#Backpack with a decent survival knife + Gps/compass + map of local area + foraging guide + canteen and some long lasting rations
nikkisticki · 11 months
Anyone whose been following my ramblings about radicalization might know I've been watching r/Jordanpeterson as it's been declining in real time from the original group of Peterson fans, who were still misinformed fools following the words of a clown but had clear intellectual interests and were trying to understand the world through Petersons writings. Well, now it's hit the end stages and it's almost exclusively bigots and fascists doing their usual dance you'd see anywhere on the internet.
It's actually a very intriguing (but also very boring and depressing) thing to witness as I've seen it happen multiple times, but it was even more obvious in this case then normal. All of a year ago, you'd still see people talking about psychologists, therapy, self improvement, trying to understand issues and LOTS of arguments with the bigots.
Now? It's just the bigots.
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I'm not going to spend the time actually disarming this lie (The TLDR is that the numbers are bunk and based on reporting of cops, armed can mean anything from guns to knifes to sticks to rocks to they had all four limbs, why are the pro-carry people willing to draw the line when a black person has a gun, etc etc) but there isn't a SINGLE argument against it in those 63 comments. One person tried to point out that 11 people is still 11 lives being lost, but nobody responded to them.
This has been the standard for months, and I can assure you reflects Petersons own attempts to shake his old base off as they are no longer his core demographic (because he's a far right bigot who "DEFINITELY ISNT A NAZI" pretending to be a centrist) so I suppose he's gotten what he wanted.
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Case in point, Doctor Bobolas is one of the most terminally online individuals in this community, posting constantly since the accounts inception. I'm fairly sure he got his account deleted and was previously doing the same before hand as well, as Reddit likes to pretend they are banning bigots while they can just put on a new hat and walk back in, right as rain and clear of their bans.
What can be taken from this and the greater movements of fascists online, in my dumb little bitch opinion, is three things.
1) Those trying to radicalize others have begun to move onto other targets (Ex. Canada at large is beginning such a descent and we shall see if our own cultural norms will reject it)
2) That these people will never go away and will very rarely deradicalize without active interference and the removal of their propaganda sources, but will instead continue to act after the greater movement fails (if it does, which I think it will)
3) Expect further attacks on infrastructure by doomsday members (hey did you know that right wing radicals have been taking down the power grid at increasing levels for years in minority areas) and general violence if they believe to be pushed into a corner.
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