#Baqoun Adaar
edudesage · 6 years
OC/muse profile
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some others of your own! when you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
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NAME: Kaaras Ash Adaar
NICKNAME: In the Kalo-Vas he had a nickname that was a Qunlat word that roughly translated to cliff face or cliff fall. Verric’s nickname for him is Scruff.
AGE: 32 at the start of Inquisition
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual.
INTERESTS, HOBBIES, PASTIMES: Reading anything he could get his hands on, card and board games, listening to and learning languages, climbing.
PROFESSION: Mercenary, Inquisitor, Secret Inquisitor well “officially” working for the Montilyet family.
BODY TYPE: Tall, body basically like how it is in game except he has a small amount of chub on his stomach.
EYES: Bright yellow, post-trespasser there is a small ring bright green around his pupil.
HAIR: Thick white hair that is naturally more straight. He keeps it in cornrows most of the time. Post-trespasser he is unable to do them himself and he is unwilling to let others do it for him so he lets his hair grow out so he can keep it in a bun.
SKIN: Dark grey skin, wrinkled from a hard working life and sun exposure making him looks slightly older then he is. 
HEIGHT: 7 feet or somewhere around there
COMPANIONS: The canon ones and his old friends from the Kalo-Vas. Particularly close to his own kith within the group, Eva, Kost, his ex-girlfriend Issala (broke up a few years before the conclave but they were cool),  Baqoun, and Tic all of whom were killed in the conclave explosion.
ANTAGONISTS: Just the canon ones really
COLOURS: Reds, greens, gold, and dark grey
SMELLS: Dry grass, cold air, tobacco, ozone, spice and tea
FRUITS:  Mango’s, rhubarb(not technically a fruit but eh), mellons
DRINKS: Black tea with sugar when he can get it, goat milk
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Ales, meads, wines (red and white).
SMOKES?: Yes, very often. Almost always has his pipe and smoking tobacco on him.
DRUGS?:  Not unless its necessary for medical reasons or hes in a lot of pain.
DRIVER’S LICENSE HORSE RIDING: He knows how to ride a horse but not how to make it pull a cart or anything like that.
TAGGED BY @heraldofwho thanks!
Tagging anyone who feels like this might be fun!
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
Does Bull have any recurring dreams or nightmares?
[WELCOME TO ONE OF MY FAVORITE QUESTIONS! This is going to get a little lengthy. First off, I’m tagging @foppishdandy in this, because a lot of the realizations through this were because of extensive talks and their own knowledge.
First off, Bull will adamantly tell you that Qunari don’t dream, such as humans or elves do. It’s one of those things that’s rather hard to dispute when you also look at the lack of Qunari in the fade. Now, my personal idea is that because they’re taught from such a young age that dreaming isn’t something acceptable, it goes against the Qun they repress their dreams. Whether they learn this technique of repression, or they lose the ability to dream solely from it being ingrained in them that they simply can’t, we don’t know.
The Tamassran’s choose who will breed with who to weed out undesireable traits and refine the traits they would rather have. [Not unlike the Altus’ of Tevinter in a sense] So it’s entirely possible that they’ve weeded out most magical lines. It’s even stated that because Saarebas are lacking any proper training they’re weaker than most circle mages. While there are cases of magic popping up in lines that are not magical, it’s much less common. (Using Tevinter as the prime example again)
Now along with the idea of repression, there’s a codex in Tresspasser from Saarath, once an Ashkaari turned saarebas when their magic appeared.Here’s part of the codex “Once I was an ashkaari, and I spent my days examining the philosophy of the Qun and trying to seek the enlightenment that Koslun found. But my dreams of demons took me down a new path.”in this passage they’re directly blaming their dreaming for turning them into a Saarebas. Now Bull’s first banter with Cole makes more sense if you put it in this context.
The important part of the conversation.
Cole: Yes. And you’re The Iron Bull, afraid of demons.
