#Bbq Cleaning Company Christchurch
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The tickled cow
List of Components: Identity Correx Doordrop or Press Ad Social media presence Menu design An tone of voice for the photography used
Presented to us by CHS the Brief was to create the identity for a restaurant and grill called The Tickled Cow. The restaurant was planned to open in 2017 and was aimed at range of target audiences from young families to ‘hipsters’, this presented particular problems to overcome as appealing to everyone is difficult to achieve. The ‘owner’ of the restaurant already had a design for the interior of the restaurant as well as an atmospheric plan; this meant that the identity and branding had to reflect this. We completed the project in groups of three; this allowed us to create all of the necessary components in the week we were given. Within the week we were also given two sessions of meeting with CHS, one of was a face to face and the second, was an online email ‘date’. On both of the occasions we were able to show any of the work we had done and receive feedback. The live brief was leading up to a pitch on Friday, which was run by CHS and offered a chance to present our identities and concepts as well as, seeing peers work.
We got handed the brief in a presentation led by the company CHS. CHS is an independent communications and content design agency based in Christchurch in Bournemouth. In recent years they have won many awards, and with clients like LV, Barclaycard, B&Q they have a strong client list to back them up.
When we first got the brief we sat down and started breaking down the booklet brief we had been given. We ignored certain aspects of the brief for that moment and instead started focuses on what the brand stood for in order to get an identity that was more than just looks. We found that establishing an idea for the company helped get all three of us thinking the same and helped throughout the process it allowed us to refer back and stay on track. By creating a system it combined all our different styles into a connected, joined identity. The ideals we came up with were also reinforced by a combination of things we knew we didn’t want the brand to be. This mostly included the image of a manly masculine grill, we summarised this into the traditional image of a grill logo ie the type face Rock Well surrounded by the two thick lines.
Our research led to looking into the history of grilling and bbq-ing, we looked at it popularity in the 1950’s as a way of finding a meaningful Logo. The traditional circles and thick lines were therefore something we played with. The origins of the BBQ were something that we also wanted to initially explore, we thought it could allow us to move away from traditional grill themes and open the concept up slightly. Although cooking on fire has been around for hundreds of year and has no origins we roughly remembered that the style of BBQ we are familiar with comes from the Caribbean area, we were interested therefore to explore this further. On exploring the origins we found that the word is one of only a few that we use from that culture, another being Cannibalism. The stereotype of a happy easy life really suited the idea of a Tickled Cow. We thought by the incorporating the warmth and colour of the Caribbean we could stand out among the other business. After playing around further we decided that a Caribbean theme may be off the table due to the nature of interior design.
We still wanted to explore grilling so started to look at the actual process of grilling. The steps of brushing marinade on the meat and then sealing the meat on the grill are things that are unique to grilling. We started to explore these processes as techniques for creating the logo. We used a large loose brush pen to make marks with ink. The brush pen gave textured effects that we all really liked. We then scanned in the mark and began to stylize them. We chose to reflect the recognisable lines of the grill by putting the lines in similar pattern, short and diagonal. The font we chose to go underneath the lines was a san serif thick type face. We wanted it to be sans because we wanted to be contemporary and clean, the heaviness was to counteract the weight of the lines. This idea was one that we liked although we thought it was a safe option.
We began to break down the target audience and what is popular among the age group. The trend that we began to notice was the resurgence of old traditional skills, among this was the popularity of lettering. The juxtaposition between the verb tickled and the image of a heavy solemn Cow make using a hand drawn font an ideal situation as it allowed us to mix both styles. We actually settled on a hand written font that looked less scriptural and more handwritten. I much preferred this use as I felt it appealed to a wider audience.
Our third option for the first of the meetings with CHS was inspired from a doodle that one of the group members had done. It was a single line drawing and we felt it was the most contemporary idea out of the three. Initially we tried to fit the logo and the mark together. This led to a design that had a large amount of lines and no feel structure, we therefor started to separate the mark from the logo and use them independently. One design, that we all really liked, which came out of the merging of logo and mark was one where we created the name of the restaurant in the shape of a cow. CHS really liked the contemporary illustration. Like us they felt that separating them from the logo might help create a more adult feel to the restaurant. They also were keen to inject some humour, this was something we hadn’t really thought about.
