provide much in terms of raw power," he's saying, and what?
"Though it seems the cranial size and cognitive capacity of your current form is the most advanced - is that to make quick decisions and judgements?"
"You don't have to keep your defenses up with us - surely you know that we'll love you no matter what you look like," Asmo croons, twining your fingers together.
"Don't you trust us, MC?" asks Satan and damn him for being so soft.
"Wait, guys, you don't think..." you start but then trail off. After Mammon and Levi, maybe you shouldn't assume the knowledge of these dumbasses demons.
"Think what, MC?" Satan asks.
You can't help the laugh that escapes you.
"Humans don't have multiple forms, at least that I'm aware of. That's a diagram of human evolution," you explain.
It doesn't seem to clear anything up. They're both still staring at you, waiting.
"Humans didn't always start off with opposable thumbs. In fact, we actually started in the ocean as weak little microbes," you say, wishing you paid more attention in high school bio. "We eventually grew lungs and feet and all the other stuff until we landed on version I am today."
"Oh," says Asmo, and it's actually a bit of a surprise that he's the first of the two to get it.
"Kind of like how Satan started off as a parasitic feeling of righteous anger, then became a ball of miasmic spite before figuring out the whole physical shape thing?"
Or not.
"Hey, I was not a parasite-" Satan scowls but you cut him off before he could get truly worked up.
"No, that's more like human childhood development-" you stop yourself when you see their looks of confusion. Right. Basics. "Anyway. Human evolution happened over millions of years. What you see before you now is the result of thousands of generations combining to produce the most viable, strongest traits for survival."
"Oh!" says Asmo, and not again. "Like dogs!"
You go to refute that too, but then you pause. Technically all the different shapes and sizes dogs come in are the result of generations of selective breeding. Some have survived and some have died off.
"Kind of," you finally settle on.
Satan scowls. "You're not like a dog, MC. You're different to other humans, right?"
You sigh, resolving yourself to an afternoon of explain the theories of evolutionary taxonomy, genetics, and survival of the fittest.
To two of the most powerful beings in existence.
Great. So much for date night.
Beelzebub & Belphegor
Beelzebub and Belphegor (and Lilith) all had a fascination with humans and human cultures.
That doesn't mean they were particularly aware of their origins. After all, they had only been created towards the late Miocene era. They were children as the protohumans were taking their first steps.
To say the twins and Lilith grew up as humanity grew up wouldn't be incorrect. They were somewhat sheltered, though, from the worst of it.
You had promised this would be a quick trip to the university's library. You still have your student access, which grants you document delivery privileges - something both Lucifer and Solomon take advantage of regularly. Normally the library could send you a digital copy of your requested book, chapter, or paper, but in this case you had to go in and pick up a physical copy. Belphie and Beel had offered to accompany you for the trip, and in return you offered to get them a human world lunch - your treat.
However, you weren't banking on encountering one of your more detestable peers. You and he had never gotten along - not even since your undergrad days. He catches sight of you before you could turn and leave, and you were forced into a 'polite' game of catch-up.
The conversation starts and ends with pointed barbs and unwarranted bragging on both sides. Occasionally his eyes will flick towards Beel and Belphie at your back, both impatiently waiting for this to be over like kids waiting for their parent to stop catching up with an old friend in the shopping centre. Unfortunately it all devolves into something just shy of a screaming match when he decides to bring the twins into it, referring to them obliquely - insulting them in that underhanded way that conceited academics fling around their intelligence. There's something frantic about it, though.
He decides to take his leave when you start garnering the attention of other students.
"Right, well, when you're done associating with Neanderthals be sure to give me a call. I need that book once you're done with it."
"I would, but that lead pole stuck up your ass would probably block my call anyway," you sneer as he leaves, determined not to give him the last word.
A strong arm wraps around your waist, stopping you from going after that scholarship stealing prick by keeping you held against Beel's chest.
"I don't get why he made you so mad," grumbles Belphie.
"You mean besides sniping the scholarship and supervisory team I was gunning for during my year away?" you take a deep breath, forcing yourself to calm down. This probably doesn't mean much to them anyway. "He shouldn't have called you that."
"Called us what?" Beel asks, still not letting you go.
You turn in his hold, tilting your head. "He called you Neanderthals. Which is such a childish insu-"
"What's a neanderthal?" asks Belphie, coming up on Beel's other side to lean against you heavily. You're not sure whether it's his inherent laziness or his desire to constantly be close to you, but you appreciate it regardless.
You sigh. By now you've realized that for whatever reason, these ancient entities who predate humanity know nothing about how your species emerged.
You grab both of their hands in your own, tugging at Beel softly to get him to release you. He does, and you walk them towards the display at the entrance of the Anthropology library. There's a large, old diagram in a simple frame that feels incongruous to the ultra-modern aesthetic the rest of the library seems to have.
The picture depicts somewhat of a lineage of human species - with branching taxonomies to show some of the related Homo Sapiens species before your own wiped them out. You point to one of the closest humanoid figures - it's proportions vaguely similar to your own, but the arms and hands are too large, the skull too long.
"That's a neanderthal. They were a possible early prototype of humans," you say, and it's somewhat amusing to see the identical expressions of confusion direct themselves from you to the image.
Beel hums. "I still don't get it. Why did it make you so mad?"
You sigh. "The neanderthals were wiped out by the early Homo sapiens sapiens - my species. Well. Wiped out, bred out, there's still some contention. Supposedly their cognition wasn't advanced as ours, so by using it as an insult, he was calling you stupid, boorish, and outdated."
"I'll show him stupid and boorish," mutters Belphie, his human-looking form flickering slightly around the edges.
And no, as tempting as it is, you probably shouldn't let the demon loose on that human annoyance. You scramble to come up with something to distract Belphie, but all you can really focus on is the flickering.
"Neanderthals weren't the only human-like species people think were wiped out. There's some speculation that humans developed a sense of the uncanny valley because there were other species around that came close to threatening us," you start, tightening your grip on Belphies hand. You re-grab Beel's, now trying to lead them out of the building.
You continue. "Humans have this sense that basically freaks us out when we see something that looks, sounds, and moves like a human, but isn't quite right. It could've also developed as a way to weed out undesirable conditions or illnesses as humanity was evolving."
You can see your words starting to get through to Belphie, and wide eyes blink at you slowly. You can tell Beel is also invested, in the way he's stopped trying to tug you over in the direction of the vending machines.
"But I have another theory."
Belphie is very clearly interested now, but it's Beel who asks "what's your theory?"
"I think that there is another species - one stronger and faster and better at hiding itself - that humans are below in the food chain. All we can do is keep an eye out for them, because we sure as hell aren't going to be able to fight them off."
"I'd fight them for you, MC," says Beel, and he's sweet. But you can also tell that he's realized where you've been leading the conversation.
"What's the point of this all, MC?" asks Belphie and damn it you thought you managed to distract him. His shape is still flickering threateningly.
"I'm talking about demons, Belphie. You guys eat human souls as some kind of tasty snack. Humans can't fight back so we developed an ability to be scared so we could run away. That asshole back there was probably puffing up his feathers because he was terrified of you."
Finally, finally, that seems to appease Belphie. A self-satisfied grin crosses his face, and he leans further into you.
There's a loud growl, breaking the fragile peace. Beel doesn't even bother trying to look embarrassed.
"Yes, we can get food now. C'mere," you say before he can even ask, and begin to drag them anew.
A thrill shoots up your spine when you realize they let you lead them, these apex predators who are designed to consume you.
Lucifer & Diavolo
Unlike his brothers, Lucifer wasn't unobservant throughout prehistoric times. In fact he, Simeon, Michael, and a few other siblings were given the responsibility to push evolution in the right direction.
That final step between Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo Sapiens took its toll on all of them, and so Lucifer gave himself permission to stop giving a fuck about the mortal fleshbags to focus more on his family.
Perhaps this is why he didn't quite have the same curiosity about human culture that his siblings did - it was so much work getting them to that point that all he can think of was the long hours.
Diavolo himself had been born at some point in very early human history but he's always had a fascination with humans and where they came from - compounded when he found out the role Lucifer himself played in their creation.
But that doesn't mean they're both without some gaps in their knowledge (in some very important places)....
"Here, hold this."
This is the only warning you get before the squirming baby is deposited in your arms.
The child belongs to one of your friends from before college - before RAD. Your friend had brought it along for one of your admittedly rare catch-ups because she couldn't find a sitter, sorry! You watch helplessly as she leaves your table to head towards the bathrooms.
You stare at the baby.
It babbles back at you.
"MC?" a familiar voice calls.
You and the baby both look up at the same time with identical dumbfounded expressions.
Approaching your table is two tall figures, both wearing long and expensive looking overcoats. The one in red is grinning sunnily, while his companion in blue is screwing up his nose, making his glasses skew on his face. Diavolo and Lucifer take seats at your table, despite the fact there are plenty of empty places around the cafe.
"Please don't tell me you've picked up a pet, MC," Lucifer says with distaste, "Despite what you may hope, it won't teach my brothers responsibility."
One day you will teach this demon manners. This is not the way to greet someone you run into while they're on holiday.
"It's a baby," you say slowly, dragging out the syllables.
"Ooh a baby what?" Diavolo asks, and surely not.
"Something that's easier to train while young, I would hope?" Lucifer asks.
Well. Yes, but...
You squint at him. He stares back impassively, though you do notice the confusion in the way his eyebrows cock unevenly.
