#Batterie pour Nomu
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meilleurmagasinbatterie · 3 years ago
Batterie Nomu LMCV1 S30 5000mAh/19.25WH
Avec la Batterie Nomu EL-616380PH restez productif plus longtemps qu'avec une batterie standard. Cette batterie pour Nomu LMCV1 S30 longue durée sera rapidement pour vous l'accessoire indispensable afin de rester opérationnel en toutes circonstances. Meilleure qualite, prix de gros, large gamme de produits.
Batterie pour Nomu LMCV1 S30 (5000mAh/19.25WH,3.85V)
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Nomu EL-616380PH Les Spécifications: Marque: Nomu Technologie:Li-ion Capacité: 5000mAh/19.25WH Tension: 3.85V Garantie:Garantie de 1 an et remboursement de 30 jours Ce Batterie pour Nomu EL-616380PH contient des composants électroniques avancés et a été testé en accordance avec les standards très stricts de la CE. Protection contre la surtension, la surchauffe et les court-circuits avec interrupteur thermique intégré. Batterie Nomu LMCV1 S30 haute capacité pour une meilleure autonomie en veille. Conçue et testée pour garantir une longévité optimale. 1 ans de garantie, 30 jours remboursé, 100% neuf! La capacité de la batterie (mAh/A/W) peut être différente; plus elle affiche de mAh/A/W, plus son autonomie est élevée. Certifiée en sécurité CE / FCC / RoHS. Les numéros remplacés(P/N): EL-616380PH Les modèles compatibles: Nomu LMCV1 S30 Autres Magasins en Ligne: United Kingdom------------Battery for Nomu EL-616380PH Germany------------5000mAh/19.25WH Nomu EL-616380PH Akku Japan------------5000mAh/19.25WH 3.85V EL-616380PH バッテリー Italy------------Nomu EL-616380PH Batteria Spain------------Nomu EL-616380PH Baterías Poland------------Baterie do Nomu EL-616380PH 5000mAh/19.25WH the Netherlands------------Nomu EL-616380PH Accu (3.85V, 5000mAh/19.25WH ) Conseils d'utilisation de la batterie: ① Lorsque vous utilisez votre nouvelle batterie la première fois, déchargez la batterie quand son autonomie atteint 2%, puis rechargez-la jusqu'à 100%. ② Utilisez votre batterie à des températures inférieures à 40 °C. ③ Rechargez votre batterie avant de passer sous les 10 % de sa charge. ④ Il est également inutile de charger complètement votre batterie avant une longue période sans utilisation. Conseils d'entretien La batterie pour Nomu EL-616380PH doit subir au moins une charge par mois pour se préserver de l'effet mémoire et éviter que sa tension ne chute trop bas. Une batterie au repos trop longtemps risque de perdre ses performances, voire de ne plus fonctionner du tout. Ne laisser jamais descendre votre batterie Lithium ion en dessous de 20% de capacité avant de la recharger La batterie pour Nomu EL-616380PH est livrée avec un reliquat de charge. Il est nécessaire de la charger avant son utilisation. Il est également recommandé de charger et décharger votre nouvelle batterie pour Nomu EL-616380PH 2 à 5 fois pour obtenir sa capacité maximale. Meilleures Ventes: 2700mAh 10.40WH 3.85V Sharp Aquos Sense 1 3130mAh 12.05WH 3.85V Sharp Zero Shv47 2750mAh 10.45WH 3.8V Huawei W04 HWD35 550mAh 3.7V Apple ipod MP3 Li-Polymer Rechargeable Nano 2 3100mAh 11.7WH 3.8V 4.35V InFocus M330 M530 M550 2700mAh 10.3WH 3.8V 4.35V Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra XA1U C7 G3226 G3221 5000mAh 19.25WH 3.85V 4.4V ZTE Nubia Play NX651J 1800mAh 6WH 3.8V 4.35V Ulefone Zi1 1000mah 3.6V Omron CPM2A CQM1H ER3V Grown Plug 1000mah 3.6V Omron CPM2A CQM1H ER3V Grown Plug
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purefrostbyte · 3 years ago
Shigaraki - Obsession (Pt 1)
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Shigarki Tomura
Rating: IDK
Part 2
You shivered as water poured from the sky. The old arcade did very little to protect you from the weather and you sat bundled up in old plastic sheets and bits of cloth to try stay warm and keep water out of your circuits. You blew out a breath of warm air, watching the cloud form and evaporate in front of you. You let out a soft sigh, trying to get comfortable against the ripped up carpet as the old cables in your neck did the best they could to recharge your battery and keep you alive. You worked like a computer, that was your quirk kinda.
Your quirk was named glitch. You could hack into anything, teleport inside of computers and ‘glitch’ around. You were basically a walking hacking system, but every quirk has its draw backs. See you didn’t have to sleep like other people, rather your form of sleep was being hooked up to a mainframe and ‘charged’. Like anything electrical you don’t handle well in water, hence why you were wrapped up in plastic.
You found your quirk ironic. If you find a glitch in a computer, program, game etc. You either worked to fix it or abandon the thing entirely. You had been abandoned. Your parents didn’t want you, you had been a mistake they couldn’t get rid of so instead they left you to fend for yourself. You yourself were a glitch in life.  
As you sat against the wall your screen lit up with a notification:
U up?
A small smile graced your face as you typed back
Yeah, can’t really sleep in this weather… :(
You watched the small icon of three dots pop up meaning he was typing. He was your only friend, the only person who cared about you. He always asked if you were ok, if you had eaten and if you had proper shelter for the night when it rained. You often lied not wanting to worry him, what was the point since there was nothing he could really do to help.
Need a place to crash?
