#Beatrice Baudaliare
snicketstrange · 4 years
Duality on Baudelaire survival
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The Baudelaires' survival was left as an unresolved issue in TE. However, when writing TBL Daniel Handler apparently didn't want to leave that open. I believe he had decided that the Baudelaires would survive for a few years after leaving the island when he started writing TBL. He must have opted for an open ending at some point while writing TBL. Then when he came back and reread what he had already written, he realized that it was still possible to interpret the set of texts as if they had died (or not) shortly after leaving the island. Then he decided what the TBL poster would look like. And this poster, unlike what many believe, is not a confirmation that the Baudelaires died shortly after leaving the island. Consider that posters function as a photograph and not as illustrations. The duality exists in the following: Did the Baudelaires actually die shortly after leaving the island or did they fake their own death? This is the idea described in chapter 14: "There are some who say that the Baudelaires rejoined V.F.D. and are engaged in brave errands to this day, perhaps under different names to avoid being captured. There are others who say that they perished at sea, although rumors of one's death crop up so often, and are so often revealed to be untrue. " The poster basically explains the origin of the rumors about the Baudelaires' death at sea. Their boat was found destroyed at sea. But let's go back to the poster depicting the wrecked boat. Isn't it strange that the object that portrayed something that belonged to Sunny was literally tied by a rope? There is a knot in the kitchen object and loop three loops at the other end around a piece of wood. Doesn't that look like it was intentionally done so that someone would find that object and then relate it to Sunny? Would it be possible? I have to say yes. The plot of people faking their own death or taking advantage of the common sense that they were dead in order to act more freely is a recurring issue in ASOUE. Aunt Josefine feigned suicide, and then asked Olaf not to kill her, but only to do something that would make the vast majority of people believe she was dead, (and Olaf agreed, and she would still be alive today with a false name if she did not insist on correcting the grammatical errors of others). Olaf himself was able to take advantage of the fact that the vast majority of people thought he had died. Quigley also made no effort to prove that he was alive after he was presumed dead ... Quite the contrary, he walked around in disguise. So it would be no wonder that Daniel Handler and the Baudelaires thought of such a plot for their lives after leaving the island. In the case of Daniel Handler, I believe he thought about it after starting TBL. But I believe he forgot to remove a detail from a letter he had already written. The letter is BB to LS # 5. Beatrice wrote: "I owe my life to them, and now the we have been separeted, I will not rest until I find them again". The word I want to highlight is "now". You can try to make the most miraculous theories and hypotheses, but the fact is that from the way it was written it is evident that from Daniel Handler's mind he visualized someone who had recently separated from the Baudelaires. The scenario in which Beatrice Jr is separated from the Baudelaires when she was a one-year-old baby, and then at the age of 12 tries to talk to Lemony about them just doesn't fit with that phrase. Maybe he changed his mind ... I'm not on his mind. I can only judge what he wrote. In this letter Daniel Handler wrote that Beatrice remembered things that Violet, Klaus and Sunny told her. Of course, Beatrice Jr could remember details of when she was a year old. But the chances that Daniel Handler planned this when he wrote this letter are very slim. In the letter BB to LS # 3, Daniel Handler made Beatrice Jr write: "As time goes on, many memories fade. Violet tring her hair up in a ribbon, too keep it out of her eyesm Klaus squiting at a book through his glasses, Sunny appearing on the radio to discuss her secipes - I don't want these to be the only things I remember of the theree most important people in my life. " So it is evident that in the letter BB to LS # 3, Daniel Handler wanted to portray Beatrice Jr as someone who only remembered a few flashes of the life she led with the Baudelaires, and the only things she remembered were these things she wrote . The Beatrice Jr from BB to LS # 3 is a great match for the one-year-old who was taken away from the adoptive parents. But Beatrice who wrote BB to LS # 5 does not match this description, without having to force yourself to believe it. In fact, there is no way out for you. No matter what you believe in, you will need to push yourself to believe something improper in one way or another. Thus, adding the possible survival of the Baudelaires with the possible survival of Beatrice, we have 4 possible realities depicted in TBL. 1 - Only Beatrice Jr wrote all the letters from Beatrice and the Baudelaires died shortly after leaving the island. 2 - Only Beatrice Jr wrote all the letters from Beatrice and the Baudelaires survived long after leaving the island. 3 - Beatrice Jr and Beatrice Sr wrote letters in TBL, and the Baudelaires died shortly after leaving the island. 4 - Beatrice Jr and Beatrice Sr wrote letters in TBL, and the Baudelaires survived long after leaving the island. Yes, there are multiple possible meanings, and TBL was meant to be that way. You can choose any of the 4 to believe, but the coolest thing is to see the consequences that exist when dealing with each of these 4 possible endings, and the meaning of each of the letters considering each of these possibilities.
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snicketstrange · 5 years
Beatrice was alive many years after the fire at her house
This is part 7 of Strange Interpretation by Jean Lúcio from Brazil.
To understand this text, it is necessary to read some of my previous texts.
If you have understood the Great Hiatus theory well, you will understand why I believe so much that Beatrice survived for many years after the burning of her house.