Humour was something that we hadn’t really considered until they mentioned it. We then began to think about how we add humour. To do this we began thinking about what we find funny, Fred and I are big lovers of puns. The amount of food on the menu gave us a good starting point; it allowed us to create individual branding elements that could still be part of a set. The puns were a really successful part of our branding; they set the tone for the restaurant. The tone, funny but more a smirk/ inside joke than ‘on the floor’ was something we thought worked well on the door drop and website and so we were keen to put in our menu. Putting it on our menu was more difficult as we had to make sure the information was really clear. As our menu fitted on one side we had a large amount of space on the rear. This space was empty space that we had decided to not put any information so we decided to therefore use it for the puns.
We noticed that when people were seated and reading a menu they rarely looked at the back of their own menu, they were either reading the menu or it was down on the table. What we did notice however, was that people did see the back of other people’s menus. Whether that be the person they were eating with or other in the restaurant. Using this information we therefore started to play around with putting text on the back. We wanted to almost create a silent conversation with the menus. We chose to write puns that focused on ordering food.
When we started to design the correx we wanted to use the puns again. The correx was placed on the road and would be seen by people in cars, when designing it we decided that we wanted something with very little text on it. The puns were easy to transport onto the correx however we wanted to shake it up and move it away from phrases and instead we looked at songs. We chose to pick a memorable song ‘don’t go breaking my heart’ and change breaking to bacon. When we showed it people they agreed that the song was really catchy and something that stuck in their head all day.
Overall I was happy with most of the outcomes of The Tickled Cow, the menu was not completely to my taste. I really liked the puns on the back and the structure of the food however the chubby hand written text was not something I would not ordinarily do. It was great to work with illustrators and it created a logo that was much more hand drawn than I’m used to. Equally the project really helped me explore colour within branding. One of the team members loves bright colours and so it was great to see how she used colours successfully and how it could be adapted to be an asset. The feedback from the project from CHS was really good, they really liked the puns, especially those on the back of the menu. It was great to know that we were on the right track and that it was inventive and unique.
Evaluation of D&AD
From the given selection of D&AD briefs I chose to work on the Pearson Brief. The brief, to create an educational tool or service for education in 2027, sounded really interesting and a good challenge to work on. The openness and problem solving aspect is something that I really like as I feel that idea generation is where my strength lies rather than in illustration or in aesthetics. Working in schools was also a major draw for me as it meant that I had a lot of people to talk to as well as experience. The scope of the project was a little daunting as there was no starting point or area to explore. They did mention about technology and it’s use within education so this did give me the medium of the outcome.
The obvious thing to look into initially was the predictions for education for 2027, education is predictably unpredictable, it is a focus point for each political party and so it often a reflection of the elected party and so predictions about education can only be based on technological advancements. Figures however, like the amount of additional school children and universities point towards a huge increase in the amount of students and the scale of teaching. As well as researching predictions I began to ask colleagues about what issues they and their students faced within education; there was a range of ages from a 23 year old NQT, a 26 year old who had been in the profession for two years as well as, a number of people who have had a career in teaching, ranging from 30s to 70s. This research became a starting point of things to look into. Most notably mentioned was the; the support for teaching within education, personalised learning for students aimed at different learning styles, the lack of creativity, and the commercialism of education caused by data driven policy. The lack of support for teachers was something that initially caught my eye and I began looking into how the expansion of education by 2027 would affect teaching staff. Current figures show that although the amount of students is increasing the amount of teachers joining and staying in the profession is actually dropping. Currently is has an unnoticeable but as the amount of students expanded it is something that will definitely become a problem.
It is estimated that by 2027 we will need an additional 30,000 teaching in compulsory education alone in order to cope with an additional million children, currently however there are xyz amount of teacher leaving each year and figures estimate that this will only increase. In relation to NQT data shows that xyz of xyz will leave with three years, it’s here therefor that I initially wanted to focus. Upon further research it became clear there was little out there for teacher by way of personal support, sites like sprinkle – aimed at primary school teachers – offer resources but nothing else.