You stared at the screen wondering if this was a dream or a prank. But it wasn’t, because the next text was a location pin and directions on how to knock on the door to know let him know it was you. You were hesitant, no way was this a good idea. While the location wasn’t that far there was no way you could make it in the rain without getting water in your circuits. After voicing your concerns the three dots popped up again and you stared at the screen in shock.
Send your location and I’ll come get you
 Shigaraki sat scratching his next anxiously, was this a bad idea? He had offered out of concern but he also knew that it looked creepy. For all you knew, even though you had both chatted a lot in voice chat, he was some 56 year old pedophile looking for his next victim. He was about to tell you that if you were uncomfortable he would leave the issue, though his obsession with you knew no bound even after 4 years of talking online. When his phone dinged he was surprised to find a location pin waiting and a message saying, bring some waterproof please.
He didn’t know much about your quirk, just that you didn’t like water because of it. He jumped off his couch, grabbing a raincoat and an umbrella before attempting to sneak out the door. Of course that didn’t work well since Kurogiri occupies the space between Shigaraki’s rooms and the exit. “Where are you off to so late Shigaraki Tomura? Shouldn’t you be asleep?” The nomu voiced and Tomura cringed knowing that if Kurogiri woke the others he was screwed. “Out for a walk, I’ll be back later,” and he swiftly closed the door behind him.
After taking two deep breaths he pulled out his phone and started his journey to the location he was sent. The walk was agonizing, his head coming up with every possible outcome and making him scratch his neck to the point it bled. Cursing softly he looked down and saw he was at his destination. He looked at the torn down building, he had tried imagining it in the past but this was so much worse than he ever anticipated. How the hell did you even live in here? He messaged you saying he was here before opening the door and walking in.
The ceiling was mostly collapsed and because of the rain the floor had a layer of water. He walked in deeper before he heard a noise in the back. Pushing the door open he felt his heart stop. His obsession with you seemed mild now compared to this new feeling. Looking at you made very nerve in him burn with a need to claim and he physically shock trying to keep the urge down. When you looked up he felt like he was drowning in an ocean of (e/c). “Um,” you were embarrassed as you scrambled over your words, “DustH3r0s?” Shigaraki’s face bloomed a shade of pink. You guys had never actually shared your real names. “Yeah, but you can call me Tomura.”
  ‘Oh my god’, was about the only thing you could think as you walked with Tomura back to what you assumed was his house. Tomura was so much more handsome than you had ever thought, and god the way his voice rasped made you shiver. Your crush on him before way embarrassing enough but now you were pretty sure it was a lot more than that. The raincoat he had wrapped you up in smelt like him, it was a weird smell of musk, mountain dew and something you could describe. But the smell brought you comfort as he held the umbrella above your head. “You ok?” he asked, his voice once more sending shivers down your spine. “Yeah,” you say weakly before flashing him a smile, “Thanks by the way.” You watched his cheeks flush and couldn’t help but giggle.
You both stopped in front of an old run down looking building. You looked cautiously at Tomura before he gestured for you to follow him in. You honestly felt cheated when you walked inside. The outside definitely fooled you but the warm and cozy bar inside made you slightly confused. Tomura took the raincoat off you as you eyed up the bartender who was staring at you equally confused. “Who is this Shigaraki Tomura?” the shadow figure asked and your eyed widened when you realize exactly who you had been talking to for 4 years. He had been all over the news the past few months, from the USJ incident to the UA camp one. You had admired him online and the fact it was your online friend started to make too much sense.
“She’ll be staying with us awhile,” Shigaraki said as he walked over to the bar and started whispering in the bartender’s ear. You stood awkwardly before the bartender nodded at him and then walked off. Tomura gestured for you to follow once more and you did like an obedient puppy. You awkwardly shuffled into his room, a pink shade decorating your cheeks. He sat you down on the couch before quickly cleaning up a few empty packets off the coffee table. You couldn’t help but stare at the TV screen and gaming set up as Tomura shuffled around the room. You were so far in your own head that you didn’t realize he was talking to you until a hoodie was thrown at your head. “Put that on so you don’t freeze,” he rasped before quickly returning to cleaning up. You blushed, gently sniffing the hoodie before smiling and putting it on. Tomura had seen it out of the corner of his eye and he couldn’t help the smug smirk that fell on his lips.
Kurogiri had soon knocked bringing in food and hot drinks before scurrying out and leaving you two alone. Tomura offered you a cup of coffee which you gratefully took and sipped at. You felt Tomura’s scarlet eyes watching you, felt the hunger. For what you weren’t sure, but you found yourself willing to find out. “So,” Tomura started, licking his dry lips and watched the way your eyes glanced down before looking back up. “Mhmm,” you hummed, your cheeks an adorable shade of pink. “I don’t believe I know your name, and I’m pretty sure I can’t go around calling you glitch queen. You smiled and giggled, “My names Y/n.”
  I know its been awhile so I'm probably a bit rusty. Hope you enjoy and I’ll be uploading Part 2 soon! :) 
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merppppppppppppppppp · 4 years ago
Caged Hearts
Chap 26. Captured (we almost at the end omg)
((Hawks x Miku ((OC))
OK so I realize that a lot of you guys are missing parts of this fic and that’s because I have ADD and I ended up losing my count a couple of times and I’m pretty sure that I numbered the chapters wrong so I’ve been trying to go through and correctly number the chapters and link off to the next chapter in each previous part. So bear with me because that is a lot for my ADD brain to handle. But OMG GUYS WE ARE ALMOST AT THE END!!!
(Trigger warnings: restraints, non con touching, r*pe implications)
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The surrounding forest was burning. The only reason the fire was contained as much as it was, was thanks to the abundance of water quirk users on the heroes side.
They kept the fire wielders at bay which allowed Keigo the room to slice and fly through the chaos and into the old temple.
