#Bass Guitarmos Knights
wizzroboe · 4 years
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Sometimes I have an idea. And it tells me to make and flatcolor the CoH instrument bosses as 'villagers'
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space--cadet-glow · 5 years
Theory: The Four Champions Musical Puns
Okay, so, I've been translating every version I can get my hands on, and here's something I haven't really seen anybody talk about. What did the other translations do with the music puns in the names of the Four Champions?
A. English-- WIZZROBOE Okay, in English, obviously, it's a combination of "Wizzrobe" ("Wizard" + "Robe") and "Oboe".
B. Japanese-- UIZUROUBOE ...Which is also true in Japanese. ウィズローボエ ("Uizurouboe") is literally the exact same wording as English. "Wizard" + "Robe" + "Oboe".
C. German-- PYROBOEMAGUS German is a bit funny, actually. A Wizzrobe in German is called „Pyromagus". Or, literally, "Fire Mage". (Then, when the Ice Wizzrobes rolled around, the name became... „Eis-Pyromagus", or "Ice-Fire Mage"...) Therefore, the German „Pyroboemagus" is just „Pyromagus" with „Oboe" stuck in where the "O" begins. Basically, German is literally still "Wizzroboe", although it would be "Fireoboemage" if you wanted to directly translate it.
D. Italian-- SCIAMANIX DELL'OBOE ...Oh, boy. Italian and its love for puns (inb4 Vaati's final line in "The Minish Cap"). Okay, first, Italian Wizzrobes are "Sciamanix", or- as far as I can tell- a combination of "Sciaman" ("Shaman") and "Nix" (a type of water spirit). Ice Wizzrobes, therefore, were "Sciamanix del ghiacco", or "Shaman-nix of the ice". And thus, "ghiacco" ("ice") got replaced by "oboe", making Italian Wizzroboe the "Shaman-nix of the Oboe".
E. French-- HAUT SORCIER DE BOIS Move over, Italian, French is trying to usurp you again. ...Where do I begin? A French Wizzrobe is just a »Sorcier« or "Sorcerer". Then, the Ice Wizzrobe is the »Sorcier de Glace« or "Sorcerer of Ice". THEN, French for "oboe" is "Hautbois". So, much like Italian, the rough translation is "Sorcerer of Oboe". But, to directly translate it would be something like "Obsorcererboe".
F. Spanish-- OBOCANTIS This pun involves more than one language! Spanish Wizzrobe is "Invocantis", or Latin for "Invocator" (basically the ye olden word for "invoker"). Ice Wizzrobe is "Invocantis de hielo", or "Invocantis/Invocator of Ice". And then "Oboe" replaces the "Invo" part, making it "Oboe-vocator", or perhaps "Oboe-cator". (Which got me to thinking, is "Invocantis" where the word "cantar" or "to sing" came from???)
A. English-- GLEEOCKENSPIEL It is simply the combination of "Gleeock" and "Glockenspiel".
B. Japanese-- GURIOUKENSHUPIIRU グリオーケンシュピール ("Gurioukenshupiiru") is still "Gleeockenspiel". "Gleeock" + "Glockenspiel".
C. German-- GRIOCKENSPIEL Of course the origin country of the Glockenspiel doesn't miss out on the pun. Simply, „Griock" ("Gleeock") + „Glockenspiel".
D. Italian-- METALGLEEOCK Remember how I pointed out that Italian is really good about fixing plot-holes? Well, this is technically one of them. To fix the argument on whether or not Octavo's instrument was actually a Glockenspiel or a Xylophone (case-in-point, see the Spanish version below), Italian chucked both words out the window and instead went with using "Metallofono", or "metallophone"- the range of instruments that includes the glockenspiel but NOT the xylophone. And then "Gleeock" was tacked onto the end, creating "Metalgleeock" ("Metallofono" + "Gleeock").
E. French-- GRIOCKENSPIEL The exact same wording as the German version. »Griock«/"Gleeock" + »Glockenspiel«.
F. Spanish-- GRIOCKÓFONO ...Spanish was the only version that didn't use a name belonging to the metallophone family. Spanish instead went with "xilófono"/"xylophone"... Which is made of wood, not metal. Which doesn't make sense because of Gleeockenspiel's lightning-based magic. So, "Griockófono" is just "Griock"/"Gleeock" + "Xilófono", making it "Griockophone".
