#Battery Pack Discharging
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semcoinfratechworld · 2 months ago
Understand the importance of battery pack discharging and its critical role in enhancing battery performance, health, and longevity. This video explores how proper discharging impacts energy efficiency and optimizes storage solutions for electric vehicles and other battery systems. Dive into practical insights to ensure sustainable and reliable battery operations. Perfect for tech enthusiasts, EV owners, and anyone curious about battery technology.
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deep-space-netwerk · 3 days ago
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You cannot alter, modify, or discharge the batteries in any way. They come straight out of a pack of new batteries and into your mouth.
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hollyhomburg · 1 month ago
Prey Animals (10)
—  Pairing: Yoongi x reader, Bts x reader
—  Genre: Omegaverse, Mafia au, Polyamory au, Found family, Suspense, Eventual Smut, enemies to friends to lovers, Healing & Themes of trauma,
—  Summary: In a world where Beta's are rare, valuable, and often have more than one pack; Beta Min Yoongi does everything he can to keep his mafia heritage a secret from his primary pack. Little does he know he's not the only one who's living a double life.
—  Words: 5.6k
—  Warnings: Violence, drugs, murder, mafia shit, hurt/comfort, controlling relationships, implied spousal abuse,
—  Check in at the end for my notes on this chapter! — 
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(105 days before, Yoongi)
Yoongi slides the new phone out of the case gently, undoing the packaging with a loud crinkle.
He’s set up on the kitchen table in the cottage. It’s morning and the coffee is half gone in the pot and fresh rings on the wood, chipped at the side. The tv left on just to keep the silence from grating. The first thing he does with the new phone is take off the back, fussing with the screws before he pops off the metal membrane. It takes a bit of force. Clatters to the floor in the process.
Yoongi leans over, taking in the dust bunnies under the table. Fingers skimming the gouges on the floor. Gouges he hadn’t noticed before. Who knows what they’re from. There are filled bullet holes in the bathroom, tiles that are shattered at one edge. If there has been violence here. It’s been plugged over with wood filler and spackle.
Yoongi picks it up and returns to the task at hand.  
It’s not just a new model, it’s the newest model. If it’s bugged, there’s nothing immediately concerning about it in the wiring behind the backing. It doesn’t heat up too fast or have any suspicious battery discharge. He lets it charge and go to empty before he pops the sim card home.
You can never be too sure.
He’d found it conveniently dropped off at his front door with a thank you not from the Ahn family after yesterday’s evening round of text messages had gone unanswered. The pathway and driveway shoveled from snow too. The first snow of the season makes the city fall to almost a standstill. But he’s glad to spend the morning uncalled on at the cottage, even if the silence makes Yoongi uncomfortable, so use to the thrum and puppy pell mell of the pack tumbling all over each other in the morning. Unused to being able to hear the slight prick of snow falling outside and the damp dullness of winter without a hand to hold.
He busies himself with cleaning up and making little changes around the house. Happy to have something for his hands to do and ease his mind. Like fixing a squeaky door and righting one of the cabinets that have sagged, making it flush with all the others.
How the family figured out his phone was sabotaged; Yoongi has no idea.
The phone is just another bribe in a long list of them, his house is littered with other similar gifts. Most lay unattended in the doorway. A thick breasted coat from Burberry, a pair of Testoni shoes, a shotgun sitting by the door, the barrel already full of bullets tied with a bow. He’d also gotten a kilo of cocaine, bricked up already, but that he’d barely paused before flushing that down the toilet.
This phone came with a gentle invitation for dinner. Another one that cannot be skipped. He’s booked and busy for the next few weeks. Yoongi opens the phone unsurprised to find it littered with no fewer than 400 contacts, meticulously labeled, Every single eligible alpha for succession, the heads of house and their wives and husbands.
The Ahns oldest and head of house is favorited, already added as Yoongi’s emergency contact. Yoongi scoffs. At least he knows who to put on do not disturb.
But there is one contact, down there near the very bottom. Yoongi clicks it.
Yoongi thinks there’s a lot of reasons why he’s still thinking about you now, even days later, maybe it’s because there’s finally someone here like him, someone who doesn’t revel in the bloodshed or find satisfaction in the law breaking and mayhem that the family causes behind closed doors. Maybe it’s the draw of survival, of having someone nearby who’s as fucked over as he is.
It’s just because she’s pretty, and you can’t resist a project. A voice that sounds like Seokjin’s teasing whispers in his ear. As if, Yoongi replies, because daydreams are as close to the pack that he gets these days. It will take more than a pretty girl to tempt me. He says, mentally, conveying his response to Seokjin. Precisely 216.1 miles away.
He’s going a little bit crazy; can you get withdrawal symptoms from people? How has it already been two weeks since he held them? Since he touched them? The pack. Yoongi feels their absence like a dull ache, the touch-starved-ness turning his skin sensitive and the thoughts in his mind loud without another person to talk too. Is Yoongi losing his voice? Or is he just losing his mind cooped up here?
Maybe it’s because you’ve left your scarf here. The one you used to tie up your hair. Right now, it hangs on the other chair.
Yoongi does not know what to do with it. He leaves it in the kitchen, put it in the pocket of his coat to give you then next time he sees you- but then he might lose it. He puts it on his bedside table, hangs it from the doorknob. He spends a lot of time, more time than he realizes, looking at it while he eats, while he drinks, while he contemplates reaching out to the pack to let them know that he’s alright, that he’s alive. To at least let them know that he’s not coming back- at least not any time soon.
Yoongi wonders if they’ll even want him back after all of this, or if leaving without saying anything will be too much of a betrayal to stomach.
It’s a good thing that the cities snowed in today, otherwise Yoongi might be tempted to accept the Ahns invitation just to quiet his thoughts. He can use the weather as an excuse, more suitable than his disinterest. He spends his morning dodging requests for meetings formal and informal. Turning down casual invites unwanted however polite they might be. Yoongi takes this as a moment of reprieve, a free day and evening.
The snow keeps falling. Covering his driveway in one inch, two, then three.  
In the meantime, Yoongi explores the cottage, taking note of everything that needs to be fixed. It’s better than wallowing.
It’s a bit of a surprise that the last beta and the late Don turned the safe house into something of a love nest. There’s still an ‘I love you’ sticky note stuck to the yellow fridge and more notes left in the junk drawer. And it makes a discomfort rise in his chest so thick. He takes the note off the fridge and puts it in a small side drawer full of rubber bands so that he doesn’t have to look at it.
It’s one of the things that makes him pick up his phone and text- not anyone from his pack (that’s too risky). But you.
Maybe you’re doomed, but that doesn’t mean that Yoongi can’t try and make it a little bit better. He types out his message after staring at your contact for a few minutes. Hitting send before he can consider if self-preservation is a virtue or a fault. 