Compared to the chaos in the surrounding forest, the inside of the rotting old temple was eerily still and quiet. It was massive with sagging tatami flooring and battery powered lamps. But at the center of it all was Dabi.
He stood cross armed in the middle of the messy temple.
“Hey hero. How’s that scar?”
“Ugly and annoying, but mostly forgettable after the ointment. Just like you.”
Dabi’s smirk widened.
“You’re as pleasant as ever, Hawks.”
At the sound of his hero name coming from Dabi’s mouth, Keigo’s lips twitched down and he softened his grip on his feather blade slightly.
“I wouldn’t let my guard down if I were you.”
“Oh trust me, I’m not. Unlike you, I don’t do half baked schemes. So what exactly was the plan, Dabs?” Keigo asked, drawing closer to his villainous ex. “You revive the nomu project and try to pick up where smarter more capable villains than you like Shigaraki and Stain left off?”
A deep scowl replaced Dabi’s smirk.
“I have more vision than both of them, asshole. Just because I don’t have half the resources they had—“
“Half?” Keigo let out an incredulous laugh. “Dabi, you don’t even have a quarter teaspoon of the resources or the vision that they had. You’ve been running around causing chaos with these under powered lackeys of yours while prancing around like the queen of England Letting everyone else do your dirty work. You’re a nuisance at best and a busy day at worse, but you are no Shigaraki and certainly no Stain.”
“Fuck you talk to much,” Dabi growled, his face was pinched in anger. “If you’re gonna do something then do it, hero.”
Keigo smirked. “Why don’t you make me Dabi? I’ll even give you a head start.”
Dabi planted his feet, but hesitated to do anything.
Keigo scoffed. In a blur of red, Keigo had the man pinned to the floor with his arms twisted behind his back.
“So that copycat quirk of yours can’t duplicate other people’s quirks, huh, Chiba Chidori?”
“You’re good.” Chiba chuckled as he struggled in Keigo’s grip.
“You’re obvious. Just like your leader.” Keigo shot back. “Now where’s Dabi?”
Chiba still in his Dabi disguise tilted his head against the dirty tatami flooring to face Keigo.
“Wherever your little girlfriend is.”
Cold metal cuffs kept Miku’s arms suspended above her.
Despite the heaviness in her head, her mind was still spinning. She blinked against the colored spots in her black vision until slowly, it sharpened.
The room was cold and dimly lit. Nothing but a dirty lightbulb swinging from the ceiling to illuminate a concrete floor.
The exposed skin of her arms and legs were pressed to a frigid stone wall. She couldn’t even attempt to move her wings.
Anxiety and dread swallowed Miku whole. Her legs felt gelatinous.
She clenched and unclenched her fingers as she forced herself to breathe deeply through her nose. More details about the room swam into her vision.
There was a cell that she thankfully wasn’t inside of and a set of concrete stairs with a heavy looking metal door at the end of them.
Fuck! Fuck, fuck!
Miku glanced up at her wrists and blinked back the tears stinging the corners of her eyes. She rattled the chains futilely.
Just then, the metal door swung open with a loud bang. Dabi’s tall, slender silhouette stood in the spill of light pouring into the room.
“Ah. So Sleeping beauty’s finally awake, is she?” He drawled, slowly descending the stairs.
“What do you want?” Miku hissed back at him, tugging against her restraints.
Dabi didn’t reply as he advanced on Miku slowly until his chest was pressed against hers. She could smell the stench of tobacco on him, and turned away in disgust.
“Relax, Angel Face,” Dabi chuckled, snatching her chin until she was facing him again, “this’ll be a lot easier for you if you do.”
Then he dropped to his knees before her.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Gotta Pat you down, Hummingbird,” Dabi explained with a lazy smirk up at her. “I’m sure your man is trying to keep tabs on you. Just a matter of finding the feather.”
His hands were warm causing goosebumps to rise on her skin as they trailed up her calves and between her thighs. Dabi stopped his touch just as his index finger brushed across the slit of her sex.
He repeated the action along her other leg letting his hands linger on her thighs and heating them slowly.
“Stop.” Miku whimpered.
His laugh was taunting as His hands worked the short dress up Miku’s thick hips.
“Not done yet, sweetheart.” His smile widened. “Ooh I see those pretty wings of yours flexing. Too bad, baby, those are quirk repressing cuffs.” He bit his lip as he eyed the trail of trimmed white pubic hair before him.
Standing to his feet, the man snatched the top of her dress down.
“Nothing here, either hm?” He squeezed her big breasts harshly.
A choked yelp escaped Miku’s mouth.
“Damn, Angel Face,” Dabi grinned, it was sinister and probing, and somehow felt even more invasive than his wandering hands. “Maybe I should do a cavity search. Hm? Gotta say, I like feisty types like you. So much more fun to break.”
She could only respond with Shallow, shaky breaths.
She couldn’t move.
She couldn’t fight.
She couldn’t fly!
Just as she felt her fluttering heart about to give out on her, the anklet she wore broke. He heart shaped charm attached, clattered to the floor as large shadowy tendrils manifested from it.
Miku blinked, dazed as she watched the pair of smoky, phantom like limbs snatch Dabi’s lanky body up like a rag doll.
The ghostly hands wrapped around his body easily and slammed him into the stone wall, just beside Miku. The woman shrieked as the impact of his head colliding into the wall echoed in the dank room.
Dabi slid to the floor unconscious and crumpled at her feet.
She looked up at the stairs not recognizing the dark haired teen in the doorway. He looked like a mini Dabi with his piercings and black mop of hair.
His dark eyes widened at the sight of his boss and the shadow hands.
“What the—“
The large tendrils snatched him up too. In a fast, fluid motion, they knocked the teen unconscious as well.