A. English-- GOHMARACAS The combination of "Gohma" and "Maracas".
B. Japanese-- GOUMARAKASU ゴーマラカス ("Goumarakasu") is the same as English. "Gohma" + "Maracas".
C. German-- GOHMARACAS I don't think a single translation messed this one up. „Gohma" + „Maracas".
D. Italian-- GOHMARACAS No, seriously. Every language got this one. "Gohma" + "Maracas".
E. French-- GOHMARACAS »Gohma« + »Maracas«.
F. Spanish-- GOHMARACAS "Gohma" + "Maracas".
A. English-- BASS GUITARMOS KNIGHTS The unholy matrimony of "Bass Guitar" and "Armos Knights".
B. Japanese-- BEESU GITAAMOSU NAITO Same thing as English, again. ベースギタアモスナイト is "Beesu Gitaamosu Naito"/"Bass Guitarmos Knights". "Bass Guitar" + "Armos Knights". ("Armos Knights" are "デグアモス"/"Degu Amosu"/"Big Armos" in Japanese, which explains what Spanish did later).
C. German-- BASS-GITARMOS-RITTER Same as the previous two. „Bass-Gitar"/"Bass Guitar" + „Ritter"/"Knights", creating "Bass-Guitarmos-Knights".
D. Italian-- "GUERRIERO CHITARMOS" and "GUERRIERO BASSARMOS" Okay, Italian got ultra-specific again. The "leader" of the Knights is called the "Guerriero Chitarmos", or "Warrior Guitarmos", and the back-up band is called the "Guerriero Bassarmos", or "Warrior Bassarmos". ("Guerriero"/"Warrior" + "Chitar"/"Guitar" + "Grand'Armos"/"Grand Armos" AND "Guerriero"/"Warrior" + "Bass" + "Grand'Armos"/"Grand Armos"). (Yes, "Grand'Armos" are what Italian calls the Armos Knights.)
E. French-- GRAND GUITARMOS BASSE Yup. "Grand/Tall Guitarmos Bass". (»Grand Armos«/"Tall Armos" + »Guitar« + »Bass Guitar«.)
F. Spanish-- "ARMOS MAX BAJISTA" and "ARMOS MAX GUITARISTA" ...AND THEN SPANISH DID THE SAME AS ITALIAN, BUT BACKWARDS. This time, the LEADER is called the "Armos max Bajista" or "Big Armos Bass-guitarist" and the BACK-UP BAND is the "Armos max Guitarrista" or "Big Armos Guitarists". ("Armos max"/"Big Armos" + "Bajista"/"Bass-guitarist" AND "Armos max"/"Big Armos" + "Guitarrista"/"Guitarist".) So, they're basically the "Big Bassarmos" and "Big Guitarmos"- give-or-take.
And that's all I've translated thus-far. Feel free to add any corrections.
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dragonairstim · 5 years
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cadence of hyrule - bass guitarmos knights
for anon
dont delete caption ★ sources under cut
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askharmonia · 5 years
Harmonia, Octavo & The Silver Mage Finale
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Chapter 6: Happily Ever After...
Harmonia, Octavo and Krys head back to Hyrule Castle to check in with Princess Zelda. With everything now taken care off, it’s time for the Music Festival.
“Is this necessary? I have feet you know.”
Krys, Octavo, Harmonia and Vaati approached Hyrule Castle – Harmonia levitating Vaati with her magic to ensure he didn’t try anything. As they entered the castle, Zelda was pacing the floor with a concerned expression on her face. She stopped and looked up upon hearing the four enter and her face lit up, “You’re alright! Thank goodness. I saw storm clouds in the distance, and I got worried.”
“That was me.” Krys admitted, “I may have let my temper get to me for a spell. Pun fully intended.” Zelda giggled at Krys’s joke before noticing Vaati floating behind Harmonia, “And him?”