--- (11:12am): Let me know if you want to go out again somewhere you probably know the city better than me at this point and I’d love to see it again.
It’s pitiful. Absolutely pitiful. A flimsy excuse at best. But maybe removing you from your husband’s presence for just a few hours will make a difference. Yoongi’s fucked but maybe you aren’t quite yet. You remind Yoongi of himself just before he left. So uncomfortable and alone. Obviously so ill-suited for this life.
His text remains unanswered, but that's okay. He didn’t expect you to get back to him right away.
He fixes the burner on the stove that hasn’t lit in years and locates a screw gun and some screws for more of the cabinets. Witling away the hours with hard work and his hands.
Yoongi decides he does actually like the cottage. Likes it- because its honestly been years and years since he’s lived in anything close to a house and not an apartment. Sure, the doorways are drafty and it’s not pretty on the outside but there is a certain peace in shuffling to and fro at the little coffee station, in sitting in the old chair in the corner or sitting at the small two-person table to eat his shitty take out.
Without anyone to cook for, Yoongi finds he’s lost his taste for it.
It’s hard to want to cook, when Seokjin’s not there with a bit of witty banter to cut the loneliness, and the pups aren’t there to beg for slices of carrot or nibbles of chicken. When Hoseok’s not there to fuck with the playlist and Namjoon’s not sitting nearby reading. Keeping a close eye on the movements of the pack. Always watching from the corner of his eye. A presence both protective and watchful.
It’s hard not to daydream about the pack, and harder still not to give into the temptation to think about them. Yoongi fingers the rotten edge of a window picking out old spray foam insultation and daydreams about maybe getting a house for them one day, big enough for all of them.
Fucking Christ, it’s only been two weeks.
He thinks that the rest of the pack would like it. They wouldn’t even have to get a new house because Yoongi would love to learn how to fix it up himself. He’s always been the handyman of their pack, how hard can it really be? Yoongi is already used to replacing faucets and fixing strips of floor that Jungkook accidently breaks when he drops his dumbbells. He’s extended the legs of every one of Tae's bookshelves (and Tae has a lot of bookshelves). Everything else can’t be that hard, right? 
Yoongi would never say it, but he likes being helpful. Feeling useful. He likes the affectionate looks he gets from Seokjin and Namjoon when he fixes the leaky faucet for the third time that month. The short pets to his hair or the pecks to his cheek in reward are reminiscent of early happy times when their shitty apartment’s maintenance men couldn’t be trusted not to say anything around Seokjin. When everything felt too dangerous, and their little box felt like the only safe corner of the world. Their own corner of the universe, an ecosystem too delicate to alter.
If he owned this house and wanted to stay in this city- he’d add on a second story and change out the striped wallpaper. He’d fix the cabinets in the kitchen and take off the shutters outside and refinish them. Maybe he’d add on a small addition out front too. They wouldn’t have to be big rooms maybe just a small writing room and library for Tae. He’d cut out the old rotten windows and add more to look out onto the garden because Hoseok’s always complaining about the lack of natural light in their apartment. He could add sunrooms and skylights and re-do the squeaky floorboards. He thinks the wood is pine, Namjoon would know.
He contemplates calling his alpha, his heart giving a pang of grief before he thinks better of it and leaves his phone on the small table. Before he panics and realizes, his number, and all the packs, disappeared when his phone got destroyed. They don’t have his number anymore, and he doesn’t have theirs. Yoongi checks the contacts but- there not there. His knuckles go white, gripping the phone so hard.
He doesn’t even have a fucking picture. The whole pack has social media but-
Maybe it’s safer this way. The temptation is removed. And Yoongi has no one.
Grief consumes him for a moment as he flops on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. When he closes his eyes, he can almost smell the scent of the pack on the air. Can almost imagine it in vivid detail. Maybe if Yoongi closes his eyes and wishes hard enough, he’ll open them back up and they’ll all be there, he’ll be at the apartment again. And all of this, his whole life and most of his adolescences, will just disappear.
His hands tighten in the sheets, and it’s like they’re here with him. Curled up close in this queen bed, too small for the seven of them. They’d have to press close to fit. Two people would have to lie on top.
Most of this visit has been too stressful for him to even think of them. But now he aches and aches and aches, like grief is a plant that’s taken home in his chest, prying open his ribs with its greedy roots. Searching for enough motivation to damn the consequences to hell and just reach out- 
No. Yoongi cannot. No. Even if it hurts him- he cannot put them in harm’s way.
How many days had he taken their easy affection for granted? How many kisses had he let slip by uncounted? He’d die just to hear Jin’s laugh again. Yoongi’s body burns with the need for his packmates. Burns a little as he blinks back a stinging in his eyes that has nothing to do with the dusty interior of the cottage.
He sighs out a heavy breath, thinking of a future. An impossible one. The 7 of Them, pups maybe, in a house somewhere that Yoongi could build with his own two hands. He imagines a life without any of this. Without any hidden documents or covert meetings. Without any fancy clothes or blood money, without any body bags or secrets.
His dreams smell of innocence and soft cotton, sugar on the air and ice-cream before dinner.
But it’s a useless pursuit; the wishing. Yoongi cannot change where he is right now. He laughs at the ceiling, pipe dream smoking and sputtering out. It echoes in the empty house, dark with no one to flicker the light on as night descends. Shooting stars die out in the vastness of space, wishes make no difference.  
Getting his pack back again, owning his own house, and having the money to re-do it is something that’s completely out of reach. Yoongi has no money without the family, Yoongi has no real career either. Surviving this unscathed, is a dream so very far away.
Yoongi puts his odds at being able to leave this at 50%, maybe 60% if he’s lucky. Maybe he’ll get a cool scar out of it. Maybe he’ll get one like Geumjae. But that only brings up bad ideas in his head, because there is one person whose odds of getting out of this unharmed are next to nothing at best. In the single digits if he looks on the bright side of things.
His eyes stray, looking at that damn silk scarf.
It moves, from kitchen to the doorknob, from the bathroom hung out, pressed clean. Heaped and red. He’d taken extra care to press it. He can’t remember the last time he actually tried to use an iron, but he’d removed most of the wrinkles without letting the silk burn.
What a funny thing doom is; it’s as close to a string of fate as people like you can get. Your destruction, your fates are mutually assured. Yoongi is doomed to a life at the next Don’s side, and you are doomed to a life next to your husband.
If Geumjae has his way, both of you will be inexorably tied together for eternity. You’re both fucked.