And just as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared.
It took Miku a moment to process what had just happened. Konan’s protection charm. It had bought her some time.
Her captors were now sprawled unconscious at her feet, and a set of keys were attached to Dabi’s belt.
Miku was running blind through the halls of what she now realized was a lab of some sort. Fluorescent lighting lit up the cold, sterile floors. Medical rooms filled with machines, devices, and tanks could be seen through the glass panels.
She had no idea how long Dabi and his sidekick would be knocked out nor how long that locked metal door would hold them, but she wanted to put as much space between herself and them as possible.
As she ran through the labyrinth like halls, she pulled off her remaining shoe—the other had been ditched in the basement with Dabi—and pulled out the now sticky and ruffled red feather. She ran her fingers along the barbs and held it up to her lips.
“Keigo,” she huffed rounding the corners of the hallways, “Kei, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I really need you right now. Dabi’s got me at some...fucking...fuck.” She looked around the long halls and maze of locked metal doors, in a panic. “Underground lab or...I don’t know. I...just—Please, please come quick.”
With that final plea, she snapped the feather in two.
The distressed vibrations of Miku’s voice hummed through Keigo’s feathers. There was over 500 miles between them, but he could parse out the unique cadence of her voice easily.
Konan’s voice crackled through his headphones, her voice just barely cutting through the whistling wind.
“Keigo!” The Latina’s voice exclaimed.
“I’m here, Ko,” he pressed the headphone harder against his ear, trying to hear her better. “You got a read on Miku?”
“When her charm broke my signal showed that she’s at some location underground. On the far outskirts of Tokyo.”
Konan rattled off the coordinates, but Keigo didn’t recognize the location. Regardless, he pushed himself to fly harder.
“I should be there is less than fifteen minutes,” Konan explained, “you?”
“If I book it any harder maybe twenty or less. Ko, do everything to keep her safe.”
“No doubt. Over and out.”
The line went dead. Keigo couldn’t breathe.
The entire world blurred before his eyes.
This was his fault. Miku shouldn’t be in this situation.
His mistakes. His fuck ups. His negligence.
It was going to get someone he loved—
His speed tripled.
He was going to kill that son of a bitch. Fuck Tartarus. Fuck detaining. Fuck his years of training. Todoroki Touya was going to die today.
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chargeur-batterie · 4 years ago
Nomu S10 5000mAh/19WH Nomu S10 Batterie
nomu S10 Batterie Téléphone - Nomu S10 - 5000mAh/19WH 3.8V/4.35V. Achat / Vente nomu S10 batterie pas cher. Tout nos produits sont garantie 1 an, remboursement dans un délai de 30 jours, paiement sécurisé ssl.
nomu S10 Batterie Téléphone pour Nomu S10 3.8V/4.35V
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nomu S10 Vue D'ensemble:Marca:nomuCapacité:5000mAh/19WHTension:3.8V/4.35VTecnologia celle:Li-ionBatterie rechargeable sans effet mémoire.Garantie: 1 Année 30 jours rembourséFacile à utiliser et 100% compatible.Lien d'achat:https://www.magasin-batterie.com/nomu-battery-S10-p1775687.htm
Remplace les batteries suivantes:
Cette batterie est compatible avec:
Nomu S10Avec cette Batterie Neuve de remplacement retrouvez les performances de votre appareil comme aux premiers jours.La batterie pour Nomu S10 est neuve et composée de cellules de qualité.nomu S10 batterie Elle est 100 % compatible avec votre batterie d'origine.Longue durée de vie - Technologie Lithium sans Effet Mémoire.Protection contre: Courts-circuits, Surchauffes, Surtensions. Sécurité et Fiabilité.La capacité mAh peut être différente. Plus elle aura de mAh et plus son autonomie sera élevée.Meilleures Ventes▲Batterie Téléphone MobiWire 178088746Informations générales sur le produit:pour MobiWire 3.7V 1400MAh 5.18Wh Phone Panels. Marque: MobiWire Batterie Téléphone,1400mAh/5.18Wh 3.7DVC▲Batterie Ordinateur Portable MSI BTY-L77Informations générales sur le produit:pour MSI 2PE-022CN 2QD-1019XCN 2QD-292XCN 2QE-209CN. Marque:MSI Batterie Ordinateur Portable,7500mAh/83.25Wh 11.1V▲Batterie Tablette Asus C11P1517Informations générales sur le produit:pour Asus ZenPad 10 Z300M 10.1" Tab Tablet. Marque:Asus Batterie Tablette,4545mAh/18Wh 3.85V▲Batterie Bose 088796Informations générales sur le produit:pour Bose Soundlink Mini 2 Pack . Marque:Bose Batterie,2230MAH/17WH 7.4V▲Batterie Bose 061384Informations générales sur le produit:pour Bose Soundlink Mini I . Marque:Bose Batterie,2230mAH/17Wh 7.4V▲Batterie Bose 404600Informations générales sur le produit:pour Bose SOUNDLINK I II III. Marque:Bose Batterie,2300MAH 11.1V/12.4V▲Batterie Téléphone Lenovo NB116Informations générales sur le produit:pour Lenovo IdeaPad 100S-11IBY 80R2. Marque:Lenovo Batterie Téléphone,31.92Wh 3.8V
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adtwixt · 5 years ago
Adtwixt - News: 29 Gifts Less Than $100 That Are Perfect For Everyone on Your List
Let them know you care without draining your bank account. These gifts hit the spending sweet spot and work for just about everyone. Entireworld Six Solid Socks A socks box. A box of socks. Six of them, organic cotton, candy colored, rainbow flavored, stretching to about a quarter of the way up your tibia. And for the math whizzes out there - buying all six at once costs less than buying six of them individually at once. So, like, deal. Plus you get a cardboard carry-all that will stir the envy of your friends. Photo Courtesy of Entireworld Potluck Utensil Set Keep it simple. Twelve no-frills tools for prepping your ingredients and serving your meals. Professional-quality construction for years of reliable use. This tightly-curated set has you covered for countless kitchen tasks, but doesn’t include anything that you won’t use. It’s just right. All pieces are BPA-free. Dishwasher-safe except for the wooden spoon and fish spatula. Photo Courtesy of Verishop Karimoku New Standard Berra Berra is a paper holder made of solid oak wood and depends on gravity. Wooden counterweights loosely placed on a sloped wooden base slide by their own weight. Simply stick your papers or postcards in-between the counterweights and gravity will hold them in place. The name Berra refers to a Swiss mountain that experienced a landslide, which reminded the designer of the functionality of this paper holder. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Field SQ Trivet The SQ Trivet combines a primitive process and material - metal bending and steel - to create a contemporary and useful tabletop object. The trivet is manufactured in Rockford, Illinois and electropolished in Chicago. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Iittala Graphics Mug Set - GWP The Graphics Mug Set by Iittala pairs the black and white illustrations of the Shaped/Shifted mug by Christopher DeLorenzo, USA with the colorful illustration by Merjin Hos, Netherlands Distortion mug. Both using shapes from nature creating a perfect pairing. Each mug comes in it's own matching gift box. From humble beginnings as a small glass factory, today Iittala offers a wide variety of modern Scandinavian housewares that demonstrate the company's commitment to design quality and product longevity. Based in Helsinki, Finland, Iittala continues to make cookware, tableware and other home accessories that are both lovely and useful, based primarily on the forward-thinking philosophies of design icons Kaj Franck and Alvar Aalto. Photo Courtesy of Lumens HAY PC Portable Lamp The freestanding PC Portable Lamp (2019) features robust ABS plastic construction with a scratch- and water-resistant matte finish, high-efficiency LED bulb and rechargeable battery, giving you the flexibility and freedom to move it anywhere. Place it in a dark living room corner for the soft effect of candlelight, pop it on a patio table for a warm glow during summer meals or bring it with you to light the way on family camping trips. PC Portable runs up to 10 hours on a single charge, so you’ll never be without light when you need it most. Includes touch-controlled step dimmer on base and USB charging cable. Suitable for residential and commercial use both indoors and out (bring indoors when not in use). Bulb (included): 3W G4 LED, 3000K. CE and ETL listed. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew The Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew designed by Alessandro Mendini is a practical and pocket-sized corkscrew in a parrot-shaped design. The Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew features cast aluminum and plastic material. Alessi, known as the Italian design factory, has manufactured household products since 1921. The stylish and fun items offered are the result of contemporary partnerships with some of the world's best designers of unique and modern home accessories. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Olli Ella Rattan Bike Basket Don’t forget to accessorize. For days when you want to peddle to the beach or park with a little lunch to-go, this handmade rattan basket is just the thing. Not only is it cute-as-all-get-out, it’s also got a long (and handily adjustable) canvas strap with brass hardware for easy toting. Attach it to your bike handles, secure it to your scooter, or sling it over your shoulder while running errands—it’s all ready to go. Photography by Rocky Luten & Ty Mecham Lunya Washable Silk Pillowcase 100% silk (front), 100% woven cotton (back) Machine wash cold like colors, lay flat to dry Photo Courtesy of Lunya Fellow Clyde Stovetop Tea Kettle A striking take on a stovetop staple, this sleek tea kettle features a two-tone harmonic whistle and a spout that stays sealed until you start pouring. That means no more flipping open the whistle cap to a flood of hot steam. Photo Courtesy of Fellow Sagaform Round Oak Cutting Board Natural oak brings distinctive color and graining to a round cutting board that can easily double as a cheese tray or trivet. Grooved detailing provides a slip-free spot to rest utensils. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Bellocq Solid Brass Candle Light up our lives. In our book, you can never have too many candles (especially if they come in a snazzy brass tin you can repurpose as a vase). These lovely mood-setters are inspired by the scent of Bellocq’s signature tea blends including mint and black varieties. They’re made from soy wax and essential oils with a wick of woven, lead-free cotton. And back to those vessels: The heavy-gauge solid brass and lid will develop a pretty patina over time. Choose between: Majorelle Mint: Freshly Torn Mint, Gunpowder Green Tea & Moroccan Cedar Le Hammeau: Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Sage & May Rose The Queen's Guard: English Heirloom Rose, Lavender, Rose Geranium & Ceylon Tea Photography by Ty Mecham Herman Miller: A Way of Living A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design, producing timeless classics while creating a culture that has had a remarkable impact on the development of the design world. Ten chapters and thousands of illustrations tell the Herman Miller story as never before, documenting its defining moments and key leaders—making Herman Miller: A Way of Living an indispensable addition to the bookshelves of design-lovers around the globe. Publisher: Phaidon Photo Courtesy of Phaidon Food52 x GreenPan Nonstick Skillet (Set of 2) The total package. In the words of our co-founder Amanda Hesser, "Many nonstick pans are appealingly affordable but not at all visually appealing. With GreenPan, we set out to create a pan that would be a real looker—chic, even!—yet still have the great functionality that would make this your everyday workhorse." So voilà! Our design comes to life here—these pans not only slide out omelettes, crepes, fish filets, and the like with ease but their sage-blue exterior and brass hardware cuts quite a pretty profile if we do say so ourselves. But don't let all that eye candy fool you, these pans have power behind 'em, too: They're made from natural ceramic nonstick without PFAS, PFOA, lead, or cadmium, and are oven and broiler safe up to a whopping 600°F. They also won't blister, peel or release toxic fumes even if heated up to 850°F (unlike most nonstick pans) and the 100% natural ceramic coating can take a beating and then some (it’s even dishwasher and metal utensil-safe). Photography by Ty Mecham, James Ransom & Rocky Luten Brynjar Siguroarson Glacier Project Candles Brynjar Siguroarson's Glacier Project candles are a subtle commentary on the issue of global warming. The collection is made of a series of candles crafted to look like glaciers, that, when lit, melt and disappear just like the precious ice forms. These beautiful ice blue/tuquoise candles look great as a little sculptural piece for your home, and when alight, remind us that preservation of the environment is in our hands. Photo Courtesy of Generate Design Vitra Rotary