"A human baby!" you say incredulously.
Sure, your time in the Devildom was fraught with cultural misunderstandings, but come on. These are two of the most powerful beings in existence. Lucifer has been around since the beginning of time itself.
Diavolo pushes his face in close to the baby, and then you have to rear back as he turns to study you just as intently. Normally you wouldn't mind, but now is not the time or the place.
"It's so small, and squishy," he says.
"It's the weaker version of a human," Lucifer says, though he doesn't look as confident as his tone would have you believe him to be, "it likely needs more time to coalesce more energy."
"Guys," you say with exasperation, "it's a baby. It grows. Physically! And hopefully: mentally and emotionally. It doesn't shapeshift. It doesn't 'coalesce energy'. It just ages."
They're looking at you doubtfully. You really don't think it's that hard to grasp.
"Besides," you add, "this technically isn't even a human's weakest form."
"They get smaller?" Lucifer asks.
It's the first time you've seen him so freaked out.
"How?" Diavolo asks and no you are not going to explain this to him-
"I'm sorry - who are you?"
Sweet, saving grace. Maybe there really is a god looking down on you.
Your friend has returned. She looks apprehensive, though that may have something to do with the rather large, intimidating, obviously rich men huddling around you and her baby. Oh, right.
Your mind scrambles to come up with a good excuse.
"Oh! This is Luci...us," you start, and immediately panic when you realize you were about to use Lucifer's actual name. The demon in question shoots you a glare, but at this point in your relationship you've become immune.
"And this uh..."
Friend? Boss?
Actually. Fuck it. Time for revenge for almost forcing you to explain the birds and the bees to him. And all the other shit you've been through since waking up in the Devildom.
"This is his husband, Dia. They run the exchange program I told you about - the one I spent a year away for. They're actually thinking of adopting at the moment."
Immediately your friend's face brightens. "Oh?" she asks, "what age were you thinking?"
"Actually-" Lucifer starts, but you're not going to let him derail your Evil Plan™.
"Around the same age as yours," you interrupt.
This lights a fire in your friend's eyes, and immediately she starts her whole tirade anew about the lack of sleep and the burping and all the messes and the lack of sleep and the wonders of small humans forming their own consciousness and opinions and the lack of sleep and- well. Basically everything you had been unwittingly subjected to before you were interrupted by the demons.
Diavolo takes all the unwanted and unwarranted information with an enthusiasm that definitely helps play into the fiction you've set up. Beside him, Lucifer is smiling pleasantly, but when his gaze drifts to you and you meet his eyes -
v̴̥͠ȩ̶̃r̶̟̒t̵͚̍i̵͂ͅg̶̱̏o̶̤͠. you're at the edge of a precipice and you're not going to fall. you're i̷̳͝n̸̦̽s̴͔͐i̶͔͠g̴͉̏n̶̯̏i̵̮͑f̷̻̐ȉ̴̩c̴̛̞a̴̛͇n̴̜͠t̶̩́. it would be so easy to be crushed by this abyss-
you smile back just as congenially. Really. You'd think he'd remember that none of his glares work on you anymore. The baby in your arms squirms and holds its own pudgy little arms up towards the Avatar.
Huh. Interesting. That glare of his doesn't work on the kid either.
You're still forced to sit there politely while your friend rambles on about the wonders of human development and the joys of being a parent for another two hours. It's definitely worth it though - the picture of a small, red, wiggly baby being held at arm's length by the Avatar of Pride is one that will live in your memory for lifetimes to come.
Barbatos doesn't quite know when to attribute his creation to. It's never really mattered.
He wandered the Earth before the Fall, before humans. He watched that first creature crawl itself out of the mud. He watched as it crawled and stood and spoke.
He kept a close eye on this species - especially as they began to show intelligence. They created their own laws and measurements and perceptions of Time, which was cute, if a bit misguided.
In some of the early days, he let some of his true nature slip too close to the surface, and in return he was granted offerings of livestock and. Well. Live humans. Young ones. Too young.
There's warmth somewhere near your cheek as a cup of tea is placed down delicately beside where you had been resting on top of your assignments. You snort and a shiver goes through you as consciousness slowly filters back in.
At least there are worst ways to wake than with Barbatos' soft smile to greet you.
"Thank you," he says.
"For what?" you ask. You're still trying to wake up, and one of your sticky notes frees itself from your face and floats back down to the table you were napping working at. Admittedly, the smell of Barbatos' tea is doing wonders.
"For seeing to the education of my Master and his Lords. It wouldn't do for the future King of Hell and his council to be so ignorant in regards to their human subjects."
No way.
"You set me up," you hiss.
A gloved hand comes down on top of your head, and you put up a small token effort of resistance for a moment but no one can truly hold out against such soft head scratches.
"Perhaps," Barbatos says, and you're immediately reminded of why you associate him with snakes. "But it was a learning experience of your own, was it not?"
Thanks for the ask, Anon! 💛 I hope you don't mind the mess that spawned from it...
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animeomegas · 3 years
I read the Naruto Omega request with the alpha commenting about how their kid is just like their Omega (and I loved it so much) but what if the kid is just like their Alpha parent? Like the Alpha hit copy/paste of their kid and it's obvious to everyone, especially their Omega parent.
(Hehe, the reverse, interesting! I got a bit carried away in some places, but this was really fun to write! Enjoy~)
Naruto - Naruto knows his pup looks a lot like his alpha, but they're also like him!! He can see it just fine! You see the way they don't like reading kanji? He didn't like reading kanji when he was their age! You see the way they scratch their head sometimes? He does that too! As far as he's concerned there is lots of him in his child and he doesn't know why no one else seems to see it. He will definitely dress them in the worst orange clothes and style their hair like his to try and get everyone else to notice the similarities.
"No, Kakashi sensei, you don't get it! I had to walk past Ichiraku's the other day and my pup started to cry because we were in too much of a rush to go in. They have great taste, just like me, believe it!"
Sasuke - Sasuke didn't think he was the sort to care that much, but he's honestly a little shocked. Uchiha genes are crazy strong, and he's surprised that his alpha's genes are apparently stronger. He also gets kinda embarrassed because he spent his whole pregnancy telling you that the pup was probably going to look a lot like him and he was very obviously wrong about that. But in the end, he honestly kind of likes it. He doesn't have the best self-esteem and he definitely holds a somewhat subconscious belief that the Uchiha bloodline is cursed, so he finds it relaxing for his pup to look so much like his alpha. It makes him feel like they have a chance at a good life, something he didn't even realise he was worried about beforehand. He prefers his pup to look as much like his alpha as possible.
"Huh," said Naruto, giving Sasuke's pup a glance. "If you were an alpha, I'd say your mate cheated on you, but I guess the pup came out of you, so I suppose you're all good."
"Tch, idiot," Sasuke scoffed, gently brushing his child's hair (his alpha's hair that he loved so much) from her eyes. "Don't be so crude."
Shino - He doesn't really notice, not at first, too enamoured by the fact that his pup is beautiful and amazing and someone him and his mate created together. But after a few comments from others, he starts to realise how little of him seemed to be part of that creation, and he gets a bit melancholic about it. Don't get him wrong, he thinks his alpha has amazing genetics and he loves them both but... he's been excluded from a lot in his life and the fact that he appears to have been excluded from this as well. It hurts. Thankfully, as soon as the pup is old enough to start dressing in the Aburame clan clothes, everyone immediately starts calling them a mini-Shino, telling him how much like their father they are etc. He always puffs up in pride and it doesn’t take long for his friends to notice and they make sure to say that as much as possible to him. I imagine his alpha also picks up on it and goes out of their way to point out the similarities.
"I had to pull him away from exploring in the woods today," you inform Shino, having just walked in from a walk with your pup to allow Shino some peace to clean the kitchen. "He didn't like being told he wasn't old enough yet. Much like someone else I used to know~"
"Is that so?" Shino felt like his heart might burst from happiness that his child loved looking for bugs in the woods as much as he did. "I'll have to take him there tomorrow. Why? Because I want him to be happy."
Shikamaru - If his child doesn't learn to appreciate the beauty of a nap soon, Shikamaru may just have to disown him. He's joking, of course, but he's another one who firmly believed in the dominant genes in his clan, so he is shocked to find that there is now a tiny clone of his alpha running around their house. His pup and his mate gang up on him all the time… poor long suffering Shikamaru. Apart from missing valuable napping/cloud gazing time, Shikamaru doesn't care that much, although he finds it distantly amusing that the future clan head looks nothing like a Nara. Maybe they’ll gain more of his traits as they get older, maybe they won’t, they’re his precious little pup either way.
“If I promise to give you some chocolate later, will you come and take a nap with daddy?”
“No, no, no! Don’t want to! Want to play!”
Shikamaru just let out a long-suffering sigh and resigned himself to being awake for the whole day. Troublesome.
Neji – Neji is so fucking over the moon, he can’t even put it into words. The second he sees his child’s eyes for the first time, Neji starts to cry. They have your eyes. In other words, they have no chance of developing the Byakugan and therefore no need to be given the caged bird seal. The weight that lifts off his shoulders is massive. He has no room in his emotions for any sadness that his pup doesn’t look like him, because he knows how unbelievably lucky he got with this.
You sat by Neji’s bedside, pup cradled in their arms, as you waited for him to come to after the c-section surgery.
When Neji’s eyes finally fluttered open, he immediately focused on the bundle in your arms.