He wonders what you’re doing right now. The only person in the gang who’s as trapped as he is. The only person who’s like him. Maybe you’re looking up at the ceiling of your bedroom like he is and hoping for a different world and better odds. He wonders if you’re wishing too. What you do like best for your wishes? First stars, eyelashes, or dandelions?
Your bedroom has to be nicer than his, he knows the family brownstone is something out of a museum.
Geumjae inherited their families’ wealth when their parents died as well as their childhood home (if you could even call it that.) Geumjae got it all, its fine crown molding, copper ceilings from the gilded age and similarly golden. The house is large even if it is a brownstone technically, it practically takes up half a city block. Yoongi wonders if you’ve discovered the servants quarters upstairs, what their parents had turned into a playroom and a saferoom- one staircase in and one staircase out. All the hidden passageways.
He wonders what Geumjae has done to the house in his absence. If he’s renovated it into some mockery of modernity with galvanized steel and dark peined windows. The house that you’re no doubt trapped in just like Yoongi was growing up. 
Sometimes Yoongi’s daydreams get so vivid it’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t.
The idea of a beta wanting a house and a place to stay is a ridiculous dream, and yet- Yoongi dreams it anyway. He dreams of navy-blue rooms with delicate floral wallpaper and floor-to-ceiling windows and skylights so big that he could watch the snowfall through the world.
He dreams that that he’s lying there, beneath the skylight. Dozing in his bed, half asleep. He dreams he’s somewhere else. Stretched out on some large fur white as the snow and shaggy soft against his fingertips. There’s someone next to him reclining nude just like he is. Bare beneath a stolen stretch of powder blue sky. Blue and white and flesh tone. The fur beneath them is warm, shields them both from the cold.
It's a very very good dream.
He blinks and the person curled up next to him changes with every flicker of his eyelids. One moment it’s Jimin, his blonde hair splayed out all pretty. The next Hoseok is pulling him in for sweet kisses, and then Jungkook lying belly down, eyes dark and glassy, looking at him like he does when the youngest gets all scent drunk and hazy. His smile boyish and lazy.
But then he keeps his eyes closed longer, aware of what he’s going to see when he opens them, that he won’t like it.
You are there stretched out on that carpet with him. Your eyes staring unblinking at him, so still. The white fur is wet, and when Yoongi looks, it’s no longer white but red. It’s not a fur at all, it’s just a pool of blood still warm.
Someone’s shot you between the eyes, and Yoongi feels the gun in his hands and tastes the powder on his teeth before he wakes from the nightmare with a start. 
He blinks back the wetness in his eyes and rubs furiously at them. The low winter sun has set outside already. Yoongi can see his breath in the air and when he walks to the windows, he finds the snow still falling. Hazy through the streetlights. He turns the heat on as high as he can make it. But it does nothing to thaw the icy feeling in his fingers.
When he looks down at his phone, he finds the notification there. It’s not a text at first, just a photo.
 They’re tarts? Or are they cakes? It’s hard to tell- they look sugary but sweet, dewy from some glaze and maybe crumbly. They look good, mouthwatering actually.
He remembers asking you the other night, just before you left. “What do you like to do anyway, plan parties? Shop? or is fancy jewelry and polite scheming your only hobby?”
Now he has his answer.
Mrs. Min (5:54 pm): Hope you’re staying warm. I’ve just made these, if you want to come over you can have some. You know where I’ll be.
Mrs. Min (5:54 pm): Geumjae’s not here. Won’t be back until late.
Yoongi forgets his gloves on the way out. Grabbing his jacket and leaving the cottage so quickly he forgets to lock up.
But he does not forget to put your scarf in his pocket this time.
Your and Geumjae’s house is just as Yoongi’s pictured it, a conflagration of old-time class and decadent furniture, touches here and there of on the nose modernity. Brocade and Kaws statues that must cost half a mil, expensive dark wood floors and fake plants in the corner.
If he looks too closely, he can still see hints of his parents. The downstairs powder room is still the same, styled in the same way that his mother decorated it when he was eight. The fancy sink is still the same one she imported from Italy. Apparently, cut from the same stone as statues of goddesses and gods. The marble imperfect- stained in places from lifetimes of use. The same coat rack that Yoongi’s father used sitting in the corner that holds only Geumjae’s collection of sharp Chanel coats.
The staff in the front room takes Yoongi’s jacket from him with a gentle, “Welcome back Mr.Min, it’s good to see you home.” Yoongi spends a few extra moments looking around as he changes into the house slippers provided for him. He doesn’t realize what he’s looking for until he doesn’t find it.
There is no evidence of you on the ground floor of the house, not a soft touch in the room that could hint that Geumjae even has a wife. Not even a hair tie on the marble floor. Not even a pair of shoes or coat by the door.
Yoongi’s jaw tenses. Teeth clenching behind his lips.
The staff here know better to be seen and not heard. They’re just finishing up their Wednesday cleaning. The whole house smells like ammonia and in places- bleach. The kitchen is a similar monster of modern touches and decadent tackiness. It’s fashioned in the Tuscan style, too much crown molding juxtaposed with clean edges and stainless steel. There is an industrial chefs kitchen in the back of the house for hosting family dinners. This one shows no sign of wear or use.
You are there at least, dressed more casually that Yoongi’s ever seen you and still- all your clothing is tight. A workout fit high at the neck and long at the wrists. The front of your dark shirt spotted with flour. The bruises on your face are healing, the makeup you wear is lighter. You don’t even need to use color corrector anymore. 
Someone must have taken out your stitches in the days since he’s seen you.
Yoongi takes one step into the kitchen, surely you must have heard him come in. But stops once the scent hits him.
Honey, delicate and sweet on the air assaults him, just like Jungkook’s scent.
Yoongi’s breath goes tight in his throat. You are wearing black oven mits to take the tray out of the oven. You raise your eyebrows at him in the doorway. Where Yoongi stands frozen like a statue.
“Are you alright?”
Yoongi steps closer, stumbling over the even floor. Hands hitting the counter. Eyes downturned at the pastries. “What are those?” he asks, the emotion makes his voice hushed. Rough. Maybe Yoongi really is losing his voice.
“Honey cakes.”
Yoongi blinks quick. Watching as you pop them out of the tray with a fork. Practiced. Like you’ve done it thousands of times. “They need to cool for a moment and then they get a honey drizzle, I’ve got the third batch in but-” Yoongi hears you speak through white noise, watching them, the steam rising on them from the baking tray. You don’t remark upon his silence. Everything is fine.
“After they cool, I’ve had tea set up in the drawing room.”
There are other things he should be saying, more conversation he should offer but instead, he’s looking at the honey cakes. They’re perfect little hexagons with delicately imprinted and honeycomb on top. They look so pretty, and they smell so good, but not better than they taste.
