thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
4:55 PM] Karma:
Seti had watched Sean and Darius for a moment before reaching over and running a hand along Sean's arm and saying " Oh come on, we can all hang out. It would be the first time we all really got to sit down and get to know one another. A night on the town, booze. Some clubbing. It'll be great. I won't let anyone take advantage of you...If you were worried about that." He gave a small wink then, before he pulled away and looked toward Darius " I am absolutely down for some partying!" Pulling away from Sean then he walked toward the others to continue talking. However, Sean never really did seem to take the offer, not liking that he might have to share time with Seti, it seemed. The days went by quickly after that, seemingly all blending together. And things head soon seemed to level out. A record deal had been put down on the table. The band members themselves had been growing steadily use to a life of fame that would soon be awaiting them in their future. Seti had also grown close enough to the others in this time that he could consider them all some of his very best friends. Seti of course head other friends too. But a band was more like an adoptive family, all coming together to harmonize.
[4:55 PM] Karma:
Once in the studio after their first signing had been finalized he tilt his head as Darius was repeating the words to the band Queen " Darius, that's Queen. We need something a little you know...Not a cover of another bands song." He grinned then before walking passed Darius to go sit on the couch set along the wall in the room. Crossing his legs he leaned back and held up a notebook full of frayed papers " You could probably try and make something out of these, if you wanted. It's a lot of ramblings I used to do while in school. My lit teacher said I would be a very good author, if my lines weren't so brief and didn't seem more like lyrics instead." He gave a shrug then before tossing the notebook onto the coffee table " Or don't.." Tristan looked toward the others before smiling at Sean " It's very lovely lyrics. I knew you were gifted. But it's illegal to claim Queen lyrics as our own." Tristan walked over to the notebook then " AH! I got it!  Sean can make something out of these-" He looked through the notebook for a moment " Or get some ideas? ... We can officially hire him as a PR and lyricist for the band then. That way he can come with us and not work at a fucking diner anymore."  However he looked to Darius and Sean as the other made the comment toward their drummer " That'll be some juicy drama in the future..." He muttered with an eye roll before dropping the notebook back down onto the coffee table.
[4:56 PM] Karma:
Asher had walked in as Shay was talking about Sean having a diary and paused to stare at the siblings " Only women have diaries, Sean. You're fruity little ass should be writing in a journal. But far be it from me to correct your parents fuck up this late in the game. --ANYWAY, my lovely little band. We are going to have spots on some local tours for quite a few popular bands these next few months. Let's get to work and make the people want us, huh." He then threw some flyers in Sean's lap " A word to the wise, coward." Lowering his head down to Sean's level he gave a very cold, serious look, piercing blue green eyes staring strikingly into Sean's warm brown ones "Before making fun of someone else's talents. Take a big long look at your own. OR lack there off, bus boy." Pulling away then he grins " Get to work!"
[7:59 AM] Soup:
It was just a crush. That was what Sean kept telling himself. The more time he spent with the band, specifically Seti, the more he felt drawn to him. However, the more Seti and the band started getting popular, the more Sean was pulling away and building a wall. He wasn't a part of that life no matter how much Tristan and Shay tried to include him. Darius and Asher however, didn't give a shit and it was hard to deny that something had been going on with Shay. Something that involved mood swings, strange cravings at strange times and morning sickness.... Darius had scoffed at Seti's observation. “I know that you idiot, did you miss the memo where I said I was reading from Sean's diary?”
[7:59 AM] Soup:
Sean was embarrassed, irritated, and Asher adding in his own two cents wasn't helping any either. “It isn't a diary you jackasses, I like the song so I wrote it down.” The song had hit home as he glanced at Seti. He had appreciated that Tristan was trying to include him, that was what friends did after all. Clearly there was one person that wasn't letting him -near- the band and Sean had reached for the notebook Seti had tossed onto the coffee table -- If there was one thing Sean actually -was- good at, it was writing the music that went -with- the lyrics. As Asher continued being an ass, Sean had started humming a tune to go along with the lyrics that Seti had wrote. It had been enough to catch Shay's attention, turning toward her brother as he gave Asher the finger and favored writing music notes underneath the lyrics Seti had written over jumping to his feet to hand out flyers.
[7:59 AM] Soup:
Shay had stood up, bending over to pick up the book, humming the notes that Sean had just wrote down. “Seti, --- look at this.” Shay had handed the book to Seti as Sean muttered that it was nothing and gathered up the flyers in his hands as he stood up. “Stop that, it -is- something.” To prove it she had picked up her bass guitar and started playing the music notes that Sean had written. “I think we just found your hidden talent” A few days had passed after that and by the end of the week Sean had written the music for all the original songs Seti had jotted down in his notebook.  He had felt however, that as much as he despised Darius, one particular song would be stronger if there was more of a beat on the drums in the background to the song. Sean had sneaked into the room the band had started using for their practice sessions, not expecting Seti to be in that room alone at two in the morning like he was. “---oh, I didn't think anybody was going to be here – if you want to be alone, I can come back a little later. I just.. I had an idea and-- yeah. That's why I'm here.” Why did he feel so nervous?
[7:59 AM] Soup:
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Sean and Seti weren't the only two awake at two in the morning – though Shay was awake for an entirely different reason as she paced the bathroom and held a stick between her fingertips. “Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” She was pregnant – and she knew -exactly- who the father was.
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