“I sealed away his magic. He’s harmless.” Krys reassured as Harmonia dismissed the spell, causing Vaati to fall to the floor with a thump. “Ack! Hey!” Vaati growled, glaring at the Symphonyxian princess. “You tried to drop me off a cliff. We’re even.” Harmonia stuck out her tongue. “He did what?!” Zelda exclaimed. “I’ll explain everything.” Krys placed a hand on Zelda’s shoulder, “But for now, I need to talk to you about something important.” Zelda took a deep breath to keep herself calm before turning to Octavo and Harmonia, “Can I trust you two to watch him?”
“Of course.” Harmonia nodded. “I’ll be on my best behaviour.” Octavo smiled innocently as he held his baton behind him and used it to levitate Vaati back into the air before slamming him onto the ground. “Ack! Why you-!” Vaati went to lunge at Octavo. Octavo, who maintained his innocent smile and kept his baton behind him, just sent Vaati flying into the wall. Zelda sighed as she muttered, “Somethings don’t change…” before following Krys into another room.
 “What do you think they’re talking about?” Harmonia asked. She and Octavo had been waiting for a good while now while Octavo had Bass Guitarmos watching Vaati to make sure he didn’t do anything but kept shooting glances at Vaati. “Everything alright?” Harmonia asked. “I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve seen him before…” Octavo muttered. “Now that I think about it,” Harmonia began, “You kinda look similar.”
“How so?”
“You both keep your hair over your right eyes, you both have long hair, you both seem to like red and purple, and your collar jewel is even similar to that jewel on his hat!”
“Huh. I guess you’re right.”
“I can hear you both talking about me.” Vaati spoke up as he shuffled a bit away from Bass Guitarmos, “And for the record, I’ve never seen either of you in my life. I’ve only heard you two from the situation three months ago.”
“Ah.” Octavo shrugged, “I guess it’s just me then…”
“And can you please tell your buddy here to back off a bit! I can feel him breathing down my neck.”
“Sure.” Octavo smiled. Bass Guitarmos disappeared, but the four Guitarmos Knights appeared in his place and just surrounded Vaati. “Seriously?” Vaati glared at Octavo who just chuckled.
 Harmonia and Octavo turned to the door as they heard it open, Krys and Zelda emerging. “Vaati.” Zelda began, giving the former mage a stern look, “You crossed the line the first time you put the lives of my people at risk. The fact that you did so again over a personal grudge with Krystalite here is unacceptable in any circumstance. And under normal terms, the punishment I would give you would be far worse than any I’ve dealt out during my time as princess. However, since you technically have been punished by Krys stripping you of your powers until she deems you worthy of regaining them, alongside Krys informing me of both of your current…situation, I will tone down your punishment.”
“Situation?” Harmonia muttered as she and Octavo exchanged confused glances. “Your punishment is that you will be kept here in Hyrule and redeem yourself by aiding Harmonia and Octavo here in helping around the kingdom.” Zelda continued, “If anything, I’m being too kind in giving you this as a punishment, but I digress. Unless you feel you deserve a worse punishment, I take it you have no objections.”
Vaati cursed under his breath before sighing in defeat, “Fine.”
“Good.” Zelda nodded before turning to Harmonia and Octavo, “Well, now that all of that is out of the way, Link is currently helping the citizens resume preparations. And I believe you two have work to do in terms of the Music Festival.”
Harmonia giggled as Vaati scampered away from the Guitarmos Knights who were stomping up and down excitedly upon hearing mentions of the festival. Zelda also laughed at the excitable quartet before smiling, “I better let you two get to it. I have a few extra bits to take care of, so I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you then, princess!” Harmonia waved as Zelda retreated into the throne room. “Well, since I’m in charge of the hex I placed on Vaati,” Krys began, “Looks like I’ll be staying in Hyrule for a while.”
“Ooh! We have space at our place!” Harmonia exclaimed excitedly, “You could stay with us!” Krys glanced at Vaati who was behind them with his arms crossed in an x while shaking his head and mouthing, “No! No, no, no!”
