#Basically Max and Sasha were dating
mynameisvarian · 3 months
Part of the Total Drama Camp Camp AU (Camp Drama)
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For a reality show as popular as Camp Drama, You'd expect the chances of you meeting someone who you haven't seen in years would be close to none by the sheer amount of people trying to get their chance at 1 Million dollars, It's almost like a certain Cameron knew that beforehand..
(Check tags for extra info)
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sillyshipping · 2 years
HII... looks at you gently..... could i request headcanons about sasha nein please 🥺 (romantic edition)
yeah yeah of course!! ty for the request ^^ romantic hcs for sasha coming right up :-] sorry if some of these aren't fully accurate lol, i made a lot of assumptions about his character but that's basically what headcanons are hehe.. these were so fun, i look forward to doing more of this kind of stuff in the future :D
🧠Romantic headcanons for Sasha Nein🚬
i imagine he would get flustered really easily, especially through physical touch. he probably isn't used to much physical affection, so once he gets it, it hits him harder than it would otherwise. it might take him a moment to process it, but once he does, it hits him like a truck. it would affect him a great deal, he'd think about those moments for a long time.
he would express his love through how he generally acts around you and doing things for you. i think he'd struggle with showing affection physically and with words, so he would do other subtle things to show that he loves you! maybe he puts something important on hold because he cares about you, or maybe he goes out of his way to remember tiny details about you, maybe he gives you something that reminds him of you! he would also help you do things that you might struggle with, whether it's a heavy amount of work or simply cleaning ur room :-] he wouldn't be judgemental at all either way, he'd be more than happy to help you.
he would have a much easier time opening up and being more vulnerable around you. he trusts you a lot! he isn't scared of showing his emotions around you :-] and on the other hand, if you opened up to him, he would do his best to help you and give you advice on whatever it is you need help with. he would be very patient and understanding with you, especially with his background knowledge on mental health!
there would be moments he'd ramble about what he likes about you. maybe he says something and worries if he came off as blunt or hurtful, so he'd try making up for it by complimenting you! then he would snowball into thoughtlessly talking about why and how he likes you and would get very embarrassed once he realizes what he's doing. oopsies !
he doesn't laugh or smile a whole lot, but when he's around you, it's hard for him not to. everything you say echoes in his mind and he can't help but smile or chuckle about it. he would cherish the moments that he spends with you, reminiscing over it and feeling so lucky that he gets to be with you.
quite a hopeless romantic! he's a sucker for traditionally romantic things, like dates at fancy restaurants, slow dancing to love songs, gifting bouquets and heart chocolate boxes, kissing the front of ur hand while holding it in his (what a gentleman), etc etc. he'd probably be pretty nervous or shy to initiate these though! if you were to invite him to go somewhere romantic or give him a particularly romantic gift, his heart would flutter with joy.
if he was feeling extra confident, he'd give pecks on your cheek and hold your hand :-] he'd get soo shy about it though and would try to act as casual as possible, but you'd be able to tell how flustered he is. he'd be blushing hard under his glasses and would be stumbling over his words.
if you're a psychic u bet he would telepathically talk to you, like all the time. he would give you little secret messages and send you comments that only You are allowed to hear. like whispering but to the max. he might poke fun at what's going on sometimes when he doesn't want anyone else to hear, too. i think he actually has a pretty good sense of humor and likes to joke around! he just has a deadpan delivery and others might not get his jokes at times. but yes he's silly and will be silly around you
overall he would deeply care about you and your well-being and would want the best for you. he would go out of his way to make life easier for you. he has so much love to share and to give 😁💚
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anthonyjlockwood · 3 years
vitamin D
Okay bestie @julies-butterflies thank you for combining our three (3) brain cells and coming up with this prompt for me!!!!!!!!!! (you have 2.75, i have the other .25) 
“the gang takes reggie to the dog park bc sometimes he just need to be allowed to run free
and for whatever reason. literally WHATEVER REASON
one of the dogs adopts bobby
it's basically luke as a dog, he's following bobby around, can't get rid of him, everyone else thinks its hilarious
see, don't ask me for ideas, because you're going to get utter nonsense like that lol”
My “i’m gonna bang something out so i can post to ao3 and test out the coding” fic turned into “i’m going to spend FAR too long on a prompt that should take me 15-20 minutes max, and go to starbucks and get a cake pop” and we can all blame Lydia for that one, too. 
here it is on ao3!
(and the cake pop was chocolate btw in case anyone was wondering)
“I feel like we haven’t left the house in foreverrrr, ” Reggie complained.
From his position hanging upside-down off the couch in Bobby’s garage, he saw Alex’s sweatpants and sneakers appear in front of him. “We literally just came home from school.”
“And, we have to finish this stupid presentation for health class,” Bobby complained. “Are you actually going to contribute something? Or just make me write your name at the top so you can take all the credit?”
“You’re doing fiiiine, ” Reggie soothed him. The pressure was building uncomfortably in his head from hanging upside-down for too long, so he flipped himself around and settled back down with his head on Luke’s shoulder.  
“Hey!” Luke complained. “I’m trying to write lyrics-- you made my pen slip!”
“Why are you writing song lyrics ?” Bobby asked. “I told you, you’re supposed to be looking up the benefits of Vitamin D on the human body!”
“Yeah, but that sounds boring ,” Luke complained. “I’ve got a really great idea for this song-- “
“I don’t want to hear it!” Bobby snapped. “Alex, back me up here-- we’re the only ones actually serious about passing this class!”
“No point, dude,” Alex reasoned.  “They’re not going to take it seriously.”
“Ugh, you’re so lucky you took health last semester. Imagine getting stuck in a group project with these two.”  
Alex laughed. “Better you than me.”
“I can’t concentrate on school!” Reggie protested. “I feel like a caged bird-- the garage walls are closing in-- I need to be free, dude!”  
“Hey, y’know what’s a great way to get Vitamin D?” Luke asked. “Going outside!”
“Yes!” Reggie said eagerly. “Let’s do that!”
Alex shot Luke a look. “If you actually know something about Vitamin D, why’s Bobby sitting there doing all the work?”
“Just ‘cause I know, doesn’t mean I care , dude. And besides!” Luke stuck his pen in the middle of his notebook to save his page, and cast it aside. “Maybe if you take Reggie out, the fresh air’ll give him some awesome ideas for the project!”  
Bobby groaned and snapped his health book shut. “Reg… If we go out, will you please do something for the presentation when we get back?”
“Fine,” Reggie agreed forlornly.
“Where should we go?” Alex asked.
“Oooh!” Reggie’s face lit up. “Let’s go to the park-- there’s probably lots of dogs there!”
“What do you think, Alex?” Bobby smirked. “Should we take our dog for a walk?”  
Alex sighed. “We’re not gonna get anything accomplished when he’s like this, so we might as well.”
“Let’s stop at the pet store and buy treats for the dogs!” Reggie said.
“Reg, can’t you ever just… go somewhere?” Alex asked. “You get so distracted all the time-- and you shouldn’t be feeding random strangers’ dogs, anyway!”
The four of them were walking the short distance from Bobby’s house to the park, and Reggie had already suggested they make two other stops along the way-- first, to Starbucks (granted, by Bobby. He claimed that Reggie was “exhausting him” and he needed the caffeine), and second, to the music shop, so they could admire the brand new guitars that had been displayed in the window (granted, of course, by Luke).
Reggie deflated. “But think of how happy the dogs will be, dude!”
“I want no part of this,” Alex rolled his eyes. “If you want to buy treats for the strange dogs at the park, go ahead. I’m just along for the ride.”
“Why didn’t you stay at the garage then, Negative Nancy?” Reggie asked. “This is supposed to be fun!”
“I came ‘cause I feel like if I’d left you two alone with Bobby, you might not all come back.”
“That’s… fair,” Bobby allowed. “But seriously. Whatever gets our project done-- if you want to buy treats for strange dogs, go for it. But if our health assignment doesn’t get done tonight, don’t expect me to bail you out.”
“Hey!” Luke protested. “What about me? I’m in the group, too!”
“Yeah, don’t know where we’d be without you,” Bobby dismissed him. “Come on-- the pet store’s a block over.”
Once they were armed with dog treats-- Bobby had refused to let Reggie get a ball, too-- they resumed their journey to the park. When they saw it in the distance, Reggie left them behind and made a beeline for the gate.
Alex was in charge of the pet store bag. “Wait, Reg! You forgot the treats!”
“Don’t remind him,” Bobby said. “Maybe it’s for the best.”
“Psst. Alex."  Luke grabbed Alex’s arm, stopping him and letting Bobby walk on ahead.  
“ What? ”
“Let’s put one of the dog treats in Bobby’s back pocket,” Luke encouraged. “He’ll get so pissed when the dogs start following him around!”
“Dude, that’s-- an incredible idea, actually,” Alex grinned mischievously. “Let’s do it.”