He doesn’t say anything, and you don’t expect him to as he starts eating them, a cup of black coffee in a teacup for him too after he’d declined the tea.
Fuck- he misses them so bad. Coffee like Namjoon, honey like Jungkook, the cream in the tea set Seokjin and the sugar on the table Hoseok.
Your rain scent sparks, distressed.
“Yoongi-” you clink your glass on the saucer, and it makes you both flinch. “Are you okay?” Yoongi does not meditate his scent back into his salty chocolate. He knows he smells like a typhoon, but he just can’t help it. He lets it hurt because there is no avoiding his guilt and pain at this. He eats one, then another, horking it down like a man starved.
He is a man starved.
“I’ll be alright.”
He eats, and you let him go without asking again. 
You’ve never known a beta before, but you get the feeling that no matter your prior expectations. Yoongi will exceed them.
The food fills the place in him where love should be. Outside the window in the stately garden sits with not a leaf or branch out of place. You’re similarly perfect, except for a single strand of hair that escapes its careful confines. In another world, Yoongi might tug all of your hair free from its pins. let it hang around your face pretty and wild. In another world, you would sit on the same side of the table and not a coffee table apart.
Your socked feet lay folded to the side, crossed at the ankles, pressing into the red carpet.
“These are-” he swallows, breathing. “-Very very good. Where did you learn to bake?”
You shrug, “no one taught me, I sort of just picked it up. I like sweets so-”
“Sweet tooth then? Do you know how to make any real food?” You scowl, puffing up, nibbling on just one of your honey cakes, Yoongi has eaten three in the time it’s taken you to eat just half of one. It bothers him, for some reason. It bothers him a lot.
 You narrow your eyes at him. “I bet you don’t even know how to fold egg whites correctly.”
“I bet you let bacon burn.”
It feels good to tease each other, and Yoongi’s scent goes chocolatey, just a little bit. It cuts the melancholy. Yoongi reaches for another honey cake.
“Do you know how to bake then?”
“No, but me and my pack omega, we usually cook for everyone.” Your finger skims the edge of your China teacup. Yoongi can see the darkness of the tea through the side. Herbal, dark and pink.
“What’s it like- having pack? Having more than one-” You break off, looking in the direction of the doorway, as if you’re worried Geumjae will enter. If speaking his name will summon him. “Packmate.”
Yoongi swallows his cup of coffee, thinking. For many houses in the family, multi person packs are considered too dangerous. You can only bite one person with a mating mark, you can only bond your soul to one other person- not two or three or six in Yoongi’s case. Your world relies on the mating marks to limit liability. Everywhere else multi person packs are sort of the norm these days, with alpha’s outnumbering omega’s and all and Beta’s being so scarce. Housing prices are expensive and so is childcare. Resources go farther when shared.
The only houses that have a ruling head of house with more than one packmate is the Moon family and the Lucchese’s, and they keep both of their packs under wraps or abroad were distance promises safety.
It’s just another rule that Yoongi is exempt from.
“It’s very loud, but-” Yoongi hesitates, thinking about what Geumjae had said barely a few days ago, about ulterior motives and pretty women. Thinks about how wrong he is. Your questions are so innocent. Your eyes so hopeful and earnest.
“It’s very nice, having many people to love and love you. Makes it easier.”
“Makes it easier for you to move around and go from pack to pack, like you need too- you mean?”
Yoongi doesn’t fault you for your assumptions, he knows he’s probably the only beta in the country that has only one pack, so Yoongi does not scold you just shakes his head. “No, I only have one pack,” Yoongi swallows, “besides this one, and between you and me fuck the family. It’s just this and them for me. I don’t need anything else.”
You sip your tea. “They’re all male, aren’t they?” Yoongi sighs but nods. Homogenous packs are much more common than mixed primary gender packs, most of the time when a male alpha meets a female omega, or when a female alpha meets a male omega- they tend to stay just a pair like you and Geumjae.
There is a collection of purple roses on the tea tray, from Moonbyul’s house the other night (although they look suspiciously fresh for that).
“You’re a good cook you know, even if you don’t know how to cook bacon.” Yoongi teases you to distract from the discomfort of your questions. You flush, substantially plied. No one has complimented your cooking in a long time, and something that feels a bit too much like pleasure lodges it’s self in your throat. So instead you nudge the plate of honey cakes.
“Really Geumjae probably won’t have any of them, you should eat as many as you want, take some home if you like them so much.” You both watch golden hour fade to blue. It feels nice to sit like this, maybe it’s not interesting. But it’s the companionship that you’ve both been craving.
“I will.” Yoongi eats another. Crumbs on his cheeks.  
“You got a new phone.” You say idlily, looking up at him from under your lashes, thick and dark.
“I did.” He folds his hands Infront of him, looking at you, sort of grinning, sort of rueful. “Lost my other one.”
Yoongi collects things about you like a child might collect small pretty stones, you like to bake, you know how to make maybe fifty different pastries. Most of which you promise to show Yoongi.
“If beauty is currency, I wonder how you view cookies?” Yoongi parrots the words you said the other day. Hopefully you won’t know how they’ve stuck in his head (like the rest of you and the little moments you’ve shared. The crisscross of the back of your corset, the red scarf in his pocket in the entry way. Still not returned to you. Yoongi collects them like keepsakes, shoved into the back of his mind, where they can’t cause any damage)
You snort into your tea, parrying his words. “If baking is less important than cooking, I wonder why you’ve eaten six of my honey cakes.” Yoongi puts his cup down, empty.
“I’d like to do this again, if you have the time for it.”
Your expression goes serious and your teacup clings in its saucer. Your hands are shaking. “Geumjae won’t like it.”
Yoongi’s hand goes across the table. Squeezing your knuckles in his. You go quiet and he stares you in the eyes, his gaze soft. This time you don’t glance away.
“Maybe we just won’t tell him.”
Yoongi stands in the doorway, and he knows it’s time to leave. Geumjae will be home in an hour and you have to make yourself presentable for dinner. This time Yoongi does not comment on that- your need to do your makeup.
Yoongi might like you- sticky cheeked from the honey cakes, a little better. You’re less unsteady. At least your cheeks seem more round now. Maybe he shouldn’t be suspicions of your thinness. Maybe he shouldn’t think things like that about practically strangers.
But you are not strangers, technically- you’re his family now. Through marriage and not by blood, not the same pack (so really it hardly matters) but family all the same.
Yoongi hesitates. “I’m sorry, for the other night, I should have been more careful to tie your corset back the same way that he tied it.”
You fail to meet Yoongi’s eyes. It’s the first time someone’s apologized to you in years, it feels so strange to hear it now, let alone from someone who looks so much like your husband.