“Sure! We’d love to!” Krys grinned. “Yay!” Harmonia cheered. Vaati glared at Krys and mouthed, “I hate you.” Krys just made a heart-shape with her hands before following Harmonia and Octavo out of the castle, Vaati trailing behind.
 A crowd of people gathered in front of a large stage outside Hyrule Castle. Harmonia parted the curtain slightly to peek out at the audience. She spotted Link and Zelda sitting in the front row with Krys and a very bored-looking Vaati a few seats away from them.
“Ack! Gohmaracas!”
Harmonia stepped back from the curtains upon hearing Octavo yell. She giggled as she watched Octavo chase a group of Gohmaraca larva across the stage while Gohmaracas looked very proud of herself. “Gohmaracas, I know you love your babies,” Harmonia chuckled, “But can you wait until after the performance to play with them?”
Gohmaracas nodded before shaking her maracas at the babies, who nodded at their mama and scuttled backstage. “Thanks, Harmonia.” Octavo sighed, “I swear, it feels like I’m the parent of these four.”
“Wouldn’t that make the Gohmaraca larva your grandchildren?” Harmonia chuckled. “No! I’m too young to be a grandpa!” Octavo feigned terror before the two ended up laughing together. “I missed this.” Harmonia giggled.
“Missed what?” Octavo asked.
“All of this! Performing together, making dumb jokes together, having all this crazy banter before performances. It feels like forever since we laughed like that.”
“Well, I don’t plan on leaving again anytime soon.” Octavo smiled. Harmonia smiled back, a small blush dusting her cheeks. The moment was interrupted by one of the Gleeokenspiel heads nudging Octavo’s back playfully. “Hey!” Octavo chuckled as he scratched the Gleeokenspiel’s chins before clapping his hands, “Alright, everyone. Places!” The instrumental monsters scampered into position near the back of the stage. Bass Guitarmos stood with his knights, Wizzroboe floated into the air with a happy toot, Gleeokenspiel stood next to him with their tail held high at the ready, and Gohmaracas raised her maracas high with excitement. Octavo and Harmonia stood centre stage – Octavo facing his monsters and Harmonia facing the curtains. “Ready, m’lady?” Octavo smiled. “Ready, maestro!” Harmonia grinned. A cheer erupted from the audience as the curtains opened. Octavo tapped his baton on his stand, getting the attention of his monsters and the audiences before looking at Harmonia for the go-ahead. Harmonia gave him a confirming nod before gazing out to the audience as Octavo began to wave his baton, getting the monsters to play as Harmonia began to sing.
 “Here we are in the future. Here we are in the future and it's bright! Nothing to fear, No one to fight. I can't believe we've come so far. Happily ever after there we were, And here we are!   So happily we'll face, Whatever comes our way, And after, we might do it all again!   I’ll be ready every day, For as long as I can say, I~ I can make a change… I~ I can make a change… I~ I can make a change!   Here we are in the future! Here we are in the future! Here we are in the future! Here we are in the future! Here we are, Here we are, Come so far! And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright, And it's bright!   I'll be ready every day! For as long as I can say, Here I am in the future with my friends! That's why…   Happily ever after never ends.”
 A round applause erupted from the crowd as Harmonia and Octavo stood together and took a bow as the curtains closed. As the champions excitedly gathered together, engaging in banter, Octavo and Harmonia looked at each other with a smile before Harmonia leapt at Octavo in a hug and Octavo swung her around a few times before placing her on the ground, still holding her, as they laughed. “You were great!” Octavo and Harmonia accidentally said in unison before bursting into laughter again. “We haven’t changed a bit since back then, have we?” Octavo chuckled. “Nope! We’re still a couple of crazies!” Harmonia grinned. “And I wouldn’t change it for anything.” Octavo smiled as he held her close. Harmonia could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. ‘Now or never…’ she thought to herself as she leaned back a bit before kissing Octavo, her eyes closing as her sleeves rested on Octavo’s cheeks. Octavo was surprised at first before wrapping his arms around Harmonia and leaning into the kiss. The two slowly pulled away before briefly meeting each other’s gaze. Harmonia hugged Octavo tightly before saying, her voice barely above a whisper, “Love you, Tavo.”
