#Barak just doesn’t look like Barak to my mind
As is so often the case with new shows based on books, no one in the cast looks even remotely correct accordingly to my highly accurate, only opinion that matters view of them
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blarhiv · 5 years
Pre-Debut Fan on Shipping and KM
Guys,one wonderful Anonnie decided to bless us with so well written article.So,please,read it <3
Anonnie,thank you for sharing with us your thoughts!
First of all, I just want to clarify that I’m a KM supporter. By my current understanding and my own personal definition, this is to say that that while I believe in the possibility of these two individuals being in a real-life relationship, I am at peace with the reality that it is also conceivable that they are merely very close, wonderful friends. I will get to KM a bit later, but I first want to go through some general commentary on the statement of the fandom in regards to shipping first. I’ve tried to be as respectful as I could and so, things have gotten quite lengthy indeed. 
PART 1: Shipping and Fandoms
Shipping Wars
My first point of major contention lies in shipping wars—in quick and easy summation, I truly really fail to understand shipping wars.
It doesn’t quite make sense to me that there are individuals warring over which ship is real when, no one in the band has ever confirmed a heterosexual relationship, never mind an in-band relationship. So, why fight about it when we can enjoy the lovely bonds between human beings and celebrate good, ostensibly healthy relationships?
If shippers were really into their “ship” (for lack of better terminology) for the bond between those two people, I feel that it is imperative to acknowledge what complete injustice one is doing by participating in something so meaningless and hateful as shipping wars.(Now, despite my refusal to get involved in shipping wars, I do empathize and understand those combating the wretched comments and criticisms these toxic individuals in the fandom say about undeserving band members. But I still do implore people not to argue over with some of these hyper-volatile, toxic individuals about why their perspective is inherently flawed because these people are highly unlikely to entertain a healthy, open discourse about a difference in opinions.) 
And at the point where shippers are determined to evince the realness of their ship, I think their intentions are automatically highly suspect.
If one is truly trying to celebrate the connection, the supposed love, and the affection of said ship, there absolutely shouldn’t be a pressing need or compulsion to prove others wrong for not sharing the same perspective as yours. 
At that point, it becomes less about a celebration of love and more about selfish gratification—whatever it is that may be incentivizing said shipper (And there are, unfortunately, a plethora of self-serving reasons people ship which are not limited to the fetishization of gays/Asians, the determination not to have their dreams of being with a band member to be shattered by their significant other being a female, the egotistical compulsion of needing to be “right”, etc.). And if one is shipping with the genuine intentions of supporting a potentially LGBTQ band member or generally supporting two humans demonstrating great love (whether it presents itself in a platonic or romantic expression), it needn’t matter what the label or status of that relationship is. 
So, if one is supporting with selfless intentions and a sincere desire to see members happy, there’s no point of arguing about the “realness” of a ship because at the end of the day, all the ships in the band are real—because they all have honest, genuine relationships with one another as friends. Shipping Real People 
This is also a highly controversial subject and I believe it is mainly due to the lack of boundaries people have set in place when they participate in shipping real people.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with real people ships—but only under great constraints and self-monitoring. Most people who ship real people do so because human beings are naturally drawn to and attracted to love—that is to say, people love love. That’s why people enjoy romantic movies and relationships between characters on television shows. That’s why writers like to write about love and photographers take pictures of things and people they love.
However, the problem lies in people who take liberties with how seriously they can invest into a real person ship or how entitled they begin to feel towards someone else’s life.
This is where para-social relationships come into place—through the use of social media, fans are given ultra personal ways to interact with celebrities causing them to believe that they’re connected to their idols despite the reality that it is a one-way relationship. These celebrities do not know you—and therefore, they owe you absolutely nothing in regard to their personal life. And so, I absolutely do not condone writing or tagging or demanding things from any real-life ship (ie. VLives, Twitters, fan meets, InstaLives, etc.) where one could be causing the human being distress or pressure. They are, at the end of the day, real people with real feelings and real lives—and we, as fans or spectators at best, are simply entitled to no components of their life.
I think there are instances that you can comment on a celebrity’s life and have it be a perfectly innocuous encounter. For example, it’s quite alright to appreciate and feel second-hand joy at seeing two people whom one respects and follows as a fan looking happy with their potential partners (as in the case of KM) or commenting supportively on a confirmed real-life couple’s Instagram photos (Justin and Hailey Bieber, Michelle and Barak Obama, Hyuna and E’Dawn, Cara Delevine and Ashley Benson, etc.). Feeling joy at seeing someone else happy or commenting something cute and chill on a real-life couple’s picture doesn’t cost anything nor does it harm anyone. But if you, as a fan, begin to demand things from said people if the real life couple breaks up (Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez, Cole Sprouse-Lili Reinhart, etc.) or you hate the real significant other after one half of a popular ship is revealed to be dating someone else (Zendaya-Tom Holland-anonymous girlfriend), that’s when you’ve got a real problem and you need to reassess what you’re doing. If you are going to ship a real-life ship, do it sensitively—don’t personally bother these people with your unsolicited advice and woes, they don’t care about your ships, they just want to live their lives.
Fetishization and Homophobia
Another deeply problematic that comes with the shipping territory is the fetishization.
There are, unfortunately, many fans that like the idea of a real ship right up until the point there’s a possibility where the members might actually be part of the LGBTQ community. It’s sexy and sensual, a “guilty pleasure”, to imagine the idea of gays, but the actual concept of homosexuality as a real part of someone’s identity is somehow unacceptable to many fans.  This is definitely a problem in the Asian music industry. 
While girls fawn over the boy-boy interactions on stage, these same young women are equally likely to be disgusted by the existence of actual homosexual men trying to celebrate their love on the streets—and the KPop industry feeds into this by via methods like encouraging fan service between members or the Pepero game.
This is deeply disheartening as there are, without doubt, LGBTQ members in this industry—we may not know them by name or face (aside from Holland), but they certainly do exist. And how sad is it to imagine that the closest to acceptance these human beings will ever attain for their sexual preferences is on stage for the gratification of fans who won’t even support them if they actually come out? If you only enjoy same-sex interactions on stage, feeling repulsion or deterrence in supporting a gay or lesbian idol based on their sexual preferences, you probably have some soul searching to do. 
Another thing I’ve noticed is the tendency of same-sex shippers to modify a harmless interaction between members as they make jokes or innuendos that splatter a hue of raw sexual essence onto the moment—this is, in part, some fetishization. We should try to avoid this as gay men are trying to escape the sexualized view a large majority of people have about them. 
And KMers are guilty of this—after all, sometimes when a boy says he wants to do his laundry, he really just wants to do his laundry.
So, this is something else to keep in mind. 
General Homophobia
How many times have bloggers received comments about how X members can’t be gay or how if X is gay that the anon can’t be a fan of that person anymore? I’ve definitely read several too many in my time and these are all exemplifying comments of people who house internal homophobia.
Unfortunately, the need to explicitly state and prove homosexuality will always be a symptom of the heteronormativity of most societies—and I do understand why it happens and it’s not always a malicious assumption.
What I peacefully and regretfully do not understand are aggressive fans who flagrantly deny the possibility of any other sexuality aside from being straight—these instances really make me suspect these are mainly female fans that can’t stomach the possibility of their idols not being into their gender or are straight up homophobic without any other reason. (That being said, I also don’t encourage any same-sex shippers/supporters to make assumptions about sexualities either. It’s fine to support and to suspect the possibility of a same-sex relationship, but there should always be that margin for error since none of these idols are definitively out.)
Conclusion to General Shipping 
TLDR; my basic point in the first part of this ridiculous essay is that, we should really all respect one another as members of a single fandom. And beyond that, we should all respect the people whom we are shipping, taking great care and using our sensibilities to ensure we aren’t making real people uncomfortable.
History as a Fan of BTS
So, I just want to clarify that I am a pre-debut BTS fan. I literally read about JM and JK a couple days before they were due to debut and as a huge hip-hop fan, I was immediately interested in their concept. I instantly fell in love with JM’s voice and JK’s multi-faceted talents (and live vocal skills)—that is to say, I was most interested in these two members from the very beginning. As of recent days, I have detached myself from the fandom, preferring to keep a great distance away due to the toxicity and negativity I’ve unfortunately been privy to as the fan base grows bigger and bigger—and it really does make me incredibly sad. I’ve always been into BTS for the music—they were what I listened to bussing up to school as I admired the Cyphers by the rap-line, the gorgeous fluidity of JM’s melodic voice, the deep resonance of TH’s voice, and JK’s talents as a quality, consistent singer despite his age.
And now, sometimes the ship wars and solo stans are louder than the positive members in this community. Luckily, I’ve found a small niche of BTS blogs and KM blogs that have made this experience a lot easier (for KM blogs, many thanks to people like blarhiv, slowlybutobvious-jikook, gaja-aegiya-gaja, chaotic-jikook, singwriteluv, jiminkoo, etc.)
Shipping as a Whole
Now, as for the shipping component. I want to clarify I’m a very selective real-person shipper—I don’t look for mere skin ship or overt proclamations of love or popularity of ship.
Of course, these are initially the easiest features to discern a shippable “ship”, but I’m well practiced in the KPop industry and know these factors between members are virtually useless in discerning romantic interest. 
On top of being a selective shipper, I also think it’s safe to say I’m pretty respectful about shipping as I always try to maintain reasonable skepticism and I’ve never commented anything about shipping on any forum that could make the involved individual uncomfortable. With all that being said, the beginning of BTS, I did not see ANY SHIPS that I could’ve deemed suspicious enough to be considered real.  They were all just young kids that were trying to pave their path to success and just boys messing around on their early television appearances whilst trying to promote their albums.
And even when YM and TK began to gain traction as the fandom’s decidedly largest ships with some believing them to be “real”, I still didn’t see it—and this is said with utmost respect to their closeness and respect for one another as teammates, colleagues, and close friends. 
Undoubtedly, their interactions were playful and adorable, but there was nothing in how they interacted to rouse any suspicions whatsoever. I would view their interactions as commonplace as any other men in regular friendships—with their culture and their age and their jobs in consideration.   Again, I never understood people who truly believed in the validity of these ships.
Now, to be fair, I have, of course, also participated in casually shipping a few members for fun too. For example, I thought Sope was cute and I was drawn to VM’s friendship as well—JM and TH were so ridiculously cute and close, it was nearly impossible not to casually ship them. In the earlier years, since I believed there to be no "real" ships, I was on board with other casual shippers but was greatly confused by those who believed the big three ships (YM, NJ, and TK) were actually real.
My View on Early KM
I first started tuning into KM when I saw a particular Bomb clip of JM and JK messing around with a phone app where their voices were autotuned. Whilst JM was laughing, JK just had his face crinkled up with the softest look on his face. I was like, “huh”—but it definitely wasn’t enough for me to begin thinking it could be real.
Since it was one isolated incident, caught directly on camera, it wasn’t nearly enough evidence to make any logical inferences. At that point, I’d just be jumping onto the train of delusion. While on the subject of early KM, I also want to take this opportunity to quickly give my take on this malicious narrative that JK doesn’t like JM—as a pre-debut fan, I’ve never bought into this.
Between JK’s self-proclaimed shyness towards JM’s unadulterated fondness for him, JK’s proclivities to drop honorifics on camera even from the beginning, JK telling JM he teases his hyung because he likes him—I was almost flabbergasted when I first caught inklings of it.  
This is such an outrageous vilification and outright character assassination of a young kid in his teens who didn’t know how to deal with his hyung’s affections, despite having always confirmed and reassured JM that he does, in fact, like him. 
The fact that so-called fans to this day still try to drive this narrative despite the fact that JK has set fire and gasoline to this toxic roller coaster ride of lies and delusions is actually unfathomable to me. Never mind the exact type of relationship KM have, it’s just so distinguishably clear that JK really, really likes JM judging by the amount of time they spend together and how beautiful JK’s smile is when he’s around JM. 
The Shift
Essentially, I casually shipped Sope, VM, and KM at some point—they were my favourites to see interact and I was always cooing over how adorable their bonds were with one another. And if I’m being frank, I was especially partial to the latter two ships because of how attentive and caring JM is to his younger members.
JM’s kindness has always touched my heart.
I find JM’s interactions with people the most fascinating based off the fact that he is just an enthralling, ethereal human being with this gorgeous voice and enormous heart—and for that, he was my very favourite member always.
But, of course, I am a KM supporter.How did this happen?
Well, my eyes nearly bugged out of my head at the infamous back hug at 2015 KBS Music Festival—especially since it was JK being so unusually expressive and forward with his affection. But perhaps this was a cultural thing? I definitely felt some cognitive dissonance as I tried to explain the strange, almost romantic aura of the moment using logic despite sensing that this string of reasoning didn’t sit quite right with me. But again, one isolated incident is a whole lot of nothing in the world of skin ship and KPop. 
But as we all know, at this point, we got see KM get closer and see their relationship develop and I was really all for it as I was incredibly pleased by that personal growth in JK as a maturing adult and the joy it conversely seemed to bring JM with this newly matured JK.
JK’s Development
A large part of my transition over from casual to serious “shipper” is actually because of JK. I’ve always viewed him as a talented individual, as aforementioned, but other than that there was certainly other larger personalities that caught my eye quicker—between JM’s big heart, JH’s enormous personality, and TH’s quirks, he was definitely quietly existing in the background when he wasn’t performing. But he really just grew into himself and I think any fan can see that.
There’s all the general ways he grew up, his physique and his facial structure and his height, but more than anything my heart softened immensely when I began to see what a beautiful soul this boy had always had. I’m not saying that he’s not without flaws—because another a huge problem in the industry is the fans’ tendency to idealize their idols past the mortal realm of making mistakes or having character flaws—but anyone can see he’s clearly matured.
The way he treats JM only gets better and better with each year.
And I genuinely don’t feel that it’s delusional to say the way that he treats JM is vastly different from any other member. He is kind-hearted with a dreamy view on the world and he’s good to his hyungs after everything they’ve done for him when he’d been a child, but he’s that in tenfold around JM. To say he doesn’t play favourites when JM’s involved is being willfully ignorant because there’re so many recent examples alone (the way he splashes water on SJ vs. JM, the way he roughhouses other members vs. JM, the way he gives JM a big pancake because of an impending punishment vs. SJ in same predicament, the attentive way he watches JM in interviews over other members, the way he monitors JM's health via food and drink, etc.).
I also want to mention as a disclaimer that these comparisons aren’t made in any type of malicious way or with the intent of discrediting relationships between JK and other members. It’s simply instrumental in understanding why such a large population of non-shippers have been drawn to KM as a potential real pairing versus any other pairing. If everyone stopped inserting their own captions and interpretations of JK’s actions and only had the source material in front of them, no misleading historical content to waylay new fans with a tired and counterfeit narrative, it’s pretty clear that JK displays incredible fondness and tenderness towards JM in a conspicuous manner.
It doesn’t make his relationships with the others any less, it just makes his relationship with JM just that little bit more. It’s not about putting down or undermining the other relationships, it’s just about acknowledging the reality of JK’s obvious magnetism towards JM. If a fan really cares for JK, it’s almost cruel to disregard the fact that his face lights up when he’s with JM (WeVerse picture, JM punching him on the shoulder, FaceTime picture, VLive, etc.) and his voice softens when he speaks to JM (Run episode with JK slating, Run episode playing palm game, Run episode asking JM if he’s ready, etc.).
These examples aren’t delusions, it’s reality—the evidence are quite literally in photographs or videos. As a longtime fan, I honestly and sincerely mean this—JK has become a handsome man in my eyes not because of his appearance (though he’s undeniably good-looking) but because of the way he treats JM and others he cares for. As the years pass by, his heart and soul has become more and more beautiful in my eyes. I can’t attribute it fully to JM, but I can certainly say that my heart melts when I see his interactions with JM—not because I am a shipper/supporter but because as an empathetic human, I am viscerally drawn to humans with kindness in their hearts. The man treats JM so, so well. I know I keep repeating this but it’s just a grave injustice to ignore how much JK cares for JM. Never mind your projected desires and your biases, just look at what’s in front of you and just appreciate that enviable, lovely bond. Even if people will choose to disregard romantic overtones in GCFt or the meaningful lyrics during the times JM shows up in GCFsai or the fact he has the most screen time overall (which is fine), it'd be prudent to at least acknowledge the fact that JM is incredibly treasured by this young man.
JMs Shift
Another thing that made me suspicious was the transition of JM’s behavior as well.
I find it harder to read JM than JK in many ways—perhaps it’s just an introvert relating with follow introvert—but there are differences in his behavior that also made me question things as well.
It’s obvious that JM used to be a little much for shy, introverted JK in front of the camera and that that behavior tapered off as the years went by. I do think a large part of it is due to JM growing up (although I do suspect some part might be due to vicious fans who might’ve hurt his feelings about his personality) and reigning himself in. But even then, he was still visibly touchy and affectionate with JK—just as he is with all his other members—whether he was petting his head, openly calling him cute, or what have you.
In my view, the most telling thing about JM is how careful he seems around JK—something in his behavior feels tailored in a way that’s still affectionate towards JK but in a way not to rouse suspicion even if the body and eyes don’t lie.
I’m not sure if it even makes sense, but I do sense a certain sense of caution about how JM treats JK in the public eye in comparison to JK who reliably wears his heart on his sleeve. He seems to be more aware of cameras and the public eye than JK does. It’s really hard to verbalize, but I’ve sensed a discernible change in how JM treats JK—it’s not bad or worrisome, it’s just different.(Although, they’ve gradually become a lot more carefree this year.)
Time Skip
I don’t want to bore everyone anymore than I already have, but the point of how I became a more serious supporter compared to my origins as a casual shipper is based off suspicious trends and continuous patterns in the boys’ behaviours over multiple years.
Even now, I continuously try to translate the boys’ body language, vocal tone (when speaking to each other vs. another member), facial expressions, and constant mentions of one another as a platonic demonstration of affection. And some interactions are pretty harmlessly adorable, just a little something to wet the lips of any casual shipper, but with the surmounting amount of moments it becomes really hard for even the most logical person not question the nature of their relationship.
KM and Ship Wars
Clearly, the progression of their relationship has been the target of incredible hatred and frustration on the parts of hostile members of other ships and it’s gotten to a point where they’ve resorted to subterfuge to try pilot a plane missing a wing—that is to say, they’re trying to keep an aircraft based on intentional mistranslations, vicious lies, and carefully crafted stories of events that have been disproven afloat.
The incredible discrepancy between what sorts of behavior can be categorically classified as fan service seems to conveniently shift based on whatever is keeping the fragile balance of their dreams alive despite evidence to the contrary.
The moment we try to discount or negate the relationships a member has with another one in the name of a ship, there’s absolutely a problem that needs reassessment—this goes for all fans including KMers. 
KM and Coming Out
I want to clarify very firmly that if you are a true supporter of KM, one who selflessly wants their happiness above everything (which includes everything from the potential of KM having other significant others, KM being single, KM being involved in a fling, etc.), you absolutely do not want or need them to come out. 
If they do come out, of their own choice and volition, you can happily support them, but you do not need or seek this from them.
And may I carefully remind people that if you want them to come out for the sole purpose of feeling vindicated against other shippers, you’re not a true supporter and you’re in this for selfish reasons. So, if you imagine your first instinct will be an outcry of “I told you so, I’m right” with the express purpose of throwing it in another ship’s face, please evaluate your role and incentive in being a KMer. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or if you’re wrong—all that matters are these incredible boys who inspire people on the daily are happy, healthy, and well. I honestly want their happiness and safety over a confirmation of a relationship any day and I really encourage all supporters to feel this way as well. In a conservative Asian society, it wouldn’t be easy to maneuver as an openly homosexual man. I implore you to consider the occurrences of hate crimes in more liberal countries. It’s not going to be an improvement, only likely to be a far more isolating experience, in a more traditional country with homophobic tendencies as the majority sentiment. So, while I know most reasonable supporters feel this way, this is a reminder to toxic shippers to stay in your lane and stop demanding things from other human beings that owe you nothing—they don’t owe you pictures of WeVerse, they don’t owe you selfies with one another on Twitter, and they don’t owe you a coming-out story to prove your ship right.
To sum up, I’m not saying that KM  is real for sure.
No one can know that except their personnel, their friends, and their family—or sadly, in a conservative country, perhaps even just themselves. The point is, we as fans, absolutely cannot know for certain.
And this is mainly why I'm not too concerned or bothered about timelines or specific dates. We don't know and there's no point (for me) to delve this far into the realm of speculation. But to each their own as long as you're not being invasive to KM! 
However, I’m not unconfident in saying that if they are not real, the likelihood of any other same-sex relationship in the band is highly unlikely—though not impossible.
I also want to reassure everyone that I love the bonds between all the members and encourage everyone to understand that even if you favour or don’t favour one member over another to realize that your opinion really doesn’t matter in comparison to how BTS feels about one another—they love one another. 
And at the end of the day, shipping isn’t so important that we need to fight over it.
After all, if all we’re trying to do is support love, then shouldn’t we be doling it out to?
And with that, I’m out!
Thank you to anyone for reading and keep well and healthy everyone!
PS Thank you very much to Blarhiv to allowing me to use her blog as a platform! This very, very special individual we should all treasure in the KM community!!!❤️❤️❤️    
(omg anonnie this is too cute тттт Thank YOU).
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figurctives · 4 years
      they’re going to die. 
      a casual lilt, unexpected words that ring out in the concrete hollows of the alcove. it rained that afternoon, and though the ground has already soaked up all of the wetness, water still drips off the edges of the pointed archways. not quite windows, because there is no glass that keeps theodore kim from leaning over the rough edge onto his elbows, no barrier that keeps the quiet chirping from reaching henrietta huang’s ears. 
      “who is?” she asks, tongue shy behind her teeth. because no matter how many years she’s had to get used to his imposing presence, henri thinks she will always find him unapproachable. theo’s tongue peeks out to wet his lower lip, but he otherwise does not acknowledge henri’s sudden appearance. henri takes that as a sign that she can stay. 
      she’d come looking for him as soon as she heard someone ask, drunkenly, hey, where’d theo go?, because she felt bad that she didn’t notice first, too busy with the laughter on either side of her as she watched her friends crush tablets of adderall against the face of a textbook that didn’t belong to them. there was never much to do in a place like this, but she doesn’t mind crowding into a dorm room and sharing a bottle of whatever they’ve managed to smuggle in that week as much as she knows theo does, so. she’d come looking for him, to check on him, even though he doesn’t need her to. because she knows that he likes it when she does. 
      “the birds,” he says, voice echoing in the cold hall as the night’s breeze whips through the openings of the alcove. she can still hear laughter from the direction she’d come, but it’s faint and she tells herself she can stay here with him for a few minutes. convinces herself that she’d rather do this. be here. “their mother hasn’t come to this nest in two days. she’s probably dead, too.”
      henri can hardly see the nest of baby birds as she approaches, but the moonlight traces the lines of theo’s profile, and she can tell by the lift in his cheeks that he’s smiling before he turns to her. when he does, the sharpness of it, teeth glistening, tingles at her spine. she doesn’t want to talk about birds, especially not dead ones. in fact, the sight of them as she steps closer, cranes her head around theo’s shoulder to see, leaves a foul taste at the back of her throat. still, she says, “we should help them.” 
      theo’s smile softens then, just at the edges. he reaches out and traces the pad of his thumb down her nose. it could be the bourbon, warm in her belly, but the gesture makes her uneasy, the edge in the tilt of his lips replaced with something like pity. he doesn’t need to say the words for her to hear them ring out against the intricate carvings of the ceiling. henrietta, you are so naive. 
      she’s not. 
      retracting his touch, he turns back to the chirping birds, necks craned as they beg for food. the smile slips off his face completely, and he doesn’t hesitate as he starts to push the small nest out of its corner and closer to the edge.
      henri reaches out, fingers curling around his sleeve as concern bunches itself into the skin between her eyebrows. “don’t,” she says.
      “would you rather them suffer?” his voice curls around his words like her obstruction has offended him, eyeing the birds with something akin to contempt shining in the reflection of moonlight circling his irises, staring down his nose like the birds have offended him as well. “it’s better to end it quickly. there’s no use letting them die slowly like this. cold and abandoned, pathetic.”
      “what if she comes back?” henri asks, because maybe she is a little naive.
      “then she’ll be too late,” theo says, pushing the nest down towards the trees, henri’s fingers still on his sleeve.
      the next morning she’ll have to step around their small, featherless bodies lying splayed on the pavement, and she’ll think of how after the small smack of the nest had resounded in the alcove, theo had turned to her and kissed her, thumb pressed into the heartbeat at the her neck.
      four years later
      there’s mud on her shoes. she doesn’t notice it right away, feet quick on the pavement as she avoids the puddles scattered across st. agathe’s. it rained last night. the smell of moss and petrichor clings to the air, fog gathering low to the ground as the clock tower bellows over campus, letting henri know that she’s late. the early autumnal chill seeps through her tights. summer has started to fade, and three weeks into the semester henri still isn’t used to waking up with the sun. she blames it on the time difference, but really she’s just unwilling to accept that the start of her sophomore year means spending less nights out breaking curfew. which is exactly why her heart stops in her chest when she sees a familiar form waiting for her at the entrance of barak hall. 
      theo’s expression is schooled and unimpressed as henri’s footfalls slow. he leans against the looming doors, st. agathe’s emblem hand carved into the newly shining wood. the same emblem stitched over the breast of her and theo’s forest green blazers, henri’s (and everyone else’s for that matter) embroidered with navy thread and theo’s with white, signifying his status as student body president. he’s the youngest to ever be voted into the position, and as he leans away from the door with a bored look in his eyes, henri sees why. 
      he takes after his mother in that sense. shoulders squared and back straight, aura bleeding an overflow of confidence. it is intimidating on his good days, terrifying on his bad ones. henri isn’t sure which today is.
      “you’re late,” he says simply, shaded by the overhanging that drips with the remnants of the rain they received. the thin, beaded curtain of water separates them.
      “i overslept,” henri explains, feet picking back up to carry her the rest of the way to the door. she ducks beneath the dripping water quickly, eyes hesitant as they search theo’s face. unreadable, as always.
      “you broke curfew,” he says, this time accusingly. “that’s two offenses in one.”
      and that’s the thing about dating someone like theo. she can���t ever get away with anything. no matter how well she thinks she’s hidden something, he seems to always know sooner rather than later. she swallows, rocking back on her heels. nervous until his expression melts, the corners of his mouth lazy as they pull into a loose smile. she breathes. 
      “if you do it again i’ll have to report you. and mina. especially you, though,” he says, hand sneaking its away around the back of her neck and into the raven tresses at the back of her head. his lips meet her forehead. “good morning,” he murmurs against her skin. 
      “good morning,” she says, a smile of her own. he steps away and pushes open the heavy door, its height looming over both of them by a few feet.
      “i’m having dinner with the dean this weekend,” theo explains as they make their way down the main hall, empty as the clock tower has already signaled the start of class. “you’re my plus one. saturday night, 7 o’clock sharp. wear something you’ve never worn before.”
      the smile on henri’s face falls again as she thinks of the train tickets mina had pinned to their refrigerator. she’s been planning a weekend away from st. agathe’s with her best friend since they first returned to campus. “i can’t this weekend,” she says. “i already have plans with mina.”
      “so cancel them,” theo says, hands shoved into this pockets and voice flippant.
      “we bought train tickets, we can’t cancel.”
      he stops walking, and so does she, and the warmth from earlier is gone again just like that. except this time she can see the irritation brewing on his face.
      “i’m not asking, henrietta.”
      “and neither am i,” she says defiantly. immediately she regrets it, theo’s hands emerging from his pockets to grab at her elbow and pull her around a corner. he crowds over her, quietly threatening. 
      “we’re three weeks into the semester and you’re already on the verge of getting written up, i think you can spare a weekend to do something actually useful with your time for once. buy different train tickets.” his voice is cold, demanding. henri’s eyes narrow. 
      “why do i have to go?” she complains, feeling small. like theo has sucked away any defense she had left with the hardness in his gaze.
      “because i asked you to,” he says, eyes roaming the lingering defeat in her face as the silence of the hall settles over them.
      “i’m late for class–” she starts in a last attempt to stand her ground, peeling away from the wall, but before she can finish getting the words out theo’s hand on her stomach pushes her back into cold concrete, his fingers curling against her waist. 
      “henri,” he warns. slow and cold.
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for September 10 of 2021 with Proverbs 10 and Psalm 10, accompanied by Psalm 83 for the 83rd day of Astronomical Summer and Psalm 103 for day 253 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 10]
The wisdom of Solomon:
When wisdom comes to a son,
joy comes to a father.
