#Background Analogical
anxiouslyfred · 2 years
Connections - Anxceit
Summary: A world of various soulmate connections forming at different ages, The sides need to navigate each having multiple types of soulmate connections and finding each other.  Janus and Virgil write letters to each other, unable to connect in other ways until they manage to find each other
Part of an ongoing eventual DRLAMP daily story with each part focusing on one ship
Janus hadn't received a letter before the notification. They hadn't expected to, granted, but looking at the notification made them distinctly aware that they would have preferred to have received a letter first, even if they couldn't actually know who it was from.
It was their fourth soulmate to learn about, and the second that their parents wouldn't know of. Their school had already been talking about a penpal scheme that Janus had wondered about joining so they would just declare that as the reason for the letters they would be sending. The fact their their birthday was one of the few days when they'd be the one to collect the mail without it being seen as suspicious did make it easier to hide as well.
5 letters with address stamped on over another were in the mail. Virgil blinked at the pile ey'd been given. Beneath a few birthday cards from relatives and an official looking envelope, there were 5 almost identical letters with eir name stamped.
Curiously ey put the birthday cards to one side, looking between the letters and the official envelope for a few moments before deciding to open the official envelope first.
Dear Mr Virgil Stewart,
This is your notification of a soulmate connection that allows you to send letters to the other party connected to you.
The address to direct your letters to so they can be directed to your soulmate is below along with a list of rules and limitations to what will show in the letters you send. If the other person is older than you any letters they've already sent will have arrived alongside this letter and going forward will be sent straight to you after your name is added to the envelope.
Congratulations on your new soulmate.
Personal Connections Officer
It took a moment after reading the letter for Virgil to understand what was happening. Ey had a 4th soulmate and a lot of letters to reply to apparently. Hopefully eir soulmate would understand that ey're younger than them so couldn't reply before now.
Dear Soulmate,
It's my fifteenth birthday and I can only assume that you are not yet fifteen given I received no other letters alongside the notification, so hello. If I'm wrong, then I must be offended that you haven't decided to reach out yet, but I'm well aware of how parents can be regarding soulmates. I hope you are able to reply soon though.
I'm not going to tell my parents about having a soulmate connection with you. It's nothing to do with hiding you and a lot to do with their attempts to interfere with the other connections I have that they know about. I hope you have multiple soulmate connections too. I know it isn't always guaranteed that we will share multiple soulmates but that does seem likely to be the path of fewest disputes.
We might have a few arguments anyway. I've been told plenty of times that I'm deliberately contradictory and overly sarcastic. Apparently that's a personality flaw, although I fail to see why. It merely means the times I mislead someone are often more obvious for people to see than when they themselves do so.
I can't write for much longer but I'll try to get at least one letter sent each week if you don't reply.
From Your Soulmate.
Dear Silent Penpal,
Apparently I need to be speaking up more in class to get the attention. Considering I have a few teachers who deliberately try to ignore me that will be difficult, especially since those are the teachers who have just told my parents I'm not speaking up. Why must the adults of the world do one thing but request we do another when they are the ones responsible for it in the first place?
I'm not sure what else to write to you today, but hope that when you begin replying that will be easier. I'll have something to respond to at least.
Until then, My Hand is in the Air
Dear My Darling,
I have visited an aquarium today. My parents were being insufferable and they constantly say I should be doing more with my days so I took myself out and decided the aquarium sounded wonderful.
Largely it was a chance to learn some more about the fishes and creatures of the sea, but the one in town also has a section for amphibians. I was hoping that the little frog I've had with me for years could be identified while going around it, but unfortunately, whether due to the incorporeal forms limitations, or simply lack of variety, I was unable to manage this. I do, of course, refer to a soulmate creature, rather than a living pet. Please do not suppose me an irresponsible pet owner who doesn't know the animal they look after due to ignorance.
I don't believe I told you before what the other soulmate connections I have are, but as I've just said, one is an animal, a small frog. The others are a timer counting down, which has a few years left until I meet them, and a ribbon. I've attempted to follow the ribbon numerous times since it formed when I was 13, but sadly am still bereft of meeting any of my soulmates.
Perhaps if we were all fish it would be easier to find each other and form our own little shoal, but then again, the ocean is a very large expanse.