“It’s a little girl,” you answered, understanding his silent question. “Either a beta or an omega.”
Neji didn’t speak, simply holding out his arms to take his daughter from his mate. But just as they transferred him his pup, they whispered something in his ear.
“She has my eyes.”
An unremarkable statement to most, but Neji startled and checked immediately. You were right. She had your eyes.
Exhausted, Neji burst into tears, leaning on his alpha for support and mentally thanking every power that may be for this miracle.
Iruka – Iruka doesn’t have any strong feelings either way. He just wanted someone to love and nurture, what they look like doesn’t mean anything to him. In fact, he’s pretty happy that his pup and his alpha are so similar because it makes him feel like he knows how to parent successfully. He knows his alpha better than anyone after all, so a pup who has the same personality and motivations should be easier for him to parent. He acknowledges every comment about how much his pup looks like you with a laugh. It’s true and it is a little amusing how similar the two of you are. (Also, does Iruka take all your baby photos and then stage matching ones with your pup because he thinks it’s cute how similar you are? Absolutely.)
“Here, if you eat all your vegetables, you can have some of this afterwards,” Iruka promised to his pup, brandishing a plate of both his mate’s and his pup’s favourite food. Without even a moment of consideration, his pup started to eat his vegetables.
Iruka smiled to himself. Works every time. (On both the most important people in his life.)
Itachi – Much like Neji, he’s very relieved that his child is unlikely to be able to unlock the Sharigan. The sharigan has brought Itachi very little good and so much suffering, so knowing his child can avoid that makes him extremely happy. Not to mention, the elders pretty much discard his pup as unimportant immediately, just how Itachi likes it, and while they do start harassing him about having more children, he would much rather that they were bothering him than his baby. He doesn’t let himself be disappointed that his child doesn’t look much like him. He has a healthy and happy pup that he loves with all his heart, and who is free from the perpetual harassment from the Uchiha elders. That’s the best situation he could have asked for.
“They don’t look like an Uchiha,” a blunt twelve-year-old Sasuke said, tilting his head at the bundle in his brother’s arms like he’d never seen a baby before.
Itachi didn’t take any offence and laughed softly, still very weak from the birth.
“Well, technically they are only half-Uchiha,” Itachi answered, absently stroking his pup’s head. “And I think they’re perfect.”
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yoichichi · 3 years
How They Cuddle
karasuno x reader
warning(s): none ! :)
a/n: some sweet luv for the hq boys :) I’m planning on doing a part for the other fandoms I write for too - aot, bnha, & jjk - as well as the rest of the hq teams/characters - so keep an eye out if you’d like! And as always I love interacting w you guys :) feel free to leave comments/flood my inbox :D!
characters: daichi, asahi, sugawara, nishinoya, tanaka, yamaguchi, tsukishima, kageyama, hinata, yachi, & kiyoko
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He’s a hugger for sure! If you’re on your phone, or reading, or doing anything before bed he’s snuggling up behind you and resting his head on your shoulder to watch what you’re doing - he’s nosey like that. Anyways, being the big spoon is a very convenient cuddling position for that, and he gets to wrap you up and hold you close <3
Through the night though he slowly scoots down off his pillow in his sleep, so when you wake up his face is nuzzled into the middle of your upper back with his arms still squeezing around your midsection so tight you know you’d have to wake him up to get him to let go 😭 he’s also for sure a light snorer, but it’s ok he makes up for it by being cute or whtv 🙄
Another spooner! He’s not particularly bias to being the big or little spoon but he just can’t face you 😭
There’s a few reasons: 1) it makes him freak out and it’s like he can feel your eyes on him even if they’re closed. He’ll be constantly peeking one eye open to look at your face and he’s half scared he’s gonna open them and you’re gonna be staring at him like 👁👁 LMAO
2) the breath on his face tickles too much and will eventually start to irritate him and he gets pouty cause it makes it tough to sleep
And 3) what if he’s making a weird face in his sleep and you wake up to see it 😭
So spooning for the win it is
I don’t think he’d be a big fan of being held, it makes him feel too claustrophobic and he’d feel kinda bad moving you off of him if he had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night :( I also think he tosses n turns a bit while sleeping so holding him wouldn’t be the best option anyways, however!
He likes touching/lightly intertwining legs - one reason is because you can kind of get away with it from any angle but still find a comfortable position that suits you, the other reason is because his feet get cold in the middle of the night and this is the easiest way to steal your warmth
Ok ok, so I know it’s cliche - but I do think he’s a teensy bit too excited for bedtime cuddles! Not in a restless way, he’s just too excited with the act of actually cuddling you, like every time. Day cuddles are different! When the two of you have some alone time and he’s snuggled up with you on the couch, leaving a bunch of kisses (his favorite are Eskimo kisses), periodically grabbing your face so your lips pucker and leaving a dramatic kiss there after he talks about how cute you are (“oh my god you’re so adorable I could crush you ☹️🥺”), and then squeezing you so tight sometimes your back even cracks, it’s fine! You’re not trying to sleep so it’s just sweet Noya doting on you - but you can see how this would be a problem when y’all are tryna get some shut eye 😭
Solution: back to back, but touching so you can still feel each other’s closeness <3, bonus: every time Noya becomes aware your guys’ butts are touching he giggles and wiggles a little until you remind him it’s time to sleep 😭
Ok but he needs to have a hand on your ass and not even in a sexual way 😪🤚🏼 he just grabs on naturally or rests his hand there and sometimes lovingly pats it when he kisses your cheek before either going back to falling asleep or being on his phone or smth :)
He also loves burying his face in your neck, it just feels so soothing to him and he also finds your smell so relaxing and makes him feel all warm inside! Like when he sees you after a long day he loves wrapping you up in a big hug and leaving kisses in the crook of your neck and burying his face there cause he just missed you sm <3
Very much like Hinata he also adores being intertwined with you!! He finds it particularly comforting with your face buried in his chest or neck while he has his legs wrapped up with yours. He thinks it’s the best position to lean down and press a kiss to the top of your head (his favorite kind of sweet kiss), which he always does right before he feels himself drifting off to sleep.
He also likes rubbing your back/neck this way until you fall asleep, or while you talk about anything you wanna talk about. Waking up this way is also his favorite, and if you guys have moved in your sleep, you bet he’s pulling you back into a hug. He periodically squeezes you in his arms, leaves feather light kisses to your shoulder, runs his hands up and down your back, sure you probably won’t be asleep for much longer now with all this movement, but he just can’t help it with how sweet you look sleeping! Don’t worry though he’ll keep up the soothing while you wake up and talk about your dreams and what you want for breakfast :)!
Not much of a cuddly guy throughout the day but when bedtime rolls around you bet your ass he’s expecting some kind of physical affection. His favorite is when he lays on his back with his arm out so you can nuzzle into his side, and once you’re all comfortable he wraps said arm around you to pull you in close.
Your favorite is when he runs his hand up and down your side or draws little designs with his fingers on any exposed skin. His favorite is when you bring your face up to rest in the crook of his neck or rest your head on his chest, any light kisses you leave or the breath that puffs out of you and hits his neck every now and then never fails to give him goosebumps and make him blush.
I don’t think he’s particularly ~stiff cuddling with you but I definitely think it’s not his forte when it comes to bed time! He just finds a comfortable spot - usually on his side or back - and that’s that! He’s found it and is gonna be out in approximately 2 minutes, but he does love feeling you in bed next to him :(
A good compromise he’s decided is reaching his hand out next to him him so he can hold onto your hand while he sleeps, or being the little spoon! It actually feels super comforting to him to feel you all cuddled up to his back and keeping him warm no matter if you’re bigger or smaller than him <3 he also loves the way he has to pry your arms off of him when he has to get up in those early mornings, or the way he feels your face squish up against his back sometimes, he just loves you.
He definitely gets hot in his sleep but he love love loves cuddling with you, so you’ll always start off wrapped up in each other somehow. Usually face to face with your legs intertwined cause he thinks talking to each other about any and everything is a good way to wind down before bed - and I mean anything. Sometimes it’s just him asking you odd questions he’s been thinking about recently before one of you remembers you can google it
But no matter how you two fall asleep at first, you always wake up clinging onto his sprawled out body (probably because he’s kicked the blanket onto the floor and you got chilly in your sleep) or far away from him with all the blanket to yourself as he peacefully snores beside you <3
Play with her hair and she’s KNOCKED 100%! She also loves either holding you or being held, but there’s got to be SOME kind of holding going on for her heart to feel full <333
She’s also the queen of surprise hugs from behind once you’ve been together for a fair bit and she feels more comfy being publicly affectionate with you! And if you do the same to her it never fails to make her smile or cover her face cause she’s blushing from surprise
“(Y/n)!! You startled me!” And now you have a very excited & giggly gf 😽😽
I personally see her as a pretty religious back sleeper so the most ideal position is you in her side or you laying between her legs while she holds you and your head is resting on her chest. PERSONALLY she prefers the second one but she leaves it up to you <3
She just thinks it’s most ideal how she could reach down and trace her fingers lightly on the side of your face; or play with your hair if she’s able to; or rub your neck, back, and shoulders to ease any stress from your day. She’s a big giver of private affection and thinks it’s so cute when you’re so tuckered out you she wakes up with a little drool on her shirt. Not to mention your weight and warmth is super comforting to her ! And even if she wouldn’t admit it, she likes being able to use not wanting to move and wake you as an excuse to get 5 more minutes of you cuddling with her.
