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womenshops · 1 year ago
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Exploring the Essence of an Indian Clothing Brand
You can discover the best Indian women dresses and timeless style with their Indian clothing brand in India. They have different style colors in kurta sets, salwar suits, ethnic style at affordable prices. For more info visit the website.
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my-islam-reminder · 6 months ago
Narrated `Aisha رضی اللہ عنہا :
Sa`d رضی اللہ عنہ was wounded on the day of Khandaq (i.e. Trench) when a man from Quraish, called Hibban bin Al-`Araqa hit him (with an arrow). The man was Hibban bin Qais from (the tribe of) Bani Mais bin 'Amir bin Lu'ai who shot an arrow at Sa`d's medial arm vein (or main artery of the arm). The Prophet (ﷺ) pitched a tent (for Sa`d) in the Mosque so that he might be near to the Prophet (ﷺ) to visit. When the Prophet returned from the (battle) of Al-Khandaq (i.e. Trench) and laid down his arms and took a bath Gabriel came to him while he (i.e. Gabriel) was shaking the dust off his head, and said, "You have laid down the arms?" By Allah, I have not laid them down. Go out to them (to attack them)." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Where?" Gabriel pointed towards Bani Quraiza. So Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) went to them (i.e. Banu Quraiza) (i.e. besieged them). They then surrendered to the Prophet's judgment but he directed them to Sa`d to give his verdict concerning them. Sa`d said, "I give my judgment that their warriors should be killed, their women and children should be taken as captives, and their properties distributed." Narrated Hisham: My father informed me that `Aisha رضی اللہ عنہا said, "Sa`d رضی اللہ عنہ said, "O Allah! You know that there is nothing more beloved to me than to fight in Your Cause against those who disbelieved Your Apostle and turned him out (of Mecca). O Allah! I think you have put to an end the fight between us and them (i.e. Quraish infidels). And if there still remains any fight with the Quraish (infidels), then keep me alive till I fight against them for Your Sake. But if you have brought the war to an end, then let this wound burst and cause my death thereby.' So blood gushed from the wound. There was a tent in the Mosque belonging to Banu Ghifar who were surprised by the blood flowing towards them . They said, 'O people of the tent! What is this thing which is coming to us from your side?' Behold! Blood was flowing profusely out of Sa`d's wound. Sa`d رضی اللہ عنہ then died because of that."
Narrated by Sahih Bukhari in his bookImam Bukhari
Hadith (Sahih)
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manamrazinaqvi · 4 years ago
Martydom of Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq [a.s]
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شہادت ِ مولا امام جعفرِصادق علیہ السلام
ﺍ��ﻠﻬــــﻢ ﺍﻟﻌــــﻦ ﻗﺘــﻠـﺔ ﺍﻻﻣـــﺎﻡ ﺟﻌﻔــﺮﺍﻟﺼـــﺎﺩﻕ ﻋﻠﯿــــﮧ ﺍﻟﺴـــﻼﻡ
Last Words of Imam [a.s]
The famous companion, Abu Basir went to the house of the Imam [a.s] to offer his condolences to the family. While there, Abu Basir was told that as the Imam [a.s] was about to leave this world, he ordered all of his family to come near him.
Although going in and out of consciousness, at one point, the Imam [a.s] looked towards the family and said: “Surely our intercession shall never reach to those people who take their Salaat lightly.”
The Imam [a.s] was not concerned about those who did not pray, as they are in a completely different category. However his words were directed to his “Shia” who do not give importance to their prayers and he was very emphatic in his final words that he and the rest of the Ahlul Bayt [a.s] would have no ability to intercede for those who claim to be their followers, but give no attention or importance to the prayers.
Service to the Poor in the Darkness of Night
Mu’alla, who was a servant of Imam Sadiq [a.s], narrates the following event:
“One rainy night, as Imam Sadiq [a.s] left his house, I calmly followed him. Suddenly, something fell out of his hands onto the ground.
I approached him and greeted him. He asked:” Is it you Mu’alla?” “Yes” I replied, “O son of the messenger of Allah [S.A.W.W.]”.
He then said: “Touch the ground and hand me what you find.” I stretched my hand toward the ground and found a piece of bread.
I took it and returned it back to him. It was then that I realized Imam Sadiq [a.s] was carrying a sack full of bread, some of which had fallen to the ground.
I said: “My Master! Let me carry the sack.” He refused saying: “No! I am worthier for carrying it. Yet, follow me!”
I followed him until we reached the shelter of Bani Sa’idah.
The Shelter of Bani Sa’idah was an area where people gathered to shelter themselves from the extreme daytime heat; and where the poor and needy would sleep there during the night.
There, I realized that Imam Sadiq [a.s] had left his house in the dark night in order to help the poor.
Imam Sadiq [a.s] took loaves of bread out from the sack and placed one or two beside each person, making sure that no one was left out.
His Timeless Treasure
The person moving to help his Momin brothers is like the person who is walking between Safa and Marwa.
He who treats people kindly will be accepted as arbiter.
To recognize the actuality of your friend, you should enrage him. If he still keeps up his friendship, then he is a true friend.
Islam is a definite rank. Faith is one rank higher than Islam. Conviction is one rank higher than faith.
To remove a mountain is easier than removing faith.
The desire for the worldly pleasures causes grief and sadness.
Abstinence from the worldly pleasures brings about the rest of both heart and body.
He who mistreats people should not complain when people mistreat him.
A Muslim always has three characteristics: knowledge about the religion, good management of life, and perseverance in the faces of calamities.
A real believer is one whose sexual appetite does not overcome him and whose stomach does not shame him.
Enjoining good and forbidding evil should be practiced with a faithful believer that he would learn a lesson.
Enjoining good and forbidding evil become surely worthless when they are applied to the powerful tyrants.
As some people showed ingratitude for Allah’s graces, He changed the graces into crises.
As other people showed steadfastness against the misfortunes that inflicted them, Allah changed the misfortunes into graces.
Thank him who did you favour, and confer upon him who thanked you.
Thanks increase the graces and saves against poverty.
To miss a need is better than asking it from other people.
Bad mannerism in a misfortune is more catastrophic than the misfortune itself.
A man asked him for a short advice that can benefit him in this world and the Next.
Imam [a.s] replied: NEVER UTTER LIES.
Imam As-Sadiq [a.s] was asked about eloquence. He answered: Eloquence is to express the idea in as few words as possible words.
Debt is grief at night and humility in day.
Treat your fathers piously so that your sons will treat you piously.
Keep yourselves away from the strange women so that your harem will be chaste.
Salutation is voluntary while responding is obligatory.
Do not answer those who speak before they greet you ‘Salaam’.
Shaking hands is the perfect greeting of the resident and embracement is the perfect greeting of the traveller.
Shake hands, because this will confiscate malice.
As for those who control themselves in rage, desire, fear, and lust, Allah will prevent Hell from burning their bodies.
Everything has limits. The limit of conviction is not to fear anything besides Allah.
Compiled by Muallim Mustafa Mawjee [hujjat.org]
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years ago
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Prophet is Given to a Foster Mother
The universe, which rejoined its master was joyful. The heart of the Arabia, which harbored the person that would provide the heart of the humanity with light and peace, was very excited.
Makkah, in which the unmatched event of the universe took place, was so excited and joyful that it was as if it wanted to fly to the lofty realms.
Hazrat Amina was peaceful and jubilant. It was as if the sweet smiles of her lovely child were helping her to forget a tinge of the intense pain that she felt over her husband’s death. Her child was her only consolation that secured her hope for the future.
The fortunate Amina could only suckle her glorious child for week. After this, Abu Lahab’s handmaiden, Lady Suwayba became the wet nurse of the Master of the Universe and suckled him for days. 
Before that, Lady Suwayba had nourished Hazrat Hamza. In this way, she had attained the fortune and honor of being the means in joining the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his esteemed uncle as foster brothers.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH), who possessed such virtue and feelings of faithfulness, never forgot the smallest favors that people did for him, nor did he leave them unrequited. Throughout his entire life, he never forgot Lady Suwayba who nourished him for a period of time. He would frequently visit her and would always show her kindness, respect, and pay her compliments.
Yes, faithfulness was the foundation of good manners that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought to the face of the Earth. The smallest trace of ingratitude cannot be found in the immaculate and upright life of   our Beloved Messenger (PBUH).
At one point in time, Hazrat Khadija, who had taken lessons from the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) virtue and gratitude, wanted to purchase Lady Suwayba, who would frequently visit Hazrat Khadija’s home, for the purpose of setting her free; however, Abu Lahab did not lend himself to this idea. It was not until after the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) migration to Medina that Abu Lahab freed Lady Suwayba on his own. 
Abu Lahab was our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) own paternal uncle. Afterwards he did not testify and admit to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Prophethood; he did not forsake being a pagan and did not refrain from his attempts in being our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) biggest enemy, either. For this reason, he incurred the wrath of Allah and did not earn a value that is equivalent to the nail of his slave, Lady Suwayba. In fact, it has been explained that because of Lady Suwayba, Abu Lahab has obtained a driblet of grace in the afterlife.
After his death, he was seen in a dream where he was found screaming in the severe punishment of hell. They asked him: “Why are you screaming? What is the matter?”
He answered: “What else could be the matter? The absence of water is making me burn! I never saw any good in my life, yet I did find one fortune: Because I set the woman, who nourished Muhammad, free, I have been spared the opportunity to absorb water and be watered” and as he said this, he showed his index finger (the finger that testifies faith). 
This incident is certainly a case in point. A ferocious enemy of Islam, like Abu Lahab, who did not refrain from oppressing, torturing, and insulting the Master of the Universe throughout his entire life, was the recipient of such beneficence and grace and a tinge of his punishment in hell was alleviated. This means that goodness done not only upon our Beloved Messenger PBUH, but also upon those who have served him, is also not left unrequited by God Almighty’s grace and beneficence.
In addition, one should think of the greatness in gifts, favors, and Divine endowments of the eternal realm that are awaiting those who have made the Master of the Universe (PBUH) their absolute imam and guide in every matter and the true believers who have felt honored to uphold his Sunnah on the Earth .
The Custom of Giving Babies to Wet Nurses
Mecca’s weather was hot and muggy. It did was not good for the children’s delicate nature and was not a favorable condition for a healthy upbringing. In the desert, the weather was nice, the water was sweet and clean, life was easy, and the climate was mild. Besides, some of the tribes that lived in the desert had a language and diction that was smooth and sharp. They maintained their nobility and practiced good conduct.
Based on this, the Qurayshi gentry and leading figures practiced the custom of handing their children over to the tribal women in the desert to be breastfed for a cost, so that their children could grow and be brought up under healthier conditions and to learn and speak a dialect of Arabic that was appropriate in its essential form. The child would remain with his/her wet nurse for 2-3 years, and sometimes even more.
For this reason, many tribes that lived in the uplands/prairies, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe in particular, would have a caravan of women go to Mecca a few times a year in which the women would take the newly-born infants with them to their homeland for the purpose of nourishment.
Among the tribes in the vicinity of Mecca, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe was the one that had acquired fame since it was distinguished for its honor, generosity, chivalry, humility, and speaking Arabic properly. For this reason, the leading figures of Quraysh mostly wanted to hand the custody of their children over to the women of this tribe.
The Arrival of the Women from Bani Bakr’s Tribe to Mecca
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was being nourished by Lady Suwayba.
At that time, a strong drought was prevalent in the homeland of Sad’s sons although such a strong drought had not occurred till then. The drought resulted in a famine that left the tribal community poor and miserable. It was so bad that they had difficulty finding something to eat. Their camels and sheep had weakened and their milk had ceased.
During this year of intense famine and drought, the tribeswomen of the Bani Bakr had gone to Mecca in a crowded procession with the intention of finding a child to nourish and of obtaining a portion of their livelihood.
All of the women, with the exception of one extraordinary lady, had chosen a child who was appropriate for them. Strangely enough, none of them chose nor approached our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) because they thought they would not be able to obtain much money and help since he was an orphan.
There was only one woman who arrived late in Mecca. She was distinguished among her tribe for her decency, cleanliness, gentleness, and modesty. Due to their old and frail donkey, Halima and her husband had fallen behind the rest of the procession. When they entered Mecca, all of the newly-born Qurayshi children, with the exception of one very extraordinary infant, had been chosen by the women of the Bani Bakr tribe that were in the forefront.  With the fate and wisdom of the Possessor of the Absolute Power, Halima could not find anyone in need of nourishment.
Her husband, Harith, was sad, too. All of their friends shared the children of the wealthy families among themselves. She was the only one who was left empty-handed and it was only because she arrived late.
This virtuous woman, who now had a pale and sad countenance and was unaware of the plan that Divine fate had drawn for her, wandered the streets of Mecca with despair and the distress of not being able to find an appropriate fitting child.
