#Bala Gay
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ankaragay · 8 months ago
Ankara Gay , Kızılay gay, Tunalı Gay, Ostim Gay, Batıkent Gay, Akyurt Gay, Altındağ Gay, Ayaş Gay, Bala Gay, Beypazarı Gay Çamlıdere Gay , Çankaya Gay, Çubuk Travesti, Elmadağ Gay, Etimesgut Gay, Evren Gay, Gölbaşı Gay, Güdül Gay, Haymana Gay, Kalecik Gay, Kazan Gay, Keçiören Gay, Kızılcahamam Gay
ankaragay #gayankara #İncekgay #İvedikgay #Hasköygay #Keçiörengay #Kızılaygay #Mamakgay #Maltepegay #Mithatpaşagay #Ostimgay #Öveçlergay #Pursaklargay #Polatlıgay #Sıhhiyegay #Sincangay #Tunalıgay #Ulusgay #Ümitköygay #Yenimahallegay #Hoşderegay #Cinnahgay #Güvenparkgay
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sandyport · 7 months ago
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✦ ̨ ՞ ESCREVO MIL POESIAS SOBRE VOCÊ feat @jeonianv ♡
🗓 16/08/2024 》 doação
insp? credite, meo!
sandy's note: cadê os fogos de artifícios??? pois então pode soltar, porque voltei com outra collab do meu casca de bala 💞🤩 E SABE QUAL É A MELHOR PARTE? ele é foda! Jeon simplesmente faz milgares!! Juntamos nossos utts e fizemos essa capita lindona 🫣🫣 eu fiz a base (a primeira foto, mas ficou horrível como vocês podem ver. e vamos de desistir ☠️☠️) e a finalização por jeon (a segunda foto, onde ele fez milagres e disse: "bicha, tá vendo como é burra? se orienta 🙄" e eu pode deixar patrão 🫡🫡 resumindo, ele é foda! (meu neném galera eu tenho orgulho!) o título foi inspirado nesta foto aqui, então pensa em duas pessoas gays (eu + jeon = 🏠) te adoro jeon, saiba que você é sensacional!! eu sou uma pessoa mais feliz quando vamos em collab, curiosidades 🫵🏻💖
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ririsasy · 10 months ago
Deva : Amma, I want to watch Salaar.
Amma : We have Salaar at home.
Salaar at home :
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Ain't no way that Ugramm's plot was so similar with Salaar 😂😂 shot per shot I tell you, 80% of it, like it's watching Salaar but Walmart version 😭😭 and I am just in half of this movie and can't stop laughing at how similar it is!! except Deva in this movie is straight 😂 (and ours is not😌)
I would have listed the similarities like how Agastya had his his arm covered the entire time with a piece of cloth because he want to cover his tattoo, how he didn't fight because his mother made him promise not to, how Nithya (Aadhya) came from america to see her mother grave, how it was all started because of the promise from the childhood etc etc I tell you it's just almost the same story 😭 It would just be covering the whole movies. Every shot is identical!!
Bruh Prashanth Neel how can they greenlight you to recycle your old work to this extend? I mean shot per shot! This This is not just mere adaption anymore, it's the way it was shot!!!! Like whatever scene you have in Salaar then guaranteed you have it in Ugramm as well.
So Salaar is actually fanfic version of Ugramm? The Kingdom AU of Ugramm lmao where Agastya (Deva) and Bala (Varadha) are gay and deeply in love 😂 That's why all characters in Salaar is gay because that's how the world of fanfic often works, Prashanth knows the drill. And everyone knows that fanfic is indeed better than the OG works anyway 😌 so Varadeva based on this logic should be endgame 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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sizzlingavenueartisan · 5 months ago
I am bala madurai
Madurai gay boys msg me
I am bottom....