Wistfully, Your Dreamer
Dear Stranger,
I wish you were old enough to write back to me. I wish I could find one of my other soulmates without waiting so long. I wish I could finally move out of this house.
Actually that last one will be coming true soon enough. I've been saving for years really. Distrust in my parents has only been growing since I turned 6 and had soulmates explained to me so the moment I understood living on my own would take money I began saving, taking on chores and since I turned 15 part time work when possible to be able to afford my own place. I think I'll have enough by the time I'm 17. Of course that's over a year away now, but it's soon. I have to believe it's soon.
I had an argument with my parents today. Somehow they've figured out I've been saving and are pressuring me to use my money to learn to drive as soon as I turn 16. I stand by that if they want me to do so, then they can pay for the lessons. It isn't like our family is struggling for money.
In fact, if I did know how to drive I'm fairly sure my mum would be trying to come with me every time I left the house, just in case I was going to follow the ribbon around my wrist. Getting away from them has to come first.
I hope wherever you are your family is more supportive of your independence, Dear.
I'll run to you one day,
Your Confidante
Dear Soulmate,
I've been thing of ways I could tell you enough for us to be able to meet up. We're told from the beginning that letters breaking the terms won't be sent, and while I've definitely tried, those were returned. My parents tried to read them and when they couldn't scolded me for writing swear words or sexually explicit letters to a school penpal which was frankly amusing to listen to.
I believe I should be able to describe areas and let them get through however. I mean the letter about the aquarium trip got through and that did describe an exhibit that seems relatively unique to my town. Most aquariums don't have an area for frogs and other amphibians, did you know?
Perhaps when you are able to reply you can try describing where you live, or landmarks near it so that we can learn how close or far apart we live.
Yours Scheming,
Virgil read each letter immediately after the one above it, smiling at the connection with eir soulmate actually being a way to get to know them. The latest seemed to be written fairly recently too, and ey could just imagine eir soulmate being frustrated to have the letters breaking the restrictions returned to them.
Ey wasn't certain about what to say, even with 5 letters to reply to, but ey would get something on the page.
Dear Soulmate,
I'm not sure that there is anything I'd call a landmark in this town. It's exhaustingly boring. The museum is cool, I guess. It has an Egyptian exhibit with a few actual mummy's in. I always think the entrance is trying to look like an old Roman building with its columns and the shaping of it.
Sorry you've had to wait for me. I'm writing this as soon as I've read all 5 of your letters on my 15th. I do have 3 other soulmates too. One of mine is a timer connection that's got a few years to go still, and another means I can't see purple or green any more. The last one is their name on my wrist which I assumed meant they were male, my mom thought they were female so I'm not sure of anything beyond their name.
I'd be terrified of hurting a soulmate animal. They do better if you look after them, right? It sounds difficult looking after a whole other being. Convincing myself to look after me is difficult enough.
Sorry again you had to wait for me,
Your soulmate
It wasn't the letter ey thought eir soulmate deserved but ey didn't want to write too much, not with eir first letter. Maybe when they know each other better ey can write more. Besides, at least now they both knew each others first initial.
No matter how much J had described of their home town, or how much they convinced Virgil to describe neither of them were certain where the other lived, even after years of writing to each other and moving away from their parents. Virgil knew that J had their own place and was working and studying still, as well as that they had met their other soulmates already. In fact J had even met the soulmate of one of their other soulmates according to their last letter.
Ey was grateful to finally be able to share the same.
Hey J,
I met my neighbour yesterday and he'd one of my soulmates too! The name on my wrist actually.
We spent a wonderful evening together and I think you'd really like his intelligence. I was struggling to keep up with some of the rants he went on.
Plus he could keep up with my sarcasm and said it almost reminded him of one of his other soulmates too. I wish I was as lucky as you and he have been over finding my soulmates.
It was just a short note sent off on eir lunch break, and ey didn't entirely expect a reply.
Ey definitely didn't expect to get a note even shorter than eirs the next morning, delivered just before ey left for work which was unusual for eir postman to manage.
V, That sounds like one of mine who had a similar story. Might have found you. If so, see you tonight. J
Virgil wasn't sure if it was good or bad to be found by J because ey'd mentioned Logan, but if that was what had happened, ey couldn't wait to finish work that night.