“It’s okay, he-” Your eyes flash up to his. “He didn’t make it any worse than usual.”
“Make what worse?” he asks, but you dodge his question, helping him step into his jacket. Yoongi hovers in the doorway, waiting, prolonging his departure. Plunging his hands in his pocket. Feeling something silky smooth and cold to the touch. His eyes light up and he pulls your scarf out.
“You forgot this the other day.” Your hands hover on his, looking down it then up at him through your lashes. An indescribable expression on your face. “I would have brought it to dinner the other night, but I was worried about losing it.”
You pause, hesitating before you take it from him. Your fingers press against the pulse point at the inside of his wrist, beating steady and speeding up.
You smile. It’s the first time he’s seen you really smile, the kind that’s not fake and for the family, and his chest feels tight.
He can’t look away, won’t look away.
You tie it around his wrist like a bow. The same way he tied your corset shut. Your fingers are warm when they brush against the small but sensitive scent gland on the inside of his wrist. Chocolate blooms in the air, at odds with the honey. Yoongi breathes deep and doesn’t smell anything coming from you at all. No scent neither happy nor sad.
“There” you say, when the bow is pulled tight, letting his wrist go. Yoongi gently lowers it to his side. “Now you won’t lose it.”
(Read the first Version of this story Here)
-It’s absurd the amount that I think about these characters, like tell me why this whole time I think stuff like “yeah Yoongi is totally not the type of person to use punctuation in his text messages.”
- While editing the story this time around, I realized that having every one of the houses be Korean would not make much sense, especially with what I know about the American mob scene (more than you realize) I couldn’t just leave it alone. I have a list of all the families and their various business written out if anyone’s ever curious.
- Tbh I think Yoongi’s heart stopped a little when she tied the bow around his wrist. I think I’m doing a better job of making her a more sympathetic character.
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bob-frank451 · 1 year ago
Humans Are Weird: Pack Bonding
Archivists note to the reader: It seems you are viewing this item in the human language English. For this reason names have been transliterated, units have been converted, and the content has been ontologically translated. Apologies for any inconsistencies.
Ziet rounded the corner of the shuttle carefully, the human and the second deathworlder following close behind. The shuttle was only to be docked for a little under sixty minutes, left empty for less than fifteen, and unguarded for a mere seven.
There! The cockpit hatch! She reached a tendril toward the handle, but before she could open it the door opened by itself, revealing a short, but defiantly menacing individual holding a nasty looking weapon. Ziet froze in horror, before speaking frantically, the normal perfection of her grammar lost to the urgency of the moment.
���Kakia! Please just let us go, you’ll never need to see me again.”
The individuals mouth stretched into a wide, unnatural imitation of a human’s grin.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my old,’ she spat out the word, “friend. Ziet, the highly esteemed logistics technician, how are you? And what are you doing with the recently escaped, and even more recently declared dead prisoners?”
She focused her weapon at Ziet. On a human’s face a grin can be cheery. In the rest of the universe that grin is taunting, threatening, menacing.
“Please just let us go, please. Please?”
“With the price on their head? With the human ambassador to the GA right here? Why, that would be treason.”
She leaned in close, close enough that the puff of breath that accompanied each word ruffed the fur on Ziet’s face.
“And you, my wonderful, treasonous colleague, here, at my mercy?”
The grin stretched wider, more teeth appearing, ivory white. The words came exaggerated, theatrical.
“It was self defense. She attacked me with the deathworlders. She committed treason.”
Ziet recognized the weapon, specifically the three white dots on the side, and her blood ran cold.
“You’re right about one thing Ziet.”
Her grip tightened on the trigger.
“I’ll never have to see you again.”
The human lunged for the weapon, but no race in the universe was that fast. Ziet felt an impact against her chest, and then a horrible anticipation, like the moment between an injury, and the inevitable agony it would cause. No! Please no! Then malice, pure hatred, flooded through her from the point of impact, coursing through her veins, attacking every nerve and cell in her body. She felt the thaumutic energy in her system recoil, and than start to fight the attacker, but the attacker was sly, and as each pulse of power attacked it was converted, joining the ever-growing tide of hatred and pain. Her body decided that it wasn’t going to win this fight, and instead chose to jettison the power through whatever route necessary.
The human watched in horror as his friend was shot by the attacker, this Kakia person. Ziet’s eyes went out for a moment as the latent entropic energy was called inwards for the battle, and than shone with the power of a spotlight as pure energy was dumped en mass. This wasn’t fast enough however, and more and more energy poured out. It started to leak from her mouth, then nostrils, and then it started to leak through her skin as thousands of amps of power were discharged. The entire volatus was shining with the brilliance of the sun, and nobody in the entire shuttle could see anything but white.
Just as quickly as the light had started it stopped, and the volatus fell to the floor like a spent battery. Kakia uncovered her eyes, and grinned at the human, raising the weapon for a second shot, but the human was already charging. She fired and fired, but had only time to learn one thing before the human’s vengeful body slammed into her own.
Humans don’t use magic.
Ziet felt the weight of several jumpsuits rapped around her. She knew they were jumpsuits because of the wafting smell of Squalus detergent, the brand used to wash clothing inside the personnel wing of the spaceport. There was a gentle tap on her cloak, over her left shoulder. She felt another. Tap. Tap. Tap. Then hand shook her, and she obligingly opened her eyes. There was the human, crouched before her, eyes locked on her face. The eyes were leaking, clear fluid running over the human’s flat face, and dripping off his nose and chin. Behind the human lay the crumpled form of Kakia, a rivulet of dark fluid leaking from the corner of one eye. The human had bound her with another jumpsuit, so presumably she had survived her first encounter with a deathworlder.
“Ziet? Can you hear me?”
The human was still looking at her, and she noticed now that his breathing was erratic, and saw proper fear in those alien eyes.
“I can”
The human’s mouth turned into a grin, a grin that spoke to intense relief, as well as to the effort the human was putting into not showing teeth.
“You ok?”
The Volatus pondered this question. She felt gutted. Every ounce of strength had left her body. She couldn’t even feel the slightest scrap of power in her system. Her head hurt, terribly, and nothing came to relieve the pain. But she was ‘ok’.
“I’m ok”
She winced at the grammar.
“Sorry, I am going to be fine.”
“I’m glad. You scared us. I was so worried”
“Where are we?”
“Flying. He says he can.” The human pointed a limb toward the second deathworlder sitting in the cockpit across the room. “We leave the air five minutes. In five minutes, sorry”
The volatus felt a wry happiness settle over her, despite the fatigue that overwhelmed her The human’s grammar was improving. The human reached beside him and produced the weapon Kakia had shot them with.
“What’s this?”
Ziet didn’t need to study the weapon to answer the question.