“Maybe one’ll even bite his pants!” Luke said with glee. Alex held out the bag, and Luke took one of the treats out.  He snuck up behind Bobby and plopped the treat in his pocket just as his friend turned around. “What?”
“Nothing!” Luke said quickly. “You… you had a bug on you. I was swatting it away. See, what would you do without me?” He laughed nervously.
“Okay… whatever,” Bobby rolled his eyes. “Let’s go find Reggie… can’t believe we lost him already!”
They did find Reggie, already playing fetch along with several dogs-- much to the confusion of their owners. “Reggie!” Bobby called. “Here, boy!”
Reggie jogged up to them, beaming. “This is great!” he said. “There’re so many dogs here!”
“That’s great, buddy,” Bobby said. “But let’s try not to be here too long. We have to get home and work on the--”
He was interrupted by a dog-- a huge, shaggy, white-and-gray dog that could only be described as a monstrosity mop budging his nose into the back of Bobby’s leg. “Hey!”  
Luke and Alex exchanged a look of triumph behind Bobby’s back.
“Okay, seriously--” Bobby said, wiggling away from the dog. “Let’s not be here too long, okay? Down, boy! Shoo!”
He swatted the dog away gently, as if it were a fly buzzing near his sandwiches at a picnic. But the dog didn’t leave; it persisted, sniffing around Bobby eagerly. “Okay, what the heck is going on?”
“Bobby made a friend!” Luke cried, suppressing his laughter.
“Dude, this isn’t-- stop! ” he said to the dog. “This isn’t funny-- I hate dogs, man! You remember what happened to me when I was seven!”
When Bobby turned seven, one of the guys his mom was dating had a dog-- a huge, shaggy dog, much like this one, who had wreaked havoc at the boy’s birthday party. It had managed to pop several balloons, topple several chairs, and the evening had ended with Bobby’s birthday cake splattered all over the floor and walls of the Wilsons’ kitchen.
Needless to say, Bobby hadn’t been a fan of dogs since.  
“Okay, this is ridiculous,” Bobby complained. “Why won’t this thing leave me alone?”
Almost an hour had gone by at the dog park; the boys had lost Reggie somewhere in the middle of the group of playing dogs.  They were sure he’d be fine, anyway; he was running around, free, like a bird out of its cage.  When he got tired enough, he’d find his way back to them.
What the three other boys were really focused on-- Bobby in annoyance, Alex and Luke in absolute delight-- was the big, shaggy, white-and-gray dog, who was still following Bobby around like a shadow.
“I don’t know, dude,” Alex said. “Maybe it’s hungry?”
“I don’t have dog food!” Bobby grouched. “And if it’s that hungry, why doesn’t the owner feed it?”
“Maybe it wants you to adopt it!” Luke suggested.
“”Where is its owner, anyway?” Bobby snapped. “This thing has been following me around for an hour-- isn’t anyone looking for it?”
“Doesn’t look like it, bro,” Luke turned away, trying and failing to hold back his laughter. Alex slapped him on the arm. Stop it, Luke! You’re gonna ruin it! his glare said. Luke returned said glare with a sheepish grin.
“Guys!” Reggie said, running over to them. “This is great. I feel so alive !”
“Wonderful,” Bobby said. “Can we go now? I’m so sick of being followed around by this dog-- go away!!” He shooed the dog away once again, but it didn’t matter-- the treat Luke had hidden in Bobby’s back pocket had yet to be discovered, and the dog continued to sniff around Bobby hungrily.
“Aww, you wanna leave already?” Reggie complained. “But it’s so nice out! And I promised Sasha another round of fetch-- she thinks she can run faster than me!”
“ Yes , I want to leave,” Bobby insisted. “It’s almost dinner. And we have other homework besides the health thing, you know!”
“Wow, Bobby. I didn’t know you cared that much about school.” Alex snickered as the shaggy dog once again booped into Bobby’s leg.
“Reg, if we leave now, we can go out again for ice cream after dinner!” Bobby negotiated.
“Alright, fine!” Reggie agreed reluctantly. “But you’re paying for the ice cream, Bobby!”
A while later-- far too long for Bobby’s liking-- the boys piled into the garage. Perfectly content with the pizza he’d eaten for dinner, and the promise of ice cream to come, Reggie followed Bobby through the door loyally and sat back down on the couch.  Luke and Alex trailed behind, whispering to each other with grins on their faces.
“Alright, as much fun as that little outing was, we really need to work on our health project, now,” Bobby insisted.  He headed over to the couch, grabbing his book once again, ready to learn more about Vitamin D.
Bobby sat down on the couch next to Reggie.
“...What the hell just crunched in my pocket?”
Luke and Alex dissolved into laughter.
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cosmidoodles · 4 years
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finally whipped up a relationship chart for my camp camp high school AU that took me a lot longer than i anticipated, here’s what it looks like:
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below are descriptions for each relationship
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Liz and Petrol have been dating since their sophomore year. They’re madly in love with each other and went even as far as discussing marriage and parenthood.
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Kevin and Charity (Cute Waitress) have been dating for a bit over a year and are currently living together. The two met after Kevin got his act together and applied for a job at the same restaurant Charity worked at. Their love for each other is transformative.
Bonquisha and Jacob are happily married to each other and are raising Celine together.
David and Gwen are married (have been for about 3-4 years). They first started officially dating after David adopted Max and after a year, David decided to propose. During his proposal, Gwen felt sick and the two realized they were pregnant. They then got legally married and Gwen gave birth to their twin children, Willow and Rowan. They never had an official wedding.
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Max has a crush on Nikki that he doesn’t want to act on in favor of their friendship, luckily Nikki is oblivious to all the clues.
Neil and Erin have a crush on each other but have yet to confess to each other. Neil occasionally tries to make a move but often fails or makes it very awkward. Meanwhile, Erin is very aware of Neil’s feelings but hasn’t made any moves because of Tabii’s past infatuation on him.
Nerris and Harrison have crushes on each other and still try to pretend they hate each other. This act didn’t really work as everyone thinks they’re just acting like an old married couple. Neither of them have actually owned up to their feelings.
Meli has a crush on Preston and doesn’t want to act on it because Preston doesn’t care about romance at the moment and is more focused on his passions.
Dolph has a conflicting crush on Space Kid and Space Kid is blissfully unaware of it.
Colin has a crush on Nurf but Nurf is unaware since he’s more focused on his after school plans and scholarships.
Ered and Celine have a crush on each other, Ered is more open with her attraction and flirts with Celine while Celine tries to hide her feelings and has more huffy reactions because she believes a relationship of any kind (romantic and/or platonic) is just a distraction.
Snake has a crush on Tabii but is too afraid to speak to her again after what went down between them at the Lake Lilac Summer Social. Tabii is unaware as she’s currently going through her journey of self-love.
Pikeman has feelings for Vera but she’s suspicious of his affections due to her being clueless about love and thinks he’s playing some trick on her.
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Nikki’s fascination with Ered still lives though her need to gain her validation has decreased. Ered doesn’t really notice Nikki (unless she’s hanging out with Nerris and Dolph).
Sasha is attracted to Jermy after his huge change over the years. Jermy, now gaining more self-confidence and intuition, wants nothing to do with her.
Sasha is also attracted to Max, but she’s really more attracted to the idea of him being a bad boy.
Despite not reciprocating his feelings (because he’s unaware), Nurf is aware of Colin’s existence and thinks he’s cute.
Even though he has intense feelings for Tabii, Snake is attracted to Vera. I mean, could you blame him? He likes his girls brutal and beautiful— but he respects Pikeman’s crush on her and doesn’t let his feelings wander into something stronger.
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Erin and Ered were talking to each other through social media in Erin’s freshman year and Ered’s sophomore year. It stopped after Ered lost interest and ghosted her. They’ve never spoken to each other in person, but they have face timed.
Tabii and Pikeman had briefly dated for a few weeks during the summer of Tabii’s freshman year and Pikeman’s junior year. It wasn’t anything genuine as Tabii used Pikeman as a “rebound” while Pikeman was desperate to get with any girl. Their breakup was a mutual decision and agreed it wasn’t anything serious.
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David and Bonquisha previously dated but broke up (as you all know). They haven’t spoken to each other since the incident at the restaurant.
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Tabii had an obsessive crush on Neil up until he made his disinterest clear during her freshman year (and his sophomore year).
Dolph had a crush on Ered back to when they were children. This ended by the time he reached puberty.
Erin had a crush on Snake during the Lake Lilac Summer Social and you all know how that ended haha.
Colin had a crush on Liz during their time in middle school, though his infatuation ended by the time he realized she’d never return the feelings. He never told her about this past crush.
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Best Friends
Max, Nikki, and Neil are still close to this day and are often seen together. Though they have very different classes, they try to hang out with each other during lunch or passing periods and even outside of school.
Harrison and Preston grew close to each other during middle school because of their performative interests. Throughout the years, they would give each other the moral support they most often lacked in their childhood. To this day, they have contrasting schedules but Harrison decided to join stage crew as a means to hang out with Preston.