Incidentally, she encountered an old man with a friendly face and who, through his presence, summoned the respect of his surroundings. This individual was Abdulmuttalib, the grandfather of the Master of the Universe (PBUH). They looked each other as if they had been looking to become the relief for their troubles. Then they began to engage in conversation:
Abdulmuttalib asked, “Where are you from?”
Halima: “I am a woman from the Bani Sa’d Tribe” (Sons of Fortune/Luck)
Abdulmuttalib: “What is your name?”
She answered, “Halima”.
Abdulmuttalib: “How wonderful! How wonderful!  Fortune and gentleness are two traits that carry the beneficence of this world and the honor and glory of the afterlife” After he said this, Abdulmuttalib took a deep breath and followed with: "Oh, Halima! I have an orphaned child next to me. I offered him to the women of the Sons of Sa’d but they did not accept him. Come and be the wet nurse of this child. Maybe you will attain prosperity, wealth, and fortune for taking care of him”.
At first, Halima became hesitant upon hearing this unexpected offer. However, she did not want to return to her homeland empty-handed. For this reason, she overcame her hesitation and accepted the offer from within. Nevertheless, she did not want to disclose her answer without first asking and receiving permission from her husband. She immediately returned to her husband and after she explained everything to him she said, “I was unable to find a child to nourish. I do not favor going back empty-handed among my friends. By God, I am going to take that orphan”.
Her husband, Harith, supported her view and said, “There is no harm in taking him. Perhaps Allah will endow us with prosperity and blessings thanks to him”. 
Upon this, they returned to Abdulmuttalib.
Abdulmuttalib took Halima to Hazrat Amina’s modest home which the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) illuminated.
Halima went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) bedside. Our lovely Master (PBUH) was wrapped in a white fabric made from wool and was sleeping soundly on a blanket of green yarn. The surrounding smelled like musk!
Halima was in a state of amazement. She immediately warmed up to this child so much that she could not bear to wake him up!
The cloud of gloom and anguish had left Halima. She was so happy that it was as if she was walking on air. It was such a great bliss to have suddenly come across an infant of excessive beauty after squirming in the distress of not being able to find a child.
Halima could not resist anymore. She neared the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) bedside very closely and slightly lifted the corner of his blanket. With a mother’s love and compassion, she kissed his forehead and hands that smelled like roses and that were softer than cotton and as white as snow.
At that moment, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and replied to Halima’s kisses with a sweet smile. They got along with one another.
While one of them was in despair because of not being able to find a child, worn out, and downhearted, the other was a radiant orphan who had been rejected by the women. Fate had filled both of their worlds with happiness.
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karballa · 4 years ago
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The Sermon of Imam Sajjad in Kufa
The fourth Imam addressed the people of Kufa and delivered a sermon before them. After making a sign to them to keep silent, he said: "O people! Whoever knows me knows me, and he, who does not know me, should know that I am the son of that person, who was dishonored and whose entire belongings were looted and plundered, and whose women and children were made prisoners......... "
Of course, if the fourth Imam had not mentioned the plundering and maltreatment by the enemy, and had not revealed openly the details of the event one or two days after it had taken place, when the agents of the regime were still jubilant on account of their apparent success, and did not know that they had dug their grave with their own hands, it was not unlikely that the matter might have been given a different color in the history of Islam, and it might have been said that the Ahlul Bayt were taken to Kufa and Syria with a view to showing them honor and consoling them, and no constraint or force was involved.
However, the fourth Imam depicted the true scene of the tragedy of Karbala in the very first sentence of his sermon and imprinted it on the hearts of the people. Eventually these very speeches and writings were recorded in the third century in reliable Islamic history books and it became impossible even for the succeeding Ummayyad dynasty to change even one line of it, in spite of all their power, or at least to delete from the pages of history the incident of the plundering of the tents and stripping the body of the Imam. They could not make the Muslims forget these shameful deeds.
The Ahlul Bayt (family) of the Imam, who had been made prisoners, deprived Bani Umayya of even this power, and performed such a glorious deed that it not only became impossible for the enemy to tamper with the facts, but minute details of the hideous acts of the murderers of the Imam were also recorded in history.
Have not Shaykh Mufid and Tabari written that whatever dress was there on the body of the Imam was plundered after his martyrdom? The Imam's shirt was removed from his body by Ishaq bin Haiwa. His vest was taken away by Bahr bin Kab Tamimi. His turban was taken by Akhnas bin Marthad. His sword was taken by a man belonging to the tribe of Bani Darm. Qays bin Ashath bin Qays took possession of his Qatifa (mantle). Qays was later known in Kufa as Qays of Qatifa.
The Imam's shoes were removed from his feet by a man named Aswad, who belonged to the tribe of Awd. Then they made a rush on the tents and plundered everything including clothes and camels. They displayed their utmost meanness by removing even the head-dresses of women. Who wrote and recorded these detailed historical facts? It was these very speeches and addresses of Ahlul Bayt which transferred the true facts of Ashura clearly and explicitly to the pages of history. History has not only recorded that Ibn Ziyad gave orders to Ibn Sad to let the body of the .Imam be trampled upon by the horses, but has also given full details of this proceeding.
Shaykh Mufid, Tabari and other historians have written that Ibn Sad reached the tents, when some persons wanted to kill the fourth Imam. He, however, ordered that none should molest the ailing person or inconvenience the bereaved women in the tents. And when it was brought to his notice that the tents had been plundered he ordered those who had taken away something from them to return it. However, not a single person returned anything. Then to comply with Ibn Ziyad's orders, Ibn Sad called the volunteers to trample upon the sacred body of the Imam. He was perhaps also cautious in the matter and he did not himself nominate some persons to carry out the orders lest they should decline to undertake such a shameful act. However, this precaution was unnecessary and the possibility was quite remote.
As said by great historians ten persons volunteered themselves for the purpose. They mounted their horses with great enthusiasm and performed the job according to his wishes. What is surprising is that the names of these heartless bastards have also been recorded in history and the Islamic historians have mentioned the names and particulars of all of them. Tabari and Mufid have mentioned their names only and recorded that one of the aforesaid ten persons was Ishaq bin Haiwa Hazrami who looted the shirt of the Imam and the other was Akhnas bin Murthad, who took away his turban from his head.
If Imam Sajjad had kept quiet on account of his illness, fatigue caused by the journey, captivity and dejection, and had not proclaimed in the bazaar of Kufa what he had seen on the day of Ashura, and if Umme Kulsum and Zaynab, daughters of Imam Ali and Fatima and daughter of Imam Husayn had also not spoken in the bazaar of Kufa, and had not checked the enemy of an opportunity to tamper with history, how could Bani Umayya permit that the story of their indelible shame and disgrace should form a part of the history of Islam and Bani Hashim should expel their rival forever from the field of humanity, virtue and piety.
When these speeches were being delivered and these addresses were reaching the ears of the people it was the speakers themselves who knew very well what they were saying and doing, and they made no mistake in assessing the value of their words. Other people could not, however, realize as to what power the speeches of Ahlul Bayt, which were being delivered at times in the bazaars, at the doors and in general gatherings and at times in the masjids, would give to the tragedy of Karbala and to what extent they would change the thinking of the people in the course of time.
Most of the people did not understand more than that the persons, whose father had been killed, and who were bereaved, were telling the tale of their woe, crying and shedding tears owing to the calamity which had befallen them. They had no idea that the Ahlul Bayt were in fact performing their part in the Divine mission of this rising.
The task undertaken by the Imam could not be completed without the explanation and interpretation which was being given by them. There was a real danger that this Divine campaign which had been led by the most sacred personalities of Islam might, at a later stage, be made to appear a material movement prompted by worldly motives and the factual position might be concealed from the Muslims and their future generations forever, leaving them with a few pages of history containing fabricated tales.
It was for this reason that Ali bin Husayn ignored his illness and mourning, and lady Zaynab, her sister, and nephew also forgot their captivity and bereavement. Instead of assuming the posture of helpless and bereaved persons or flattering the enemy, they commenced their mission of informing the people of the true facts with perfect determination, and I availed of even the smallest opportunity to achieve their end. So much so that even if anyone abused them on account of ignorance or perversion, they considered it to be a valuable opportunity I and made it an excuse to talk with him. By this means they changed the heart of the reviler in such a way that he repented immediately, became a supporter of Ahlul Bayt and expressed regret for what he had said.
The Ahlul Bayt acted so intelligently that they benefited even from the abuses hurled upon them. Even if someone addressed them slanderously or tauntingly they considered it an opportunity to talk to him and to remove misunderstandings from the minds of the people.
After mentioning the misconduct of the enemy in a few words which were recorded in history , Imam Sajjad said thus while addressing the people of Kufa: "I am the son of the man who was beheaded on the bank of the Euphrates although he had not shed the blood or usurped the right of anyone. (i.e. he was killed without any offence committed by him). I am the son of the man who was attacked by a huge number of people and martyred when he was no longer capable of fighting and had fallen on the ground owing to weakness. This is sufficient honor for us".
By uttering these words the fourth Imam obliged the people to make more investigations about the heart-rending martyrdom of Imam Husayn, because merely being killed cannot be reckoned to be an honor, particularly an honor in the presence of which no other honor should be needed. Imam Zaynul 'Abidin said: "It is a sufficient honor for us that our blood was shed, our property was looted, we were insulted and our women and children were made prisoners".
The Imam wanted the people to ponder as to what the object of this rising was, what its leader desired, and what he did. If he wanted to become the ruler, and as another person had attained to this office he was unhappy, and sacrificed his life and property in an effort to achieve his object, being killed in this way can never be a source of pride, rather it would be a matter of shame. Then how could the fourth Imam feel proud of it and say: "This honor is sufficient for us?"
On hearing these words the people must have wondered as to how this event could be a source of pride. They might have thought: ' Are people not killed? Are there no casualties in political wars? Is there little loss of property and life in social disturbances? What sort of honor is it that one's property is looted, his tents are set on fire and his near ones are killed. These are afflictions but not a source of pride'. But the words of Imam Sajjad obliged the people to make a deeper study and investigation to assess the importance and value of this rising in the history of Islam and to find out what these persons were saying and what weight their words carried and why they were not calm and quiet like other people and why they were not willing to accept any offer made by the ruler in power.
What was the harm if Imam Husayn had taken the oath of allegiance to Yazid and lived honorably among the Muslims with- out losing his friends and his own life? These very expressions of the fourth Imam prepared the people to hear, stimulated their thoughts and roused them from slumber. Possibly many persons might have been saying: "It is good that these people have been killed, life has returned to normal, the roads to Iraq which were blocked for some days have been re-opened and the traffic and transportation which had become difficult has returned to its usual course'.
While the people were thinking on these lines the fourth Imam cried suddenly: "They killed us and plundered whatever we had and this is a sufficient honor for us". This interpretation gave a jerk to the people and created in them a desire to make further investigations.
Then Imam Sajjad said: "O people! I put you on your oath to tell me in the name of Allah, whether you know that at one time you wrote letters to my father and then deceived him. You made firm promises with him and then rose to fight against him. May Allah destroy you, may you reap the harvest of your misdeeds in both the worlds, and may you be disgraced for the indecent policy which you have adopted. How will you face the Prophet of Allah when you are brought before him on the Day of Judgment and with which eyes will you look at him? At that time the Holy Prophet will tell you: "You have killed my children and behaved towards me dishonorably. You are not my followers".
These few sentences of the Imam changed the thinking of Ii the people of Kufa and the smiling faces of those persons who had mostly come to see the prisoners blushed with shame. They tried to control themselves but could not do so. At last the groanings and lamentations of the people could be heard from different sides. They began reproaching one another. One of them said: "What an evil thing you have done! You annihilated yourselves". Another replied: "But what can we do now?"
While the people were weeping and sighing the Imam addressed them once again in these words: "May Allah bless those, who accept my advice and put into practice my recommendations about their duty to Allah, the Prophet of Allah and the Progeny of the Prophet, for it is incumbent upon us to follow the Prophet of Allah".
This brief address brought about such a turn in the minds of the people that they cried: "O son of the Prophet of Allah! All of us will hear what you say and obey your orders. We will honor the promises made with you. We will not forsake you and will not side with anyone else. We are ready to act upon whatever you say. We will fight with him, against whom you fight, and will make peace with him, with whom you make peace. We are prepared even to take steps to arrest Yazid. We hate those who oppress you".
It would appear from these statements of the people as quoted by Ibn Tawus that they had not yet understood the object of the Imam. They perhaps thought that he intended to fight and wished to mobilize an army for the purpose. They did not know that part of the movement which involved armed rising and martyrdom had already been completed, and there was no need any longer of warfare and bloodshed. What remained to be accomplished were these very speeches, sermons and addresses which were the only means of reflecting the events of Ashura in the history of Islam and in the minds of the Muslims.