“It’s a malice gun, made by Simplicity. It’s like a computer virus.”
The human gestured to himself.
“I’m ok”
“It works by converting the thaumutic energy in your system, and I don’t think humans have any.”
They waited in silence for a moment.
The other deathworlder, the one piloting the shuttle, grunted a single word, the only word it had learnt of galactic common so far.
The bio-luminescence on its arms lit up, and the human watched the flickering pattern closely, before saying a single word.
The volatus glanced towards the cabin window, and saw the blue curve of her home shrinking. Soon it would be a full circle against a black canvas, painted with thousands of stars. Then it would faded away into the distance completely.
She was free.
Ao3 Discord
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The batteries of electric vehicles subject to the normal use of real world drivers -- like heavy traffic, long highway trips, short city trips, and mostly being parked -- could last about a third longer than researchers have generally forecast, according to a new study by scientists working in the SLAC-Stanford Battery. Center, a joint center between Stanford University's Precourt Institute for Energy and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, This suggests that the owner of a typical EV may not need to replace the expensive battery pack or buy a new car for several additional years. Almost always, battery scientists and engineers have tested the cycle lives of new battery designs in laboratories using a constant rate of discharge followed by recharging. They repeat this cycle rapidly many times to learn quickly if a new design is good or not for life expectancy, among other qualities.
Read more.
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stephanmacro · 8 months ago
South Korean experts unlock the power of air and salt in breakthrough battery science: 'A much higher discharge potential'
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yaolaser-zoey · 3 months ago
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Basic Advantages of Prismatic Battery Modules
High energy density: prismatic battery modules can store more electricity at the same volume and weight, which means that electric vehicles can carry larger capacity battery packs and have longer driving range.
High space utilization: The cells of prismatic batteries are square in shape and can be arranged more closely together, reducing space waste and increasing the energy density of battery packs.
High safety: prismatic battery modules usually use aluminum shells, which have high strength and toughness, and can effectively prevent battery short circuits, leakage and other problems. At the same time, its strong sealing can effectively avoid aging and leakage at the seal, thereby improving the safety of the battery.
Long cycle life: prismatic battery modules have a long cycle life and can withstand multiple charge and discharge cycles while maintaining high performance stability, reducing the maintenance cost of electric vehicles.
Specific applications of prismatic battery modules in electric vehicles
As a power source: prismatic battery modules are the main power source of electric vehicles, providing electrical energy support for the vehicle and driving the vehicle. Its high energy density and long driving range enable electric vehicles to meet daily travel needs and even long-distance travel.
Building battery packs: In electric vehicles, multiple prismatic battery modules are combined into battery packs and installed at the bottom of the vehicle or other suitable locations. The battery pack is monitored and managed by the battery management system (BMS) to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the battery.
Optimizing vehicle performance: The high energy density and long cycle life of prismatic battery modules help improve the power performance and endurance performance of electric vehicles. At the same time, its lightweight design also helps to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle and improve the vehicle's energy efficiency and handling.
If you want to ask related questions or have any questions, please contact us:
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offender42085 · 2 years ago
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Post 0599
Tony Torrez, New Mexico inmate 84970, born 1983, incarceration intake in 2016, at age 33, sentenced to 16 years; projected discharged date not published
In December 2016, the suspect charged in a shooting that killed a 4-year-old Albuquerque girl during what police say was a road-rage fight was sentenced to 16 years in prison on a murder charge before a packed courtroom filled with the tearful family members of the young victim.
Tony Torrez, 33, apologized to the girl's family at his plea hearing a day after he accepted a deal with prosecutors that called for them to dismiss two counts of assault and a first-degree murder charge in exchange for him entering an Alford plea to a second-degree murder charge.
First-degree murder carried a life term. An Alford plea means Torrez does not admit guilt but acknowledges there is evidence to convict him.
"I'm sorry for taking the life of Lilly," Torrez said. "I had no intention of hurting anyone that day. I ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart ... I thought I was going to be the next road rage victim."
Lilly Garcia, a preschooler, and her older brother were in the backseat of their father Alan Garcia's pickup, heading home from school, when police say a lane-change dispute on Interstate-40 between Garcia and Torrez escalated. Lilly was struck with a bullet in the back of the head and died at University of New Mexico Hospital.
A prosecutor said experts would have testified at the jury trial that Lilly immediately became unconscious when she was shot and that she wasn't able to feel any pain.
Torrez told investigators that Garcia had run him off the road and that he feared for his life when he shot at the family's truck with the intention of firing off warning shots. He also said he did not know children were in the backseat when he opened fire -- a defense that Veronica Garcia, the victim's mother, rejected outright in her comments to the judge.
Torrez has an arrest record, but no prior felony convictions, according to online court records. He had a previous arrest on domestic violence and aggravated battery charges but evaded prosecution in the case and others, including an altercation that police said followed a dispute over a lane change in a parking structure.
Last reviewed October 2024
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cryoverkiltmilk · 1 year ago
Rechargeable battery packs like those in most modern tech will discharge and suffer integrity loss at freezing temperatures. Don't leave them in the garage all winter. Yes, that includes packs for SNOWBLOWERS.
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orangameelectronics · 6 months ago
The Power of Pocket Capsule Mini Power Banks 5000mAh
So you're in the market for a new power bank, and you've stumbled upon the Pocket Capsule Mini Power Banks 5000mAh for Apple/Type C with Keychain Lanyard. Let me tell you, these little gadgets pack a powerful punch in a compact package. Let's dive into the features and benefits of these mini power banks to see why they are a must-have accessory for anyone on the go.
## Input/Output Interfaces: Type-C & Lightning, Type-C, Apple Interface
One of the standout features of these power banks is their versatile input and output interfaces. With both Type-C and Lightning inputs, you can easily recharge the power bank using the same cable you use to charge your devices. The Type-C and Apple output interfaces allow you to charge a wide range of devices, making these power banks compatible with most smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets on the market.
## Material: ABS, Protection: Over-Discharging, Short Circuit Protect
Durability and safety are top priorities when it comes to portable power banks, and the Pocket Capsule Mini Power Banks deliver on both fronts. Constructed from high-quality ABS material, these power banks are built to withstand everyday wear and tear. Plus, with built-in protection against over-discharging and short circuits, you can rest easy knowing that your devices are safe and secure while charging.
## Portable Mini Pocket Capsule Power Bank
The compact and lightweight design of the Pocket Capsule Mini Power Banks makes them the perfect travel companion. Slip one into your pocket, purse, or backpack, and you'll always have a reliable source of power at your fingertips. The included keychain lanyard adds an extra level of convenience, allowing you to attach the power bank to your keys, bag, or belt loop for easy access whenever you need it.