When a son turns from wisdom,
a mother grieves.
Gaining wealth through dishonesty is no gain at all.
But honesty brings you a lasting happiness.
The Lord satisfies the longings of all his lovers,
but he withholds from the wicked what their souls crave.
Slackers will know what it means to be poor,
while the hard worker becomes wealthy.
Know the importance of the season you’re in
and a wise son you will be.
But what a waste when an incompetent son
sleeps through his day of opportunity!
The lover of God is enriched beyond belief,
but the evil man only curses his luck.
The reputation of the righteous
becomes a sweet memorial to him,
while the wicked life only leaves a rotten stench.
The heart of the wise will easily accept instruction.
But those who do all the talking
are too busy to listen and learn.
They’ll just keep stumbling ahead
into the mess they created.
The one who walks in integrity
will experience a fearless confidence in life,
but the one who is devious
will eventually be exposed.
The troublemaker always has a clever plan
and won’t look you in the eye,
but the one who speaks correction honestly
can be trusted to make peace.
The teachings of the lovers of God are like
living truth flowing from the fountain of life,
but the words of the wicked
hide an ulterior motive.
Hatred keeps old quarrels alive,
but love draws a veil over every insult
and finds a way to make sin disappear.
Words of wisdom flow from the one with true discernment.
But to the heartless, words of wisdom
become like rods beating their backside.
Wise men don’t divulge all that they know,
but chattering fools blurt out words
that bring them to the brink of ruin.
A rich man’s wealth becomes like a citadel of strength,
but the poverty of the poor leaves their security in shambles.
The lovers of God earn their wages for a life of righteousness,
but the wages of the wicked are squandered on a life of sin.
If you readily receive correction,
you are walking on the path to life.
But if you reject rebuke,
you’re guaranteed to go astray.
The one who hides his hatred while pretending to be your friend
is nothing but a liar.
But the one who slanders you behind your back
proves that he’s a fool, never to be trusted.
If you keep talking, it won’t be long
before you’re saying something really wrong.
Prove you’re wise from the very start—
just bite your tongue and be strong!
The teachings of the godly ones are like pure silver,
bringing words of redemption to others,
but the heart of the wicked is corrupt.
The lovers of God feed many with their teachings,
but the foolish ones starve themselves
for lack of an understanding heart.
True enrichment comes from the blessing of the Lord,
with rest and contentment in knowing
that it all comes from him.
The fool finds fun in planning to do wrong,
but the wise delight in having discernment.
The lawless are haunted by their fears
and what they dread will come upon them,
but the longings of the lovers of God will all be fulfilled.
The wicked are blown away by every stormy wind.
But when a catastrophe comes,
the lovers of God have a secure anchor.
To trust a lazy person to get a job done
will be as irritating as smoke in your eyes—
as enjoyable as a toothache!
Living in the worship and awe of God
will bring you many years of contented living.
So how could the wicked ever expect to have a long, happy life?
Lovers of God have a joyful feast of gladness,
but the ungodly see their hopes vanish right before their eyes.
The beautiful ways of God are a safe resting place
for those who have integrity.
But to those who work wickedness
the ways of God spell doom.
God’s lover can never be greatly shaken.
But the wicked will never inherit
the covenant blessings.
The teachings of the righteous are loaded with wisdom,
but the words of the evil ones are crooked and perverse.
Words that bring delight pour from the lips of the godly,
but the words of the wicked are duplicitous.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 10 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 10]
The Cry of the Oppressed
Lord, why do you seem so far away when evil is near?
Why have you hidden yourself when I need you the most?
The arrogant in their elitist pride persecute the poor and helpless.
May you pour out upon them
the very evil they’ve dreamed up against others!
How they brag and boast of their cravings, exalting the greedy.
They congratulate themselves as they despise you—
these arrogant ones, so smug and secure!
In their delusion the wicked boast, saying,
“God doesn’t care about what we do.
There’s nothing to worry about!”
So successful are they in their schemes
and prosperous in all their plans!
Your laws are far from them;
they scoff at their enemies.
They boast that neither God nor men will bring them down.
They sneer at all their enemies, saying in their hearts,
“We’ll have success in all we do
and never have to face trouble.”
Their mouths spew out cursing, lies, and threats.
Only trouble and turmoil come from all their plans.
Like beasts lurking in the shadows of the city,
they crouch silently in ambush, waiting for the innocent to pass by.
Pouncing on the poor, they catch them in their snare
to murder their prey in secret
as they plunder their helpless victims.
They crush the lowly as they fall beneath their brutal blows,
watching their victims collapse in defeat!
Then they say to themselves,
“The Lofty One is not watching while we do this.
He doesn’t even care! We can get away with it!”
Now arise, Yahweh-God! Crush them once and for all!
Don’t forget the helpless and oppressed.
How dare the wicked think they’ll reject God and escape judgment.
They say to themselves,
“God won’t hold me accountable.”
Lord, I know you see all that they’re doing,
noting their each and every deed.
You know the trouble and turmoil they’ve caused.
Now punish them thoroughly for all that they’ve done!
The poor and helpless ones trust in you, Lord,
for you are famous for being the helper of the fatherless.
I know you won’t let them down.
Break the power of the wicked and all their strong-arm tactics.
Search them out and destroy them
for the evil things they’ve done.
You, Yahweh, are King forever and ever!
All the nations will perish from your land.
Yahweh, you have heard the desires of the humble
and seen their hopes.
You will hear their cries and encourage their hearts.
The orphans and the oppressed will be terrified no longer,
for you will bring them justice, and no earth-dweller will trouble them again.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 10 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 83]
God, Don’t Be Silent
Asaph’s poetic song
God, you have to do something! Don’t be silent and just sit idly by.
Can’t you see what they’re doing?
All your enemies are stirred up in an uproar!
They despise you, Lord.
In their defiant arrogance they rise up
to host their secret council against your people.
They conspire together to come and harm
your cherished ones—your hidden ones.
Our enemies keep saying,
“Now is the time to wipe Israel off the map.
We’ll destroy even the memory of her existence!”
They’ve made their pact, consulting and conspiring,
aligning together in their covenant against God.
All the sons of Ishmael, the desert sheiks and the nomadic tribes, Amalekites, Canaanites, Moabites,
and all the nations that surround us,
Philistines, Phoenicians, Gadarenes, and Samaritans;
allied together they’re ready to attack!
Pause in his presence
Do to them all what you did to the Midianites
who were defeated by Gideon.
Or what you did to Sisera and Jabin
when Deborah and Barak defeated them by the Kishon River.
Do to your enemies what you did at Endor,
whose rotting corpses fertilized the land.
Repeat history, God! Make all their “noble ones”
die like Oreb, Zebah, and Zalmunna, who said in their pride,
“We will seize God’s people along with all their pleasant lands!”
Blow them away, God, like straw in the wind,
like a tumbleweed in the wilderness!
Burn them up like a raging fire roaring down the mountainside;
consume them all until only charred sticks remain!
Chase them away like before a mighty storm and terrifying tempest.
O Lord, disgrace them until their faces fill with shame,
and make them acknowledge the glory of your name.
Make them utter failures in everything they do
until they perish in total disgrace and humiliation,
so they will know that you, and you alone,
are Yahweh, the only Most High God exalted over all the earth!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 83 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 103]
A song of David.
O my soul, come, praise the Eternal
with all that is in me—body, emotions, mind, and will—every part of who I am—
praise His holy name.
O my soul, come, praise the Eternal;
sing a song from a grateful heart;
sing and never forget all the good He has done.
Despite all your many offenses, He forgives and releases you.
More than any doctor, He heals your diseases.
He reaches deep into the pit to deliver you from death.
He crowns you with unfailing love and compassion like a king.
When your soul is famished and withering,
He fills you with good and beautiful things, satisfying you as long as you live.
He makes you strong like an eagle, restoring your youth.
When people are crushed, wronged, enslaved, raped, murdered,
the Eternal is just;
He makes the wrongs right.
He showed Moses His ways;
He allowed His people Israel to see His wonders and acts of power.
The Eternal is compassionate and merciful.
When we cross all the lines, He is patient with us.
When we struggle against Him, He lovingly stays with us—changing, convicting, prodding;
He will not constantly criticize,
nor will He hold a grudge forever.
Thankfully, God does not punish us for our sins and depravity as we deserve.
In His mercy, He tempers justice with peace.
Measure how high heaven is above the earth;
God’s wide, loving, kind heart is greater for those who revere Him.
You see, God takes all our crimes—our seemingly inexhaustible sins—and removes them.
As far as east is from the west, He removes them from us.
An earthly father expresses love for his children;
it is no different with our heavenly Father;
The Eternal shows His love for those who revere Him.
For He knows what we are made of;
He knows our frame is frail, and He remembers we came from dust.
The children of Adam are like grass;
their days are few;
they flourish for a time like flowers in a meadow.
As the wind blows over the field and the bloom is gone,
it doesn’t take much to blow us out of the memory of that place.
But the unfailing love of the Eternal is always and eternal
for those who reverently run after Him.
He extends His justice on and on to future generations,
To those who will keep His bond of love
and remember to walk in the guidance of His commands.
The Eternal has established His throne up in the heavens.
He rules over every seen and unseen realm and creature.
Adore Him! Give Him praise, you heavenly messengers,
you powerful creatures who listen to
and act on His every word.
Give praise to the Eternal, all armies of heaven—
you servants who stand ready to do His will.
Give praise to the Eternal, all that He has made
in all corners of His creation.
O my soul, come, praise the Eternal!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 103 (The Voice)
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sarakellar · 7 years
I wrestle with my femininity like Jacob wrestled with God.
It sneaks up on me in the darkness and jumps my back and wrestles me to the ground. Sometimes it swings a sucker punch at me, and I keel before swinging one back, panting from the blow to my solar plexus. The light dawns, and I have it in a stranglehold, and it says, “Let me go.”
I say, “Bless me.”
Bless me, please, you supposed gift from God.
Where God blessed Jacob, however, femininity smiles at me with bloody teeth, slips from my hold, and attacks me again.
I was raised in the church, but not in church culture.
I didn’t wear dresses to church every Sunday—I have a vague memory of doing it when I was much younger, maybe six, maybe even younger, but not again in my childhood after I denounced them at eight and only wore them once a year for camp.
Pants were the name of the game, and shortly after I cut all associations with the colour pink I shopped in the boy’s clothing section exclusively for clothes for a few years. It’s not as bad now—I bought a pastel pink dress for a wedding the other day. I love that dress, but not enough to wear it 24/7. I took it off as soon as I got back to my cousin’s house, and I’m back in jeans and flannel today.
My mother told me once, as we waited at a restaurant during another out of town gymnastics excursion, that nobody would’ve been able to guess that I was a gymnast. She was referring to how I slouch, I know she was (my high school music teacher made the same claim a few years later), but as I look back on those years it wouldn’t have been just the slouch that had people stumped. The androgynous clothing would’ve done it, too.
I am a girl. I know I am.
My mother has been more patient than I could ever ask her to be, especially when she was still the one paying for my clothing.
Somebody I met at Bible camp told me that if I wanted to be a boy so bad, I should just get a sex change and get it over with.
I wrestle.
I wasn’t raised in church culture, but I know it’s caricature of femininity well. I know it, because I’ve long known that I would never be able to fit into it. A perfect Christian woman is a “Proverbs 31” woman, yet she’s also a “1 Timothy 2:11-12” and “Ephesians 5:22-24” woman. She’s useful and serves her husband but she doesn’t say anything while she does it. There is strength in that servitude, apparently. Strength to be found in that bending, in the obviously feminine spiritual gifts of hospitality and serving and encouragement and minding of children (you mean that’s not a spiritual gift?). 
There are women who do it well, with more grace than I could ever accomplish, and I admire them for it.
I, however, am loud. I have that gentle quietness within me, but it doesn’t underscore all that I do. I run around. I do sports with the boys. I can keep up in theological conversations, and want to participate in them. I want to be a wife and a mother, but I won’t be shoved to the sidelines like being a girl somehow makes me less. 
After I got my hair cut short, more than one person asked me if I liked girls. Like that, tied with all the other things, is a failsafe sign. 
I have wondered, more than once, if I would be allowed to teach from the pulpit if I simply got a sex change—as “simple” as that can be.
I will not go quietly into that good night, where any sense of femininity I have will trip me to the ground once again.
I never tried to fit in to the caricature—too much effort for me, would force me into a mould unlike myself—but that doesn’t mean I haven’t agonized over it. Over what being me means for my life, my future. 
Mainly in the realm of relationships. How many guys strike me off their list because I’m not their perfect picture view of femininity? The surprise I see on their faces when I tell them that I want to be a wife or a mom isn’t fake, that split-second reaction immediately after before it can be molded into something more.
I look to Jesus, and I say, “You knit me together, so what the hell is this?”
A youth leader speaks back to me: “You’re not a flowery type of girl. You were never meant to be. You’re exactly how he made you to be.”
I stop clinging to the caricature of the Perfect Christian Woman. Start looking past the cultural definition and look to the Bible. 
Look to Sarah, who laughed, because as much as she wanted a child she knew what her body couldn’t do.
Look to Hagar, who wept in the wilderness before God spoke to her pain.
Look to Zipporah, who single-handedly saved Moses’ life after he didn’t circumcise their son, a pagan woman doing what the Israelite God decreed.
Look to Rahab, who had more guts than I’ll ever have and hid a couple of foreign spies in her roof.
Look to Deborah, who was a judge, a spiritual and political leader of Israel, who was married and, therefore, probably also had children. She also had time to accompany Barak to war when he refused to go without her.
(Look to Jael, the unsung hero we don’t talk about in that story, who lured Sisera into her tent and drove a tent peg through his skull while he slept. “Jael” means “the LORD is God”, and he definitely showed that through her.)
Look to Abigail, who intercepted David before he could murder everyone that belonged to Nabal’s house.
Look to Jehosheba, who took away Joash when he was still very young and hid him away before he could be killed. Joash, who became king, who repaired the temple.
Look to Mary, who was no weak thing to take the burden of a scandalous pregnancy and everything that it could mean (destitution, death) on her shoulders.
Look to Mary Magedalene, who followed, and was the first person to declare the Gospel to a group of disciples who didn’t believe her. To declare that Jesus is alive.
It squeezes at my heart, my femininity—or, perhaps, the ever-there awareness that I’m not as everyone thinks I should be. 
I’m never going to fit into that box.
And so I wrestle on.
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mindkreation · 7 years
5 Core Habits of Successful People
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I have been passionate about entrepreneurship for the last couple of years, and that has to take me to read a lot of books, but most important to learn a lot from them;I thought before that I have a favorite entrepreneur but them I realize that it’s hard to choose just one because most of them have accomplished a lot and some of them have develop their self in circumstances that it’s hard to think that it’s possible to do, like for example Elon musk with Tesla, space X , Bill Gates with creating a software that didn’t exist and Jeff Bezos a guy who create a website to sell book and now is one of the most biggest and influential store in the world and many more of them that had accomplished a lot during their life’s.
I had reading most of their biography’s and I have found that many of them share a lot of habits or qualities which I think it’s what make them so successful and separate them from the rest, and I think that if you are like me that you want to become better every day and wants to leave a mark in this world it’s good to copy or practice at less some of their habits because that can help you to have a road map in your life or any goal that you want to accomplish.
I will share with you 5 of my Favorite habits that I had found very helpful in my life, I hope you enjoy it and at less practice one of them I’m pretty sure that it will be a great tool in your personal development.
1-They set goals and outline specifically how to reach them.
Research has shown that when an individual sets measurable goals for themselves, they are more like to achieve them. Set specific daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly goals for yourself and your business. Not only should you write down what your goals are but also determine the optimal path to get you there. In doing this you are able to visualize the path you must take to get there. Consistently review your goals and plans to achieve them on a regular basis.
Once I heard a story about two guys who were asked to walk in a straight line the first one focus on his step and the second focus on a three that were far away, my questions is which of them was the one to accomplish what they were asked? the answers its simple the one who put his focus on the tree. why? Because set a goal for himself and keep his eyes on it until he was able to finally get to that goal, and the other guy keeps his focus on his feet trying to keep a straight line and he forgets his vision to where he has to go.
One of the best tips that I have received in my life is from a guy call  Andy Frisella he has a podcast call MFCEO which I recommend by the way because it will help you to fire up your entrepreneurship; and the tip was that he has this little book that he use to write every morning and he set 5 goals for the day, I mean it doesn’t has to be 5 it can be 3 or 4 but I will say keep it smaller don’t write to many things because you will end up doing nothing; This list has to be key goals that put it them together every day they will build a bigger Goal, for example, let say you want to have a million Dollar, don’t just write that you want a million dollar, you have to deconstruct that Goal in small pieces, you need to ask yourself what do I need to do to make a million ? it does not just create a business it’s more than that and what I mean by deconstruct it’s that in order to become a millionaire I need to have a business and in order to have a business I need to find a niche, I need to do research, I need to do phone calls, I need to look for information on the internet, so, in this case, you will put on your list for today, I need to find a good niche that fit with me and after you found that you set another milestone in that topic for example after finding your niche you next target goal could be I will look for information about this niche, and so on; this 5 daily goals method has helped a lot in accomplishing things that I just to have pending for a very long time it’s really a great format to get things done.
2-They work for more than money.
Steve Jobs, who has become a legend among entrepreneurs, attributes his success not to chasing money but to the desire to change the world for the better. In doing, so he created some of the world’s most brilliant products.
Entrepreneurs that allow their focus to be 100% on financial gain neglect long-term well-being which leads many business owners to feel unfulfilled and depressed. Just as you should have a diversified portfolio of assets, you should diversify your well-being (i.e. spiritual, mental, emotional) in regards to your business.
A couple months ago I was looking at an interview of Elon Musk and was impressing the answers that he give went he got asked what he was thinking went he create Tesla, Solar City and Space X and the answers what so smooth but strong at the same time, he say “what I was thinking it’s about how I can help humanity, what the people need now, what I can provide that they don’t have yet?”. And I personally think that this need to be our motto how can provide value to people by using our mind and our business I mean let be realistic all of us want money all of us want to become wealthy but I think you should focus on bringing value to people first and the wealth be add after that and believe me you will feel better about yourself.
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3-They start before they feel ready.
What holds back many people from even starting their own business is the preconceived notion that they need more experience. The truth that matters is that there is no “right” time to venture into the world of entrepreneurship. In fact, many (if not all) new entrepreneurs have no idea what they are doing – even the world’s most successful such as Richard Branson. “Starting a business is like Choosing Your Own Adventure book. There are various different ways to reach the end…just be willing to finish the book.”
Resilience and being able to reflect on your failures is what separates good entrepreneurs from the great ones. The ability to get knocked down over and over while maintaining focus on your end-goal requires tremendous mental fortitude. We often see the most successful business owners invite failure into their lives. A common mantra in the tech world is, “fail fast, fail often”. In doing so you spend less time actually failing and more time to learn about what got you there so you don’t repeat your mistakes.
I think that you need to start before you feel completely ready or you think that it’s the right time to do it, went I start this blog I was scared I won’t lied, I didn’t have the experience, the knowledge, the resource I event have the money to pay someone to make the web page for me and my writing it’s not that good too  but hey! at less I’m trying and little by little I’m getting comfortable with this because I love and I enjoy doing this, what I mean with all of this it’s that you need to try and even if you fail to get up and try one more time until you get it done.
4-They have Routines
Have a routine or set of habits In your day it’s a key factor why because those are things that will drive your day and over time it what it’s going to make you successful it like creating a snowball, most of the top CEO” S or Entrepreneurs have daily habits that they accomplish during their morning or before they leave their houses, everybody is different and we all work in a different way, sometimes we try to copy routines from successful persons that we admire and then we end up struggling with those routines, that’s why I will recommend that don’t just focus on what they are doing instead try to find something that works for you and use that sweet spot to work on it, we all have struggled and believed me I have been there it’s no easy; sometimes you just want to quick and go back to leave a simple and mediocre life which its easier, but remember we are no average we are different and we all have a purpose in this world we just have to work on it and find our Guide.
For example The Apple CEO Tim Cook’s starts at 3.45am He wakes up quite early and begins sending emails as early as 4:30 am. He is usually the first one to get to work, and he will hold telephone meetings on Sunday nights to discuss plans for the upcoming week. In another hand, The President of The United States Barak Obama keeps a strict morning workout routine of weights and cardio at 6.45am, before eating breakfast with his family and helping to pack his daughters off to school. As you can see most of them or I must say all of them have different routines and what I mean by this it’s that you have to find what works for you and focus on that!.
5-They Visualize
This is something that I incorporate very late in my life and I regret it because this is a powerful tool, many people are skeptical with this because they think that this doesn't work and this some kind of fantasy or something like that, but in my own experience this has to help me a lot to gain confidence in my life and in moments went I really need some kind of support.
I enjoy the quiet and take some time to map out your day. Think through your goals and to-dos. Take whatever notes you need to ensure your day will be calmer and more efficient. Research has shown that even two minutes of visualization and positive thinking can improve your mood and clarity for the entire day ahead, as you can see this is very similar to meditation that why I use them both at the same time, I star meditating and then I continue with visualization to end my section in the morning.
Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.  Jim Rohn.
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mousedetective · 7 years
Children Of Light, Children Of Dark (10/?)
So I went ahead and re-added the edited older chapters because I had five new ones to add! I guess I’ll be trying to finish this fic, too. But enjoy the chapter my beta @renniejoy loved so much!
Children Of Light, Children Of Dark - There are a series of murders going on that have a pattern, and Sherlock sees glimpses of it but can’t fathom it completely. But Molly realizes it’s reminiscent of an unsolved case her mentor had told her about, where the murders were based on a series of fantasy novels that Molly herself adores. Sherlock asks her to use her knowledge as a pathologist and a fan of the series to help him figure out both sets of murders, and in the process Molly gets quite a bit more than she bargained for.
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Molly skimmed the books more than read them for a bit, not needing to pay very close attention as she had read them countless times over the years. Every once in a while she would pull herself away from the page she was on, and see that Sherlock had put more of Fraser's notes on the wall, organizing things in a way that made sense to him. The only real interruption in their day had been a few phone calls: one from John to say that he had gotten a totem, as had Mary, and one from Lestrade to go over the autopsy results from Fraser's autopsy with Sherlock and that he, too, had had a totem waiting for him that morning. Sherlock suggested that they bring the totems to Baker Street so Molly could look at them all and decipher their meaning. She was sure Sherlock could have done it; at the speed with which he read she was sure he’d encountered all the principal characters in both series by now and would know what each totem meant just as well as she did, but it was good to be involved, she supposed.
Everyone had agreed to come over in time for supper and instead of cooking Sherlock had simply ordered takeaway, knowing everyone’s preferences in Chinese. The food arrived just as they all did. Molly noticed that each of the envelopes containing the totems were in plastic baggies. She somehow doubted any of them would get fingerprints but it was good that they were all being careful. The others settled in with their food while Sherlock put gloves on and carefully removed each of the totems, setting them out where they could all be seen. “Molly?” he asked when he was done, indicating that he wanted her to join him at the kitchen table.
She got up, going to look at them. They were all made from the same stone theirs were made of, all carved intricately enough to have some detail but simply enough to not show a true craftsman’s skill, which was a bit different from the boot Fraser had. She studied them more closely though she knew which totem represented what almost immediately. “The crown is for Porenn,” Molly said. “The fact it was given to Mary is the only reason I would say it was Porenn and not Belgarion, because whoever is doing this must know something about our personal lives.”
“What do you mean?” Mary asked.
“Porenn was the queen of a kingdom where spycraft was one of their main exports, you might say,” Molly said. “She herself wasn’t a spy, but she thought like one and manipulated Javelin, the head of all the spies in the kingdom, constantly. And she was a meddler.” She paused. “Silk was in love with her, and there are some who could have read the closeness between you and Sherlock as him being attracted to you before our relationship began. Just as you never returned Sherlock’s supposed feelings, Porenn never returned Silk’s.”
“Interesting,” Mary said.
Molly pointed to the bear next. “The bear definitely means Barak, not Unrak, because it fits better with John. Unrak doesn’t have quite the control over his temper that Barak does, and that’s something that’s improved over time with you, John. Also, you’re a father now, and Barak has children while Unrak is unwed and not a father. But anyway, Barak is Garion’s protector, and he turns into a bear when Garion is in danger. And just what do you do when Sherlock is in danger?”
“Do rather stupid things without thinking and put my life on the line for him,” John said.
“Something I appreciate, but your wife does not,” Sherlock said, getting a wry smile from Mary.
Molly nodded. “But it does fit, hence why you got the bear totem.” Then she looked at Lestrade’s totem, a tankard for ale. It felt a bit out of place because while there was truth to the underlying reasoning to the totem and the character it represented, it also felt like an insult to her friend. “Greg, your totem is for Yarblek. He's a very interesting character, in that he’s not exactly what he seems. He’s Silk’s partner, and he plays dumb in some ways. Plays a drunkard.” She pauses. “Well, he does drink a lot, but he pretends to be more drunk than he actually is. He’s actually quite intelligent, and along with Silk he’s one of the richest men in the world.”
Lestrade huffed out a small laugh. “That does fit, in more ways than I’d like it too.”
Molly gave him a small smile. “Well, we do know you’re very smart, Greg. Even if most other people assume Sherlock does all the thinking.”
“You are an above average policeman,” Sherlock said in a sincere voice.
Greg nodded. “Thank you.”
“So now we know that this was planned for a while, that we were all meant to be part of this little game being played,” Sherlock said. “These totems were made specifically with us in mind. Mary was not at the scene of crime and yet there was one for her delivered today, so the perpetrators know of our backgrounds. This means they may have some ideas of our interpersonal relationships, our weaknesses, and our strengths. We may expect more messages and more crimes that fit into the pattern of the books. I have read most of both of the series and I strongly suggest all of you do likewise. Tonight, however, we’ll go over the old cases and see what pattern emerges from that. Agreed?”
There was a murmur of agreement and Sherlock forged ahead while Molly went to get her food and went back to her chair. She didn’t tune him out, listening to as much as she could stand, but the fact someone had researched her life to bring her into this twisted game...she wasn’t sure she would let that fact go for quite some time.
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
It’s the Memorial Day weekend of one-word-titled movies, because yes, “Booksmart” and “Brightburn” are indeed single words, as much as I want to make them two words each. Sadly, I’m still running behind on stuff, and I’ve only seen a few movies, so we’ll see how I do this week. (Sadly, it’s looking more and more like this column is going to have to be put on hiatus so I can focus on paying work.)
Hey, look, it’s another Disney movie I haven’t seen yet for reasons I won’t get into. Anyway, I have a ticket to see Guy Ritchie’s ALADDIN (Walt Disney Pictures) on Friday, not because I necessarily need to see Will Smith as the Genie. In fact, I’ve never even seen the original animated movie or the musical, but I am a fan of Ritchie and his work and want to give it a look.
Fortunately, I have seen Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut, the raunchy R-rated comedy BOOKSMART, being released by U.A. Releasing moderately wide, and I have to say that it’s pretty effin’ funny with a really talented young cast, led by Beanie Feldstein (Ladybird) and Kaitlyn Dever (Detroit), who could very well be the Jonah Hill and Michael Cera for a new generation. While I hate to outright call the movie Superbad for women, it’s definitely a movie in that vein but this one from a teen girl’s point of view. It also has some amazing side characters, particularly the one played by Billie Lourde, who is quite hilarious (and isn’t even in any of the trailers!). While I saw the movie too long ago to write a full-on review, this is the movie of the weekend I recommend more than any other movie, regardless of your age and gender. Its 99% on Rotten Tomatoes is no fluke!
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Lastly, there’s Screen Gems’ BRIGHTBURN, which is a dark take on superheroes from one of James Gunn’s brothers and one of his cousins, and of course, James Gunn produced it. It’s directed by David Yarovesky, who has done some shorts and music videos, and it stars Gunn regular Elizabeth Banks, who appeared in Slitherway back in the day, as well as David Denman, plus Jackson Dunn as Brandon Breyer, the young kid with superpowers. Since I’ve seen this one more recently, here’s my….
MINI-REVIEW: Anyone who reads a lot of comics might be aware of the concept of “Elseworlds,” essentially DC’s version of a “What If?.” If you consider yourself a connoisseur of good comics than you probably have read Alan Moore’s “Miracleman” comics. The general idea was to look at what happens when someone with superpowers allows the powers to go to their head, and they use those powers for evil purposes. It’s even more interesting when said person is still a child without the maturity needed to handle having such power.