From my information research I began looking into websites and design research. Pearson already offer a number of website aimed at children, most noticeable Bug Club, a reading website for primary school children, in terms of feasibility it showed that a website would fit in with the branding. The Pearson identity colours of blue and green exhume calm and so this really fitted in with my ideas of a website too. When looking at websites I knew that I wanted each web page to fit onto a single browser, they would create more of an app than a page. The increased use of mobiles and tablets to view websites also presented to me that the website would have to work on both a regular desktop screen as well as the smaller pages. The portal for the MyAub app provided a lot of inspiration as well as the theme that window 10 uses. By having a homepage which encapsulates each available page into a box the both designs help create the illusion of a base application rather than a webpage. This was something I definitely wanted to experiment with. I didn’t want the page have to many clicks however, and research has shown that having to do more than three click will put of viewer, MS Windows’ ‘live apps’ therefore really took my attention as it allowed the viewer to preview and interact with the separate pages.
What I created was a site which I named PaperClip. The website a support network for teaching, offering a single site where quality resources, professional development events, a forum, updated relevant news, and links to mental health sites can all be found. The name came from the idea of group all the necessary pages are grouped together in one document. The humble paperclip also reflected the way a lot of the teachers felt, stretched and trying to hold everything together. The font for the logo was formed from the unfolding of a paperclip. The type is san serif and features all the curves of an unfolded paperclip. I wanted the website to be very serene and calm, I therefore kept it really simple, just using a limited palette as well as keeping text to a minimum The colour schemes, of blue, grey and white, also reflected the relaxing nature of the website. The paperclip icon was placed as an extra within the website, with the font taking up the top 6th of the screen. I never wanted it to be specifically associated with the site.
In my crit Rich suggested that the concept didn’t look far enough into the future and didn’t fully make use of all the technology that could exist in the future. He argued that websites were becoming dated and people would be unlikely to use it in the way I had. This was a bit of a ‘spanner in the works’ and halted the whole project as I was a bit lost on where to go.
After the crit, and after the Christmas beak I had a tutorial with Laura. The tutorial was very much about starting again with the idea. I looked back over my initial research, seeing if there was something that may fit Rich’s vision more. The amount of students in education in 2027 and the pressure that would put on class sizes was something I had briefly looked into and so I chose to pick this topic back up to explore. In order to start afresh I looked at a different age group, drawing on my personal experience I chose to pick the university students. The university culture has always had strong connotations with lectures and so, there were natural links to the effects that an expansion of class sizes would have on lectures.
Lecture theatres and the formalities of lectures have not changed much since education began. Although they have picked up technologies like microphone, smart projectors and remotes the actual room still look recognisably the same. This therefor seemed like a good place to experiment with. One point that a tutor made was the difficulty that lecture pose, both to staff and to students. From the point of the lecturers teaching a hall of 100 can be difficult as there as there is no room for personalisation. The students often have a varied passion for the topic and it can be off putting to lecture when students visibly don’t want to be there. From the student’s point of view the method of copying down notes from a slide whilst also taking notes from a speaker can pose a challenge, it also is not a true reflection of how all people will learn. Whilst I was in secondary school we would have lectures and classes in a variety of different spaces, ranging from an onsite theatre with comfy seats and, state of the art sound system as well as huge projection screen, to an outdoor amphitheatre which we used in the summer. Lectures in unexpected spaces then became an idea. This would be university lectures in cinemas, on the beach, in woods and parks, however I began to think about how popular these really would be, there are issues with students not turning up to lectures ordinarily and so I had to ask myself would be willing to travel to other locations. In response to these issues with attendance I started to look at how this could be overcome. My initial idea the ability to watch your lectures on your laptop/tablet, in the past I have had teachers offer online Skype calls the morning before exams or in half terms. These are really successful and made me think about whether it would work on a regular university platform. Remembering how the brief talks about the international unity that technology presence I started to think about expanding the platform. Initially I thought about within universities, many universities offer the abilities for their students to attend lectures from across the university however students often aren’t aware when these are on or can’t get away. I felt that it the concept could work across a university then it could be expanded to global collaborations. I loved the idea that a student could attend a lecture in Hong Kong from their bed in London. Being able to view infinite lectures from across the globe means that students can really get passionate about a topic, and have equal education opportunities. The data could also be fed back to the universities and used to shape course modules.