Iron Bull: Not fond of ‘em, no. But you and I are fine as long as you don’t do any weird crap.
Cole: Lying awake, sheets soaked in sweat, afraid to call the Tamassrans. Shadows make shapes in the dark.
Cole: If it gets in my head, how do I cut it out? Itching, shaking, tears slide cold down my cheeks. “Tama, I’m scared.”
Now why would Ashkaari(bull) at this point be afraid to call the Tamassrans? It sounds like he did tell his Tama, but no one else. If becoming a saarebas is as linked to dreaming for the Qunari as it’s heavily implied by Saarath, there is a chance that through sheer will suppressed his natural magical talent.
This section also shows that Bull has been dreaming of demons since he was Ashkaari.
Iron Bull: Can you? Because it was more demons than I can imagine. And I’m quite good at imagining demons.
(discussion with Vivienne in party after they traverse the fade)
I believe that Bull still does have some of the magical ability inclinations, even if they were repressed heavily to the point that he’d never openly or willingly accept them. The reaver specialization alone (looking at you ring of pain) is essentially blood magic. The whole discussion if you have a Reaver specialization (though Bull says he’s not a true reaver) and instead states that he stumbled upon a similar style. He stumbled on a similar style and more or less is self taught in the Reaver specialization.
Now we see Bull at two different points in game asleep, mumbling in his sleep. Once when you play wicked grace, the other time is during the Tresspasser DLC. Bull and his snorty piggy noises
Now as far reoccurring dreams and nightmares, that’s another thing entirely. Nightmares are more likely what Bull experiences on the regular.Hissrad left hundreds of bodies on Seheron. Hissrad also made some questionable choices, some that bother Bull because one of the reasons he was successful on Seheron for so long but the ultimate reason he broke was his mind was too sharp. He goes over things in his head, if it’s the right choice or the wrong choice; he laments this in discussions with Solas and Sera in particular.
Also going along with the Reaver idea; If you become a Reaver, Cassandra states that everyone who became a reaver went mad in the end.
Bull would be most susceptible to a fear demon definitely, especially as we see in the fade, his fear of madness.
With dreams, they’re probably sexual (looking at his comment to Solas about banging hot fade ladies); or even some are from his past but happier, in the way of him muttering about his Tama. Probably fonder childhood memories. ]
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
"How many people do you think died when the dreadnought fell?"
He's leaning on the battlements when he hears the question. "Urmph." The sound is one of obvious discontent, the inquiry may be justified, but that doesn't mean he relishes it. Tongue licks over his teeth and he takes a moment more, exhales before looking over to make eye contact. "Minimum?" There's no time for laughter now or even a joke to diffuse the situation. The circumstances weigh heavily on his mind, he'll argue with himself; turn it over in his head in an attempt to make sense of a senseless situation.
"I don't think, I know how many they carry." His voice has an unintentional harsh edge to it, but no matter how the expedition turned out, a vital part of himself was left on a bloodied coast. The relinquishment of his ties to the Qun, to his home had been the decision.
Abandoning the idea of ever returning to the order he had been raised on, forfeiture of his ideals, of the Qun itself. What was the extent to the dreaded madness, when would it start to seep into his life, warp his mind.
"The Crew of a Dreadnought is at least one hundred." Silence fills in after the statement, lets it settle in; the severity of the situation, the reality of what was lost. A hundred lives vanquished, one hundred Qunari simply doing their jobs, no knowledge they were to be betrayed and sentenced to execution. Those bodies were on him too, might as well add to the plethora he left behind on Seheron. It's a fitting parallel, for how many people he slaughtered for them, it's only apt that when he abandoned the Qun he leave a wake of destruction in his path.
