rajnitsharma · 5 months
Best Sexologist In Delhi And Best sexologist In India
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drpedi07 · 1 year
This is a minor operation that needs to be done in boys as a type of therapy. In order to understand the reasons for the operation, one needs to know what is normal.
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Best sexologist in india - Best Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment doctors in Delhi, Sexually transmitted disease specialists in India
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Treatment In Delhi
Sexual Transmitted Diseases are also known as Venereal diseases. 
STDs are caused due to the infection of bacteria, viruses or protozoans. 
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STDs are most commonly found in people with active sexual life.
Some of the diseases can be eradicated, while others are kept in the remittance stage.
STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) or STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) should be treated as early as possible. Otherwise, they would lead to complications like Infertility.
Conventional treatment or Allopathic Treatment of STDs & STIs includes Antibiotics, Antivirals, Antifungal etc. drugs. 
But rampant misuse of these medicines has made our bodies immune to them, making them least effective or ineffective in some cases.
Patients who are not responding well to Antibiotics, Antifungal medicines etc., are also welcome at Sidri International Skin Hair & Sexology Clinic for Safe & Effective Treatment of many STDs and STIs and get themselves treated with Ayurvedic Medicines.
Many patients have recurrent Balanitis (Redness On Penis Head), Balanoposthitis (Redness On Penis Pink Head and Foreskin), Penis Fungal Infection & many other diseases successfully treated at Sidri International Skin Hair & Sexology Clinic with Utmost Care.
The following are the most common sexually transmitted diseases:
Syphilis is caused due to the infection of Treponema pallidum. 
The presence of syphilitic lesions characterizes this venereal disease. 
If left untreated in pregnant women, the infection may pass on to the fetus leading to severe deformities.
Genital Warts:
Genital warts are one of the most common types of STDs. 
These occur when Human Papilloma Virus infects the body. 
Genital warts are found around the anus, penis, and male scrotum.
READ MORE : https://sidriinternational.com/std-specialist-doctor-in-delhi/
Tags : Best sexologist in india , Best sexologist in delhi 
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schlauemaus · 24 days
Equines Coitalexanthem (=ECE)
Erreger= equines Herpesvirus Typ 3
Übertragung= über Deckakt, iatrogen
Virus persistiert nach Heilung -> Wiederausbrüche
Symptome= betrifft Stuten u. Hengste
linsengroße, weiß-grau gefärbte Vesikel auf externer Genitalschleimhaut (Penis, Präputium/ Vulva, Vestibulum) -> konfluieren u. rupturieren -> oberflächliche Ulzera -> sekundäre Ansiedlung von Bakterien -> in schweren Fällen Balanoposthitis möglich
normalerweise KEINE Störung des Allgemeinbefindens oder Fruchtbarkeit
Diagnose= Antikörpernachweis (Serum) im Abstand v. 2 Wochen (Titermaximum 2-3 Wo. nach Infektion)
Selbstheilung in 3-5 Wochen -> typische unpigmentierte Narben bleiben lebenslang
Deckruhe (über Samen selbst theoretisch keine Infektion möglich)
vorübergehener Ausschluss aus der Zucht
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sexologist09 · 1 month
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sidri0 · 1 month
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imagek · 2 months
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Samsung Galaxy Skin - Removal Balanoposthitis, Accents Hosted, Circles atomic, breezy and 3d colorful drawings
Abstract designs challenge traditional notions of representation, inviting viewers to appreciate art in a more imaginative and non-literal manner. Abstract designs are artistic compositions that prioritize the use of shapes, lines, colors, and forms divorced from their representational or real-world references. Abstract art is a diverse and innovative artistic movement that prioritizes non-representational and non-figurative forms. Art allows you to explore and express their creativity beyond the constraints of depicting recognizable objects or scenes.
Removal Balanoposthitis, Samsung Galaxy Skin.
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miraridoctor · 4 months
Introduction Balanitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the head of the penis (glans) and the foreskin. It can cause discomfort, pain, and swelling, and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, itching, and a disch... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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onlinemalawinews · 4 months
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gifts-to-gurgaon-blog · 5 months
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karan-bhalla-fraud · 5 months
At Sidri International Skin Hair & Sexology Clinic, we understand the importance of male genital health. That’s why we want to make sure you have all the information you need to understand two common conditions that can affect this area: Balanitis, Posthitis, and Balanoposthitis.
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drsouravdhar · 6 months
Addressing Phimosis: Treatment Solutions & Support
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A disorder known as phimosis causes the penis's foreskin to tighten, making it difficult or impossible to draw beyond the tip. The foreskin, a thin layer of retractable skin, covers the head or tip of the penis in men.
The foreskin may act like a sock, enabling the head or tip of the penis – also known as the glans – to be seen when it is pushed down. The foreskin becomes tight and difficult to move in some older boys and men, like a rubber band.
In male infants, phimosis is a normal developmental process in which the foreskin fuses with the tip of the penis throughout the first few years of life. Phimosis is thought to clear up on its own for most boys by the time they are seven years old and for most other boys by the time they are ten.