My outcome to this concept was a website called Unified. Unified, standing for universities unified, presented a partnership between universities, allow their students to access lectures from across educators. The website acts as an archive, sorted by topic, university, date, and lecturer a student can such through all recorded lectures. The online lectures could become an addition to standard lectures or become a staple method of delivery; its use would be down the educator. When designing the branding I chose to not use the Pearson blue branding. Instead I chose a bright red. The bright red is a lot more energetic and strong, it offers a confidence that I felt that the blue lacked. The supporting dark grey offers stability and professionalism, backing up the authority of the site. Equally I felt that by putting the logo in a thick san serif created a brand that was confident. I created two main versions for the website, a standard desktop size and a mobile sized one, this was to reflect the ways I felt students would watch the videos.
The crit presentation was a lot more successful than that of the previous one, Rich and Laura both like the concept although they questioned about copyright and the effect it would have on lecturers. I started to look into the Ted Talks, a website which shows factual talks. The site would only be accessible through a university account and even then it would be made up of university who had agreed. Realistically no student would share the videos outside of a university context and universities would also benefit from the both the data and, it’s students being passionate and knowledgeable – which ultimately would result in better essays and high grades.
I really liked the project, if I had more time I would have like to have worked more intensively on the branding as it was a bit rushed. Creating an advertising campaign would also be high up on the things to do, both posters and a video aimed at universities. The websites were a bit rushed and there were a few issues with the site map…or lack of it. If I did it again I would think more about a landing page and sibling pages as the site was slightly too simple. If I was to enter this into D&AD I would like to show it in the form of a video. I think by showing it in motion the audience would get a better feel of how it is meant to look, and digital aspects of the concept really lend themselves to a animated presentation.
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We provide a range of solutions to ensure that your air conditioner is in full working order. Our team of specialists are dedicated to maintaining commercial air conditioners to ensure that they are working optimally. We are a fully trained and qualified team of air conditioner specialists and can help with all types of HVAC systems.
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Common Heat Pump Problems And How To Fix Them
A heat pump is an outstanding HVAC system that provides cooling during summer and heat during the winter months. Depending on the weather, this unit transfers heat from one place to another place. Even though you know a reputed Hvac Cleaning Company Christchurch for maintenance, this unit can have some common issues.
Whether you are a newbie or want to install an advanced heat pump unit, having some issues is common for all homeowners. In this case, you have to identify the problem beforehand. Sure, you can prevent some critical issues by regular maintenance. But we can’t predict the future. Keep reading our blog as we share the common heat pump issues and the best ways to fix them.
Common Heat Pump Issues
Even though a heat pump is one of the best heating-cooling units, you can face some common issues. Sure, it needs regular maintenance. But you have to identify the issue as soon as possible.
Some problems can be fixed by the homeowners while some need expert support. Once you identify the issue, reach out to HVAC Clean, a trusted Hvac Cleaning Company Christchurch. Keep reading to learn about the common issues:
1. Heat Pump Isn’t Turning On
Most homeowners face a common issue when the heat pump unit isn’t turning on. Well, there can be various causes. Let’s find out:
No Power Source: You might know that a heat pump unit requires a significant amount of power. If there’s not enough power source, it can create issues with the circuit breaker. In this case, you have to reset the circuit breaker to restore power.
Thermostat Isn’t Wired Correctly: As the heat pump is connected to a thermostat, the system can face issues when the thermostat isn’t wired properly. Here, you have to check the display if there’s any alert or error message. Plus, it can happen when the thermostat isn’t compatible with the unit.
