#Base Jumping
catchymemes · 2 years
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speedy4477 · 4 months
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Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Feeling the rush.
Fred Fugen, a professional base jumper and sky diver, takes flight over the stunning waterfalls at Gudvangen, Norway.
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havetentwilltravel · 2 years
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longreads · 2 years
In modern times, the appeal of extreme sports can be attributed to twin factors: social media allowing for easy transmission of eye-catching escapades to a global audience, and new technology making even the most challenging of pursuits considerably safer. Bungee jumping, for example, has its origins in the 1980s, when New Zealander Henry van Asch and a fellow Kiwi friend came up with the novel idea of hurling yourself off a bridge attached to an elastic rope. Back then, such an endeavor appealed to a small group of adrenaline-chasers willing to risk their lives for the thrill. Nowadays, bungee jumping is statistically as safe as skydiving and is widely viewed as a relatively low-risk activity for any pleasure seeker.  
Not everything is purely a matter of proper safety measures. Ultra-endurance races, combat sports, and other activities earn their “extreme” moniker through the sheer danger that can befall an untrained attempt. Yet, the popularity of extreme sports continues to rise. Whether that’s a reaction to COVID-induced inactivity, a rebellion against the mundanity of desk jobs, or something else entirely can’t be answered, but these articles go some way toward exploring what leads us as a species to seek out our own physical and mental limits.
Chris Wheatley’s latest reading list is for all the daredevils out there … and the would-be daredevils! Dive in!
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afrotumble · 5 months
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muttball · 1 year
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Perrine Memorial Bridge over the Snake River
The Snake River is named for the Snake Indians, through whose country the greater part of the river flows. The Indians, in turn, were named "Snake" by their Plains neighbors to the east, possibly because they reputedly used snake heads painted on sticks to terrify their Plains enemies. The Snake River originates in Wyoming and arcs across southern Idaho before turning north along the Idaho-Oregon border. The river then enters Washington and flows west to the Columbia River.
The Perrine Bridge is a popular BASE jumping site known all over the world; it may be the only man-made structure in the United States where BASE jumping is allowed year-round without a permit. Jumpers often use the nearby visitor center as a home base before and after parachuting from the bridge.
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nerdsworld · 7 months
Y'all Better Step Your Dark Knight Cosplay Up......A Notch 🦇 🍿🥤
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kontextmaschine · 2 years
Thinking about how after 9/11 there was a brief burst of interest around "escape" parachutes but the Lower Manhattan Financial District is probably one of the worst places on earth to try and land a parachute in
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wisdomfish · 11 months
The basis of humanity’s acquittal before the Father is directly tied to the actions of the divine—human Savior on the cross.
Samples, Kenneth Richard. ‘Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions. p. 130
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ahhsyd · 2 years
R.I.P. Shane McConkey
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
sometimes it just doesnt feel like you've had the correct preparation for your Assigned Complicated Backstory, you feel me?
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Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.
- Ray Bradbury
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havetentwilltravel · 2 years
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unperson1 · 5 months
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afrotumble · 4 months
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