It is important to remember some important facts about the letter of R. The letter indicates that Lemony was captured that night of the Masked Ball to which the letter refers. In the letter it is written:
"You took a terrible chance in contacting me, but I'm glad you did. I am so sorry that I was unable to prevent, or least delay, your CAPTURE at my masked ball that evening, and I have been worried sick ALL THESE YEARS THAT YOU WERE DEAD, despite rumors of your activities spreading through the network of loyal members . "
Remember that what started the Great Hiatus was the capture of Lemony in this Masked Ball. This capture of Lemony occurred after he had published the books TBB, TRR and TWW.
Please note the following:
"I can not, however, help you answer the question YOU WROTE ME ON THAT GUM WRAPPER." That was the LAST PUBLIC EVENT the members of the organization dared attend together ... Mr. Snicket, everything you kept in my home is gone. BULLFIGHTING COSTUME IS GONE ... Everything in that guest room is gone, and all the things in the guest room next door BEATRICE, OF COURSE, IS FAR PAST COMPLAINING ABOUT LOST POSSESSIONS - THE VERY REASON, I AM CERTAIN, THAT YOU HAVE DEDICATED YOUR LIFE RESEARCHING THE LIVES OF THOSE THREE POOR CHILDREN ... "
Beatrice was in that Masked Ball that happened after the publication of books 1, 2 and 3. As it was explained, When the book TRR was published, it had been years (in the plural) that the main events recorded in the TRR book had already happened. Thus, Beatrice was fully alive years after the fire at her house. According to the letter, Beatrice stayed in the guest room next to the room where Lemony stayed. It is interesting that the pamphlet "13 shocking secrets" says:
Secret 10: "Lemony Snicket was disguised as a bullfighterwhen he was captured."
If R was talking about a Masked Ball that happened more than 15 years before the Beatrice house fire, the letter would not make any sense.
In the first place, this would mean that the ball that took place 15 or more years before the mansion would have been the last until the day R wrote the letter, and since then R would have been in doubt whether Lemony was alive or dead until the day he saw arrive the manuscript of the book 4. But, proof that Lemony would be alive would be the publication for the Great Public of the books TBB, TRR and TWW. According to Lemony, when he wrote the book TRR there was no doubt that he was alive or dead, as he attended dinners, such as Madame d'Lustro's dinner. 
Similarly, when Lemony wrote TWW, he had not yet been captured, for he was still in his house, in his room. He wrote:
" I wish I had the power to go back and tell them that they were wrong. But of course, I cannot. I am not on top of the hill, overlooking Lake Lachrymose , on that gloomy morning. I am sitting in my room, in the middle of the night, writing down this story and looking out my window at the graveyard behind my home."
In addition, according to chapter 9 of the UA, there was at least one masked ball after the events recorded in TRR. In a letter to R, Lemony states in Sebald Code that he will go to the Masked Ball of the Duchess of Winnipeg. In the same letter, Lemony states that his enemies are searching for Unty Monty's reptiles. Notice what is written in this letter:
"Your Royal Duchessness,
The bell of regret, I'm sorry to say, must ring. ATTENDINGyour Masked Ball is impossible. Though I'd love to attendYOUR Masked Ball, my enemies are unlikely to cancel their plans - MASKED Ball, perhaps, or a Regular Ball or another kind of BALL - of finding and capturing me. Deep, deep, deep, deep regret IS what I feel for refusing your invitation, but it's too DANGEROUS. They're searching furiously for the survivors of Dr. Montgomery's collection, BUT imagine how furiously they'll search for me. So I'LL run. I'll hide. I'll run to hiding places. I'll do everything except BE at your Masked Ball, even though I'd love to be THERE.
Maybe nest time. I hope so.
With all due respect,
LEMONY Snicket
P.S. Ring, bells of regret! "
But in addition to the code message note the following snippets:
"They're searching furiously for the SURVIVORS of Dr. Montgomery's collection."
When I talked to D., he explained to me that the classical interpretation of this passage is that there were several moments in history when the reptiles in Dr. Montgomery's collection were lost. According to classical interpretation, the loss of reptiles at the end of TRR can not be regarded as a "Time Mark", because of Daniel Handler's tendency to create duplicates of events to confuse the reader. Thus, D. explained to me that the classical interpretation considers Beatrice's death as a true Time Mark, and all other evidence that all other Time Marks pointing to a possible Beatrice survival would actually be an attempt by Daniel Hanlder to deceive the reader. But of course, I disagree with the classical interpretation. I respect classical interpretation quite a lot, and I can not prove that classical interpretation is wrong. What I do know is that for the classical interpretation to work you need to believe that Lemony Snicket would never lie to his target audience, and that Daniel Hanlder made chronological mistakes.
On the other hand, the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lúcio from Brazil, has as premise that Lemony Snicket tells lies to the Great public of his universe whenever he believes it is good and necessary and that Daniel Hanlder did not make chronological errors. The assumptions are different, and so the results are different. And that is why in the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lúcio from Brazil, the death of Beatrice was removed as a time mark. In my understanding, in this letter from Lemony to R the word "survivors" leaves no doubt as to when Lemony's enemies were searching for reptiles. Individuals from a group of people or animals are called "survivors" when part of the group dies in a single tragic event. Although Uncle Monty had lost his reptiles on a few occasions before the TRR events, he recovered them. However, after the events described in TRR, there was a real death threat to the reptiles and amphibians that were part of that collection.