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cloned-sheep97 · 7 months ago
Cdn albums' vibe (sumarized)
Soy una arveja: I hate furries! Not because i think they're zoophiles... In fact, im a zooph-
Emilio García: I love torturing children!!!! *Pees on the christmas potato puree and everyone thinks is butter*
Canciones del corazón: ugh... I need a kinky femboy that doesn't have a gag reflex </3
Otra navidad en las trincheras: Straight sex, gay sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, oral sex. WE ARE THE SEX NATION
Barranca Abajo: Noooo my crush rejected me,... Its time for me to become emo *17 year old José Barrancas invoques the devil itself but then regrets becoming emo after Ñu fucking dies*
El tren bala: Rated +7 (E, everyone) for suicide, sex, drugs, political lider fucks up and gets drunk, CDN makes a pun between silk and "putting it in" (Tela va a poner ≠ Te la va a poner) grooming, hypnotization, adultery, constipation, mental distress, political corruption and people from puerto rico
Revista ¡¡Ésta!!: LOCAL MAN DISCOVERS THAT EATING DOES NOT INVOLVE FEET!!! *turns out to have the catchiest hook on all music history*
Cortamambo: Rated +18, we have a song internalized xenophobia and racism, wanting a sugar mommy, your boss is fucking the secretary and you know it, body horror relating Siamese twins, a song similar to the book Lolita except...so much worse... Santiago tavella goes on his way to cheat on multiple women, boobs in cover, stupid song about stupid horny seals. YET, we get the +18 mark because we made a song making fun on devoting more your religion than your own menta health. Yay
RARO: I- *sniff* I don't know what to do now!!! *Cries* Help me... *6 am Alarm goes off and instantly whipes out tears* Okay, gotta stop crying, its time to go to work...
Bipolar: I wish i could remove my two ribs so i could give myself a BJ, I'd deserve it for being that awesome sauce
Porfiado: *grabs the soap dispenser that was sitting next to the napkins and begins to start spraying the soap on top of the napkins* hehehehehehhe
Habla tu espejo: im such a little potato <///3. Why does everybody think im a problem? :( i mean.., i am but... I wish i wasnt</3
AZ: okay it turns out this album is not as bad as i remembered.... Although lamina once....*BARF*
Jueves: Oh your grandmother died? How cute... Try to cry about it and you're getting kicked from our sigma male club
Lamina once: Nobody understands me... Why is the world so messed up? </3 People today only look at their phones and argue with pronoun people on twitter...</3 *Paints nails, puts on blue hair dye, uses they/them prns and uses their phone like water (8 times a day)
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thethirdromana · 2 years ago
The many, many references of chapter XI of Dorian Gray
This chapter can come across as a bit of a long, boring list of stuff. That's partly because it is a long, boring list of stuff, as we see how shallow Dorian's life of collecting trinkets and misdeeds is, compared with his lofty ambitions to be some kind of thought-leader of his age.
But it's Wilde, so a lot of this chapter has references and connotations that might not be obvious.
the sordid room of the little ill-famed tavern near the docks OK, this isn't particularly subtle given Wilde already tells us it's sordid and ill-famed. But it's probably not just a dodgy pub. Being near the docks implies that Dorian is hanging out with people in the lower classes, almost certainly including sex workers. I think there might also be a nudge-nudge wink-wink implication of homosexuality here - docks mean sailors, and the navy already had a reputation for homosexuality in Wilde's time.
Like Gautier, he was one for whom “the visible world existed.” Théophile Gautier, a French writer, critic and defender of Romanticism. He was flamboyant, unconventional and had lots of affairs.
he might really become to the London of his own day what to imperial Neronian Rome the author of the Satyricon once had been The author of the Satyricon is Petronius, a Roman courtier in the reign of Nero. He was dedicated to a life of pleasure and indulgence, and was an authority on questions of fashion and taste.
the materialistic doctrines of the Darwinismus movement in Germany Darwinismus means proto-eugenics, essentially. You know, in case you needed any more reasons to dislike Dorian.
the one that Bernal Diaz saw when he went with Cortes into the Mexican temple, and of whose doleful sound he has left us so vivid a description "They had an exceedingly large drum there, and when they beat it the sound of it was so dismal and like, so to say, an instrument of the infernal regions, that one could hear it a distance of two leagues, and they said that the skins it was covered with were of those great snakes." Wouldn't say it was that vivid a description, to be honest.
appeared at a costume ball as Anne de Joyeuse, Admiral of France, in a dress covered with five hundred and sixty pearls Despite how this sounds, Anne de Joyeuse was a man, and Dorian didn't go to the ball in drag. Anne de Joyeuse was probably one of Henry III's lovers. (This is the start of a theme developing).
Alexander, the Conqueror of Emathia This is Alexander the Great. (The theme continues).