Octavo chuckled as he held her close, “I love you too, Harmonia.”
 ‘Happily ever after never ends…’
The End.
...for now...
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
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Here he is!!!
I decided to go a more sketchy route then clean lines, and I’m getting the hang of using references. He turned out so much better than I expected him to!! :D
For those of you unaware, this is my Linked Universe version of Cadence of Hyrule Link! Here’s his concept art.
Copying this from the text wall I made back when I was first gushing about him. Apologies for the uh...difficulty reading.
He's got a knack for instruments. Anything he picks up, he can figure out within a day or two of messing with it. He plays by ear, though; can't read sheet music.
He also doesn't know any actual song magic; he just likes to play. He would be VERY good at it if he ever learned.
He's most often seen with a kalimba (the thing used in the outtro of ATLA) that he made himself, but his real favorite instrument, if anyone asks, is the electric bass he got from the Bass Guitarmos knights.
He loves the spotlight, but less in a show-off-y sense and more in a golden-retriever sense. However, he doesn't shy away from negative attention; he turns it into a challenge. Someone accuses him of stealing from them? He makes it the entire room's problem, dramatically, and challenges them to a duel of honor.
He loves his duels. They're mostly dance-offs.
He has a really soft and melodic voice when he talks; it only spikes when he yells (or stabs something—"HYAH!"). He uses that to his advantage when serenading people.
Speaking of serenading, he falls in love VERY easily. All he has to do is notice that someone's pretty or kind to be totally smitten with them. He takes rejection well, though he'll be a little over the top when he talks about it to his friends ("Sigh...love is a cruel mistress at times. My heart can't take much more of this; any further, and it'll shatter like a glass bell." "...Dude, you okay?" "Fine, why?")
There is one person, though, that's kept his affections for awhile. It's actually really sad; he traveled with Cadence as he went to save Hyrule, and during that time, he fell into actual love with her (not impulsive puppy love). She was smart, strong, adventurous, had the prettiest laugh...But she went back to her home world before he could tell her how he felt about her...That's inaccurate, actually. He elected NOT to tell her, because he thought it would be cruel to do that the moment she was leaving.
He actually joins the Chain with an ulterior motive. He's hoping that as they travel worlds, they'll eventually come across Cadence's world, and he can find her again.
His beat ability is actually an extension of Hylian telepathy; he interprets the thoughts around him as music instead of words in a kind of telepathic synthesia.
It's helped him avoid most injuries on the field, because he's trained himself to know when that music means attack patterns. He often whistles the tune he hears to help himself keep "on beat" with it and avoid attacks on time.
He is to rings and tools what Wild is to weapons. Legend is in awe on how he can go through a sturdy shovel and ring of protection in five minutes flat, and won't let Cadenza NEAR his collection of artifacts because of it.
Unlike most of the others, Cadenza never got the Master Sword. His main weapon is Caladbolg, a rainbow claymore that's just a smidge too big for him and that leaves a trail of colors in the wake of its swing. He has an entire attic full of weapons, though, everything from spears to flails.
He likes sentimental jewelry; he keeps pictures of his friends in the Goron Locket, he adds charms to his charm bracelet whenever he feels like something big has happened in his life, and he wears blue flower earrings that were a gift from the Deku Scrub, Yves.
He has actually died. He has frequent nightmares about it. Every time he fails, the Fates keep sending him back, good as new, and it's...traumatizing. He can look at himself and see zero scars, feel zero pain even though he was just stabbed by a Darknut or frozen by a Wizzrobe. It's really messed with his sense of reality and burned out his adrenaline response, so he tends to be more reckless than anyone should reasonably be. And that's going to cause problems for him when he joins the Chain.
On a more lighthearted note, he absolutely plays the guitar riff whenever Robbie strikes a pose.
So that’s my boy!!!
Also, without the lute, because I did the details under it to reference later:
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Also also, if you’re wondering what he’s playing, you’re never going to guess it. (I wish I could find a lute cover but my boy has a passion for rock so)
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pinkylover68 · 4 years
You: Urbosa, Daruk, Mipha, and Revali
Me, an intellectual: Gleeokenspiel, Wizzroboe, Bass Guitarmos Knights, and Gohmaracas 
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estelle-the-witch · 4 years
What are your sanders sides aus?
