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Mila and Bebe were proud mothers. Both of their sons had graduated, and were now men. Both destined for great things. They had worked for weeks to prepare for this celebration. A celebration for their sons. So many were here. Aniceta arrived from the island, with Tiberius father, Sully. The Goth’s, and even Mila’s cousin came with his husband. As Mila watched her brother hugging his son, she could see how proud Michael was of Joseph. Not only was this a celebration of them graduating, but their beginning of their work in the Realm. Tiberius was being groomed to replace her as the Realm Master, and Joseph as his Administrative Assistant, working to continue to bring cooperation throughout the realm and the world. The work her father, and her had begun. She knew once the time came for her to pass on the legacy, that they would honor the work of their ancestors.
BEBE- “Look at them, Mila! Who would have thought when they were disobeying us, and making potions in their bedroom, that this day would come, and we would be so proud of them.”
MILA- “Yes, time does have a way of changing things. And Joseph has Colin, and Ty has Lena. Soon we will be having weddings right here in this yard.”
BEBE- “And then grandchildren!”
MILA- “Well, you may have grandchildren, but Ty is not able----”
BEBE- “Science can assist them in that now, Mila. Trust me, I see grandchildren in your future.”
MILA- “You’ve been married to a witch so long, you are starting to sound like one! Right now, I guess we need to worry about that cake, we should go and bring it out. We can talk about grandchildren, when it happens!”
On the other side of the yard, Sully is reacquainting himself with his son. It had been at least four years since the last time he saw him face to face….
SULLY- “So are you going to take a break before returning to Alexandria?”
TIBERIUS- “Maybe just the summer. I thought maybe I could come and stay with you and Aniceta for the summer, what do you think?”
SULLY- “We would love to have you, it has been a while since you have been on the island. A lot has changed since your Grandfather relinquished control and left the island.”
TIBERIUS- “Has anyone heard from him? Do you know where he is?”
SULLY- “Actually he is back on the island, but it’s like he is a different person, Ty. He says very little and is not involved in any of the coven business at all. He took another room at the coven house and we see him very little if at all”
TIBERIUS-”Don’t you think that sounds a little odd. I mean that is not him at all. Did he say where he went, and what he was doing?”
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Several Years Prior
Joseph and Tiberius’ parents discuss the future teachings of their sons….
BEBE- “I really had hoped that Joseph could remain here in Willow Creek until 7th or 8th grade before going to Alexandria for training. He is just so young, and he doesn’t use his gifts inappropriately … not as of yet.”
MICHAEL- “I agree, we really want to wait as long as possible to send him there. It is such a distance and I remember how hard it was for Mila and I to go there at such a young age. Totally separated from our fathers and our home.”
JULES- Regardless if Joseph goes now or later, Ty needs guidance soon, before he starts acting out.”

MILA- “I completely agree too, but we believe that Ty would be better off under the teachings of Simon and the teachers at Alexandria. I mean there is just so much they can teach them that we can’t.”
BEBE- “I understand that the school in Alexandria is more for the supernatural, and magic teachings. If neither of the boys are not misusing their gifts, why send them there now at this point. We can continue their teaching here of the basics, and once they are older, then I would feel more comfortable sending Joseph. Until then I want him here.”

MICHAEL- “Bebe, we need to protect him as well. And Tiberius too. It’s not what we want, but what they are going to need.
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BEBE- “Honestly, I am not sure. We have went to dinner a few times, and I thought that maybe there was something there...wishful thinking on my part, maybe? But, it’s hard to tell with Michael. He is not the same as he was before he went to Strangerville.”
MILA- “Yeah, it really changed him. I mean he saved my life, I am sure, but everything that happened to do that, was pretty unsettling.”
BEBE- “Yeah, he has talked to me about it, and because he has talked to me in confidence, I can’t share much, but he is working through it. I think going to Alexandria with Alex will help him. I think I may go with them, in a professional way, of course.”
MILA- “Of course…”
BEBE- “It was his idea and invitation. I think he feels comfortable with me. And I do like him. I just know right now is not the time for any personal obligations from him, but I want to be there for him.”