Moreover, the promises, which they were making with the fourth Imam, and the assurances, which they were giving him, were not dissimilar to the assurances and promises, which they had held out to Imam Husayn. As such the assurances given by them had no value and could not be relied upon. They fell in the category of the oath of allegiance taken by them to Muslim bin Aqil and the letters written by them to Imam Husayn.
Hence, Imam Sajjad said: "O unfaithful and inconstant people! You will never succeed. Do you want to have towards me in the same manner in which you behaved towards my forefathers? N O, it cannot be so. I swear by Allah that the wounds of my heart have not yet healed up. Yesterday my father and his companions met martyrdom. I have not yet forgotten my being bereaved of the Holy Prophet, my father and my brothers have not overcome this grief. What I want you to do is that you should neither support us nor oppose us. Husayn bin Ali's being martyred is also not surprising. Was not his father Ali better than him and was he not assassinated? O Kufians! It was you, who killed Ali. May I be sacrificed for my father who was martyred on the bank of the Euphrates. The punishment for his killers is Hell".
Then he added: "We shall be perfectly satisfied with you if you give up the practice of siding with us on one day and opposing us on another day".
The fourth Imam did not speak more and could not get an opportunity to speak till the Ahlul Bayt were brought one day before Ibn Ziyad in a public assembly. There also he availed of the opportunity to speak. By uttering a few sentences though they were brief, he impressed the gathering.
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whatcouldgowrong-ohthat · 4 years ago
Ronalda Prologue
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Summary: Frigga had done everything she could to protect Ronalda’s secret. But when Odin found out, she was stripped of her title as a “Valkyrie” and sent to prison. Who would have thought that Loki stealing the tesseract would lead to him falling into prison right alongside Ronalda?
A/N: This follows Loki’s timeline after he steals the Tesseract in Endgame. :)
Word Count: 1151 words
Warnings: Cussing
Masterlist - OC Masterlist
Ronalda had grown accustomed to many things. The music of the Kyln was that of idiots howling, attempting to rile each other up. They couldn’t care less about the guards and, in truth, the guards didn’t think twice about them. And Ronalda wasn’t capable of caring about any of them – guard and prisoner alike. This was a place where very few survived, so what was the point?
Still, people tried to escape. It was inevitable. There were threats. Promises never fulfilled.
“Hey, Ro, you hear about the newest prisoner?” The voice was faint, coming from across the room. Its owner was locked in another cell.
She didn’t say anything, knowing better than to comment. Aldebron loved trying to get a rise out of her. Stupid Axi-tun. Instead, Ronalda focused on the cool metal that chilled her even through their horrible yellow garb.  Her eyes remained fixated on the wall across from her, fingers picking at her nails.
“He’s Asgardian,” came the sing-song tune that Aldebron was so well known for. She was a gossip through and through. Loved spreading rumors and lies. And while the tick in Ronalda’s jaw was almost unnoticeable, she caught it. She always did. “The TVA didn’t want him anymore. Too much of a handful.”
Ronalda huffed, finally looking her way. “Do you ever shut up?”
Aldebron grinned, pale white eyes practically glowing. “Am I getting under your skin?”
Ronalda rolled her eyes. She hated that woman with a burning passion. “You know I don’t know every Asgardian, right?”
“Not even a prince?”
The tension in Ronalda’s shoulders was coiled, like a snake ready to strike. She hadn’t known either of Frigga’s sons personally, but she knew of them. Everyone did. Thor and Loki. But Thor wouldn’t have messed with the Time Variance Authority. Ronalda’s eyes closed. Loki? She recalled how Frigga had taught him magic. Always living in Odin’s and Thor’s shadows, it would have made sense. But not enough.
Frigga always spoke of how worried she was for Loki. His desire to step out from under Thor’s shadow, to earn Odin’s love, it was suffocating him. Frigga had confided her worries for Loki – how one of these days his desperation would drive him to do something truly crazy.
So maybe it made a little sense.
“Hello,” Aldebron drawled. “I’m talking to you.”
“Funny,” Ronalda spared her one last glance. “It sounded like whining to me.”
Aldebron glared, pushing herself away from the bars. Skulking back into her cell, Aldebron had decided the game wasn’t fun anymore.
A coy smirk tugged at her lips. While there weren’t many things that brought Ronalda entertainment, pissing off that arrogant twat always managed to do a little something. Shifting her gaze to her fingers, Ronalda winced whens he saw that a finger was bleeding. She brought it to her lips as her mind drifted to Loki. If he was here, there was no doubt he’d get himself in trouble. That’s just how Loki was. Don’t. They cast you out and Odin locked you away. There’s no reason for you to – Ronalda shook her head, running her hand over her face.
There was plenty of reason. Frigga was the most important one.
And that night, Ronalda dreamed. She remembered.
Asgard was beautiful. That particular detail was one of the more infuriating things about it. The streets were clean. The buildings stunning. The castle extravagant. All of it was meant to show off and reveal to the world that Asgard was, and always would be, the place everyone dreamed to be a part of.
Still, her favorite part would always be this. The Valkyrie training grounds.
She watched from out of sight, eyes never straying from their movements. While swords clashed, women trained to fight with honor and respect. It was a world she would always want to be a part of.
But never could.
“What are you doing out here?”
She jerked, stumbling and twisting around as her butt collided with the rough, cobblestone surface. Standing above her, watching with curious amusement, was the Queen of Asgard. “I – Queen Frigga!” She hated the way her voice sounded, a lower voice that mirrored the body she lived in. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to watch.”
Queen Frigga knelt down, her fingers curling under a lost child’s chin and tilting her head up. There was no longer amusement there. Only concern. “What’s your name, child?”
Sniffling and blinking away the tears in her eyes, she murmured, “Birger.”
A small smile curled Frigga’s lips. She ran her thumb over her cheek and shook her head. “No, it’s not. Remember that your queen was raised by witches. I have heard stories of people feeling trapped in bodies that are not their own. Tell me your name. Not the one your family gifted you. Your own.”
Tears flowed freely now. Whether from fear or relief, she had yet to know. But right now, in this instant, she finally felt safe. Understood. “It – It’s Ronalda.”
In less than twelve hours, Loki had made a name for himself. It seemed the whole prison knew about him. He was declaring himself Loki of Jotunheim instead of the Prince of Asgard. And people found him interesting. The prisoners loved a good story and Loki was a man with a silver tongue. He knew how to weave a tale and he wove it well.
He spoke of Midgard. How he had gone to rule them. Of course, it hadn’t gone well – he was here with them.
“If it wasn’t for Thor, that Loki fellow would be ruling Midgard right now. Not a day passes that I don’t hate those stupid Asgardians. Odin and the lot of them should rot.” The Ba-Bani spoke as if he could actually win a fight against Thor, but Ronalda knew better.
She bit her tongue, deciding it best to hold her opinion close to her heart. Looking over her shoulder, Ronalda watched as men and women alike littered the mess hall. So many criminals that their faces had become a blur in her head. A part of her wondered if Loki would show up.
Ronalda knew Frigga had raised Thor and Loki with love. Surely some of that would have rubbed off on them. And yet Ronald found herself terrified that Odin would reflect more in them than Frigga could ever hope to.
Was he going to get special treatment since he was royalty? Or since he attacked Midgard and now claimed himself a Jotun, would he be forced to interact with the “little people”?
The door slammed behind the last of this afternoon’s prisoners. Sparing a quick glance back, she saw he was nowhere near. Another look around the room proved just the same.
Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Loki would prove to be more like Odin. And just maybe she had gotten too eager to care for someone.
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years ago
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The map shows the route that Imam Husaynع took when he left Makkah for Iraq. With him there were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends. After leaving Makkah there were 14 places mentioned in history books where Imam either stayed or met people or gave sermons. 1. Saffah: Here Imamع met Farazzdaq the poet whom Imam asked about conditions in Kufa. He said, ' He said, 'People's hearts were with you but their swords were against you.' Imam replied, 'Allah does what he wishes. I leave it to him who proposes the just cause. 2. Dhat-el-Irq: Here Imam'sع cousin Abdullah Ibn Jafar brought his two sons Auwn and Mohammed to their mother Hazrat Zainab and to help the Imamع. He tried to persuade the Imamع to return to Madina but Imam replied, 'my destiny is in the hands of Allah.' 3. Batn-er-Rumma: Imamع sent a letter to Kufa with Qais bin Mashir, met Abdullah bin Mutee who came from Iraq. When he heard of Imam'sع intention, he tried to stop him. He said Kufians were not faithful and could not be trusted. But Imamع continued his journey. 4. Zurud: Imamع met Zohair Ibn Qain. Zohair was not among the followers of Ahlulbaitع. But when Imamع told him of the purpose of his journey Zohair gave all his possesions to his wife, told her to go home and said that he wished to be martyred with the Imam. 5. Zabala: Imamع learnt from two tribesmen coming from Kufa of the death of Hazrat Muslim. Imamع said, 'Innan Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Rajeoon. Indallah-Nahtasib Anfusana.' 'We are for Allah and we shall return to Him who surely accouts for our sacrifices. Asadi Tribesmen tried to dissuade the Imamع from his journey but he persisted. Here Imamع told his companions the news of the death of Muslim and Hani and that people in Kufa were not prepared to be their helpers. Imamع said, 'Those who want to depart leave now.' Hoards of various tribesmen who had followed the Imam in the hope of collecting the booty realised their false hopes and scattered to their own homes. Only 50 odd people remained. 6. Batn-e-Aqeeq: Imamع met a man from the Tribe of Akrama who told him that Kufa was no more a friendly town and was now surrounded by Yazid's army. No one could get in or out of the town. But the Imamع carried on. 7. Sorat: Imamع stayed the night here and in the morning ordered his companions to take as much water as they can. 8. Sharaf: While the Imamع was passing from this place, one of his companions shouted that he could see the approach of an army. Imamع asked for a safe place, preferably a mountain behind them. A guide took them to the nearest mountain. 9. Zuhasm: It was here that Imamع met Hurr's army of 1000 men. They were thirsty so Imamع ordered his men to give them water. Imamع himself helped several thirsty soldiers to drink. Even animals were given water to drink. Zohr prayers were led by the Imamع and all followed him including Hurr's soldiers. Here Imamع told Hurr about many letters from Kufa. He said, 'O People of Kufa, you sent me your delegations and wrote me letters that you had no Imam and that I should come to unite you and lead you in the way of Allah. You wrote that we Ahlulbait are more qualified to govern your affairs than those who claim things to which they have no right and act unjustly and wrongly. But if you have changed your mind, have become ignorant of our Rights and have forgotten your promises, I shall turn back. But he was denied to turn back by Hurr's army and was lead to by-pass Kufa. 10. Baiza: Imamع reached Baiza the next day and delivered one of his most famous sermons. 'O People, the Prophet has said that if a man sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and the Prophet and oppressing people but does nothing by word or action to change the situation then it will be just for Allah to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you not see to what low level the affairs have come down... Do you not observe that truth has not adhered to and falsehood has no limit. And as for me, I look upon death as but a means of attaining martyrdom and I consider life among transgressors as nothing but an agony and an affliction.' 11. Uzaibul Hajanat: Here Imamع stayed away from the army of Hurr and met Trimmah bin Adi. After having learnt about the Kufan abandonment of his envoy it was clear that he had no hope of support or even survival in Kufa. Nevertheless he refused an offer of safety, if not success extended to him. Trimmah pleaded to him to accept the offer of 20,000 trained men of his tribe to help him if he wanted to go to Kufa or he could retire to the mountains and safety. Imamع replied to Ibn Adi, 'May Allah bless you and your people. I cannot go from my word. Things are destined. It is clear from this reply that he was fully aware of the dangers he would face and that he had a certain strategy and plan in mind to bring about a revolution in the conscience of the Muslim Ummah. He did not try to mobilize military support which he could easily have done in Hejaz nor did he try to exploit whatever physical strength was available to him. 12. Qasr-e-Bani Makatil: It was evident here that Kufa was no more his destination. As Hurr did not want to leave him, he by-passed Kufa and took a new route. Resting in the afternoon he uttered 'Inna Lillah.' His 18 years old son Ali Akber approached him and enquired. Imamع said that in his sleep he had heard someone saying that these people were going to their deaths. Ali Akber asked, 'Are we not on the Right path. Death meant nothing to them. Death of this kind transforms into the glory of martyrdom. 13. Nainawa: At this place a messenger of Ibn Zaid brought a message for Hurr not to leave the Imamع. The battered caravan passed through Ghaziriya to a place called Karbala. Imamع sighed, asked for the name of the place. Someone said Kerbala. Imamع said, yes, this is the place of Kerbin-wa-bala. (a place of pain and torture.) Let us stop here for we have arrived at our destination. This is the place of our Martyrdom. This is Karbala. 14. Karbala: On the orders of the Imamع, the tents were erected near the river which was a tributary of the River Euphrates some miles away. The date was 2nd Muharram 61 Hijri (3rd October 680 AD).