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
Re-Education After Seheron
He sees them everywhere, the hands that deal death; they deal in poison and knives in your back. They deal in traded secrets of their location given up to enemy agents, they are not civilians they are enemies now. No one is to be trusted, none of them are trust worthy, this is their fault- no it’s his fault. He can’t go on anymore, Seheron has finally broken him and it’s on this day that Seheron falls eerily still for the first time, as if everyone knew. There is no question at this time, he is still firm in his faith but he can’t go on anymore. A voluntary turn in to the Re-Educators; asking them that they repair him, or be destroyed as to best serve the Qun.
They come to Seheron to get him, the remaining survivors of his unit are still with him, he’s sitting there a hand clutching Vasaad’s dagger, staring into the fire when they arrive. Gatt comes to him, his temper hasn’t cooled down, he’s angrier now, angry that there was the chance that he might get qamek; but the superiors have already made the survivors write their depositions on Hissrad. 
The re-educators have calming voices, they don’t look as imposing as one might expect. When he stands with the dagger in hand one lays over his and there’s a shake of the mans head. “You can’t take it Hissrad. It’ll harm your re-education. You do want to be a useful part of the Qun again, correct?” He can’t hear the barely contained there anger behind him, holding tighter onto the weapon. The man is guiding him over to the burning fire and glazed eyes are staring at it, as he explains the problem. “You have Asala-taar Hissrad. Having this reminder will only make it worse and then you can not serve the Qun. You will become one of those Tal-Vashoth who did this. Do you want to become the very thing you’ve been hunting?” His hand is shaking now and his eyes close, he hasn’t let it go since the compound, the man is slowly peeling his fingers free and he can hear it fall; can feel the dagger and the last remain of Vasaad leave him. 
He doesn’t remember the trip back to Par Vollen, but he recognizes the barracks that they’re in. When he was younger he had to do a rotation as a guard in the re-education chambers, but that time seems so far away now. He feels like everything before Seheron was a lifetime ago, Par Vollen almost doesn’t even feel like home and it feels wrong.
The first day he’s kept restrained and they say it’s for his own good, so they can go over the depositions before they talk to Hissrad. He says that he understands and he does, he’s allowed minimal water and he could be fine like this; except for the oppressive darkness. There’s no light in there and once the door is shut his eyes fight to adjust, strain and squint, but when there’s no light to adjust to, there’s no point. He assumes it’s only the first day, but without light to keep track he can’t be sure. He tries to use the patterns of guard rotations, but he’s restrained in the furthest corner and the door is too thick, it doesn’t give him any hints. He’s stuck wondering if they’re going to just leave him in here to rot, but no they can’t, he still has a use- he does still have a use doesn’t he?
When the door finally cracks open the second day he squints at the sudden light it hurts. He’s expecting to leave the room but he’s not- instead a chair is brought in and the re-educator sits with some papers. “Do you know why you’re here Hissrad?” “I need to be re-shaped to best serve the Qun.” He replies and the man smiles, jots down something and seems satisfied with his answer. “Hissrad, the assault in the jungle you had no approval-” “It was an investigation.” “Do not interrupt Hissrad. The assault on the stronghold cost valuable Qunari lives. Why did you not get permission from the higher ups to go  assault a stronghold?” “It was an investigation-” The rest of his response is cut off from the man closing the book he had been writing in and standing from the chair. “Lying is not tolerated under the Qun, Hissrad. I thought you were making progress, but apparently you really do stand up to your title.” He grunts but doesn’t react any further, though it seems to be enough for the re-educator. He’s forced to stand next to the table while the two re-educators that got him from Seheron eat and talk like it’s nothing and is given water again for the evening.
It’s sometime around this that they start the wakeup calls- not that he can really sleep well still restrained; but the door opening and slamming every so often at random intervals keeps him on his toes for the next day or so- he’s still not sure about time or how it’s passing.
Day three and the re-educator is back again, sitting down in his brought chair with his book. “Are you prepared to tell the truth today, Hissrad?” “I’m not changing my answer because that would be me lying.” He states firmly and that night the guard ‘forgets’ to bring in water.