Bruce explained in TRR chap. 13:
"These snakes need to be taken care of, so we're giving them away to other scientists, zoos, and retirement homes. Those we can not find homes for we'll have PUT TO SLEEP. "
"Put to sleep" is an expression that probably means "to kill some animals".
These links contain a list of meanings in English for "Put to sleep":
Among the meanings is: "to give drugs to animal that will make it die without pain".
Thus, the Masked Ball in which Lemony is referring in the letter to R in chapter 9 of the UA happened after most of the reptiles in Uncle Monty's collection were killed. This happened after the events described in TRR. Thus, the LAST MASKED BALL that happened in the R mansion could not have happened before the events described in TRR. Moreover, in Lemony's letter to R, Lemony states the following:
"My enemies are unlikely to cancel their plans of finding and capturing me ... They're furiously searching for the survivors of Dr. Montgomery's collection, but imagine how furiously they'll search for me."
This means that in this Ball, Lemony was sure that his enemies could search for him to capture him. As we all know, this is exactly what happened at the masked ball described in TAA and UA.
Apparently Lemony had to remove his bullfighter costume when he was captured, and left the costume at the Duchess's house. Soon after, the costume was destroyed in the fire. Why is this significant?
Note the description of this Masked Ball as found in TAA cap 11.
"I once attended one of the famed masked balls hosted by the Duchess of Winnipeg, and it was one of the most exciting and dangerous events of my life. I was disguised as a BULLFIGHTER and slipped into the party while being pursued by the palace guards , who were disguised as scorpions The moment I entered the Grand Ballroom, I felt as if Lemony Snicket had disappeared I WAS WEARING CLOTHES I HAD NEVER WORN BEFORE-a scarlet cape made of silk and a vest embroidered with gold thread and a skinny black mask-and it made me feel as if I was a different person, and because I felt like a different person, I dared to approach a woman I had been forbidden to approach the rest of my life. -the word "veranda" is a fancy term for the porch made of polished gray marble-and costumed as a dragonfly, with a glittering green mask and enormous silvery wings. As my pursuers scurried around the party, trying to guess which guest was me I slipped out to the veranda and gav and her the message I'd been trying to give her for fifteen long and lonely years. "BEATRICE," I cried, just as the scorpions spotted me, "COUNT OLAF IS--" I CAN NOT GO ON. It makes me weep to think of THAT EVENING, AND OF THE DARK AND DESPERATE TIMES THAT FOLLOWED. "
Another important detail is that the masked ball in which Lemony was captured dressed as a bullfighter was the last to occur until the time when the letter from R to Lemony was written. The letter was written when Lemony had already begun his research on Beatrice's children. Lemony only began his search after the fire of the Baudelaire mansion. Between the day Lemony once used his bullfighter costume and the day the letter was written, there was no other masked ball. The letter was written after R had seen the arrival of the original TMM book. Then all this indicates that this masked ball happened after the publication of TWW and before the publication of TMM.
Please realize that the only time Lemony ever used a bullfighter's guise (at least until he wrote TAA) was when he went to that particular Masked Ball. He was captured on that Masked Ball. After that, he became a fugitive, he had his death published again in the newspapers, and he spent several years abroad. In the book TAA, Lemony refers to these years as THE DARK AND DESPERATE TIMES THAT FOLLOWED the Masked Ball.
In the book TCC chap. 6, Klaus finds written information about a masked ball. But it's not the same Masked Ball. Klaus finds a paper where it says:
'' My Dear Duchess, Your masked ball sounds like a fantastic evening, and I look forward to ... '"
According to ATWQ, there have been many Masked Balls in the house of R. This is a duplicate event. The difference lies in the fact that in just one of these Masked Balls Lemony was disguised as Bullfighter. And it was in the Masked Ball that Lemony was captured. The masked ball that Klaus read about it on paper, happened before or during the main events of ASOUE. However, due to the evidence we have already considered, I believe that the Masked Ball in Lemony was captured happened 15 years after Olaf's death.
According to the description in TAA, Lemony gave Beatrice information on Count Olaf. "COUNT OLAF IS ..." I can only imagine a word to close this sentence. "COUNT OLAF IS DEAD!" Lemony told this to Beatrice 15 years AFTER Count Olaf's death. After all, just like Kit, Olaf died on a desert island with few witnesses. Lemony states that he can not expose the phrase to the Great Public. If he did this, all the readers of the Great Public of his universe would realize that Beatrice survived the fire and was still alive after many years had passed. My conclusion is that Beatrice survived for many years after the fire at the Baudelaire mansion.
If we continue analyzing chapter 9 of the UA using the premises I have listed, we will come to the same conclusions.
After Lemony's letter to R, there is a letter from an enemy of Lemony to someone named Genius. It's interesting that the letter is not for Olaf. By this time Olaf had evidently died.