So I have two that I would like to share!
First I have the Cadence of Hyrule au. CoH is a legend of Zelda spinoff video game where you are either Link, Zelda, or Cadence and you fight 4 bosses to get their instrument to go and defeat the main bad guy. The sides are the bosses.
It started when I was listening to the song of the Lost Swamp (a dungeon). It's really jazzy and I was thinking it would be a great song for a club. And the Lost Swamp club would be owned by Janus. Cuz jazz.
Then I had to find which side would match each boss.
So I got the twins Roman and Remus as Bass Guitarmos Knights. (There are two types of knights). Virgil as Gleeokenspiel because he's in a dungeon with wind, and lightening is a big part of this boss. And Logan would be Wizzroboe because I feel like the ice is cold and calculating.
I didn't know who Patton would be, so I made him Octavo, the conductor (he doesn't have a club) (the dungeons would be clubs in this au).
They have cool designs.
My second au is a fashion au. Both Patton and Janus Heart model. They are fae. And really pretty.
Remus and Roman Kingsley are fashion designers. Remus is Patton's while Roman is Janus's. They either are gods, or have a gift from the gods.
Logan is a fashion photographer. He's really good. He has sharp eyesight, but they give him a headache, so he has glasses to hinder them.
Virgil is a fashion blogger. He has fans that read every post. He also likes conspiracy theories. And he sometimes adds his theories on his blog.
Thank you for asking!!
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coldbrewblooded · 5 years
>The bosses in CoH and Octavo all have yellow eyes (minut the bass guitarmos knights)
>there is alternate art of each dungeon boss that includes red eyes and/or other red accents
I really and truly believe that Vaati was supposed to be in Octavo’s place, or at the very least that Octavo had red eyes at one point and they got changed to distance him from Vaati a little more
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zeldauniverse · 5 years
Nintendo Treehouse played over 25 minutes of Cadence of Hyrule
Nintendo Treehouse played over 25 minutes of Cadence of Hyrule
The Nintendo Treehouse stream has now sadly come to an end, but the team gave Zelda one last hurrah by featuring some Cadence of Hyrule gameplay on the final day.
After waking up Link in Kakariko Village, Sam and Audrey dance their way through the Gerudo Ruins before taking on the intimidatingly huge Bass Guitarmos Knights.
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emailsquid · 5 years
Griffin, siren, ghost, and hexes
Griffin- Gender?- I like to put myself as No or other but I'd say male, but moving towards agender
Siren- Favourite colour?- Purple
Ghost- Favourite song?- Bass Guitarmos Knights from Cadence of Hyrule
Hexes- Favourite smell- burning toast or caster sugar
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cloudyskies25 · 4 years
Giant's mask and green potion?
Thanks for the ask! Ok so confession, I haven’t actually played that many Zelda games 😅 From what I have played, I really liked the Bass Guitarmos Knights from Cadence of Hyrule. I also liked fighting Thunderblight Gannon because of the challenge. I prefer magic over stamina but specifically the magic system from albw cause it automatically refreshes.