Nurf and Meli have a special bond that grew after Meli’s mother/Nurf’s therapist got them to befriend each other. When outside of their extra curriculars, they are inseparable despite being polar opposites on the surface.
Meli and Preston quickly became friends in each other’s freshman year during the fall musical-- Preston was only an understudy and often hung out in the make-up room with Meli whenever he wasn’t needed on stage (which was basically the majority of the show). Fast forward to the present, Preston and Meli are usually seen around each other during rehearsal.
After Ered and Nerris went on their journey to the abandoned half-pipe on Sleepy Peak Peak, they quickly became good friends by the time they reached high school, they became best friends.
Dolph and Space Kid have grown close over the years due to their closeness in age (much of their peers are older than them) and how they’ve always felt like outcasts ever since their childhood. They usually hang around each other and chill or Dolph uses Space Kid as his muse for his art. Space Kid also calls Dolph “Rudy” and is the only one who calls him that.
Despite their friend group drifting apart, Erin and Tabii maintained a close friendship and often confide in each other. They are typically around each other-- walking to their classes, eating lunch together, or gossiping during their free blocks.
Liz and Colin are childhood friends and are attached to the hip. They typically are around each other at school-- with Petrol third wheeling (cause y’know… he doesn’t speak)-- and outside of school.
Although there’s a gap with age and emotional maturity, Snake and Petrol have stayed right by each other’s sides throughout the years.
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Nikki, Nerris, and Dolph have also maintained their friendship after all these years and occasionally hang out with each other whenever they all can.
After their decision to reside in Sleepy Peak, Dang, Hwan, and Vera have stuck together and tried to reform themselves in their new homes and have a begrudgingly sibling-like dynamic. Pikeman is still friends with Snake and Petrol to this day, though he isn’t necessarily close to them. They all hang out sometimes but it’s not often because of Pikeman’s other activities and priorities.
Meli had befriended both Harrison and Dolph through the theatre department, all three of them being a part of stage crew (Meli being in charge of makeup & costumes; Harrison, lighting; and Dolph, painting set pieces). They sometimes hang out with each other during rehearsal.
Harrison is also a part of Broadcasting Club (thinking he could show off his magic skills… oh, how he was wrong) and only hangs out with Max— they’ve surprisingly gotten along a lot better.
Throughout his high school career, Preston got to patch things up with Nurf and befriended Tabii. They’re the only actors in the theatre department who aren’t annoyed by his boisterous nature.
From their time together in the Academics Team, Neil and Erin grew a pretty solid friendship and typically try to study and practice together as an excuse to be around each other. This friendship rekindled an old crush for Neil and sparked a new one for Erin.
Liz and Space Kid are both talented singers and in advanced choir. In class and practices, they love to goof off and sing together. They sometimes hang out outside of that curriculum.
Dang had also befriended Dolph and Space Kid. He and Dolph became close through their love of art and he became acquainted with Space Kid after he volunteered to be his muse for one of his photo shoots.
Dolph and Ered maintained a friendship throughout the years as well and have an older sister-little brother dynamic (which is strange considering Dolph’s past crush on her but let’s not talk about that-).
Erin and Colin are friends as well, they met from having a class together and the two immediately clicked. They aren’t really close and only hang out in that one class they share.
Colin is also friends with Jermy, who he met from Marching Band, and the two usually discuss about that activity and sometimes hang out.
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Pikeman, Sasha, and Max still share a “leadership” solidarity that they grew years ago. They still act like assholes to one another but it’s clear that they all care and respect each other.
Nurf knows Petrol (both in the football team) and Snake (both are in wrestling) and occasionally talk to each other during the practices of the respective activity.
Throughout the years, Jermy drifted from the Wood Scouts (Petrol, Snake, and Pikeman) but if they ever bump into each other, they try to catch up on each other's lives.
Sasha and Vera still sometimes speak to each other but only when Sasha needs a vicious favor, though they like to talk shit about the girls at their school.
Snake and Neil sometimes talk whenever they come across each other and most often, they hype each other up or give some advice if it’s needed.
The only person that Celine can consider an “acquaintance” is Hwan and that’s mostly because they share a very similar schedule and whenever there needs to be partner work, they choose each other since they both have no friends.
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After getting her heart broken, Tabii felt bitter and immediately grew a disdain towards Neil. But hey, at least it somewhat helped her move on.
Harrison and Neil still share a rivalry— it mostly consists of Harrison purposefully saying something stupid or doing anything to tick Neil off.
Sasha still belittles Nikki whenever she gets the chance, which annoys Nikki more than anything. It should be noted that Sasha is actually envious of how despite being everything she’s against, Nikki finds herself happy and content with everything/one she has while Sasha lost her childhood friends.
Max and Celine are both in the Broadcast Club (which also happens to be the School News Club bc their school sucks ass) and are often put together— which typically ends in disaster because of their contrasting personalities but also their strikingly similar stubbornness.
Nerris and Harrison still try to pretend that they hate each other for old time’s sake. But as mentioned previously, it’s clear to everyone that isn’t the case.
Though it’s been stated that they both have feelings for each other, Celine tries to mask her emotions by putting up a bitchy and unapproachable front for Ered.
Neil and Hwan share a rivalry within the Academics Club due to how Hwan keeps putting himself in a leadership position that Neil finds to be very aggravating.
Neil also has a one-sided rivalry with Liz. Both are passionate about science and Neil, being the petty asshole he is, dislikes the fact that Liz could be better than him at his biggest passion.
Even though it’s out of his nature, Space Kid despises Vera and vice versa. Mostly because their views heavily contrast one another. 
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Gwen and David are parents to Max, Willow, and Rowan. Max’s relationship with his parents is very much the same as it was in the series but more loving. His relationship with his younger siblings aren’t what you’d expect— he loves them dearly and is very protective of them. He also tries his best to be a better version of himself around them.
Nikki and Neil are step-siblings after Candy decided to give Carl another shot (mostly for her own personal gain) and the two got married. However, Neil is mostly in his mother’s custody and sees his dad on the weekends. Neil and Nikki’s relationship hasn’t really changed other than the both of them gaining a new sense of brotherly/sisterly love for one another.
Jacob is Celine’s biological father while Bonquisha is her step-mother. Celine’s relationship with her dad is quite healthy and she’s considerably close to him (especially after her mother’s death). With Bonquisha, she doesn’t mind her but doesn’t try to make any sort of bond with her much to both Bonquisha and Jacob’s dismay.
Liz is Charity’s (Cute Waitress) niece. Liz considers Charity to be more of a motherly figure than an aunt as she looked after her while both of her parents were at work. 
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slurrmp · 4 years
not another info sheet.