Below I've copied some highlights from the letter
"Dear Genius,
Gathering information on Dr. Montgomery's reptile collection, as you requested, is a simple as you find a needle in a haystack, if there were a sign over the haystack reading "Needle Here!" with a brightly colored arrow pointing to the exact location of the needle. Finding the reptiles themselves are the difficult ones falling off the log, if the log were so sticky that it was practically impossible to remove oneself from it ...
With my disguise in place, I went to my local library, and it was decorated with a new sign that looked like this
"The World is at your Fingertips at Libray! Please Quiet Here."
Whistling one of my favorite tune, I entered the building and found the librarian, and old man with neatly trimmed gray hair and the mustache that tuned up at the ends. ... When I told him he was looking for information on the reptiles in Dr. Montgomery’s collection, the old man ... said, "well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?"
"What?" I replied. "Never Mind" he said quickly, and led me to the Children’s Room, where to my amazement there was a book all about Dr. Montgomery’s collection and three obnoxious children who visited it. The book is called The Reptile Room, so I was quickly able to find several passages describing the collection. "
After that, we find excerpts from the book TRR. Why is this significant?
As Lemony described in the letter to R in Chapter 9 of the AU, this enemy, at the request of one of his leaders, was searching for the survivors of Uncle Monty's collection. He was looking after the end of events recorded in TRR, and so some of the reptiles probably had already died. After all, he found information about the collection in the TRR book.
According to chapter 9 of the UA, after searching for information in the book TRR, the enemy of Lemony disguised like a cow.
He searched for reptiles in various places. Finally, note what happened:
"7 - Approached a married couple who apparently own the Prospero to ask if any reptiles had recently boarded the ship.
Couple, alarmed by talking cow, refused to participate.
8 - Saw signs indicating there was a dairy nearby. Did not approach due to fear of being milked. "
After this letter, in chapter 9 of the UA, we find a personal note from Lemony. Notice what he wrote:
"Note to file:
The library at Prufrock Preparatory School was a pleasant place, with comfortable chairs, huge wooden bookshelves, brass lamps in the shapes of different fish, and bright blue curtains that rippled like water as a breeze came in from the window. The librarian was an old man with neatly trimmed gray hair and the mustache that turned up at the ends ... As soon as I began to sing the coded song, the old man, whose back was straight, saluted me as if I were a soldier and said "Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?" a phase with here means "I have a message for you." I gave the coded reply - "The question is, has she been good to me?" - and received the following note in return: "
Thus, we can conclude that the enemy went to look for information in Prufrock Prep, because like Lemony, he found exactly the same librarian, and this librarian spoke exactly the same message. The librarian was confused because coincidentally Lemony's enemy was whistling exactly the same song that Lemony whistled.
Thus, we can conclude that the book TRR was already published in Lemony's universe before the closing of Prufrock Prep.
From my point of view, this confirms the theory of the Great Hiatus, and shows that the TAA book was written many years after the writing of the TRR book, since in the TAA book, Lemony states that during the writing of the book TAA Prufrock Pre was closed many years ago. More than that, this confirms that the Ball in which Lemony was capithed, happened after the writing of TRR. In the very book TRR, we find the passage in which Lemony states that Klaus years after the events described in TRR, had difficulty sleeping.
What was the message to Lemony? It was a message from a couple. The couple that the enemy of Lemony disguised as cow approached. The message read:
"Dear Mr. Snicket,
Dr. Montgomery's reptiles. "We're not going to do that," he said. Do not worry - we did not mention anything about our assistance with the Incredibly Deadly Viper - but we fear that the henchman cold use his disguise to cause trouble at Valorous Farms Dairy. The world is quiet here. "
1 - Klaus, Sunny, Violet are adopted by Uncle Monty.
All of this leads me to believe that Lemony knew about the enemies looking for the SURVIVORS of Uncle Monty's collection through this message. Knowing this, Lemony sent the letter to R, talking about the Masked Ball in Sebald code. This to me, is a logical sequence of events.
More than that, this confirms that the Ball in which Lemony was captured happened after the writing of TRR.
All this indicates that Beatrice survived for many years after the destruction of her house. Knowing this, you can begin to create theories about Beatrice's motivations.
In a future text I will explain better on this subject, according to some hypotheses that I have created. But before moving on to try to imagine Beatrice's motivations, we need to be sure of what really happened.
1 - Klaus, Sunny, Violet are adopted by Uncle Monty.
2 - After a few days almost all reptiles and amphibians of Uncle Monty are taken to the Herpetological Society.
3 - After some time, most reptiles are killed.
4 - A few years later, Klaus finds it difficult to sleep because of what happened while he was at Uncle Monty's house.
5 - Some time later, Lemony publishes TRR.
6 - Some time later Lemony publishes TWW.
7 - Sometime later, Lemony's enemy looks for information about Uncle Monty's collection in the book TRR in Prufrock Prep.
8 - Some time later, Lemony goes to Prufrock Prep and receives a letter, where two volunteers inform him about this enemy.
9 - Lemony then receives the invitation letter to a Masked Ball of the Duchess of Winnipeg.