Day four and exhaustion is setting in, he’s starting to slump in his restraints and the lack of food and water is starting to take it’s toll on him. When the man comes in again he fights to keep his gaze on him and he’s released from his bindings and falls hard onto the stones. “Do you know why you’re here?” “I need to be re-shaped to best serve the Qun.” There’s almost a pleading to his voice as eyes stare down at the ground. Very light food and water is brought in and he’s allowed to stay unrestrained for the night.
Day five and they show him pictures of slaughtered Tamassran’s and their children, remind him of what Tal-Vashoth really do. They tell him that he was close to becoming one of them, that he could have went rogue just like his commander. He says that he wouldn’t do that and they warn him of the dangers of the Tal-Vashoth, remind him of his mens deaths. He’s given light food and water once more that night.
Day six is spent debriefing, he goes over the story so many times and every so often the man will correct a word here or there. It becomes muddied and difficult and he can’t quite remember which words were exactly his, but he can remember the story. The re-educator seems very pleased when he recites back the events to him and that night he’s given a decent meal. 
The seventh day the re-educator tells him that they are working on finding him a new place within the Qun, that if he will be faithful he can find a place yet again. There’s such relief and so much tension leaves his body at those words that he bows his head for a moment, has to control his breathing. They tell him for him to become whole again they must fix him, that they must make sure he is operational. For that someone comes and looks at the new scars and wounds he got in Seheron; inspects his hands. 
His fingers they tell him will have to be dealt with or they will cause him more pain- one has been cut too far above the joint so it will need to be cut again. They say this is part of the process, that this pain too will be forgotten. It doesn’t hurt the same as when he lost them; but this is not torture after all. But regardless he can still feel the snap of his bone and the loss, the loss hits him right in the stomach and makes him sick. He is bandaged back up and told that he needs to be grateful that they are finding a place for him within the Qun, for he was close to Qamek, he was close to being a danger.
The eighth day passes and he does not see the re-educator and he’s starting to get worried. He hears him through the door though, he reminds him that The Qun will always have a place for those who are faithful and advises him to go over the Cantos and to fast. He knows that he must be firm in his faith to show them that he truly wants to be apart of the Qun, that he wants to still be Qunari. He fasts without complaint and recites cantos in his head and until his lips feel raw.
The ninth day the man comes in and sits a chair in the middle and steps back from it, the chair is facing towards him, it’s back to Hissrad. “The Qun offers a place for all people. Are you ready to take your place back within the Qun?” There’s genuine relief in him, he can feel his shoulders relax and he swallows, hearing his own voice crack. “I want to be part of the Qun.” The man gestures to the chair and for him to finally take a seat. His body aches at the sweet release and comfort. He advises him to stay still as he takes out shears and a razor. 
He starts by shearing off the locs that Hissrad has grown for the past ten years, part of his appearance that he took pride in. It is a slow and tedious process, and after they’re done, the man starts shaving his head until he has no hair left. He stays silent throughout the process, not looking down at the hair that’s covering the floor; he is not that man anymore. For the first time he is allowed out of his cell to be allowed to bathe, he’s given new clothes after and then taken to a new room and gets to sleep on a bed. 
The next morning they bring him to a new room and tell him of his new job. He will have a period of new education and then be sent off; they want him to pose as a Tal-Vashoth within Thedas. Work with a mercenary company, get information on Orlesian nobles and send letters home. Even though he will be sent off again he has use once more, he has been reformed and the Qun has accepted him.
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
Okay but who was Vassad to your Bull? What were they to each other?
Vasaad was a lot to Hissrad. While he had been there close to ten years; the longest someone had been in Seheron, Vasaad had outlasted the usual recommended two year sentence. On days where Hissrad is too busy trying to figure out if things are right or wrong, on days where he’s gotten too lost in his head, Vasaad is there. He pushes the commander to eat, or will read some of his absolutely terrible poetry until Hissrad cracks a smile and tells him it’s Vashedan. He gives him a way to lighten up a little under a system that’s trying so hard to crack him and break him back down.