Tray The Rotary Tray is a contemporary rendering of the classic etagere by Jasper Morrison. Thanks to its simple shape and subtle colors, the Rotary Tray complements any interior style and lends itself to many different uses. It features a tiered composition with a top tray that rotates to maximize accessibility and meet many storage needs. Whether in the kitchen or on the dining room table, in a bathroom or entryway, at the office or in a child's room: the Rotary Tray offers a decorative way to tidy up any space. Photo Courtesy of Connox Snowe Dinner Bowls, Set of 4 Think of our dinner bowl as the dinner plate’s curvaceous cousin. All the versatility for everyday use, with just the right assets worth flaunting. From entrée pastas and salads to those oh-so-healthy grain bowls you’re craving these days, this perfectly proportioned coupe plate elevates whatever’s on the menu. Photo Courtesy of Snowe Daniel Emma Stationary Container A solid resin container holds your bits and bobs while the clear spherical lids magnify what is under them. Perfect for paperclips, thumbtacks, and other small objects. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Alessi Nomu Vacuum Flask Minimalist thermos from Alessi, designed by Naoto Fukasawa. Mirror-polished 18/10 stainless steel and thermoplastic resin. Pop-top serving lid delivers hot or cold beverages. Removable cover lid doubles as small cup. Engraved logo at base. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Moleskine Vertical Nylon Device Bag Contemporary bag from Moleskine. Webbing carrying handles. Adjustable webbing shoulder straps. Breathable air-mesh back. Wraparound two-way water-resistant zip closure. Heat-sealed front zip pocket. Interior zip pocket. Padded 15" laptop compartment. Interior organizer, pen holders and card holder with reflective trim. Polyurethane base with reflective logo patch. Honeycomb lining. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom HAY Analog Clock After having lived and worked in Milan for Lissoni Associati, American designer Shane Schneck founded his own Stockholm-based studio in 2010. Since that time, Schneck’s work has received international acclaim in the form of iF, Red Dot and Wallpaper awards. Inspired by, of all things, a vintage barometer, his boldly styled Analog Clock unabashedly protrudes from the wall. It features a striking concave face, large rod-shaped hands and crisp markers. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Volta Small Paris Standing Mobile Retro-inspired moving sculpture from Volta. Recycled aluminum and steel. Designed to rotate gently in moving air currents. Weight-balanced top with four rounded paddles in primary colors. Triangular metal base. Some assembly required. Handmade. Photo Courtesy of Need Supply Co. Lexon Tykho 3 AM/FM Radio & Bluetooth Speaker Sharp, monochromatic style defines a compact AM/FM radio that uses Bluetooth tech to connect to your device for additional utility. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Matter Made Setup Candleholder Setup Candleholder is machined from a solid block of aluminum, brass, or marble with four holes to accommodate the most common candle sizes. The austere design and the ability to use "leftover" candles is inspired by the Shaker's ideals of simplicity and efficiency. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Heller Rainbow Mugs, Set of 6 Massimo Vignelli’s iconic dinnerware won the prestigious Compasso d’Oro Award in 1964 and, in 1971, became the first product made by a company called Heller, now an international furniture manufacturer responsible for introducing the Bellini Chair®, Frank Gehry outdoor furniture and other icons of modern design. Heller Dinnerware was an instant classic, and because it’s still made using the same molds, a set bought today will blend seamlessly with vintage pieces. Heller Rainbow Mugs (1974) are made of thick, durable BPA-free polymer. They can be used for hot and cold beverages and are dishwasher and microwave safe. This multicolored set includes purple, blue, green, pink, orange and yellow mugs. Made in U.S.A. LEXON Oslo Energy Wireless Charging Pad & Bluetooth Speaker Quickly and easily charge your device with this combination charging pad and Bluetooth speaker that offers easy use and an attractive package. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Andrew Neyer Lite Light The Andrew Neyer Lite Mini Pendant is short, sweet and to the point, featuring a simple cylindrical structure capped with an exposed globe bulb. With simplicity comes endless possibilities; for instance, the Lite is perfect for multiple installations, whether in clusters or in a linear fashion. A globe bulb is recommended, leaving the choice of style up to you to customize the look of the Lite Mini Pendant. Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neyer Ember Ceramic Mug Beautifully designed to be used in your home or at your desk, the Ember® Ceramic Mug keeps your beverages at the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last drop. Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set The Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set was designed by Antonio Citterio to help build the perfect modern dining experience. The heft, smooth texture and curves of the stainless steel utensils make them a pleasure to wield. And their silvery, industrial look make them a lovely decorative accent on any dining table. Photo Courtesy of Lumens We love the products we feature and hope you do, too. If you buy something through a link on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Related Reading: 8 Places to Stay in Rome For Under $100 Per Night
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adtwixt · 5 years ago
Adtwixt - News: 29 Gifts Less Than $100 That Are Perfect For Everyone on Your List