Ahhhh hehehehe I hope you like and comments and all that jazz are always appreciated!! Big smooches :)
taglist: @plutowrites @sweet-darling91
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luvbrie · 3 years
that damned wish
pairing: jihoon x reader / genie!jihoon x human!gn!reader
warnings: jihoon is a lil flirt but nothing vulgar, reader lowkey kinda dense, gets really angsty at the end, jihoon has a breakdown and considers su!c!de
wordcount: 1.8k total / fic
short summary: Jihoon is a genie. Y/N stumbles upon Jihoon, and they wish for Jihoon to be free so he can be Y/N’s new friend. This seems awkward to Jihoon at first, but he warms up to YN and ends up crushing on them. But it looks like all those times he twisted a wish in the past seemed to bite him like a starved animal.
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“Look, I bought it from an old woman because she said she needed money— don’t you dare comment on it —and it turns out it’s real. What the hell do I do?” Y/N whisper-yelled to their friend over the phone. They were fully aware the genie they accidentally in the other room was awkwardly standing there, so they opted to not make it worse than it already was.
“...How do I even respond to that?” Jisoo seemed just as clueless as Y/N was. “Um, maybe just tell him it’s a mistake. You didn’t mean to summon him and he can just go back home.”
“But Jisoo,” Y/N whined, “That’s so awkward… What should I even say in that situation? ‘I wish for you to go back in your bottle?’ That’s so WEIRD!” Y/N cried animatedly, now forgetting the genie could hear them. “Jisoo, please! Should I just wish for three things and get it over with?”
“But don’t genies always twist the wish? What if you die or something…”
“Sorry! If you don’t want to just go with my original plan, which I’m sure would work,” Y/N could hear the sass in Jisoo’s voice and rolled their eyes, “Wish for him to be your friend.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Just wish for him to be human so he can be your friend. It’s a win-win, you’ll both end up with a friend. I’m sure he’s lonely as a genie,” Jisoo chuckled.
“Okay…It’s worth a shot… I guess I do need a friend anyway.” Y/N reached for the ‘End Call’ button, but didn’t click it. “Thanks Jisoo, you're the best!” And with that, the other end went silent.
But little did Y/N know, Jisoo was joking.
As Y/N turned around, they stiffened seeing the genie looking at them with a bewildered expression. “You… Want me to be your friend? That’s what you really want?”
The genie stood, not really expecting an answer. The whole ordeal was stiff and Y/N could tell that it was getting slightly uncomfortable.
“...Yes. Um,” Y/N started, now feeling quite silly. Their face burned red. From the corner of Y/N’s eye, they could see the genie shaking his head. “I… I’m a little lonely…” They trailed off, unsure if the excuse is plausible. Y/N really didn’t feel like explaining the whole thing to the genie. Suddenly, Y/N could no longer see the genie. Did he leave?
“Are you sure you just want to be just friends?” The genie’s deep voice startled Y/N; it came from behind. They squealed and jumped away. The close proximity had them burning with embarrassment. He chuckled with a flirty grin plastered on his handsome albeit transparent face.
“Yes, friends! Don’t twist it weirdo!” Y/N pouted, looking away from the genie. “Well, I wish for you to be human so we can be friends.”
“Wait, wait!-” The genie panicked, but the damage had already been done. In a single puff of smoke, the translucency of his skin was gone, replaced with an opaque tone of peach. His eyes still sparkled beautifully, something Y/N only noticed moments before.
“Is something wrong?” Y/N tilted their head.
“Wha.. No. Nothing. I was just a little shocked.” The genie struggled with his words until he shook his head, similarly to last time. He quickly composed himself, leaving Y/N a little confused. He’s so… spontaneous. “Didn’t think you’d be so excited to be acquainted with me.~”
Y/N didn’t seem to pick up on the flirty undertone. They nodded, giggling a bit. Jihoon smirked at the reaction, but it came down to a confused expression when she opened her mouth. “Of course I’d be excited to make a new friend..!” Their bubbly tone faded with uncertainty as they took note of the genie’s face. They dismissed it, however and quickly moved on. “Anyways… Since you’re required to be my friend, it would be wise to introduce yourself, yeah?”
The genie stuttered with his response, not really used to having to actually get to know his summoner. Now that he’s thought about it, he’s only had to give his name… what, three times? In his thousands of interactions with humans? This human, whatever their name was, is certainly a strange specimen. “Name’s Jihoon, cutie. And what might yours be?” He winked, refusing to let up on his confusion, although it might already be evident.
“I’m Y/N! It’s nice to meet you, Jihoon! I hope we become best friends!” They smiled brightly. Jihoon felt a genuine smile of his own creep onto his face. Damn your contagious smiles, Y/N… The boy shook his head. Y/N noted that shaking heads is one of his habits. “Let’s go out, get to know each other.” Before Jihoon could make what Y/N assumed to be a flirty comment, they added, “Go out as FRIENDS.”
Jihoon looked a little surprised, but chuckled nonetheless. “Yeah, I gotcha. Whatever you want.”
Slowly, Jihoon’s eyes opened. Jihoon looks up at the dark, moonlit sky as Y/N is cuddled up in his arms. They lay in the lush grass of a hill not far from Y/N and Jihoon’s home. After Y/N had commanded Jihoon to be their friend a year before, Jihoon didn’t want to admit that his life had only gone uphill from then. They got closer and closer, and Jihoon finally felt like he could settle down. Life as a genie was hectic, people wishing for riches, and then him being shunned back into his little bottle or him being put on hold for far too long, his summoner supposedly ‘saving’ their wishes. Everything was fast. He hadn’t thought there was anything wrong with the way he lived before, but with Y/N, he could appreciate all the little things life had to offer. If he had to choose between his life before and what he had now, he’d pick what he has now without hesitation.
It was true, Jihoon had been in a relationship with someone upon request, but there was no experience he had in his centuries of living that compared to what Y/N could give. He treasured every minute he spent with Y/N.
Jihoon’s eyes travelled down to Y/N, who was currently laying on his chest, his arms wrapped around them. Their peaceful face sent the boy’s heart into a frenzy, and he couldn’t help but admire the purity Y/N’s face had. He took a deep breath in, careful not to disturb Y/N, trying to calm his racing heart. He’s had these feelings bottled inside of him a month after they met. It was a little early, too fast, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He’s had them crushed inside his heart, threatening to explode any minute. Jihoon knew he was in love, and he knew Y/N was too. From the way Y/N gave shy glances and the sweet gestures that were reserved for him, it was all too obvious that you had feelings for him too. Jihoon wasn’t dense.
He never got to think about it much because he refused to. Because it hurts. It started hurting so bad knowing he could have them all to himself, if he just said the words. But he can’t.
“Well, I wish for you to be human so we can be friends.”
It’s that wish. That damned, stupid wish. He wanted to just crush it under his palms, watch it disintegrate as Y/N ran into his arms and run off together, living happily ever after. He was still bound to the wish, despite being a human. If he made any move on Y/N he’d die. He didn’t want her to suffer over his death, nor did he want himself to. He hated the wish. But at the same time, it was the only reason he got to experience what he gets with Y/N. Yet he still wanted more… Was it selfish? He has a taste of human life, now he’s getting greedy. Could you blame him, though? He wants to be happy. That’s all. And to be happy, he needs Y/N. Poor boy. He’s so conflicted, he got frustrated, and now there’s another emotion in the mix. Jihoon felt the stinging teardrops in his eyes, his breathing becoming staggered. ‘Damn it Jihoon,’ He thought to himself, ‘Pull yourself together! You’ll disturb Y/N…’
And speaking of the devil, or angel in Jihoon’s eyes, Y/N awoke from Jihoon’s irregular chest heaving. They scratched their eyes, trying to focus on Jihoon. Y/N looked a bit startled when they noticed his eyes glistening with tears. “Jihoon?” They asked softly, the slight rasp in their voice making Jihoon’s heart skip a beat. They sat up, signalling Jihoon to follow suit. As he did so, he felt Y/N’s arms slither around his waist. They shifted their position until they sat on Jihoon’s lap, and Y/N gently wiped away his tears.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” That tone of their voice, so soft… One only Jihoon was allowed to hear… It was wrong just how badly he wanted to kiss them right then and there.
“...Um… I just… I lost my immortality when I turned human, and I’ve never really had to think about death… Until now…” He spoke up after his tearful breakdown, desperately hoping Y/N wouldn’t pry. He knew that Y/N could see right through the pitiful excuse. Their beautiful E/C eyes scanned him with worry, and he felt the tears brimming at his eyes again. After moments of them staring right at Jihoon’s eyes, Y/N spoke, their voice dripping with honey, “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.” They pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. At the action, Jihoon let his loud sobs loose. And right then, Jihoon considered…
Maybe death isn’t so bad if he gets to see them in his last moments.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
37.  "See what happens if you rub your ass on me like that again."
47.  "I know we're just friends but you're sitting on my lap and I'm so sorry if I get hard."
I'm an idiot and forgot to put the full prompt so here! For donnie with a gn reader :3
Sjakdkfwlend of this is gonna be FUN!
Rated Steamy?
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Torturing Donatello should be a professional hobby and if it was you were the president and CEO of it.
Honestly at this point it was more so about seeing how quickly you could get him to squirm. It would all be easier if he just confessed to the piece of information you had found out about a few months back.