Faulty Reversing Valve: Since a heat pump can do multiple works throughout the year, the reversing valve plays a crucial role. When the valve isn’t working properly, it can be hard for the heat pump to turn on. Contact our HVAC Clean team to resolve this issue.
2. Heat Pump Is Running Constantly
Sometimes when the heat pump starts running constantly, it can create a lot of issues. It can happen for multiple reasons but you have to identify it as soon as possible:
Heat Pump’s Air Filter is Dirty: When a heat pump’s air filter is clogged with pet dander, pollen, and dust, it can be the reason why the system is running constantly. As a clogged air filter restricts airflow, it forces the heat pump to work overtime. In this case, you have to change the filter immediately. If the filter is reusable, clean it carefully.
AC Coils Are Dirty: A heat pump unit has two coils; one creates warm air while the other one creates cool air. Debris and dirt can build up on those coils. As a result, they will be less effective and your heat pump has to work hard. Even though you can clean these coils yourself, it’s better to hire our HVAC Clean professionals.
The Compressor is Broken: A compressor plays a crucial role in measuring how much power a heat pump can take. So, when the compressor is broken, your heat pump unit won’t shut down. Contact our team if the compressor is broken and our technicians will help you by replacing the part.
3. Low Airflow Coming
Low airflow is another common reason that your HVAC unit isn’t working properly. On the other hand, when it’s blowing cold air, the system won’t heat. It happens due to some reasons:
There’s a Blockage: You might know that the heat pump unit pulls hot air from outside to keep the indoors warm. However, it can’t work properly when there’s a blockage on the vent. Now, the reason can be snow, leaves, or even debris. In this case, check the exterior of your house and clean if there’s a blockage.
Air Filter is Dirty: As noted before, if the air filter is dirty, it can create a lot of issues. Hence, it can be the cause of the low airflow. So, check the air filter regularly and replace it on time if needed. If the air filter is reusable, clean it carefully.
Air Ducts Are Leaking: Sometimes, the heat pump unit isn’t a reason for low airflow. While most people focus on the system, it can be a leakage somewhere else, especially on air ducts. If it happens, contact HVAC Clean’s professionals to locate and repair the damage.
Refrigerant Is Leaking: A heat pump needs a refrigerant to create warm air. So, if the refrigerant is leaking or low, the system can start blowing cool air. It can happen if there’s a faulty valve.
4. Heat Pump Won’t Cool
Besides these reasons, a heat pump takes time to turn on when it’s not cooling. As a result, it won’t cool your house during the summer months. Well, it happens for several reasons, especially when the system requires cleaning or new parts. In this case, contact our HVAC Clean expert technicians for further maintenance.
Regular maintenance can prevent common issues with a heat pump. Still, if your unit isn’t working properly, identify it as soon as possible. In this case, our technicians at HVAC Clean, a trusted Hvac Cleaning Services Christchurch provider, can help you out. From regular cleaning to technical help, our experienced team can resolve everything related to the heat pump system.
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Everything You Have To Know About Air Conditioner Cleaning & Maintenance: Expert Guide
As your area starts receiving scorching hot weather during summer, your air conditioner starts working overtime, especially when you are staying indoors. Neglecting anAir Conditioner Cleaning Services Christchurch can cause various issues including high energy bills, poor indoor air quality, and decreased efficiency.
In short, your air conditioner needs proper maintenance during the summer season. Let’s explore the best ways to maintain your AC and the benefits of hiring Hvac Cleaning Services Christchurch.
Why Does Your AC Need Maintenance?
Why should you choose an Hvac Cleaning Company in Christchurch for AC maintenance? If you are confused about this, you have to know the common issues that can be faced due to neglecting air conditioner maintenance:
Poor Indoor Air Quality: When your air conditioner’s coils and filter are clogged, it can result in circulating pollutants in your house. As a result, it will affect your house’s indoor air quality.
Decreased Efficiency: Lack of maintenance and cleaning can force your AC to work harder to cool your home. This results in increased utility bills due to energy consumption.
High Repairing Cost: Neglecting maintenance can lead to higher repair costs.