Let them know you care without draining your bank account. These gifts hit the spending sweet spot and work for just about everyone. Entireworld Six Solid Socks A socks box. A box of socks. Six of them, organic cotton, candy colored, rainbow flavored, stretching to about a quarter of the way up your tibia. And for the math whizzes out there - buying all six at once costs less than buying six of them individually at once. So, like, deal. Plus you get a cardboard carry-all that will stir the envy of your friends. Photo Courtesy of Entireworld Potluck Utensil Set Keep it simple. Twelve no-frills tools for prepping your ingredients and serving your meals. Professional-quality construction for years of reliable use. This tightly-curated set has you covered for countless kitchen tasks, but doesn’t include anything that you won’t use. It’s just right. All pieces are BPA-free. Dishwasher-safe except for the wooden spoon and fish spatula. Photo Courtesy of Verishop Karimoku New Standard Berra Berra is a paper holder made of solid oak wood and depends on gravity. Wooden counterweights loosely placed on a sloped wooden base slide by their own weight. Simply stick your papers or postcards in-between the counterweights and gravity will hold them in place. The name Berra refers to a Swiss mountain that experienced a landslide, which reminded the designer of the functionality of this paper holder. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Field SQ Trivet The SQ Trivet combines a primitive process and material - metal bending and steel - to create a contemporary and useful tabletop object. The trivet is manufactured in Rockford, Illinois and electropolished in Chicago. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Iittala Graphics Mug Set - GWP The Graphics Mug Set by Iittala pairs the black and white illustrations of the Shaped/Shifted mug by Christopher DeLorenzo, USA with the colorful illustration by Merjin Hos, Netherlands Distortion mug. Both using shapes from nature creating a perfect pairing. Each mug comes in it's own matching gift box. From humble beginnings as a small glass factory, today Iittala offers a wide variety of modern Scandinavian housewares that demonstrate the company's commitment to design quality and product longevity. Based in Helsinki, Finland, Iittala continues to make cookware, tableware and other home accessories that are both lovely and useful, based primarily on the forward-thinking philosophies of design icons Kaj Franck and Alvar Aalto. Photo Courtesy of Lumens HAY PC Portable Lamp The freestanding PC Portable Lamp (2019) features robust ABS plastic construction with a scratch- and water-resistant matte finish, high-efficiency LED bulb and rechargeable battery, giving you the flexibility and freedom to move it anywhere. Place it in a dark living room corner for the soft effect of candlelight, pop it on a patio table for a warm glow during summer meals or bring it with you to light the way on family camping trips. PC Portable runs up to 10 hours on a single charge, so you’ll never be without light when you need it most. Includes touch-controlled step dimmer on base and USB charging cable. Suitable for residential and commercial use both indoors and out (bring indoors when not in use). Bulb (included): 3W G4 LED, 3000K. CE and ETL listed. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew The Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew designed by Alessandro Mendini is a practical and pocket-sized corkscrew in a parrot-shaped design. The Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew features cast aluminum and plastic material. Alessi, known as the Italian design factory, has manufactured household products since 1921. The stylish and fun items offered are the result of contemporary partnerships with some of the world's best designers of unique and modern home accessories. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Olli Ella Rattan Bike Basket Don’t forget to accessorize. For days when you want to peddle to the beach or park with a little lunch to-go, this handmade rattan basket is just the thing. Not only is it cute-as-all-get-out, it’s also got a long (and handily adjustable) canvas strap with brass hardware for easy toting. Attach it to your bike handles, secure it to your scooter, or sling it over your shoulder while running errands—it’s all ready to go. Photography by Rocky Luten & Ty Mecham Lunya Washable Silk Pillowcase 100% silk (front), 100% woven cotton (back) Machine wash cold like colors, lay flat to dry Photo Courtesy of Lunya Fellow Clyde Stovetop Tea Kettle A striking take on a stovetop staple, this sleek tea kettle features a two-tone harmonic whistle and a spout that stays sealed until you start pouring. That means no more flipping open the whistle cap to a flood of hot steam. Photo Courtesy of Fellow Sagaform Round Oak Cutting Board Natural oak brings distinctive color and graining to a round cutting board that can easily double as a cheese tray or trivet. Grooved detailing provides a slip-free spot to rest utensils. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Bellocq Solid Brass Candle Light up our lives. In our book, you can never have too many candles (especially if they come in a snazzy brass tin you can repurpose as a vase). These lovely mood-setters are inspired by the scent of Bellocq’s signature tea blends including mint and black varieties. They’re made from soy wax and essential oils with a wick of woven, lead-free cotton. And back to those vessels: The heavy-gauge solid brass and lid will develop a pretty patina over time. Choose between: Majorelle Mint: Freshly Torn Mint, Gunpowder Green Tea & Moroccan Cedar Le Hammeau: Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Sage & May Rose The Queen's Guard: English Heirloom Rose, Lavender, Rose Geranium & Ceylon Tea Photography by Ty Mecham Herman Miller: A Way of Living A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design, producing timeless classics while creating a culture that has had a remarkable impact on the development of the design world. Ten chapters and thousands of illustrations tell the Herman Miller story as never before, documenting its defining moments and key leaders—making Herman Miller: A Way of Living an indispensable addition to the bookshelves of design-lovers around the globe. Publisher: Phaidon Photo Courtesy of Phaidon Food52 x GreenPan Nonstick Skillet (Set of 2) The total package. In the words of our co-founder Amanda Hesser, "Many nonstick pans are appealingly affordable but not at all visually appealing. With GreenPan, we set out to create a pan that would be a real looker—chic, even!