In that sense, Brightburn isn’t a completely original idea, though it is for the world movies where there haven’t been that many alternate superhero films, let alone ones treated like horror.  It takes the mythos of DC Comics’ Superman, of a baby from another alien taken in by a kindly Kansas couple, then twists it into a gory horror movie. It also deals with something I’ve always found interesting in what a kid might do if they discover they have superpowers and whether they would use them to get revenge on their oppressors, even if it’s their parents. Going by this film written by James Gunn’s brother and cousin, then the answer is “Yes.”
Brightburn begins with Elizabeth Banks and David Denman as a young couple trying to have a kid when a meteor lands nearby. We then see a montage of young Brandon Breyer growing from a baby to a pre-teen boy, and we see that he’s been having difficulty adjusting to school and life in Kansas
The results aren’t perfect and some of my issues might be due to how much is given away in the trailers, but in terms of combining things I like – superheroes and creepy kids who go on a wanton killing spree – it’s a high concept that keeps you entertained for all 90 minutes without a dull moment. That has much to do with David Yarovesky’s direction, as he has all the faculties needed to make a solid horror film, including some highly disturbing gory scenes, but also his small but capable cast.
Kind of the ultimate Richard Donner mash-up – part-Superman,part-The Omen– Brightburn isn’t perfect, but it’s a conceit that actually works to create a fun and gory time that’s more horror than superheroics.
You can read what I think of the above’s box office prospects over at The Beat.
I wish I could say that I’ve seen more of this weekend’s limited release, but I’ve only watched a couple of them.
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Opening at the Metrograph Friday is Gabriel Abrantes and Daniel Schmidt’s surrealist comedy DIAMANTINO (Kino Lorber), an odd Portugal-set film about a world-famous soccer superstar, Carloto Cotta, who gets caught up in a controversy over statements made about refugees. He has some evil twin sisters who like glomming onto their brother’s fame and fortune, as well as a government conspiracy. It’s a rather amusing and entertaining film for sure, which reminded me of some of the stranger films of Jean-Pierre Jeunet or Terry Gilliam, but it won’t be for everyone.
Opening on Wednesday i.e. today is Noble Jones’ THE TOMORROW MAN (Bleecker Street), starring John Lithgow as a cranky survivalist Ed Hemsler who meets Blythe Danner’s Ronnie Meisner, who he sees as a like-minded individual. This is another boring romance movie geared towards the over-50s (that me)that doesn’t really go anywhere, and I couldn’t even enjoy it for the performances by the two leads because the material just wasn’t up to snuff.
Jill Magid’s doc THE PROPOSAL (Oscilloscope) is about architect Luis Barragan, whose work was locked away in a Swiss bunker on his death in 1988, which the filmmaker has tried to bring to light as she negotiates with those keeping charge of it. Opening in L.A. at the Landmark as well as the Quad Cinemathis weekend is Frédéric Tcheng’s doc HALSTON (1091) about designer Roy Halston Frowick, who rose to fame in the ‘70s.
Next up is a trio of music docs beginning with the one I’ve seen, Barak Goodman’s Woodstock: Three Days That Defined A Generation (PBS Distribution / American Experience FIlms), which premiered at Tribeca and will get a nominal theatrical release before airing on PBS.  (It will be celebrating is 50thAnniversary in August, too!) As someone who admired the more famous 1970 Woodstock concert film by Michael Wadleigh – it even won the Oscar for documentary that year! – but Goodman’s movie finds new avenues into the 1969 music and art festlval by showing its development and the lead-up to the festival as well as all the problems it faced along the way. Probably the more interesting aspect of the movie is Wavy Gravy’s contribution to the festival security with his commune of artists who actually end up saving the day more than once.  (This doc will also premiere at the Quad this weekend with special guests.)
Having special shows across the country tonight and again on May 29 is Tom Jones’Asbury Park: Riot, Redemption, Rock n’ Roll (Trafalgar Releasing) about how the power of music and musicians like Steven Van Zandt, Southside Johnny Lyon, and of course, Bruce Springsteen, helped save the troubled Jersey town.  You can get tickets for these special shows at the official site.
Another neighborhood music community is being honored in Andrew Slater’s Echo in the Canyon (Greenwich), which celebrates the music coming out of Laurel Canyon in the mid-60s including the Byrds, the Beach Boys, Buffalo Sprinfield and the Mamas and the Papes aka the California Sound.It opens in L.A. Friday and then in New York on May 31.
If you happened to see Paul Rudd in the film The Catcher Was a Spy last year, then you might be interested in learning more about his character Moe Berg, Aviva Kempner’s’s doc The Spy Behind Home Plate, which opens in Washington, DC this Friday and then In New York, Philly and other markets on May 31.
Gotta start wrapping up here but there’s also Rob Heydon’s thriller Isabelle (Vertical Entertainment), starring Adam Brody and Amanda Crew; as well as the Scott Adkins action-thriller Avengement (Samuel Goldwyn), directed by Jesse V. Johnson.
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The movie I’m most excited about this weekend is for people to see Richard Shepard’s THE PERFECTION, streaming on Netflix Friday. It stars Allison Williams from Get Outand Logan Browning (Dear White People), and I’m not really sure what I can say about it, since I don’t want to spoil your experience. I can say that Williams plays a cello prodigy who has been off the circuit for a few years. When she returns, Browning’s character has kind of taken her place, but the two become close… and then stuff happens. Crazy stuff… stuff that you’re not going to forget anytime soon. But if you liked Get Out and Us and last year’s Hereditary, you’re probably going to like this movie that premiered at Fantastic Fest, as well.  I’ve loved Shepard’s dark sense of humor from movies like The Matador and Dom Hemingway, and he has two terrific stars in this one, who seem to be up for whatever is thrown their way… and a LOT is thrown their way. I also got to interview Richard for the fourth time recently, which you can read over at The Beat.
This year’s 26th New York African Film Festival begins on Thursday at the BAMCinematek in Brooklyn with FilmAfrica, a series of fairly recent films from a continent that just doesn’t get enough attention in the cinematic world. The opening night of the BAM leg is Jahmil X.T. Qubeka’sSew the Winter to my Sky, a Western-inspired heist film about South African bandit John Kepe. On Saturday, you can see Raoul (I Am Not Your Negro) Peck’s 2005 film Sometimes in April starring Idris Elba about the Rwandan genocide. The movie will then move next week to Film at Lincon Center, as the program continues through June 4, so I’ll write more about their offerings next week. The festival wraps up its last few days from June 5 to June 9 at the Maysles Cinema in Harlem. I honestly wish I had more time to see some of this series because it looks fantastic and many of the films may never get U.S. distribution, but I just have too much on my plate right now.
This weekend’s Late Nites at Metrograph is Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira  (1988) while the Playtime: Family Matinees is Jacques Perrin award-winning doc Winged Migration  (2001) on Saturday and Sunday morning. New York Times critic Glenn Kenny is presenting Elia Kazan’s 1969 film The Arrangement, starring Kirk Douglas and Fay Dunaway, on Saturday while poet and novelist Barry Gifford is showing a double feature of Samuel Fuller’s Pickup on South Street (1953) and Jack Garfein’s The Strange One  (1957) on Sunday.
Tarantino is in Cannes presenting his new movie (to absolute raves) but his rep theater is showing Vincente Minnelli’s 1953 film The Band Wagon starring Fred Astaire on Weds. afternoon. The week’s upcoming double features are Barbra Streisand’s Yentl (1983) and Crossing Delancey (1988) on Weds and Thurs., Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation (2003) and Somewhere (2010) on Friday/Saturday, and Honor Among Lovers (1931), Craig’s Wife (1936) and Sarah and Son (1930) in a Dorothy Arzner triple feature Sunday and Monday. The weekend’s KIDDEE MATINEE is the Tom Hanks-Penny Marshall movie Big (1988) and the midnight movies are the doc Full-Tilt Boogie (about the making of From Dusk til Dawn)on Friday and once again, The Love Witch, on Saturday. Next Monday’s matinee is the ensemble drama Now and Then  (1995) and then Tuesday’s GRINDHOUSE double feature is Kao Pao-Shu’s Blood of the Dragon  (1971) and The Master Strikes (1980).
This weekend’s Film Forum Jr. is Penny Marshall’s A League of Their Own (1992), also starring Tom Hanks. Film Forum is also starting a new three-week 40-film (!) series called The Hour of Liberation: Decolonizing Cinema, 1966 – 1981, which includes screenings of The Battle of Algiers  (1966), Ousmane Sembène’s Black Girl  (1966) and other films imported from “Third World” countries with support from the Academ of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Concurrently, Film Forum is kicking off The Jewish Soul: Classics of Yiddish Cinema, which begins this weekend with the 1937 film The Dybbuk with a few other films running through June.
Cassavetes/Scorsese: Love is Strangecontinues with After Hours (1985) with Rosanna Arquette (!) and Gloria (1983) on Thursday and  Raging Bull (1980) and The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976) on Friday. Personally, I wish I could be in L.A. Saturday for a six-film Godzilla-Thon that includes some of my favorite films from Toho including the original 1954 Gojira. Then Sunday, there’s a double feature of the Uganda-set Bad Black  (2016) and Who Killed Captain Alex? (2010).
Not to be outdone by the Egyptian, the AERO presents a Memorial Day in 70mm with Hook (1991) on Thursday, a double feature of The Thing and Starmanon Friday, 2001: A Space Odyssey on Saturday and Lawrence of Arabia (1962) on Sunday. Have I mentioned how I’d love to live in L.A. this weekend?
Back in New York, Fighting Mad: German Genre Films from the Marginscontinues through Thursday as well as the doc Doomed Love: A Journey Through German Genre Film.
This week, the Roxy is showing Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette(2006) in 35mm, as well as a screening of Joanna Hogg’s Exhibition(2013). They’re also showing Patrick Wang’s recent A Bread Factory, Part One (Friday) and Part Two (Saturday).
Waverly Midnights: Parental Guidance screens Rosemary’s Baby and Serial Mom on Memorial Day weekend, while Weekend Classics: LoveMom and Dad  shows Ozu’s Late Spring (1949) and Late Night Favorites: Spring continues withDavid Fincher’sFight Club, Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction and Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
This weekend, Lincoln Center begins its own Czech New Wave series with Ester Krumbachova: Unknown Master of the Czechoslovakia New Wave, running from May 24 through May 29. I still don’t know anything about the Czech New Wave then I knew a few months back, although apparently, she was a writer, director and costume designer and the series includes examples of all three.
It looks like Abel Ferrara: Unrated will run for the rest of the month, and this week, we get R’ Xmas  (2001) on Wednesday, The Funeral (1996) on Thursday, 1989’s Cat Chaser on Friday and Saturday as well as Napoli (2009) on Saturday. Sunday sees Mary (2005) and Crime Story (1986). The Jean-Claude Carrière series continues with Luis Buñuel’s The Phantom of Liberty (1974) on Thursday, Milos Forman’s Valmont (1989) on Friday and Saturday, Cyrano de Bergerac on Friday and Sunday as well as Andrzej Wajda’s Danton  (1983) plus more over the weekend. Basically, lots of interesting movie options.
See It Big! Action is going full-throttle on Tom Cruise’s Mission: Impossible series, showing ALL SIX movies between Friday and Sunday. What a perfect Memorial Day treat! I wish I lived closer to Astoria, Queens.
This Friday’s Midnight Movie is Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo(1958).
I also want to quickly add that the Maysles Cinema is having a Manfred Kirschheimer retrospective of sorts, in that it’s premiering his new movie Dream of a City, showing it with some of his earlier documentary works, both short and long format. Just another example of the amazing cinema that you can see in New York on any given day of the week.
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newstechreviews · 4 years
The fifth episode of The Last Dance, the popular ESPN docu-series examining the impact of Michael Jordan and the 1997-1998 Chicago Bulls, touches on one of the more controversial aspects of Jordan’s legendary career: his lack of political engagement during his playing days. Back in 1990 Jordan, who grew up in North Carolina and starred for the University of North Carolina Tar Heels, refused to publicly endorse Harvey Gantt, the African-American former Democratic mayor of Charlotte, in his racially contentious Senate race versus Republican Jesse Helms. Helms’ career was marked by repeated charges that he was racist. In the 1980s, he opposed making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a national holiday.
“Republicans buy sneakers, too,” Jordan famously said by way of explanation. His Nike Air Jordan shoes, in fact, made him millions. Gantt lost the election.
Thirty years later, Gantt tells TIME he doesn’t begrudge Jordan’s decision not to publicly support him—and isn’t sure how much it would have mattered, anyway.
“Somebody told me he said something about Republicans buying Nike shoes,” Gantt, now 77, says. “And I said, yeah they do. I guess if you’re building a brand that’s what you do.”
Gantt was seeking to become the first African-American senator from North Carolina. A boost from Jordan, who at that time hadn’t won an NBA title but was still one of the most famous, beloved people on the planet, could have only benefitted Gantt. “We didn’t spend a lot of time brooding about it,” Gantt said in an interview on Friday. “Or saying darn, if Michael had endorsed us we would have gotten another 10, 20, 30, 40 thousands votes. That was not the first thing that came to my mind on the morning after that defeat.”
In the series, Jordan copped to making the “Republicans buy sneakers too” comment, but insists it was in jest. He said activism is just not in his nature. His lone focus was his craft. “Was that selfish? Probably,” he admits in The Last Dance. “But that’s where my energy was.”
Jordan’s stance disappointed some of his admirers. The episode, which aired Sunday evening, cut to an older clip of author Nathan McCall—who worked at the Washington Post from 1989-1998—comparing Jordan unfavorably to Muhammad Ali, who gave up prime earning years to oppose the Vietnam War and America’s treatment of African-Americans. “Ultimately, Michael Jordan may be forgotten,” McCall said. (The Last Dance’s ratings would say otherwise).
In an interview for the film, former President Barak Obama weighed in, too. As a young lawyer preparing for public life in Chicago, he said he would have liked to see Jordan back Gantt. But Obama told the filmmakers he also sympathized Jordan’s reluctance to take a political stance. “He was still trying to figure out, ‘How am I managing this image that has been created around me,'” said Obama. “And then, ‘How do I live up to it?'”
Even Gantt himself sympathizes with Jordan. He says that neither he or anyone from his campaign reached out to Jordan directly about an endorsement in 1990. In The Last Dance, Jordan says his mother asked him to film a commercial for Gantt; he wrote a check to the campaign instead. “From morning until night, I was traveling all over this state, making speeches and doing a whole lot of stuff and trying to become a credible candidate,” Gantt says. “I only heard about this Michael Jordan saga secondhand. A lot of people have called me over the years and asked, did you go to Michael? Did he turn you down? Look, I didn’t even know any of this stuff until the drama I guess was over. And since that time, I’ve thought it was much ado about nothing.”
Jordan, Gantt notes, was a 27-year-old superstar still on the rise: his Bulls hadn’t beaten the Detroit Pistons in the Eastern Conference finals yet. “He was trying to build a brand,” says Gantt. “And I suppose he wasn’t as reflective on the implications of what people were asking him to do.” While Gantt would have welcomed Jordan’s support, he holds no grudges. “My supporters were very strong, very fervent people,” he says. “You had to want to be in this campaign. We had folks from all over the country. And I would feel terrible if he felt obligated to have done something that he didn’t want to do. So no harm, no foul.”
Gantt lost that 1990 race by some 105,000 votes; Helms got 53% of the vote to Gantt’s 47%. He thinks it’s impossible to know whether Jordan, who as a freshman at UNC hit the game-winning shot to give legendary coach Dean Smith his first national title, could have tipped the race in his favor. A much bigger contributor to his loss, Gantt points out, was the infamous “Hands” ad that Helms’ campaign ran before the election. In the spot, the hands of a white man crumples up a letter. “You needed that job, and you were the best qualified,” the narrator says. “But they had to give it to a minority because of a racial quota. Is that really fair?”
That election, Gantt says, “certainly had racial overtones. I don’t think anyone who witnessed that campaign would have suggested otherwise.”
Gantt grew up in Charleston, S.C.; he was the first African-American student to enroll at Clemson University in January 1963; he and the second African-American student on campus, Lucinda Brawley, would go on to marry. Gantt was elected Charlotte’s first African-American mayor in 1983. A retired architect, he still remains plugged-in to the Charlotte political scene. The Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture, in Charlotte, is named in his honor.
Jordan’s reluctance to get political stands in contrast to today’s superstar athletes, like LeBron James, who are much more socially engaged. Even Jordan has stepped out of his former comfort zone a bit: in 2016, he released a statement against police brutality and announced two $1 million donations to organizations seek to build trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. He supported the rights of NFL players to kneel during the national anthem and backed James after President Donald Trump questioned James’s intelligence. In 2012, Jordan hosted a fundraiser for Obama; Jordan also offered some fundraising support for Gantt in his 1996 rematch with Helms. Gantt lost again, by a similar margin.
“If he was in his mid 50s and done all of the things he had done and been as socially conscious as he has been and I was running a campaign, maybe I would have expected more of him,” says Gantt. “Maybe we’re going to be linked together in history. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”
As further evidence that Gantt bears no ill will towards Jordan: he’s helping to line Jordan’s pockets. Gantt’s a season ticket holder for the Charlotte Hornets, the NBA team owned by Jordan. “That,” he says with a laugh, “ought to tell you something.”
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scottmapess · 4 years
EU COLLAPSING!!! Italy to exit Euro? Bitcoin and Hyperinflation
And we’re alive. Yes. Welcome to another episode of Good Morning, Krypton. Here on Ivan Ontake, we are, of course, broadcasting live straight out of Stockholm, Sweden. And we do the show each and every day at 8 a.m. Central on summertime. Yes, I come to like an atomic location every day. Look, today’s a big day. Today’s a big topic. We’re going to discuss the euro and the EU because the tensions, the most significant tensions in the world of economics in the near future, within the next year, within the next four years, is going to be between northern Europe and southern Europe. That’s where the big economic tensions are going to be on. Obviously, it affects the whole union and obviously it affects the whole monetary union. And that’s why it’s so important to discuss what will happen, what will happen to you, but also to the euro and what kind of role bitcoin plays in all of this, because it is significant. It is absolutely big. And we cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of political powers. There are a lot of political wills within the European Union. And who knows how this whole charade will play out at the end of the day. But what’s important is to prepare. You’ve got to prepare. I got to prepare. Everyone has to prepare for what’s potentially coming. And you have to cover all possibilities, all outcomes, and still be okay with different outcomes because you have prepared. So that is exactly what we’re going to do today. And that��s going to be the first topic. Then we’re actually going to discuss how to incorporate on the blockchain, because we know that we do have the open law framework, which you can use in order to incorporate your business on the blockchain. Let’s see the screen shot boom. Here we have the screens. So we’re going to discuss how that works, how you can use open law as the universally legal protocol for the blockchain. We’re going to just get South Korea and their own digital fiat, their own digital currency that they are creating. And finally, Jack Dorsey is donating 1 billion, a whole billion to to the vital role of fighting to fight the virus. I mean, this is big. There will always be somebody who says, hey, this is for tax reasons. He’s avoiding tax. This this charity is just to avoid tax. But, guys, what the heck? Come on. He’s donating. Have you donated anything like that? Of course not. So I don’t like it when people complain because for some reason they get an idea that this is mainly for for some kind of fair tax avoidance thing or something. So let’s discuss that. L guess it’s so much to do, so much to discuss social cover. It’s amazing. Amazing for everyone who is watching this live. And for me, of course, it’s amazing to be here together. Guys, what are you doing? I wanted a comfortable life. Welcome, everyone, who is watching this live. I see the chopper rolling. Krypto, your dad, Michael. Gulp, Trashman, man. What is that name? Krypto Micco. Man, what’s up? What’s up? See ya. LatAm Forever dannette. Danielle Jou and Juan Barracked. Barak, what’s up? What’s up, guys? If you’re watching this on YouTube, I don’t know what you’re doing because you have already missed the live show, so you should go too. I was a little com slash like you just described there, so click the red subscribe button if you’re watching this already here on. I don’t think that concept live colleague alerts enabled end and notifications, telegrams, vacations. And that being said, let’s go straight into the juicy part of this episode and that is to discuss the situation, the EU and Europe. And then we’re also going to go quickly into before that into the markets. But first and foremost, look, we have this situation escalating highly, highly significant significantly right now in the US in regards to the virus. We have two thousand new deaths in just 24 hours. It’s insane. We haven’t seen this growth yet in the US and it doesn’t seem to stop this escalation doesn’t seem to stop. So whatever is going on right now, you are Dems. They have to track the development of the virus because when it starts to slow down, when it starts to slow, that is when something might change in this world for the better in terms of economy, in terms of everything that is going on. Then if they do. Virus dictates the timeline not dissimilar. The governments cannot dictate the timeline. The Fed cannot dictate the timeline of how this will progress economically and socially. Only the virus can dictate the timeline. So that’s key. That’s important. So look at the numbers and track the numbers. And obviously, you yourself need to take responsibility for yourself. Do not rely on the government. They will not help you. They will not help you. And if you have this mindset that somehow the government will save you like the bum says, you are an idiot. If your strategy to survive the financial crisis is for the government to save you. And look, if it sounds harsh, but that’s what you need to hear. If that is your mindset, just like if you think that your government is going to pay your pension, that they’re going to take care of you when you retire, guys, they want they will not. There is not enough money. It’s a big Ponzi scheme. The whole pension system, there is nothing that you need the new you need new money all the time into the system so that you can pay out old, old retired people. It’s not how it should be. It’s not how it should be indicted. Scenario, but that is what we’re stuck with today. And look at the unfunded U.S. pensions. Then you look at unfunded European pensions in different countries. You see it will not hold. It won’t, especially with so many people having this mindset. You know, I have worked all my life. I’ve paid taxes. I’ve contributed to society, especially here in Sweden. People are waking up to this nightmare of this nightmare of pension. It’s really during the past five to 10 years, maybe only that Swedish retired people start to realize they’re getting nothing of significance from the government. And it’s not been like that in the past. Look, in the past, it’s worked way better now. Now we have skyrocketing numbers of so-called poor retired and the now they’re waking up to the nightmare. Hey, government will not take care of you. And that is look at your government. Maybe we’ll take care of you. That’s only a bonus. You should only see it as a bonus that, hey, if it happens, it happens. Amazing. But you should always count that this will never happen because that is the only way to think in that rational manner. If it happens, it happens if they give you something. OK, good. But look, I’m not counting on this. That’s for sure. But if it happens. OK. Good. Good surprise. I would be surprised. But that is the core mindset needs to happen. And also, this is fine. This is working so well. When someone took 25 percent of your money, you’re paying it all all the time in tax, of course, and then gives you back 2 percent. That is similars. That is exactly stimulus Yamma. He’s a bit of jokes, a bit of truth, a bit of joke. But at the same time, you gotta keep it in mind as well. That day you have produced a lot and now you’re getting back a bit. So when people get overly excited about the stimulus, look, you’ll always have that stimulus before you gave it away. But now you’re getting a bit back. It’s all in all guys, in this introduction. Please remember, number one, never trust that anyone will take care of you except you and the number two. Yeah. I mean, be happy for the stimulus. You’re guessing the original, but also realize I’ve that it’s also in one way your money and you’ve already paid it. Now, looking at the markets, we have good numbers. We were rejected at a seven point four 7.40 game, but we’re still up over the past 24 hours, almost 1 percent in bitcoin. We have EIF at plus 0.3. All in all, sub 1 percent in the top 5 in the top 4. But B, ASV and Bitcoin cash are rising because both of them have a halving coming up soon. So I guess this is their pre hubbing pump. You know that both BSB and bitcoin cash. They’re gonna do the hoving quicker. I think bitcoin cash is on Friday very, very soon and be ASV a bit further or vice versa. But it’s very, very similar that they have the hubbing very soon. And I guess this is their pre humming bump, but I guess I wouldn’t be too excited because look at litecoin like also is very similar to bitcoin in its structure, but they have a different mining algorithm. They did not prefer prefere perform well after the having the humming old only works on bitcoin like the most effective has is on bitcoin because the stock to flow. Integration integration works only on bitcoin like there is no statistical proof that the halving will do anything to bitcoin s.v. or bitcoin cash. We don’t have those numbers and to a big extent is because both of them were created after the last halving in bitcoin. So keep it in mind. I wouldn’t be too excited, but hey, if you have a pre hoving pump, that’s good. That’s better than nothing. Now looking at the big winners. Web silly. We have B for next chainlink a bitcoin gold. Bitcoin gold still hanging there. Still at thirty eighth place in the coin. Paprika or quaint paprika. However you like it. And the big losers today are bite clean thoug coin pulsate. Don’t swipe if losers. All in all, quite stay quite steady. Quite the sideways. Now if you arshavin guys go below and click the link best script to deals, you’ll see a link and sign up for by bit. You get the good starter bonus there. And the reasons why it’s important is because you can long, you can short, you can use leverage up to 100x, but you gotta be careful and only use it if you know what you’re doing because it’s only useful on the small time frames and you really get to have your risk management and stop losses in place. You can trade bitcoin a theorem iOS X Sarpy on on byb it. Here it is. They’re considering using sloppy and unfair mix. You will also find links to Pemex. You will be able to do gold if they only can load a bit quicker. If you work at Fenwick’s and you’re washing this, why is it so slow sometimes? Yeah, now. Now it’s here. But Fenwick’s is basically the same. But you can also trade gold light contessa’s and link, so go and check them out. Links in the description. If you’re watching on YouTube, you see best scripted deals. That’s where you click. And we do have our free webinar on April the twenty ninth. So also sign up for that. If you haven’t been on the previous one, we’re talking about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. Completely free webinar. Go and check it out and sign up right now. Is that going to happen in a few weeks? Now we are witnessing right now some inflow into stable coins. This. Time we do have view as D.C. only 10 million, only 10 million dollars. Usually we’re very used to sit other print hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of million. USCCB just a million. But look, you as this is more trustworthy because they’re regulated. These guys are really, really careful with not breaking any compliance rule. They’re very, very careful. So if there’s any number that we could trust more than other, it is numbers coming from you as. I mean, I’m almost almost fully certain that these clients are 100 percent backed because otherwise otherwise they are in big, big trouble because literally they’re doing this from the US. So at the end of the day, they’re taking a big personal risk if they do something like this. That is not fully backed and a bit shady. So all in all, if you want to track the real dollar inflow, check stable coins that are regulated and check how much they are producing in terms of coins, because then you can see how much Fiat is actually entering that there is a bit more difficult because we don’t know exactly whether one teller is correlating is correlating to one dollar. We don’t know that and they have been quite open with that as well. That tether is back, but by one dollar in cash, but also in other assets. And you know that an asset can be a loan. It can be a credit. That’s also an asset. But it can also disappear because your your clients who you gave credit to, they can go bankrupt. They can default on their loans. So although in their books, you might have a bunch of credit. It doesn’t mean that it’s actually it’s actually safe save of banking, although in their books they might say, hey, at that there is backed one to one, but they also lend out your your money and. Yeah. And then they try to earn interest. It wouldn’t surprise me that they did because. Why not. You have so much money, you can make so much interest and that you’re not you’re not obligated you’re not obligated to give that interest to your clients. The people who gave you Fiat and got that, they’re all inaugust. You see the situation. Now let’s talk about EU. Let’s talk about Europe, because the tensions are growing and especially the tensions are growing between northern and southern Europe. This has been the case since the euro crisis eight years ago, eight, 10 years ago. And we have this article from Pedro Sanchez. Spanish prime minister. So it’s not your average journal is this is the Spanish prime minister. He published this on the 5th of April. So it’s a few days ago, but it’s on Sunday. It’s on Sunday. But it’s still relevant. It’s still very relevant because we haven’t even started to see the effects of this. He published this article in all kinds of newspapers, in big newspapers in Europe titled The Europe’s Future Is At Stake in this war against the Virus. And this is true because we will see a lot of political wills clashing and a lot of political wills not really playing with each other. It’s going to be very significant. Look, this article doesn’t have a lot of information except for the fact that we should all be united, for example, that we should all should be solidarity. We should all work together. We should either rise to this challenge or fall as a union or fail as a union. We should have this emergency programs and the European Central Bank already has emergency programs. So all in all, he’s quite optimistic, saying, hey, guys, let’s work together. Let’s do this. We are in this together. It’s a boat that we’re all being located in. So if the boat sinks, we’ll all sink. And look at this troop. He’s saying that Europe was born out of the ashes of destruction and conflict. It learned the lessons of history. So as you can see, not a lot of info, but just motivational article. This guy should be motivational speaker. He publishes great, great motivational inspirational articles. It is time to break with old national dogmas. We have entered a new era and we need new responses. Look, a lot of this is true, but it’s not something that you can actually go and use. It’s more like call to action, culture, unite. And what we need to look at instead is the fact that there are a lot of tensions within the euro and the EU. So let’s start with the euro. Why are there tensions? Well, look at Italy. Italy’s debt is out of control. Latest numbers I’ve read are one hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. They are in debt. It’s a lot. Yes, it’s a lot. For example, Sweden, we had 35 percent before the crisis. Now maybe we have 50. So Italy is in trouble financially. Now, how can they say save themselves? How can they do it? How can they try to stimulate the economy? Well, normally what you do is that you print money. You can print money. You can lower interest rates. You have full flexibility as a country to do whatever you want with your currency. So, for example, if you devalued your currency, either through printing or interest rates, if you do that, well, suddenly your companies, your domestic companies can export. More they can export more because the national labor becomes cheaper and they earn more money when they export the company, so they comp, the companies can grow. The industry can grow and the economy might come back. So that’s the oldest trick in the book. When it comes to monetary policy, I’m trying to bring back the economy to life. Obviously, Italy cannot do it because they have the euro. They cannot just go into the printer room and start printing. They can do a lot about interest rates. They can’t. So they’re fully under control of the ECB, European Central Bank. They cannot do anything. Now, obviously, they want the government to want to have that control of the currency, especially now in times of crisis, because either right now either they would have their own currency and be able to do whatever they wanted. Like, for example, devaluing it in order to try to boost the economy. Or now when they have the euro, they have to go to ECB and European Union and basically beg beg for some kind of emergency package. So that’s also what Spain is kind of doing as well. Spain is not really at that point. Like Italy. But they are close to the same point. So I think a better Sanchez comes out and just, you know, to be safe, he says, hey, guys, we might also be in this position very soon, like Italy. Look at Italy. We’re very close to that. So, hey, let’s be sort of Darrick or gay lesbian solidarity. We can not do