Lodge’s strange romance ‘A Margarite of America’ A 16th century romance about the love affair between a Peruvian prince and a Russian princess. With a lot of gory bits.
the Duke de Valentinois, son of Alexander VI Otherwise known as Cesare Borgia, who inspired Machiavelli to write The Prince. There are all sorts of rumours about Cesare Borgia, ranging from having lots of mistresses (true) to gay relationships and incest with his sister (probably not true).
Charles of England had ridden in stirrups hung with four hundred and twenty-one diamonds This is presumably Charles I rather than Charles II (who was also Charles of England). Historic Royal Palaces - the people who run the Tower of London, among others - have him on their list of LGBT+ monarchs. They highlight this painting, where he's gazing at George Villiers, who also shagged his dad:
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Richard II had a coat, valued at thirty thousand marks, which was covered with balas rubies Richard II, who was rumoured to have had an affair with Richard de Vere, Earl of Oxford.
Henry VIII Who only had relationships with women, as far as history is aware.
The favourites of James I wore ear-rings of emeralds set in gold filigrane Back on the theme again. James I was Charles I's dad, who had a secret passage built between his bedchamber and that of his favourite, George Villiers - the one in the picture up there ^. While most of the people on this list were only rumoured to have had gay relationships, no one really disputes it for James I.
Edward II gave to Piers Gaveston a suit of red-gold armour That would be his lover, Piers Gaveston.
Henry II. wore jewelled gloves reaching to the elbow Henry II, who was known to have shared a bed with William Marshal, the Earl of Pembroke. Which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but... you know. There's a theme.
Charles the Rash, the last Duke of Burgundy of his race At this point I can't tell if Wilde is deliberately throwing in some misdirection, like the mention of Henry VIII, or if my Google-powers have failed me.
the mortuary cloth of King Chilperic Oh hang on a tick. King Chilperic was a 6th century monarch who is known, among other things, for having strangled his wife. Just as Henry VIII had two of his wives executed. So the theme here is either queer relationships - or murdered women.
(We then of course get a series of notable historical figures who, so far as I can tell, don't have any connections to either of these things. Also this bit goes on for ages and this post is already very long, so I'm going to skip past them).
dreadful places near Blue Gate Fields A slum area just north of the docks in East London. Known for opium dens, brothels and murders. Some people have suggested this is an allusion to Jack the Ripper, even a suggestion that Oscar Wilde knew who Jack the Ripper was, which I'm reasonably confident is nonsense.
brawling with foreign sailors in a low den in the distant parts of Whitechapel So what I'm finding quite funny here is that all the dodgy and dissolute places that Wilde has Dorian go are literally just the same place.
Near the docks = East London, probably in the area of Whitechapel Blue Gate Fields = Whitechapel the distant parts of Whitechapel = that would be Whitechapel, then?
The very odd Jack the Ripper website I just read interprets Wilde's descriptions as meaning that he had some kind of hidden knowledge of London's underworld... just as the Ripper would have!! But to me this reads a lot more like Wilde was aware of one (1) suitably shady-sounding location and ran with it.
Here was Philip Herbert That would be James I's lover, Philip Herbert. (What, you thought we were done with these?)
Sir Anthony Sherard Is fictional, but...
the lover of Giovanna of Naples Giovanna of Naples was a real person, who probably murdered her husband. (Nice to get some variety among the murdered spouses).
Lady Elizabeth Devereux A Tudor noblewoman, known for a quite public affair.
George Willoughby... had been a macaroni of the eighteenth century, and the friend, in his youth, of Lord Ferrars I can't find much on George Willoughby, but Lord Ferrers shot his steward, and is known as the last peer to have been hanged in England.
the second Lord Beckenham... he had led the orgies at Carlton House Lord Beckenham is (I think) fictional; George IV, who held wild and extravagant parties at Carlton House, is not.
Tiberius, in a garden at Capri Googling this brings up articles titled things like "The Scandalous Private Life of Tiberius Caesar". That makes it sound like the fun activities of consenting adults, but that's grossly misleading. The people involved were rumoured to be often neither consenting nor adults.
reading the shameful books of Elephantis Elephantis was a Greek poet and physician who wrote a sex manual.
Caligula... Domitian... Elagabalus Caligula was known for sex and murder. Domitian was known for censorship and control of public morals. Elagabalus was known for sexual promiscuity with men and women.
