#Bad Experiences™ where the Chozo are concerned
coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Metroid silence looks really cool :D I’m curious what kind of personality zyrrha-lon will have or how she will look, beyond being part of a bat like species
Thanks! :D
Personality-wise... Since the original idea for her was to have almost a like, buddy-cop-without-the-cop-part dynamic with Samus, I've generally set her up as a contrast to her in a lot of ways?
Where Samus is a precision nuke of a powerhouse, but very quiet and reserved, Zyrrha is a stealth fighter skilled in ambushes and hit-and-run tactics, but ironically fairly loud and brash (and probably more than a little passive-aggressive) most of the rest of the time. Kind of a hotheaded, leaps-before-she-looks type that both works for and against her more subterfuge-oriented skillset, but still genuinely competent enough to back that up when it comes down to the bare wire.
More importantly, she's damn stubborn, in both good ways (generally speaking has a good sense of herself and her values; and is Too Angry To Die™, the latter a big selling point in making her into an eventual love interest) and bad ones. (Tends to make snap decisions or judgements before she should, and it's difficult to change her mind once it's made up.) She isn't completely unreasonable, and a big part of her arc is eventually realizing she's wrong after having evidence as such stack up; and she'll wind up allying with Samus just as fervently as she opposed her beforehand, but still.
Aside from that, admittedly there are areas where I still need to flesh out the finer details of her life and personality, and I feel like some of that is probably best allowed to come naturally as I actually write her. While as I said, in broad strokes she's a big contrast to Samus, I think they probably have a bit more in common where that smaller but more foundational stuff is concerned? They both care a lot about protecting people. But yeah, still need to figure some of that stuff out myself.
Appearance-wise... I currently have this old sketch from 2019, that should give a decent idea of the design:
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In terms of the actual biology and stuff it's still mostly pretty accurate, but I'd definitely want to make some tweaks. (More muscular arms and chest mainly, for proper wing-flapping action) But while the outfit I guess works as a casual fit, I want to design a proper powersuit for her; still considerably slimmed-down compared to Samus, but more armored than this.
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