Phimosis in adults and teenage males may result from several sources and create serious symptoms and problems. See your phimosis treatment in Siliguri physician right away if you think you or your kid could develop phimosis.
A complete medical history will be taken, and the patient will be questioned about any prior injuries or penile infections. They could also ask if any symptoms affect sexual activity. They will examine the penis and foreskin as part of a physical examination.
The physician could take a swab from the region of the foreskin to look for germs or request urine tests to look for infections. One risk factor for type 2 diabetes is phimosis. As a consequence, blood and urine tests to determine blood sugar levels may be administered to adults who arrive with tight foreskin.
The symptoms determine the course of treatment for phimosis. Balanitis may be readily treated in most instances using lotions, ointments, and excellent cleanliness. To promote cleanliness, people are recommended to gently dry their penis after cleaning it with lukewarm water once a day. They should dry beneath the foreskin after urinating and refrain from using soap, bubble baths, or shampoo on their genital area.
A physician may suggest a steroid cream or ointment to relieve the inflammation. If a bacterial or fungal infection is the source of the balanoposthitis, an antifungal cream or a course of antibiotics may be required.
In situations when balanitis or balanoposthitis is severe or recurring, medical professionals could advise treating the phimosis directly. They could also recommend steroid creams to soften the foreskin and make it easier to retract. Alternatively, surgery might be a possibility.
Physicians may recommend circumcision, which involves removing all or part of the foreskin; nevertheless, there is a risk of bleeding and infection during the process. It could also be feasible to have the spots where the foreskin adheres to the glans surgically released. The foreskin will be preserved in this way, although phimosis may still recur.
Surgery is not always necessary to phimosis treatment in Siliguri  as other treatments are available. In some instances, phimosis risk may be decreased by instilling good hygiene in young boys and helping them to maintain it as adults. However, phimosis may be permanently corrected with surgeries like circumcision and others. Consult your physician to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.
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sexologist09 · 2 months
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sidri0 · 3 months
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circumcure · 7 months
Connection Between Diabetes and Circumcision
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Diabetes is a prevalent chronic condition affecting millions of individuals worldwide, characterized by high blood sugar levels that can lead to various health complications. While managing diabetes involves lifestyle changes and medical interventions, recent research has highlighted the potential benefits of circumcision for patients with diabetes. In this article, we’ll delve into the relationship between diabetes and circumcision, exploring why circumcision may be beneficial for individuals managing this condition.
Understanding Diabetes and Its Complications:
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. This results in elevated blood sugar levels, which, if left uncontrolled, can lead to a range of complications affecting various organs and systems in the body. Common complications of diabetes include cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy, among others.
The Connection Between Diabetes and Circumcision:
Research has suggested a link between diabetes and certain genital health issues, particularly in uncircumcised men. Uncircumcised men with diabetes may be at higher risk of developing genital infections, including balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin and glans). These infections can be challenging to treat and may lead to complications if left untreated, such as penile ulcers or abscesses. Benefits of Circumcision for Diabetes Patients:
1. Reduced Risk of Genital Infections:
Circumcision involves the removal of the foreskin, which eliminates the moist environment under the foreskin where bacteria and fungi can thrive. For diabetes patients, who may already be at increased risk of infections due to compromised immune function and elevated blood sugar levels, circumcision can reduce the likelihood of genital infections and associated complications. By promoting genital hygiene and reducing the risk of infections, circumcision may help diabetes patients better manage their overall health and well-being.
2. Prevention of Foreskin-Related Complications:
Uncircumcised men with diabetes may experience foreskin-related complications such as phimosis treatment (tight foreskin), paraphimosis treatment (inability to retract the foreskin), or recurrent balanitis. These conditions can be challenging to manage and may require medical intervention, including topical treatments or surgical procedures. Circumcision eliminates the need for ongoing management of foreskin-related issues, reducing the burden on diabetes patients and improving genital comfort and function.
3. Lower Risk of Penile Cancer:
Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, including penile cancer. Circumcision has been shown to lower the risk of penile cancer by removing the foreskin, which reduces the risk of infections and other factors associated with cancer development. For diabetes patients, who may already be at higher risk of cancer due to their underlying condition, circumcision offers a preventive measure that can help mitigate this risk and promote long-term health.
4. Improved Sexual Health and Function:
Some studies have suggested that circumcision may improve sexual health and function for men, including enhanced sexual satisfaction and reduced risk of erectile dysfunction. While individual experiences may vary, diabetes patients who undergo circumcision may experience improvements in sexual well-being, intimacy, and overall quality of life. By addressing genital health issues and promoting sexual function, circumcision can contribute to the holistic management of diabetes and its complications.
Circumcision offers several potential benefits for patients with diabetes, including reduced risk of genital infections, prevention of foreskin-related complications, lower risk of penile cancer, and improved sexual health and function. However, it’s important to note that circumcision is a personal decision, and individual preferences and cultural beliefs should be taken into account when considering the procedure. Before undergoing circumcision, diabetes patients should consult with their healthcare provider to discuss the potential risks, benefits, and implications of the procedure in the context of their overall health and well-being. With careful consideration and informed decision-making, circumcision can be a valuable adjunctive therapy for diabetes management, helping patients achieve better genital health and overall quality of life.