And that's the lot! For the last few paragraphs of the chapter, Wilde actually spells out the various misdeeds of the people he discusses (sex and murder, unsurprisingly), thus sparing me from Googling them.
Congratulations if you made it this far.
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bddybby666 · 1 year ago
wed fev14,2024
grateful for: having such a wonderful amazing beautiful lovely valentine’s day with my bf, gay sex in the morning, gay sex at night, curry house, bala!!!!! getting free mango lassis from him, amazing food, walking in the sun, napping & sleeping along side them & sharing a bed, getting stoned & watching an awesome fuckin movie, basil cooking for me, eating treats in the bath, how wonderful & sweet basil makes me feel, for celebrating our second valentine’s day together, my bfs spit & piss & love & touch & everything abt them, having such a chill & relaxing day, for the love
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colourfulgreyscales · 2 years ago
Unpopular Opinions: A few characters I think are queer (maybe not canonical, but very, very codded) Batch 1.
Remember kids: I am only talking about fictional characters and no real people and what I mean is that the cannon leaves things open to these interpretations.
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Brandon Sullivan (Shame, 2011) bisexual. Fic in the works exploring that. Also an essay with a supporting article.
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Silas Selleck (Slow West 2015). Gay. (Yes, Gay. As in exclusively attracted to men. There is a reason I am writing him as Silva's paramour in my AU fic The Forest From the Trees. I will have an essay about Silas' sexuality in a future post).
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Payne (Slow West 2015). Gay. He and Silas were lovers while Silas was in Payne's gang and you can't convince me otherwise.
Don't believe me? Look below:
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Bikram and Bala (Gunday, 2014) Probably bisexual, but I go back and forth. Gunday is extremely queer codded.
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Simba. (Yes, I went there!) Let's just say queer. That dude dances like a gogo dancer for crying out loud.
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sexshopapasionados · 2 years ago
🍑 Plug Vibrador Rex 🍑
🤯 Plug anal dilatador con vibración, fabricando en silicona tipo Jelly, suave para tu piel. La vara anal Jelly Fetish posee una bala vibradora la cual es desmontable. Tiene 10 diferentes niveles de vibración. Te recomendamos usarla con lubricantes a base de agua o híbridos ( base de agua y silicona) para una penetración agradable. Perfecta para una inserción suave y la puedes sumergir en agua pero sin la bala vibradora. Tiene un diseño ergonómico pensado para principiantes o ya expertos en el uso de sextoys. No esperes más y comienza a disfrutar ya de una experiencia anal llena de placer.
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baekhvuns · 2 years ago
...i have indulged my mother in the obsession of bollywood. Because i kid you not, i'm writing this after watching veer zara, dil waale dulaniya le jaayenge (im not sure wut the title meant tho), jab we met and Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! (i copy pasted that-). And it makes sense why these two actors are so popular in india. I've heard about srk before but now...i get why he's mad famous. Also, my mother- She said that young srk gives loverboy vibes 😭😭😭but u gotta give me more reccs about tht actor in tht movie..badai ho. I saw his work and there was this movie name dream girl i'm not sure if i should watch it but it had a good amount of rating. Istg these bollywood movies are epitome of love. I figured though, they were quite old movies, imma look for more present time movies. But really tysm!! Oh and i found my new jam.
Alexa play pehla pyaar (IT MEANS FIRST LOVE GODDAMIT-)
ITS A PYRAMID SCHEME ATP FHWKFHWKD which is ur and ur mom’s favourite movie so far 🔫🔫 HE FUCKING DOES LOVERBOY ENERGY FHWKFHWK STOP HE DOES HES WHAT MADE ME A HOPLESS ROMANTIC srk is such. such a big deal that his name is a compliment, the way ppl line up to wish him birthday outside is house is like a holiday actually 🤚🏻🤚🏻 MAD no thank you for watching them!!