“Janus, I don't see why you were so insistent on coming over but now refuse to come in at all. If you wish to meet Virgil, I'm sure we can wait in my apartment until ey've arrived home and have relaxed for a while.” Ey could hear Logan saying while climbing the stairs, too impatient to wait for the lift.
“I just want to know if ey're mine too, Logan. You know the desire to find your soulmates, just as well as any of us do.” The voice replying was smooth, deliberately calm Virgil thought as ey hastened eir steps.
The pair must have heard em on the stairs then since they fell silent, already watching the stairs when Virgil reached eir floor. “Hello?” Ey asked, tentative, curious.
“Hello, I'm Janus, Are these letters you've written?” The stranger stepped forward, holding out familiar pages covered in eir handwriting.
Some part of Virgil wanted to wrap this oh so familiar and known stranger in a hug immediately, but ey instead just hugged the pages, nodding. “You found me.”
“I did.”
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hoaxghost · 3 months
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more rp backgrounds I've been working away at between work, i love drawing teeeecccchhh
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llapasllaly · 9 months
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ive just watched a youtube video about disco elysium and now i feel like this
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nobody-nexus · 5 months
Some things are best left unknown…
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-An official Analog AU Poster! I hid quite the amount of things within this, so I hope you like the details!-
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pencil-for-a-dog · 1 year
The Not-Deer
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«The Not-Deer is the first animal unique to Amity Park that the series introduces. It can be found in the Stargazing video, emerging from the trees during an otherwise peaceful moment in camp. The Not-Deer appears to be identical to an ordinary deer (specifically shown as a buck), except for it's head. It's skull and jaw are square and muscular, much like a wolf's head, it's eyes are forward-facing (a well known mark of predators), and it's teeth are clearly carnivore's teeth. They can apparently be scared off by a magical bag which grows a strange type of flora, though this only works some of the time and they are "always a pain to chase off".»
Shout out for @glitch-in-space 's amazing series Amity Park Analog, Once I read it I couldn't stop myself, it took some references but I tried my best! I hope you like it!
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
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Just two buddies going for a walk in the rain :)
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boxheadpaint · 5 months
here my newest video of a horror unfiction youtube channel that ive titled The Most Scaryfying F*ck*d Up Analog Horror Explained where i play said channels video in their entirety before explaining to you their most obvious aspects. the thumbnail is also a frame from their video but edited to have higher contrast so its scarier. you can expect the same thing next week for every time the other channel updates. i dont want this post to get too many notes also so character break i put my second heart monitor on today all by myself every must clap
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kisscoolen · 17 days
but fr though it would slap so hard 😭 half of what Bill has done is already a horror in and of itself. I wish I knew literally anything about editing videos 😔
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congademoman · 8 months
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oh for sure man let me just
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9e111 · 1 year
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something something i am in your walls (i don't remember the lore)
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{ :)
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There was an abandoned facility of sorts. This was a picture found inside.
(background sourced from pinterest)
Low-key my first attempt at a traditional weirdcore image.
Without the filter 👇🏼
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re-d4cted · 1 year
phil being pushed into the spotlight of a plsy he never intended on having a role in, he was only ever meant to be the ensemble not the lead
meant to be off to the side, upstage right never center stage. he would rather be waiting in the wings unseen by the audience than have all eyes on him while he fumbles his way through the scene
being pushed into the spotlight shook him to his core and now its not leaving him cause the federation is controlling the lights and they arent moving any time soon
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jaythelay · 3 months
Valle Verde
A fake PS1 Game
Has better UI than just about anything in the past 2 decades.
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dashincloudz · 1 year
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"By the time the lady entered the back stage as the voice told her to, her missing husband wasn't there. Instead, she found a rabbit." 💀
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Did this sketch at part-time, which was poggers.
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dksartz · 5 months
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Little Blue Dreams
Acrylic on panel 6x6"
Reference from thekangaroosanctuary on insta from their video on Pippa the Joey's first steps. Sketched the kangaroo while watching the video, then sketched out the baby dragon based on that.
Young Blue pernese dragon in an abstract purple-red space.
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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That video @warnadudenexttime made of plushie analogical on a cruise is now my favorite video on the internet so I had to draw it
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