## Mini Size Power Bank, Lanyard Design, Easy to Carry
In conclusion, the Pocket Capsule Mini Power Banks 5000mAh for Apple/Type C with Keychain Lanyard are a versatile and practical solution for anyone in need of on-the-go charging. With a high-capacity battery, multiple input/output interfaces, fast charging capabilities, and built-in safety features, these power banks have everything you need to stay connected and powered up wherever life takes you. Don't let a dead battery slow you down - grab a Pocket Capsule Mini Power Bank today and stay charged up on the fly.
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arjunvib · 10 months ago
How does an engine contribute to a car's powertrain?
The powertrain in a vehicle is the system responsible for generating power and delivering it to the wheels to propel the vehicle forward. The operation of a powertrain can vary depending on whether the vehicle is powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) or an electric motor (in the case of electric vehicles). Here's a general overview of how a powertrain works in both types of vehicles:
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicle - Combustion Process: In an ICE vehicle, the powertrain starts with the combustion process in the engine. Fuel (gasoline or diesel) mixes with air in the combustion chamber and is ignited by spark plugs (in gasoline engines) or compression (in diesel engines).
Power Generation: The combustion process generates energy in the form of mechanical power, causing pistons to move up and down within the cylinders of the engine. This motion drives the crankshaft, converting linear motion into rotational motion.
Transmission: The rotational motion from the crankshaft is transmitted to the transmission, which consists of gears that allow the driver to select different ratios (speeds). This enables the engine to operate efficiently across a range of vehicle speeds.
Drivetrain: The transmission sends power to the drivetrain components, including the driveshaft, differential, and axles, which transfer power to the wheels. The differential allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds, enabling smooth turns.
Wheel Movement: The power transmitted through the drivetrain causes the wheels to rotate, propelling the vehicle forward or backward depending on the gear selection and throttle input from the driver.
Electric Vehicle (EV) -
Battery Pack: The primary source of power for the EV, storing electricity in chemical form.Powers the electric motor and provides electricity for all electronic devices within the EV.
Battery Management System (BMS): Monitors battery cell conditions, including voltage, current, temperature, and state of charge (SoC).It protects the battery against overcharging, deep discharging, and overheating and helps balance the charge across cells. Ensures optimal performance and longevity of the battery by regulating its environment.
Inverter: Converts DC from the battery pack into AC to drive the electric motor.Adjusts the frequency and amplitude of the AC output to control the motor’s speed and torque. Critical for translating electrical energy into mechanical energy efficiently.
Onboard Charger: Facilitates the conversion of external AC (from the grid) to DC to charge the battery pack. Integrated within the vehicle, allowing for charging from standard electrical outlets or specialized EV charging stations. Manages charging rate based on battery status to ensure safe and efficient charging.
DC-DC Converter: Steps down the high-voltage DC from the battery pack to the lower-voltage DC needed for the vehicle's auxiliary systems, such as lighting, infotainment, and climate control. Ensures compatibility between the high-voltage battery system and low-voltage electronic components.
Electric Motor: Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to propel the vehicle. It can be of various types, such as induction motors or permanent magnet synchronous motors, each offering different efficiencies and characteristics. Typically provides instant torque, resulting in rapid acceleration.
Vehicle Control Unit (VCU): The central computer or electronic control unit (ECU) that governs the EV's systems. Processes inputs from the vehicle’s sensors and driver inputs to manage power delivery, regenerative braking, and vehicle dynamics. Ensures optimal performance, energy efficiency, and safety.
Power Distribution Unit (PDU): Manages electrical power distribution from the battery to the EV’s various systems. Ensures that components such as the electric motor, onboard charger, and DC-DC converter receive the power they need to operate efficiently. Protects the vehicle's electrical systems by regulating current flow and preventing electrical faults.
In both ICE vehicles and EVs, the powertrain's components work together to convert energy into motion, enabling the vehicle to move efficiently and effectively. However, the specific technologies and processes involved differ significantly between the two propulsion systems.
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hazygrains · 1 year ago
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Only one photo was damaged. Weird because the other half was okay. Oh, the unknown surprises of instant photography!
My First Polaroid Cameras
Last year, I not only bought one but two Polaroid cameras on Carousell, a buy-and-sell platform. It was actually my first time owning this brand of instant camera. I remember when I was a kid, I used to refer to the Fujifilm Instax brand as 'Polaroid.' To me, every instant camera was a Polaroid. I even believed that shaking the film would make it develop faster. Well, as it turns out, that's just a common misconception about instant photography. Anyway, the seller informed me that he had obtained the cameras from an auction house. At first, I was hesitant because I preferred to personally inspect and test them. However, I decided to take the risk. The seller assured me that the cameras were in good condition and that he had already tested both of them, confirming they were working fine. I managed to get both cameras for the price of one. Not bad at all.
As soon as I received my new cameras, I promptly ordered the films. I started by testing the Polaroid 636 talking camera. This camera has an amazing feature that allows you to record your voice or music, and when you click the shutter button, it plays the recorded sound. Personally, I'm not a fan of its design as it lacks the classic Polaroid look, but it's still a Polaroid nonetheless. I also did some research to determine which type of film was suitable for this particular Polaroid model. I was amazed to discover that the old Polaroid cameras don't require batteries. Each pack of film contains a fresh battery that powers the camera. How cool is that?
When it came time to test the cameras, I found myself contemplating what to capture because the film isn't cheap. Each pack has only 8 exposures, and it costs around 1200–1500 PHP. Every shot is precious. So, for my first two packs, I took photos of my loved ones.
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This is the second pack of Color 600 film, and I still have one shot left. As you can see, the last two photos here look damaged. This damage occurred due to how I handled the film during the transfer, as well as the fact that there was a significant gap in the time these images were taken. The most recent ones were taken just last month in September, while the previous image, before the last two, was taken in February. The film was stored inside the camera, which just sat on my shelf, untouched, and the storage conditions at home can become quite warm, and this seems to have had a damaging effect on the film.
The other camera I got was the Instant 1000 Deluxe. This one was much older and still had its box, which, according to the seller, was rare for a boxed ‘70s Polaroid. Unfortunately, when I tested this one out, it was not working. Yes, the dark slide was ejecting, but once I tried to click the shutter, it seemed like it was stuck. I still haven’t had the chance to have it fixed. Btw, I love the look of this one. Classic!
I also transferred the SX-70 films to a finished 600 film cartridge. I thought the SX-70 pack that I bought had a discharged battery, but still it wouldn’t work. Anyway, I just used the film using the Polatalk. I should just keep in mind that I need all the light I can get when shooting this because of its 160 ISO.