“dil waale dulaniya le jaayenge (im not sure wut the title meant tho)” it means the ones with the heart will take away the bride!
yes omg i will!! tho he only really got good films recently i wouldn’t rec the older ones bc they’d make no sense even to me and the rly recent ones have flopped bc he chooses the same concepts 🔫 so i wouldn’t rec those menfbwnfb,, tho here’s a few of my favourites by him!!
andhadhun (his acting in this is actually insane prob his highest rated movie) ‘blind’ guy accidentally stumbles upon a murder lol
bala (basically he’s bald and he fears he won’t get his dream girl super funny but also touches on the perception ppl treat male baldness w!)
shubh mangal saavdhan (a couple falls in love and gets married, but the groom discovers that he suffers from erectile dysfunction) + shubh mangal zyada (more) saavdhan (basically being gay in an indian household and it’s difficulties) (same cast as badhai ho!)
dream girl (yes, he fakes being a girl at a call center, but then 😭😭)
hawaizaada (1895, a man constructs india’s first unmanned airplane!)
for some present movies (most of them have been terrible) id rec the later half my OG movie post!
most specifically yjhd (2014) (begging pls watch 🤲🏻), darlings (2022), gangubai (2022) honestly one of the best ones that have been released based on a irl prostitutes life, if ur looking for a horror comedy then stree is perfect! raees (srk, gangster story w romance <3), bhool bhuliya (1 is so good but 2 is alright, it’s more recent), zmnd (im begging pt2, watch it 😭😭 based in spain), shershaah (war, biopic, everything is real, the actors tho got married recently hehe), ek villian (based of this korean movie but i prefer this one fbhcjc), mimi (2021) (basically a foreign in couple asks the mc to be their surrogate and it goes crazy) super lit! 3 idiots bc this is the STAPLE if ur looking for 2000’s romcoms,, id rec mere brother ki dhulhan (my brother’s bride)
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rolmaniacos · 2 days ago
¿Los usuarios que llevan personajes homosexuales no son cerdos que se proyectan? // Tal vez me pegue la bala en el pie, pero mis parejas gays no tienen roles tan cerdos como las hetero. Osea... Más que todo el vocabulario vulgar, con las parejas homo me doy cuenta que nos vemos más concentrados en desarrollar lo escrito y hacer inmersiva la escena sin caer en lo grotesco.
¿Qué es lo grotesco? B⊕REDOM.
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ankaragay · 29 days ago
#AnkaraGay —- , Kızılay gay, #TunalıGay, Ostim #Gay, Batıkent Gay, Akyurt Gay, Altındağ Gay, Ayaş Gay, Bala Gay, Beypazarı Gay Çamlıdere Gay , #ÇankayaGay, Çubuk Travesti, Elmadağ Gay, Etimesgut Gay, Evren Gay, #GölbaşıGay
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cebecitravestiberen06 · 21 days ago
Ankara Gay | Çankaya Gay | Mamak Gay | Ulus Gay | Cebeci Gay | Etlik Gay | Ayrancı Gay | Küçükesat Gay | Tunalı Gay | Tunus Gay i | Balgat Gay | Ümitköy Gay | Etimesgut Gay | Sincan Gay | Gay Travesti | Ankara GayAnkara Gay Akyurt Gay, Altındağ Gay, Ayaş Gay, Bala Gay Beypazarı Gay, Çamlıdere Gay, Çankaya Gay, Çubuk Gay Elmadağ Gay, Etimesgut Gay, Evren Gay Gölbaşı Gay, Güdül Gayi, Haymana Gay, Kalecik Gay, Kazan Gay, Keçiören Gay, Kızılcahamam Gay, Mamak Gay, Nallıhan Gay, Polatlı Gay Pursaklar Gay, Sincan Gayi, Gayr Travesti, Yenimahalle GayAnkara Gay | Ankarasex Gay | Ankara Sex Aktif | Pasif | Masör Gay | Gay Masör | Gay Escort | Escort | Escortum | Kızılay Gay | Ulus Gay | Çankaya Gay | , Dikmen Gay , #Maltepegay kolejgay Gölbaşı Gay
