firenze11 · 5 months
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Sage should really be much more worried right now than he is. But Drew wouldn't hurt him right?
Check out their story here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sage-and-drew-1-98042621
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fox-pause · 8 years
I have a blog! a wordpress one! go look at it here https://lump2017.wordpress.com
Now that that’s out of the way, I’d like to go into a little more detail about it. Now, I want you all to understand that this blog will still run as smoothly as it did before. This second blog is more personal, and I thought I’d share this will those of you who’re interested in boring things, like my mental health and how to care for your cats, as well as some stuff on anxiety and depression. 
I don’t really know what else to write. Check it out maybe? thanks
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firenze11 · 4 months
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Sage is hanging out and waiting for Drew to figure out whatever he's trying to figure out on his computer. Check out their story here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sage-and-drew-1-98042621
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firenze11 · 2 months
GT July 2024 - 17 Quaff
“How am I supposed to quaff a potion when it’s as big as I am?” Wyll asked.
“Technically it’s bigger.” Rob held the vial up next to Wyll. The scrawny twelve-year-old was somewhere between three and four inches tall. If Wyll wanted to, he could fit inside the healing potion’s vial.
Wyll nodded, “So, how am I supposed to drink that whole thing? I might like, blow up or something.”
“Fair point,” Rob muttered. “Maybe if you drink less of it, it will have the same effect?”
Wyll grinned, “Oh, that might work. We should test it.” He darted for the edge of the table.
“Ease off the throttle kiddo.” Rob intercepted Wyll with his hand. Wyll slammed into it, and Rob winced. At least he’d stopped Wyll from dive-bombing off the desk. Rob flipped his hand so that Wyll was lying on it and brought it up to look closer.
“You all right?” Rob asked.
“I think you broke my nose.” There was blood coming from Wyll’s nose. “Can we try the potion now?”
Rob rolled his eyes, “Fine, but you’re explaining to the captain.”
“It’ll be fine. He loves me!”
“If by love, you mean tolerates your presence most days. Here.” Rob held the potion up. Wyll carefully took it and started chugging it.
And chugging it.
And chugging it.
Until it was gone.
Only at that point did the bleeding stop, and his nose straighten out.
They looked at the empty vial. Then at each other.
These guys are quite fun to write. They're just always getting up to mischief. :D
Check out the prompt list here: https://www.tumblr.com/gianttol/751027101880270848/gt-july-2024-prompt-list?source=share
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firenze11 · 2 months
GT July 2024 - 18 Pirates
“Gah!” Rob kicked at the halfling that had just taken a bit out of his leg. “Out of all the pirate gangs, the piranaughts are the worst!”
“Not my favorite either.” Thankfully, Wyll had been in his crestframe when the pirates attacked. He did not want to fight off a boarding party of cannibal pirates when he was bite-sized. Besides, his crestframe was taller than Rob, something Wyll enjoyed. Sadly, the captain wouldn’t give him a laser pistol to play, er, defend himself with. But the crestframe’s metal fists could still dole out some punishment to any pirates that got too close to Rob’s back.
Rob fired his pistol into the face of an ogre coming for them. Rob was allowed to have one, even though he was only four years older than Wyll.
“Down!” A voice cut through the din of battle.
Rob and Wyll were on the ground suddenly. They were so used to obeying that voice they didn’t even need to think about it. A shot from one of the antipersonnel turrets blew a hole through the ogre, which had still been coming, and it finally went down.
Rob and Wyll stood up and looked around for more enemies.
“You got something on your arm there,” Rob stated.
Wyll held up his arm and found a gnome gnawing on his elbow.
“For crying out loud,” Wyll grumbled. He grabbed the gnome's leg and tore the pirate off. “It’s made of metal!” Wyll moved to throw the gnome off the deck.
Wyll froze.
The captain appeared and held out a hand. He was wearing his fancy hat and coat. There wasn’t a single thread out of place despite single-handedly fighting off two ogres by the helm.
Wyll handed the gnome to him.
The captain looked at him, seeming to see Wyll’s through his crestframe and pod. “Good job. This one will lead us back to his ship and earn us a pretty penny when we take her.”
Wyll didn’t believe it for a minute. Had he just gotten a ‘good job’ from the captain? His heart just about exploded, and he was pretty sure his crestframe started glowing.
We get our first glimpse of the mysterious captain of Wyll and Rob's ship.
Check out the prompt list here: https://www.tumblr.com/gianttol/751027101880270848/gt-july-2024-prompt-list?source=share
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firenze11 · 2 months
GT July 2024 - 13 Betwixt
“I can help!” Wyll grumbled, well, whined really.
“You realize it’s not up to me.” Rob sighed and picked up a wrench that was twice as long as Wyll and several times heavier.
“They won’t let me do anything!” Wyll stomped on the desk under his feet. He was only three inches tall. So, it was adorable. Rob kept any sign of that off his face. The twelve-year-old beteenie was growing increasingly sensitive about stuff like that.
“Have you ever considered,” Rob started as he tightened his wrench on a gasket, “that the reason the captain won’t let you do anything on his ship, is because you are a stowaway?”
“You’re the one who forgot I was in your pocket!”
“Uh huh, even though I checked that pocket before I boarded?”
“You should keep your clothes in better condition. That hole in your pocket went right into the lining of your jacket. I was unconscious. Nothing I could have done about it.”
“Sure.” Rob heaved on the wrench. The oil dripping stopped. “That’s the story anyway.” Rob set a hand down next to Wyll, who hopped onto it. Rob dropped him into the very same pocket they’d been talking about, before moving on to the next job.
“You really think that’s why he won’t let me work?” Wyll asked.
“Yes. Own up to it. Apologize for it. The captain likes honesty and when people admit they did something wrong.”
Wyll hummed, then slipped into the hole in the pocket again.
I really need to get these guy's story finished up and posted somewhere.
Check out the prompt list here: https://www.tumblr.com/gianttol/751027101880270848/gt-july-2024-prompt-list?source=share
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