Here are the results:
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Two photos were damaged in this SX-70 pack. I think it was because of how I handled the film during the transfer. Ahhh! I wasted two golden films. Lol! Anyway, the vibe of these photos is very vintage.
I love the overall retro look and feel of Polaroid. It's very different from the contrasty results of Instax. So yeah, can't wait to shoot more. If the budget permits, I would love to bring one of my Pola cams on my travel trips. But for now, we've got to stick to taking photos of our loved ones.
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askmrjacq · 1 year ago
Terribly sorry to send you a message, I wished to inquire about possibly getting the pokedex entries for the Pawmot line translated to galarian, I am researching how they can be used as service pokemon!
Oh, don’t be sorry! I’m always happy to help out with things to do with the Pokedex!
For your research, the info is under the cut :)
Pawmi (National No.0921, Electric, Mouse Pokemon, Height: ~0.3m, Avr. Weight: 2.5kg, Local Dex No.0022) The pads of its paws are electricity-discharging organs. Pawmi fires electricity from its forepaws while standing unsteadily on its hind legs. It also has undeveloped electric sacs on its cheeks. These sacs can produce electricity only if Pawmi rubs them furiously with the pads of its forepaws.
Pawmo (Dual Electric-fighting, National No.0922, avr. height 0.4m, avr weight 6.5kg, Local Dex no 0023) Pawmo have a unique and special battling technique in which they strike foes and zap them with electricity from its paw pads. They are the first to leap into battle if a pack is threatened.
Pawmot (The hands-on Pokemon, dual Electric-fighting, National Dex No.0923, avr height:0.9m, avr. weight 41kg, Local Dex No. 0024) Pawmot are slow to react, but once in battle it will strike down it’s enemies with lightning fast attacks. Furthermore, Pawmot’s fluffy fur, which acts like a battery, can hold the same amount of energy as an electric car.
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quirkwizard · 1 year ago
Quirk: Battery Pack. The user would be able to absorb electricity through contact, amplifying their strength and speed. Their increase is dependent on how much they absorb but too much would result in the user’s brain being more unstable, prolonged exposure would lead to mental health issues and memory loss. The only way to prevent this from being an issue is discharging the electricity in the form of small lightning bolts that can be used offensively for a shocking effect!
I think there is something in the concept here, I've even done something similar with "Amped Up", but it needs some work. Aside from needing to flesh out the actual power a bit more, the biggest issue is the drawbacks. This is ultimately a pretty simple physical enhancement power. Useful, but nothing too amazing in terms of effects. So having the user having such detrimental, long-term health risks is way too much for a power like this. Heck, I think it's too much for any power. I would maybe have those be temporary, if present at all, but that feels like it hits too close to Denki's dynamic with his power. Instead, you could have issues with the battery life and charge time of the power, making one or both of them an issue. You could have that discharging be more of a bug than a feature, potentially overcharging and causing it to start draining out. If you want to keep something more personally detrimental, you could have the issues be more physical, causing the user to become slower or have issues with their reaction time thanks to all the electricity flowing through them. You could even have it be a reference to Frankenstien having bolts on the user's neck to absorb the electricity, turning them into a lumbering monster.
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hshouse · 2 years ago
I can’t believe in the last shot we don’t see H by Stompers side anymore, he’s all alone discharged outside the NASA area like why, why would you do that?! What is the reason?? What kind of a story narrative are you going for mr. Styles!?!? Are you OK??
Last shot should have been harry opening a pack of AA batteries
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energy-5 · 1 year ago
Maintenance Tips for Optimal EV Battery Health
The battery is the heart of an electric vehicle (EV), and maintaining its health is crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your ride. Electric vehicles are reshaping the automotive landscape with their eco-friendly credentials and low operational costs. As an EV owner, one of your top priorities should be battery maintenance. Here's how you can ensure your EV's battery remains in tip-top shape.
Understanding Your EV Battery
Before diving into maintenance tips, it's essential to understand what your EV battery is made of and how it functions. Most EVs use lithium-ion batteries, similar to those in your smartphone but on a much larger scale. These batteries are preferred for their high energy density and long life span. They consist of cells grouped into modules, which together make up the battery pack. A Battery Management System (BMS) monitors and regulates the battery's temperature, voltage, and current.
Regular Use and Driving Habits
One of the simplest ways to maintain your EV's battery is by using your vehicle regularly. Long periods of inactivity can negatively affect battery health. When driving, it's wise to avoid pushing your EV to its limits too often. Frequent high-speed driving and rapid acceleration can strain the battery, reducing its lifespan. Data suggests that EVs driven smoothly and at consistent speeds can see battery life extended by up to 10%.
Optimal Charging Practices
Charging habits significantly impact your EV's battery health. Although it may seem convenient to charge your battery to 100% every time, it's better to keep it between 20% and 80% most of the time. This practice, known as 'shallow charging,' can extend your battery's life. According to a study by Battery University, lithium-ion batteries kept at a 100% charge level at all times can lose up to 20% capacity in a year, while those kept at 80% showed only a 4% loss.
Temperature Management
Extreme temperatures are the enemy of EV batteries. Exposure to high temperatures can lead to faster chemical reactions within the battery, potentially reducing its capacity and life span. Conversely, cold temperatures can decrease the battery's efficiency and range. While you can't control the weather, you can minimize exposure to extreme temperatures by parking in the shade or a garage. Using your EV's pre-conditioning function, if available, can bring the battery to an optimal operating temperature before you set off, without taxing the battery itself.
Software Updates and Professional Servicing
Keeping your EV's software up to date is a vital part of battery maintenance. Automakers frequently release software updates that can improve battery management and efficiency. Additionally, periodic professional check-ups can catch potential issues before they become serious problems. Battery systems are complex and can benefit from a diagnostic eye. Manufacturers often provide detailed guidance on maintenance intervals, and following these can prolong the life of your battery.
Long-Term Storage
If you plan to store your EV for an extended period, it's important to prepare the battery properly. The ideal charge level for long-term storage is around 50%. Additionally, it's best to store your EV in a cool, dry place and to check the charge level every few months, topping it up if necessary.
Recalibration and Balance
Over time, an EV battery can lose its calibration, meaning the car's estimate of the charge level may become less accurate. To recalibrate, you should fully charge and then fully discharge the battery once every few months. This process helps maintain cell balance and ensures that the BMS accurately reads the battery's state of charge.
Your electric vehicle's battery health is paramount to its performance and longevity. By following these maintenance tips and keeping abreast of the latest care techniques, you can help ensure that your EV remains a reliable and efficient mode of transportation for years to come. With more manufacturers investing in battery technology and longevity, we can anticipate even more robust batteries in the future. However, for now, these tips serve as a foundation for responsible EV ownership and battery care.
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