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wizzroboe · 4 years
Y'all remember this post
Well guess what I'm back with more CoH boss headcanons
hopefully Tumblr won't kill this post again
•'Octavo' is a stage name given to him by the audiences he's played for. His name is Vaalni but he's grown so fond of "Octavo" that he's introduced himself as that to the new people he's met
•His deafening attack is a death metal scream. The closer someone is to him when he uses it, the worse the effect, which is why he tries to lure them closer
•He knows who Mr. Houlihan is and will occasionally visit to play his lute alongside him, if not to see how they've grown then to prevent themselves from getting rusty
•Wizzroboe doubts their musical capabilities when playing alongside the other bosses, especially with Guitarmos. They're anxious about their classical melodies not mixing well with the others' rock/metal beats even if it ends up sounding great
Bass Guitarmos Knights
•Though they live in a mine, the knights can't stand getting dirt or grime on their metallic bodies and will constantly try to keep themselves clean and polished
•The area around Gleeokenspiel is always humid due to the constant rain and also due to death mountain being a dormant volcano, but they don't seem to mind. It does keep others from visiting however, so the boss gets excited whenever someone stops by, be it another boss or any citizen of Hyrule
•the second phase of Gohmaracas's fight is her last resort to protecting her children, she knows they can't survive without her so she uses the last of her energy to protect them from whoever may be attacking -(@phantom-evil-nightshade)
•The four instruments Octavo enchanted to become the bosses were originally crafted and placed in their respective dungeons as tributes to the gods
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
HEY! [strums Golden Lute][points at my instrument monsters] I LOVE YOU BITCH. [strums Golden Lute again before giving them a hug] I AIN'T EVER GONNA STOP LOVIN' YOU. BIIIIIIIIITCH -Octavo (who really fucking misses the Golden Lute, Gleeokenspiel, Gohmaracas, Bass Guitarmos Knights, and Wizzroboe)
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dragonairstim · 5 years
Could you make a board for the bass guitarmos knights from cadence of hyrule? Your boards are beautiful,,
thank u! its queued i hope youll like it :)
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askharmonia · 5 years
Harmonia, who's your favorite champion? If you say "all of them" you're cheating >:3c
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“I can’t choose just one! Oh gosh...uhm...let me think...er...*mutter, mutter, mutter...*”
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“*mutter, mutter, mutter...*”
“Oh dear, here we go. This might take a while so...she’ll get back to you on that.”
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nextnnet · 5 years
¿Os acordáis de Cadence of Hyrule? Ya sabéis, ese juego que causó furor en el Nindies Showcase de marzo, y que tanto nos mareó la semana pasada con su posible salida. Y todo por culpa de los metadatos (¡malditos metadatos!). Primero nos hicieron creer que saldría el pasado jueves 30 de mayo (¡por fin!), y luego resultó que no, los dichosos metadatos volvieron a cambiar, y ahora todo apunta a que el lanzamiento será finalmente el 20 de junio. Pero como el 20 de junio todavía se considera “primavera” (el 21 ya sería verano, qué oportuno), pues no pasa nada, porque desde un primer momento se dijo que Cadence of Hyrule llegaría en primavera. Pues bien, a espera de su lanzamiento, podemos seguir aumentando el hype con imágenes nuevas que muestran la fantasía que promete este título. Si queréis verlas, ¡seguid haciendo scroll!
  Cadence of Hyrule mantiene la fantasía de The Legend of Zelda
Una revista japonesa ha sacado un artículo en el que se muestran varias imágenes del gameplay de Cadence of Hyrule. Y, ¿sabésis lo que todas tienen en común?, pues que en cada una de ellas se puede apreciar esa fantasía tan propia y característica de la Saga Zelda. Sus bosques encantados, los castillos y elementos góticos, y esa zona desértica siempre plagada de enemigos. Y hablando de enemigos, se puede apreciar a varios de los icónicos monstruos que siempre se interponen en el camino del bueno de Link: bokoblins, chuchus, Lizalfos, esas odiosas flores voladoras… e incluso se muestra uno de los boses del juego que tiene un rollito a banda de heavy metal: Bass Guitarmos Knights.
  Además de ello, podemos ver en la parte superior varios de los ítems característicos de la saga: llaves, botellas, rupias, la pala, las bombas (incluso las bombuchu), los cetros mágicos…y, por supuesto, la barra de corazones que en todo Zelda indica lo que nos queda para espicharla.
  Aquí os dejamos las imágenes de Cadence of hyrule que se han publicado en la revista:
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Pues esto ha sido todo por ahora, a la espera de que se filtre más información o surjan nuevos rumores. ¿Qué os parece lo que hemos visto hasta el momento? ¿Tenéis ganas de que salga el juego?
  Fuente 1
Fuente 2
Se han publicado nuevas Imágenes de Cadence of Hyrule, ¡no te las pierdas! ¿Os acordáis de Cadence of Hyrule? Ya sabéis, ese juego que causó furor en el Nindies Showcase…
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