MILA- “Well, I do thank you for that. He trusts you. And who knows, once he gets to a good place again, maybe it will be more than just a doctor, patient relationship.”
BEBE- “Who knows, but my priority with him right now is to help him get to that good place again. But, back to you, just try and find something that is going to help you relax, Mila. Every woman is different, and each pregnancy is different. I mean the next one may be nothing at all like this.”
MILA- “Oh, trust me, there will not be another one!!”
BEBE- “I have heard that one before too… but seriously, what do you enjoy doing...that is relaxing to you?”
MILA- “Painting…”
BEBE- “Have you been doing any?”
MILA- “No, not really, just drawing.”
BEBE- “Ok, then my professional medical advice is to get some watercolors and some canvases and paint! It may be just what you need.”
MILA- “I can do that. Thanks Bebe. And thanks again for looking out for Michael.”
BEBE- “My pleasure.”
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MICHAEL- “I can see things, Bea. See things that haven’t happened. I mean it’s not real clear but I see bits and pieces. And it is not all the time. These visions, if that is what I want to call them, are sporadic at best. But we have a future, Bebe.”
BEBE- “I hope so! I mean we are barely in our 20’s”
MICHAEL- “No, what I am saying is that WE have a future. You and I...together.”
BEBE- “You mean a relationship type future??”
MICHAEL- “Yes. I mean I never really thought of it that way, but after coming back from Strangerville, I realized that I missed you...terribly. And days I do not hear from you or see you, are totally agonizing. You bring me a comfort and a peace, Bebe. I get butterflies when you walk into a room…. I am falling in love with you Bebe, and like I said this may not be the time that I should be making these types of assumptions, or decisions, but I would like to see if we could maybe ----”
BEBE- “Date? Are you sure this is something you want to do Michael? My track record with guys has not been good.”
MICHAEL- “It may be because you haven’t found the right one yet, I know I have very strong feelings for you, and I would like to step out on these emotions and just see if there is something more than just a familial connection with us.”
BEBE- “Well I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way, but also like you said this may not be the right time to make these kinds of decisions. What you have went through and still going through is a complete emotional upheaval so to speak.”
MICHAEL- “So you do feel the same way?”
BEBE- “Yes, but----
MICHAEL- “Okay, how about when Alex returns I talk with him, let him check me out and see what he can make of what I am going through, and then maybe step out and take this risk?”
BEBE- “Okay...I do like that idea. I know what I feel. And if you feel the same way, we should at least see if there is that future that you see.”
MICHAEL- “Well, you got your answer.”
BEBE- “Answer to what?”
MICHAEL- “The reason I hadn’t talked much tonight...this is what has been in my head for a while now, I just didn’t know how you would react, and I was afraid you would reject the idea completely, or just say you didn’t feel the same way I do.”
BEBE- “Well, you know me better than anyone, Michael, and I am always going to be completely honest with you. And hiding my feelings towards you all this time--- I mean I was feeling these things before you ever left for Strangerville.--- I am glad you said something, because I am not sure how much longer I could have held this in.”
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BEBE- “Michael you haven’t said but three words all evening, you okay?”
MICHAEL- “Yes, ...well no not really. Just a lot in my head. Thinking too much.”
BEBE- “It’s understandable, but Michael it has been four months now, you may want to see someone, a professional.”
MICHAEL- “Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?”
BEBE- “Not a typical psychologist, but a magical one. I am sure there is one available at Alexandria, right?”
MICHAEL- “Kind of. He is an ancient. Somehow he was cursed with immortality, Simon Brouchard. He and my father we close when he attended school there.”
BEBE- “Maybe you should contact him Michael. I mean maybe it is nothing, everyone deals with stress and death differently, I just hate seeing you this way.”
MICHAEL- “I am sorry Bebe, it’s not just Jaylen’s death, or how she died, it’s everything. These new abilities are dangerous, and I am worried. It’s like I have this weapon attached to me and it can go off at anytime with no warning if I get upset or angry. Maybe once Alex gets home he can shed some light on why I am feeling the way I am. In the meantime, I need to try and enjoy your company.”