A little birdie turtle had snitched to you that Donnie was basically head over heals for you. Raph could be quite the gossip if you caught him in the right mood. Truth be told it was kinda obvious but it never hurt to make sure.
And thus your torture games had taken some fun twisty turns. Currently speaking of said torture you had waltzed into his lab and found the nerd playing some computer game. A nice change of pace for his usual workaholic tendencies. You were intrigued and asked him to let you play a round, naturally he’d said yes.
So you scooted into the space between him and the desk and sat on his lap. Donnie went rigid, immediately into ‘where the fuck do I put my hands’ mode. Grabbing the controller you set out to play the game, every so often re-accommodating in your ‘seat’.
This was hell and yet it was heaven for him.
Ok maybe somewhere in the middle of Purgatory because yes, you were sitting on his lap and wow you were just so pretty and warm and where the fuck does he put his hands??
“Anyway you can illegally send me this game? It’s a lot of fun” You smiled, fingers gliding over the controls. All Donnie could do was make a choking sound that sort of sounded like a ‘yeah yeah’. During an unexpected moment there was a jump scare in the game, startling you enough to bounce just so on his lap.
It was the first moment in his twenty plus years on this earth that he started praying.
Distractions, he needed distractions.
“If you head down the corridor there’s a secret level” He sounded somewhat strained, which only served to make you smirk to yourself.
Each jump scare, each second you adjusted in your seat, it was a second closer to Donnie feeling like he was going to combust. The embarrassment alone not to mention that you would probably think him to be a pervert.
Also why did you have to smell so good? That shampoo really did wonders. Trying to make the best of this odd but nice situation, he took the moment to admire bits of you he couldn’t really get to do so. The back of your neck, the width of your shoulders, that adorable birthmark. The little huff and puffs of frustration when you lost. Something so minuscule as how pretty your ears were.
Donnie often thought about kissing little odd sections of your body. Like the middle of your back, the inside of your arm.
Your thighs, all of your thighs.
Your rear.
He swallowed, face heating up. Your brows shot up.
Donnie blabbed out before you could maybe just ignore it. “I know we’re just friends but you’re sitting on my lap and I’m so sorry if I get hard” He slapped a hand over his face, lifting his glasses up along the process.
Then you had the actual audacity to start laughing which only made you move more on his lap. He reached out and gripped your waist firmly. “Oh my god, this is too much!” You leaned back, still in a fit of laughter and rested against his plastron, from your side view you could see him honest to god pouting.
“Hey it’s a natural biological response, right? I’m not upset by it” If anything you mentally were sweating, the size of it was...
Blinking out those thoughts you tapped his chin with the controller. Donnie turned enough to be able to look at you, brow ridges still knitted in the middle with frustration. “I’m sure I’d be going through something similar if I had you on my lap” You smirked triumphantly when he raised his brows.
“Y/n im not exactly thrilled to be telling you that I’m... that I’m into you while I have a freaking boner” He closed his eyes, groaning that this his actual life right now.
“Don boy, I’ve been subtle about it for a while now, had to break the big guns for this” You shrugged, trying not to laugh at his expression of despair.
Big guns, eh?
Donnie through caution out the window for this, a means to at least get the upper hand for all this time of torture you caused him. Placing a hand on your cheek he pulled you in and kissed you. Your eyes went wide, surely not expecting him to have it in him to do this.
So you kissed him back, even at the slightly odd angle, you kissed him and tried to hold back the excitement of it all. Donnie’s lips felt absolutely perfect against your own, and for his lack of experience in the department he seemed to be doing a really good job at this whole kissing business. Those large hands of his fanned out across your stomach, making your skin feel nice and prickly with desire. Your hand found the back of his neck, fingers playing with the tails of his mask. When you felt his tongue against your own, you were sure your brain exited the premises. A soft kiss soon turned into a hungrier one. The hard ridge of his length against your rear, his hands gripping the skin of your stomach and his tongue all served to turn you on.
Donnie pulled away with a wet pop, lips parted and a little breathless. Now it was your turn to blush and be at a loss for words. He bucked his hips just a tad, a not so attractive whine escaping your mouth.
Slowly he pushed back onto your feet and got up. The towering terrapin looked down at you.
“See what happens if you rub your ass on me like that again” He spoke with a harsh little swallow. You stood there, speechless.
Donnie turned feeling his pride swell at getting the upper hand this time.
Even he left with a funny walk and made a be line to the bathroom.
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wandanatfluff · 3 years
A dream come true
Short series Fluff
This is part of a series. I highly recommend reading Seven words first.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Summary: Natasha and Y/n go and visit Melina, Yelena and Alexei, Natasha’s parents and sister. Something unexpected happens. (This takes place about 7,5 months after Seven words, meaning the reader is now about 8,5 months pregnant.) No spoilers!
Warnings: Description of giving birth (nothing bloody or too detailed though)
Word count: 2.2 K
A/n: Part two!
Natasha parks the car on the small farm and you let out a heavy sigh as you feel the baby kick, earning you a worried look from your wife.
“You sure you feel good enough?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, just a firm kick.”
You give Natasha a reassuring smile, allowing her to relax a bit. You move your hand to the doorhandle and open it, you wait for your wife to round the car, so she can help you to get out of the car. You’re almost nine months pregnant by now, which means your bump has grown quite big. Natasha holds her arm around your waist as the two of you walk to the door. Melina immediately answers the door, before Natasha could even ring the doorbell.
“If that isn’t my favorite daughter in law!”
“Привет. Как поживает моя любимая свекровь” (Hello. How is my favorite mother-in-law doing?) You say to Melina in your best Russian. “Ну, кто-то практиковал свой русский.” (Well, someone has been practicing their Russian.)
“Yeah, I got kinda sick of doing nothing. Natasha didn’t even let me walk to the grocery store.”
“Ho, stop. Don’t go there, I was just following the doctor’s orders.” Natasha says as the two of you enter the house.
“I know baby. I’m sorry.” You say, giving her a kiss on her cheek. Natasha takes your coat off your shoulders and hangs it on a hook. You smile at her. You suddenly get a little light headed, reaching for Natasha’s arms. She holds on to you tight, letting you lean on her until you’re feeling well again.
“You guys can sit on the couch. I’ll get you something to drink.” Melina walks to the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water. Natasha sits down sideways on the couch with her legs slightly apart, so you can sit between them, opening her arms. Gratefully you rest your back against her front. You take the glass of water Melina hands you and take a few sips, before handing it to Natasha, who puts it on the side table.
“Sorry about back there. I am really thankful for everything you do. I know I have been quite the pain in the ass lately.”
“What? No baby, you’re no pain in my ass. I love taking care of you, especially when you’re nauseous, sick and throwing up all over my new clothes… It’s cute.” Natasha says with a playful smirk on her face.
“Come on Tash, really? I’ve told you I’m sorry a hundred times.” You whine, putting your head in your neck, so you can see Natasha. She gives you a kiss on the tip of your nose.
“I guess you’ll just have to buy me a new one.” She chuckles, giving you another kiss. You move your eyes forward again, letting your head rest on Natasha’s chest as you close your eyes.
You begin to doze off, when a loud voice startles you awake. You quickly sit up straight, the action causing you to collide with Natasha’s chin, which was resting on your head. After you apologize to Natasha, you look at the source of the noise. Alexei is standing in the doorway, speaking loudly.
He walks over to you, pulling you into a tight hug. You gasp for breath as he nearly squeezes you.
“Alexei! Careful, you’re smushing her and the baby.”
“Oh, sorry. I forgot.” Alexei quickly steps away, his face turning slightly red.
“It’s okay. Good to see you too, you smile at him. You then look back at your wife’s scared expression. You reassure her you’re okay, before leaning back again. You make some small talk with Melina and Alexei about the Avengers and about how the farm is doing. You talk about the pigs, the chickens and the new horse they recently bought.
Around five o’clock Yelena comes in. It had started to rain just after you and Natasha had arrived and the blonde entered the house, soaking wet. Melina handed Yelena a small towel and when she was mostly dry again, she greeted you and Natasha.
“Hey sis and her preggy wife.”
“Hey Yel.” You both greet her and she carefully gives you a hug.
“How are the two of you doing?” She asks you.
“We’re doin-” Nat starts.
“No, not you Nat. Y/n and the little guy.” Yelena interrupts Nat. You frown at her words. You slowly turn your head to Nat, to see her looking at Yelena with an angry face.
“Yelena.” Nat exclaims annoyed.
“It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“It doesn’t matter, Nat. I’m sure Melina and Alexei can keep it a secret for the next two weeks or so.”
“Wait! You’re 8,5 months already?” Yelena interrupts you. Shouldn’t you be at home, resting?”
“That’s what I have done for the last few months. I’ve got enough sleep for a lifetime, read every book in the bookcase and watched every film on Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+. So I got a little bored, you know?” "Yeah... of course."
After you talked for another hour or so and Melina finished cooking, you all ate together. Although the food was delicious, you only ate a small amount, earning yourself a few concerned looks from Natasha. You felt her hand on yours as she softly whispered something.
“You okay, honey?”
You hummed in a response.
“I’m just a little tired I guess.” Natasha nodded and after desert she stood up, announcing your departure. You felt Melina’s eyes on you.
“Are you sure honey? You can sleep here if you want. It’s quite a long way home. Yelena is staying over too. You and Nat can have the spare room, you just have to refresh the sheets. Yelena can sleep on the couch.”