To know more about Post circumcision care in india
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Effect of Vaccination to IBR with Live and Dead Viruses, about the Premise Rates in Mixed Holstein Heifers
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The present study was conducted to determine whether vaccination with bovine herpes virus type 1 (HVB-1) as prophylaxis for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis has an effect on pregnancy rates in mixed Holstein heifers in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Sixty heifers divided into three groups of 20 animals each were used: no immunogen, live virus vaccine and killed virus vaccine. The diagnosis of pregnancy was determined (45 days post-dissemination) by trans-rectal ultrasonography. For the management of the experiment, all groups were subjected to a protocol of synchronization with prosastagens and estradiol. Significant statistical differences were observed in the percentages of pregnancy, being higher in the control treatment (29.9%) respectively followed by treatment with live virus (19.5%) and treatment with dead virus with (19.2%). where there were statistically different values in the three treatments under study. Inoculation with bovine herpes virus type 1 has effects on pregnancy rates in mixed Holstein heifers.
Keywords: Progesterone; IBR; Ultrasound; Live; Dead Vaccines
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is an infectious and contagious viral pathology. The virus can remain dormant within the nerve ganglia and reactivated by various situations that provoke stress such as transportation, delivery and treatments with glucocorticoids causing a reduction in reproductive efficiency producing necrotic lesions in follicular, luteal, embryonic, neonatal, weight loss, and lactic acid production [1]. In the cattle breeding context of our country, the lack of control programs and prophylaxis for viral diseases becomes a predisposing environment for the incidence and prevalence of diseases such as IBR, since bovine herpes virus is a disease that attacks the tract respiratory disease characterized by rhinitis, tracheitis and fever, with abortion being the most serious direct consequence from an economic point of view. HBV-1 also causes infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis, conjunctivitis; occasionally it has been associated with metritis, endometritis, mastitis, epididymitis, dermatitis, enteritis and encephalomyelitis. The objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the effect of vaccination to IBR with live and dead virus, on pregnancy rates in Holstein heifer mestizas.
Materials and Methods
The work was carried out in the Santa Clara Canton Province of Pastaza in the Ecuadorian Amazon, 60 mixed Holstein heifers were used, the animals were sexually mature (checked by sonography) and clinically healthy, weighing at least 350 kg, aged between 18 and 24 months, who have lived for at least one year in the tropics, with a body condition between 2.75 and 3.5, also vaccinated for foot-and-mouth disease, rabies and anthrax. Three groups were formed: without control group (T) 20 heifers, vaccinated with live cattle (VV) 20 heifers and vaccinated with killed virus (hiprabovis-4) (VM) 20 heifers. At this stage, the animals were submitted to a synchronization program, so that the heifers started homogeneously a new estrous cycle, within which the respective monitoring could be performed. For synchronization, we used: estradiol benzoate at a dose of 0.5 cc per animal, and an intravaginal CIDR slow-release progesterone device at day zero, seven days later the application of prostaglandin, withdrawal of the P4 implant, estradiol injection thus initiating a new estrous cycle, which was estimated that ovulation is approximately 60 hours post treatment where were artificially inseminated with conventional semen each of the groups under study and from there determine the times for subsequent studies for percentages of pregnancy. The vaccine was applied 60 hours post-treatment of synchronization and IATF, the respective vaccine prophylaxis was with live virus (cattle master) and died (hiprabovis-4), as explained previously in the scheme of the experiment. The diagnosis of gestation was performed at 45 days by ultrasonography on the same day to all groups under study. A completely randomized design (DCA) was used, the results were submitted to the homogeneity test, for each studied variable the arithmetic mean and the standard error (EE) were estimated. We tested whether there were significant differences between genotypes by applying variance analysis (ANOVA) to a classification criterion and multiple comparisons tests of Tukey-Kramer HSD (p≤0.05).
Result and Discussion
Table 1 shows the existence of significant differences (p <0.05), from the control group with reference to the percentages of pregnancy with treatments with live virus and dead virus. The results agree with Geiser [2], where six heifers inoculated with bovine infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus showed low pregnancy rates and progesterone levels were low. In this study the values found were lower. Woodbine [3] performed work on heifers inoculated intravenously with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus at days 7, 14, 21, and 28, and sacrificed 13 to 15 days after inoculation and then examined reproductive tracts to detect cytopathological changes, virus and viral antigen, where heifers inoculated on days 7 and 14 had mild oophoritis characterized by foci of necrosis and accumulation of mononuclear cells in the corpus luteum, most of these heifers also had some necrotic follicles in at least one ovary, heifers inoculated at days 21 and 28 showed no lesions of the corpus luteum but necrotic follicles were numerous in both ovaries, the viral antigen was observed in all ovarian lesions and infectious virus was isolated from some affected tissues in uterus of all heifers inoculated at 21 and 28 days [4-7].
It is concluded that IBR prophylactic vaccines with live and dead virus could affect the anatomical and endocrinological characteristics of the corpus luteum and therefore their reproductive behavior, being reflected significantly in the pregnancy rates.
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