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cahayaislam · 3 years ago
The story of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad saw Hudzaifah Ibnl-Yaman R. a
Cahayaislam - Alyaman, Hudzaifah's father came from Mecca and was still of the Bani 'ABS generation but he had killed his own tribesmen until he was forced to flee from Mecca to Yathrib. In this place he sought refuge from the Banu al-Ashhal and married a woman from a family who later had a son Hudzaifah. In subsequent developments, the case of al-Yemen can be resolved so that it can cover Mecca again. Since then he has often returned from Mecca to Yathrib, but still always in Yathrib.
When the light of Islam shone on the Arabian Peninsula, al-Yemen listed 10 people from Banu 'ABS who met the messenger of Allah and reported their conversion to Islam before he moved to Medina. Based on this, Hudzaifah had a Meccan generation but grew and developed in Medina. Hudzaifah grew up in a Muslim family environment, educated by her father and mother who first embraced Islam. Therefore, it is not surprising that Hudzaifah had converted to Islam before seeing the form of the Prophet. Hudzaifah's longing to meet the messenger of Allah has continued to peak since she converted to Islam, continues to explore the growth of news about the Prophet Muhammad and asks many questions about his characteristics, so that her curiosity and longing continues to craze. In closing, Hudzaifah went to Mecca to meet the Messenger of Allah, after meeting him immediately asked, "O Messenger of Allah, am I an emigrant or an Ansor?" Rasulullah saw: "If you like, enter Emigration or enter ansor, choose the circle you want."
Hudzaifah replied, "I prefer to be Ansor, O Messenger of Allah." After the Prophet migrated to Medina, Hudzaifah was always near him and traced all the wars that the Messenger of Allah escorted (peace and blessings of Allah) except the battle of Badr for some reason. “The reason that prevented me from exploring the battle of Badr was because my father and I were out of Medina at that time, we were captured by the infidels. They mediate with us. Where do you want to go? To Medina. They asked again. You really want to meet Muhammad don't you? We just wanted to go to Medina. Our answer emphasizes. They would not let us go unless we were required to promise not to help Muhammad against them and not to do so against him. After promising they just let us go. Likewise in Medina and met the messenger of Allah, We explained our promise to the disbelievers of Quraish. We asked Allah's messenger, what should we do? He replied: the promise that had been given to them had to be kept and asked God for help.
read also : Cultivating a sense of unity on the day we await
In the battle of Uhud, he immediately left with his father, al-Yaman. Hudzaifah played a very meaningful and noble position, and got out of the battlefield safely, while her father died in battle, and was martyred. Unfortunately he was martyred by the sword of the Muslim team themselves, not by the polytheists. This event has a certain story, as follows.
When the Muslim army left for Uhud, Rasulullah (saw) assigned al-Yemen and Thabin bin Waqsh to protect the castle with women and children, because they were both very old, but when the war continued, al-Yemen said to Tasabit, "O muku, what are we waiting for? the rest of the lives of people like us will not be long, we will surely die today or tomorrow, wouldn't it be better if we take our swords and follow Allah's messenger? O Allah, may Allah grant us martyrs together his prophet." Then the two of them took their swords and went to war.
Thabit bin Waqsy received a very noble grace from Allah, became a martyr at the hands of the polytheists, on the other hand, Al-Yemen, was hit by the Muslim sword without them knowing. In fact, Hudzaifa once shouted, "My father... That's my father." But no one paid attention to it. The old man's body fell because he was stabbed by the swords of his friends, while Hudzaifah could only say "Hopefully Allah will forgive you, because he is the Most Merciful and Most Merciful".
After the war ended, Allah's Apostle was going to pay the diyat (ransom) for his father's death, but Hudzaifah said, "My father wished he was a martyr, and he has earned it, O Lord, witnessing that I have given alms to Muslims at ransom." Hudzaifah's role in the eyes of Allah's messenger.
The Messenger of God tried to investigate the hidden advantages of Hudzaifah bin Al-Yemen. In fact he has 3 main characters: Hudzaifah has extraordinary intelligence that helps her solve complex problems,
Intuition comes suddenly when needed, and the ability to keep secrets is not easy for anyone to investigate.
This has become the routine of God's messengers to explore the strength of his friends and use all the abilities hidden in them by placing the right people in the right places.
At that time the case experienced by Muslims in Medina was the presence of hypocrites, both from among the Jews and their supporters, as well as the routines carried out by the perpetrators and the slander of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. For this reason Allah's messenger secretly brought all the names of the hypocrites to Hudzaifah bin Al-Yemen. This is a secret that Allah's messenger never told his companions, at the same time tasked him with controlling their movements, tracking the development of their activities, and avoiding the dangers that reproach Islam and the Muslims posed by them. Since then, Hudzaifah Al-Yaman has been referred to as the "Personal Secretary of the Prophet Muhammad".
The Messenger of God had used Hudzaifah's superiority to experience a very critical situation, namely at the height of the Khanda war. At that time intelligence and spontaneity became a very decisive factor in solving the problems at hand. In the war, the Muslims were surrounded by the enemy in all directions which lasted a long time and was very tense. They feel so tired and suffering that their condition is like someone who has experienced death and some Muslims have a bad prejudice against Allah SWT. Many believers asked the Messenger of Allah for permission to return on the grounds that their houses were not maintained or that there were many other alibits, and Allah's messenger also allowed it, so that the Muslim troops were only left with about 300 people, so around 300 people. , in the middle of a cold and very hungry night, Allah's messenger ordered Hudzaifah to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters to look for enemy data or conditions, accompanied by a prayer from the Prophet Muhammad, Hudzaifah's body which was previously cold and hungry and worries enveloped her until suddenly disappeared, then Hudzaifah also managed to enter the Enemy rank disguised as part of his army, and Hudzaifah returned safely with very important data, that the enemy would surrender because the conditions were also very bad, plus the sandstorm was also very bad. This destroys their food and animal supply. Until then, the Muslim troops held out until the next day preparing for war, only Hudzaifah and Allah's Apostle knew about the news of Al-Quraish, so the next day Islam also won the very fierce Battle of Khanaq. The remaining Muslim troops that night were very proud and moved, on the other hand those who chose to go home that night they regretted all their lives except the hypocrites.
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Mahashivratri 2022 will be celebrated on March 1. This auspicious Hindu festival falls on the 13th night and 14th day of the New Moon. On the day of Mahashivratri, devotees worship Lord Shiva also known as Mahadeva. Mahashivratri is termed as the ‘Great Night of Shiva’ and it is said that Lord Shiva saved the entire universe from a pot of poison that emerged from the ocean during Samudra Manthan. Devotees celebrate this festival with zeal and enthusiasm. According to mythology, it is said that Lord Shiva got married to Goddess Parvati on the day of Mahashivratri, and on the same night he performed the Tandava dance. Women perform puja and worship Goddess Parvati also known as Gaura and it said that Goddess grants them a good husband and a long married life. Devotees wake up early and take a ritual bath. Later they visit a temple and perform special puja and arti for Mahashivratri. Devotees offer fruits, flowers, and bel leaves to the Shiva Linga and observe fast.
On the occasion of Maha Shivratri, devotees wish each other with Lord Shiva messages. We have brought to you a collection of Maha Shivratri best wishes, quotes, SMS, WhatsApp Forwards, Facebook Status, and GIFs which you can send to your near and dear ones.
SHIV ki jyoti se noor milta hai, sabke dil ko surur milta hai, jo bhi jaata hai BHOLE ke dwaar, kuchh na kuchh zarror milta hai. Jai Baba Amarnath! Happy Shivratri to all of you.
Bhagwan Bholenath, I pray to you for all the people in this world. Please give everyone happiness, peace, and lots of smiles. This is my prayer for today. Om Namah Shivaaye!!
Maha Shivratri ke is Utsav par Bhagwan Shiv aur maa Shakti is kripa aap sab par bani rahe
May Lord Shiva shower blessings on all and give power and strength to everyone facing difficulties in their lives. Maha Shivratri ki bahut bahut shubhkamnayein.
JAI SHIV SHANKAR BHOLENATH!!! Bless us with happy & peaceful life with noble wisdom. May there be peace in every home!!!
Shivratri ke is pawan parv par safalta ka damru sadaiv aapke oopar bajta rehe. Happy Maha Shivratri!!!
Mahashivratri blessings to you and your family. May the almighty Lord Shiva bless you all with good things and perfect health.
We wish you all a very Happy Mahashivratri. May Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati shower their blessings to everyone. May this festival be a purposeful one to everybody.
“Lokaha Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanto” – Oh Lord of the Lords grant peace & prosperity to the entire mankind. Show the correct and right path to each & every human being in this universe. Happy
Today is the auspicious day of Lord Shiva. Celebrate it with the joy of heart and help people understand the values of Lord Shiva. Happy Maha Shivratri.
Shivji, I pray to you for all the people in this world. Please give everyone happiness, peace, and lots of smiles. This is my prayer for today. Om Namah Shivay!!
Om Tryambhakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam | Urvarukamiva Bandhanan, Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat || Om Namah Shivay! Happy Mahashivratri
Let us celebrate Mahashivratri night. The night of the Shiva-Parvati
union. The night of destruction and the night of creation. The night of the Lord of lords. Happy Shivaratri!
Shiv ki mahima aparampar! Shivkarte sabka udhar, Unki kripa aap par sada bani rahe, aur bhole shankar aapke jivan me khushi hi khushi bhar de. OM NAMAH SHIVAY
May Lord Shiva shower his benign blessings on you and your family. May happiness and peace surround you with his eternal love and strength. Happy Mahashivratri
May Lord Shiva remind you of all of your strengths and inspire you to work harder in life to achieve your goals. I wish you a happy Maha Shivratri.
May Lord Shiva’s many blessings bring you happiness, peace, good health, wealth, prosperity, and harmony. Maha Shivratri to you. May the divine energies of Lord Shiva be always there to bring positivity to your life. Wishing a blessed and beautiful Maha Shivratri.
I wish that this auspicious occasion of Shivratri fill your life with positivity by killing all the darkness and problems that surround you. May chanting of Om Namah Shivaya bless you and your dear ones against all the negativity. Warm wishes to you on Maha Shivratri.
Let us offer our prayers to Lord Shiva to celebrate this pious day with our loved ones… Let us chant the mantras and seek his blessings for a joyous and successful life… With all my heart, I wish you a very Happy Maha Shivratri.
Sending warm wishes on the pious occasion of Maha Shivratri. May
Lord Shiva shower his blessings on your family and bless you with happiness and glory, prosperity and peace…. Om Namah Shivay.
May Lord Shiva is always there to guide you through the good and bad times of your life. Warm greetings on Maha Shivratri to you.
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johnnysqgh353-blog · 5 years ago
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The Costa Brava is located from the northeast Section of Spain on the foothills of your Pyrenees. The coastline operates from Portbou to Blanes and addresses 200 kilometers. You are able to retain the services of an automobile to travel and examine the region. If you're browsing Costa Brava for wellness travel, you will certainly hunt for luxury spas exactly where you can get massages. A luxury spa in Costa Brava provides rustic retreats where you can disconnect yourself from the day by day chores and reconnect with on your own. Wellness journey requires you through mindfulness in character things to do, yoga activities, and macrobiotic gastronomy that nourish and heal you from in. There are several of the best places to visit in Costa Brava where you can go for massages, spas, and rejuvenation.
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Cala del Pi
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Resort GEM Wellness and Spa Vacation resort
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Hostal Spa Empuries
It is actually one of the most wonderful Qualities. You can take pleasure in gorgeous sights with the Mediterranean. The house is open up All year long for a spa hotel. The resort gives not simply the spa treatment options but will also saunas, a steam place, in addition to a swimming pool. Hostal Spa Empurie also has a wide range of organic cosmetics and rejuvenating entire body oils.
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Lodge Balneari Prats
It is located inside the town of Caldes de Malavella. It's got an outside thermal swimming pool with waters from the pure thermal spring. Once you enter the space, you will end up surprised by soothing scents of calming lavender and jasmine that may be sprayed down the corridors. You could stop by here for bubble baths and mud and seaweed wraps.
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Queenstown, New Zealand
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Toledo, Spain
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years ago
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
It was the twelfth year of the Islamic calendar (621 AD.)