                                        sasha o’neill (stargate sg1)
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FULL NAME: sasha maria o’neill PRONUNCIATION: SASH-ə MEANING: defender, helper of mankind REASONING: named after her mother’s grandmother NICKNAME(S): sash (most common), ash, asha, kid PREFERRED NAME(S): just her full name or sash BIRTH DATE: october 20th 1972 AGE: 33 (as of season 9) ZODIAC: libra GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: white CURRENT LOCATION: colorado springs, cheyenne mountain LIVING CONDITIONS: a little apartment in the city, but will mostly stay at jack’s home. TITLE(S): miss
BIRTH PLACE: san francisco HOMETOWN: fairfax SOCIAL CLASS: fairly wealthy, but not exactly rich EDUCATION LEVEL: almost finished college FATHER: angus o’neill (deceased) MOTHER: maria o’neill (nee barnes) (mia) SIBLING(S): none BIRTH ORDER: only child CHILDREN: none PET(S): a pet gold fish named bruce, however, is too busy with work to actually have the dog she always wanted. OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: jack o’neill (uncle), sara o’neill (aunt), charlie o’neill (cousin) (deceased) PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: max turner (four years), jonas quinn (two years), cameron mitchell (??) ARRESTS?: when she was a teenager and her father passed away, and her mother basically disowned her - sasha rebelled against her aunt and uncle, doing petty crimes such as shop lifting and grand theft PRISON TIME?: spent two nights in the county jail for stealing a car from the mayor
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: working for the sgc SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: it’s really disguised as working for the air force TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: she writes a column in the local paper APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: uhhhh couldn’t tell you, but it’s enough to live comfortably CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: very much so PAST JOB(S): worked at a fast food chain until she was 17, then worked for a supermarket (but was caught stealing & was fired) SPENDING HABITS: she knows what she loves and will always buy what she needs MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her father’s dog tags, which she constantly wears around her neck
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: she was a cheerleader in high school before her father passed - moving into senior year of high school, sasha locked herself away from others and herself - which meant that she wasn’t as physically fit as she used to be. she was never overweight, but she couldn’t do a cartwheel to save her life anymore. however, joining the sgc - she’s managed to gain back her fitness and once again can do that cartwheel. OFFENSE: no DEFENSE: yes. her fighting style is more protect her body than anything else. SPEED: she’s not incredibly fast, but if something is chasing her, she has the will to go faster. INTELLIGENCE: rather intelligent, however, it is less mathematical smart and more historical smart. ACCURACY: she grew up in a military family, she’s very accurate AGILITY: after working back her fitness, sasha’s very good at climbing walls and leaping across tall buildings. STAMINA: it’s fairly good but no where near as good as it should be TEAMWORK: she depends on her team to survive and they depend on her to keep them alive TALENTS: can translate a different language within an hour, rather good at the piano SHORTCOMINGS: she’s judgemental, snippy and can be rather short with people. all in all it’s that o’neill charm LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, german, russian, dutch and japanese DRIVE?: yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes, badly though SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: kind of, without practice she loses her skill PLAY CHESS?: no (daniel’s trying to teach her though) BRAID HAIR?: yes TIE A TIE?: yes PICK A LOCK?: yes
FACE CLAIM: alyssa milano EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: there’s almost a different style each year. season one: short and almost in a bob. season two: it has grown out more and now reaches her shoulders - curls. season six: it was shaved almost completely off. season three, four, five, seven, eight, nine and ten: it remains at shoulder length and wavy. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: only for when she’s reading DOMINANT HAND: right HEIGHT: 5′2″ WEIGHT: 60 kg BUILD: athletic EXERCISE HABITS: spars with teal’c once a week, while also uses the gym equipment at the sgc twice a week SKIN TONE: pale, but is able to tan rather easily TATTOOS: one on the back of her neck and one on the left side of her lower back PEIRCINGS: both lobes, including seconds, has her nose pierced as well MARKS/SCARS: there is a birthmark over her left hip. a scar just on the right side of her upper lip (which she got when she fell over on the driveway of her family home when she was six), a scar through her left eyebrow - which eerily is like jack’s, however, it was given to her on a mission NOTABLE FEATURES: her eyes and the mirroring scar in her eyebrow, just like jack. USUAL EXPRESSION: she is beaming most of the time - bright and bubbly expressions CLOTHING STYLE: very modern, loves a crop top and low cut jeans, but while she’s on base it is the typical sg uniform. blue fatigues mostly, considering the green makes her look sick JEWELRY: nothing too fancy considering her line of work, a couple of rings and bracelets ALLERGIES: peanuts, bees BODY TEMPERATURE: a normal body temperature DIET: she’s lived with jack for most of her life, it mainly consisted of bbq steak and when she was old enough beer. donuts, and snacks. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: continuously breaks limbs, but nothing too serious to bench her from off world work.
JUNG TYPE: enfj ENNEAGRAM TYPE:  the achiever MORAL ALIGNMENT:  chaotic good ELEMENT: air PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE:  logical-mathematical APPROXIMATE IQ: 124 MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: struggles with ptsd after the death of her father and the events that have occurred in her life so far SOCIABILITY: very out going and loves to meet new people EMOTIONAL STABILITY: she’s been hurt so many times that sasha has started to pull away from anything emotional lately, so not good, but she hides it well with her outgoing personality OBSESSION(S): making sure that everything is perfect, making sure that missions will go correctly and nothing bad will happen. PHOBIA(S): tight spaces, spiders, flying, ADDICTION(S): none DRUG USE: none ALCOHOL USE: limited, loves a good beer every sunday afternoon PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: if push came to shove
SPEECH STYLE:  she’s very articulate with her words. when the occasion calls for it, she can speak in a rather professional manner. but when she’s around friends or family, she won’t talk quite as stiff ACCENT: very clearly a west coast accent QUIRKS: she bounces a lot when she’s excited or even happy. it’s absolutely because she’s the shortest of the group and it makes her feel tall HOBBIES: reading is a big one - basically what she does to escape the ‘real world’, mainly romance and comedy novels because horror/sci-fi and action is what she lives on a daily basis HABITS: she has a habit of biting her lower lip, usually when she’s thinking or worried.  NERVOUS TICKS:  bounces her leg up and down when nervous, she will also pace a lot DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: one is absolutely to save the world from the goa’uld, while the others is her family and her friends FEARS:  losing said family and friends. she has a terrible habit of latching onto people she’s met - which isn’t good in her line of work. however, it helps her  POSITIVE TRAITS:  loyal, strong willed, will fight for her family NEGATIVE TRAITS:  falls in love too easily, tries to see the best in everyone - which usually gets her into trouble SENSE OF HUMOR:  very dry, it’s that o’neill sense of humour though DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?:  on and off CATCHPHRASE(S):oh for crying out loud
ACTIVITY: reading ANIMAL: fox BEVERAGE: beer BOOK: pride and prejudice CELEBRITY: brad pitt COLOR: pastel brown DESIGNER: vera wang FOOD: fried rice FLOWER: sunflower GEM: diamond HOLIDAY: christmas MODE OF TRANSPORTATION:  mini cooper MOVIE: sleepless in seatle MUSICAL ARTIST: elton john SCENERY: snowy day next to a fireplace in the city SCENT: lavender SPORT: football SPORTS TEAM: 49ers TELEVISION SHOW: simpsons WEATHER: winter VACATION DESTINATION: bora bora
GREATEST DREAM: to see the goa’uld destroyed and to have her family safe GREATEST FEAR: to lose the planet and her family MOST AT EASE WHEN: things are going the right way, no matter the scenario - could be in the middle of a mission, but as long as she knows what’s she’s doing, sasha can breeze through it LEAST AT EASE WHEN:  everything is going wrong, mainly when missions stuff up. as well as when she has no control over a situation WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: one of the alternate world’s reality, becoming her reality. the goa’uld taking over the world and enslaving humanity BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: finally getting into college BIGGEST REGRET:  losing her daughter MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT:  it’s not everyday that you come face to face with a new species, it’s also not everyday that you decide to trip UP stairs when coming to greet them, falling flat on her face and breaking her nose BIGGEST SECRET:  max and sasha were expecting a baby - but they were not compatible and the baby died during the first trimester, she never told anyone besides janet TOP PRIORITIES: her job and her family
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small lil summaries on the changes of le stories. Hopefully tumbly will let me Post
Tyler Alexeev - Works the night shift at a 24/7 Walmart. He's nocturnal. He takes care of Elias (more like keeps him in the basement). Elias talks to him, somewhat twisting his outlook on reality -- however, their relationship is complicated.
Elias ???? - A werefox that got turned into a lich. He attempted to use magic to make himself immortal, however it backfired and instead subjected him to the eternal torment of continuously rotting from the inside out. He's technically dead... However, he found Tyler, who quickly locked him up in his basement due to thinking he was dangerous -- and that's because he is.
Salem Agnelli - Freshly turned fallen angel, and fresh out of college (biomed degree). Works for Leo's company, Phantomflux Entertainment. Specializes in the chemical makeup and functions of the brain. Got recognized as a prodigy in college, and was hired by Leo. He even graduated early from college, which is why he's 18.
SR700 - He's still the same, however the technology is foreign to the public. People dislike the idea of him being on the police force, however he means no harm and wants to simply help people.
Rose ???? - One of the most decorated FBI agents on her team, however, she disappeared under suspicious circumstances for a few months and was never the same afterwards. She never talks about her experience, or who took her, although she has a strong hatred for Phantomflux Entertainment and has worked with authorities to tie them to other mysterious disappearances... However, due to the positive reputation of the company, nobody really believes her.
Zeksis - Zek's parents were part of the "mysterious disappearances" pinned on Phantomflux Entertainment, leaving him an orphan. He's pretty much the same as before, however Leo has terrorized him before over reasons unknown to Zek himself.
Rogue Milano - Exact same story, however, the regulating collar he wears is secretly controlled by Phantomflux Entertainment. They use it to gather data, unbeknownst to anyone else.
Adonis Errus - More or less the same story. Adonis was a volunteer for Phantomflux's beta testing, which left him with... Unsavory memories. These still haunt him at night.
Anxietatem - Anxietatem still resists the hive mind, but the hunger for humans is no longer an instinct. It is a glitch that acts as a crutch, since cyberdemons are inherently technology-based.
Jakkal Sibuna - The demigod who punished Elias for his attempt at immortality. Still a bouncer at Virgil's club, "Fallen Domain".
Thorn - Cyberdemon that was a result of alpha testing. She's basically an unfinished prototype. Also a bouncer at Virgil's club.
Alex - Thorn's son still. Nothing has really changed, except that he's 16 and going to school with Hamlet and everyone else.
Max [Morthraxul] - Naive young demon who fell in love with Tide, a human addicted to demon blood. Little does he know that's really the only reason Tide keeps him around.
Tide - Still the same corrupt priest. Addicted to the power demon blood gives him.