BEBE- “Michael it’s okay. I know this is difficult. Really it is okay.”
MICHAEL- “Bebe, I know we have known each other almost our entire lives. I mean you were like a big sister to Mila and I when we were kids. I know this may not be the time for this, but I want you to know that I am glad you agreed to go to Alexandria with me, that is if I decide to actually go. You mean a lot to me Bea.”
BEBE- You and Mila mean a lot to me as well Michael. We are family.”
MICHAEL- “Maybe it’s time we think about what our future should be.”
BEBE- “I’m confused, Michael, our future? What do you mean?”
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The day finally arrived, Elias James Boedell and Laurel Cassandra Evans soon will become husband and wife. No one had heard from Alex, so Elias didn’t know if he would even show up for the wedding. Emma had contacted Laurel and apologized to her for not being able to be there for her special day. Of course Laurel was not upset with her, and told her she completely understood.
Bebe was excited to be the flower girl, or as she called it, Little Bride.
BEBE- “Mama, Little Bride ready can we go?”
ALANA- “In just a moment sweetheart, Uncle Elias needs to get in his place, and then you can walk up to him.”
BEBE- “Aunt Laurel was bootiefull”
ALANA- “Yes, she certainly is...
RYDER- “Look at her Alana...just think in a few years she really will be the bride, walking up the aisle to meet her own partner.”
ALANA- “That’s a long long time from now Ryder.”
BEBE- “Unlce Lias...Laurel is bootiefull!”
ELIAS- “I know, and she is going to be my wife very soon!”
RYDER- “Okay, Bebe, shhh, here she comes...”
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Mila had Bebe come to her room and check her out just for some satisfaction of knowing she was okay. Her anxiety regarding this pregnancy was somewhat overwhelming...
BEBE- “It looks like everything is within normal limits, Mila. I mean your blood pressure is elevated just a little, but other than that, as far as the pregnancy, everything looks normal.”
MILA- “But why do I feel like I have massive amounts of caffeine in my body?”
BEBE- “Naturally you are pretty high strung… and being pregnant plays havoc on your hormones. Unfortunately I really can not give you anything to help you sleep, or calm you down other than suggest drink some warm milk at night before you go to bed. You could take up yoga, that may help. In a few weeks you should suggest to have another ultrasound done. I think that will alleviate some of your anxiety about this baby.”
MILA- “Yes, she has mentioned it, probably my next visit...But, Yoga? You know who you are talking to, right?”
BEBE- “Yeah, don’t see you doing that.
MILA- “So, Bebe...just what’s up with you and my brother?”
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Over on the other side of Willow Creek, Elias’ best friend, Alana had a different reality here as well. Similar to before, she was married, but not to Dan Rader, but to one of Elias’s law school friends, Ryder DeMarco. They had a comfortable home on the west side of town, and a two year old daughter, Beatrice, whom they call Bebe.
RYDER- “So are we still going over to Eli and Laurel’s for dinner tonight?”
ALANA- “Yes, the wedding is just two days away and Laurel has Bebe’s dress for the wedding. We need to make sure it fits.”
RYDER- “Hard to believe it’s here already. So are you going to tell them our news?”
BEBE- “Dadda, Uncle Lias?”
RYDER- “Yes, we are going to see Uncle Elias, you ready sweetie?”
BEBE- “Ready!!
ALANA- “I really didn’t want to say anything to them until after the wedding and honeymoon. I don’t want to steal their thunder so to speak.”
RYDER- “Okay, I am so happy, Alana, with being named partner, and going to Oasis Springs, I will be able to give you, Bebe and this new baby everything we need.”
ALANA- “I am so proud of you Ryder. And Oasis Springs is going to be great.”
RYDER- “I know all our friends live here in Willow Creek, but---”
ALANA- “Honey, don’t worry about all that, we will still have our friends. Oasis Springs is less than an hour from here. This is what we need to do for us, and our family.”
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And they are married.....
BEBE-” Laurel pretty mama!”
ALANA- “She sure is sweetie.”
MICAH- “Where is Alex? I can’t believe he didn’t show!”
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