During the eleventh Islamic year, the six individuals who had come from Madina and converted to Islam in a place called Aqaba, promised our Holy Prophet (PBUH) that they would return the following year and meet at the same place.
When it was time for the next hajj, which came a year after their first encounter with our Holy Prophet (PBUH), the six individuals set off in a caravan of twelve people towards Mecca. One night they met with our Holy Prophet (PBUH) in secret in the small and narrow valley named Aqaba. At the end of this meeting, they pledged their allegiance to Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) on the following conditions:
a) To not associate any partners with Allah,
b) To not steal,
c) To not commit adultery,                                          
d) To not kill their children,
e) To not slander anyone,
f) To not oppose an auspicious cause. 
After this allegiance was made, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to them:
“Allah has prepared Paradise and guarantees rewards for those of you who fulfill his pledge. If someone commits one of these misdeeds out of human error and is punished in this world, that punishment will be considered atonement. And whoever commits one of these out of human error and conceals what he has done and does not reveal it, then it is left to Allah to decide to forgive or punish him.” 
Furthermore, these Muslims made the following agreement with our Holy Prophet (PBUH):
“Obedience and submission come first and foremost during times of distress, pressure, prosperity, and happiness. We are under your command. We will not disobey you in any way.” 
The above-mentioned issues that those who were present in the first Aqaba Pledge promised not to do are the things that form a peaceful community life. There would definitely be no law and order in a community where those ugly deeds were prevalent.
The place where the Aqaba Pledge took place and the Aqaba Mosque
Islam, which came to make humanity attain peace and bliss and to base the community life on law and order, would definitely adopt those principles as indispensable and would obtain a promise from its followers regarding the issue.
Those who were present at the Pledge
These were the first 12 Muslims of Medina who were present at the First Allegiance:
1) As'ad bin Zurara (r.a.), 2) Awf bin Harith (r.a.), 3) Muadh bin Harith (r.a.), 4) Rafi' bin Malik (r.a.), 5) Zakwan bin Qays (r.a.), 6) Ubada bin Samit (r.a.), 7) Yazid bin Sa'laba (r.a.), 8) Abbas bin Ubada (r.a.), 9) Qutba bin Amir (r.a.), 10) Uqba bin Amir (r.a.), 11) Uwaym bin Saida (r.a.), 12) Abu'l-Haytham Malik bin Tayyihan (r.a.). 
The Muslims of Medina returned to their homeland after this meeting. There, they continued to have their voices heard and spread the light of Islam.
Mus’ab b. Umayr is sent
Some time later, the Muslims of Madina requested from our Holy Prophet (PBUH) that a teacher of the Quran be sent to teach them Islamic manners and rules of conduct. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) immediately fulfilled their request in the most kind and civil way by sending Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair, a young man with a handsome face from among the Quraysh. 
The Light of Islam Shines in Medina
Asad bin Zurara was the leader among the Muslims of Madina for some time. For that reason, when the young Quran instructor, Musab bin Umair (RA) came to Madina, he began to stay in Asad bin Zurara’s home; this home became the center in which the Muslims gathered.
Hazrat Musab had learned the Quran directly from our Holy Prophet (PBUH) ; he would make excellent use of opportunities and time. He devoted all of his efforts and work to spreading Islam in Madina. He would talk and meet with the esteemed figures of other tribes and explain Islam to them in a soft manner.
Usayd B.Khudayr and Sa’d B. Muadh adopt Islam
The Quran teacher of Madinah Muslims, Hazrat  Mus’ab b. Umayr, stayed in the house of As’ad b. Zurara (may Allah be pleased with him), who was their leader; he carried out the service of conveying and spreading the message of Islam there.
Many people in Madina had become Muslims; however, there were some obstacles to disseminating Islam more quickly. The chieftain of the Aws tribe, Sa’d bin Muadh, and another chieftain, Usaid bin Khudayr, had not yet become Muslims and this was affecting the community in turn.
Sa’d bin Muadh was the nephew of Hazrat As’ad bin Zurara’s paternal aunt.
One day Mus’ab and Hazrat Asad were sitting next to a well in the garden of a home that belonged to the Bani Zafar. There were many Muslims around them.
During this time, Usaid bin Khudayr came next to them with a spear in his hand. In a rageful tone he said, “Why did you come to us? You are fooling and leading several ignorant and weak people astray! If you do not want to be killed, then leave here immediately!”
Hazrat Musab answered very politely, “Wait a bit and sit down. Listen to what we have to say and understand our purpose; if you like what we have to say, then you’ll accept it and if not, you can oppose.”
Usaid replied, “You are correct,” thrust his spear into the ground, and sat down.
Hazrat Musab made a speech describing Islam and recited the Holy Quran.
Usaid was unable to contain himself, “This is such a beautiful and nice message.” He then asked, “How can one enter this religion?”
Mus’ab (r.a.) explained Islam to him in more detail. Usaid bin Khudayr then recited the oath of faith and joined the ranks of the privileged who accepted Islam. 
Following his conversion he said, “I’m going to go but I will send someone to you. If he testifies, then there will be no one left who has not converted,” and left. He went to Sa’d bin Muadh and his tribe.
Sa’d asked, “What did you do?”
Usaid replied:
“I told the two men what I had to say. By God, I did not see any stubbornness or noncompliance from them.”
Sa’d bin Muadh then said, “By God, you did not bring any satisfying news” and went straight to Mus’ab and As’ad (r.a.) He angrily reproved and threatened them, “O As’ad! If we were not relatives I would not tolerate nor show any patience towards the ugliness you have instilled into our tribe.”
In the same sweet manner, Hazrat Mus’ab (r.a.) said, “Please wait. Sit down and rest. Understand what we have to say; if you like our words then you can accept them, and if you do not like them then we will refrain from proposing what you deem as being ugly.”
Upon this Sa’d sat down and began to listen to Hazrat Mus’ab’s words.
Hazrat Mus’ab explained to him what the religion of Islam meant and recited the beginning of Surah az-Zukhruf.
While Hazrat Mus’ab was reciting the Quran, the expression on Sa’d’s face immediately changed. The mark of faith suddenly appeared on his face. He had never heard nor known such things till that moment. Upon hearing the incomparable eloquence and sweet wording of the Quran, he immediately said, “What must one do to join this faith?”
Mus’ab (r.a.) explained the fundamentals to him. He testified right there and became a Muslim. 
Afterwards he turned to his own tribe, the Bani Abdu’l-Ashhal and addressed them: “O Community! “What do you know of me?”
They answered, “You are our elder, our superior.”
Upon this Hazrat Sa’d said, “In that case, you must testify to Allah and His Apostle” and added:  “As long as you do not convert, may it be haram (prohibited) for me to speak with your men and women!
Upon these words, every single person from the Bani Abdu’l Ashhal converted that day.
Hazrat As’ad bin Zurara and Mus’ab (r.a.) returned to back Hazrat As’ad’s home together.
From then on, Hazrat Mus’ab was not alone in delivering Islam’s message. The chieftains of the Aws and Khazraj tribes had joined ranks with them. They tried spreading Islam with their utmost efforts.
Once again, the center through which Islam would be disseminated was Hazrat As’ad bin Zurara’s home. Here, Hazrat Mus’ab and Sa’d bin Muadh were occupied with inviting people to Islam.
In a short time, Islam greatly expanded in Madina, to such an extent that the only house that did not convert within the Aws and Khazraj tribes was Bani Umayya bin Zaid. Some time later, Islam began to shine in that house as well.
The Second Aqaba Allegiance
It was the 13th year of the Islamic calendar (622 A.D.)
During the Hajj season of this year, Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umayr came to Mecca with 75 people, two of them were women, of the Aws and Khazraj tribes.
This group went to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was sitting at the Masjid-al-Haram with his uncle Hazrat Abbas, and made the following offer:
Oh Allah’s Apostle! We are a rather big group. We agree to take you amongst us, to help you, to sacrifice ourselves for your sake, and to protect your inner-being as we do your physical being. Where should we meet with you to further discuss this matter?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) again deemed it suitable to meet at Aqaba.
This meeting was to be held at night and no one else was to know. In fact, in order not to attract any attention they would leave from their encampment in very small groups to go to Aqaba. 
As instructed, the Muslims from Medina gathered in the valley near Aqaba at nighttime without attracting anyone’s attention and without letting anyone else know.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) came with his uncle Hazrat Abbas who had not become a Muslim yet. Hazrat Abbas’ purpose was to not leave his nephew alone in this important matter and to hear the given promises himself.
At first, Hazrat Abbas began to speak. He made a speech saying that if the Muslims of Madina were confident they could protect our Holy Prophet (PBUH) that they should proceed and if they were not confident then they had to abandon this plan at once.
However, the Muslims of Medina wanted our Holy Prophet (PBUH) to speak: They said, “O Messenger of Allah! You talk, too! Obtain the promise that you want for you and for your Lord from us.”
At that moment As’ad bin Zurara, the leader of the Muslims of Medina, received permission from our Holy Prophet (PBUH) to speak and said, “O Allah’s Apostle, every invitation has a way. That way can be either be or difficult! The invitation you make is a difficult one for the people of today to accept. You invited us to your religion and to abandon the religion we used to follow. This was a very difficult task. Despite this, we accepted your invitation. We were a community that protected our homeland with honor and against all kinds of invasion; nobody could dare to dominate us except us let alone a person who abandoned his tribe and whose uncles wanted to surrender him to his enemies. Although this was very difficult, we accepted your offer on this path! However, unless Allah bestows the resolve to discover the true path and the hope to reach beneficence, then none of this will appeal to the people. However, we accepted this by avowing with our tongues, testifying with our hearts, and reaching out our hands. We testify to you by knowing and believing all that you bring from Allah. We testify to our Lord and your Lord. Allah’s powerful hands are upon our own hands. Our blood is with your blood, our hands are you with your hands. We will protect you as we protect ourselves, our children, and our wives. If we break our promise, then let us be grief-stricken people who have broken Allah’s promise.”
Hazrat As’ad bin Zurara completed the final portion of his speech:
“O Allah’s Apostle! Take whatever promise from us that you desire for yourself and for the sake of Allah.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) first recited some verses from the Holy Quran. Afterwards, he listed the conditions he wanted for himself and His Lord’s sake:
My request for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, is that you;
“Worship Him without associating any partners to Him, you perform your salah (daily prayers) and to pray your zakat (alms.)
“As for myself;
“Testify that I am Allah’s Messenger and protect me as you would yourselves, your children, and your wives.” 
This time Abdullah bin Rawaha received permission to speak; he said, “O Allah’s Apostle! If we fulfill what you say, then what is in it for us?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied, “Paradise.”
Happiness brightly shone in their eyes as they all testified and said, “In that case this is a rewarding and beneficial exchange.” 
Afterwards, they asked our Holy Prophet (PBUH), “How should we pledge our allegiance to you?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) answered, “You must promise me that you will testify to there being no god but Allah and that He sent me as His Apostle, to pray your salah (daily prayers), to pay your zakat (alms,) to obey me in times of joy and sorrow, to completely submit to my commands, to help me in every way, and when I go there, to protect me from the same things from which you would protect yourselves, wives, and children!” 
Twelve Representatives
Upon this, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared, “Choose 12 individuals from among yourselves who will stand by me in every matter as the representatives of their tribes. Moses also had 12 representatives from the Sons of Israel.” 
The Muslims of Madina chose nine representatives from the Khazraj tribe and three from the Aws.
The chosen individuals from the Khazraj were as follows:
1) Abu Umama As'ad bin Zurara, 2) Sa'd bin Rabi', 3) Rafi' bin Malik, 4) Abdullah bin Rawaha, 5) Abdullah bin Amr, 6) Bara' bin Ma'rur, 7) Sa'd bin Ubada, 8) Ubada bin Sâmit, 9) Mundhir bin Amr.
The representatives chosen for the Aws were:
1) Usaid bin Khudayr, 2) Sa'd bin Haythama, 3) Abu'l-Haytham Malik bin Tayyihan. 
All of these representatives were the leading figures of Madina, esteemed individuals, and literate scholars.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to these representatives, “Just as the disciples vouched for Isa (Jesus,) Son of Mary, against their tribes, you too are the disciples of yourselves. And I am the disciple of the immigrants from Mecca.” 
They confirmed by saying, “Yes.”
Furthermore, after the 12 representatives were chosen, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) appointed Hazrat As’ad bin Zurara as the head of the 12 representatives.
These representatives spoke to the groups they represented, explained the importance of the allegiance, and prepared their respective groups to also pledge their allegiance to our Holy Prophet (PBUH.)
Afterwards, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) extended his holy hand. The Muslims of Madina all pledged their allegiance one by one. Only the two women did not give their hands but he accepted them as having pledged.