Leonard Mac Domhnaill - Child (17) CEO of Phantomflux Entertainment, which specializes in everything from revolutionary technology, to weapons, and especially virtual reality games. His parents, whom belonged to a very powerful and royal demon family, died in an accident, leaving him the company... However, their death led to a curse being passed on to him -- driving his young mind to insanity. This drove him to turn the company towards a more sinister goal... And for him to drive most of his friends away. He's after the secrets of the cyberdemons to aid his cause -- but doesn't have the technology or abilities to do so.
Reese Volkov - Student at The Conservatory, a high school that prides itself on having something for everyone while still being a prestigious institution. Reese is quiet, and nobody is sure what happened to him, except that his sister is extremely protective of him -- which is why he's so mysterious. And has no friends.
Sasha Volkov - Works as security detail for Phantomflux Entertainment.
Clark Smith - Gifted with clairvoyancy and telekinesis, she works as a therapist, surprisingly.
Karnarka - Killed in one of Phantomflux's beta tests.
Natalia & Virgil Amius - Still business partners in owning "Fallen Domain". Despite their inherent illegal practices, they hold a hatred against Phantomflux Entertainment. They know the truth behind the company and what it's done.
Vazamoth - Works at an underground hospital for supernatural beings and such. And for humans who can't afford normal hospitals.
Gabriel - Falling hard for Vazamoth. Works as a nurse at the hospital he runs.
Tenki Gyaltsen - Also killed by Phantomflux's beta tests.
Lena Metzger - Also security detail at Phantomflux.
Kaskae Tikaani - Killed by Phantomflux's beta tests.
Fen Kuang - Now dating Enid. Designs clothing.
Andreas Schmidt - In prison for trying to kill Leo, in an attempt to get revenge for Kaskae's death.
Enid - Now dating Fen. Very mysterious woman who runs a shop that sells occult items.
Njord Sangster - Quiet lumberjack who lives in the woods still. He was hired by Phantomflux to draw the cover art of their games and design product labels.
Ari Norophine - World-renowned astrophysicist. Consults for Phantomflux.
Nikolas Norophine - Police Chief. Rose and SR700's boss.
Project 56 / Mezzurith - Staying with Anxietatem after having escaped from Phantomflux. He doesn't remember much of his life besides being in captivity. The company kidnapped him in an attempt to study him, and one day, they put him through too much -- and he snapped.
Kazuhiro Maresuke - Stayed the same.
Kynelle Lawson - Stayed the same.
Tex & Rakkus - The same.
Ikra Hilton - 17, ink demon. Transferred to The Conservatory after killing someone.
Sage Fleming - Ate / drank their boyfriend dry after turning.
Remi ???? - Chaotic Lesbian. Hates authority. Can't stand school.
Hamlet, Helena, Kassandra, and Fabian are all still the same.
Arakiba - Stayed the same.
The Inner Circle actively fights against Phantomflux.
Kiel - Stayed the same.
Theo - Same, observed by Phantomflux.
Rinen - Leo's personal plaything. They hate it inside Leo's home, having to bend to his will, but Rinen was Leo's very first success in a new brain implant that lets him control minds easily. While Rinen still has their own will (because it would be no fun to have a mindless slave, in Leo's opinion), they can't resist Leo.
Zephyr - Head scientist at Phantomflux, one of Leo's most prized employees.
All other aliens stayed the same.
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Dawn Hayes | Deputy
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The Basics:
Full name: Dawn Hayes Meaning: ‘Awakening’ in Old English Nicknames: Day (Aiden), D (Aiden), Miss Know-It-All (Pratt), Birth date: January 30, 1989 Age: 29 years old Height: 5’6” inch | 173 cm Gender: Female Zodiac: Aquarius Sexuality: Heterosexual MBTI: ENTJ Alignment: Lawful Good Temperament: Melancholic Phobia(s): Deep waters Guilty pleasures: Drinking juice straight from the carton, junk food, cigarettes Language(s) spoken: English, German, Spanish and French Hobbies: Running, hiking, cycling, reading, playing the piano, cooking Side: Resistance John’s tattoos: Pride (chest), Envy (right upper arm)
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Hometown: Hope County, Montana Current location: Joseph’s Island, Hope County Nationality: American Ethnicity: American, as far as she knows. Family: Cynthia Hayes (adoptive mother) Pet(s): Daisy (her dog) Education: Degree in Modern Languages Occupation: Hope County’s Deputy Past job(s): She worked for a few summers as a babysitter for the children of her mother’s friend. Brief story: Being abandoned when she was a child, she grew up in an orphanage. She had no memories of her parents, but was told that the caretaker of the orphanage found her on the doorstep of the building and no-one ever reclaimed her. When she was 10, she was placed in a foster home and moved from one home to another until she turned 14, then was taken by a widow who later she became very attached to, and who treated her like a daughter. When she came of age, she started looking for her parents, seeking for answers, determined to know the truth. She found out that her father left her mother when she was pregnant and her mother started drinking and died after a few years. She never looked for her father, realizing that she didn’t want to have a relationship with him, since he abandoned her and her mother. After school she enrolled in the police academy and graduated successfully after a few years.
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Skills and Abilities:
Physical strength: 6/10 Offense: 7/10 Defense: 8/10 Agility: 8/10 Speed: 9/10 Intelligence: 9/10 Stealth: 8/10 Precision: 7/10 Stamina: 7/10 Teamwork: 9/10
Languages: She studied modern languages in university, so she can speak English, Spanish, German and French.
Diplomacy: At the station she was in charge of talking to the victims’ relatives, trying to talk some sense into them and to prevent the situation from going bad.
Teamwork: Always tries to resolve conflicts between people in a group.
Photographic memory and remembering details.
Big heart: Could have never been in charge of interviews and talking to suspects, she would have bought whatever they said.
Trust issues: Though she’s kind to everyone and tries to help whoever she can, she doesn’t open easily to others and tends to push people away in an attempt to prevent herself from getting hurt.
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Physical appearance and characteristics:
Face claim: Emmy Rossum Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Glasses/Contacts: Contacts for work, glasses at home Dominant hand: Left hand Build: Slim Skin tone: Fair Tattoos: An orchid on her right calf and a dream catcher on her ribs. Piercings: None Marks/scars: When she was a child she accidentally poured boiling water on herself and since then she has a nasty burn on her shoulder. Notable features: None Clothing style: She doesn’t really care about what she’s wearing, everything is fine as long as she’s wearing something. Allergies: Pollen
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Earl Whitehorse: It’s like the dad she never had. She loves how grumpy he always is, and she mocks him sometimes, telling him that he’s getting old and should retire. She admires him, and would always try to take a leaf out of his choices.
Joey Hudson: At first they just didn’t get along, the both of them being stubborn and proud, but eventually learned to coexist and would sometimes join forces against Staci and Freya.
Staci Pratt: Staci is like a big brother to her. Sometimes they quarrel, but they always find a way to make peace. She looks up at him and sometimes asks him for some career and personal advice, because she knows she can count on him.
Faith Seed: She knows that the young lady has gone through some difficult times is her life, and sometimes would feel sorry for her, but, despite everything, she doesn’t sympathize too much with Faith, as she chose to be on Joseph’s side.
John Seed: According to her, John’s the most dangerous one of the Seed brothers, being so obsessed with sin, guilt and atonement. What scares her the most is that he would do anything for the Project, including sacrificing his own people without even blinking. He’s ruthless and sadistic, and she has a feeling he doesn’t care about any of his people, so she tends to be very careful around him, not knowing what he could do next.
Jacob Seed: She thinks he’s the most pragmatic and practical one of all the Seed brothers, but she tries to stay as far away as possible from him, because she knows that when he wants something he will sure as hell get it, so she tries not to underestimate him or any of his soldiers.
Joseph Seed: She doesn’t know what to think of him. His chilled and calm attitude scares her much more than the aggressive mask of the Baptist, and she thinks he could be capable of everything. He’s manipulative and charismatic, and she would sometimes have doubts whether he would be lying or telling the truth about the Collapse. She knows he’s a dangerous man, but sometimes she tends to forget how dangerous he can be.
Freya Williams: They get along pretty well, even though it’s not always easy to be around Freya. Dawn always tried to be kind and polite, but never passive, since she doesn’t let anyone push her around, and between the two girls started developing a sort of mutual respect and trust.
Aiden Lewis: Her best friend, her partner in crime. Aiden is like a brother to her, Dawn always having dinner at his house when they were younger. His family always treated her like a daughter,  they immediately bonded when they first met and since then they’ve become really close. He’s always able to cheer her up, telling jokes and making her laugh, but he also knows when to stop making fun of his friends and Dawn is grateful for that.
Riley Denvers: Dawn and Riley have a somewhat mother-daughter relationship. They sometimes fight, but always re-conciliate - mostly thanks to Hannah’s help - because they are not capable of being mad at each other for more than 10 minutes. They’ve known each other for a very long time and know they can always count on each other, no matter how angry or mad they can be.