—yet still have the great functionality that would make this your everyday workhorse." So voilà! Our design comes to life here—these pans not only slide out omelettes, crepes, fish filets, and the like with ease but their sage-blue exterior and brass hardware cuts quite a pretty profile if we do say so ourselves. But don't let all that eye candy fool you, these pans have power behind 'em, too: They're made from natural ceramic nonstick without PFAS, PFOA, lead, or cadmium, and are oven and broiler safe up to a whopping 600°F. They also won't blister, peel or release toxic fumes even if heated up to 850°F (unlike most nonstick pans) and the 100% natural ceramic coating can take a beating and then some (it’s even dishwasher and metal utensil-safe). Photography by Ty Mecham, James Ransom & Rocky Luten Brynjar Siguroarson Glacier Project Candles Brynjar Siguroarson's Glacier Project candles are a subtle commentary on the issue of global warming. The collection is made of a series of candles crafted to look like glaciers, that, when lit, melt and disappear just like the precious ice forms. These beautiful ice blue/tuquoise candles look great as a little sculptural piece for your home, and when alight, remind us that preservation of the environment is in our hands. Photo Courtesy of Generate Design Vitra Rotary Tray The Rotary Tray is a contemporary rendering of the classic etagere by Jasper Morrison. Thanks to its simple shape and subtle colors, the Rotary Tray complements any interior style and lends itself to many different uses. It features a tiered composition with a top tray that rotates to maximize accessibility and meet many storage needs. Whether in the kitchen or on the dining room table, in a bathroom or entryway, at the office or in a child's room: the Rotary Tray offers a decorative way to tidy up any space. Photo Courtesy of Connox Snowe Dinner Bowls, Set of 4 Think of our dinner bowl as the dinner plate’s curvaceous cousin. All the versatility for everyday use, with just the right assets worth flaunting. From entrée pastas and salads to those oh-so-healthy grain bowls you’re craving these days, this perfectly proportioned coupe plate elevates whatever’s on the menu. Photo Courtesy of Snowe Daniel Emma Stationary Container A solid resin container holds your bits and bobs while the clear spherical lids magnify what is under them. Perfect for paperclips, thumbtacks, and other small objects. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Alessi Nomu Vacuum Flask Minimalist thermos from Alessi, designed by Naoto Fukasawa. Mirror-polished 18/10 stainless steel and thermoplastic resin. Pop-top serving lid delivers hot or cold beverages. Removable cover lid doubles as small cup. Engraved logo at base. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Moleskine Vertical Nylon Device Bag Contemporary bag from Moleskine. Webbing carrying handles. Adjustable webbing shoulder straps. Breathable air-mesh back. Wraparound two-way water-resistant zip closure. Heat-sealed front zip pocket. Interior zip pocket. Padded 15" laptop compartment. Interior organizer, pen holders and card holder with reflective trim. Polyurethane base with reflective logo patch. Honeycomb lining. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom HAY Analog Clock After having lived and worked in Milan for Lissoni Associati, American designer Shane Schneck founded his own Stockholm-based studio in 2010. Since that time, Schneck’s work has received international acclaim in the form of iF, Red Dot and Wallpaper awards. Inspired by, of all things, a vintage barometer, his boldly styled Analog Clock unabashedly protrudes from the wall. It features a striking concave face, large rod-shaped hands and crisp markers. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Volta Small Paris Standing Mobile Retro-inspired moving sculpture from Volta. Recycled aluminum and steel. Designed to rotate gently in moving air currents. Weight-balanced top with four rounded paddles in primary colors. Triangular metal base. Some assembly required. Handmade. Photo Courtesy of Need Supply Co. Lexon Tykho 3 AM/FM Radio & Bluetooth Speaker Sharp, monochromatic style defines a compact AM/FM radio that uses Bluetooth tech to connect to your device for additional utility. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Matter Made Setup Candleholder Setup Candleholder is machined from a solid block of aluminum, brass, or marble with four holes to accommodate the most common candle sizes. The austere design and the ability to use "leftover" candles is inspired by the Shaker's ideals of simplicity and efficiency. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Heller Rainbow Mugs, Set of 6 Massimo Vignelli’s iconic dinnerware won the prestigious Compasso d’Oro Award in 1964 and, in 1971, became the first product made by a company called Heller, now an international furniture manufacturer responsible for introducing the Bellini Chair®, Frank Gehry outdoor furniture and other icons of modern design. Heller Dinnerware was an instant classic, and because it’s still made using the same molds, a set bought today will blend seamlessly with vintage pieces. Heller Rainbow Mugs (1974) are made of thick, durable BPA-free polymer. They can be used for hot and cold beverages and are dishwasher and microwave safe. This multicolored set includes purple, blue, green, pink, orange and yellow mugs. Made in U.S.A. LEXON Oslo Energy Wireless Charging Pad & Bluetooth Speaker Quickly and easily charge your device with this combination charging pad and Bluetooth speaker that offers easy use and an attractive package. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Andrew Neyer Lite Light The Andrew Neyer Lite Mini Pendant is short, sweet and to the point, featuring a simple cylindrical structure capped with an exposed globe bulb. With simplicity comes endless possibilities; for instance, the Lite is perfect for multiple installations, whether in clusters or in a linear fashion. A globe bulb is recommended, leaving the choice of style up to you to customize the look of the Lite Mini Pendant. Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neyer Ember Ceramic Mug Beautifully designed to be used in your home or at your desk, the Ember® Ceramic Mug keeps your beverages at the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last drop. Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set The Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set was designed by Antonio Citterio to help build the perfect modern dining experience. The heft, smooth texture and curves of the stainless steel utensils make them a pleasure to wield. And their silvery, industrial look make them a lovely decorative accent on any dining table. Photo Courtesy of Lumens We love the products we feature and hope you do, too. If you buy something through a link on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Related Reading: 8 Places to Stay in Rome For Under $100 Per Night
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/ZYdg7PlMILE/29-gifts-less-than-100-that-are-perfect-for-everyone-on-your-list
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