anything with the currency. We can not do anything at all when it comes to interest rates. So please, let’s be solidarity. So that is kind of he preemptively puts it into the news. He preemptively puts it into the market. But that’s also understandable. That’s also understandable because they are completely powerless. This countries and all countries that have the euro, they’re powerless in terms of monetary policy. It’s all through the ECB. You know how it works. So therefore, therefore, now when you have a crisis, it might be a good opportunity for Italy or Spain to simply withdraw because, look, it’s always a crisis. You as a politician have a bit easier time doing it because you say, hey, we had the crisis, we had to do it. So and the economy is already bad. So how much worse can it be if we just withdraw from the euro? But understand, guys, if you’re living in Italy or in Spain, you should be you should be worried. I think you should be worried, very worried, because, number one, if there are such talks that they’re going to withdraw from the euro, obviously you’re not going to know about it. You’re not going to know about it. Why is it so that they will not tell anyone before like they actually do it maybe one day before they do it? Why will they not tell anyone? Well, you understand that if you have euro in an Italian bank, in the Italian bank, if that switch happens, your euro will be automatically converted to this new national currency, whatever it is. It will be automatically done. So if the government comes out and says, hey, we’re leaving the euro, what will happen to Italian banks? Everyone will withdraw their money put in German banks, because obviously, if such a switch happens, you want to have euro, you don’t want to have this new Italian currency. I can assure you, because it’s created for one reason, and that is to devalue it, to boost the economy and them and to bring back this whole industry to life. And you do it through currency devaluation and the imagine yourself, you wake up a morning and you have this Italian currency. What would you rather have? Look, euro has a bunch of problems, but any day I would rather have the euro than the national new Italian or Spanish currency. You understand that? That’s that’s a no brainer. That’s a no brainer. So so therefore, keep it in mind if you have euros might be a good idea to put it in German bank or source or some other non-Italian bank or a non Spanish bank. And that’s true for all of southern countries. Portugal might be in the same position. So please keep it in mind when it comes to the euro. It might not be euro in the near future in terms of your bank account. Now, this is big. This is very big. And it’s very important for citizens to educate themselves about how this works and why they’re all national currency might be good maybe in the long term for the country. It may it may be good, but short term for savers, probably terrible. Probably. Probably very terrible. People say you should buy Teather. Exactly. Either go and put into German or to go and buy Teather, not financial advice. But that is how I would do it. Let me know in the chat. Instead, they’re more safe than Italian banks with euro, because there you have this very big danger of ending up with some kind of new Italian currency. And look at people going to dump it. People absolutely are going to dump it. Why would you buy it? Like like the government is in debt like crazy. Do you think it’s going to perform strong in the markets? Absolutely not. And the same with Spain and the same with other southern European nations. Now, it’s a bit drastic scenario, but it’s on the radar. Absolutely. It’s on the radar. So it’s unemployment rate right now. Italy is at nine point eight. So this article, by the way, is not very recent. This was like at the end of March. They wrote that. So probably this is higher now. Worse still. Italy is one of the most have heavy, heavily indebted countries. So. One hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. So Italy’s Italy’s economic crisis will ultimately puts serious pressure on the euro. The currency’s value is likely to set by healthier economies such as Germany. And obviously Italy cannot do anything about it. They have no effect in the in the end at the table, they have note nothing to say when the currency interest rate, when it comes to how we’re going to devalue or and how we’re going to do our monetary policy in in the eurozone. So that’s the issue. And look, the only thing they can do now is beg. And it’s a very, very, very bad spot for Italy. It’s bad sports for you. It’s not good for anyone, but especially is bad if you have you’rein in the Italian bank. I think because you can wake up with worthless Italian money very soon. So at the end of the day, what kind of conclusions do we make? The political powers in Germany, obviously, they have a lot to do in Germany already. And here comes Italy through the door begging to give money. And you basically have no choice. You have to do it. But at the same time, how strong is the political force in Germany to actually go ahead and take responsibility for the entire union and give that money? Because the German the German people population, they won’t like you for that. I mean, you’re giving money to Italians. We in Germany knew that our hospitals are full. That’s what you’re going to hear from your population. So do you have the strong will in, for example, Germany and France to give this stimulus package to Italy? And the it will probably come. I think they will do it, but it will have very, very harsh conditions. And it will make so that Italy and Spain and other countries that need it, they will have to really reconsider the way their taxes work. They will probably have to increase tax it and it will put their economies in a recession for years because that money is not going to be free, is going to be that, hey, here’s the money. But you have to reconsider everything. So, yeah, that’s that’s big, guys. I don’t know how else to highlight the importance of this, but it’s one of the biggest stories I’m following right now and it’s one of the biggest. I think you should also be following because nothing is bigger than this. Outside of the Fed, outside of the Fed, printing trillions. I think this conflict is the biggest. Now, some fun news about Bitcoin. We have Ben ask Ren Renesmee his Twitter to Bitcoin hoarding May 13th. That’s important because obviously has a lot of followers, but it’s just also exciting to see how much he has been promoting bitcoin. So previously he rode just bought some bitcoin on his Twitter. He also worked with Litecoin previously likeand foundation. So yeah, nothing really spectacular but amazing to see. It’s amazing to see that we are entering the mainstream. More and more and more celebrities will have the better. Deutschebank comes out and speaks about digital Fiat speaks about the central bank digital currency and links it to carone them. Why? Because we’re actually seeing a lot of action from all kinds of countries. You know, Sweden, where we have a project here with Central Bank working a lot, developing Swedish digital cash krona. We have in the US, obviously we have in China, obviously. And now Bank of Korea is also declaring that they’re going to launch this pilot for a central bank issued digital currency. They’re not in a hurry. They’re still saying that, hey, there is no immediate need for this, but maybe in the future. So they need to issue a C BDC in the near future. Cille is not needed. So the chances are still slim. But look, might be interesting. Might be interesting going forward. And this is digital enslavement, guys, because with digital fiat, you know that the government can basically program, hey, you can not spend money on this. You cannot spend money on this. We’re going to do automatic taxation. We can freeze money at any point. You know that if you go to the wrong political party or a long or wrong political gathering and you have a allthree Taliban regime in your country, they might simply shut you off from from digital cash and cannot buy anything, at least now when you have the cash being kind of just physical. And the only way for you to do digital transactions is through a private bank at least that you have more market dynamics. I mean, if one bank doesn’t like you, you can go to another one. And they’re not very different, but at least there are bid different. Now, imagine the state to you early, the state handling all digital transactions because this is in effect, an attack on the private bank. The central bank is basically replacing their purpose with the purpose of the private banks because why would you have your money in the private bank when you can have it in in the central bank or at the state? Basically, because you have zero risk, you have zero counterparty risk when you have your money in the bank. You have a risk, the might that the bank might go bankrupt. They can collapse and your money might not. They’re here, you don’t have any risk. You only have the state as a country party. So many people, I think will adopt it very quickly. But also, it’s gonna be dangerous long term. Yes. It’s not good for freedom. This whole thing is what is happening in the chat. What’s the USD? That Femke lists? Is it better? Is it Teather or to you as ze or what? Well, Flemings they have Teather, right. Or what do you mean use the or is a real one. I mean to be honest, to be honest I think it’s that they’re. Yeah. We’ll have to check it out. We’ll have to check it out. Yeah, I guess it’s standard, but don’t quote me on that. Don’t quote me on that. Now, moving on, because the thing with Pemex is that we’re still mostly using Binded. So that’s that’s why we don’t really have a lot of experience except for the fact that you can trade gold light contessa’s and linked on Fenwick’s. So that’s important. But let me get back to you on that. In the next video, whether it’s death-row or what is it? But look, what’s important to note here is the fact that we’re moving from only relying on the physical on the physical legal system of basically people. We’re now slightly starting to move to the blockchain through open law protocols like, for example, open law. So open law is this universal legal protocol for creating corporations, for crazing organizations and for governing entities and for governing governing entities. Now, at the end of the day, it’s still going to settle in the legal system like we discussed previously. It’s still going to settle in the legal system. But on the level of you and I are doing business on the on on the level you and I doing different kinds of organizational structure, we can do it on open law. And that’s important article that the Ryan wrote in bank list, basically saying that there is a new settlement layer in town. It’s called IEF, because the only settlements layer right now we have in the normal world without blockchain is basically the legal system. So the US has a strong property laws, corporate laws and is stable enough to assume its laws will be enforced with reasonable neutrality. So that’s the only settlement layer you have the US legal system now with ETHE you have another one, which is the fact that you can do small contracts and you can do organizations on top of IEF. At the end of the day, they still going to be incorporated in the core legal system. I don’t see how you would circumvent that. But at least you can automate a lot of payments and you can automate a lot of relationships in the in the business world on EEF. But I think what Ryan says is that potentially long term, we don’t even need to settle conflicts in the US law system if you’re living in the US or your local justice system. I don’t see it happening, to be honest, because you can always sue someone and look at the LDA. The government has a monopoly on violence and if you lose a lawsuit in the normal a normal justice system, do you think that your state of IEF blockchain will save you? Absolutely not. So while it’s while it’s it isn’t nearly as flexible as a nation state legal system, it has other advantages. For example, is digital programmable jurisdiction less this and that? But look, I think it’s amazing. You can do a lot of things already. And he shows us here in the blog post how you can create the Dow, how can you can set it up, how you can incorporate basically on the blockchain is not real incorporation, in my view. It’s not real like legal incorporation. But you can still do a lot. You can still do a lot. But please remember, if something doesn’t work out, people will still go to normal court. So I don’t really understand when people get too optimistic in terms of everyone just doing business on the blockchain through smart contracts and basically replacing the legal system. I don’t think that’s happening. That’s not what we’re seeing. And that’s kind of not the not the point here either. The point is that we can automate more that when you are not have an agreement, we called it. We called it how it should execute. For example, I do a project for you when the project is done. We have an oracle and I get paid. That’s it. I don’t have to wait for you to enter into your bank account. To enter my account number, to send me money. No, he’s gonna be automatic. I can claim my money when my work is done. For example, if you have an oracle for that or if we bet on something that also executes automatically. But let’s say there is an issue with a smart contract or let’s say I think that the Oracle did not work out correctly. I mean, obviously, I’m going to go to court or say I’m still going to do it. So that’s how my view is. And let me know if you agree or disagree when it comes is open law and open corporations on top of the blockchain. I think in the future we might move more and more towards this kind of business. But for now, it’s still the legal system that is the base layer for all transactions and for everything. Because, look, as always, anyone can sue you for anything at any moment and you will have to go to court to to to find them. Even if you’re a sitroom, blockchain says something else. So that’s how that is. Look, a very honorable mention in today’s stream is going to be Jack Dorsey donating one the billion one billion dollars in charity to fight the virus, among other things. So he basically says here or the article says. He has set up an LLC, a company that will manage this money and it will go to all kinds of different things, including public donations, for profit investments and non-profit grants. And look, it’s gonna be a lot to the virus as well. So that’s very big. That’s very big. And the kid himself says most of that is to fight the virus. We’re going to see exactly what happens to these funds. But he didn’t have to do it. So just to come back to this whole issue of people accusing him of trying to use this as some kind of tax vehicle, tax evasion vehicle. I so this is doing something that’s important. And obviously, how much tax can you really avoid through this? Because you’re still giving away. I mean, you’re still giving stuff away. And at the end of the day, it’s more a philosophical more of a political question. But at the end of the day, he also earned all of this money. So there you go. That’s my opinion. Let me know if you agree or disagree with this. Finally, before we move into the Q&A, I just want to highlight how important it is to analyze different exchanges that you use using on chain metrics in order to see how much money they actually have, how much crypto they actually have. So Glasnost published this important facilitation of how Bynum’s grew. So basically you see that during 2017 they had so much inflow of bitcoin that it’s absolutely crazy. And then it continued. And the same also happened with eith about the same time. But it’s not really that I want to focus on Bynum’s I generally want to focus on the fact that you can do this research and see how different exchanges are performing in terms of balances and how much funds they really have. So let me open up this image full screen so that we can take a look. So, for example, this is Bynum’s balance. You can see how it looks like in terms of bitcoin. This is betbreaks. As you can see, we had the bull market and then in the bear market, they actually lost a lot of bitcoin. Bynum’s is still at the same levels even higher. So business is performing very well in the bear market. We have bitfinex also. We have the bull market and then we started that the bear market here. They still had increased during the bear market. But then a year ago, 1 1/2 years ago, that’s when they started to decline as well in their holdings. What else have Bitstamp up and down like crazy lately? Down a lot. He’d be TCB just down, straight down. Not really, really recommending BTC because they are basically broke. They don’t have a lot of funds. We’re looking at the Jemini. So Jemini had a huge inflow and then was just kind of trading sideways. We have betbreaks Beatrix we’ve already covered. We have big man hobby’s killing it. Hoby is growing like crazy and during the bear market they grew the most during the bear market corbet. So keep that in mind. And we have Karakoram quite stable but lost a bit from 2017. But to be honest with you, the hype stopped right here and here is where their balance was. And so when you look at the peak of the hype and then their balance at that point they’ve only been increasing, although very slightly and although extremely slowly. And finally, what is this? Okay. Okay. X has seen an explosion in 2019 and we’ve been at the level since then. So all in all, guys, keep it in mind because you don’t want to be on an exchange that doesn’t have enough balances because that’s your money and you don’t know exactly what you’re doing with your money. Do they have some kind of lending operation? Are they trying to earn interest? Are they trying to make a profit with your money by risking it? It could happen. Therefore, you should always keep track of their balances. If you’re serious about your investing. But what’s even more important is to not have a lot of money on exchanges. But I know that many people actually need it because they’re tracing their trading a lot and they’re trading with few bitcoin at a time. That’s also completely possible, especially if you’ve been in the space for a while. I know many people that have a few bitcoin on different exchanges. Why? Because they’re trading. So they have to. They have to. And it would be painful to lose that if the exchange is not is not liquid and especially if it’s if it’s undercapitalized and you see this whole situation with some exchanges completely losing it. All right, guys, what’s different? A new webinar. So it’s very similar, like the last one. So if you haven’t if you have already been in the webinar, you should join. But if you haven’t if you haven’t, it’s time to join our free webinar about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. So please do that. Find the link below and sign up. That’s crazy. I wouldn’t leave it on, says Michael, exactly. I wouldn’t do it either. I wouldn’t do that. But some people needed for training. Absolutely. So what kind of choice do you have? Ivan, do you think has got voting algorithms and Ghosheh protocols? What do you think about them? I don’t really like Hajer of guys because it’s centralized. And while gossip is interesting, you cannot even compare to Bitcoin. And I know many people are asking about hasher because of Mike Maloon. It just it just like you. But I strongly I I’m not a fan, but I’m a fan of their marketing and the fact that Mike has a video about them. So that’s why I’m still bullish on the price. But technologically, not very bullish. Not financial advice. Our stable core is not stable. Now, with the Fiat printing crypto better, of course, they’re not stable in terms of value. They’re stable in terms of dollar value in terms of dollar peg. That’s one of the biggest misconceptions. And people still don’t seem to understand that a stable coin is stable towards whatever asset is being pegged to. So in this case, we’re talking about the dollar with Teather with you as the sea is going to be stable towards the dollar. Brazil is going to keep its value of the dollar falls. Of course, of course, of course. That’s that’s very cheap. And it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. It’s good that you ask, but it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. I don’t want to discount people’s losses. Does the real people loves ones sonic? Not really sure what you mean. Stable to unstable. Exactly. I have nothing on exchanges now. Proof of keys, says women. That’s important. You should have proof of keys, and I hope the tradition grows bigger. Each third of January we all should withdraw everything from our exchanges. So hyperinflation and used it, see hyper inflation used, see? Yes, that’s correct. Of less than 1 percent. Correct. Is that a stable? Yes, but it’s stable against the dollar. It’s not being backed by dollar reserves, is being backed by an algorithm, but still it is being stable towards the door. The algorithm keeps it stable towards the dollar. If Fuller goes down in value, if the dollar goes down in value, they will also go down. So that’s important. Could they be better to have that isn’t backed? No. Crypto? I just answered. It’s not backed by U.S. dollar. But the whole system is an algorithm that keeps it at value as dollar does the whole system. So as long as that doesn’t change, DI is going to follow the US dollar. So when it goes down, they will also go down. Of course not in US dollar terms, but in purchasing power. They can go down too. In purchasing power, yes, of course, because it’s tied to the dollar through an algorithm. It’s a decentralized, stable client tied to the dollar. In my opinion, corporate government bonds. Don’t go away. So ACBAR will be important? It will be important, but but it’s very possibly. Very possibly nothing should be stable. Hey, drift away there. What is this? Smiley or would do send. I don’t get it. I’m going to smile. What is on some kind of for some kind of thing. You sending in, miss? In each message I don’t have I don’t want to discount people’s losses. People’s loved ones are passing away. However, we have to ask how China has been able to control the virus so quickly. Well, because they have authoritarian regime, they say to everyone, stay home and you stay home. Otherwise, you will have some severe consequences. Here in Europe. Somebody tells you to stay home. You can still go to the beach. You can still enjoy yourself without any consequences. And to be honest, I prefer the system in the in the in Europe. I mean, look, yes, it might be difficult to contain the virus, but it’s better. It’s better than that system in the east, of course. And fake numbers also. Leo says fake numbers, probably fake numbers. We have no idea how many people died and got infected. Exactly. That’s also true. That’s very, very true. Chad is now at bottom. OK. If there is, Gary, if you think that there’s some kind of by just e-mail contact attachment to dot com and the film is like film with your camera. You know, banks haven’t yet recovered from 2008 exactly like we’d be discussing yesterday. And now we have this since two thirds of businesses in Europe are related, relying on the bank loans. It will be tough to get out of this situation. Well, it’s going to affect the banks a lot because businesses are going to go bankrupt. So the gun the gun really, really struggle and they’re going to default on their loans. So banks going to have a lot of bad debt. Jeezy. Why not superjet on crypto? Why? Because we’re working on it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. But yesterday we added fireworks. The fireworks yesterday and it say it’s amazing. Might like you. It’s so fun to build your own stuff. So fun to build your own stuff. And. And let me know how else we can improve it, because we’re going to have crypto very soon and we’re going to have other features as well coming soon. But let me know how you think we can improve the Superjet even more and how it can be better. But crypto is a big of course, it’s a big it’s a big thing that many people have been proposing. What else? Exactly. And that method seems like being pushed as preferred solution. Oh, you mean the totalitarian control? Yes, that’s true. Need sound? Okay. See, it’s solid script adjusted superjet when you some kind of sound when the fireworks go. Exactly. Exactly, exactly. So that’s how it looks like now when you do a super job. You see fire. Man, I love it. If for some reason it’s so fun to see this. My computer just froze. Yeah. Maybe you have too much made. Maybe we have too much confetti, too much at at what it’s called fireworks. Yeah. Not enough Ram. Exactly. But it’s better to have like a fire for fireworks than none at all. But for me it doesn’t fly. And I think for most people it doesn’t. But somehow we can decrease the amount of explosions on the screen. Exactly. Ivan, can you get a job, but that is the band’s five G. Oh, maybe. I don’t know. Maybe I have 12 gigabytes of RAM. Please make supercharged go. But the exact amount we need to we need to make a push out go button is graphics ram. So let me know if you if you had issues with the fireworks because then would guessing decrease the number of particles? So it’s very easy to do. We’re going to do it. Maybe we can have like that. It’s that it’s more optimized. We’re going to see Gary a little more. How did you do a superjet so supercharged only works on on the desktop. So if you’re watching on the mobile, you will not see Superjet is on your desktop and we’re gonna do it soon on mobile, but we just want to get it working on desktop first. It’s the first step because we rather released the superjet early than to wait for it, than to wait for it until everything is done. So yeah, that’s it. That’s how that works. All right, guys, if there are no more questions about the current topics and if there are no more suggestions on. On Superjet than other improvements to the chat, one thing that we’re working on right now is, is the fact that when you click on the name, it will be pre-filled as as the receiver of the message in the in the type of box when you type the chat input box. I have created a topic for evangelist’s movement. Please start the discussion. Solid crypto to another superjet. Amazing. Oh, you mean the domain name? Are you the guy who wrote about I’m on evangelist’s that crypto. That that’s that’s interesting. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. I need to refresh when supercharged the fireworks. Yeah, we will decrease the number of particles. I see that some people have issues with performance on them on the 7th. f.b.i.’s. Yeah, exactly. But I think for most people it works anyway. Thank you so much for being here. Yet again. It was amazing and so good to be here every time use. Every time someone uses a supercharged pop up a bitcoin pump where give. Exactly. Exactly. We should raise seal tomorrow. Enjoy your Wednesday. Make the most out of it. I hope you learned a lot. Thanks to Gabbar for helping a lot with super chefs. Another superjet from Johnia Ortiz. Ivan, spend the quick spend the quick. Get time at your favorite coffee shop before it takes a nosedive. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. I appreciate a lot. Twenty five dollars. I appreciate it. Appreciate it. I will take the coffee and well, I will be thinking about you. Johnia. The fact that you supported us in this times. Your support means a lot. Of course, the most important thing is the fact that you’re interested. You’re still watching, but also with the superchargers. It helps a lot. It helps a lot. And we will make the number of particles less. I overdid it. I was too excited. I put like it. I’ll do a thousand particles on the screen. We’re getting that. We’re gonna decrease number of particles. So it works on on more machines. So. Thank you so much. Have a good day and enjoy your Wednesday. Goodbye, guys. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/eu-collapsing-italy-to-exit-euro-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/eu-collapsing-italy-to-exit-euro.html
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
EU COLLAPSING!!! Italy to exit Euro? Bitcoin and Hyperinflation
And we’re alive. Yes. Welcome to another episode of Good Morning, Krypton. Here on Ivan Ontake, we are, of course, broadcasting live straight out of Stockholm, Sweden. And we do the show each and every day at 8 a.m. Central on summertime. Yes, I come to like an atomic location every day. Look, today’s a big day. Today’s a big topic. We’re going to discuss the euro and the EU because the tensions, the most significant tensions in the world of economics in the near future, within the next year, within the next four years, is going to be between northern Europe and southern Europe. That’s where the big economic tensions are going to be on. Obviously, it affects the whole union and obviously it affects the whole monetary union. And that’s why it’s so important to discuss what will happen, what will happen to you, but also to the euro and what kind of role bitcoin plays in all of this, because it is significant. It is absolutely big. And we cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of political powers. There are a lot of political wills within the European Union. And who knows how this whole charade will play out at the end of the day. But what’s important is to prepare. You’ve got to prepare. I got to prepare. Everyone has to prepare for what’s potentially coming. And you have to cover all possibilities, all outcomes, and still be okay with different outcomes because you have prepared. So that is exactly what we’re going to do today. And that’s going to be the first topic. Then we’re actually going to discuss how to incorporate on the blockchain, because we know that we do have the open law framework, which you can use in order to incorporate your business on the blockchain. Let’s see the screen shot boom. Here we have the screens. So we’re going to discuss how that works, how you can use open law as the universally legal protocol for the blockchain. We’re going to just get South Korea and their own digital fiat, their own digital currency that they are creating. And finally, Jack Dorsey is donating 1 billion, a whole billion to to the vital role of fighting to fight the virus. I mean, this is big. There will always be somebody who says, hey, this is for tax reasons. He’s avoiding tax. This this charity is just to avoid tax. But, guys, what the heck? Come on. He’s donating. Have you donated anything like that? Of course not. So I don’t like it when people complain because for some reason they get an idea that this is mainly for for some kind of fair tax avoidance thing or something. So let’s discuss that. L guess it’s so much to do, so much to discuss social cover. It’s amazing. Amazing for everyone who is watching this live. And for me, of course, it’s amazing to be here together. Guys, what are you doing? I wanted a comfortable life. Welcome, everyone, who is watching this live. I see the chopper rolling. Krypto, your dad, Michael. Gulp, Trashman, man. What is that name? Krypto Micco. Man, what’s up? What’s up? See ya. LatAm Forever dannette. Danielle Jou and Juan Barracked. Barak, what’s up? What’s up, guys? If you’re watching this on YouTube, I don’t know what you’re doing because you have already missed the live show, so you should go too. I was a little com slash like you just described there, so click the red subscribe button if you’re watching this already here on. I don’t think that concept live colleague alerts enabled end and notifications, telegrams, vacations. And that being said, let’s go straight into the juicy part of this episode and that is to discuss the situation, the EU and Europe. And then we’re also going to go quickly into before that into the markets. But first and foremost, look, we have this situation escalating highly, highly significant significantly right now in the US in regards to the virus. We have two thousand new deaths in just 24 hours. It’s insane. We haven’t seen this growth yet in the US and it doesn’t seem to stop this escalation doesn’t seem to stop. So whatever is going on right now, you are Dems. They have to track the development of the virus because when it starts to slow down, when it starts to slow, that is when something might change in this world for the better in terms of economy, in terms of everything that is going on. Then if they do. Virus dictates the timeline not dissimilar. The governments cannot dictate the timeline. The Fed cannot dictate the timeline of how this will progress economically and socially. Only the virus can dictate the timeline. So that’s key. That’s important. So look at the numbers and track the numbers. And obviously, you yourself need to take responsibility for yourself. Do not rely on the government. They will not help you. They will not help you. And if you have this mindset that somehow the government will save you like the bum says, you are an idiot. If your strategy to survive the financial crisis is for the government to save you. And look, if it sounds harsh, but that’s what you need to hear. If that is your mindset, just like if you think that your government is going to pay your pension, that they’re going to take care of you when you retire, guys, they want they will not. There is not enough money. It’s a big Ponzi scheme. The whole pension system, there is nothing that you need the new you need new money all the time into the system so that you can pay out old, old retired people. It’s not how it should be. It’s not how it should be indicted. Scenario, but that is what we’re stuck with today. And look at the unfunded U.S. pensions. Then you look at unfunded European pensions in different countries. You see it will not hold. It won’t, especially with so many people having this mindset. You know, I have worked all my life. I’ve paid taxes. I’ve contributed to society, especially here in Sweden. People are waking up to this nightmare of this nightmare of pension. It’s really during the past five to 10 years, maybe only that Swedish retired people start to realize they’re getting nothing of significance from the government. And it’s not been like that in the past. Look, in the past, it’s worked way better now. Now we have skyrocketing numbers of so-called poor retired and the now they’re waking up to the nightmare. Hey, government will not take care of you. And that is look at your government. Maybe we’ll take care of you. That’s only a bonus. You should only see it as a bonus that, hey, if it happens, it happens. Amazing. But you should always count that this will never happen because that is the only way to think in that rational manner. If it happens, it happens if they give you something. OK, good. But look, I’m not counting on this. That’s for sure. But if it happens. OK. Good. Good surprise. I would be surprised. But that is the core mindset needs to happen. And also, this is fine. This is working so well. When someone took 25 percent of your money, you’re paying it all all the time in tax, of course, and then gives you back 2 percent. That is similars. That is exactly stimulus Yamma. He’s a bit of jokes, a bit of truth, a bit of joke. But at the same time, you gotta keep it in mind as well. That day you have produced a lot and now you’re getting back a bit. So when people get overly excited about the stimulus, look, you’ll always have that stimulus before you gave it away. But now you’re getting a bit back. It’s all in all guys, in this introduction. Please remember, number one, never trust that anyone will take care of you except you and the number two. Yeah. I mean, be happy for the stimulus. You’re guessing the original, but also realize I’ve that it’s also in one way your money and you’ve already paid it. Now, looking at the markets, we have good numbers. We were rejected at a seven point four 7.40 game, but we’re still up over the past 24 hours, almost 1 percent in bitcoin. We have EIF at plus 0.3. All in all, sub 1 percent in the top 5 in the top 4. But B, ASV and Bitcoin cash are rising because both of them have a halving coming up soon. So I guess this is their pre hubbing pump. You know that both BSB and bitcoin cash. They’re gonna do the hoving quicker. I think bitcoin cash is on Friday very, very soon and be ASV a bit further or vice versa. But it’s very, very similar that they have the hubbing very soon. And I guess this is their pre humming bump, but I guess I wouldn’t be too excited because look at litecoin like also is very similar to bitcoin in its structure, but they have a different mining algorithm. They did not prefer prefere perform well after the having the humming old only works on bitcoin like the most