“I’m sorr-” Yelena protested, but one look from Melina and she nodded her head.
“I actually think that we would rather sleep in our ow-” Natasha was about to reject the offer, but you pulled her sleeve, stopping her from finishing.
“Actually, we would really appreciate that. Thank you, Melina.”
“You walked your pregnant body down the hall slowly, taking forever. Natasha came after you, supporting you.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?”
“I’m really tired Tash and the weather outside is only getting worse. I don’t want us to have to stop halfway the ride, or worse, crash against a tree.”
“Yeah, me neither. Let’s get you to bed.”
Natasha helped you get to bed. She brushed your hair and made the bed, while you sat on the chair. You nearly dozed off and you were almost asleep when you felt Natasha pick you up bridal style, carrying you to the bed. You didn’t protest, you were too tired. You laid your head against Natasha’s shoulder as she let you down on the bed. She gently put the sheets over you. You put one arm above the sheets, laying it over your belly protectively. Natasha gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead and walked to the bathroom. You relaxed your body, ready to fall asleep, when you felt Natasha getting under the blankets behind you, wrapping her arm around you, her hand covering yours on your belly. You gave in to her warmth for a moment before saying:
“Tasha baby, you don’t have to go to bed too just because I’m tired.”
“But…” She protested.
“No baby, get out of bed. I can fall asleep on my own fine.” You felt a kiss on the back of your head, before Natasha got out of bed.
“Sleep well baby.” She whispered, before quietly closing the door.
*** Ow
You opened your eyes, half-awake as you felt a wave of pain going through your body. You put both hands on your belly, the source of the pain. The pain slowly faded as you were still hugging your own body. You took a few minutes to fully wake up. You turned around, reaching out to Natasha. She wasn’t next to you.
“Hey babe.” You heard her voice, you looked up at her. She was sitting in a chair, reading a book. She stood up from her chair, walking to you.
“What’s wrong.” You were about to answer her, when another wave of pain hit you and you curled up in pain. Natasha’s eyes widened.
“Is- is it time?” You nodded as you puffed away the pain.
“Yes… I think… so.” Natasha’s eyes widened even further. Her demeanor suddenly changed. She couldn’t panic right now. You needed her.
“What can I do?”
“Get Melina.” You answered. Melina rushed to your room. She sat down next to you. Her hand on your back. She spoke to you softly.
“When the next contractions hits, I will measure the time between them. All you have to do is puff them away. You probably learned that at delivery training, right? You nod. Another contraction hits. Melina looks at her watch, puffing with you. A minute goes by and the contraction ends. You relax your body and look up at Natasha, who is standing in front of you like a statue, with a pale face. Melina looks at Natasha too and as soon as she sees her daughter, she orders her to sit down.
“Sit down, Natasha. We don’t need for you to faint.”
Natasha listens to Melina’s orders and sits down on a chair.
Ten minutes go by before another contraction hits you, forcing a cry to leave your throat. You feel a wet pool forming between your legs and you grab Melina’s arm.
“I think… my water broke.”
The contraction ends and Melina helps you to get up from the bed. You stand next to the bed, leaning on Natasha, who has stood up from her chair. Melina quickly pulls the sheets off the bed, throwing them in the corner of the room.
“Stay here for a minute. If she has another contraction, puff with her until it ends and measure the time between them.”
Melina leaves the room, going to her own room.
“Wake up Alexei.”
“I’m already awake.” He grumbles.
“Some idiot decided it would be a good idea to scream and-”
“Y/n’s in labor, now get out of your bed and put a pan with water on the stove.” Alexei quickly gets out of his bed, rushing to the kitchen. Not intending to be anywhere near you when you give birth to your son. Melina quickly gets some towels from her closet, laying them on the bed, before heading back to your room. She enters the room as another contraction makes its way through your body. Melina orders Natasha to carry you to her room.
Natasha picks you up bridal style and you hold on to her tight, your screams muffled into her shirt. She lays you down on Melina’s bed and carefully helps you undress you lower body. You make yourself as ‘comfortable’ as possible, letting your back rest against some pillows as Melina stand at the end of the bed between your legs. She tells you it’s time to push and you hold on tight to Natasha’s hand, almost squeezing it.
*** Melina carefully hands you the little guy, after she cleaned him with the water Alexei warmed and wrapped him in a light blue blanket. With tears staining your cheeks, you take him and press him against your chest. After you give the little guy a kiss you look to your left, at Natasha.
Her eyes are red from crying, her chest moving up and down quickly. You give her the little boy. With shaking hands, she takes him from your hands, afraid she’ll drop him. He’s the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. More tears start to fall.
It warms your heart, looking at your wife with your son. She is crying, but you know they’re happy tears. Her dream of being a mother finally came true. The two of you had a son. You knew she would be the best mother ever as she looked up at you, her eyes full of love.
You gesture her to sit down next to you and you wrap her and your son in your arms. Nat lays her head against your chest.
“What do you think of James? After Bucky?” Nat suggests.
“James.” You repeat “James Romanoff. Perfect.”
“Romanoff?” Natasha asks, looking up to meet your eyes.
“Romanoff. After his mom.”
A/n: When it says ‘your son’, ‘your’ is in plural, like Y/n’s and Natasha’s son.
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
back at it again with another request you lovely author :)) so in this one, cc!bench trio are hanging our and they come across a stray kitten in the street, and they decide to take it back to tubbo's place and try to figure out how to take care of a kitten, and while tommy is looking stuff up, ranboo and tubbo are put in charge of watching the kitten and are thinking of names when MAGIC SPARKLES POOF the kitten poofs into a child, appearing just a little younger than tommy, maybe 14 or 15. and then tommy comes back and sees the kid and is like "WHERE DID THIS CHILD COME FROM WHERES THE CAT" and ranboo and tubbo are just as confused and panicked as tommy is and that makes the cat humanoid person, reader, a little anxious so they go and hide under tubbo's desk. and so the trio decide to calm down and start asking some questions, trying not to scare reader. but it turns out that reader can't speak, read, right, or count. they also still have cat instincts and behavior while in humanoid form, which causes some stress on the trio. so they opt to care for reader and teach them how to write and read first so they can properly communicate, and then move onto teaching them numbers and basic math. taking care of reader has taken up a lot of their time, which causes the trio to just disappear from the internet for about a month with no warning, which makes their friends and fans kinda concerned. at one point tommy and wilbur call and tommy explains the situation and will's just so calm about it and is like "oh yeah, one of niki's cats is like that too. her and i can come over and help you out" and so niki and will show up and also help take care of reader and then after reader is stable enough to not have someone watch them 24/7, the trio is finally able to stream again and its all happy and pog :)) thank you as always author! <3 -froggy/tori
Ok so my internet is being crappy and I've had to redo this like twenty times, but basically I love this so much and the only reason it isn't finished is because it's gonna end up super long and I didn't want to have a super long post so I'm gonna make a part two, don't worry, I am absolutely in love with this and fully intend on finishing it
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Summary: The boys find a stray cat or rather a stray human?
Pairing: P!Bench Trio X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are open <3
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“No no, that’s most definitely a lie. I totally beat you.”
“Tubbo we both saw you cheat, your win doesn’t count.” The three bickered back and forth about who won until something caught their eyes. It was a young cat, just barely older than a kitten, pacing about in front of them. The cat was small and malnourished, it looked to be a stray too.
“Aw look at the poor baby, we should take it home.” Tubbo went to reach for the cat but was stopped by Ranboo.
“They might have fleas, let me pick them up since I have my gloves.” Ranboo offered a hand to the cat, showing he meant no harm, before gently scooping them up. The cat seemed to panic for a moment before settling down, allowing themselves to be held by the large man.
Now with purpose in their steps, the three rushed back to Tubbo’s house, it was the closest and the best place.
Once inside the home, the three brought the cat into Tubbo’s room, trying to avoid other people. Ranboo and Tubbo sat on the floor with the kitten while Tommy went to grab some water and cat food from the kitchen. Tubbo would’ve done it but he was already too attached to the small creature.
“What should we name them? What about fluffy?” Tubbo looked at Ranboo, who was doing some research on his phone.
“I think we should give it a cool name like Porcupine or Soup.”
“Porcupine is a terrible name. Look at them and tell me-” Tubbo didn’t get to finish his sentence as a puff of light-colored smoke flew up around them. As the smoke cleared the two saw what appeared to be a kid, sitting in place of where the cat once was.
“What the fuck!” Tommy’s loud and sudden voice had startled you, sending you scurrying away from all three. Though due to the position you were in, you only ended up cornering yourself under Tubbo’s desk, crap. Noticing your distress, the three froze, trying to stay as quiet and still as possible.
“Hey there buddy, you’re ok. We aren’t gonna hurt you.” Tubbo’s words flew right over your head, you were stressing out and weren’t thinking. You may have shifted to a mostly human form, but your brain was stuck in cat mode, it had been the only thing you knew. Thankfully when you shifted between forms your clothes shifted with you, meaning that you weren’t accidentally exposing yourself to the three boys.
Tommy moved to slowly sit between the two boys, slowly place down the two bowls, and using a shoe to nudge them over to you. This unnerved you but you were quickly entranced by the smell. Anything that smelt that good had to taste good.
With hesitant movements you went to pick up the bowl, bringing it closer to sniff. Oh yeah, this was gonna taste great. Disgusted looks crossed the three boys' faces as you began to eat the cat food, it was kibble so you were able to scoop up handfuls and shovel them into your mouth.