10 - Lemony answers the letter, using Sebald code, and informs the Duchess that the enemies are looking for the survivors of the collection of Uncle Monty.
11 - Fifteen years after Olaf's death, Lemony goes to the Ball disguised as a bullfighter. It is the first and only time he wears these clothes. There he meets Beatrice, who was alive, and tells him that Count Olaf was dead.
12 - Lemony is captured, but escapes and becomes a fugitive.
13 - Lemony's death is published again in the daily Punctilio. A little later, Lemony flees abroad in Prospero, and spends many years out of the country.
14 - The Prufrock Prep stops working at some point after Lemony's departure abroad. 
15 - Lemony returns from the outside and sends a letter to R along with the original TMM.
16 - R realizes that Lemony is alive, and then she answers the letter with another letter.
17 - The TMM book is published in Lemony's universe.
18 - The TAA book is published in Lemony's universe. In this book, Lemony reports how the Masked Ball he was captured in, and states that Purfrock Prep has been closed for many years.
In the next Text, I will write about the secret message that is in TSS, and why I believe it is a message to Beatrice. And because I do not believe in the classical interpretation of ASOUE that that letter is evidence that Lemony wrote ASOUE during recorded events, and then sent it to Kit, and then revised it and then published years later. Thanks for reading here. Until the next text.
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snicketstrange · 5 years
Crossover theory: Miss K Enigma 2.0 X The Beatrice Letters Theory X Prufrock Prep Puzzle
This is part 11 of the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lúcio from Brazil
To understand this text, it is necessary to read some of my previous texts.
Part 10
Miss k Enimga 2.0
The creation of the "Miss K Enigma 2.0" Theory has created so many possibilities that I am still digesting everything. I am currently developing the Prufrock Prep Puzzle theory, and will now present the initial results of the research.
The first question is what is the function of Prufrock Prep from the point of view of VFD?
I believe I found the answer in the minutes of the meeting in Chapter 3 of the UA. Observe the following excerpts:
 “R: R's right. We are entering people's homes -
J: We get permission first.
L: Let her finish.
R: I will finish. We are entering people's homes, taking young children who show exceptional observational and/or notetaking skills, and isolating them, for long periods at least, from people they know. We assign them to strangers and scatter them across the globe, PERFORMING ERRANDS THAT ARE PERPELXING TO THEM, UNTIL THEIR ANKLES HAVE HEALED, UNTIL WE KNOW THEY CAN BE TRUSTED, AND UNTIL WE KNOW THAT NO ONE IS SEARCHING FOR THEM ANY LONGER. THEN, FINALY, WE BRING THEM TO HEADQUARTERS SO THEY CAN LEARN THE SKILLS THEY NEED BEFORE THEY ARE INTRODUCED BACK INTO SOCIETY, IN ORDER TO MAKE SURE THE WORLD RMAINS, AS WE SAY, QUIET. ... As we know from S's report on Prufrock Preparatory School, if young people do not get enough sleep, their work is likely to suffer. “
 “Exceptional observational and/or notetaking skills.” Have you noticed that classes and exams from Remora and Bass teachers test exactly those students' abilities? In addition, at the time of this meeting, there were VFD informants inside the school.
I believe Prufrock Prep is viewed by VFD as a great recruiting site.
On page 189 of TUA, we look at some methods used by VFD to recruit people after Schism.
“Perhaps a waiter said something strange to you in a restaurant. Perhaps a librarian asked you a question concerning your mother, or your mother asked you a question concerning your librarian. Perhaps your techer gave you a list of books that had coded messages inside, or perhaps you detected a message in a newspaper you found blowing around your neighborhood.”
So Miss K went to Prufrock Prep to recruit students for VFD. She took a list of books. In addition, according to Carmelita Spats' autobiography, the Prufrock Prep librarian asked about her mother. (The UA pag. 171) This shows that VFD faced Prufrock Prep as an excellent source of volunteer recruitment. The two orphans captured by Miss K evidently received a more direct invitation to join VFD because they were orphans.
The next question is: Where are the people recruited by VFD taken?
The minutes of the meeting explained: "isolating them, for long periods at least, from people they know."
It is good to know that this is a practice on the "noble" side of the split. Isolating the neophytes should mean that these youngsters caught by VFD are taken to some kind of boarding school. Interestingly, since the VFD Great Schism, children do not get tattoos on their ankles. Still, VFD does something that hurts their ankle the moment they are captured. Perhaps the literal act of holding the neophytes by the ankle could hurt their ankles in some way. Therefore it is necessary to spend some time, until their ankles are healed. This means that some people who were already studying in a boarding school were taken to another boarding school when they were captured by VFD. What happened to Olaf seems to have been this. Olaf studied at the Wade Academy. Like Prufrock Prep, Wade Academy should be considered by VFD as a good place to recruit neophytes. Of course, schools were not the only sources of neophytes. But it is good to know that Mr. Remora does not seem to be a member of VFD. Note this scene, which occurred at the Hotel Denouement (chpter 6, TPP). Hal was the waiter:
"Can I help you?" - Nero mimicked. "Of course you can help us! We're starving! "
"I did not realize this was a sad occasion," said Hal, squinting through his glasses.