effective has is on bitcoin because the stock to flow. Integration integration works only on bitcoin like there is no statistical proof that the halving will do anything to bitcoin s.v. or bitcoin cash. We don’t have those numbers and to a big extent is because both of them were created after the last halving in bitcoin. So keep it in mind. I wouldn’t be too excited, but hey, if you have a pre hoving pump, that’s good. That’s better than nothing. Now looking at the big winners. Web silly. We have B for next chainlink a bitcoin gold. Bitcoin gold still hanging there. Still at thirty eighth place in the coin. Paprika or quaint paprika. However you like it. And the big losers today are bite clean thoug coin pulsate. Don’t swipe if losers. All in all, quite stay quite steady. Quite the sideways. Now if you arshavin guys go below and click the link best script to deals, you’ll see a link and sign up for by bit. You get the good starter bonus there. And the reasons why it’s important is because you can long, you can short, you can use leverage up to 100x, but you gotta be careful and only use it if you know what you’re doing because it’s only useful on the small time frames and you really get to have your risk management and stop losses in place. You can trade bitcoin a theorem iOS X Sarpy on on byb it. Here it is. They’re considering using sloppy and unfair mix. You will also find links to Pemex. You will be able to do gold if they only can load a bit quicker. If you work at Fenwick’s and you’re washing this, why is it so slow sometimes? Yeah, now. Now it’s here. But Fenwick’s is basically the same. But you can also trade gold light contessa’s and link, so go and check them out. Links in the description. If you’re watching on YouTube, you see best scripted deals. That’s where you click. And we do have our free webinar on April the twenty ninth. So also sign up for that. If you haven’t been on the previous one, we’re talking about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. Completely free webinar. Go and check it out and sign up right now. Is that going to happen in a few weeks? Now we are witnessing right now some inflow into stable coins. This. Time we do have view as D.C. only 10 million, only 10 million dollars. Usually we’re very used to sit other print hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of million. USCCB just a million. But look, you as this is more trustworthy because they’re regulated. These guys are really, really careful with not breaking any compliance rule. They’re very, very careful. So if there’s any number that we could trust more than other, it is numbers coming from you as. I mean, I’m almost almost fully certain that these clients are 100 percent backed because otherwise otherwise they are in big, big trouble because literally they’re doing this from the US. So at the end of the day, they’re taking a big personal risk if they do something like this. That is not fully backed and a bit shady. So all in all, if you want to track the real dollar inflow, check stable coins that are regulated and check how much they are producing in terms of coins, because then you can see how much Fiat is actually entering that there is a bit more difficult because we don’t know exactly whether one teller is correlating is correlating to one dollar. We don’t know that and they have been quite open with that as well. That tether is back, but by one dollar in cash, but also in other assets. And you know that an asset can be a loan. It can be a credit. That’s also an asset. But it can also disappear because your your clients who you gave credit to, they can go bankrupt. They can default on their loans. So although in their books, you might have a bunch of credit. It doesn’t mean that it’s actually it’s actually safe save of banking, although in their books they might say, hey, at that there is backed one to one, but they also lend out your your money and. Yeah. And then they try to earn interest. It wouldn’t surprise me that they did because. Why not. You have so much money, you can make so much interest and that you’re not you’re not obligated you’re not obligated to give that interest to your clients. The people who gave you Fiat and got that, they’re all inaugust. You see the situation. Now let’s talk about EU. Let’s talk about Europe, because the tensions are growing and especially the tensions are growing between northern and southern Europe. This has been the case since the euro crisis eight years ago, eight, 10 years ago. And we have this article from Pedro Sanchez. Spanish prime minister. So it’s not your average journal is this is the Spanish prime minister. He published this on the 5th of April. So it’s a few days ago, but it’s on Sunday. It’s on Sunday. But it’s still relevant. It’s still very relevant because we haven’t even started to see the effects of this. He published this article in all kinds of newspapers, in big newspapers in Europe titled The Europe’s Future Is At Stake in this war against the Virus. And this is true because we will see a lot of political wills clashing and a lot of political wills not really playing with each other. It’s going to be very significant. Look, this article doesn’t have a lot of information except for the fact that we should all be united, for example, that we should all should be solidarity. We should all work together. We should either rise to this challenge or fall as a union or fail as a union. We should have this emergency programs and the European Central Bank already has emergency programs. So all in all, he’s quite optimistic, saying, hey, guys, let’s work together. Let’s do this. We are in this together. It’s a boat that we’re all being located in. So if the boat sinks, we’ll all sink. And look at this troop. He’s saying that Europe was born out of the ashes of destruction and conflict. It learned the lessons of history. So as you can see, not a lot of info, but just motivational article. This guy should be motivational speaker. He publishes great, great motivational inspirational articles. It is time to break with old national dogmas. We have entered a new era and we need new responses. Look, a lot of this is true, but it’s not something that you can actually go and use. It’s more like call to action, culture, unite. And what we need to look at instead is the fact that there are a lot of tensions within the euro and the EU. So let’s start with the euro. Why are there tensions? Well, look at Italy. Italy’s debt is out of control. Latest numbers I’ve read are one hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. They are in debt. It’s a lot. Yes, it’s a lot. For example, Sweden, we had 35 percent before the crisis. Now maybe we have 50. So Italy is in trouble financially. Now, how can they say save themselves? How can they do it? How can they try to stimulate the economy? Well, normally what you do is that you print money. You can print money. You can lower interest rates. You have full flexibility as a country to do whatever you want with your currency. So, for example, if you devalued your currency, either through printing or interest rates, if you do that, well, suddenly your companies, your domestic companies can export. More they can export more because the national labor becomes cheaper and they earn more money when they export the company, so they comp, the companies can grow. The industry can grow and the economy might come back. So that’s the oldest trick in the book. When it comes to monetary policy, I’m trying to bring back the economy to life. Obviously, Italy cannot do it because they have the euro. They cannot just go into the printer room and start printing. They can do a lot about interest rates. They can’t. So they’re fully under control of the ECB, European Central Bank. They cannot do anything. Now, obviously, they want the government to want to have that control of the currency, especially now in times of crisis, because either right now either they would have their own currency and be able to do whatever they wanted. Like, for example, devaluing it in order to try to boost the economy. Or now when they have the euro, they have to go to ECB and European Union and basically beg beg for some kind of emergency package. So that’s also what Spain is kind of doing as well. Spain is not really at that point. Like Italy. But they are close to the same point. So I think a better Sanchez comes out and just, you know, to be safe, he says, hey, guys, we might also be in this position very soon, like Italy. Look at Italy. We’re very close to that. So, hey, let’s be sort of Darrick or gay lesbian solidarity. We can not do anything with the currency. We can not do anything at all when it comes to interest rates. So please, let’s be solidarity. So that is kind of he preemptively puts it into the news. He preemptively puts it into the market. But that’s also understandable. That’s also understandable because they are completely powerless. This countries and all countries that have the euro, they’re powerless in terms of monetary policy. It’s all through the ECB. You know how it works. So therefore, therefore, now when you have a crisis, it might be a good opportunity for Italy or Spain to simply withdraw because, look, it’s always a crisis. You as a politician have a bit easier time doing it because you say, hey, we had the crisis, we had to do it. So and the economy is already bad. So how much worse can it be if we just withdraw from the euro? But understand, guys, if you’re living in Italy or in Spain, you should be you should be worried. I think you should be worried, very worried, because, number one, if there are such talks that they’re going to withdraw from the euro, obviously you’re not going to know about it. You’re not going to know about it. Why is it so that they will not tell anyone before like they actually do it maybe one day before they do it? Why will they not tell anyone? Well, you understand that if you have euro in an Italian bank, in the Italian bank, if that switch happens, your euro will be automatically converted to this new national currency, whatever it is. It will be automatically done. So if the government comes out and says, hey, we’re leaving the euro, what will happen to Italian banks? Everyone will withdraw their money put in German banks, because obviously, if such a switch happens, you want to have euro, you don’t want to have this new Italian currency. I can assure you, because it’s created for one reason, and that is to devalue it, to boost the economy and them and to bring back this whole industry to life. And you do it through currency devaluation and the imagine yourself, you wake up a morning and you have this Italian currency. What would you rather have? Look, euro has a bunch of problems, but any day I would rather have the euro than the national new Italian or Spanish currency. You understand that? That’s that’s a no brainer. That’s a no brainer. So so therefore, keep it in mind if you have euros might be a good idea to put it in German bank or source or some other non-Italian bank or a non Spanish bank. And that’s true for all of southern countries. Portugal might be in the same position. So please keep it in mind when it comes to the euro. It might not be euro in the near future in terms of your bank account. Now, this is big. This is very big. And it’s very important for citizens to educate themselves about how this works and why they’re all national currency might be good maybe in the long term for the country. It may it may be good, but short term for savers, probably terrible. Probably. Probably very terrible. People say you should buy Teather. Exactly. Either go and put into German or to go and buy Teather, not financial advice. But that is how I would do it. Let me know in the chat. Instead, they’re more safe than Italian banks with euro, because there you have this very big danger of ending up with some kind of new Italian currency. And look at people going to dump it. People absolutely are going to dump it. Why would you buy it? Like like the government is in debt like crazy. Do you think it’s going to perform strong in the markets? Absolutely not. And the same with Spain and the same with other southern European nations. Now, it’s a bit drastic scenario, but it’s on the radar. Absolutely. It’s on the radar. So it’s unemployment rate right now. Italy is at nine point eight. So this article, by the way, is not very recent. This was like at the end of March. They wrote that. So probably this is higher now. Worse still. Italy is one of the most have heavy, heavily indebted countries. So. One hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. So Italy’s Italy’s economic crisis will ultimately puts serious pressure on the euro. The currency’s value is likely to set by healthier economies such as Germany. And obviously Italy cannot do anything about it. They have no effect in the in the end at the table, they have note nothing to say when the currency interest rate, when it comes to how we’re going to devalue or and how we’re going to do our monetary policy in in the eurozone. So that’s the issue. And look, the only thing they can do now is beg. And it’s a very, very, very bad spot for Italy. It’s bad sports for you. It’s not good for anyone, but especially is bad if you have you’rein in the Italian bank. I think because you can wake up with worthless Italian money very soon. So at the end of the day, what kind of conclusions do we make? The political powers in Germany, obviously, they have a lot to do in Germany already. And here comes Italy through the door begging to give money. And you basically have no choice. You have to do it. But at the same time, how strong is the political force in Germany to actually go ahead and take responsibility for the entire union and give that money? Because the German the German people population, they won’t like you for that. I mean, you’re giving money to Italians. We in Germany knew that our hospitals are full. That’s what you’re going to hear from your population. So do you have the strong will in, for example, Germany and France to give this stimulus package to Italy? And the it will probably come. I think they will do it, but it will have very, very harsh conditions. And it will make so that Italy and Spain and other countries that need it, they will have to really reconsider the way their taxes work. They will probably have to increase tax it and it will put their economies in a recession for years because that money is not going to be free, is going to be that, hey, here’s the money. But you have to reconsider everything. So, yeah, that’s that’s big, guys. I don’t know how else to highlight the importance of this, but it’s one of the biggest stories I’m following right now and it’s one of the biggest. I think you should also be following because nothing is bigger than this. Outside of the Fed, outside of the Fed, printing trillions. I think this conflict is the biggest. Now, some fun news about Bitcoin. We have Ben ask Ren Renesmee his Twitter to Bitcoin hoarding May 13th. That’s important because obviously has a lot of followers, but it’s just also exciting to see how much he has been promoting bitcoin. So previously he rode just bought some bitcoin on his Twitter. He also worked with Litecoin previously likeand foundation. So yeah, nothing really spectacular but amazing to see. It’s amazing to see that we are entering the mainstream. More and more and more celebrities will have the better. Deutschebank comes out and speaks about digital Fiat speaks about the central bank digital currency and links it to carone them. Why? Because we’re actually seeing a lot of action from all kinds of countries. You know, Sweden, where we have a project here with Central Bank working a lot, developing Swedish digital cash krona. We have in the US, obviously we have in China, obviously. And now Bank of Korea is also declaring that they’re going to launch this pilot for a central bank issued digital currency. They’re not in a hurry. They’re still saying that, hey, there is no immediate need for this, but maybe in the future. So they need to issue a C BDC in the near future. Cille is not needed. So the chances are still slim. But look, might be interesting. Might be interesting going forward. And this is digital enslavement, guys, because with digital fiat, you know that the government can basically program, hey, you can not spend money on this. You cannot spend money on this. We’re going to do automatic taxation. We can freeze money at any point. You know that if you go to the wrong political party or a long or wrong political gathering and you have a allthree Taliban regime in your country, they might simply shut you off from from digital cash and cannot buy anything, at least now when you have the cash being kind of just physical. And the only way for you to do digital transactions is through a private bank at least that you have more market dynamics. I mean, if one bank doesn’t like you, you can go to another one. And they’re not very different, but at least there are bid different. Now, imagine the state to you early, the state handling all digital transactions because this is in effect, an attack on the private bank. The central bank is basically replacing their purpose with the purpose of the private banks because why would you have your money in the private bank when you can have it in in the central bank or at the state? Basically, because you have zero risk, you have zero counterparty risk when you have your money in the bank. You have a risk, the might that the bank might go bankrupt. They can collapse and your money might not. They’re here, you don’t have any risk. You only have the state as a country party. So many people, I think will adopt it very quickly. But also, it’s gonna be dangerous long term. Yes. It’s not good for freedom. This whole thing is what is happening in the chat. What’s the USD? That Femke lists? Is it better? Is it Teather or to you as ze or what? Well, Flemings they have Teather, right. Or what do you mean use the or is a real one. I mean to be honest, to be honest I think it’s that they’re. Yeah. We’ll have to check it out. We’ll have to check it out. Yeah, I guess it’s standard, but don’t quote me on that. Don’t quote me on that. Now, moving on, because the thing with Pemex is that we’re still mostly using Binded. So that’s that’s why we don’t really have a lot of experience except for the fact that you can trade gold light contessa’s and linked on Fenwick’s. So that’s important. But let me get back to you on that. In the next video, whether it’s death-row or what is it? But look, what’s important to note here is the fact that we’re moving from only relying on the physical on the physical legal system of basically people. We’re now slightly starting to move to the blockchain through open law protocols like, for example, open law. So open law is this universal legal protocol for creating corporations, for crazing organizations and for governing entities and for governing governing entities. Now, at the end of the day, it’s still going to settle in the legal system like we discussed previously. It’s still going to settle in the legal system. But on the level of you and I are doing business on the on on the level you and I doing different kinds of organizational structure, we can do it on open law. And that’s important article that the Ryan wrote in bank list, basically saying that there is a new settlement layer in town. It’s called IEF, because the only settlements layer right now we have in the normal world without blockchain is basically the legal system. So the US has a strong property laws, corporate laws and is stable enough to assume its laws will be enforced with reasonable neutrality. So that’s the only settlement layer you have the US legal system now with ETHE you have another one, which is the fact that you can do small contracts and you can do organizations on top of IEF. At the end of the day, they still going to be incorporated in the core legal system. I don’t see how you would circumvent that. But at least you can automate a lot of payments and you can automate a lot of relationships in the in the business world on EEF. But I think what Ryan says is that potentially long term, we don’t even need to settle conflicts in the US law system if you’re living in the US or your local justice system. I don’t see it happening, to be honest, because you can always sue someone and look at the LDA. The government has a monopoly on violence and if you lose a lawsuit in the normal a normal justice system, do you think that your state of IEF blockchain will save you? Absolutely not. So while it’s while it’s it isn’t nearly as flexible as a nation state legal system, it has other advantages. For example, is digital programmable jurisdiction less this and that? But look, I think it’s amazing. You can do a lot of things already. And he shows us here in the blog post how you can create the Dow, how can you can set it up, how you can incorporate basically on the blockchain is not real incorporation, in my view. It’s not real like legal incorporation. But you can still do a lot. You can still do a lot. But please remember, if something doesn’t work out, people will still go to normal court. So I don’t really understand when people get too optimistic in terms of everyone just doing business on the blockchain through smart contracts and basically replacing the legal system. I don’t think that’s happening. That’s not what we’re seeing. And that’s kind of not the not the point here either. The point is that we can automate more that when you are not have an agreement, we called it. We called it how it should execute. For example, I do a project for you when the project is done. We have an oracle and I get paid. That’s it. I don’t have to wait for you to enter into your bank account. To enter my account number, to send me money. No, he’s gonna be automatic. I can claim my money when my work is done. For example, if you have an oracle for that or if we bet on something that also executes automatically. But let’s say there is an issue with a smart contract or let’s say I think that the Oracle did not work out correctly. I mean, obviously, I’m going to go to court or say I’m still going to do it. So that’s how my view is. And let me know if you agree or disagree when it comes is open law and open corporations on top of the blockchain. I think in the future we might move more and more towards this kind of business. But for now, it’s still the legal system that is the base layer for all transactions and for everything. Because, look, as always, anyone can sue you for anything at any moment and you will have to go to court to to to find them. Even if you’re a sitroom, blockchain says something else. So that’s how that is. Look, a very honorable mention in today’s stream is going to be Jack Dorsey donating one the billion one billion dollars in charity to fight the virus, among other things. So he basically says here or the article says. He has set up an LLC, a company that will manage this money and it will go to all kinds of different things, including public donations, for profit investments and non-profit grants. And look, it’s gonna be a lot to the virus as well. So that’s very big. That’s very big. And the kid himself says most of that is to fight the virus. We’re going to see exactly what happens to these funds. But he didn’t have to do it. So just to come back to this whole issue of people accusing him of trying to use this as some kind of tax vehicle, tax evasion vehicle. I so this is doing something that’s important. And obviously, how much tax can you really avoid through this? Because you’re still giving away. I mean, you’re still giving stuff away. And at the end of the day, it’s more a philosophical more of a political question. But at the end of the day, he also earned all of this money. So there you go. That’s my opinion. Let me know if you agree or disagree with this. Finally, before we move into the Q&A, I just want to highlight how important it is to analyze different exchanges that you use using on chain metrics in order to see how much money they actually have, how much crypto they actually have. So Glasnost published this important facilitation of how Bynum’s grew. So basically you see that during 2017 they had so much inflow of bitcoin that it’s absolutely crazy. And then it continued. And the same also happened with eith about the same time. But it’s not really that I want to focus on Bynum’s I generally want to focus on the fact that you can do this research and see how different exchanges are performing in terms of balances and how much funds they really have. So let me open up this image full screen so that we can take a look. So, for example, this is Bynum’s balance. You can see how it looks like in terms of bitcoin. This is betbreaks. As you can see, we had the bull market and then in the bear market, they actually lost a lot of bitcoin. Bynum’s is still at the same levels even higher. So business is performing very well in the bear market. We have bitfinex also. We have the bull market and then we started that the bear market here. They still had increased during the bear market. But then a year ago, 1 ½ years ago, that’s when they started to decline as well in their holdings. What else have Bitstamp up and down like crazy lately? Down a lot. He’d be TCB just down, straight down. Not really, really recommending BTC because they are basically broke. They don’t have a lot of funds. We’re looking at the Jemini. So Jemini had a huge inflow and then was just kind of trading sideways. We have betbreaks Beatrix we’ve already covered. We have big man hobby’s killing it. Hoby is growing like crazy and during the bear market they grew the most during the bear market corbet. So keep that in mind. And we have Karakoram quite stable but lost a bit from 2017. But to be honest with you, the hype stopped right here and here is where their balance was. And so when you look at the peak of the hype and then their balance at that point they’ve only been increasing, although very slightly and although extremely slowly. And finally, what is this? Okay. Okay. X has seen an explosion in 2019 and we’ve been at the level since then. So all in all, guys, keep it in mind because you don’t want to be on an exchange that doesn’t have enough balances because that’s your money and you don’t know exactly what you’re doing with your money. Do they have some kind of lending operation? Are they trying to earn interest? Are they trying to make a profit with your money by risking it? It could happen. Therefore, you should always keep track of their balances. If you’re serious about your investing. But what’s even more important is to not have a lot of money on exchanges. But I know that many people actually need it because they’re tracing their trading a lot and they’re trading with few bitcoin at a time. That’s also completely possible, especially if you’ve been in the space for a while. I know many people that have a few bitcoin on different exchanges. Why? Because they’re trading. So they have to. They have to. And it would be painful to lose that if the exchange is not is not liquid and especially if it’s if it’s undercapitalized and you see this whole situation with some exchanges completely losing it. All right, guys, what’s different? A new webinar. So it’s very similar, like the last one. So if you haven’t if you have already been in the webinar, you should join. But if you haven’t if you haven’t, it’s time to join our free webinar about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. So please do that. Find the link below and sign up. That’s crazy. I wouldn’t leave it on, says Michael, exactly. I wouldn’t do it either. I wouldn’t do that. But some people needed for training. Absolutely. So what kind of choice do you have? Ivan, do you think has got voting algorithms and Ghosheh protocols? What do you think about them? I don’t really like Hajer of guys because it’s centralized. And while gossip is interesting, you cannot even compare to Bitcoin. And I know many people are asking about hasher because of Mike Maloon. It just it just like you. But I strongly I I’m not a fan, but I’m a fan of their marketing and the fact that Mike has a video about them. So that’s why I’m still bullish on the price. But technologically, not very bullish. Not financial advice. Our stable core is not stable. Now, with the Fiat printing crypto better, of course, they’re not stable in terms of value. They’re stable in terms of dollar value in terms of dollar peg. That’s one of the biggest misconceptions. And people still don’t seem to understand that a stable coin is stable towards whatever asset is being pegged to. So in this case, we’re talking about the dollar with Teather with you as the sea is going to be stable towards the dollar. Brazil is going to keep its value of the dollar falls. Of course, of course, of course. That’s that’s very cheap. And it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. It’s good that you ask, but it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. I don’t want to discount people’s losses. Does the real people loves ones sonic? Not really sure what you mean. Stable to unstable. Exactly. I have nothing on exchanges now. Proof of keys, says women. That’s important. You should have proof of keys, and I hope the tradition grows bigger. Each third of January we all should withdraw everything from our exchanges. So hyperinflation and used it, see hyper inflation used, see? Yes, that’s correct. Of less than 1 percent. Correct. Is that a stable? Yes, but it’s stable against the dollar. It’s not being backed by dollar reserves, is being backed by an algorithm, but still it is being stable towards the door. The algorithm keeps it stable towards the dollar. If Fuller goes down in value, if the dollar goes down in value, they will also go down. So that’s important. Could they be better to have that isn’t backed? No. Crypto? I just answered. It’s not backed by U.S. dollar. But the whole system is an algorithm that keeps it at value as dollar does the whole system. So as long as that doesn’t change, DI is going to follow the US dollar. So when it goes down, they will also go down. Of course not in US dollar terms, but in purchasing power. They can go down too. In purchasing power, yes, of course, because it’s tied to the dollar through an algorithm. It’s a decentralized, stable client tied to the dollar. In my opinion, corporate government bonds. Don’t go away. So ACBAR will be important? It will be important, but but it’s very possibly. Very possibly nothing should be stable. Hey, drift away there. What is this? Smiley or would do send. I don’t get it. I’m going to smile. What is on some kind of for some kind of thing. You sending in, miss? In each message I don’t have I don’t want to discount people’s losses. People’s loved ones are passing away. However, we have to ask how China has been able to control the virus so quickly. Well, because they have authoritarian regime, they say to everyone, stay home and you stay home. Otherwise, you will have some severe consequences. Here in Europe. Somebody tells you to stay home. You can still go to the beach. You can still enjoy yourself without any consequences. And to be honest, I prefer the system in the in the in Europe. I mean, look, yes, it might be difficult to contain the virus, but it’s better. It’s better than that system in the east, of course. And fake numbers also. Leo says fake numbers, probably fake numbers. We have no idea how many people died and got infected. Exactly. That’s also true. That’s very, very true. Chad is now at bottom. OK. If there is, Gary, if you think that there’s some kind of by just e-mail contact attachment to dot com and the film is like film with your camera. You know, banks haven’t yet recovered from 2008 exactly like we’d be discussing yesterday. And now we have this since two thirds of businesses in Europe are related, relying on the bank loans. It will be tough to get out of this situation. Well, it’s going to affect the banks a lot because businesses are going to go bankrupt. So the gun the gun really, really struggle and they’re going to default on their loans. So banks going to have a lot of bad debt. Jeezy. Why not superjet on crypto? Why? Because we’re working on it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. But yesterday we added fireworks. The fireworks yesterday and it say it’s amazing. Might like you. It’s so fun to build your own stuff. So fun to build your own stuff. And. And let me know how else we can improve it, because we’re going to have crypto very soon and we’re going to have other features as well coming soon. But let me know how you think we can improve the Superjet even more and how it can be better. But crypto is a big of course, it’s a big it’s a big thing that many people have been proposing. What else? Exactly. And that method seems like being pushed as preferred solution. Oh, you mean the totalitarian control? Yes, that’s true. Need sound? Okay. See, it’s solid script adjusted superjet when you some kind of sound when the fireworks go. Exactly. Exactly, exactly. So that’s how it looks like now when you do a super job. You see fire. Man, I love it. If for some reason it’s so fun to see this. My computer just froze. Yeah. Maybe you have too much made. Maybe we have too much confetti, too much at at what it’s called fireworks. Yeah. Not enough Ram. Exactly. But it’s better to have like a fire for fireworks than none at all. But for me it doesn’t fly. And I think for most people it doesn’t. But somehow we can decrease the amount of explosions on the screen. Exactly. Ivan, can you get a job, but that is the band’s five G. Oh, maybe. I don’t know. Maybe I have 12 gigabytes of RAM. Please make supercharged go. But the exact amount we need to we need to make a push out go button is graphics ram. So let me know if you if you had issues with the fireworks because then would guessing decrease the number of particles? So it’s very easy to do. We’re going to do it. Maybe we can have like that. It’s that it’s more optimized. We’re going to see Gary a little more. How did you do a superjet so supercharged only works on on the desktop. So if you’re watching on the mobile, you will not see Superjet is on your desktop and we’re gonna do it soon on mobile, but we just want to get it working on desktop first. It’s the first step because we rather released the superjet early than to wait for it, than to wait for it until everything is done. So yeah, that’s it. That’s how that works. All right, guys, if there are no more questions about the current topics and if there are no more suggestions on. On Superjet than other improvements to the chat, one thing that we’re working on right now is, is the fact that when you click on the name, it will be pre-filled as as the receiver of the message in the in the type of box when you type the chat input box. I have created a topic for evangelist’s movement. Please start the discussion. Solid crypto to another superjet. Amazing. Oh, you mean the domain name? Are you the guy who wrote about I’m on evangelist’s that crypto. That that’s that’s interesting. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. I need to refresh when supercharged the fireworks. Yeah, we will decrease the number of particles. I see that some people have issues with performance on them on the 7th. f.b.i.’s. Yeah, exactly. But I think for most people it works anyway. Thank you so much for being here. Yet again. It was amazing and so good to be here every time use. Every time someone uses a supercharged pop up a bitcoin pump where give. Exactly. Exactly. We should raise seal tomorrow. Enjoy your Wednesday. Make the most out of it. I hope you learned a lot. Thanks to Gabbar for helping a lot with super chefs. Another superjet from Johnia Ortiz. Ivan, spend the quick spend the quick. Get time at your favorite coffee shop before it takes a nosedive. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. I appreciate a lot. Twenty five dollars. I appreciate it. Appreciate it. I will take the coffee and well, I will be thinking about you. Johnia. The fact that you supported us in this times. Your support means a lot. Of course, the most important thing is the fact that you’re interested. You’re still watching, but also with the superchargers. It helps a lot. It helps a lot. And we will make the number of particles less. I overdid it. I was too excited. I put like it. I’ll do a thousand particles on the screen. We’re getting that. We’re gonna decrease number of particles. So it works on on more machines. So. Thank you so much. Have a good day and enjoy your Wednesday. Goodbye, guys. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/eu-collapsing-italy-to-exit-euro-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/614986724751392768
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