“Uhm, if you’d like some people food, I can get you some.” You looked up at him, but you weren’t listening. All you cared about was the amazing food in the bowl.
The kibble kept your attention until Ranboo decided to test something. You were a cat just a minute ago and were still acting like one. So, using an app on his phone, he shone a laser pointer at the ground in front of you.
The movements of the red dot caught your eye, making you place your bowl aside. Things were still for a moment before you attempted to pounce on the dot, pupils big and wide.
“They really are just a cat, weird.” Ranboo continued to tease you with the dot while the three discussed. They talked about what they were going to do with you, they couldn’t just throw you back onto the streets. Ranboo had heard about hybrid’s before and decided to look up laws on owning one, they were more common nowadays but still not super popular.
“It says here that it’s legal to own a hybrid in the UK, as long as it’s collared and you take all responsibility for its actions.”
“Oh, that’s not bad, we’ll have to figure out a name for them though.”
“Name?” The word intrigued you, you had heard it before. Sitting up straight, head tilted, you stared quizically at the boys.
“Yeah, a name. Like my name is Tubbo, that’s Ranboo, and that’s Tommy. What’s your name?”
“I don’t think they have a name, they looked like a stray and they look pretty young.” Tubbo nodded, looking over to you again.
“How about we call you (Y/n)?”
“I like the sound of that.”
“Me too. What do you think?”
“Yes, you have a name.”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti
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aphrodeath · 2 years
Little Master
Child!Diluc x alchemist!Reader (pt. 1)
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Warning : Perhaps some misgrammar, and maybe u might passed out because Child!Diluc is so wholesome just being cute :3
Genre : pure fluff, cringe
Summary : You ask Diluc to come joining you and Albedo who recently working on some experiment. Well, more like you are the one who force Diluc though. Long story short, the experiment gone wrong and puff....!! A four years old lovely red-haired boy suddenly showed up.
Notes : Hello ! So this is my first time writing, ummm "things" in English. I'm really sorry if there's some or many misgrammar because English isn't my first language :<. Anyway, i decide to write this because there are so many Child!Diluc arts i saw on my social media and i can't handle his cuteness omfg. Oh yeah- Hope you enjoy this! Happy reading <3
characters cr. to hyv/mhy except u
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"Isn't it too early in the morning to visit your alchemist friend?" Diluc says while putting on his coat, talking to you who sitting on the couch in your share bedroom with a glass of morning tea on your hand.
You sip the tea on your hand before say, "i was asking Albedo to make a certain potion for me. So i'm helping him and now i want to see how the process been going on so far." You look at Diluc with an exciting smile and put down your tea on the table.
"What exactly the certain potion you mention about?" Diluc frowning.
You kinda startled by his question. Your face starting to get red and it just make Diluc concern even more. "W-well, that's for me to know."
"Hmm?" Diluc raise his left eyebrow.
"Nothing! Forget it, anyway you should come with me-" Diluc just gonna open his mouth to say any words until you cut him, "and no, you should take a day off, Charles will understand. Beside, yesterday was really rough when you worked on your 'darknight hero' dutties, isn't it?"
Diluc sigh. "I'm used to it. No need to worry, love."
"No no no no no you're coming with me Diluc, and who knows perhaps Albedo have some potions that can help your little grape garden flourish." Diluc take a momment of silent to think about your words. You wait patiently with hopeful eyes.
"Fine, i'm coming with you." Diluc finally giving in, you gesture a little hooray.
Diluc overing his hand which you accept it happily. The two of you walk out from the bedroom and leaving Dawn Winery to go to Mondstadt.
"Hey Albedo! How's the potion?" Just as you and Diluc arrive at Albedo's place you immediatly greet him.
"Oh? Y/n and Master Diluc, what a surprise...welcome." Albedo greet you all back before continuing "I just need to add some valberry and some slime condensate to finish the final step. However, we still need to wait this composite to blend."
"How exciting! I can't wait for the final results!" Seeing your excitement makes Diluc smiling a little.
"I shall grab some drink for you two, i'll return in a minute..." Albedo takes his leave to the pantry leaving you and Diluc alone.
"I still don't get what so interesting with this sticky dough." Diluc take a seat across from you. He looked at the pot on the desk and frowned. That sight making you chuckle.
"Oh Diluc, could you stop frowning? You're ruining your handsome face." Diluc's face suddenly becoming as red as his hair. That just makes you laugh even more.
"Oh my, i think it's time to put the last ingredient. Diluc, could you grab that already crushed vallberry on that drawer? I will grab the slime condensate." Before Diluc could say a word, you alreadly leave him.
Diluc having a hard time guessing which vial is the actual vallberry. He scratch the back of his neck and then take a vial with somethings red in it. "This has to be it right?? Vallberries are red though."
Diluc walk back to you who now carefully pour the slime condensate in to the pot. "You find it? Good! Now for the last touch..."
You grab the 'vallberry' from Diluc's hand then immediatly pour it on the potion. At first, the potion doesn't gives any reaction until the pot start to glow and tremble. You suddenly widening your eyes in surprise.
"Watch out!!" You hides under the desk, a sudden sound of explotion echoing around the room. You wait for a few second until you come out from under the desk. Flapping the dust from your clothes, you look around Albedo's labotary looking for your boyfriend, "ummm Diluc? Are you okay?" But no respones.
You walk across the desk and found a little red-haired boy, wrapped in over, well- too oversize white shirt looking around with a confused expression. You gasp. "Archon! D-Diluc?!"
You bring him up and put him on the clean part of the desk and then look at Diluc's face. Diluc just blink in confused while looking at you. "Pwetty! Pwetty lady!" The confussion are now stick on your face. "What? Who? You mean? Me...?" Diluc nod his head, his mouth is opening a little and his eyes full of dazzling. You chuckle in response.
"Forgive me! I was hearing some loud noises, is everything okay...uhm." Albedo's freezing for a while seeing Diluc in his child form. "Is he Master Diluc? Are the potions fail?"
You nod, Albedo come to your direction. The alchemist look on the floor and bend down to grab a vial that Diluc was previously taking. Albedo give it a look and say, "I think you put a flaming flower instead of vallberry." You raise your left brow then remember that you were asking Diluc to grab the vallberry on the first place.
"Forgive me Albedo, i was asking Diluc to grab it for me. It's not surprising he grab a wrong vial, he doesn't familiar with it." You gaze at Diluc who now reaching out his hand, asking you to embrace him up. You smile and then grab him up.
"Lady so pwetty, kiss!" You chuckle and kiss Diluc's forehead. You don't have any idea that your boyfriend who has a cold image could be really wholesome like this.
"I wish you could stay like this forever, but Mondstadt might get an economy crisis because of my selfishness then." Diluc tilt his head, wondering what are you saying just now.
"Base on my calculation i can reverse the previous potion to make the antidote. But it might take 3 days at the very minimum because we actually running out of ingredients and i should go to Dragonspine."
Great, what could be so wrong if Diluc Ragnvindr take a break for three days. You can help to take care some of his work since you usually be his emergency assistant, so everything should be under your control right! You looked at Diluc in your embrace and exhale.
"Well little master Diluc, i think this is the time you should rest from your duty!"
"Yes sleep!" Diluc yawns.
END of Part 1
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taechaos · 3 years
can u do more of jealous jk drabbles?👉👈
this one kinda cute but theres smut 😃
The best time of the day is when the sun is just over the horizon, taking on a blue and orange hue in the sky, not shining bright enough to blind or give a heat stroke to the crowd in the amusement park. Just enough illumination to not have to rely on the lights provided from the ferris wheel, neon titles above the rides and games you stand before.
You can't contain your squeal and shake your interlocked hands with Jungkook while bouncing on your feet, the three companies you came with much more casual about the occasion. "Where should we go first?!"
Your boyfriend shrugs, Soyeon glances at Taehyung who makes the decision: "Rollercoaster." He has a crazed grin on his face, the sparkle and mischief in his eyes matching yours. Both of you are extremely fond of these thrillers.
"A rollercoaster...? I'll wait for you guys," Soyeon sheepishly holds her nape with a smile. You coo at her.
Jungkook scoffs arrogantly, "Are you afraid too, baby? You can hold onto my arm."
You blow raspberries and clutch onto your friend's arm, "I love rollercoasters." You and Soyeon gaze into each other's eyes as you say, "Don't worry. It'll be fun if you come with me."
She blushes, Taehyung and Jungkook watching the interaction with quirked brows. How boy-friendly of you.
The seats were decided. You all bought the tickets, and it's your turn to hop on the carts. Girls sit in front of the boys, and Soyeon hesitantly places her hand on top of yours on the railing. Taehyung wraps his hands around Jungkook's arm, who is slouching in his seat with a frown.
"I'm so scared, Jungkookie," Taehyung's teeth chatter, "w-will you protect me?"
All the carts are secured as the ride slowly moves forward, slightly creaking as Jungkook groans, "Let go of my fucking arm!" Despite his relentless shaking, his best friend only holds on tighter.
"Why? Your girlfriend is having a sexual awakening with her buddy girl, why can't we?!"
Jungkook gapes at him, brows meeting in perplexity before he looks at the row across. The two of you have your heads leaning on each other, and no, that was the romantic scene he was supposed to have with you, not Taehyung who snuggles into him in whimsical fear.
"She's straight," he counters weakly, not even caring about his numbing arm from the sight before him.