In a sense, this allegiance was an alliance made between the Muslims of Madina and Mecca.
The Polytheists Sense Things!
The Allegiance took place in the darkness of the night in a secluded place that nobody other than those invited could see.
Despite this, as soon as the allegiance was complete, they all heard a sound: “O Quraysh! Muhammad and the Madinans who have left the religion of their fathers, have gathered and agreed to wage war on you!”
Where could this voice that tore the silence of the night be coming from? Concern and worry overcame everyone.
This voice resembled the voice of Munabbih bin Hajjaj. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) commanded: “Immediately return to your camps!”
At that time, Abbas bin Ubada said, “O Allah’s Apostle, if you would like, as soon as morning comes, we can sharpen our swords, tread upon the community of Mina, and slay them.”
However, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was commanded to use his sword of patience, he declared,
“No, no. We are not yet commanded to act in this way. Everyone, return to your spots.” 
Upon this, the Muslims of Madina returned to their camps.
When the morning came, the polytheists began to investigate this incident whose purpose was yet unknown to them. At first, they asked the polytheists of Madina. However, they swore they were uninformed of this matter, “Such a thing did not happen. We do not know of such a thing.”
The Muslims of Madina thought silence was the best way; and for that reason they did not say one word.
This time, the polytheists went to Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul and asked him. He said, “That is a grand work. Such a thing must not have happened. These must be empty words. The tribe did not consult with me. When I was in Yathrib they did not do anything without first consulting with me.”    
The polytheists then determined that the polytheists of Madina knew nothing about this matter.
If our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had not said, “Do not let anyone else know about this incident” and if the Muslims of Madina had not concealed this matter from their polytheist compatriots, then of course, this matter would have been heard by the polytheists of Mecca and a great trouble would have befallen upon the Muslims.
When the Season of Hajj came to a close, the Muslims of Madina set off to return to their homeland.
A short time after the Muslims of Madina had left, the polytheists learned what had happened. They immediately planned to keep a close watch on the Muslims from Madina. However, it had been a long time since they had left; thus, they were only able to capture two people: Sa’d bin Ubada and Mundhir bin Amr. These two individuals had somehow stayed behind when the caravan set off. Much later, Hazrat Mundhir was able to find a way and escape from their hands. The polytheists only brought Sa’d bin Ubada to Mecca. They took their anger and resentment out on him by torturing and subjecting him to all kinds of cruelty. At last, Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubada was released from this torture when he received the protection of two polytheists he had known from long before and who had been his guests in Madina.
Madinah Muslims who returned to their homeland were looking forward to welcoming muhajirs and the Messenger of Allah!
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karballa · 4 years ago
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Explanation of the Sermon of Imam Sajjad in Damascus
In the foregoing pages we have reproduced the sermon delivered by Imam Sajjad in Damascus. Every word of that, sermon confirms the frankness, bravery and spiritual greatness I of the Imam and incidentally the value and necessity of such sermons and speeches delivered in the circumstances then prevailing become clear. It has also become evident that these sermons and addresses were not such that they should have been delivered as a consequence of sentiments, spiritual uneasiness and pressure of hardships.
Whatever the men and women of Ahlul Bayt said during the journey, which culminated in their martyrdom and captivity, and has been recorded in history, consists of speeches which were delivered, as and when it was appropriate and necessary, in accordance with a minute and properly chalked out plan.
Just as Imam Husayn knew well as to what he was doing and where he was going and what the result of his activities would be, other members of the Holy Prophet's family also possessed perfect insight, and whenever they felt it necessary to speak they ignored all their mental sufferings and depressions, and revealed the realities in such away that it was no longer possible to tamper with them.
It is, however, certain that at that time most of the people were not aware of the importance of their speeches and the depth of their object. Very often they thought about this very sermon of the fourth Imam that a bereaved person was crying and lamenting as his sentiments had been aroused and with the passage of time he would become calm and forget all that he was saying.
However, history not only recorded the sermon delivered by the fourth Imam but also recorded the words and poetic verses of Yazid and handed them over to the posterity, and placed them side by side with each other so that on one page of history the people should read that Imam Sajjad said in the city of Damascus with great dignity: "I am the son of Makkah and Mina. I am the son of Zamzam and Safa. I am the son of the Prophet of Allah ", and on the next page of history they should find that Yazid said: "There was nothing like revelation or prophet hood. On this pretext Bani Hashim wished to befool the people and to rule over them". Indeed, even if Yazid did not fear Allah and did not feel ashamed before the Holy Prophet why did he not fear the power of history and why was he not afraid that whatever he was saying would be recorded?
Individuals come in the world and depart and the nations are dislocated. However, the rise and fall of the nations and the change in governments does not affect history. It continues to occupy its place and carefully supervises the good and evil deeds of the individuals and the traffic of the nations. It does not confuse the account of one person with that of another and does not make anyone responsible for another's sin.
The Holy Qur'an says:
Those are a people who have passed away. Theirs is that which they earned, and yours is that which you earn. You will not be asked of what they used to do. (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:134)
History records the behavior of the people to maintain accounts in this world and the angels write them for accountability in the Hereafter.
In the second part of the speech delivered by lady Zaynab, daughter of Imam Ali in Damascus, (its first part has already been dealt with in the foregoing pages), she warned Yazid firstly of the accountability in the Hereafter and secondly of the accountability before history and the world. It was in this very part that she said to him: "O Yazid! On the day when Allah will be the judge and Prophet Muhammad will plead for justice and your limbs will give evidence against you, your father, who made you dominate the Muslims, will receive the punishment due to him. On that day it will become known what reward the oppressors get and whose place is worse and whose party is humble. (O enemy of Allah and O enemy of the son of the Prophet of Allah!) I swear by Allah that I consider you quite mean and incorrigible.
However, what can I do? Our eyes weep and our bosoms burn and our martyrs cannot come to life by reproaching or reprimanding you. Our Husayn has been killed and the partisans of Satan take us to the fools and take from Allah's wealth remuneration for showing disrespect to Allah. Our blood trickles from their hands and our flesh falls from their mouths and the pure bodies of our martyrs have been placed at the disposal of the wolves and the rapacious animals of the jungle. If you think that you stand to gain today by killing us, you will suffer for it on the Day of Judgment.
It will be the day on which you will possess nothing except your deeds. It will be the day on which you will shout at the son of Marjana and he will shout at you. It will be the day on which you and your followers will quarrel with one another by the side of the scale of Divine Justice. It will be the day on which you will learn that the best provision which your father made for you was that you should kill the descendants of the Prophet of Allah. I swear by Allah that I do not fear anyone except Him and do not complain before anyone else".
So far the daughter of Imam Ali warned Yazid of Divine punishment and accountability on the Day of Judgment. Then she invited his attention to his being accountable to history and told him that even if he did not fear Allah and did not believe in the Day of Judgment or had lost his faith on account of his sins, he should fear history that would disgrace him.
It was with this object in view that the daughter of Ali said: "O Yazid! Practice deceit, pursue your vicious plans and do whatever you can. I swear by Allah that the stain of disgrace which has been stamped on your name owing to the treatment meted out by you to us cannot be obliterated and this ignominy can never be converted to goodness".
The daughter of lady Fatima Zahra invited the attention of Yazid to the might of history and warned him against shame and disgrace. However, Yazid who, it might be said, had lost intelligence did not benefit from lady Zaynab's words and could not foresee the future of history. On this occasion the following tradition of the Holy Prophet quoted by Suyuti in his book Jami'us Saghir was applicable to Yazid: "When Allah wishes to execute His Decree He takes away intelligence from the intelligent people so that He may do with them what He likes. And, when what He wills is accomplished, He restores their intelligence to them and then they regret very much what they have done".
If Yazid had not been deprived of his intelligence he should have realized that after killing the son of the Prophet of Allah and his near ones, it would not be possible for him to rule the Muslims and to ignore this great Islamic tragedy. And even if he could not understand this fact he should have at least so much sense that he should not have attacked the very basis of Islam in his poetic verses and should not have announced openly his decision to take revenge upon the children of the Prophet of Allah and should not have denied the Divine revelation and the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
Lady Zaynab, the daughter of Fatima Zahra concluded her speech with thanks to Allah and said: "Allah be thanked Who ended the task of the chiefs of the young men of Paradise with benevolence and made Paradise their resting place. I pray to Allah that He may raise their ranks and shower His blessings on them, for Allah is Almighty, All-Powerful".
It was this very speech which obliged Yazid to pretend I disgust for Ibn Ziyad and to curse him. It has been written that while sending the Ahlul Bayt to Madina Yazid called Imam Sajjad and said to him: "May Allah curse the son of Marjana. By Allah, if I had met your father I would have agreed to whatever he had suggested and asked for, and would not have allowed, as far as possible, that he should have been killed.
However, whatever has happened had been destined. I wish that you may write to me from Madina for all your requirements". Yazid did not say this to seek Divine pleasure. He was grateful to Ibn Ziyad that he had killed Imam Husayn and his companions and in reply to his letter seeking instructions about the Ahlul Bayt who had been made prisoners he (Yazid) had himself written that they should be sent to Syria. Yazid's cursing Ibn Ziyad had only a political tinge, and was the outcome of the pressure of public thinking.
The sermon delivered by Imam Sajjad in Syria and the Qur'anic verses recited by him in the bazaar in reply to a Syrian and whatever else the Ahlul Bayt said produced their result. So much so that the martyrdom of Imam Husayn was mourned first of all in Damascus, the capital of the caliphate, and in the caliph's own house.
The Syrian women also came to know the true facts about the tragedy of Karbala. Perhaps the month of Muharram of the year 61 A.H. had not yet come to an end when the news of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn reached various Islamic regions and their inhabitants became aware of most of the events that had taken place.
When the storm and thunder of the caliphate subsided the people came to their senses, felt grieved on account of what had happened and reproached themselves for their unpardonable negligence in helping the Imam and supporting Truth. Gradually the same correct view was adopted as had prompted the people of Kufa to invite the Imam before his martyrdom.
Later, they realized their mistake and decided to make amends for it, although the loss of an Imam like Husayn bin Ali, the grandson of the Holy Prophet, was irreparable and wailing and regret could not make amends for it. Mu'awiya had said: “After Ali bin Abi Talib the world has become barren and cannot produce a son like him".
Indeed it is so and another Ali cannot be born. Similarly it is Impossible to produce an Imam like Husayn, because there must be pure and sacred parents like his to give birth to a son like him. Every loss can be made good sooner or later, but how can the loss of such sublime personalities be compensated?
—Extract from A Probe into the History of Ashura
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dailychapel · 4 years ago
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Heavenly Father, I feel like giving up. Help me to remember the reason I began. Help me to see the purpose behind Your plan. Provide the necessary grace. Keep me set upon Your face, to find strength for the next step, to discover faith to keep trying and to believe that miracles are possible today and in all circumstances. Amen.
[Psa 145:13-21 NKJV] 13 Your kingdom [is] an everlasting kingdom, And Your dominion [endures] throughout all generations. 14 The LORD upholds all who fall, And raises up all [who are] bowed down. 15 The eyes of all look expectantly to You, And You give them their food in due season. 16 You open Your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing. 17 The LORD [is] righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works. 18 The LORD [is] near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. 19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. 20 The LORD preserves all who love Him, But all the wicked He will destroy. 21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD, And all flesh shall bless His holy name Forever and ever.