EU COLLAPSING!!! Italy to exit Euro? Bitcoin and Hyperinflation
And we’re alive. Yes. Welcome to another episode of Good Morning, Krypton. Here on Ivan Ontake, we are, of course, broadcasting live straight out of Stockholm, Sweden. And we do the show each and every day at 8 a.m. Central on summertime. Yes, I come to like an atomic location every day. Look, today’s a big day. Today’s a big topic. We’re going to discuss the euro and the EU because the tensions, the most significant tensions in the world of economics in the near future, within the next year, within the next four years, is going to be between northern Europe and southern Europe. That’s where the big economic tensions are going to be on. Obviously, it affects the whole union and obviously it affects the whole monetary union. And that’s why it’s so important to discuss what will happen, what will happen to you, but also to the euro and what kind of role bitcoin plays in all of this, because it is significant. It is absolutely big. And we cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of political powers. There are a lot of political wills within the European Union. And who knows how this whole charade will play out at the end of the day. But what’s important is to prepare. You’ve got to prepare. I got to prepare. Everyone has to prepare for what’s potentially coming. And you have to cover all possibilities, all outcomes, and still be okay with different outcomes because you have prepared. So that is exactly what we’re going to do today. And that’s going to be the first topic. Then we’re actually going to discuss how to incorporate on the blockchain, because we know that we do have the open law framework, which you can use in order to incorporate your business on the blockchain. Let’s see the screen shot boom. Here we have the screens. So we’re going to discuss how that works, how you can use open law as the universally legal protocol for the blockchain. We’re going to just get South Korea and their own digital fiat, their own digital currency that they are creating. And finally, Jack Dorsey is donating 1 billion, a whole billion to to the vital role of fighting to fight the virus. I mean, this is big. There will always be somebody who says, hey, this is for tax reasons. He’s avoiding tax. This this charity is just to avoid tax. But, guys, what the heck? Come on. He’s donating. Have you donated anything like that? Of course not. So I don’t like it when people complain because for some reason they get an idea that this is mainly for for some kind of fair tax avoidance thing or something. So let’s discuss that. L guess it’s so much to do, so much to discuss social cover. It’s amazing. Amazing for everyone who is watching this live. And for me, of course, it’s amazing to be here together. Guys, what are you doing? I wanted a comfortable life. Welcome, everyone, who is watching this live. I see the chopper rolling. Krypto, your dad, Michael. Gulp, Trashman, man. What is that name? Krypto Micco. Man, what’s up? What’s up? See ya. LatAm Forever dannette. Danielle Jou and Juan Barracked. Barak, what’s up? What’s up, guys? If you’re watching this on YouTube, I don’t know what you’re doing because you have already missed the live show, so you should go too. I was a little com slash like you just described there, so click the red subscribe button if you’re watching this already here on. I don’t think that concept live colleague alerts enabled end and notifications, telegrams, vacations. And that being said, let’s go straight into the juicy part of this episode and that is to discuss the situation, the EU and Europe. And then we’re also going to go quickly into before that into the markets. But first and foremost, look, we have this situation escalating highly, highly significant significantly right now in the US in regards to the virus. We have two thousand new deaths in just 24 hours. It’s insane. We haven’t seen this growth yet in the US and it doesn’t seem to stop this escalation doesn’t seem to stop. So whatever is going on right now, you are Dems. They have to track the development of the virus because when it starts to slow down, when it starts to slow, that is when something might change in this world for the better in terms of economy, in terms of everything that is going on. Then if they do. Virus dictates the timeline not dissimilar. The governments cannot dictate the timeline. The Fed cannot dictate the timeline of how this will progress economically and socially. Only the virus can dictate the timeline. So that’s key. That’s important. So look at the numbers and track the numbers. And obviously, you yourself need to take responsibility for yourself. Do not rely on the government. They will not help you. They will not help you. And if you have this mindset that somehow the government will save you like the bum says, you are an idiot. If your strategy to survive the financial crisis is for the government to save you. And look, if it sounds harsh, but that’s what you need to hear. If that is your mindset, just like if you think that your government is going to pay your pension, that they’re going to take care of you when you retire, guys, they want they will not. There is not enough money. It’s a big Ponzi scheme. The whole pension system, there is nothing that you need the new you need new money all the time into the system so that you can pay out old, old retired people. It’s not how it should be. It’s not how it should be indicted. Scenario, but that is what we’re stuck with today. And look at the unfunded U.S. pensions. Then you look at unfunded European pensions in different countries. You see it will not hold. It won’t, especially with so many people having this mindset. You know, I have worked all my life. I’ve paid taxes. I’ve contributed to society, especially here in Sweden. People are waking up to this nightmare of this nightmare of pension. It’s really during the past five to 10 years, maybe only that Swedish retired people start to realize they’re getting nothing of significance from the government. And it’s not been like that in the past. Look, in the past, it’s worked way better now. Now we have skyrocketing numbers of so-called poor retired and the now they’re waking up to the nightmare. Hey, government will not take care of you. And that is look at your government. Maybe we’ll take care of you. That’s only a bonus. You should only see it as a bonus that, hey, if it happens, it happens. Amazing. But you should always count that this will never happen because that is the only way to think in that rational manner. If it happens, it happens if they give you something. OK, good. But look, I’m not counting on this. That’s for sure. But if it happens. OK. Good. Good surprise. I would be surprised. But that is the core mindset needs to happen. And also, this is fine. This is working so well. When someone took 25 percent of your money, you’re paying it all all the time in tax, of course, and then gives you back 2 percent. That is similars. That is exactly stimulus Yamma. He’s a bit of jokes, a bit of truth, a bit of joke. But at the same time, you gotta keep it in mind as well. That day you have produced a lot and now you’re getting back a bit. So when people get overly excited about the stimulus, look, you’ll always have that stimulus before you gave it away. But now you’re getting a bit back. It’s all in all guys, in this introduction. Please remember, number one, never trust that anyone will take care of you except you and the number two. Yeah. I mean, be happy for the stimulus. You’re guessing the original, but also realize I’ve that it’s also in one way your money and you’ve already paid it. Now, looking at the markets, we have good numbers. We were rejected at a seven point four 7.40 game, but we’re still up over the past 24 hours, almost 1 percent in bitcoin. We have EIF at plus 0.3. All in all, sub 1 percent in the top 5 in the top 4. But B, ASV and Bitcoin cash are rising because both of them have a halving coming up soon. So I guess this is their pre hubbing pump. You know that both BSB and bitcoin cash. They’re gonna do the hoving quicker. I think bitcoin cash is on Friday very, very soon and be ASV a bit further or vice versa. But it’s very, very similar that they have the hubbing very soon. And I guess this is their pre humming bump, but I guess I wouldn’t be too excited because look at litecoin like also is very similar to bitcoin in its structure, but they have a different mining algorithm. They did not prefer prefere perform well after the having the humming old only works on bitcoin like the most effective has is on bitcoin because the stock to flow. Integration integration works only on bitcoin like there is no statistical proof that the halving will do anything to bitcoin s.v. or bitcoin cash. We don’t have those numbers and to a big extent is because both of them were created after the last halving in bitcoin. So keep it in mind. I wouldn’t be too excited, but hey, if you have a pre hoving pump, that’s good. That’s better than nothing. Now looking at the big winners. Web silly. We have B for next chainlink a bitcoin gold. Bitcoin gold still hanging there. Still at thirty eighth place in the coin. Paprika or quaint paprika. However you like it. And the big losers today are bite clean thoug coin pulsate. Don’t swipe if losers. All in all, quite stay quite steady. Quite the sideways. Now if you arshavin guys go below and click the link best script to deals, you’ll see a link and sign up for by bit. You get the good starter bonus there. And the reasons why it’s important is because you can long, you can short, you can use leverage up to 100x, but you gotta be careful and only use it if you know what you’re doing because it’s only useful on the small time frames and you really get to have your risk management and stop losses in place. You can trade bitcoin a theorem iOS X Sarpy on on byb it. Here it is. They’re considering using sloppy and unfair mix. You will also find links to Pemex. You will be able to do gold if they only can load a bit quicker. If you work at Fenwick’s and you’re washing this, why is it so slow sometimes? Yeah, now. Now it’s here. But Fenwick’s is basically the same. But you can also trade gold light contessa’s and link, so go and check them out. Links in the description. If you’re watching on YouTube, you see best scripted deals. That’s where you click. And we do have our free webinar on April the twenty ninth. So also sign up for that. If you haven’t been on the previous one, we’re talking about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. Completely free webinar. Go and check it out and sign up right now. Is that going to happen in a few weeks? Now we are witnessing right now some inflow into stable coins. This. Time we do have view as D.C. only 10 million, only 10 million dollars. Usually we’re very used to sit other print hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of million. USCCB just a million. But look, you as this is more trustworthy because they’re regulated. These guys are really, really careful with not breaking any compliance rule. They’re very, very careful. So if there’s any number that we could trust more than other, it is numbers coming from you as. I mean, I’m almost almost fully certain that these clients are 100 percent backed because otherwise otherwise they are in big, big trouble because literally they’re doing this from the US. So at the end of the day, they’re taking a big personal risk if they do something like this. That is not fully backed and a bit shady. So all in all, if you want to track the real dollar inflow, check stable coins that are regulated and check how much they are producing in terms of coins, because then you can see how much Fiat is actually entering that there is a bit more difficult because we don’t know exactly whether one teller is correlating is correlating to one dollar. We don’t know that and they have been quite open with that as well. That tether is back, but by one dollar in cash, but also in other assets. And you know that an asset can be a loan. It can be a credit. That’s also an asset. But it can also disappear because your your clients who you gave credit to, they can go bankrupt. They can default on their loans. So although in their books, you might have a bunch of credit. It doesn’t mean that it’s actually it’s actually safe save of banking, although in their books they might say, hey, at that there is backed one to one, but they also lend out your your money and. Yeah. And then they try to earn interest. It wouldn’t surprise me that they did because. Why not. You have so much money, you can make so much interest and that you’re not you’re not obligated you’re not obligated to give that interest to your clients. The people who gave you Fiat and got that, they’re all inaugust. You see the situation. Now let’s talk about EU. Let’s talk about Europe, because the tensions are growing and especially the tensions are growing between northern and southern Europe. This has been the case since the euro crisis eight years ago, eight, 10 years ago. And we have this article from Pedro Sanchez. Spanish prime minister. So it’s not your average journal is this is the Spanish prime minister. He published this on the 5th of April. So it’s a few days ago, but it’s on Sunday. It’s on Sunday. But it’s still relevant. It’s still very relevant because we haven’t even started to see the effects of this. He published this article in all kinds of newspapers, in big newspapers in Europe titled The Europe’s Future Is At Stake in this war against the Virus. And this is true because we will see a lot of political wills clashing and a lot of political wills not really playing with each other. It’s going to be very significant. Look, this article doesn’t have a lot of information except for the fact that we should all be united, for example, that we should all should be solidarity. We should all work together. We should either rise to this challenge or fall as a union or fail as a union. We should have this emergency programs and the European Central Bank already has emergency programs. So all in all, he’s quite optimistic, saying, hey, guys, let’s work together. Let’s do this. We are in this together. It’s a boat that we’re all being located in. So if the boat sinks, we’ll all sink. And look at this troop. He’s saying that Europe was born out of the ashes of destruction and conflict. It learned the lessons of history. So as you can see, not a lot of info, but just motivational article. This guy should be motivational speaker. He publishes great, great motivational inspirational articles. It is time to break with old national dogmas. We have entered a new era and we need new responses. Look, a lot of this is true, but it’s not something that you can actually go and use. It’s more like call to action, culture, unite. And what we need to look at instead is the fact that there are a lot of tensions within the euro and the EU. So let’s start with the euro. Why are there tensions? Well, look at Italy. Italy’s debt is out of control. Latest numbers I’ve read are one hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. They are in debt. It’s a lot. Yes, it’s a lot. For example, Sweden, we had 35 percent before the crisis. Now maybe we have 50. So Italy is in trouble financially. Now, how can they say save themselves? How can they do it? How can they try to stimulate the economy? Well, normally what you do is that you print money. You can print money. You can lower interest rates. You have full flexibility as a country to do whatever you want with your currency. So, for example, if you devalued your currency, either through printing or interest rates, if you do that, well, suddenly your companies, your domestic companies can export. More they can export more because the national labor becomes cheaper and they earn more money when they export the company, so they comp, the companies can grow. The industry can grow and the economy might come back. So that’s the oldest trick in the book. When it comes to monetary policy, I’m trying to bring back the economy to life. Obviously, Italy cannot do it because they have the euro. They cannot just go into the printer room and start printing. They can do a lot about interest rates. They can’t. So they’re fully under control of the ECB, European Central Bank. They cannot do anything. Now, obviously, they want the government to want to have that control of the currency, especially now in times of crisis, because either right now either they would have their own currency and be able to do whatever they wanted. Like, for example, devaluing it in order to try to boost the economy. Or now when they have the euro, they have to go to ECB and European Union and basically beg beg for some kind of emergency package. So that’s also what Spain is kind of doing as well. Spain is not really at that point. Like Italy. But they are close to the same point. So I think a better Sanchez comes out and just, you know, to be safe, he says, hey, guys, we might also be in this position very soon, like Italy. Look at Italy. We’re very close to that. So, hey, let’s be sort of Darrick or gay lesbian solidarity. We can not do anything with the currency. We can not do anything at all when it comes to interest rates. So please, let’s be solidarity. So that is kind of he preemptively puts it into the news. He preemptively puts it into the market. But that’s also understandable. That’s also understandable because they are completely powerless. This countries and all countries that have the euro, they’re powerless in terms of monetary policy. It’s all through the ECB. You know how it works. So therefore, therefore, now when you have a crisis, it might be a good opportunity for Italy or Spain to simply withdraw because, look, it’s always a crisis. You as a politician have a bit easier time doing it because you say, hey, we had the crisis, we had to do it. So and the economy is already bad. So how much worse can it be if we just withdraw from the euro? But understand, guys, if you’re living in Italy or in Spain, you should be you should be worried. I think you should be worried, very worried, because, number one, if there are such talks that they’re going to withdraw from the euro, obviously you’re not going to know about it. You’re not going to know about it. Why is it so that they will not tell anyone before like they actually do it maybe one day before they do it? Why will they not tell anyone? Well, you understand that if you have euro in an Italian bank, in the Italian bank, if that switch happens, your euro will be automatically converted to this new national currency, whatever it is. It will be automatically done. So if the government comes out and says, hey, we’re leaving the euro, what will happen to Italian banks? Everyone will withdraw their money put in German banks, because obviously, if such a switch happens, you want to have euro, you don’t want to have this new Italian currency. I can assure you, because it’s created for one reason, and that is to devalue it, to boost the economy and them and to bring back this whole industry to life. And you do it through currency devaluation and the imagine yourself, you wake up a morning and you have this Italian currency. What would you rather have? Look, euro has a bunch of problems, but any day I would rather have the euro than the national new Italian or Spanish currency. You understand that? That’s that’s a no brainer. That’s a no brainer. So so therefore, keep it in mind if you have euros might be a good idea to put it in German bank or source or some other non-Italian bank or a non Spanish bank. And that’s true for all of southern countries. Portugal might be in the same position. So please keep it in mind when it comes to the euro. It might not be euro in the near future in terms of your bank account. Now, this is big. This is very big. And it’s very important for citizens to educate themselves about how this works and why they’re all national currency might be good maybe in the long term for the country. It may it may be good, but short term for savers, probably terrible. Probably. Probably very terrible. People say you should buy Teather. Exactly. Either go and put into German or to go and buy Teather, not financial advice. But that is how I would do it. Let me know in the chat. Instead, they’re more safe than Italian banks with euro, because there you have this very big danger of ending up with some kind of new Italian currency. And look at people going to dump it. People absolutely are going to dump it. Why would you buy it? Like like the government is in debt like crazy. Do you think it’s going to perform strong in the markets? Absolutely not. And the same with Spain and the same with other southern European nations. Now, it’s a bit drastic scenario, but it’s on the radar. Absolutely. It’s on the radar. So it’s unemployment rate right now. Italy is at nine point eight. So this article, by the way, is not very recent. This was like at the end of March. They wrote that. So probably this is higher now. Worse still. Italy is one of the most have heavy, heavily indebted countries. So. One hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. So Italy’s Italy’s economic crisis will ultimately puts serious pressure on the euro. The currency’s value is likely to set by healthier economies such as Germany. And obviously Italy cannot do anything about it. They have no effect in the in the end at the table, they have note nothing to say when the currency interest rate, when it comes to how we’re going to devalue or and how we’re going to do our monetary policy in in the eurozone. So that’s the issue. And look, the only thing they can do now is beg. And it’s a very, very, very bad spot for Italy. It’s bad sports for you. It’s not good for anyone, but especially is bad if you have you’rein in the Italian bank. I think because you can wake up with worthless Italian money very soon. So at the end of the day, what kind of conclusions do we make? The political powers in Germany, obviously, they have a lot to do in Germany already. And here comes Italy through the door begging to give money. And you basically have no choice. You have to do it. But at the same time, how strong is the political force in Germany to actually go ahead and take responsibility for the entire union and give that money? Because the German the German people population, they won’t like you for that. I mean, you’re giving money to Italians. We in Germany knew that our hospitals are full. That’s what you’re going to hear from your population. So do you have the strong will in, for example, Germany and France to give this stimulus package to Italy? And the it will probably come. I think they will do it, but it will have very, very harsh conditions. And it will make so that Italy and Spain and other countries that need it, they will have to really reconsider the way their taxes work. They will probably have to increase tax it and it will put their economies in a recession for years because that money is not going to be free, is going to be that, hey, here’s the money. But you have to reconsider everything. So, yeah, that’s that’s big, guys. I don’t know how else to highlight the importance of this, but it’s one of the biggest stories I’m following right now and it’s one of the biggest. I think you should also be following because nothing is bigger than this. Outside of the Fed, outside of the Fed, printing trillions. I think this conflict is the biggest. Now, some fun news about Bitcoin. We have Ben ask Ren Renesmee his Twitter to Bitcoin hoarding May 13th. That’s important because obviously has a lot of followers, but it’s just also exciting to see how much he has been promoting bitcoin. So previously he rode just bought some bitcoin on his Twitter. He also worked with Litecoin previously likeand foundation. So yeah, nothing really spectacular but amazing to see. It’s amazing to see that we are entering the mainstream. More and more and more celebrities will have the better. Deutschebank comes out and speaks about digital Fiat speaks about the central bank digital currency and links it to carone them. Why? Because we’re actually seeing a lot of action from all kinds of countries. You know, Sweden, where we have a project here with Central Bank working a lot, developing Swedish digital cash krona. We have in the US, obviously we have in China, obviously. And now Bank of Korea is also declaring that they’re going to launch this pilot for a central bank issued digital currency. They’re not in a hurry. They’re still saying that, hey, there is no immediate need for this, but maybe in the future. So they need to issue a C BDC in the near future. Cille is not needed. So the chances are still slim. But look, might be interesting. Might be interesting going forward. And this is digital enslavement, guys, because with digital fiat, you know that the government can basically program, hey, you can not spend money on this. You cannot spend money on this. We’re going to do automatic taxation. We can freeze money at any point. You know that if you go to the wrong political party or a long or wrong political gathering and you have a allthree Taliban regime in your country, they might simply shut you off from from digital cash and cannot buy anything, at least now when you have the cash being kind of just physical. And the only way for you to do digital transactions is through a private bank at least that you have more market dynamics. I mean, if one bank doesn’t like you, you can go to another one. And they’re not very different, but at least there are bid different. Now, imagine the state to you early, the state handling all digital transactions because this is in effect, an attack on the private bank. The central bank is basically replacing their purpose with the purpose of the private banks because why would you have your money in the private bank when you can have it in in the central bank or at the state? Basically, because you have zero risk, you have zero counterparty risk when you have your money in the bank. You have a risk, the might that the bank might go bankrupt. They can collapse and your money might not. They’re here, you don’t have any risk. You only have the state as a country party. So many people, I think will adopt it very quickly. But also, it’s gonna be dangerous long term. Yes. It’s not good for freedom. This whole thing is what is happening in the chat. What’s the USD? That Femke lists? Is it better? Is it Teather or to you as ze or what? Well, Flemings they have Teather, right. Or what do you mean use the or is a real one. I mean to be honest, to be honest I think it’s that they’re. Yeah. We’ll have to check it out. We’ll have to check it out. Yeah, I guess it’s standard, but don’t quote me on that. Don’t quote me on that. Now, moving on, because the thing with Pemex is that we’re still mostly using Binded. So that’s that’s why we don’t really have a lot of experience except for the fact that you can trade gold light contessa’s and linked on Fenwick’s. So that’s important. But let me get back to you on that. In the next video, whether it’s death-row or what is it? But look, what’s important to note here is the fact that we’re moving from only relying on the physical on the physical legal system of basically people. We’re now slightly starting to move to the blockchain through open law protocols like, for example, open law. So open law is this universal legal protocol for creating corporations, for crazing organizations and for governing entities and for governing governing entities. Now, at the end of the day, it’s still going to settle in the legal system like we discussed previously. It’s still going to settle in the legal system. But on the level of you and I are doing business on the on on the level you and I doing different kinds of organizational structure, we can do it on open law. And that’s important article that the Ryan wrote in bank list, basically saying that there is a new settlement layer in town. It’s called IEF, because the only settlements layer right now we have in the normal world without blockchain is basically the legal system. So the US has a strong property laws, corporate laws and is stable enough to assume its laws will be enforced with reasonable neutrality. So that’s the only settlement layer you have the US legal system now with ETHE you have another one, which is the fact that you can do small contracts and you can do organizations on top of IEF. At the end of the day, they still going to be incorporated in the core legal system. I don’t see how you would circumvent that. But at least you can automate a lot of payments and you can automate a lot of relationships in the in the business world on EEF. But I think what Ryan says is that potentially long term, we don’t even need to settle conflicts in the US law system if you’re living in the US or your local justice system. I don’t see it happening, to be honest, because you can always sue someone and look at the LDA. The government has a monopoly on violence and if you lose a lawsuit in the normal a normal justice system, do you think that your state of IEF blockchain will save you? Absolutely not. So while it’s while it’s it isn’t nearly as flexible as a nation state legal system, it has other advantages. For example, is digital programmable jurisdiction less this and that? But look, I think it’s amazing. You can do a lot of things already. And he shows us here in the blog post how you can create the Dow, how can you can set it up, how you can incorporate basically on the blockchain is not real incorporation, in my view. It’s not real like legal incorporation. But you can still do a lot. You can still do a lot. But please remember, if something doesn’t work out, people will still go to normal court. So I don’t really understand when people get too optimistic in terms of everyone just doing business on the blockchain through smart contracts and basically replacing the legal system. I don’t think that’s happening. That’s not what we’re seeing. And that’s kind of not the not the point here either. The point is that we can automate more that when you are not have an agreement, we called it. We called it how it should execute. For example, I do a project for you when the project is done. We have an oracle and I get paid. That’s it. I don’t have to wait for you to enter into your bank account. To enter my account number, to send me money. No, he’s gonna be automatic. I can claim my money when my work is done. For example, if you have an oracle for that or if we bet on something that also executes automatically. But let’s say there is an issue with a smart contract or let’s say I think that the Oracle did not work out correctly. I mean, obviously, I’m going to go to court or say I’m still going to do it. So that’s how my view is. And let me know if you agree or disagree when it comes is open law and open corporations on top of the blockchain. I think in the future we might move more and more towards this kind of business. But for now, it’s still the legal system that is the base layer for all transactions and for everything. Because, look, as always, anyone can sue you for anything at any moment and you will have to go to court to to to find them. Even if you’re a sitroom, blockchain says something else. So that’s how that is. Look, a very honorable mention in today’s stream is going to be Jack Dorsey donating one the billion one billion dollars in charity to fight the virus, among other things. So he basically says here or the article says. He has set up an LLC, a company that will manage this money and it will go to all kinds of different things, including public donations, for profit investments and non-profit grants. And look, it’s gonna be a lot to the virus as well. So that’s very big. That’s very big. And the kid himself says most of that is to fight the virus. We’re going to see exactly what happens to these funds. But he didn’t have to do it. So just to come back to this whole issue of people accusing him of trying to use this as some kind of tax vehicle, tax evasion vehicle. I so this is doing something that’s important. And obviously, how much tax can you really avoid through this? Because you’re still giving away. I mean, you’re still giving stuff away. And at the end of the day, it’s more a philosophical more of a political question. But at the end of the day, he also earned all of this money. So there you go. That’s my opinion. Let me know if you agree or disagree with this. Finally, before we move into the Q&A, I just want to highlight how important it is to analyze different exchanges that you use using on chain metrics in order to see how much money they actually have, how much crypto they actually have. So Glasnost published this important facilitation of how Bynum’s grew. So basically you see that during 2017 they had so much inflow of bitcoin that it’s absolutely crazy. And then it continued. And the same also happened with eith about the same time. But it’s not really that I want to focus on Bynum’s I generally want to focus on the fact that you can do this research and see how different exchanges are performing in terms of balances and how much funds they really have. So let me open up this image full screen so that we can take a look. So, for example, this is Bynum’s balance. You can see how it looks like in terms of bitcoin. This is betbreaks. As you can see, we had the bull market and then in the bear market, they actually lost a lot of bitcoin. Bynum’s is still at the same levels even higher. So business is performing very well in the bear market. We have bitfinex also. We have the bull market and then we started that the bear market here. They still had increased during the bear market. But then a year ago, 1 1/2 years ago, that’s when they started to decline as well in their holdings. What else have Bitstamp up and down like crazy lately? Down a lot. He’d be TCB just down, straight down. Not really, really recommending BTC because they are basically broke. They don’t have a lot of funds. We’re looking at the Jemini. So Jemini had a huge inflow and then was just kind of trading sideways. We have betbreaks Beatrix we’ve already covered. We have big man hobby’s killing it. Hoby is growing like crazy and during the bear market they grew the most during the bear market corbet. So keep that in mind. And we have Karakoram quite stable but lost a bit from 2017. But to be honest with you, the hype stopped right here and here is where their balance was. And so when you look at the peak of the hype and then their balance at that point they’ve only been increasing, although very slightly and although extremely slowly. And finally, what is this? Okay. Okay. X has seen an explosion in 2019 and we’ve been at the level since then. So all in all, guys, keep it in mind because you don’t want to be on an exchange that doesn’t have enough balances because that’s your money and you don’t know exactly what you’re doing with your money. Do they have some kind of lending operation? Are they trying to earn interest? Are they trying to make a profit with your money by risking it? It could happen. Therefore, you should always keep track of their balances. If you’re serious about your investing. But what’s even more important is to not have a lot of money on exchanges. But I know that many people actually need it because they’re tracing their trading a lot and they’re trading with few bitcoin at a time. That’s also completely possible, especially if you’ve been in the space for a while. I know many people that have a few bitcoin on different exchanges. Why? Because they’re trading. So they have to. They have to. And it would be painful to lose that if the exchange is not is not liquid and especially if it’s if it’s undercapitalized and you see this whole situation with some exchanges completely losing it. All right, guys, what’s different? A new webinar. So it’s very similar, like the last one. So if you haven’t if you have already been in the webinar, you should join. But if you haven’t if you haven’t, it’s time to join our free webinar about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. So please do that. Find the link below and sign up. That’s crazy. I wouldn’t leave it on, says Michael, exactly. I wouldn’t do it either. I wouldn’t do that. But some people needed for training. Absolutely. So what kind of choice do you have? Ivan, do you think has got voting algorithms and Ghosheh protocols? What do you think about them? I don’t really like Hajer of guys because it’s centralized. And while gossip is interesting, you cannot even compare to Bitcoin. And I know many people are asking about hasher because of Mike Maloon. It just it just like you. But I strongly I I’m not a fan, but I’m a fan of their marketing and the fact that Mike has a video about them. So that’s why I’m still bullish on the price. But