Hannah Thompson: Dawn was the first person to stand up for Hannah in school, and since then they became really good friends, taking care of each other and always being there in times of need. Hannah always knows what’s the right thing to say, so Dawn knows that she can tell her anything and never be judged for it.
Hunter Davis: She likes to talk about serious things with Hunter, since he’s very smart and cultured. She admires her friend, he had to grow up fast and never relied on anyone else, and even though he’s not very good at socializing, he’s a good listener and knows when to be there for his friends.
Sasha Maxwell: They met a few times, when Dawn went to John’s bunker for the Confession or when Joseph visited his brother, and Sasha was always kind to her, treating her tattoos when John marked her, but Dawn couldn’t believe she was there by choice and not as a prisoner and always tried to convince her that she was on the wrong side of the war and that Joseph wasn’t as holy as he wanted others to believe.
Jake and Sean Denvers: soon
Judith Denvers: soon
Scarlett Reed: soon
Tyler Reed: soon
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Other information:
At the police station, she’s the diplomatic one. She always tries to talk things through, trying to avoid the fight as much as she can, but wouldn’t hesitate to use her gun if needed.
She always tried to stood up for those who couldn’t do it for themselves, even in high school, helping Hannah when no-one did.
She went through some difficult times in her childhood. She never forgave her parents for leaving her, and she still feels so much anger towards them. Most of all she felt abandoned, and during her time in foster homes she felt as if no-one cared about her.
After having found her real parents, she found out that her real surname was Monroe, but never even thought about taking it. She adopted Cynthia’s surname instead,
She was kind of a troublemaker in high school, always being in detention with Aiden for skipping classes.
She loves her Border Collie Daisy more than everything. She’s a dog person in general, though she also likes cats, but she never had one because Daisy tends to be very possessive and would never let a cat go near Dawn.
Her favorite drink is hot chocolate, she would drink it all day, possibly on the couch, listening to the cracking of fire and watching the snow falling outside her window.
When she was younger she wanted to be a social worker, as she wanted to help children who were not lucky enough to have a decent family, but eventually acknowledged the fact that she was too emotionally involved to do her job properly. She would have probably just punched all terrible parents in the face.
She’s not good at trusting people, so she tends to push people away because she doesn’t want to get hurt or to hurt others. For that reason, she never had long relationships. She’d really like to settle down, but due to her trusting issues she never allowed herself to be happy and to find that person she wants to spend her life with.
Dawn is a fan of post-apocalyptic and dystopian movies and books. She particularly loves The Walking Dead, Mad Max: Fury Road, and I Am Legend, and her favorite book is Lord of The Flies.
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forestwater87 · 7 years
Rate all the cc ships u can think of from favorite to least favorite
OH BOY okay so there’s … a lot. I might not hit them all so gimme any I seem to have missed if you care about my blatherings. :)
But okay, in order of fave to least (and I went with literally every one I can think of. There are a lot, so many we gotta put this shit under a cut):
Gwen/David: Okay, yeah. Obviously. These are my babies.
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(They are incapable of being the grown-up at the same time and I am LIVING.)
I’m a huge sucker for any time a big tough girl and a sweet femme boy date because GAH cute, but I also feel like there’s so much fun to be had with these losers. Her obvious anxiety issues match so well with David’s own, and they have such different ways of handling it that there’s a lot of opportunities to bounce off each other and grow together. Besides, she’s levelheaded and seems to keep him more or less on-target, and while she hates this job she cares about him and wants him to be okay, and it just makes my heart melt when an apathetic character has an exception especially when that exception is a sunshine boy and ahhhhh the cute
It’s basically opposites attract, but with some weird connective tissue in the form of their few similarities.
Jasper/David/Gwen: This isn’t … this isn’t a thing, guys. It’s just some bullshit @hopefullypessimistic84​ and I made up because I ship her Jaspid and she ships my Gwenvid and so we smushed them together like Barbie dolls and made them kiss.
Doesn’t mean I love it any less, though. These three are cuties and I am a fan.
Jasper/David: They’re fucking soulmates. 
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Besides, any relationship in which David is the bad boy is automatically too hilarious and sweet not to love. We don’t know a ton about Jasper — and therefore about their relationship — but I could not be more here for it.
Obviously this is either as kids before he died, or as adults in a world where Jasper lives and grew up to be a sweet 90s dood a la HopefullyPessimistic and @sinisterspooks​‘ AU; I’m not about that ghost-child-fucking.
Max/Neil/Nikki: I don’t know how it happened. I don’t know why it happened.
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I just know I would die for this ship. 
(Also I’ve named it Makkiel and this is badass.)
Nerris/Preston/Harrison: I’m pretty sure this one is entirely the fault of @sakisketches​? I’m not actually confident these three share any screentime on the actual show, but I love everything Saki’s made for them and now I couldn’t be more here for it.
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(Genuinely couldn’t find anything with just them, sorry!)
It’s the kinda ship that makes more sense the more you think about it. They’re the ones with the weird, esoteric, “useless” interests, the kind of things that’ve made them no stranger to bullying. They’re all very competitive, passionate, dramatic … I’d imagine their relationship would be one filled with a lot of clashing, but it’d also be big and bright and beautiful.
Nurf/Petrol: This is another ship that isn’t actually a thing, but @directium​ made me believe. Damn you for making me love Perf. They’re such big strong boys and they deserve better than their shitty camps.
Besides, tell me Nurf wouldn’t be able to understand whatever reason Petrol has for not talking and would be sensitive and able to communicate perfectly regardless. Just try and tell me that wouldn’t happen.
Nerris/Harrison: Honestly, this dropped a little lower on this list while I was writing it, because … Nerris is kinda a bitch.
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Don’t get me wrong — Harrison’s a prick too, especially to poor Max. But this kid gets bullied and insulted by basically everyone at camp, and you’d kinda expect these two to stick together because … well, they’re the biggest losers by far (excepting Preston).
That being said, I could see them growing out of their rivalry into a sort of grudging admiration and continuing on from there. Plus tell me these two wouldn’t just be gorgeous when they grow up, in terms of fashion. They’d be the power couple of the century.
(Okay but I cannot let this slide: in what universe is Nerris the true magic kid? Harrison can do literal magic! How did he not win this argument the second he actually set something on fire with the power of his mind?!)
Nikki/Sasha: Another couple where one of them needs to become so much less of a bitch for this to work. But … I mean:
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(legit the only picture I could find that they were both in, pfft)
The only thing I’m almost as much of a sucker for than the tough girl/femme boy pairing is the tomboy/girly girl pairing. And if Nikki could corrupt Sasha to the fun of being wild and … like, not just the goddamn worst, it could be adorable.
Gwen/Bonquisha: Okay but. How fucking cute would this be?
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Look at that face! Look how starstruck she is! She’d be like a Chihuahua dating a Mastiff; Gwen would go around starting fights and Bonquisha would have to pull her out of them and/or escalate things. They’d be the instigators of so much drama and would watch trash TV and giggle and it’d be sweet as fuck.
And they’d make David’s life miserable in the best possible way.
David/Bonquisha: So that tough girl/soft boy thing I was talking about earlier?
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Multiply that by like 200. 
The major reason this one isn’t up there with Gwenvid is that there’s not that much to Bonquisha, and while she’s absolutely the queen of my heart, she isn’t as well-developed a character. Also I think David would spend most of their relationship being terrified of her, because she’s scary and he’s very squishy and delicate.
Nikki/Neil: This one’s the fault of @ciphernetics​, who dedicated about 2 seconds to it in one of her fics and now I’m in love with it forever.
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I could totally see Neil being captivated by Nikki’s energy and vibrancy, and she’d have so much fun dragging him along on her adventures. And of course there’s the fact that Neil’s so cautious and levelheaded that he’d keep her from going off the deep end and getting herself killed; they’re kinda like Gwenvid in that way, I guess? Boundless enthusiasm meets snarky cynicism and makes Forestwater cry.
Max/Neil: Despite the fact that there’s an author on Ao3 that basically ruined this ship for me forever, it’s hard to deny these two are either bromates or soulmates.
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They get each other. They’re both highly intelligent, oddly protective of their friends, so married to their ideals that it leads to them being massive douchebags to said friends, and just so very sarcastic.
Harrison/Nikki: He’s got a massive crush, right?
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And Nikki loves how he can basically (accidentally) summon adventure. Together they’d be unstoppable! Seriously, I’m not sure there’s two people here with such mutual admiration for each other and that’s really sweet. 
Good kids, equally morally questionable, and Nikki could protect him while he summons fireballs to entertain her. It’d be precious.
Max/Nerris: Blame HopefullyPessimistic for this one again. She believes in it hard and where she goes, I must follow.
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The fact that these two are kinda abrasive and harsh makes them interesting. It’d be fun to watch them trade barbs — as opposed to the kicking-a-bunny thing Nerris does with Harrison and Max does with Space Kid and David (and Gwen, kinda). They’re well-matched in terms of intelligence and ability to throw shade.