#ankaragay #ankarasex #ankarapasif #ankaraescort #ankaratravestileri #ankarasex #kayaşgay #mamakgay #cebecigay #dikimevigay #kurtuluşgay #kolejgay #kurtuluşgay #kızılaygay #esatgay #tunalıgay #etlikgay #keçiörengay #sincangay #etimesgutgay #eryamangay #batıkentgay #çayyolugay #altındağgay #çankayagay #kayaşgay #cebecigay #dikimevigay #kolejgay #kurtuluşgay #esatgay #tunalıgay #kızılaygay #sıhhıyegay #etlikgay #keçiörengay #sincangay #etimesgutgay #eryamangay #batıkentgay #çayyolugay #altındağgay #çankayagay #kayaşgay #cebecigay #dikimevigay #kolejgay #kurtuluşgay #esatgay #tunalıgay #kızılaygay #sıhhıyegay #etlikgay #keçiörengay #sincangay #etimesgutgay #eryamangay #batıkentgay #çayyolugay #altındağgay #çankayagay #kayaşgay #cebecigay
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atplblog · 2 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Tracks Listing1. Chedili Mee Aasavari - Aasavari (Drama)2. Ujalu Smruti Kashala - Amhi Jato Amuchya Gava (Mar)3. Champa Chameli - Ardhangi4. Bala Tujhyath Sath - Part - 1 - Ardhangi5. Bala Tujhyath Sathi - Part - 2 - Ardhangi6. Gai Bai, Chunari Nako & Kashi Savarni(Continous) - Ardhangi7. Jhep Ghetali Aakashi - Sawai Havaldar8. Sonulya Ya Javite Tula - Sawai Havaldar9. Nako Re Nako Javoo Sajana - Sawai Havaldar10. Aaj Tujh Sathi - Shoora Mee Vandile (Mar)11. Jhanak Jhan Jhan - Shoora Mee Vandile (Mar)12. Shodhisi Manava Rahooli Mandiri13. Adheer Yaad Tujhi Jalitase14. Salil Shamsundara15. Savre Shyam Shrihari16. Ha Rusava Sod17. Ha Chhand Jivala Lavi Pise18. Aga Pori SambhalDaryageet19. Nako Aarti Ki Nako Pushpamala20. Virale Geet Kase21. Khel Tuza Nayara22. He Mana Aaj Koni23. Aala Aala Pawoos Aala24. Pir Pir Pir Pir Pavasachi25. Yere Yere Pawsa26. Rani Tuzya Nazarene27. Naate Julale Manashi Manache28. Pari Kathetil Rajkumara29. Sajana Kashasi Abola30. Kasa Ga Visaru To Sohala &nbsp&nbsp and more... Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.6 x 14.6 x 0.6 cm; 40 g Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Saregama Studio ‏ : ‎ Saregama ASIN ‏ : ‎ B007RLEJ4I Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 40 g [ad_2]
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verswtile · 6 months ago
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Ei! Você viu o HARVEY WANG por aí? Você sabe, aquele aluno da graduação que tem TRINTA E DOIS ANOS e se parece muito com DANIEL HENNEY. Acho que ele se formou em MEDICINA com especialização em CIRURGIA GERAL e em 2014 se parecia muito com ALEX LANDI. Dizem que ele era THE VERSATILE e toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dele, ouvia ONE MORE TIME DO DAFT PUNK tocando pela porta. Todos que a conhecem dizem que ele costuma ser BRINCALHÃO, mas também poderia ser DISSIMULADO. Será que em 2024 ele ainda é assim?
task 1. task 2. task 3. task 4. task 5.
Primeira linha temporal de Harvey.
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— O futuro do seu personagem foi alterado depois da primeira viagem para 2014?
O simpático Doutor Wang teve sua vida revirada de ponta cabeça na primeira viagem para 2014. Seu maior segredo, sua sexualidade, foi exposta para todo o mundo, assim como sua obsessão no antigo colega do time de futebol. Se não bastasse a saída à revelia do armário, Harvey teve que lidar com sua atração em certo médico de feições frias, além de colocar à prova todo seu controle mental (nenhum) ao ter que se relacionar com seu ex-namorado, um músico falido que Harvey ajudou a se recuperar após uma overdose.
Como se todos os encontros e reencontros não tivessem alterado a vida do homem, Harvey teve de assumir a primeira vez seu desprezo pela irmã gêmea, ser colocado em perigo e salvar vidas. Durante todo o processo da viagem, ficou claro para o Wang que sua única serventia no mundo era sua medicina e conhecimento, assim como o Projeto Chronos tratou seu avô, o também doutor, Zhao Wang.
Após uma missão digna de filme blockbuster como Harv gosta, tudo deu errado na hora da volta e, num ato heroico que nem mesmo o doutor saberia dizer o motivo, acabou sendo atingido por uma bala direcionada à seu ex-namorado, quem ele finge odiar. A bala atingiu sua cabeça, assim o ferindo e o deixando no passado, sem retornar ao futuro como sempre quis.