technologically, not very bullish. Not financial advice. Our stable core is not stable. Now, with the Fiat printing crypto better, of course, they’re not stable in terms of value. They’re stable in terms of dollar value in terms of dollar peg. That’s one of the biggest misconceptions. And people still don’t seem to understand that a stable coin is stable towards whatever asset is being pegged to. So in this case, we’re talking about the dollar with Teather with you as the sea is going to be stable towards the dollar. Brazil is going to keep its value of the dollar falls. Of course, of course, of course. That’s that’s very cheap. And it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. It’s good that you ask, but it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. I don’t want to discount people’s losses. Does the real people loves ones sonic? Not really sure what you mean. Stable to unstable. Exactly. I have nothing on exchanges now. Proof of keys, says women. That’s important. You should have proof of keys, and I hope the tradition grows bigger. Each third of January we all should withdraw everything from our exchanges. So hyperinflation and used it, see hyper inflation used, see? Yes, that’s correct. Of less than 1 percent. Correct. Is that a stable? Yes, but it’s stable against the dollar. It’s not being backed by dollar reserves, is being backed by an algorithm, but still it is being stable towards the door. The algorithm keeps it stable towards the dollar. If Fuller goes down in value, if the dollar goes down in value, they will also go down. So that’s important. Could they be better to have that isn’t backed? No. Crypto? I just answered. It’s not backed by U.S. dollar. But the whole system is an algorithm that keeps it at value as dollar does the whole system. So as long as that doesn’t change, DI is going to follow the US dollar. So when it goes down, they will also go down. Of course not in US dollar terms, but in purchasing power. They can go down too. In purchasing power, yes, of course, because it’s tied to the dollar through an algorithm. It’s a decentralized, stable client tied to the dollar. In my opinion, corporate government bonds. Don’t go away. So ACBAR will be important? It will be important, but but it’s very possibly. Very possibly nothing should be stable. Hey, drift away there. What is this? Smiley or would do send. I don’t get it. I’m going to smile. What is on some kind of for some kind of thing. You sending in, miss? In each message I don’t have I don’t want to discount people’s losses. People’s loved ones are passing away. However, we have to ask how China has been able to control the virus so quickly. Well, because they have authoritarian regime, they say to everyone, stay home and you stay home. Otherwise, you will have some severe consequences. Here in Europe. Somebody tells you to stay home. You can still go to the beach. You can still enjoy yourself without any consequences. And to be honest, I prefer the system in the in the in Europe. I mean, look, yes, it might be difficult to contain the virus, but it’s better. It’s better than that system in the east, of course. And fake numbers also. Leo says fake numbers, probably fake numbers. We have no idea how many people died and got infected. Exactly. That’s also true. That’s very, very true. Chad is now at bottom. OK. If there is, Gary, if you think that there’s some kind of by just e-mail contact attachment to dot com and the film is like film with your camera. You know, banks haven’t yet recovered from 2008 exactly like we’d be discussing yesterday. And now we have this since two thirds of businesses in Europe are related, relying on the bank loans. It will be tough to get out of this situation. Well, it’s going to affect the banks a lot because businesses are going to go bankrupt. So the gun the gun really, really struggle and they’re going to default on their loans. So banks going to have a lot of bad debt. Jeezy. Why not superjet on crypto? Why? Because we’re working on it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. But yesterday we added fireworks. The fireworks yesterday and it say it’s amazing. Might like you. It’s so fun to build your own stuff. So fun to build your own stuff. And. And let me know how else we can improve it, because we’re going to have crypto very soon and we’re going to have other features as well coming soon. But let me know how you think we can improve the Superjet even more and how it can be better. But crypto is a big of course, it’s a big it’s a big thing that many people have been proposing. What else? Exactly. And that method seems like being pushed as preferred solution. Oh, you mean the totalitarian control? Yes, that’s true. Need sound? Okay. See, it’s solid script adjusted superjet when you some kind of sound when the fireworks go. Exactly. Exactly, exactly. So that’s how it looks like now when you do a super job. You see fire. Man, I love it. If for some reason it’s so fun to see this. My computer just froze. Yeah. Maybe you have too much made. Maybe we have too much confetti, too much at at what it’s called fireworks. Yeah. Not enough Ram. Exactly. But it’s better to have like a fire for fireworks than none at all. But for me it doesn’t fly. And I think for most people it doesn’t. But somehow we can decrease the amount of explosions on the screen. Exactly. Ivan, can you get a job, but that is the band’s five G. Oh, maybe. I don’t know. Maybe I have 12 gigabytes of RAM. Please make supercharged go. But the exact amount we need to we need to make a push out go button is graphics ram. So let me know if you if you had issues with the fireworks because then would guessing decrease the number of particles? So it’s very easy to do. We’re going to do it. Maybe we can have like that. It’s that it’s more optimized. We’re going to see Gary a little more. How did you do a superjet so supercharged only works on on the desktop. So if you’re watching on the mobile, you will not see Superjet is on your desktop and we’re gonna do it soon on mobile, but we just want to get it working on desktop first. It’s the first step because we rather released the superjet early than to wait for it, than to wait for it until everything is done. So yeah, that’s it. That’s how that works. All right, guys, if there are no more questions about the current topics and if there are no more suggestions on. On Superjet than other improvements to the chat, one thing that we’re working on right now is, is the fact that when you click on the name, it will be pre-filled as as the receiver of the message in the in the type of box when you type the chat input box. I have created a topic for evangelist’s movement. Please start the discussion. Solid crypto to another superjet. Amazing. Oh, you mean the domain name? Are you the guy who wrote about I’m on evangelist’s that crypto. That that’s that’s interesting. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. I need to refresh when supercharged the fireworks. Yeah, we will decrease the number of particles. I see that some people have issues with performance on them on the 7th. f.b.i.’s. Yeah, exactly. But I think for most people it works anyway. Thank you so much for being here. Yet again. It was amazing and so good to be here every time use. Every time someone uses a supercharged pop up a bitcoin pump where give. Exactly. Exactly. We should raise seal tomorrow. Enjoy your Wednesday. Make the most out of it. I hope you learned a lot. Thanks to Gabbar for helping a lot with super chefs. Another superjet from Johnia Ortiz. Ivan, spend the quick spend the quick. Get time at your favorite coffee shop before it takes a nosedive. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. I appreciate a lot. Twenty five dollars. I appreciate it. Appreciate it. I will take the coffee and well, I will be thinking about you. Johnia. The fact that you supported us in this times. Your support means a lot. Of course, the most important thing is the fact that you’re interested. You’re still watching, but also with the superchargers. It helps a lot. It helps a lot. And we will make the number of particles less. I overdid it. I was too excited. I put like it. I’ll do a thousand particles on the screen. We’re getting that. We’re gonna decrease number of particles. So it works on on more machines. So. Thank you so much. Have a good day and enjoy your Wednesday. Goodbye, guys. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/eu-collapsing-italy-to-exit-euro-bitcoin/
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
EU COLLAPSING!!! Italy to exit Euro? Bitcoin and Hyperinflation
And we’re alive. Yes. Welcome to another episode of Good Morning, Krypton. Here on Ivan Ontake, we are, of course, broadcasting live straight out of Stockholm, Sweden. And we do the show each and every day at 8 a.m. Central on summertime. Yes, I come to like an atomic location every day. Look, today’s a big day. Today’s a big topic. We’re going to discuss the euro and the EU because the tensions, the most significant tensions in the world of economics in the near future, within the next year, within the next four years, is going to be between northern Europe and southern Europe. That’s where the big economic tensions are going to be on. Obviously, it affects the whole union and obviously it affects the whole monetary union. And that’s why it’s so important to discuss what will happen, what will happen to you, but also to the euro and what kind of role bitcoin plays in all of this, because it is significant. It is absolutely big. And we cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of political powers. There are a lot of political wills within the European Union. And who knows how this whole charade will play out at the end of the day. But what’s important is to prepare. You’ve got to prepare. I got to prepare. Everyone has to prepare for what’s potentially coming. And you have to cover all possibilities, all outcomes, and still be okay with different outcomes because you have prepared. So that is exactly what we’re going to do today. And that’s going to be the first topic. Then we’re actually going to discuss how to incorporate on the blockchain, because we know that we do have the open law framework, which you can use in order to incorporate your business on the blockchain. Let’s see the screen shot boom. Here we have the screens. So we’re going to discuss how that works, how you can use open law as the universally legal protocol for the blockchain. We’re going to just get South Korea and their own digital fiat, their own digital currency that they are creating. And finally, Jack Dorsey is donating 1 billion, a whole billion to to the vital role of fighting to fight the virus. I mean, this is big. There will always be somebody who says, hey, this is for tax reasons. He’s avoiding tax. This this charity is just to avoid tax. But, guys, what the heck? Come on. He’s donating. Have you donated anything like that? Of course not. So I don’t like it when people complain because for some reason they get an idea that this is mainly for for some kind of fair tax avoidance thing or something. So let’s discuss that. L guess it’s so much to do, so much to discuss social cover. It’s amazing. Amazing for everyone who is watching this live. And for me, of course, it’s amazing to be here together. Guys, what are you doing? I wanted a comfortable life. Welcome, everyone, who is watching this live. I see the chopper rolling. Krypto, your dad, Michael. Gulp, Trashman, man. What is that name? Krypto Micco. Man, what’s up? What’s up? See ya. LatAm Forever dannette. Danielle Jou and Juan Barracked. Barak, what’s up? What’s up, guys? If you’re watching this on YouTube, I don’t know what you’re doing because you have already missed the live show, so you should go too. I was a little com slash like you just described there, so click the red subscribe button if you’re watching this already here on. I don’t think that concept live colleague alerts enabled end and notifications, telegrams, vacations. And that being said, let’s go straight into the juicy part of this episode and that is to discuss the situation, the EU and Europe. And then we’re also going to go quickly into before that into the markets. But first and foremost, look, we have this situation escalating highly, highly significant significantly right now in the US in regards to the virus. We have two thousand new deaths in just 24 hours. It’s insane. We haven’t seen this growth yet in the US and it doesn’t seem to stop this escalation doesn’t seem to stop. So whatever is going on right now, you are Dems. They have to track the development of the virus because when it starts to slow down, when it starts to slow, that is when something might change in this world for the better in terms of economy, in terms of everything that is going on. Then if they do. Virus dictates the timeline not dissimilar. The governments cannot dictate the timeline. The Fed cannot dictate the timeline of how this will progress economically and socially. Only the virus can dictate the timeline. So that’s key. That’s important. So look at the numbers and track the numbers. And obviously, you yourself need to take responsibility for yourself. Do not rely on the government. They will not help you. They will not help you. And if you have this mindset that somehow the government will save you like the bum says, you are an idiot. If your strategy to survive the financial crisis is for the government to save you. And look, if it sounds harsh, but that’s what you need to hear. If that is your mindset, just like if you think that your government is going to pay your pension, that they’re going to take care of you when you retire, guys, they want they will not. There is not enough money. It’s a big Ponzi scheme. The whole pension system, there is nothing that you need the new you need new money all the time into the system so that you can pay out old, old retired people. It’s not how it should be. It’s not how it should be indicted. Scenario, but that is what we’re stuck with today. And look at the unfunded U.S. pensions. Then you look at unfunded European pensions in different countries. You see it will not hold. It won’t, especially with so many people having this mindset. You know, I have worked all my life. I’ve paid taxes. I’ve contributed to society, especially here in Sweden. People are waking up to this nightmare of this nightmare of pension. It’s really during the past five to 10 years, maybe only that Swedish retired people start to realize they’re getting nothing of significance from the government. And it’s not been like that in the past. Look, in the past, it’s worked way better now. Now we have skyrocketing numbers of so-called poor retired and the now they’re waking up to the nightmare. Hey, government will not take care of you. And that is look at your government. Maybe we’ll take care of you. That’s only a bonus. You should only see it as a bonus that, hey, if it happens, it happens. Amazing. But you should always count that this will never happen because that is the only way to think in that rational manner. If it happens, it happens if they give you something. OK, good. But look, I’m not counting on this. That’s for sure. But if it happens. OK. Good. Good surprise. I would be surprised. But that is the core mindset needs to happen. And also, this is fine. This is working so well. When someone took 25 percent of your money, you’re paying it all all the time in tax, of course, and then gives you back 2 percent. That is similars. That is exactly stimulus Yamma. He’s a bit of jokes, a bit of truth, a bit of joke. But at the same time, you gotta keep it in mind as well. That day you have produced a lot and now you’re getting back a bit. So when people get overly excited about the stimulus, look, you’ll always have that stimulus before you gave it away. But now you’re getting a bit back. It’s all in all guys, in this introduction. Please remember, number one, never trust that anyone will take care of you except you and the number two. Yeah. I mean, be happy for the stimulus. You’re guessing the original, but also realize I’ve that it’s also in one way your money and you’ve already paid it. Now, looking at the markets, we have good numbers. We were rejected at a seven point four 7.40 game, but we’re still up over the past 24 hours, almost 1 percent in bitcoin. We have EIF at plus 0.3. All in all, sub 1 percent in the top 5 in the top 4. But B, ASV and Bitcoin cash are rising because both of them have a halving coming up soon. So I guess this is their pre hubbing pump. You know that both BSB and bitcoin cash. They’re gonna do the hoving quicker. I think bitcoin cash is on Friday very, very soon and be ASV a bit further or vice versa. But it’s very, very similar that they have the hubbing very soon. And I guess this is their pre humming bump, but I guess I wouldn’t be too excited because look at litecoin like also is very similar to bitcoin in its structure, but they have a different mining algorithm. They did not prefer prefere perform well after the having the humming old only works on bitcoin like the most effective has is on bitcoin because the stock to flow. Integration integration works only on bitcoin like there is no statistical proof that the halving will do anything to bitcoin s.v. or bitcoin cash. We don’t have those numbers and to a big extent is because both of them were created after the last halving in bitcoin. So keep it in mind. I wouldn’t be too excited, but hey, if you have a pre hoving pump, that’s good. That’s better than nothing. Now looking at the big winners. Web silly. We have B for next chainlink a bitcoin gold. Bitcoin gold still hanging there. Still at thirty eighth place in the coin. Paprika or quaint paprika. However you like it. And the big losers today are bite clean thoug coin pulsate. Don’t swipe if losers. All in all, quite stay quite steady. Quite the sideways. Now if you arshavin guys go below and click the link best script to deals, you’ll see a link and sign up for by bit. You get the good starter bonus there. And the reasons why it’s important is because you can long, you can short, you can use leverage up to 100x, but you gotta be careful and only use it if you know what you’re doing because it’s only useful on the small time frames and you really get to have your risk management and stop losses in place. You can trade bitcoin a theorem iOS X Sarpy on on byb it. Here it is. They’re considering using sloppy and unfair mix. You will also find links to Pemex. You will be able to do gold if they only can load a bit quicker. If you work at Fenwick’s and you’re washing this, why is it so slow sometimes? Yeah, now. Now it’s here. But Fenwick’s is basically the same. But you can also trade gold light contessa’s and link, so go and check them out. Links in the description. If you’re watching on YouTube, you see best scripted deals. That’s where you click. And we do have our free webinar on April the twenty ninth. So also sign up for that. If you haven’t been on the previous one, we’re talking about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. Completely free webinar. Go and check it out and sign up right now. Is that going to happen in a few weeks? Now we are witnessing right now some inflow into stable coins. This. Time we do have view as D.C. only 10 million, only 10 million dollars. Usually we’re very used to sit other print hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of million. USCCB just a million. But look, you as this is more trustworthy because they’re regulated. These guys are really, really careful with not breaking any compliance rule. They’re very, very careful. So if there’s any number that we could trust more than other, it is numbers coming from you as. I mean, I’m almost almost fully certain that these clients are 100 percent backed because otherwise otherwise they are in big, big trouble because literally they’re doing this from the US. So at the end of the day, they’re taking a big personal risk if they do something like this. That is not fully backed and a bit shady. So all in all, if you want to track the real dollar inflow, check stable coins that are regulated and check how much they are producing in terms of coins, because then you can see how much Fiat is actually entering that there is a bit more difficult because we don’t know exactly whether one teller is correlating is correlating to one dollar. We don’t know that and they have been quite open with that as well. That tether is back, but by one dollar in cash, but also in other assets. And you know that an asset can be a loan. It can be a credit. That’s also an asset. But it can also disappear because your your clients who you gave credit to, they can go bankrupt. They can default on their loans. So although in their books, you might have a bunch of credit. It doesn’t mean that it’s actually it’s actually safe save of banking, although in their books they might say, hey, at that there is backed one to one, but they also lend out your your money and. Yeah. And then they try to earn interest. It wouldn’t surprise me that they did because. Why not. You have so much money, you can make so much interest and that you’re not you’re not obligated you’re not obligated to give that interest to your clients. The people who gave you Fiat and got that, they’re all inaugust. You see the situation. Now let’s talk about EU. Let’s talk about Europe, because the tensions are growing and especially the tensions are growing between northern and southern Europe. This has been the case since the euro crisis eight years ago, eight, 10 years ago. And we have this article from Pedro Sanchez. Spanish prime minister. So it’s not your average journal is this is the Spanish prime minister. He published this on the 5th of April. So it’s a few days ago, but it’s on Sunday. It’s on Sunday. But it’s still relevant. It’s still very relevant because we haven’t even started to see the effects of this. He published this article in all kinds of newspapers, in big newspapers in Europe titled The Europe’s Future Is At Stake in this war against the Virus. And this is true because we will see a lot of political wills clashing and a lot of political wills not really playing with each other. It’s going to be very significant. Look, this article doesn’t have a lot of information except for the fact that we should all be united, for example, that we should all should be solidarity. We should all work together. We should either rise to this challenge or fall as a union or fail as a union. We should have this emergency programs and the European Central Bank already has emergency programs. So all in all, he’s quite optimistic, saying, hey, guys, let’s work together. Let’s do this. We are in this together. It’s a boat that we’re all being located in. So if the boat sinks, we’ll all sink. And look at this troop. He’s saying that Europe was born out of the ashes of destruction and conflict. It learned the lessons of history. So as you can see, not a lot of info, but just motivational article. This guy should be motivational speaker. He publishes great, great motivational inspirational articles. It is time to break with old national dogmas. We have entered a new era and we need new responses. Look, a lot of this is true, but it’s not something that you can actually go and use. It’s more like call to action, culture, unite. And what we need to look at instead is the fact that there are a lot of tensions within the euro and the EU. So let’s start with the euro. Why are there tensions? Well, look at Italy. Italy’s debt is out of control. Latest numbers I’ve read are one hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. They are in debt. It’s a lot. Yes, it’s a lot. For example, Sweden, we had 35 percent before the crisis. Now maybe we have 50. So Italy is in trouble financially. Now, how can they say save themselves? How can they do it? How can they try to stimulate the economy? Well, normally what you do is that you print money. You can print money. You can lower interest rates. You have full flexibility as a country to do whatever you want with your currency. So, for example, if you devalued your currency, either through printing or interest rates, if you do that, well, suddenly your companies, your domestic companies can export. More they can export more because the national labor becomes cheaper and they earn more money when they export the company, so they comp, the companies can grow. The industry can grow and the economy might come back. So that’s the oldest trick in the book. When it comes to monetary policy, I’m trying to bring back the economy to life. Obviously, Italy cannot do it because they have the euro. They cannot just go into the printer room and start printing. They can do a lot about interest rates. They can’t. So they’re fully under control of the ECB, European Central Bank. They cannot do anything. Now, obviously, they want the government to want to have that control of the currency, especially now in times of crisis, because either right now either they would have their own currency and be able to do whatever they wanted. Like, for example, devaluing it in order to try to boost the economy. Or now when they have the euro, they have to go to ECB and European Union and basically beg beg for some kind of emergency package. So that’s also what Spain is kind of doing as well. Spain is not really at that point. Like Italy. But they are close to the same point. So I think a better Sanchez comes out and just, you know, to be safe, he says, hey, guys, we might also be in this position very soon, like Italy. Look at Italy. We’re very close to that. So, hey, let’s be sort of Darrick or gay lesbian solidarity. We can not do anything with the currency. We can not do anything at all when it comes to interest rates. So please, let’s be solidarity. So that is kind of he preemptively puts it into the news. He preemptively puts it into the market. But that’s also understandable. That’s also understandable because they are completely powerless. This countries and all countries that have the euro, they’re powerless in terms of monetary policy. It’s all through the ECB. You know how it works. So therefore, therefore, now when you have a crisis, it might be a good opportunity for Italy or Spain to simply withdraw because, look, it’s always a crisis. You as a politician have a bit easier time doing it because you say, hey, we had the crisis, we had to do it. So and the economy is already bad. So how much worse can it be if we just withdraw from the euro? But understand, guys, if you’re living in Italy or in Spain, you should be you should be worried. I think you should be worried, very worried, because, number one, if there are such talks that they’re going to withdraw from the euro, obviously you’re not going to know about it. You’re not going to know about it. Why is it so that they will not tell anyone before like they actually do it maybe one day before they do it? Why will they not tell anyone? Well, you understand that if you have euro in an Italian bank, in the Italian bank, if that switch happens, your euro will be automatically converted to this new national currency, whatever it is. It will be automatically done. So if the government comes out and says, hey, we’re leaving the euro, what will happen to Italian banks? Everyone will withdraw their money put in German banks, because obviously, if such a switch happens, you want to have euro, you don’t want to have this new Italian currency. I can assure you, because it’s created for one reason, and that is to devalue it, to boost the economy and them and to bring back this whole industry to life. And you do it through currency devaluation and the imagine yourself, you wake up a morning and you have this Italian currency. What would you rather have? Look, euro has a bunch of problems, but any day I would rather have the euro than the national new Italian or Spanish currency. You understand that? That’s that’s a no brainer. That’s a no brainer. So so therefore, keep it in mind if you have euros might be a good idea to put it in German bank or source or some other non-Italian bank or a non Spanish bank. And that’s true for all of southern countries. Portugal might be in the same position. So please keep it in mind when it comes to the euro. It might not be euro in the near future in terms of your bank account. Now, this is big. This is very big. And it’s very important for citizens to educate themselves about how this works and why they’re all national currency might be good maybe in the long term for the country. It may it may be good, but short term for savers, probably terrible. Probably. Probably very terrible. People say you should buy Teather. Exactly. Either go and put into German or to go and buy Teather, not financial advice. But that is how I would do it. Let me know in the chat. Instead, they’re more safe than Italian banks with euro, because there you have this very big danger of ending up with some kind of new Italian currency. And look at people going to dump it. People absolutely are going to dump it. Why would you buy it? Like like the government is in debt like crazy. Do you think it’s going to perform strong in the markets? Absolutely not. And the same with Spain and the same with other southern European nations. Now, it’s a bit drastic scenario, but it’s on the radar. Absolutely. It’s on the radar. So it’s unemployment rate right now. Italy is at nine point eight. So this article, by the way, is not very recent. This was like at the end of March. They wrote that. So probably this is higher now. Worse still. Italy is one of the most have heavy, heavily indebted countries. So. One hundred and thirty eight percent of the GDP. So Italy’s Italy’s economic crisis will ultimately puts serious pressure on the euro. The currency’s value is likely to set by healthier economies such as Germany. And obviously Italy cannot do anything about it. They have no effect in the in the end at the table, they have note nothing to say when the currency interest rate, when it comes to how we’re going to devalue or and how we’re going to do our monetary policy in in the eurozone. So that’s the issue. And look, the only thing they can do now is beg. And it’s a very, very, very bad spot for Italy. It’s bad sports for you. It’s not good for anyone, but especially is bad if you have you’rein in the Italian bank. I think because you can wake up with worthless Italian money very soon. So at the end of the day, what kind of conclusions do we make? The political powers in Germany, obviously, they have a lot to do in Germany already. And here comes Italy through the door begging to give money. And you basically have no choice. You have to do it. But at the same time, how strong is the political force in Germany to actually go ahead and take responsibility for the entire union and give that money? Because the German the German people population, they won’t like you for that. I mean, you’re giving money to Italians. We in Germany knew that our hospitals are full. That’s what you’re going to hear from your population. So do you have the strong will in, for example, Germany and France to give this stimulus package to Italy? And the it will probably come. I think they will do it, but it will have very, very harsh conditions. And it will make so that Italy and Spain and other countries that need it, they will have to really reconsider the way their taxes work. They will probably have to increase tax it and it will put their economies in a recession for years because that money is not going to be free, is going to be that, hey, here’s the money. But you have to reconsider everything. So, yeah, that’s that’s big, guys. I don’t know how else to highlight the importance of this, but it’s one of the biggest stories I’m following right now and it’s one of the biggest. I think you should also be following because nothing is bigger than this. Outside of the Fed, outside of the Fed, printing trillions. I think this conflict is the biggest. Now, some fun news about Bitcoin. We have Ben ask Ren Renesmee his Twitter to Bitcoin hoarding May 13th. That’s important because obviously has a lot of followers, but it’s just also exciting to see how much he has been promoting bitcoin. So previously he rode just bought some bitcoin on his Twitter. He also worked with Litecoin previously likeand foundation. So yeah, nothing really spectacular but amazing to see. It’s amazing to see that we are entering the mainstream. More and more and more celebrities will have the better. Deutschebank comes out and speaks about digital Fiat speaks about the central bank digital currency and links it to carone them. Why? Because we’re actually seeing a lot of action from all kinds of countries. You know, Sweden, where we have a project here with Central Bank working a lot, developing Swedish digital cash krona. We have in the US, obviously we have in China, obviously. And now Bank of Korea is also declaring that they’re going to launch this pilot for a central bank issued digital currency. They’re not in a hurry. They’re still saying that, hey, there is no immediate need for this, but maybe in the future. So they need to issue a C BDC in the near future. Cille is not needed. So the chances are still slim. But look, might be interesting. Might be interesting going forward. And this is digital enslavement, guys, because with digital fiat, you know that the government can basically program, hey, you can not spend money on this. You cannot spend money on this. We’re going to do automatic taxation. We can freeze money at any point. You know that if you go to the wrong political party or a long or wrong political gathering and you have a allthree Taliban regime in your country, they might simply shut you off from from digital cash and cannot buy anything, at least now when you have the cash being kind of just physical. And the only way for you to do digital transactions is through a private bank at least that you have more market dynamics. I mean, if one bank doesn’t like you, you can go to another one. And they’re not very different, but at least there are bid different. Now, imagine the state to you early, the state handling all digital transactions because this is in effect, an attack on the private bank. The central bank is basically replacing their purpose with the purpose of the private banks because why would you have your money in the private bank when you can have it in in the central bank or at the state? Basically, because you have zero risk, you have zero counterparty risk when you have your money in the bank. You have a risk, the might that the bank might go bankrupt. They can collapse and your money might not. They’re here, you don’t have any risk. You only have the state as a country party. So many people, I think will adopt it very quickly. But also, it’s gonna be dangerous long term. Yes. It’s not good for freedom. This whole thing is what is happening in the chat. What’s the USD? That Femke lists? Is it better? Is it Teather or to you as ze or what? Well, Flemings they have Teather, right. Or what do you mean use the or is a real one. I mean to be honest, to be honest I think it’s that they’re. Yeah. We’ll have to check it out. We’ll have to check it out. Yeah, I guess it’s standard, but don’t quote me on that. Don’t quote me on that. Now, moving on, because the thing with Pemex is that we’re still mostly using Binded. So that’s that’s why we don’t really have a lot of experience except for the fact that you can trade gold light contessa’s and linked on Fenwick’s. So that’s important. But let me get back to you on that. In the next video, whether it’s death-row or what is it? But look, what’s important to note here is the fact that we’re moving from only relying on the physical on the physical legal system of basically people. We’re now slightly starting to move to the blockchain through open law protocols like, for example, open law. So open law is this universal legal protocol for creating corporations, for crazing organizations and for governing entities and for governing governing entities. Now, at the end of the day, it’s still going to settle in the legal system like we discussed previously. It’s still going to settle in the legal system. But on the level of you and I are doing business on the on on the level you and I doing different kinds of organizational structure, we can do it on open law. And that’s important article that the Ryan wrote in bank list, basically saying that there is a new settlement layer in town. It’s called IEF, because the only settlements layer right now we have in the normal world without blockchain is basically the legal system. So the US has a strong property laws, corporate laws and is stable enough to assume its laws will be enforced with reasonable neutrality. So that’s the only settlement layer you have the US legal system now with ETHE you have another