Ered/Nikki: Okay, yes, Ered is manipulative and mean and Nikki’s blind adoration of her is very unhealthy. BUT:
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They’d be the most badass couple ever. They’d go on insane adventures all the time, and since Nikki seems incapable of being hurt and Ered’s injured all the time, we’d get adorable things like Nikki carrying Ered’s wheelchair up a mountain and doting over her every time she gets hurt. 
They’d be the beautiful butches we need, and I could see Nikki’s bravery and loyalty really breaking through Ered’s seemingly cold (cool? Ahahaha I think I’m clever) heart until she’d actually stand up for Nikki instead of just using her.
Max/Nikki: Not really my ship (not without Neil to balance them out), but these two are adventurous in a way that Neil isn’t. They have an energy and creativity that means they’d keep up with each other long after anyone else would’ve passed out from exhaustion and pure “guys just fucking stop.” I can see why people like it, even if it’s not my thing.
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(But seriously, why not add a Neil? Both of these kids would benefit from a nice, rational Neil.)
Quartermaster/Quartersister: I recognize that this should be at the very bottom of the list, and possibly not even on it for pure oh dear god no. But …
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I’m sorry, they’re just too fucking funny. It’s sick and gross and wrong and terrible and god help me I love it so much. You get down with your nasty self, QM. And you murder-bang as many grizzled nasty sisters as you want. I won’t judge (much).
Neil/Nerris: I don’t … really see this?
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I do think they could get along; they’re definitely the most aligned in terms of interests, and Neil’s so spindly that even Nerris seems badass in comparison. Besides, Nerris doesn’t seem like the type to have patience for a guy unless he’s falling down appreciating her awesomeness, so in a weird way they’re kinda suited for each other. (And she’d totally get him into nerd culture and they’d rock DnD together.)
Plus, he called her “the Cute.” More than once. That’s might sweet.
Max/Preston: Nope, I don’t get this one.
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I have nothing against it, they just seem to … hate each other? And yes, I realize “they hate each other” was the basis for more than one of the ships much higher up on this list, but … okay, I never said this was going to be a rational and well-thought-out ranking. I’m just vomiting thoughts on a page here, and for some reason these two don’t really work for me.
I think part of it is that Preston seems very anxious and high-strung, and Max is laid-back, but in the kind of way where he’d get a total kick out of fucking with Preston at every opportunity. Which is funny, but it doesn’t strike me as sustainable. Max needs to learn how to chill or Preston needs to learn how to chill. At this point in the show neither of them have any chill and I feel like it’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Neil/Tabii: Let me just start by saying that I love Tabii to pieces. She is adorable and precious and everything I need.
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Unfortunately, if Neil’s into girls Tabii is very much not his type, and I don’t see a way for this to work out unless Tabii … completely gets an overhaul of her personality? I love this for being sweet and funny and relatable (I can’t have been the only one who had a devastating crush on a boy in his “girls have cooties” phase, am I?), but I don’t see it ever actually happening, you know?
Ered/Dolph: This is a thing? Really?
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I don’t have anything against it, I just don’t see what’s there. Dolph having some sort of hero-worship for her is plausible (and admittedly quite adorable), but I’m not sure what they have in common. This could be a case of tough girl/sweet boy, I guess, considering how soft and artistic Dolph seems to be, but I’d need to see them interact more to really have an opinion on it.
Campbell/David: Well, aside from the fact that Ciphernetics with her amazing talent makes me want to believe, I have to file this one under “holy fuck is that unhealthy.”
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Because he’s just … the relationship would be absurdly one-sided, the weird age difference notwithstanding, and David’s feelings, assuming they aren’t pure “daddy issues” and extend to … ahem, “daddy issues,” are super confused and fucked-up and vaguely incestuous? (Yes, okay, I realize that this is super hypocritical considering the QM/QS thing, but … what can I say, Quartermaster is an exception to literally every rule.) 
Besides, I can’t help but feel that any relationship they’d have would be manipulative and neglectful on Campbell’s part, and Davey doesn’t deserve that. He deserves someone who looks out for him, and Campbell … is not that. 
Also though, the age difference. Ew. And the fact that Campbell tried to kill him. Double ew.
Daniel/David: I can’t believe I’m saying this for the second time, but I do not support David being with anyone who has murdered children, or has considered murdering children. Just sort of a dealbreaker for me.
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On top of that (in case we needed an “on top of that”), he breaks David down into his greatest insecurities and uses them against him, and causes David to make the saddest face I think I’ve ever seen and I actually wanted to cry a little bit, and I cannot tolerate this. Daniel has lost all of my affection and I must hate him forever for emotionally devastating my sonsband in this way. 
So nope, really don’t like this ship; totally get why people like it, but it makes me squirmy in all the wrong ways. This has been very difficult for a couple reasons:
Daniel looks just like David. There is something exceedingly attractive about 2 Davids. Yes, I am garbage. Don’t judge me.
The fan art for this ship is so fucking good you guys! SO GOOD
Campbell/Gwen: Gwen deserves someone who knows her fucking name.
And who doesn’t hit her in the face.
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And who isn’t wanted by the government.
Gwen deserves better, is what I’m saying.
Pikeman/Gwen: This could be cute in a Neil/Tabii sort of way, if it wasn’t for the fact that Pikeman seems really …
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Really creepy. I’m not saying he strikes me as the weird cross-breed of “Nice Guy” and “date-rapey,” but he did kidnap and beat a child. 
A lot of the people at the bottom of this list are not very kind to children. And have egos the size of Mount Rushmore. And have weird hair poofs.
Counselor/Camper: So this is a fairly obvious one, for fairly obvious reasons. It’s illegal and predatory and gross, and I feel like David in particular would kill himself before he’d ever hurt a child like that, so it strikes me as out of character. (This doesn’t mean I’m not a fan of any of the campers having crushes on any of the adults; that’s cute as fuck. It’s the adults returning the attraction that’s a big fat nope.)
I feel like I should devote a little extra attention to the Max/David ship, just because it’s by far the most popular and in a weird way … I get it? Don’t get me wrong, it’s at the rock-bottom of this list for a reason, but like I said, there’s something sweet about a grumpy cynic and pure sunshine getting together; if they were the same age I’d totally see these two as a plausible ship.
That being said … they’re not the same age. More than the ick factor, I just don’t think there’s much there? I’ve heard people compare Mavid to Gwenvid, and with good reason (Max and Gwen are similar in a lot of ways), but the difference is that David and Gwen can relate to each other as equals, as coworkers and people going through the same general period of life, with the same level of physical and emotional development, and an ability to support one another.
Max … cannot do that. 
There’s a reason the “David adopts Max AU” is hands-down the most popular in the fandom, and it’s because Max needs someone like David. At least while he’s at camp, he needs a father, to be showered in unconditional love and affirmation. The thing is, though, Max can’t return that affection, not the way a partner needs to; he’s not emotionally capable of it. Because he’s a child. 
It feels really weird to spill this much ink to say “I don’t like this ship because one of them is 10 years old and one of them’s a freaking adult,” but Max acts so mature that I think it’s easy to forget how young he really is. He’s a kid, and he needs a dad. David’s an adult, and he needs a grown-up. Even shoving the whole “hey guys it’s pedophilia” thing aside — and I realize that’s a hell of an ask, since … yeah, that’s not easy to shove aside — it’s unhealthy and one-sided. Plus it requires David to be a lot more predatory than I’m comfortable with.
Okay, I don’t wanna end this on a downer note, so let me throw a shout out to some really awesome authors who’ve made shipfics that I melt over. In literally no order:
HopefullyPessimistic, “Finding a Family” – Jaspid
Ciphernetics, “You Have Someone That Loves You” – Gwenvid, minor Camvid, minor David/OC
@microsuedemouse​, “Second Degree Sunburns” – Gwenvid
funhousefreak, “Bound” – Makkiel
mrsilikemyself, “un año más” – Max/Neil, unrequited Mavid
adrianthealien, “Take the Stupid Flower” – Praxton (tbh, haven’t actually read this one yet, but it looks adorable)
phobiaDeficient (TheTriggeredHappy), “The One Where David Is In Over His Head” – Danvid, not actually Gwenvid but I squinted and saw some
HopefullyPessimistic, “Soulmates” – Marris
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wild-blue-sonder · 7 years
Kat Tracks: 2017
Not a bad year for trance and electronic, but not particularly good either. 2017 was pretty ‘meh’ especially in the latter half of the year; most of my favorite tunes came out before May. Even though I was basically without internet since October and thus unable to keep up with my podcasts, it turns out I didn’t miss anything particularly intriguing which is kind of sad. That said, I think this year’s track selection is one of the most diverse to date.
1: Harry Vederci- The Power of Love (Adam White Remix) A January release that received profuse exposure on the Planet Perfecto podcast, I didn’t think much of it until about the fifth time it came up, then I decided to listen to the song in its entirety. It’s a decent cover of the original version by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. If you have an affinity for early 2000′s dance music like me, give the Rob Searle club mix a listen (but ignore the terrible music video).