A perfuração atingiu seu hipocampo, o deixando em coma por um ano antes de despertar, sozinho e sem suas memórias recentes, apagando de seu cérebro todas as informações da viagem e de seus participantes. A única coisa que Harvey lembra são partes, flashs de memórias que não se unem em um contexto, assim o deixando totalmente no escuro sobre tudo que viveu.
— Seu personagem participou da primeira viagem (Projeto Kali)?:
Sim, como um dos netos de Zhao Wang, Harvey foi escolhido como uma das cobaias do projeto, seu papel de adaptável seria de grande valor.
— Seu personagem gostaria de consertar as coisas para 2024?
Não sabe responder. Harvey não se lembra da viagem, seus participantes e acontecimentos. Tudo é um borrão de memórias que são alimentadas por sonhos e apagadas na terapia.
— Se seu personagem pudesse mudar a própria vida, elu faria?
Sim, um dos grandes motores de Harvey é melhorar sua vida. Na primeira linha do tempo, culpabilizava tudo e todos por seu fracasso. Agora, desmemoriado, tudo que sabe é que está sozinho e não há ninguém que possa o ajudar.
Nome Completo: Harvey Wang;
Data de Nascimento: 17 de março de 1992;
Mapa Astral: Sol/Peixes;
Orientação: Homosexual/Gay;
Estado Civil: Solteiro;
Curso: Medicina com especialização em Cirurgia Geral;
Atividades Extracurriculares: Ex-Running Back do time, chefe do departamento de esportes do Conselho Estudantil;
Altura: 1,85 (6' 2");
Dormitório: -.
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cloned-sheep97 · 9 months ago
What your favorite El Cuarteto De Nos album says about you!!
Alberto wolf- this one is not your favorite.
Soy una arveja- you have currently 27 different types of diseases and mental illneses! You also probably like to fuck dead corpses!
Emilio García- why. Just why.
Canciones del corazón - you strongly believe the song's CDC og version is better than the 2004 remake, and maybe you're right! Also you get really pissed off when Siempre Que Escucho Al Cuarteto gets called "tengo una muñeca vestida de azul"
Otra navidad en las trincheras- are you horny, a war criminal, racist, a slut, gay yet super straight ™ or all of the above? Either way, you still think Rosario is called "marita" instead of "marica" even though the second option makes more sense given the context of rosario's character
Barranca abajo- Skill issue: the album, maybe you are also suffering through skill issues in your life, you also often say barranca abajo is better than otra navidad en las trincheras
El Tren Bala- you're horny, but you dont get bitches, also, you want MONEI MONEI MONEI MONEI and you think this album is underrated af
Revista ¡¡Esta!!- You are either silly goober or currently under house arrest, there's no in-between
Cortamambo- You want sexual intercourse with another human being, despite only loving yourself and hating half of the population. You also seem the type of person to say "im not ___ but..." And then be angry on why you got cancelled (you are somehow lovable for me)
Raro- you drink black coffee, cry in your bed for hours, still waiting for your wife to change her mind and dont follow through the divorce, Your only coping mechanisms are: "it is what it is", drug abuse and making jokes about your despair. You want things to remain the same since you're scared of change.
Bipolar- FUCK things being the same, im angry and i want to change. I hate every single one of you, im fucking great, im so fucking great that im going to steal one of cortamambo's songs about how much i love myself, yeah, im a raging racist!!!!
Porfiado- you are living 4 stages of grieve at the same time, but not depression 'cause that thing is for pussies, you are a silly little anarchist and no matter what you will stay where your roots are, even if it costs you your social circle
Habla tu espejo- You say you're okay? Well you are not, go to therapy, i know about those 1 am texts you send to your friends saying "thanks for everything"
AZ- you like fantasy movies and stuff, when you were little you wanted to be an influencer because that sounded cool, you also have low-key angry ssues
Jueves- you 100% would start a political themed podcast, also you hate with every cell of your body those people that say that cdn died at jueves, quien quiere ver al hombre con alas tirado a las vías del tren?
Lámina once- So, if i had to guess, you're a BIG cris fan, you relate to them, you ship them with the porfiado guy, you think he looks cool and you want to cosplay them. If you have a tiktok account you TOTALLY have a flan 🍮 emoji right next to your name. 100% queer just like cris
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