[Neh 9:1-38 NKJV] 1 Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, in sackcloth, and with dust on their heads. 2 Then those of Israelite lineage separated themselves from all foreigners; and they stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers. 3 And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God [for one]-fourth of the day; and [for another] fourth they confessed and worshiped the LORD their God. 4 Then Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, [and] Chenani stood on the stairs of the Levites and cried out with a loud voice to the LORD their God. 5 And the Levites, Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, [and] Pethahiah, said: "Stand up [and] bless the LORD your God Forever and ever! "Blessed be Your glorious name, Which is exalted above all blessing and praise! 6 You alone [are] the LORD; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it, The seas and all that is in them, And You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You. 7 "You [are] the LORD God, Who chose Abram, And brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans, And gave him the name Abraham; 8 You found his heart faithful before You, And made a covenant with him To give the land of the Canaanites, The Hittites, the Amorites, The Perizzites, the Jebusites, And the Girgashites--To give [it] to his descendants. You have performed Your words, For You [are] righteous. 9 "You saw the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, And heard their cry by the Red Sea. 10 You showed signs and wonders against Pharaoh, Against all his servants, And against all the people of his land. For You knew that they acted proudly against them. So You made a name for Yourself, as [it is] this day. 11 And You divided the sea before them, So that they went through the midst of the sea on the dry land; And their persecutors You threw into the deep, As a stone into the mighty waters. 12 Moreover You led them by day with a cloudy pillar, And by night with a pillar of fire, To give them light on the road Which they should travel. 13 "You came down also on Mount Sinai, And spoke with them from heaven, And gave them just ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments. 14 You made known to them Your holy Sabbath, And commanded them precepts, statutes and laws, By the hand of Moses Your servant. 15 You gave them bread from heaven for their hunger, And brought them water out of the rock for their thirst, And told them to go in to possess the land Which You had sworn to give them. 16 "But they and our fathers acted proudly, Hardened their necks, And did not heed Your commandments. 17 They refused to obey, And they were not mindful of Your wonders That You did among them. But they hardened their necks, And in their rebellion They appointed a leader To return to their bondage. But You [are] God, Ready to pardon, Gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, Abundant in kindness, And did not forsake them. 18 "Even when they made a molded calf for themselves, And said, 'This [is] your god That brought you up out of Egypt,' And worked great provocations, 19 Yet in Your manifold mercies You did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud did not depart from them by day, To lead them on the road; Nor the pillar of fire by night, To show them light, And the way they should go. 20 You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, And did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, And gave them water for their thirst. 21 Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; They lacked nothing; Their clothes did not wear out And their feet did not swell. 22 "Moreover You gave them kingdoms and nations, And divided them into districts. So they took possession of the land of Sihon, The land of the king of Heshbon, And the land of Og king of Bashan. 23 You also multiplied their children as the stars of heaven, And brought them into the land Which You had told their fathers To go in and possess. 24 So the people went in And possessed the land; You subdued before them the inhabitants of the land, The Canaanites, And gave them into their hands, With their kings And the people of the land, That they might do with them as they wished. 25 And they took strong cities and a rich land, And possessed houses full of all goods, Cisterns [already] dug, vineyards, olive groves, And fruit trees in abundance. So they ate and were filled and grew fat, And delighted themselves in Your great goodness. 26 "Nevertheless they were disobedient And rebelled against You, Cast Your law behind their backs And killed Your prophets, who testified against them To turn them to Yourself; And they worked great provocations. 27 Therefore You delivered them into the hand of their enemies, Who oppressed them; And in the time of their trouble, When they cried to You, You heard from heaven; And according to Your abundant mercies You gave them deliverers who saved them From the hand of their enemies. 28 "But after they had rest, They again did evil before You. Therefore You left them in the hand of their enemies, So that they had dominion over them; Yet when they returned and cried out to You, You heard from heaven; And many times You delivered them according to Your mercies, 29 And testified against them, That You might bring them back to Your law. Yet they acted proudly, And did not heed Your commandments, But sinned against Your judgments, 'Which if a man does, he shall live by them.' And they shrugged their shoulders, Stiffened their necks, And would not hear. 30 Yet for many years You had patience with them, And testified against them by Your Spirit in Your prophets. Yet they would not listen; Therefore You gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands. 31 Nevertheless in Your great mercy You did not utterly consume them nor forsake them; For You [are] God, gracious and merciful. 32 "Now therefore, our God, The great, the mighty, and awesome God, Who keeps covenant and mercy: Do not let all the trouble seem small before You That has come upon us, Our kings and our princes, Our priests and our prophets, Our fathers and on all Your people, From the days of the kings of Assyria until this day. 33 However You [are] just in all that has befallen us; For You have dealt faithfully, But we have done wickedly. 34 Neither our kings nor our princes, Our priests nor our fathers, Have kept Your law, Nor heeded Your commandments and Your testimonies, With which You testified against them. 35 For they have not served You in their kingdom, Or in the many good [things] that You gave them, Or in the large and rich land which You set before them; Nor did they turn from their wicked works. 36 "Here we [are], servants today! And the land that You gave to our fathers, To eat its fruit and its bounty, Here we [are], servants in it! 37 And it yields much increase to the kings You have set over us, Because of our sins; Also they have dominion over our bodies and our cattle At their pleasure; And we [are] in great distress. 38 "And because of all this, We make a sure [covenant] and write [it]; Our leaders, our Levites, [and] our priests seal [it]."
[Tit 2:1-15 NKJV] 1 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: 2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; 3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things-- 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 [to be] discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. 6 Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, 7 in all things showing yourself [to be] a pattern of good works; in doctrine [showing] integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, 8 sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you. 9 [Exhort] bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all [things], not answering back, 10 not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. 11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself [His] own special people, zealous for good works. 15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you. [Tit 3:1-15 NKJV] 1 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, 2 to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. 3 For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. 9 But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. 10 Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, 11 knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned. 12 When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicus, be diligent to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. 13 Send Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey with haste, that they may lack nothing. 14 And let our [people] also learn to maintain good works, to [meet] urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. 15 All who [are] with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace [be] with you all. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
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isiyasy · 5 years ago
The map shows the Route that Imam Husayn (A.S) took when he left Makkah for Iraq. The date was 8th Zilhijja 60 Hijri (10.9.680 AD). With him there were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends. His uncle Ibn Abbas and his brother Mohammad-e-Hanafiya did not go with him. They came to bid farewell and tried to warn the Imam of the dangers ahead. Mohammad-e-Hanafiya told him that the Makkans and other pilgrims were wondering why he was leaving just one day before the Hajj. Imam left a letter with his brother which explained his position clearly. The letter read as follows: "I have not come out to stir emotions, to play with oppression. I want to bring the Ummah back to the path of Amr-bil-Marouf & Nahyi Anil Munker. I want to lead them to the path of my Grandfather and my father Ali Ibn Abi Talib." After leaving Makkah there were 14 places mentioned in history books where Imam either stayed or met people or gave sermons. 1. Saffah: Here Imam met Farazzdaq the poet whom Imam asked about conditions in Kufa. He said, ' He said, 'People's hearts were with you but their swords were against you.' Imam replied, 'Allah does what he wishes. I leave it to him who proposes the just cause. 2. Dhat-el-Irq: Here Imam's cousin Abdullah Ibn Jafar brought his two sons Auwn and Mohammed to their mother Hazrat Zainab and to help the imam. He tried to persuade the Imam to return to Madina but Imam replied, 'my destiny is in the hands of Allah.' 3. Batn-er-Rumma: Imam sent a letter to Kufa with Qais bin Mashir, met Abdullah bin Mutee who came from Iraq. When he heard of Imam's intention, he tried to stop him. He said Kufans were not faithful and could not be trusted. But Imam continued his journey. 4. Zurud: Imam met Zohair Ibn Qain. Zohair was not among the followers of Ahlulbait. But when Imam told him of the purpose of his journey Zohair gave all his possesions to his wife, told her to go home and said that he wished to be martyred with the Imam. 5. Zabala: Imam learnt from two tribesmen coming from Kufa of the death of Hazrat Muslim. Imam said, 'Innan Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Rajeoon. Indallah-Nahtasib Anfusana.' 'We are for Allah and we shall return to Him who surely accouts for our sacrifices. Asadi Tribesmen tried to dissuade the Imam from his journey but he persisted. Here Imam told his companions the news of the death of Muslim and Hani and that people in Kufa were not prepared to be their helpers. Imam said, 'Those who want to depart leave now.' Hoards of various tribesmen who had followed the Imam in the hope of collecting the booty realised their false hopes and scattered to their own homes. Only 50 odd people remained. 6. Batn-e-Aqeeq: Imam met a man from the Tribe of Akrama who told him that Kufa was no more a friendly town and was now surrounded by Yazid's army. No one could get in or out of the town. But the Imam carried on. 7. Sorat: Imam stayed the night here and in the morning ordered his companions to take as much water as they can. 8. Sharaf: While the Imam was passing from this place, one of his companions shouted that he could see the approach of an army. Imam asked for a safe place, preferably a mountain behind them. A guide took them to the nearest mountain. 9. Zuhasm: It was here that Imam met Hurr's army of 1000 men. They were thirsty so Imam ordered his men to give them water. Imam himself helped several thirsty soldiers to drink. Even animals were given water to drink. Zohr prayers were led by the Imam and all followed him including Hurr's soldiers. Here Imam told Hurr about many letters from Kufa. He said, 'O People of Kufa, you sent me your delegations and wrote me letters that you had no Imam and that I should come to unite you and lead you in the way of Allah. You wrote that we Ahlulbait are more qualified to govern your affairs than those who claim things to which they have no right and act unjustly and wrongly. But if you have changed your mind, have become ignorant of our Rights and have forgotten your promises, I shall turn back. But he was denied to turn back by Hurr's army and was lead to by-pass Kufa. 10. Baiza: Imam reached Baiza the next day and delivered one of his most famous sermons. 'O People, the Prophet has said that if a man sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and the Prophet and oppressing people but does nothing by word or action to change the situation then it will be just for Allah to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you not see to what low level the affairs have come down... Do you not observe that truth has not adhered to and falsehood has no limit. And as for me, I look upon death as but a means of attaining martyrdom and I consider life among transgressors as nothing but an agony and an affliction.' 11. Uzaibul Hajanat: Here Imam stayed away from the army of Hurr and met Trimmah bin Adi. After having learnt about the Kufan abandonment of his envoy it was clear that he had no hope of support or even survival in Kufa. Nevertheless he refused an offer of safety, if not success extended to him. Trimmah pleaded to him to accept the offer of 20,000 trained men of his tribe to help him if he wanted to go to Kufa or he could retire to the mountains and safety. Imam replied to Ibn Adi, 'May Allah bless you and your people. I cannot go from my word. Things are destined. It is clear from this reply that he was fully aware of the dangers he would face and that he had a certain strategy and plan in mind to bring about a revolution in the conscience of the Muslim Ummah. He did not try to mobilize military support which he could easily have done in Hejaz nor did he try to exploit whatever physical strength was available to him. 12. Qasr-e-Bani Makatil: It was evident here that Kufa was no more his destination. As Hurr did not want to leave him, he by-passed Kufa and took a new route. Resting in the afternoon he uttered 'Inna Lillah.' His 18 years old son Ali Akber approached him and enquired. Imam said that in his sleep he had heard someone saying that these people were going to their deaths. Ali Akber asked, 'Are we not on the Right path. Death meant nothing to them. Death of this kind transforms into the glory of martyrdom. 13. Nainawa: At this place a messenger of Ibn Zaid brought a message for Hurr not to leave the Imam. The battered caravan passed through Ghaziriya to a place called Karbala. Imam sighed, asked for the name of the place. Someone said Kerbala. Imam said, yes, this is the place of Kerbin-wa-bala. (a place of pain and torture.) Let us stop here for we have arrived at our destination. This is the place of our Martyrdom. This is Karbala. 14. Karbala: On the orders of the Imam, the tents were erected near the river which was a tributary of the River Euphrates some miles away. The date was 2nd Muharram 61 Hijri (3rd October 680 AD).
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thetruthseekerway · 8 years ago
Khawlah Bint Al Azwar: Woman in Black
New Post has been published on http://www.truth-seeker.info/jewels-of-islam/khawlah-bint-al-azwar-woman-black/
Khawlah Bint Al Azwar: Woman in Black
By Truth Seeker Staff
Khawlah became a legend during her life and remains a legend to this day.
Editor’s Note:
This is the first article of a series that will deal with prominent Muslim female figures in history. A new story will be published every month; wait for the next astonishing story!
A Life of Bravery
Khawlah Bint Al Azwar was an extraordinary woman from the early years of Islam. Most of what history tells us about her childhood and environment is quite vague, but provides rich information about her courage that had most likely played a role in strengthening the new religion.
Khawlah became a legend during her life and remains a legend to this day. She was a courageous leader, and set an example to men and women alike that one should fight for what they believe in, and never accept defeat. She stayed true to her principles and feared nothing but Allah.
The recorded history of that era mentions repeatedly the feats of Khawlah in battles that took place in Syria, Jordan and Palestine. In one instance, she fought in disguise to rescue her brother Dirar after the Romans captured him. Witnesses say that she was in fact much braver than many men. In addition to that, and whenever she did not carry her sword, she took the responsibility of organizing medical care to treat the wounded during the battles. This is 13 centuries before Florence Nightingale did the same in Europe.
Khawlah was the daughter of one of the chiefs of Bani Assad tribe, and her family embraced Islam in its first days. Her father’s name is either Malik or Tariq Bin Awsi. Al Azwar was his nickname. Her brother, Dirar, was the knight and poet of his tribe, and was well known as well for his wisdom. His love for his sister and confidence in her capabilities were legendary. In fact, the brother and sister were so attached to each other that she was his companion wherever he went. He trained her in all arts of swordsmanship and she also became a knight. Besides that, Khawlah was a poet who mastered that noble art. She was a brunette, tall, slim and of great beauty.