2: Arston- Rage If you were one of those angry people at the beginning of 2017 for whatever reason, (most likely politics, right?), this is the track for you! Rage is a big room banger that will certainly help you release your aggression!
3: Solis & Sean Truby- Feel It (Mark W. Remix) I can’t not move in some manner when I hear this track; “bouncy” seems like an adequate description. Hopefully it’ll put you on your feet, too!
4: Orkidea- Higher State This is one of those rare tracks that I can’t quite classify, existing somewhere between trance, electronica, and progressive house. Whatever it is, I’m totally in love with it. Definitely a favorite of 2017.
5: Venaccio- Apollo This uplifting trance tune completely swept me off my feet the first time I heard it. The producer is new to me, but I can’t help but wonder if he was inspired by Ferry Corsten’s Gouryella alias after his string of successful releases. Apollo is simply a joy to listen to.
6: Armin van Buuren & Garibay feat. Olaf Blackwood- I Need You (Standerwick Remix) It’s really sad that there hasn’t been an original AvB release I’ve liked since his 2011 album Mirage. Intense was generic EDM and the majority of singles released since then have been pretty terrible. Leave it to remixers like Ian Standerwick to give us the sound Armin has abandoned.
7: James Cottle- Kesselhaus A solid trance offering from the Vandit label, which never fails to turn out quality tunes. Kesselhaus is named after the nightclub in Augsberg, Germany where this track debuted.
8: Game Chasers feat. Jes- Carry Me Away (Markus Schulz Remix) Moving into several spring releases now, this track has a light, airy vibe that made me look forward to summer. It’s been a long time since I heard Jes on a track I really liked; the last one was Cosmic Gate’s Here We Go Again.
9: Sasha feat. Poliça- Out of Time (Patrice Baumel Remix) The minimalist vibe in this deep house tune seems ideal for relaxing at a club or maybe a beach party. Sasha aka Alexander Coe has been around forever and if he keeps producing tracks like this it’s safe to say he’s still not going anywhere any time soon.
10: Para X- Rising Star (Chilled Mix) This version of Rising Star serves as the intro to Alex Roezel’s debut artist album of the same name, and what an appropriate beginning it is. I’m always a fan of good chillout tunes.
11: Andy Tau, Sean Mathews & Max Millian- Shadows & Light (Solid Stone Remix) Honestly I forgot about this tune until rediscovering it during my search for tracks to include in this list. One listen and I remembered why I downloaded it: I love the dark, progressive sound Solid Stone has adopted over the last couple years.
12: Cengiz Coşkuner- Emmioğlu (Ahmed Romel Remix) Ahmed Romel is a staple on the Blue Soho and Future Sound of Egypt labels. He has a really solid grasp on trance and progressive trance which enables him to deliver tracks like this, a captivating deep and dark take on Turkish folk music.
13: Talisman & Hudson- Leaving Planet Earth (21st Century Mix) The original version of this track debuted in 1997, so this year marks its 20th anniversary. If there’s one thing I love about the electronic music genre as a whole it’s its penchant for taking old tracks like this and refreshing them for modern audiences. In this manner, genre-defining tracks are able to withstand the test of time. This one certainly deserves to be remembered!
14: Dim3nsion- Eterna Eterna had something like a three-week run as the number one tune on Corsten’s Countdown back in August, understandable when it’s such a fantastic production. It takes you on a bit of a roller coaster ride with the intro, breakdown and build-up, but the journey is quite enjoyable.
15: Kidnap Kid- Where the Sea Swings in Like an Iron Gate Definitely one of the longest song titles I’ve ever seen. It along with the vocal sample are of Anne Sexton reading her poem “The Truth the Dead Know” which when combined with the melancholy flavor of this deep house track make for a very emotive piece of music.
16: Ilan Bluestone feat. Giuseppe de Luca- Frozen Ground (Spencer Brown Remix)       Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford- Northern Soul (Spencer Brown Remix) My penultimate picks of the year are two great remixes of Anjuna tunes by Spencer Brown. Frozen Ground debuted in June and Northern Soul was an emotive December release. I’m a bit more partial to the latter because I loved Richard Bedford’s work on A&B’s Group Therapy artist album which came out back in 2011, so it’s nice to hear them collaborating again.
17: Gabriel & Dresden- The Only Road This artist album from the legendary duo Josh Gabriel and Dave Dresden was a really nice way to finish off the year. It’s also their second artist album ever, the first being a self-titled one from 2005. I think Waiting for Winter is my favorite track among the dozen, but really the whole thing makes for good moody background music.
Previous Lists: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
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forestwater87 · 7 years
You guys are the best! :3
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hell no | how about no | eh | kinda cute i guess | that’s adorable | omg omg yes | otp | you’re fucking kidding right i’m dying because of these two
and i’ll also tell you who:
Sasha would rather die (please read that in her accent) than propose to a man. Obviously Max’ll have to do it. Which he will. Eventually.
I don’t see him as the kinda guy who’d care much about marriage — and we don’t know a ton about Sasha, but I suspect she’d want a big one all done up, where she looks gorgeous and everything is like a fairytale. Max’ll go along with it because it makes her happy, but really he think it’s all a little insane. As long as she doesn’t expect him to do anything besides show up and be dressed, he’s fine.
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shops for groceries
You know, I kinda love the idea of Max being the one who does this. I feel like Sasha probably would, because she’s very much into all the Traditional Womanhood nonsense, but I also kinda love the idea that Max is really particular about cooking and prefers to just take care of all the food himself.
kills the spiders
Just because I think it’d be funny, Sasha. Max definitely isn’t afraid of them, obviously, but … he likes to make Sasha feel important and brave by letting her deal with them. Obviously.
And if he’d rather not be in the room while she kills them, that’s just because he’s … trying to play up the fear – that totally doesn’t exist – to make her feel better.
comes home drunk at 3am
Sasha, actually. Max doesn’t like to leave the house unless he absolutely has to, but Sasha likes to round up her Flower Scout sisters from time to time and go out drinking. Max makes her bring pepper spray and falls asleep around 11 p.m. with his phone on his chest so he won’t sleep through her calling in case of an emergency.
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makes breakfast
Neither. Max doesn’t believe in eating before noon, and Sasha never plans her mornings with enough time to get ready so she’s always rushing out the door. On days when neither of them have to work, they sleep in until like 3 p.m. and then scrounge for leftovers.
remembers to feed the fish
Sasha has every detail of her life planned to the hour. Max sometimes forgets to change his underwear. If there are fish in that apartment, Sasha’s the only thing keeping them alive.
decorates the apartment
Sasha! And it’s girly and beautiful, with tiny touches of things Max thinks are stupid but secretly loves that she leaves there for him, like a small embroidered Charizard hanging over the bathroom door and matching black throw pillows with knitted neon skulls.
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initiates duets
Ha. No. Get that shit out of their faces.
falls asleep first
I feel like everyone headcanons Max with some sort of issues, and I guess I’m not exception, because I totally feel like the kid could have insomnia. Besides, Sasha seems like the kinda gal who’d get a prescription for sleeping pills the second falling asleep got even the slightest bit difficult. (Basically what I’m saying is I am Sasha, apparently. Super lazy and a fan of all sorts of modern comforts. Why work when you don’t have to?)
sends the most selfies
Sasha. Every day to show off her outfit, and every time she feels cute (which is, obviously, every day), and every time she thinks Max looks cute enough to photograph (which isn’t quite every day, though she reassures him that “bangable hot” and “Instagram hot” are two very different things, and he’s always the first).
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makes the first move
Sasha. She was gonna do that whole “wait for the guy to ask you out” thing, but … it’s Max. That wasn’t gonna fucking happen, and after about 7 failed schemes to get him to ask her out, she finally just grabbed him by the strings of his hoodie and dragged him to the Flower Scouts camp for a date. 
He hated it. And texted her the next day to tell her that they were never doing that again. And then continued texting her for rest of the summer, and into the school year. And then sometime the next summer he told her to meet him in this clearing full of “flowers and dumb girly shit” (picked out by David, who was delighted Max came to him for help. Max was decidedly less delighted), where he sat her down on a blanket, handed her a spare DS he’d stolen from Neil, and told her they were on a date and not to ask questions.
They played video games until the sun set – Sasha enjoyed the heart-shaped sandwiches and veggies David made for them, but Max refused to touch them and took her pudding in exchange. She absolutely destroyed him.
plans spontaneous trips
I don’t think either of them are really “spontaneous.” Sasha would have to plan everything down the last detail and would be stressed about doing anything at the last minute; she hates surprises, which would probably be the only reason Max would be proactive enough to plan anything – because let’s be real, he’s still a dick and would find watching her stress infinitely entertaining – but he hates going places and trying new things. So trips are planned months in advance, to give Sasha time to prepare and Max time to bitch about it.
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