Considerations of Air Conditioner Maintenance
There are some crucial areas that you have to focus on while cleaning your air conditioner. Whether you hire professionals or do it yourself, take care of these considerations:
? AC units have filters that remove dust from the air. Filters force an air conditioner unit to work harder to cool the area. That means it needs more energy to work.
? Each AC unit has coils that move cold and hot air so they aren’t clogged with dust and dirt.
Benefits Of Air Conditioner Cleaning in Christchurch
If you are having second thoughts about hiring an Air Conditioner Cleaning Services in Christchurch
, You have to know some benefits:
Energy Savings — When you are maintaining your air conditioner regularly, it will operate efficiently. Regular maintenance and filter cleaning lowers energy consumption and reduces monthly utility bills.
Boost Indoor Air Quality — Clean coils and filters capture your home's pollutants, dust, and allergens. But it’s impossible when the AC filter is clogged.
Cost Efficient — Regular AC maintenance by A/C Cleaning Services in Christchurch will help reduce energy costs. On the other hand, you can avoid costly repair or replacement.
Decreased Environmental Impact — An efficient air conditioner unit consumes less energy and contributes to a greener environment.
Extended AC Unit’s Lifespan — Regular maintenance and cleaning can increase an AC unit’s lifespan. In short, it can protect your investment by preventing high risks.
Best Air Conditioner Air Filter Maintenance Tips
Besides regular AC cleaning by professionals, you can implement some effective maintenance tips to improve your unit’s lifespan. Let’s find out how to maintain your air conditioner unit by following some easy steps:
Change Filters:
If you have a central AC unit, checking filters every 30-60 days is essential. A clogged filter can reduce the work efficiency of the unit. In fact, it can decrease your house’s indoor air quality. If you have kids, changing the filter is necessary every month.
On the other hand, if you don’t have kids or pets or don’t welcome too many guests, you can change the filters every three to four months depending on weather conditions.
Clean the Condenser Unit:
Cleaning the condenser unit regularly is essential for all central AC unit owners. However, the good part is it can be done once a year. Still, it depends on your area’s weather conditions and your house’s environment. As per many home improvement experts, cleaning the condenser unit is necessary to keep your home surrounding debris-free.
Blockage Removing:
As mentioned above, an AC unit can face issues due to uncertain blockage. In this case, checking these minor issues is essential to improve the system’s lifespan. Make sure nothing is blocking the cooling system as it will hinder the airflow.
Know When to Call an Expert:
Sure, you can maintain your AC unit by following some easy steps. However, some critical issues can be only solved by an expert. Keep checking the minor issues and get help from the best Hvac Cleaning Specialist Christchurch. While some basic tasks can be done at home, an air conditioner cleaning technician has the proper equipment to ensure the cooling system’s health.
How to Clean AC Air Filter at Home [For Reusable Filter]
As noted before, your AC unit’s filter can be maintained at home. In this case, you have to follow a step-by-step guide to get the best outcome. Keep reading to learn more about the filter cleaning process:
? First, turn off the power button of your AC unit.
? Once you turn off the power, locate the air filter which can be found between the return duct and the air handler.
? Carefully remove the filter from the unit and check its condition.
? If it’s a reusable filter, gently clean it with water and mild detergent. You can also follow the instructions from the manufacturers for a better outcome.
? Once you are done with the cleaning, allow the air filter to dry completely before reinstalling it.
Make sure you are following the proper instructions while reinstalling the air filter. If you don’t have a reusable filter, you have to replace it with a new one.
Why Hire an HVAC Cleaning Company in Christchurch?
Even though your air conditioner is working properly, an annual A/C cleaning Christchurch service is necessary to expand the unit’s lifespan. On the other hand, there are some incredible benefits of hiring a professional team including reduced utility bills, preventing total breakdown, and more. Plus, an HVAC cleaning Christchurch service team has proper knowledge and equipment.
Regular AC maintenance is more than important for homeowners. Besides hiring an Air Conditioner Cleaning Christchurch Company, you can do basic maintenance by following some easy procedures. Keep checking all the small issues to increase the unit’s work efficiency. If you find something serious, it’s better to get help from professionals.
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