Woman in Black
Her name remained greatly unknown, until the battle of Ajnadin, not far from Jerusalem, where Dirar lost his spear, fell from his horse, and was taken prisoner. She donned a male knight’s attire, took her arms and rode her mare through the Roman ranks, using her sword skillfully against whoever tried to stop her. The Muslim soldiers, and their leader Khalid, watched her with great admiration, presuming that she was a man.
The Arab historian, Al Waqidi, tells us in his book “The Liberation Wars of Al-Sham (greater Syria)” that: “In a battle that took place in Beit Lahia near Ajnadin, Khalid watched a knight, in black attire, with a big green shawl wrapped around his waist and covering his bust. That knight broke through the Roman ranks as an arrow. Khalid and the others followed him and joined battle, while the leader was wondering about the identity of the unknown knight.”
Rafi’ Bin Omairah Al Ta’i was one of the fighters. He described how that knight scattered the enemy ranks, disappeared in their midst, reappeared after a while with blood dripping from his spear. He swerved again and repeated the deed fearlessly, several times. All the Muslim army was worried about him and prayed for his safety. Rafi’ and others thought that he was Khalid, who had won great fame for his bravery and genius military plans. But suddenly Khalid appeared with a number of knights. Rafi’ asked the leader: “Who is that knight? By God, he has no regard for his safety!”
Khalid answered that he didn’t know the man, though he greatly admired his courage. He called on the army to attack as one man and to make sure that they protect their hero(ine). They were fascinated as they watched the knight appear with a number of Roman knights chasing him. Then he would turn around and kill the nearest before resuming his attacks.
The Romans eventually lost the battle and fled, leaving many dead and wounded in the battlefield. Khalid looked for the knight until he found him. By then he was covered in blood. He praised his bravery and asked him to remove his veil. But the knight did not answer, and tried to break away. The soldiers wouldn’t let him do that. And everyone asked him to reveal his identity.
When the knight found that there was no way to avoid that, he replied in a feminine voice: “My prince, I did not answer because I am shy. You are a great leader, and I am only a woman whose heart is burning.”
“Who are you?” Khalid insisted.
“I am Khawlah Bint Al Azwar. I was with the women accompanying the army, and when I learnt that the enemy captured my brother, I did what I did.”
Khalid ordered his army to chase the fleeing Roman army, with Khawlah leading the attack, looking in all directions for her brother, but in vain. By noontime, the victory was decisive. Most of the Roman soldiers were killed.
Knowing that the prisoners had to be somewhere, Khalid sent Khawlah with a number of knights to find them. After a hot chase, they managed to catch up with a Roman detachment that was taking the prisoners to their headquarters. Another fight took place, the Roman guards were all killed and the prisoners saved.
In another battle in Ajnadin, Khawlah’s spear broke, and her mare was killed, and she found herself a prisoner. But she was astonished to find that the Romans attacked the women camp and captured several of them. Their leader gave the prisoners to his commanders, and order Khawlah to be moved into his tent. She was furious, and decided that to die is more honorable than living in disgrace. She stood among the other women, and called them to fight for their freedom and honor or die. The others were enthusiastic to her plan. They took the tents’ poles and pegs and attacked the Roman guards, keeping a formation of a tight circle, as she told them.
Khawlah led the attack, killed the first guard with her pole, with the other women following her. According to Al Waqidi, they managed to kill 30 Roman knights, while Khawlah was encouraging them with her verses, which in fact caused their blood to boil.
The Roman leader was infuriated by what happened, and led a detachment of his knights against the women, though he tried first to tempt them with many promises. He told Khawlah that he planned to marry her and make her the first lady of Damascus. But she answered him calmly and with great contempt: “I wouldn’t even accept you to be a shepherd of my camels! How do you expect me to degrade myself and live with you? I swear that I’ll be the one to cut off your head for your insolence.”
In the ensuing battle, the ladies proved their mettle, kept their grounds for some time, encouraging each other and driving off the attackers with their long poles. Suddenly, Khalid and the army reached the battlefield. In the ensuing fight, over 3.000 Romans were killed. The women who took part in the fighting were proud to say that Khawlah killed five knights, including the leader that insulted her.
In another battle, the Muslims were overwhelmed by a much bigger Roman army. Many soldiers fled away, but not for long. Khawlah and the other women met the fleeing soldiers, questioning their claims of bravery and forced them to return to the battle. The men were stunned when they saw Khawlah drawing her sword and leading a counter-attack. They turned their horses and joined the battle, which was eventually won.
One of the knights present that day said: “Our women were much harsher with us than the Romans. We felt that going back to fight and die was much easier than facing the fury of our women later on.”
Her marriage to Caliph Ali
Following his succession as the fourth caliph, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) married Khawlah. She became a legend during her life and remains a legend to this day. Khawlah set an example to men and women alike that one should fight for what he or she believes in, and never accept defeat.
Taken with slight editorial modifications from www.siddiqi.org.
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karballa · 4 years ago
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Explanation of the Sermon of Imam Sajjad in Damascus
In the foregoing pages we have reproduced the sermon delivered by Imam Sajjad in Damascus. Every word of that, sermon confirms the frankness, bravery and spiritual greatness I of the Imam and incidentally the value and necessity of such sermons and speeches delivered in the circumstances then prevailing become clear. It has also become evident that these sermons and addresses were not such that they should have been delivered as a consequence of sentiments, spiritual uneasiness and pressure of hardships.
Whatever the men and women of Ahlul Bayt said during the journey, which culminated in their martyrdom and captivity, and has been recorded in history, consists of speeches which were delivered, as and when it was appropriate and necessary, in accordance with a minute and properly chalked out plan.
Just as Imam Husayn knew well as to what he was doing and where he was going and what the result of his activities would be, other members of the Holy Prophet's family also possessed perfect insight, and whenever they felt it necessary to speak they ignored all their mental sufferings and depressions, and revealed the realities in such away that it was no longer possible to tamper with them.
It is, however, certain that at that time most of the people were not aware of the importance of their speeches and the depth of their object. Very often they thought about this very sermon of the fourth Imam that a bereaved person was crying and lamenting as his sentiments had been aroused and with the passage of time he would become calm and forget all that he was saying.
However, history not only recorded the sermon delivered by the fourth Imam but also recorded the words and poetic verses of Yazid and handed them over to the posterity, and placed them side by side with each other so that on one page of history the people should read that Imam Sajjad said in the city of Damascus with great dignity: "I am the son of Makkah and Mina. I am the son of Zamzam and Safa. I am the son of the Prophet of Allah ", and on the next page of history they should find that Yazid said: "There was nothing like revelation or prophet hood. On this pretext Bani Hashim wished to befool the people and to rule over them". Indeed, even if Yazid did not fear Allah and did not feel ashamed before the Holy Prophet why did he not fear the power of history and why was he not afraid that whatever he was saying would be recorded?
Individuals come in the world and depart and the nations are dislocated. However, the rise and fall of the nations and the change in governments does not affect history. It continues to occupy its place and carefully supervises the good and evil deeds of the individuals and the traffic of the nations. It does not confuse the account of one person with that of another and does not make anyone responsible for another's sin.
The Holy Qur'an says:
Those are a people who have passed away. Theirs is that which they earned, and yours is that which you earn. You will not be asked of what they used to do. (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:134)
History records the behavior of the people to maintain accounts in this world and the angels write them for accountability in the Hereafter.
In the second part of the speech delivered by lady Zaynab, daughter of Imam Ali in Damascus, (its first part has already been dealt with in the foregoing pages), she warned Yazid firstly of the accountability in the Hereafter and secondly of the accountability before history and the world. It was in this very part that she said to him: "O Yazid! On the day when Allah will be the judge and Prophet Muhammad will plead for justice and your limbs will give evidence against you, your father, who made you dominate the Muslims, will receive the punishment due to him. On that day it will become known what reward the oppressors get and whose place is worse and whose party is humble. (O enemy of Allah and O enemy of the son of the Prophet of Allah!) I swear by Allah that I consider you quite mean and incorrigible.
However, what can I do? Our eyes weep and our bosoms burn and our martyrs cannot come to life by reproaching or reprimanding you. Our Husayn has been killed and the partisans of Satan take us to the fools and take from Allah's wealth remuneration for showing disrespect to Allah. Our blood trickles from their hands and our flesh falls from their mouths and the pure bodies of our martyrs have been placed at the disposal of the wolves and the rapacious animals of the jungle. If you think that you stand to gain today by killing us, you will suffer for it on the Day of Judgment.
It will be the day on which you will possess nothing except your deeds. It will be the day on which you will shout at the son of Marjana and he will shout at you. It will be the day on which you and your followers will quarrel with one another by the side of the scale of Divine Justice. It will be the day on which you will learn that the best provision which your father made for you was that you should kill the descendants of the Prophet of Allah. I swear by Allah that I do not fear anyone except Him and do not complain before anyone else".
So far the daughter of Imam Ali warned Yazid of Divine punishment and accountability on the Day of Judgment. Then she invited his attention to his being accountable to history and told him that even if he did not fear Allah and did not believe in the Day of Judgment or had lost his faith on account of his sins, he should fear history that would disgrace him.
It was with this object in view that the daughter of Ali said: "O Yazid! Practice deceit, pursue your vicious plans and do whatever you can. I swear by Allah that the stain of disgrace which has been stamped on your name owing to the treatment meted out by you to us cannot be obliterated and this ignominy can never be converted to goodness".
The daughter of lady Fatima Zahra invited the attention of Yazid to the might of history and warned him against shame and disgrace. However, Yazid who, it might be said, had lost intelligence did not benefit from lady Zaynab's words and could not foresee the future of history. On this occasion the following tradition of the Holy Prophet quoted by Suyuti in his book Jami'us Saghir was applicable to Yazid: "When Allah wishes to execute His Decree He takes away intelligence from the intelligent people so that He may do with them what He likes. And, when what He wills is accomplished, He restores their intelligence to them and then they regret very much what they have done".
If Yazid had not been deprived of his intelligence he should have realized that after killing the son of the Prophet of Allah and his near ones, it would not be possible for him to rule the Muslims and to ignore this great Islamic tragedy. And even if he could not understand this fact he should have at least so much sense that he should not have attacked the very basis of Islam in his poetic verses and should not have announced openly his decision to take revenge upon the children of the Prophet of Allah and should not have denied the Divine revelation and the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
Lady Zaynab, the daughter of Fatima Zahra concluded her speech with thanks to Allah and said: "Allah be thanked Who ended the task of the chiefs of the young men of Paradise with benevolence and made Paradise their resting place. I pray to Allah that He may raise their ranks and shower His blessings on them, for Allah is Almighty, All-Powerful".
It was this very speech which obliged Yazid to pretend I disgust for Ibn Ziyad and to curse him. It has been written that while sending the Ahlul Bayt to Madina Yazid called Imam Sajjad and said to him: "May Allah curse the son of Marjana. By Allah, if I had met your father I would have agreed to whatever he had suggested and asked for, and would not have allowed, as far as possible, that he should have been killed.
However, whatever has happened had been destined. I wish that you may write to me from Madina for all your requirements". Yazid did not say this to seek Divine pleasure. He was grateful to Ibn Ziyad that he had killed Imam Husayn and his companions and in reply to his letter seeking instructions about the Ahlul Bayt who had been made prisoners he (Yazid) had himself written that they should be sent to Syria. Yazid's cursing Ibn Ziyad had only a political tinge, and was the outcome of the pressure of public thinking.
The sermon delivered by Imam Sajjad in Syria and the Qur'anic verses recited by him in the bazaar in reply to a Syrian and whatever else the Ahlul Bayt said produced their result. So much so that the martyrdom of Imam Husayn was mourned first of all in Damascus, the capital of the caliphate, and in the caliph's own house.
The Syrian women also came to know the true facts about the tragedy of Karbala. Perhaps the month of Muharram of the year 61 A.H. had not yet come to an end when the news of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn reached various Islamic regions and their inhabitants became aware of most of the events that had taken place.
When the storm and thunder of the caliphate subsided the people came to their senses, felt grieved on account of what had happened and reproached themselves for their unpardonable negligence in helping the Imam and supporting Truth. Gradually the same correct view was adopted as had prompted the people of Kufa to invite the Imam before his martyrdom.
Later, they realized their mistake and decided to make amends for it, although the loss of an Imam like Husayn bin Ali, the grandson of the Holy Prophet, was irreparable and wailing and regret could not make amends for it. Mu'awiya had said: “After Ali bin Abi Talib the world has become barren and cannot produce a son like him".
Indeed it is so and another Ali cannot be born. Similarly it is Impossible to produce an Imam like Husayn, because there must be pure and sacred parents like his to give birth to a son like him. Every loss can be made good sooner or later, but how can the loss of such sublime personalities be compensated?
—Extract from A Probe into the History of Ashura
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