one, which is the fact that you can do small contracts and you can do organizations on top of IEF. At the end of the day, they still going to be incorporated in the core legal system. I don’t see how you would circumvent that. But at least you can automate a lot of payments and you can automate a lot of relationships in the in the business world on EEF. But I think what Ryan says is that potentially long term, we don’t even need to settle conflicts in the US law system if you’re living in the US or your local justice system. I don’t see it happening, to be honest, because you can always sue someone and look at the LDA. The government has a monopoly on violence and if you lose a lawsuit in the normal a normal justice system, do you think that your state of IEF blockchain will save you? Absolutely not. So while it’s while it’s it isn’t nearly as flexible as a nation state legal system, it has other advantages. For example, is digital programmable jurisdiction less this and that? But look, I think it’s amazing. You can do a lot of things already. And he shows us here in the blog post how you can create the Dow, how can you can set it up, how you can incorporate basically on the blockchain is not real incorporation, in my view. It’s not real like legal incorporation. But you can still do a lot. You can still do a lot. But please remember, if something doesn’t work out, people will still go to normal court. So I don’t really understand when people get too optimistic in terms of everyone just doing business on the blockchain through smart contracts and basically replacing the legal system. I don’t think that’s happening. That’s not what we’re seeing. And that’s kind of not the not the point here either. The point is that we can automate more that when you are not have an agreement, we called it. We called it how it should execute. For example, I do a project for you when the project is done. We have an oracle and I get paid. That’s it. I don’t have to wait for you to enter into your bank account. To enter my account number, to send me money. No, he’s gonna be automatic. I can claim my money when my work is done. For example, if you have an oracle for that or if we bet on something that also executes automatically. But let’s say there is an issue with a smart contract or let’s say I think that the Oracle did not work out correctly. I mean, obviously, I’m going to go to court or say I’m still going to do it. So that’s how my view is. And let me know if you agree or disagree when it comes is open law and open corporations on top of the blockchain. I think in the future we might move more and more towards this kind of business. But for now, it’s still the legal system that is the base layer for all transactions and for everything. Because, look, as always, anyone can sue you for anything at any moment and you will have to go to court to to to find them. Even if you’re a sitroom, blockchain says something else. So that’s how that is. Look, a very honorable mention in today’s stream is going to be Jack Dorsey donating one the billion one billion dollars in charity to fight the virus, among other things. So he basically says here or the article says. He has set up an LLC, a company that will manage this money and it will go to all kinds of different things, including public donations, for profit investments and non-profit grants. And look, it’s gonna be a lot to the virus as well. So that’s very big. That’s very big. And the kid himself says most of that is to fight the virus. We’re going to see exactly what happens to these funds. But he didn’t have to do it. So just to come back to this whole issue of people accusing him of trying to use this as some kind of tax vehicle, tax evasion vehicle. I so this is doing something that’s important. And obviously, how much tax can you really avoid through this? Because you’re still giving away. I mean, you’re still giving stuff away. And at the end of the day, it’s more a philosophical more of a political question. But at the end of the day, he also earned all of this money. So there you go. That’s my opinion. Let me know if you agree or disagree with this. Finally, before we move into the Q&A, I just want to highlight how important it is to analyze different exchanges that you use using on chain metrics in order to see how much money they actually have, how much crypto they actually have. So Glasnost published this important facilitation of how Bynum’s grew. So basically you see that during 2017 they had so much inflow of bitcoin that it’s absolutely crazy. And then it continued. And the same also happened with eith about the same time. But it’s not really that I want to focus on Bynum’s I generally want to focus on the fact that you can do this research and see how different exchanges are performing in terms of balances and how much funds they really have. So let me open up this image full screen so that we can take a look. So, for example, this is Bynum’s balance. You can see how it looks like in terms of bitcoin. This is betbreaks. As you can see, we had the bull market and then in the bear market, they actually lost a lot of bitcoin. Bynum’s is still at the same levels even higher. So business is performing very well in the bear market. We have bitfinex also. We have the bull market and then we started that the bear market here. They still had increased during the bear market. But then a year ago, 1 1/2 years ago, that’s when they started to decline as well in their holdings. What else have Bitstamp up and down like crazy lately? Down a lot. He’d be TCB just down, straight down. Not really, really recommending BTC because they are basically broke. They don’t have a lot of funds. We’re looking at the Jemini. So Jemini had a huge inflow and then was just kind of trading sideways. We have betbreaks Beatrix we’ve already covered. We have big man hobby’s killing it. Hoby is growing like crazy and during the bear market they grew the most during the bear market corbet. So keep that in mind. And we have Karakoram quite stable but lost a bit from 2017. But to be honest with you, the hype stopped right here and here is where their balance was. And so when you look at the peak of the hype and then their balance at that point they’ve only been increasing, although very slightly and although extremely slowly. And finally, what is this? Okay. Okay. X has seen an explosion in 2019 and we’ve been at the level since then. So all in all, guys, keep it in mind because you don’t want to be on an exchange that doesn’t have enough balances because that’s your money and you don’t know exactly what you’re doing with your money. Do they have some kind of lending operation? Are they trying to earn interest? Are they trying to make a profit with your money by risking it? It could happen. Therefore, you should always keep track of their balances. If you’re serious about your investing. But what’s even more important is to not have a lot of money on exchanges. But I know that many people actually need it because they’re tracing their trading a lot and they’re trading with few bitcoin at a time. That’s also completely possible, especially if you’ve been in the space for a while. I know many people that have a few bitcoin on different exchanges. Why? Because they’re trading. So they have to. They have to. And it would be painful to lose that if the exchange is not is not liquid and especially if it’s if it’s undercapitalized and you see this whole situation with some exchanges completely losing it. All right, guys, what’s different? A new webinar. So it’s very similar, like the last one. So if you haven’t if you have already been in the webinar, you should join. But if you haven’t if you haven’t, it’s time to join our free webinar about how to stack massive amounts of SATs in this bull market. So please do that. Find the link below and sign up. That’s crazy. I wouldn’t leave it on, says Michael, exactly. I wouldn’t do it either. I wouldn’t do that. But some people needed for training. Absolutely. So what kind of choice do you have? Ivan, do you think has got voting algorithms and Ghosheh protocols? What do you think about them? I don’t really like Hajer of guys because it’s centralized. And while gossip is interesting, you cannot even compare to Bitcoin. And I know many people are asking about hasher because of Mike Maloon. It just it just like you. But I strongly I I’m not a fan, but I’m a fan of their marketing and the fact that Mike has a video about them. So that’s why I’m still bullish on the price. But technologically, not very bullish. Not financial advice. Our stable core is not stable. Now, with the Fiat printing crypto better, of course, they’re not stable in terms of value. They’re stable in terms of dollar value in terms of dollar peg. That’s one of the biggest misconceptions. And people still don’t seem to understand that a stable coin is stable towards whatever asset is being pegged to. So in this case, we’re talking about the dollar with Teather with you as the sea is going to be stable towards the dollar. Brazil is going to keep its value of the dollar falls. Of course, of course, of course. That’s that’s very cheap. And it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. It’s good that you ask, but it’s surprising that so many people still don’t know it. I don’t want to discount people’s losses. Does the real people loves ones sonic? Not really sure what you mean. Stable to unstable. Exactly. I have nothing on exchanges now. Proof of keys, says women. That’s important. You should have proof of keys, and I hope the tradition grows bigger. Each third of January we all should withdraw everything from our exchanges. So hyperinflation and used it, see hyper inflation used, see? Yes, that’s correct. Of less than 1 percent. Correct. Is that a stable? Yes, but it’s stable against the dollar. It’s not being backed by dollar reserves, is being backed by an algorithm, but still it is being stable towards the door. The algorithm keeps it stable towards the dollar. If Fuller goes down in value, if the dollar goes down in value, they will also go down. So that’s important. Could they be better to have that isn’t backed? No. Crypto? I just answered. It’s not backed by U.S. dollar. But the whole system is an algorithm that keeps it at value as dollar does the whole system. So as long as that doesn’t change, DI is going to follow the US dollar. So when it goes down, they will also go down. Of course not in US dollar terms, but in purchasing power. They can go down too. In purchasing power, yes, of course, because it’s tied to the dollar through an algorithm. It’s a decentralized, stable client tied to the dollar. In my opinion, corporate government bonds. Don’t go away. So ACBAR will be important? It will be important, but but it’s very possibly. Very possibly nothing should be stable. Hey, drift away there. What is this? Smiley or would do send. I don’t get it. I’m going to smile. What is on some kind of for some kind of thing. You sending in, miss? In each message I don’t have I don’t want to discount people’s losses. People’s loved ones are passing away. However, we have to ask how China has been able to control the virus so quickly. Well, because they have authoritarian regime, they say to everyone, stay home and you stay home. Otherwise, you will have some severe consequences. Here in Europe. Somebody tells you to stay home. You can still go to the beach. You can still enjoy yourself without any consequences. And to be honest, I prefer the system in the in the in Europe. I mean, look, yes, it might be difficult to contain the virus, but it’s better. It’s better than that system in the east, of course. And fake numbers also. Leo says fake numbers, probably fake numbers. We have no idea how many people died and got infected. Exactly. That’s also true. That’s very, very true. Chad is now at bottom. OK. If there is, Gary, if you think that there’s some kind of by just e-mail contact attachment to dot com and the film is like film with your camera. You know, banks haven’t yet recovered from 2008 exactly like we’d be discussing yesterday. And now we have this since two thirds of businesses in Europe are related, relying on the bank loans. It will be tough to get out of this situation. Well, it’s going to affect the banks a lot because businesses are going to go bankrupt. So the gun the gun really, really struggle and they’re going to default on their loans. So banks going to have a lot of bad debt. Jeezy. Why not superjet on crypto? Why? Because we’re working on it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. We’re going to have it. But yesterday we added fireworks. The fireworks yesterday and it say it’s amazing. Might like you. It’s so fun to build your own stuff. So fun to build your own stuff. And. And let me know how else we can improve it, because we’re going to have crypto very soon and we’re going to have other features as well coming soon. But let me know how you think we can improve the Superjet even more and how it can be better. But crypto is a big of course, it’s a big it’s a big thing that many people have been proposing. What else? Exactly. And that method seems like being pushed as preferred solution. Oh, you mean the totalitarian control? Yes, that’s true. Need sound? Okay. See, it’s solid script adjusted superjet when you some kind of sound when the fireworks go. Exactly. Exactly, exactly. So that’s how it looks like now when you do a super job. You see fire. Man, I love it. If for some reason it’s so fun to see this. My computer just froze. Yeah. Maybe you have too much made. Maybe we have too much confetti, too much at at what it’s called fireworks. Yeah. Not enough Ram. Exactly. But it’s better to have like a fire for fireworks than none at all. But for me it doesn’t fly. And I think for most people it doesn’t. But somehow we can decrease the amount of explosions on the screen. Exactly. Ivan, can you get a job, but that is the band’s five G. Oh, maybe. I don’t know. Maybe I have 12 gigabytes of RAM. Please make supercharged go. But the exact amount we need to we need to make a push out go button is graphics ram. So let me know if you if you had issues with the fireworks because then would guessing decrease the number of particles? So it’s very easy to do. We’re going to do it. Maybe we can have like that. It’s that it’s more optimized. We’re going to see Gary a little more. How did you do a superjet so supercharged only works on on the desktop. So if you’re watching on the mobile, you will not see Superjet is on your desktop and we’re gonna do it soon on mobile, but we just want to get it working on desktop first. It’s the first step because we rather released the superjet early than to wait for it, than to wait for it until everything is done. So yeah, that’s it. That’s how that works. All right, guys, if there are no more questions about the current topics and if there are no more suggestions on. On Superjet than other improvements to the chat, one thing that we’re working on right now is, is the fact that when you click on the name, it will be pre-filled as as the receiver of the message in the in the type of box when you type the chat input box. I have created a topic for evangelist’s movement. Please start the discussion. Solid crypto to another superjet. Amazing. Oh, you mean the domain name? Are you the guy who wrote about I’m on evangelist’s that crypto. That that’s that’s interesting. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. I need to refresh when supercharged the fireworks. Yeah, we will decrease the number of particles. I see that some people have issues with performance on them on the 7th. f.b.i.’s. Yeah, exactly. But I think for most people it works anyway. Thank you so much for being here. Yet again. It was amazing and so good to be here every time use. Every time someone uses a supercharged pop up a bitcoin pump where give. Exactly. Exactly. We should raise seal tomorrow. Enjoy your Wednesday. Make the most out of it. I hope you learned a lot. Thanks to Gabbar for helping a lot with super chefs. Another superjet from Johnia Ortiz. Ivan, spend the quick spend the quick. Get time at your favorite coffee shop before it takes a nosedive. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. I appreciate a lot. Twenty five dollars. I appreciate it. Appreciate it. I will take the coffee and well, I will be thinking about you. Johnia. The fact that you supported us in this times. Your support means a lot. Of course, the most important thing is the fact that you’re interested. You’re still watching, but also with the superchargers. It helps a lot. It helps a lot. And we will make the number of particles less. I overdid it. I was too excited. I put like it. I’ll do a thousand particles on the screen. We’re getting that. We’re gonna decrease number of particles. So it works on on more machines. So. Thank you so much. Have a good day and enjoy your Wednesday. Goodbye, guys. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/eu-collapsing-italy-to-exit-euro-bitcoin/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/eu-collapsing-italy-to-exit-euro-bitcoin-and-hyperinflation
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Why Relationships Don’t Work. ~ Kristin Luce
Kristin Luce
on Sep 25, 2013
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After a quarter century of personal, scholastic and professional experience with relationships, I have finally discovered why none of them work—neither for me, nor for anyone with whom I have encountered.
To illustrate the point, let me tell you about my most successful relationship to date. It lasted for 36 hours.
We met at a party of mutual friends, and quickly fell into a “Bubble of Wow,” together. It encapsulated us in a solitary and intense kind of intimacy for a while—even in the midst of the fray and party-goers—until we finally found a quieter space.
We then spent most of the next day and a half together. It was one of those, “where have you been all my life” kind of things.
When we parted on an early morning a day and a half later—after lots more “Wow”—I could feel that something was shifting ever-so-slightly in him, and for the next three days he didn’t call or reach out in any way.
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I didn’t either.
I sensed that time was needed for whatever had come up between us. When I finally sent a short text (“I’d love to see you”), he texted back simply that he could not—that he was, in his words, “out of his integrity.” I never saw him again.
So after 25 years of intimacy and working with couples why is this 36-hour, seemingly failed connection, the most successful relationship I have ever encountered?
It’s successful because I didn’t feel blame or outrage that he “ditched me.” I just heard him: he was out of his integrity. I don’t want my friends or loved ones to feel out of their integrity.
Hell, if my kid told me she felt out of her integrity and was changing things in her life to rectify it I would applaud her! I might take her out for sushi to celebrate. (her favorite) Why would I want someone whom I care about to compromise himself?
I want to note that this wasn’t just an intellectual understanding and that is why, for me, it was successful.
Had I tried to talk myself into being happy about it (read: suppressed smoldering rage at being rejected), well, it would hardly have been a success story. The beauty and testament of it was that my actual, visceral, uncontrived response at not seeing him again—a man I liked and wanted very much—was joyful.
When I realized that my desire for him to be happy was stronger than my own personal disappointment, I knew that I had turned a corner.
So let’s take a hard look at why relationships never seem to pan out. I mean, really—have you ever seen a functional relationship? There are some that seem to be functional, or possibly even very good, but we never really get to know too much about them. Then later, we discover the seedy underbelly—often when the couple splits—and are disillusioned all over again.
This one had domestic violence in it. That one has been a sexless marriage for the past 10 years. This one had one partner lying and cheating on the other. That one was more of a business arrangement, waiting patiently until the kids were out of the house. The list goes on and on.
Further, the relationships that seem truly mature are ones that we know almost nothing about: Adaya and Mukti, Barak and Michelle, Katie and Stephen, Will and Jada—never-mind the myriad hollywood couples that are constantly appearing as perfect and happy in the media.
Perhaps they are the exceptions, or perhaps they are just a whole lot better at hiding what isn’t perfect about them. The point is that I have never had a direct experience of what most of us would call a deeply mature, intimate relationship that lasts over time, and no one I have ever met has either.
It seems, quite frankly, that relationships don’t work. And as a long-term researcher, impassioned by the mystery of it, I think I have discovered why.
Relationships are based on the fallacy that I exist, you exist, and that my happiness, connection and fulfillment can be met by something from the outside—that there even is an outside.
That might sound esoteric, but stick with me.
When we look at our experience we can’t actually find a “person,” or even a “self.” In any experience we can find what we call color, the sound of a voice, the experience of a touch, etc. Without a belief in a self, other or time—which are all just thoughts and images in the mind and have no substance—all we have is this moment.
No past, no future, no lover, no “relationship,” and that—to spoil the ending—is the only place where intimacy can reside.
The truth is that we are all living in fantasy-land and we build our relationships on that ground. What it means is that as long as you have an ego your relationships will fail.
So at this point you might be thinking, “OK that’s pretty depressing. I guess I have to become a celibate hermit or else resign myself to having painful, non-functional relationships.”
Herein lies the solution: Recognize that relationships are not primarily based on love, they are based on fear. Once we know this, we can work directly with the fear itself instead of on the other person or “the relationship.” We may discover that relating with another is not about our pleasure or comfort at all (although that’s sometimes a by-product), but about discarding every confusion we are still trapped in.
Byron Katie said, “Egos don’t love, they want something.”
When ego is operating—which let’s face it is pretty much 100% of the time—then no matter how good we try to be, how loving, selfless, kind or noble, we in fact want something.
We might simply want their approval, or we might want financial security, someone to stand by us, to be seen in a particular way, their validation, to avoid responsibility, or a long list of other things.
There is nothing wrong or bad about wanting something from someone. In fact, without the thought that we shouldn’t want something in a relationship, we can simply get honest and admit that we do! We might also notice that our partners do too. So, if you think that your partner is manipulating you to get what they want, it’s probably because they are.
They are not bad, just like we are not bad. They are motivated by fear, just as we are.
So how does fear operate? It motivate us to leave love in order to stay “in control.”
It whispers things in our ears like:
“You’ll be alone.”
“You won’t be able to support yourself.”
“You’ll be homeless.”
“You’ll become dependent.”
“They will manipulate you if you show your love too much.”
“They’ll use it against you later.”
“You need their love and affection.”
“You’ll never be happy again.”
What happens when we believe such thoughts is, ironically, that in the name of love we leave it. We begin to manipulate, withhold, and lie to our partners in order to get what we want or avoid losing something.
Here’s an example:
When I didn’t hear from “Wow-Bubble” Guy I could have pretended that I was no longer interested, told him that he was out of integrity by not talking more directly with me (especially now that I’ve discovered that his being in integrity is a sore spot for him), cajoled him into viewing our connection as an important relationship and insinuated that he was just scared.
I could have threatened to withdraw my appreciation of him or even to see him again—or used any of other the tactics that I have in my past relationships to try to get what I want.
That is not love.
That is reaction based on fear—fear of what will happen and/or what his actions mean about me.
OK, so my encounter was just a day and a half, but what happens when our fearful thoughts prey on a longer term relationship, one in which we have far more invested in? What happens when we watch as our blissful intimacies predictably begin to fail?
Most of us withdraw, manipulate, become fearful, jealous, go into denial, blame ourselves, become controlling or lash out. Meanwhile our partner is doing some version of the same thing. Even though we may be “in relationship” over time we are way out at sea, alone and often in pain.
At some point we face the ugly dilemma of whether it would cause us less pain to leave the relationship or to endure it, even while recognizing that neither of those prongs will bring peace because neither gives us the intimacy, connection, or comfort we seek.
So brace yourselves. Here’s what love looks like.
Love is feeling delight when your partner ditches you. Love is when you can’t find a partner and you enjoy how happy others are to have found one themselves—and all that’s beautiful about sleeping alone. Love is leaving someone you know you shouldn’t be with rather than holding them hostage to your fantasy or needs. Love is when you love and appreciate another who apparently doesn’t appreciate you back, or maybe even notice you.
I sometimes attend a drop-in group mostly to bask in the presence of a beautiful man who’s often there and apparently has no interest in me. I get to see him, adore him, hear his brilliance and witness his huge heart. I
sometimes even get to hug and smell him. Pure love, without requirements or agenda.
Here’s the secret and the power of it: If you want a good relationship then have one. Take it, don’t wait for permission. If you want love then be love and you will never be separated from intimacy and connection again.
What does that look like? It means caring for the other as much as yourself, especially when he or she doesn’t do what you want. It means deeply respecting what they want for themselves, which may or may not mean being near you. It means that if they say “don’t call me,” then don’t, and keep your heart wide open. It means if they say, “I need you,” and it’s not right for you, you say “no,” and keep your heart wide open.
So, I know what some of you are thinking: “If I let go of trying to get what I want in relationship then I will never have it.” But why would unilaterally staying open to someone—loving them and setting them totally free from your own expectations and judgments—make a positive, functional or long term relationship any less likely?
I think it would make it a lot more likely actually, and in the meantime how much fun is it to adore everyone like your own, sweet lover, whether they know it or not?
I will leave you with a quote. It will be a blessing to you every time your relationships fail—as they predictably will—while you quietly become love itself:
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mannyscarwashseo · 8 years
How to Fact-Check Your Latest Blog Post in 20 Minutes or Less – SEO NYC & Digital Marketing
Constantly is not corrected by nobody’s. Your site articles, about the other-hand, must be proper constantly.
Why? Your visitors won’t consider you significantly since in case your website gets the reality incorrect. In the place of becoming an authoritative source, your site will end up a laugh.
True although It’s severe. Accepting you’re not really a satire website like the Onion, you have to get your info right.
As schools have for documents honestly, sites must have comparable requirements due to their articles. Schools need their resources to be cited by pupils at length, and also the resources need to be reputable.
I actually do believe many sites might take advantage of greater requirements of quality although I don’t believe sites ought to be necessary to estimate just educational publications.
Which means no badly investigated details, no half-baked suggestions that are, with no generalizations or.
This means reputable resources completely investigated factors, and particular illustrations and stories.
That’s several my sites are kept for by the conventional me, and that I motivate acquaintances and my buddies to complete exactly the same.
On top of that, it doesn’t consider hours to create your site articles bulletproof.
Here’s just how to fact check your newest article in 20 units or less. Let’s begin.
Decide which details to check on
You don’t have to be tremendous weird to truly have an article that is completely proper. Its not all reality must be double checked.
That’s why your goal ought to be during your article to brush and decide which details require examining.
To do this a good way is to think about whether the truth is understanding that is typical.
Based on Harvard College, “Common understanding is info usually recognized to an informed audience, for example well known details and times, and, more seldom, suggestions or language.”
For instance, the truth that the 2012 selection was gained by Obama is understanding that is typical. However the proven fact that Barak enjoys baseball isn’t typical understanding.
How will you inform whether there is a well known fact typical understanding?
In case your truth is typical understanding, you don’t require any supply to back up it.
Nevertheless, I would recommend carrying out a google-search that is fast nonetheless comprehensive to ensure a typical misunderstanding is isn’ted by your reality. Move ahead to another action if all looks great.
Consult reputable resources
There’s an enormous difference between a reputable resource along with an authoritative source. Regrettably, many people believe the same and also they’re one.
For instance, many colleges don’t permit pupils to report Wikipedia since anybody may modify it. Despite the fact that Wikipedia is mainly nicely-managed, it can’t be utilized academically.
Wikipedia is just an excellent instance of the website that’s an. It’s respected since .
The Wall-Street Journal is definitely an instance of an authoritative source that’s likewise a reputable resource. Many main information guides (e.g., The Brand New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post) count as reputable resources.
Besides nationwide papers, a few examples of resources that are credible contain:
Individual sites (e.g., NeilPatel.com)
Reports in peer reviewed publications with details
Educational websites (i.e., websites closing in.edu)
Government websites (i.e., websites closing in.gov)
Reliable establishments (e.g., Mayo Clinic, Division of Justice)
Bear in mind that though some of those resources could be regarded off limits within an educational environment, they’re completely good within our situation. For instance, utilizing an individual website to get a graduate document may be frowned upon, however it works for blogs good.
A few examples of resources that aren’t credible contain:
Social networking articles/changes
Reports without details
Fundamentally, you’ve to make use of your view below. If you’re utilizing well known, broadly reliable resources, you’re all set.
Find support in the watchdogs
There’s also lots of assets and websites focused on fact-checking.
Often, these kinds of watchdog websites protect myths or possibly politics. For instance, FactCheck.org and Politifact.com are two websites that assist you to decide the credibility of governmental claims.
Among the most widely used examining websites is Snopes. It’s records on a myriad of questionable details and downtown stories.
Scientists at Snopes’ group usually display their study, which makes it simple to fact check Snopes itself.
This is super-convenient for you personally if utilizing Google Information. Of course if you’re not utilizing Google information, it’s a good time to begin.
Produce a technique
Don’t be discouraged, although I’ve discussed lots of info to date. When I guaranteed, you’ll have the ability to make use of this data to fact check a in 20 units or less.
Let you are taken by me through the technique, step-by-step.
Action 1: Produce A fact-checking spreadsheet (1 moment)
Available Sheets or Excel, and produce a spreadsheet.
Don’t fear, you’re not likely to create something complex. Only three articles are needed by You’ll.
Title the first ,. (Send back again to the “Determine which details to check” portion of this short article for this task.)
Title the line that is 2nd “Sources.” We’ll make use of this within the next action.
Title the line that is 3rd “Use.” You’ll make use of this line to look for one’s facts’ credibility.
Step two: Check Out Bing (8 units)
In case your details don’t fall under legendary groups, interpersonal, or any governmental, Bing is likely to be your firststep within the reality -examining procedure.
For instance, should you desired to come up with Facebook movie ads’ effective utilization, you’d wish to look for a trustworthy supply with illustrations.
The content has plenty of links to aid its statements, which is really an indication that is fantastic. There’s also lots of press to greatly help the consumer follow the technique.
This really is a great instance of the source that is great. About Facebook movie advertisements achieving success this short article would certainly back-up your statements.
Try to look for reports atleast two quality posts, or movies to back each declaration up. In this way, choose which assets is likely to be greatest for the post and you are able to undergo them.
Insert the links within the “Sources” line of one’s spreadsheet whenever you discover your resources.
Action 3: Consult additional websites (optional, 5 minutes)
If you’re currently talking about something governmental, you’ll probably have to utilize FactCheck.org, Politifact, or Snopes. Of course if you have to examine any facts Snopes is a great spot to proceed.
You won’t have to utilize these websites for each post you create, which means this is definitely an elective action. Simply operate your subject keywords should you have to utilize these websites.
At this time, you may be considering, “But imagine if there’s nothing available to aid my reality?”
Deficiencies in assistance indicates 1 of 2 issues: expel it or You possibly have to help the very fact oneself.
You’ll need to utilize your view below because these are opposites.
For instance, if you’re fighting that your advertising cans enhance, you most likely won’t discover significantly available both are connected by that. For accurate however, you often will create a powerful situation.
About the other-hand, if you’re fighting that preferred colour is monster’sed by the Loch Ness is orange, you won’t discover something to aid that. And also you possibly can’t produce an effective situation that backs-up your declaration.
General, when you have difficulty backing a well known fact up, you need to abandon out it. You’re better-off being secure than sorry as it pertains to fact-checking.
Action 4: weed-out the poor details (2 units)
Have a look that is closing at your spreadsheet. You should use that fact, should you available at least one reputable resource to get a fact. Enter “Yes” within the line that is “Use”.
You’re better-off excluding these details inside your post if you will find any details without resources. When I mentioned previously, if you’re able to create a persuasive situation to get a reality, do it now, but be cautious.
You’ll that’s ok, and stumbled upon a few duds every occasionally. Usually select quality over amount as it pertains to details.
There-you have it—a total technique for reality-examining your latest article that just requires about 17 units. (As Well As In several cases.)
Although this can be a quick start manual, don’t hesitate to invest a bit more time-on this method. Having your details directly often means the distinction between a flop along with successful.
And bear in mind the longer your blog article, the more have.
My articles operate everywhere from 1 000+ phrases to provide you with a concept, and that I usually invest so on study per article or about one hour.
Because of the Web, reality-checking hasn’t been simpler. Have everything to double-check, and about deceptive your visitors you’ll not have to be worried.
What’s your reality that is preferred -examining suggestion?
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