"It will not be a sad occasion if you feed us," Mr. Remora said.
Hal frowned, as if Mr. Remora had given the wrong response, but he quickly used the three guests to a wooden table in the otherwise deserted restaurant."
If Mr. Remora were a member of the Noble side of VFD, he would know the answer should be: "The world is quiet here."
This is evidence that "vocational" classes for a young man who will become a VFD agent were not taught at Prufrock Prep.
This also explains the secret number 5 and 6 of the pamphlet "13 Shocking Secrets":
# 5 - Lemony Snicket grew up with a terrible villain.
# 6 - "Lemony Snicket attended boarding school."
Lemony grew up along with Olaf, because Olaf studied in the VFD boarding school together with Lemony.
This also helps us understand the letters from BB to LS # 4 and # 5.
In the letter from BB to LS # 4, Beatrice states:
"I'm in my Business Letter Writing Class, wich is taught by a flat-footed man so sa and inaware that I am certain he will give me an A on this assignment without reading anything but the firt sentence of each paragraph. I could say anything here at all. For instance: A "baticeer" is a person who trains bats. I learned that in a poem I watched you read....
…That was me, knocking on your following information. That was mr, knocking on your office door yesterday evening. I know you were inside, because I followed you from the library, where you stood for nearly an hour staring into a glass case containing old documents on display for the “Staged Poetry: Sonnets by actors & Actresses” exhibit….
Why didn’t you answer? Why won’t you answer any of my questions? I must have at least twelve.
In closing, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Just one letter can change everything. The three Baudelaires my be long gone, but there is a fourth Baudelaires here, waiting for you to untie “My silence Knot” and help me find the end of a story that began with you – in the very room where I sit now, about to hand this letter to my business letter writing instructor so he will grade it and mail it.”
In this letter, Beatrice claims that she is in some kind of school. This school was the same one Lemony was studying at VFD when she was 11 or 12 years old. The teacher in question is not Mr Remora, because it is not the Prufrock Prep school.
In the letter from LS to BB # 2, Lemony wrote:
”I’m writing you this letter, as usual, for no particular reason, and I’ll try to have R. deliver it to you so you can read it before we meet for fencing practice. It’s easy to write letters during Code Class, as the tedious, flat-footed instructor simply mutters the same lessons about business letter writing over and over. He’ll probably drone on for years and years to come.”
Note that Beatrice chose the same adjective Lemony had chosen many years earlier to describe the same teacher: "flat-footed." I believe this is another indication that the letter from BB to LS # 4 comes from the mother of the Baudelaire siblings. Using the same phraseology that Lemony had used in an old letter is a way for Beatrice to show Lemony that she was Beatrice herself who had read these letters before. But besides, it is evident that Beatrice was studying with the same teacher and in the same classroom in which years before Lemony had studied. And as I explained, it was not Prufrock Prep. Another detail is the reference to the letter from LS to BB # 5. Beatrice had asked 13 questions, of which Lemony was able to answer 12. Probably this response letter never reached Beatrice's hands.
Already in the letter BB to LS # 5, Beatrice explained how she got to be admitted to VFD school. She basically studied first in Prufrock Prep, and then waited until she was recruited by VFD, then went to VFD school, the one Lemony had studied years before. She had already studied at the same institution. But Beatrice had faked her own death. So now she thought that in order to be reunited with Lemony, it would be necessary to go back to studying in VFD, like a neophyte again. Note this section:
“Violet told me once that I saved her life, and Klaus claimed that I had not died in despair not long ago the destruction of the Denoument Hotel. Even Sunny said she could not have survived without me. But I don’t have to tell you how brave and resourceful, hoe loyal and well-read those three people are. It is I who would have been lost without them. Without Violet’s emergency repairwork, I never would have found my way to the city to search for you. Without Klau’s notes on mountain climbing, I never would have left the city to search for you again. Without Sunny’s extensive knowledge of making snacks from wildflowers and weeds, I Never would have found the strength to return once more, first by yak, then by foot, and then yak-fot, to wind my way back to the city in the hopes of finally meeting you face-to-face. And without the stories all three siblings told me of their troubles – which in some cases differs wildly from your accounts –I never would have found the secretarial school, where I wrote my previous letter to you. It was not a secretarial school, of course – not really – but I had to sit through that tedious business letter writing class before they would believe the name I gave the vice principal upon my arrival. Without Violet, Klaus and Sunny I never would have continued my studies with these last few volunteers, and become the “baticeer” I am today. I owe my life to them, and now that we have been separated, I will not rest until I find them again.”
I ask you to pay attention to the following detail. In the letter from BB to LS # 2, Kit's daughter informs Lemony that she is separated from Klaus, Sunny and Violet for many years. Not at all seems Kit's daughter first came to the City with Violet's help. She wrote: “I am heading for the hills, so that I might find, after all these years, the three siblings who are the only Family I have. Without Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, I am an orphan…”
And according to Kit's daughter in the letter from BB to LS # 3, the time she had spent away from the Baudelaires siblings was so much that even most of her memories about them had disappeared. She wrote:
“As time goes on, many memories fade. Violet tying her hair up in a ribbon, to keep it out of her eyes, Klaus squiting at a book through his glasses, Sunny appearing on the radio to discuss he recipes – I don’t want these to be the only things I remember of the three most important people in my life.”  