The carts reach the peak of the tracks, a sense of adrenaline stirring in everyone's stomach and you squeeze Soyeon's hand comfortingly seconds before Taehyung's scream torments the whole population's ears. Needless to say, Jungkook had it the worst.
Your boyfriend winces with a finger in his left ear as he follows the group with Taehyung next to him, behind you and Soyeon.
"Remind me to never go on a rollercoaster with you," he seethes intimidatingly, emitting a snort from the guilty.
"Ooh, bumper cars!" Taehyung childishly points at the competitive game. Jungkook smiles wickedly, "I'm going to give you a fucking concussi–"
"Boys against girls!" Soyeon chirps, and you gasp at the amazing idea.
"Yes! That'd be so fun!"
Upon seeing Jungkook's incredulous face, Taehyung bursts out in laugher and clutches his stomach, tearing up when he instantly goes in denial mode.
Which didn't help, because Soyeon stole you for herself once more and he is stuck with the dumbest person he's ever met once more.
"Let's beat those bitches."
"That's my girlfriend, Tae."
Those words were thrown out the window the moment the game began, because he became ruthless. Even Taehyung was getting nauseous from how violently the car was bumping against yours, the one Soyeon claimed shotgun in, rocking your bodies back and forth. It's revenge for not giving him the attention he rightfully deserves, and leaving him with who was supposed to be a fourth wheel.
No mercy, you must suffer.
When you all got off the ride, Taehyung couldn't stop stumbling all over the place.
"I'm going to throw up," he groans and pinches Jungkook's shirt.
"That settles it: I won," he shrugs triumphantly. Soyeon is quick to bite back, "You almost killed us."
"Oh no," you jump to his defence with a giggle, "he's just very competitive."
Your boyfriend smiles at your first acknowledgement of his existence, relieved as he throws an arm around you. "I'm not about to lose to a bunch of–"
"Please don't finish that sentence," you smile at him; sickly sweet with your warning.
He forces a chuckle, "–a bunch of strong, independent women."
"You ever seen lesbian porn, Jungkook?" Taehyung asks as he licks up a fat stripe on his ice cream. Jungkook doesn't bother responding. "It usually begins with one girl being all shy and reluctant until the sexual tension becomes too much. Say they're studying, gossipping, whatever, the normal stuff. Then... one of them makes the first move, and the other eventually gets into it." He glances at his friend to measure his reaction; nonchalant and barely listening. "Oh, but I have a boyfriend, oh this is wrong, oh friends don't do this," he imitates in a higher pitch. "Then they fuck."
"Do you ever stop talking?" he asks, flabbergasted and annoyed. He's holding onto your ice cream after you left to the bathroom with your friend, Taehyung protecting hers and licking the melted drops to keep the cone clean. What Soyeon doesn't know won't hurt her; the flavor is too good for him to waste.
"I'm just saying man, you never know with these girls," his cheeks puff out as he suppresses a laugh. Jungkook's paranoia is easy to mess with, and he knows he shouldn't do it so often, but it's just so fun. A snort slips.
"They've been roommates for two years, I'm sure if she was bisexual, she'd know by now," he spits defensively.
"Oh my God, do you think they got drunk and kiss–"
"We're back!" you announce and take your cone from Jungkook's hand, your friend doing the same.
"Welcome back, baby," he stands up to hug you, effectively pulling you a few steps away from Soyeon with a glare. You relish in it with joy, mushing your face against his chest.
"What should we go on next?" Taehyung casually cuts into your display of affection.
"The ferris wheel, maybe? Oh, Soyeon, you have–" you point at the corner of your lip, and she mirrors the opposite side, prompting you to reach out a hand and wipe off the stain with your thumb. Jungkook blinks in astonishment. Taehyung's eyes widen to saucers as he watches his soul leave his body. His words are getting to him.
Your hand is snatched away in a flash, and you're dragged away back to the stalls where he corners you, answering your unspoken question: "Hey, just wanted to privately ask you how your date is going with Soy milk." His voice drips with sarcasm, the attitude catching you off guard.
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is, I feel like I'm third wheeling in front of my own girlfriend," he scowls, and your heart drops. "You haven't done a single thing with me today. I thought we came here to spend time with each other, yet we've done anything but. Be honest, are you..." he gulps and averts his gaze, "is there something going on...?"
"Jungkook," you startle and place a hand on his chest, "it's nothing like that. Of course I wanted to spend time with you, but Soyeon's been trying really hard to mend our friendship so I thought I would reciprocate. I didn't want things to be awkward between us, but I didn't realize I was neglecting you. I'm really sorry, love."
Your explanation endears him, shoulders slouching in relief just before he murmurs, "But in lesbian porn..."
"Oh my God," you exclaim in disbelief with a laugh, "I just hung out with her."
"You know I get needy!" he frowns with flushed cheeks. "That bitch wouldn't let go of you for one goddamned second, if I didn't know better I would've dragged you away a lot sooner."
You coo at him and squeeze his cheeks before he shakes you off grumpily. "I was going to go on the ferris wheel to make it up to you."
"Oh wow," he rolls his eyes, "can't believe you found the time to think about me."
"So jealous," you tease.
"Shut up," he pushes your forehead with his finger, "before I try to mend my friendship with Soy milk as well."
"She is not your friend," you glare at him with hooded eyes.
"So jealous."
"The ride is five minutes long," Jungkook blurts out of thin air the moment you step into the moving cabin. "And we're going to stop at the top." At your gasp, he continues as he takes a seat, "Yeah, I did that movie cliché and paid extra."
"Jungkook," you coo with doe eyes and lay your head on his shoulder, "that's so romantic."
"Hey, don't get all cute. You said you were going to make it up to me." He tilts your chin, "How far are you willing to go?"
His question doesn't throw you off, and you chuckle, "Whatever you want."
"Yeah? Your time is running out," he looks past the window to see how high up you are. Four meters off the ground, give or take. "You think you can make me cum before we get off?"
Oh. "Better choose fast–"
You fondle with the buckle of his belt and make quick work of your hands to pull down his black jeans that hug his thighs. You lick your lips for moisture, and after what some experiences have thought you, you know to spit in your hand before wrapping your fingers around him.
"Damn, you didn't come here to play," he releases a humored breath as he watches you get him off. As if the limited time isn't bad enough, you have to get him erect in remarkable speed as well. He shifts slightly with a deep sigh, and when his cock starts to grow, you get on your knees before him and take the head of his length in your mouth. He sucks his teeth and weaves his fingers through your hair as he closes his eyes. Thirteen meters off the ground.
Mindful of your pace, you ease his length inside by taking him inch by inch, swirling your tongue the way he likes it and bobbing your head. His grip on your hair tightens as a low grunt resounds in the cabin. "You're doing so well," he looks down at you with half hooded eyes, lustful in their gaze, "you want to make it up to me that bad? Want to please me? Gosh," he sighs.
You deepthroat him with your hand covering what you can't reach until he thrusts into your mouth. You gag in reflex, and he uses your hair as leverage to do the rest for you. It's sloppy now, and saliva drools from the corner of your mouth with welling tears. You can only hope he reaches climax in time. Twenty two feet off the ground.
When his thrusts begin to slow down, you take it as your cue to pull away and jerk him off, your tongue taking care of the tip as his breaths grow more and more shallow. You assume he's holding back moans as to not attract any attention to your cabin. Thirty one meters. You make it a challenge for yourself to make him cum by the timr you reach the peak.
"Ah, go faster," he furrows his brows, face twisting in pleasure as he leans back on his seat. Your scalp starts to sting from his strong grasp.
Your hand listens, and you suck harder on the head while teasing the slit, and he gasps louder each passing second. He's panting while forty three feet off the ground, and a few moments later, his hips lift off the seat as he groans, his release on your tongue that you swallow. It comes in stutters, so you keep your mouth on him until you've swallowed every drop to avoid getting banned from the amusement park. Calling it simply taboo is an underestimatement.
"Shit, shit," he breathlessly says and thrusts into your mouth two last times before pulling out, a string of saliva still attached to your mouth. The ferris wheel stops. "You were fucking perfect, baby," he murmurs and his head goes limp, eyes dazed from the climax. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and smile despite the ache in your jaw.
"Thank you," you squeak and sit next to him. His head rolls to you. "Is my face okay?"
"Oh, you wore lipstick," he laughs quietly and uses the hem of his matching black shirt to clean up the smudge, his stomach on display from the action. You sit still as he fixes up your appearance, brushing your disheveled hair with his fingers, and just to be extra, he adjusts your collar, making you giggle and roll your eyes. "Like nothing happened. I'll eat you out at my dorm to return the favor."
You blush in surprise at his words, but he dismisses it by looking at the view. The sun has set, and all the lights sparkle from under you and the midnight black sky. It's beautiful. You admire it with him.
"I can't believe I paid extra for this. There's not even fireworks."
Soyeon and Taehyung sit across from each other without averting their gaze from the sky, effectively ignoring the presence of one another until he breaks the silence. "This is so romantic."
"If we were a couple, this would be the perfect moment to kiss."
"Um... I guess," she shrugs off his unusual flirting.
"You want to be a couple for this ride?" he suggests and looks at her with wiggling brows.
She doesn't return the stare, softly speaking, "No, I think I'd rather jump off."
He chuckles under his breath, "Jungkook is going to have a field day when he finds out you're lesbian."
"I said why don't you jump on this dick."
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