The night that he gets back from killing his former commander, Vasaad is there. He helps him clean off the gore and Vitaar and no words are spoken; he doesn’t want words right now. People are supposed to make sense, not turn their back on the Qun, not turn their back on their way of life. It’s not supposed to be like this he’s reasoned, if he does the right thing, everything is supposed to work; that’s what he’s been raised to believe and Seheron is making him argue with himself in ways that make him sick. Something needs to make sense and right now Vasaad does and he takes comfort in that.
He remembers back to his formative years one night as they’re lying in a tent. They were learning words and one of the imekari ask about Kadan; they had heard a Tamassran say it to another one. Tama says that you use it for your friends, your team- she stops herself and the others don’t notice- but Ashkaari notices, he always notices. Ashkaari asks her, says that he wants to know more, that he’s struggling with it and Tama just ruffles his hair and says that just maybe he’ll understand what she meant when he is older. He thinks its a load of shit and she just doesn’t want to tell him now. Maybe Hissrad is starting to understand what Tama didn’t tell him, but he’ll have to ponder it for longer before he truly knows.
He realizes he knows knew when he sees the arrow sticking through Vasaad’s throat. No sound comes out as a hand comes up and he stumbles back into him, he catches Vasaad but it’s too late- it’s too late. “Kadan-” His own voice sounds far away now, he’s too hyper focused on Vasaad, as the spark starts to go out of his eyes as the blood coats his throat and chest- his lips move, trying to make the words but they can’t come out, they won’t come out anymore; his body is too heavy and the light is gone from his eyes he’s gone. He’ll never know what could have been because he’s gone now all he can do is get revenge.
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
When Bull undresses, does he leave a trail of armor/clothing? Or is he more organized?
[If he’s being undressed by a partner, then armor and clothing are everywhere. But under most circumstances, he’s rather organized. Years of being in the military and then running a mercenary group, he likes to know where things are and in quick access. ]
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
Are there any NPCs in Skyhold that Bull has an issue or unpleasant experience with? Are there any that he flirts with?
[ There’s always issues but he lets them roll off of his shoulders for the most part. Some people aren’t comfortable with a Qunari (they’re used to Tal-Vashoth) not to mention a merc. Their comments are just comments, they don’t matter.
Flirting- anyone and everyone is fair game. The most fun so far? Chantry sisters.]
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
❝ How do you deal with nightmares? ❞ It's a question cautiously asked; Cullen tries to seem as though it's just a random question -- that he wasn't entirely invested in Bull's answer. ❝ ...If you have them, I mean. ❞
“Urmph.” He grunts and settles his weight a different way, looking Cullen over once before offering his advice. “Qunari have a technique for mastering their fear… I can show it to you.”
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
How many dragons has Bull hunted?
[Dragons were a legend in Par Vollen and talking about them was a way to keep you going in Seheron, the idea of ‘ok but what if we could find one to fight.’ Until he came south he hadn’t seen one and it wasn’t until he joined the Inquisition that he got to fight a High Dragon. After his first fight he was hooked.]
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beefcakequnari · 7 years
Which of Bull's scars is his favorite? Are there any he regrets/dislikes the look of?
Bull’s favorite would be a small scar on his left arm that’s covered by his armor. It was his first scar, it happened around the time he was chosen for the Ben-Hassrath. During training with another young recruit, the boy got him with a dagger in the arm. He picked at the resulting wound repeatedly, causing it to end up scarring over instead of healing, a habit he still has now. While not one of the more prominent scars on his body, it’s his favorite because of the representation; first drawn blood. Plus as an Imekari, he thought it made him look tougher.
There aren’t any scars that he doesn’t like the look of, he’s not that bothered by the aesthetic look as a whole to do anything about them. Though there are scars that he regrets, as a means of the job failed, or carelessness that led to some type of hurt, typically not his own.
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