The mother of the Baudelaire siblings met with her children, and apparently they spent a good time together. They told her mother about Prufrock Prep, so she went there, gave the vice principal a false name, and went through a student. She stayed there until being recruited by VFD, and transferred to the "Secretarial School", in fact the same VFD school that Lemony had studied years before. She did all this to try to reunite with Lemony, the person she loved very much. Lemony found the photo of Beatrice along with other students in Prufrock Prep. This photo was taken after Miss K was fired, and Lemony made it clear from the remark he wrote in the photo that at that time he wanted to find his beloved Beatrice again.
But evidently something happened, and changed Lemony's view of Beatrice. For some reason, Lemony did not even want to meet Beatrice face-to-face. In the next text I will begin to discuss what this might have been.
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snicketstrange · 5 years
The Great Hiatus Theory and Miss K Enigma
Part 5 is completely dedicated to explaining the Duchess of Winippeg's letter to Lemony, according to the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lucio from Brazil.
 To understand this text, it is necessary to read my previous texts.
The letter is found in Chapter 2 of the UA. Right after the letter, there is a personal note from Lemony. In this personal note, Lemony states that there are two possibilities: Either the letter is not from the true R, or the letter is from the true R, and she is trying to pass him a secret message indicating that she is in danger. Before beginning to explain my interpretation, I would like to highlight the importance of Lemony's doubt. Even the letter bearing the calligraphy of R, Lemony believes that it is possible that this letter comes from an impostor. Why is there such a doubt? Because in the universe of ASOUE, calligraphy and signatures do not prove who the real author of the letters is. Trained people can imitate other people's handwriting and their signatures. This concept is important to my interpretation of The Beatrice Letters, and I will explain it in another text, of course.
Let's start with the beginning of the letter.
"My Dear Mr. Snicket,
Thank you, you are alive and relatively well! The night, when I arrived at the Orion Observatory to give my annual lecture to the Metrological Society, I saw someone breaking into a navy blue Jeep parked in the southwest corner of the parking lot, and my heart leaped: perhaps there was a chance you were still alive. I did not expect to find out until the man handed me his letter. "
Please note that R, or the imposter, claims to have seen someone breaking into a navy blue Jeep parked in the southwest corner of the parking lot, and just by noticing this, R or the imposter deduced that Lemony might be alive. This means that “R” spent some time having serious doubts whether Lemony was alive or dead. There are small untruths in describing the scene. These untruths are highlighted by Lemony in his personal notes. Lemony wrote:
 "The Jeep outside the Orion Observatory was of course not navy blue but black, and parked in the northwest corner, not the southwest."
 Another detail not denied by Lemony is that Lemony actually wrote a letter to R. On what kind of paper did this letter from Lemony to R written? The letter says:
 "I can not, however, help you answer the question YOU WROTE ME ON THAT GUM WRAPPER."
 Another important detail is where local R was when she saw the car. She says she was at Orion Observatory.
 Why is this significant?
Because this entire scenario seems to perfectly describe the arrival of the manuscript of Book 4 (TMM) in the hands of Lemony's editor. Please read the letter to the editor printed at the end of the TWW book.
“To My Kind Editor,
I am writing to you from the Paltryville Town Hall, where I have convinced myself the most to allow me to enter the eye-shaped office of Dr. Orwell in order to further investigate what happened to the Baudelaire orphans while they were living in the area. Next Friday, a black jeep will be in the northwest corner of the parking lot of the Orion Observatory. Break into it. In the glove compartment, you should find my description of this frightening chapter in the Baudelaires' lives, entitled THE MISERABLE MILL, as well as some information on hypnosis, a surgical mask, and sixty-eight sticks of gum. I have also included the blueprint of the pincher machine, which I believe Mr. Helquist will find useful for his illustrations.
 Remember, you are my last hope that the Baudelaire orphans can finally be told the general public.
 With all due respect,
Lemony Snicket "
 I seriously believe that “R” saw the arrival of the manuscript from book 4. I know there are many theories that try to explain that all these details are coincidences, and that there were other similar deliveries at the Orion Observatory. But I do not believe in these theories. From my point of view, the reference to GUM WRAPPER makes this delivery unique. In my theory, R saw the arrival of the original TMM book. And that is significant, because Lemony spent years without publishing any book, and so many believed that he really was dead, as published in Daily Punctilio. Note the 'R' wrote:
“You took a terrible chance in contacting me, but I am glad you did. I am so sorry that I was unable to prevent, or least delay, your CAPTURE at my masked ball that evening, and I have been worried sick ALL THESE YEARS THAT YOU WERE DEAD, despite rumors of your activities spreading through the network of loyal members. There are not many of us left, Mr. Snicket, but we are ready to help you in any way we can.
That masked ball was the LAST PUBLIC EVENT the members of the organization dared attend together… O Mr. Snicket, everything you kept in my home is gone. Your BULLFIGHTING COSTUME IS GONE… Everything in that guest room is gone, and all the things in the guest room next door. BEATRICE, OF COURSE, IS FAR PAST COMPLAINING ABOUT LOST POSSESSIONS – THE VERY REASON, I AM CERTAIN, THAT YOU HAVE DEDICATED YOUR LIFE RESEARCHING THE LIVES OF THOSE THREE POOR CHILDREN.”
Please watch out for these details. First, when this letter was written, Lemony had already begun his research on the Baudelaire siblings. "R" says: "THAT YOU HAVE DEDICATED YOUR LIFE RESEARCHING THE LIVES OF THOSE THREE POOR CHILDREN".Second, "R" says that Lemony spent years presumably dead. She says: "I have been worried sick ALL THESE YEARS THAT YOU WERE DEAD". As I explained in the last text, there were two moments in Lemony's life in which he was presumably dead. The first moment was soon after the cancellation of his marriage to Beatrice. The second moment was after the publication of some of the ASOUE books. This letter can not refer to the first moment when Lemony was presumably dead, for at that time Lemony had not begun researching "the lives of the three poor children" because the "three poor children" did not even exist.
Another important detail is to realize that Lemony was not publishing books during the time he was presumably dead. If he was publishing books during this time, anyone would realize that he was actually alive. It is good to remember that his books are aimed at the Great Public in his universe.
That's why I created the theory I call The Great Hiatus Theory. The theory states that there was a Great Publishing Hiatus in the universe of ASOUE that lasted many years. This hiatus occurred between books 3 and 4 of ASOUE. Note that this theory is independent of the fact that the actual author of the letter being considered to be R or an impostor. The evidence I have raised so far has not been questioned by Lemony in his personal notes. Lemony did not write something like "I believe this letter may come from an impostor because the sender of the letter states that I spent several years presumably dead and this is not true, I only spent a few months dead."Lemony also does not say something like "I believe this letter comes from an imposter because I have no idea which three poor children the sender of this letter is referring to." The Great Hiatus Theory works even if the real sender of the letter is someone else.
 I'll pause to speak directly about the letter of "R". I will explain the consequences of the Great Hiatus theory. You will realize how the Great Hiatus Theory perfectly explains some apparent inconsistencies in the ASOUE text.
 One of the apparent contradictions I have already explained in an earlier text. Prufrock Pre closed during the Great Hiatus. According to UA, in Chapter 9,  an enemy of Lemony sought information about the reptiles from Uncle Monty's collection in the book TRR. This book was in the library of Prufrock Pre, at that time Prufrock Pre was open and running. However, in writing the TAA book, Lemony says Prufrock Pre was closed many years ago. This is perfectly explained by The Great Hiatus Theory. When Lemony returned to write the books of ASOUE from TMM after resurfacing from abroad, Prufrock Pre had already stopped working.
The Great Hiatus theory also helps to solve what I call "Miss K Enigma. 
In Nero's letter to Carmelita Spats' parents, which is printed in Chapter 8 of the UA, Nero states that he hired Miss K to become a teacher. At that time Mr. Remora had retired. Mrs. Bass was still at her job, but she had to take time off in order to settle matters with the bank (probably rob the bank). Miss K took Prufrock several books of interest to VFD, including one of the ASOUE books. The enigma is: Who is Miss K? The first time I read it, I evidently thought it was Kit Snicket. But reading TPP I realized that this would be impossible. In the situation described in TPP, Mr. Remora still worked for Nero, for he calls him chief (TPP cap.6). Thus, Nero's letter was written after the events described in TPP. Kit died a few days later, nothing indicates that she was in Prufrock Pre between the events of TPP and TE. And as I have already explained, the ASOUE books seem to have been written a few years after the events described therein. With the help of The Great Hiatus Theory, the puzzle is solved as follows: Lemony wrote books 1, 2 and 3 and stopped publishing for a while. In the meantime, someone passing through Kit was in Prufrock Pre. (Or another volunteer, who also had the letter K as her initial). This person took one of the first three books from ASOUE to Prufrock Pre. I'd rather believe that this Miss K is actually Beatrice pretending to be Kit, because that also fits my theory of the secret letter in the TSS. 
Lemony made a sentimental remark on Miss K.'s photo. He writes "Will I ever see her again?" Since this is not Kit, then I think it's Beatrice. (The fact that Miss K is wearing a completed skirt in the photo, and that her feet are not exposed in the photo, are elements of another theory of mine ... UA pictures are really fun to try to understand their meaning. For example, in Chapter 1 of the UA there is a photo of Lemony when he was baby that it hides the Lemony's left heel , exactly where I believe there was already a tattoo.) According to TAA Chapter 6, Prufrock Pre actually closed when Mrs. Bass was definitely arrested, some long after Miss K had visited the place. Lemony speaks of this event in the past because from his point of view in writing TAA, this event was really in the past. But in writing TRR, this event was still in the future from Lemony's point of view.
 Update of Miss K Enigma theory:
The R Letter Interpretation is just beginning. I'll leave the rest to the next text.
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